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[Pages:163]Abstract of "Revealing White Matter Fiber Structure with Diffusion Imaging" by Song Zhang, Ph.D., Brown University, August 2006.

The complexity of the brain has made the study of neuroanatomy a notoriously demanding task. Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging probes fiber structures in vivo by measuring the Brownian motion of water molecules. Tractography generates curves from the diffusion imaging data that correlate with the neural fiber pathways. The resulting high-dimensional data sets present a two-fold challenge in both visualization and data analysis. This dissertation presents several diffusion MRI visualization and analysis methods for revealing the white matter structures in the brain. I present a model that describes linear and planar features of the brain anatomy respectively. I discuss strategies in seeding, model placement, display environments and interaction. To further explore the structures in the model, I emulate the way neuroscientists conceptualize neural fibers by grouping closely-related fibers into fiber bundles and studying the consistency, anatomical meaning and other properties of these fiber bundles. Apart from qualitative exploration, I also present quantitative methods such as metrics on tractography models or forward model for the tractography models and employ these methods to study white matter integrity and increase the accuracy of the tractography models. I applied these visualization and analysis methods in biomedical applications such as the studies on multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, and lemur brain. The work in this dissertation advances both qualitative visualization and quantitative analysis of the 3D diffusion imaging models.

Revealing White Matter Fiber Structure with Diffusion Imaging

by Song Zhang B. S., Nankai University, 1996 Sc. M, Brown University, 2000

Ph.D. Thesis

Providence, Rhode Island August 2006

This thesis by Song Zhang is accepted in its present form by the Department of Computer Science as satisfying the dissertation requirement

for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Date Date Date


David H. Laidlaw, Director Recommended to the Graduate Council

John Hughes, Reader Pascal Van Hentenryck, Reader Approved by the Graduate Council

Karen Newman Dean of the Graduate School iii



? Ph.D., Computer Science, Brown University, expected 2006. Revealing White Matter Fiber Structure with Diffusion Imaging

? M.Sc., Computer Science, Brown University, 2000. Visualizing Diffusion Tensor MRI Using Streamtubes and Streamsurfaces

? B.Sc., Computer Science, Nankai University, China, 1996.


? Research Assistant, Brown University Computer Science Department August 1998 ? August 2006

? Teaching Assistant, Brown University Computer Science Department January ? May 2006, Software System Design

? Teaching Assistant, Brown University Computer Science Department January ? May 2005, Software System Design

? Teaching Assistant, Brown University Computer Science Department January ? May 2002, Computer Networks

? Internship, Microsoft (Summer 2001), Automatic Map Label Layout iv

Honors and Awards

? Burroughs Welcome Fund Fellowship: 2004-2005 ? Nankai University Scholarship: 1994-1995


Book Chapters

? A. Vilanova, Song Zhang, G. Kindlmann, and David H. Laidlaw. An introduction to visualization of diffusion tensor imaging and its applications. In Visualization and Image Processing of Tensor Fields. Springer-Verlag, 2005.

? Song Zhang, Gordon Kindlmann, and David H. Laidlaw. Diffusion tensor MRI visualization. In Visualization Handbook. Academic Press, June 2004.

Refereed Journal Articles

? Robert H. Paul, David H. Laidlaw, David F. Tate, Stephanie Lee, Karin Hoth, John Gunstad, Song Zhang, Ronald A. Cohen, and Tim Flanigan. Neuropsychological and neuroimaging outcome of HIV-associated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in the era of ART: a case report. HIV Medicine, 2006. In press.

? Jack H. Simon, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, David E. Miller, Mark Brown, John Corboy, and Jeffrey Bennett. Identification of fibers at risk for degeneration by diffusion tractography in patients at high risk for MS after a clinically isolated syndrome. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2005. In press.


? Cagatay Demiralp, Cullen Jackson, David Karelitz, Song Zhang, and David H. Laidlaw. A qualitative and quantitative comparison of cave and fishtank virtual reality displays. IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2005. In press.

? Jason A. Kaufman, Eric T. Ahrens, David H. Laidlaw, Song Zhang, and John M. Allman. Anatomical analysis of an aye-aye brain (daubentonia madagascariensis, primates: Prosimii) combining histology, structural magnetic resonance imaging, and diffusion-tensor imaging. Anatomical Record, 287A(1):1026?1037, November 2005.

? Song Zhang, Mark Bastin, David H. Laidlaw, Saurabh Sinha, Paul A. Armitage, and Thomas S. Deisboeck. Visualization and analysis of white matter structural asymmetry in diffusion tensor MR imaging data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 51(1):140?147, 2004.

? Andreas Wenger, Daniel Keefe, Song Zhang, and David H. Laidlaw. Interactive volume rendering of thin thread structures within multivalued scientific datasets. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 10(6):664?672, November/December 2004.

? Song Zhang, Cagatay Demiralp, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualizing diffusion tensor MR images using streamtubes and streamsurfaces. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 9(4):454?462, October 2003.

Reviewed Conference Papers and Abstracts

? Stephanie Y. Lee, Stephen Correia, David F. Tate, Robert H. Paul, Song Zhang, Stephen P. Salloway, Paul F. Malloy, and David H. Laidlaw. Quantitative


tract-of-interest metrics for white matter integrity based on diffusion tensor MRI data. ISMRM, 2006.

? Song Zhang, Stephen Correia, David F. Tate, and David H. Laidlaw. Correlating DTI fiber clusters with white matter anatomy. ISMRM, 2006. Under Review.

? Stephen Correia, S. Lee, Paul Malloy, N. Mehta, Song Zhang, Steven Salloway, and David H. Laidlaw. Diffusion-tensor MRI tractography methods for assessing white matter health and its relationship to cognitive functioning. In Proceedings of the International Neurophisiological Society, Boston, February 2006.

? Stephen Correia, Thea Brennan-Krohn, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Diffusion-tensor imaging and executive function in subcortical ischemic vascular disease and mild cognitive impairment. In International Neuropsychological Society Conference, February 2005.

? Stephen Correia, Thea Brennan-Krohn, Erin Schlicting, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Diffusion-tensor imaging in vascular cognitive impairment and mild cognitive impairment: relationship with executive functioning. In Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of the International Society for Vascular, Cognitive and Behavioural Disorders, Florence, Italy, June 2005.

? Jack H. Simon, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, D. E. Miller, M. Brown, J. Corboy, D. Singel, and J. Bennett. Strategy for detecting neuronal fibers at risk for neurodegeneration in earliest MS by streamtube tractography at 3T. In Proceedings of ISMRM, Miami, FL, May 2005.


? Jack H. Simon, John Corboy, Song Zhang, and David H. Laidlaw. Visualization of fibers at risk for neuronal tract degeneration in early MS by streamtube diffusion tractography. Platform Presentation at the Academy of Neurology, Miami, FL, April 2005.

? David Tate, J. Gunstad, Robert Paul, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, and Ronald Cohen. Fractional anisotropy in subcortical white matter regions of interest among cardiovascular patients. In Proceedings of ISMRM, Miami, FL, May 2005.

? Song Zhang and David H. Laidlaw. DTI fiber clustering and cross-subject cluster analysis. In Proceedings of ISMRM, Miami, FL, May 2005.

? Daniel Acevedo, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, and Chris Bull. Color rapid prototyping for diffusion tensor MRI visualization. MICCAI 2004 Short Papers, September 2004.

? Eric T. Ahrens, J. M. Allman, E. Bush, David H. Laidlaw, and Song Zhang. Comparative 3d anatomy of the prosimian brain: DTI and histological studies. In Proceedings of the Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2004.

? Thea Brennan-Krohn, Stephen Correia, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Diffusion-tensor imaging and executive function in subcortical vascular disease. In Workshop on aging connections: Advanced MRI of age-related white matter changes in the brain. ISMRM, 2004.

? Stephen Correia, Thea Brennan-Krohn, Song Zhang, David H. Laidlaw, Paul Malloy, and Steven Salloway. Diffusion-tensor imaging and executive function in subcortical ischemic vascular disease and mild cognitive



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