Kaplan.CV2/97 - University of California, Los Angeles



Name: Kaplan, Robert Malcolm

Current Titles: Fred W. and Pamela K. Wasserman Distinguished Professor

Department of Health Services

UCLA School of Public Health


Distinguished Professor of Medicine

Division of General Internal Medicine

UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

e-mail: rmkaplan@ucla.edu

Office Phone: 310-825-7652

Fax: 310-825-3317

PO Box 951772

Room 31-293C CHS

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1772

Web Page:

Birthdate: October 26, 1947

Birthplace: San Diego, California

Sex: Male


San Diego State University, California, A.B. Psychology, l969

University of California, Riverside, California, M.A. Psychology, l970

University of California, Riverside, California, Ph.D. Psychology, l972


National Science Foundation Predoctoral Traineeship, l969-l973

Faculty Fellow, San Diego State University, l977

American Heart Association, Epidemiology Fellow, Tahoe, California, l983

Elected Fellow, American Psychological Association, l983, Fellow, Divisions 1, 38

Elected Fellow, Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1992


State of California, Board of Medical Quality Assurance,

Licensed Psychologist PX 006454


A.B. with Honors and Academic Distinction

Psychology Department Special Award for graduation with highest academic

distinction, San Diego State University, l969

Elected Member, Society for Experimental Social Psychology, l983

Elected Member, Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, 1991

Elected Member, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science, 2005

Listed in (lists top one half of one percent of all authors based on citation rate), 2006

Awards (Selected)

National Institutes of Health, Research Career Development Award, l98l-l986

Alumni and Associates Distinguished Faculty Award, San Diego State University, l982

Citation of Commendation, San Diego City Council, l982

Exceptional Merit Service Award, San Diego State University, l984

American Psychological Association, Division of Health Psychology,

Annual Award for Outstanding Scientific Contribution (for Junior Investigator), 1987

Distinguished University Research Lectureship, San Diego State University, 1988

Healthnet Distinguished Lecturer, University of California, 1991

University of California 125th Anniversary Award (From Riverside campus for alumni contributions to the general campuses)

Distinguished Scientific Lecturer, American Psychological Association, 1995

Distinguished Researcher Award, Society of Medical School Psychologists, 1996

San Diego State University’s Distinguished Alumni Award, College of Sciences, 1998

American Psychological Association, Division of Health Psychology, Annual Award for Outstanding Scientific Contribution (for Senior Investigator), 2001

National Service Award, Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2003

President’s Award (for Career Achievement), International Society for Quality of Life Research, 2004

Distinguished Career Service Award, Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2005

AstraZeneca 2006 prize for best original research article (for publication 408- see below)

Outstanding Research Mentor Award, Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2006

Major Research Interests:

o Behavioral Medicine

o Health Services Research

o Epidemiology

o Health Outcome Measurement

o Psychometrics

o Multivariate Data Analysis

Academic and Teaching Appointments

7/2004-present Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Health Services University of California, Los Angeles, School of Public Health (promoted to Distinguished Professor, 2008)

2/97 to 6/2004 Professor and Chair, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, (Interim Chair 2/97 to 7/99)

6/90 to present Professor of Psychiatry (secondary appointment)

8/96-present Visiting Professor of Community and Family Medicine

Dartmouth Medical School (in residence 1996-1997)

10/89 9/92 Adjunct Clinical Member, Division of Orthopedic Surgery, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation

2/87 to 1/90 Associate Director, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation and San Diego State University, Multipurpose Arthritis Center

6/73 to present University of California, San Diego, Department of

Community Medicine, Division of Health Policy: Assistant

Research Psychologist and Consultant (1973-1980), Associate

Adjunct Professor (1981-1986), Adjunct Professor (1986-1988),

Professor (tenured) 1989-present (note Department name changed

Family and Preventive Medicine, February 1993)

7/74 to 1988 San Diego State University, San Diego, California:

Assistant Professor (1973-1977), Associate Professor (1977- 1980), Professor of Psychology (1980-1988, tenured),

Adjunct Professor, 1988-present

l2/77 to 9/78 University of California, Riverside: Visiting Associate

Professor of Psychology

6/73 to 9/74 University of California, San Diego, Department of

Psychology: Assistant Professor in Residence

11/72 to 5/73 American Institute for Research, Palo Alto, California:

Senior Research Associate

l969/72 University of California, Riverside, Department of

Psychology: Teaching Assistant

Other Teaching Experience:

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Advanced Study Institute on Aggression in Children and Youth (Director) and Behavioral Epidemiology (Director)

National Center for Health Statistics. Applied Statistics Training Institutes. Course on Health Indexes (Instructor)

Public Health Service. Course on Health Measurement for Evaluation and Policy Analysis (through University of California Continuing Education in Health Sciences)

American Heart Association, Cardiovascular Epidemiology Faculty (Lake Tahoe Program)


Elected Offices:

American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division

Program Chair (Division J 1980, 1981); President, Division J, 1981

American Psychological Association, Division 38, Program Committee, 1983, 1985, Elected member at large, 1989-1992, President Elect 1991, President 1992, Past President 1993

University of California Health Psychology Network, Coordinator, 1985

Society for Behavioral Medicine, Symposium Coordinator, 1983

Program Committee, 1985, 1986, 1987, Program Chair, 1989, Board of Directors, 1989

Elected Member at large, 1990-1994, Publications committee, Legislative committee, 1992 Committee on Long term planning, 1993-, Chair, Publications and Communications 1994- 1996, President elect, 1995-1996

President, 1996-1997

Editor-in-Chief of Society’s Journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 1999-204

Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, Elected Council Member 1994-1996, Chair Nominations committee, 1995

International Society for Quality of Life Research, Vice President 1993-1995, President, 1995-1996

International Congress of Applied Psychology, Program Oversight Committee, 1994-1998

President, Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 1992-1993

Distinguished Scientific Lecturer, American Psychological Association, 1995

President, International Society for Quality of Life Research, 1996

President, Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1996-1997

Chair, Behavioral Science Council, American Thoracic Society, 2001-2003

President, Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, 2002-2003

Boards of Directors (Selected)

American Diabetes Association, San Diego Chapter l984-1990

American Lung Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties, l984-1990

House of Delegates, American Lung Association, California, 1985-1989

Society of Behavioral Medicine, 1988-1989, 1991-1992, 1994-1998

American Psychological Association, Division of Health Psychology 1990-1993

Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research, 1993-1996

International Society for Health Psychology, 1994-

International Society for Quality of Life Research, 1992-1998

International Association for Applied Psychology, Division of Health Psychology 1994-1998

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 2001-2004

American Thoracic Society, 2001-2003

Selected Advisory Committees (National)

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Behavioral Medicine Task Force, 1995-1997

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Emphysema Treatment Trial, Steering Committee, 1996-present

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, ENRICHD Trial, Data Safety and Monitoring Board, 1997-2002

American Heart Association, California Research Committee, 1997-2000.

University of California, Los Angeles, Claude A. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center, External Advisory Board, 1992-present, chair, 1997-present

University of California, Irvine Cancer Center, External Advisory Board, 1994-2002

Bedford Veterans Administration Medical Center, National Veterans Health Study External Advisory Board, 1992-1996

Decade of Behavior, National Advisory Committee, 2003-2006.

Grant Review:

National Center for Health Services Research - Study Section, 1981-1985

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research - Study Section 1988-1992

Veterans Administration, Scientific Review and Evaluaiton Board for Health Services, 1987-1991, Chair, 1991-1992

Veterans Administration Regional Program Review Committee, 1988-1990

National Institutes of Health, NHLBI Project Reviews, 1982-1988

National Institutes of Health, Special Diabetes Review Panel, 1981

American Diabetes Association, Southern California Affiliate Study Section, 1982-1987

Canada Ministry of Health, Ad Hoc reviewer, 1985

National Institutes of Health, Academic Research Enhancement Program

Special Review Committee, 1985

National Institutes of Health, Multipurpose Arthritis Center Review, 1986-Present (as needed)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1987

University of California Breast Cancer Research Program Council 2002-2005

Editorial Boards

Annals of Behavioral Medicine (Editor-in-Chief), 2000- (Associate Editor), 1993-1999

Health Psychology (Associate Editor), 1989-1993, (Consulting Editor) 1994-

Quality of Life Research (Consulting Editor)

Women's Health: Research on Gender, Behavior, and Policy (Consulting Editor)

Diabetes Care (Consulting Editor 1985-1990)

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology:

Psychological Assessment (Consulting Editor)1991-1995

Journal of Psychosocial Oncology (Editorial Board)

Journal of Health Psychology (Associate Editor, 1994-prsent)

Social Indicator Research (Consulting Editor, 1997-present)

Health Services Research (Consulting Editor), 1998-present

American Psychologist (Associate Editor), 2001-

Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior (Volumes 1 and 2). Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications, 2004 (Associate Editor)

Representative Editorial Review and Consultations:

Journals Publishing Houses

Health Services Research Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.

Journal of Social Issues Dorsey Press

Social Relations W. B. Saunders Co.

Psychological Reports Canfield Press

Perceptual and Motor Skills Harper & Row Allyn & Bacon

Merrill-Palmer Quarterly McGraw-Hill

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Wadsworth Publishers

Medical Care Random House

Journal of Educational Psychology Mayfield Publishers

Journal of Personality Assessment Brooks/Cole

Representative Editorial Review and Consultations (continued):

Journals Publishing Houses

Behavior Therapy

Annals of Internal Medicine Academic Press

Health Psychology

Journal of Behavioral Medicine

Diabetes Care

American Psychologist

Exercise and Science in Sports and Medicine

Cognitive Therapy and Research

Journal of the American Medical Association


Journal of General Internal Medicine

Social Science and Medicine


Evaluation and Program

Administrative Responsibilities):

Chair, Department of Health Services, University of California, Los Angeles, 2004-2009

PI, UCLA/RAND CDC Prevention Research Center, 2007-present

Director, UCLA/RAND Health Services Research Training Program 2007-present

Chair, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California, San Diego, 1997-2004

Chief, Division of Health Care Sciences, University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, 1987-1997, Acting Chief, 1986

Associate Director, University of California, San Diego Cancer Center, 1989-present

Director, Center for Behavioral Medicine, San Diego State University (through 1988)

Associate Director, Multipurpose Arthritis Center, 1987-1990, 1991- present

Past President, Division J. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division

Director, NATO Advances Research Workshop on Behavioral Epidemiology and Disease Prevention

University of California, San Diego-San Diego State University Joint Doctoral (Clinical Psychology) Committee, (Chair, 1987-present)

University of California, San Diego-San Diego State University Preventive Medicine Residency Steering Committee

Member, NIH, NHLBI Group on Teaching of Prevention in Schools of Medicine

Chair, University of California System-wide Group in Health Psychology

Member, Committee for Henry J. Kaiser Foundation, Advances in Health Assessment

Executive Committee, Department of Community and Family Medicine, UCSD School of Medicine, 1985-present

Member, NIH, NIA, Monitoring Board for Clinical Trials of Behavior Therapy for Urinary Incontinence, 1985-1989

Member, National Institutes of Health, NHLBI, Working Group on Social Support in Cardiovascular Disease, 1986

Member, National Institutes of Health, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, Behavioral Science Committee, 1987-1993

Co-Chair, National Institutes of Health, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Task Force on Prevention of COPD, 1989-1991

Member, Technical Advisory Committee, US Physicians Payment Review Commission, 1989

Member, US Congress Office of Technology Assessment Panel on Oregon Medicaid experiment, 1991-1992

Member, External Advisory Committee, UCLA Claude A. Pepper Center on Aging, 1992-1997

Member, CDC, State of California Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Advisory Board 1992-

Member, State of California Tobacco Control Advisory Board, 1992-

Member, NHLBI, NHI Talk force on Behavioral Research in Cardiovascular, Lung, and Blood Health and Disease, 1995-1997

Advisor, Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research, NIH Office of the Director, 1996

Member, NIH State-of-the Science Panel on Management of Chronic Insomnia is Adults, 2005

Selected Invited Addresses:

Institute on World Affairs, San Diego, 1973

California Psychological Association, 1976

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1977

National Conference on Health Indexes, Phoenix, l976

American Public Health Association, l978

Western Occupational Medicine Association, l980

American Psychological Association, l98l

NATO ASI Aggression in Children in Youth, Italy, l98l

National Association of Diabetes Educators, l982

Department of the Navy, Arentzen Clinical Nursing Symposium, l982

NATO ARW Behavioral Epidemiology, Italy, l983

NATO ARW Social Support, France, l983

Western Psychological Association, l983

National Center for Health Services Research, l984

MacArthur Foundation Health Promotion Summer Institute, l985

Brookings Institution, Prevention as a Way to Improve Work Capacity, Washington, 1986

World Health Organization, Measuring Health Behavior and Health: Towards New Health Promotion Indicators, Berne, Switzerland, 1986

Swiss Society for Social and Preventive Medicine towards New Health Promotion Indicators: A Critical Review of the State-of-the-Art, Berne, Switzerland, 1986

Stanford University, Department of Medicine, Exercise in the Elderly, 1986

Royal College of Physicians/CIBA Foundation, London, 1987

Claremont Graduate School, Applied Social Psychology Workshop, 1987

American Psychological Association, 1987

World Congress of Psychology, Australia, 1988

Australia, New Zealand Public Health Association, 1988

The Royal Society of Medicine, London, 1991

International Union Against Cancer, Germany, 1992

International Clinical Epidemiology Network (INCLIN), Cario, Egypt, 1993

Health Services Journal, Conference on Outcomes, London, 1993

Southeast Asian Clinical Epidemiology Network, Philippines, 1993

International Society for Quality of Life Research, Brussels, 1994

International Society of Behavioral Medicine, The Netherlands, 1994

European Health Psychology Associate, Alicante Spain, 1994

Royal College of Physicians of Canada, Montreal 1995

Japanese Health Psychology Association, Tokyo, 1995

Selected Colloquia:

University of California, Riverside (Departments of Psychology and Statistics)

University of California, San Diego (Departments of Community Medicine and Psychology)

University of California, Irvine (Social Ecology)

San Diego State University (Psychology)

University of Wisconsin

MacMaster University

California State University, Fullerton

Notre Dame University

University of Texas Medical Branch

Institute of Health Services (Munich West Germany)

Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation

University of California, Los Angeles

Oregon Research Institute

University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

University of Southern California

University of London

Stanford University

Claremont Graduate School

Kent State University

Rutgers University

Cleveland Clinic

Loma Linda University

University of California, Berkeley

RAND Corporation

Loyola Merrymount University

State University of New York at Utica

Syracuse University

University of Pittsburgh

Harvard University

Yale University

Selected Public Testimony:

California State Legislature, Health Care Reform, August 1992

Women's Caucus, California State Assembly, Policy for Resource Allocation, April, 1993

US House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means, Health Care Reform Financing, Tobacco Taxation, November, 1993


Selected Funded Research Support (Principal Investigator):

|Project |Supporting Agency |Dates |

| | | |

|Simulation of Quasi Experimental Research in Health |National Center for Health Services Research |1975-1978 |

| |(HRA 106-74-122) | |

| | | |

|Value Studies for a Health Status Index |San Diego State University Foundation (Faculty Fellow) |1977 |

| | | |

|Cognitive Strategies for Coping with Noxious Medical |National Institutes of Mental Health (R03 MH30949) |1977-1978 |

|Examinations | | |

| | | |

|Reliability Studies for the Incident Analysis and |American Broadcasting Co. |1978 |

|Classification Form | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Programs for Exercise Compliance in COPD |National Institutes of Health/NIHLB |1980-1982 |

| |(1 ROL HL 25109-01) | |

| | | |

|Exercise and Diet in Type II Diabetes |National Institutes of Health/NIADDK |1981-1985 |

| | | |

|Improving Compliance in Diabetes |National Institutes of Health, Career Development Program |1981-1986 |

| | | |

|Aggression in Children and Youth |NATO ASI Program |1981 |

| | | |

|A Social learning Approach to Promote Metabolic Control in |American Diabetes Association |1982-1983 |

|Type I Diabetic Adolescents and Pre-Adolescents | | |

| | | |

|Behavioral Epidemiology and Disease Prevention |NATO |1982-1983 |

| | | |

|Family Cardiovascular Risk; Social Learning Approach |National Institutes of Health, NHLBI |1984-1987 |

|(subcontract to Philip Nader) | | |

| | | |

|Prospective Performance Predictors of Mortality Among Senile |National Institutes of Health, NIA TNA pilot |1985-1986 |

|Residents of Nursing Homes | | |

| | | |

|A Method for Evaluating the Effects of Public Health and |National Science Foundation |1985-1986 |

|Safety Progress (with John Mendeloff) | | |

| | | |

|Compliance With Therapeutic Regimens (with Harold Simon) |American Medical Association |1985-1986 |

| | | |

|Randomized Trial of Rehabilitation in COPD |National Institutes of Health NHLBI |1985-1989 |

| | | |

|Effects of Acute Hypoglycemia Upon Information Processing in |American Diabetes Association |1985-1987 |

|Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus | | |

| | | |

|Social Learning of Diet and Exercise in Children |National Institutes of Health NHLBI |1986-1989 |

| | | |

|Multipurpose Arthritis Center |National Institutes of Health NIADDK |1987-1990 |

| | | |

|Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions in Osteoarthritis |Arthritis Foundation |1988-1990 |

| | | |

|Randomized Trial of Rehabilitation in COPD (continuing |National Institutes of Health NHLBI |1989-1994 |

|follow-up) | | |

| | | |

|Por la vida model in Cancer Prevention |NIH, National Cancer Institute |1990-1995 |

| | | |

|Health Policy Model for Resource Allocation |California Policy Seminar |1990-1991 |

| | | |

|Quality of Life in Cancer |California Cancer Coordinating Committee |1990-1991 |

| | | |

|Measurement and Outcomes of Dypsnea in COPD |University of California Tobacco Related Disease Program |1991-1994 |

| | | |

|Quality of Life for Arthritis in the National Health |National Institutes of Health NIAMSD |1991-1996 |

|Interview Survey | | |

| | | |

|Controversies in Diet and Breast Cancer |University of California Cancer Consortium |1992 |

| | | |

|Decision Making in Prostate Cancer |American Cancer Society |1996-1997 |

| | | |

|Multipurpose Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases Center |National Institutes of Health NIAMSD |1991-1997 |

|(EEHSR Project 2) | | |

| | | |

|Quality of Well-being Revision Project |National Institutes of Health AHCPR |1997-2000 |

| | | |

|Validation of a Self-administered Quality of Well-being Scale|National Institues of Health NIAMSD |1997-2001 |

|in Arthritis | | |

| | | |

|Effects of Tobacco Taxation Upon Population Health Status |UC Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program |1998-2001 |

| | | |

|Life Assesment for Prostate Cancer Decision Models |American Cancer Society |1998-2000 |

|Modeling Cost/Effectiveness of Tobacco Control Programs |UC Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program |2002-2004 |

|Web-Based Evaluation of Tools for Shared PSA Decisions |Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |2001-2004 |


A. Books or Book-Length Monographs:

l. Begle, E.P., Dunn, J.A., Kaplan, R.M., Knoll, J., Melnotte, J.M., & Steel, L. (1973). Career Education: An Annotated Bibliography for Teachers and Curriculum Developers. Palo Alto: American Institutes for Research.

2. Singer, R.D. & Kaplan, R.M. (1976). Television and social behavior. Journal of Social Issues, 32(4).

3. Harari, H. & Kaplan, R.M. (1977). Psychology: Personal and Social Adjustment. New York: Harper & Row.

4. Berry, C.C., Bush, J.W., Kaplan, R.M., Olshen, R.O., & Smallwood, D.E. (1978). Nonrandomized Health Outcomes Research: Problems and Possibilities. National Center for Health Services Research.

5. Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (1982). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues. Monterey: Brooks/Cole.

Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (1989). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 2nd Edition. Monterey: Brooks/Cole.

Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (1993). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 3rd Edition. Monterey: Brooks/Cole

Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (1997). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 4th Edition. Monterey: Brooks/Cole.

Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (2001). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 5th Edition. Belmont: Wadsworth.

Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (2005). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 6th Edition. Belmont: Thompson Wadsworth.

Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (2009). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 7th Edition. Belmont: Cengage Wadsworth.

6. Harari, H. & Kaplan, R.M. (1982). Social Psychology: Basic and Applied. Monterey: Brooks/Cole.

7. Saccuzzo, D.P. & Kaplan, R.M. (1984). Clinical Psychology. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

8. Kaplan, R.M., Konecni, V.J., & Novaco, R.W. (1984). Aggression in Children and Youth. The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff International.

9. Kaplan, R.M. & Criqui, M.H. (1985). Behavioral Epidemiology and Disease Prevention. New York: Plenum.

10. Kaplan, R.M. (1987). Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

11. Kaplan, R.M. (Editor) (1992). Controveries in Dietary Intervention. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 14 (2), 99-125.

12. Kaplan, R.M. (1993). The Hippocratic Predicament: Affordibility, Access and Accountability in American Health Care. San Diego, Academic Press.

13. Kaplan, R.M. Sallis, J.F. & Patterson, T.L. (1993). Health and Human Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Kaplan, R.M. Sallis, J.F. & Patterson, T.L. (1996). Zdravie a Spravanie Cloveka. Slovak Edition. SPN, Slovenske, Pedagogicke, Nakladatelstvo. (Slovak Edition of #13)

14. Pierce, J.P., Evans, N., Farkas, A.J., Cavin, S.W., Berry, C., Kramer, M., Kealey, S., Rosbrook, B., Choi, W., & Kaplan, R.M. (1994). Tobacco Use in California. An Evaluation of the Tobacco Control Program, 1989-1993. La Jolla, Calif: University of California, San Diego.

15. J. Piette, R.M. Kaplan & J. Ferrari (Eds.) (1997)Preventing Illness among People with Coronary Heart Disease (pp. 143-159). New York, NY: Haworth Press, Inc.

16. Porzsolt, F, Williams, A.R. & Kaplan, R.M. (2003) Klinische Okonomik: Effektivitat & Effizienz von Gesundheitsleistungen (Clinical Economics: Effectiveness and Efficiency of Health Care: Augsburg Germany: Econmed-Umweltinformation.

17. Porzsolt, F & Kaplan, RM (Eds) (2006) Optimizing Health: Improving the Value of Healthcare Delivery. New York: Springer

18. Kaplan, RM (2009) Disease, Diagnosis, and Dollars. New York: Springer

B. Supplements to Textbooks:

18. Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (1982). Instructors Manual for Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues. Monterey: Brooks/Cole.

Saccuzzo, D.P., Garman, J.B., & Kaplan, R.M. (1989). Instructors Manual for Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 2nd Edition. Monterey, Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole.

Kaplan, R.M. & Saccuzzo, D.P. (1993). Instructors Manual for Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, 3nd Edition. Monterey, Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole.

19. Kaplan, R.M. & Meyer, T.J. (1987). Instructors Manual and Solutions Manual for Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, (118 pages).

20. Kaplan, R.M. (1987). Workbook for Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences. Boston: Allyn & Bacon, (123 pages).

C. Articles and Chapters:

21. Goldman, R.D. & Kaplan, R.M. (1972). Development of a mechanization scale: Measurement of stereo types of attitude toward technology. Proceedings, 80th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, 7, 29-30.

22. Kaplan, R.M. (1972). On television as a cause of aggression. American Psychologist, 27, 968-969.

23. Rhine, R.J. & Kaplan, R.M. (1972). The effect of message incredulity upon the evaluation of the source of a communication. Journal of Social Psychology, 88, 255-266.

24. Kaplan, R.M., Kaplan, O.J., & Kaplan, R.Z. (1972). Attitudes toward drinking drivers in a large metropolitan area. In J.R. Gusfield & O.J. Kaplan (Eds.), A Study of Drinking Drivers in San Diego County. San Diego: The Urban Observatory.

25. Goldman, R.D., Platt, B.B., & Kaplan, R.M. (1973). Dimensions of attitudes toward technology. Journal of Applied Psychology, 57(2), l84-l87.

25. Eisenberger, R., Myers, A.K., & Kaplan, R.M. (1973). Persistent deprivation-shift effect opposite in direction to incentive contrast. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 99, 400-404.

26. Goldman, R.D., Kaplan, R.M., & Platt, B.B. (1973). Sex differences in the relationship of attitudes toward technology to choice of field of study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 20(5), 4l2-4l8.

26. Kaplan, R.M. (1973). Some effects of attitudinal and counter-attitudinal expression on anger and aggressive drive. Dissertation Abstracts International, 34(l), (order no. 73-l5, 639).

27. Kaplan, R.M. & Swant, S.G. (1973). Reward characteristics in the appraisal of achievement behavior. Representative Research in Social Psychology, 4, 11-17.

28. Kaplan, R.M. & Goldman, R.D. (1973). Interracial perception among Black, White, and Mexican-American high school students. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28(3), 383-389.

29. Kaplan, R.M. & Goldman, R.D. (1973). Stereotypes of college students toward the average man's and woman's attitudes toward women. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 20(5), 459-462.

30. Kaplan, R.M. (1973). Components of trust: Note on the use of Rotter's scale. Psychological Reports, 33, l3-14.

31. Kaplan, R.M. (1973). The cathartic value of attitudinal and counter-attitudinal expression. Proceedings of the Annual American Psychological Association, 277-278.

32. Eisenberger, R., Kaplan, R.M., & Singer, R.D. (1974). Decremental and non decremental effects of non contingent social approval. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 30(5), 7l6-722.

33. Kaplan, R.M. (1974). Reflections on the Doctor Fox paradigm. Journal of Medical Education, 49(3), 3l0-3l3.

34. Berry, C.C., Bush, J.W., & Kaplan, R.M. (1975). Testing for variation in social group preferences for function levels of a health index. Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 320-325.

35. Gross, D.E. & Kaplan, R.M. (1975). Teacher attitudes toward implementing career education in the classroom. The Journal of Education Research, 69, l06-l08.

36. Kaplan, R.M. (1975). Intersex perception: The case of the Riggs-King tennis match. Representative Research in Social Psychology, 6, 24-28.

37. Kaplan, R.M. (1975). The cathartic value of self-expression: Testing, catharsis, dissonance, and interference explanations. The Journal of Social Psychology, 97, l95-208.

38. Blischke, W.R., Bush, J.W., & Kaplan, R.M. (1975). Successive intervals analysis of preference measures in a health status index. Health Services Research, l0(2), l8l-l98.

39. Kaplan, R.M., Bush, J.W., & Berry, C.C. (1976). Health status: Types of validity and the index of well-being. Health Services Research, 11(4), 478-507.

40. Kaplan, R.M. (1976). Television and aggression. Journal of the American Medical Association, 235, l55l.

41. Singer, R.D. & Kaplan, R.M. (1976). Television and social behavior: Introduction. Journal of Social Issues, 32(4), 1-7.

42. Kaplan, R.M. & Singer, R.D. (1976). Television violence and viewer aggression: A reexamination of the evidence. Journal of Social Issues, 34(4), 35-70.

43. Kaplan, R.M. & Pascoe, G.C. (1977). Humorous lectures and humorous examples: Some effects upon comprehension and retention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 69(1), 61-65.

44. Kaplan, R.M. & Litrownik, A.J. (1977). Some statistical methods for the assessment of multiple outcome criteria in behavioral research. Behavior Therapy, 8, 383-392.

45. Kaplan, R.M. & Bush, J.W. (1977). A comparison of methods for measuring social preferences for a health status index. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Part 2, pp. 682-687.

46. Kaplan, R.M. & Singer, R.D. (1977). Is government censorship the only answer? Prosecutor's Brief, 2(2), 38.

47. Kaplan, R.M., Adams, M., & Singer, R.D. (1977). Effects of medium and presentation style on evaluation of a communicator. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 45, 967-979.

48. Kaplan, R.M. (1978). Is beauty talent: Sex interaction in the attractiveness halo effect. Sex Roles, 4(2), 195-204.

49. Kaplan, R.M. (1978). Uses of discriminant analysis in psychological research. American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, 596-601.

50. Kaplan, R.M., Bush, J.W., & Berry, C.C. (1978). The reliability, stability, and generalizability of a health status index. American Statistical Association, Proceedings of the Social Status Section, 704-709.

51. Kaplan, R.M. & Litrownik, A.J. (1978). Further comments on multivariate methods in behavioral research. Behavior Therapy, 9, 474-476.

52. Koller, P.S. & Kaplan, R.M. (1978). A two-process theory of learned helplessness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36(10), 1177-1183.

53. Jamison, P.H., Franzini, L.R., & Kaplan, R.M. (1979). Some assumed characteristics of voluntarily childfree women and men. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 4(2), 266-273.

54. Kaplan, R.M., Bush, J.W., & Berry, C.C. (1979). Health status index: Category rating versus measuring levels of well-being Medical Care, 17(5), 501-525.

55. Kaplan, R.M., McCordick, S.M., & Twitchell, M. (1979). Is it the cognitive or the behavioral component which makes cognitive-behavior modification effective in test anxiety. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 26(5), 371-377.

56. McCordick, S.M., Kaplan, R.M., Finn, M.E., & Smith, S. (1979). Cognitive behavior modification and modeling for test anxiety. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 47, 419-420.

57. Kaplan, R.M. (1980). How do fans and oddsmakers differ in their judgments of football teams? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 6(2), 287-292.

58. Kaplan, R.M. (1981). Assessment of stress and anxiety. Journal of Personality Assessment, 45(6), 660-662.

59. McCordick, S.M., Kaplan, R.M., Smith, S., & Finn, M.E. (1981). Variations in cognitive behavior modification for test anxiety. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 18(2), 170-178.

60. Steinmetz, J.I., Kaplan, R.M., & Miller, G.L. (1981). Stress Management: Assessment and Intervention. Cincinnati: National Institutes of Occupational Safety and Health.

61. Bush, J.W., Anderson, J.P., Kaplan, R.M., & Blischke, W.R. (1982). "Counterintuitive" preferences in health-related quality-of-life measurement. Medical Care, 20(5), 516-525.

62. Kaplan, R.M., Atkins, C.J., & Lenhard, L. (1982). Coping with a stressful sigmoidoscopy: Evaluation of cognitive and relaxation preparations. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 5(1), 67-82.

63. Kaplan, R.M. (1982). Television and aggression revisited. American Psychologist, 37, 589.

64. Kaplan, R.M. (1982). Human preference measurement for health decisions and the evaluation of of long-term care. In R.L. Kane & R.A. Kane (Eds.), Values and Long-Term Care (pp. 157-188). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.

65. Kaplan, R.M. (1982). Nader's raid on the testing industry: Is it in the best interest of the consumer? American Psychologist, 37(1), 15-23.

66. Kaplan, R.M. & Bush, J.W. (1982). Health-related quality of life measurement for evaluation research and policy analysis. Health Psychology, 1(1), 61-80.

67. Kaplan, R.M. & Atkins, C.J. (1982). Psychological issues raised in the California supreme court case: People vs. Collins. Psychological Reports, 50, 259-266.

68. Nocella, J. & Kaplan, R.M. (1982). Training children to cope with dental treatment. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 7(2), 175-178.

69. Steinmetz, J., Kaplan, R.M., & Miller, G.L. (1982). Stress management: An assessment questionnaire for evaluating interventions and comparing groups. Journal of Occupational Medicine, 24(11), 923-931.

70. Kaplan, R.M. (1982). Coping with stressful medical examinations. In M.R. DiMatteo & H. Friedman (eds.), Interpersonal Issues in Health Care. San Francisco: Academic Press, pp. 187-206.

71. Kaplan, R.M., Metzger, G., & Jablecki, C. (1983). Brief cognitive and relaxation training increases tolerance for a painful clinical electromyographic examination. Psychosomatic Medicine , 45(2), 155-162.

72. Kaplan, R.M. & Ernst, J.A. (1983). Do category rating scales produce biased preference weights for a health index? Medical Care, 21(2), 193-207.

73. Atkins, C.J., Kaplan, R.M., Reinsch, S., Lofback, K., & Timms, R.M. (1984). Behavioral exercise programs in the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52(4), 591-603.

74. Kaplan, R.M. (1984). The measurement of human aggression. In R.M. Kaplan, V.J. Konecni, & R.W. Novaco (Eds.), Aggression in Children and Youth. The Hague, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff International, pp. 44-72.

75. Kaplan, R.M. (1984). The connection between clinical health promotion and health status: A critical overview. American Psychologist, 39(7), 755-765.

76. Heitzmann, C.A. & Kaplan, R.M. (1984). Interaction between sex and social support in the control of type II diabetes mellitus. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52(6), 1087-1089.

77. Kaplan, R.M., Atkins, C.J., & Reinsch, S. (1984). Specific efficacy expectations mediate exercise compliance in patients with COPD. Health Psychology, 3(3), 223-242.

78. Kaplan, R.M., Atkins, C.J., & Timms, R. (1984). Validity of a quality of well-being scale as an outcome measure in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 37(2), 85-95.

79. Kaplan, R.M. (1984). The social psychology of patient compliance. Contemporary Psychology, 29(2), 127-128.

80. Toevs, C.D., Kaplan, R.M., & Atkins, C.J. (1984). The costs and effects of behavioral programs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Medical Care, 22(12), 1088-1100.

81. Kaplan, R.M., Wilson, D.K., Hartwell, S.L., Townsend-Merino, K., & Atkins, C.J. (1984). Randomized comparison of diet, exercise, and education in type II diabetes mellitus. Diabetes, 33(Suppl a), 117.

82. Kaplan, R.M. (1984). Review of the health planning predicament. Health Psychology, 3, 595-597.

83. Kaplan, R.M. (1985). Quality of life assessment. In P. Karoly (Ed.), Measurement Strategies in Health Psychology (pp. 115-146). New York, NY: Wiley.

84. Kaplan, R.M. (1985). The controversy related to the use of psychological tests. In B.B. Wolman (Ed.), Handbook of Intelligence: Theories, Measurements, and Applications (pp. 465-504). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.

85. Kaplan, R.M. (1985). Social support and social health. In I.G. Sarason & B.R. Sarason (Eds.), Social Support Theory, Research, and Application (pp. 95-113). The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff International Publishers.

86. Kaplan, R.M. & Atkins, C.J. (1985). The behavioral management of type II diabetes mellitus. In R.M. Kaplan & M.H. Criqui (eds.), Behavioral Epidemiology and Disease Prevention (pp. 353-383). New York, NY: Plenum International Publishers.

87. Kaplan, R.M. (1985). Quantification of health outcomes for policy studies in behavioral epidemiology. In R.M. Kaplan & M.H. Criqui (Eds.), Behavioral Epidemiology and Disease Prevention (pp. 31-54). New York, NY: Plenum.

88. Kaplan, R.M., Wilson, D.K., Hartwell, S.L., Merino, K.L., & Wallace, J.P. (1985). Prospective evaluation of HDL cholesterol changes after diet and physical conditioning programs for patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care, 8(4), 343-348.

89. Kaplan, R.M., Chadwick, M.W., & Schimmel, L.E. (1985). Social learning intervention to promote metabolic control in type I diabetes mellitus: Pilot experiment results. Diabetes Care, 8(2), 152-155.

90. Kaplan, R.M. (1985). Behavioral epidemiology, health promotion, and health services. Medical Care, 23(5), 564-583.

91. Wilson, D.K., Kaplan, R.M., Timms, R.M., & Dawson, A. (1985). Acute effects of oxygen therapy upon information processing for hypoxemic COPD patients. Chest, 88, 239-243.

92. Kaplan, R.M., Ries, A., & Atkins, C.J. (1985). Area review: Behavioral management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 7(4), 5-10.

93. Kaplan, R.M., Hammel, B., & Schimmel, L.E. (1985). Patient information processing and the decision to accept treatment. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 1(1), 113-120.

94. Kaplan, R.M. (1986). Health promotion and coronary heart disease: A rejoinder. American Psychologist , 41, 98-99.

95. Kaplan, R.M. & Davis, W.K. (1986). Evaluating the costs and benefits of outpatient diabetes education and nutrition counseling. Diabetes Care, 9(1), 81-86.

96. Kaplan, R.M. (1986). Health promotion and coronary heart disease: A comment on consensus. American Psychologist, 41, 1003.

97. Hartwell, S.L., Kaplan, R.M., & Wallace, J.P. (1986). Comparison of behavioral interventions for control of type II diabetes mellitus. Behavior Therapy, 17, 447-461.

98. Kaplan, R.M. & Davis, W.K. (1986). Cost/benefit rationale for third party reimbursement of educational services. Diabetes Care, 9, 554-555.

99. Heitzmann, C.A., Kaplan, R.M., Wilson, D.K., & Sandler, J. (1987). Sex differences in weight loss among with type II diabetes mellitus. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 10(2), 197-211.

100. Kaplan, R.M. & Atkins, C.J. (1987). Selective attrition causes overestimates of treatment effects in studies of weight loss. Addictive Behaviors, 12, 297-302.

101. Atkins, C.J., Patterson, T.L., Roppe, B.E., Kaplan, R.M., Sallis, J.F., & Nader, P.R. (1987). Recruitment issues, health habits and the decision to participate in a health promotion program. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 3(2), 87-94.

102. Wingard, D.L., Jones, D.W., & Kaplan, R.M. (1987). Institutional care utilization by the elderly: A critical review. The Gerontologist, 27(2), 156-163.

103. Bergner, M., Kaplan, R.M., & Ware, J.E. (1987). Evaluating health measures. Commentary: Measuring overall health: An evaluation of three important approaches. Journal of Chronic Diseases, 40(Suppl.1), 23S-26S.

104. Wilson, D.K., Kaplan, R.M., & Schneiderman, L.J. (1987). Framing of decisions and selections of alternatives in health care. Social Behavior, 2, 21-59.

105. Sallis, J.F., Johnson, C.C., Trevorrow, T.R., Kaplan, R.M., & Hovell, M.F. (1987). The relationship between cynical hostility and blood pressure reactivity. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 31(1), 111-116.

106. Kaplan, R.M., Hartwell, S.L., Wilson, D.K., & Wallace, J.P. (1987). Effects of diet and exercise interventions on control and quality of life in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2, 220-228. (republished in Diabetes Spectrum, 1989, 2(1), 20-25.)

107. Patterson, T.L., Kaplan, R.M., Sallis, J.F., & Nader, P.R. (1987). Aggregation of blood pressure in Anglo-American and Mexican-American families. Preventive Medicine, 16, 616-625.

108. Kaplan, R.M. & Hartwell, S.L. (1987). Differential effects of social support and social network on physiological and social outcomes in men and women with type II diabetes mellitus. Health Psychology, 6(5), 387-398.

109. Sallis, J.F., Trevorrow, T.R., Johnson, C.C., Hovell, M.F., & Kaplan, R.M. (1987). Worksite stress management: A comparison of programs. Psychology and Health, 1, 237-255.

110. Kaplan, R.M. (1988). The value dimension in studies of health promotion. In S. Spacapan & S. Oskamp (Eds.), The Social Psychology of Health (pp. 207-236). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

111. Kaplan, R.M. (1988). Health-related quality of life in cardiovascular disease. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(3), 382-392.

112. Heitzmann, C.A. & Kaplan, R.M. (1988). Assessment of methods for measuring social support. Health Psychology, 7, 75-109.

113. Kaplan, R.M. & Atkins, C.J. (1988). Behavioral interventions for patients with COPD. In A.J. McSweeney and I. Grant (Eds.), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Behavioral Perspective (pp. 123-162). New York, NY: Marcel Dekker.

114. Kaplan, R.M. (1988). New health promotion indicators: The general health policy model. Health Promotion, 3(1), 35-49.

115. Kaplan, R.M. & Chadwick, M.W. (1988). Training sozialer kompetenz bei typ-I-diabetes. In F. Strian, R. Holzl, & M. Haslbeck (Eds.), Verhaltensmedizin und Diabetes Mellitus (pp. 309-325). Berlin: Springer (published in German).

116. Kaplan, R.M. & Anderson, J.P. (1988). The Quality of Well-being Scale: Rationale for a single quality of life index. In S.R. Walker & R. Rosser (Eds.), Quality of Life: Assessment and Application (pp. 51-77). London, England: MTP Press.

117. Kaplan, R.M. & Anderson, J.P. (1988). A general health policy model: Update and applications. Health Services Research, 23(2), 203-235.

118. Kaplan, R.M. (1988). Health-related quality of life with applications in nutrition research and practice. Clinical Nutrition, 7(2), 64-70.

119. Kaplan, R.M., Atkins, C.J., & Wilson, D.K. (1988). The cost-utility of diet and exercise interventions in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Health Promotion, 2(4), 331-340.

120. Kaplan, R.M., Kozin, F., & Anderson, J.P. (1988). Measuring quality of life in arthritis patients (including discussion of a general health-decision model). Quality of Life and Cardiovascular Care, 4, 131-139.

121. Erickson, P., Anderson, J.P., Kendall, E.A., Kaplan, R.M., & Ganiats, T.G. (1988). Using retrospective data for measuring quality of life: National health interview survey data and the Quality of Well-beingScale. Quality of Life and Cardiovascular Care, 4(4), 179-184.

122. Tallal, P., Curtiss, S., & Kaplan, R.M. (1988). Evaluation of the outcome of preschool impairment in language development: Theoretical constructs and design for a five year longitudinal study. In S.E. Gerber & G.T. Mengher (Eds.), Human Communication Disorders: A Worldwide Perspective. Gallandet University Press.

123. Patterson, T.L., Sallis, J.F., Kaplan, R.M., & Nader, P.R. (1988). Influence of physical activity and diet on aggregation of body mass in Mexican-American and Anglo families. Journal of Obesity and Weight Regulation, 7, 77-90.

124. Grant, I. & Kaplan, R.M. (1989). Statistics and research design. In H.I. Kaplan & J. Sadock (Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry (pp. 340-355).

125. Orenstein, D.M., Nixon, P.A., Ross, E.A., & Kaplan, R.M. (1989). The quality of well-being in cystic fibrosis. Chest, 95, 344-347.

126. Kaplan, R.M. (1989). Health outcome models for policy analysis. Health Psychology, 8(6), 723-735.

127. Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., Wu, A.W., Mathews, W.C., Kozin, F., & Orenstein, D. (1989). The Quality of Well-being Scale: Applications in AIDS, cystic fibrosis, and arthritis. Medical Care, 27(Suppl 3), S27-S43.

128. Kaplan, R.M., Patterson, T.L., Sallis, J.F., & Nader, P.R. (1989). Exercise suppresses heritability estimates for obesity in Mexican-American families. Addictive Behaviors, 14, 581-588.

129. Kaplan, R.M. & Toshima, M.T. (1989). Review of health problems checklist. In J.C. Conoley & J. Kramer (Eds.), Tenth Mental Measurement Yearbook (pp. 348-350). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. (also Available in Buros Institute Data Base (Search Label MMYD), BRS Information Technologies, AN-10090232).

130. Toshima, M.T. & Kaplan, R.M. (1989). Review of illness behavior questionnaire, second edition. In J. Conoley & J. Kramer (Eds.), Tenth Mental Measurement Yearbook (pp. 365-367). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. (also Available in Buros Institute Data Base (Search Label MMYD), BRS Information Technologies, AN-10120198).

131. Erickson, P., Kendall, E.A., Anderson, J.P. & Kaplan, R.M. (1989). Using composite health status measures to asses the nation's health. Medical Care, 27(Suppl 3), S66-S76.

132. Kaplan, R.M. & Ganiats, T.G. (1989). Trade-offs in treatment alternatives for non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 4, 167-171.

133. Kaplan, R.M. & Atkins, C.J. (1989). The well-year of life as a basis for patient decision making. Patient and Education Counseling, 13, 281-295.

134. Patterson, T.L., Sallis, J.F., Nader, P.R., Kaplan, R.M., Rupp, J., Atkins, C.J., & Senn, K. (1989). Familial similarities of changes in cognitive, behavioral, and physiological variables in a cardiovascular health promotion program. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 14, 277-292.

135. Kaplan, R.M. (1989). Decreased cognitive function in aging non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients (summary and comment). Diabetes Spectrum, 2(3), 175-176.

136. Mendeloff, J.M. & Kaplan, R.M. (1989). Are large differences in "lifesaving" costs justified? A psychometric study of the relative value placed on preventing deaths. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 9(3), 349-363.

137. Anderson, J.P., Kaplan, R.M., & DeBon, M. (1989). Comparison of responses to similar questions in health surveys. In F. Fowler (Ed.), Health Survey Research Methods (pp. 13-21). Washington, D.C.: National Center For Health Statistics.

138. Anderson, J.P., Kaplan, R.M., Berry, C.C., Bush, J.W., & Rumbaut, R.G. (1989). Interday reliability of function assessment for a health status measure: The Quality of Well-being Scale. Medical Care, 27(11), 1076-1084.

139. Kaplan, R.M. (1989). Physicians health study: Aspirin and primary prevention of heart disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 321, 1826-1827 (comment).

140. Kelty, M.F. Hastings, M.M., Cahn, J, Kaplan, R.M., et al (1989). Health Policy. Health Psychology, 8, 773-775 (committee report).

141. Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., & Erickson, P. (1989). Estimating well-years of life for a new public health indicator. Proceedings of the 1989 Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics. HDDS, National Center for Health Statistics, DHHS Publication Number (PHS) 90-1214, pp. 298-303.

142. Cronan, T.A., Kaplan, R.M., Posner, L., Blumberg, E., & Kozin, F. (1989). Prevalence of the use of unconventional remedies for arthritis in a metropolitan community. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 32(12), 1604-1607.

143. Kaplan, R.M., Toshima, M.T., Atkins, C.J., & Ries, A. (1990). Adherence to prescribed regimens for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In J.K. O'Keene & S.A. Shumaker (Eds.), Handbook of Health Behavior Change (pp. 126-143). Springer.

144. Toshima, M.T., Kaplan, R.M., & Ries, A.L. (1990). Experimental evaluation of rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Short-term effects on exercise endurance and health status. Health Psychology, 9(3), 237-252.

145. Kaplan, R.M. & Anderson, J.P. (1990). The general health policy model: An integrated approach. In B. Spilker (Ed.), Quality of Life Assessments in Clinical Trials (pp. 131-149). New York: Raven.

146. Kaplan, R.M. & Toshima, M.T. (1990). The functional effects of social relationships on chronic illness and disability. In R. Sarason, I.G. Sarason, & G.R. Pierce (Eds.), Social Support: An Interactional View (pp. 427-453). New York: Wiley.

147. Kaplan, R.M. & Berry, C.C. (1990). Adjusting for confounding variables. In L. Sechrest, E. Perrin, & J. Bunker (Eds.), Strengthening Causal Interpretations of Non-Experimental Data (pp. 105-114). Beverly Hills: Sage.

148. Wingard, D.L., Williams-Jones, D., McPhillips, J., Kaplan, R.M., & Barrett-Connor, E.L. (1990). Nursing home utilization in adults: A prospective population-based study. Journal of Aging and Health, 2, 179-193.

149. Kaplan, R.M. & Simon, H.J. (1990). Compliance in medical care: Reconsideration of self-predictions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 12(2), 66-71.

150. Atkins, C.J., Senn, K., Rupp, J., Kaplan, R.M., Patterson, T.L., Sallis, J.F., & Nader, P.R. (1990). Attendance at health promotion programs: Baseline predictors and program outcome. Health Education Quarterly, 17(4), 417-428.

151. Sheperd, S.L., Hovell, M.F., Harwood, I.R., Granger, L.E., Hofstetter, C.R., Molgaard, C., & Kaplan, R.M. (1990). A comparative study of the psychosocial assets of adults with cystic fibrosis and their healthy peers. Chest, 97, 1310-1316.

152. Kaplan, R.M. (1990). Single scale scores and the potential for a core instrument. In S. Shumaker, C Furberg, S. Czajkowski, & E Schron (Eds.), Quality of Life in Cardiovascular Disease. New York, NY: Wiley.

153. Orenstein, D.M., Pattishall, E.N., Ross, E.A., & Kaplan, R.M.(1990). Quality of well-being before and after antibiotic treatment of pulmonary exacerbation in cystic fibrosis. Chest, 98, 1081-1084.

154. Kaplan, R.M. (1990). Behavior as the central outcome in health care. American Psychologist, 45, 1211-1220.

155 Kaplan, R.M., & Ganiats, T.G. (1990). QALYs: Their ethical implications. Journal of the American Medical Association, 264, 2502-2503 (comment).

156. Atkins, C.J., Kaplan, R.M., & Toshima, M.T. (1991). Close relationships in the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. In W.H. Jones & D. Perlman (Eds.), Advances in Personal Relationships. Vol 3 (pp. 207-231). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

157. Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Assessment of quality of life for setting priorities in health policy. In H.E. Schroeder (Ed.), New Directions in Health Psychology Assessment (pp. 1-26).

158. Kaplan, R.M. & Anderson, J.P. (1991). A general health policy model: Applications of new health indicators in studies of aging. In M. Ory & R. Weindrich (Eds.), Reducing frailty and falls in older persons (pp 385-441). New York, NY: Charles C. Thomas.

159. Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., & Wingard, D.L. (1991). Gender differences in health-related quality of life. Health Psychology, 10(2), 86-93.

160. Buchman, B.P., Sallis, J.F., Criqui, M.H., Dimsdale, J.E., & Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Physical activity, physical fitness, and psychological characteristics of medical students. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 35, 197-208.

161. Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Imagine, no coronary heart disease. Circulation, 83, 1452-1455.

162. Hovell, M.F., Kaplan, R.M., & Hovell, F. (1991). Analysis of preventive medical services in the United States. In P.A. Lamal (Ed.), Behavior analysis of societies and cultural practices (pp. 181-200). New York, NY: Hemisphere.

163. Ries, A.L., Kaplan, R.M., & Blumberg, E. (1991). Use of factor analysis to consolidate multiple outcome measures in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 44(6), 497-503.

164. Punzal, P.A., Ries, A.L., Kaplan, R.M., & Prewitt, L.M. (1991). Maximum intensity exercise training in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chest, 100, 618-623.

165. Carlson, D.J., Ries, A.L., & Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Prediction of maximum exercise tolerance in patients with COPD. Chest, 100, 307-311.

166. Langer, R.D., Walk, R., Schneiderman, L.J., Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., and Chen, M. (1991). A research-oriented medical cost accounting system. International Journal of Biomedical Computing, 28, 161-167.

167. Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Health-related quality of life in patient decision making. Journal of Social Issues, 47 4), 69-90.

168. Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Counseling psychology in health settings: Promise and Challenge. The Counseling Psychologist, 19, 376-381 (invited editorial).

169. Kaplan, R.M., DeBon, M., & Anderson, B.F. (1991). Effects of number of rating scale points upon utilities in a Quality of Well-being scale. Medical Care, 29, 1061-1064.

170. Orenstein, D.M., & Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Measuring the quality of well-being in cystic fibrosis and lung transplantation. The importance of the area under the curve. Chest, 100, 1016-1018.

171. Ganiats, T.G., Humphrey, J.B.C., Taras, H.L., & Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Routine neonatal circumcision: A cost/utility analysis. Medical Decision Making, 11(4), 282-293.

172. Kaplan, R.M. (1991). Value for money in management of HIV: Health-related quality of life. In A. Maynard (Ed.), Economic Aspects of HIV Management (pp 19-26). London, England: Colwood House Medical Publications.

173. Kashani, I.A., Kaplan, R.M., Criqui, M.H., Nader, P.R., Rupp, J., Sallis, J.F., Dimsdale, J., Langer, R., Bracker, M., & Ries, A.L. (1992). Cardiovascular risk factor assessment of medical students as an educational tool. Preventive Medicine, 8(6), 384-388.

174. Kaplan, R.M., Wingard, D.L., McPhillips, J.B., Williams-Jones, D., & Barrett-Connor, E. (1992). Cigarette smoking, mortality, institutional and community-based care utilization in an adult community. Journal of Community Health, 17(1), 53-60.

175. Kaplan, R.M., Manuck, S.B., & Shumaker, S. (1992). Does lowering cholesterol cause increases in depression, suicide, and accidents? In H.S. Friedman (Ed.), Hostility, coping, and health (pp 19-26). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

176. Kaplan, R.M. & Toshima, M.T. (1992). Does a reduced fat diet cause retardation in child growth? Preventive Medicine, 21, 33-52.

177. Schneiderman, L.J., & Kaplan, R.M. (1992). Fear of dying and HIV infection vs hepatitis B infection. American Journal of Public Health, 82(4), 584-586.

178. Eakin, E.G., Sassi-Dambron, D., Kaplan, R.M., & Ries, A.L. (1992). Clinical trial of rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Compliance as a mediator of change in exercise endurance. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 12, 105-110.

179. Toshima, M.T., Kaplan, R.M., & Ries, A.L. (1992). Self-efficacy expectancies in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rehabilitation. In R.Schwarzer (Ed.), Self-efficacy: Thought control of action (pp. 325-354). Washington, DC: Hemisphere.

180. Shepherd, S.L., Hovell, M.F., Slymen, D.J., Harwood, I.R., Hofstetter, C.R., Granger, L.E., & Kaplan, R.M. (1992). Functional status as an overall measure of health in adults with cystic fibrosis: Further validation of a generic health measure. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 45, 117-125.

181. Toshima, M.T., Blumberg, E., Ries, A.L., & Kaplan, R.M. (1992). Does rehabilitation reduce depression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 12, 261-269.

182. Kaplan, R.M., Coons, S.J., & Anderson, J.P. (1992). Quality of life and policy analysis in arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 5(3), 173-83.

183. Schneiderman, L.J., Pearlmen, R.A., Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., & Rosenberg, E.M. (1992). Relationship of general advance directive instructions to specific life-sustaining treatment preferences in patients with serious illness. Archives of Internal Medicine, 152, 2114-2122.

184. Kaplan, R.M. (1992). A quality-of-life approach to health resource allocation. In M.A. Strosberg, J.M. Wiener, R. Baker & I.A.Fein (Eds.), Rationing America's medical care: The Oregon plan and beyond (pp. 60-77). Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.

185. Edelman, N.H., Kaplan, R.M., Buist, S., Cohen, A.B., Hoffman, L.A., Kleinhenz, M.E., Snider, G.L., & Speizer, F.E. (1992). Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Chest, 102, 234S-256S. (Report of NIH Task Force on Prevention of Lung Diseases).

186. Calfas, C.J., Kaplan, R.M., & Ingram, R.E. (1992). One-year evaluation of cognitive-behavioral intervention in osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 5(4), 202-209.

187. Kaplan, R.M. (1992). Controversies in dietary intervention. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 14, 99-100 (editorial).

188. Schneiderman, L.J., Kronick, R., Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., & Langer, R.D. (1992). Effects of offering advance directives on medical treatments and costs: A prospective study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 117, 599-606.

189. Ganiats, T.G., Palinkas, L.A., & Kaplan, R.M. (1992). Comparison of Quality of Well-being scale and functional status index in patients with atrial fibrillation. Medical Care, 30(10), 958-64.

190. Kaplan, R.M., & Coons, S.J. (1992). Relative importance of dimensions in the assessment of health related quality of life for patients with hypertension. Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing, 7(2), 29-36.

191. Kaplan, R.M. (1992). Health-related quality of life as the focus for investment in health. Investment in health: Education, training and research (pp. 183-221). World Health Organization--Bundesrepublik, Deutchland.

192. Ries, A.L., Kaplan, R.M., & Chang, J. (1992). Effect of posture on arterial oxygenation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiration, 59, 317-321.

193. Kaplan, R.M. (1992). Technical considerations. In D.C. Hardon (Ed.), Basic benefits and clinical guidelines (pp 59-76). Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

194. Kaplan, R.M., Eakin, E.G., & Ries, A.L. (1993). Psychosocial issues in the rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In R. Casaburi & T.L. Petty (Eds.), Principles and Practice of Pulmonary Rehabilitation (pp 351-365). Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders.

195. Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., & Ganiats, T.G. (1993). The Quality of Well-being Scale: rationale for a single quality of life index. In S.R. Walker & R.M. Rosser (Eds.), Quality of life assessment: Key issues in the 1990s (pp 65-94). London, Engalnd: Kluwer Academic Publishers, (note this is a revised and updated version of reference 114).

196. Kaplan, R.M. & Ries, A.L. (1993). Adherence in the patient with pulmonary disease. In J. Hodgkin, G.L. Connors, & C.W. Bell (Eds.), Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Guidelines to Success 2nd ed. (pp 86-101). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott.

197. Kashani, I.A., Kaplan, R.M., Rupp, J.W., Langer, R.L., McCann, T.J., Sallis, J.F., Bracker, M., Nader, P., Dimsdale, J, Browner, D., Holiday, C.A., & Criqui, M.H. (1993). Effects of a preventive cardiology curriculum on behavioral cardiovascular risk factors and knowledge of medical students. Patient Education and Counseling, 21, 15-27.

198. Coons, S.J. & Kaplan, R.M. (1993). Assessing health-related quality of life: Application to drug therapy. Clinical Therapeutics, 14, 850-858.

199. Kaplan, R.M. (1993). Quality of life assessment for cost/utility studies in cancer. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 19 (Suppl A), 85-96.

200. Cronan, T.A., Kaplan, R.M., & Kozin, F. (1993). Factors affecting unprescribed remedy use among people with self-reported arthritis. Arthritis Care and Research, 6, 149-155.

201. Kaplan, R.M. (1993). Application of a general health policy model in the American health care crisis. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 86, 277-281.

202. Coons, S.J. & Kaplan, R.M. (1993). Quality of life: Understanding its usefulness as an outcome measure. Hospital Formulary, 28, 486-498.

203. Schneiderman, L.J., Kaplan, R.M., Pearlman, R.A., & Teetzel, H. (1993). Do physicians' own preferences for life-sustaining treatment influence their perceptions of patients' preferences? Journal of Clinical Ethics, 4(1), 28-33.

204. Kaplan, R.M. (1993). Allocating health resources in California: Learning from the Oregon experiment. California Policy Seminar Brief. (Jointly Published by the University of California and the California State Government). Vol. 5, No. 9, 1-7.

205. Kaplan, R.M., Pierce, J.P., Gilpin, E.A., Johnson, M., & Bal, D.G. (1993). Stages of smoking cessation: The 1990 California Tobacco Survey. Tobacco Control: An International Journal, 2, 139-144.

206. Eakin, E.G., Kaplan, R.M., & Ries, A.L. (1993). Measurement of dyspnoea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Quality of life Research, 2, 181-191.

207. Revicki, D.A. & Kaplan, R.M. (1993). Relationship between psychometric and utility-based approaches to the measurement of health-related quality of life. Quality of Life Research, 2, 477-487.

208. Kaplan, R.M., Feeny, D., & Revicki, D.A. (1993). Methods for assessing relative importance in preference based outcome measures. Quality of Life Research, 2, 467-475.

209. Wenger, N.K., Lawton, M.P., Kaplan, R.M., & Mulley, A.G. (1993). Quality of life assessment: Interpretation and implications. In C. Furberg & J.A. Schutttinga (Eds.), Quality of life assessment: Practice Problems, and Promise (pp. 65-80 Kaplan subsection pgs 72-74). Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, NIH Publication No. 93-3503.

210. Kaplan, R.M., McCutchan, J.A., Navarro, A.M., & Anderson, J.P. (1994). Quality adjusted survival analysis: A neglected application of the Quality of Well-being Scale. Psychology and Health: An International Journal, 9, 131-141.

211. Virmani, J., Schneiderman, L.J., & Kaplan, R.M. (1994). Relationship of advance directives to physician-patient communication. Archives of Internal Medicine, 154, 909-913.

212. Kaplan, R.M. (1994). Measures of health outcome in social support research. In S. Shumaker & S.M. Czajkowski (Eds.), Social Support in Cardiovascular Disease (pp. 65-94). New York, NY: Plenum.

213. Anderson, J.P., Kaplan, R.M., & Schneiderman, L.J. (1994). Effects of offering advance directives on quality adjusted life expectancy and psychological well-being among ill adults. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 47(7), 761-772.

214. Kaplan, R.M. (1994). An outcomes-based model for directing decisions in women's health care. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 37 (1), 192-206.

215. Kaplan, R.M., Ries, A.L., Prewitt, L.M., & Eakin, E. (1994). Self-efficacy expectations predict survival for patients with chronic obstructive pulnmonary disease. Health Psychology, 13, 366-368.

216. Kaplan, R.M. (1994). A general health policy model for setting priorities in health policy. In D. Romney (Ed), Improving the Quality of Life in Normal and Disables Populations. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

217. Kaplan, R.M. (1994). Value judgment in the Oregon Medicaid Experiment. Medical Care. 32(10), 975-988.

218. Kaplan, R.M. (1994). Using quality of life information to set priorities in health policy. Social Indicators Research, 33, 121-163.

219. Sassi-Dambron, D.E., Eakin, E.G., Ries, A.L., & Kaplan, R.M. (1994). The effects of compliance with exercise training on pulmonary rehabilitation. Rehabilitation Nursing Research, 3(1), 3-10.

220. Schneiderman, L.J., Kronick, R., Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., & Langer, R.D. (1994). Attitudes of seriously ill patients toward treatment that involves high costs and burdens on others. Journal of Clinical Ethics, 5(2), 109-112.

221. Kaplan, R.M. & Mehta, R. (1994). Outcome measurement in kidney disease. Blood Purification, 12, 20-29.

222. Kaplan, R.M. (1994). The Ziggy theorem: Towards an outcomes focused health psychology. Health Psychology, 13, 451-460.

223. Kaplan, R.M. (1994). Health Status and Health Policy: Quality of Life in Health Care Evaluation and Resource Allocation by Donald L. Patrick and Pennifer Erickson. Quality of Life Research, 3 (6), 457-458 (book review).

224. Kaplan, R.M. (1994). Quality of life assessment for health resource allocation. In C.E. Baird and R.G. Gregory (Eds.), Health Policy: International Comparisons and Special Issues (pp. 1-18). Canberra, ACT Australia: Center for Economic Policy Research.

225. Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Quality of life, resource allocation, and the American health-care crisis. In J. Dimsdale & A. Baum (Eds.), Quality of life in behavioral medicine research (pp. 3-30). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

226. Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Utility assessment for estimating quality-adjusted life years. In F. Sloan (Ed), Valuing Health Care: Costs, Benefits, and Effectiveness of Pharmaceuticals and Other Medical Technologies (pp. 31-60). Boston, MA: Cambridge University Press.

227. Kaplan, R.M. Orleans, C.T, Perkins, K.A., & Pierce, J.P. (1995). Marshaling the evidence for greater regulation and control of tobacco products: A call for action. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 17, 3-14.

228. Kaplan, R.M. & Grant, I. (1995). Statistics and experimental design. In H.I. Kaplan & B.J. Sadock (Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry VI, 412-429 (update and revision of publication 122).

229. Ganiats, T.G., Miller, C.J., & Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Comparing the quality-adjusted life year output of two treatment arms in a randomized trial. Medical Care, 33(4), 245-254.

230. Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., Patterson, T.L., McCutchan, J.A., Weinrich, J.D., Heaton, R.H., Atkinson, J.H., Thal, L., Chandler, J., & Grant, I., (1995). Validity of the Quality of Well-being Scale for persons with HIV infection. Psychosomatic Medicine, 57, 138-157.

231. Sassi-Dambron, D.E., Eakin, E.G., Ries, A.L., & Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Treatment of dyspnea in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A controlled clinical trial of dyspnea management strategies. Chest, 107(3), 724-729.

232. DeBon, M., Pace, P., Kozin, F.L. & Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Validation of self-reported dysfunction in older adults. Journal of Clinical Geropsychology, 1, 283-292.

233. Navarro, A.M., Senn, K.L., Kaplan, R.M., McNicholas, L., Campo, M.C., & Roppe, B. (1995). Por la Vida intervention model for cancer prevention in Latinas. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, 18, 137-145.

234. Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Changed subject or wrong subject? Psychology and Health, 10, 277-280.

235. Schneiderman L.J. Teetzel H. Kronick R. Anderson J.P. Langer R.D., Rosenberg E. & Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Advance directives, apples and oranges. Archives of Internal Medicine, 155(2), 217-218 (letter).

236. Squier, H., Ries, A.L. Kaplan, R.M., Prewitt, L.M., Smith, C.M., Kriett, J.M., & Jamieson, S.W. (1995). Quality of well-being predicts survival in lung transplantation candidates. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 152, 2032-2036.

237. Ries, A.L., Kaplan, R.M., Limberg, T.M., & Prewitt, L.M. (1995). Effects of pulmonary rehabilitation on physiologic and psychosocial outcomes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Annals of Internal Medicine, 122, 823-832.

238. Kaplan, R.M. (1995). What are the Important outcome areas to address in health psychology specialties? Professional Psychology, (part of special issue "Psychology in Health Care: Future Directions, edited by Brick Johnstone and Robert G. Frank).

239. Eakin, E.G., Sassi-Dambron, D.E., Ries, A.L., & Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Reliability and validity of dyspnea measures in patients with obstructive lung disease. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2(2),118-134.

240. Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Need for continuing cost-effectiveness and cost utility studies in diabetes care. Diabetes Spectrum, 8(5), 252-253 (comment).

241. Schneiderman, L.J., Kronick R., Langer, R.D., Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P. (1995). Attitudes of seriously ill patients toward treatment that involves high costs and burdens on others. Journal of Clinical Ethics, 6(1), 96, 61 (letter).

242. Kaplan, R.M. & Rosen, P. (1995). The Quality of Well-being Scale: Overview and applications. In C. Aydin Ed), Patient-focused care in the hospital (pp. 363-385). Washington, DC: Faulkner & Gray.

243. Patton, C., Pierce, J.P., Cavin, S., Berry, C.C., & Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Progress in protecting non-smokers from environmental tobacco in California workplaces. Tobacco Control: An International Journal, 4(2), 139-144.

244. Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Health Psychology and Public Policy. Health Psychology, 14, 491-492.

245. Kaplan, R.M. (1995). Health-related quality of life assessment: A basic science for the twenty-first century. In J. Rodriguez-Marin (Ed.), Health Psychology and Quality of Life Research, Vol II. Murcia: Alicante, Spain.

246. Coons, S.J. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Cost-Utility Analysis (Chapter 6). In: J.L. Bootman, R.J. Townsend, & W.F. McGhan (Eds.), Principles of Pharmacoeconomics, Second edition (pp. 102-126). Cincinnati, OH: Harvey Whitney Books Company.

247. Kaplan, R.M. & Anderson, J.P. (1996). The general health policy model: An integrated approach. In B. Spilker (Ed.), Quality of Life and Pharmacoeconomics in Clinical Trials (pp. 309-322). New York, NY: Raven. (Note: updates and revises Kaplan & Anderson 1990, reference 140).

248. Kaplan, R.M. & Ries, A.L. (1996). Cognitive-behavioral interventions and the quality of life of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In J. Bach (Ed). Pulmonary Rehabilitation. The Obstructive and Paralytic Conditions (pp. 133-144). Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Delfus.

249. Shaw, W.S., Cronan, T.A., Lee, R.E., & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Health care satisfaction among osteoarthritis sufferers. Psychology and Health, 11, 395-409.

250. Kaplan, R.M., & Schneiderman, L.J. (1996). Health locus of control and preference for right-to-die legislation. Psychology and Health, 11,709-714.

251. Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Measuring Health Outcome for Resource Allocation. In R.L. Glueckauf, R. Frank, G.R. Bond, & J.H. McGrew (Eds). Psychological Practice in a Changing Health Care System: Issues and New Directions (pp. 101-133). New York, NY: Springer.

252. Ganiats, T.G. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Priority Setting: the Oregon Example. In F.W. Schwartz, H. Glennerster, & R.B. Saltman(Eds.), Fixing health budgets: Experience from Europe and North America (pp. 21-47). Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

253. Farkas, A.J., Pierce, J.P., Zhu, S., Rosbrook, B., Gilpin, E., Berry, C.C. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Addiction versus stages of changes models in predicting smoking cessation. Addiction, 91(9), 1271-1280.

254. Kaplan, R.M. & Ries, A.L. (1996). Cost-effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation. In A. Fishman (Ed.), Pulmonary Rehabilitation (pp. 379-398). New York, NY: Marcel Dekker.

255. Hays, R. D., Siu, A. L., Keeler, E., Marshall, G.N., Kaplan, R. M., Simmons, S., El Mouchi, D., & Schnelle, J. (1996). Long-term care residents' preferences for health states on the Quality of Well-being Scale. Medical Decision Making, 16(3), 254-261.

256. Farkas, A.J., Pierce, J.P., Gilpin, E.A., Zhu, S., Rosbrook, B., Berry, C.C., & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Is stage-of-change a useful measure of the likelihood of smoking cessation? Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 18(2), 79-86.

257. Ganiats, T.G., Browner, D.K., & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Comparison of two methods of calculating Quality-Adjusted life years. Quality of Life Research, 5, 162-164.

258. Eakin, E.G., Kaplan, R.M., Ries, A.L., & Sassi-Dambron, D.E. (1996). Patients'self-reports of dyspnea: An important and independent outcome in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 18(2), 79-86.

259. Grodner, S., Prewitt, L.M., Jaworski, B.A., Myers, R., Kaplan, R.M., & Ries, A.L. (1996). The impact of social support in pulmonary rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 18 (3), 139-145.

260. Squier, H.C. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Cardiac rehabilitation: A review of psychosocial and quality of life outcomes. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 13, (1/2), 143-159.

Also published as: Squier, H.C. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Cardiac rehabilitation: A review of psychosocial and quality of life outcomes in J. Piette, R.M. Kaplan & J. Ferrari (Eds.) Preventing Illness among People with Coronary Heart Disease (pp. 143-159). New York, NY: Haworth Press, Inc..

261. Langer, R.D. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). The paradoxical effects of CHD risk factors in the oldest old. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 13(1/2), 21-34.

Also published as: Langer, R.D. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). The paradoxical effects of CHD risk factors in the oldest old. In J. Piette, R.M. Kaplan & J. Farrarro (Eds.), Preventing Illness among People with Coronary Heart Disease (pp. 21-34). New York, NY: Haworth Press, Inc.

262. Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Measuring health and medical outcomes. Quality of Life Research, 5, 302-303 (book review).

263. Kaplan, R.M., Navarro, A.M., Castro, G.G., Elder, J.P., Mishra, S.I., Hubbell, A., Chrvala, C., Flores, E., Ramirez, A., Fernandez-Esquer, M.E. & Ruiz, E. (1996). Increased use of mammography among Hispanic women: Baseline results from the NCI cooperative group on cancer prevention in Hispanic communities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 12(6), 467-471.

264. Kaplan, R.M. (1999). Health-Related Quality of Life in Mental Health Services Evaluation. In N.E. Miller and K.M. Magruder (Eds.), Cost Effectiveness of Psychotherapy: A Guide for Practitioners, Researchers. and Policymakers (pp. 160-173). New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.

265. Patterson, T.L., Kaplan, R.M., Grant, I., Dr, Semple, S.J., Moscona, S., Koch, W.L., Harris, M.J., & Jeste, D.V. (1996). Quality of well-being in late-life psychosis. Psychiatry Research, 63(2-3), 169-181.

266. Kaplan, R.M. & Ries, A.L. (1996). Outcomes of rehabilitation for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cost and Quality Quarterly Journal, 2(3), 39-49.

267. Kaplan, R.M., Alcaraz, J.E, Anderson, J.P., & Weisman, M. (1996). Quality-adjusted life years lost to arthritis: Effects of gender, race, and social class. Arthritis Care and Research, 9(6), 473-482.

268. Pierce, J.P., Farkas, A., Zhu, S.H., Berry, C.C., & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Addiction versus stages of change models in predicting smoking cessation -Should the stage of change model be challenged? Addiction, 91(9), 1290-1292 (comment).

269. Navarro, A.M. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Mammography screening: Prospects and opportunity costs. Women's Health: Research on Gender, Behavioral, and Policy, 2(4), 209-233.

270. Navarro, A.M. & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). The mammography controversy: Current and future evidence. Women's Health: Research on Gender, Behavioral, and Policy, 2(4), 259-264. 290.

271. Heaton, R.K., Marcotte, T.V., White, D.A., Ross, D., Meridith, K., Taylor, M.J, Kaplan, R.M., Grant, I. (1996). Nature and vocational significance of neuropsychological impairment associated with HIV infections. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 10(1), 1-14.

272. Choi, W.S., Patten, C.A., Gillin, J.C., Kaplan, R.M., & Pierce, J.P. (1997). Cigarette smoking predicts development of depressive symptoms among US adolescents. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 19(1), 42-50.

273. Kaplan, R.M. & Friedman, L. (1997). Health care and health policy for adolescents. In D.K. Wilson, J.R. Rodrique, & W.C. Taylor (Eds.), Adolescent Health Promotion in Minority Populations (pp. 321-346). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

274. Kaplan, R.M., Shiegehisa, T., & Oldenburg, B. (1996). Health policy, international variation, and doctor-patient interaction. Japanese Health Psychology, 4, 23-49.

275. Kaplan, R.M. (1997). Health outcomes and Communications research. Health Communications, 9(1), 75-82 (editorial).

276. Patterson, R.L. & Kaplan, R.M. (1997). Interactions in coping research--Have we been there before? Journal of Health Psychology, 2(2), 162-164.

277. SooHoo, N., Schneider, J.A., & Kaplan, R.M. (1997). A cost-effectiveness analysis of Cysteamine in the treatment of infantile cystinosis. Medical Decision Making, 17 (2), 193-198.

278. Kaplan, R.M. & Schneiderman, L.J. (1997). Health care resource consumption in terminal care. PharmacoEconomics, 11(1), 1-11.

279. Kaplan, R.M. & Kerner, D.N. (1998). Behavioral Medicine. In H. Friedman (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 1, 207-220.

Republished in Assessment and Therapy: Specialty Articles from the Encyclopedia of Mental Health. Academic Press, 2001.

280. Matthews, K.A., Shumaker, S.A., Bowen, D.J., Langer, R.D., Hunt, J.R., Kaplan, R.M., Klesges, R.C., & Ritenbaugh, C. (1997). Women's health initiative: Why now? What is it? What's new? American Psychologist, 52 (2), 101-116.

281. Kaplan, R.M., Patterson, T.L., Kerner, D.N., & Grant, I. (1997). Social support: Cause or consequence of poor health outcomes in men with HIV infection? In G. Pierce, B. Lakey, I.G. Sarason, & B.R. Sarason (Eds), Sourcebook of Social Support and Personality (pp 279-301). New York, NY: Plenum.

282. Kaplan, R.M., Sieber, W.J., & Ganiats, T.G. (1997). The Quality of Well-being Scale: Comparison of the interviewer-administered version with a self-administered questionnaire. Psychology and Health, 12, 783-791.

283. Pyne, J.M., Patterson, T.L., Kaplan, R.M., Gillin, J.C., Kock, W.L., & Grant, I. (1997). Quality of life assessment for patients with major depression. Psychiatric Services, 48 (2), 224-230.

284. Pyne, J.M., Patterson, T.L., Kaplan, R.M., Ho, S., Gillin, J.C., Golshan, S., & Grant, I. (1997). Preliminary longitudinal assessment of quality of life in patients with major depression. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 33(1), 23-29.

285. Kaplan, R.M. (1998). Implications of quality of life assessment in public policy for child and adolescent health. In D. Drotar (Ed.), Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents: Implications for Research and Practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 63-84.

286. Kaplan, R.M. (1998). Profile versus utility based measures of outcome for clinical trials. In M. J. Staquet, R.D. Hays, & P.M. Fayers (Eds.), Quality of Life Assessment in Clinical Trials. London: Oxford University Press, 69-90.

287. Kochevar, R.J., Kaplan, R.M., & Weisman, M.H. (1997). Financial and career losses due to rheumatoid arthritis: A pilot study. Journal of Rheumatology, 24 (8), 1527-1530.

288. Rocco, M.V., Gassman, J.J., Wang, S.R., Kaplan, R.M. and the MDRD Study Group (1997). Cross Sectional Study of Quality of Life and Symptoms in Chronic Renal Disease Patients: The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study. American Journal of Kidney Diseases, 33(1), 23-29.

289. Calfas, K.J., Ingram, R.E., & Kaplan, R.M. (1997). Information processing and affective distress in osteoarthritis patients. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65(4), 576-581.

290. Schneiderman L.J., Kronick R., & Kaplan R.M. (1997). Advance medical planning [letter]. New England Journal of Medicine, 336(9), 663.

291. Kaplan, R.M. (1998). Breast cancer screening: When to begin? In E.A. Blechman & K.D. Brownell (Eds) Behavioral Medicine and Women: A Comprehensive Handbook. (pp 213-220). New York: Guilford Publications.

292. Patterson, T.L., Shaw, W., Semple, S.J., Moscona, S., Kaplan, R.M. et al (1997). Health-related quality of life in older patients with schizophrenia and other psychoses: Relationships among psychosocial and psychiatric factors. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry, 12(4), 452-461.

293. Schneiderman, L.J., Kaplan, R.M., Rosenberg, E., & Teetzel, H.(1997). Do physicians' own preferences for life-sustaining treatment influence their perceptions of patients' preferences? A second look. Cambridge Quarterly Of Healthcare Ethics, 6 (2), 131-137.

294. Cronan, T.A., Groessl, E., & Kaplan, R.M.(1997). The effects of social support and education interventions on health care costs. Arthritis Care And Research, 10 (2), 99-110.

295. Groessl, E., Cronan, T.A., & Kaplan, R.M. (1997). The interaction of depression with the effects of social support and education interventions designed to reduce health care costs. Mind/Body Medicine, 2(2), 66-74.

296. Kaplan, R.M. (1997). Decisions About Prostate Cancer Screening In Managed Care. Current Opinion in Oncology, 9(5), 480-486.

297. Kaplan, R.M., Patterson, T.L., Kerner, D.N., Atkinson, J.H., & Grant, I. (1997). The Quality of Well-being Scale in asymtomatic HIV infected patients. Quality of Life Research, 6, 507-514.

298. Kaplan, R.M. (1997). Promoting Wellness: Biomedical Versus Outcomes Models. In Jamner, M.S. and Stokols, D (eds), Promoting Human Wellness: New Frontiers for Research, Policy, and Practice.

299. Hughes, T.E. Kaplan, R.M. Coons, S.J., Draugalis, J.R., et al (1997). Construct validities of the quality of well-being scale and the MOS-HIV-34 health survey for HIV-infected patients. Medical Decision Making, 17(4), 439-446.

300. Kerner, D.N., Patterson, T.L., Grant, I, & Kaplan, R.M. (1998). Validity of the Quality of Well-being scale for patients with Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Aging and Health, 10, 44-61.

301. Eakin, E.G., Resnikoff, P.M., Prewitt, L.M., Ries, A.L., & Kaplan, R.M. (1998). Validation of a new dyspnea measure: The UCSD shortness of breath questionnaire. Chest, 113(3), 619-624.

302. Williams, R.A., Brody, B.L., Thomas, R.G., Kaplan, R.M., & Brown, S.I. (1998). The psychosocial impact of macular degeneration. Archives of Ophthalmology. 116 (4), 514-520

303. Kaplan, R.M. (1998). Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes, Second Edition (Book Review). American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 14 (3), 243.

304. Anderson, J.P., Kaplan, R.M., Coons, S.J., & Schneiderman, L.J. (1998). Comparison of the quality of well-being scale and the SF-36 results among two samples of ill adults: AIDS and other illnesses. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 51 (9), 755-762.

305. Navarro, A.M., Senn, K.L., McNicholas, L.J., Kaplan, R.M., Roppé, B., & Campo, M.C. (1998). Por La Vida model intervention enhances use of cancer screening tests among Latinas.American Jounal of Preventive Medicine, 15, 32-41.

306. Andreson, E.M., Rothenberg, B.M., & Kaplan, R.M. (1998). Performance of a self-administered mailed version of the Quality of Well-being (QWB-SA) Questionnaire among older adults. Medical Care, 36 (9), 1349-1360.

307. Kaplan, R.M. & Grant, I. (2000). Statistics and experimental design. In B.J. Sadcock & V.A. Sadock (Eds.), Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry VII, (update and revision of publications 124 and 228).

308. Kaplan, R.M., Ganiats, T.G, Sieber, W.J. & Anderson, J.P. (1998)The Quality of Well-being Scale: Critical similarities and differences with the SF-36. International Journal for Quality in Healthcare. 10 (6), 509-520.

309. Kaplan, R.M. (1999). Shared medical decision-making: A new paradigm for behavioral medicine. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 21(1),3-11.

310. Rowley, P.T., Loader, S., & Kaplan, R.M. (1998). Prenatal Screening for cystic fibrosis carriers: An economic evaluation. The American Journal of Genetics, 63 (4), 1160-1174.

311. Schwartz, C.E., Kaplan, R.M., Anderson, J.P., Holbrook, T. & Genderson, M.W. (1999). Covariation of physical and mental symptoms across illnesses: Results of a factor analytic study. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 21(2), 122-127.

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415. Kaplan, RM (2007). Effects of changes in diagnostic thresholds on health care in older adults. In CM Aldwin, CL Park, & A Spiro III (Eds). Handbook of Health Psychology and Aging New York: Springer. Pp 390-411.

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423. Fryback, DG, , Dunham, MC, Palta, , Hanmer, J, Buechner, J, Cherepanov, D, Herrington, S, Hays, RD, Kaplan, RM , Ganiats, TG, Feeny, D, Kind, P (2007) The National Health Measurement Study: Simultaneous U.S. norms for six generic health-related Quality-of- life instruments. Medical Care. 45, 1162-1170.

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434. Groessl EJ, Weingart KR, Kaplan RM, Ho SB.  Health-related quality of life in HCV-infected patients. Current Hepatitis Reports, 2007, 6(4):169-175.

435. Kaplan, RM (2008) Adherence for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In S.A. Shumaker, E.B. Schron, J.K. Ockene, & Riekert, KA(Eds.), Handbook of Health Behavior Change,3rdd edition. (pp. 411-434). New York: Springer, pp 609-625.

436. Khanna, D, Kaplan, RM, Eckman, MH, Hays, RD, Ginsburg, S, & Tsevat, J (2008). A Randomized Study of Scleroderma Health State Values: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words, and Quite a Few Utilities. Medical Decision Making, 2009 Jan-Feb;29(1):7-14

437. Porzsolt, Kimer, K, & Kaplan, RM (2009) Predictors of successful cancer prevention programs. Recent Results in Cancer Research, 2009;181:19-31

438. Bhatnagar V, Frosch DL, Tally SR, Hamori CJ, Lenert L, Kaplan RM. (2008) Evaluation of an Internet-Based Disease Trajectory Decision Tool for Prostate Cancer Screening. Value in Health. 2008 Jul 11.

439. Kaplan, RM (2009) Adherence for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In SA Shumaker, JK Ockene, & KA Riekert (Eds). The Handbook of Behavior Change. New York: Springer pp 609-625.

440. Kaplan, RM (2009) Health Psychology: Where are we and where do we go from here? Mens Sana Monographs (India). 7,3-9.

441. Kaplan, RM & Porzsolt, F (2008) The natural history of breast cancer. Archives of Internal Medicine. (Editorial) 168(21), 2302-2303.

442. A.A. Kaptein, AA, Scharloo, , Fischer, M J Snoei L, Hughes, B M, Weinman J, Kaplan, RM, Rabe KF (2009) 50 years of psychological research on patients with COPD - road to ruin or highway to heaven? Respiratory Medicine, 103, 3-11.

443. Groessl, DJ, Weingart, KR, Kaplan, RM, Clark, JA, Gifford, AL, & Ho, SB (2008) Living with hepatitis C: Qualitative interviews with hepatitis C-infected veterans. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 23(12), 1959-1965

444. Mohr, DC, Spring, B, Freedland, KE, Beckner, V, Hollon, SD, Ockene, J & Kaplan, RM (2009) The selection and design on control conditions for randomized controlled trials of psychological interventions. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 78:275–284.

445. Kaplan, RM & Ries, AL (2009) Adherence in the patient with pulmonary disease. In JE Hodgkin, BR Celli, & GL Connors (EDs). Pulmonary Rehabilitation: Guidelines to Success. 4th Edition. St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier. Pp 316-329.

446. Amjadi, S, Maranian, P, Paulus, HE, Kaplan ,RM, Ranganath, V, Furst, D, & Khanna, D. (2009) Validating And Assessing The Sensitivity Of The Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index Derived Sf-6d In Patients With Early Aggressive Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology, 2009 Jun;36(6):1150-1157

447. Porzsolt, F, Ghosk, AK, & Kaplan, RM (2009) Qualitative assessment of innovations in healthcare provision. BMC Health Services Research 2009, 9:50

448. Hays RD, Kim S, Spritzer KL, Kaplan RM, Tally S, Feeny D, Liu H, Fryback DG Effects of Mode and Order of Administration on Generic Health-Related Quality of Life Scores.Value Health. 2009 May 15.

449. Moy, ML., Rieley JJ, Ries, AL, Mosenifar, Z, Kaplan, RM, Fishman, AP, Lew, R, & Garhick, E (2009) A Multivariate Model of Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life in Severe COPD. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, in press.

450. Benzo R, Farrell MH, Chang CC, Martinez FJ, Kaplan R, Reilly J, Criner G, Wise R, Make B, Luketich J, Fishman AP, Sciurba FC; NETT Research Group (2009) Integrating health status and survival data: the palliative effect of lung volume reduction surgery. American Journal of Respirator and Critical Care Medicine. 2009 Aug 1;180(3):239-46.

451. Kaplan, RM, Mausbach, BT, Marcotte, TD, & Patterson, TL The impact of cognitive impairment on health-related quality of life. In TD Marcotte & I Grant (Eds). The nsuropsychology of Everyday Functioning: Translating Laboratory to the Real World: New York: Guilford pp 225-247.

452. Kaplan, RM (2009) Screening for asthma. A. Harver and H. Kotses (eds.), Asthma, Health and Society: A Public Health Perspective. New York: Springer. In press.

453. Simatic , NC, Palta, M, Sweitzer, NK, Kaplan, RM, & Fryback, DF (2010). Measuring health-related quality of life in population-based studies of coronary heart disease: comparing six generic indexes and a disease-specific proxy score. Quality of Life Research, in press

D. Contributor to Group Authored Publications:

1. Social Support in Cardiovascular Disease (1987). Arteriosclerosis, 7, 101-104.

2. Clinical-behavioral aspects of cystic fibrosis: Directions for future research (1987).

3. Adoption and maintenance of behavior for optimal health (1987).

4. Evaluating Preventive Care (1988). Washington, D.C., Brookings Institution.

5. Development Psychology Today, 3rd Edition. New York: Random House, 1978. Revisions of four chapters on development of personality and social behavior.

E. Technical Reports:

1. Kaplan, R.M. (1973). Measuring dispositions toward institutional change in education. Presented as a part of the symposium, The Social Psychology of Change in Educational Institutions at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Anaheim. Reprinted in Gross, D.E., Kaplan, R.M., Knoll, J., & Steel, L.M. Papers on Career Education, AIR Technical Report, 339-343.

2. Gross, D.E. & Kaplan, R.M. (1974). A Model for the Dissemination, Implementation, and Utilizations of Educational Innovations. Palo Alto: American Institutes for Research.

3. Coons, S.J. & Kaplan, R.M. (1994). Trends and Issues in Healthcare: Quality of Life Issues. Belmont MA: Certified Medical Representative Institute.

F. Selected Reviewed Abstracts Published in Journals:

1. Caine, J.C. & Kaplan, R.M. (1983). Experimental evaluation of computer assisted patient education in diabetes mellitus. Diabetes, 32, 469.

2. Kaplan, R.M., Wilson, D.K., Heitzmann, C.A., Toevs, C.D., Atkins, C.J., & Sandler, J. (1983). Randomized trial evaluates behavioral interventions in type II diabetes mellitus. Diabetes, 32, 644.

3. Chadwick, M.W., Kaplan, R.M., & Schimmel, L.E. (1984). Social learning intervention improves metabolic control in type I diabetic teenagers. Diabetes, 33(Suppl 1), 69.

4. Verity, L.S., Wallace, J.P., & Kaplan, R.M. (1985). The relationship between glycosylated hemoglobin, body composition, and lipid profiles in type II diabetic adults. Diabetes, 34(1), 472.

5. Wilson, D.K., Kaplan, R.M., Heitzmann, C.A., & Sandler, J. (1985). Correlates of weight reduction for patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Diabetes, 34(1), 781.

6. Kaplan, R.M., Hartwell, S.L., Wilson, D.K., & Wallace, J.P. (1986). Diet and exercise in the management of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Diabetes, 35(Suppl 1), 78A.

7. Harris, D., Kaplan, R.M., & Kolterman, O. (1987). Specific effects of acute hypoglycemia upon human information processing in insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Diabetes, 36(1), 87A.

8. Kaplan, R.M., Lakotas, L., & Catlin, R. (1987). Surgical treatment for morbid obesity enhances control of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Diabetes, 36(1), 133A.

9. Rupp, J., Kaplan, R.M., Kashani, I., & Criqui, M.H. (1988). Teaching medical students about nutrition through cardiovascular assessment. Proceedings of the American Dietetic Association..

10. Ganiats, T.G & Kaplan, R.M. (1990). Technology assessment in fetal medicine. Theoretical Surgery, 5(3), 151-152.

11. Ganiats, T.G. & Kaplan, R.M. (1990). Discounting future health effects in cost-effectiveness research. Theoretical Surgery, 5(3), 152.

12. Kaplan, R.M. (1990). Disease-specific versus general measures of health-related quality of life. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology.

13. Rubin, H.C., Patterson, T.L., Atkinson, J.H., Kaplan, R.M., et al. (1995). Measuring the effect of depression on quality of life in people with HIV. Psychosomatic Medicine, 57, 88.

14. Ganiats, T.G., Miller, C.J., Anderson, J.P., & Kaplan, R.M. (1996). Quality of life in a clinical trial of stroke prevention. Medical Decision Making, 16(4), 465.

15. Hays, R.D., Wu, A.W., Cleary, P.D., Fleishman, J., Sherbourne, C.D., Crystal, S., Eggan, F., Marshall, G.N., Kaplan, R.M., Kelly, M., et al. Associations of time tradeoff with health-related quality of life profile measures in HIV disease Association for Health Services Research. Fhsr Annu Meet Abstr Book, 1996, 13, 93-4.



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