-444522669500Parent GuideHelpful Information for Cub Scouting Families2673985427990000Pack 171Deer Creek Elementary SchoolEdmond, OK Pack 171 Parents Handbook 07/2012 Ver. 1.1Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 171 PAGEREF _Toc330314277 \h 4Purposes of Cub Scouting PAGEREF _Toc330314278 \h 4Adult Leader Responsibilities to the Boys PAGEREF _Toc330314279 \h 4The Methods of Cub Scouting PAGEREF _Toc330314280 \h 5Why Join Cub Scouting? PAGEREF _Toc330314281 \h 6Year Round Program PAGEREF _Toc330314282 \h 6ScoutParents PAGEREF _Toc330314283 \h 6What Is a ScoutParent? PAGEREF _Toc330314284 \h 6ScoutParent Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc330314285 \h 6How Does Cub Scouting Work? PAGEREF _Toc330314286 \h 7Dens PAGEREF _Toc330314287 \h 7The Tiger Cub Den (Grade 1) PAGEREF _Toc330314288 \h 7The Wolf Cub Scout (Grade 2) and Bear Cub Scout (Grade 3) Dens PAGEREF _Toc330314289 \h 7The Webelos Scout Den (Grades 4 and 5) PAGEREF _Toc330314290 \h 7Pack PAGEREF _Toc330314291 \h 7How Can You Help? PAGEREF _Toc330314292 \h 8The Pack Committee PAGEREF _Toc330314293 \h 8Training PAGEREF _Toc330314294 \h 8Youth Protection PAGEREF _Toc330314295 \h 8How Much Does Scouting Cost? PAGEREF _Toc330314296 \h 9The Structure of Cub Scouting PAGEREF _Toc330314297 \h 9Cub Scout Uniforms PAGEREF _Toc330314298 \h 10What do I need to get? PAGEREF _Toc330314299 \h 10What is provided by the pack? PAGEREF _Toc330314300 \h 10Where to Buy Uniforms and Other Scout Items PAGEREF _Toc330314301 \h 13Pack 171 Uniform Closet PAGEREF _Toc330314302 \h 13Financial Assistance PAGEREF _Toc330314303 \h 13Awards PAGEREF _Toc330314304 \h 14Den Meetings PAGEREF _Toc330314305 \h 15Pack Meetings PAGEREF _Toc330314306 \h 15When and Where PAGEREF _Toc330314307 \h 15Seating at Pack Meetings PAGEREF _Toc330314308 \h 16The Pack Meeting Agenda PAGEREF _Toc330314309 \h 16Den Assignments PAGEREF _Toc330314310 \h 16What do I need to do PAGEREF _Toc330314311 \h 16Raffle Tickets PAGEREF _Toc330314312 \h 16Other Pack Events PAGEREF _Toc330314313 \h 17Fundraising PAGEREF _Toc330314314 \h 18Friends of Scouting PAGEREF _Toc330314315 \h 18Rules of Conduct and Safety: PAGEREF _Toc330314316 \h 19Inappropriate Behavior PAGEREF _Toc330314317 \h 19Use of Knives by Cub Scouts PAGEREF _Toc330314318 \h 19Electronic Entertainment PAGEREF _Toc330314319 \h 19Youth Protection and Two Deep Leadership PAGEREF _Toc330314320 \h 19Transportation PAGEREF _Toc330314321 \h 19Emergency Policies PAGEREF _Toc330314322 \h 19Inclement Weather PAGEREF _Toc330314323 \h 19Cub Scouting GLOSSARY OF TERMS PAGEREF _Toc330314324 \h 20Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 171We want you and your son to have an excellent Cub Scouting adventure here at Pack 171. In order to help your understanding of the pack and the Cub Scout program, we have created this guide to help explain things. If you have any further questions, please contact any adult leader. You can also find answers to many common questions on our website: . The calendar section of our website is constantly updated with upcoming events and the “Parent Resources” section is a valuable resource for parents.Purposes of Cub ScoutingCub Scouting is a year-round, family-oriented part of the Boy Scouts of America program designed for boys who are in first through fifth grades (or are 7, 8, 9, and 10 years of age). Parents, leaders, and organizations work together to achieve the 10 purposes of Cub Scouting:Character Development Spiritual Growth Good Citizenship Sportsmanship and Fitness Family Understanding Respectful Relationships Personal Achievement Friendly Service Fun and Adventure Preparation for Boy ScoutsAll the activities leaders plan and boys enjoy should relate to one or more of these purposes.Adult Leader Responsibilities to the BoysAll Cub Scout leaders have certain responsibilities to the boys in Cub Scouts. Each leader should:Respect boys’ rights as individuals and treat them as such. In addition to common-sense approaches this means that all parents/guardians should have reviewed How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide located in the front of the handbook, and all youth leaders must have taken the BSA’s Youth Protection training. See that boys find the excitement, fun, and adventure that they expected when they joined Cub Scouting. Provide enthusiasm, encouragement, and praise for boys’ efforts and achievements. Develop among the boys a feeling of togetherness and team spirit that gives them security and pride. Provide opportunities for boys to experience new dimensions in their world.The Methods of Cub ScoutingCub Scouting uses eight specific methods to achieve Scouting’s aims of helping boys and young adults build character, train in the responsibilities of citizenship, and develop personal fitness. These methods are incorporated into all aspects of the program. Through these methods, Cub Scouting happens in the lives of boys and their families.1. The Ideals — The Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake, motto, and salute all teach good citizenship and contribute to a boy’s sense of belonging.2. The Den — Boys like to belong to a group. The den is the place where boys learn new skills and develop interests in new things. They have fun in den meetings, during indoor and outdoor activities, and on field trips. As part of a small group of six to eight boys, they are able to learn sportsmanship and good citizenship. They learn how to get along with others. They learn how to do their best, not just for themselves but also for the den.3. Advancement — Recognition is important to boys. The advancement plan provides fun for the boys, gives them a sense of personal achievement as they earn badges, and strengthens family understanding. Cub Scout leaders and adult family members work with boys on advancement projects.4. Family Involvement — Family involvement is an essential part of Cub Scouting. When we speak of parents or families, we are not referring to any particular family structure. Some boys live with two parents, some live with one parent, some have foster parents, and some live with other relatives or guardians. Whomever a boy calls his family is his family in Cub Scouting.5. Activities — In Cub Scouting, boys participate in a wide variety of den and pack activities, such as games, projects, skits, stunts, songs, outdoor activities, and trips. Also, the Cub Scout Academics and Sports program and Cub Scouting’s Fun for the Family include activities that encourage personal achievement and family involvement.6. Home and Neighborhood-Centered — Cub Scouting meetings and activities happen in urban areas, in rural communities, in large cities, in small towns—wherever boys live.7. The Uniform — The Cub Scout uniform helps build pride, loyalty, and self-respect. Wearing the uniform to all den and pack meetings and activities also encourages a neat appearance, a sense of belonging, and good behavior.8. Making Character Connections — Throughout the program, leaders learn to identify and use character lessons in activities so boys can learn to know, commit, and practice the 12 core values of Cub Scouting. Character Connections are included in all the methods of Cub Scouting and are the program themes for monthly pack meetings.Why Join Cub Scouting? Your time is valuable. More than ever, today’s families struggle to find time to spend together. Cub Scouting helps to support your family by providing ready-made opportunities for you and your son to do things together. Your son needs to belong to a group of boys his own age. Through this sense of belonging, he builds his self-esteem and learns to get along with others. As a parent, you want to be assured that the groups that your boy joins will teach values consistent with good citizenship, character development, and physical fitness. The Boy Scouts of America has been weaving these lifetime values into fun and educational activities since 1910. In a society where your son is taught that winning is everything, Cub Scouting teaches him to “do his best” and to be helpful to others. Scouting teaches family values and works to strengthen your relationship with your son. Scouting activities can bring added value to the time you already have with your son. But we know that boys do not join Cub Scouting just to get their character built. Boys join because it is fun. Scouting is fun with a purpose!Year Round ProgramCub Scouts is a year round program. Formal den and pack meetings happen during the school year with regular program events planned throughout the summer months. ?Our scouts are involved in many different activities outside of scouting. Between school plays, soccer, football, basketball, baseball, and swimming, it seems there is always something going on. The leaders understand this, because many of them are active in coaching these sports as well. Just follow the Cub Scout motto and “Do your best” to try to make it to the meetings. If you are coming from another event, such as a sports practice or game, do not worry about Scouting attire. We would rather have the Scout spend that preparation time in the den/pack meeting.311594558801000ScoutParents ScoutParents assist with short-term projects in the den or pack. This might be coordinating pack money-earning projects, service projects, conservation projects, field trips or outings, Blue and Gold banquet, day camp, pinewood derby, pack overnight camping, or field day events. For more information go to What Is a ScoutParent? A ScoutParent is a parent or adult mentor of a Scout who enthusiastically participates with their Scout and also helps other volunteers to provide the best quality program experience to all youth in every unit. ScoutParent ResponsibilitiesLeads their family in obtaining the values, benefits, and rewards from their family’s Scouting participation, and in sharing these with others.Enjoys participating with his or her Scout, and inspires their child to persevere in Scouting with their tenure, activity participation and achievement.Helps enhance youth and parent-mentor recruitment, retention, enthusiasm, commitment, and participation in the passionate GREAT family FUN of Scouting!How Does Cub Scouting Work? One unique thing about Cub Scouting is that you, as his family, join in on the program with your son, and you will help him along the way. The family is the basis of Cub Scouting. It exists to support your family and help enrich your family time together. Boys have a different handbook at each grade level, with suggested activities that are age-appropriate for their developmental level. As your boy advances through these books by working on activities with you, he will earn badges and other recognition that he can wear on his uniform. Your son’s success in Cub Scouting depends on you! The Cub Scouting program takes place at two levels. Your son will be a part of a den; a small group of boys in the same grade level who meet weekly. All dens, from grades 1 through 5, make up a pack. Once a month, the dens, with their families, are together at the pack meeting, where boys show off the new skills they have learned during the month and are recognized for the badges they have earned. All boys, when they join, earn the Bobcat badge first. Your den leader will show you how. Dens The Tiger Cub Den (Grade 1) Parents are most involved at the Tiger Cub level. The boy and his parent or guardian join the den together and attend all meetings and activities together. The den is made up of six to ten of these parent-son teams. Each den also has a Tiger Cub den leader (usually one of the parents) who helps coordinate the meetings. The parent-son teams take turns running the activities and planning meetings with the Tiger Cub den leader. The den generally has two meetings a month, either at the homes of host parent-son teams or at a designated facility, participates in one “Go See It” activity (the den, as a group, visits a community place of interest), and attends the monthly pack meeting. * Note that the Tiger Cub’s Adult Partner must attend all functions with their Tiger Cub. The Wolf Cub Scout (Grade 2) and Bear Cub Scout (Grade 3) Dens Parents are vital to the Cub Scout dens, both in the role of home support and to help the den leader, but their sons are beginning to be more independent, and not every boy needs a parent at every meeting. The den consists of four to eight boys, a den leader and assistant den leader (usually parents of some of the boys), and often a den chief (an older Boy Scout or Venturer who helps the den leader). The Webelos Scout Den (Grades 4 and 5) The Webelos den is much like the Cub Scout dens, but there is more emphasis on the boys learning to take leadership roles and preparing to become Boy Scouts. Pack The Cub Scout pack is made up of all the dens, which meet monthly at the pack meeting, led by the Cubmaster. This is the climax of the monthly den meetings and activities. There are games, skits, songs, ceremonies, and presentations of badges that boys earned during that month. This is where families—not just parents, but grandparents and siblings, too—can see the achievements of their Cub Scout. The pack, including families, also participates in other special events throughout the year, including: Pinewood Derby — You build and race a model car with your son. Blue and Gold Banquet — Cub Scouting’s birthday party—for all pack members and their families—in February. Camping — Overnight and day camp opportunities introduce your family to the camping experience. Service projects — Packs may participate in food drives, conservation projects, or other community activities. Field trips and special outings — A great ways to learn more about the people and places in your community.Make memories with your son that will last a lifetime!How Can You Help? The most important help that you, as a parent, can give your boy is to work with him on his Cub Scouting activities. His handbook is full of age-appropriate activities that you will enjoy doing together at home. When he completes an activity or project, it is your responsibility to sign his book to verify that he has done his best. And then it is all-important for you to attend the monthly pack meeting with him, so that you can celebrate his achievement. Your role as a parent is the secret of success of the Cub Scouting program! The den and the pack also rely on parent participation to run a successful program. Cub Scouting operates through volunteer leadership. Consider volunteering as a member of the pack leadership team or as a parent helper. Volunteer leaders are an example of Scouting’s principle of service to others. By volunteering in Scouting, you are also giving your son the gift of your time. What could be more valuable? You will have an opportunity to be a positive influence in the lives of him and his friends. Here are some of the ways you could volunteer: Den leader — Leads the den at weekly den and monthly pack meetings; Attends the monthly pack committee meeting. Cubmaster — Helps plan and carry out the pack program with the help of the pack committee; Emcees the monthly pack meeting and attends the pack committee meeting. Committee Member — Every pack is under the supervision of a pack committee. Parents are encouraged to serve on the pack committee and are encouraged to attend adult planning meetings.Event Coordinator or Event Volunteer — Organize or assist in special pack or den events held throughout the year.The Pack Committee Pack committee members perform administrative functions of the pack. The committee meets monthly. Obviously, with a committee of three, members must assume responsibility for more areas of service than with a committee of seven or more, where the responsibilities can be divided among the members. Although packs can and do operate with a minimum of three committee members, experience has shown that a larger committee generally ensures a stronger, more stable pack and is better able to perform all the required functions to ensure a successful pack program. It is also a way of involving more pack families in meaningful service to the pack. Training EVERY leader was once a new leader! Most new leaders have never had any Scouting experience. The Boy Scouts of America offers convenient training for everyone—parents, leaders, and youth members. As a new parent, you can learn all about Cub Scouting and the wonderful year-round adventure he is about to experience. Log onto , click the “Parent” tab, then “Training,” and you will discover all of the courses available. Create a “My Scouting” account and get started. Youth Protection Child abuse is a serious problem in our society, and unfortunately, it can occur anywhere, even in Scouting. Youth safety is of paramount importance to Scouting. For that reason, the BSA continues to create barriers to abuse beyond what have previously existed in Scouting. The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on providing the most secure environment possible for its youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA has developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies, and provides parents and leaders with numerous online and print resources for the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing programs. Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers. All registered leaders must undergo a background check.New leaders are required to take Youth Protection training before submitting an application for registration. The certificate of completion for this training must be submitted at the time the application is made and before volunteer service with youth begins. Youth Protection training must be taken every two years. If a volunteer’s Youth Protection training record is not current at the time of recharter, the volunteer will not be registered. We encourage all parents to take the BSA’s Youth Protection training. To find out more about the Youth Protection policies of the Boy Scouts of America and how to help Scouting keep your family safe, see the Parent’s Guide in any of the Cub Scouting or Boy Scouting handbooks, or go to Spending Time With Your Child: The Secret of Success! Come join the fun of Cub Scouting as a family … it’s fun! You’ll make new friends, too, as you work with the parents of your son’s new friends. No task is too difficult when you’re having fun as part of a team of Cub Scout parents, reinforcing each other’s efforts to help your boys grow up to be good citizens. How Much Does Scouting Cost? Registration fee — annual fee for youth including Boys’ Life magazine: $30.00. All new boys pay this fee upon joining our pack regardless of when they join. $30.00 is due again at recharter in February.Uniform — The uniform and its cost vary by program for both youth and adult. See for details and current prices. Uniforms may also be purchased at our local Scout shop. See page 10 for more information on uniforms.Books — Youth handbooks are the Tiger Cub Handbook, Wolf Handbook, Bear Handbook, and Webelos Handbook.. See or visit our local Scout shop for prices and a wealth of other reasonably priced resources. Events — Pack 171 is a very active pack with lots of fun activities for your entire family to enjoy. Some of the events require a fee in order to attend (Science museum lock-in, day/resident camp, family camping, etc.) while others are paid for by the pack. The Structure of Cub ScoutingYour den is one of several dens that make up Pack 171. Officially our unit number is Pack 3171. Pack 171 belongs to an organization chartered by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to operate a Scouting unit (a chartered organization). Pack 171 is chartered by the Deer Creek Elementary PTO. The chartered organization approves leadership, helps secure a meeting place, and makes sure that the pack works within the guidelines and policies of their organization as well as those of the BSA. Our pack is a member of the Eagle District, a geographic area of the BSA local council that helps support the pack in providing a successful and high-quality program. The Eagle District encompasses northern Oklahoma and Logan Counties. Our local council is the Last Frontier Council which encompasses the central and southwestern part of Oklahoma. A salaried employee of the local council, a unit-serving executive (district executive), is assigned to assist the packs in your district. Your district also has a volunteer team called the commissioner staff. They are a “service team” that checks on the program “health” of your pack, and they are a communication link between your pack and the local council. A unit commissioner is assigned specifically to assist your unit. All leaders need training to be effective. Your district provides online, in-person or CD-ROM-based training for adult volunteers in how to be a successful leader. Your pack also has a pack trainer to oversee adult and youth training. My son is in Pack 171, which meets at Deer Creek Elementary School at 7:00PM on the 2nd Monday of the month. Website: He is in Den _________________, which meets at ____________________________ (location) at ________________ (time) on ________________________ (day of week). Our pack’s chartered organization is Deer Creek Elementary PTO. Website: Our pack is in the Eagle District Website: Our local council name is the Last Frontier Council Phone No: 405-840-1114 Address: 3031 NW 64th St, Oklahoma City, OK Website: Our LeadersNamePhone NumberE-mail AddressDen LeaderAssistant Den LeaderCubmastercubmaster@Committee Chairmanchairman@Pack Trainertrainer@Pack Treasurertreasurer@Cub Scout UniformsThe uniform makes for brotherhood, since when universally adopted it covers up all differences of class and country. – Robert Baden-Powell , founder of the Boy Scouts28371803111500The Boy Scouts of America has always been a uniformed body. Its uniforms help to create a sense of belonging. They symbolize character development, citizenship training, and personal fitness. Wearing a uniform gives youth and adult members a sense of identification and commitment.Personal equality — The uniform represents a democratic idea of equality, bringing people of different backgrounds together in the Scouting tradition.Identification — The uniform identifies youth and adult members of the Boy Scouts of America, visible as a force for good in the community. When properly and smartly worn, the uniform can build good unit spirit.Achievement — The uniform shows the wearer’s activity, responsibility, and achievement. The accomplishments of every youth and adult member can be recognized by the insignia worn on the uniform.Personal commitment — The uniform is a constant reminder to all members of their commitment to the ideals and purpose of the Scouting movement. It is a way of making visible members’ commitment to a belief in God, loyalty to country, and helping others at all times.What do I need to get?Official Uniform Shirt (most people get the short sleeve version)Blue — Tiger through BearTan with blue shoulder loops – Webelos (Webelos may also wear the blue shirt, check with your den leader)OPTIONAL — Official Uniform Pants and SocksOPTIONAL — Hat, but if worn it must be the official Cub Scout cap applicable to current rank.World Crest PatchLast Frontier Council PatchBelt (required for Belt Loops awards)Belt Buckle (different buckle for various ranks)Neckerchief & Slide (differs according to rank) BUY TWO SLIDES, they are almost guaranteed to get lost!Handbook (differs according to rank, spiral bound is recommended) What is provided by the pack? (Expenses that are covered solely by fundraising events)Pack 171 shoulder patchRank patchesTiger Totem and BeadsCub Scout Immediate Recognition Kit and BeadsWolf and Bear Arrow PointsWebelos compass point emblem and pointsWebelos Colors and pinsAcademics and Sports Belt Loops and PinsSummertime Activity Patches and PinsService StarsJourney to Excellence patch (if earned)Upon completion of a Scout year, the pack will provide the following ranks neckerchief. Parents are responsible for the slide.Where to Buy Uniforms and Other Scout ItemsGaylord Scout Service Center & Meinders OKC Scout Shop3031 NW 64th StreetOklahoma City, OK 73116405-840-1114 | toll free: 888-841-1114Hours: Monday through Friday: 9am-6pmSaturday: 9am-5pmSunday: Closed – Official Retail Site of the BSA (Boy Scouts of America)Seamstress services are available at the Scout shop to sew on the patches for a fee.Pack 171 Uniform ClosetUniform Closet Needs Your Old Uniforms and Scout ItemsIt’s great watching your kids grow up but the downside is they leave a lot of perfectly good clothing behind. Clothes you bought months ago become too small and if there is a younger sibling then they get boxed up and put away until they can wear them. This is true with your Cub Scout uniforms as well. But what happens if there are no future cubs in your family? Some people give them to friends and some sell them in garage sales. I have another option for you.Consider donating your old uniforms to the Pack 171 Uniform Closet. We will take your uniforms, store them and give them to another family to use. There are no real requirements to access the closet. If you are short on funds and need some help there may be a uniform in the closet that would fit. Once your child grows out of that uniform we can add it back for someone else to use.We can also reuse your neckerchiefs, slides, belts, buckles, handbooks, patches, T-Shirts, etc.? Basically anything that is in good condition that can be reused and put to good useThink about using a pencil to mark your handbook. That way it can be erased and contributed to the Closet for future Scouts to use.If you have some uniforms or other usable items, please bring them to the meeting and give them to one of the leaders. Someone could probably use them.A list of our current Uniform Closet inventory can be found on our website under “Parent Resources”. If you see something you can use, please ask the Cubmaster for details.Financial AssistanceIt is the intent of Pack 171 that no child shall be denied membership into our pack or participation in pack activities due to financial hardships. Please see the Pack Committee Chairman or Cubmaster to discuss how the pack can help you and your family. AwardsThese are the most common awards you’ll hear announced at pack meetings and in your den. There are many others. If you’re looking for more, check out .Activity Badge — There are 20 that a Webelos Scout can earn. A pin is awarded for completion of each activity badge. The pin can be worn on Webelos Colors emblem or on the uniform ball cap.Arrow of Light — This is the highest award a boy can earn in Cub Scouting. It is one of just a few awards that can be worn on a Boy Scout Uniform.Arrow Points — These are awarded to Wolf and Bear Scouts for completing electives beyond the achievements required for earning their rank badge. A gold arrow point is awarded for the first ten electives completed; a silver arrow point is awarded for each successive ten electives completed. The gold arrow point is centered below the rank badge for which it is earned. The silver arrow points are sewn in pairs below the gold arrow point. See the back cover of your handbook for an illustration.Belt Loops and Pins — Belt loops are earned for knowing ‘the basics’ while pins are earned for more extensive practice of the academic subject or sport. Astronomy, chess, fishing, music, swimming, and soccer are just a few examples. See our website for a full list of awards currently available and the details on how to earn them. Belt loops are worn on the uniform belt and pins can be worn on the patch vest or displayed on a patch banner.Bobcat — Every boy who joins Cub Scouts must first earn the Bobcat badge. In doing so he learns the seven basic tenets of Cub Scouting: the promise, the Law of the Pack, the sign, the handshake, the motto, the salute, and what Webelos means.Leave No Trace — This award promotes concern for the environment. Requirements vary by rank. See your handbook for details. This patch can be worn centered on the right pocket (it is a temporary patch).Outdoor Activity Award — Some of the requirements for this award vary by rank. However, they all include going to either Day Camp or Resident Camp, participating in a nature hike, and knowing the buddy system. See for details. The patch is awarded in the first year it is earned and is worn on the right pocket flap. Pins are awarded for additional years and are worn pinned through the first year patch.Participation Patches — Boys will earn patches for participating in various activities like Resident Camp, Day Camp, Family Camping, and many more. These are ‘temporary patches’ and only one can be worn on the uniform at a time. It’s usually the most recent, but the boy can choose his favorite. They will be worn centered on the right pocket. Some patches have a loop that can be used to hang the patch from the button of the right pocket. The rest of the patches can be sewn onto the optional red felt patch vest or a patch banner.Progress Towards Rank Emblem — This is awarded at Wolf and Bear den meetings. Beads are added in recognition of completed achievements for the rank badges. It is worn over the temporary patch on the button of the right pocket. Rank Awards — These are the focus of your den program year. Each rank handbook will describe how the rank badge is earned. It is generally awarded at the Blue and Gold Dinner in February, although your son has until the end of the program year to earn it (May 31st). See the back cover of your handbook for appropriate uniform placement.Religious Emblems Square Knot — Each denomination offers an Emblem of Faith program to encourage Scouts of all levels to further explore their own faith. These awards can be worn on Cub Scout and then the Boy Scout uniforms. Service Star (Year Pin) — This pin recognizes the number of years the boy has been in Cub Scouts. It is worn above the left pocket. Only one pin is worn at a time for Cub Scouts (highest year #). It can be worn on the Boy Scout Uniform with the appropriate color backing (gold for Cub Scouts) alongside the service star for their Boy Scout years.Summertime Pack Award — This pin is awarded to Cub Scouts who participate in at least one Cub Scout activity each month of the summer. Tiger Cub Immediate Recognition Emblem — Color coded beads are added to this emblem at the den level in recognition of completed achievement requirements for the Tiger rank badge. It is worn on the button of the right pocket (can be worn over any temporary patch that is directly on the pocket). Tiger Track Beads — These are awarded as the Tigers complete electives. One bead is awarded for 10 electives completed.Whittling Chip — This card recognizes that the Cub Scout has been properly trained on the use of pocket knives and is authorized to carry a pocket knife to approved events. Boys must be in their Bear or Webelos years to earn this privilege. World Conservation Award — The requirements for earning this award vary by rank. It is worn centered on the right pocket of the uniform as a temporary patch.Den MeetingsThe den is where Scouting really happens. Your den leader will have specific ideas and plans, but will also ask for your input in planning the den program. Each den is different and functions as it makes sense for the families in the den but here are generalities:There are generally 6- 10 boys per den.Dens usually meet 2 times per month. Dens may meet from August through May and may continue through the summer if they choose.Most dens meet in parents’ homes or at the school.Dens meet at different times, different days and different locations depending on what works for the members of the denDen meetings generally last from one to two hours. Outings may last longer.Parent involvement is necessary Many dens rotate the responsibilities of planning and hosting the meetings among families (ie. location, program, snacks, materials.)Boys of this age can be full of energy! Please support your den leader by assisting with crowd control and keeping boys focused.Please remember that your son’s Den Leader is a volunteer putting his or her time and effort forward to help your son “do his best” to earn badges, participate in the fun and gain all the positive values the Cub Scout program offers. You can assist them in the following ways:Have your son at den meetings on time.Pay fees promptly. This ensures that the den leader doesn’t have to use their money or wait to sign-up the whole den for an event.Be an active parent! Boys at this age are very proud of their parents, and want to show you off.Home Activities Many requirements have items that must be performed at home. Please make sure that your son has completed the items to the best of his ability and inform your den leader upon completion. Volunteer to help with a meeting or two, bring snacks, or offer your time and talents to the den and/or pack. In addition to the boys learning new skills, they will see their parent taking important leadership and volunteer responsibilities. If your son misses a den meeting, it is your responsibility to make sure that the requirements that are missed are completed at home and reported to the den leader upon completion.Pack MeetingsPack meetings center on a monthly theme, with games, songs, skits and ceremonies. The den meeting is where the boys do activities towards earning rank badges and awards; the monthly pack meeting is where these awards are presented. It is an important part of the program, as it allows the boys to receive their recognition in front of the group as a whole, inspires the younger Scouts to strive towards achieving future ranks, and brings everybody together for the big night.When and Where — Meetings are held once a month, generally on the 2nd Monday from September through May in the Deer Creek Elementary School gym. It is good to arrive around 6:45 PM to take care of any sign ups or fees owed prior to the meeting start. The meetings generally run from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. There are often changes to this schedule because of school holidays, events or other pack outings. These changes will be announced at the pack meetings, via email or on our website. The location, date and time of the Pack meetings can always be found on the Pack 171 website – always good to double check! Please make sure your Scout wears their uniform to school on pack meeting days.Seating at Pack Meetings — Seats at the pack meeting will be arranged den-by-den, with the boys and leaders to sit in front of the parents. Please do not sit in the bleachers. Remember, we are all members of the pack!The Pack Meeting Agenda — The pack meeting agenda will vary from meeting to meeting, depending upon the specific program for that month. Every effort will be made to start the meeting at 7:00 pm. In general, meetings will follow this pattern:Gathering ActivityOpening (flag ceremony)AnnouncementsSongs/SkitsProgramAwardsClosingDen Assignments — At most pack meetings each den will have an assignment or responsibility. Your den leader will let you know in advance if anything is needed. Assignments are also available on the website under “Leader Resources”. TigersWolvesBearsWebelos 1Webelos 2SeptemberXSetup/GreetingGathering ActivitySkitFlagsOctoberSetup/GreetingGathering ActivitySkitFlagsSongNovemberGathering ActivitySkitFlagsSongSetup/GreetingDecemberSkitFlagsSongSetup/GreetingGathering ActivityJanuaryFlagsSongSetup/GreetingGathering ActivitySkitFebruaryBlue and Gold BanquetFlagsMarch Setup/GreetingGathering ActivitySkitFlagsXAprilGathering ActivitySkitFlagsSetup/GreetingXMaySkitFlagsSetup/GreetingGathering ActivityXSet-up/Greeting — Arrive a half hour early to set up chairs and greet families as they arrive, distribute hand-outs and answer questions.Gathering Activity — An activity that will allow for the participants to be added as they arrive.? This activity should be conducted from about 6:45pm and end promptly at 7:00pm so the meeting can begin on time.? Opening (Color Guard) — Conduct the opening flag ceremony promptly at the start of the meeting Song — Lead the pack in a song. Skit — Do a skit during the pack meeting.What do I need to do — Your job is relatively simple.Arrive at the meetings on time — If your son is helping out with Pack meeting activities it is important that he be there on time.Have your son wear his complete “Class A” uniform — Unless otherwise specified.Attend the Pack meeting with your son — Cub Scouts is a family program. Pack meetings are a family event – brothers, sisters, grandparents, but most of all YOU! We require you to be there not only to help the den leaders maintain order at the meeting (things can get a bit rowdy), but also because it is important to him that you be there.Raffle Tickets — At each pack meeting, we will raffle off three items for the Scouts. One ticket is awarded for attending the pack meeting, one for wearing their uniform to school on the day of the pack meeting, and one for bringing a non-scout friend to the pack meeting. Additional tickets can also be purchased for $1.00 each.Other Pack EventsIn addition to the monthly pack meeting, the pack sponsors a family-oriented pack activity almost every month promoting fun, service and character building. Events and sign-ups are announced at the pack meeting and via e-mail. They can also be found on the website. The Pack calendar is available on the website to assist you in scheduling family activities. Below is a list of some of our traditional activities:Family Camping (Fall and Spring) — Join us for hiking, games, fishing, outdoor meals, a campfire, and other fun activities. Our location changes from year to year, but in every location there will be opportunities for your Scout and you to have family time and also time to camp and play with his den mates. Science Museum Oklahoma Lock-in (winter) — A scientific hands-on and fun-filled overnight adventureWebelos Woods (Webelos only) — An overnight campout designed for the Webelos and their parents. During the weekend Webelos will have an opportunity to:Earn an Activity Badge taught by professionals in the field and other expertsSee Boy Scout troops doing scoutcraft and visit their campsCook their own supper and spend a night outsideHave fun and get a taste of Boy Scout campParents get to meet and learn about potential Boy Scout Troops that your son may joinPinewood Derby — The pinewood derby is one of the most popular and successful family activities in Cub Scouting. Pinewood derby cars are small wooden models that Cub Scouts make with help from their families. Then they race the cars in competition. The cars are powered by gravity and run down a track. The pack provides one car for each Scout and leader. Parents and siblings can purchase and race additional car kits from the Scout shop.Blue and Gold Banquet — The purpose of the Blue and Gold banquet is to celebrate the pack's anniversary, thank pack leaders and other adults who have helped the pack, and inspire the leaders, Scouts, and parents. This is also the goal for the dens to meet their rank requirement, the traditional awarding of the Arrow of Light and a crossover ceremony for the Webelos that are moving up to Boy Scouts.Memorial Day — We place and retrieve flags at the headstones of veterans.Edmond’s LibertyFest Parade — The boys and pack leaders get to march in the parade and assist in carrying the HUGE American flag.Resident Camp — At resident camps, Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts camp overnight for three nights. Every year, the resident camp has a different theme and different adventures.Day Camp — Day camp lasts for one day to five days. It's for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts. Day camps are held during the day or early evening. Campers do not stay overnight.Water Fun Day — A day of water fun and games including a pot luck lunch.FundraisingWhile Pack 171 charges an annual registration fee of $30.00, that fee primarily covers the cost of registering your boy with the Boy Scouts of America, unit insurance, and an annual subscription to Boys’ Life magazine. To help pay for pack and den supplies, Pinewood Derby kits, awards, patches, neckerchiefs, Blue and Gold Banquet, leader training, and other pack activities, Pack 171 conducts one major annual fundraising event in the fall and other smaller ones as needed at the direction of the Pack Committee. Our 2011 budget required approximately $84.00 per Scout to operate our pack. The only source we have to pay for this is through fundraising. If you do not wish to participate in our fundraisers, please keep this total amount in mind and donate to our pack’s general fund accordingly.The major fundraiser is a Camp Master Gourmet Popcorn selling drive. A portion of the proceeds goes to the Last Frontier Council, the Pack’s general operating account and into your Scouts Individual Scout Account. Money from this Individual Scout Account can be used for any Scout related item including registration fees, event fees, or any other Scouting related item as approved by the Pack Committee. The distribution of proceeds will be determined by the Pack Committee and be announced prior to a fundraising event.There are numerous benefits to a Cub Scout that sells popcorn as a fundraiserThe Cub Scout and pack benefit from the proceeds.A door-to-door sale is great life training.? Here are some of the skills that door-to-door sales hones: Building Communication Skills — Your Cub Scout will be speaking with all types of people - kids, adults - from all walks of life and circumstances.? Learning to speak clearly and confidently and making proper eye-contact will serve your boy for the rest of his life. Learning Perseverance — Not everyone is going to buy, for various reasons.? It's discouraging when people don't buy or respond positively.? This is a reality of life.? Helping your Cub Scout push through is a very valuable life lesson. Learning about Goal-Setting — Setting goals and working towards them is a very important life skill.? Sit down with your Cub Scout and work out a realistic goal – for example $300 (this is the minimum that the pack asks the boys to sell).? Help your Cub Scout work toward that goal.? There are many skills that come into play here. Working Hard for a Purpose?Other Than Themselves — It's an important life skill to work for causes outside of yourself. Friends of ScoutingPack 171 is a supporter of the Friends of Scouting campaign. This annual campaign provides funds for the Last Frontier Council. None of your registration fee goes to the Last Frontier Council. Council funds come from two primary sources: popcorn sales by Cub Scout Packs and Boy Scout Troops in the Council and the Friends of Scouting campaign. More information on how to contribute can be found at .Rules of Conduct and Safety: Inappropriate Behavior — The goal of Pack 171’s leaders is to have a safe, fun program for the Scouts and their families. The adult leaders have the right to intervene in any situation that they deem unsafe. If a Scout is unwilling to abide by the requirements of the adult leaders in charge, they may require a parent to come get the Scout. Inappropriate behavior can include but is not limited to disobedience; foul language; teasing or baiting other people; emotional, verbal or physical bullying; fighting; not sharing; inappropriate comments; inappropriate coercion or intimidation; selfishness; dishonesty; failure to keep themselves under control; and disruptive noisemaking.Use of Knives by Cub Scouts — To earn the right to carry a pocketknife at Cub Scout functions, Scouts must be in the third grade and have earned the Whittling Chip by completing the Shavings and Chips (Achievement 19) in the Bear Cub Scout Book. Please do not let your Scout bring a knife until they meet these requirements. Pack 171 encourages this award, as we feel it teaches respect for safety and personal property. In return for the privilege of carrying a pocketknife at Cub Scout functions, the Scout must understand the rules for safe use of a pocketknife and handle his pocketknife with care. Failure to follow the guidelines will result in suspension of his carrying privilege. BSA guidelines provide that the knife must be a folding knife with a blade shorter than the palm of the boy’s hand. The Scout MUST HAVE the Whittling Chip on their person in order to carry and/or use a knife. If any adult (leader or parent) observes a Scout using a knife in an inappropriate manor, the adult may ask the boy for their Whittling Chip and tear off one of four corners. After the boy has had all four corners removed, they must retake the course before they can carry and/or use a knife.Electronic Entertainment — Pack 171 does not allow the use of electronic entertainment (iPods, cell phones, TVs, boom boxes, Nintendo DS, etc.) at meetings, Scout-sponsored functions, or Scout outings. Scouts using such items will be asked to stop, and if they do not comply, the adult leader may confiscate the item until the end of the event, at which point it will be returned to the Scout. Youth Protection and Two Deep Leadership — The BSA's Youth Protection Program was developed to help safeguard both our youth and adult members. The pack’s leaders responsible for youth safety understand and appreciate Cub Scouting's position of zero tolerance for child abuse or victimization in any form. We are required by BSA guidelines to report any suspected abuse to the local council Scout executive. Two-deep leadership means a minimum of two registered adult leaders, or one registered adult leader and the parent of a participating Cub must always be present during Pack and Den activities. There should never be any unsupervised one on one contact between an adult and a Cub in the program. Even when your son has a private conversation with adult leader, it is always in the plain view of another adult. Transportation — Seat belts are required for all occupants. All drivers must have a valid driver’s license that has not been suspended or revoked for any reason. Passenger cars or station wagons may be used for transporting passengers, but passengers should not ride on the rear deck of station wagons. Trucks may not be used for transporting passengers except in the cab. All vehicles must be covered by automobile liability insurance with limits that meet or exceed requirements of the state in which the vehicle is licensed. Do not exceed the speed limit. If a vehicle to be used is designed to carry more than 15 persons, including the driver, the driver must have a commercial driver’s license. An adult leader must be in charge and accompany the group. The driver must be currently licensed and at least 18 years of age. Emergency Policies — Our pack follows Boy Scout guidelines in all safety and emergency matters as outlined in the Guide to Safe Scouting. Our first priority is always the safety of our Scouts and leaders, and we will endeavor to remove everyone from harm’s way as much as the situation permits. Inclement Weather — The general policy for inclement weather (tornados, snow, etc.) is if Deer Creek schools close then all Scout activities are also cancelled. If an event must be cancelled after schools normally let out, we will activate our telephone tree (Cubmaster calls the Den Leaders and the Den Leaders call their dens), an email will be sent to all parents and a message will be posted on our website. If you do not hear from your Den Leader, and you think that it is too dangerous to travel, please stay home. We do not want people on the roads during bad weather. Cub Scouting GLOSSARY OF TERMSAAchievement - The name given to a major requirement in the Cub Scout program. Activity Badge - One of 20 specialized recognitions earned by Webelos Scouts.Advancement - The process by which a member meets certain requirements and earns recognition.Akela - A title of respect used in Cub Scouting; any good leader is Akela. The name comes from Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book.Arrow of Light Award - The highest rank in Cub Scouting. The only Cub Scout badge that may be worn on the Boy Scout uniform.Arrow Point - An award given to a Cub Scout who has completed 10 elective projects beyond the rank for his grade. A gold arrow point is given for the first 10 projects and a silver arrow point is given for each additional 10 projects thereafter. He may earn any number of silver arrow points for his rank.Assistant Cubmaster (CA) - A person 18 years or older appointed to help the Cubmaster.Assistant Den Leader (DA) - A person appointed to help the Cub Scout den leader.Assistant District Commissioner (ADC) - A volunteer Scouter who helps the district commissioner. An ADC is in charge of all unit commissioners in an assigned area of the district.BBaden-Powell - Founder of the worldwide Scouting movement. Born in London, February 22, 1857. He is referred to as Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Chief Scout of the World. Died January 8, 1941.BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) - A six-hour training course that an adult member of the pack must complete before the pack can participate in a pack overnighter.Basic Training - Formal introduction to the program, purpose, ideals and procedures of the Cub Scout program necessary for a volunteer to function with the ease and confidence that comes with knowledge.Bear Rank - awarded to the Third grade Cub Scout for completing 12 of the 24 achievements.Blue and Gold Banquet - A birthday dinner for Scouting held by Cub packs in February.Bobcat - The first rank for all Cub Scouts.Boy's Life - The magazine published by the Boy Scouts of America to help boys broaden their horizons in Scouting.Buddy System - A part of Safe Swim Defense. Swimmers of like ability are paired, check in and out of the water together, and stay within 10 feet of each other during the swim. Buddy system is used also in other activities such as hiking and field trips for safety amporee - A council or district event where Boy Scout troops come together for one or two nights of joint camping. Usually involves competition between troops in Scoutcraft skills. Cub Scouts (especially Webelos) are sometimes invited to attend.Charter - Formal permission from the Boy Scouts of America allowing a pack to organize.Chartered Organization - The sponsoring organization of the pack. This organization may be a religious, civic, fraternal, educational or other community based group. Monthly pack meetings are usually held in a building owned by that organization.Class A Uniform - The official Boy Scout uniform consisting of the blue or tan shirt, neckerchief, Scout belt, and Scout cap (cap is optional). This uniform is to worn to all Scout meetings, activities, campouts, unless a Scout is specifically told to wear something else.Class B Uniform - The pack T-shirt and Scout cap (cap is optional). This uniform is worn when the Den Leader or Cubmaster requests missioner - A volunteer Scouter who works with packs and/or troops to help units mittee Chairman (CC) - An adult 21 years of age or older, the executive officer of the committee, who works with the Cubmaster to assure that the pack provides the Cub Scout phase of the Scouting pass Point Patch - Award earned by Webelos Scouts as they advance in the Webelos program. This cloth patch is hung by a loop from a button on the boy's right shirt pocket. Metal pins are added to the patch and attached at compass points (north, east, south and west) as the boy advances by earning activity badges.Council - A chartered body of representatives from organizations operating Scouting units and members at large responsible for Scouting in a designated geographic area.Crossover - When Webelos Scouts become Boy Scouts.Cubmaster (CM) - An adult 21 years of age or older, who holds this commission in a Cub Scout pack. The pack leader and Akela for the pack, serves as Master of Ceremonies during monthly pack meetings.Cub Scout - A boy who is registered with a Cub Scout pack. Generally refers to a Wolf or Bear Scout. Also, the reason why we're all here!!!Cub Scout Handshake - Used by Cub Scouts and Scouters with the right hand. It is given like an ordinary handshake except the index and middle fingers are extended toward the other person, touching his wrist.Cub Scout Motto - "Do Your Best."Cub Scout Promise -I, (name), promise to do my bestTo do my duty to God and my countryTo help other people, andTo obey the Law of the Pack.Cub Scout Salute - A hand salute made by Cub Scouts and Scouters with the fingers of the right hand held in position as for Cub Scout Sign, except that the index and middle fingers are held together. The tips of the fingers touch the right eyebrow or the Cub Scout hat.Cub Scout Sign - A sign made by raising the right hand straight up high over the head with the palm forward. The first two fingers are wide apart and pointing up as in a V. The thumb covers the nails of the ring and little fingers. This sign symbolizes the ears of Akela, and when held up, the group should become silent.DDay Camp - Summertime fun for all registered Cub Scouts. This daytime program allows boys to interact with boys from other packs and keeps boys and adults active in the Cub Scout movement.Den - Small group of Cub Scouts who meet once a week to work on projects, learn games, songs, tricks and skits to be presented at monthly pack meeting.Den Chief - A Boy Scout who has been appointed to help direct the activities of a Cub Scout den.Den Leader (DL) - The adult on-the-scene supervisor of a Cub Scout den. Denner - Cub Scout who helps the den leader with den and pack meetings. This is generally a rotating position so each Cub Scout may serve and learn a little about helping and leadership.District - Level of the Cub Scout organization directly under the council. Each Cub Scout belongs to a den, each den belongs to a pack, each pack belongs to a district, each district belongs to a council, each council belongs to a region, and all regions belong to the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America.District Commissioner (DC) - A volunteer Scouter who is in charge of all commissioners within a district.District Committee - A group of registered adult scouters responsible for carrying out the council program within their district.District Executive - A professional paid Scouter who works with the volunteers under the direction of the Scout Executive.EElective - A part of the Cub Scout advancement program. There are electives in the Tiger, Wolf and Bear rank books. For every 10 electives completed, a Bear and Wolf earns an arrow point.FFast Start - Supplemental training program for new leaders designed to help them until they can attend basic training.Friends of Scouting (FOS) - An annual campaign in which Scouters, and other interested people in the community, can provide financial support to the local council to assist in meeting its objectives.GGo See It - A field trip or outing conducted by a Tiger Cub den.Good Turn - A distinctive feature of Scouting is its emphasis upon service to others. The Good Turn habit is one that all Scouts endeavor to acquire.HHandbook - Each level of Scouting has its own Handbook. The Handbook is essential for your Scout, as it spells out the requirements for advancement as well as providing a place to record their completion. IInstant Recognition Patch/Progress Towards Ranks Patch - Diamond shaped patch to which a plastic thong and beads are attached for instant recognition of achievements. Each time a boy completes 3 achievements he will receive one bead. Wolf earns yellow and Bear earns red beads, awarded in the den.LLaw of the Pack-The Cub Scout follows Akela.The Cub Scout helps the pack go.The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.The Cub Scout gives goodwill.NNational BSA - Headquarters for the Boy Scouts of America, located in Irving, Texas, where the Cub Scout program is developed and literature is developed and printed.National Summertime Pack Award - An award earned by the pack for conducting a summer program.OOutdoor Code - A pledge for proper outdoor conduct which should be followed by all Cub Scouts and leaders.Outdoor Program - The total scope of outdoor programs offered by the Boy Scouts of America, including unit outings, camporees, Cub Scout day camps, long-term Scout camps, council and national jamborees.PPack - The unit that conducts Cub Scouting for the chartered organization. Usually consists of 2 or more dens and conducts monthly meetings.Pack Committee - A committee of concerned parents and leaders, approved by the chartered organization, to administer the affairs of the pack.Pack Meeting - Monthly meeting of Cub Scouts, adult leaders, committee members and parents, where Cub Scouts and adults receive recognition for their advancement in rank or service to Scouting. Skits, songs and other entertainment should be performed by dens.Pack Trainer - A registered leader of the pack, at least 21 years of age, who is responsible for orienting new parents as well as seeking the goal of having 100 percent of pack leadership trained in their position responsibilities.Patches/Badges - Worn on the uniform to designate rank or training awards.Pinewood Derby - A pack activity that involves making and racing model cars on a track.RRaingutter Regatta - A pack activity that involves making and racing model boats in a raingutter.Region - One of four large geographical administrative units of the BSA. Registration - The payment of an annual registration fee. This is one of the requirements for membership of the BSA.Religious Awards - An award presented by individual faiths to Cub and Boy Scouts for completion of a set of requirements within their respective faiths. Adults may also receive a religious award for service to youth within their own faith.Roundtable - A monthly district level meeting where den and pack leaders learn new ideas on monthly themes, receive information on district and council activities, and have a general exchange of ideas.SSafe Swim Defense - An eight-point plan for safe swimming.Safety Afloat - Nine guidelines for safe unit activity afloat in watercraft less than 26 feet long.Scout Benediction - "May the Great Master of all Scouts be with us until we meet again".Scouter - A registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America.Scout Executive - The professional staff leader of a council.Scouting Magazine - The official magazine sent to all registered adult Scouters.Service Center-Scout Headquarters - It contains the professionals' offices and the Scout Shop (where you can buy uniforms and all of your Scouting needs).Service Star - Worn on the uniform above the left pocket to denote years of service in the Scouting program.Shared Leadership - The concept of sharing leadership responsibilities in Tiger Cubs. Tiger Cub—adult partner teams take turns assuming the responsibility of hosting a month of meetings.Space Derby - A pack activity that involves making and racing model spaceships.TTenure - A term used to describe the length of service and membership in Scouting.Tiger Cub - A first grade boy registered with an adult partner in the Tiger Cub Program.Trained Leader Emblem - All Cub Scout leaders who have completed Basic Leader Training appropriate to their positions may wear this emblem.Two-Deep Leadership - The concept of having at least two adult registered leaders at every pack meeting or den outing for the safety and welfare of the Cubs.UUniform - The distinctive feature of Scouting that quickly identifies its members.Uniform Inspection - A feature of a unit meeting when members of the registered unit are given an opportunity to demonstrate their uniformed appearance.Unit - A term used to designate any one of the following; pack, troop, team, post, or ship.Unit Commissioner - A commissioner assigned to a unit to lend support and help when needed. He/she can be the unit's best friend.VVolunteer - Individual who donates services, time, and/or funds to support the program of the Boy Scouts of America.Volunteer Service - The work of a great body of men and women who make Scouting available to youth by their leadership of units.WWebelos Badge - A rank earned by a fourth or fifth grade boy which is part of the requirements for the Arrow of Light.Webelos Colors - Green, red, and gold streamers on a blue metal bar that boys may wear to display Webelos activity badges.Webelos Den - A group of Webelos Scouts who meet weekly under the supervision of a Webelos den leader.Webelos Den Chief - A Boy Scout who has been appointed to help direct the activities of a Webelos den.Webelos Den Leader - The adult on-the-scene supervisor of a Webelos Scout den. A registered member of the pack who attends basic training to learn how to fulfill the job of a Webelos den leader.Webelos Resource Person - A registered member of the troop committee or an assistant Scoutmaster who serves as liaison between the troop and the Webelos den.Webelos Scout - A Cub Scout who has completed the third grade belongs to a Webelos den. He works on activities in the Webelos book which are suited to his age. He will be exposed to more challenging outdoor experiences including camping. Webelos is an acronym for WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts. Webelos is both the singular and plural form of the word.Webelos-to-Scout Transition - The preparation and graduation of a boy from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting.Whittling Chip Card - A card that Bear and Webelos Scouts earn after they have learned the safety rules and proper care guidelines of using a pocketknife.Wolf - A rank earned by a second grade Cub Scout when he completes 12 achievements in the Wolf Book.Wood Badge - The most advanced training available to Scout leaders.World Conservation Award - An award for Cub Scouts emphasizing the importance of our natural resources and our interdependence with other countries in fulfilling our mutual needs.World Crest - A badge worn by Scouts and Scouters as a symbol of commitment to the World Association of Scouting. A portion from the sale of this patch goes to support this association.World Friendship Fund - A fund to which Scouts and Scouters in the United States of America may contribute to provide material help to Scouts and Scouting around the world.YYouth Protection Program - This BSA emphasis fights child abuse by teaching youth how to recognize, resist, and report child abuse; by helping parents and Scouters learn to recognize indications of child abuse; and by teaching them how to address and prevent child abuse situations. Youth Protection training addresses these BSA policies ................

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