WVDE Access E-Mail http://access.k12.wv.us:1081

[Pages:13]WVDE Access E-Mail

*TAB >> Then type in your password.

*Type in your whole email address.*

This is your HOME/INBOX page.

I have a new message!

Trash can

Address book

Get NEW Mail/Refresh

Write a NEW Email to someone

Help option

Log Out of program

Type your email here.

Enter email of person who you want to email.

Enter a subject of what email is concerning

Click Cancel to quit or SEND to Email

Address Tab New person

New Window will pop-up! Enter their information and click OK

To: (person you are emailing) Cc: (carbon-copy, send also too....) Bcc: (blind carbon-copy, send to ..... but no one else knows)

You can check in the boxes who you would like the email to go to. Then click COMPOSE and it will place the emails in for you.

Options Tab Personal Information Password reset Settings Appearance Vacation Message

Log Out


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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