Spiritual Readings Graeme and Vel



Graeme and his wife Vel read from 1 Timothy 1 of Paul’s introduction to stewardship that he realised the Lord had allocated for Timothy1. Paul and the other Apostle’s teachings remained a bedrock of belief and application for the early Churches. Timothy was Paul the Apostle’s associate and a very close friend throughout Paul’s distinctive work on his missionary journeys, visiting, preaching and writing of Jesus Christ in establishing and outlaying formal structures for many leaders and elders. Timothy had also worked with Silas who was blessed with a prophetic gifting and who was leader over the original Jerusalem Church, see [Acts 15:32]. Timothy’s concern for the Philipians was “without rival” Paul had stated at the time in AD 64, and when Paul was in the location of Ephesus, after hearing reports regarding the general condition of the Churches, he sent Timothy two letters with guidance to fulfill and rectify any administrative lacunas. God had entrusted Paul with the Gospel of Salvation and Paul wrote in a fatherly tone to Timothy where he directed the young man’s focus towards significant matters – the relevant doctrine of Jesus Christ2; the purpose of the Commandment to Love and forgiveness; the cogency of God’s Mercy and Grace. Paul formalised Timothy’s belief into the ministry as he followed the leading of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands, prayers and blessings in the Grace of our Lord Jesus3 and the gift of prophecy, where Paul acknowleged the Testimony of Jesus within Timothy. The operation and program4 that Timothy carried forward was at a time when increasing numbers of believers responded wholeheartedly5 to the k


Camel Rock Trading 16 CC, Reg No: 2006/025864/23

Graeme Fraser BA LLB LLM HDip Tax

Graeme & Vel: co-authoring their 11th, 12th & 13th Corporate Law books RSA.

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