Mary’s Christmas Carol

Mary’s Christmas Carol

And it came to pass , that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost: And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

(Luke 1:41; 46-47 KJV)


once heard a vocalist trainer say, “The reason why some people can’t sing is due to the actual physical shape of the mouth, throat, larynx, chest and lungs.” To me this is nonsense!

In my opinion anyone can sing, it’s just that not everyone is in tune. But that’s shouldn’t keep us from singing our song. This Christmas no matter how you may sound; I’m encouraging each of us to sing a song unto the Lord for this special occasion in knowing that, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” So what song will you sing this Christmas?

Can you truly imagine a Christmas without Christmas Carol? What a tragedy it would be if the first Christmas had no music to announce Christ’s coming. If there was no Christmas Carols to sing the world would have listened to the rocks crying out; rebuking the troubling silence of humanity.”

You might not literally see rocks cry out but you may view another exciting image of God through His creation. He is the creator and He continues to speak and uses the powerful aspect of creation to speak, which will remind us of His love, power and the importance of magnifying His name! He will never leave us alone. So, one song we can't sing this Christmas is, "What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas!" So, the question is raised, "What song will you sing this Christmas to magnify Him who has no beginning nor ending? What can you ultimately do to show appreciation and gratitude this Christmas? Well here are some helpful suggestions.

I. I Can Share My Salutations:

When you open the gospel of Luke, you notice it is filled with music, especially the first two chapters. There we find five hymns: the hymn of Elizabeth (Luke 1:42-45); the hymn of Mary (Luke 1:46-55); the hymn of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79); the hymn of the angels, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men,” (Luke 2:14); and the hymn of Simeon in (Luke 2:29-32), which he prayed when he saw the infant Jesus Christ and realized that God’s promise that he wouldn’t die until he saw God’s salvation had just been fulfilled.

Mary in this chapter has been informed by an angel that she has be selected to become the mother of Jesus and the Holy spirit will be the Father. When the angel had left the scene, Mary knew what was happening to her, so she made a quick trip to Elizabeth her sister's house to give salutation. What a consultation this would be: two of the most important and impossible pregnancies in the world.


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