Whitmore Park Primary School

|Learning Project WEEK 4 - Environment |

|Age Range: Year 3 |

|Weekly Maths Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day) |Weekly Reading Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day) |

|Work on TT Rockstars, there will be a weekly battle and 3, 4 |Read a book on Oxford Reading Buddy. Children can then complete the |

|and 8 times tables for children to practice. |quizzes and earn badges. |

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|Play on Hit the Button - focus on |Watch Newsround and find out what is happening in the world. What did |

|number bonds, halves, doubles and times tables. |you find out? Is there anything you need help understanding? |

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|Practise telling the time. This could be done through the game|Vocab-check: choose five words or phrases from the book you are |

|in the links part. (scroll down to access the game). Read to |reading. Try to pick words you are uncertain of. Now follow these |

|the quarter hour and the nearest 5 minutes. |steps: |

| |Say the word/phrase out loud. |

|Daily maths activities are uploaded onto Seesaw. This week we |Read around the word to see if you can work out its meaning from the |

|are revising fractions again. |context. |

| |Try replacing the word/phrase with a synonym (a word with a similar |

|Practise counting forwards and |meaning). |

|backwards from any given number in 5s. |Write down what you think the word/phrase means. |

| |Check in a dictionary (or dictionary online such as: |

| |) and write down |

| |the official definition. |

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| |Listen to a book on storylineonline, Discuss with an adult what you |

| |enjoyed about the book. |

|Spelling (3 Per week) |Weekly Writing Tasks (Aim to do 1 per day) |

| |See Pobble365 picture ‘Save our habitat’ on Seesaw. Children to |

|Learn the following spellings for the -ous sound at the end of|continue the story from the given story starter. |

|words: poisonous, dangerous, famous, enormous, jealous. | |

|Can you think of anymore words that end in -ous? |Read and watch the Newsround report about plastic: |

| | |

|Use rainbow writing on Seesaw to practice spellings. |Children to create a poster to persuade people to use less plastic, |

| |recycle plastic they use, and try to stop plastic ending up in the |

|Children can practice their spellings using techniques learnt |ocean. |

|at school (dot to dot, upside down, backwards, pyramid). | |

| |Write an acrostic poem using the word ENVIRONMENT |

|Practice the Year 3 national curriculum words. | |

| |What is a natural disaster? Choose one type of natural disaster and |

|Click on the Year group 3 & 4. |create an information leaflet explaining what it is, why they happen, |

| |where it has happened and the effects it has. You can choose from |

| |volcanoes, hurricanes, forest fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and|

| |tornados. |

|PE |Art |Music |Computing/German |

|Join in with Joe wicks PE on |SELF-PORTRAIT using found |Music at Home using the Charanga |This term we are going to be doing |

|YouTube daily. |items in/outside the home.   |Scheme. |some German home learning. Sometimes|

| | |it will have some computing involved|

|bodycoach1 |[pic] |Log on with your unique password |as well but not always. |

| | |that you can find on the letter | |

|Sign up to Gonoodle and complete|Go on a hunt around your |from Charanga that was given to |​ |

|2 video's a day. |home/garden for items to |you on the last day at school. |Each week I will post you a |

| |create a self-portrait.   |If you have lost the letter, just|challenge that you can do your best |

| |  |contact school and we will give |to complete on your own, or with |

|Technique challenge – Can you |What face shape do you have? |you a reminder. |help from an adult.​ |

|teach your parents a gymnastics |What items should you use for| |​ |

|Balance? |facial features? Hair?   |New Activities This Half Term! |This weeks challenge:​ |

| |  |Log on to the Charanga Music |​ |

|Try the table curling game that |What unique features do you |World and learn to play |Teach a trusted adult or another |

|is linked below! |have that will make these |instruments. You’ll need a |family member a phrase you know in |

| |portraits LOOK like YOU? E.g.|recorder and any kind of |German!​ |

| |Do you wear glasses or have a|keyboard. |​ |

| |particular hairstyle?   |Have fun and upload yourself |On Seesaw you will find some video |

| |  |playing an instrument on Seesaw. |instructions that have examples of |

| |Arrange your items and take a| |German phrases you could use. and |

| |photograph – upload to Seesaw| |how to pronounce them. |

| |and let's see if I can guess | | |

| |who they belong to!!!  | |If you don't have access to a device|

| | | |here are some you could try: |

| | | | |

| | | |Guten Morgen (Pronounced  "Goo-ten |

| | | |More-gun) - Good morning |

| | | | |

| | | |Guten Tag (Pronounced "Goo-ten |

| | | |T-arg) - Good day / afternoon |

| | | | |

| | | |Auf Wiedersehen (Pronounced "Ow-f |

| | | |Vee-der-zayne")  Good bye |

| | | | |

| | | |Tschüss (Ch-oo-s) - Bye |

| | | |​ |

| | | |When you completed the challenge you|

| | | |could record the person you taught |

| | | |them to saying them and post it onto|

| | | |Seesaw or you could just write me a |

| | | |note letting me know you have |

| | | |completed the challenge!​ If you |

| | | |don't have access to a device then |

| | | |you don't need to worry about |

| | | |sending me anything. |

| | | | |

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|Learning Project - to be done throughout the week: Environment |

|[pic] |

|The project this week aims to provide opportunities for your child to gain a better understanding of the environment. Learning |

|focuses on changes to different environments, the impact of humans on environments and climate change. |

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|Let’s Wonder: |

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|Research the water cycle (eg. type into google ‘What is the water cycle?) Draw a scientific diagram of the water cycle then add |

|labels and captions to explain how it works. |

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|Let’s Create: |

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|Using materials destined for your recycling bin, design and make a recycling mascot to spread the word about the importance and need |

|to recycle. Think about what it is going to look like? Which materials will you use? Think about how you will join the materials |

|together? Once completed, remember to evaluate your mascot. What would you do differently next time? Which parts did you find the |

|most challenging and why? |

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|Be Active: |

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|Get into the garden and practise throwing and catching skills and keeping control of ball-based equipment like bats and balls. |

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|Recommendation: at least 2 hours of exercise a week. |

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|Time to Talk: |

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|Have you heard of the Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg? She believes that everyone needs to do more to slow down |

|climate change. Other people disagree and think that climate change isn’t important. What do you think? Discuss the issues with your |

|family. What do you know and think about climate change? What could we do to reduce it? |

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|Understanding Others and Appreciating Differences: |

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|Throughout our lives, culture and experience shapes worldviews, children growing up in the United Kingdom, for example, have a much |

|different understanding of the role of water in their lives than children who live in a very dry place like part of Africa. Think |

|about food. How do they think people view food in the UK compared to those living in Ethiopia for example? Research a country where |

|food and water are scarce. Find out about charities that help people in need, Red cross, Christain Aid, Islamic Relief or other |

|charities that are significant to them. Present your research as a PowerPoint presentation or as a poster. |

|Additional learning resources parents may wish to engage with |

|Classroom Secrets Learning Packs - These packs are split into different year groups and include activities linked to reading, |

|writing, maths and practical ideas you can do around the home. |

|Twinkl - to access these resources click on the link and sign up using your own email address and creating your own password. Use the|

|offer code UKTWINKLHELPS. |

|Headteacherchat - This is a blog that has links to various learning platforms. Lots of these are free to access. |

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| – This is the link to the |

|P.E game. |

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|#TheLearningProjects |


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