

Wiley Magnet Middle School

1400 Northwest Boulevard

Winston-Salem, NC 27104

Phone: 727-2378 Fax: 727-8412


Twitter: @WileyMS

Facebook: Wiley Magnet Middle School PTA

Principal: Mrs. Lisa Bodenheimer

Assistant Principals: Mrs. Ashley Goodlett and Mr. Chris Holbrook


Student Planner

Student Name: ____________________________________ Grade: __________

Homeroom Teacher Name: __________________________________________

2019-2020 Class Schedule

Team Name: ___________________________

|Period |Time |Class Name |Teacher |Room Number |

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|Important People to Know at Wiley |

|My Principal is Mrs. Bodenheimer |

|My Assistant Principal is: ______________________________________ |

|My School Resource Officer is: Officer Tolliver |

|My Counselor is: _____________________________________________ |

|My Guidance Clerk is Ms. Morton. She is who I see if I take medication at school. |

|My Data Manager is Ms. Dones. She is who I see if I need to update my address or attendance. |

|My Main Office Receptionist is Ms. Squire. She is who I see when I visit the main office. |

|My Financial Secretary is Mrs. Barnhill. She is who I see for anything related to money. |

|My Parent Engagement Coordinator is Mrs. Niten. She helps connect my family and my school. |

|My Media Coordinator is Ms. Lyons. My Media Assistant is: ____________________________________. |

|My Nurse is: Nurse McInnes |


Welcome to Wiley Magnet Middle School! At Wiley, we believe in creating authentic, engaging learning experiences that allow students to thrive in their pursuit of knowledge. Middle school is a time of important transition for students. The teachers and staff members will instill in them the excellence and compassion necessary to grow as leaders in the 21st century through academics, social/emotional interactions and extracurricular activities. The 2019-2020 school year promises to be a positive one. We are glad you are at Wiley and appreciate the tremendous gifts and talents each of you bring to our classrooms and school.

Each Sunday evening, we send out Weekly Announcements. Be sure you receive them by updating your phone and email address. This is an easy way to keep updated on what is going on at Wiley. The school webpage also provides important information for students and parents.

It is an honor to serve as your principal at Wiley Magnet Middle School. The administrative team, faculty, and staff of Wiley Magnet Middle School look forward to working in partnership with you this year. We welcome feedback and input as we seek to improve our school for the benefit of students, staff, families and our community.

Mrs. Lisa Bodenheimer



Mission:  Wiley Magnet Middle School will inspire student to become responsible leaders through hands-on experiences, rigorous quality work, character and self-reflection.

Vision: “Get WIRED”: Wiley students are Innovative, Responsible, Engaged and Driven for success.

Wiley Magnet Middle School focuses on the unique needs of adolescents so that they develop abilities required to become globally and culturally responsive citizens in the 21st century. In a safe, caring and respectful climate, our students, teachers, parents, and community will work together to instill a lifetime passion for learning. We recognize the importance of addressing the social and emotional needs of students to support their academic success.

NO STUDENT FEES for 2019-2020

Optional School Insurance Price varies

Replacement Student Planner $5.00

Replacement Lock $5.00


Main Office/Guidance 336-727-2378

Wiley Fax 336-727-8412

Cafeteria 336-703-4130

Wiley Family Organization

The Wiley Family Organization is an active and vital group in our school community. News bulletins will be sent home periodically throughout the school year to keep you informed about how you can be involved as a parent volunteer. There is no membership fee. ALL of our parents and families are invited to be a part of this group. Working together, we can make a difference for every student at Wiley. The President for 2019-2020 is Sloan Wilson.

TITLE 1 Family Engagement Opportunities

It is important that our families are engaged with the school to support our students’ success. You can be involved by attending conferences and the quarterly education sessions. Volunteer, even if it is only for a few minutes, we always need help. Join a parent committee. Use Parent Portal to check your student’s grades.

Each student and their parent are also asked to complete the annual compact. This agreement outlines the roles and commitments we make to help ensure every student is successful at Wiley.

A copy of each grades compact is included in the handbook for your easy reference.


Student Services, located in the main office, is open daily from 7:25 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Pritchard will work with 7th grade and the Navigators Team. Mr. Jessup will work with 6th grade and the Conductors Team. Counselors work with all students on academic, career, and personal/social development in a confidential setting. To request to see your counselor, students should stop by Student Services before the morning tardy bell rings to schedule an appointment. Counselors also see students upon request from teachers, parents, or administrators. All students must have a signed agenda book, or a hall pass to come to Student Services.


The school nurse, Ms. McInnes, is at Wiley two days per week. She reviews immunization records, sees students with health concerns, and conducts routine health screenings. Contact Student Services to request an appointment with the nurse.



The WS/FCS Board of Education discourages the use and administration of medication at school but recognizes that it is sometimes necessary for the health of the child. Medication that can be given outside regular school hours is encouraged if it does not adversely affect the health of the child. Reasonable efforts should be made by the parent/guardian to obtain physician permission to adjust the prescription dosage so it can be administered at home.

Medicine cannot be administered by school staff without the written authorization of the student’s parent or guardian and a doctor. If medication is to be administered during school hours, the student or parent/guardian should take it directly to the main office.


The school cafeteria is a vital part of the school program. To encourage good nutrition, the cafeteria offers recipes that taste great and are lower in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Provided meals include whole grains, vegetables, salads, and fresh fruit. A convenient bag breakfast is offered each morning. Wiley students will benefit from the Community Eligibility Program, allowing all students to eat breakfast and lunch at no charge.

Students are responsible for keeping their dining area clean. Tables should be free of food and trays, eating utensils, and trash. Discarded items are to be returned to the dishwashing area. Students will remain in assigned areas until directed to leave by supervising teacher. Failure to maintain a clean and orderly cafeteria may result in lunch detail and/or other related school interventions/discipline. Student volunteers from each class will assist with cleaning the tables and sweeping after lunch each day.


The grading scale below is used in WSFCS:

Letter GPA Numeric Achievement

A 4 pts 100-90 Superior

B 3 pts 89-80 Good

C 2 pts 79-70 Satisfactory

D 1 pt 69-60 Minimal

F 0 pt 59-0 Insufficient


Students will receive report cards every nine weeks. Students will carry report cards home for each grading period except the final period which is mailed home after school is out for the year. Parents are asked to affix two stamps on the 3rd quarter report card envelope.

A printed interim progress report will be issued at the mid-point of each grading period for all students. Parents also have access to the Power School Parent Portal so that they can monitor the academic progress of their child throughout the year. To obtain access to Power School, please contact Ms. Dones, Data Manager, in the Main Office.


Parents and/or guardians are encouraged to contact the team teachers to request a conference with their student’s teacher(s). Teachers are available during their planning to meet with parents.


Students can earn A-Honor Roll recognition by having an A in every class during a marking period. Students can earn A-B Honor Roll recognition by having all As and Bs in every class during a marking period. Middle School Honor Roll is for students who earn a 3.0 GPA but with no D or F. National Junior Honor Society requires a cumulative GPA of 3.5 to be eligible to apply for membership in the 7th or 8th grade.


Homework is an integral part of the learning experience. Your child’s teachers and team will determine the amount and types of assignments. Our philosophy focuses on quality instead of quantity.

A parent may call the main office to request homework for a student absent two or more days. Assignments will be ready in the main office after 2:00 p.m. on the date following the request.

If homework is needed for a single day absence, a student may want to contact a friend to bring his/her assignments home from school. Teachers will be utilizing PowerSchool Learning this year, an online tool for access to homework and other class resources.


Teachers conduct tutoring sessions after school. After-school transportation is provided to specified neighborhood locations. Drop off locations are posted in the student handbook. Parents should make sure that one of the listed stops is close to their house. If not, parents should pick their child up from that stop or pick them up following the after-school activity.


The Media Center is open for students from 7:35 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. daily. Between 7:35 a.m. to 7:55 a.m. students may go to the Media Center using a written pass from their homeroom teacher. Each individual student must have a pass. Students may check out a book, magazine, or use a computer. Students must return to homeroom when the homeroom bell rings. If a student wishes to stay after hours, they must receive permission from Mrs. Lyons 24 hours in advance. Students who sign up to stay afterschool in the Media Center are under the supervision of the Media Coordinator and may not go elsewhere in the building unless they have permission. The Media Center is a shared facility for the whole school and includes online, print, and audiovisual resources for students, teachers, and parents. Classes, small groups, and individuals come to the Media Center to complete research projects in all subjects, to check out reading material, and to meet, perform, and practice for activities. Students may check out as many materials as they can handle, but students may not check out new items if any items from Wiley are overdue. Students may return any item checked out from another WS/FC school library or pay for any fine generated at another WS/FC school at the Wiley Media Center.


Students are expected to cite all sources used for research. Students may not copy another person’s work and claim it as their own; this includes cutting and pasting written text from online sources, copying and retyping written text from a print source, and the use of pictures from online sources.


Telephones are available in the classrooms for emergencies. During the school day, students may use the telephone in their classroom with the permission of their teacher. These calls will be limited to school matters or to report an illness. Social calls are not allowed.


Cell phone and other electronic guidelines at Wiley Magnet are as follows:

• Phones should be turned off upon arrival to school and secured in a locker during the instructional day.

• Students may have electronic devices in class for a Bring Your Own Device activity (BYOD). The phone will be taken by the teacher and a phone call home to inform the parent if there is misuse during BYOD activities.

Parents and students should not call or text each other during school hours. Please direct any communication through the main office.

Violation of cell phone/electronic device guidelines: 1st offense-The device will be confiscated, secured in the office and the student can get it back at the end of the day. A 2nd offense will result in a confiscation and the parent/guardian must come to school to retrieve the phone or device. Repeat offenses may result in additional school discipline.


WS/FCS and Wiley Magnet Middle School supports Mobile Learning Communities (MLCs). Students are entering a world and a workforce that is mobile. They need the skills necessary to live and thrive in this environment. In order to adequately prepare them teachers must change the way they teach; utilizing collaboration and creative critical thinking. MLCs is the initiative to change teaching and learning with technology in WS/FCS. MLCs will provide students and staff the ability to connect to district-provided Internet access and an array of technology resources to promote educational achievement and mastery, with their personal device.

Mobile Learning Communities Rules

* Students and staff using a personally owned device using a wireless connection are required to connect to the WSFCS_Public network.

* Information may not be posted if it: violates the privacy of others, jeopardizes the health and safety of students, is obscene or libelous, causes disruption of school activities, plagiarizes the work of others, is a commercial advertisement, or is not approved by the principal.

* Users will not change or delete files belonging to others.

* Students are not to reveal personal information (last name, home address, phone number) in correspondence with unknown parties.

* Users are responsible for reporting any inappropriate material they receive.

* Users are prohibited from accessing portion of the Internet that is inconsistent with the educational mission of WS/FCS.

* Students are prohibited from downloading illegal material, or inappropriate content as defined by current version of AR 6161.1 on WS/FCS computers or personal devices connected to the WS/FCS network.

* Parents and students must sign the Responsible Use Agreement form before students may use their personal devices.

More information can be found at


No lock fee is charged at the beginning of the year. All students will be assigned a locker and issued a lock by their homeroom teacher. Locker breaks will be determined by core teachers. Students are required to use the lock and locker assigned by the teacher. Students are NOT allowed to use a personal lock. A $5.00 fee will be charged for a lost lock and the homeroom teacher will charge appropriate fines for locker damages.

Any personal property placed in the locker is the responsibility of the student, not the school. Lockers should always be secured. Any item stolen or removed from the locker should be reported to an administrator immediately. STUDENTS: DO NOT GIVE YOUR LOCKER COMBINATION TO ANYONE. Please note that lockers are school system property; therefore, periodic locker checks will be conducted during the school year for lost library books, textbooks, maintenance of lockers, and any materials considered a hazard on campus. An administrator reserves the right to open and search any locker at any time.


Band instruments and other items issued to students by the school becomes the responsibility of the student. The school will not accept responsibility of replacing or reimbursing lost or stolen items.



The instructional day is from 7:55 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.


Arrival Time – Students may arrive to school up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the instructional day. Students who arrive to school prior to 7:25 a.m. will not have access into the building. They will be asked to wait on the front steps of the school.

Departure Time – Students are expected to vacate the school building at the end of the instructional day unless they are participating in a school-sponsored activity.

If the parent fails to pick up the child within 30 minutes of dismissal, the parent shall be charged a childcare fee of $10.00. Wiley Magnet Middle School will follow the policy and assess the fee.


The parent or guardian should sign the student in at the main office. Appropriate parent and/or doctor’s note is needed to sign a student into school, or it will be considered unexcused.


The parent or guardian should go to the main office to sign out their child. The receptionist will call the student from class. Students will not be called prior to the parent’s arrival to wait. A driver’s license is required to sign a student out. Only adults indicated on the student’s emergency contact list will be allowed to sign them out from school.


Students must arrive on time for each class. The following disciplinary action will be taken for excessive tardiness during each quarter:

1st offense Warning by the teacher

2nd offense Parent contact by phone or e-mail

3rd offense Period Time Out and parent contact

4th offense 1 Day of In-School Suspension (ISS)

5th offense 2 Days of ISS


The primary responsibility for school attendance lies with parents, guardians, and students. While school officials, parents, guardians, and students have their individual responsibilities regarding school attendance, it is the cooperative effort that will have the greatest effect on fostering consistent school attendance.

It is the responsibility of ALL students to make up their work when they are absent!

Students must be in regular attendance to do their best work in school. When it is necessary for students to miss school, parents should send a note to the homeroom teacher with the following information:

1. Date(s) of the Absence

2. Reason for the Absence

3. Signature of the Parent or Guardian

Definition of an Excused Absence:

a) Death in the immediate family (3-5 days)

b) Court or administrative proceeding

c) Current doctor’s note

d) Parent’s note for sickness/illness

e) Suspension from school

f) Approved educational opportunity


If a student will be absent and the parent would like to request it be excused as an educational opportunity, request a form from the main office. The form should be submitted, filled out completely at least two weeks in advance of the absence, to be reviewed and approved. Upon return, failure to complete the required tasks will result in the absence being coded as unexcused. Only one excused educational opportunity will be granted each year.


In order to provide bus transportation, an accurate address must be on file for the student. If you need to make a change, contact the data manager, Ms.Dones or the assistant principal who is responsible for buses, Mr. Holbrook. Requests may take several days to process.


To ride a bus other than the one regularly assigned, students must turn in a note to the office during homeroom time for approval. The note should be signed by the parent and include the parent’s current phone number, the bus number, the bus stop, the name of the student with whom you will be riding, and the current phone number of the parent of the student you will be visiting.


The activity bus runs each Tuesday through Thursday. Pre-arranged stops are posted on the school website and can also be found on page 13 of this handbook. Parents should examine the stops to see if there is one close to their current address. Parents should make arrangements to pick up their child at the posted stop near their home if it is too far to walk.


Student Council

The Wiley Student Council will serve as a liaison between the student body and the administrative team. They will provide input into decisions related to student incentives, school activities and other matters that impact students. Students will work with a faculty advisor throughout the year. Most meetings will take place during our Friday Club Days, but there may some afterschool work as well. Students can apply to be on the Student Advisory Team each spring. Applications will be available in the main office and must be filled out completely to be considered.


Extracurricular activities provide an opportunity for many students to develop their minds, leadership skills, and talents. They also provide an opportunity to help others through service to the school and community. Participation is available on a fair and equitable basis to all students with the understanding that not all students will be elected to school government, accepted into service clubs, or selected for cheerleading squads, or interscholastic athletic teams. See the Wiley Magnet Middle School website for more information regarding extracurricular clubs. We are seeking new ideas for clubs around student interests. Students are encouraged to share their ideas with a teacher or administrator.


Field trips are taken throughout the year. Teachers will send home information about field trips in advance. Certain fees are charged to cover the costs of transportation and admission. While on field trips, students are expected to follow the same code of conduct as they do on campus during the regular school day. Parents are expected to pick up their child from school when field trips are scheduled to return after 2:45 p.m.


An intramural athletic program will be offered for students in conjunction with the physical education program. A calendar of specific events will be given to students monthly. An intramural parental permission form must be on file before a student may participate. Activity buses will be available to transport students home after extracurricular activities; stops are listed on page 13 of this handbook and are also posted on the school website. Activity buses depart from school at approximately 4:15 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday.

Students assigned to in-school suspension or suspended out-of-school will NOT be allowed to participate in after-school intramurals during suspension. Students who do not participate in after-school activities may not ride the 4:15 p.m. bus.


Students may participate in the following interscholastic sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track and Volleyball provided they meet the following criteria:

1. A student shall be properly assigned to a school by the office of student assignment.

2. A student who is absent more than 10 days in a semester shall be ineligible for participation in athletic activity in the middle school during the next semester unless granted a hardship waiver.

3. A student must pass all his/her courses and earn a 1.75 grade point average (GPA). If a student does not qualify academically, the student shall be placed on academic probation during the next nine-week grading period. While on academic probation, the student will be required to attend weekly remedial tutoring in order to be eligible for participation. However, if the student does not pass all courses and earn a 1.75 GPA during the nine-week grading period that he/she is on academic probation, the student shall be ineligible in subsequent nine-week grading periods until he/she passes all his/her courses and earns a 1.75 GPA.

4. A student may not participate on a seventh or eighth grade team if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before October 16 of said school year.

5. To be eligible to try out for participation in interscholastic athletics, a student shall receive a medical examination by a physician licensed to practice medicine.

6. A student shall be an amateur in order to be eligible to participate.

7. A student shall have proper insurance coverage.

8. A student shall not be guilty of misconduct.

9. A student athlete cannot participate in practice or games if they have been assigned in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension that day.

10. A student athlete will act appropriately in and around the school or the privilege of representing Wiley Magnet will be taken away.

Public school interscholastic athletic events should be conducted in such a manner that good sportsmanship always prevails. Every effort should be made to promote a climate of wholesome competition and sportsmanship. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated by players or spectators. Players/fans are under the coach’s/Athletic Director’s control from the time they arrive for the event and until the departure.


Wiley Magnet Middle School recognizes its responsibility to provide each student with an opportunity to receive an education and to provide an atmosphere, conducive for learning. Students share this responsibility and are always expected to model good citizenship and to follow instructions given to them by teachers, and staff. Students who do not fulfill their responsibility will be dealt with fairly, but firmly, to protect the rights of all students and staff members. Students are encouraged to read and develop a thorough understanding of the information in the WSFCS Student Handbook. Offenses and consequences are clearly outlined.

Student Behavior and Discipline

Wiley uses a variety of research-based, school-wide systems approach to improve school climate and create safer and more effective schools. Our focus is on improving our school’s ability to teach expectations and support positive behavior for all students. We use a team-based process for data review, data-based problem solving and intervention, ongoing planning, and monitoring of interventions.


The purpose of the Wiley’s school-wide behavior and discipline program is to establish and maintain safe and effective school environment that maximizes academic achievement and behavioral competence of all students.

Major Components:

• Common approach to discipline.

• Positively stated expectations for all students and staff.

• Procedures for teaching these expectations to students.

• Continuum of procedures for encouraging demonstration and maintenance of these expectations.

• Continuum of procedures for discouraging rule-violating behavior.

• Procedures for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the discipline system on a regular and frequent basis.

Our school-wide and classroom expectations are based on our acronym: PAWS. You will see PAWS displayed throughout the school. PAWS is an acronym for:

P - Prepared

A - A+ Attitude

W - Work Responsibly

S - Show Respect

Students can earn PAWS Bucks for showing expected behaviors. They can be earned throughout the day and given by any staff member to students.

PAWS Bucks can be used to participate in our incentives or shop in our school store. Our school store will have items such as school supplies, beauty supplies/personal care items, ear buds, art supplies, locker trinkets, novelty items, etc.

Each month, there will be an incentive SMOD Free Day. To participate, students must pay 10 PAWS Bucks and have no D1’s or chronic MILs (minor incidents).


Friday, September 27 Friday October 18

Tuesday November 26 Friday December 20

Friday January 31 Friday February 28

Friday March 20 Friday April 24

Friday May 22

Each quarter, there will also be an incentive activity. Student must pay the designated number of PAWS Bucks and meet behavior criteria to participate (No D1’s or chronic MILs). The number of PAWS Bucks will increase each quarter. Ideas for quarterly incentives include ice cream socials, movie trip to Marketplace Theater, field day, and “chat and chill”. Student input will be considered as these events are planned.

What Can Parents Do to Help Your Child Stay on the Path of Positive Behavior?

Together, the home, school and community share the responsibility for developing good citizens. Parents, teachers and students must collaborate to maintain a safe learning environment. Parents can help by doing the following:

• Review the PAWS expectations with your child.

• Keep in touch with your child’s teacher.

• Make sure your child is ready every day. Ensure a good night’s sleep.

• Provide a quiet time and space for your child to do homework nightly.

• Encourage your child to use appropriate language and tone.

• Practice positive phrases with your child such as “Thank you,” “Excuse me,” “Please,” and “I’m sorry.”

• Be a contributing member of your child’s school. Volunteer; attend parent meetings and other school activities.


The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education has established a code of conduct for students. It is the intention of the Board that these rules are enforced fairly, firmly, without discrimination and with due respect for the rights of students and employees. Students are accountable for knowing Board policies presented in the “Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Student-Parent Handbook. These can also be found at the back of this student handbook. A student misbehaving or violating school board policies or Wiley Magnet Middle School rules or regulations will be disciplined according to the guideline for student discipline (Administrative Regulation 5131).

BASE (Behavioral, Academic Support and Enrichment- formerly ISS/ALC)

The areas of focus will be first assessing, then building students’ missing foundational key skills in reading, writing, and math, with an emphasis on students forming stronger interpersonal skills (with peers as well as adults), intrinsic motivation, and personal responsibility. Students assigned BASE are expected to comply with all expectations for behavior and academics. All work must be completed prior to return to class. Parents will be notified when their student is assigned to BASE for ISS or ALC. Inappropriate behavior in BASE may result in an out of school suspension. Students assigned to BASE are expected to dress in SMOD.


Students should walk on the right-hand side of the hallway. Students are expected to move from class to class in a quiet and orderly manner. Being on the wrong floor, horse playing, or using excessive noise could result in a discipline referral. Except during class changes, students are not permitted in the halls unless they are escorted by a teacher or have an authorized hall pass or agenda book signed by a teacher. Students leaving an assigned area without permission will be considered skipping. Students should only use designated stairwells during class changes.


Students are always expected to be well behaved and act in a respectful manner. Students must display respect to staff members and other adults on campus. Each teacher will establish classroom rules and review them with students at the beginning of the year.

Electronic games, ipods or other devices should not be brought to school. These items will be confiscated, turned into the office, and held until a parent claims them. Wiley Magnet Middle School will not be responsible for items of this nature that are lost or stolen.

Vulgar, profane or inappropriate language directed towards a teacher or staff member will not be tolerated in school, on the bus, or while attending any school sponsored activity.

Gum will not be allowed.

Students are not allowed to bring permanent markers or sharpie pens to school. Students must have prior permission from a teacher or an administrator before bringing these items for a project.


1) School bus drivers shall have complete authority and responsibility for the order and discipline on the bus. If a student fails to obey the bus regulations or the driver’s instructions, the driver shall report the student’s name and misconduct to administration in writing on a bus conduct notice.

2) The bus driver shall be given the same disciplinary assistance as a classroom teacher. The administration shall have the same authority to discipline the student for misconduct on a school bus as they discipline the pupil for misconduct at school.

3) The bus stop is considered an extension of the school. Students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior while at the bus stop. Students will not stand or play and will keep their hands to themselves while they are waiting for the bus. Students will report any acts of misconduct at the bus stop or while on the bus to the driver and administration.

4) Students shall wait for their buses at the time and location designated in their transportation assignment letter.


1) Students will only board and ride the bus to which they are assigned.

2) Upon arrival at school and when dismissed from the bus, students will move from the bus to their assigned areas in an orderly manner. Upon dismissal from school, students will go directly to their buses and board in an orderly fashion.

3) Students will always sit down on the bus.

4) Students will not move seats while on the bus at any time.

5) Students will always keep all parts of their bodies inside the bus.

6) Students will not throw any objects off the bus at any time.

7) Students will not engage in any activity that might distract the driver’s attention such as shouting, fighting, throwing objects about the bus, or moving up and down the aisle while the bus is moving.

8) Students will not damage or deface the bus in any way.

9) Students will conduct themselves in the same manner as they would in class. The bus driver will be given the same respect that students give to their teachers.

Wiley Standard Mode of Dress (SMOD)/Dress Code

Personal appearance directly affects students’ pride in the school; therefore, dress should be comfortable and appropriate for the learning environment. Clothing should not be revealing or distracting to others. Wiley Magnet Middle School wants to help students prepare for the next steps in their lives and dressing appropriately is part of this education. Clothing must adhere to the following guidelines:

All students who attend Wiley Magnet Middle School must wear SMOD approved dress every day. There will be SMOD FREE days designated throughout the year for special earned occasions.

TOPS: Solid Color Jumpers, Dresses, T-Shirts, Collared Shirts, Button-down Shirts, Hoodies, and Lightweight Jackets or Wiley Wear (school spirit wear)

• NO stripes, plaids, multicolor, pictures, graphics, etc. are allowed (Wiley Wear is the exception). Shirts and any outerwear must be free from pictures of anything related to gangs, weapons, tobacco products, drugs, profanity, obscenity, or inappropriately dressed images.

• NO tank tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps or strapless shirts. All shirts, sweaters, blouses, tops, and dresses should cover the shoulder and underarm and not expose the midriff, upper, or lower back.

• Material must not be mesh, sheer or see-through. Undergarments should not be visible at anytime.

• Shirts should fit so that cleavage is not exposed.

• Logos must be 1” or smaller (Wiley Wear and Hoodies with College Names/Logos are exceptions)

• All heavy jackets and coats are to remain in lockers during the day.

BOTTOMS: Black, Navy, Gray, Tan, Brown or White Shorts, Jeans, Pants or Skirts

• Pants may not have holes or rips of any kind that show skin.

• Jeans must be solid, with no bleached or colored spots.

• Clothing (shorts, skirts, dresses, etc.) should be measured for appropriate length. If the wearer stands with arms by his/her sides, the fingertips should rest above the bottom of the clothing.

• NO leggings, sweat pants, athletic pants or pajama pants. *Leggings may only be worn under a skirt in winter for warmth.

• Pants are to be secured at the waist by a belt so as not to restrict student movement or expose underwear. Students cannot hold pants up with their hands.


a) Shoes must be worn at all times! NO bedroom slippers, slides or sandals without a heel strap.

b) No clothing may be tied or wrapped around a student’s body. (example: shirt/jacket wrapped around neck or waist)

c) No hats, hair curlers, doo rags, athletic headbands or bandanas are to be worn. Headbands for the purpose of holding back hair are acceptable, but must be worn as intended, not across the forehead.

d) Hoods on hoodies may not be on the head in any way (full or partial) during the school day.

e) No sunglasses are to be worn in school. This includes sunglasses worn on your head. Sunglasses worn in the building will be taken and held until a parent or guardian can pick them up.

f) Symbols, styles, or attire frequently associated with gangs, intimidation, violence, or violent groups will not be permitted.

g) No gloves may be worn during the school day.

Consequences for SMOD Violations

Students who violate the dress code will be asked to call home and arrange for an appropriate change of clothes to be brought to school. If clothes are not available, students will be directed to the SMOD closet to get clothing for the day. Violations will be documented.

Beginning the first week of school, any student who violates the SMOD Dress Code will receive the following


1st intervention: Parent contact by teacher to inform of the SMOD violation and future consequences

2nd intervention: TEAM After School Detention (ASD)

3rd intervention: D-1 for Level 1 offense

4th intervention: D-1 for Level 2 offense (repeated Level 1)

5th intervention: D-1 for Level 3 offense (repeated Level 2)

After each quarter all students will begin with a clean SMOD violation record.

** Donations of SMOD approved clothing are always welcomed. There is a box in the main office for donations.

Wiley Wear

Families are encouraged to support our Wiley Family Organization and show your school pride by purchasing Wiley Wear. There are t-shirts and hoodies in a variety of styles and colors. The order form can be found on the school website and printed copies are in the front office/lobby.


WSFCS and Wiley Magnet Middle School Core Values

|Student-Centered |We focus on the needs of every child. |

|Accountability |We take responsibility for and reflect on our impact on student outcomes. |

|High Expectations |We challenge ourselves to inspire every student’s pursuit of greatness. |

|Collaboration |We work together to support each other’s efforts to meet every student’s needs. |

|Equity |We honor diversity by addressing barriers to success for every student. |

|Integrity |We align our actions, beliefs and values to support every student. |


The activity bus cannot make street stops. It must pull off the street into a parking lot or non-traffic area. There are no exceptions. It will make these stops and these stops only!


|1 |Kimberly Park Elementary |1701 N. Cherry Street |

|2 |Sunset Circle |700 Sunset Drive South |

|3 |Redeemer Presbyterian Church |1046 Miller Street |

|4 |Teakwood Manor Apartments |114 Weatherwood Court |

|5 |Colonial Village |1700 Ebert Street |

|6 |Salem Crest Apt. |500 Dana Court |

|8 |Moore Elementary |451 Knollwood Street |

|9 |Wesley Memorial Methodist Church |1210 Bolton Street |

|10 |Highland Oaks |799 Walnut Forest Road |

|11 |Tennis Courts |3021 Bridgeport Drive |

|12 |Plaza West Apartments |4825 Commercial Plaza Street |

|13 |Colonial Village at Glen Eagles |100 Glen Eagles Drive |

|14 |The Arbors |4931 Thales Road |

|15 |Capital Bank |4701 Country Club Road |

|16 |Mar-Don Drive |1099 Mar-Don Drive |

|17 |Goodwill |208 Jonestown Road |

|18 |Glendare Park Apartments |240 Village Crossing Lane |

|19 |South Fork Elementary |4332 Country Club Road |

|20 |Whitaker Elementary School |2600 Buena Vista Road |

|21 |Little Creek Condominiums |101 Vineyard Park Road |

|22 |Alder Ridge Apartments |3890 Old Vineyard Road |

|23 |The Chesterfield Apartments |3421 Old Vineyard Road |

|24 |Nursefinders, Inc. |1411 Plaza West Road |

Note- students cannot ride the after school bus on game days, unless he/she is a member of the team or participating in an approved after-school program or tutoring.

WS/FC Schools Student Behavior and Code of Student Conduct

Prohibited Behavior. Every student has the right to be free from fear, harm, and violence at school, on the school bus and at school-related activities. In order to preserve this right, the Board authorizes the Superintendent to create a Code of Student Conduct that sets out specific consequences for students violating the following rules:

1. Students shall obey Board of Education policies, administrative regulations, school rules, and classroom rules.

2. Students shall comply with all lawful directions of Principals, teachers, substitute teachers, teacher assistants, bus drivers, and other school personnel who are authorized to give such directions.

3. Students shall not assault, hit, kick, punch, fight, intentionally harm or threaten to harm another person.

4. A student shall not incite or instigate a fight, assault or riot. The terms “incite” and “instigate” mean to urge or direct others by words or actions to engage in a fight, assault or riot. A student commits this offense by actively urging or directing others to take part in the prohibited behavior or by causing or instigating the prohibited behavior to occur. Students committing this offense should be disciplined in the same manner as those students actually engaging in the fight, assault or riot.

5. A student shall not aid or assist another student to violate any Board Policy, Policy 5131 Page 5 administrative regulation or local school rule. A student is guilty of this offense if he/she knowingly advises, induces, encourages, aids or assists another student to commit an offense OR shares in the purpose of the act (to commit the offense) and aids or is in a position to aid the other student when the offense is committed. A student committing this offense may be disciplined in the same manner as those students actively committing the offense.

6. A student should avoid a fight by walking away from a threatened conflict and/or reporting the other student’s threats to a teacher or other school employee. A student may, in a defensive manner, restrain the other student or block punches, kicks etc. but if the student retaliates by kicking, hitting, striking, etc. the other student, that action is considered fighting.

7. A student shall not participate in an affray. An affray is a fight between more than two people which causes a large public disturbance. Examples of an affray are fights involving multiple students in the school cafeteria or at an athletic event. A person who commits an affray may be guilty of a misdemeanor.

8. Students shall not take the property of another person or the school without permission. Theft, larceny, robbery and extortion are forbidden. Students shall not knowingly sell stolen items at school.

9. Students shall not engage in extortion. Extortion is the act of securing money, favors, or other things of value from another person through blackmail, abuse of authority, or intimidation.

10. Students shall not intentionally vandalize, scratch, mark, or damage the property of the school or any person at the school.

11. Students shall adhere to their school’s dress code. At a minimum, the following dress or appearance is prohibited:

a. Clothing that contains advertisements for tobacco, alcohol or drugs; pictures or graphics of nudity; words that are profane, lewd, vulgar, or indecent;

b. Halter or bare midriff tops, or bare midriffs;

c. Spaghetti straps or tank tops;

d. Strapless shirts or tube tops;

e. Bare feet;

f. Short shorts or skirts;

g. Pants, slacks or jeans that sag below waist; and

h. Hats, caps, bandanas, or garments which cover the student’s face or conceal the student’s identity. Unless the headwear is worn based on a sincerely held religious belief or practice. Policy 5131 Page 6 described in AR 5131.4.

i. Underpants or bras showing or worn as outerwear;

j. Provocative, revealing attire that exposes cleavage; and

k. Any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with gangs, intimidation, violence or violent groups about which students at a particular school have been notified as 2 N.C.G.S. § 14-33.

12. Students shall not bring to, or have on school property or at any school-related activity, any weapon, or explosive of any kind, including,

but not limited to any BB gun, stun gun, air rifle, air pistol, knife, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades, destructive devices, firearms, and firecrackers, or any look-a-like weapon, including but not limited to, plastic guns, water pistols, and rubber knives, or use any weapon or look-a-like weapon to harm or threaten to harm another person. Students shall not bring to, or have on school property or at any school related activity any other item which may be used as a weapon, such as a saw or unaltered nail file, unless such item is being used for a school-related project or activity. (See also AR 5131.7, Reporting Prohibited Relationships with Students and Other Criminal Acts.)

13. Students shall not use an aerosol spray can, bottle or other type container as a weapon to threaten to injure, to injure, harm, harass or

annoy any other person or to disrupt class or any school program or activity.

14. Students shall not start fires or ignite explosives or threaten to do so.

15. Students shall not wrongfully break and/or enter into school buildings, school buses, classrooms, storerooms, or lockers.

16. Students shall not trespass on school grounds when told not to do so by authorized school personnel. During the term of assignment to an alternative school, students are prohibited from being present on any WS/FCS campus or at any school-sponsored event other than the campus of the alternative school to which the students are assigned. During the term of a suspension or expulsion, students are prohibited from being present on any WS/FCS campus or at any school-sponsored event.

17. Students shall not engage in disorderly conduct. Disorderly conduct is defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. §14-288.4 as intentionally creating a public disturbance that disrupts, disturbs or interferes with the teaching of students at any public or private educational institution or engaging in conduct which disturbs the peace, order or discipline on a school bus, at any public or private educational institution or on the grounds adjacent thereto.

18. Students shall not possess, use, give away, attempt to sell or purchase, or be under the influence of any illegal narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, malt beverage (including beer and other malt beverages that contain less than .5 of one percent of alcohol), wine, alcoholic beverage, or any other controlled substance as defined by North Carolina law. 4 Students shall not possess, use, give away, attempt to sell or purchase a counterfeit substance such as those described in this paragraph, or an otherwise legal substance that is intended to mimic the effects of one of the substances described in this paragraph. (See policy 5131.6, Student Behavior – Drugs and Alcohol.)

19. Students shall not insert a foreign substance in the food or drink of another person with the intent of injuring or harming the other person or causing an adverse reaction including but 4 A student may possess and use a prescription medication on school property as allowed by Policy 5141, Student Health Care. Policy 5131 Page 7 not limited to, hallucinations, sleep, or euphoria. Students shall not knowingly bring containers of urine or any other bodily fluid or substance to school unless required for an academic or other required assignment or activity.

20. Students may not possess, display or use tobacco products at any time in any building, facility, or vehicle owned, leased, rented or chartered by the Board or a school, on any school grounds and property, including athletic fields and parking lots, owned, leased, rented or chartered by the Board, or at any school-sponsored or school-related event on-campus or off-campus.

21. Students shall not possess drug or chemical paraphernalia at any time in any building, facility, or vehicle owned, leased, rented or chartered by the Board or a school, on any school grounds and property, including athletic fields and parking lots, owned, leased, rented or chartered by the Board, or at any school-sponsored or school-related event on-campus or off-campus. (See policy 5131.6, Student Behavior – Drugs and Alcohol.)

22. Students shall not park motor vehicles on campus in student parking areas unless allowed by Policy 5131.3, Parking on School Grounds. Parking privileges may be revoked for violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

23. Students shall not engage in sexual or intimate conduct at school, on the school bus or school-related activities, including but not limited to: taking or attempting to take immoral or indecent liberties with another student, exposing private body parts (genitals, buttocks and/or female breasts) or engaging in consensual sexual misconduct or engaging in inappropriate public displays of affection including but not limited to, prolonged hugging or embracing, kissing, petting, and/or making out.

24. Students shall not gamble; they shall not possess and/or use playing cards unless approved by a teacher or school officials for an educational purpose.

25. Students shall not use or possess electronic devices such as MP3/4 players, portable radios, recording devices, tape/CD/DVD/MP3 players, digital cameras, laser pens, or other similar electronic equipment in school during regular school hours except as approved by a Principal or his designee. Students shall not use any type of electronic device on school property or during a school activity, whether on or off school property, for the purpose of immoral or pornographic activities, including, but not limited to, sexting. Sexting shall be defined as the sending, taking, disseminating, transferring, sharing, or receiving of obscene, pornographic, lewd, indecent, or otherwise sexually explicit messages, photographs or images on or by electronic devices.

26. Students shall not possess a portable communication device of any kind, including, but not limited to, a cellular telephone, at any school that has expressly prohibited such items.

27. If schools allow students to possess a portable communication device of any type, including but not limited to, a cellular telephone, students shall not use or display such devices during regular school hours except as approved by a Principal or his designee. “Regular school hours” means from the beginning of the student instructional day to the end of the student instructional day. Policy 5131 Page 8

a. If a portable communication device rings¸ vibrates or is otherwise used or in use during class or instruction without permission from the Principal or his designee, it may be confiscated and the student may be denied the privilege of possessing a communication device at school for up to the remainder of the school year. The confiscated device shall be returned to the student’s parent/guardian.

b. If a school administrator has reasonable suspicion a device has been used to violate the Code of Student Conduct, the school administrator may search the device for evidence of such misconduct.

c. By virtue of the ringing, vibration, or other evidence of use of a portable communication device during regular school hours in contravention of this Policy, the owner of the device thereby consents to the search of such portable communication device by a school administrator.

28. Students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are solely responsible for any loss or damage to their portable radio, tape recorders, tape/CD/DVD/MP3 players, cell phone or any other similar electronic equipment in school while it is in their care, custody or control. WS/FCS accepts no responsibility for theft, loss or damage to a student’s personal electronic equipment.

29. Commercial solicitation of or by students is prohibited on school grounds or at school sponsored events. Charitable solicitation of students is permitted subject to the provisions of Policy 1324.

30. Students shall not engage in hazing. Hazing is defined in state law as to subject another student to physical injury as part of an initiation, or as a prerequisite to membership, into any organized school group, including any society, athletic team, fraternity or sorority, or other similar group.

31. Students shall not engage in gang activity as described in AR 5131.4.

32. Students shall not litter or loiter on school property.

33. Students shall not make false statements to teachers and school officials or forge a signature on any papers or documents.

34. Students shall not make or publish false statements on the internet, by Fax or by any other means of communication that defame the character or reputation of a school employee or student. While students have a constitutional right to criticize school personnel or students, that right does not include making false statements accusing school personnel or students of engaging in criminal or immoral acts that are intended to injure, harass and/or harm an individual.

35. Students shall not download to or otherwise place upon a computer owned and/or maintained by the school or school system any software or computer program which enables the student and/or others to load content or programs to school system computers which would otherwise be prohibited by school system policy. Students are not to download software or programs or view content prohibited by AR 6161.1. Policy 5131 Page 9

36. Due to the risk or injury to the student and others, students shall not ride a skateboard, roller skate or in-line skate on school property, unless approved in advance by the Principal or designee as a school sponsored program or activity.

37. Students shall not skip/leave class or school without permission.

38. Students shall not knowingly make a false report to law enforcement (i.e. a false 911 call).

39. Students shall not make a bomb threat or a false fire alarm.

40. Students shall not make terrorist threats. A student violates this rule when he or she:

a. By any means of communication to any person or group of persons, makes a report, knowing or having reason to know the report is false, that there is located on educational property or at a school-sponsored curricular or extracurricular activity off educational property any device, substance, or material designed to cause harmful or life-threatening illness or injury to another person;

b. With intent to perpetrate a hoax, conceals, places, disseminates, or displays on educational property or at a school-sponsored curricular or extracurricular activity off educational property any device, machine, instrument, artifact, letter, package, material, or substance, so as to cause any person reasonably to believe the same to be a substance or material capable of causing harmful or life-threatening illness or injury to another person;

c. Threatens to commit on educational property or at a school-sponsored curricular or extracurricular activity off educational property an act of terror that is likely to cause serious injury or death, when that threat is intended to cause a significant disruption to the instructional day or a school-sponsored activity or causes that disruption;

d. Makes a report, knowing or having reason to know the report is false, that there is about to occur or is occurring on educational property or at a school-sponsored curricular or extracurricular activity off educational property an act of terror that is likely to cause serious injury or death, when that report is intended to cause a significant disruption to the instructional day or a school-sponsored activity or causes that disruption; or e. Conspires to commit any of the acts described in this subsection.

37. Students shall not possess on school property or on a school activity or use counterfeit currency, unless such item is being used for a school-related project or activity.

38. Students shall not cheat. Students shall not copy another student’s answers to a test, homework or any other school work and submit it as their own work for evaluation and grading. In addition, unless permitted in advance, students shall not bring any materials in any form with them for use in answering questions on a test, such as a “cheat sheet.” 39. Students shall not plagiarize. Students shall not copy an author’s work and submit it as Policy 5131 Page 10 their own original work for evaluation and grading.

40. Students shall not use profanity, obscenity, fighting or abusive words, or otherwise engage in speech that disrupts (written, symbolic or verbal) which materially and substantially disrupts the classroom or other school activities.

41. Students shall not communicate a threat to another person. Students shall not bully, harass, or discriminate against others. Incidents of misbehavior that do not rise to the level of bullying, discriminating, threatening or harassing may still violate Policy 1170, Civility Policy. Bullying, discrimination, and harassment are defined in policy 5131.1. Communicating threats, is defined as5:

a. A person without lawful authority who: i. willfully threatens to physically injure the person or that person's child, sibling, spouse, or dependent or willfully threatens to damage the property of another. ii. The threat is communicated to the other person, orally, in writing, or by any other means; iii. The threat is made in a manner and under circumstances which would cause a reasonable person to believe that the threat is likely to be carried out; and iv. The person threatened believes that the threat will be carried out.

42. Students are prohibited from engaging in behavior (whether on or off campus) that constitutes a clear threat to the safety of other students or employees. Pursuant to AR 5131, Code of Student Conduct, such behavior may subject a student to expulsion. Behavior constituting a clear threat to the safety of others includes, but is not limited to:

a. theft or attempted theft by a student from another person by using or threatening to use a weapon;

b. the intentional and malicious burning of any structure or personal property, including any vehicle;

c. an attack or threatened attack by a student against another person wherein the student uses a weapon or displays a weapon in a manner found threatening to that person;

d. an attack by a student on any employee, adult volunteer or other student that does not result in serious injury but that is intended to cause or reasonably could cause serious injury;

e. an attack by a student on another person whereby the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury, such as broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injuries, laceration requiring stitches, loss of consciousness, or significant bruising or pain; or whereby the victim requires hospitalization or treatment in a hospital emergency room as a result of the attack;

f. any intentional, highly reckless or negligent act that results in the death of 5 N.C.G.S. § 14-277.1 Policy 5131 Page 11 another person;

g. confining, restraining or removing another person from one place to another, without the victim’s consent or the consent of the victim’s parent, for the purpose of committing a felony or for the purpose of holding the victim as a hostage, for ransom, or for use as a shield;

h. the possession of a weapon on any school property, including in a vehicle, with the intent to use or transmit for another’s use or possession in a reckless manner so that harm is reasonably foreseeable;

i. taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody or control of another person or persons, by force, threat of force, or violence, or by putting the victim in fear;

j. any unauthorized and unwanted intentional touching, or attempt to touch, by one person of the sex organ of another, including the breasts of the female and the genital areas of the male and female;

k. the possession, manufacture, sale or delivery, or any attempted sale or delivery, of a controlled substance in violation of Chapter 90 of the North Carolina General Statutes;

l. any behavior resulting in a felony conviction on a weapons, drug, assault or other charge that implicates the safety of other persons; and

m. any other behavior that demonstrates a clear threat to the safety of others in the school environment.

|Guideline Sanctions for Violations of the Code of Student Conduct |

| |

|The following guidelines are recommendations for discipline and should not be construed as mandatory disciplinary actions. Administrators may|

|combine sanctions from different levels where appropriate (i.e. a short-term suspension and a recommendation for long-term suspension). See |

|Policy 5131 for full offense descriptions. |

|LEVEL 1: Discipline that does not remove a student from the |

|classroom for an extended period of time. |

|Appropriate for violations of the Code of Student Conduct |

|Appropriate for minor acts of misconduct, first time offenses, or when mitigating factors apply to a more serious offense. |

|If aggravating factors apply, consider Level II or Level III discipline |

|If mitigating factors apply, no discipline should be issued |

|Being in an Unauthorized Area (UB) |Honor Code Violation (Academic Misconduct) (UB) |

|Bus Misbehavior (UB) |Late to Class (UB) |

|Cell Phone Use (UB) |Leaving Class Without Permission (UB) |

|Cutting Class (UB) |Other (minor offense) (UB) |

|Disruptive Behavior (UB) |Other School Defined Offense (UB) |

|Dress Code Violation (UB) |Possession of Counterfeit Item (money) (UB) |

|Excessive Display of Affection (UB) |Possession of Student’s own Rx Drug (UB) |

|Excessive Tardiness (UB) |Skipping Class (UB) |

|Falsification of Information (UB) | |

|LEVEL II: In-school Suspension |

|Appropriate for violations of the Code of Student Conduct |

|Appropriate for minor acts of misconduct, first time offenses, or when mitigating factors apply to a more serious offense. |

|If aggravating factors apply, consider a longer ISS or Level III discipline |

|If mitigating factors apply, consider Level I discipline or no discipline |

|Aggressive Behavior (UB) |Misuse of School Technology (UB) |

|Disrespect of Faculty/Staff (UB) |Possession of Tobacco (UB) |

|Gambling (UB) |Repeat Offender (minor disruptions) (UB) |

|Inappropriate Items on School Property (UB) | Skipping School (UB) |

|Inappropriate Language/Disrespect (UB) | Truancy (UB) |

|Insubordination (UB) |Use of Counterfeit Item (money) (UB) |

|Leaving School Without Permission (UB) |Use of Tobacco (UB) |

|LEVEL III: Short-term Out-of-School Suspension |

|Appropriate for violations of the Code of Student Conduct |

|Appropriate for repeated minor offenses, first time offenses, or when mitigating factors apply to a more serious offense |

|Short-term suspensions should generally be for no more than five (5) days at a time |

|If aggravating factors apply, consider a longer short-term suspension or Level IV discipline |

|If mitigating factors apply, consider Level I, Level II, or no discipline |

|Affray (UB) |Harassment – Sexual (UB) |

|Assault on Non-student (without weapon and not intended to cause or |Harassment – Verbal (UB) |

|causing serious injury) (UB) | |

|Assault – Other (UB) |Hazing (UB) |

|Assault on Student (without weapon and not intended to cause or |Mutual Sexual Contact Between Students (UB) |

|causing serious injury) (UB) | |

|Bullying (UB) |Other (serious offense) (UB) |

|Communicating Threats (N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-277.1) |Possession of Alcoholic Beverage (includes possession, sale or |

| |distribution) (RO) |

|Cyber-bullying (UB) |Possession of Another Person’s Prescription Drug (Not a Controlled |

| |Substance or Narcotic) |

|Discrimination (UB) |Possession of Chemical or Drug Paraphernalia (UB) |

|Disorderly Conduct (N.C. Gen. Stat. 14-288.4)(UB) |Possession of Counterfeit Item (drug or weapon) (UB) |

|Extortion (UB) |Possession of a Weapon (without intent to use or risk of harm; |

| |excluding firearms or destructive devices) (RO) |

|False Fire Alarm (UB) |Property Damage (UB) |

|Fighting (UB) |Theft (UB) |

|Gang Activity (UB) |Unlawfully Setting a Fire (UB) |

|LEVEL IV: Alternative Learning Center Assignment |

|Appropriate for violations of the Code of Student Conduct |

|Appropriate for students who repeatedly commit Level I, II, and III offenses, and/or when other interventions do not improve the student’s |

|behavior |

|Appropriate when aggravating factors apply to less serious offenses |

|Appropriate when mitigating factors apply to more serious offenses |

|Alternative education placement must be considered in lieu of long-term suspension |

|Repeat Offender (serious disruptions) (UB) |Use of Controlled Substance (RO) |

|Under the Influence of Alcohol (UB) |Use of Counterfeit Item (i.e. counterfeit controlled substance or |

| |weapon) (UB) |

|Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance (UB) |Use of Narcotics (RO) |

|Use of Alcoholic Beverage (RO) | |

|LEVEL V: Alternative School Assignment |

|Appropriate for violations of the Code of Student Conduct |

|Appropriate for students who repeatedly commit Level I, II, and III offenses, and/or when other interventions do not improve the student’s |

|behavior |

|Appropriate when aggravating factors apply to less serious offenses |

|Appropriate when mitigating factors apply to more serious offenses |

|Alternative education placement must be considered in lieu of long-term suspension |

|Assault on School Personnel (without weapon and not intended to cause |Violent Assault Not Resulting in Serious Injury (an attack that is |

|or causing serious injury) (RO) |intended to cause or reasonably could cause serious injury) (UB) |

|Robbery Without a Weapon (UB) | |

|LEVEL VI: Long-term Out-of-school Suspension |

|Appropriate for violations of the Code of Student Conduct |

|Appropriate when the student’s conduct threatens the safety of students, staff, or school visitors or threatens to substantially disrupt the |

|educational environment |

|Appropriate when there is a significant or important reason to decline alternative education services, such as: |

|The student exhibits violent behavior. |

|The student poses a threat to staff or other students. |

|The student substantially disrupts the learning process. |

|The student otherwise engaged in serious misconduct that makes the provision of alternative educational services not feasible. |

|The student failed to comply with reasonable conditions for admittance in to an alternative education program |

|Generally, a long-term suspension lasts between 11 days and the remainder of the school year (unless the offense is committed during the last |

|quarter as provided in section III(F) above) |

|Alternative education placement must be considered in lieu of long-term suspension |

|If mitigating factors apply, consider fewer suspension days or alternative education placement |

|If aggravating factors apply, consider more suspension days or a Level VIII sanction |

|Bomb Threat (RO) |Sale/Distribution of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law – |

| |Cocaine (RO) |

|Burning of a School Building (RO) |Sale/Distribution of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law – |

| |Marijuana (RO) |

|Possession of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law- Cocaine (RO) |Sale/Distribution of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law – Other |

| |(RO) |

|Possession of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law- Marijuana (RO)|Sale/Distribution of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law – |

| |Ritalin (RO) |

|Possession of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law- Other (RO) |Sale/Distribution of a Prescription Drug (Not a Controlled Substance |

| |or Narcotic) (RO) |

|Possession of Controlled Substance in Violation of Law- Ritalin (RO) | |

|LEVEL VII: 365-day Suspension Out-of-school |

|Appropriate only for the offenses identified in this level |

|Only the Assistant Superintendent can mitigate a recommendation for a 365-day suspension |

|Possession of Firearm or Powerful Explosive (see definitions for | |

|“firearm” and “destructive device” in section II above) (RO) | |

|LEVEL VIII: Expulsion |

|Appropriate when school officials can show by clear and convincing evidence that a student, 14 years of age or older, constitutes a clear |

|threat to the safety of other students or school staff when he or she is in school |

|The student does not have to be arrested or charged with a crime to be recommended for expulsion |

|If mitigating factors apply, consider Level IV, or V, or VI sanction |

|Assault Involving the Use of a Weapon (RO) |Rape (PD) |

|Assault Resulting in Serious Injury (PD) |Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon (PD) |

|Homicide (PD) |Sexual Assault Not Involving Rape or Sexual Offense (see AR 5131.7 for|

| |definition) (PD) |

|Kidnapping (PD) |Sexual Offense (see AR 5131.7 for definition) (PD) |

|Possession of a Weapon (with intent to use or risk of harm; excluding |Taking Indecent Liberties with a Minor (see AR 5131.7 for definition) |

|firearms and powerful explosives) (RO) |(PD) |

Signature Page

This page will be removed and turned in to the homeroom teacher.

Student Name: _____________________________________________

Homeroom Teacher: ________________________________________

I have read and understand the contents of this handbook. If you have questions, contact your student’s teacher, the guidance office or an administrator.


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date

**In addition to becoming familiar with this handbook, please be sure you have completed all beginning of the year forms sent home by the homeroom teacher. We need to be sure we have the most current information so we can communicate with you. We send a weekly email and phone message with Wiley events, which uses your email and primary phone number. As there are changes throughout the year, contact Ms. Dones in the main office, so she can update your student’s record in PowerSchool.**

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