The University of Western Australia

The University of Western Australia

Faculty of Natural and Agriculture Sciences

Plant Biology Safety Committee Meeting

Date: Tuesday 25th August 2009

Time: 10:00 am

Venue: FNAS Common Room, Agriculture Central Wing Building


|Renu Sharma |Chair |

| |School Safety Officer |

|Greg Cawthray |Safety and Health Rep |

| |Field Safety Officer |

| |Chemical Safety Officer |

|Eleanor Bradbury |Postgraduate Rep |

|Guijun Yan |Academic Staff Rep |

| |Radiation Safety Officer |

|Hai Ngo |Field Safety Officer |

|Kirsten Frost |Committee Secretary |

|Matthew Nelson |Research Staff |

| |Radiation Licence Holder |

|Mechelle Owen |WAHRI and North Wing |

|Miyuki Taniguchi |Dive Officer |

|Pandy du Preez |First Aid Officer |

|Patrick Finnegan |Biological Safety Officer |

|Peter Carlyon |UWA Health and Safety Rep |

|Robert Creasy |Glasshouses |

|Samantha Clarke |Kings Park Rep |



Peter Carlyon, Greg Cawthray, Rob Creasy, Pat Finnegan, Kirsten Frost, Matt Nelson and Mechelle Owen


Eli Bradbury, Pandy du Preez, Hai Ngo and Renu Sharma

Acceptance of Previous Minutes:

Rob Creasy raised the point that the contractor induction information in the minutes (and sent to Plant Biology staff and students) was different to that in the email that was sent out to all UWA staff.

The email sent out to the school 17/6/09 advised that all contractors were to complete the online induction process and would be issued with an ID card with a photo.

The all-staff email sent 12/12/08 advised that “all” contractors does not include delivery drivers, general office and laboratory equipment technicians, contract cleaning staff and contract security staff.

The contractors who do not do the UWA contractor Safety Induction, should do a site specific induction conducted with the relevant UWA staff. For example, technicians who are on campus to service lab equipment, should be guided by the staff member responsible for calling them to the service.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

An email was sent to the Plant Biology Teaching Academics on 9th July asking for a list of the 5 most hazardous procedures in their labs. Kirsten received one reply – from Pat Finnegan. Kirsten will send this to Greg.

Kirsten checked with CLIMA and Pauline Grierson’s group and received replies from Heather Clarke and Kate Bowler. She will forward these to Greg.

Pat Finnegan suggested including an excel spreadsheet attached to the email so that staff can fill it in. Or at a staff meeting, hand around a sheet of paper that staff can write their hazardous procedures on. The hazards need to be identified.

Peter said that he will send to Greg an example of an SOP so that all the SOPs that we develop can use the same format.

Greg will do a generic web-based search for SOPs because there will be general SOPs for using acids, and flammables, etc and there will also be exceptions, such as particular acids that are treated differently to most acids. The SOPs need to use “must” not “should”.

The email sent to the Teaching Academics will be re-sent to all Plant Biology staff.

There is a very useful webpage that contains all the information about SOPs and it contains a standard template:

1. Kirsten will forward emails from Pat Finnegan, Heather Clarke and Kate Bowler to Greg regarding SOPs

2. Kirsten will send a reminder email to all staff and students (will be more likely to receive replies) to list the 5 most hazardous procedures (include excel sheet)

3. Peter to send Greg an example SOP to use as a template

4. Greg to develop some generic SOPs

Lab Inspections

The checklist has been updated and an email sent to Plant Biology Academics with a deadline of 18th September.

A reminder will be sent to ALL Plant Biology staff stating that the Academics have been sent the checklist and they will have distributed to the delegated staff members.

In future, this email should be sent in mid June to be completed by the end of July so that we have a better success rate (coinciding with mid-year break).

Greg will bring up the reminder in the next staff meeting.

5. Kirsten to send a reminder to ALL staff about the lab inspections

6. Greg to bring up the reminder for lab inspections at the next staff meeting

Kings Park Inspections

7. Greg will make an appointment with Sam Clarke to discuss the lab safety inspections at Kings Park.

Site Specific Induction Sign In Sheet

The safety sign in sheet needs to be updated and placed on the web.

The title needs to be changed to “site specific safety induction” (rather than Building and Lab safety sign in sheet). The site specific induction must be done at the commencement of the staff/student/visitor.

The induction of new staff, students and visitors must include the glasshouse area plus an introduction to Rob. The supervisor can delegate the induction to another staff member to conduct, however the responsibility rests with the supervisor.

A column needs to be created in the table for glasshouse safety plus there needs to be a separate section specific to the glasshouse area. Rob will also have a separate glasshouse induction sheet for non-Plant Biology members for example CLIMA or SEE (they will not need to do the whole Plant Biology induction because they have their own, just the Glasshouse relevant induction). There needs to be a tick-box for new people to do a Glasshouse induction. Rob will send Kirsten his additions to the site specific induction.

Rob will be introducing the policy that no booking can be made until an induction is done. They must also do a manual handling course as soon as possible. Apollo will be modified so that a booking cannot be made until the induction is done and also include manual handling. For this reason, Rob will hold a glasshouse induction once a month. This will save time rather than repeating the same induction for each new person. Rob will announce the new policy at the next staff meeting.

Rob will conduct a glasshouse induction for staff, students and visitors who have already commenced. Kirsten to forward the email, for people to reply to Rob and he will conduct the inductions in groups of around 10 at a time.

The sign-off for the site specific induction must include:

1. The staff/student/visitor

2. The staff member who has conducted the induction

3. The supervisor/academic

4. Rob for the glasshouse section.

As another catch, signs will be placed on the doors of glasshouse facilities saying something similar to “Have you done the glasshouse induction? This must be done before commencing any work. See Rob Creasy to register”.

The policies regarding the use of vehicles needs to be added to the sign in sheet.

8. Kirsten to update the safety sign in sheet with all changes listed

9. Rob to send Kirsten his additions for the safety induction sheet

10. Rob to outline in the School meeting about the new induction process in the Glasshouses.

11. Rob to organise for the induction and manual handling requirement to be added to Apollo

12. Rob to organise inductions for staff and students who have already commenced. Kirsten can forward the email to the school and Rob can compile the lists and organise times.

13. Rob to place signs on the doors about induction

Safety Manual

The safety manual needs to be updated.

14. Kirsten will send out an email asking for additions and corrections to the safety manual.

Plant Biology Safety Induction

Greg will conduct the next Plant Biology safety induction on the 25th September. A section must be included on the glasshouse which Rob will present.

15. Greg and Rob to conduct the next Plant Biology safety induction

Chemical Safety

The annual clean up will be in December. Greg will send out the email in November plus a reminder. He has already had 4 different groups approach him with waste disposal queries.

16. Greg to organise the annual clean up, starting November.

UWA Fieldwork Policy

Peter Carlyon reported that the documentation is in place for the UWA Fieldwork policy.

There was discussion about 4WD training. The Safety and Health Website () states:

Use of UWA Vehicles: Drivers are required to hold an appropriate licence for the type and class of vehicle and have sufficient knowledge, skills and experience to safely control the vehicle. Advanced or Defensive driver training should be provided if drivers are not confident or are required to drive in inherently hazardous conditions, such as on gravel roads.

Driving in Remote Locations: Completion of the one day University 4 Wheel Drive course is recommended for staff and students who wish to undertake a field trip involving remote work or the use of a 4 Wheel drive vehicle. No other personnel are authorised to drive except in an emergency and this should be entered into a log book.

The Head of School is ultimately responsible for ensuring:

•the driver has an appropriate and current drivers license (domestic or international).

•the driver has completed either the University 4-wheel drive course, offered biannually or has undertaken a similar accredited course if off-road or remote work is to be undertaken.

This could be interpreted that the course does not HAVE to be done. Supervisors need to take an active part and make sure that their students and staff are trained for the tasks that they need to complete. A defensive driver training course is very beneficial.

The Fieldwork plan must not be signed off until it is complete with all hazards identified. The supervisor needs to check that the forms are filled out correctly and that people have adequate training before it is submitted to the Head of School.

The fieldwork forms need to have an addition – a tick box to indicate the nominated driver, with a back-up driver too. This needs to be UWA-wide because the fieldwork forms are based within Safety and Health.

17. Kirsten to send out the recurring fieldwork emails to the school.

18. Greg to raise field work procedures in the School meeting.

19. Greg to organise with Safety and Health, the requirement to add nominated driver on fieldwork plan

Fieldwork First Aid

Fieldwork First Aid ()

First aid provision must be provided in line with the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (WA) 1996 and Code of Practice First Aid, PPE and Amenities. Remote area field work requires a currently qualified first aid attendant to be present. Senior First Aid qualifications are preferred and may be required in many circumstances. Contents of first aid kits need to reflect the types of hazards likely to cause injury, as stipulated by the Code of Practice.

The agreed policy is that the person with the first aid qualification cannot be held responsible unless they were negligent.

Biological Safety

Every genetically modified organism, or substance highlighted by the Government as a biological agent, held by UWA, needs to be reported in the Biological risk register.


New trolleys which will assist in ergonomically handling goods, are available in the southern end of the combined workshop near Zoology (under lock). Access will be via Rob Creasy, Maja and the marine group. Keys are to be signed in and out. Rick Roberts from Animal Biology provides the training for using the trolleys.

20. Email to be sent out with details about the trolleys. Rob to send Kirsten the email to forward.

Electrical Safety

In conjunction with Animal Biology, Plant Biology purchased the software/equipment to conduct electrical testing. Plant Biology can use it for 6 months of the year and Animal Biology the other 6 months of the year.

There was confusion as to whether the electrical testing needed to be done by certified electricians or if after a 1 day course, UWA staff could do it.

An email should be sent to Peter and he will give us written confirmation as to who has authority to do the testing.

21. Greg to send an email to Peter to ask for clarification regarding electrical testing

To bring up in the next School meeting

Greg will talk about safety at each school meeting.

Lab inspection reminder

Supervisors can delegate tasks to others to perform, but in the end, the responsibility lies with them.

Rob to outline in the School meeting about the new induction process in the Glasshouses.

Greg to raise fieldwork procedures in the School meeting.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be in mid October. Kirsten to check with Peter first for dates.

Table of Actions:

|Action |By Who | |

|Brought Forward | | |

|Recurring Action: Update on Standard Operating Procedures | | |

|Freight container for neutron moisture probe storage |Renu | |

|Samantha to check the system of checks used by Kings Park and provide the last |Samantha | |

|lab report to Renu with the audit checklist | | |

|During the next round of lab inspections, a Kings Park lab should be included. |Greg and Renu | |

|Renu to check the new PDR forms for the safety and health responsibilities |Renu | |

|Renu to check that the Supervisors checklist includes safety |Renu | |

|Kirsten to update the Botany Building warden list when Richard Hobbs’s group has|Kirsten | |

|settled in. | | |

|Kirsten to update warden lists with Safety and Health |Kirsten | |

|Eli to advise how to incorporate safety into the Postgraduate Forum |Eli |Is currently exploring this and will consult with |

| | |Safety and Health |

|Eli to check that there is a requirement to address safety and risk management |Eli | |

|in the postgraduate research proposal. | | |

|Recurring Action: Kirsten to check with Safety and Health before scheduling |Kirsten | |

|meetings | | |

|Arising from Current Meeting | | |

|Kirsten will forward emails from Pat Finnegan, Heather Clarke and Kate Bowler to|Kirsten | |

|Greg regarding SOPs | | |

|Kirsten will send a reminder email to all staff and students (will be more |Kirsten | |

|likely to receive replies) to list the 5 most hazardous procedures (include | | |

|excel sheet) | | |

|Peter to send Greg an example SOP to use as a template |Peter | |

|Greg to develop some generic SOPs |Greg | |

|Kirsten to send a reminder to ALL staff about the lab inspections |Kirsten | |

|Greg to bring up the reminder for lab inspections at the next staff meeting |Greg | |

|Greg will make an appointment with Sam Clarke to discuss the lab safety |Greg/Sam | |

|inspections at Kings Park. | | |

|Kirsten to update the safety sign in sheet with all changes listed |Kirsten | |

|Rob to send Kirsten his additions for the safety induction sheet |Rob | |

|Rob to outline in the School meeting about the new induction process in the |Rob | |

|Glasshouses. | | |

|Rob to organise for the induction and manual handling requirement to be added to|Rob | |

|Apollo | | |

|Rob to organise inductions for staff and students who have already commenced. |Rob/Kirsten | |

|Kirsten can forward the email to the school and Rob can compile the lists and | | |

|organise times. | | |

|Rob to place signs on the doors about induction |Rob | |

|Kirsten will send out an email asking for additions and corrections to the |Kirsten | |

|safety manual. | | |

|Greg and Rob to conduct the next Plant Biology safety induction |Greg/Rob | |

|Greg to organise the annual clean up, starting November. |Greg | |

|Kirsten to send out the recurring fieldwork emails to the school. |Kirsten | |

|Greg to raise fieldwork procedures in the School meeting. |Greg | |

|Greg to organise with Safety and Health, the requirement to add nominated driver|Greg | |

|on fieldwork plan | | |

|Email to be sent out with details about the trolleys. Rob to send Kirsten the |Rob/Kirsten | |

|email to forward. | | |

|Greg to send an email to Peter to ask for clarification regarding electrical |Greg/Peter | |

|testing | | |

|Greg will talk about safety at each school meeting. |Greg | |

|Kirsten to send out the emails about safety for the benefit of new staff and |Kirsten | |

|students. Refer to the Safety and Health website. Every 3 months. | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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