24th St Luke’s Bournemouth Scouts – Beaver Section

Welcome to our Beaver Colony.  Over the next few weeks you’ll take part in the life of the Colony and see a sample of some of the activities we enjoy.  After 4 weeks, if you would like to join us on a permanent basis we will invest you into the Colony.

 However before you are ready to be invested you need to complete 8 activities, this guide will help you do this.

 The activities are:

1. Get to know other Members and Leaders in the Colony

2. Find out about ceremonies and traditions in the Colony

3. Find out about activities available in the Colony

4. Know and understand the Beaver Promise

5. Know and understand the Cub Scout Motto, Sign, Salute and Handshake

6. Know what to do at your Investiture

7. Know the meaning of the badges that they will receive at their Investiture

8. Show a general knowledge of the family of Scouts, worldwide Scouting and the history of Scouting


Full Information will soon be on the Website .uk

1. Leaders names

Panther - Beaver Scout Leader

Lynx - Parent Helper

Jaguar – Parent Helper

2. Ceremonies

Build a Dam at the start and close of the evening – see attachment

3. Program on the web and sent via email at the beginning of the Term 24thbournemouthscouts.btck.co.uk/News/Beavers

4. The Beaver Promise

 I promise to do my best

To be kind and helpful

And to love God.


The promise is at the root of Scouting and sums up what Scouting is all about in just a few lines.

 Here is a brief explanation on what the Promise means in everyday life.

I promise that I will do my best

You promise to do your best at everything you do

•          Schoolwork

•          Sports

•          Hobbies

•          Everything

To be kind and helpful

• Beavers do what they can to help other people who need their help whether they know them or not

• Beavers do not wait to be asked for help

and to love God

• To care for the world around you

• To share the good things you have

• To be friendly towards other people

• To pray to your God in the way you have learnt

5. The Scout Motto is ‘Be Prepared’


You should ‘Be Prepared’ to:

•        Have fun

•        Help other people

•        Make new friends

•        To do your best

The Scout Sign is made with the right hand by holding your palm outward, keeping your little finger tucked underneath your thumb so that the first three fingers of your hand stand upright. It is said that the three fingers remind a Scout of the three main points of their Promise.

The Scout Salute is made by forming the Scout Sign with the right hand and bringing it smartly up to nearly touch the right eye.

The Scout Handshake:  Scouts shake hands with their left hand.  There is a very good reason for using the left handshake. When Baden-Powell was a soldier in Africa, he saw lots of tribal chiefs who carried spears and shields. He noticed that it was a sign of great trust to offer your left hand when shaking hands. This was because you had to put down your shield and yet leave the other person with a spear in his hand.

6. This is what your Investiture ceremony will be like:

• ·  The Beavers stand in a horseshoe with the Beaver Leader in the mouth of the horseshoe.

• ·  A Beaver stands holding the flag between the Beaver Leader and their Assistants.

• ·  The Beaver Leader then calls the Colony to the alert.

• ·  Your Lodge Leader will bring you forward to face the Beaver Leader.

• ·  Your Lodge Leader then takes one pace backward.

• ·  The Beaver Leader then asks you if you understand what is meant by the importance of the Promise.

• ·  The Beavers holding the flag, lowers it so that it is waist high between the Beaver Leader and you, who both place your left hands on the flag and make the Scout Sign with your right hands.

• ·  At this time, the rest of the Colony who are already invested are asked to make the Scout Sign and then you repeat the Promise after the Beaver Leader.

• ·  After the Promise has been said, everyone drops their hands from the Scout Sign and the flag bearer lifts the flag.

• ·  The Beaver Leader then presents your badges & scarf and shakes hands and welcomes you to the worldwide family of Scouting.

• ·  The Beaver Leader salutes you and you return the salute. You then turn to face the Colony, salute and the Colony returns the salute.

• . You then go (with your Lodge Leader) to join the Lodge as a full member of the Colony

7. What Badges you will receive

You will receive the following:

• World Membership Badge

• the Groups Necker (scarf)

• the Groups Badge

• green tag with our Groups name

• County Badge and District badge

• Coloured Woggle which will identify which Lodge you are in.

• Beaver Log Book to record your Badges

• Beaver investiture Certificate.

Position of the badges :  

Each part of the badge is important.  This is what they mean:


The Scout Group is part of a Scout District. Scouts from the District sometimes meet together for activities and events.  We also meet up for County activities and events too

8. The Scout Movement was founded by Baden-Powell (BP) in 1907. BP took 20 boys from a variety of backgrounds to Brownsea Island in Poole Harbour for the first ever Scout Camp.


In 1916 younger boys were introduced to Scouting by the formation of Wolf Cubs (now Cub Scouts) with a programme and organisation based on the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling.


The Scout Movement developed over the years and became International. Today the Scout Movement has over 25 million members and is still growing


Although girls had been allowed to join Ventures Scouts since 1976, it has only been since 1990 that they have been allowed membership of all Sections in the movement.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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