Rotary Club of West Ottawa Spinoff


Graeme Fraser, subbing in for President Pardeep Ahluwalia, presided.


Greeter: Joe Parkinson; Reception: Johnny Marquez; Grace: Virginia Spencer; Past President Draw: Jean Begin; Payments/Attendance: Dave Morton; Photographer: Mike Traub; Meeting Set Up: Brett Brooking; Editor: Rocco Disipio.

On this glorious Tuesday in early February Past President Graeme Fraser invited all Rotarians and guests to the buffet at 12:00 noon.  Promptly at 12:28 Graeme sounded the bell to welcome us to this Rotary year’s 26th Meeting. We sang O Canada and Virginia Spencer delivered a very thoughtful grace.  Johnny Marquez introduced our guests who included Elsie Parkinson, wife of Rotarian Joe; Norma Bannerman, guest of Brian Hartley: Our guest speaker Bill Austin who brought Jacob ( whose surname Spinoff apologises for missing) as his guest; Joshua Gray, guest of Jen Soucy of LiveWorkPlay; former member Wilmer Pulido who was accompanied by his Son Enoch.  Our guests were welcomed with our Welcome Song. Jean Begin asked our guest speaker to draw this week’s PP Draw winner of a David’s Tea gift card. For the second week in a row, one of West Ottawa’s hardest working Rotarians, Caroline DeWitt, was the lucky winner.  Enjoy the Tea Caroline.  


Gaye Moffett, as member of the Awards Committee co-chaired by Ken Murray and Johnny Marquez the Awards Committee with the help of Brian Foster, reminded us to submit our recommendations for 2020 awards by the March 3 deadline.  This week’s Award focus was the Ruth Martin Award, Gaye told us, is presented to a non-Rotarian Organization or Individual in the National Capital Region for Outstanding Volunteer Community Service. The award is named for Ruth Martin, spouse of former West Ottawa Rotarian John Martin, who was an outstanding volunteer.

 Stuart Picozzi sought our support for the Rotary Home Golf Tournament by sponsoring a Club Member, playing in the tournament or sponsoring a hole. This tournament is a significant contributor to the fundraising efforts of the Rotary Home. This year's event will be at the GreyHawk Golf Club and they are looking for 144 golfers.  Let us make this Fundraiser a huge success. 

Rocco Disipio reminded the club of this Friday's Soc and Rec jazz concert at the Record Runner; still seats available.  

Graeme Fraser complimented Rocco Disipio on his correct prediction of a Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl win over San Francisco.  Graeme also reminded us of the upcoming 2020 District Conference. Register soon and enjoy the early bird discount. On behalf of Bob Harrison, Graeme reported our Club’s ‘Hero’ Awards from ShelterBox Canada: Bronze in 2017/18 and Gold in 2018/19.  Well done, Bob and Club Members. Keep April 18 open for the 2020 Music for Humanity Concert. Tickets will go on sale February 11 or 18.


Denzil Feinberg celebrated today, and the Club Members sang Happy Birthday.  


Marilyn Letts introduced Bill Austin, President of the Multifaith Housing Initiative.  Bill enjoyed a long career in several Government Departments and Agencies.  In retirement Bill participated in OECD missions to Poland and the United Arab Emirates and chaired two Departmental Audit Committees for Treasury Board. Bill is also on other boards including Harmony House, Rivergate Condominium Corporation and Help Lesotho.  

Responding to the Mayor’s Challenge to meet the need for Affordable Housing people from Churches of different Denominations met in 2001 and started the Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI).  The mission and vision of the MHI is to provide and promote safe, affordable homes for people in Ottawa of diverse backgrounds who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The MHI has a staff of 5, a volunteer board, 9 standing volunteer committees and 3 volunteer teams and now includes over 80 faith groups. At any given time MHI houses between 300 and 400 people in the 139 rental units spread over 5 locations of which the latest is Veterans’ House at the former Rockcliffe airbase site. 

We can help by making a donation to MHI, volunteering, and/or by using social media to promote MHI and fundraising activities for its support. The MHI Tulipathon, held in May, helped raise $37,579.05 last year and you can either walk or run as a team or individual. May 31 is the date set for this year's Tulipathon. In closing Bill talked about Veterans’ House, currently under construction and planned to open in November. It will be dedicated to providing 40 homeless and at-risk Veterans, men and women, housing with like-minded Veterans. All that remains to be raised for the $11,000,000 Veterans Home is $2,300,000 and in all other projects MHI have come in on time and below budget. The MHI would welcome fundraising assistance from West Ottawa (see for ideas)

To Joseph Redhead’s question about assistance to MHI from Engineering and Construction Companies Bill responded that it was limited. To Merv Letts, an RCAF Veteran formerly stationed at RCAF Rockcliffe, Bill answered that the land for Veterans' House had been donated by Canada Lands. Baxter Willis noted that in addressing mental health and addiction much depends on a Veteran’s experience. Jim Maxwell thanked our speaker underlining that MHI results have been achieved by only five paid employees and various volunteer boards. Thank you, Jim, for this great thank you to our speaker.


Past President Graeme asked Peter Fisher to collect.

Brian Foster had a happy/sad dollar as he is readying his home for sale in June and will move to Alberta. He hopes to continue in Rotary there.

Gaye Moffett was excited to announce that the Ottawa Bach Choir of which she is president has been nominated for a Juno. Gaye, we wish you good fortune. 

Joseph Redhead was grateful for the assistance from Baxter Willis and Navin Parekh with preparations for the 2020 Mums campaign.

Andrew Young thanked Brett Brooking for preparing a tablet to show him the program slides. 

Bob Harrison is off to Portugal for a month of +20-degree warmth and to replenish his Port supply.

Denzil Feinberg donated $76 Happy Dollars to celebrate his 76th birthday.

Stuart Picozzi donated to once again promote the Rotary Home Golf Tournament.

Brett Brooking welcomed help with the shoe sorting to take place February 8.

Doreen Ide looked forward to watching her Grandson Andrew, a Goalie for Colgate University, play a home and away series with Cornell University.

Finally Jim Maxwell was happy that he and Diane would be away for 5 weeks visiting Project Canaan in eSwatini (Swaziland) which now has 4 portable toilets (?) and 201 children under the age of 9. (Spinoff note: Have a look at to get a flavour of what motivates Jim)


There being no further business to attend to the meeting was adjourned. The Rotary Golf Tournament and the Calendar Committee had a meeting scheduled for after this meeting.  Let us all enjoy an excellent week in Rotary.


Winners of the Cash Calendar draws for the latest period will be published in a later Spinoff:

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Amy Nahwegahbow, President, and Kim Jerome, Director- Odawa Native Friendship Centre

Intro: Marcia Armstrong Thanks: Merv Letts

Greeters: Eric Armstrong, Peter Fisher Grace: Brian Foster Reception: Roy Miller

PP Draw: Clive Talbot Editor: Ginette Thomas Photos: Inna Flyazhenkova

Meeting fee/Attendance: Dave Morton

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Kevin Kablutsiak, Director Communications, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (Organisation to protect & advance Inuit rights)

Intro: Marilyn Letts Thanks: Baxter Willis

Greeters: Rami Alsaqqa, Ed Balys Grace: Jen Ahde Reception: Henry Akanko

PP Draw: Doug Rowlands Editor: Roy Miller Photos: Jean Bégin

Meeting fee/Attendance: Dave Morton


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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