Using jupyter notebooks on Blue Waters

Using jupyter notebooks on Blue Waters

Roland Haas (NCSA / University of Illinois) Email:

Jupyter notebooks


interactive, browser based interface to Python

freely mix

? python commands ? shell commands ? graphics ? markdown

explore data and debug scripts interactively

? more memory (128GB) than your laptop ? no need to copy data off Blue Waters

export result as Python script share notebook with collaborators

Three ways to use jupyter on Blue Waters

Jupyter starts a notebook server that one connects to using a browser

on login node

? good for quick, inexpensive tasks ? simple to set up

on a single compute node

? for tasks longer than what the process killer allows

? for tasks using large amounts of resources (IO, memory, CPU)

? somewhat harder to set up

on multiple compute nodes

? large scale python applications using MPI, e.g. yt

? task farms with many jobs ? workflow systems like parsl ? complex to set up



Notebook server


Python kernel

Blue Waters

notebook file


Common setup

jupyter notebook server is provided by bwpy module module load bwpy

notebook server listens for connections using TCP

? anyone on Blue Waters can connect ? provides full access to your account ? protect access using a password

password is set in

file in ~/.jupyter directory


from socket import * ips = gethostbyname_ex(gethostname())[2] for ip in ips:

if(ip.startswith("10.")): internal_ip = ip break

from IPython.lib import passwd c.NotebookApp.password = passwd("$passwd$") c.NotebookApp.open_browser = False c.NotebookApp.ip = internal_ip

config file available on portal

thonnotebooks notebook server listens on internal network interface only default password is $passwd$

Jupyter on login nodes

bw$ module load bwpy bw$ jupyter notebook The Jupyter Notebook is running at: laptop% ssh -L 8888: laptop% open

Notebook server accessible Blue Waters wide but not from the public internet

? jupyter outputs connection information to stdout on startup ? use second ssh connection to any login node to forward ports ? on Windows ssh -L bw may be required



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