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14382750LEADER GUIDERespond to God’s GraceSteps 7-9Index TOC \h \z \t "Re:gen header 1,1" Step Seven, Week One PAGEREF _Toc390424748 \h 1Step Seven, Week Two PAGEREF _Toc390424749 \h 3Step Eight, Week One PAGEREF _Toc390424750 \h 5Step Eight, Week Two PAGEREF _Toc390424751 \h 7Step Nine, Week One PAGEREF _Toc390424752 \h 8Step Nine, Week Two PAGEREF _Toc390424753 \h 9Step Nine, Week Three PAGEREF _Toc390424754 \h 10Step 7, Week 1Step 7, FOLLOW: We humbly ask God’s Spirit to change our hearts and minds in order to follow Christ fully.Foundation 7: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:22-25)Key Theme: Respond to God’s grace by relying on him to change.Remember: God chooses you. He will heal, strengthen, and restore you if you rely on him and entirely follow him. HYPERLINK "" Step 7, Week 1 VideoThings to RememberThe focus in Steps 7-12 shifts from ourselves to loving God and loving others. We have a new identity as a child loved, resourced, and cared for by the living God! We are no longer slaves to sin or enemies of God.The Spirit changes us from the inside out. He empowers us to fulfill God’s purpose. Striving to please God doesn’t bring freedom but delighting in God and relying upon him to do his will does (see Galatians 3:3).Key QuestionsAs you review the lesson, ask God which questions to focus on for the lesson. Some possibilities are:Day 2, Q4: What evidence in your life demonstates that the Holy Spirit is actively working in you?Day 3, Q4: If God sees you like the person on the list above (p. 19), in what ways do you see yourself differently than he sees you? Day 4, Q3: How is God’s purpose for you different from your answer in Q1 (on p. 20)? Encouragement for ParticipantsCelebrate the changes God is making in participants by his Spirit, both observable changes and those ongoing changes that he is working in their inner hearts.Encourage participants to accept God’s word about who they are in Christ (See Day 3 list).Check if participants have reviewed their repentance plans with mentors. This is an important step to working out a doable plan and getting prayer, encouragement, and accountability to turn from sin to Christ.Have participants write down questions about the Trinity so you can follow-up with them. (see p. 15)Encourage serving as a group periodically. Serving helps shift the focus from self to loving God as the curriculum also shifts.Encouragement for Leaders No true recovery exists apart from Christ. We need the Holy Spirit to follow Christ. God will give us all we need to follow him and be satisfied in him if we rely upon him.If you haven’t yet updated the mentors that the group is progressing to steps 7-9, send the mentors an email that the group has finished step 6 – Repentance and is beginning steps 7-9, Follow, Forgive, and Amends. In this email, ask the mentors to let you know and follow up with their participant if they have not yet reviewed the Repentance plan developed in Step 6. Ask the mentors if they have any questions.This is a good time for group to start serving regularly (parking, greeting, etc.) if they have not already done so. It is important to shift focus from self to God and others.YOU are a new creation also! God is making you an Oak of Righteousness. He is using you to repair ruined cities and desolations of generations. (Isaiah 61:3)Are you experiencing everlasting joy and peace? What are you managing on your own?Step 7, Week 2Step 7, FOLLOW: We humbly ask God’s Spirit to change our hearts and minds in order to follow Christ fully.Foundation 7: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:22-25)Key Theme: Respond to God’s grace by relying on him to change.Remember: God chooses you. He will heal, strengthen, and restore you if you rely on him and entirely follow him. HYPERLINK "" Step 7, Week 2 VideoThings to RememberFix your eyes on Christ. Set your heart to follow him fully. Distrust or unwillingness to obey God in certain areas of life indicates that you are struggling with previous steps. When you set limitations and boundaries around God, there is a trust issue.The fullness of God’s blessings comes by trusting and obeying his perfect will. He looks for a willing heart to display his power. As you follow Christ, the Spirit changes you to become like Christ.Because God loved us through Christ before we loved him, we can respond to his love by loving others like Christ. Key QuestionsAs you review the lesson, ask God which questions to focus on for the lesson. Some possibilities are:Day1, Q1: In what ways do you struggle to believe that you are a new creation in Christ?Day 3, Q2: In what ways are you not experiencing the fruit of the Spirit? Day5, Q3: How has your love for others been directed by how they love you, rather than upon how Christ loved you? Encouragement for ParticipantsIf God is trustworthy for eternity, he is trustworthy for today. His goodness is able to carry you through any circumstance. God’s power is greater than your inability. He will give you everything you need to follow his will. Go all in.Participants need a solid foundation of previous steps to fully follow Christ through the remaining steps. Encourage them to review the previous steps and to be honest with mentor and leaders about areas of doubt or steps that haven’t yet been completed. God is not shortchanging us. The path to his blessings is not always easy but it is worth it.Encouragement for LeadersThis is a good time to communicate with mentors if you have not yet. Let them know you are heading into Step 8, Forgiveness and Step 9, Amends. Encourage them to help participants complete any previous steps.Recall ways that God has blessed your life when you’ve trusted and obeyed him, especially in difficult circumstances. Be ready to share some of these experiences with your group, and the intimacy with God that you’ve been blessed with.Are there areas where you are putting limitations on God’s will for you or setting up boundaries with God? Remember God is trustworthy for eternity, and for today. Set your heart fully on him. “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him.” (1 Chronicles 16:9)Step 8, Week 1Step 8, FORGIVE: We forgive those who have harmed us and become willing to make amends to those we have harmed.Foundation 8: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” (Ephesians 4:32-5:1)Key Theme: We forgive others because God forgave us through Christ.Remember: Forgiveness is a decision to obey God, give him our hurts, and trust him to repay the debt of sin against us. HYPERLINK "" Step 8, Week 1 VideoThings to RememberForgiveness is a decision to obey God, give him our hurts, and trust him to repay the debt of sin against us.Unforgiveness can keep us weighed down by our own demands for justice. Forgiveness gives God the power to demand justice for the sins against us. Forgiveness can leave us feeling vulnerable (if we’ve trusted sin’s power more than God). God doesn’t need forgiveness. He is perfect and holy.You cannot forgive yourself. Feeling “unforgiveable” creates shame in our lives. Shame is a symptom of pride or misplaced identity—we can’t forgive ourselves. But God declares us forgiven in Christ.Key QuestionsAs you review the lesson, ask God which questions to focus on for the lesson. Some possibilities are:Day 2, Q5: If you’ve trusted Christ’s suffering as satisfaction for your sins, do you think you could also trust Christ’s suffering as satisfaction for the sins against you? What difficulties, fears, or concerns does this bring up for you?Day 4, Q2: How does the list (on p. 53) clarify your understanding of biblical forgiveness?Encouragement for ParticipantsRemember, through Christ’s sacrifice you are forgiven for all of your sins! In God’s eyes you are clean, righteous, adopted, loved, reconciled, and made new. Accept his view of the truth about you.Don’t hold yourself in prison for what Christ has already died for. Accept his forgiveness.Christ’s suffering is enough for ALL sin—even for sins against you. For those without Christ, God’s vengeance for sin is a holy wrath; his justice is perfect.Forgiving others is a transaction between you and God alone. It doesn’t involve the other person.You can be free of the burden of others’ sins no matter how they respond to you or to God. You can forgive someone who is dead.Forgiveness frees you to love others despite their sin.Encouragement for LeadersUnderstand the difference between forgiveness, amends and reconciliation.Forgiveness - transferring justice to God for another’s harm against you, between you and God releasing another from your debt.Amends – repairing my sin’s damage to another, one way toward another.Reconciliation - agreeing with each other that debts are settled between both parties.Forgiveness is not: excusing sin, freeing the guilty, denying your hurt, a feeling, conditional, forgetting, trust, or reconciliation.We can’t forgive ourselves; we need to embrace God’s forgiveness of us. We are sinful and capable of great harm to him and others. You are free in Christ. How are you doing with shame? Have you accepted who you are in Christ?Through Christ, we have been forgiven much! Praise God for his lavish grace through Christ!Be ready to share a story of how forgiveness freed you to love someone who hurt you.Step 8, Week 2Step 8, FORGIVE: We forgive those who have harmed us and become willing to make amends to those we have harmed.Foundation 8: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.” (Ephesians 4:32-5:1)Key Theme: We forgive others because God forgave us through Christ.Remember: Forgiveness is a decision to obey God, give him our hurts, and trust him to repay the debt of sin against us. HYPERLINK "" Step 8, Week 2 VideoThings to RememberGod offers your offender forgiveness through Christ. Can you offer forgiveness? How does one forgive? Face the truthRelease the hurtEntrust justice to GodExalt Christ. Lingering hurts, bitterness, resentments or avoidance may indicate that we need to forgive someone. Forgiving someone frees you from the burden of sin to love them despite their sin against you.Key QuestionsAs you review the lesson, ask God which questions to focus on for the lesson. Some possibilities are:Day 2, Q2: Who have you mistakenly held indebted to you? Day 3, Q1: What did your past environments teach you about forgiveness?Day 4, Q2: Has your view of God’s love changed now that you have forgiven others?Encouragement for ParticipantsIt is for freedom that Christ set you free. Don’t be a slave to sin—your sin or anyone’s! God wants to relieve you of it all.God will change your heart toward others if you ask. Forgiveness is an act of the will.Don’t let insecurities or untruths overrule your new identity in Christ.God is good even when life doesn’t make sense. You can trust his heart even when you can’t trace his hand.Encouragement for LeadersTransferring the debt of sin against you to Christ is a surrender of your own power for God’s power. Pray that they would trust God. Be willing to share some of the debts of sin that you were able to place on the cross this week.Some participants may be struggling to forgive someone who has harmed them deeply. Pray for them.Pray we would be imitators of God, trust our heavenly Father with burdens, and love one another with Christ’s love.Take some time at the end of the group this week for participants to encourage each other. Step 9, Week 1Step 9, AMENDS: We make direct amends whenever possible, submitting to God, his word, and biblical counsel.Foundation 9: “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:17-18)Key Theme: Initiate peace with others out of love and obedience to God.Remember: Making amends is a step of faith to honor God, live in his truth, repair the damages of sin, and share the love of Christ with others. HYPERLINK "" Step 9, Week 1 Video Things to RememberThis step is three weeks. This is a breakthrough step for healing, peace and freedom. Amends is a recognition and payment for loss, damage, or injury. This step is one-way. Making amends means owning your part without excuse or expectation of a response from the other party.This can be scary and difficult. Participants need encouragement to trust God with outcomes. Participants also need godly counsel as they consider what to make amends for and when it would not be loving to not initiate amends.Key QuestionsThe questions on the review day are great. Other key questions you may wish to address: Day1, Q1 and 2: What positive changes have you seen since starting re:generation? How are you still struggling to see God’s peace, healing, and freedom through Christ?Day 3, Q4: What difficulties or obstacles do you fear if you make amends with those you have hurt?Day 5, top of p. 93: List people God has placed in your life to help you know and follow his will. Encouragement for ParticipantsGod is for you. His commands are loving and for your benefit. You can trust God’s heart even when you can’t see how everything will work out. Don’t settle for less than God’s best. This step may be most freeing of all. If you’ve left anything off inventory, now is the time to revisit it with your mentor and community.Making amends is an act of love toward God and others. It is okay to delay amends if it endangers someone or has potential to cause greater harm, but not without godly counsel. Now is a time to choose to trust Christ with your life over your fears or your sinful nature. Encouragement for LeadersPray for participants’ courage to trust God. Pray for others to receive the amends of your participants. Pray for God’s peace!Be on guard. This is a time when participants may drop out. This is truly dying to self and putting your life in God’s hands. If they are struggling, revisit previous steps. Inform mentors that you are on step 9. ”Take Action” on Day 5 directs participants to share answers from this lesson with mentors.Be ready to share a story of how an amends provided peace, freedom, and healing for you.Step 9, Week 2Step 9, AMENDS: We make direct amends whenever possible, submitting to God, his word, and biblical counsel.Foundation 9: “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:17-18)Key Theme: Initiate peace with others out of love and obedience to God.Remember: Making amends is a step of faith to honor God, live in his truth, repair the damages of sin, and share the love of Christ with others. HYPERLINK "" Step 9, Week 2 VideoThings to RememberGoals for this week are:Identifying what to make amends for (see Amends Summary on p. 105-106).Understanding how to make amends (see Examples on Day 2)).Planning for amends (see Amends Plan on p. 112)). Blank Summaries and Plans are included in Appendix D and Appendix E.Through this step, we are teaching participants a process and tools for planning amends, rather than completing all amends, which will happen through time. This week begin to plan 3 amends (2 easy, 1 difficult) using the Amends Summary and Amends Plan tools. Ask the participants to discuss these with their mentor next week. Seek godly counsel in the amends process: “For by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in abundance of counselors there is victory.” - Proverbs 24:6Key QuestionsThe questions on the review day are great. Other key questions you may wish to address: Day 3, Amends Summaries: What questions do they have about what to make amends for? Day 5, Amends Plan: Did the make a plan for the 3 amends listed? Do they have a time set with mentor next week?Encouragement for ParticipantsEncourage participants to pray for God to reveal their sin, to prepare hearts for amends, to sustain them through difficulty, to show his goodness in new ways.Encourage them to share their plans with recovery partners and mentors next week. If stuck, start with some easy amends. Encouragement for LeadersRemember, God’s power is best revealed when circumstances are greater than we can handle. Follow-up next week to see if amends plans are being shared with mentors.Pray. Pray. Pray. Ask God to glorify himself through this group. Pray his protection over all.Make amends for sin in your own life. Share an example of a recent amends. Thank God for the peace, healing, and freedom he has given you in your own life as you have faithfully followed his will to make amends!Step 9, Week 3Step 9, AMENDS: We make direct amends whenever possible, submitting to God, his word, and biblical counsel.Foundation 9: “Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” (Romans 12:17-18)Key Theme: Initiate peace with others out of love and obedience to God.Remember: Making amends is a step of faith to honor God, live in his truth, repair the damages of sin, and share the love of Christ with others. HYPERLINK "" Step 9, Week 3 VideoThings to RememberMaking some amends could have life-altering results (confessing crime, adultery, etc.). Goals for the Week:Work on amends plans daily. Make two simple amends this week (this can be one of the amends highlighted last week or two new ones). Study and outline plan for your most challenging amends and discuss it with your mentor(s) when you meet. .Continue to gain understanding into how to make difficult amends, noting that “Daily Amends Tips” are included each day. Key QuestionsThe questions on the review day are great. Other key questions you may wish to address: Day 5 question: What encouragements, struggles, and questions do you have from this week?Day 6, Q1: Have you already made an amends? If so, describe the result of your meeting.Encouragement for ParticipantsDon’t let fear of possible outcomes keep you from embracing all that God has for you. When in doubt pray for wisdom and seek godly counsel. Share any stories of amends that have already happened this week.Remind them that their job is to be faithful, not achieve a specific result. Allow them to share any stories of amends that have already happened this week.Encouragement to continue to work on making amends until they have done as much as depends upon them to initiate peace. Encouragement for LeadersThis is the hardest step, but could also the most life changing and freeing. Celebrate progress made with participants.Knowing and living Steps 1-9 will guard people from sin, heal people from sin, and restore relationships damaged by sin. Steps 10-12 will focus on how to maintain spiritual health, walk in a freedom in an intimate relationship with God, and fulfill our purpose.You are ? of the way through! Celebrate! Encourage your group.Thank God for the changes he is making in the lives of those in your group. Pray that your group would finish strong through the next three steps. Email mentors that you are finishing step 9 and getting ready for steps 10-12. ................

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