Road Safety - Transport Accident Commission


|TRANSPORT |60 Brougham Street |Telephone 1300 654 329 |

|ACCIDENT |Geelong Vic 3220 |STD Toll Free 1800 332 556 |

|COMMISSION |PO Box 742 |Fax: 03 9656 9300 |

| |Geelong Vic 3220 | |

| |Ausdoc DX 216079 Geelong |ABN 22 033 947 623 |


Status Report 3

Lives lost on Victorian roads 3

Injured claimants who were admitted to hospital within 7 days of accident, rolling 12 month to 30th June 2019 4

Lives lost: 12 months to 30th June 2020 5

Injured claimants admitted to hospital within 7 days of the accident with a hospital stay of more than 14 days, 12 months to 30th June 2019 (claim acceptance date) 7

Injured claimants who were admitted to hospital within 7 days of accident, 12 months to 30th June 2019 (claim acceptance date) 9

Lives Lost by Week (2015 to 2020) 11

Booze Bus Random Breath Testing 13

Random Drug Testing 13

Mobile Safety Camera Data 13

Explanations and References 14

Useful Internet Sites 15

Victorian monthly lives lost since 1951 18

Notes about the data in this report

• All data provided in this report is the data most recently available at time of production. Fatality data are updated to the end of report month. A 6-month lag applies to TAC claims data.

• Reported data will have one extra day of exposure for leap years.

• Data is subject to revision as additional information about known accidents/claims is received, and as new accident/claim reports are received and processed.

Status Report

Lives lost on Victorian roads

• In the 12-month period from July 2019 to June 2020, 230 people lost their lives compared to 263 during the last 12-month period July 2018 to June 2019. This represents 33 less lives lost.

• Year to date to the end of June 2020, 113 people lost their lives on Victorian roads compared to 150 in the same period last year. This represents 37 less lives lost.

|Category |2020 |2019 |2018 |2020 v 2019 |2020 v 2018 |5 Year Average |

|Lives Lost (Rolling 12 Month Total) | | | | | |

|Lives Lost (to June) |230 |263 |238 |-33 |-8 |253 |

|per 10,000 veh |0.45 |0.52 |0.49 |-0.07 |-0.04 |0.53 |

|per 100,000 pop |3.44 |4.03 |3.72 |-0.58 |-0.27 |4.05 |

| | | | | | | |

|Crashes (Rolling 12 Month Total) | | | | | | |

|Fatal crashes (to June) |211 |248 |219 |-37 |-8 |237 |

|per 10,000 veh |0.41 |0.49 |0.45 |-0.08 |-0.04 |0.49 |

|per 100,000 pop |3.17 |3.80 |3.43 |-0.63 |-0.26 |3.79 |


Victoria – Lives Lost, rolling 12 months total

Injured claimants who were admitted to hospital within 7 days of accident, rolling 12 month to 30th June 2019

|Category |2019 |2018 |2017 |

|Claims (to June) |

|Claims (to June) |8,243 |7,960 |7,494 |+283 |(+4%) |+749 |

|Overview |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Lives Lost |230 |263 |238 |-33 |-8 |253 |

|Fatal Crashes |211 |248 |219 |-37 |-8 |237 |

| | | | | | | |

|Sex |  |  |  |  | | |

|Female |60 |69 |67 |-9 |-7 |68 |

|Male |170 |194 |171 |-24 |-1 |184 |

| | | | | | | |

|Road user |  |  |  |  | | |

|Bicyclist |13 |12 |8 |+1 |+5 |10 |

|Driver |105 |112 |115 |-7 |-10 |121 |

|Motorcyclist |32 |49 |37 |-17 |-5 |42 |

|Passenger |37 |44 |44 |-7 |-7 |41 |

|Pedestrian |43 |46 |34 |-3 |+9 |38 |

| | | | | | | |

|Location |  |  |  |  | | |

|Melbourne |111 |119 |105 |-8 |+6 |115 |

|Rural Victoria |119 |144 |133 |-25 |-14 |138 |

| | | | | | | |

|Age group |  |  |  |  | | |

|0-4 |1 |2 |0 |-1 |+1 |2 |

|5-15 |3 |10 |4 |-7 |-1 |5 |

|16-17 |3 |4 |4 |-1 |-1 |5 |

|18-20 |14 |19 |16 |-5 |-2 |18 |

|21-25 |26 |20 |24 |+6 |+2 |23 |

|26-29 |23 |23 |10 |  |+13 |20 |

|30-39 |43 |37 |38 |+6 |+5 |39 |

|40-49 |27 |27 |35 |  |-8 |35 |

|50-59 |24 |31 |34 |-7 |-10 |31 |

|60-69 |27 |28 |29 |-1 |-2 |28 |

|70+ |39 |61 |44 |-22 |-5 |49 |

| | | | | | | |

|Accident Type |  |  |  |  | | |

|Intersection |  |  |  |  | | |

|Adjacent direction |25 |31 |31 |-6 |-6 |30 |

|Opposing direction |11 |10 |10 |+1 |+1 |9 |

|Mid-block/other |  |  |  |  | | |

|Head on |26 |40 |39 |-14 |-13 |40 |

|Same direction |20 |20 |20 |0 |0 |20 |

|Manoeuvre/o'taking |18 |16 |13 |+2 |+5 |15 |

|On path |9 |1 |7 |+8 |+2 |6 |

|Single vehicle |74 |95 |80 |-21 |-6 |90 |

|Other (incl peds) |47 |50 |37 |-3 |+10 |42 |

Lives Lost: 12 months to 30th June 2020 – Continued

|Category |2020 |2019 |

|  |2020 |2019 |2018 |2017 |2020 v 2019 |

|NSW |326 |358 |386 |356 |-32 |(-9%) |

|VIC |230 |263 |238 |267 |-33 |(-13%) |

|QLD |237 |227 |246 |251 |+10 |(+4%) |

|SA |103 |103 |99 |82 |  |(0%) |

|WA |139 |171 |166 |183 |-32 |(-19%) |

|TAS |30 |32 |35 |31 |-2 |(-6%) |

|NT |31 |37 |42 |44 |-6 |(-16%) |

|ACT |5 |6 |7 |11 |-1 |(-17%) |

|AUST TOTAL |1,100 |1,197 |1,219 |1,225 |-97 |(-8%) |

|AUST minus VIC |871 |934 |981 |958 |-63 |(-7%) |

|State |Lives Lost per 10,000 registered vehicles |Fatalities per 100,000 population |

|  |(12 months to June) |(12 months to June) |

|  |2020 |2019 |2018 |2020 |2019 |2018 |

|VIC |0.45 |0.52 |0.49 |3.44 |4.03 |3.72 |

|QLD |0.56 |0.55 |0.61 |4.61 |4.49 |4.95 |

|SA |0.71 |0.72 |0.70 |5.85 |5.91 |5.72 |

|WA |0.62 |0.76 |0.74 |5.28 |6.55 |6.42 |

|TAS |0.59 |0.65 |0.73 |5.58 |6.02 |6.66 |

|NT |1.93 |2.29 |2.74 |12.64 |15.01 |16.98 |

|ACT |0.16 |0.19 |0.23 |1.16 |1.42 |1.68 |

|AUST TOTAL |0.56 |0.61 |0.64 |4.31 |4.75 |4.92 |

|AUST minus VIC |0.59 |0.65 |0.69 |4.61 |5.01 |5.33 |


Booze Bus Random Breath Testing

|Booze-bus Random Breath Tests (12 months to March 2020 vs previous 12 months) | | |

|  |2020 |2019 |2018 |2020 v 2019 |2020 v 2018 |

|Melbourne |1,025,495 |1,226,599|1,143,717 |-201,104 |(-16%) |

  |2020 |2019 |2018 |2020 v 2019 |2020 v 2018 | | | | | | |Victoria |161,283 |122,730 |102,551 |+38553 |(+31%) |+58732 |(+57%) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |12 months to September 2019 (monthly totals) |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |2019 |  |  | |  |  | |  |  |2020 |  |  | |  |Apr |May |Jun |Jul |Aug |Sep |Oct |Nov |Dec |Jan |Feb |Mar | |Victoria |17,337 |19,571 |15,441 |13,817 |18,692 |15,244 |12,181 |12,646 |11,000 |9,157 |7,904 |8,293 | |

Mobile Safety Camera Data


Explanations and References

LGA: Local Government Areas. Crash locations for acute hospitalised claims are assigned to LGA’s based on the crash postcode recorded by Victoria Police. Crash locations for fatal crashes are coded exactly to an LGA by Victoria Police.

Claimants: Refers to people injured in transport accidents who have an accepted claim with the TAC.

Hospitalisation: refers to all hospital admission that occurred within 7 days of accident.

Useful Internet Sites

TAC Sites

• TAC Safety (Road Safety) .au

• TAC How safe is your car .au

• TAC How safe is your first car .au

• TAC Motorcycle Safety Website .au

• TAC Corporate site

• Drivesmart

• Ridesmart .au

Victorian Sites:

• VicRoads

• Victoria Police

• Parliamentary Road Safety Committee

• RACV .au

• Monash University Accident Research Centre

• Cameras Save Lives

• VicRoads Learner Driver Site

• Road Safety Education Victoria

National and Interstate Sites:

• ARRB Transport Research .au

• Australian Transport Safety Bureau .au

• Motor Accidents Authority (NSW)

• Motor Accidents Insurance Board (TAS)

• Motor Accident Commission, Allianz (SA)

• Motor Accidents Compensation, TIO, (NT) .au/mac

• Insurance Commission of Western Australia

• Motor Accident Insurance Commission (QLD)

International Sites:

• National Highway Traffic Safety Admin (USA) nhtsa.

• Swedish Road and Transport Institute (VTI)

• SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research

Related Sites:

• Alcohol and Drug Foundation .au



Graph 1a – Melbourne/Rural lives lost


Graph 1b – Melbourne/Rural claims involving an acute hospital admission


Graph 1c – Melbourne/Rural Claims involving hospital admission greater than 14 days


Graph 1d – Victoria/Australia lives lost per 100,000 population

Victorian monthly lives lost since 1951




Quarterly Statistics – June 2020


MAR 2020



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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