Drama 4.The Ugly Duckling docx.docx

The Ugly DucklingBy Sari Bodi and Karen TrottCharacters: Narrator, Mother Duck, Mr. Drake, an old male duck, The Ugly Ducking, Chicken, Duckling, Wild Goose, SwanAct 1 Scene 1: A farmhouse pond in summerAt curtain rise: The scene consists of hidden tall grasses, a duck sits hidden on her nest waiting for the eggs to hatch. She calls out to an old drake, the male duck that rules the barnyard. Lighting is bright and illuminates Mother Duck.1Mother Duck: Mr. Drake, come see my ducklings are beginning to hatch!Mr. Drake (peering into the nest): Yes, I see. Look! There are five little pairs of eyes.Mother Duck (puffing up proudly): Aren’t they the prettiest yellow ducklings you’ve ever seen?5Mr. Drake: But wait, another egg is cracking. What on Earth….?Mother Duck: Oh my, he’s gray.Mr. Drake: He looks like a turkey. Take my advice. Leave the ugly one where he is. He’ll never fit in.Mother Duck: Well, whatever he is, he’s going into the water if I have to push him in myself.10Narrator: The ducklings flop into the pond after their mother.Mother Duck ( observing the Ugly Duckling): He’s not a turkey; see how well he paddles?Mr. Drake: No matter, it’s time to introduce your ducklings to the barnyard.Mother Duck: Come with me, little ones. And watch out for the cat!Mr. Drake: Mind you mother, little ones. First impressions are most important.Scene 2: A crowded barnyard. The scene is reset to the barnyard and light begins to dim.15Narrator: The barn quiets down as Mother Duck enters with her ducklings.Chicken (turning to talk to the other chickens): Now we’ll have to make room for that mob, as if there weren’t enough of us her already. And look how ugly that big one is. He doesn’t belong here. Let’s give him a good pecking. Narrator: The chickens dive straight at the Ugly Duckling and bite him on the neck. 20Mother Duck: Let him be. He has done nothing to you.Chicken: Your other ducklings can stay but we don’t want that ugly one here.Narrator: As the days pass, everyone is meaner and meaner to the Ugly Duckling. All summer long, the ducks bite him, the chickens peck him and even his brothers and sisters taunt him. 25Ducklings (in unison): You are so ugly and clumsy. We hope the cat gets you.Narrator: The Ugly Duckling is unable to stand the bullying any loner.Ugly Duckling (Hanging is head): Mother, I’ve decided to go away.Mother Duck (pulling him under her wing): You might be better off. They just don’t understand you here. One day it will be better.Scene 3: The marsh in autumn The scene is reset to the marsh and lighting comes up as hope seems to be offered from the geese.30Narrator: throughout the autumn, the Ugly Duckling roams the countryside until one day he reaches a grassy marsh. He hides among the reeds and falls asleep, exhausted, and alone. He awakens when two geese prod him.Goose (prodding him): What sort of creature are you?Ugly Duckling (politely): I am a duckling.35Goose: Can you fly?Ugly Duckling: I don’t know. I’ll try.Goose: We’re flying over to the next marsh. You can join us.Narrator: Suddenly, there’s a loud bang, as shots are fired.Goose: Hunters! Quick fly out of here.40Ugly Duckling: (flapping his wings): Wait. I’m coming, too.Narrator: Sadly, the Ugly Duckling’s wings are not strong enough, so as the geese fly away, he hides in the reeds. A hunting dog approaches, growling, but with a splash, the dog leaps into the water and is gone.Ugly Duckling (sighing): I’m so ugly, even the dog won’t bite me.Act 2 Scene 4 A lake in springtimeThe scene is reset to the lake. The lighting begins to brighten until the stage is illuminated in a flood of yellow light.45Narrator: The Ugly duckling struggles through the hard winter. Finally spring comes and he tries his wings. They carry him away to the edge of a clear lake where he encounters three magnificent birds. Ugly Duckling: I will go and see them—even though they might peck me to death. I am just so very lonely. (bowing his head before the magnificent birds): Go one kill me if you 50must. Better that than to be left alone to starve through another winter.Swan: Why would we hurt one of our own? Ugly Duckling (lifting his head): What do you mean?Swan: Look at your reflection in the water.Ugly Duckling (gasping): That’s not me. I am ugly and gray.55Swan (chuckling): We were all ugly and gray when we were cygnets.Ugly Duckling: What is a cygnet?Swan: That is what a young swan is called.Narrator: Just then a boy and girl throw bread crumbs into the water and admire the new swan on the lake. The Ugly Duckling raises his slender neck just like the swans that swim beside him. Suddenly he knows in his heart that he has never been ugly.60 Ugly Duckling: I have discovered who I really am.1. What happens with each scene change?a. the Ugly Duckling changes his costumeb. the background of the play changesc. the narrator is not in all scenesd. the light is the same in each scene2. The stage directions let the reader know that the lighting in scene 4 must be—FilteredBrightIndirectSoftened3. Read line 40 from the play.7620088900 In the line, what is the purpose of the words in parentheses and italics?a. The words are spoken aloud by the actor.b. The words are recited by the narrator.c. The words give directions to the actor.d. The words tell the audience what is happening backstage.4. Read the stage directions. Who flaps his wings in line 40?a. the gooseb. the duckc. the draked. the ugly duckling5. What is one message the author conveys in the play?a. The important thing to remember is you are always important to somebody.b. If you don’t fit in where you are, you should move on.c. Try to do your best so others will like you.d. The important thing to remember is that you can take care of yourself in life.6. In line 24, the word taunt means?a. tightenb. teasedc. lovedd. respected7. Read lines 7-9 from the play.127000114300The author of this play implies that the Mother Duck—Is bossy with her childrenIs mean to her childrenloves all her babiescares about what others thinkHolditch 2014-2015 ................

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