VITA - Mississippi State University


David C. May

December 2017


Current Position: Professor and Social Science Research Center Fellow

June 2015-Present Department of Sociology

Mississippi State University

200 Bowen Hall- P.O. Drawer C

Mississippi State, MS 39762

Office- 662-325-7877

Fax- (662) 325-4564



Ph.D. Sociology, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, December 1997. Dissertation Title: “Deviant Adaptations to Fear of Crime among Adolescents."

M.S. Sociology, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS, December 1994. Thesis Title: "An Analysis of Reported Protective Gun Ownership among Mississippi Residents."

B.A. Sociology and Criminal Justice, University of North Alabama, Florence, Alabama, 1992.


August 2012- June 2015 Associate Professor and Criminology Program Coordinator, Department of Sociology, Mississippi State University

January 2010-July 2012 Professor and Kentucky Center for School Safety Fellow, Department of Criminal Justice, Eastern Kentucky University.

August 2007-December 2010 Professor and Kentucky Center for School Safety Fellow, Department of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management, Eastern Kentucky University.

May 2001- August 2007 Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator, and Kentucky Center for School Safety Research Fellow,

Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies,

Eastern Kentucky University.

August 1997- May 2001 Assistant Professor and Criminal Justice Program Coordinator

School of Public and Environmental Affairs,

Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne.


Corrections Juvenile Delinquency

Crime and Public Policy School Violence

Fear of Criminal Victimization Sociology of Education

Military Sociology Survey Research/Research Design


Keena, Linda, Eric Lambert, Stacy Haynes, David May, and Zachary Buckner. 

2018 Examining the Relationship between Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction among Southern

Prison Staff.”  Forthcoming in Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research.

Strawderman, Lesley, Scott Campbell, David C. May, Cindy L. Bethel, John Usher, and Daniel L. Carruth

2017 Understanding Human Responses to the Presence and Actions of Unmanned Ground Vehicle

Systems in Field Environments. Forthcoming in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Transactions on Human Machine Systems.

Usher, John, Ross McCool, Lesley Strawderman, Daniel Carruth, Cindy Bethel, and David May

2017 Simulation Modeling of Pedestrian Behavior in the Presence of Unmanned Mobile Robots.

Forthcoming in Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory.

Lambert, Eric, Linda Keena, David C. May, and Stacy Haynes

2017 To Be Committed or Not: Examining Effects of Personal and Workplace Variables on the

Organizational Commitment of Southern Prison Staff. Forthcoming in

Criminal Justice Studies, 30(3).

May, David C. and Brian Payne

2017 Do White-collar Offenders Find Prison More Punitive than Property Offenders: Club Fed or Club

Dread? Forthcoming in Journal of Financial Crime.

May, David C., Kristie Holler, Cindy L. Bethel, Lesley Strawderman, Daniel L. Carruth, and John Usher

2017 Survey of Factors for the Prediction of Human Comfort with a Non-Anthropomorphic

Robot in Public Spaces. Forthcoming in the International Journal of Social Robotics.

(DOI: 10.1007/s12369-016-0390-7)

Reid, Caroline, Jennifer Weis, David C. May, & Brianna Wright.

2017 Safety Perceptions and Experiences with Violence among College Students. Contemporary

Journal of Anthropology and Sociology, 5, Sept. Supplemental Issue, 4-19..

Priest, Lorraine, Frederick Lawrence, Debbie, David May, and Ray Bynum. 1967 President’s Commission:

2016 Has Higher Education Met Its Obligation in Reducing Cultural Conflict in Criminal Justice and

Society?” Forthcoming in Southern Arizona Intercollegiate Journal, 5(1), 43-49.

May, David C., Kristen Stives, Makeela Wells, and Peter Wood

2017 Does Military Service Make the Experience of Prison Less Painful? Voices from Incarcerated

Veterans, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 28(8) 770-789.

May, David C., Raymond Barranco, Ethan Stokes, Stacy Haynes, and Angela Robertson

2016 Do School Resource Officers Really Refer Juveniles to the Juvenile Justice System for Less

Serious Offenses? Forthcoming in Criminal Justice Policy Review. Currently in Online first.

Barranco, Raymond, Wesley Jennings, David C. May, and Makeela Wells

2016 What Journals are the Most Cited Journals in Criminology and Criminal Justice’s “Big Three”

Journals? Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 27(1), 19-34.

Li, Carrie K.W., Thomas J. Holt, Adam Bossler, & David C. May

2016 Examining the Mediating Effects of Social Learning on the Low Self-Control – Cyberbullying

Relationship in a Youth Sample. Deviant Behavior, 37(2), 126-138.

Ruddell, Rick, and David C. May

2016 Packin’ in the Bakken: Explaining the Variation in Concealed Weapons Carry Permits in North

Dakota Counties. Internet Journal of Criminology, August, 27-48.

May, David C., Raymond Barranco, Rick Rudell, and Angela Robertson

2016 Do School Resource Officers Contribute to Net Widening? Evidence from a Southern State.

Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 31(2), 62-85.

Johnson, Kecia and David C. May

2016 Rural/Urban Differences in Inmate Perceptions of the Punitiveness of Prison: Does Having

Children Make Prison More Punitive? Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 31(2), 35-61.

Irizarry, Yasmiyn, David C. May, Adrienne Davis, and Peter Wood.

2016. Mass Incarceration through a Different Lens: Race, Subcontext, and Perceptions of Punitiveness

of Correctional Alternatives when Compared to Prison. Race and Justice, 6(3), 236-256.

May, David C., Ethan Stokes, Ashlee Oliver, and Tim McClure

2015 Exploring Alternatives to Out-of-School Suspension in Kentucky: A quasi-experimental study

examining the effectiveness of community service work. Prism: A Regional Engagement Journal, 4(1), 15-32.


Foley, Colby, David C. May, Kristie Blevins, & Jon Akers

2015 An Exploratory Analysis of Cyber-Harassment of K-12 Teachers by Parents in Public School

Settings. Educational Policy, 29(6), 879-902.

Keith, Shelley, Tim E. McClure, Lauren M. Vasquez, M. Jason Reed, David C. May.

2015 How Does Gender Identity Affect the Relationship Between Strain and Negative

Emotions? Sociological Spectrum, 35(2), 179-206.

May, David C., Shelley Keith, Nicole Rader, & R. Gregory Dunaway

2015 Predicting Adolescent Fear of Crime through the Lens of General Strain Theory. Sociological

Focus, 48(2), 172-189.

Milburn, Travis, David C. May, and Peter B. Wood. 

2014 Military service in lieu of imprisonment:  Voices from the inside. Political and

Military Sociology: An Annual Review, Vol. 42.

May, David C., Brandon Applegate, Rick Ruddell, and Peter Wood

2014 Going to Jail Sucks (And It Really Doesn’t Matter Who You Ask). American

Journal of Criminal Justice, 39(2), 250-266.

Payne, Brian, David C. May, and Peter Wood

2014 The ‘Pains’ of Electronic Monitoring: A Slap on the Wrist or Just as Bad as Prison? Criminal

Justice Studies, 27(2), 133-148.

Weis, Jennifer, Caroline Reid, and David C. May

2013 Holistic Responses to Campus Violence in the United States: Understanding the Needs of Campus

and Community-Based Service Providers.  Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching

and Learning 11:81-95.

Elrod, Preston, David May, and Nathan Lowe

2013 To Tell or Not to Tell: An Analysis of Students’ Willingness to Report School Weapons

Possession to School Authorities. Contemporary Journal of Anthropology and Sociology, 3(1),


Armbrust, Caleb, Paul Grant, and David May

2012 An Examination of Fire Safety Perceptions and Behaviors among Students at a Regional Mid-

western University. International Fire Service Journal of Leadership and Management, 6, 33-42.

May, David C., Corrie Rice, and Kevin Minor

2012 An Examination of School Resource Officers' Attitudes Regarding Behavioral Issues among

Students Receiving Special Education Services. Current Issues in Education, (15) 3, 1-12.

Bossler, Adam, Thomas Holt, and David May

2012 Predicting Online Harassment Victimization among a Juvenile Population. Youth and Society,

44(4), 500-523.

Holt, Thomas, Adam Bossler, and David C. May

2012 Examining the Applicability of Low Self-Control to Juvenile Cyberdeviance. American Journal

of Criminal Justice, (37), 378-395.

May, David C., Joe Herbert, Kelly Cline, and Ashley Nellis

2011 Fear and Risk of Terrorism among Rural and Urban Residents: Predictors, Consequences, and

Implications for Daily Life. International Journal of Rural Crime,1(1), 1-22.

May, David C. and George Higgins

2011 The Characteristics and Activities of School Resource Officers: Are Newbies Different than

Veterans? Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations, 11(2), 96-108.

May, David C., Travis Hart, and Rick Ruddell

2011 School Resource Officers in Financial Crisis: Which Schools Get Cut and Why?

Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations, 11(2), 125-140.

Stevens, Jennifer, David May, Nancy Rice, and G. Roger Jarjoura

2011 Nonsocial v. Social Reinforcers: Theoretical Perspectives on Repetitive Serious Delinquency and

Drug Use. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 9, 295-312.

Kelley, Erin, and David C. May

2011 Increases in School Shootings: Reality or Myth? International Journal of Sociological Research,

4(1), 45-57.


Ruddell, Rick, and David C. May

2011 Challenging Our Perceptions of Rural Policing: An Examination of School Resource Officers in

Rural and Urban Kentucky Schools. Kentucky Journal of Anthropology and Sociology, 1(1),


May, David C., and Timequa Brown

2011 Examining the Effect of Correctional Programming on Perceptions of Likelihood of Recidivism

among Incarcerated Prisoners. Journal of Social Service Research, 37(4), 353-364.

Dunlap, Scotty, and David C. May

2011 Assessing Facilitator Performance as an Influence on Student Satisfaction. Online Journal of

Distance Learning Administration, Summer, 14(2). Available at

Lowe, Nathan C., and David C. May

2011 Predictors of Engagement in Acts of Conflict and Aggression among the General Public.

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 26(8), 1606-1627.

May, David C., Jerry Johnson, Yanfen Chen, Lisa Hutchison, and Melissa Ricketts

2010 Exploring Parental Aggression toward Teachers in a Public School Setting. Current Issues in Education, 13(1), 1-34.

May, David C., Nicole Rader, and Sarah Goodrum

2010 A Gendered Assessment of the ‘Threat of Victimization:’ Examining Gender Differences in Fear of Crime, Perceived Risk, Avoidance, and Defensive Behaviors. Criminal Justice Review 35(2),


Cooper, Kelly, David C. May, and Irina Soderstrom

2009 Examining Theoretical Predictors of Substance Use Among a Sample of Incarcerated Youth. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 48(8), 669-695.

May, David C., Daniel Phillips, and Elissa Johnson

2009 Theoretical and Contextual Predictors of Perceptions of Criminal Justice Agents among Juvenile

Offenders. Professional Studies Review, 4(2):64-78.

Fisher, Bonnie, and David C. May

2009 College Students’ Crime Related Fears on Campus: Are Fear-Provoking Cues Gendered?

Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 25(3), 300-321.

May, David C., Peter Wood, and Amy Eades

2008 Lessons Learned from Punishment Exchange Rates: Implications for Research, Theory,

and Correctional Policy. The Journal of Behavior Analysis of Offender and Victim - Treatment and Prevention,1(2), 187-201.

Elrod, Preston, Irina Soderstrom, & David May

2008 Theoretical Predictors of Delinquency In and Out of School Among a Sample of Rural Public

School Youth. Southern Rural Sociology, 23(2), 131-156.

Lowe, Nathan, David C. May, & Preston Elrod

2008 Theoretical Predictors of Delinquency among Public School Students in Kentucky:

The Roles of Context and Gender. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 6(4), 325-345.

Moore, Nathan T., David C. May, and Peter Wood

2008 Offenders, Judges, and Officers Rate the Relative Severity of Alternative Sanctions Compared to

Prison. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 46(3,4), 49-70.

Reprinted in:

Offenders, Judges, and Officers Rate the Relative Severity of Alternative Sanctions Compared to Prison. pp. 44-65 in Probation and Parole: Current Issues (edited by Daniel Phillips). New York: Routledge.

Williams, Alisha, David C. May, and Peter B. Wood.

2008 The Lesser of Two Evils? A Qualitative Study of Offenders’ Preferences for Prison Compared to

Alternatives. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 46(3,4), 71-90.

Reprinted in:

The Lesser of Two Evils? A Qualitative Study of Offenders’ Preferences for Prison Compared to

Alternatives pp. 66-84 in Probation and Parole: Current Issues (edited by Daniel Phillips). Routledge.

McClure, Timothy E. and David C. May

2008 Dealing with Misbehavior at Schools in Kentucky: Theoretical and Contextual Predictors of Use of Corporal Punishment.  Youth and Society, 39(3), 406-429.


Roberts, Staci D., Pamela Wilcox, David C. May, and Richard Clayton

2007 My School or Our School? The Effects of Individual versus Shared School Experiences on Teacher Perceptions of Safety. Journal of School Violence, 6(4), 33-55.

Rader, Nicole, David C. May, and Sarah Goodrum

2007 An Empirical Assessment of the 'Threat of Victimization:' Considering Fear of Crime, Perceived Risk, Avoidance and Defensive Behaviors. Sociological Spectrum, 27(5), 475-505.

Wilcox, Pamela, David C. May, and Staci D. Roberts.

2006 Student Weapon Possession and the “Fear and Victimization Hypothesis:” Unraveling the

Temporal Order. Justice Quarterly, 23(4), 502-529.

Mustard, Sarah, David C. May, and Daniel Phillips

2006. Prevalence and Predictors of Cheating on Antabuse: Is Antabuse a Cure or Merely an Obstacle?

American Journal of Criminal Justice, 31(1), 51-63.

Naber, Patricia A., David C. May, Scott H. Decker, Kevin I. Minor, and James B. Wells

2006 Are there Gangs in Schools? It Depends upon Whom You Ask. Journal of School

Violence, 5(2), 53-72.

Hutchison Wallace, L., & May, D.C.

2006 A new perspective on aggression in the schools: Exploring parental aggression towards teachers. Kentucky Justice and Safety Research Bulletin, 8(1), 1-15.

Flory, Christopher, David C. May, Peter B. Wood, and Kevin I Minor

2006 A Comparison of Punishment Exchange Rates among Probationers and Their Supervising

Officers in Kentucky. Journal of Criminal Justice, 34(1), 39-50.

Wallace, Lisa and David May

2005 The Impact of Relationship with Parents and Commitment to School on Adolescent Fear of Crime

at School. Adolescence, 40(159), 458-474.

Reprinted in:

2005 The Impact of Relationship with Parents and Commitment to School on Adolescent Fear of Crime

at School. Family Therapy, 32(3), 157-173.

May, David C., Peter Wood, Jennifer Mooney, & Kevin Minor

2005 Predicting Offender-Generated Exchange Rates: Implications for a Theory of Sentence Severity.

Crime and Delinquency, 51(3), 373-399.

Moore, T. Neil, & David C. May

2005 A Trend Analysis of the Effectiveness of Community Policing: Results from a Midwestern City. Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 5(3), 53-74.

May, David C. and Peter B. Wood

2005 What Influences Offenders’ Willingness to Serve Alternative Sanctions? The Prison Journal,

85(2), 145-167.

Wood, Peter, David C. May, & Harold Grasmick

2005 Gender Differences in the Perceived Severity of Boot Camp. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 40(3/4), 153-175.

May, David C., Stephen B. Fessel, and Shannon Means

2004 Predictors of Principals' Perceptions of School Resource Officer Effectiveness in Kentucky.

American Journal of Criminal Justice 29(1), 75-93.

May, David C., Kevin I. Minor, Peter B. Wood, and Jennifer L. Mooney

2004 Demographic Differences in Kentucky Probationers’ and Parolees’ Perceptions of the Severity of Imprisonment in Comparison to Jail and Probation. Kentucky Justice and Safety Research Bulletin, 6(4), 1-9.

May, David C., Gary Cordner, and Stephen B. Fessel

2004 School Resource Officers as Community Police Officers: Fact or Fiction? Law Enforcement

Executive Forum, 4(6), 173-188.

May, David C.

2003 Nonsocial Reinforcement and Violence: Can Juvenile Justice Policies be Effective Against Intrinsic Gratification Received from Violent Activity Among Youth? Journal for Juvenile Justice and Detention Services 18(1), 1-18.


Wood, Peter and David C. May

2003 Race Differences in Perceptions of Sanction Severity: A Comparison of Prison with Alternatives.

Justice Quarterly 20: 605-631.

May, David C., Lesa R. Vartanian, and Keri Virgo

2002 The Impact of Parental Attachment and Supervision on Fear of Crime Among Adolescent Males. Adolescence, 37(146):267-288.

May, David C.

2001 The Effect of Fear of Sexual Victimization on Adolescent Fear of Crime. Sociological Spectrum 21(2):141-174.

May, David C. and R. Gregory Dunaway

2000 Predictors of Adolescent Fear of Crime. Sociological Spectrum 20(2):149-168.

Jarjoura, Roger J. and David C. May

2000 Integrating Criminological Theories to Explain Violent Forms of Delinquency. Caribbean Journal of Criminology and Social Psychology 5(1,2):81-102.

Vowell, Paul R. and David C. May

2000 Another Look at Classic Strain Theory: Receipt of Public Assistance, Perceived Blocked Opportunity, and Gang Membership as Predictors of Adolescent Violent Behavior. Sociological Inquiry 70(1):42-60.

May, David C.

1999 Tolerance of Nonconformity and Its Effect Upon Attitudes Toward the Legalization of Prostitution: A Multivariate Analysis. Deviant Behavior 20(4):335-358.

May, David C.

1999 Scared Kids, Unattached Kids, or Peer Pressure: Why Do Students Carry Firearms to School? Youth and Society 31(1):100-127.

Reprinted in:

2003 Scared Kids, Unattached Kids, or Peer Pressure: Why Do Students Carry Firearms to School? in Readings in Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice, pp. 188-205, edited by Thomas C. Calhoun and Constance Chapple. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Whitaker, Daniel J., Kim S. Miller, David C. May, and Martin L. Levin

1999 Communication Between Teens and Their Partners About Sexual Risk and Teens’ Condom Use: The Importance of the Parent-Teen Communication Process. Family Planning Perspectives 31(3):117-121.

Cosby, Arthur G., David C. May, Wolfgang Frese, and R. Gregory Dunaway

1996 Legalization of Crimes Against the Moral Order. Deviant Behavior 17(4): 369-389.


McCool, R., Usher, J., Strawderman, L., Carruth, D., Bethel, C.L., & May, D.C.

2017 Simulating Group Formations that Arise in Pedestrian Traffic. Presentation at the Industrial

Informatics and Systems Engineering (IISE) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, May 20-23.

Bethel, C. L., Henkel, Z., Eakin, D.K., May, D. C., & Pilkinton, M.

2017 Moving Toward an Intelligent Interactive Social Engagement Framework for Information Gathering. Invited Presentation for the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Herl’any, Slovakia, January 26-28, 2017.

Bethel, C. L., Henkel, Z., Stives, K., May, D. C., Eakin, D. K., Pilkinton, M., Jones, A., Stubbs-Richardson, M.

2016 Using Robots to Interview Children About Bullying: Lessons Learned from an Exploratory Study.

Presentation in the Special Session on Child-Robot Interaction at the IEEE International

Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2016). New York City,

NY, USA. August 26-31, 2016. (Acceptance rate for this conference was 47%)


May, David C.

2014 School Safety in America: A Reasoned Look at the Rhetoric. Carolina Academic Press.

Lane, Jodi, Nicole Rader, Billy Henson, Bonnie Fisher, and David May

2014 Fear of Crime in the United States: Causes, Consequences, and Contradictions.

Carolina Academic Press.

May, David C. and Peter B. Wood

2010 Ranking Correctional Punishments: Views from Offenders, Practitioners, and the Public.

Carolina Academic Press.

May, David C., Kevin I. Minor, Rick Ruddell, and Betsy F. Matthews.

2008 Corrections and the Criminal Justice System. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

May, David C. and G. Roger. Jarjoura

2006 Illegal Guns in the Wrong Hands: Patterns of Gun Acquisition and Use Among Serious Juvenile

Delinquents. University Press of America.

May, David C.

2001 Adolescent Fear of Crime, Perceptions of Risk, and Defensive Behaviors: An Alternate Explanation of Violent Delinquency. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.

Book Chapters

Johnson, Kecia and David May

2016 “Desistance from Crime During Reintegration. Forthcoming Chapter in Lisa Carter and Catherine

Marcum’s Female Offenders and Reentry: Pathways and Barriers to Returning to Society.

Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

May, David C.

2015 “Victimization, Crime, and Fear of Crime.” Forthcoming Chapter in Marvin Krohn & Jodi Lane’s Handbook on Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.

Stubbs-Richardson, Megan & David C. May

2014 “Predictors of Online Sexual Activity among Adolescents.” In E. Dretsch & R.E. Moore (Eds.)

Sexual Deviance Online: Research and Readings, pp. 81-103. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic.

Wood, Peter & David C. May

2013 “Prison, Re-Entry, and Offenders’ Perceptions of Correctional Punishments” Chapter in John Smykla and Matthew Crow’s Offender Reentry in the 21st Century: Voices of Researchers, Practitioners, and Offenders. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

May, David C.

2010 “Hints for Publishing” in It Works for Me: Becoming a Publishing Scholar/Researcher.

New Forums Press.

May, David C. and Erin Kelley

2009 "Treatment Foster Care as a Correctional Strategy." Chapter in Juvenile Corrections. Edited by Rick Ruddell and Matthew O. Thomas. Newgate Press.

Lena Kline, Erin Kelley, and David C. May

2009 "Prison Riots." Chapter in Understanding Correctional Violence. Edited by Noelle Fearn and

Rick Ruddell. Newgate Press.

May, David C.

2008 "Preventing ‘Author Disorder-‘ The Ethics of Coauthored Publications with Students.”

pp. 126-13 in It Works for Me …In Scholarship. Edited by Hal Blythe and Charlie

Sweet. New Forums Press.

May, David C.

2008 "Turning Independent Study Opportunities into Student/Faculty Presentations and Publications."

pp. 122-126 in It Works for Me …In Scholarship. Edited by Hal Blythe and Charlie

Sweet. New Forums Press.

Peter B. Wood, David C. May, and Harold G. Grasmick.

2005 "Gender Differences in the Perceived Severity of Boot Camp." Chapter 8 in Rehabilitation Issues,

Problem, and Prospects in Boot Camp. Edited by Brent B. Benda. The Haworth Press, Inc.

May, David C.

2004 “Weapons in School.” pp. 237-268 in Handbook of School Violence, edited by Edwin Gerler. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.

Teaching Publications

2000 Criminal Justice Distance Learning: Experiences from a Regional, Commuter Campus. Criminal Justice Distance Learning Center Electronic Newsletter, Volume 7 (Feb.).

Invited Articles and Entries in Edited Works

2017 (with Jeannice Louine). Violent Crime. Forthcoming entry in C.J. Schreck’s Encylcopedia of

Juvenile Delinquency and Justice. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.

2015 (with Brianna Wright) Trusty. Forthcoming entry in Kent R. Kerley, Heith Copes, and Jodi

Lane’s The Encyclopedia of Corrections. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.

2014 (with Ethan Stokes). School Discipline. Forthcoming in The Encyclopedia of Crime and

Punishment, edited by Wesley Jennings. Malden, MA: Wiley Blackwell.

2011 Kenneth F. Ferraro: Risk Interpretation Model. Encyclopedia of Criminological

Theory, edited by Frank Cullen and Pamela Wilcox. New York: Sage.

2011 Albert J. Reiss: Personal and Social Controls and Delinquency. Encyclopedia of

Criminological Theory, edited by Frank Cullen and Pamela Wilcox. New York: Sage.

2010 Fear of Crime. Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention, edited by

Bonnie Fisher and Steven Lab. New York: Sage.

2010 Victimization of School Teachers/Staff. Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime

Prevention, edited by Bonnie Fisher and Steven Lab. New York: Sage.

2007 Crime Control Strategies. Encyclopedia of Police Science (3rd ed.), edited by Jack R. Greene.

New York: Routledge. Coauthored with Timothy McClure.

2007 Jail. Encyclopedia of Police Science (3rd ed.), edited by Jack R. Greene. New York: Routledge. Coauthored with Erin Harrell.

2007 Jail Assaults. Encyclopedia of Police Science (3rd ed.), edited by Jack R. Greene. New York: Routledge. Coauthored with Erin Harrell.

2007 Probation and Parole. Encyclopedia of Police Science (3rd ed.), edited by Jack R. Greene. New York: Routledge. Coauthored with Timothy McClure.

2005 Body Type Theories. Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller. New

York: Routledge.

2005 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller. New York: Routledge.

2005 Community Corrections: An Overview. Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller. New York: Routledge.

2005 Firearms and the Law. Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller. New York: Routledge.

2005 Incivilities Theory. Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller. New York: Routledge.

2005 Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime Throughout History. Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller. New York: Routledge.

2005 Juvenile Delinquency: Extent, Correlates, and Trends. Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller. New York: Routledge.

2005 Prisons: Inmate Populations and Subcultures. Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller. New York: Routledge.

2005 Social Learning Theory. Encyclopedia of Criminology, edited by R.A. Wright and J.M. Miller.

Publications in Professional Trade Journals

2010 (with Rick Ruddell). Smashing stereotypes about school resource officers in rural and urban school districts. Journal of School Safety

2008 (with Rick Ruddell and Peter B. Wood). How do inmates perceive jail conditions?  A view from jail administrators. American Jails (Jan/Feb).

2007 (with Steve Kimberling). School shooters: Research unveils 10 myths regarding perpetrators.

Kentucky School Leader, Fall, 10-13.

2007 Problematic parental behavior in Kentucky schools. Kentucky School Leader, Fall, 16-18.

2000 Delinquency and Crime in the Schools: How Can We Combat the Violence? Indiana Journal of

Political Science 15:121-143.

Technical Reports

2007-2011 Kentucky Juvenile Crime Analysis (with Yanfen Chen). Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Department of

Juvenile Justice

2003-2011 Safe Schools Data Project Annual Report (with Yanfen Chen- coauthored annually from 2006-2011). Kentucky Center for School Safety, Eastern Kentucky University.

2002 School Resource Officers in Kentucky: Who Are They and What Do They Do? (with Cheryl Roberts, Lee Ann Morrison, and Shannon Means. Kentucky Center for School Safety, EKU.

Book Reviews

May, David C.

2008 Reshaping Prisons and Probation: The New Offender Management Framework. Book Review

International Criminal Justice Review.

May, David C.

2007 Correctional Boot Camps: Military Basic Training or a Model for Corrections. Book Review

published in Criminal Justice Review 32(1):75-76.

May, David C.

2000 Crime is Not the Problem. Book Review published in Criminal Justice Review 24(1):64-65.

May, David C.

1997 Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization Risk. Book Review published in Deviant Behavior 18(3) July-September: 314-318.

May, David C.

1996 Criminology: Theory, Research, and Policy. Book Review published in Deviant Behavior 17(3)

July-September: 341-343.

Funded Grants and Fellowships

Smith, John Eric, Reuben Birch, and David May

2017 Assessment of Law Enforcement Officer Response to Threat and non-Threat Stimuli. Mississippi

State University Cross-College Research Program. Awarded $2,000 to examine physiological

stressors and changes in law enforcement officer training.

May, David C.

2017 Closing the School to Prison Pipeline: Listening to Voices from the Mouth, the Pipe, and the

Holding Tank. The Hunter W. Henry Jr. Family. Awarded $234,170 to interview

students, parents, teachers, and prisoners from across the country to examine causes of the

school to prison pipeline.

Cook, A., and May, D.C. (Co-PI)

2017 Research Network on Misdemeanor Justice in Meridian (2017-2020). Laura and John Arnold

Foundation, John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Awarded $26,952 to assist Meridian Police

Department in better understanding and improvement of misdemeanant processing.

Carruth, D., Strawderman, L. Usher, J., May, D. (Co-PI), and Bethel, C.

2017 Proving Ground and Dismounted Troops Topic Area 4: Computational Prototyping and Proving

Ground Environment: Task 1 Human Interactions for the Computational Proving Ground.

(2017- 2020). US Army ERDC. Awarded $1,326,688 to explore methods to incorporate robots into ground troop formations.

Carruth, D., May, D., Strawderman, L., Usher, J., Bethel, C.

2016 SimBRS WD62: Virtual Prototyping of Vehicle Systems: Topic 6. Awarded $372,020 from the

Department of Defense TACOM to examine human reactions to unmanned ground vehicles.

May, David. C. and Amanda Cook

2015 East End Meridian Project H.O.P.E. Awarded $47,170 from the United States Department of

Justice- Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program to serve as Research Partners with the Boys

and Girls Club of Meridian, MS to plan strategies for neighborhood revitalization in the East End

Neighborhood in Meridian, MS (October 1, 2015 to March 31, 2017).

Sinclair, C., R. Goldberg, M. Stubbs-Richardson, & D. May (Co-PI)

2015 When does rejection trigger aggression? A multi-method examination of a multi-motive model.

Awarded $1,619,644 from the National Institute of Justice to examine predictors of violent

reactions to rejection among K-12 students (January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2019)

Funded Grants and Fellowships (cont.)

Carruth, D., C. Bethel, L. Strawdmire, & D. May (Co-PI)

2015 Providing Dynamic Environments for Integrated Virtual Prototyping. Awarded $337,924

from the United States Army Engineer Research and Development Center to examine

the impact of unmanned ground vehicles in human environments. (March 1 – August 30, 2015)

Haynes, S., May, D.C. (Co-PI), & Walton, L.

2014 Thinking about Corrections Content Development. Awarded $69,958 from the National Institute

of Corrections to enter into a cooperative agreement to provide content and multimedia for their

Thinking about Corrections publication. (September 11, 2014- March 1, 2016)

Bethel, C., Eakin, D., May, D.C. (Co-PI), and Pilkinton, M.

2014 CHS Medium: The Use of Robots as Intermediaries to Gain Sensitive Information from Children.

Awarded $1,199,819 from the National Science Foundation to examine effectiveness of robots v.

human interviewers in collecting sensitive information from children. (7/1/14 – 6/30/18)

Carruth, D., C. Bethel, L. Strawdmire, & D. May (Co-PI)

2013 Integrating Dynamic Environments for Unmanned Ground Vehicle Simulation. Awarded

$326,839 from the Consortium for Energy, Environment, and Demilitarization to examine the

impact of unmanned ground vehicles in human environments. (January 1 – December 31, 2014)

May, D.C. (PI) and Y. Chen

2010 Juvenile Crime Analysis and Disproportionate Minority Contact Update 2009 Data. Awarded

$27,495 from the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to update a data report compiling

juvenile justice crime statistics for the state of Kentucky.

May, D.C. (PI) and Y. Chen

2010 Juvenile Crime Analysis and Disproportionate Minority Contact Update 2007 Data. Awarded

$20,000 from the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to update a data report compiling

juvenile justice crime statistics for the state of Kentucky.

May, D.C. (PI) and Y. Chen

2010 Juvenile Crime Analysis and Disproportionate Minority Contact Update 2006 Data. Awarded

$7,000 from the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to create a data report compiling

disproportionate minority contact statistics for the state of Kentucky.

May, D.C.

2010 Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact in Madison County. Awarded $20,000 from the

Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to continue examination of causes of disproportionate

minority contact in Madison County, Kentucky.

May, D.C. (PI) and P. Elrod

2010 Improving the Lives of Madison County Youth. Awarded $8,085 from the Eastern Kentucky

University College of Justice and Safety Technical Assistance Committee to provide Social

Intelligence and Critical Thinking to At-Risk Youth at the Richmond Teen Center.

May, D.C. (PI) and A. Forbes

2009 Predicting Success of Newly Released Prisoners in Kentucky. Awarded $8,278 from the

Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice and Safety Faculty Research Grant to examine

perceptions of prisoners regarding the punitiveness of prison and the challenges they will face

upon release from incarceration.

May, D.C. (PI) and Y. Chen

2009 Juvenile Crime Analysis and Disproportionate Minority Contact Update 2007 Data. Awarded

$13,330 from the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to update a data report compiling

juvenile justice crime statistics for the state of Kentucky.

May, D.C. (PI) and Y. Chen

2009 Juvenile Crime Analysis and Disproportionate Minority Contact Update 2006 Data. Awarded

$7,865 from the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to create a data report compiling

disproportionate minority contact statistics for the state of Kentucky.

May, D.C.

2008 Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact in Madison County. Awarded $25,000 from the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to continue examination of causes of disproportionate minority contact in Madison County, Kentucky.

Funded Grants and Fellowships (cont.)

May, D.C. (PI) and R. Shuntich

2008 Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact in Madison County. Awarded $10,000 from the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to examine causes of disproportionate minority contact in Madison County, Kentucky.

May, D.C. (PI) and Y. Chen

2007 Juvenile Crime Analysis and Disproportionate Minority Contact Update 2006 Data. Awarded

$33,800 from the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice to create a data report compiling

juvenile justice crime statistics for the state of Kentucky.

May, D.C. (PI) and Emily Raine

2007 Kentucky Statistical Research and Analysis. Awarded $48,000 from the Kentucky Justice and

Public Safety Cabinet to provide data analysis and report writing to the Kentucky Statistical

Analysis Center.

May, D.C. (PI) and Y. Chen

2007 Juvenile Crime Analysis Update 2005 Data. Awarded $9,290 from the Kentucky Department of

Juvenile Justice to create a data report compiling juvenile justice crime statistics for the state of


May, D.C. (PI), M. LaCount, T. Schneid, and L. Collins

2007 College Students and Faculty Perceptions of Campus Safety and Fire Prevention: An Examination of Eastern Kentucky University Students' and Faculty. Awarded $8,000 grant from

Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice and Safety Faculty Research Grant to examine students and faculty perceptions of the relative safety and fire prevention strategies at Eastern Kentucky University.

Cooper, C., Robinson, S., May, D.C. (Co-PI), and contributing faculty from the EKU Library, the EKU College of

Justice and Safety, and the EKU Writing Center.

2006 Developing Critical and Creative Thinking through Development of Writing, Speaking, and Research: The Studio for Academic Creativity. Awarded $1,037,000 from Eastern Kentucky University to create and operate the Studio for Academic Creativity to assist students in their written and oral communication and critical thinking skills.

May, D.C. (PI), Elrod, P., and Wallace, L.

2006 Students’ Perceptions of School Safety in a Rural County: Causes and Consequences of Perceived Safety in Public Schools. Awarded $7,392 grant from the Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice and Safety Faculty Research Committee to examine perceptions of school safety among public school students in Kentucky.

May, D.C. (PI)

2005 Public Attitudes Regarding the Relative Punitiveness of Prison: An Extension of the Exchange Rates Literature. Awarded $7,800 grant from the Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice and Safety Faculty Research Committee to examine perceptions of the relative severity of prison among Kentucky residents.

Wallace, L. & May, D.C. (Co-PI)

2005 A New Perspective on Aggression in the Schools: Exploring Parental Aggression of Teachers. Awarded $8,000 grant from the Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice and Safety Faculty Research Committee to examine perceptions of and experiences with parental aggression among public school teachers in Kentucky.

May, D.C.

2004 Kentucky Center for School Safety Safe Schools Assessment. Awarded $4,000 grant from Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice and Safety Technical Assistance Grant to assist KCSS in data collection and analysis of Safe School Assessment Surveys in Kentucky.

May, D., Wells (PI), J.B., Minor, K.I., Cobb, K., Angel, E. & Cline, K.

2003 Criminal Victimization Experiences, Fear of Crime, Perceptions of Risk, and Opinion of Criminal Justice Agents among a Sample of Kentucky Residents. Awarded $40,000 grant from the Kentucky Justice Cabinet, Office of the Secretary, Frankfort, KY.

Funded Grants and Fellowships (cont.)

May, D.C. (PI) and Minor, K.I.

2003 Racial Differences in Kentucky Probationers and Parolees Views Toward Severity of Prison. Awarded $8,000 grant from Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice and Safety Faculty Research Grant to examine racial differences in perceptions of the severity of prison relative to other forms of alternative sanctions among Kentucky probationers.

May, D.C. (PI) and Minor, K.I.

2003 Rural/Urban Differences in Kentucky Probationers and Parolees Views Toward Severity of Prison. Awarded $8,000 grant from Eastern Kentucky University College of Justice and Safety Kentucky Research Bulletin to examine differences between rural and urban probationers in perceptions of the severity of prison relative to other forms of alternative sanctions.


2015 Principal Evaluator, An Examination of the Impact of School Resource Officers and Zero

Tolerance Policies On Youths’ Involvement in the Juvenile Justice System. External Evaluator

Contracted by the Kentucky Youth Advocates.

2004- Present Member, National Institute of Justice Consulting Database.

2003-2006 Principal Evaluator, Community Service Works Project. Funded by $1,000,000 grant from U.S.

Department of Education. Evaluating in my capacity as Kentucky Center for School Safety

Research Fellow.

2003 - 2005 Hamilton Fish Violence Prevention Initiative, Research Design and Evaluation.

2001 Ruth Hubener, Kentucky Cabinet for Families/Children, Statistical Techniques/ Methods.

2000 Captain Dottie Davis, Fort Wayne Police Department Training Services, Evaluation and

Scoring of Police Recruit Applicants.

2000 Allen County Council, Statistical Analysis and Evaluation Techniques.

2007 Student Learning Assessment and Evaluation of Interpersonal Communication Skills in

Justice and Safety Careers Course. Funded by $6,183 grant from EKU College of Justice

and Safety.

2001 Principal Evaluator, Stop Child Abuse and Neglect (SCAN). Process and curriculum evaluation

of “Prevention through Education” program for Paige Hamilton, SCAN, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

1999-2000 Principal Evaluator, Allen County Criminal Justice Task Force. Conducted needs assessment and

evaluated effectiveness of Allen County, Indiana, criminal justice agencies and forecasted for

future client and budget expectations for five-year projection.

Invited Speaker

October 2017 Playing the Game: Tips for Being Successful in a Publish or Perish World. Brown Bag

Presentation for Mississippi State University Department of Sociology Faculty and Graduate


September 2016 Examining Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Corrections Employees in Mississippi

(with Linda Keena, Eric Lambert, and Stacy Haynes). Mississippi Association of Professionals in

Corrections, Biloxi, MS.

September 2016 Differences between Therapeutic Foster Care and Traditional Foster Care. Mississippi State

University, Starkville, MS.

April 2016 Difference in Incarceration Experiences of Rural and Urban Prisoners: An Open Discussion about

an Ignored Topic in Research. Mississippi Association of Professionals in Corrections, Tunica,


September 2015 Two Decades of Evidence that the Death Penalty is Not the Most Severe Sanction other than

Death in U.S. Corrections. Mississippi Association of Professionals in Corrections, Tupelo, MS.

May 2015 The Role of Citizens in Community Crime Prevention. Kiwanis Club, Starkville, MS.

April 2015 Basic Skills for Communicating for Corrections Employees. Mississippi Association of

Professionals in Corrections, Tunica, MS.

Aug. 2017/

Feb. 2015/

Aug. 2014 The Challenges of Mentoring At-Risk Youths. Volunteer Starkville, Starkville, MS.

Invited Speaker (cont.)

August 2010 (with Becky Ritchey) Understanding the Needs of At-Risk Youth and Children of Incarcerated

Parents. Infant and Toddler Institute, Lexington, Kentucky.

May 2010 Introduction and Application of Data-Driven Decision Making. Invited presentation delivered at Leadership 2010: Leadership for the Future conference, Radcliff, Kentucky.

March 2010 (with Becky Ritchey) Working with Fathers of At-Risk Youth. Invited presentation delivered at the Madison County Delinquency Prevention Council Forum on Dealing with Parents of At-Risk Youth, Richmond, Kentucky.

December 2009 (with Becky Ritchey) Working with Fathers of At-Risk Youth. Invited presentation delivered at the Madison County Health Department for Health Access Nurturing Development Services program (HANDS) nurses, Richmond, Kentucky.

November 2009 Problematic Parent Behavior. Invited presentation delivered at the Kentucky Association of Secondary School Principals Conference in Lexington, Kentucky.

June 2009 Crisis Response Training for Schools. Invited presentation delivered at the Kentucky Education Collaborative for State Agency Children “Alternative Strategies for Educating At-Risk Youth Conference in Richmond, Kentucky.

January 2009 10 Myths About School Shooters. Invited presentation delivered at the Kentucky Assistant Principal Conference in Lexington, Kentucky.

September 2008 Definitions and Reporting of Law Violations in Response to House Bill 91. Invited presentation delivered to Kentucky public school teachers, staff, and administrators in Bowling Green, Kentucky and Ashland, Kentucky.

July 2008 Disaster Preparedness from the School Administration Manager’s Perspective.

Invited presentation delivered to the Kentucky Department of Education’s School Administration

Manager Academy.

June/Aug. 2008 Juvenile Justice for Law Enforcement Officers. Presented to U.S. Air Force Crime Prevention

Class, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky.

March 2008 Kids and Guns: Why Do They Do It? Presented to Alpha Kappa Delta Open Campus Forum at

Mississippi State University.

November 2007 The Safe School Assessment Process. Invited presentation delivered at the National Student

Safety and Security Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

June/Aug. 2007 Juvenile Justice for Law Enforcement Officers. Presented to U.S. Air Force Crime Prevention

Class, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky.

March 2007 A Spatial Analysis of the Predictors of the Relative Severity of Prison. (with Derek Paulsen).

Invited presentation delivered at the 9th Annual National Institute of Justice Crime Mapping

Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

October 2006 Kids and Guns: Why Do They Do It? Opening Conference Presentation at the Annual Meetings

of the Anthropologists and Sociologists of Kentucky, Centre College, Danville, Kentucky.

June/ Aug. 2006 Juvenile Justice for Law Enforcement Officers. Presented to U.S. Air Force Crime Prevention

Class, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky.

March 2006 A Comparison of Punishment Exchange Rates Among Offenders, Their Supervising Officers, and

Circuit Court Judges in Kentucky. Presented to

Forum of Students, Centre College, Danville, KY.

February 2006 An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of School Resource Officers in Jefferson County, Kentucky

(with Timothy Fritz). Presented to the Kentucky School Resource Officer Association Executive

Board, Frankfort, Kentucky.

March 2005 A Comparison of Punishment Exchange Rates Among Offenders, Their Supervising Officers, and

Circuit Court Judges in Kentucky (with Nathan Moore). Presented to

Forum of Students, Centre

College, Danville, Kentucky.

December 2004 A Comparison of Punishment Exchange Rates Among Offenders, Their Supervising Officers, and

Circuit Court Judges in Kentucky (with Nathan Moore). Presented to Kentucky Department of

Corrections Mental Health

Training Group, Louisville, Kentucky.

September 2000 Fear of Crime and Crime Prevention: Protecting Yourself from Victimization. Presented to

Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Friends of the University Organization, Fort

Wayne, IN.

October 1999 Jobs in Criminal Justice. Presented to Junior Achievement Students from Fort Wayne Community

Schools System, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Invited Speaker (cont.)

January 1999 Terrorism in the United States and Its Threat to the United States Military (co-presented with

Michael Wartell). Presented to the Security Forces Unit at the Indiana Air National Guard Base,

Fort Wayne, Indiana.

September 1998 Guns in America: Can We Stop Violence? Presented to Metro Business Group, Fort Wayne, IN.


May, David C.

2017 Differences in Perceived Likelihood of Recidivism and Barriers to Reentry Success among Rural and Non-Rural Prisoners. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Rural Sociological Society, Columbus, Ohio.

May, David C.

2017 Collaborations between the Town and Gown in Policing. Moderator/Discussant at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, MO.

May, David C.

2017 1967 President’s Commission- 50th Anniversary- Has Higher Education Met Its Obligation?

Open Seminar Participant at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, MO

May, David C.

2017 Methodological Developments in Sociology. Roundtable Participant at the Annual Meetings of the Alabama Mississippi Sociological Association in Jackson, MS.

Robertson, Angela, David C. May, and Makeela Wells

2017 Examining Justice System and Educational Outcome Differences Between System-Involved and Non-System-Involved Youths in Jackson Mississippi. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Alabama Mississippi Sociological Association in Jackson MS.

Roberts, Preston C., David May, Brian Payne, and Jaleitra McGee

2016 Community Factors Affecting Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology in New Orleans, LA.

Keena, Linda, Eric Lambert, David May, Stacy Haynes, and Zachary Buckner

2016 Correlates of Job Stress among Southern Correctional Staff. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology in New Orleans, LA.

Lambert, Eric, Linda Keena, Zachary Buckner, David May, and Stacy Haynes. 

2016 The Association Between Organizational Justice and Job Involvement Among Southern Prison

Staff.  Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association in

Chicago, Illinois.

Stives, Kristen, and David C. May

2016 Sex Offenders: A Pariah among Prisoners. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the

Southern Criminal Justice Association, Savannah, GA.

Haynes, Stacy, David C. May, Eric Lambert, and Linda Keena

2016 Predictors of Perceived Risk among Corrections Employees: The Impact of Context and

Corrections Experience. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice

Association, Savannah, GA.

Johnson, Kecia, and David C. May

2016 Desistance from Crime during Reintegration: An Examination of Female Inmates and Reentry.

Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Savannah.

Stives, Kristen, David C. May, Cindy Bethel, Melinda Pilkinton, Deb Eakin, and Megan Stubbs-Richardson

2016 What Do Parents Tell their Children about Responding to Bullying? A Qualitative Analysis.

Paper presented at Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Denver, CO.

Hagerman, Margaret and David C. May

2016 Racialized School Discipline: Does Discretion Lead to Racial Disparity. Paper presented at the

Annual Meetings of the Alabama Mississippi Sociological Association. Jackson, MS.

Richerme, Sarah and David C. May

2015 The Impact of Family on Incarceration Experience and Reentry Success. Paper presented at the

Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C.

May, David C. and Brian Payne

2015 Do White-Collar Offenders Find Prison More Punitive than Property Offenders? Club Fed or Club

Dred? Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology.

Washington D.C.

May, David C.

2015 What is Known about School Safety, Planning, Policy Development, and Implementation. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology.


May, David C. and Kecia Johnson

2015 Examining Predictors of Punitiveness among Females: The Intersection of Substance Abuse,

Race, and Children. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice

Association, Charleston, SC.

May, David C. Sierra Nelson, and Preston Elrod.

2015 Examining the Effectiveness of Mentoring of At-Risk Youth. Paper presented at the

Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, SC.

Stives, Kristen, Makeela Wells, and David C. May

2015 An Exploration of Aspirations for Military Enlistment among High School Seniors. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, SC.

Stubbs-Richardson, Megan, Kristen Stives, Zachary Henkel, David May, and Cindy Bethel. 

2015 A Qualitative Analysis of Parental Perspectives on Bullying At-Risk Youth. Paper presented at the

Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, SC.

May, David C. May

2015 Author Meets Critics- School Safety: A Reasoned Look at the Rhetoric. Session conducted at the

Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL.

May, David C. and Jeannice Louine

2015 Race and Reentry: Do Black Inmates Perceive Themselves More Likely to Return to Prison than

White Inmates? Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice

Sciences, Orlando, FL.

Wright, Brianna and David C. May

2015 Examining the Impact of Domestic Terrorism on School Safety Practices in the United States.

Paper presented at Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL.

Barranco, Raymond, David C. May, and Makeela Wells

2014 What are the Most Cited Journals in Criminology’s Big Three? Paper presented at the Annual

Meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Mobile, AL.

Stives, Kristen, David C. May, and Peter Wood

2014 Who Cares If I’ve Been to Prison? The Impact of Labeling on the Perceived Likelihood of

Recidivism and Punitiveness of Prison. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern

Criminal Justice Association, Clearwater, FL.

Wright, Brianna, and David C. May

2014 Challenges Faced by School Resource Officers: Perceptions of Job Satisfaction and Problems in

the School Setting. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice

Association, Clearwater, FL.

Bethel, Cindy, David C. May, D. Carruth, L. Strawderman, K. Holler, J. Louine, and S. Rogers

2014 Using Robots in Criminal Justice Applications: Experiments in Policing, Gathering Sensitive

Data from Bullying Victims, and Military Policing. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of

the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Clearwater, FL.

Stives, Kristen and David C. May

2014 Hepatitis Policies and Practices in United States Prisons. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings

of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, NC.

Davis, Patrick and David C. May

2014 Explaining Deviant Behavior among Truckers. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the

Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, NC.

Louine, Jeannice, Megan Stubbs-Richardson, and David C. May

2014 Law Enforcement Agencies: Realigning the Blue Line Theory. Paper presented at the Annual

Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, NC.

Patrick, Laurel and David C. May

2014 Explaining Parental Aggression against Public School Teachers Because of Discipline Issues.

Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,

Philadelphia, PA.

Louine, Jeannice and David C. May

2014 Remembering Jonathan Ferrell: The Common Disregard of the Black Life. Paper presented at the

Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, PA.


May, David C.

2013 The Place of Sociology in Criminology and Criminal Justice: Reflections from a Vagabond

Criminologist with a Sociologist’s Sheepskin. Presidential address presented at the Annual

Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Virginia Beach, VA.

May, David C., Adam Bossler, Thomas Holt, and Kristen Stives

2013 Predicting Risky Online Behaviors among Middle and High School Students. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Assoc., Virginia Beach, VA.

Haynes, Stacy, David May, Ethan Stokes, R. Gregory Dunaway

2013 The Impact of Religiosity on Punitiveness. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Virginia Beach, VA.

May, David C., Brian Payne, and Peter Wood

2013 Electronic Monitoring: Offenders’ Perceptions of the Sanction in Comparison to Prison. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX.

Wood, Peter, David May, and James Wilson

2013 Emotions and Crime among Incarcerated Offenders. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of

the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX.

May, David C., Angie Wheaton, and Chuck Fields

2012 What is a Child? Cross-National Comparisons of the Age of Responsibility. Paper presented at

the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Maybrier, Shayna, and David May

2012 Factors Impacting Recidivism Among Female Inmates. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Wood, Peter, James Wilson, and David May

2012 A Quantitative Analysis of the Seductions of Crime in a Sample of Criminal Offenders. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

Blevins, Kristie, and David May

2012 Prevalence of Parental Aggression against Teachers in Kentucky Public Schools. Poster presented

at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association (SCJA), Atlantic Beach, FL.

Stubbs, Megan, and David May

2012 Predictors of Adolescent Online Sexual Activity. Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the

Southern Criminal Justice Association, Atlantic Beach, FL.

Wheaton, Angela, Chuck Fields, David May, and Ethan Stokes

2012 Cross-National Comparisons in Capital Punishment for Juveniles. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Atlantic Beach, FL.

McClure, Timothy, & David May

2012 The Effects of Economic, Social, and Human Capital on Corporal Punishment Use in Kentucky Public Schools. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the SCJA, Atlantic Beach, FL.

Sparks, George, David May, and Peter Wood

2012 The Impact of Family on the Perceived Punitiveness of Prison. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Atlantic Beach, FL

May, David, Angie Wheaton, LeeAnn Morrison, and Corrie Rice

2012 School Resource Officers in the United States: Results of a National SRO Forum. Presented at

the Annual Meetings of the International Symposium on Educational Reform, Lexington, KY:


Wheaton, Angie, and David May

2012 School Resource Officers in the United States: A Survey of SRO Training by State. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New York, NY: March.

Milburn, Travis, David May, and Christie Bowles

2011 Military Service in lieu of Imprisonment: Evidence from Inmates’ Experiences. Paper presented

at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C.. November.

Wood, Peter B., David May, and Walter Gove

2011 The Disproportionate Victimization of Whites by Black Offenders: A Closer Examination of

NCVS Robbery Data, 1977-2007. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American

Society of Criminology, Washington D.C. November.


May, David C., Sheila Oakes, and Walter Gove

2011 The Impact of Race Differences in Criminal Victimization on Black and White Experience and

Perception of Crime. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of

Criminology, Washington D.C. November.

Hart, Travis, David C. May, and Peter Wood

2011 Why Do Some Prisoners Prefer Prison Over Probation? The Hazards of Being on Paper. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C.


May, David C., George Higgins, and Corrie Rice

2011 Racial Disparity in Out-of-School Suspensions in Kentucky: Causes, Consequences, and Cures.

Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association in Little Rock


May, David C., Corrie Rice, and Kevin Minor

2011 School Resource Officers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Learning Disabilities on Problem

Behaviors at Schools in Kentucky. Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern

Criminal Justice Association in Nashville, Tennessee.

Triplet, Benica and David C. May

2011 Examining Public Perceptions about the Reasonableness of Warrantless Search. Poster presented

at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association in Nashville, Tennessee.

May, David C., Angela Wheaton, Kristie Blevins, and Justin Turner

2011 School Resource Officers in the United States: A Survey of their Prevalence, Training, and Duties

by State. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association in

Nashville, Tennessee.

Foley, Colby, and David C. May

2011 An Exploratory Analysis of Cyberharassment of K-12 Teachers by Parents in Public School

Settings. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association in

Nashville, Tennessee.

May, David C. and Peter Wood

2011 Perceptions of Punitiveness of Prison and Its Relationship to the Proximity to Family and Friends:

Views of Incarcerated Inmates. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal

Justice Association in Nashville, Tennessee.

Brown, Lindsey, David C. May, and Caroline Reid

2011 Examining Perceptions and Predictors of Crime On- and Off-Campus Among a Random Sample

of University Students. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal

Justice Association in Nashville, Tennessee.

May, David C., Marissa Baumgartner, and Betsy Matthews

2011 The Impact of Family on the Punitiveness of Prison: Voices from the Inside. Paper presented at

the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Toronto, Canada.

Gove, Walter, Peter Wood, and David May

2010 The Disproportionate Victimization of Whites by Black Offenders: A Closer Examination of

NCVS Robbery Data. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of


Clay-Warner, Jody, Jackson Bunch, and David May

2010 Perceived Risk, Fear of Crime, and Psychological and Behavioral Responses. Paper presented at

the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology.

May, David C., Adam Bossler, and Tom Holt

2010 Using Self-Control Theory to Predict Online Interaction with Strangers among Middle and High

School Students. Paper presented at Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Assoc.

Brown, Timequa, David C. May, and Peter B. Wood

2010 Do Inmate Programs Reduce Recidivism? Evidence from Kentucky Prisons. Paper presented at

the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association.

Matthews, Betsy, Marisa Baumgardner, and David C. May

2010 Gender Differences in Cognitive Factors Perceived to Underlie Recidivism and Distance from

Criminal Behavior. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice



May, David C., Brandon Applegate, Alan Forbes, and Peter Wood

2010 Examining the Relationship between the Perceived Severity of Prison and Likelihood of Success

Upon Release. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice

Sciences, San Diego, California.

May, David C., Nicole Rader, & R. Gregory Dunaway

2009 Predicting Adolescent Fear of Crime through the Lens of General Strain Theory. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

May, David C. and Brandon Applegate

2009 The Validity of a Continuum of Sanctions: Inmates’ Perceptions of Relative Sentence Severity.

Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston,

South Carolina.

Wood, Peter and David C. May

2009 The Relevance of a Theory of Sentence Severity for Understanding the Association between

Punishment and Offender Decision-Making. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the

Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

May, David C.

2009 Creating a School-Specific Crisis Response Plan. Paper presented at the Annual Safe Schools,

Successful Students Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

May, David C., Margaret Mahoney, and Peter Wood

2008 The Day Fine: Punitive Yet Cost Efficient. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Saint Louis, Missouri.

Holt, Thomas, David May, and Adam Bossler

2008 Examining On-Line Harassment Among a Population of Juveniles. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Saint Louis, Missouri.

May, David C.

2008 Definitions and Reporting of Law Violations in Response to House Bill 91. Paper presented at the Annual Safe Schools, Successful Students Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

Fogle, John and David C. May

2008 Drug Testing in Public Schools in Kentucky. Paper presented at the Annual Safe Schools, Successful Students Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

Kelley, Erin and David C. May

2008 Examining Disproportionate Minority Contact in a Rural Setting: The Impact of Personalities, Potholes, and Politics on Preventing DMC. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association.

May, David C. and Bonnie Fisher

2008 Constrained Behaviors and Gender among University Students: The Impact of Perceptions of Risk & Fear-Provoking Cues. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Assoc.

May, David C.

2008 Fear of Terrorism in a Rural State: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Implications. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association.

May, David C. and Nicole Rader

2008 The Relationship Between Fear, Victimization, and Delinquency among Serious Juvenile

Offenders: Testing the Shadow of Powerlessness Hypothesis. Paper presented at the Annual

Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Kline, Lena and David C. May

2008 Where Are Your Kids? Revisiting Hirschi's Social Control Theory. Paper presented at the Annual

Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Wood, Peter and David C. May

2007 Lessons Learned from Exchange Rates Theory: Implications for Policy and Research in

Alternative Sanctions. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of

Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia.

May, David C., Nicole Rader, and Sarah Goodrum.

2007 A Gendered Assessment of the "Threat of Victimization;" Considering Fear of Crime, Perceived

Risk, Avoidance, and Defensive Behaviors. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the

American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, Georgia.


Wood, Peter and David C. May

2007 The Positive Punishment Effect and Offender Decision-Making in a Sample of Incarcerated

Offenders. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology,

Atlanta, Georgia.

Schneid, Tom, Michael S. Lacount, David C. May, and Tanya Ritter

2007 Risk Assessment of Safety, Fire, and Emergency Planning Hazards and Issues in American

Schools. Paper presented at the Annual Safe Schools, Successful Students Conference, Louisville.

Browning, Ashley and David C. May

2007 An Empirical Analysis of the Effectiveness of Strain Theory: An Explanation of Delinquency

Among Incarcerated Juveniles. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal

Justice Association, Savannah, Georgia.

Kelley, Erin and David C. May

2007 A Historical Analysis of School Shootings: Have They Really Increased in the Past 40 Years?

Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Savannah,


McClure, Timothy, Nathan C. Lowe, and David C. May

2006 Public Perception of Engagement in Violent Acts: A Random Sample in Kentucky. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA.

Wallace, Lisa Hutchison and David C. May

2006 The Impact of Parental Criminal Victimization of Others and Emotional Abuse on Adolescent

Fear of Crime at School. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of

Criminology, Los Angeles, California.

May, David C., Staci Roberts, and Pamela Wilcox

2006 My School or Our School? The Effects of Individual versus Shared School Experiences on

Teacher Perceptions of Safety. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society

of Criminology, Los Angeles, California.

May, David C. and Daniel Phillips

2006 Theoretical and Contextual Predictors of Perceptions of Criminal Justice Agents Among Juvenile Offenders. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Anthropologists and Sociologists of Kentucky, Danville, Kentucky

Naber, Patricia and David C. May

2006 A Typology of Troublesome Youth Groups in School: Results from a Multi-Site Study. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, SC.

Williams, Alisha, David C. May, and Peter Wood

2006 A Qualitative Analysis of Offender Preferences for Prison over Intermediate Sanctions. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

May, David C., Kevin Minor, Peter Wood, and Amy Eades

2006 Theoretical and Contextual Predictors of Exchange Rates among Kentucky Residents: The Role

of Social Psychological Factors. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

Lowe, Nathan, David C. May, and Preston Elrod

2006 Theoretical Predictors of Delinquency Among Public School Students in Kentucky: The Role of

Context and Gender. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice

Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

May, David C., Erin Harrell, and Peter Wood

2006 Predictors of Exchange Rates Among Kentucky Citizens and Convicts: Who is Less Willing to

Go to Prison? Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice

Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

Cooper, Kelly, Irina Soderstrom, and David C. May

2006 Theoretical and Contextual Predictors of Drug Use Among a Delinquent Population. Paper

presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, South Carolina.


McClure, Timothy E., David C. May, and R. Gregory Dunaway

2006 The Relationship Between Social, Human, and Cultural Capital and Use of Corporal Punishment

in Kentucky Public Schools. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal

Justice Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

Elrod, Preston, David C. May, and Irina Soderstrom

2006 Predicting Students’ Willingness to Report Problem Behaviors to Authority Figures: Results from a Southern Sample of Public School Students. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Bass, Alanna J. and David C. May

2006 Experiences of Kentucky Residents with Intimate Partner Violence, Acquaintance Rape, and Their Ramifications: Demographic and Contextual Predictors. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.

May, David C. and Jacquelyn Sandifer

2006 The Impact of Gender on Perceptions of the Relative Severity of Prison: Why are Females Less Willing to Go to Prison? Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Elrod, Preston, David C. May, and Irina Soderstrom

2006 Theoretical and Contextual Predictors of Perceptions of School Safety Among Small Town and Rural Youths. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland.

David C. May and Sarah Goodrum

2006 Empirical Predictors of Defensive Behaviors: The Impact of Perceived Risk, Victimization

Experience, and Fear of Criminal Victimization. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Baltimore, Maryland.

Elrod, Preston, Irina Soderstrom, and David C. May

2005 Predicting School Victimization in a Rural School District. Paper presented at the Annual

Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Fritz, Timothy, Lisa Hutchison Wallace, David C. May, and Kevin I. Minor

2005 An Examination of School Resource Officers’ Attitudes Regarding Behavioral Issues Among Special Needs Students. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

May, David C., Rick Ruddell, and Peter Wood

2005 Perceptions of Jail Administrators Regarding the Relative Punitiveness of Prison When Compared to Boot Camp and Jail. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

McClure, Timothy and David C. May

2005 Dealing with Misbehavior at Schools in Kentucky: Predictors of the Use of Corporal Punishment. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Moore, Nathan and David C. May

2005 A Comparison of Offenders’, Officers’, and Adjudicators’ Perceptions of the Severity of Alternative Sanctions. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Roberts, Staci, Pamela Wilcox, and David C. May

2005 Demographic and Contextual Predictors of Teacher Fear in Kentucky. Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Roberts, Staci, Pamela Wilcox, and David C. May

2005 Stop Picking on Me! Student Weapon Possession and Experiences with Crime and Bullying Victimization at School. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

May, David C., Staci D. Roberts, and Pamela Wilcox

2005 The Impact of Attachment to Parents and School and Perceptions of School Safety on Fear of Crime at School. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Elrod, Preston, Irina Soderstrom, and David C. May

2005 A Comparison of Theoretical Predictors of In-School and Out-of-School Delinquency: Interactions and Differences. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Springate, Sherri and David C. May

2005 Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System and Its Actors among a Sample of Incarcerated Youth. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Hurtt, Celeste, Betsy A. Matthews, and David C. May

2005 School Start Time and Its Relationship to School Performance and Behavior. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Chicago, Illinois.

Wallace, Lisa and David May

2004 The Impact of Relationship with Parents and Commitment to School on Adolescent Fear of Crime at School. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology Meetings.

Elrod, Preston, Irina Soderstrom, and David C. May

2004 Delinquency In School: A Preliminary Exploration of The Predictors of In-School Delinquency and a Comparison to Predictors of Out-of-School Delinquency. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology Meetings.

Wood, Peter, David C. May, and Kevin Minor

2004 The Effects of Race and Prison Experience on Perceptions of Sanction Severity. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology Meetings.

Wilcox, Pamela, David C. May, and Staci D. Roberts

2004 Student Weapon Possession and “Fear and Loathing”: Unraveling the Temporal Order. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology Meetings.

Davis, Mary, Christopher Hensley, and David C. May

2004 An Examination of Sexual Activity and its Predictors among Female Prison Inmates. Presented

at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Raleigh, North Carolina.

May, David C. and Timothy D. Fritz III

2004 School Resource Officers in Kentucky: Who are they and What Do They Do? Presented

at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Flory, Christopher, David C. May, Peter B. Wood, and Kevin I Minor

2004 A Comparison of Punishment Exchange Rates Among Probationers and Their Supervising Officers in Kentucky. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Raleigh, North Carolina, September.

Dobbins, Alisha and David C. May

2004 The Impact of Perceived Risk, Victimization, Experience, and School Supervision on Fear of Crime and Fear of Bullying at School Among Public School Students in Kentucky. Poster Session at Eastern Kentucky University Undergraduate Poster Competition.

May, David C. and G. Roger Jarjoura

2004 Gun Possession and Use Among Adolescent Offenders: Nonsocial Reinforcement and Perceptions of Risk. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, March.

May, David C., Peter B. Wood, Jennifer L. Mooney, and Kevin I. Minor

2004 The Impact of Demographic and Correctional Experience Indicators on Offenders’ Willingness to Serve Alternative Sanctions. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, March.

May, David C. and Shannon Means.

2003 An Examination of Perceptions and Beliefs Concerning School Safety Among School Principals and School Resource Officers in Kentucky. Roundtable participant at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, Colorado, November.

May, David C. and Peter B. Wood

2003 What Influences Offenders’ Willingness to Serve Alternative Sanctions? Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Nashville, Tennessee, September.


May, David C. and G. Roger Jarjoura

2003 Fear of Criminal Victimization, Perceptions of Risk, Defensive Behaviors, and Violent Delinquency : An Examination of Indirect and Direct Effects. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Nashville, Tennessee, September.

Wood, Peter B. and David C. May

2001 Probationers’ Opinions of Alternative Sanctions: Why Shouldn’t I Go to Prison? Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

May, David C. and Roger J. Jarjoura

2001 Gun Possession Among Adolescent Male Offenders: Where Do They Get Their Guns? Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Louisville, KY, April 7, 2001.

May, David C., Lesa R. Vartanian, and Keri L. Virgo.

2001. The Impact of Parental Attachment and Supervision on Fear of Crime Among Adolescent Males. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Louisville, KY, April 7, 2001.

May, David C. and Peter B. Wood.

2001 Probationers’ Opinions of Alternative Sanctions: Is Prison Really the Most Severe Punishment? Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA, April 6, 2001.

Jarjoura, Roger G. and David C. May

2000 Using Criminological Theories to Explain Violent Forms of Delinquency. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 16, 2000.

Moore, T. Neil and David C. May

2000 A Trend Analysis of the Effectiveness of Community Policing: Results from a Midwestern City. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2000.

May, David C. and R. Gregory Dunaway

2000 Strain and Differential Association: Do They Predict Adolescent Fear of Crime? Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL, October 5, 2000.

May, David C.

2000 Strain, Social Control, Nonsocial Reinforcement, and Social Learning: Do They Predict Adolescent Fear of Crime as Well as Adolescent Delinquency? Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 20, 2000.

May, David C.

2000 Delinquency and Crime in the Schools: How Can We Combat the Violence? Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Indiana Political Science Association, Fort Wayne,IN, Mar. 24, 2000.

May, David C.

1999 Violent, Property, and White-Collar Delinquency: Can One Theory Explain Them All? Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 19, 1999.

May, David C.

1999 Fear of Crime Among Adolescents: Shadow of Sexual Assault or Shadow of Powerlessness? Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL, October 7, 1999.

May, David C.

1999 Race and Gender Differences in Tolerance of Legalization of Mala Prohibita Activities. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Troy, MI, April 16, 1999.

May, David C., Joe D. Nichols, and Patricia R. Eltzroth

1999 Risky Behaviors Among Adolescents in the Midwest: Personal Gratification or Peer Pressure? Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal Canada, April 20, 1999.


May, David C.

1999 Using Technology in the Classroom: Lessons I Learned the Hard Way. Presentation at Scholarship of Teaching Conference, March 26, 1999.

May, David C.

1998 The Effect of Fear of Sexual Victimization on Female Adolescent Fear of Crime. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C., Nov. 13, 1998.

May, David C.

1998 If I Don’t Have a Gun, I Don’t Have a Chance: Deviant Adaptations to Fear of Crime Among Adolescents. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C., November 12, 1998.

May, David C.

1998 Scared Kids, Unattached Kids, or Peer Pressure: Why Do Students Carry Firearms to School? Paper presented at Annual Meetings of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Milwaukee, WI, October 7-9, 1998.

Whitaker, Daniel J., Kim S. Miller, David C. May, and Martin L. Levin

1998 Communication Between Teens and their Partners About Sexual Risk and Teens' Condom Use: The Importance of the Parent-Teen Communication Process. Presented at the 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, June 1998.

May, David C. and Wolfgang Frese

1998 Protective Gun Ownership Among Unmarried Mississippi Residents: The Effect of Fear and Perceived Risk Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the North Central Sociological Association, Cleveland, OH.

May, David C.

1998 Attitudes Toward Legalization of Prostitution: Should We Legitimize the World’s Oldest Profession? Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA.

Vowell, Paul R. and David C. May

1997 A Structural Modeling Approach to Cloward and Ohlin’s Opportunity Theory. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA.

May, David C.

1997 Predictors of Adolescent Fear of Crime. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Cincinnati, OH.

May, David C., Karin A. Mack, Martin L. Levin, and Kim S. Miller

1997 The Relationship Between Adolescent/Parent Communication, and Adolescent Sexual Communication With Dating Partners. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, New Orleans, LA.

May, David C.

1997 Predictors of Adolescent Fear of Crime Among Mississippi Adolescents. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Florence, AL.

May, David C. and Wolfgang Frese

1996 Protective Gun Ownership Among Southern Farmers. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Society, Little Rock, AR.

Vowell, Paul R. and David C. May

1996 An Analysis of the Relationships Between Social Class, Perceived Blocked Opportunities, Gang Membership, and Violent Behavior Among Mississippi High School Students. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Society, Little Rock, AR.

Vowell, Paul R. and David C. May

1996 An Analysis of the Relationship Between Strain, Gang Membership, and Violent Behavior Among Mississippi High School Students. Paper Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Richmond, VA.

May, David C. and R. Gregory Dunaway

1996 The Impact of Crime and Justice Ideology on Gun Ownership: Preliminary Results from the Mississippi Community Crime Survey. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, Richmond, VA.


May, David C.

1995 Fear and Loathing and Social Control: A Critical Test of Theories of Delinquency. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Criminological Society, Boston, MS.

Cosby, Arthur, David C. May, Wolfgang Frese, and R. Gregory Dunaway.

1995 Legalization of Vice in America. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Mobile, AL.

Vowell, Paul R. and David C. May.

1995 An Analysis of the Relationship Between Social Class and Violent Behavior Among Mississippi High School Students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Sociological Association, Mobile, AL.

May, David C. and Wolfgang Frese

1995 An Analysis of Gun Ownership in a Rural Southern State: Protective Gun Ownership in Mississippi. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Washington D.C.

May, David C. and Wolfgang Frese

1995 An Analysis of Reported Protective Gun Ownership Among Unmarried Mississippi Residents. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Association, Atlanta, GA.

May, David C. and Wolfgang Frese

1994 An Analysis of Reported Protective Gun Ownership Among Mississippi Residents. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Sociological Association. Lafayette. LA.

May, David C. and Wolfgang Frese

1994 An Analysis of Reported Protective Gun Ownership Among Mississippi Residents. Presented at the Annual Research Symposium of the Alpha Chapter of AKD, Mississippi State, MS.


August 2012 – Present

Professor (2015)/Associate Professor and Criminology Program Coordinator (2012-2016), Department of Sociology, Mississippi State University.

I am employed as an associate professor and criminology program coordinator. I teach a number of criminology courses and coordinate the undergraduate criminology program.

January 2010 - July 2012

Professor and Kentucky Center for School Safety Research Fellow. Department of Criminal Justice, Eastern Kentucky University.

I was employed as a professor and School Safety Research Fellow and taught a variety of criminal justice courses.

May 2007 – December 2009

Professor and Kentucky Center for School Safety Research Fellow. Department of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management, Eastern Kentucky University.

I was employed as a professor and School Safety Research Fellow. I taught fire science data analysis and a variety of courses related to risk management in school and the workplace.

August 2001- May 2007

Associate Professor and Kentucky Center for School Safety Research Fellow. Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies, Eastern Kentucky University.

I was employed as an associate professor and School Safety Research Fellow in the Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies. I taught a variety of courses related to corrections and school safety.

August 1997- May 2001

Assistant Professor. School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.

I was employed as assistant professor and criminal justice program director in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne. I teach numerous Criminal Justice courses and oversee a number of student internships and independent research efforts of upper-level students majoring in criminal justice.

August 1995 - July 1997

Instructor of Record. Department of Sociology. Mississippi State University.

I was employed as an instructor of record in the Department of Sociology at Mississippi State University. I taught numerous Criminology and Sociology courses during that period.


Mississippi State University (Fall 2012- Present)

Mentoring for At-Risk Juveniles Fa 2015,2016 2017;

Spr 2016, 2017

White Collar Crime Fall 2015

Seminar in Criminology (graduate) Spring 2015

Senior Seminar in Criminology Spring 2014

Fall 2015, 2016, 2017

Policing and Society Spring 2014

Violence in the United States Fall 2013

Juvenile Delinquency Summer 2013 (online)

Criminological Theory Summer 2013

Crime and Justice in America Spring 2013

Community Crime Prevention and Policy Fa 2014/ Sp. 2013

Correctional Systems Fall 2012, 2017

Eastern Kentucky University (Fall 2001- Spring 2012)

Adult Corrections (graduate) Summer 2011 (Online)

Research and Planning for Safety, Security, & Emergency Management (graduate) Summer 2009

Risk Management in the School Setting (graduate) Summer 2007

Developing a Portfolio, Thesis, and Comprehensive Exam (graduate) (Sp. 2004- 2007Online)

Corrections and Society (graduate) Spring 2007

Research in Corrections and Juvenile Justice (graduate) Fall 2004

Analysis of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Data (graduate) Summer 2005

Diversity in Criminal Justice Fall 2011

Foundations of American Policing Sum 2010, 2011 (online),

Spring 2011, 2012

Foundations of Learning Fall 2008

Research for McNair Scholars Spring sem. (2007-2012)


Applied Fire Safety and Analysis Spring 2007-Spring 2010

Fall 2007, 2009 (online)

Introduction to Corrections Fall 2001, Fall 2003

Fall 2006 (online)

Orientation to Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies Fall 2006

Juvenile Justice Summer 2006

Criminal Justice Research Spring 2006, 2007,

Summer 2010 (online)

Criminal Justice Research (Writing Intensive) Summer 2011, Sp. 2012

Transitioning Adolescent Females Through Mentoring Fall 2005, Spring 2006

Delinquency and Crime Prevention Fall 2005

Foundations of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Practice Spring 2005, Sum 2007

School Crime and Violence Spring 2004

Introduction to Criminal Justice Fall 2003, Fall 2010

American Criminal Justice System Fall 2010

Mentoring for At-Risk Youths Fall 2011, Sp. 2011, 2012

Undergraduate Courses at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne

Criminal Justice Policy and Evaluation (graduate) Fall 2000

Evolution of Criminological Thought and Policy (graduate) Spring 2000

Topics in Quantitative Analysis (graduate) Spring 1999

Mentoring for Juveniles Fall 2000, Sp/Sum 2001

Principles of Public Safety Spring 2001, Spring 1999

Corrections in the Community Spring 1999

The American Criminal Justice System Fall 1997-Spring 2001

Criminal Justice Data, Methods, and Resources Spring 1998-2001

Crime and Public Policy Fall 1997-2000

Theoretical Foundations of Criminal Justice Policies Fall 1997-2000, Sum 1999

Introduction to Corrections Summer 2000; Fall 1999


2017 Nominee, SEC Faculty Achievement Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Mississippi State University.

2016 Nominee, Andrew Carnegie Fellowship Recipient, Mississippi State University.

2016 2016 recipient, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Minority Mentor Grant Award

2014 2014 recipient Mississippi State University Department of Sociology Distinguished Faculty Award.

2013 2013 recipient of the Clinton Wallace Dean’s Eminent Scholar Award, Mississippi State University College of Arts and Sciences.

2012 EKU Star- Identified by a graduating senior as a faculty member who was essential to their success.

2012 Nominee, Critical Thinking Teacher of the Year, Eastern Kentucky University

2011 Best paper award (with Scotty Dunlap), Distance Learning Administration Conference.

2011 Nominee, Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching, Eastern Kentucky University.

2011 Department of Criminal Justice, Excellence in Service Faculty Award, Eastern Kentucky


2011 Runner-up (with Nicole Rader and Sarah Goodrum), 2010 James L. Maddex, Jr. Paper of the Year

Award from the Criminal Justice Review, for “A Gendered Assessment of the ‘Threat of Victimization:’ Examining Gender Differences in Fear of Crime, Perceived Risk, Avoidance, and Defensive Behaviors.”

2009 Southern Criminal Justice Association Educator of the Year.

2007 Eastern Kentucky University Alumni Association Award for Teaching Excellence.

2002 Listed in Who’s Who Among American Teachers, 2002.

2000 Awarded Indiana Univ. Purdue University Friends of the University Outstanding Teacher Award.

2000 Awarded Indiana University Purdue University Community Service Council Service to Students Award.

2000 Awarded Teaching Excellence Award, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.

2000 First Place, Professional Division, National Corrections Competition, Lambda Alpha Epsilon National Criminal Justice Fraternity, Indianapolis, IN.

1999 Outstanding Scholar, Professional Division, Region 6, Lambda Alpha Epsilon National Criminal Justice Fraternity, Toledo, OH.

1999 Finalist, Indiana University-Purdue University Community Service Council Service-to-Students Award.

1999 Awarded Teaching Excellence Award, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne.

1998 Awarded Northeast Indiana Chapter of the American Red Cross Rookie Volunteer of the Year.

1998 Awarded Northeast Indiana Chapter of the American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency

1996-97 Outstanding Doctoral Student in the Department of Sociology, Mississippi State University.

1995 Awarded Third Place in the Graduate Student Paper Competition by the American Criminological Society, Boston, MA.

1995 Outstanding Master's Student in the Department of Sociology, Mississippi State University.


Service to the University

2015-Present Alternate, Federal Demonstration Partnership Representative, Mississippi State University.

2015-Present Member, Community Service Committee, Mississippi State University.

2014-Present Member, Center for America’s Veterans Advisory Board, Mississippi State University.

2012-Present Member, Department of Sociology Appeals Committee, Mississippi State University.

2014-2016 Member, University Library Committee, Mississippi State University.

2013-2016 Member, Institutional Review Board, Mississippi State University.

2012-2016 Criminology Program Coordinator, Mississippi State University Department of Sociology.

2015-2016 Chair, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Mississippi State University Department of Sociology.

2012-2015 Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Mississippi State University Department of Sociology.

2013-2015 Member, Graduate Admissions and Support Committee, Department of Sociology, Mississippi State University.

2012-2015 Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Mississippi State University Department of Sociology.

2012-2015 Co-Chair, Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Committee, Mississippi State University Department of Sociology.

2014-2015 Chair, Demography Position Search Committee, Mississippi State University.

2014-2015 Member, Race Position Search Committee, Mississippi State University.

2013 Chair, Criminology Instructor Hiring Committee.

2012-2013 Member, Dean, Arts and Sciences Search Committee, Mississippi State University.

2012-2013 Member, Mississippi State University Department of Sociology 50th Anniversary of Doctoral Program Committee.

2011 - 2012 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate Executive Committee.

2010 – 2012 Faculty Senate Representative, Department of Criminal Justice.

2010 – 2012 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate Rights and Responsibilities Committee.

2011 – 2012 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate Elections Committee.

2010 – 2012 Mentoring Coordinator Advisory Board, Eastern Kentucky University.

2009- 2012 Faculty Advisor (with Betsy Matthews), Lambda Alpha Epsilion, Criminal Justice Fraternity.

2009 – 2012 Chair, Eastern Kentucky University Bookstore Advisory Committee.

2006- 2012 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Library Committee

2005- 2012 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Student Disciplinary Council

2005- 2012 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Academic Integrity Policy Committee.

2004- 2012 Arbitrator, Eastern Kentucky University.

2011- 2012 Alternate, Eastern Kentucky University Promotion and Tenure Committee

2011- 2012 Member, EKU College of Justice and Safety Administrative Committee.

2011 - 2012 Chair, Department of Criminal Justice Faculty Awards Committee

2011- 2012 Chair, Assistant Professor in Criminal Justice Search Committee.

2011- 2012 EKU Criminal Justice Department Curriculum Committee.

2011- 2012 EKU Criminal Justice Department Academic Practices Committee.

2009 - 2011 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Institutional Review Board.

2007- 2010 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum Advisory Board.

2010-2011 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Criminal Justice Department Assessment Committee.

2009-2010 Chair, Eastern Kentucky University Mentoring Coordinator Steering Committee.

2007- 2009 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Service Learning Committee.

2003-2009 Faculty Mentor, McNair Scholars Program (5 students).

2007- 2009 Faculty Senate Representative, Department of Safety, Security, and Emergency Management.

2007- 2009 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Undergraduate Advisory Committee.

2007- 2009 Member, Eastern Kentucky University First Year Instruction Team.

2006- 2008 Chair, Eastern Kentucky University Graduate Council (1-year term renewed in Fall 2007).

2005- 2008 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Research Committee.

2005- 2008 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate Elections Committee.

2006- 2007 Vice-Chair, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate (1-year term beginning in Fall 2006).

2005- 2007 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate Budget Committee.


2004- 2007 Faculty Mentor, Eastern Kentucky University First-Year Student Program.

2004-2007 Faculty Senate Representative, Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies.

2003- 2007 Coordinator, Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies Graduate Program, Eastern Kentucky University.

2003- 2007 Chair, Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies Graduate Committee, Eastern

Kentucky University.

2006- 2007 Member, College of Justice and Safety Academic Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2006- 2007 Member, College of Justice and Safety Academic Integrity Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2006- 2007 Member, College of Justice and Safety Grievance Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2006- 2007 Member, College of Justice and Safety Institutional Review Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2006- 2007 Member, College of Justice and Safety Research Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2006- 2007 Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies Academic Practices Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2006-2007 Faculty Advisor (with Lisa Wallace), Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Student Association.

2003-2005 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Academic Honesty, Eastern Kentucky University.

2003-2005 Member, College of Justice and Safety Strategic Planning Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2003-2006 Member, College of Justice and Safety Scholarship Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2005- 2006 Member, Eastern Kentucky University Graduate Council (3-year term beginning in Fall 2005).

2005-2006 Chair, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Senate Membership.

2005-2006 Member, Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies Merit Committee, EKU.

2005-2006 Member, College of Justice and Safety Grievance Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2005-2006 Member, College of Justice and Safety Technical Assistance Committee, Eastern Kentucky


2005 Chair, Eastern Kentucky University Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Membership.

2005 Facilitator, Face to Face with Ethics Conference, Eastern Kentucky University.

2005 Interview Panel Member for Department of Loss Prevention and Safety

Administrative Assistant Search.

2004-2005 Chair, College of Justice and Safety Research Committee.

2003-2004 Member, College of Justice and Safety Human Subjects Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2003-2004 Member, College of Justice and Safety Academic Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2003-2004 Member, Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies Web Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2001-2002 Web Page Faculty Consultant, Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies, Eastern Kentucky University.

2001-02 Member, College of Justice and Safety Research Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2001-02 Member, College of Justice and Safety Web Pages and Marketing Committee, Eastern Kentucky University.

2001-02 Member, Departmental Assessment and Program Review Committee, Department of Correctional and Juvenile Justice Studies, Eastern Kentucky University.

1999-2001 Criminal Justice Program Coordinator, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne.

2000-2001 Chair, Criminal Justice Policing Position Search Committee, Division of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne.

2000- 2001 Member, Indiana University Purdue University, Distance Education Task Force.

1999-2001 Member, Indiana University- Purdue University Fort Wayne Diversity Council.

1999-2001 Member, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Academic Computing and Information Technology Advisory Subcommittee.

1999-2001 Member, Indiana University- Purdue University Fort Wayne Distance Education Committee.

2000-2001 Chair, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Library Subcommittee.


2000-2001 Member, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Academic Appeals Subcommittee.

2000-2001 Member, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Subcommittee on Athletics.

2000-2001 Member, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor Committee.

1998-2001 Academic Advisor for Alpha Omega Psi chapter of Lambda Alpha Epsilon (National Fraternity for Criminal Justice Students and Professionals) at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne.

1998-2001 Member, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Division of Public and Environmental Affairs Standards Review Committee.

1998-2001 Mentor in the Faculty-Student Mentor Program at Indiana Univ. Purdue University Fort Wayne.

1997-2001 Academic Advisor for Gamma Gamma chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma (National Honor Society for Criminal Justice Students) at Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne.

1997-2001 Chair, Criminal Justice Program Committee, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne Division of Public and Environmental Affairs.

1999-2000 Member, School of Public and Environmental Affairs System-Wide Criminal Justice Undergraduate Curriculum Review Committee.

1999-2000 Member, School of Public and Environmental Affairs System-wide Graduate Policy Committee.

Service to the Profession

2016-Present Chair, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Corrections Section.

2016-Present Member, Editorial Board, Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Resaerch

2012-Present Member, Editorial Board, Sociological Inquiry

2011-Present Member, Editorial Board, Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice.

2011-Present Member, Editorial Board, Prism: A Journal of Regional Engagement.

2009- Present Program Reviewer, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

2009- Present Member, Editorial Board, American Journal of Criminal Justice

2014-2016 Vice-Chair, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Corrections Section.

2014-15 Program Chair, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

2014 Ad hoc external reviewer for grant proposal submitted to National Science Foundation’s Law and

Social Science program.

2014 External Reviewer for 1 promotion and tenure case.

2014 Presider, Crime and Community session. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological

Society, Charlotte, NC.

2013- 14 Immediate Past President, Southern Criminal Justice Association.

2013 External Reviewer for 3 promotion and tenure cases

2013 Chair, Race, Reentry, and Criminal Justice. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal

Justice Association, Virginia Beach, VA.

2013 -2014 Deputy Program Chair, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

2011-2013 Executive Counselor, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Corrections Section.

2012-2013 President, Southern Criminal Justice Association.

2012-2013 Member, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Nominations and Elections Committee.

2012-2013 Member, American Society of Criminology Corrections Sections Student Paper Award Committee.

2012-2013 Program Organizer, Weapons Section, for the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting.

2012 Chair, Juvenile Justice Practices across Nations-States. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL.

2012 External reviewer for 3 promotion and tenure cases

2011-2012 First Vice-President and Program Chair, Southern Criminal Justice Association.

2011-2012 Program Organizer, Police Behavior and Decision Making Section, for the Academy of Criminal

Justice Sciences Annual Meeting.

2011-2012 Program Organizer, Other Policing Issues, for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Annual Meeting.

2011 Interim Secretariat, Southern Criminal Justice Association.

2011 Chair, Issues in Public Security. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology

in Washington D.C.

Service to the Profession

2011 Chair, Media Discourses of Offending. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of

Criminology in Washington D.C.

2011 Chair, The Impact of Gender and Race as Master Statuses in Social Settings. At the Annual

Meetings of the Mid-South Sociological Association in Little Rock Arkansas.

2011 Chair, Issues in Reentry. At the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Toronto, Canada.

2011 Chair, American Journal of Criminal Justice Editor Search Committee

2010-2011 Second Vice-President, Southern Criminal Justice Association.

2010 Chair, New Perspectives on Reentry. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Diego, CA.

2009- 2010 Member, American Society of Criminology Hindelang Book Award Committee.

2009 Reviewer, United States Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Grant Proposal.

2009 Chair, Issues in Crime Using Strain Theory. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

2008 Reviewer for United States Bureau of Justice Grant Proposal.

2005- 2008 Executive Secretariat, Southern Criminal Justice Association.

2008 Chair, Perceptions, Predictors, and Outcomes of Community-Based Sentencing. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Saint Louis, Missouri.

2008 Chair, Routine Activities and Offenders. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Saint Louis, Missouri.

2008 Chair, Probation to Reentry for Juveniles: Examining the Spectrum. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Saint Louis, Missouri.

2008 Chair, Resistance, Fear, and Protection: Responses to Victimization. At the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Cincinnati, Ohio.

2008 Chair, Campus Crime. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association.

2008 Chair, Sex, Drugs, and Violence. At the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Cincinnati, Ohio.

2007 Chair, Crime Theories. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Savannah, Georgia.

2004-2007 Faculty Mentor, American Society of Criminology Minority Scholars/Mentors Research Grant Program- Alisha Dobbins, Student.

2006 Chair, Schools and Crime: Research on New Populations and Policies. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California.

2006 Chair, Fear of Crime among Gender and Age Groups. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, California.

2006 Chair, Imprisonment, Alternatives, and Policy-making. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

2005 Chair, Examining Variations in the Perceived Severity of Criminal Sanctions. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

2005 Presenter, Successful Strategies to Reduce Suspensions and Increase Student Success. At the 11th Annual Safe Schools, Successful Students Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, September 2005.

2005 Presenter, What Does Persistently Dangerous Schools In Kentucky Mean? At the 11th Annual Safe Schools, Successful Students Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, September 2005.

2005 Presenter, Persistently Dangerous Schools. At the 4th Annual Educating Kentucky’s At Risk Kids in Alternative Settings Conference, Richmond, Kentucky.

2005 Presider/Discussant, Explanations of Delinquency. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina.

2005 Organizer and Presider/Discussant, Children, Adolescents, and Parenting. At the Annual

Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Charlotte, North Carolina. 2005

2005 Presenter, Defining and Understanding No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Requirements in Relation to School Safety and Reporting Accurate Safe Schools Data. Presentation given in collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Education to Safe Schools Personnel in Hopkinsville, KY.

2005 Presenter, Defining and Understanding No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Requirements in Relation to School Safety and Reporting Accurate Safe Schools Data. Presentation given in collaboration with the Kentucky Department of Education to Safe Schools Personnel in Lexington, KY.

Service to the Profession

2004 Chair, Fear of Crime and Punitiveness. At the Annual Meetings of the American Society of Criminology, Nashville, Tennessee.

2004 Presenter, Safe School Data Reporting and Kentucky’s Definition of a Persistently Dangerous School. At the Annual “Safe Schools- Successful Students” Conference, Louisville, KY.

2004 Chair/Discussant, Chasing Shadows: Confronting What We Know And Don’t Know About Women Offenders. At the Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association, Raleigh, North Carolina.

2004 Member, American Society of Criminology Student Awards Committee.

2004 Presenter, What is a Persistently Dangerous School?. At the Annual Kentucky Safe Schools and Communities Conference, Bardstown, KY.

2004 Chair and Presenter, Reducing Suspension Rates in Kentucky Schools. At the Annual Truancy/Dropout Symposium, Sponsored by Kentucky Center for School Safety, Louisville, KY.

2004 Moderator/Facilitator, Intervention Strategies for At-Risk Youth. At the Annual Truancy/Dropout Symposium, Sponsored by the Kentucky Center for School Safety, Louisville, KY.

2004 Reviewed chapters 1-3 of Introduction to Criminal Justice, by Karen Hess, Wadsworth

2004 Chair, Social Learning, Social Control, and Social Support Issues. At the Annual Meetings of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in Las Vegas, NV.

2003 Chair, Fear of Crime, Perceptions of Crime Risk, and Campus Crime Prevention. At the

Annual Meetings of the Southern Criminal Justice Association in Nashville, TN.

2001 Reviewer, Journal of Juvenile Justice and Detention Services.

2001 Facilitator, Understanding Students with Disabilities: What the Law Requires. Annual School Resource Officer Conference, Eastern Kentucky University.

2001 Facilitator, Special Tactics for School Resource Officers. Annual SRO Conference, EKU.

2000 Chair, Drugs & Violent Crimes. Meetings of Midwestern Criminal Justice Assoc., Chicago.

2000 Organizer and Roundtable Chair, Collaboration Between Criminal Justice Agencies: A View from the Field. Annual Meetings of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL.

2000 Chair and Discussant, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor Symposium, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne, April 18.

2000 Session Organizer, Policy Issues in Secondary Education. Annual Meetings of the Indiana Political Science Association, Fort Wayne, IN.

1999 Session Chair and Discussant, “Perspectives on Youth Victimization and Intervention.” Annual Meetings of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL.

1999 Session Chair and Discussant, “Teaching with Technology.” Scholarship of Teaching Conference, Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne, IN.

1998 Reviewed chapters 1-10 of Crime and Criminology (9th ed), by Sue Titus Reid, McGraw Hill.

1998 Session Chair and Discussant, “Drugs and Social Impacts.” Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA.

1997 Session Discussant “Correctional Issues in the 90's.” Annual Meetings of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Cincinnati, OH.

1997 Session Organizer and Chair "Crime and Delinquency." Annual Meetings of the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Florence, AL.

1996 Discussant, "Undergraduate Session: Crime and Delinquency." Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society, Richmond VA.

1996 Presider, Issues in Juvenile Delinquency. Annual Meetings of the Southern Sociological Society.

1996 Session Organizer and Chair "Crime and Deviance." Annual Meetings of the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Jackson, MS.

1996 Session Organizer and Chair "Undergraduate Session on Deviant Behavior." Annual Meeting of Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association. Jackson, MS.

1994 Session Moderator "Families, Values, Judges, Environment, and Community Development". Annual Meeting of Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Mississippi State, MS.

2007 to Present Have served as a reviewer for over 30 academic journals

Service to the Community

2016-Present Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 14, First Presbyterian Church, Starkville, Mississippi.

2013-2015 Scoutmaster, Troop 14, First Presbyterian Church, Starkville, Mississippi.

2012-2013 Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 14, First Presbyterian Church, Starkville, Mississippi.

2009-2012 Chair, Madison County Delinquency Prevention County.

2009- 2012 Member, Madison County Alcohol and Substance Abuse Policy Board.

2009-2012 Secretary, City of Richmond Teen Center Blue Ribbon Commission.

2010-2012 Author and Crisis Response Committee Member, Clark Moores Middle School Crisis Management Plan

2009-2012 Author and Crisis Response Committee Member, Madison Middle Crisis Management Plan.

2008-2012 Author and Crisis Response Committee Member, Kit Carson Elementary Crisis Management Plan.

2006-2012 Cub Scout Cubmaster, Pack 20, Kit Carson Elementary, Richmond, KY.

2004-2012 CPR and First Aid Instructor, American Red Cross, Daniel Boone Chapter, Richmond, KY.

2008 Research Coordinator, Kentucky Statistical Analysis Center.

2008- 2009 Vice-Chair, Madison County Delinquency Prevention Council.

2006- 2008 Secretary, Madison County Delinquency Prevention Council.

1998-2005 Indiana Air National Guard Security Forces Officer, Fort Wayne Air National Guard Base, Fort Wayne, IN.

2005 Advisor, Pulaski County Public Schools Assisting with Evaluation Portion of Proposal to U.S. Department of Education Safe and Drug Free Schools Drug Testing Grant.

2005 Member, Madison County School Board Strategic Planning Committee, Richmond, KY.

2004 Advisor, Fayette County Public Schools Assisting with Evaluation Portion of a Mentoring Evaluation Project Proposal to U.S. Department of Education.

1999-2000 Member, Allen County Criminal Justice Task Force.

1997-2001 Volunteer speaker for Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne Speaker’s Bureau.

2000 Citizen Representative on Structured Oral Interview Board, Fort Wayne Police Department, June.

2000 Moderator, “Community Relations and the Police.” Study Circles on Race Conference, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne.

1998 Moderator, “Skateboarding in Downtown Fort Wayne.” Public Forum sponsored by Fort Wayne City Council, Fort Wayne, IN.

1998 Moderator, “Affirmative Action Debate.” Debate Occurring as Part of Diversity Week, Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne.


American Correctional Association American Society of Criminology

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Mid-South Sociological Society

Southern Criminal Justice Association Southern Sociological Society


Dissertations Jeannice Louine (chair), Kristen Stives (chair), Megan Stubbs-Richardson (chair),

Maria Trinh, Makeela Wells

Theses Morgan Colley, Sierra Nelson, Mykle Warren


2015 Amanda Cook, Mississippi State University

2011 Billy Henson, University of Cincinnati

2009 Ryan Randa, University of Cincinnati

2001 Robert Girod, Union Institute.


2016 Timothy McClure, Mississippi State University (Dissertation)

2015 Kristen Stives, Mississippi State University (Thesis)

2012 Travis Milburn, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2010 Dustin Heiser, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2010 Kevin Nunn, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2008 Erin Kelley, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2008 Brandon Sobaski, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2007 Jennifer Hopkins, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2007 Nathan Moore, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2007 Patricia Naber, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2006 Timothy McClure, Eastern Kentucky University (Thesis)

2001 Rhonda Langford, University of Dayton. (Thesis)


R. Gregory Dunaway

University of West Virginia

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Morgantown, WV 26506

(304) 293-4611;

Vic Kappeler

Eastern Kentucky University

Dean, College of Justice and Safety

521 Lancaster Avenue, Stratton 467

Richmond, KY 40475

(859) 622-1978;

Brian Payne

Old Dominion University

Vice Provost for Undergraduate and Graduate Programs

Academic Affairs – Koch Hall; Norfolk, VA 23529



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