
The Hathornthwaites

and a Multitude of Haythornthwaites, Hawthornthwaites, Haythornwhites and Haythorn(e)s

The Descendants of William of Catshaw, (d 1592), Recusant, and John of

Tarnbrook, (d 1630), Yeomen of Over Wyresdale

and Several Other Trees as yet Unconnected

The Family of Peter Kenway HAYTHORNTHWAITE

Compiled by Peter Kenway Haythornthwaite, with much help from other family members, past and present, near and far, particularly Carl Haythornthwaite who discovered or cross-checked a notable proportion of the material in this volume.

Genealogy updated 31 Dec 2012. Amendment Code: Pink: 2005-6. Blue: 2007-8. Red: 2009. Green: 2010-12

Participants at the Haythornthwaite Gathering held at Sawley, nr Clitheroe, on 13 October 2001 are highlighted in yellow.

All documents of this nature contain errors, omissions and unsolved problems. Readers able to correct the errors, fill the gaps, or offer solutions to the problems, are urged to contact the compiler.

Peter K Haythornthwaite

5 Brownhill Crescent


Leics. LE7 7LA

Tel: 0116 2302525


Contents Page

Tree & Chapter Structure 4

Introduction 5

Notation and Searching 7

Chapter 1 Origins 8

Chapter 2 Destinations 12

Chapter 3 Ancient Lineages of Over Wyresdale 15

Includes: Descendants of William of Catshaw 15

The Descendants of John of Scorton 20

Master Mariners of Lancaster & Robert the Privateer 22

Gentry at Lower Lea & Tongue Moor 29

Chapter 4 The Descendants of John of Tarnbrook, (d 1630) 34

Includes: The Forbears of Edward of Dinkling Green 34

The Quaker Branch 41

Edward of Dinkling Green 43

Richard of Sykes 44

Edward of Higher Fence 46

Richard of Batrix 47

Chapter 5 The Descendants of Edward of Higher Fence (d 1799) 48

Includes: Robert of Dinkling Green and his Descendants 48

Tree of Richard & Frederick of Preston 51

Richard of Whitendale and his Descendants 56

The Liverpool & Bentham Branch 57

The Irish Branch 61 The British Columbian Branch 71

The Descendants of Richard of Kirkby Lonsdale 74 The Haythornthwaite Vineyard 76

The First Australian Branch 77

The Texas Connection & the Nebraska Ranch 83

Chapter 6 The Descendants of Richard of Batrix (1732-1795) 86

Includes: John of the Manor House, Hornby 88

The Midlands Branch 99

William of Higher Wood House 102

The Blackburn Cotton Manufacturing Branch 103

The Scandinavian Connection 108

James of Foulds House 111 Victory V 112

The New Zealand & North American Branch 116

The Lune Valley Branch 119

Chapter 7 The Descendants of Robert of Hare Appletree (1738-1805) 132

The Ohio Migrants 133

Chapter 8 The First Australian Branch 139 Includes: The Descendants of William the Miner (1815-1880) 139

Chapter 9 The Descendants of John of the Manor House, Hornby(1807-1872) 146 Includes: The First Canadian Branch 149

Chapter 10 The Descendants of James of Foulds House (1808-1869) 155

Includes: The Burnley Cotton Weaving Branch 155

Mount Pleasant Mill 159

The Grenfell Cloth Connection 164

Chapter 11 The Tree of Raymond Frank of Ontario 167

Chapter 12 The Tree of Roland of Burley-in-Wharfedale 184

Chapter 13 The Tree of Christopher and the Blacksmiths 203

Chapter 14 Other Unconnected Trees 227

Includes: The Descendants of James the Exciseman 227

The Arkansas Raid 227

The Descendants of John & Ann of Lancaster 230

The Tree of Derek of Singleton 241

Fragment from Brindle 247

The Descendants of Richard of Quarmore 249

The Tree of Sibyl of Newcastle 253

The Descendants of Matthew of Kendal 255

Tree of the Lancaster Coopers 260

Tree of Peter the Clockmaker 264

The Descendants of Gilbert of Parke 265

The Family of James of Lodge in Quarmore 266

The Family of Robert of Hazelheads 270

The Family of George of Overwyresdale 272

Chapter 15 Selected Wills: 274

Robert of Scorton 1686, John of Tarnbrook the Elder 1630, John of

Tarnbrook the Younger 1659, Edward of Dinkling Green 1700, Robert

of Fell End, Netherwyresdale 1704, John of Slean End 1741,

Richard of Sykes 1760, Edward of Higher Fence 1798

Chapter 16 The DNA of the Haythornthwaites 285

References 286

Appendix: Haythornthwaite Households Worldwide in 2001 287

Index 294

Tree & Chapter Structure



In mid 1999, when I first started tentatively tapping into my word processor what I thought I knew of my Haythornthwaite ancestors, I little dreamt how this project would grow. I certainly did not foresee how the descendants of Richard of Sykes ("elder children missing"), who then headed my tree, would grow into a veritable army that seems to represent a high proportion of the living Haythornthwaites all round the world.

Although his great grandfather John of Tarnbrook now heads the tree, (with a possible connection to his putative great great great grandfather William of Catshaw), it is the sheer fecundity of Richard of Sykes and his descendants which has caused this document to grow in size to the point where coherent presentation is problematic. For the moment, in this edition, I have stuck to the methods developed in earlier versions, and hope that the index for key names and places will help the reader sufficiently to find his way about.

As before, the document is neither quite a family tree, nor a narrative. It is a bit of both. The bare bones of family structure are interwoven with occasional details of place, occupation and inheritance. I have added a comment or a story line where I thought it might be of interest.

The document remains "work in progress" rather than something final and definitive. I offer it "warts and all" and I have tried to draw attention to the many gaps and unsolved problems and urge all readers who can suggest solutions to contact me. As work in progress, it inevitably evolves as new facts or questions come to light. This does mean there may be several different versions circulating around at any one time and some may find that confusing. If in doubt, ask me to email you the latest version, which I am pleased to do.

Although it is possible to send the document by post, its growing size makes it increasingly costly and time-consuming to print and post in large numbers. I hope that mainly it will be sent by email, leaving the reader with the choice of whether to look at it on screen (where the “Find” feature can be very useful) or print it out.

I embarked on this task for amusement. If in addition I have contributed in some small way to a better and wider understanding of the ancient and rather remarkable story of the Haythornthwaite family, I shall be doubly satisfied.

Although I have consulted original documents where feasible, many members of the family have generously shared their family trees and other information to make this compilation possible. They include Mark Etheridge of Cardiff; James Fisher of Bournemouth; Barbara Bond of Quairading, Western Australia; Christine Edmondson of Wimborne; Bill Haythornthwaite of Auckland, New Zealand; Carl Haythornthwaite of Broughton-in-Furness; David Haythornthwaite of Barrowford; Grant Haythornthwaite of Auckland, New Zealand; John Haythornthwaite of Kirkby Lonsdale; June Haythornthwaite of Priest Hutton; Mark Haythornthwaite of Martinborough, New Zealand; Natasha Haythornthwaite of Boulder, Western Australia; Patricia Weir of Waikiki, Western Australia, who dedicates her material to Edith Jane Haythornthwaite, indomitable pioneer of the Australian bush; Peter James Haythornthwaite of Kirkby Lonsdale; Robin Haythornthwaite of Auckland; Barbara Jeffs of Thornton Cleveleys; Jack Keeling of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma; Wendy Sheldon of Southam; Laura Slye (now Haythornthwaite) of San Francisco; Chris Turner of Bath; Martha Robbins of Virginia; Kathryn Yates of Burnley, who helped in the solution of the knotty problems surrounding Richard of Sykes, a great genealogical achievement; John Wood of Salterforth, who independently came to similar conclusions; and others. To all of them, many thanks.

A further acknowledgement must now be added. In late 2003 I became aware of a new publication deposited with the Society of Genealogists, The Families of Hazel Joy Snaith, by John H Snaith. Although I have had access as yet to only parts of this document, it is clearly a work of some stature, covering some of the field of, though rather less extensive than, this document. Where specific data of my own has been lacking, I have borrowed from Snaith, with many and profuse thanks. Sometimes we differ a little, and resolution of these differences over time will no doubt prove rewarding. Sadly, this volume disappeared from the SOG library before I had time to study it in detail. One must hope that it, or another copy, will re-appear one day.

I must also particularly thank Carl Haythornthwaite for his extensive checking and supplementing of my work from his comprehensive database of H civil registration index entries, and for his comprehensive work on the 1911 Census, Lancs BMD database and much else. The numbers in [square brackets] are Carl’s RM (Roots Magic) numbers, added to facilitate cross-referencing with his work and identifying particular individuals.

A final word about scope. This is primarily a study of Hathornthwaites (in all spelling variants). Near-Hathornthwaites are generally included only where they are spouses or add to the story, or where they are known in some way to me personally. If this seems severe, consider that to do otherwise and include all the descendants of John Hathornthwaite of Tarnbrook (d 1630) potentially multiplies the total number of names by a factor of 100 or more after 10 generations. For those who feel unfairly excluded, the remedy is in their own hands: they can write a genealogy of their own.

Notation and Searching

I have tended to assume that the genealogical notation used in this document is self-explanatory but, in case I am deluding myself, I append a few notes here.

The genealogical relationships are shown by means of simple Descendants Charts. This format is not so suitable for Ancestor Charts, but gives a simple means of recording descendants of a given individual using only readily available word processing software, in this case Microsoft Word, rather than a specialised database.

Surnames are normally UPPER CASE, given names Lower Case. Children are shown indented underneath their parents, normally in chronological order of birth. Spouses (or partners) are shown beneath their HAYTHORNTHWAITE partner and indicated by =, and each successive generation has an identifying letter such as j or k. The abbreviation b means birth or born, c christening or christened, m marriage or married, m(1) first marriage etc, d death or died, bur burial or buried, reg registration district or registered under the civil system instigated in Jul 1837, rec recorded as. [Square brackets] are used to indicate data which may be uncertain, to insert comments and queries, and to draw attention to unsolved problems (to which you, the reader, are urged to suggest a solution!)

There is an Index at the end of the document for surnames, first names, places and some occupations. On screen, the document can be searched by means of the FIND [CTRL/f] Command. Common first names have been given a subscripted year of birth, so Johnb1820 indicates John born in 1820 to aid identification and location. Less common first names such as Jabez or Major have not been given a birth year but should be readily found on their own merits. Other dates can also help. If you know someone was born or married on a particular date, e.g. 12 Feb 1863, or even 12 Feb 186 where the precise year is unknown, searching on that date may lead you right there if this date is included in the document, otherwise FIND “m abt Mar 1863” (where the marriage was registered in the first quarter 1863) may work.

One facet that often seems to give trouble is that of English placenames, particularly to those who live overseas and who are less familiar with English geography. The hierarchy of place names can be complex, so that on, for example, successive census returns, a respondant may state their place of birth in bewilderingly different and apparently contradictory terms, terms apparently at variance with their birth or christening record. It may help to understand that a rural person might be born in a particular farm or hamlet, within a township/civil parish, within an ecclesiastical parish, within (after 1837) a registration district, within a county, any one of which they might cite as their birthplace according to when they were asked, where they were asked, and, no doubt, who was asking. The names and boundaries of these places may have evolved over time. There is really no substitute for a good set of maps and long experience, but I have tried in the Index to indicate (where I know) the category a particular place falls into.

Chapter 1


Hathornthwaite[1] is a place name. When the Vikings settled the upper reaches of the River Wyre (in what is now the county of Lancashire) in the 9th Century, they cleared the ground of this rather harsh but beautiful landscape and set up farms for grazing their livestock. Hagthorn is Old Norse for hawthorn (or hedgethorn), and thwaite is a clearing or secondary farm. The usual interpretation of the name is "Hawthorn-field", but a more romantic version suggests that a Viking settler by the name of Athon (a name still current in Iceland so I'm told) landed on the west coast of England in around AD 900 and made his home at Athon's-farm. One way or another, modern Hathornthwaites may claim, without much fear of contradiction, to have Viking blood coursing vigorously through their veins.

Frustratingly, Hathornthwaite does not feature in the Domesday Book of 1086 which so meticulously recorded the ownership of land and its earning power for King William. Nor for that matter does the whole area of Over Wyresdale, which is uncompromisingly blank on the maps of Domesday place names. Probably this upland area was too sparsely populated to rate a mention, though the thought of a gang of post-Viking resistance fighters hanging out against the rule of the Conqueror in this remote valley is an intriguing one. Certainly, William's rule in the west did not extend at this time further north than Broughton-in-Furness and Bootle in modern Cumbria, so it is conceivable his grip was a little tenuous even south of the Lune.

Later in medieval times, Hathornthwaite (or Hawthornthwaite as modern maps have it) became one of the 12 vaccaries, or cow farms, of Wyresdale. These included also Tarnbrook, Marshaw, Abbeystead, Dunkinshaw, Lee, Emmetts, Catshaw, Hayshaw, Ortner, Lentworth and Greenbank, names still preserved in the farms and cottages today, many of them lived in by Hathornthwaites at one time or another.

From about 1600, there was more enclosure and improvement of the land by the application of lime, which was brought through the Trough of Bowland from the lime kiln at Sykes, and the population of Over Wyresdale eventually grew to reach a level considerably in excess of that of today. At Tarnbrook there were at one time as many as 25 cottages where today there are four or five, and at Hawthornthwaite there were 15 where today there is only Hawthornthwaite Farm itself.

Before hereditary surnames came into general use, a man might be known as John de Tarnbrook, Edward Richardson or Richard de Hagthornthwaite, but his "byname" might change from time to time according to the whim of the clerk with whom he was dealing, and would probably die with him. The custom of passing surnames from father to son or daughter started around 1200 and spread slowly down the social scale and from south to north, not reaching the denizens of this remote and isolated part of the kingdom till around 1400 or even later.

So we see that in 1322, Jeffrey de Cover rented from Thomas, second Earl of Lancaster, the vaccary of Hagthornthwayt (2022.5 acres) for 5s 6d a year; William de Hagthornthwayt the vaccary of Emodes (564.5 acres) for 3s a year; and Richard de Hagthornthwayt the vaccary del Abbey (1635 acres) for 5s 6d a year. This is the earliest known record of the use of this surname. (Alfred Ian Haythornthwaite: "The Hathunuts" 19645)

On 5 March 1325, Richard de Haghethornthwait was fined 4d for failing to turn up at a court in the Wapentake of Lonsdale. (Private communication from Constance Turner, 1962)

In 1541, we come across the first known record of a Hathornthwaite in Tarnbrook. To quote again from "The Hathunuts"5:

In November 1541 William Hawthurnthwaite of Troughtonbroke (T' Rowton Brook House, 1 mile SSE of Quernmore Church ?) was under enquiry by the commissioners of Henry VIII. Apparently the Mayor and Burgesses of Lancaster went to their common in Quernmore Forest, impounded stray cattle, and left a guard. "Upon the morning next after, being the Feast of Corpus Christi, William …….(and others) did come to the said fold with long staves and brought with them a writing which they said was a replevie, and they hanged the said writing upon a gatepost of the said fold". They refused a request by the guard to wait while they got someone who could read, and took their cattle out. At the hearing, Richard Hathurthwaite of Tarnbrooke gave evidence claiming ancient grazing rights, and William Hathurthwaite "56 years of age" also gave evidence. For the prosecution it was said that fifteen years previously the wife of Edward Hathurnthwaite of Troughton Broke had paid a fine of 3d for the release of cattle.

Also very interesting in the above account is the mention of an Edward Hathornthwaite. Edward is a sufficiently unusual name to suggest that he just might be an ancestor of the run of Edwards who came later in the story of our family. First names were not given at random but in a very systematic way. The first son was named after the paternal grandfather, daughter after the maternal grandmother. The second son was named after the maternal grandfather, daughter after the paternal grandmother. Later children would be named after the parents themselves, uncles and aunts, and, particularly, after earlier offspring who had died in infancy. This "Naming Rule" works very well in the Hathornthwaite family until as late as 1840, giving a repetition of naming patterns from generation to generation and sometimes vital clues as to family relationships.

At present, the earliest Hathornthwaite we (that is, my branch of the family) can link to our tree with reasonable likelihood is John of Tarnbrook, Yeoman, d 1630. The fact that he was a yeoman is useful to us, since, owning his own land, he (and his descendants) needed to leave a Will to prevent quarrels about the family farm. Of my ten known direct ancestors, nine are known to have left Wills, a remarkable record of continuity and sound financial planning (See Chapter 16 and a separate document Haythornthwaite Wills3 for many of these). Richard of Batrix (1732-1795) is the sole exception, for reasons we can only guess at. Perhaps it is simply that we have not yet looked hard enough to find it. Perhaps there was no need to go for Probate.

Being attached to their land, yeomen farmers tended not to move very far afield, and to be there, solid and reliable, to pay their taxes (or occasionally not). Thus there are interesting traces in ancient records of administration, taxation and courtroom proceedings. In 1640 for example, at the start of the Civil War, a John Hathornthwaite of Wyresdale (very likely our own John of Tarnbrook the Younger) contributed in cattle to the upkeep of King Charles's northern regiments. Two years later, Lancaster was besieged and burnt by the Parliamentary forces, at which point he no doubt kept a very low profile. The records of the Hearth Tax for Lady Day 1664 and 1666, show that even when describing themselves as yeomen, our ancestors generally paid on only one hearth, a modest establishment indeed, though they were never exempted, as some were, for reasons of poverty. However, Robert of Scorton in Nether Wyresdale and William of Abbeystead in Over Wyresdale each paid on 3 hearths, suggesting that they were men of substance. No doubt much still remains to be discovered in these early records. The search continues.

The modern science of genetics is another source of information which now can provide further clues to supplement the written record. The Y-chromosome is handed down from father to son rather in the manner of a surname. Certain repetitive structures in the DNA are characteristic of descendants of a given male ancestor, and so study of these structures may throw interesting light on questions of genealogy. To what extent are modern Haythornthwaites (and indeed Hawthornthwaites, Haythornwhites and Haythorn(e)s) genetic descendants of a single ancestral Hathornthwaite who lived at Hathornthwaite in around the year 1400? Are there links between hitherto unconnected branches of the family? As Hathornthwaites, we are fortunate that our name has been selected as a rare surname to receive special attention from the Department of Genetics at Leicester University, so we may be able to answer some of these questions. Initial results came available from this project in Autumn 2004 and the selected male Haythornthwaites who acceded to requests for DNA samples in 2001 at last received some feedback. A paper summarising the results of this research was finally published in February 2009 (see Chapter 16 for more details).

One problem which confronts the student of the Hathornthwaite family is that of spelling. Ancient records record the name in a bewildering variety of forms. I have not tried to count them myself but Alfred Ian Haythornthwaite in The Hathunuts5 lays claim to 110 different versions, Dorothy Haythorn Collins13 says 140. How could it be otherwise? The often illiterate bearer spoke his name to the clerk or the cleric who wrote down what he imagined he heard above the hubbub, with never a thought that one spelling might be preferable to another. Even today, when we have the new-fangled concept that there is a "right" way of spelling words, how many strange versions have we ourselves rejoiced or grumbled to see on envelopes or other documents? If the moderns cannot cope with a name of this complexity, the ancients must have found it quite a trial.

It is not surprising therefore that an early Hathornthwaite might have a different spelling for his name for every recorded event of his life, particularly if he himself was not literate. He could be christened as Hathronwhett, married as Hathornthwatt, and buried as Hathernwayt or Hathorwhite. It is not particularly helpful to select one of these alternatives, and, when I began this work, I tended to use my own modern version Haythornthwaite for all early records in the main tree whose modern descendants use this form, and Hawthornthwaite in those branches where this is the general modern form. Whatever ingenuity was used to construct the final part of the name, up to about 1780 it nearly always began as Hath, a form that has now died out. I now feel that this variant is more faithful to the intention of the early writers of the name, and perhaps also to its then pronunciation, so I am moving towards this convention.

By the early 19th century, a greater degree of standardisation had become apparent. Those considerable numbers who had patronised the church at Slaidburn, to the east of the Trough of Bowland, tended to call themselves Haythornthwaite, whilst many who had stayed on the western side of the Trough became Hawthornthwaite. The Ordnance Survey maps have followed this trend and Hathornthwaite Farm and Fell have been transmogrified into Hawthornthwaite. Whilst it is by no means proven, the Hay- spelling may perhaps provide a clue to a person's descent from our branch of the family when in Slaidburn, whilst Haw-s may connect up, if at all, with our family in its earlier days in Over Wyresdale to the west.

Pronunciation has no doubt varied much over the years. As recently as 1964, Alfred Ian was able to say that "the pronunciation all over the fell today is Hathunut". In about 1960, I heard Hawthornthwaite Fell referred to as Hathunut, and once, whilst out beagling in the Forest of Bowland, I did myself meet a farmer who called himself Hathunut. But I have never met a Hathunut since, and rural old-timers I have spoken to recently appear to have no memory or knowledge of this ancient pronunciation, except in Over Wyresdale itself. It seems it has gone out of use, but is still remembered – just.

Chapter 2


The last chapter touches on where we came from. But where did we all go to, and what befell us on the way?

Among the individual stories of struggle, triumph and disappointment, we can discern a number of broad trends. The eldest sons often (but not always) inherited the family farm and remained on the land. There are still a very few modern Haythornthwaites farming in and around the Forest of Bowland, having moved less than a dozen miles from Hawthornthwaite in 600 years.

The next eldest sometimes managed to pursue middle class professional aspirations by training for the ministry or for medicine. The descendants of Edward of Higher Fence (1716-1799) produced an amazing dynasty of doctors, clerics and missionaries, the former inspired perhaps by the example of Ellend1810 of Dinkling Green, a farmer's wife and "one of the best surgeons in the country".

Younger sons lacked start-up advantages and so could end up as landless labourers through much of their lives, possibly ending their days with a leased smallholding. Those with drive and determination looked for new outlets. In the early days, some became craftsmen in the towns. For example, Peterd1760 became a Clockmaker, maintaining the clock in the Kirkby Lonsdale church tower, and there is a fine example of one of his long case clocks in the Abbot Hall Museum in Kendal; his grandson Peter set up shop as a watchmaker in the Strand, London. Several members of one branch became Master Mariners of Lancaster, plying the West Indies run, and one of them, Robertb1773, became an authorised Privateer, captain of the “Hussar” with 3 masts and 12 carriage guns, in the 1812-14 war against the USA. Others found new opportunities in two main ways.

Firstly, the world's first industrial revolution had its cotton weaving focus only a few miles from the places where the family lived in rural Bowland and Slaidburn, themselves backwaters unperturbed by these newfangled goings-on. Many Haythornthwaites migrated over the hill and involved themselves in the new capitalistic and co-operative enterprises burgeoning in and around the boom towns of Blackburn and Burnley. It is a remarkable fact that the descendants of Richard of Batrix (1732-1795) founded no fewer than three significant cotton manufacturing businesses, one of which operated, latterly under Japanese ownership, until 1999. I myself can remember, as a small boy, watching the great steam engine of Haythornthwaite Bros. Ltd. at Mount Pleasant Mill, Burnley, fed on coal from the barges of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal, and being deafened by the roar of the weaving shed. William (1829-1909) left us some interesting personal recollections of early times in the Lancashire textile industry9.

Secondly, the wide open spaces of the New World beckoned the adventurous or the disgraced. Haythornthwaites (sometimes streamlined to Haythorn(e)s for reasons of transatlantic efficiency) are to be found in the far corners of the English-speaking world. Not all of them can yet be connected to our tree, since emigrants, by their nature, often simply vanish from the local record and can be reconnected only when the colonials start enquiring about their roots. Richard11(b 1776, Dunsop) crossed from Liverpool to Baltimore with his family in 1820, and settled in Ohio. Harry12(b 1860, Quernmore) stowed away on a ship to Galveston, Texas at the age of 16 and became a Texas cowboy. You can today visit the 90,000 acre ranch of his descendants in the Sandhills of Nebraska for a true Wild West experience. Major (b 1788) seems to have left Dinkling Green in mid-life and headed for America under something of a cloud. His father's 1840 Will left him £5, but only on condition that he returned. We have no record that he ever did, and at this point Dinkling Green Farm finally went out of the family after 150 years. Thomas (1845-1939) did come back. After a few years spent in Iowa, he thought better of it and came home to found the textile firm which later produced the famous Grenfell cloth. William (1815-1880) knew a thing or two about digging holes, learnt (as I suspect) from the shale quarries of Claughton and (as we know for certain) from the coal mines of County Durham. In 1854 he emigrated to Australia to work in the goldfields of Victoria and his descendants are still active in the goldmines of Kalgoorlie. William (b1884) went to New Zealand in 1919, and his descendants are both there and in California. William (b1812), a surgeon of Wrenbury, emigrated to Missouri in about 1850 and there landed in jail in 1860 on a charge of first degree murder. He was later released, and served as a military surgeon under the Confederate General Sterling Price, settling eventually in Little Rock, Arkansas.

As to prominent modern Haythornthwaites, Alfred Ian5 gives examples from 1964, but the list scrolls slowly with the passage of time. I have not made a concerted effort to collect today's top ten, but many will have noticed in the financial press mention of Rick Haythornthwaite, erstwhile Chief Executive of Blue Circle PLC, of Invensys PLC, and now heading up the Better Regulation Taskforce. For some time we had been curious to know whether he rightfully belonged on our tree, and it is therefore very gratifying to confirm that he is nephew of Joan Hawthorne, the actress, and a descendant of Edward of Higher Fence, to be found in Chapter 4. In a more literary sphere, Philip Haythornthwaite's numerous books on military history are widely shelved in libraries and bookshops and it is pleasing to welcome him as a relatively new arrival to our tree. David Haythornthwaite of Burnley still holds the Royal Warrant for the supply of clothing to Buckingham Palace and to the Queen Mother. Ian Haythornthwaite has been appointed Pro Vice Chancellor of the University of Central Lancashire. He hales from the central Lancashire "blacksmith" branch of the family, which is to be found in Chapter 13, but which we have yet to connect to our main tree.

And what of the rest of the far flung tribe of Haythornthwaite? We are a select few, relatively speaking, among the 6 billion people on earth. Telephone directories suggest that there are around 200 Haythornthwaite households on the globe, representing maybe 500 people all told. Two thirds of them are in England and Wales, half of these in Lancashire, with the remaining third split largely between Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States. Relative to population, New Zealand has the most, 50% more than the UK. In these statistics, I ignore modern Hawthornthwaites, Haythornwhites and Haythorn(e)s, who undoubtedly swell the numbers to a considerable degree, and who too in many cases have their roots in the Viking settlers of Over Wyresdale.

What proportion of the Haythornthwaite households on the planet feature on the main tree in this document, known descendants of John of Tarnbrook and Richard of Sykes? Well, the number has now reached the remarkable level of around three-quarters. (For more details, see the Appendix, Haythornthwaite Households Worldwide in 2001). To push this figure further towards 100% will require some extensive research on early records to link in the remaining trees to be found in Chapters 10-13. This may prove a quite challenging task, particularly as one fragment is that of a strongly Roman Catholic branch of the family, where early records may be very hard to find. Time will tell.

Chapter 3

Ancient Lineages of Over Wyresdale

The Descendants of William of Catshaw

The ancient Vaccary of Catshaw is only a mile or two from Tarnbrook where the early Hathornthwaites in the main tree in this volume, the descendants of John of Tarnbrook, were located in around 1600. It is plausible that there was a connection between the two, Johnb1570 of Tarnbrook being a candidate to be the John who was the grandson of William of Catshaw. Plausible, but as yet unproven. The complexity of the situation is illustrated by the fact that the Hearth Tax returns for Lady Day 1666 list 12 separate Hathornthwaite households for Over Wyresdale, including no less than 4 in the hamlet of Marshaw and 5 in the hamlet of Tarnbrook. We must also consider that each household might contain more than one family, with married children perhaps living under the same roof as their parents.

Catshaw Hall sits not far from Hawthornthwaite Farm, on the south side of the River Wyre in Upper Wyresdale, in the parish of Lancaster and Hundred of Lonsdale. Over the front door there is a date stone H: W M 1676, which refers to William and Mary HATHORNTHWAITE, so it is itself a building which post-dates the earliest Hs living at Catshaw. It is a couple of miles from Tarnbrook, and not far upstream from the boundary with Nether Wyresdale, which is, however, in the parish of Garstang and Hundred of Amounderness. Thus the churches of Lancaster St Mary and Garstang St Helen both feature prominently in the early story of the Hathornthwaites.

After King Henry VIII made his religious break with Rome, some Hs at Catshaw and their descendants undoubtedly remained Catholics, thus hiding their christenings from us, and giving us perhaps a partial record of their marriages and their burials only. At one period (and I am not exactly sure when and for how long this was the case), Catshaw was the site of a Jesuit Mission Station. How many Hathornthwaites of Over Wyresdale were of this religious persuasion is rather unclear at present and it could seriously complicate the task of tracking them down. John and other Hs of Scorton, who I believe, from the evidence of Wills, are connected to the Catshaw branch, seem to have christened their children at the C of E Garstang St Helen, at least from 1636 onwards.

No doubt different branches of the family abandoned their Catholicism at different times and for different reasons. Some seem to have done it out of religious conviction. Lawrence of Over Wyresdale (below), who should, according to the iron law of the Naming Rule, have secretly baptised at Catshaw Hall his first born son as William in honour of his Catholic father, defiantly and perhaps symbolically christened him Christopher [literally, Christ-bearer] at Church of England Lancaster St Mary. After that, all his children appear to have been christened at Lancaster St Mary. Some husbands and wives appear to have had different affiliations. As already mentioned, John of Scorton baptised his children in Garstang St Helen church; however, his widow Agnes, who outlived him by 30 years or so and seems to have been something of a doughty matriarch, was listed as a Recusant and Noncommunicant in 1640 and charged extra taxes. The branch of Richard of Sykes (my own branch) seems to have consistently avoided christenings in the Established Church for 120 years, and then in about 1730 suddenly, and from then on consistently, frequented Slaidburn St Andrew for the purpose. Perhaps it was the pressure of the Papists Acts of 1715 and 1723, requiring the registration of papist estates and imposing penalties, which drove him to it.

In any event, it is William Hathornthwaite of Catshaw, probably a Catholic, who is currently the earliest of the Hathornthwaite tribe to be plausibly, if still rather tentatively, connected to modern descendants. He died in 1592 leaving a Will whose summary survives in the Townley Manuscripts held at Kew. In it he names no wife (presumably she was already dead), but mentions his eldest son Robert, his second son William, his daughter Janet and five younger children, Thomas, Lawrence, John, Ellen and Elizabeth, so getting our genealogy off to a good start.

William of Catshaw

a Williamb1530 HATHORNTHWAITE [5031] [b abt 1530 say], d abt 1592 Catshaw, Over Wyresdale, bur Lancaster St Mary (according to the wishes in his Will but prior to earliest surviving burial records at St Mary’s Church). Abstract of Will of 22 May 1592 is in the Townley Manuscripts. 1581: Not assessed for Lay Subsidies in Over Wyresdale; only a James H was, who paid 7 head of cattle worth 11s 8d

a = Anon ANON [5803] Not mentioned in husband’s 1592 Will, presumably dead

Robert of Catshaw, Eldest Surviving Son of William of Catshaw

b Robertd1613 HATHORNTHWAITE [5032] [b abt 1560, say], d 1613 Catshaw, bur 22 May 1613 Lancaster St Mary. 1592: Named as eldest son and bequeathed messuage and tenement in Catshaw in father’s Will. 1599: Paid (presumably at Catshaw, though residence in Wyresdale not specified) 3 Head of Cattle worth 8 shillings as Lay Subsidy to Queen Elizabeth I, one of 4 Hs and 9 households in total to pay a Poll Tax in Wyresdale. 1613: Will dated 17 Mar 1613 names wife Agnes and sons William and John. [I have not seen this Will, only a summary of beneficiaries. It is held at the National Archives, and is presumably another of the Townley Manuscripts. It seems likely that his eldest son William inherited the Catshaw estate]

b = (2) Agnesd1629 ANON [5033] bur 1 Jul 1629 Lancaster St Mary, “relict: Roberti”. 1613 Alive at date of husband Robert’s Will. 1626: Lay Subsidy of 8 shillings paid by Agnes wyfe of Robte Hawthornthwett, Recusant, of Wyresdale, Lonsdale Hundred (thus making it clear this was Over rather than Nether Wyresdale, Amounderness Hundred)

b = (1) Jennet HARRISON [6931] m 1 Aug 1598 Cockerham St Michael, bur not found (bfr 1612 say)

c James HATHORNTHWAITE bur 1 Aug 1600 Cockerham St Michael as James H filius Robti H de Wyresdall

c Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE bur 9 Mar 1604/5 Cockerham St Michael as Elizabeth H filia Robti H

c Kathryn HATHORNTHWAITE c 2 Mar 1606/7 Lancaster St Mary as Katheren H fa. Roberte

William of Catshaw

c William HATHORNTHWAITE [5034] [b abt 1580 say], c not found, but alive 1613 and named in father Robert’s 1613 Will, presumed as the eldest to have inherited holdings at Catshaw, d 1654, bur not found. 1654 Will of William of Catshaw: gives all his estate to son William, or, if he should die, to dr Agnes, and indicates son William has two living children, who are each given one cow. 1640: Mentioned in John of Scorton’s Will as “my brother William”. 1641: Mentioned in his uncle Thomas’s Will of Dec 1641 as his nephew William of Catshaw and apparently alive. 1641: Paid 16 shillings in Lay Subsidy “of Wyresdale” [Hundred of Lonsdale, so Over rather than Nether Wyresdale]

c = Dorothy DRINKALL [5035] m 26 Feb 1625 Cockerham St Michael, bur 22 Apr 1670 Lancaster St Mary as Dorothy H of Wiresdall vid

[d Jane HATHORNTHWAITE c 29 Oct 1625 Lancaster St Mary as Jane H fa. Willmi]

[d Ann HATHORNTHWAITE c 29 Mar 1627 Lancaster St Mary as Ann H fa. Willmi]

d Robertb1629 HATHORNTHWAITE [7956] c 22 Jul 1629 Lancaster St Mary as Robt H f. Willmi, bur 10 Nov 1629 Lancaster St Mary as Robert H f. Willmi. Fits Naming Rule as eldest son

d Agnes HATHORNTHWAITE [7957] c 9 Mar 1630/1 Lancaster St Mary as Agnes H fa. Willmi.

[d Robert HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1630 say], c not found, d bfr 1654 [presumably], bur not found [1654 Will of William of Catshaw leaves everything to Robert’s brother William [7958].

e Thomas HATHORNTHWAITE William’s 1685 Will: “my nephew Thomas H of Quarmore” nominated Supervisor of Will]

William of Abbeystead

d Williamb1633 HATHORNTHWAITE [7958] c 31 Dec 1633 Lancaster St Mary, f. Willm, bur 4 Feb 1685/6 Lancaster St Mary as William H of Abbeystead. This appears to be the well-heeled William of Abbeystead who, in 1666, was assessed for 3 Hearths, the most for any H in Wyresdale, and equalled only by John of Scorton, his uncle. This also seems (probably!) to be the William whose date stone 1678 H/WM is at Catshaw Hall. 1685 Will of William of Abbeystead mentions wife Mary and children William, John, Elizabeth, Dorothy, Joseph and James (all apparently minors), plus “my nephew Thomas H of Quarmore” [yet to be identified; could he be [7452]? If so, James of Lodge [7449] is this William’s brother]. William divided his assets “equally” between all 6 of his living children, so this must have led to complications and fragmentation of holdings when they achieved adulthood

d = Mary ANON[7955] [m abt 1653?], m not found, d not found

[e Other children died young? Grandfather William’s 1654 Will mentions two unnamed children alive at that time, each given one cow]

[e William HATHORNTHWAITE [7959] c 10 May 1654 Lancaster St Mary, s of William of Wiresdell, bur 2 Apr 1677 Lancaster St Mary?]

[e Robert HATHORNTHWAITE c 3 Nov 1656 Lancaster St Mary, as Robart s of William H of Catchey in Wirse, bur 26 Aug 1684 Lancaster St Mary as Robert s of Wm H of Catshaw?]

[e Joseph HATHORNTHWAITE [7960] c not found, bur 8 Apr 1661 Lancaster St Mary, as Joseph f. William of Wirsdall?]

[e Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [7961] bur 24 Feb 1671 Lancaster St Mary, as Sarah fa. Willm of Wirsedall?]

e William HATHORNTHWAITE b after 1677, c not found, m not found, d not found. Mentioned in Wm of Abbeystead’s 1685 Will as a minor

e John HATHORNTHWAITE [7127] b after 1663, c not found, bur 28 Sep 1734 Wyresdale Chapel, of Catshaw, MI in church yard. Papists Register of 1717[2]: held the whole of Catshaw Vaccary (one quarter in right of his wife Phoebe), two other messuages in Abbeystead, a small field in Skerton and a quarter of Calder Vaccary in Bleasdale, all mortgaged to Mr William Robinson of Ulverston for £600

e = Phoebe JACKSON [7950] dr of ‘Mr’ Thomas JACKSON (1623-1673) of Catshaw, m not found, [m(1) 18 Jan 1687 Caton St Paul, Fabe JACKSON of Wirsdall & Robert PROCTER of Greenbank?], bur 1 Apr 1729 Wyresdale Chapel, MI in church yard

f William HATHORNTHWAITE [7123] [b abt 1700 say], c not found, Gent of Stonyhurst, bur 29 Dec 1748 Mitton All Hallows as Wm H, Gentleman of Aighton. From 1726: Steward to the Duke of Norfolk [Shireburn Papers at Stoneyhurst & Ludworth]

f = Ellen BLACKBURN [7478] m 2 Jul 1726 Mitton All Hallows, as William H of Mitton to Ellen Blackburn of St Michael’s, bur 15 Jun 1736 Mitton All Hallows as Ellen H, wife of William H, Steward Stoneyhurst

g John HATHORNTHWAITE [7124] [b abt 1725 say], c not found. Only son and heir, bur 18 Dec 1753 Mitton All Hallows as John H Esq, Aighton. Names his only sister Mary his heir. 1753 Will (not found by Buckley) has been mis-interpreted in the Tyldesley Diaries, which mention sisters rather than aunts. 1753: Steward to Duke of Norfolk at Stoneyhurst

g Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [6264] d 1760 Great Eccleston, bur 2 Sep 1760 St Michael’s. Only daughter, inherited estate in 1753 on death of brother John

g = Richard LECKONBY [6265] of Leckonby House, Great Eccleston, m 12 Oct 1752 Great Eccleston, d Dec 1783 a Debtor in Lancaster Castle, age 66, bur 7 Dec 1783 St Michael’s on Wyre as Richard Leckonby Esquire of Lancaster. He reputedly gambled the family fortune away

h William LECKONBY [7481] d Aug 1782 Wyresdale in a hunting accident, bur 11 Aug 1782 St Michael’s on Wyre

f John HATHORNTHWAITE [7485] [b abt 1705 say], c not found. Gent of Stonyhurst, bur 14 Jun 1766 Mitton All Hallows as John H Gentleman of Aighton. 1763: at Little Catshaw [Date stone IHF 1763], 1766 Will. No issue

f = Frances WALKER [7947] Spinster of Horrocksford within Clitheroe, m 21 Nov 1757 Clitheroe, “of Whalley”, m(2) William SINGLETON 21 Feb 1769 Bolton by Bowland, d bfr 1812 as Frances SINGLETON [7969]

f Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [7496] Widow in 1753

f = James ALSTON [7497] m 5 Jul 1733 Garstang St Helen, James of p. Whalley, Gentleman, & Elizabeth H of p. Garstang 9from Marriage Bond), d bfr 1753

[The following sisters are wrongly stated by the Tyldesley Diaries to be sisters of John. However, John’s 1753 Will clearly states them to be his aunts]


f = Anon CROOK [7494]

f Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [7483]

f = Robert WALKER [7484] of Forton


f = William CATON [7492] of Carr House, Cabus, m bond 1 Aug 1726: Wm Caton of Cabus & Agnes H of Higher Wyresdale, m at Garstang or Lancaster , d not found

f Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [7495] bur not found, Will of 21 Jul 1773 of Sally HATHORNTHWAITE Gentlewoman of Lancaster, spinster

e Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [7970] b after 1664, c not found

e Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [7971] b after 1664, c not found, [bur 2 Mar 1690 Lancaster St Mary, w. of Bartholomew H of Wyersdale, 1694 Admon of Dorothy of Tarnbrook (not seen)

e = Bartholomew HATHORNTHWAITE of Tarnbrook? Probably not, because of age difference. Note date stone at Gornall’s Farm, Tarnbrook: H/BD 1677]

e Joseph HATHORNTHWAITE b after 1664, c not found

e James HATHORNTHWAITE b after 1664, bur 6 Oct 1686 Lancaster St Mary as James s of Wm. H of Wiresdale.Witness to father’s 1685 Will

John of Scorton and Netherwyresdale

The children and further descendants of John of Scorton are shown later in this Chapter.

[ It is just possible that this John and the John of Marshaw below have been transposed. It is quite hard to distinguish these two first cousins. However, the following facets tend to support the idea that John of Scorton was the son of (b) Robert above rather than his younger brother (b) William below. Firstly, the Naming Rule: the Will of John of Scorton suggests that his eldest son, and therefore his father, was Robert rather than William. Secondly, his Will also mentions his brother William as being alive in 1640; this is true of this John, but not for the other, who appears to be already dead in 1638]

c Johnb1601 HATHORNTHWAITE [5036] c 30 Jun 1601 Cockerham St Michael as John f. Robert de Over Wyersdale, bur 19 Apr 1640 Garstang St Helen as John de Scurton, Churchwarden. 1638: named in father’s Will. 1640: Will dated 11 Apr 1640 of John of Scurton mentions his wife Agnes and brother William. 1641: seems to be dead, since only his children are named in his uncle Thomas’s Will. This is now confirmed by his burial record at Garstang.

c = Agnes ANON Will of 1671

d See section further down for children and descendants of John of Scorton

c Jamesb1600 HATHORNTHWAITE [5039] c 22 Jan 1600/1 Cockerham St Michael as James f. Robert de Wyersdale, [bur 17 Dec 1671 or 13 Jun 1674 Lancaster St Mary as James H of Wirsdall?] Mentioned in his uncle Thomas’s Dec 1641 Will as nephew James of Catshaw. 1664: Presumably one of the 3 Jameses to pay Hearth Tax in Wiresdall. 1666: a James of ‘Hath’ (sic) and one of Marshaw each paid Hearth Tax on one hearth; this James seems likely to be the latter. The one in ‘Hath’ died in 1675 leaving a short Will; it is now known [Garnett] that this James’s father was also James, who died 1663

[d William HATHORNTHWAITE Mentioned as Executor and Cousin in John of Lancaster’s 1688 Will. Might be son of this James, or of one of James’s brother’s]

c Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [6932] c 9 Aug 1600 Cockerham St Michael as Marie fa. Robert de Marshaw p. Lanc

c Lawrence HATHORNTHWAITE c 27 May 1602 Cockerham St Michael as Lawrence f. Robert de Upp. Wyersdale

c Anon HATHORNTHWAITE bur 11 Aug 1605 Lancaster St Mary as “one wenche of Robert Hathrowets of Mershawe in Wyersdall”

Second Surviving Son of William of Catshaw

b Williamd1638 HATHORNTHWAITE [5037] bur 20 May 1638 Lancaster St Mary as William Hathornthwaite, Senex. Named as second son in father William’s 1592 Will. 1638 Will of William of Marshaw mentions son John, daur. Jane, sons James and Francis

[b Margaret WILSON [6775] m 4 May 1602 Lancaster St Mary?

[c William HATHORNTHWAITE The Naming Rule really requires a Wm as eldest son, but he is not mentioned in his father’s 1638 Will. One must assume either that the rule was broken in this instance or that by 1638 he was dead, but bur bfr 1638 not found.]

John of Marshaw/Tarnbrook

It is plausible to identify this John with Johnb1570 who died 1630, Yeoman of Tarnbrook, who currently heads the main tree starting further down in this chapter. Later generations bequeathed land in both Tarnbrook and Marshaw

c Johnb1570 HATHORNTHWAITE [888] [b abt 1570 say], alive 1638 and named in father’s Will. Also mentioned in his uncle Thomas’s 1641 Will as nephew John of Marshaw; the Will leaves bequests to John of Marshaw’s children (unnamed) and not to him, suggesting that he was dead. He is therefore possibly the John who died in 1630, bur 23 Jan 1630 Lancaster St Mary as John H, Senex. 1664: No John paid Hearth Tax in Wiersdall, only two widows of John. These are probably the widows of the Johns who died in Tarnbrook in 1659 and 1661

d Children of John above, mentioned, but not named, in uncleThomas of Catshaw’s 1641 Will

c James HATHORNTHWAITE [5042] [b abt 1575 say]. 1638: alive and named in father’s Will. 1641: alive at Catshaw and named in Will of his uncle Thomas. 1664: Maybe one of 3 James’s who paid Hearth Tax in Wiresdall [Possibly the James who died at Hathornthwaite in 1663?]

c Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [5043] 1638: alive and named in father’s Will

c Francis HATHORNTHWAITE [5044] 1638: alive and named in father’s Will


b John HATHORNTHWAITE bur 24 Dec 1629 Cockerham st Michael as John H de Forton. [It appears this John in Forton might be brother to Lawrence below, as he baptised his daughter Jenet at Cockerham on the same day as Lawrence, as John of Forton]

b = Anon ANON bur 24 Dec 1605 Cockerham St Michael as Vxr Johnis H de Forton

c Jenet HATHORNTHWAITE c 27 Dec 1596 Cockerham St Michael, as Jenet filia de Jo: Hatherwhatt, on the same day as Lawrence below baptised Elizabeth

b Thomasd1641 HATHORNTHWAITE d 1641 Catshaw, without surviving children. 1641 Will is very informative

and names as beneficiaries: nephews William and James of Catshaw; brother Lawrence; children of nephew John

of Marshaw; children of nephew William (no place of abode given, possibly therefore of Catshaw); children of

nephew John Hathornthwait of Scorton



b Lawrenceb1580 HATHORNTHWAITE [5049] b abt 1580 Catshaw, d 1644 Wiresdale, bur 10 Feb 1644/5 Lancaster St Mary, as Law: de Wiresdale. 1641: Alive and mentioned in brother Thomas’s Will. [The marriage and descendants below are suggested by Dorothy Haythorne Collins, who devotes her book “The Haythorn(e)s” to his descendants. If they are correct, it seems that this Lawrence abandoned his Catholicism and started christening his children at Lancaster St Mary. It is a little unexpected that he did not seem to christen a William as his first born son after his own father William, but gave him the very unusual name of Christopher. Could this be symbolic of his change to the Church of England?

Perhaps grandfather William was upset by this religious treachery.] 1626: Paid 8 shillings in Lay Subsidy “of

Wyersdale”: not indicated as a Recusant.

[b = Anon ANON

c Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE c 27 Dec 1596 Cockerham St Michael as fa. Lawrence H de Wyer. Note: same baptismal day at Cockerham as Jenet H filia Jo: ]

c No further children found at Cockerham]

b =(1) Ann CORWEN [5050] m 20 May 1602 Caton St Paul, bur 8 Oct 1611 Caton St Paul, as Ann wife of Laurence HATHORWHITE

c Christopher HATHORNTHWAITE [5051] c 11 Apr 1603 as Xpofer HITHRONWHET f. Lawrenc, Lancaster St Mary, d Tarnbruke, bur 25 Aug 1658 Lancaster St Mary

c = Issabell ANON [5052] d Wiresdalle, bur 10 Aug 1655 Lancaster St Mary, w of Christopher of Wiresdalle

d Ann HATHORNTHWAITE c 9 Feb 1633 Tatham, dr of Christopher

c Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [5053] [894] c 9 Mar 1604/5 Lancaster St Mary

c Johnb1607 HATHORNTHWAITE [5054] c 16 Nov 1607 Lancaster St Mary, bur 8 Apr 1608 Lancaster St Mary, “John f. Lawrence” [which fits with a second John christened in 1609 below]

c Johnb1609 HATHORNTHWAITE [6774] c 18 Sep 1609 Lancaster St Mary, f Laurencij, bur 3 Nov 1616 Lancaster St Mary, as Jo: f. Lawrencij [which fits with a third John b1620 below]

b =(2) Ellen HATHORNTHWAITE [5055] dr of William HATHORNTHWAITE of Caton, m 2 Dec 1613 Lancaster St Mary, d Wiresdale, widow of Lawrence, bur 1 Nov 1653 Lancaster St Mary

c Jamesb1614 HATHORNTHWAITE [5057] c 29 Oct 1614 Lancaster St Mary, f. Laur:, bur 3 Nov 1616 Lancaster St Mary

c Thomasb1615 HATHORNTHWAITE [5058] c 27 Feb 1615/6 Lancaster St Mary, f. Laurentij. Witnessed brother John’s Will, so possibly in Heckmondwike in 1668

c Margaretb1618 HATHORNTHWAITE [5059] c 15 Jul 1618 Lancaster St Mary, fa. Lawretij

[c = Lawrence PYE [7291] m 2 May 1685 Lancaster St Mary, as Lawrence Pie and Margaret H of Wirsdall, according to Carl, but I think this must be the wrong Margaret, as she is too old

d Bartholomew PYE b abt 1688, g-grandfather of William PYE, m Hannah H 20 Nov 1832]

John of Heckmondwike

c Johnb1620 HATHORNTHWAITE [5060] c 13 Dec 1620 Lancaster St Mary, as John f. Laurentij, d Heckmondwike, Parish of Birstall, Yorks, Tailor, bur 30 Apr 1668 Birstall St Peter, Yorks. Will dated 26 April 1668 confirms ownership of a house and land at Tarnbrooke, occupied by Richard HATHORNTHWAITE, Yeoman, whom he appointed Supervisor, together with Nicholas H of Heckmondwike. Mentions wife Grace, brothers Lawrence & Thomas, sisters Anne, Margaret & Elizabeth. This Richard was one of 2 Richards paying Hearth Tax in 1664 and 1666 in Tarnbrook; Richard the Younger of Tarnbrook was one of these and was Edward of Dinkling Green’s elder brother.

c = Grace WHEWALL m 4 Jul 1666 Birstall St Peter

d David HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1667 Heckmondwike. For details of this David and his descendants, see book by Dorothy Haythorne Collins, The Haythorn(e)s

c Anne HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1622 say], c not found, alive and unmarried 1668. Mentioned in brother John’s 1668 Will

c Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [5063] c 30 Sep 1623 Lancaster St Mary, no father or mother given. Mentioned in brother John’s 1668 Will as Elizabeth H, so apparently unmarried

c Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [5064] c 11 Jul 1626 Lancaster St Mary, fa. Laurenc. Not mentioned in brother John’s Will, so presumably married or died bfr 1668

c Anon HATHORNTHWAITE "a childe of Lawrenc HATHORNTHAITT" bur 23 Mar 1628/9 Lancaster St Mary

Lawrence of Marshaw

c Lawrence HATHORNTHWAITE [5065] c 19 May 1630 Lancaster St Mary, s of Lawrence, [d Apr 1683 Wiresdale, bur 10 Apr 1683 Lancaster St Mary? Or even: d Nov 1673 Burnhouse, bur 24 Nov 1673 Slaidburn St Andrew?] [It is conceivable that this Lawrence d Marshaw 1666 leaving a Will, but it is more likely this was Lawrence the brother of Edward of Dinkling Green, since Edward was a witness to the Will, and his elder brother Richard was Executor]

The Descendants of John of Scorton, Parish of Garstang

The forbears of John of Scorton are shown above

There seem to be no H records at Garstang St Helen prior to 1634, but after that there was a sequence of christenings for Hathornthwaites described as being of Wyresdale or of Scurton. The 1656 lengthy marriage details of Robert and Elizabeth LANGLEY below make it clear that Scorton and Wyresdale in the Garstang Registers are synonymous, the village of Scorton being within the Manor of Nether Wyresdale, and both being within the ecclesiastical parish of Garstang.

It seems probable that the family moved down-river to Scorton in the parish of Garstang from Over Wyresdale in the parish of Lancaster in about 1633-4.

According to Garnett[3], John may have had as many as 4 wives (“recorded in Garstang PRs”), possibly the source of his unusual prosperity, but I have yet to identify them. If true, then Agnes below would have been his last wife.

John of Scorton

c Johnb1601 HATHORNTHWAITE [5036] [c 30 Jun 1601 Cockerham St Michael as John f. Robert de Over Wyersdale], bur 19 Apr 1640 Garstang St Helen as John H de Scurton, Churchwarden, Will dated 11 Apr 1640 of “John Hathornthwat of Scurton” mentions sons Robert and William, daughter Alice, wife Agnes and brother William. He seems to be the “John of Scorton” mentioned in the 1641 Will of Thomas of Wyresdale, one of the prominent Catshaw family, which had Catholic sympathies. It seems he moved from Upper to Nether Wyresdale in about 1633-4. The christenings cease in 1639, which is consistent with the fact that his uncle Thomas’s 1641 Will leaves bequests not to John himself, but to his children, suggesting he had already died, and that the 1640 Will of John of Scorton applies to him

c = Agnesd1671 ANON [5038] Mentioned in husband John’s 1640 Will, m not found, d abt 1671 Scorton. 1640: ux Johis Hathornwhyte of Garstang listed as a Recusant and Non Communicant, chargeable to an extra Lay Subsidy. 1671 Will of Agnes of Scorton mentions 7 children by name, as below, and 11 grandchildren (though not by name).

d William HATHORNTHWAITE [5066] Mentioned in Father’s 1640 Will and mother Agnes’s 1671 Will. It is not clear if he or Robert below was the eldest son, c not found at Garstang. [c 16 Jun 1621 Lancaster St Mary, f. Johnis?]

Robert of Scorton

d Robertb1630 HATHORNTHWAITE [5067] Mentioned in father John’s 1640 Will and mother Agnes’s 1671 Will, [Garnett: b1630] c not found at Garstang, [c 24 Mar 1626/7 Lancaster St Mary, f. Johnis? Note also possibility of this christening applying to the Family of Robert of Hazelheads.], d abt 1686 Scorton. 1656 Marriage: Yeoman of Scurton within the Mannor of Netherwiresdale and parish of Garstange. 1666: Robert of Netherwyresdale paid Hearth Tax on 3 hearths. [This suggests that he was one of the wealthiest Hs of his generation, only William of Abbeystead being in the same league. No other Hs paid Hearth Tax in the Garstang area] 1686: Will of Robert of Scorton, Amounderness mentions 10 children and property in Over Kellet [he owned Kirk House], Forton [Gillsfield?] and several buildings in Scorton. Kirk House has a date stone 1676: H/RE on lintel. Robert rebuilt Kirk House, but did not live there

d = Elizabethd1712 LANGLEY [5068] [Garnett: b1636], m 6 Aug 1656 Garstang St Helen, Spinster of Upperwiresdale within the parish of Lancaster, [bur 20 Mar 1711/2 Garstang St Helen as “Widdow Hatharwhite of Winmarly”?] Will of 1709/1712, “Elizabeth late of Scorton”: mentions the 7 children below

e Agnesb1657 HATHORNTHWAITE [5069] c 30 Aug 1657 Garstang St Helen, dr Robert of Scorton

e = John CORLESS [5070] m not found, [bur 26 Oct 1709 Lancaster St Mary as John Corless of Saltcoat Brows, Ellel?]. 1709 Will of Elizabeth of Scorton: of Ellel

[f John CORLESS c not found. 1712: Apprized Inventory of estate of Elizabeth H. ?]

John of Forton

e Johnd1729 HATHORNTHWAITE [5071] [b abt 1659] Mentioned in father Robert’s 1686 Will as eldest son, c not found at Garstang, bur 19 May 1729 Garstang St Helen as John H of Forton. Unmarried? 1686: Mentioned as eldest son in father Robert’s Will, inheriting estate at Scorton. Mother’s Will 1709: Executor and main inheritor jointly with brother David. 1712: Gentleman of Winmarleigh. Will of 1729 (signed 24 Oct 1727) mentions brothers William and Thomas, nephews Robert and John (sons of David), and nieces Elizabeth & Mary H (daughters of David), but no wife or children, and appoints brother David and James H of Lodge in Quarmore (husband of testator’s niece Anne [JEPSON]) as Joint Executors. Note that his younger brother Thomas [5978] predeceased him by about a month

e Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [5074] c 23 Oct 1661 Garstang St Helen, dr Robert of Wyersdale, bur 22 Oct 1681 Garstang St Helen as Margaret H dr of Robert of Skorton. Not mentioned in father Robert’s 1686 Will, [which confirms the burial]

e Williamb1663 HATHORNTHWAITE [5075] c 28 Jun 1663 Garstang St Helen, s of Robert of Wyersdale, d after 1729, bur not found [could he be bur 6 Feb 1733/4 Garstang St Helen as Willm. H of Quarmore?]. Left no Will. 1686: mentioned as second son in father Robert’s Will in which he inherited the farm at Over Kellet. 1709: Mentioned as unmarried and without heirs in mother’s 1709 Will. Mentioned in brother John’s 1729 Will.

Thomas of Kellet

e Thomasb1665 HATHORNTHWAITE [5078] c 24 Dec 1665 Garstang St Helen, s Robert of Wyersdale, [m 28 Jan 1695 Lancaster St Mary, “of Garstang p:” ], d abt Apr 1729 Kirk House, Over Kellet, bur 29 Apr 1729 Over Kellet St Cuthbert. 1686: mentioned in father Robert’s Will as third son. 1709: mentioned in mother Elizabeth’s Will as son Thomas of Kellat. 1728 Will of Thomas of Kirkhouse: mentions wife Sara, sons Robert and Richard, daughter Elizabeth GIBSON. This Will was witnessed by one James HATHORNTHWAITE [Unusually, he was literate and signed in own name in a good hand. Probably he was James of Lodge in Quarmore, who was an Executor of the 1729 Will of John of Forton]

e = Sara HATHERNWAIT [5079] c not found, m 28 Jan 1695 Lancaster St Mary, of parish of Lancaster, bur 18 Dec 1745 Over Kellet St Cuthbert

Robert of Kellet

f Robertb1698 HATHORNTHWAITE [5080] b abt 1698, c not found, d abt May 1754 Kirkhouse, Over Kellet, bur 29 May 1754 Over Kellet St Cuthbert. Existence originally suggested by the Naming Rule, and now confirmed by grandmother’s 1709 Will and father Thomas’s 1728 Will. 1709: Mentioned as son of Thomas of Kellat in grandmother Elizabeth’s Will. 1754: Will of Robert, late of Kirkhouse, Over Kellet, Yeoman, mentions wife Mary, children Thomas and Sarah (both minors), and nephew Robert H (who seems as if he must be Robertb1734, s of Richard, below) and cousin James Sharples [8102].

[It now appears that Robert of Kellett married Mary POOL, below, when he was already aged about 40. In which case, he had time to have a first marriage, (just possibly to Ann KIRKLY in 1711 if he lied about his age on his marriage to Mary POOL and married at about age 16!), and be “Robert of Barnacre” (who plausibly heads the tree of Derek of Singleton). However, no suitable first marriage has yet been found (other than Ann KIRKLY) and there is the mystery of why any earlier children were not mentioned in his Will. Perhaps he had already settled Cabus Nook Farm or other assets on Jamesb1726. The possibility that Robert of Kellett was also Robert of Barnacre seems to remain open, but only just]

[f = (1) Anon ANON [m at Cockerham?] [Ann KIRKLY m 6 May 1711 Garstang St Helen?], d bfr 1738?]

f = [2] Mary POOL b abt 1705, m not found, but m 1739 Clapham according to Pallott’s Marriage Index [but not on IGI for this date, though IGI theoretically covers this period]. Marriage Bond dated 2 Oct 1738 between Robert H of Over Kellet in p. Bolton, age 40, yeoman, and Mary POOL age 33, at p. church of Clapham, [bur 28 Feb 1774 Over Kellet St Cuthbert, “Sudden Death”]

g Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [5082] b 22 Dec 1740, c 22 Dec 1740 Over Kellet, dr of Robert and Mary. Marriage Bond of 2 Mar 1767: Spinster of Bolton-le-Sands age 23, bur 30 Aug 1807 Over Kellet St Cuthbert, age 66, relict of Wm Dowbiggin of Church House

g = William DOWBIGGIN [7015] m 3 Mar 1767 Over Kellet St Cuthbert, “Yeoman”. Marriage Bond: Yeoman of Botton, Melling

g Thomasb1742 HATHORNTHWAITE [5083] b 1 Mar 1742, c 25 Mar 1742 Over Kellet St Cuthbert, s of Robert and Mary, bur 8 Mar 1762 Over Kellet St Cuthbert as Thomas HAT- of Kirkhouse. Inherited Kirk House in father Robert’s 1754 Will. Unmarried with no children. [So who got Kirk House in 1762?]

f Elizabethb1700 HATHORNTHWAITE [5084] c 17 Mar 1699/1700 Over Kellet, dr of Thomas. 1728: mentioned as daughter Elizabeth GIBSON in father Thomas’s Will

f = Richard GIBSON [5085] m 11 Apr 1724 Lancaster St Mary, both Over Kellett, Yeoman & Spinster

f Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [5086] c 22 Nov 1702 Over Kellet, dr of Thomas. 1728: mentioned as unmarried in father’s Will. 1738/9 Marriage: Spinster of Over Kellet

f = John BELL [7100] m 29 Apr 1738/9 Over Kellet St Cuthbert, Shoemaker of Over Kellet

The Master Mariners of Lancaster

Note that in this Section, generation f has been shifted to the left, to make better use of space. Richard below is brother to Sarah above

Richard of Thurnham Marsh

f Richardb1706 HATHORNTHWAITE [5087] c 11 Aug 1706 Over Kellet, s of Thomas and Sarah. At his 1734 marriage, this Richard is described as “of Kellet”, but he seems to have lived most of his married life at Thurnham, near Cockerham [Was he Master Mariner of Lancaster on the “Vine”? More likely this was his grandson [7679]], bur 12 Mar 1764 Cockerham, as Richd. H of Thurnham Bank [Marsh?]. 1728: received £150 in father’s Will, but no farm property at Over Kellet. 1741 Marriage Bondsman: “Innkeeper of Cockram”

f = Alice CLARK [5088] c 16 Apr 1710 Cockerham, dr of John CLARK, m 14 Jul 1734 Lancaster St Mary, of Thurnham, by Lic, bur 17 Nov 1753 Cockerham as Alice wife of Richd. HATHORNTHWAITE of [Thurn. Bank?]

g Robertb1734 HATHORNTHWAITE [5089] c 20 Oct 1734 Cockerham, s of Richard of Over Kellet, m not found. 1754: Named in Will of his uncle Robert of Kellet to inherit if his own children did not survive, [it appears his son Thomas did, but he died, age 20, 8 years later], bur 3 Sep 1772 Lancaster St Mary as Capt. Robert H of Lancaster, Decline

g Thomasb1736 HATHORNTHWAITE [5090] c 8 Feb 1736 Cockerham, s of Richard, d May 1793 age 57 (Time-honoured Lancaster), bur 31 May 1793 Lancaster St Mary, Mariner of Lancaster [8 Feb 1798 Admon: Master Mariner of Lancaster, not seen] [1767 Marriage Bond says age 21, but this may not be correct, as Historic Lancaster age ties in with Cockerham baptism.] 1767/8: Freeman of City of Lancaster

g = Elizabeth WALKER [7226] b abt 1740, m 25 Jan 1767 Lancaster St Mary, Spinster of Lancaster to Mariner of Lancaster [Was Elizabeth was his second wife? See Thomas s of Richard of Quarmore], bur 14 Oct 1819 Lancaster St Mary, age 79

h Richardb1767 HATHORNTHWAITE [7679] b Lancaster, c 1 Sep 1767 Lancaster St Mary, son of Thomas H of Lancaster, m not found, d abt 1799 Lancaster, bur not found. 1799/1800 Will: Richard of Lancaster, Mariner, son of Thomas, late of the same place, Mariner Dec’d [not seen: not at Lancs RO]

h Isabella HATHORNTHWAITE [7680] b Lancaster, c 4 May 1769 Lancaster St Mary, [bur 29 Sep 1782 Lancaster St Mary as Bella HAW- of Lancaster?]

h Alice HATHORNTHWAITE [7681] b Lancaster, c 19 May 1771 Lancaster St Mary, dr Thomas of Lancr, [bur 9 Mar 1792 Lancaster St Mary, dr Thomas of Lancaster?]

Robert the Privateer

This branch of the family contained Master Mariners operating out of Lancaster on the West India run. They seem to have been quite prosperous. We sincerely hope that the money they made came from sugar and general trade rather than the transport of slaves, and we have no reason to believe otherwise. Robert himself, as an established sea captain, was for about a year in 1813 an Authorised Privateer in command of the “Hussar” operating out of Liverpool. This was a 363 ton, 3-masted ship with 12 carriage guns with 9 pound roundshot, 36 crew, 30 small arms and 30 cutlasses. Capt. Robert was authorised to seize shipping and goods belonging to citizens of the United States of America. This was, of course, the 1812-14 War with the USA, the one in which the Brits occupied Washington and burnt the White House.

h Robertb1773 HATHORNTHWAITE [4895] b abt 1773, c not found, d 24 Jul 1837 Lancaster age 64 reg Lancaster as HAW-, bur 27 Jul 1837 Lancaster St Mary as HAY-, age 64. Master Mariner of Lancaster . 1812 List of Authorised Privateers includes: Robert HATHORNTHWAITE, Master of the “Hussar”, a 3 masted ship with 12 carriage guns, out of Liverpool, authorised to seize shipping and property of the United States. 1819: Master of the “Eleanor”

h = Nanny SWAN [6253] b abt 1777 Kirkham, m 15 Jul 1804 Kirkham St Michael, d abt Mar 1857 age 80 Castle Hill reg Lancaster, bur 14 Jan 1857 Lancaster St Mary. 1841 Census: not found. 1851 Census: Widowed Annuitant age 73 b Kirkham, living at 87 Castle Hill, Lancaster

i Elizabethb1805 HATHORNTHWAITE [6288] b 17 Jun 1805 Lancaster, c 11 Nov 1805 Lancaster St Mary, d abt Jun 1843 Lancaster. 1841 Census: Married age 35, b Lancs., living at Bank Terrace, Crumpsall, Manchester

i = James STAINBANK [6289] b 1806 Lancs, m 13 Apr 1830 Lancaster St Mary, Attorney at Law of Manchester, witnesses: Rob and Jane HAT-. 1841 Census: Married Attorney and Solicitor age 35

i Jane HATHORNTHWAITE b 26 Jun 1807 Lancaster, c 31 Aug 1807 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Robert & Nanny

i = Edmund JACKSON, druggist of Lancaster, m abt 15 Oct 1833 Lancaster St Mary, to second daughter of Mr R Hathornthwaite, both of Lancaster

i Robertb1810 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6254] b 28 Dec 1810 Lancaster, c 17 Feb 1811 Lancaster St Mary, s of Robert HAW- and Nanny, d 1833 age 22 Lancaster, bur 3 Mar 1833 Lancaster St Mary. Appointed Master Extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery in Jan 1833, he was killed a month later when his vehicle hit a bridge wall in Wray.

i Rev Thomasb1812 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6255] b 26 Jun 1812 Lancaster, c 14 Sep 1815 Lancaster St Mary (joint ceremony with younger sister Alice), s of Robert HAW-, Mariner, and Nanny, [Time Honoured Lancaster: fourth issue of Robert, Master Mariner of Lancaster], d 6 May 1884 age 71 reg Lancaster. 1838: at Caton St Paul, officiating at wedding of William the Miner [924]. 1839: Clerk Bachelor of Hatton Green. 1841 Census: Married Clergyman age 25 at Village Copp, Great Eccleston. 1851 Census: Married Parish Curate age 48 at Copp Hill. 1861 Census: Curate age 48 at Copp Hill. 1871 Census: Widowed Curate of Lancaster St John, age 58, at 13 Great John St, Lancaster. 1881 Census: Widowed Unattached Clergyman age 68, living alone with maidservant at 20 Springfield Terrace, Lancaster.

i = Agnes CATON [6279] b abt 1805 Heysham, m 13 May 1839 Caton St Paul, Spinster of Skerton, reg Lancaster, d abt Jun 1865 age 61 Great John St, Lancaster, bur 1 Jul 1865 Lancaster St Mary. 1841/1851/1861 Censuses: with husband

j Rev Richard Robert HATHORNTHWAITE [6280] b abt 1842 Great Eccleston [b abt Jun 1842 reg Garstang as “Male” HAT-?], d abt Mar 1878 age 35 reg Lancaster. 1851 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents. 1861 Census: Undergraduate of Durham and London age 18 with parents at Copp House. 1871 Census: Curate at 13 Great John Street, Lancaster

j Mary Nanny HATHORNTHWAITE [6281] b 2 Nov 1843 Great Eccleston (from Lanc. Gazette, reg not found), d 24 Apr 1864 Morecambe reg Lancaster, bur 28 Apr 1864 Lancaster St Mary, age 20, of Poulton-le-Sands. 1851 Census: Scholar age 7 at home with parents. 1861 Census: Scholar age 17 at Copp House, rec as Mary Nanny HAW-

j James Thomas HATHORNTHWAITE [6282] b abt Jun 1845 Great Eccleston, reg Garstang, d 3 Jun 1911 age 65 reg Christchurch, Hants. 1851 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents. 1861 Census: Scholar age 15 with parents. 1871 Census: Scholar of St John’s Cambridge, single age 25, at 13 Great John Street, Lancaster. Later, Professor of Mathematics & Principal at Elphinstone College, Bombay. 1911 Census: MA Cantab and Retired Principal of Elphinstone College, Bombay, HM Indian Educational Service, living at 5 Heathcote Road, Boscombe

j = Augusta Ker ANON [6282] b 1861 Karachi, m abt 1880 India, d abt Mar 1938 age 77 reg Tonbridge, Kent. 1911 Census: Married 31 yrs, age 50, with husband in Boscombe

k James Carnegy HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1881 India, d abt Dec 1949 age 68 reg Bournemouth. Only son. At Rugby School, then Sandhurst. 1900: appointed 2nd Lieutenant, with a view to being attached to the Indian Staff Corps. 1903: Appointed Lieutenant. 1916: Promoted to Temporary Major of 121st Pioneers (in India)

k = Margaret Remington ANON [7518] b 24 Feb 1892, d 17 Jul 1973 Clevedon, reg Bristol, Widow? [Last living HAT- in UK? ]

[k Other children b India?]

k Emily Augusta HATHORNTHWAITE [6285] b abt 1887 Bombay, India, d abt Sep 1964 age 77 reg Bournemouth. Unmarried. 1911 Census: Single, age 24, with parents

j Agnes Caton HATHORNTHWAITE [6283] b abt Mar 1847 Great Eccleston reg Garstang, d 15 Jan 1912 age 64 reg Knighton as HAT-. 1851 Census: Scholar age 4 with parents. 1861 Census: Scholar age 14 with parents. 1871 Census: Unmarried age 26 with parents. 1881 census: Married age 33 at 7 Northumberland Street, [Town?]. 1891 Census: Married age 43 at Woodville, Kinsley Road, Stowe, Salop. 1901 Census: Married, at The Lee, Stowe

j = William BRADSHAW or HATHORNTHWAITE [6286] b 30 Jun 1847 Lancaster, c 4 Aug 1847 Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas BRADSHAW, Gentleman, and Isabella, m abt Jun 1874 Lancaster St Anne reg under both names, d abt Dec 1910 age 63 reg Knighton. 1851 Census: with sister Isabella at Lower Lee, father Thomas Bradshaw H apparently dead. 1861 Census: Scholar age 13 boarding at Royal Lancaster Grammar School. 1871 Census: Unmarried Landowner age 23 at Lower Lee House, living with sister Isabella. 1881 Census: Landed Proprietor, b Lancashire. 1891 Census: Of Independent Means, age 43, b Lancaster, with wife, in Stowe, Salop. 1901 Census: Of independent means, age 53, b Lancaster, living at The Lee, Stowe, Salop. In 1868, in accordance with the provisions of the 1816 Will of Richard HATHORNTHWAITE of the Lower Lee, changed his name from BRADSHAW to HATHORNTHWAITE, and acquired the right to bear the Arms of HATHORNTHWAITE [it is unclear which these Arms were]. Note that William’s father Thomas and uncle John Bradshaw previously inherited the Lower Lee estate from Richard Hathornthwaite, also changing their name to Hathornthwaite. A similar change of name took place for John Walmsley, son of John Walmsley, who inherited the rest of Richard’s estate at Higher Lea. It seems that there were no Walmsleys to follow John Walmsley, and, under the terms of Richard H’s 1816 Will, the whole Lee estate would then have come to William Bradshw Hathornthwaite. However, he left no heirs and was the last of the Hathornthwaite line. At that point, the entail failed.

i Alice HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6257] b 8 Aug 1815 Lancaster, c 14 Sep 1815 Lancaster St Mary (joint ceremony with elder brother Thomas), dr of Robert HAW-, Mariner, and Nanny, d 19 Dec 1884 age 69 Southport reg Ormskirk, unmarried

i Rev Richardb1817 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3111] b 5 Jul 1817 Lancaster, c 25 Jul 1817 Lancaster St Mary, s of Robert HAT-, Mariner, and Nanny, d abt Mar 1900 age 82 reg Bucklow. 1841 Census: not found. 1844: Matric age 26 at Caius College, Cambridge, where his father was recorded as Robert HATHORNTHWAITE, a Shipowner. 1848: BA, Ord. Deacon (Ripon). 1849: Priest. 1851 Census: not found. 1851: Curate at Rathmell. 1858: Curate of Clapham/Vicar of Austwick [depends which newspaper you believe] 1861 Census: Married Clergyman BA, age 48, at 5 Middleton Terrace, Wandsworth, b Lancaster, no children present. 1868-73: Perpetual Curate at Firbank, Kirkby Lonsdale. 1871 Census: Married Perpetual Curate at St Mary’s, Firbank, Westmorland, age 53, b Lancaster, rec as HAT-.. 1873: Retired. 1881 Census: Widowed Clergyman Church of England Without Cure of Souls, living at Bowdon, Cheshire, age 63, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Widowed Clerk in Holy Orders age 70 at Laurel Bank, Stamford Road, Bowdon, Cheshire, b Lancaster.. Styled himself LL.D, but degree not recorded, according to Crockford

i = Anne LEACH b abt 1816 Preston, dr of Thomas LEACH, m 29 Jun 1858 Thornton-in-Lonsdale by Rev Thos. Leach, vicar and brother of the bride, assisted by Rev Thos. Hathornthwaite, vicar of Eccleston, d abt Jun 1880 age 64 reg Altrincham. 1861 Census: Married age 45 in Wandsworth, b Preston. 1871 Census: Clergyman’s Wife age 55 at Firbank, Westmorland, b Preston

i Jamesb1819 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6256] b 16 Jul 1819 Lancaster, c 22 Jul 1819 Lancaster St Mary, s of Robert HAW-, Seaman, and Nanny, d Oct 1828 age 9 Lancaster, bur 28 Oct 1828 Lancaster St Mary

h Thomasb1775 HATHORNTHWAITE [7682] (twin) b Lancaster, c 6 Feb 1775 Lancaster St Mary, bur 8 Feb 1775 Lancaster St Mary, twin son of Capt. Thomas

h Betty HATHORNTHWAITE [7683] (twin) b Lancaster, c 6 Feb 1775 Lancaster St Mary, bur 8 Feb 1775 Lancaster St Mary, twin dr of Capt Thomas

h Betty HATHORNTHWAITE [7684] b Lancaster, c 30 Jun 1776 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thos. Of Lancr, [bur 20 May 1796 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thomas of Lancaster?]

g Johnb1738 HATHORNTHWAITE [5091] c 28 May 1738 Cockerham, s of Richard of Thurnham, m not found, bur not found

g = Ellen [GARDNER?] [7101] m abt 1760. 1762 Will of Robert GARDNER of Lathwaite, Cockerham, Yeoman, mentions daughter “in law” Ellen, wife of John H of Forton

h Ellin HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5092] c 7 Jun 1761 Cockerham, dr of John of Forton

h Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [5093] c 31 Jul 1763 Cockerham, dr of Jn HATHORNTHWAITE of Forton

g Anne HATHORNTHWAITE [5094] c 3 Apr 1741 Cockerham, dr of Richard, bur 2 Jul 1741 Cockerham, dr of Richard

g Judith HATHORNTHWAITE [5095] c 12 Sep 1742 Cockerham, dr of Richard, bur 15 Jul 1746 Cockerham, dr of Richard

End of Section on Master Mariners

Note: previous section shifted to left, to save space

Continuation of Children of Robert of Scorton [5067]

e Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [5096] c 23 Aug 1668 Garstang St Helen, dr Robert of Scorton, bur 1 Mar 1732 Garstang St Helen as Sarah CLARKSON of Winmarley. 1686: mentioned in father Robert’s Will

e = Henry CLARKSON [5097] m not found, bur 28 Apr 1732 Garstang St Helen as Henry CLARKSON of Winmarley. 1709/12 Will of Elizabeth of Scorton: of Winmarleigh

[e Katherine HATHORNTHWAITE c not found, bur 15 Jul 1705 Lancaster St Mary as Katherine SAULE of Lancaster. If this was a daughter of Robert of Scorton, she was not mentioned in his 1686 Will

e = Anon SAULE m not found, d not found. This is a guess at the parentage of John Saule below

f John SAULE [7104] c not found. Mentioned in Elizabeth of Scorton’s 1712 Will as “my grandson John Saule”

f = Elizabeth SHARPLES [8099] c 14 Nov 1701 Garstang St Helen, of Tarniker. Marriage of first cousins, see below]

e Ann [Hannah] HATHORNTHWAITE [5072] c not found, bur 1 Sep 1715 Garstang St Helen as Hannah SHARPLES, Widow of Nateby. Mentioned in father Robert’s 1686 Will as a younger daughter, “Ann”. Mentioned 1709 Will of Elizabeth of Scorton as daur “Hannah”, wife of Robert SHARPLES of Tarnaker

e = Robert SHARPLES [5073] m 10 Dec 1700 Garstang St Helen, d bfr 1715, bur not found. 1709/12 Will of Elizabeth of Scorton: of Tarnaker [previously transcribed as Barnaker]

f Elizabeth SHARPLES [8099] c 14 Nov 1701 Garstang St Helen, of Tarniker

f = John SAULE [7104] [b abt 1700 say], m 29 Sep 1725 Lancaster St Mary, both of Winmarley, Garstang p. 1709 Will of Elizabeth of Scorton mentions “my grandson John SAULE”, so this seems to be a first cousin marriage. [It is still unclear, though, who John Saule’s mother was]

f John SHARPLES [8100] c 24 Jan 1702/3 Garstang St Helen, of Nateby

f Grace SHARPLES [8108] c 3 Sep 1704 Garstang St Helen, of Nateby, bur 5 May 1706 Garstang St Helen as Grace dr of Robert Sharples of Tarniker in Nateby

f James SHARPLES [8102] c 16 Mar 1711/2 Garstang St Helen, of Nateby. Trustee for 1754 Will of cousin Robert of Kellet [5080]

f Hannah SHARPLES [8103] c 24 Jan 1713/4 Garstang St Helen, of Nateby, bur 28 Jan 1713/4 Garstang St Helen as “Annah” dr of Robert Sharples of Nateby

e Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [5102] c not found, bur 29 Mar 1758 Over Kellet St Cuthbert as Eliz: Gibson, widow. Mentioned in father Robert’s 1686 Will as a younger daur

e = Thomas GIBSON m not found, bur 17 Feb 1728 Over Kellet St Cuthbert as Thos Gibson

f Elizabeth GIBSON bur 7 Jan 1711 Over Kellet St Cuthbert as Eliz: dr of Thos: Gibson & Eliz: his wife

e Alice HATHORNTHWAITE [5104] c 21 Jun 1674 Garstang St Helen, dr Robert of Scorton, bur 14 Jan 1705/6 Garstang St Helen as Alice JEPSON wife of Tho: JEPSON of Scorton [which disproves the tentatively suggested John SAULE marriage below] 1686: mentioned in father Robert’s Will

e = Thomas JEPSON [5099] m 24 Sep 1693 Lancaster St Mary to Alis HATHERNWHAT of Garstang, bur not found

f Ann JEPSON [5100] 1709 Will of Elizabeth of Scorton: mentioned as a grand daughter

f = James HATHORNTHWAITE [5101][7454] of Lodge in Quarmoor, m 15 Jan 1720 Cockerham [IGI] 1728: Joint Executor with David of Forton of John of Forton’s Will [5071]

[e =(2?) John SAULE m not found. Now we know this is incorrect, as Alice JEPSON [5104], wife of Thos: JEPSON, d 1705

f John SAULE Mentioned in 1709 Will of Elizabeth of Scorton as a grandson]

David of Forton the Elder

e David HATHORNTHWAITE [5106] Mentioned in father Robert’s 1686 Will as youngest son. For details of this David and his Descendants, see Cockerham Hathornthwaites below

d Alice HATHORNTHWAITE [5107] c 11 Dec 1634 Garstang St Helen, filia Jo. of Wyersdale. Mentioned in father’s 1640 Will, mother Agnes’s 1671 Will and brother John of Lancaster’s 1688 Will as my sister BARTON. 1657 marriage: Spinster of Scurton. [Banns were called for this marriage in Garstang St Helen on 1, 8 and 15 Nov 1657, and the wedding is recorded in the PRs as taking place on 16 Nov 1657. However, there is also a record of the couple being married in a civil ceremony in Barton before Richard Shuttleworth JP on 30 Nov 1657, according to Cromwell’s Act of 1653. There is a further record suggesting that they were married on 30 Nov 1657 at Broughton St John the Baptist]

d = Richard BARTON m 16 Nov 1657 Garstang St Helen, Yeoman of Barton. Mentioned in mother in law Agnes’s 1671 Will.

John of Lancaster

d Johnb1636 HATHORNTHWAITE [5109] c 7 Dec 1636 Garstang St Helen, filius Jo. de Scurton, bur 27 Aug 1688 Garstang St Helen as John H of Lancaster. Will of 1688 of John of Lancaster, Woollen Draper, mentions: no wife or children but his brother Robert of Scorton and his children, cousin William H of Catshaw (Executor and Residual beneficiary), his cousin William’s son John & his two daughters (unnamed), and many others

d Anon HATHORNTHWAITE bur 17 Jul 1639 Garstang St Helen, a child of John H of Scorton

d Thomasb1639 HATHORNTHWAITE [5110] c 2 Feb 1639 Garstang St Helen, filius Jo. de Scurton, [d abt 1670

Garstang?], bur not found. [1671: Report on the Variances of Hearth Tax in Amounderness states that Thomas H

of Garstang with 2 hearths is now Widow H with 2 hearths. This sounds very like this Thomas] Not mentioned in

mother Agnes’s 1671 Will, which supports the idea that he had died between 1666 and 1670

d = Anon ANON m not found, d not found

d Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [5111] Mentioned in mother Agnes’s 1671 Will. [It now appears that this is

not the same person as Elizabeth [509], who married William PARKINSON [508] of Sykes in Bowland, as she has been more specifically identified by means of a Will]

d Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [5112] Mentioned in mother Agnes’s 1671 Will

[d = William HATHORNTHWAITE m 10 Jun 1666 Lancaster St Mary? 1686: Will of Robert of Scorton makes

his eldest son John and brother in law William HATHORNTHWAITE joint Executors. [Could this William be the

William of Tarnbrook who inherited the Turfe Fields Garden, and/or the William who was the father of Easter?]]

d Ann HATHORNTHWAITE [5114] Mentioned in mother Agnes’s 1671 Will

d = Anon TOULSON [5115]

Cockerham Hathornthwaites

Although, according to the IGI, 13 Hathornthwaites were christened in Cockerham Church in the period 1596-1635, in 1666, no Hathornthwaites were assessed for Hearth Tax in Cockerham. It seems likely that the ancestors of David below had not yet reached Cockerham in 1666. It is now clear that he hailed from the colony of Hs who lived for 50-100 years at Scorton in Nether Wyresdale, parish of Garstang. The Naming Rule suggests that David’s father was Robert and this is confirmed by the 1686 Will of Robert of Scorton, who was something of a big cheese locally, paying Hearth Tax in 1666 on no less than 3 hearths, equalled only by his relation William of Abbeystead.

David of Forton the Elder

For Forbears of David of Forton, see above

e Davidd1751 HATHORNTHWAITE [5106] [b abt 1675? c not found], d abt Jul 1751 Forton, bur 31 Jul 1751[1752?] Garstang St Helen as David of Forton. 1686: mentioned in father Robert’s Will, inheriting the property at Scorton and Forton. 1706 Marriage: of Scurton. 1709: Mentioned in mother Elizabeth of Scorton’s Will, sharing half estate with elder brother John. 1712: of Forton. 1753 Will of David, Yeoman of Forton, mentions the 5 children below. 1763 Deed mentions nephews John and Robert SWARBRICK

e = Helen STURZAKER [5116] c 29 Nov 1684 Garstang St Helen, dr of Jo. STURZAKER, m 17 Oct 1706 Garstang St Helen, “ a widow”, bur 25 Mar 1730[1?] Garstang St Helen, w of David of Forton

f Elizabethb1708 HATHORNTHWAITE [5118] c 2 Sep 1708 Cockerham, dr of David. 1709: mentioned in grandmother Elizabeth of Scorton’s Will. 1727: mentioned as Elizabeth H in Will of uncle John of Forton.

[f = Richard HOWARD of Lancaster, m 12 Nov 1730 Preston St John to Elizabeth H of Bolton? Note: this could be Bolton over Sands, nr Over Kellet. Note: OLPC says HOWARD; I transcribed it from the original as STEWARD]

[f = William WRIGHT Apothecary, mentioned in David’s 1752 Will]

f Robertb1711 HATHORNTHWAITE [5119] c 1 Mar 1711 Cockerham, s of David, d bfr 1763, bur not found. [Will of 1754: Robert H, late of Kirk House in Over Kellet, Yeoman. Is this Robertb1711? Or does this Will relate to Robertb1698 s of Thomas above? More likely the latter, since Thomas was definitely at Over Kellet] 1727: Mentioned in Will of his uncle John of Forton as a son of David. 1763 Deed: Mentions that Robert son of David, an Executor of David’s 1753 Will, is now dead. [Note: this Robert seems to be too young to Robert of Barnacre]

f Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [5120] c Feb 1713 Cockerham, dr of David, [d abt 1752][4] 1729: Mentioned as Mary H in Will of uncle John of Forton

f = John SWARBRICK [b abt 1713, d 1744][5] m 26 Jan 1733 Garstang St Helen: John SwarbrickYeoman of Gift Hall, Winmarly & Mary Hathornthwait of Forton [Marriage Bond: Thornton, p. Cockerham]

f Ann HATHORNTHWAITE [5121] Mentioned in father David’s 1753 Will, c not found. [1728: Mentioned in Will of uncle John of Forton as wife of James HATHORNTHWAITE of Lodge in Quarmore?? More likely Ann JEPSON]

[f = Richard SPARLING m 30 Jun 1730 Over Kellet St Cuthbert, both of ye parish of Bolton]

f Johnb1716 HATHORNTHWAITE [5122] c 6 May 1716 Cockerham, s of David, d 1798 Forton age 82, bur 20 Oct 1798 Cockerham St Michael (MI in Cockerham churchyard). Will dated 1796 refers to properties in Forton and Ellel; son David; wife Ellen; daughters Jennet (wife of Richard WHITEHEAD of Cockerham), Mary, Elizabeth and Esther. 1728: mentioned in Will of his uncle John of Forton. 1762 Deed: Yeoman of Forton. 1763 Deed: Mentioned as still alive and able to perform the duties resulting from his Executorship of his father David’s 1753 Will. 1771: Freeman of City of Lancaster, Yeoman of Forton

f = Ellin REEDER b abt 1723, c 23 Apr 1723 Cockerham, dr of Thos REEDER, m 19 Jul 1753 Cockerham, d 1798 Forton age 75, bur 11 Mar 1798 Cockerham St Michael, wife of John (MI in Cockerham churchyard)

g Janet HATHORNTHWAITE [5125] c 23 Feb 1755 Ellel as Jennet dr of John. Eldest child [source: Derek, but is this really Elizabeth?] d Lathwaite, bur 19 Jun 1799 Cockerham St Michael, wife of Richard WHITEHEAD

g = Richard WHITEHEAD of Forton Hall, b abt 1755, m 10 Mar 1783 Cockerham, Gentleman of Forton age 26 to Spinster of Forton age 27, m(2) Jennet JOHNSON, widow, m 13 Feb 1800 Cockerham St Michael, d Lathwaite, bur 5 Sep 1803 Cockerham St Michael

h Thomas WHITEHEAD b Forton, c 3 Apr 1796 Cockerham, d Lathwaite, bur 19 Feb 1800 Cockerham St Michael

h Jennet WHITEHEAD b Lathwaite, c 22 May 1798 Cockerham St Michael

h Alexander WHITEHEAD Mentioned in David’s Will as nephew

g Ellen HATHORNTHWAITE c not found, bur 3 Aug 1777 Cockerham as Ellen, dr of John of Forton

g Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1755?], c not found, d Widow age 55 Brick Street, Liverpool, bur 30 Nov 1810 Liverpool St Peter [from WINDER website.]

g = William WINDER [b1789 or b1798 Wyersdale: these data, from the WINDER website are incompatible with the marriage date] [Merchant of Liverpool, m 5 Jun 1800 Cockerham St Michael itpo Esther HAW- and ??? HAW-, d not found]

h John Hathornthwaite WINDER b abt 1804 Liverpool. 1834: Mentioned in his uncle David’s Will as of Sheffield [A family tree on the WINDER website shows John H WINDER as son of Elizabeth H and William WINDER, marrying his first cousin Eleanor H] 1851 Census: Married Steel Manufacturer age 47 b Liverpool, living at Brightside Bierlow, Sheffield, Yorks. 1861 Census: Married Hardware Merchant age 57 b Liverpool, living at Hunters House, Ruslings Place, Brightside Bierlow

h = Eleanor HATHORNTHWAITE, unidentified first cousin, b abt1811 Liverpool, m abt Mar 1842 Runcorn, d 3 Mar 1899. 1851 Census: Wife age 39 with husband and family at Brightside Bierlow, Yorks. 1861 Census: Wife age 48, b Liverpool, with husband

i John Harrison WINDER b abt 1842 Sheffield 1861 Census: Unmarried Banker’s Clerk, b Sheffield, with parents in Sheffield

i Arnold WINDER b abt 1843 Sheffield. 1861 Census: Unmarried Merchant’s Apprentice age 17, b Sheffield, living with parents

i Mary WINDER b abt 1845 Sheffield. 1861 Census: Scholar age 16, b Sheffield, with parents

i Charles Aston WINDER b abt 1846 Sheffield. 1861 Census: Scholar age 14, b Sheffield, with parents

i = Jane ANON b 1844 Mynnyddslwyn, Monmouth

j Basil Hathornthwaite WINDER b abt Jun 1880 Sheffield, d 26 Dec 1948 London. Engineer working for Vickers as rep in Japan

j = Gladys Bruce OLIPHANT m abt Dev 1910 Christchurch, Hants

k Gladys E H[athornthwaite?] WINDER b 1912 Yokohama

i Emily F WINDER b abt 1848 Sheffield. 1861 Census: Scholar age 13, b Sheffield, with parents

h Ellen Mary Ann WINDER

[g [Male] HATHORNTHWAITE c not found

g = Anon ANON

h Eleanor HATHORNTHWAITE, first cousin of John Hathornthwaite WINDER above]

David of Forton Moor Head

g Davidb1757 HATHORNTHWAITE c 2 Jan 1757 Ellel, s of John, d 17 June 1834 Forton Moor Head, age 77, bur Cockerham (MI in Cockerham churchyard, which does not include a wife). Unmarried. 1779/80: Freeman of City of Lancaster, Yeoman, son of John. 1811: Donated £16 for two pews in the new gallery at Shireshead Chapel. 1814: Witness at Garstang St Helen wedding of George REW, Merchant of Liverpool. 1834 Will of Gentleman of Forton Moor Head: mentions nephew John Hathornthwaite WINDER now of Sheffield; sisters Mary, Esther and Betty; nephew Alexander WHITEHEAD of Forton; [Note that there is a Moor Head Farm half a mile south of Forton, and half a mile north of Cabus Nook Farm.]

g Mary HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1759, c not found, d 11 Feb 1838 age 79, bur Cockerham, unmarried (MI in Cockerham churchyard says sister of David). Will of 1838, spinster of Forton (not seen)

g Esther HATHORNTHWAITE [5131] b abt 1765, c not found, d 17 Apr 1841 age 76, bur Cockerham (Same MI as David and Mary above, no indication of relationship, but John’s 1796 Will mentions her as a daughter.) Will of 1841, spinster of Forton (not seen). Witness at 5 Jun 1800 Cockerham wedding of her sister Elizabeth HAT- of Cockerham to William WINDER, Merchant of Liverpool.

Gentry of Lower Lea and Tongue Moor

This branch of the family was quite gentrified. The last of the line, Richard, rated a “Mr” in the Parish Register. When he died in 1816, a life-long bachelor without heirs or close relatives, he left a provision in his Will that split his Lee vaccary between two young men, John Bradshaw and John Walmsley, on condition that they changed their name to HATHORNTHWAITE, which they duly did[6]. They also inherited the right to bear Richard’s Coat of Arms. However, I am unclear what these Arms were. The two Johns were both stated in the 1816 Will to be relations of Richard, but it is unclear at present what the precise relationship was.

John Bradshaw, eldest son of Robert Bradshaw of Lancaster, Gentleman, died in 1843 unmarried and without heirs, bequeathing Lower Lee initially, it would appear, to the next elder brother Thomas Bradshaw, who in turn passed it on to his only son and heir William Bradshaw in 1868, who also changed his name to Hathornthwaite under the conditions instigated by the 1816 Will. In 1873 William Bradshaw married Agnes Caton HATHORNTHWAITE, (who was from the Catshaw/Abbeystead branch of the family), so he was a sort of double-H, but the couple had no children and died in Shropshire around 1910. It appears that, at this point, the entail failed and the Hathornthwaite dynasty at the Lee finally came to an end.

John Walmsley was eldest son of John Walmsley, a merchant of Lancaster also based in Martinique, and received Higher Lee. Again it is not clear what happened on John the younger’s death in 1867. In 1868, William Bradshaw HATHORNTHWAITE applied to use the Arms of the Hathornthwaite family, as notified in the London and Edinburgh Gazettes. Perhaps he ended up with both Higher and Lower Lee for want of male Walmsley heirs, although this is yet to be confirmed. When he lived in later years in Shropshire, he called his house “The Lee”, suggesting perhaps that he owned the entire vaccary.

There is Memorial Tablet still to be seen in Wyresdale Church:

‘Sacred to the memory of Richard Hathornthwaite of Lower Lee, Higher Wyersdale who died the 3rd day of December 1816 aged 86.

Also his sisters Elizabeth & Margaret who died 6th May 1812 aged 71 and 5th August aged 72.

Erected by John Walmsley Hathornthwaite & John Bradshaw Hathornthwaite’

The Register or its transcripts seem to be garbled at Wyresdale Chapel in the early 1700s, and some versions refer to Richard when it seems that it should be Nicholas, perhaps because Nich: and Rich: can be very similar in ancient script. [ I am unclear whether it is the LPRS Transcripts (from which I originally culled quite a bit of data) which are at fault, or whether it stems from a much earlier discrepancy between (eg) the PRs and the BTs. AIH says Nicholas, not Richard, and I think he must be right as we know it was Nicholas who married Jane PARKER, not Richard. Final confirmation is now provided by Nicholas’s 1758 Will, which names the children some transcripts say are Richard’s]

b Nicholasb1525 HATHORNTHWAITE [7845] [b abt 1525 say], alive 1583, [bur 17 Feb 1601/2 Lancaster St Mary as Nicholas H, no place given?] Mentioned in brother Thomas’s 1583 Will. 1599 Lay Subsidy for Wyresdale: paid 3 head of cattle worth 3 shillings. Sounds as if he may have inherited the Lee from brother Thomas in 1583

b Williamb1530 HATHORNTHWAITE [7846] [b abt 1530 say], alive 1583. Mentioned in brother Thomas’s 1583 Will. [Could this be William [5031] of Catshaw, d1592? This seems plausible, but difficult to prove] No William in Wyresdale paid 1599 Lay Subsidy

b Thomasb1520 HATHORNTHWAITE [7840] [b abt 1520 say], d 1583. 1583 Will: Thomas of “The Lee” [Names in Will summarised by Collins] mentions brothers Nicholas & William, son Richard and daughters Agnes & Elizabeth

b = Anon ANON [7841]

c Agnes HATHORNTHWAITE [7842] [b abt 1550 say] 1583: Mentioned in father Thomas’s Will

c Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [7843] [b abt 1550 say] 1583: Mentioned in father Thomas’s Will

c Richardb1550 HATHORNTHWAITE [7833] [b abt 1550 say] 1583: mentioned in father Thomas’s Will. 1607: Paid Lay Subsidy in Lonsdale [Garnett], 1626: Paid Lay Subsidy in Wyresdale, bur not found. Left no Will?

[c = Margaretd1637 ANON [7834] bur 25 Mar 1637 Lancaster St Mary as Margaret H vx Richi?]

d Margaretb1610 HATHORNTHWAITE [7835] c 13 Mar 1609/10 Lancaster St Mary as Margret, fa. Rici

d Elizabethb1612 HATHORNTHWAITE [7836] c 26 Dec 1612 Lancaster St Mary, fa. Rici

[d = John PAYCOCKE m 8 Oct 1636 Lancaster St Mary? or John THORNTON m 25 Aug 1631 Lancaster St Mary, though in this case the bride would have been only 18 years old]

d Nicholasb1616 HATHORNTHWAITE [7838] c 19 Feb 1615/6 Lancaster St Mary, f. Rici, bur 10 Mar 1652/3 of Nicholas, f. Rich of Wirsdall. 1652 Will (Nunciatory Will of 2 Mar 1652/3) of Nicholas H of Lower Lee, Yeoman: leaves £20 to sister Katherine and rest to brother Thomas

d Katherineb1622 HATHORNTHWAITE [7839] c 21 Dec 1622 Lancaster St Mary as Katherine fa. Rici. 1652: left £20 in brother Nicholas’s Will

[d = Francis BECKETT m 9 Sep 1654 Lancaster by George Towlnson Esqr Justice of the Peace, both of Wiresdale]

d Thomasb1618 HATHORNTHWAITE [7816] [b abt 1618 say], c not found, bur 16 Nov 1664 Lancaster St Mary as Thomas HAT of Wiresdall [This burial was previously used for another Thomas [900] but this is now thought to be incorrect]. 1664 Will of Thomas of Wiersdale mentions “now wife” Eliz, sons Richard, Thomas, William, Nicholas, all minors. [Note that Garnett mentions father of Richard below as John d1664, but it appears that this is an error, as the PRs are clear his father was Thomas, who really did d1664. I have found no sign in the record of a John d1664]. 1664 Lay Subsidy: Several Thomases paid in Wyresdale. He was presumably one

d =(1) Anon ANON [7832]

d =(2) Elizabeth ANON [7831] [Margritt HATHORNTHWAITE of Wiresdall vid, bur 22 Dec 1668 Lancaster St Mary cannot now be correct in view of Eliz being “now wife” in 1664] Alive 1664, m(2) Robert BOND bfr 1685 [mentioned byWilliam as step-father in 1685]

e Richardb1650 HATHORNTHWAITE [7812] c 31 Jul 1650 Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas HAT- of the Lower Leey (sic) in Wiersd:, bur 15 Feb 1728/9 Wyresdale Chapel, as Richd. HAT- of Lower Lee. No Will known. Date Stone at Lower Lee: 1694 H/RA, Hathornthwaite, Richard & Anne

e =(1) Anon ANON [7813] m not found, bur 28 Dec 1680 Lancaster St Mary, “the wife of Rich: Hathornwhet of Wiresdalle” (first name and precise abode not given)

f Margaretd1680 HATHORNTHWAITE [7814] c not found, bur 7 Nov 1680 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Rich: of Wyersdale

f Margaretd1682 HATHORNTHWAITE [7815] c not found, bur 10 Mar 1682/3 Lancaster St Mary as Margaret dr of Rich Hathornthwaite of Lower-Lee [Note: could be dr of second marriage]

f Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE c not found, mentioned in 1684/5 Will of William H [7854] below, d after 1684 and before 1697, bur not found

e =(2) Anne DICKONSON [7292] m 5 Aug 1682 Lancaster St Mary, Anne of Arkholme, Melling, Richard a Yeoman of Wiersdale, bur 30 Jul 1729 Wyresdale Chapel as Anne HAT-

f Katherine HATHORNTHWAITE [7847] bur 28 Sep 1687 Lancaster St Mary as Kathering dr of Rich: Hathornthwaite of Wiresdale [Lower Lee not specified]

f William HATHORNTHWAITE [8122] bur 2 Jan 1699/1700 Melling St Wilfrid as Gulielmus f. Richi Hathornwhaite de Wiersdall in Ecc

f Elizabethb1697 HATHORNTHWAITE [7848] c 20 Jun 1697 Lancaster St Mary as Elizabeth dr of Richd Hathernwaite of Wyersdale [Lower Lee not specified, so just might be a Richard in Tarnbrook]

f = John PYE [6929] m 11 Jul 1730 Lancaster St Mary, both Wyersdale

f Margaretb1699 HATHORNTHWAITE [7792] c 6 Feb 1697/8 Lancaster St Mary as Margaret dr of Richd Hathernwaite of Lower Lee, Wyersdale, bur not found but presumed pre-1706

f Anne HATHORNTHWAITE [7793] c 22 Sep 1700 Lancaster St Mary as Anne dr of Richd Hathornthw: of Lower Lee in Wyersdale

[f = James WALMSLEY m 11 Apr 1724 Lancaster St Mary as WALMISLEY, both of Wyresdale. I believe this wedding may provide the Walmsley connection acted upon in Richard H’s 1816 Will.

g Mary WALMSLEY c 4 Apr 1725 Wyresdale Chapel, dr of James W & Anne [IGI]

g = Thomas PRESTON m 26 Jul 1753 Lancaster St Mary, both of Wyersdale

g John WALMSLEY c 26 Mar 1727/8 Wyresdale Chapel, s of James W & Ann [IGI], m not found, [ bur 22 Feb 1748 Lancaster St Mary, as John s of John Walmisley of Lancaster?]

g James WALMSLEY c 3 May 1730 Wyredale Chapel, s of James W & Anne [IGI]

g = Anon ANON

[h John WALMSLEY b abt 1762 say, c not found, d not found [West Indies?]

h = Rachel THOMPSON m 30 Oct 1785 Lancaster St Mary, Spinster of Lancaster to Mariner of Lancaster. Is this the John WALMSLEY who was in Martinique and father to John Walmsley HAT-? , bur 25 Mar 1794 Lancaster St Mary as Rachel Walmisley, widow]

h James WALMSLEY c 27 Dec 1767 Lancaster St Mary, s of Jas. Walmsley

g Jane WALMSLEY c not found. Hannah H’s 1806 Will: bequeaths her an annuity of £15 pa

g = John PARKER m 18 May 1762 Lancaster St Mary, Husbandman of Lancaster to Spinster of Wyersdale 1806: of Wyresdale

h John PARKER Hannah H’s 1806 Will mentions this John and two siblings below

h Thomas PARKER


g Edward WALMSLEY c 16 Mar 1735 Wyresdale Chapel, s of James W & Anne [IGI]


f = William HELME [7794] Joiner of Goosnargh, m 28 Dec 1724 Lancaster St Mary, Anne of Wyersdale

g Robert HELME [7795] c 19 Jun 1726 Goosnargh, bur 18 Jul 1727 Goosnargh St Mary

g Richard HELME [7796] c 23 Jun 1728 Goosnargh St Mary] [Naming Rule supports this marriage, but fails to supply the Walmsley connection]

f Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [7797] c 28 Sep 1702 Lancaster st Mary as Mary dr of Ricd Hathernwhaite of Wyersdale [Lower Lee not specified]

f = Thomas LAMBERT [7798] m 18 Apr 1723 Lancaster St Mary, both of Wyersdale

f Margaretb1706 HATHORNTHWAITE [7799] c 25 Mar 1706 Lancaster St Mary as Margarit dr of Richard Hawthornthwat, Wiresdale [Lower Lee not specified]

f = Edmund HELME [7800] of Goosnargh, m 30 Sep 1729 Lancaster St Mary, Margt of Wyersdale

f Nicholasb1705 HATHORNTHWAITE [7596] [b abt 1705?], c not found, Naming Rule suggests son of Richard, as his eldest son appears to be Richard. Garnett suggests the younger Richard of Lower Lee is the grandson of the elder] bur 8 Dec 1757 Wyresdale Chapel as Nicholas HAY- of Lower Lee, d 4th. 1758 Will: Nicholas of Lower Lea, Yeoman (not seen)

f = Jane PARKER [7597] c 8 Dec 1699 Slaidburn St Andrew, as Jana f Johannis Parker de Storth, [Marriage Bond for Nich H and Jane PARKER, age 27, of Storth, p of Slaidburn (1m S of Newton), 27 Jan 1727/8, m to be in Chipping, Ribchester or Goosnargh], m 30 Jan 1727/8 Chipping St Bartholomew, bur 20 Sep 1782 Wyresdale Chapel, Jane relict of Nicholas HAT-

g Ann HATHORNTHWAITE [7054] c 17 Aug 1729 Wyresdale Chapel, dr of Nicholas HATHORNTHWAITE [some transcripts say Richard, but this now looks like an error]

[g = Henry BLEASDALE [7059] m 11 Jan 1747 Garstang St Helen?]

g Richardb1731 HATHORNTHWAITE [7519] c 29 Aug 1731 Wyresdale Chapel, s of Nich & Jane, bur 6 Dec 1816 age 85, Wyresdale Christ Church, MI: Wall Tablet inside Christ Church. [Gentleman’s Magazine for Dec 1816 states age 85; some transcripts of the burial say 56, but this is an error]. 1811: Advertised 180 acres for let at Tongue Moor, inherited from second cousin Hannah in her 1806 Will. Lancaster Unitarian Chapel Records: “Son and Heir of Nicholas Hathornthwaite, late of the Lower Lea, gent.” Richard was unmarried and had no close HAT- relatives and left his estate to be shared by John Bradshaw and John Walmsley, on condition that they both change their name to Hathornthwaite

[h John Bradshaw HATHORNTHWAITE [7368] b abt 1805 as John BRADSHAW, d 15 May 1843 age 38 Penny Street, Lancaster, eldest son of the late Robert Bradshaw of this town, bur 19 May 1843 age 35 Wyresdale Christchurch. [Lancaster Gazette Report: In the Court of Chancery, 21 Feb 1833, it was moved that John Bradshaw HATHORNTHWAITE, Esquire, of Lower Lee, might be committed to the Fleet for sporting and killing Game in the Forest of Wyersdale in defiance of an Order made by the Court. The Vice Chancellor made an order for the instant committal of Mr Bradshaw Hathornthwaite to the Fleet, for contempt.] John’s early death in 1843 led to his share of Lower Lea passing to his brother Thomas and thence , to Thomas’s son William Bradshaw, who also changed his name to HAT- ( and married Agnes Caton HAT-)

h John Walmsley HATHORNTHWAITE [7689], s of John Walmsley, also inherited half Richard’s Lee estate, in fact Higher Lee, and duly changed his name to HAT-, d abt Sep 1867 age 62 reg Lancaster as John Hawthornthwaite WALMSLEY. 1841 Census: John WALMSLEY age 35 at Richmond House, Skerton, with widowed father John]

g Johnb1734 HATHORNTHWAITE [7696] c 1 Apr 1734 Wyresdale Chapel, s of Nich & Jane, bur 22 Feb 1737/8 Wyresdale Chapel, s of Nicholas & Jane HAT-

g Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [7697] c 29 Sep 1736 Wyresdale Chapel, dr of Nich and Jane, bur 24 Jun 1752 Wyresdale Chapel, dr of Nicho HATHANATE

g Elizabethb1741 HATHORNTHWAITE [7593] dr of Nicholas HAT- of Lower Lee, c 29 Jun 1741 Wyresdale Christ Church , bur 9 May 1812 Wyresdale Chapel, of Lower Lee [The Monthly Magazine of 1812 says Miss HAT-, sister to Mr Richard HAT- of the Lea, Wyresdale died] 1818 Admon: Elizabeth of Lower Lee, “spinster”

g Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [7595] c 25 Mar 1743 Wyresdale Christchurch, dr of Nicholas HAT-, m not found, bur 10 Aug 1815 Wyresdale Christchurch, as Mrs Margaret HAT- of Lower Lee, age 71. [Although buried as “Mrs”, it appears this was an honorific rather than a marital condition, in view of 1818 Admon which describes her as a spinster]. 1818 Admon: Margaret H of Lower Lee, “spinster”

e Thomasb1658 HATHORNTHWAITE [7817] c 10 Jan 1658 Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas HAT- of Lowerley in Ewersdale, [bur Aug 1732 Caton St Paul?]. Inherited from father Richard a tenancy in Torrisholme [Source: Garnett]

e = Margaret PROCTER [7819] m 6 May 1682 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thomas PROCTER (1627-1677), prosperous yeoman of Littledale Hall, Tongmoor[7], bur 26 Oct 1717 Caton St Paul as Margaret uxor Hathornthwaite. Inherited Tongmoor from her father

f Thomasb1684 HATHORNTHWAITE [6859] c 14 Apr 1684 Caton St Paul, s of Thomas Hat-, bur 9 Jul 1767 Caton St Paul, Will probated 26 Sep 1767 (not seen). 1728/9: Freeman of City of Lancaster, Yeoman of Tunmoor. 1755 Declaration of Fine: mentions wife Margaret & son and heir Thomas the Younger

f =(1) Isabel REDMAYNE [7700] of Ingleton, m 31 Jan 1721 Thornton-in-Lonsdale, to Thomas H, Lancaster, Gent, Marriage Bond of 21 Jan 1721 says gent of Toung Moore, [bur 14 Apr 1745 Lancaster St Mary, “relict of Thos of Quarmore”. This burial now looks to be wife of Thomas in the Family of James of Lodge. Will of 1745 of Isabel of Lodge in Quarmore]

g Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [7701] c 19 Apr 1723 Caton St Paul, dr of Thos Hathornwhaite. 1741: of Tounge Moor

g = Christopher HUNTER [7702], M Bond of 29 Aug 1741: Gent of Kirkby Lonsdale, m to be Lancaster or Caton, m 9 Sep 1741 Caton St Paul

g Hannahb1726 HATHORNTHWAITE [7703] c 1726 Caton St Paul, filia Thomae Hat- of Tongue Moore, d as result of clothes catching fire whilst sitting alone at home[8],[9], bur 28 Mar 1806 Caton St Paul, age 80, “of Tring Moor” [OLPC: only in BTs] . Will of 1806 of Hannah HAT-, Spinster, left Tongue Moor to her “relation” Richard H of Lower Lee, who offered it for let in 1811. Will of of 1767 of Thomas H of Toung Moor, gent (not seen): leaves to younger daughter Hannah all his property in Littledale and all his personal estate.

g Thomasb1732 HATHORNTHWAITE [7850] c 27 Dec 1732 Caton St Paul, s of Thomas Hat- de Tongue Moore, bur 27 May 1733 Caton St Paul, as Thomas s of Thos Hat-

f =(2) Margaret ANON [7851] m not found, d not found

g Thomas HATHORNTHWAITE [7852] c not found. Mentioned in 1755 as Thomas the Younger, son & heir of Thomas HAT- the Elder & Margaret of Toung Moor, d not found, but it seems he died before his father’s death in 1767, as the Tongue Moor estate was left to his elder sister Hannah. 1728: Freeman of City of Lancaster, as Yeoman of Tunmoor [or was it his father?]

f Williamb1686 HATHORNTHWAITE [7853] c 17 Feb 1685/6 Caton St Paul, s of Thomas Hat-, bur 28 Mar 1686 Caton St Paul, as William s of Thomas H, “in Eccl:”

f Elizabethb1688 HATHORNTHWAITE [7820] c 10 Mar 1688 Caton St Paul, dr of Thomas & Margaret Hat-, bur 14 Oct 1692 Caton St Paul, as Elizabeth dr of Thomas Hathernwaite

William of Maladall

e Williamb1655 HATHORNTHWAITE [7854] [b abt 1655?], c not found, bur 23 Mar 1685 Lancaster St Mary, as Wm. H of Lower Lee in Wiresdale. 1664: mentioned in father’s Will as a minor. Inherited from father part of Greenbank [Wyresdale]. [Source: Garnett]. 1685 Will of William of Upper Wiersdale: Batchler of the Forrest of Wyresdale and previously[10] at Maladall in Roeburndale, names brother Nicholas and gives him Greenbank, Elizabeth & Kathrin daughters of Richard my brother, Thomas son of Thomas my brother, Robert son of Robert Bond my step-father, James & Kathrin children of Henry Broggin , my brother-in-law, Jane & Elizabeth daughters of John Stanton my brother-in-law, Ann daughter of James Fisher, my uncle Thomas Thompson, my aunt Dorothy [illeg]

e Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE c not found, d bfr 1710 , bur not found

e = Henry BROCKDEN c 12 Feb 1636 Slaidburn St Andrew as Henricus f. Tho: Brockden de D [Dalehead], m 29 Jun 1678 Slaidburn St Andrew, (m(2) Alice ANON m not found bur 25 Apr 1710 Slaidburn St Andrew as Alicia BROCKDEN ux: Henrici de D), bur 8 Jun 1720 Slaidburn St Andrew as Henricus Brockden de Cocklick House (“plebius”) sepultus in Eclesia. 1720 Will: Mentions son James, daughter Katherine, but no wife. Inventory drawn up by (among others) Richard HATHORNTHWAITE (probably Richard of the Lower Lea [7812] above, though at one time I thought this might be Richard of Sykes)

f Thomas BROCKDEN c 28 Feb 1663 Slaidburn St Andrew as Thom: f. Henric: Brockden de D

f Christopher BROCKDEN c 11 Aug 1665 Slaidburn St Andrew as Christo: f. Henric: Brockden de D

f John BROCKDEN bur 3 Jan 1699 Slaidburn St Andrew as Johannes f. Henrici Brockden de Cocklick House

f William BROCKDEN bur 7 Feb 1696 Slaidburn St Andrew as Willielmus f. Henrici Brockden de D

f James BROCKDEN c not found. Mentioned in father’s 1720 Will

f Katherine BROCKDEN c not found. Mentioned in father’s 1720 Will

e Nicholas HATHORNTHWAITE [7855] [b abt 1662?], c not found, m not found, bur 24 Jan 1744/5 Wyresdale Chapel as Nicholas HAT- of Hayshaw [ancient vaccary of Over Wyresdale, west of Catshaw] “upwards of 80 years of age”. 1664: Mentioned in father’s Will as a minor. 1685: inherited Greenbank from brother William

Chapter 4

The Descendants of John of Tarnbrook

This, the main tree in this book, is tentatively, but only tentatively, connected to the previous chapter, this John of Tarnbrook being possibly identical with John of Marshaw, the grandson of William of Catshaw shown above.

The Forbears of Edward of Dinkling Green

The earliest ancestor of my own branch of the Haythornthwaite family established with great certainty is Edward Haythornthwaite of Dinkling Green, who died in 1700. The forbears of Edward of Dinkling Green are not quite so certain, but the story can now be constructed with a reasonable degree of probability back to John of Tarnbrook the Elder, d1630. There is now also a possible but tentative connection of this John with his possible grandfather, Williamd1592 of Catshaw, who is discussed in Chapter 3.

Smith's 1893 book "The History of Chipping" says that Edward of Dinkling Green most probably came from the long established family at Staple Oak, and this view has been quoted by others, for example, Jessica Lofthouse, no doubt working from this source. However, the Will of James of Lodge in Quarmore 17063 makes it clear that his son James inherited Staple Oak & Higher Staple Oak together with its Water Corn Mill. There is no sign of any children or widow of Edward in this Will (Edward of Dinkling Green having already died in 1700), although Edward's family might have been there as tenants. James of Staple Oak himself appears to have left no male heirs, whilst marrying his eldest daughter Jane to Alexander ASPINALL of Mearley, Clitheroe, in 1714/5. For further information on this, refer to the separate tree, Family of James of Lodge.

The evidence now available suggests to me that Edward's forbears came, not from Staple Oak, but from the little village of Tarnbrook in Over Wyresdale, today consisting only of a few cottages on the Abbeystead Estate of the Duke of Westminster, but in the 17th Century a sizeable farming community where the majority of households bore the surname Hathornthwaite. Certainly an estate at Tarnbrook was handed down from Edward to at least three subsequent generations of Haythornthwaites. It is probable that Edward was the son of John Hathornthwaite of Tarnbrook the Younger (bur 8 Mar 1658/9 Lancaster St Mary, Will 1658/9) and Alice Turner who married 14 Feb 1617/8 at Lancaster St Mary. Certainly, this Edward inherited land in Tarnbrook from his father John.

It is possible that by this time our branch of the family were nonconformists of some description and this may explain the consistent lack of family baptismal records in the period 1600-1730. Or perhaps the Register of the (C of E) Wyresdale Chapel was very badly kept and by bad luck all our family's records have been lost, though this seems to be pushing coincidence to its limits. In 1670 a Quaker Meeting House was built in Over Wyresdale, just a stone's throw from Tarnbrook. Several Hathornthwaites of Tarnbrook were members of this meeting and appear in its register. However, other Hathornthwaites of Tarnbrook, including Edward, do not appear, so conflicting religious views must have coexisted. A particular version of the nonconformist hypothesis that some have supported is that our ancestors were of a Catholic persuasion, which likely would have left no record of Catholic baptisms because of the fear of persecution. At about this time, the prominent Hathornthwaites of Catshaw Hall are known to have had Catholic sympathies and it could be that our ancestors travelled from Tarnbrook to Catshaw to hear Mass in a back room. It may be that a plausible connection can be made to the Recusant Hathornthwaites of Catshaw.

Set out below is my current view of the family relationships, as suggested by the content of Wills together with sparse parish register data.

John of Tarnbrook the Elder, Yeoman

In 1604, King James granted the Wyresdale vaccaries of Lentworth, Emmetts and Tarnbrook, to Charles Blount, Eighth Lord Mountjoy and Earl of Devon. Later, the freehold to some or all of these lands was sold off to other farmers in the district. (Source: Pye family history. Pyes also bought land in Tarnbrook at about this time). It is not clear precisely how or when our ancestors bought some of this land, but when the John Hathornthwaite below died in 1630, he described himself as a yeoman, and was freeholder of lands and tenements in Tarnbrook. It appears that these lands and tenements were willed to at least 4, and possibly 5, subsequent generations of Hathornthwaites, and that this ownership continued even when the main focus of the family's farming activities were more on the other side of the Trough of Bowland, at Dinkling Green, Hareden, Batrix, Birkett and Whitendale. Quite when these Tarnbrook lands were sold off out of the family is unknown at present, but it would be interesting to find out.

As noted above, I now suspect that this John of Tarnbrook may be the same as the John of Marshaw who was one of the Catholic Catshaw family and was mentioned in the 1641 Will of his uncle Thomas, in a context which suggests that his children were alive but that he himself was dead.

John of Tarnbrook the Elder

c Johnb1570 HATHORNTHWAITE [888] Yeoman b abt 1570, bur 23 Jan 1630 Lancaster St Mary as John H, Senex. Will dated 8 Dec 1630 (Townley Manuscripts, Brit. Museum, see Chapter 15) of John of Tarrebroke, Yeoman, names wife Elizabeth & children below, and bequeaths lands and tenements in Tarnbrook to his eldest son John (recorded a little further down, not immediately below, for convenience of presentation), with one piece of land to his son William

[c = (1?) Anon ANON [890] bur 10 Apr 1623 Lancaster St Mary as “vx Johnis”?]

c = (2?) Elizabeth FRANCE [889] m 2 Feb 1628 Lancaster St Mary. Alive 1630. [Will of Elizabeth of Tarnbrook 1694, aged widow with son William [899] who pre-deceased her, probably d 1691, leaving daughter Jane, for whom Elizabeth made provision

[d Thomasb1599 HATHORNTHWAITE c 28 Apr 1599 Lancaster St Mary “fil Jo:”. Possibly the Thomas named in his father’s 1630 Will, but perhaps died young and replaced by a later Thomas. Father’s Will seems to imply that Thomas is a much younger son.]

d Ellenb1602 HATHORNTHWAITE [891] c 11 Sep 1602 Lancaster St Mary, m 12 Oct 1624 Lancaster St Mary Alive 1630

d = Peter TOMLINSON Alive 1630 (from Will)

Richard of Tarnbrook the Elder

d Richardb1600 HATHORNTHWAITE [893] [b abt 1600 say], c not found. Alive and probably over 21 in 1630, d abt Apr 1665, bur 9 Apr 1665 Lancaster St Mary as Richard of Wyresdall. Inherited one "chist" in father John's 1630 Will. 1664: Paid Hearth Tax on 1 hearth as Richard Hathornthwaite Senior of Wyresdale. 1665: Admon dated 28 Apr 1665 of Richard H of Wyresdale mentions Administrators Richard H , presumably his son below, and James H, unidentified [possibly James H of Hathornthwaite? Could he be a nephew, son of an unknown brother James to Richard [893]], both of Wiersdale. Alternatively, it seems plausible this was James [6741], brother of Robert of Netherwyresdale [6740] who was closely involved in the affairs of the Tarnbrook Hs

d = Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [894] [5053] m 29 Nov 1628 Lancaster St Mary, d "Dorothea vxor Richard Hathonwhate", bur 8 Sep 1640 Lancaster St Mary

e Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [895] c 12 Feb 1629 Lancaster St Mary, m “of Turnbrook”

e = John PROCTER [1124] Quaker m 23.2.1665 (23 April 1665) Quaker Monthly Meeting of Cartmel, Hartshaw and Fylde, “of Dunishaw”

f Sarah PROCTER [1104] b 20.1.1666 Married her second cousin John HATHORNTHWAITE, see below

e Jenett HATHORNTHWAITE [1096] c 14 Oct 1632 Lancaster St Mary, bur 28 Mar 1637 Lancaster St Mary

e Ann HATHORNTHWAITE [896] bur 28 Jun 1635 Lancaster St Mary

e Richardb1636 HATHORNTHWAITE [897] c 8 May 1636 Lancaster St Mary, as Rychard f. Ric., m not found (unmarried?), [bur 9 Jul 1709 Lancaster St Mary as Richd H of Wyresdale? Probably not. 1709 Admon: Inventory for estate of Richard H of Abbaysteads, Administrators: Mary H of Wiersdale and Thomas H of Scotforth] 1665: Named as Administrator of his father Richard’s 1665 estate, [but who was his co-administrator James? Possibly an unknown son James. Maybe James [6741], brother of Robert of Netherwyersdale [6740] who was involved with several Tarnbrook Wills. Previously I had this co-administrator recorded, incorrectly, as Thomas, and identified him as son Thomas below] 1666: Paid Hearth Tax as Richard of Tarnbrook, after the death of his father. 1677: Witnessed Will of Thomas of Emmotbrow? 1690: One of two Richards who drew up Inventory for his uncle William’s estate [899]. [But was he Richard H Senior or Richard H Junior?]

e Thomasb1639 HATHORNTHWAITE [8098] c 20 May 1639 Lancaster St Mary as Thomas f. Rich: H, m not found, [bur 13 Dec 1677 Lancaster St Mary as Thomas H de Wirsdall (this date believed to be Thomas of Emmotbrow [7935], Will of 1677), or bur 23 Mar 1688 Lancaster St Mary as Tho: H of Wyersdall?]

[e = Margaret ANON bur 9 Jan 1711/2 Lancaster St Mary as Margt relict of Tho: H Wyersdale?]

[f Mary HATHORNTHWAITE bur 29 May 1672 Lancaster St Mary as Marye H fa. Thomas of Marshawe]

[e Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE bur 22 Mar 1636 Lancaster St Mary as Elizabeth H fa. Richi?]

[e Jennet HATHORNTHWAITE bur 6 Sep 1646 Lancaster St mary, dr of Richard H of Wirsdalle?]

[e James HATHORNTHWAITE c not found, bur not found. Co-administrator of his father’s 1665 Will? Could this be James [6741]?]

William of Tarnbrook

This William headed one of the more prestigious Hathornthwaite households in Tarnbrook, being the only one there to pay Hearth Tax in 1666 on 2 hearths. (Note, though, that William H of Abbeystead and Robert H of Scorton paid on 3). He died intestate in 1690, leaving wife Dorothy and daughter Jane, a minor. The Deeds governing the administration of his estate read like a roll-call of familiar names. The Adminstration Order for his estate was signed by Dorothy H, spinster, presumably another daughter, and Robert H of Netherwyresdale, Husbandman, who, although downstream in Nether rather than Over Wyresdale, shows himself once again close to the Tarnbrook Hs. The Inventory taken on 16 Apr 1690 was signed by Bartholomew H (he of the date stone at Gornall’s Farm, not necessarily a close relation, but certainly a near neighbour), Richard H Senior, Richard H Junior and John Procter (married to William’s niece Jane H [895]). The Inventory itself is an impressive list of the farming equipment, livestock and household furnishings and comestibles on an upland farm in the late 17th century. Those making the Inventory seem to have taken their work very seriously indeed. It is comprehensive and meticulously set out. It is an interesting practical question as to how the four-strong Inventory team managed to do it, as they appear generally to be unable to write. Presumably one of them was able to make rough notes, so that the final impressive fair copy could be drawn up with the aid of a lawyer’s clerk later.

A second 1690 Admon, signed by Dorothy H, widow, concerns the maintenance of daughter Jane H, a minor, till her 21st birthday or marriage. In 1694, a further 2 Admons were signed, apparently triggered by the death of widow Dorothy. Responsibility for Jane, still a minor, was entrusted to Richard Hathornthwaite Senior. However, it seems that this stage may have lasted only briefly, as she apparently got married about a year later to Joseph Jackson.

Family relations are hard to trace among the many H families in Tarnbrook at this period, since there seem to be virtually no recorded baptisms and burial records are patchy. The papers relating to the Administration of William of Tarnbrook’s estate shed a welcome ray of light.

d Williamb1620 HATHORNTHWAITE [899] [b abt 1628, say, child of his father John’s second marriage, in 1628, to Elizabeth FRANCE], c not found, bur 5 Apr 1690 Lancaster St Mary as Wm H of Tarnbrook. Alive in 1630 and inherited from his father "one peece of ground" when his mother Elizabeth should die. [An alternative position for this death is William [1330] below, but this allocation to [899] seems to work best.] 1666: Paid Hearth Tax on 2 hearths as Wm H of Tarnbrooke. 1690 Probate: Died intestate, but generated a complex series of Admons which, among other things, name William Wilson as his “naturall and lawfull grandson”

[d = Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [1331] m 5 Jan 1683/4 Lancaster st Mary “both of Wiresdale”, d bfr 1690, bur not found. This marriage may be a first marriage or apply to another William, [1330] below, or maybe still another William]

d = Dorothy ANON [8045] m not found, bur 15 Sep 1694 Lancaster St Mary as Dorothy H of Wiersdale, Will (Admon) of 1694 of Dorothy of Tarnbrook, vid: confirms her as grandmother of William WILSON. 1690 Admon: Bound, as Dorothy H, widow, to look after the interests of Jane H a minor, dr of William H. Dorothy’s death in Sep 1694 necessitated a fresh Admon with new Bondsmen, who included Richard H

e Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [8046] [b abt 1668 say], c not found, bur not found. 1690: Spinster, but not a minor, Administrator of her father’s estate; this is my preferred solution, but alternatively this Spinster Administrator might be Dorothy [901] below, William’s sister]

e = Jonathan WILSON [8047] [m abt 1691 say]

f William WILSON [8048] [b abt 1692 say], c not found. Mentioned in ggrandmother Elizabeth’s 1694 Will, and in other 1694 Admons, as a minor and grandson of William H and Dorothy H

f Jonathan WILSON [8049] c 11 Nov 1701 Lancaster St Mary, s of Jonathan WILSON of Wyersdale

e Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [8009] [b abt 1674 say], c not found. Mentioned in Admons as Minor in 1694

e = Joseph JACKSON [8010] m 28 Jan 1695/6 Lancaster St Mary

f James JACKSON [8050] c 10 Dec 1699 Lancaster St Mary, s of Joseph Jackson of Wyersdale

f Dorothy JACKSON [8051] c 10 Jun 1702 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Joseph Jackson of Wyersdale

d Thomasb1621 HATHORNTHWAITE [900] c 12 May 1621 Lancaster St Mary as Tho: H f. Johanis, m not found. Under 21 in 1630. Received 4d in father John's Will along with his 2 younger sisters, d Wiresdall bur [13 Dec 1677 Lancaster St Mary: this is probably Thomas of Emmotbrow, whose Will was proved 19 Dec 1677] 12 Jun 1677 Lancaster St Mary as Thomes de Wirsdall [Note: this burial replaces 16 Nov 1664 which is now thought to apply to Thomas of the Lower Lee]. 1677 Admon of Thomas of Thornbroke [Tarnbrook] , probate date 31 Oct 1677 (not seen)

d Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [901] c 2 Oct 1624 Lancaster St Mary. Under 21 in 1630, from father's Will. [1690: Administrator of her brother William’s estate as Dorothy H sp? I now think this Administrator was more likely William’s daughter Dorothy, before she married Jonathan WILSON] [bur 2 Mar 1690 Lancaster St Mary as Dorothy w. of Bartholomew H of Wyersdale?]

[d = Bartholomew HATHORNTHWAITE [7922] c 24 Aug 1616 Lancaster St Mary, bur 25 Jul 1703 Lancaster St Mary

d Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [902] c 9 Jul 1626 Lancaster St Mary. Under 21 in 1630 and the youngest child, from father's Will, bur 26 Jun 1631 Lancaster St Mary "fa Johnis"

John of Tarnbrook the Younger

d Johnb1597 HATHORNTHWAITE [903] b abt 1597 (based on marriage date and father’s Will suggesting him to be the eldest. Further, there is no christening for this John in the Lancaster St Mary Register, which starts with his brother Thomas in April 1599, suggesting that John was born at least a year earlier). d Tarnbrooke bur 8 Mar 1658/9 Lancaster St Mary. Yeoman. Will dated 1 Mar 1658/9 (see Chapter 15), proved in London in 1659 under the Commonwealth civil system in force 1652-1660 (National Archives, Kew), identifies him as almost certainly the eldest son and names wife Alice & children Richard, Elizabeth, John, Edward, Thomas, Nicholas and Lawrence. Will witnessed by Richard H and James H [could this be [6741]?] In 1640 he paid 16 shillings (in the form of 3 head of cattle) for the support of King Charles' northern regiments at the beginning of the Civil War.

d = Alice TURNER [904] m 14 Feb 1617/8 Lancaster St Mary [This is the only plausible John/Alice marriage in the Lancaster Register.] Allocated the "bedchamber over the fyre" in husband's Will. d Wiresdall ("vix") bur 24 Sep 1667 Lancaster St Mary. In 1664 shortly after the death of her husband, as "vx Jo:" she was assessed under the Hearth Tax10 for one chargeable hearth, the one under her bedchamber presumably. It was clearly a rather basic farmhouse they lived in at this stage.

e Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [905] [b Tarnbrook abt 1620? Became a Quaker? d Tarnbrook 24 Nov 1699, bur 26 Nov 1699 at Lancaster, recorded in the Register of the Wyresdale Friends' Meeting House. Not stated to be a wife or widow, therefore possibly this Elizabeth as spinster]

Richard of Tarnbrook the Younger

e Richardb1630 HATHORNTHWAITE [1097] [c 17 Feb 1629/30 Lancaster St Mary?], d Wyresdale, bur 23 Jun 1701 Lancaster St Mary. 1664 Hearth Tax: Paid on one hearth as Richard H Junior of Wyresdale (the different hamlets were not distinguished in 1664 Hearth Tax returns). 1666 Hearth Tax: There are 2 Richard H households in Tarnbrook, of which he was presumably one. 1666: Executor of Will of Lawrence of Marshay. His brother Edward (later of Dinkling Green in Little Bowland) was a witness to this Will. Farming at Tarnbrook in April 1668 (as suggested by 1668 Will of John of Heckmondwike, see below). From John of Tarnbrook's 1658/9 Will it seems that Richard was the eldest surviving son, and inherited half the family estates at both Tarnbrook and Marshaw. Admon of 1701/2 of Richard of Upper Wiersdale, Yeoman, Dowager: Signed by Richard H, son of Richard H, and also William PARKINSON (the father-in-law of Richard of Sykes). [Note that in April 1668 there was a Richard of Tarnbrook, Yeoman, in occupation of a house and lands at Tarnbrook owned by John of Heckmondwike, as recorded in John's 1668 Will3,13. This could well be the same Richard. This Richard was named as a Supervisor of the Will, and was presumably closely related to/associated with the family of John of Heckmondwike. The property in Tarnbrook was bequeathed to a one year old son of John, David, who lived all his life, so far as is known, in Heckmondwike and was buried there. His mother died before he was 21. It is possible that he never came into possession of his property and that Richard stayed on in occupation of it13.]

e = Anon ANON [7856] m not found, d bfr 1701 [Husband Richard H died a Dowager in 1701], bur not found

[f William HATHORNTHWAITE [7857] c not found, bur 21 Aug 1671 Lancaster St Mary as Willm H f. Rich: of Wirsdall?]

f Johnd1682 HATHORNTHWAITE [1098] c not found, d Tarnbrook (as infant or young man: "son of Richard of Tarnbroke") bur 16 Jul 1682 Lancaster St Mary

[f Other children? Some of those suggested, from the Will of Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale, for Richard’s younger brother John might alternatively be his. Unfortunately, Richard’s 1701 Will is simply an Admon and confirms only that he had a surviving son called Richard]

[f John HATHORNTHWAITE c not found, bur 19 Jan 1729/30 Wyresdale Chapel as John Haythornthwate of Tarnbrook? Alternatively, he might be son of Richard below, and maybe this is more likely as he was not appointed an Administrator of Richardb1630’s Admon. Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale’s 1706 Will mentions his kinsman John H of Rawmoor in Bowland. Could this be him?]

f Richardb1654 HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1654 say], c not found, bur 22 Feb 1737/8 Wyresdale Chapel as Richard H of Tarnbrook. 1690 Admon for estate of William of Tarnbrook: drew up Inventory as Richard H Junior of Tarnbrook. 1708: Renewed lease on a farm in Dutton, an estate which appears in the Registers of Estates of Lancs Papists 1717-1788 [Source: AIH]. 1737 Will of Richard of Tarnbrook in Overwyersdale: refers to wife Elling and “my children” but does not name them. Will of Richard of 1702 mentions “my son Richard”

f =(1) Anon ANON [7859] [m abt 1675 say], m not found, d bfr 1692, bur not found

g Alice HATHORNTHWAITE [7860] [b abt 1675 say], c not found, bur 23 Apr 1713 Garstang St Helen, as Alice, wife of Josias Harrison

g = Josiah HARRISON [5105] of Winmarleigh, m 4 Nov 1699 Garstang St Helen, Josiah of Lawrence Hall, Winmarleigh & Alice H of Wiersdale, bur 7 Jan 1743/4 Garstang St Helen, of Wiarsdale

h Margaret HARRISON [7861] c 14 Apr 1700 Garstang St Helen, dr of Josias HARRISON of Wiresdall. 1756 Will of Richard H: Margaret TOMPSON dr of Josias Harrison, niece of testator

h = Anon THOMPSON [7863] m not found

h John HARRISON [7862] c 15 Nov 1701 Garstang St Helen, s of Josias HARRISON of Wiresdall. In Richard H [7864]’s 1756 Will, named as nephew and Ececutor and inherited estate at Tarnbrook

[h Catherine ANON [HARRISON?] c not found, bur 11 May 1732 Wyresdale Christ Church as Cathrine Walker. Mentioned in uncle Richard’s 1756 Will as my niece Catherine Walker

h = [John?] WALKER [7866] m not found. Richard [7864]’s 1756 Will mentions John Walker of Liverpool, relationship not specified]

[h Sarah ANON [HARRISON?] [7867] c not found, d not found. Richard [7864]’s 1756 Will mentions niece Sarah Procter

h= Anon PROCTER [7868]? m not found]

[h Elizabeth ANON [HARRISON?]

h = Thomas REACHER m not found, bur 2 Feb 1764 Lancaster St Mary, of Lancaster?

i Margaret REACHER bur 22 Nov 1721 Lancaster St Mary as Margaret dr of Thos: REACHER of Quarmore

i Dorothy REACHER c 11 Dec 1722 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thos: REACHER of Quarmore]

g Richardb1676 HATHORNTHWAITE [7864] [b abt 1676 say], c not found, bur 16 May 1756 Wyresdale Chapel as Richard HATHORNTHWAITE of Tarnbrook, “aged about 80”? 1756 Will of Richard of Tarnbrook, Yeoman, Bachelor, makes bequests to niece Margaret TOMPSON dr of Josiah HARRISON, children of niece Catherine WALKER, John WALKER of Liverpool, niece Sarah PROCTER, niece Elizabeth REACHERE, and names nephew John HARRISON his Executor

f =(2) Ellen ASH [7869] of [Dutton Lee?], Ribchester, m 15 Oct 1692 Lancaster St Mary, Richard H & Ellen ASH p. Ribchester, [bur 28 Sep 1741 Wyresdale Chapel, or bur Nov 1748 Wyresdale Chapel?]. Husband’s 1737 Will leaves “my wife Elling” the tenement at Dutton Lee, which was probably just north of Ribchester. It sounds as if she brought this tenement to the marriage. There seem to have been no children to this second marriage

e Johnb1631 HATHORNTHWAITE [1099] c 9 Jan 1630/1 Lancaster St Mary as John H f. Johnis. Inherited quarter share of Tarnbrook and Marshaw in his father's 1658/9 will, but died 3 years later. d Marshawe in Wirsedall, bur 21 Apr 1661 Lancaster St Mary. Will (Admon) of 1662 of John of Marshaw, names Elizabeth of Wyresdale as Executor (relationship not specified; probably it was his wife)

e = [Elizabeth?] ANON [1332] m not found, bur not found. In 1664, "vx Jo" of Wiresdall was assessed for the Hearth Tax at one hearth. (Note: two "vx Jo"s of Wiresdall were assessed in 1664, the other being assumed to be Alice TURNER above.)

f Williamb1652 HATHORNTHWAITE [1100] d Marshawe, bur 26 May 1652 Lancaster St Mary "f. Jo:" Appears to have died in infancy, judging from the age of his parents.

[f Other children? There appears to have been opportunity for several before this John died in 1661. Some plausible possibilities are suggested below, but firm evidence is lacking. They might equally be children of John’s brother, Richard of Tarnbrook, above, who died in 1701]

[f William HATHORNTHWAITE Note William of Barniker 1706 Tuon Bond (not seen)]

[f Richard HATHORNTHWAITE d abt 1709. Will (Admon) of 1709 of Richard of Wyersdale. Possibly the Richard who heads the Tree of Raymond Frank. Just might have been the blacksmith of Tarniker.]

[ This position of Robert below depends on Robert’s being first cousin to William, father of Easter, below. It is not possible at present to decide with certainty which of John of Tarnbrook the Younger’s sons was the father of Robert below. However, there is a gap here waiting to be filled

Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale

f Robert HATHORNTHWAITE [6740] [b abt 1640 say], c not found, bur 17 Nov 1706 Garstang St Helen as Robt Hathornwhite of Wiresdall. Will of 1706 of Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale: mentions wife [Alne?]; Easter, “only dr of my cousin William H”; also William PARKINSON of Sykes in Bowland; Lawrence FRANCE of Quarmore [married to Robert’s niece Alice H]; Lady Bindloss of Borwick Hall. [Note Date stone, WP 1678, from former barn at Hawthornthwaite, near Slean End, Netherwyresdale, which may refer to William PARKINSON]. Robert appears to have been without progeny alive in 1704, when he wrote his Will. It is unclear whether there were any children in the marriage

f = [“Alne”, Alice] ANON d abt 1711 Netherwyresdale, [bur 22 Mar 1710 Garstang St Helen as Alice H widow of Nateby?] 1711 Will of [Alne], Widow of Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale: mentions no children

f James HATHORNTHWAITE [6741] [b abt 1640 say] [1659: James H, a witness to John of Tarnbrook the Younger’s Will?], [1683: at Rowe, Pennington in Furness for burial of daughter Rachael?], [1689: in Caton, from where his daughter Alice was married to Lawrence FRANCE?] Mentioned in Robert’s 1704 Will as “my brother James”, d not found, [possibilities include bur 17 Dec 1671, James H of Wiresdall, 14 Dec 1674 James H of Wiresdall, all Lancaster St Mary; or conceivably bur 3 Dec 1717 Lancaster St Mary, James HATHORNTHWAITE a prisoner? Hopefully not, but who knows…….? Perhaps, in the wake of the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion, he was in trouble as a Catholic.] [ bur 15 May 1672 James H of Latchhouse in Wiresdall, 13 Jun 1675 James H of Hathornthwaite now seem to apply to a separate branch , at Hathornthwaite vaccary for many years]

f = [Jennet?] ANON m not found [Suggested first name stems from naming patterns of children of daughter Elizabeth, which are consistent with James as husband and Jennet as wife, but IGI has no suitable marriages for such a couple, or indeed for any James] [bur 23 Dec 1725 Wyresdale Chapel as Jennet H?]

g Rachael HATHORNTHWAITE [6743] [b abt 1660 say], c not found, d abt 1731 Netherwyresdale, unmarried, bur not found. Robert’s 1704 Will: Rachael, daur of my brother James. 1731 Will: Aged Spinster of Netherwyresdale

John of Slean End

g John HATHORNTHWAITE [6766] [b abt 1670 say], c not found, d abt Sep 1741 Slean End, Netherwyresdale, bur not found. 1730: Freeman of City of Lancaster, Yeoman of Lower Wyresdale. 1731 Will of Rachael mentions “my brother John”. 1736: of Wiersdall. Will of this John 1741 mentions wife Jane, daughter in law Alice, and grandchildren William H and Eling H who were apparently fatherless. [Note: Date of Inventory 16 Sep 1741]

g = Jane ANON [6768] m not found, bur 3 Jul 1742 Garstang St Helen, as Jane HATHERNTHWAITE of Barnaker

James of Slean End

h James HATHORNTHWAITE [7080] [b abt 1700 say], c not found, bur 9 Mar 1735/6 Garstang St Helen, of Wiresdall. 1732/3: Freeman of City of Lancaster, son of John of Netherwyresdale. Inventory of James of Slean End taken 17 May 1736. Admon of 5 Feb 1742 of James of Slean End, Netherwyresdale mentions widow Alice of Slean End, and is signed by her. Based on the Naming Rule, this James is probably the eldest son

h = Alice MASON [7081] c 22 Mar 1712 Garstang St Helen, dr of Richard Mason of Wiersdale (bur 8 Aug 1755 Garstang St Helen, abode: Wiersdale), m bond 29 Nov 1733 for James H Husbandman & Alice MASON, Spinster, both of Wyersdale in p. Garstang, m not found, bur not found, [bur 12 Mar 1765 Cockerham St Michael? This record is in Family Search, but I did not find it when I scanned the Cockerham PRs] [bur 27 Mar 1739/40 Garstang St Helen, as Alice HATHORNTHWAIT of Barnaker? It now seems this burial cannot be her, as in 1742 she signed an Admon relating to her husband James]

i Williamb1734 HATHORNTHWAITE [7082] c 4 Aug 1734 Garstang St Helen, s of James of Wyersdall. [Note that no earlier children in this branch have C of E baptisms, suggesting that this branch may have abandoned Catholicism at this time, possibly as a result of the Acts of 1717 and 1723] 1767/8: Freeman of City of Lancaster, of Nether Wyresdale, son of Jas. of same. Mentioned as grandson Wm H in grandfather John’s 1741 Will, which expressed particular concern about his “tuicion”. Also mentioned in grandfather Richard Mason’s Will

i = Alice BANTON [6793] m 19 Oct 1754 Garstang St Helen, botp, Spinster, by Licence with consent of parents, signing X in Register, bur not found

j Jamesb1755 HATHORNTHWAITE [6806] c 15 Jun 1755 Garstang St Helen, s of Wm H of Wiersdale, bur 7 Jul 1755 Garstang St Helen, s of Wm H of Wiarsdale

j Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [6807] c 20 Jun 1756 Garstang St Helen, dau of Wm H of Wiarsdale. 1782: Spinster of Garstang

j = James SANDHAM m 4 Feb 1782 Garstang St Helen, Labourer of Preston

j Jamesb1757 HATHORNTHWAITE [6808] c 17 Jul 1757 Garstang St Helen, s of Wm H of Wiarsdale, [bur 9 Nov 1771 Garstang St Helen as James H of Wyersdale?] 1779/80: Freeman of City of Lancaster, a Lancashire Militiaman of Lower Wyresdale, s of Wm husb of Lower Wyresdale [in which case, the 1771 Garstang burial must apply to someone else] [1784 marriage: Labourer of Cockerham. James and Jane LAMBERT head the Tree of the Lancaster Coopers. But is it this James b1757 who married Jane LAMBERT? Or could this be the James in the Tree of Derek?]

[j = Jane LAMBERT m 2 Aug 1784 Garstang St Helen, spinster of Garstang]

j Alice HATHORNTHWAITE [7083] c 7 Jan 1759 Garstang St Helen, dau of Wm H of Wiarsdale, bur 11 Jun 1777 Garstang St Helen, dau of Wm H of Wyersdale

j Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [7084] c 11 May 1760 Garstang St Helen, dau of Wm H of Wiersdale. 1792 Marriage: Spinster of Lower Wyersdale (X), Garstang, age 35

j = Thomas BRADLEY m 10 Oct 1792 Lancaster St Mary, Farmer of Wyersdale, by Licence

j Robert HATHORNTHWAITE [7976] [b abt 1763 say], c not found, m not found, bur not found. 1783/4: Freeman of City of Lancaster, husb, son of William of Nether Wyersdale

j Johnb1766 HATHORNTHWAITE [7085] c 20 Apr 1766 Garstang St Helen, s of Wm H of Wyersdale, bur 9 Jul 1777 Garstang St Helen, s of Wm H of Wyersdale

j Sally HATHORNTHWAITE [7086] c 22 Apr 1770 Garstang St Helen, dau of Wm H of Wyersdale, bur 21 May 1785 Garstang St Helen, as Sarah dr of Wm H of Scorton, Poor

[The following children seem to have been born to a rather old mother. Perhaps they were children of a younger William, s of William, whose birth is unrecorded]

j Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE bur 13 Apr 1784 Garstang St Helen, s of Wm H of Wyersdale

j Betty HAUTHORNTHWAITE bur 1787 Garstang St Helen, dr of Wm H of L: Wyersdale

j Ellin HATHORNTHWAITE bur 13 Apr 1790 Garstang St Helen, dr of Wm H of L: Wyersdale

i Hellen HATHORNTHWAITE c 28 Mar 1735/6 Garstang St Helen, dau. of James HATHORWAIT of Wyresdall, m not found, d not found. Mentioned in grandfather John H’s 1742 Will as Eling H, and also in grandfather Richard Mason’s 1755 Will

h John HATHORNTHWAITE [6794] [b abt 1705 say], c not found [is it conceivable: c 17 May 1713 Mitton All Hallows, s of John H of Starkey? See Ann below], m not found, bur 10 Sep 1736 Garstang St Helen, s of John of Wiersdall. 1732/3: Freeman of City of Lancaster, son of John of Nether Wyresdale

h Ann HATHORNTHWAITE [6795] c not found [is it conceivable: c 8 Oct 1710 Mitton All Hallows, dr of John H of Starkey? See John above], bur 17 Jun 1737 Garstang St Helen, dr of John of Wiarsdale

g Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [509] [b abt 1669 say], c not found, bur 23 May 1732 Slaidburn as Elizabeth PARKINSON of Hareden, widow [she was living with her son-in-law, Richard of Sykes who was farming Hareden at the time]. Sister Rachael’s 1731 Will mentions “my eldest sister Elizabeth PARKINSON of Hardin”

g = William PARKINSON m 7 Jul 1690 Lancaster St Mary, Wm Parkinson of Slatborn parish and Elizabeth Hawthernwhet of Lancr pish by Licence, bur 3 Mar 1710/1 Slaidburn as William Parkinson de Sk

[h No first-born baptism found at Lancaster St Mary as one might expect]

h Robert PARKINSON c 28 May 1691 Slaidburn St Andrew

h Jennet PARKINSON c 15 Sep 1693 Slaidburn St Andrew, f. Willmi Parkinson de Sk [=Sykes]

h = Richard HATHORNTHWAITE m 14 Feb 1715/6 Slaidburn St Andrew, of Sykes. “Richard of Sykes” [Note mismatch of Richard generation indicator which might indicate an error in logic: f vs. h]

[h No baptisms or infant burials found in this gap]

h James PARKINSON c 5 Jan 1696/7 Slaidburn [This name is consistent with his known maternal grandfather]

h Thomas PARKINSON c 10 Apr 1698 Slaidburn, bur 27 Dec 1699 Slaidburn

h Thomas PARKINSON c 6 Apr 1700 Slaidburn, bur 31 Jul 1700 Slaidburn. Twin with William

h William PARKINSON c 6 Apr 1700 Slaidburn. Twin with Thomas above

g Alice HATHORNTHWAITE [6764] [b abt 1668 say], c not found. Sister Rachael’s 1731 Will mentions my sister Alice FRANC. Robert’s 1704 Will mentions Lawrence FRANC as a beneficiary

g = Lawrence FRANC [6765] c not found, m 22 Jun 1689 Lancaster St Mary, Lawrence FRANC of Quarmor and Alis HAWTHERNET of Caton, [Caton seems a bit unexpected. Sounds like father James was moving around], bur 21 Nov 1705 Lancaster St Mary as Lawrence FRANCE of Quarmore. Executor, along with Robert HATHORNTHWAITE (of Fell End, Netherwyresdale, presumably), of 1701/2 Will of William of Wiersdale

[h Baptism of eldest child at marriage church of Caton St Paul?]

h Grace FRANCE c 1 Sep 1690 Lancaster St Mary, fa. Lawrence FRANCE Quarmor

g Other children? These might include the following -

[Robert of Barnacre????

Is it possible Robert of Barnacre fits in here? This is an alternative to his being the same as Robert of Kellett. He would have been about the right age to marry Ann KIRKLY, and the Naming Rule suggests his eldest son should be a James. Barnacre is very close to Slean End. Note also William of Barniker 1706 Tuon Bond. Other members of this branch seem to move to Barnaker. For Descendants of Robert of Barnacre, see Tree of Derek of Singleton

g Robert HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1690, say] [bur 23 Jan 1747/8 Garstang St Helen, as Robert HATHORNTHWAITE of Goosnargh?] 1732 birth of son James: of Barnacre

g = Ann KIRKLY m 1711 Garstang St Helen, [bur 20 Jan 1769 Garstang St Helen, Ann HAW- of Claughton? ]

[g William HATHORNTHWAITE of Claughton? Bur 11 Sep 1740 Garstang St Helen, See Tree of Roland]

The Quaker Branch

At least one branch of the Hathornthwaite family patronised the Wyresdale Friends Meeting House, just a short distance from Tarnbrook. However, no modern descendants of this branch have been discovered.

Thomas of Tarnbrook

e Thomasb1626 HATHORNTHWAITE [1101] c 24 Feb 1626/7 Lancaster St Mary, Tho: H f. Johnis. Alive 1659 (father's 1659 Will). Inherited £10 and 3 yards of cloth [d 24 Dec 1680 ("24.10.1680" in original Quaker record) Tarnbrook. Recorded at Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House. This might have been the older Thomas above] [Will of 21 Dec 1680: "Husbandman of Tarnbrook". No sign of a C of E burial at this date, so the Quaker record is the most probable. Witnesses to Will: Richard H & Robert H. Could this last be Robert of Netherwyresdale [6740] who appears to have been related, as he mentions Thomas’s son John [1103] in his 1704 Will?] 1664 Hearth Tax: Return shows 3 Thomases in Wyresdale, each with 1 Hearth. 1666 Hearth Tax: Return shows only one Thomas at Tarnbrook (and one at Marshaw), so it seems this must be him.

e = Elizabeth ANON [1102] (from Will of Thomas of Tarnbrook 21 Dec 1680) d Tarnbrook, bur 24 Jan 1699/1700 Lancaster (recorded at the Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House) [Note possibility that this was in fact Elizabeth H bur 22 Jan 1694/5 Lancaster St Mary, Will of 1694, aged widow, mother of William who predeceased her in 1690, grandmother of Jane]

[The descendants below, all recorded in the Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House, are tentatively attached to this Thomas, which seems consistent with the Naming Rule and with dates. This positioning is not fully proven.

f Johnb1657 HATHORNTHWAITE [1103] b abt 1657 Of Tarnbrook. Will of Thomas of Tarnbrook, 1680, names John as eldest son. Married his second cousin Sarah PROCTER (see above), daur of John PROCTER, Quaker, and Jane HATHORNTHWAITE, bur 10.1.1699 Lancaster [Mentioned in 1704/6 Will of Robert of Netherwyresdale [6740] as deceased, in a context which suggests he was a relation. Could be Robert’s cousin]

f = Sarah PROCTOR [1104] b 20.1.1666, m 23 Sep 1683 [Paper by Robert ALSTON says 23.2.1684.] Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House. After the death of her husband John in 1699, Sarah married again to William ALSTON [1327], a Quaker, on 15.8.1702 at the house of John BOND in Wyresdale, Sarah settling on her children by John their portions as bequeathed them by their father.

g Elizabethb1685 HATHORNTHWAITE [1105] b 20 Jan 1684/5 Tarnbrook, dr John of Tarnbrooke, d 5 Aug 1691 Tarnbrook, dr of John, (recorded at Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House)

g Thomasb1686 HATHORNTHWAITE [1106] b 22 Dec 1686 Tarnbrook, s of John of Tarnbrooke, (recorded at Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House), d Tarnbrook 10.4.1701, bur 11.4.1701 Lancaster (recorded at Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House)

g Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [1328] b 6 Mar 1691/2 Tarnbrook, dr of John, d Apr 1692 Tarnbrook, bur Lancaster, dr of John, (recorded at Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House)

g Joshua HATHORNTHWAITE [1107] b 2 Feb 1692/3 Tarnbrook, s of John, d 16 May 1693 Tarnbrook, bur Lancaster, s of John, (recorded at Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House)

g Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [1108] b 1 May 1695 Tarnbrook, dr of John of Tarnbrooke, (recorded at Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House) Mentioned in 1704/6 Will of Robert of Netherwyresdale

g = Joseph JEPSON b 1690, m 1.10.1716 Lancaster Quaker Meeting House. Lived at Gibson’s Farm [Garnett]. On 3.2.1749, a Certificate of Removal was given by the Lancaster monthly meeting on behalf of Joseph JEPSON who was about to remove to Pennsylvania.

g Josephb1698 HATHORNTHWAITE [1080] b 9 Aug 1698 Tarnbrook, s of John & Sarah of Tarnbrooke, d 31 Mar 1701 [1705?] Tarnbrook, s of John & Sarah, bur 2 Apr 1701 Lancaster, (recorded at Wyresdale Quaker Meeting House) ].

f William HATHORNTHWAITE [1330] [b abt 1660 say?], c not found. Second, and only other, son named in Will of Thomas of Tarnbrook 1680. Inherited the Turfe Fields Garden at Tarnbrook, c not found, bur not found in Lancaster St Mary, bur 14 Feb 1701/2 Garstang St Helen, Husbandman of Wiresdall. 1702 Will of William of Wiresdale: mentions Easter as daughter, and Executors Robert HATHORNTHWAITE (presumably his cousin Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale) and Lawrence FRANCE of Quarmore (who married Alice H). 1704/6 Will of Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale, makes it clear that his “cozin” William, father of Easter, is deceased

f = Elizabeth PECOCK [5076] m 31 Jan 1697 Garstang St Helen to William H of Wyresdale, bur 30 Apr 1699 Garstang St Helen, wife of Wm of Wyersdale, died in child bed. [Note the possibility that this marriage was to William [899], generation (d). This would avoid the 2 generational mis-match at Richard of Sykes, but fits less well in other ways]

g Easter HATHORNTHWAITE [5077] c 16 Apr 1699 Garstang St Helen, dr William of Wyersdale, “wife died in child bed”. [Born or christened around Easter, presumably], d bfr 1731, when husband George remarried. Easter is mentioned as the only daughter in the 1702 Will of Wm of Wyresdale, so clearly this Wm was not the same as the one above who was alive in 1709. 1704/6 Will of Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale mentions Easter as daur. of his cousin Wm late of Netherwyresdale, decd

g = George JACKSON m 2 Dec 1724 Lancaster St Mary to “Esther”, both Wyresdale

h William JACKSON c 8 [Month?] 1725 Wyresdale Christ Church

e Nicholas HATHORNTHWAITE [1110] c not found. Alive 1659, when he inherited £5 from his father John. 1668: Supervisor of John of Heckmondwike’s Will, and described as Nicholas H of Heckmondwike, Taylor

Lawrence of Marshaw

e Lawrenceb1631 HATHORNTHWAITE [1111] [c 9 Mar 1630/1 Lancaster St Mary, s of John? His father John’s Will suggests Lawrence was one of the younger sons, and, specifically, younger than Edward] 1659: alive and inherited £5 in father’s Will. [d Burnhouse, Slaidburn, bur 24 Nov 1673 Slaidburn St Andrew?] [Or: d Wiresdale bur 10 Apr 1683 Lancaster St Mary ?] [Also see 1666 Will of Lawrence of Marshaw, witnessed by Edward, with Richard as Executor. Does this apply to this Lawrence, or to Lawrence son of Lawrence, also c1630 Lancaster St Mary? At one time I felt it was likely that it was this Lawrence, son of John, as (based on Dorothy Collins summary) it seemed that his known brothers appear as Witness and Executor. However, now I have seen the full text of the Will, it appears that the Executor was named as “my beloved cozin Richard the Younger of Tarnbrook”. So precisely which Lawrence’s Will it was is once again open to discussion The Will mentions “now wife” Elizabeth (suggesting a previous marriage) and daughter Dorothy. There appears to be no male heir, so perhaps any holdings in Marshaw went to his cozin Richard] 1664: Paid Hearth Tax on one Hearth in Wyresdale. 1666: not listed as a Hearth Tax payer in Wyresdale, so this fits with a 1666 death.

e = Elizabeth ANON [5134] m not found, d not found. 1666 Mentioned in husband Lawrence’s 1666 Will [Note: she may be a second wife]

f Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE 1666: Only child mentioned in father Lawrence’s Will [Could this be the Dorothy that married Henry Bleasdale in Chipping? I had her as a sister of Richard of Sykes, but perhaps she was in fact a first cousin or not closely related]

Edward of Dinkling Green

e Edwardb1622 HATHORNTHWAITE [802] b Tarnbrook. The third surviving son of John of Tarnbrook the Younger. [c 2 Jul 1622 Lancaster St Mary, f Johnis? It is conceivable that this C of E christening may not apply, and that a later birth date and unrecorded Catholic christening is a possibility, say, around 1633. However, this issue remains subject to further evidence] Inherited one quarter share in Tarnbrook and Marshaw in 1659 together with his brother John who died shortly afterwards in 1661. 1664 & 1666 Hearth Tax: No Edward features, suggesting he was not yet a householder, but, his father John having died in 1659, perhaps he was living with his elder brother Richard, who is listed in Tarnbrook with a single hearth. 1666: Witness of the Will of Lawrence Hathornthwaite of Marshay. At Tarnbrook in 1683 & 1686. In abt 1690, bought Moiety of the ancient Vaccary of Dinkling Green, Little Bowland, from Alexander Bleasdale, whose family had acquired it from the Duchy of Lancaster in abt 1600. d Dinkling Green Will of 1700, mentions wife Margaret and son Richard, bur 6 Dec 1700 Chipping St Bartholomew, as Edward H of Bolland.

[e =(1) Alice ANON? [m abt 1655? Commonwealth period weddings were before a Magistrate, and may not have been recorded in PRs] This possibility is suggested by the first born granddaughters below called Alice, which would normally be in honour of the maternal grandmother (although their great grandmother was also Alice, so the name might just have come from her). But Richard's Will shows that his wife was definitely Margaret at the time that he died. Note Lancaster burial record: 17 October 1690 Alis Hathornthwaite of Emets in Wyersdall. (Emets is between Tarnbrook and the Lower Lee)]

e =(2?) Margaret ANON [803] m abt 1691? At Chipping St Bartholomew? Alive in 1700. No sign of her burial, but the Chipping Register is very hard to read

f Elizabethb1663 HATHORNTHWAITE c 13 Dec 1663 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Edward

f Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE Minor in 1700. c? m "of Wiersdale" 1701 [Is Henry Bleasdale's wife a different Dorothy, or did the family move back to the Tarnbrook estate when father Edward died in Dec 1700?] d???

f = Henry BLEASDALE of Dinkling Green, m "of Chipping" 12 Aug 1701 Chipping St Bartholomew

Henry & Dorothy baptised several children from Dinkling Green at the Newton by Bowland Independent Chapel. [I have failed to record the dates and names of all but one of these, as at the time I was unaware of their significance. Snaith15 has the Chipping and Slaidburn baptisms below, which may not be contradictory given the 1702-1710 and 1710-1717 gaps in the Chipping sequence.] Whether Dorothy had nonconformist tendencies before she married Henry is an interesting question, hinting at the possible religious sympathies of her parents. There is a complete absence of baptismal records for all four of Edward's known children. It may be that Edward and Margaret were also members of an independent chapel. It would appear that the Newton Chapel records are exceptional, being personal to the minister, who took them with him when he left to go to Cheshire. Other independent chapels in the area appear to have left no early records, according to the Index at the Public Records Office, Kew. [Henry may have married before. Note Slaidburn burial: Elizabeth ux: Henrici Bleazdill de Sk, 20 May 1699]

g Alice BLEASDALE c 19 Jul 1702 Chipping d before Aug 1710

[g Possible christenings at Newton-by-Bowland Chapel?]

g Alice BLEASDALE c 15 Aug 1710 Chipping

g Mary BLEASDALE c 6 May 1712 Newton-by-Bowland Independent Chapel, daur of Henry BLEASDALE of Inkling Green

g Issabella BLEASDALE c 14 Nov 1714 Slaidburn St Andrew, f Henrici Bleazdale de Sk (coloni)

g Maria BLEASDALE c 2 Jun 1717 Slaidburn (father then Farmer of Sykes), bur 1 Sep 1717 Slaidburn St Andrew, f Henrici Bleazdale de Sk (agr:)

g Henry BLEASDALE c 2 Jan 1718 Chipping

g John BLEASDALE c 17 Aug 1721 Chipping

f Johnd1683 HATHORNTHWAITE [1112] c? d Tarnbrook, bur 1 May 1683 Lancaster St Mary, "son of Edward of Tarnbrook"

f Johnd1686 HATHORNTHWAITE [1113] c? d Tarnbrook, bur 1 Mar 1686 Lancaster St Mary, "son of Edward of Tarnbrook". [Note: these two infant burials suggest that Edward was on his Tarnbrook estate before he bought Dinkling Green in 1690. They also tend to confirm the fact that his father was John, as suggested by John’s Will.]

f Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [804] Minor in 1700, spinster of Dinkling Green on her marriage in 1717, c not found [RC or hard to find at Chipping?], bur not found

f = Francis COATE [805] of Staple Oak, m 30 Nov 1717 Slaidburn, husbandman of Staple Oak, [bur 18 Jun 1737 Slaidburn St Andrew, as Francis Coats of Swallowscars?] [There appear to be no early baptisms for children of Francis & Sarah at Slaidburn Parish Church. But there is one at Melling. It is not at all clear why they would go to Melling.]

g Alice COATE c 25 Oct 1719 Melling (Source: Snaith15)

g Missing children [are they at Melling?]

g Thomas COATE bur 3 Nov 1728 Slaidburn St Andrew, f Francisci Coate de Hf agr:

g John COATE c 10 Jan 1730/1 Slaidburn St Andrew, f. Fransess Coats de Hf [Highfield]

f Mary/Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [807] b abt 1690? c? Minor in 1700. m? d? [I am now a little unsure of my source for the name Mary. Probably it was the 1893 "History of Chipping". Edward’s 1700 Will mentions his wife Margaret and 3 unnamed daughters. Snaith15 has this daughter's name as Margaret, which would perhaps make better sense than Mary, if her mother was Margaret. However, sisters Dorothy and Sarah both make efforts to name their eldest daughters Alice, which would suggest Edward of Dinkling Green was married to an Alice. Perhaps Alice was a first wife.]

Richard of Sykes (abt 1686-1762)

For nearly 40 years, after the writing of "The Hathunuts" in around 1960, "Richard of Sykes" headed our family tree, "elder children missing", as no christenings could be found for him or his assumed elder children in Slaidburn. These christenings are still missing, but the discovery of Richard's Will and that of his father Edward has allowed us to fill in some of the gaps.

One possible and rather prosaic explanation for the missing christenings (and the one that I used to favour, but now I am not quite so sure) is that they took place at the Wyresdale or Whitewell Chapels, or at Chipping, and that these records have been badly kept and become illegible. Different investigators have searched many of the other plausible registers, including Slaidburn St Andrew, Chipping St Batholomew, Newton Independent Chapel, the Chapel of Whitewell , the Wyresdale Friends Meeting House and many churches up the Lune Valley, all apparently to no avail. There have been many more interesting theories put forward over the years to explain the absence: secret Catholic affiliations, Quakerism (though Quakers kept good records) and other early forms of non-conformity, and absence elsewhere. It is certainly true that prior to about 1730, all christenings of the children of Richard of Sykes and all but one of the children of his father Edward seem to be missing, (though a side branch of the family in Tarnbrook frequented the Quaker Meeting House in Wyresdale), and we catch a glimpse of the family mainly from Wills and burials. It is really quite hard to account for this phenomenon except in terms of adherence to the Old Religion. From recent detailed study of Wills, connection of John of Tarnbrook to the known Catholics of Catshaw also seems increasingly plausible, so it may be that this adds up to a consistent whole. So perhaps they did all repair on Sundays to Catshaw for a secret Mass or a christening in a back room. However, from 1730 onwards, Richard of Sykes and his descendants took a new direction and were steady supporters of the Church of England in the matter of christenings, till some took to the independent chapels in the early 1800s.

The epithet Richard of Sykes is really something of a misnomer. We have no evidence that he ever spent much time at Sykes, though he was married from there in 1715/6, which is how he first got this name which has survived subsequent evidence of his activities elsewhere.

Richard was almost certainly born at Tarnbrook on the farm which had been in the family at least since early in the 17th Century. We do not know exactly when, but detailed consideration of the naming patterns and dates of death of his two elder brothers, both John, who died in infancy, suggests that it must have been around 1686.

He was therefore a small boy just 4 years old when in 1690 his father Edward bought a half share of the ancient vaccary of Dinkling Green, Little Bowland, near Whitewell, from Alexander Bleasdale. We must assume that at that time he moved to Dinkling Green with his family and was about 14 when his father Edward died there in late 1700.

This must have precipitated a severe crisis in the family. Richard was the only surviving son and still too young to take on the responsibilities of head of the family. Nevertheless, though still a minor, he was made the co-executor of the Will, along with his mother Margaret. He was also the chief beneficiary, inheriting not only Dinkling Green, but also "lands and tenements in Wiersdale". These latter were not specified, but the phrase seems to imply more than one holding within Wyresdale. They certainly must have included property at Tarnbrook, as Richard later handed this on to his own son Richard, but it may also have included a holding at Marshaw which his father had also inherited. Conceivably there was also a holding at Emmetts, though the evidence for this is much vaguer.

It seems that at this point the bereaved family may have returned to Tarnbrook, possibly letting out Richard's portion of Dinkling Green to be farmed by the Bleasdale family. Nine months after her father's death, Richard's eldest sister Dorothy, "of Wiersdale", married Henry Bleasdale "of Chipping" at Chipping Church. Henry and Dorothy then produced a series of children at Dinkling Green.

Richard himself next makes an appearance at Sykes Farm in February 1715/6 when he was about 30 years old. It was from Sykes on St Valentine’s Day that he married, at Slaidburn Church, Jennet Parkinson, whose father William Parkinson farmed at Sykes and whose mother was Elizabeth (nee Haythornthwaite).

The eldest child Edward must have been born very soon afterwards. His baptism is one of the missing records, but when he died in Dec 1799, he was described as aged 84. William and Elizabeth followed, but again without baptismal records, so we do not know where Richard was at this period. However, in 1725, he popped up farming at Hareden, alongside the road to the Trough of Bowland, and remained there until at least 1739, when his last child Margaret died in infancy and was buried at Slaidburn.

How long he remained at Hareden we do not know. He probably went from there to Dinkling Green, a lease to the Bleasdales having perhaps come to an end, for in 1748, his eldest son Edward was married from Dinkling Green.

At some stage in his later years, Richard moved to Whitendale Farm, an establishment which appears to have been initially leased, and which was being run by his sons William, Thomas and John. He was here when his son Thomas died in 1759 at the age of 29. Here also in 1760, at the age of about 74, he wrote his Will. Even while this was being drafted, he was negotiating to buy more land. "Whereas", his Will says, "I have now Two Hundred Pounds lodged in a certain hand in order to pay for a certain parcel of lands now contracted for called Knot End purchased from Mr Thomas Gradwell and Mr Henry Haighton………I do hereby give the said two hundred pounds to my two sons [Edward and William] provided that they take the Title of the said estate betwixt them to be divided share and share alike…." Edward and William also took Dinkling Green Farm between them, but Richard inherited the long-held estate at Tarnbrook. The other children each received a sum of money.

Two and a half years later, in 1762, Richard died at Whitendale and was buried at Slaidburn Church. Jennet his wife lived on at Whitendale till she died in February 1764. She too was buried at Slaidburn Church, but no memorial either to her or to Richard appears to have survived there. Details on Richard and his children follow below.

f Richardb1686 HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1686 [Appointed Executor to his father's Will drawn up in 1700, but this does not necessarily imply he was over 21 at this time, as minors could be co-Executors and he was the only surviving son. If, as we think, his father Edward was son of John of Tarnbrook, the Naming Rule suggests that he was born after the first born John and before the death of the second infant John buried at Lancaster St Mary in 1686, "son of Edward of Tarnbrook".] m 14 Feb 1715/6 Slaidburn. Yeoman Farmer. At Sykes in the Trough of Bowland 1716. At Hareden 1725-1739. Near Whitewell (Dinkling Green ?) abt 1747- abt 1758? At Whitendale 1759-1762. Will dated 17 May 1760 (see Chapter 15) probated at Prerogative Court of York Nov 1762 . d Whitendale bur 3 Oct 1762 Slaidburn

f = Jennet PARKINSON b Sykes, c 15 Sep 1693 Slaidburn, daur of William PARKINSON [508] of Sykes & Elizabeth nee HATHORNTHWAITE [509] of Lancaster, m 7 Jul 1690 Lancaster St Mary, granddaur. of Thomas PARKINSON, g-granddaur. of William PARKINSON of Slaidburn. At Sykes in 1716. d Whitendale bur 26 Feb 1764 Slaidburn


Edward the Younger, of Higher Fence

Richard of Sykes' recently [2000] discovered eldest son and father of Richard of Whitendale. This is supported by dates which fit well, by the Naming Rule, and most conclusively by Edward's 1799 Will.

g Edwardb1716 HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1716 near Whitewell, Parish of Whalley, c not found [RC or hard to find at Chipping?], d Higher Fence, Little Bowland, bur 15 Dec 1799 Slaidburn "aged 84" Will dated 1799 gives Whitendale Farm and Knot End to son Richard and Dinkling Green to Robert. Note date stone at Dinkling Green Farm: H E:L 1774

g =(1) Lettis BRENNAND c 5 Mar 1721 Whitewell, Yorks, m 8 Jun 1748 Parish Church of Whalley (daur. of Robert BRENNAND and Mary MORRIS of Whitewell), bur 21 Jun 1789 Chipping St Bartholomew, wife of Edw. HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Bowland

g =(2) Dorothy WINDER m 10 Feb 1798 Lancaster St Mary, Widow of Wyersdale and Farmer Widower of Whitewell, [bur 6 Mar 1802 Wyresdale Christ Church age 83 (73?) as Dorothy Hathornthwaite of Lower Lee. Could this be her?]

h For descendants of Edward, see Chapter 5

William, Richard of Sykes' Second Son

Inherited half share in Dinkling Green Farm in his father's 1760 Will, but died apparently without heirs in 1764. His share appears to have gone to his elder brother Edward

g Williamb1720 HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1720, c not found (presumed RC or hard to find at Chipping), d Whitendale, bur 20 Jul 1764 Slaidburn. Died unmarried. No known descendants. Shared Dinkling Green with brother Edward in 1760 Will


Elizabeth, Richard of Sykes' only surviving daughter

g Elizabethb1722 HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1722, c not found (presumed RC or hard to find at Chipping), m 29 Dec 1747 Whalley, Lancs. [From IGI. Original Register entry not seen]

g = Christopher SUTTON Mentioned as "my son" in father-in-law's 1760 Will which gave him 2s 6d, suggesting his wife Elizabeth had already been provided for.

g Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE d Hareden, bur 16 Mar 1725 Slaidburn. Died in infancy


Thomas, Richard of Sykes' Third Son

Died before his father, and not named in his father's 1760 Will. No record of marriage or descendants. His baptism in 1730 seems to be the first C of E christening in this line of the family for over 100 years, suggesting that some factor, possibly the Papist Act of 1723 which imposed financial penalties on papists, may have caused Richard of Sykes, now a man of substance, to change his religious allegiance

g Thomasb1730 HATHORNTHWAITE b Hareden, c 12 June 1730 Slaidburn, d Whitendale bur 29 Sep 1759 Slaidburn. Unmarried. No known descendants ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Richard of Batrix, Richard of Sykes' Fourth Son

Richard of Batrix is perhaps a bit of a misnomer as he was there only briefly around the time of his marriage, but it was from his marriage record that some of us first knew him, and the name has stuck.

g Richardb1732 HATHORNTHWAITE b Hareden, c 30 Apr 1732 Slaidburn, d Birkett, bur 6 May 1795 Slaidburn. 1766: at Batrix. 1768: at Birkett. In father's 1760 Will, inherited the estate at Tarnbrook. Also, a chest with the letters "R H" on it, specifically mentioned in the Will. Could this be the same chest inherited in 1630 by c Richard HATHORNTHWAITE from his father John of Tarnbrook?

g = Hannah RUDD b Batrix, c 24 Dec 1732 Slaidburn. Hannah was youngest of 9 children, daur. of George RUDDE & Helen BRIGGE of Battrix, g-daur. of Thomas RUDDE of Battrix. m 11 Jun 1765 Slaidburn. Witness at marriage, John HAYTHORNTHWAITE (presumably his brother below), d Batrix bur 25 April 1810 Slaidburn

h For descendants of Richard of Batrix, see Chapter 6


John of Claughton Hall, Richard of Sykes' Fifth Son

g Johnb1734 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Hareden, c 8 Apr 1734 Slaidburn St Andrew, d 16 Mar 1819 at Claughton Hall nr Lancaster bur. Slaidburn, aged 84. No record of marriage or descendants found. However Richard (m 1780) and Ellen of Whitendale were also at Claughton Hall with him in 1812. Richard's son William (b1783) and grandsons James and Richard were also there or nearby at this time. [ Note that John HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Mitton m Frances WALKER of Whalley 21 Nov 1757 Clitheroe St Mary. This is a different John, one of the Catholic Stonyhurst family with connections to Catshaw Hall in Over Wyresdale. It has been suggested that it is this couple who are commemorated on the date stone at Little Catshaw, Over Wyresdale, H: J F 1763]


Robert of Hare Appletree, Richard of Sykes' Youngest Son

Modern descendants of this Robert live in the USA, using the name HAYTHORN

g Robertb1738 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Hareden, c 6 Aug 1738 Slaidburn St Andrew, m 4 Sep 1775 Slaidburn, "husbandman", in the presence of Robert Haythornwhite, W Slaiter. (Robert must have been the groom's nephew, then aged 22, who in 1780 married Ellen Mercer at Whitewell) d Whole Appletree, Parish of Lancaster, bur 25 June 1805 Slaidburn. [Note that the place of death is rendered Whole Appletree in the Slaidburn Register, but the usual name was Hare Appletree.]

g = Elizabeth SMITHSON bur 11 Apr 1823 Slaidburn

h For descendants of Robert and Elizabeth, see Chapter 7

g Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE d Hareden, bur 20 Feb 1738/9 Slaidburn St Andrew. Died in infancy. Last known child of Richard of Sykes.

Chapter 5

The Descendants of Edward of Higher Fence (~1716-1799)

For Edward's forbears, see Chapter 4

Edward of Higher Fence

g Edwardb1716 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [554] b abt 1716 near Whitewell, Parish of Whalley, c not found (presumed RC), d Higher Fence, Little Bowland, bur 15 Dec 1799 Slaidburn "aged 84". Will dated 1799 gives Whitendale Farm and Knot End to son Richard and Dinkling Green to Robert. Note date stone at Dinkling Green Farm: H E:L 1774

g =(1) Lettis BRENNAND c 5 Mar 1721 Whitewell, Yorks, m 8 Jun 1748 Parish Church of Whalley by Licence, "both of Whitewell", bur 21 Jun 1789 Chipping. (Daur. of Robert BRENNAND and Mary MORRIS of Whitewell, m 7 Jan 1715 Whalley)

g =(2) Dorothy WINDER m 10 Feb 1798 Lancaster St Mary, Widow of Wyersdale and Widowed Farmer of Whitewell, [bur 6 Mar 1802 Wyresdale Christ Church age 83 (73?) as Dorothy Hathornthwaite. Could this be her?]

First Child of Edward of Higher Fence

h Richardb1749 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 15 Oct 1749 Chapel of Whitewell, Parish of Whalley, bur 18 Jun 1753 Chipping St Bartholomew, son of Edward Hathornwaite

The Descendants of Robert of Dinkling Green (1753-1840)

This, the senior branch of the family, seemed at an earlier stage of our research to have rather petered out, but it now appears probable that it generated modern day descendants as part of the Tree of Richard & Frederick, previously an unconnected tree in Chapter 14. All four sons of Robert seem to have moved away from the family farm, three of them apparently moving to the Preston area. Perhaps they had another farm in that area. More likely they found other sorts of employment in the town. Major seems to have vanished to America in middle age where we have not tracked him down, his last UK trace being the christening of a daughter Maria born to a new wife in Ashton under Lyne in 1828. It is conceivable that Major left some descendants across the Atlantic, but none have been identified.

Robert's wife, Ellen, enjoyed considerable fame as a surgeon. According to the History of Chipping (published 1893) in a local print of the time it is stated that Ellen Haythornthwaite "is supposed to be one of the best surgeons in the country; she performed many amazing cures. Her charges are very moderate, twelve pence a week, if they come to her. The following bear testament to her skill; James Parker, "a fractured skull - his brain was bare;" Robert Parkinson, "a lame leg". She used to advertise in the Gentlemen's Magazine, but we have not yet managed to locate one of her advertisements. In 1788, a Catherine Hutton referred to seeing “in the newspaper” an advertisement of a noted surgeon Ellen Haythornthwaite……..

When Robert died at the ripe old age of 88, Dinkling Green Farm was bequeathed to the sons of the two daughters, and went out of the Haythornthwaite family after 150 years.

Second Child of Edward of Higher Fence, Robert of Dinkling Green

h Robertb1753 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [770] c 22 Jul 1753 Chapel of Whitewell, Parish of Whalley, m 10 Jan 1780 Whitewell by Licence. (Wit: Major MERCER, Robert SHAW) Inherited Dinkling Green from his father. d Dinkling Green within Little Bowland, bur 5 May 1841 Whitewell aged 88 reg Clitheroe. By his Will of 1840, Dinkling Green Farm passed out of the Haythornthwaite family to the sons of his two daughters Elizabeth & Lettice. 1780: Farmer of Bashall. 1807 Yorkshire Poll Book for Staincliffe Electoral District: Robert’s freehold property listed as “Bashalt”. 1810: Farmer of Bowland

h = Ellen MERCER c 12 Nov 1749 Great Mitton, daur Thomas MERCER, bur 31 Mar 1810 Mitton All Hallows.

This was Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE the renowned Surgeon.

First Child of Robert of Dinkling Green

i Edwardb1780 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 27 Dec 1780 Mitton All Hallows, married in 1812 in Leyland as "husbandman, bachelor of this parish". By the following year, though, it seems as though his farming activities had met with problems, as he was in Preston, described as a labourer. He inherited Talbot Tenement in Bashall Eaves in father's 1840 Will. [Talbot Tenement was no doubt close to Talbot Bridge, which is 0.5 miles NE of Bashall Eaves.] This seems to confirm therefore he was still alive in 1840 and not too far away, probably in Preston. I had always thought that it was something of a mystery why, as eldest son, he did not inherit Dinkling Green Farm, which sounds much the better property. However, the answer may have been that in later life he became blind. Certainly he was recorded as such in the 1851 Census. d abt Sep 1854 age 74 Broughton reg Preston. 1841 Census: Independent age 60 in Atkinson Street, Preston, not b in Lancs. 1842: Innkeeper. 1851 Census: Basket Maker (blind) at Church Hill, Broughton, nr Preston, age 70, b Mitton, Yorks. 1861 Census: not found, which tends to confirm the death record..

i = Elizabeth SPENCER [1115], b abt 1774 Preston, m 13 Nov 1812 Leyland, Lancs, "widow of this parish". There is a confusion of two similarly-aged first cousin Edwards, neither of whom seems to have married locally, and both of whom married an Elizabeth, (see also Edwardb1780 s of Richard of Whitendale several pages further down). However, that this is the correct marriage is now confirmed by the 1851 Census which shows that the Edward in Preston was born in Mitton, not Whitendale. "Betty" d abt Dec 1858 age 84 Broughton reg Preston. 1841 Census: age 60 with husband in Atkinson Street, Preston, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Basket Maker’s Wife at Broughton, age 76, b Preston. 1861 Census: not found.

j Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1116] c 18 Apr 1813 Preston St John, Lancs, mother "Betty"

j = George HELME [6257] m abt Mar 1843 Preston Reg Office

j Robertb1814 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [773] b 11 Sep 1814 Preston, c 1 Jan 1815 Preston St John, son of Edward, Labourer of Preston, & Betty, d abt Dec 1871 reg Preston aged 57, bur 7 Dec 1871 Preston St John, abode: Corry Street. 1841 Census: Tailor age 25 with parents in Atkinson Street, Preston. 1851 Census: Unmarried Tailor at Church Hill, Broughton, age 36, b Preston, deaf & dumb. 1861 Census: Married Tailor age 46 at 2 Pottery Hill, Preston, b Preston, deaf & dumb. no children present. 1871 Census: Tailor age 56 at Lancaster Road, Windy(?) Nook, Fulwood, Preston, b Preston, deaf & dumb. 1881 Census: Does not appear, tending to confirm the 1871 death record.

j = Ellen TATTERSALL (nee CROOK) [3190] b abt 1817 Liverpool, m abt Mar 1859 Preston Register Office (a widow), d abt Dec 1874 age 59 reg Preston 1861 Census: Married to Robert, age 44, b Liverpool. 1871 Census: Housewife age 51 at Lancaster Road, Fulwood, b Liverpool. No issue.

j Francisb1817 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 30 Mar 1817 Preston, c 20 Apr 1817 Preston St John, son of Edward, Labourer of preston, & Betty, m not found in IGI or St Caths, d abt Sep 1841 age 24 reg Preston, presumed unmarried. 1841 Census: Labourer age 20 with parents in Atkinson Street, Preston.

j Elizabethb1821 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2760] c 9 Aug 1821 Preston St John, daur of Edward and Elizabeth of Canal Street, Preston. 1841 Census: Unmarried Cotton Carder age 15 with parents in Atkinson Street, Preston. 1842: Spinster of Catforth, of full age, dr of Edward H, Innkeeper

j = Richard FLINTOFF m 16 Aug 1842 Woodplumpton St Anne, Ag Labourer Bachelor of Catforth, reg Preston.

Second Child of Robert of Dinkling Green

i Johnb1782 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 4 May 1782 Mitton All Hallows [Is it his initial J:I 1811 & 1828 on the date stones at Dinkling Green Farm? More likely this related to the HOWSON family who at one time occupied the other half of the ancient vaccary of Dinkling Green] d 1812 Preston, bur 29 Mar 1812 Mitton All Hallows, “Innkeeper of Preston”? Although it cannot be proved that this was him, it does seem plausible that this John was coming back to a family grave in Mitton church yard, where, indeed, his mother Ellen was buried just 2 years previously. Father Robert’s 1840 Will leaves 5 shillings to the (unnamed) Widow of my son John, so it is clear that he was dead in 1840. No children of John are mentioned. Unfortunately, there are no monumental inscriptions for the Hs buried at Mitton All Hallows, so it is hard to decide whether the 1812 burial is the correct one.

i = Mary ANON [SUMNER m 16 Aug 1802 Liverpool Holy Trinity?] , d not found

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7090] b 21 Sep 1804, c 16 Dec 1804 Preston St John, dr John and Mary, bur 8 Nov 1831 Mitton All Hallows, age 27, abode Preston

Third Child of Robert of Dinkling Green

This seems to be the one son of Robert who generated modern descendants.

i Richardb1784 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [776] c 29 Feb 1784 Chapel of Whitewell. Received £10 pa, but no land, in his father's 1840 Will. Therefore he was still alive (or thought to be alive) in 1840 and, unlike his brother Major, probably in the UK. It looks as though, like his elder brothers Edward and John, he went to the Preston area, and he may have had a farm there (at his son’s 1852 marriage, he is described as a (deceased) Farmer rather than an Agricultural Labourer) [d abt Sep 1847 reg Preston is now known not to fit, being for a 23 year old Mechanick, though it might fit his putative son Richard (see below); d abt Sep 1840 reg Preston is for a 50 year old Tanner [or does the Certificate say Farmer?]. This is slightly more plausible, but does not really tie in with his year of birth or his occupation stated in 1852 to be Farmer (deceased). This is an unresolved problem, because there seem to be no other suitable post 1840 death index records, yet his father’s 1840 Will seems to suggest he was alive in 1840]. 1851 Census: not found, but there is a widow Catherine age 68. 1852 Marriage of son William: Farmer (deceased). [But where was his farm? Was it at or near Dinkling Green, or did he have another farm nearer Preston? He baptised his first son Robert in Preston St John, but this might have been related to the home of his wife’s parents. Later children were not baptised at this church]

i = Catherine HOGHTON [2763] b abt 1783 Preston, m 7 May 1810 Preston St John (X) of this parish, d abt Mar 1858 age 75 reg Preston. 1841 Census: age 55 at Spring Gardens, Preston, apparently widowed, occupation illegible, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Widow, Housekeeper, age 68 at 14 Back Saul Street, Preston, b Preston. Is this her? It seems plausible given husband Richard’s death probably pre-1837. She is living with unmarried sons William & James. 1861 Census: not found, tending to confirm death record

j Robertb1811 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2764] b 19 Jan 1811, c 17 Feb 1811 Preston St John, d abt Sep 1849 age 39 reg Preston. This is the only child of Richard & Catherine H I have been able to find. 1841 Census: Married Cotton Carder age 30 in St Pancras, Marylebone, London. 1851 Census: not found

j = Mary ANON [2765] [This marriage would have been just too early to feature in the new system of civil registration which began in July 1837.] d abt Dec 1850 age 37 reg Preston. 1841 Census: age 30 with husband in St Pancras. 1851 Census: not found.

[k Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE Naming Rule suggests his existence, but no evidence has been found. 1841 Census: not with parents in St Pancras]

k Thomasb1836 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1836 London, m not found [d abt Mar 1869 age 34 reg Manchester is an out-of-area possibility, but perhaps more likely is d abt Mar 1855 reg Preston] 1841 Census: age 4 with parents in St Pancras, b Middlesex. 1851 Census: Lodger age 13 at 63 London Rd, Preston, b Middlesex, London, with siblings Mary Ann and the younger Robert below, but no parents. This seems to confirm this family group. Perhaps the children were just visiting Preston from London, but it seems likely that one or more of their parents had died either in London or in Preston. There are death records which support the idea that the children were recently orphaned in Preston. 1861 Census: not found, which may support the 1855 death record for Preston. [There are arguments for (and against) the idea that this Thomas was b1838 rather than b1836, but they seem to me to be finely balanced, so I will leave it provisionally as b1836]

k Robertb1837 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Jun 1837, c 23 Jul 1837 Old Church St Pancras, London, son of Robert and Mary HEYTHORNTHWAIGHT. d before 1845

k Mary Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2767] b 19 Apr 1839 reg St Saviour, c 4 Aug 1839 Old Church, St Pancras. 1841 Census: age 2 with parents in St Pancras, b Middlesex. 1851 Census: Lodger at 63 London Road, Preston, age 11, no parents present, b London. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Winder age 21 lodging with younger brother but no parents at 143 Church Street, Preston, b London. 1871 Census: Housewife aged 31 at 5 James Henry Street, Salford, b Paddington, Middlesex.

k = Alexander McWHINNIE b abt 1836 Manchester, m 12 may 1868 Preston St John, Engineer Bachelor age 31 of Portsea, to Weaver Spinster age 27 of New Hall Lane, father Robert H, Carder [not stated as “late”]. 1871 Census: Married Engine Fitter of Salford.

k Catherineb1841 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2768] b 5 Apr 1841 reg Pancras, c 19 Sep 1841 Old Church St Pancras, d abt Sep 1842 reg Pancras

k Catherineb1843 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2769] b 29 Jun 1843 reg Pancras, c 3 Sep 1843 Old Church St Pancras, d abt Dec 1847 reg Pancras

k Robertb1845 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2770] b 15 Oct 1845 reg Pancras., c 28 Dec 1845 Old Church St Pancras, d abt Mar 1873 age 26 reg Preston. 1851 Census: Lodger at 63 London Road, Preston, age 5, no parents present, b London. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Carder age 15 lodging with sister at 143 Church Street, Preston, b London, census index transcribed as THAYTHORNWAITE. 1867: Grinder Bachelor of Ribbleton Lane. 1871 Census: Married Mechanic Grinder, age 26 at 27 Goulborne Road, Preston, b London, Middlesex, transcribed as HAYTHOMTHWAITE.

k = Dorothy Anne MARSH [2771] b abt Mar 1848 Chorley, m(1) 17 Nov 1867 Preston St John, reg Preston, m(2) 20 May 1874 Preston St John to James WALKER age 24, d abt Sep 1884 age 36 reg Haslingden 1871 Census: Married Cotton Rover age 23 in Golbourne Street, Preston, b Chorley. 1881 Census: Married (to James PACKER, Tinplate Worker b Lancaster) age 33 at 6 Willows Yard, Accrington, b Chorley.

l Mary Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Nov 1868 reg Preston, c 18 Nov 1868 Preston St Luke, d abt Jun 1882 age 19 reg Preston. 1871 Census: age 2, b Preston. 1881 Census: Scholar age 13, Stepdaughter, at 6 Willows Yard, Accrington, b Preston. 1891 Census: not found.

l Eleanor HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3989] b abt Jun 1870 reg Preston, c 3 Jul 1870 Preston St John, dr of Robert, Grinder of Gordon Street, & Dorothy Ann. 1871 Census: age 9m, b Preston. 1881 Census: Scholar age 11, Stepdaughter, at 6 Willows Yard, Accrington, b Preston. 1891 Census: not found. 1901 Census: married age 30 with husband at 45 Plumrose Street, Accrington, b Preston

l = Benjamin CRABTREE [3990] b abt 1870 Acrrington, m abt Sep 1893 Hyndburn Register Office, reg Haslingden

l Sarah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6377] b abt Dec 1871 reg Preston, d abt Mar 1873 age reg Preston

k Ellenb1847 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2772] b 20 Dec 1847 reg Pancras, c 17 Sep 1848 Old Church St Pancras, London, d abt Jun 1850 age 2 reg Preston. 1851 Census: not with siblings in Preston.

j Richardb1814 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3991] b abt 1814, c not found, d 11 Jul 1837 age 23 at 17 Everton Gardens, Preston, reg Preston, Occupation: Mechanick, Cause of death: Dropsy, Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Cotton Weaver, in attendance during his illness [it seems that this was his sister, below; or just possibly she could have been his wife] . 1851 Census: not found

[j Henryb1818 HATHORNTHWAITE c 26 Apr 1818 Wyresdale Christ Church, s of Richd H & “Gifford” of Hare Apple Tree, in a joint ceremony with Robert H [2708] s of Richard & Molly of Hare Apple Tree, m not found, d not found. Could he fit here? Or is this OLPC record completely spurious? There are other possible speculative positions for this record]

j Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1821 Lancashire, m: several possibilities, or d abt Mar 1841 reg Preston??? [1841 Census: Cotton Weaver age 20 living with mother Catherine and brothers (in law?) William and James at Spring Gardens, Preston, b Lancs] [1871 Census: Ellen SMITH age 42, married to John SMITH, living at 2 Dickinson Street, Blackburn, b Grindleton, Yorks. Could this be her? Ages and county of birth do not agree well.]

The Tree of Richard and Frederick of Preston

This tree, previously unconnected in Chapter 14, now connects, on the balance of probabilities, with the main tree in this chapter, making Richard and Frederick descendants of John of Tarnbrook.

One of the difficulties in defining this tree is that the grandfather of the generation contacted by me (Richard & Frederick below) died young at about the time of the first world war, and his grandsons never knew him and have forgotten his name. Using the St Catherine's Index and censuses, I have attempted to fill in the gaps.

j Williamb1824 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3272] b abt 1824 Preston, d abt Mar 1899 age 75 reg Preston. 1841 Census: Grinder in a Cotton Card Room age 15, living with mother Catherine in Spring Gardens, Preston, no father present. 1851 Census: Unmarried Carder Cotton, age 27, living with widowed mother Catherine at 14 Back Saul St, Preston, b Preston. 1852 Marriage: Bachelor Card Master age 30 of 8 Hammonds Row, Preston, father Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE, (deceased), Farmer [Is it possible the farm was at Grindleton?]. 1861 Census: not found. 1871 Census: Widowed Cotton Overlooker age 47, b Preston, boarding at 2 Dickinson Street, Blackburn, home of Mrs. Ellen SMITH b Grindleton [could this Ellen be William’s sister Ellen?] 1881 Census: Cardroom Overlooker of 13 Bank Terrace, Livesey, Lancs., age 54, b Preston, married to Jane. 1891 Census: Married Card Overlooker age 65 of 81 Wilbraham Street, Preston, b Preston.

j =(1) Elizabeth FORREST nee PEDDER [3994] b abt 1821, daur of John PEDDER, Gardener, m 3 Oct 1852 Preston St Ignatius RC reg Preston, d abt Sep 1870 age 49 reg Blackburn . 1852 Marriage: Widowed Roving Frame Fenter(?) age 31 of 4 Brewery Street, Preston. 1861 Census: not found.

[k Any issue? The following look plausible, but are unproven

k Catherineb1854 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3997] b abt Sep 1854 reg Preston, d abt Mar 1856 age 1 reg Preston

k Catherineb1856 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1856 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1857 age 1 reg Preston?]

j =(2) Jane PARKER b abt 1839 Preston, m abt Dec 1871 reg Preston, d not found. 1881 Census: Married, age 42, with husband in Livesey, b Preston. 1891 Census: Married, with husband in Wilbraham Street, Preston, age 55, b Preston

k Josephb1873 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3274] b abt Jun 1873 reg Preston, m abt Jun 1903 reg Barrow in Furness, d abt Sep 1930 age 56 reg Barrow in Furness. 1881 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents in Livesey, b Preston. 1891 Census: not at home with parents. 1911 Census: Married Dock Labourer age 36 in Barrow in Furness, b Preston

k = Katie JACKSON [3458] b abt Mar 1885 reg Ormskirk, m abt Jun 1903 reg Barrow in Furness, d abt Dec 1939 age 55 Barrow reg Westmorland S. 1911 Census: age 26 in Barrow in Furness

l Alice Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5193] b abt Mar 1904 reg Barrow in Furness. 1911 Census: age 7 in Barrow in Furness

l = Anon SIMPSON m abt Mar 1930 reg Barrow in Furness

l Johnb1906 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5194] b abt Sep 1906 reg Barrow in Furness, d abt Dec 1907 age 1 reg Barrow in Furness

l Williamb1910 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5195] b abt Jun 1910 reg Barrow in Furness, m not found, d not found. 1911 Census: age 1 in Barrow in Furness

l Josephb1912 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1912 reg Barrow in Furness, m not found, d abt Mar 1951 age 38 reg Westmorland S

l Thomasb1915 Johnson HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 19 Jan 1915 reg Barrow in Furness, m not found, d abt Dec 1979 reg Lancaster

l Richardb1918 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1918 reg Barrow in Furness, d abt Dec 1918 age 0 reg Barrow in Furness

k Richardb1879 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3275] "d young about time of first world war. Wife married again to CARTER and had further children,"(family tradition). b abt Sep 1879 Livesey, reg Blackburn, d abt Jun 1913 Preston "age 34". 1881 Census: age 1 with parents in Livesey, b Livesey. 1891 Census: Scholar age 11 at 81 Wilbraham Street, Preston, b Cherry Tree. 1901 Census: Soap Works Labourer, age 21, boarding at 69 High St Preston with wife Elizabeth, b Blackburn, Lancs. 1911 Census: Married Labourer age 32 at 40 Everton Gardens, Preston, b Cherry Tree

k = Elizabeth COX [3276] b abt Dec 1880 reg Wirral, m abt Dec 1900 reg Blackburn. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Mill Rover with husband in Preston, b Thistleton, Lancs.. 1911 Census: Married age 30 with husband in Preston, b Birkenhead. [Note: St Cath's Index shows that abt Sep 1916 Preston St Paul, Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE married a Thomas CARTER , so the Index seems to confirm the story from family tradition.]

l Mary Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5895] b abt Sep 1901 reg Preston. 1911 Census: age 9 with parents in Everton Gardens, Preston, b Preston

l = Thomas FAIRCLOUGH m abt Dec 1921 reg Burnley

l Williamb1903 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3950] b abt Mar 1903 reg Preston. 1911 Census: age 8 with parents, b Preston

l James William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5897] b 2 Aug 1905 reg Preston, d abt Sep 1982 reg Bolton. 1911 Census: age 5 with parents, b Preston

l Josephb1908 ("Joe") Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3288] b 2 Jan 1908 Preston, d abt Jun 1975 reg Preston/SR, "aged 64". 1911 Census: age 3 with parents, b Preston

l = Margaret Eveline HODGSON m abt Jun 1936, reg Preston

m Johnb1937 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1937 reg Preston, d abt Jun 1937 age 0 reg Preston

m Josephb1938 Harold ("Harry") HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Aug 1938 Preston. 1998: of Fulwood, Preston

m = Pauline KEEFE m abt Mar 1963 reg Preston

m Dorothea HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1941 Preston

m = Frederick J FISHWICK m abt Sep 1961 reg Preston

m Johnb1944 A HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1944 Preston d abt Sep 1944 reg Preston age 0

l Frederick HAYTHORNTHWAITE b [3313] 14 Jun 1910 Preston, d abt Mar 1978 reg Preston/SR. 1911 Census: age 9m with parents, b Preston

l = Marjorie JONES [3314] b 5 Jan 1911, m abt Jun 1938 Preston St Paul, d Feb 1991 reg Preston/SR

m Frederick HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3316] b abt Dec 1938 Preston 2000: of Newton Av, Preston

m = Eileen PARKINSON [3317] m abt Sep 1961 Moor Park Methodist reg Preston

n Karen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3318] b abt Jun 1962 reg Amounderness

n = David John ZEE [3320] m abt Jul 1984 Fulwood Christ Church reg Preston/SR

n Paul HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1973 reg Amounderness

l Harold HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3321] b 2 Apr 1912 Preston, d abt Dec 1977 reg Preston/SR. Unmarried

l Amelia ["Polly"?] HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1914 Preston, d abt Jun 1915 Preston, age 0.

k Mary Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3323] b abt Sep 1880 Cherry Tree, Livesey, reg Blackburn. 1881 Census: age 7m with parents in Livesey, b Livesey. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents at 81 Wilbraham Street, Preston, b Cherry Tree. 1901 Census: Unmarried Servant girl age 20 in South Manchester, b Cherry Tree. 1911 Census: Widowed Weaver age 29 in Rockcliffe Street, Blackburn, b Blackburn

k = George JACKSON m abt Jun 1905 reg Chorlton, d abt Mar 1911 reg Chorlton

j Jamesb1826 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1826 Preston, d not found. 1841 Census: Stripper in Cotton Card Room, age 15, living with mother Catherine and siblings William and Ellen. 1851 Census: Unmarried Overlooker in Cotton Mill, age 25, at 14 Back Saul Street, Preston, with widowed mother Catherine. 1861 Census: not found.

……………………….End of Tree of Richard & Frederick………………………………………………..

Fourth Child of Robert of Dinkling Green

i Elizabethb1785 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 27 Nov 1785 Chapel of Whitewell, m 6 May 1810 Whitewell. 1840: Received £100 in father Robert’s Will, and described as wife of John BOURN.

i = John BOURN c 3 Oct 1784 Longridge, son of William BOURN

j Robert BOURN b Hothersall (nr Ribchester), c 12 May 1816 Longridge St Lawrence. 1841: Inherited half share in Dinkling Green farm from his grandfather Robert H

j Betty BOURN 1841: Inherited part share in Rakefoot from grandfather Robert H

j Nicholas BOURN b Hothersall, c 17 May 1818 Longridge St Lawrence

Fifth Child of Robert of Dinkling Green

i Majorb1788 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [779] b 22 Dec 1788 Dinkling Green, c 25 Dec 1788 Chapel of Whitewell. Father's 1840 Will left him £5 on condition that he returned from America. It appears that in 1840 he was alive and was, or was thought to be, in America. (L Marchand had a record of a Major Hathorn(thwaite) in America, but disregarded it as an "error".) The St Cath's Index has no UK death record, so it seems likely that he died in America. 19 Apr 1814: Witness at wedding of Ralph PARKINSON and (Major’s sister in law?) Elizabeth HOYLE at Chipping St Bartholomew

i = (1) Margaret ANON (HOYLE?) [780] b abt 1789, m not found [perhaps illegible at Chipping], bur 4 Oct 1829 Chipping age 40. [Note: OLPC gives date of death as 1829, but an earlier version of this record, source possibly Snaith, gives the year as 1825, which might make sense in view of Major’s apparent date of second marriage]

First Child of Major

j Robertb1809 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [781] b 22 Nov 1809 Dinkling Green, c 3 Dec 1809 Chapel of Whitewell, s of Major & Margaret, d abt Sep 1854 age 43 Oswaldtwistle reg Blackburn, bur 7 Jul 1854 Church Kirk St James, age 33 1840: Mentioned in grandfather Robert’s Will as son of Major. 1851 Census: Widowed Farm Servant at Osbaldeston Hall, age 41, b Little Bowland. His children were not with him. Theophilus, we know, was at Rakefoot with his great aunt Lettice. Major was Apprentice Painter lodging in Blackburn. John has not been found; perhaps he was dead.

j = Betty SMITH [2774] b abt 1811, m 31 Dec 1834 Blackburn St Mary, d abt Sep 1847 age 36 Mellor reg Blackburn, bur 8 Sep 1847 Salesbury (= Blackburn St Peter, Wilpshire?) age 36

k Majorb1836 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1836 Wilpshire, c not found, m abt Dec 1864 reg Blackburn Registry Office, d abt Dec 1910 reg Clitheroe, age 74. 1851 Census: Apprentice Painter age 15 lodging (separately from siblings) at 77 North Gate, Blackburn, b Wilpshire, rec as HATERWAITE. 1861 Census: Unmarried Journeyman Joiner age 25 at 69 Daisy Street, Blackburn, b Osbaldeston. 1871 Census: Married Joiner age 35 at Chapel Street, Livesey. 1881 Census: Carpenter & Joiner in Livesey, no children in household. 1891 Census: Carpenter & Joiner at 19 Penzance Street, Livesey, age 55 (married, but wife not at home). 1901 Census: Widowed Carpenter at 19 Penzance Street, Blackburn, age 65, b Wilpshire.

k = Alice WOOD b abt 1835 Oswaldtwistle, d abt Mar 1899 reg Blackburn "age 64". 1871 Census: Married Cotton Winder age 36 at Chapel Street, Livesey, b Blackburn. 1891 Census: Housewife age 56 staying with brother in law at 218/220 Moss Street, Blackburn, b Oswaldtwistle.

[j Elizabethb1839 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1839 reg Blackburn, d Mar 1843 age 3yrs 3m, reg Blackburn, bur 29 Mar 1843 Blackburn St Peter, Wilpshire. Just possibly a dr of Jabez, but perhaps fits better here because of the St Peter location]

[k Robertb1841 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1841 Bowland Forest, c not found, m not found, d not found. 1871 Census: Married Inn Keeper age 30 visitor at Woodhouse Hall, Slaidburn, b Bowland Forest. Could this unidentified character possibly fit in here? This now looks more likely, given the recent identification of Johnb1841 as son of William H and Jane NELSON]

k Theophilus HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2777] b 30 Jun 1845 Oxenden, Osbaldeston, reg Blackburn, c 7 Sep 1845 Mellor Brook, d 9 Apr 1864 age 18, 69 Daisy St, Blackburn. 1851 Census: at Rakefoot, Chaigley, age 5, with his widowed great aunt Lettice WALKER (nee HAYTHORNTHWAITE), see below. Presumably this was because his mother Betty had died 3 years before. 1861 Census: Joiner’s Apprentice age 14 at 69 Daisy Street, Blackburn, b Osbaldeston

[Another Child of Major?

j Richardb1811 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3998] b abt 1811 Slaidburn. 1851 Census: Married Labourer-Excavator age 40 lodging in a pub in Bolton, b Slaidburn (wife not present and not identified elsewhere). Could this unidentified census character fit in here as another child of Major? He would more likely have described his place of birth as Bowland, but it is just possible. So far he has not turned up on any other census, or in a plausible death record. However, he did not receive anything in his grand father Robert’s 1841 Will, unlike his two putative brothers, so perhaps he does not fit here. But who was he?]

Second Child of Major

Johnb1812 seems to have had a rather tragic life, with both his first (only?) wife and eldest (only?) son dying young. Otherwise he is bit of a mystery, as he does not appear in any of the censuses 1851-71. Presumably his name was mangled beyond the capability of search engines, or just possibly he went to sea, joined the Army, or had a long spell abroad. Or maybe he was in and out of gaol or the workhouse. In 1881 he appears as a domestic servant in Thornley cum Wheatley, and in 1891 he is living out his days in the Clitheroe Workhouse, where he died shortly afterwards.

j Johnb1812 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [784] b 18 Jan 1812 Dinkling Green, c 16 Feb 1812 Chapel of

Whitewell, m 1 Jul 1840 Whitewell "of Whitewell", reg Clitheroe, [d 4 Aug 1891 Clitheroe Workhouse, Farm Labourer of Aighton, Bailey and Chaigley, age 76, reg Clitheroe? This certainly seems to be the John in the 1881 & 1891 Censuses] 1840: Mentioned in grandfather Robert’s Will as one of two sons of Major. 1841 Census: “M.S.” [Man Servant?] age 25 at Burholme, Bowland Forest Lower Division, not born in Yorks. 1851-1871 Censuses: not yet found. 1871 Census: not at Elliots, Thornley, where he was in 1881. [1861 Census: Labourer age 50, married to Sarah age 52, with children aged 18-22, at 20 Porter Street, Manchester, b Whalley, rec as HAYTHORN. Is this him? It’s a long shot, and Sarah must have brought the 20 and 22 year old children to the marriage. But note that Dinkling Green is in a detached part of the ecclesiastical parish of Whalley, though the Enumerator may have been referring to Whalley Range, Manchester. Just possibly, also, this chap is a brother to Jabez, whose family lived in Read, parish of Whalley and had a habit of periodically truncating their name to HAYTHORN] [1881 Census: Farm servant (indoor), widower, age 66, b Bowland, living at Elliots, Thornley Cum Wheatley, Lancs., with the SHEPHERD family. Could this be him? Age is not quite right, but place of birth is correct and domicile is plausible. There seem to be no other candidates.] [1891 Census: Widowed Farm Labourer age 86 at the Workhouse, Clitheroe, b Bowland Forest. Note that this age differs from the Death Cert issued in Aug 1891] Bereaved aged 29 after only 18 months of marriage, and with two young children to look after, one would have thought that John would have married again fairly quickly, as many did. However, there is no unambiguous sign that he found a new wife, and it looks as though Allan (and Robert?) may have been brought up by relatives. It is an unresolved question as to why John has not been found in any but the 1881 and 1891 Censuses. Was he in the Army, or in the Workhouse, or even in gaol?

j = Jennet CARR [786] c 28 May 1820 Slaidburn as Jinnet, daur of Allan & Mary CARR, Whitendale, Farmer, m 1 July 1840 Whitewell, "of Whitewell", daughter of Allan CARR, Farmer, and Mary, of Browsholme [Is this the correct marriage? The relevant Allan & Mary CARR were at Whitendale rather than Browsholme both earlier and later. Perhaps they just had more than one farm.], d 24 Dec 1841 Whitendale age 21 reg Clitheroe as Jennet HAYTHORNTHWAITE, bur 27 Dec 1841 Slaidburn as Jennet CARR, Whitendale, 21. [There is an unresolved question here as to why she was buried under her maiden name. Was she in fact never married? Had her husband already died or run off and left her? It would seem unlikely that he was there at her funeral] 1841 Census: Married age 20 at Burholme, Bowland Forest Lower Division, Yorks. 1851 Census: Allan CARR is living at Whitendale Farm, with his 11 year old grandson Allan HAYTHORNTHWAITE visiting.

k Allanb1840 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2005] b 4 Dec 1840 Whitendale, Bowland Forest, reg Clitheroe, d 2 Jul 1875 Winter's Farm, Uplyme, Devon, age 34, reg Axminster. 1841 Census: age 4m with parents at Burholme. 1851 Census: Visitor age 11 at Whitendale Farm, house of his grandfather Allan CARR. 1861 Census: Unmarried Shepherd age 20, b Slaidburn, at Whitendale Farm, working for his grandfather, Allan CARR, age 71, farmer of 700 acres. 1871 Census: Married Landlord Licensed Victualler age 31 at the Freeholders Arms, Ullswater Road, Lancaster, b Whitendale, no children present. [What took him to an early death in Axminster? His widow married very quickly afterwards.]

k = Martha MARSDEN b abt Mar 1838 Sykes, reg Clitheroe, m abt Sep 1869 reg Lancaster. 1871 Census: married, age 32, at Freeholders Arms, b Sykes, m(2) abt Dec 1875 reg Axminster. 1881 Census: Housewife age 37 (she has understated her age; she was really 42!), b Slaidburn, married to Henry HOARE, age 32, Farmer of 92 acres at Harcomb Valley, Uplyme, no children present.

Mystery Individual at Slaidburn in 1871

Is this a younger or older brother of Allan above? Based on the Naming Rule, Allan should have been the second son of the marriage. The eldest son should have been called after his paternal grandfather, but he bore the rather strange name Major, so it conceivable that the parents might have preferred to hark back to the paternal great grandfather Robert who died in May 1841 age 88. An alternative possibility is that this Robert is a previously unknown grandson of William of Higher Wood House.

[k Robertb1841 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1836 or 1841(?) [Whitendale? Batrix?] Bowland Forest, [b 24 Oct 1841 Woodplumpton reg Preston is for an illegitimate son of Jane H of Woodplumpton, no street address, maiden or father’s name given, so it seems a bit unlikely it is him. This seems to leave only the possibility he was b Bowland pre-1837 but not christened at Slaidburn, or maybe he was born a CARR], [d abt Dec 1882 age 46 reg Lancaster, rec as HAW-?? It now appears that it is much more likely that this was Robertb1837, a Whitesmith of Lancaster] 1851-1861 Censuses: not found. 1871 Census: Married Innkeeper age 30, b Bowland Forest, visitor at Woodhouse Hall, Slaidburn. Could he have been an innkeeper with his putative brother Allan above? 1881 Census: not found.

k = Anon ANON m ot found. 1871 Census: not found. She was not at the Freeholder’s Arms, Lancaster, with Allan and Martha.]

Third Child of Major

j Mary Hoyle HAYTHORNTHWAITE [785] c 7 Nov 1813 Chapel of Whitewell, dr of Major H & Margaret, of "Fenicwood" (=Fencewood?) in Bowland, Farmer. 1840: Mentioned as grand-daughter Mary, wife of Richard LANGTON, in grandfather Robert’s Will

k Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 7 Sep 1828 Whitewell St Michael, illeg dr of Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE Spinster of Dinkling Green

j = Richard LANGTON m not found

Second Wife of Major

i = (2) Jane ANON [No marriage found. Possibly d abt Mar 1884 Fylde age 82, in which case she did not go to USA with Major.]

Fourth and Last Known Child of Major

j Maria HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1336] c 19 Oct 1828 Ashton under Lyne St Michael, Lancs, dr of Major and Jane [1851 Census: not found. However, between 1828 and 1840, Major crossed the Atlantic, so, if Maria survived, it is likely she went with him. Or perhaps she was left behind with her mother.]

Sixth & Last Child of Robert of Dinkling Green

i Letticeb1790 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Jan 1790, c 17 Jan 1790 Chapel of Whitewell, dr of Robert & Ellen, d 1 Oct 1860 Rakefoot, bur Mytton. 1840: Inherited a share of Rakefoot in father Robert’s Will, and described as widow of Richard WALKER. 1851 Census: at Rakefoot, Chaigley, widow age 60, farmer of 40 acres, no labour employed, b Little Bowland, Lancs. Also at Rakefoot in 1851 was a "lodger", five year old orphaned great nephew Theophilus HAWTHORNTHWAITE (sic), see above

i =Richard WALKER of Pendleton, Lancs, m 28 Nov 1821 Whitewell, d bfr 1840.

j Robert WALKER c 17 Feb 1822 Whitewell, Little Bowland, d 25 Dec 1899 Fence Wood. Unmarried. 1841: Received half share in Dinkling Green on death of his grandfather Robert H. 1851 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Son age 28 at Rakefoot, b Little Bowland. (Why was he not farming Dinkling Green?) 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer age 38 at Rakefoot, b Little Bowland. 1871 Census: not found. 1881 Census: Farm Servant Indoor age 60 at Fair Oak Farm, Chaigley, b Little Bowland

j Richard WALKER c 29 Aug 1824 Whitewell, d 25 Apr 1904 Little Daub Hall, Chipping age 77. 1851 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Son age 26 at Rakefoot, b Salesbury, Lancs

j = Eleanora DILWORTH b 1836 Goosnargh

Richard of Whitendale and his Descendants

This branch of the family generated many distinguished members of the clerical and medical professions. It is cross-linked to the rest of the tree via Grace Haythornthwaite and her daughter Ann Parker, who married the Rev Richard Haythornthwaite, Vicar of Cleator Moor, Cumbria.

Third Child of Edward of Higher Fence: “Richard of Whitendale”

h Richardb1755 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [558] c 20 Jul 1755 Chapel of Whitewell [Snaith15 says 1754], m 12 Jun 1780 Slaidburn, of Whitendale. In 1799 inherited Whitendale Farm and Knot End from father Edward. In 1806 at Claughton Hall, when Robert & William, his sons, were witnesses at a Claughton wedding. In 1812 at Claughton Hall with aged bachelor uncle John HAYTHORNTHWAITE. d Mill bur 16 Feb 1825 Slaidburn "aged 69". Note: there appears to be no "Mill" near Slaidburn on modern maps, but at one time on the edge of Slaidburn on the Croasdale Beck between Tenter Hill and Shay Wood, there used to be a fulling mill and perhaps this was the location. It is very near Phynnis where his wife Ellen died 8 years later. There is also a "Mill Houses" not too far from Claughton and about 2 miles from Greenhead, Low Bentham, where his second son William died. Richard signed the Claughton Bishop's Transcripts as Churchwarden every year 1810-1819, so it was perhaps in 1819 that he moved away from Claughton Hall.

h = Ellen PARKINSON [678] b Brennand, c 20 Oct 1754 Slaidburn, daughter of William PARKINSON and Elizabeth (nee DODGSON) of Brennand [m 16 May 1754 Slaidburn], d Phynnis, Slaidburn, bur 21 Jun 1833 Slaidburn "aged 79".

The Liverpool & Bentham Branch

Several members of the family found their way to Liverpool, where they busied themselves with various enterprises around the docks. Consecutive issues of Gore's Directory for Liverpool, 1829-1851, show two James's, a Richard and two Williams at various times as Warehouseman, Porter & Victualler, Cart Owner and Wine & Spirit Dealer. It is rather hard to sort them all out, but it is likely that the two James's were the one below and his uncle, Richard was his younger brother and William the Porter was his father. (Note: the 1851 Census suggests that William the Wine & Spirit Dealer was born in Preston, and was from a different, and possibly Roman Catholic, branch of the family.) It seems William’s elder brother Edward was also in Liverpool as a Corn Dealer, but he does not appear in the 1829 Directory suggesting that perhaps he had retired early – he was apparently still alive, as he was buried at Christ Church in 1833. Mercers Court, where the James below lived, was right by Canning Dock, but has recently been demolished. In 1842, having apparently made some money, the younger James invested in a farm, Greenhead, at Bentham. In 1849 the elder James died, and the younger went to live on the Greenhead property bought 7 years earlier, together with his family. William stayed on in Liverpool for a while, and then some time after 1851 moved to Bentham to live at Greenhead until he died in 1865.

First child of Richard of Whitendale

i Edwardb1780 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [788] b Whitendale, c 13 Sep 1780 Slaidburn, bur 25 Aug 1833 Christ Church, Hunter St, Liverpool, age 52, abode Old Hall Street. It seems he went to Liverpool before his younger brother William and became a Corn Dealer. It sounds as though he may have been quite prosperous, but he was unlucky in his marriages. He married twice, but his wives died young and failed to produce surviving heirs, so perhaps his money went to his younger brother William or nephew James. 1821 marriage: Widowed Corn Dealer of St Paul’s Square, Liverpool. Gore’s Directory 1827: Warehouseman of 16 Redcross Street, Liverpool

i =(1) Elizabeth BOARDMAN b 14 Aug 1782, c 8 Sep 1782 Saint Mary the Virgin, West Derby, as "Betty", daur of Wm. and Mary Boardman, m 28 Jul 1806 Liverpool St Peter, bur 11 Jan 1813 Christ Church, Hunter St, Liverpool, as “Bessey”, wife of Edward Haythornthwaite, abode Pauls Square. No issue found.

i =(2) Penelope WHEELWRIGHT c 5 Nov 1786 Workington St Michael, daur of Benjamin & Mary WHEELWRIGHT, m 10 May 1821 Workington St Michael, Cumberland, by licence, to Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE, widowed Corn Dealer of St Paul’s Square, Liverpool (from Pallot’s Marriage Index; this index relates to marriage licences applied for in the London area, but why Edward chose to make an “out of area” application is not known.), bur 6 Dec 1833 Christ Church, Hunter Street, Liverpool, age 48, abode Old Hall Street

j Edwardb1823 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 30 Nov 1823 Liverpool St Peter, son of Edward Haythornthwaite, Warehouse Man of Lawrence Street, and Penelope, in a joint ceremony with first cousin Ellen, dr of James & Jane [note that father’s occupation and abode do not agree with marriage information, but it must be him], bur 10 Sep 1825 Christ Church, Hunter St, Liverpool, s of Edward H & Penelope, age 22m, abode Redcross Street

j Edwardb1829 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 16 Sep 1829 Liverpool St Peter, son of Edward and Penelope, bur 18 Sep 1829 Christ Church, Hunter St, Liverpool,son of Edward and Penelope, age 1 day, abode Old Hall Street. 1851 Census: not found

j I have found no other children for Edward and Penelope.

Second Child of Richard of Whitendale

i Letticeb1782 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [789] b Bolland, c 13 Jan 1782 Whitewell, [this seems to be a rare violation of the Naming Rule for an eldest daughter. She should really have been called after Ellen Parkinson's mother, Elizabeth], m 27 Dec 1804 Slaidburn, d 21 May 1865 Twistleton Hall, Ingleton age 84. 1841 Census: age 60 with husband and family at Wray with Botton, Lancs, not b Lancs. [1841 Census: age 60 at Phynnis, Slaidburn, b Yorks, living with (visiting?) household of son Richard DOWNHAM age 33, and wife Lucy DOWNHAM; husband John DOWNHAM not present. Is this another Lettice DOWNHAM, or was she recorded twice?] 1851 Census: Married age 70 at Twistleton Hall, Ingleton, b Bolland.. Her nephew, William HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Coal Miner, age 34, b Lancaster, was a visitor at Twistleton Hall on Census Day. This is “William the Miner”, who 3 years later emigrated to Australia and took up gold mining, founding the First Australian Branch of the HAYTHORNTHWAITEs. 1861 Census: Widowed Farmer of 150 acres age 78 at Twistleton Hall, Ingleton, b Slaidburn

i = John DOWNHAM c 24 Feb 1769 Slaidburn (son of William DOWNHAM of Woodhouse Yeat and Anne CLAPHAM, m 23 Apr 1766 Slaidburn), d 27 Jul 1854 Ingleton age 87. Witness at 1810 Tatham wedding of brother-in-law John Haythornthwaite (b1786). 1851 Census: Married Farmer, age 83, of 160 acres at Twistleton Hall, Ingleton, b Slaidburn.

j 11 children christened at Slaidburn church


Third Child of Richard of Whitendale

At one time, it was thought that Williamb1783 moved to Liverpool around 1816 where he had a son Thomas. However, it now appears that Thomas came from another part of the family altogether, probably son of Miles, Cooper of Lancaster. There seems no hard evidence that William moved to Liverpool until he was widowed and we have now what appears to be Ann SKIRROW’s death at Bulk, nr Lancaster, in 1830. It is probable that this William & Ann were the mysterious William & Ann who were at Lentworth and Meeting Lane in Over Wyresdale and who have not yet been positively identified

i Williamb1783 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [676] b Whitendale, c 4 May 1783 Slaidburn, d Greenhead , Bentham, bur 8 Oct 1865 Melling St Wilfrid age 83, reg Settle. 1841 Census: with his son James and his family, at Mercers Court, near Canning Dock, working as a warehouseman, apparently a widow. 1851 Census: Corn Porter , widowed, age 60, living as a lodger at 2 Hewits(?) Place in district of St Pauls & Exchange, b Forest of Bowland. 1861 Census: Widower aged 77 at Greenhead with son James and Nanny, b Whitingdale

[j Barbara Haythornthwaite DOBSON c 31 May 1807 Whitewell St Michael, as Barbery Haythornthwaite, “dr of William Haythornthwaite, the reputed father, and Margaret Dobson, abode Tunstall”. It is not proven that this particular William [676] was the father, but circumstantial evidence points in that direction. 1841 Census: Married age 30 at Hill Beck, Barnacre, b Lancs. 1871 Census: Married age 63 at Till’s Farm, Over Wyresdale, b Bowland

k Felix Haythornthwaite DOBSON b abt 1829 Abbeystead, c not found, d abt Sep 1916 Broughton age 87. 1841 Census: age 12 at Hill Beck, Barnacre with mother and step father. 1901 Census: Married age 72 at Willow Farm, Fulwood, Preston, b Abbeystead

k = (1) Jane SALISBURY m 7 Mar 1852 Preston St John, Warper Spinster age 28 & Joiner Bachelor age 23

k = (2) Anne NUTTALL m 2 Sep 1865 Park Street Wesleyan Methodist, Bolton

j = James HEYS b abt 1814 Claughton, c 3 Jul 1814 Bleasdale St Eadmer, s of William HEYS, Farmer of Claughton, and Nancy, m 20 Mar 1841 Lancaster St Mary, Farmer Bachelor of Bleasdale & Barbara Haythornthwaite DOBSON, Full Age Spinster of Wyresdale. 1871 Census: Married age 57 at Till’s Farm, Over Wyresdale, b Claughton

k George Washington HEYS c 14 Jun 1846 Garstang St Thomas, s of James HEYS & Barbara]

i = Ann SKIRROW [677] b abt 1787, m 3 Nov 1808 Lancaster St Mary, Husbandman of Whitendale age 25 and Spinster of Lancaster age 21, bur 19 Feb 1830 Melling St Wilfrid as Ann H of Bulk age 42. 1841 Census: does not appear with husband in Liverpool

First Child of William & Ann SKIRROW

This first child, discovered only in 2012, shows that William & Ann did after all strictly follow the Naming Rule, which they had previously appeared to have ignored.

j Richardb1809 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7590] d 3 Apr 1809, bur 7 Apr 1809 Melling St Wilfrid, as Richd. HARTHONWITE, infant son of Wm HARTHONWITE, Husbandman of Claughton, & Ann

James of Greenhead, Second Child of William & Ann SKIRROW

This James set about entrepreneurial activities in Liverpool with great energy, but not always with financial success. In 1838 he became insolvent, the court papers describing him as Cart Owner, Cowkeeper, Master Porter formerly of Redcross Street, and after wards of Sea Brow, Liverpool, Victualler and Boarding and Lodging-Housekeeper for Seamen. He seems to have recovered from this set-back, and in 1842 bought a farmhouse and 46 acres at Greenhead, Bentham, to which the family shortly removed.

j Jamesb1810 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [559] c 9 Sep 1810 Claughton nr Lancaster, d 13 Apr 1876 Greenhead, bur Low Bentham, reg Settle. 1841 Census: Married Warehouseman age 30 at 14 Mercers Court, Liverpool. In 1842, advertised 46 acres at Greenhead to let. 1851 Census: Farmer of 46 Acres (1 man) at Greenhead, Bentham, age 40, b Claughton. 1861 Census: Married Farmer of 63 acres at 1 Greenhead, age 50, b Claughton. 1871 Census: Married Farmer and Landowner of 48 acres, age 60, at Greenhead, b Claughton.

j = Nanny FOXCROFT b 11 Mar 1810 Hornby, c 8 Apr 1810 Tatham, dr of Richard & Ellen FOXCROFT, m 24 Dec 1832 Heysham St Peter, m by Licence, groom of Liverpool, bride of this parish, d 25 Dec 1876 Greenhead aged 66, bur Low Bentham, re Settle 1851 Census: Housewife age 41 at Greenhead, b Wennington. 1861 Census: Housewife age 51 at Greenhead, b Wennington. 1871 Census: Housewife at Greenhead, age 61, b Wennington. Her widowed father Richard is there, described as a Retired Gardener age 85.

k Ann Skirrow HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 7 Jul 1836 Liverpool St Peter, d 20 Aug 1837 at Mercers Court, Redcross St, Liverpool age 14 months

k Rev Richardb1838 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [257] c 29 Jul 1838 Liverpool St Peter, m 19 Oct 1859 Low Bentham, reg Settle, d 3 Oct 1908 Cleator Moor, reg Whitehaven, bur Low Bentham, funeral conducted by son Rev James and son-in-law Rev William THWAITES. Worked as a joiner, then in 1865 attended St Aidan's Training College, Birkenhead and was ordained deacon in 1867. Vicar of Cleator Moor, Cumberland, 1878-1908. In 1887 bought for £600 West End farmhouse and some surrounding land, next door to Greenhead. In 2000, Deed was held by Betty Armstrong of Greenberfield, Low Bentham. 1851 Census: Scholar age 12 at Greenhead, b Liverpool. 1861 Census: Married Master Joiner age 22 at Low Bentham, b Liverpool. 1871 Census: Curate at St Paul’s, Silloth, Cumberland, age 33, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: Clerk in Holy Orders at the Vicarage, Cleator Moor, age 43, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: Married Clerk in Holy Orders age 53 at the Vicarage, Cleator Moor, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Clerk in Holy Orders at Cleator, Cumberland, age 63, b Liverpool

k = Ann PARKER [250], daur of Grace Haythornthwaite, daur. of (k)William HAYTHORNTHWAITE(b1773) of Higher Wood House, Slaidburn (see Chapter 6), making this a marriage between third cousins once removed: (did they know that?!). b 16 Mar 1837 Clapham, c 15 Apr 1837 Clapham, d 18 Feb 1923 Cleator Moor age 83, reg Whitehaven. On her death, West End Farm (and Greenhead land?) was sold off and went out of the Haythornthwaite family. 1861 Census: Married at Low Bentham, age 24, b Bentham. 1891 Census: Vicar’s Wife age 54 at Cleator Moor, b Clapham. 1901 Census: at Cleator, age 64, b Clapham. 1911 Census: Widow of private means, age 74, b Clapham, living with unmarried daughter Edith Elizabeth in Cleator Moor

l Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [446] b 28 Feb 1860 Low Bentham, reg Settle, m 4 July 1882 Cleator Moor by Revd Edward H, her uncle, Vicar of Felling. d 16 Dec 1948 Keswick. 1861 Census: age 1 at Low Bentham. 1871 Census: Scholar age 11 at Holme Low, Silloth, b Bentham. 1881 Census: age 21 at Cleator Moor.

l = Rev William THWAITES For 30 years Rector of St Mary's, Egremont, Cumbria

m Dorothy THWAITES b 1888

m = William Bowness HETHERINGTON Gas Engineer m 1920 No issue

l Rev John Parker HAYTHORNTHWAITE [260] b 22 May 1862 Low Bentham, reg Settle, d 2 Aug 1928 King's Langley, age 66 reg Hemel Hempstead. 1871 Census: Scholar age 8 at Holme Low, Silloth, b Bentham. Abt 1876: at Sedbergh School. 1881 Census: at St John's College, Cambridge. BA 1883. Crockford's Clerical Directory 1888: Curate at St Luke's, Barrow in Furness. 1890-1911: Principal of St John's College, Agra, India. 1894-1914: Fellow of Allahabad University. 1911-16: CMS Metrop. Sec. for London & Southwark. 1916-1928: Vicar of Kings Langley.

l = Dr Izset MEAD [266] b 19 Oct 1859, m 9 May 1892 St Paul's, Agra, India, a marriage of two missionaries. d 24 Nov 1946 Kings Langley age 87 reg Hemel Hempstead.

m Rycharde Mead HAYTHORNTHWAITE [560] b 4 Jan 1894 Agra. At Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, but left to enlist. 2nd Lieutenant, The Buffs, (East Kent Regiment). Killed 24 May 1915, Second Battle of Ypres. Name on Menin Gate

m Hilda May HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Feb 1895 Agra. Surgeon and Medical Missionary in Kagal, d 21 Jul 1978 reg Bournemouth

m Grace Parker HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Jun 1897 Agra, United Provinces, India, m 20 Apr 1921, All Saints, King's Langley, d King's Langley 15 Jan 1968. Dropped the name "Parker" on marriage. 1911 Census: Pupil age 13 at St Helens School, Eastbury, Northwood, b Agra

m = Reginald FISHER b King's Langley 2 Apr 1884 d King's Langley 17 Dec 1966. At Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Medical Practitioner.

n James Frederick FISHER b King's Langley 9 Feb 1922, m 8 Jul 1950 Holy Trinity Church, Northwood, Middx. At Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Medical Practitioner & Family Historian

n = Rosemary STERLING-HILL b 30 Jun 1926 Watford, Herts.

o Adrian (Roger) FISHER b Bournemouth 5 Aug 1951 Maze Designer 2001: at Portsmouth

o =(1) Dorothy Jane LEWIS (nee POLLARD) b Harrow 23 Oct 1946. m 10 Jun 1975 Bournemouth Registry Office. Div. 1995

p Felicity Grace FISHER b St Albans 4 Jun 1976

p Katherine Clare FISHER b Welwyn Garden City 19 Dec 1978

p = Mark Alan PICKLES b 30 Oct 1974 Aldershot m 1 Dec 2000 St Albans Cathedral

q Thomas James PICKLES b 23 Dec 1998 Portsmouth

q Benjamin Alexander PICKLES b 28 Jun 2000 Portsmouth

o =(2) Marie-Ann MITTRA (nee BUTTERWORTH) b Warwick 30 Nov 1951 m St Thomas Cathedral, Portsmouth 29 Aug 1997

p Wilfred Edward FISHER b Portsmouth 28 Jun 1998

o Sarah Rosemary FISHER b Bournemouth 12 Oct1952

p Phoebe Elvira Rose Mary FISHER b Tooting 20 May 1992

o Victoria Mary FISHER b Bournemouth 3 Jun 1954. d Leicester 26 Nov 1986. University Lecturer in Law at Leicester. Unmarried

o Michael Reginald Vernon FISHER b Bournemouth 21 Mar 1956

o William James FISHER b Poole 19 Nov 1957 m Chalbury, Oxon 15 Aug 1992

o = Fiona Margaret HARDING b Cardiff 18 Aug 1957

p Serena Victoria FISHER b Oxford 1 Aug 1994

p Alexander Peter James FISHER b Toronto 1 Jan1996

p Jonathon Andrew Daniel FISHER b Toronto 29 Jul 1999

n Robina Elizabeth Ann FISHER b King's Langley 5 Nov1923, d 11 Dec 2007. Unmarried

n Josephine Sherwood FISHER b King's Langley 21 Sep 1927, m King's Langley 16 Feb 1957 In Penticton, British Columbia, 2000

n = David Harry YOUNG b Witham, Essex, 27 Apr 1926

m Reginald (Rex) Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [570] b 22 Oct 1898 St Bees reg Whitehaven, d 25 Jun 1966 age 67, reg Battle. Medical Practitioner in the Indian Medical Service. Later a GP in Bexhill.

m = Elsie Sophia TOOP b 11 Dec 1891 reg Chipping Norton, m abt Dec 1927 reg Westhampnett, d abt Jun 1984 reg Chichester

n Richardb1929 John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Sep 1929, reg Hemel Hempstead. Brought up in India. Scholar and Prizewinner at Jesus College, Cambridge, reading medicine. With Welsh Regiment in Hamburg. General Practitioner in Loughborough, emigrating to Cheviot, north of Christchurch, New Zealand in 1975. Retired to Christchurch in 1989. 2005: He and Joan wonderfully hospitable on our visit to Christchurch as part of our tour of New Zealand.

n = Joan Rachel HEATH b 1928 m 16 Jun 1956 Bexhill on Sea St Augustine reg Battle.

o David William Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 May 1957 Hamburg. 2000: of Avondale, Christchurch, New Zealand. 2005: Headmaster of Primary School.

o = Jane Elizabeth GEERINGS m 1985, b 11 Sep 1961

p Joshua David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Oct 1988

p = Fiona THOMSON m 17 Dec 2011

p Samuel William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Jan 1991

p Rachel Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 19 Mar 1994

o Philip Arthur John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Nov 1958 Hanover 2000: of Shirley, Christchurch, New Zealand

o = Christine Beryl NEWMAN b 23 Aug 1944 Cheviot, New Zealand. No family

o Andrew James Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 29 Jan 1960 St Leonards on Sea, reg Hastings. Changed name by Deed Poll to HAYTHORNE 2000: of Ilam, Christchurch, New Zealand. 2005: Managing a bus company.

o = Carla DICK b 1960 Now separated.

p Mark James HAYTHORNE b 1 May 1985. 2005: In England.

n Garth Perret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 22 Nov 1935 reg Hemel Hempstead. Market Researcher and Airport Planner. 2000: of Canterbury

n = Delia Ann SCOTT b 1935 m abt Dec 1960 reg Maidstone

o Clare Teresa HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1964 Taplow, Berks, reg Eton. 2001: in Tenterden, Kent

o = David McKEAN b 1964, m abt Mar 2003 Ashford

p Yolanda HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Jun 1993

p Liam HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 May 1996

o Louise Caroline HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 21 Jun 1966 reg Maidenhead 2000: In Twickenham.

o = Anon O’CONNOR m abt Oct 2000 reg Windsor/Maidenhead

m Constance Lucy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Apr 1903, Simla, d 4 May 1907

The Irish Branch

l Rev Jamesb1864 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [261] b 7 Mar 1864 Low Bentham, reg Settle, m 7 Sep 1893 Augliadown, County Cork, by the Rev Richard Haythornthwaite, Vicar of Cleator Moor, father of the bridegroom, d 1937 Dublin. 1871 Census: Scholar age 7 at Holme Low, Silloth, b Bentham. 1881 Census: Pupil at St Bees School. 1885: Went to Trinity College, Cambridge, receiving a Quarter Blue for Cycling. 1888: BA. 1889: Ord. Deacon. 1890: Priest (Liverpool). 1889-90: Curate of St Paul’s, Kirkdale. 1891-1894: Associate Secretary for Church Missionary Society for the South of Ireland. 1894-1901: Curate of Zion Chapel, Rathgar, Dublin. 1901-1912: Rector of St Paul’s, Dublin. 1913-1937: Vicar of St Phillip’s, Milltown, Dublin.

l = Henrietta Reves FLEMING

m Aithna Isabella Somerville HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1895 d abt Jun 1957 age 62 reg Cuckfield. Played the Irish Harp and was Leader of a Pipe Band which played on Irish Radio in 1930s

m Becher Fitz-James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [586] b 22 Mar 1898, m 1923 Belfast. RAF Doctor Abt 1960: at Steeple Ashton, Trowbridge, d 21 Mar 1970 reg Warminster. 1911 Census: Pupil age 13 boarding at Heathside Oathall Road, Haywards Heath, b Dublin

m = Mary CROOKSHANK b 1898, d 1989

n James Charles Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE FRCS (Canada) b 18 Jan 1929 Hendon, m 15 Oct 1955 Ontario, d 17 Nov 2009 Dublin. Gynaecologist in Cornwall, Ontario. Retired to Wexford, Ireland.

n = Constance Patricia WARREN b 1928

o James Adrian Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Mar1957 Edmonton Alberta 2000: Chartered Surveyor of Wexford, Ireland

o = Sandra Elizabeth MORRISON b 1957

p James Samuel Charles HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1984

p Robertb1984 Edward Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1984

p Nicholas David George HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1987. Underwriter

p Benjamin John Ireland HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1991

o Heather Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Feb 1960 Preston, Lancs.

o = Alan Peter SMITH

p Charlie SMITH

p Olivia SMITH

o Constance Alice ("Sally") HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Jul 1964 2000: of Toronto

o = Noel Bjorn Karlson LIEN m 31 Oct 1999

n Rev Robertb1931 Brendan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1931 Sheppey, d 29 Dec 2007 Libourne, Charente Maritime, France. Church of Ireland priest in Co Offally. Retired to Bordeaux

n = Margaret Rosemary BRUGES b 1940, m 1 Sep 1962 Needham Market, Suffolk

o Gabriel Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 17 May 1964 Edinburgh. 2000: Engineer, Sydney, Australia.

o = Adele Sarah JAY b 1965 Zoologist researching the hairy dunart (don't ask!)

p Finn Brendan Anthony HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1998

p Leo Samuel Fitzjames HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Nov 2000 Sydney

p Eva May HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 15 Mar 2003 Sydney

o Deborah Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [602] b 11 Nov 1966 Solicitor, Dressmaker & Singing Teacher, Manchester

o = Jeremy B ROUSSAR m abt Jan 2005 reg Penrith

o Arthur William Fitzjames HAYTHORNTHWAITE [601] b 28 Jun 1970 Engineer, Cardiff

o = Clare N LIDDLE m abt Oct 2003 reg Cardiff

p Zoe Carol HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5206] b abt May 2005 reg Cardiff

p Melissa HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Aug 2007 Cardiff

n Richardb1931 A HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1931 Sheppey, d abt Mar 1931 reg Sheppey. Twin of Robert Brendan.

m Elizabethb1902 Constance HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1902, m 1926 St Philips, Milltown Dublin, d 1976 Colchester

m = Thomas Archibald BENNET-CLARK b 1903, Dean of Science, East Anglia University, d 1975 Colchester


l Lydia Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [611] b 9 Dec 1865 Low Bentham, reg Settle, d 18 May 1923. 1871 Census: Scholar age 5 at Holme Low, b Bentham. 1881 Census: Scholar age 15 at The Clergy Daughters School, Casterton, Westmorland, b Bentham, Yorks. 1891 Census: Unmarried age 25 at home with parents at the Vicarage, Cleator Moor, b Clapham.

l = James Dundas WHITE b 10 Jul 1865 Hayfield, Rutherglen, m abt Sep 1894 reg Whitehaven, d 30 Apr 1951 age 85 Chelsea. Barrister at Law, Economist and Politician

l Edith Cecilia Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [264] b 28 Aug 1874 Workington, reg Cockermouth, d 16 Feb 1923 Cleator Moor, reg Whitehaven. 1891 Census: Pupil age 16 at Casterton School, Westmorland, b Workington. 1901 Census: at Cleator, age 25. 1911 Census: Single age 36, b Workington, living at 40 Crossfield Road, Cleator Moor

l Edwardb1869 Parker HAYTHORNTHWAITE [262] b 23 Apr 1869 Silloth, reg Wigton, d 21 Sep 1953 reg Durham C, age 84. 1871 Census: age 1 at Holme Low, Silloth, b Holme Low. 1881 Census: Pupil at St Bees School. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cambridge Undergraduate age 22 with parents at St John’s Vicarage, Cleator Moor, b Silloth. 1889: At Queens’ College, Cambridge; 1895: BA. 1905: LRCP, LRCS(Edin), LRFPS(Glasgow). 1901 Census: Single Medical Student age 30 at 11 Nelson St, Edingurgh. 1907 Marriage: LRCS of Rowrah House, Rowrah, Cockermouth. 1910—46: Surgeon at Kelton Head and other quarries and collieries. 1911 Census: Married Physician & Surgeon, age 41, b Silloth, living at Rowrah House, Arlecdon, Cumberland. 1947: of Kirkby Thore, Penrith, Westmorland. .

l = Constance Annie SWEETAPPLE [268] b 1871, daur of Alfred SWEETAPPLE, Paper Manufacturer, m 10 Apr 1907 St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow, d abt Mar 1951 age 80 reg Westmorland North. 1911 Census: Married 4 yrs, age 40, b Crickhowell, with husband at Rowrah House

m Constance Parker HAYTHORNTHWAITE [625] b abt Dec 1908 Rowrah, reg Whitehaven, m abt Sep 1936 Whitehaven, d 27 Dec 1999 bur Eskdale St Catherine. Family Historian. 1911 Census: age 2 with parents, b Arlecdon

m = Henry Ernest William TURNER b 1907 d 1995 Professor of Theology,

Canon of Durham Cathedral

n Christopher Hugh TURNER b 26 Jul 1937, m 29 Jul 1963. 2000: of Bath

n = Elizabeth Jose CAVELL

o Helen Elizabeth TURNER b 17 Jan 1967

o = Mark ANON

p Emma Elizabeth ANON b 17 Oct 2002

o Simon Eric Hugh TURNER b 28 Oct 1968

o Rachel Mary TURNER b 13 Jun 1972

n Rev Mark Richard Haythornthwaite TURNER b 26 Jan 1940 2000: Vicar in Kent

n = Fiona Barbara BOWRING m Apr 1963

o Robin Mark TURNER b 31 Mar 1969

o Anna Fiona TURNER b 29 Jun 1971

o John-Mark TURNER b 15 Dec 1973

m Rev Alfred Parker HAYTHORNTHWAITE [630] b 11 Feb 1910 Rowrah reg Whitehaven, c St Mary's Egremont 1929: at Wycliff Hall, Oxford, m abt Sep 1939 Penrith Vicar of Seascale 1957-1971. Vicar of Allithwaite, Grange over Sands 1971-, d Jan 1998 Kirkby Lonsdale reg Kendal. 1911 Census: age 1 with parents at Rowrah House, b Arlecdon

m = Janet Alexandra COPLAND b 1908, d abt 3 Dec 2007 Kirkby Lonsdale, age 99

n Margaret Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [632] b 16 Aug 1941 Forfar, Angus, m 1 May 1965 Seascale. 2012: In N. Yorks, nr Northallerton

n = Roger Haywood Boon BENNETT m 1 May 1965 reg Whitehaven

o Emma Katherine BENNETT b 22 Jul 1968 Toronto

o Sarah Elizabeth BENNETT b 1971 Northern Ireland

o Natasha Mary BENNETT b 2 Mar 1973 Northern Ireland

o Alexandra Gill BENNETT b 2 Mar 1973 Northern Ireland

n Janet Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Sep 1946 Kirkby Thore

n = David John RICHES m 16 Aug 1969 reg Ulverston, d Oct 2011

o Adrian Edward RICHES b 27 Nov 1975 Belfast

o Paul Nicholas RICHES b 1979 d 25 Feb 2000 Edinburgh in road accident.

n Gwendolen (Wendy) Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [636] b 29 Nov 1948 Kirkby Thore, m 1971 Allithwaite. 1983: In Priors Marston, Warwickshire

n = John Malcolm SHELDON [637] m 2 Oct 1971 reg Ulverston

o Robert David Haythornthwaite SHELDON [836] b 16 Mar 1976 Leamington Spa

o = Rowena Jane NEWTON [6888] b 11 Feb 1976 Colchester, m 16 Apr 2005 Mid Warks

o Christopher Edward SHELDON [1993] b 30 Jun 1977

o = Kelly BRINKLOW [6889] m 9 Feb 2008

p Amelia Tamsin SHELDON b 13 Mar 2012

p Henry David SHELDON b 13 Mar 21012

m John Parker HAYTHORNTHWAITE [638] b 4 Nov 1911 Rowrah, reg Whitehaven, m abt Jun 1940 Kensington, d Jan 1986 reg Gt Yarmouth. Of Harleston, Norfolk [Maker of fine pate?!]

m = (1) Sheila WYLLIE

n Timothy John Parker HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Sep 1942 Halesworth, reg Blyth, c Yoxford. 2000: Of Huntingfield, Suffolk

n = Judith M SIMPSON m abt Sep 1967 reg Surrey S.W. 2000: of Woodbridge, Suffolk

o Rebecca Lucy M HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1968 reg Norwich O

o = William James REGIS m abt Mar 2000 reg Kensington & Chelsea.

o Henrietta Celia HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1971 reg Norwich O 1998: in London SW6

n Anthony Quentin HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1945 reg Salisbury. Artist of Boxford, Suffolk

n = Marilyn Wyn HOWES-BASSETT m abt Sep 1968 reg Kensington

o Sally Melissa HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1970 reg Epping

o = Ronan J E CONNOLLY m abt Mar 2001 reg Braintree

o Giles Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1973 reg Deben. Medical Practitioner. 2000: In London

o = Anna Pauliina(sic) WELLING m 2000

p Ella Sophia HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Feb 2002 reg Westminster

p Jack Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3664] b Oct 2004 Oxford

m =(2) Pamela Julie CLARK (nee BRANDON-BRAVO) [1129] m abt June 1982 reg Waveney, d 2 Jul 2006 Woodbridge

m Anne Rosemary Parker HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1915 Rowrah, reg Whitehaven 2000: of Thornthwaite Hall, Aspatria, Cumbria

m = Henry (Harry) HALL d Jan 1999 Thornthwaite Hall, Aspatria

n Richard HALL b 1949 Archivist at Kendal

n Jeremy HALL b 1952

n = Pauline COLLISON m 1981

o Mary HALL b 18 Sep 1983

o Thomas HALL b 15 Jan 1985

l Rev Richardb1871 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [263] b 15 Aug 1871 Silloth, reg Wigton, d 20 June 1943 Portinscale, Cumbria, age 71 reg Cockermouth. 1891 Census: Scholar at St Bees Grammar School age 19 with parents at the Vicarage, Cleator Moor, b Silloth. 1891-4: at Jesus College, Cambridge. 1896: Ord. Deacon. 1897: priest. 1896-8: Curate of Harpurhey, Lancs. 1898-9: Curate of Baughurst, Hants. 1899-1907: Curate of Meltham Mills, Yorks. 190709: Curate of St John’s, Golcar. 1901 Census: Married Clergyman (Church of England) age 29 at Acre Cottage, Meltham, Colne Valley, Yorks, b Silloth. 1909-42: Rector of St Michael’s, Lamplugh, Cumberland. 1911 Census: Married Clergyman of the Established Church, age 39, b Silloth, at The Rectory, Lamplugh, Cockermouth

l = Margaret Louisa Alston EATON b abt Dec 1876 Cleator Moor reg Whitehaven, m 20 Apr 1900 reg Whitehaven, d abt Sep 1965 age 88 reg Cockermouth. 1901 Census: Housewife age 24 at Acre Cottage, Meltham, b Cleator Moor. 1911 Census: Married 10 yrs age 34 with husband, b Cleator Moor

m Margaret Eileen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [613] b Mar 1901 reg Huddersfield. 1901 Census: age under 1m at Acre Cottage, Meltham, b Meltham. 1911 Census: Student age 10 with parents, b Meltham Mills

m = Francis FLEMING-SMITH b 1908, m abt Jun 1932 reg Whitehaven, d 1987

m Dorothy Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [615] b abt Mar 1907 reg Huddersfield. 1911 Census: age 4 with parents, b Meltham Mills

m = Reginald COWARD m abt Jun 1938 reg Whitehaven

m Louisa Betty HAYTHORNTHWAITE [620] b abt Sep 1912 reg Whitehaven. Once ran a small village school in Seascale

m = (1) Joseph Stalker ROBINSON m abt Jun 1942 reg Whitehaven

n Jane ROBINSON b 1944, d Jun 2010 Seascale, tragically shot dead in an infamous series of random killings in Cumbria

n Barrie ROBINSON b 1944, twin to Jane above

m= (2) George Thomas Anderson OGILVIE b 1912

k Williamb1840 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [650] b 25 Jul 1840 reg Liverpool, c 23 Aug 1840 Liverpool St Peter, m abt Jun 1862 Liverpool, d 16 Dec 1889 Holmes Gate, Bentham, Sawyer, aged 49, reg Settle. 1851 Census: Scholar age 10 at Greenhead, Bentham, b Liverpool. 1861 Census: Married Labourer, age 20, of Brunswick Place, West Derby, b Liverpool. 1871 Census: Married Sawyer age 30 at 16 William Henry Street, Walton, b Liverpool. 1877: In Liverpool. 1881 Census: At King Street, Bentham, unemployed sawyer. Son Edward Charles' 1904 Marriage Certificate describes William as a Gatekeeper. This ties in with the family tradition that he operated or owned a toll road somewhere round Kirkby Lonsdale. [There are also suggestions in family tradition that this William went to Canada, but this does not seem to be supported by the facts. Perhaps it was one of his sons, some of whom do not appear in the 1901 Census.]

k = Sarah Ann SANDHAM [651] b abt Jun 1842 Pilling, m abt Jun 1859 Toxteth Park St John, reg West Derby, d 11 Mar 1892 Tollgate, Bentham, reg Settle age 50. 1861 Census: Married, age 20, b Pilling, Lancs. 1871 Census: Married age 28 with husband, b Pilling. 1891 Census: Widowed Toll Collector at Holme Gate, Bentham, age 48, b Pilling, recorded as Ann.

l Edward Charles HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2967] b abt Jun 1864 reg W Derby, d abt Mar 1865 reg W Derby.

l Thomasb1866 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [798] b abt Dec 1866 reg Liverpool, d abt Mar 1942 age 75 reg Leeds. 1871 Census: age 4 with parents, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: Scholar age 14 at King St, Bentham, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: Married Painter, Paper Hanger and Plumber, age 24, at West End, Bentham, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Married House Painter at 22 Hartley Street, Earby, Thornton, nr Skipton, age 34, b Liverpool. 1911 Census: not with wife and children

l = Mary Ann JOWETT b abt 1869 Halifax, Yorks, m abt Sep 1888 reg Skipton, d abt Mar 1945 age 76 reg Leeds. 1891 Census: Married age 22 with husband in Bentham, b Halifax. 1901 Census: at Thornton, age 32, b Halifax

m Elizabeth Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2969] b abt Sep 1889 Skipton, reg Skipton. 1891 Census: age 1 with parents in Bentham, b Skipton. 1901 Census: at Thornton, age 11, b Skipton

m Thomas William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2970] b abt Mar 1891 Bentham reg Settle. d abt Mar 1940 age 48 reg Ripon. 1891 Census: age under 1m in Bentham, b Low Bentham. 1901 Census: age 10 with parents, b Bentham. 1911 Census: age 20 in Pateley Bridge

m = Nellie HANSON b abt 1890, m abt Dec 1914 reg Leeds, d abt Dec 1950 age 60 reg York

n Nora HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1915 reg Hunslet

n =(1) Harold NEWBOULD m abt Mar 1944 reg Knaresborough

n =(2) Albert E STOCKILL m abt Mar 1951 reg Claro

n William Geoffrey HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Sep 1920 reg Pateley Bridge, d Jul 2001 reg N Yorkshire

n =(1) Vera ENSOR m abt Jun 1942 reg Hove. No issue? Div and m Anon COOPER abt Mar 1947

n =(2) Dorothy E BENTLEY m abt Mar 1950 reg Claro. No issue?

m Robert Foxcroft HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2971] b abt Jun 1893 Bentham, reg Settle. d abt Mar 1938 age 45 reg Skipton. 1901 Census: age 7 at 22 Hartley Street, Thornton in Craven, b Bentham. 1911 Census: Hair Dresser in Leeds

m = Edith FOZARD m abt Sep 1914 reg Leeds (as "Robert F")

n Arthur Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 May 1915 reg Leeds, d abt Jan 1972 reg Leeds

n = Esther DIXON m abt Dec 1935 reg Leeds N

o Joyce M HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1940 reg Leeds

o = Anon FIRTH m abt Dec 1959 reg Leeds

o Wendy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1942 reg Leeds

o = John LYBERT m abt Sep 1982 reg Burnley/Pen

o Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2978] b abt Jun 1948 reg Leeds, m not found

n Hilda HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1917 reg Leeds

n = Anon WATT m abt Jun 1937 reg Leeds N

n Harry HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1918 reg Leeds, d abt Dec 1919 age 1 reg Leeds.

m Rose Hannah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2982] b abt Mar 1896 Bentham, reg Settle. 1901 Census: age 5 at Thornton, b Bentham. 1911 Census: age 15 in Leeds

m = Walter CHAPMAN m abt Sep 1914 Leeds St Hilda’s, reg Leeds

m Henry Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2985] b 20 Jun 1899 Earby, reg Skipton, d 27 Sep 1959 age 60 reg Leeds. 1901 Census: age 1 at Thornton, b Earby Thornton. 1911 Census: age 11 in Leeds. 1926: Pastry Cook

m = Minnie STEAD b 16 Dec 1899, m abt Sep 1926 Leeds All Saints reg Leeds, d 30 Mar 1992 reg Rhuddlan. Ran a Grocer’s Shop in Welbeck Road, Leeds

n Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Nov 1927 reg Leeds, c 25 Dec 1927. Only child

n = George MILLER m 25 Mar 1950 Zion Methodist Chapel, reg Leeds, d 29 Jul 2005 Glan Clwyd, Rhyl. Employed at Inland Revenue.

o June Mary MILLER b 1 Jun 1951 Leeds. A helpful informant.

o = Graham David BLAKELOCK m 9 Sep 1972 Newbourne Methodist Church

p Richard Andrew BLAKELOCK b 7 Mar 1977

p Simon James BLAKELOCK b 28 Jun 1980

o Ruth Brenda MILLER b 8 Jun 1957 Leeds

m May HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5890] b abt Jun 1905 reg Leeds. 1911 Census: Scholar age 5 b Leeds, d abt Dec 1918 age 13 reg Leeds

l Edwardb1869 Vincent HAYTHORNTHWAITE [797] c 14 May 1869 Liverpool St Peter, reg Liverpool, d abt Dec 1870 West Derby "age 1"

l William James Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1138] b 24 Jul 1871 reg W Derby, c 6 Aug 1871 Liverpool St Peter, d abt Jun 1936 age 64 reg Lancaster. 1881 Census: Scholar at Bentham, age 9. 1891 Census: Joiner’s Apprentice age 19 at Holme Gate, Bentham, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Married House Painter age 29 at 37 Michelgate, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Liverpool. 1911 Census: Married House Decorator age 40 in Arkholme, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Liverpool

l = Mary DENNISON [3248] b abt 1875 Staveley, Westmorland, m abt Dec 1897 reg Kendal to William Richard H, d abt Sep 1962 age 87 reg Lancaster

m William Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3249] b 31 Aug 1898 reg Kendal, d abt Dec 1980 reg Lancaster. 1901 Census: age 2 with parents, b Kirkby Lonsdale. 1911 Census: age 13 with parents in Arkholme

m = Ethel BRAITHWAITE [3250] b 7 Sep 1892 [reg Kendal or reg Ulverston], m abt Jun 1920 Scotforth St Paul reg Lancaster, d abt Sep 1979 reg Lancaster

n Irene May HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3571] b abt Sep 1921 reg Lancaster

n = Ernest PATTERSON [3529] m abt Dec 1948 Lancaster Greaves Methodist reg Lancaster

n James Herbert HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3530] b 28 Aug 1924 reg Lancaster, d abt Dec 2003 reg Lancaster

n = Marjorie ELLIOTT [3531] m abt Dec 1947 Scotforth St Paul reg Lancaster

o Carol Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3532] b abt Mar 1949 reg Lancaster

[o =(1) Eric RAFFAELLI m 1968 Scotforth St Paul reg Lancaster]

o =(2?) Dale Robert HAMER [3533] m abt Aug 1982 Old Laund Booth Methodist Church reg Burnley

n Ronald HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1928 reg Lancaster, m not found. [Is he the mysterious "R", who in 2000 was in Arnhem Land, NT, Australia, and who said he was from the Lancaster area, emigrating in the early 1950s?]]

m Irene Alexandra HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5883] b abt 1903 Hornby (adopted). 1911 Census: age 8 with parents in Arkholme, b Hornby

m = Herbert CUMPSTY [5884] m abt Dec 1927 Scotforth St Paul reg Lancaster

l Edwardb1875 Charles HAYTHORNTHWAITE [796] b abt Sep 1875 Liverpool, reg W Derby, d abt Dec 1947 reg Sheffield, age 72. After the death of his father in 1889, according to family tradition, he fell out with his family and left home for Sheffield, where he worked looking after the delivery horses for a railway company. 1904: Described as a Porter at Sheffield. 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 at King Street, Bentham, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: Joiner’s Apprentice age 15 at Holme Gate, Bentham. 1901 Census: not found.

l = Mildred HUMBERSTONE b abt 1879, m 23 Aug 1904 Sheffield, d abt Mar 1933 age 54 reg Sheffield

m Florence Emily HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1898] b abt Sep 1905 Sheffield, d abt Sep 1905 Sheffield aged 0

m Florence Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1347] b abt Mar 1907 Sheffield

m = Reuben BOWER m abt Jun 1928 reg Sheffield

m Mildred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1899] b abt Mar 1910 Sheffield, d abt Mar 1910 age 0 reg Sheffield

m Joe HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1346] b 22 Apr 1911 Sheffield. Only son. Christened Joe, not Joseph, d abt Mar 1980 reg Rushcliffe.

m = Eva ROBINSON b 2 Feb 1916, m abt Sep 1934 reg Sheffield, d abt Sep 1986 reg Worksop

n Pauline HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Oct 1935 reg Sheffield, d Oct 1988 age 53 Worksop

n =(1) Charles Robert GRUNDY b 9 Feb 1935 Sheffield, m abt Mar 1957 reg Sheffield, d abt Mar 1971 age 36 Sheffield

n =(2) George C ORWIN m abt Jun 1973 Sheffield

n Geoffrey HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 17 Dec 1940 Sheffield, reg Sheffield 2000: of Wrenthorpe. Now divorced.

n = Jannine B CHATTLE m abt Dec 1964 reg Sheffield, [m(2) PICKLES m abt Oct 1986 reg Leeds]

o Simon John HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1351] b 15 Sep 1965 Sheffield, d abt Oct 2005 reg Leeds. 2000: of Rothwell, Leeds

o = Lorraine S MASSEY b 21 Jul 1965, m 9 Jul 1988 reg Leeds

p Patrick John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 8 May 1991 reg Dewsbury

p Matthew James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 May 1993 reg Dewsbury

o Joanne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1968 reg Leeds.

o = Haydn G PITCHFORTH m abt Apr 1993 reg York

m Emily HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1920 Sheffield, d 6 Dec 2009 Wantage. 2000: of Wantage

m = Frank Earnshaw COOKE b 5 Feb 1918 Sheffield, m abt Sep 1938 reg Sheffield, d 18 Apr 2008 Wantage

n John E COOKE b 17 Jan 1948 Sheffield. 2012: retired to Quillan, France

n Raymond F COOKE b 12 Apr 1952 Sheffield

m Elsie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1925 Sheffield, d abt Mar 1927 age 1 reg Sheffield

l Benjamin John HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1137] b abt Dec 1877 reg W Derby, m abt Dec 1897 Settle, d abt Jan 1951 age 76 reg Lunesdale. 1881 Census: age 3 at King St Bentham, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: [Toll Gate] Collector’s Assistant age 13 at Holme Gate, Bentham, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: not found. 1911 Census: Married Gardener Domestic age 33, wife not present, living with elder brother William James Richard in Arkholme. First World War: Private in Border Regiment

l = Anon ANON [Isabella BROWN or Sarah Jane DUGDALE?]

k Edwardb1842 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [654] b abt Sep 1842 reg Liverpool, c 30 Oct 1842 Liverpool St Peter, child of James H, Warehouseman of Red Cross Street, and Nanny, d 20 Mar 1843 Heysham age 6 months, bur 22 Mar 1843 Melling St Wilfrid. Presumably they were visiting Heysham after Nanny's mother Ellen FOXCROFT's death just 7 days previously on 13 Mar 1843 at Heysham. It must have been a very doleful occasion.

k Jamesb1844 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [652] b abt Sep 1844 reg Liverpool, c 6 Aug 1844 Liverpool St Peter, child of James H, Warehouseman of Redcross Street, and Nanny, d 17 Jul 1879 Low Bentham, bur Low Bentham, aged 36 1851 Census: Scholar age 6 at Greenhead, b Liverpool. 1861 Census: Unmarried Tailor’s Apprentice age 16 at house of Master Tailor William BOYD, Main Street, Ingleton, b Liverpool. 1871 Census: Unmarried Tailor age 26 with parents at Greenhead, b Liverpool.

k = Mary Elizabeth PARKER [653] b abt Mar 1844 Holme in Burton, reg Kendal, m abt Jun 1872 reg Settle under THWAITE, d 6 Feb 1893 reg Rochdale, bur Low Bentham aged 49. 1881 Census: Widowed General Draper and Outfitter age 37 at Albert Cottages, Main Street, Low Bentham, b Holme, Westmorland. 1891 Census: Widow age 47, living on own means, at 1 Rake Bridge, Rochdale, in house of married sister Agnes BUCKLEY, b Holme in Burton, Westmorland.

k Thomas Foxcroft HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1139] b abt Mar 1847 reg Liverpool, c 11 Mar 1847 Liverpool St Peter, child of James H, Warehouseman of Redcross Street, and Nanny, d 8 Dec 1848 at 22 Mercer Court, Liverpool.

At this point the family moved away from Liverpool to the country life at Greenhead, Bentham, where the youngest child, another Edward, was born.

k Rev Edwardb1850 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [655] b 19 Jan 1850 Greenhead, Bentham, d 26 Feb 1899 Gateshead, age 49. 1851 Census: age 1 at Greenhead, b Bentham. 1861 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents at Greenhead. [Edward’s school exercise book from Bentham Grammar School from about this time may be found at Bakewell Museum, given by an unidentified “Miss Haythornthwaite” in about 1972. This must be his grand daughter Dorothy May] 1874: Marriage Cert says he lived at North Kinsby(?), Yorks, father, James, Gentleman. 1878: Became Vicar of Felling. 1881 Census: Married as Vicar of Felling (Christ Church), age 31, b Bentham. 1891 Census: Married Vicar of Felling age 41, b Baitham (sic).

k = Elizabeth Bell THOMPSON [656] b abt 1852 Workington, m abt Sept 1874 Workington Parish Church, (reg Cockermouth). Ceremony performed by the Rev Richard Haythornthwaite, the groom's elder brother, d abt Mar 1925 age 73 reg Sunderland. 1881 Census: Vicar’s Wife age 29 at Felling Vicarage, b Workington. 1891 Census: Vicar’s Wife age 39 at Felling, b Workington. 1901 Census: Widow at 2 Vernon Gardens, Gateshead, age 49, b Workington. 1911 Census: Widow age 59 at 64 Culmington Rd, Ealing, b Workington

l Edwardb1875 Thompson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1875] b abt Jun 1875 Guisborough, d abt Sep 1875 Guisborough, Yorks aged 0

l Edwardb1878 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [658] b abt Mar 1878 Gateshead, [d 1913? Canada?] [Edward K d abt Jun 1914 Birkenhead age 34? Age does not fit exactly.] No marriage found. 1881 Census: age 3 at Felling Vicarage, b Gateshead. 1891 Census: age 13 with parents at Felling Vicarage, b Gateshead. 1901 Census: Unmarried Electrical Engineer of Gateshead, age 23, b Gateshead.

l Rev Jamesb1879 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [659] b 26 Nov 1879 Felling, reg Gateshead, d abt Jan 1967 reg Bakewell age 87. 1881 Census: age 1 at Felling Vicarage. 1891 Census: age 11 at Felling Vicarage, b Heworth. 1901 Census: Unmarried University Student age 21 at 2 Vernon Gardens, Gateshead. 1899-1902: at Emmanuel College, Cambridge. 1903: Ord. Deacon. 1904: Priest. 1903-5: Curate of St Mark’s, Broomhall, Sheffield. 1905-12: Curate of Burnley St Peter’s. 1912-1927: Vicar of Darnall, Sheffield. 1927-1933: Vicar of Hatfield, Yorks., 1933-47: Vicar of St Silas, Sheffield . 1958: retired to c/o The Vicarage, Bakewell, Derbyshire

l = Christina Colville DOWNIE b abt 1885, m 17 Nov 1921 St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow, ceremony performed by Thomas ROMANS, Assistant Curate of Staindrop, Co. Durham, d abt Jun 1945 age 59 reg Sheffield

m Mary E ("Betty") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [660] b abt Jun 1923 Sheffield

m = Rev H A BIRCH m abt Dec 1950 Sheffield

m Dorothy May HAYTHORNTHWAITE [661] b abt Sep 1927 Sheffield. 2001: in Bakewell.

l Arnold Thompson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [670] b Mar 1881 Felling, reg Gateshead, d abt Sep 1947 Bognor Regis, reg Chichester, age 66. 1881 Census: Unnamed “Infant” age 1m at Felling Vicarage. 1891 Census: age 10 at Felling Vicarage, b Heworth, Durham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Locomotive Engineer of Gateshead, age 20, b Felling. 1911 Census: Unmarried Engineer’s Clerk with NE Railway Co., age 30, boarding in York. First World War: Lieutenant in Durham Light Infantry

l = (1) Doris SPEDDING b 31 Aug 1895, m abt Dec 1912 reg Auckland, d abt Dec 1977 reg Bath

m Joan Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE "Joan HAWTHORNE", the Actress, b 12 Apr 1915 Brentford, d abt Sep 1987 reg Richmond

m = Ernest L SHANKLAND m abt Jun 1961 reg Fulham

l = (2) Doris Lilian SCOTT b 3 Aug 1896, m Jun 1928 Hampstead, d abt Dec 1972 reg Bristol. 1966: at Bognor Regis

m Christopher Scott HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Feb 1933 Hampstead, d Sep 1984 reg Bristol.

m =(1) Anon PAINTER m abt Mar 1955 Chichester, d bfr 1967

n Richardb1956 Neil ("Rick") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [906] b abt Dec 1956 Chatham. 2000: Chief Executive of Blue Circle plc and later Invensys plc. 2004: Chairman of Almeida Theatre Company. 2009: Chairman of Network Rail. 2012: Chairman of Southbank Centre

n = Janeen DENNIS m abt Jun 1979 reg Oxford. Art Historian. 2004: Archivist at Whitechapel Gallery and Guide at Tate Modern

o Alisdair Ross HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Sep 1981 Los Angeles

o = Alainna MORKOS m 12 May 2012 Castelfiorentino, Italy

o Sophia Marie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 21 May 1986 Paris

n Joanne M HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1959 Worthing

n = Alistair J ABBATT m abt Jun 1982 reg Weston

n Emma Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1961 Windsor

n = Shaun R M PEARCE m abt Sep 1984 reg Bristol

m =(2) Diana Roberta HILL b abt 1943, m 11 Nov 1967 Frenchay, Gloucs., reg Sodbury

n Paul Scott HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1969 reg Bristol

n = Erica S THORNE m abt Apr 1996 reg S. Glos.

m =(3) Irene WINSLETT m abt Mar 1975 reg Bristol

n Lucy Persis HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Apr 1987 reg Bristol

l Margaret Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [657] b abt Dec 1883 reg Gateshead, d abt Sep 1884 reg Gateshead, age 0

l [Harriet] Amy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [663] b 3 Sep 1885 Felling, reg Gateshead, m abt Dec 1918 Sheffield. 1891 Census: age 5 at Felling Vicarage, b Heworth, Durham. 1901 Census: at Gateshead, age 15, b Felling. [At one time, I had her listed erroneously as Harriet Amy.] 1911 Census: Unmarried age 25 with widowed mother in Ealing, Middlesex, b Felling

l = Thomas ROMANS d 1960 Durham

m Thomas Tracey ROMANS d New Zealand

l Isabella Maud HAYTHORNTHWAITE [671] b 3 Sep 1887 Felling, reg Gateshead, d 3 Jan 1966 age 78 reg Durham C. 1891 Census: age 3 at Felling Vicarage, b Heworth, Durham. 1901 Census: age 13, in parish of Gateshead, b Felling, Co. Durham. 1911 Census: Unmarreid age 23 with widowed mother in Ealing, b Felling

[l Elsie May HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1895 reg Gateshead, d abt Dec 1896 “age 1” reg Gateshead, bur 31 Dec 1896 “age 2”. Very likely daughter of Rev Edward, but not confirmed]

Third Child of William & Ann SKIRROW

j Richardb1812 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [679] b 23 Mar 1812, c 17 May 1812 Claughton, nr Lancaster, d 4 Apr 1863 51 Great Richmond St, Liverpool, age 50. Moved to Liverpool like his brother James. Gore's Directory for Liverpool for 1848 shows a Richard, Warehouseman, at 43 Great Richmond St. 1851 Census: Married Warehouseman – Corn Office, age 38, of 43 Great Richmond St., b Bentham. 1861 Census: Married Warehouseman age 48 at 51 Great Richmond Street, Liverpool, b Claughton..

j = Ann SMITH [680] b Seacombe, c 18 Apr 1819 Bidston, Cheshire (daur of Thomas SMITH shoemaker and Elizabeth nee JONES) m 14 Nov 1847 Liverpool St Philip, reg Liverpool, d 28 Oct 1881 12 Richardson St, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, age 62. 1851 Census: b Seacombe. 1861 Census: Housewife age 42, b Moreton, Cheshire. 1881 Census: Widowed mother-in-law age 62 living with daughter Ellen at 12 Richardson Street, Toxteth Park, b Moreton, Cheshire

k Elizabethb1848 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [681] b 15 Aug 1848 43 Great Richmond Street, Islington, Liverpool, c 10 Sep 1848 Liverpool St Peter, d 22 Apr 1851 age 2, Liverpool. 1851 Census: age 2 at 43 Gt Richmond St.

k Annb1852 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [682] b 4 Feb 1852 43 Great Richmond St, Liverpool, reg Liverpool. d 29 Mar 1852, [reg not found. Possibly the date was 29 Mar 1853, since there is an Ann d abt Mar 1853 reg Liverpool.]

k Ellenb1854 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 21 Aug 1854 43 Great Richmond St, Liverpool, c 16 Oct 1854 Liverpool St Peter. 1861 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents in Liverpool, b Liverpool.

k = William Henry VERNON (son of Thomas VERNON, Sawyer) m 21 May 1873 Liverpool Christchurch

[j At one time, there were thought to be two further children for Wm H & Ann SKIRROW, John [681] and Thomas. However, it is now known that Johnb1815 was son of John H and Elizabeth TAYLOR and Thomasb1816 was son of Miles, Cooper of Lancaster. This poses the question as why Wm and Ann had no further children. Could it be that William, labourer of Lentworth and Meeting Lane in Over Wyresdale was in fact this William? Perhaps William only came down to Liverpool late in life to join his son James in the Docks, once he was widowed. The recent discovery of Ann SKIRROW’s burial at Melling in 1830 age 42 now makes this quite plausible]

[Fourth Child of William & Ann SKIRROW

j Mary (Ellen?) HATHORNTHWAITE [3112] c 25(?) Sep 1821 Wyresdale Christ Church, Mary, daur of William Hathornthwaite, Labourer of Meeting Lane, and Ann

j = Thomas MASHITER [3113] m 23 Nov 1840 Lancaster St Mary, reg Lancaster as Mary Ellen, Labourer Bachelor of Quernmore, Full Age Spinster of Quernmore, dr of William H, Labourer

Fifth Child of William & Ann SKIRROW

j Jenny HATHORNTHWAITE [4092] c 13 Jul 1823 Wyresdale Christ Church, daur of William Haythornthwaite, Labourer of Lentworth, and Ann, d abt Dec 1847 reg Lancaster. [1841 Census: Servant age 20 at Lune Villa, Skerton, rec as Jane?]]

Fourth Child of Richard of Whitendale

i Johnb1786 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [683] b Whitendale, c 24 Dec 1786 Slaidburn, m 15 Feb 1810 Tatham "Farmer of Claughton, age 22". At Claughton, Hornby (and Farleton?), d 14 Dec 1851 Halton bur 18 Dec 1851 Melling St Wilfrid age 64, reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: Ag. Lab age 50 at Claughton, with wife and children, not b Lancs. 1851 Census: Widowed Servant Wood Cutter at Wray, age 63, b Slaidburn, living in the house of William FURNESS, Shoe & Cloggmaker. [Marriage Bond says Claughton, Garstang, not the one near Hornby. Is this an error, or have we got the wrong man here?]

i = Elizabethb1787 TAYLOR [684] c 17 July 1785 Tatham Fells, daur John TAYLOR of Greenbank in Bottom, m 15 Feb 1810 Tatham St James the Less, age 23, d 8 Aug 1843 Germany Street, Lancaster, bur 12 Aug 1843 Melling St Wilfrid age 58. 1841 Census: age 55 with husband and 2 children, John and Thomas, b Lancs

j Ellinb1811 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [685] b 7 May 1811 Claughton, c 9 Jun 1811 Tatham Fells

j = Robert DOWTHWAITE of Heysham, Husbandman, m 26 May 1833 Melling

j Richardb1813 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [686] b 11 Jan 1813 Claughton, c 31 Jan 1813 [11 Apr 1813?] Claughton nr Lancaster, d in New Zealand. 1851 Census: Hoopmaker at 18 Court, Upper Main Street, Toxteth Park, age 39, b Claughton. 1853: Birth Certificate of son Edward shows him as Hoopmaker of 18 Court Manser (Mariner?) Street, Toxteth Park, West Derby. 1861 Census:Wood Hoop Maker age 49 at Union Street, Ulverston, b Claughton. 1871 Census: Hoopmaker age 59 in Ulverston, b Claughton. . 1878: Marriage Cert of son Edward describes him as Woodmonger of Ulverston. 1881 Census: Journeyman Hoopmaker at 47 Market Street, Ulverston, Cumbria.. 1883: Richard, wife Martha and unmarried daughter Mary Ann emigrated to New Zealand, following in the footsteps of their son David.

j = Martha JACKSON [1151] b abt 1820 Ulverston, Cumbria, m abt Sep 1843 Ulverston, d in New Zealand. 1881 Census: at Ulverston, age 61, b Ulverston

k David Jackson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1901] b abt Sep 1844, Lowick, reg Ulverston. 1851 Census: age 6 at Upper Mann Street, Toxteth Park, b Lowick. 1861 Census: Unmarried Wood Hoop Maker age 17 in Ulverston, b Ulverston. 1871 Census: Unmarried Hoopmaker age 26 at Ulverston. On 25 November 1879, arrived on the "Fernglen" at Auckland, New Zealand, d 30 Mar 1927 Auckland, bur Waikumete, Glen Eden, Auckland, occupation listed as Farmer. It is not known whether he left any descendants in New Zealand or elsewhere, but there appear to be no modern descendants in New Zealand as all Haythornthwaites there are accounted for.

k Williamb1846 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1902]b abt Mar 1846 reg Ulverston, d abt Jun 1847 reg Ulverston

k William James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3668] b abt Jun 1848 Toxteth Park, reg Liverpool, d abt Jun 1848 reg West Derby, bur 11 Sep 1855 Christ Church, Hunter Street, age 7yr 5 m, abode: 18 Court No1 Newman Street. 1851 Census: age 2 at Toxteth Park, b Toxteth Park

k Mary Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2804] b abt Mar 1851 Toxteth Park, Liverpool, reg West Derby. d in New Zealand. 1851 Census: at Toxteth Park, age 0, b Toxteth Park. 1861 Census: not at Union Street, Ulverston, with parents.. 1881 Census: "Dressmaker of Ulverston, born Liverpool", age 29, unmarried, living with parents at 47 Market Street, Ulverston. This supplies the Liverpool-Ulverston link for this branch of the family.

k = Rev William Eugene GILLAM [4010] m 1883 New Zealand

k Edwardb1853 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1903] b 17 Apr 1853 Toxteth Park, West Derby, Liverpool, d abt Mar 1916 Kendal age 63. 1861 Census: Scholar age 8 in Ulverston, b Liverpool.. 1871 Census: Attorney’s Clerk age 17 at Ulverston, b Liverpool. 1874: Accountant in Ulverston . 1881 Census: Managing Clerk County Court, age 29, of 27 Lound Street, Kendal, b Liverpool (indexed as HAYTHOWTHAITE, thus not found by search on normal spelling.) 1884: Solicitor's Clerk in Kendal. 1891 Census: Solicitor’s Clerk age 42 at 1 Vicarage Terrace, Milnthorpe Road, Nether Graveship, Natland, Kendal, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Married Solicitor’s Clerk age 50 at 1 Vicarage Terrace, Kendal, b Liverpool. 1911 Census: Married County Court Clerk age 58 at 1 Vicarage Terrace, Kendal, b Liverpool

k = Harriet MADDOX b abt 1852, dr of Thomas MADDOX, Carpenter of Manchester, m 18 April 1874 Albert Memorial Church, Manchester, d abt Jun 1920 Kendal "age 70". 1881 Census: Housewife, age 29, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: Wife age 38 with husband in Natland, kendal, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Housewife age 48 with husband in Kendal, b Liverpool. 1911 Census: Married 36 yrs, with husband, age 59, b Liverpool

l Lilian ("Lilly") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1905] b abt Dec 1874 Kendal, m abt Dec 1899 Kendal. 1881 Census: age 6 in Kendal, b Kendal. 1891 Census: Unmarried Pupil Teacher age 16 with parents in natland, b Kendal. 1911 Census: Married 11yrs, age 36, with husband, b Kendal

l = Alfred Ernest ROBINSON

l Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1907] b abt Dec 1876 reg Kendal. 1881 Census: age 4 in Kendal, b Kendal. 1891 Census: Scholar age 14 with parents in Natland, b Kendal.

l = William Theodore BRAITHWAITE m abt Dec 1898 reg Kendal


m = Frances WEEDON

n Anne Patricia ("Pat") BRAITHWAITE


l Harriet Amy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1914] b Dec 1879 reg Kendal m New Zealand, d 1946 New Zealand. 1881 Census: age 1 in Kendal, b Kendal. 1891 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents in Natland, b Kendal. 1901 Census: in Ulverston, no occupation given, age 21, b Kendal, recorded as Harriett A HATHORNTHWAITE. 1911 Census: Unmarried, age 31, b Kendal, living with sister Lilian and brother in law in Ulverston. Emigrated to New Zealand in about 1912-3 and ran a bakery in Auckland City. She travelled via Sydney with her uncle David Jackson HAYTHORNTHWAITE, who came back from New Zealand to accompany her.

l Edwardb1884 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1915] b 28 Feb 1884 Kendal, d abt Dec 1967 age 83 reg Fylde. 1891 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents in Natland, b Kendal. 1901 Census: Unmarried, age 17, with parents in Kendal, b Kendal. 1911 Census: age 27 in Kingston, Surrey. Later, Principal Clerk, Ministry of Pensions.

l =(1) Bertha WOODS b abt 1883 m abt Sep 1911 reg Fulham, d abt Mar 1925 age 42 reg Wandsworth. No issue.

l =(2) Isabella ("Ella") [Scott?] CROWE, b abt Jun 1888 reg Toxteth Park, m Mar 1927 reg Islington. [d abt Dec 1975 reg Blackpool/F, b 6 Apr 1891 ??? The birth date here does not fit well with the birth index for Isabella CROWE, but there seems no UK alternative. Perhaps she followed her son to Canada and died there]

The British Columbian Branch

m Edwardb1928 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Sept 1928 New Malden, reg Kingston. Only child. Emigrated to Canada in 1960. d Aug 1987 (1979?). Research Chemist

m = (1) Gillian Elizabeth DANIELS b 30 May 1929, m abt Sep 1951 reg Fylde, d 29 Jan 1971. University Lecturer (botany)

n Edwardb1952 Alastair ("Alastair") HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 May 1952 Farnborough, Hants. 2000: at Duncan, Vancouver Island. Machinist and Trade Union Representative for Vancouver Island.

n = Eden Lorraine SHARPE b 1952 St Catherines, ON. m 1971

o Gabriel Allan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1972 2000: of Victoria BC

o = Lloy WYLIE

p Sophia Justine HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1996 Vancouver BC

p Celia Elise HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 19 Oct 2000 Victoria BC

o Jordan William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1974 Guelph, ON. 2000: of Vancouver BC

o John Alexander HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1981 Duncan BC 2000: of Victoria BC.

o Samuel Oberon HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1982 Duncan BC. 2005: in Montreal

o Lily Sophia HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1986 Duncan BC

n Caroline Alison HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Sep 1953 Farnborough, Hants. Moved to Canada in 1960 and to USA in 1996. 2000: of Champaign, Illinois. Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. 2010: Director & Professor of Library, Archival & Information Studies, University of BC, Vancouver

n = Alvan Mark BREGMAN b 8 Jul 1950 Montreal, Quebec

o Gillian Jean BREGMAN b 28 Oct 1983 Toronto, Ontario

m = (2) Elizabeth PARROTT 2000: Of Elora, Ontario

End of British Columbian Branch


j Johnb1815 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [681] b abt 1815 Farlton, c not found, d 27 Nov 1882 at 17 Hawthorn Road, Bootle, West Derby age 67. Previously presumed to be a younger son of William, but now connected to his father John by means of the 1841 Census: Ag Lab age 25 with parents John & Elizabeth in Claughton, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married Warehouse Keeper of 1 Wilson’s (Nelson’s?) Court, Rodney Street District, Liverpool, age 36, b “Tarlton” Lancs. 1853: Son Edward's Birth Cert shows John as Warehouse Keeper of 5 Duke's Terrace, St George Sub-district, Liverpool. 1861 Census: age 46 in Fletcher Street, Toxteth Park, West Derby, “b Liverpool”. 1871 Census: Married Labourer age 56 at 14 Back South Chester Street, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, b Farlton [Ancestry has indexed him as THWAITE.]. 1881 Census: Widowed Warehouse Porter age 66 lodging (together with his unmarried son Richard age 25) at 27 Doon(?) Street, Kirkdale, b Melling.

j = Elizabethb1819 FOXCROFT [1140] b Wennington, c 27 Sep 1818 Tatham (daur Thomas FOXCROFT shoemaker and Betty of Wennington), m 21 Mar 1848 Liverpool St Nicholas, reg Liverpool, d 9 Aug 1879 50 Everley St, Toxteth Park, reg West Derby age 60. 1851 Census: Eliza, age 33, b “Warrington” . 1861 Census: age 42 in West Derby, “b Liverpool” (place in error). 1871 Census: Housewife age 52 with husband in Toxteth Park, b Wennington.

k Johnb1849 [Henry] HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1141] b abt Jun 1849 reg Liverpool , c 8 Jul 1849 Liverpool St Peter, d abt Jun 1920 age 70 reg W Derby. 1851 Census: age 1 at 1 Wilson’s Court, Rodney Street District, with parents, b Liverpool. 1861 Census: Scholar age 11 in West Derby. 1871 Census: Unmarried Cooper age 21 lodging at 12 St Botolph’s Street, Lincoln, b Liverpool, (transcribed as HAYTHOWTHWAITE).. 1874 Marriage: Cooper age 25 of 14 Busby Terrace, Warwick Street, Liverpool. 1881 Census: Cooper age 31 at Kirkdale, Lancs., married to Jannett. 1891 Census: Cooper age 42 at 24 Langdale Street, Bootle, b Liverpool, married to Janet. 1901 Census: Married Cooper age 52 at 15 Litherland Road, Bootle, b Liverpool

k =(1) Marjory WATSON [4006] b abt 1849 Kinclaven, Scotland, daur of John WATSON, Farmer of Hillend and Jane, m 2 Jun 1874 Hillend, Perth, Scotland, d abt Mar 1878 age 29 reg W Derby. 1861 Census: Schola r age 12 b Kinclaven, Perthshire

l Johnb1875 Watson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1143] b abt Mar 1875 reg W Derby, d abt Jun 1894 West Derby , age 19. 1891 Census: Unmarried Clerk age 16 with parents in Bootle, b Liverpool, rec as John W.

l Elizabethb1877 Foxcroft HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1880] b abt Dec 1877 reg W Derby, d 1946 age 69, reg Scone & Kinnoull, Perth, unmarried. 1881 Census: Grand daughter age 3 with maternal grand parents at Hillend Farm, East Church, Perth. 1891 Census: Scholar age 12 with garnd parents at Sandyhall Farm House, Kinfauns, East Perthshire, rec as Elizabeth F. 1901 Census: Single General Help “age 12” to widowed grandfather John Watson at Sandyhall Farmhouse, Kinfauns

k =(2) Jannett ARMOUR [1107] b abt 1849 Ayrshire, m abt Mar 1881 reg W Derby [to John Henry], d abt Jun 1933 age 84 reg W Derby as Janet. 1881 Census: Housewife at Kirkdale, b Scotland, rec as Jannett. 1891 Census: Housewife age 42 at Bootle, b Scotland., rec as Janet. 1901 Census: Married age 53 with husband in Bootle, b Scotland. 1911 Census: Wife, married 30 yrs, age 62, b Ayrshire. Any issue??

[l Herbert HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4009] b abt Dec 1881 reg W Derby, d abt Dec 1884 reg W Derby??]

k Thomas Foxcroft HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1144] b abt Mar 1851 reg Liverpool, c 23 Mar 1851 Liverpool St Peter, d abt Mar 1930 reg Birkenhead age 79. 1851 Census: age 1m at Wilson’s Court. 1861 Census: Scholar age 10 in West Derby. 1871 Census: Unmarried Joiner age 20 with parents in Toxteth Park, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: Married Dock Traffic Clerk at 83 Ullswater Road, Everton, Liverpool. 1891 Census: Married Book Keeper for Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, age 40, at Walton on the Hill, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Married Book Keeper Commercial at 40 Olney Street, Walton on the Hill, age 50, b Liverpool. 1911 Census: age 60 in Birkenhead

k = Esther PATTERSON b abt 1851 Morisby, Cumberland , m abt Jun 1877 Toxteth Park St James reg West Derby, d abt Dec 1937 age 87 reg Birkenhead 1901 Census: Married with husband at Walton on the Hill, age 50, b Morisby, Cumberland. 1911 Married age 60 with husband in Birkenhead

l Thomasb1878 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1146] b abt Mar 1878 reg West Derby, m abt Jun 1908 W Derby, d abt Dec 1947 age 69 reg Birkenhead. 1881 Census: at Everton, age 3. 1891 Census: Scholar age 13 at Walton on the Hill. 1901 Census: Unmarried Marine Engineer with parents at Walton on the Hill, age 23, b Liverpool. 1911 Census: not with family in Birkenhead

l = Elizabeth Greaves PALMER [3005] m abt Jun 1908 reg W Derby, d abt Mar 1963 age 75, reg Birkenhead. 1911 Census: Married age 24 in Birkenhead, husband not present

m Thomas Valentine HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5384] b 14 Feb 1909 reg Birkenhead, d abt Dec 1980 reg Birkenhead, unmarried? [No marriage record for England & Wales, or for Scotland prior to 1932] Note: In Jan 2008 two birth cups for Thomas Valentine H were found in a house being renovated in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland by the owner, William MAITLAND. At present, we have absolutely no idea how they got there. 1911 Census: age 2 in Birkenhead with mother

m Norah L HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1911 reg Birkenhead

m = Stanley Frederick CROSS-RUDKIN m abt Sep 1941 reg Birkenhead

m Beryl Esther HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Feb 1916 reg Birkenhead, d abt Jun 1975 reg Birkenhead, unmarried

l Edwardb1880 Ernest HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1147] b abt Mar 1880 reg West Derby . Unmarried? d abt Jun 1914 age 34 reg Birkenhead as Edward E. 1881 Census: at Everton age 1. 1891 Census: Scholar age 11 at Walton on the Hill, b Everton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Timber Measurer age 21 with parents at Walton on the Hill, b Liverpool. 1911 Census: age 31 in Birkenhead

k Edwardb1853 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1148] b 8 Feb 1853 5(6?) Duke's Terrace, St George, Liverpool, c 13 Mar 1853 Liverpool St Peter, m 10 Jun 1878 St Michael's, Toxteth, Parish of Walton on the Hill, reg West Derby, Shipwright of Eversley Street, son of John HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Warehouseman. Probably no issue. d abt Dec 1878 age 25 reg West Derby. 1861 Census: Scholar age 8 in West Derby. 1871 Census: Unmarried Shipwright age 18 with parents in Toxteth Park, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: not found [thus tending to confirm the death record as correct.]

k = Frances DAGGERS [1917] b abt Jun 1856 W Derby, m(2) abt Dec 1885 reg Toxteth Park to James BROWN. 1891 Census: Wife age 33, living with 2nd husband and 2 children

k Richardb1855 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1149] b abt Sep 1855 reg Lverpool, c 16 Sep 1855 Liverpool St Peter, d abt Dec 1928 age 73 reg W Derby. 1861 Census: Scholar age 5 in West Derby. 1871 Census: not with parents in Toxteth Park. 1881 Census: Unmarried Warehouse Porter age 25 lodging with his widowed father at 27 Doon(?) Street, Kirkdale, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: Married General Labourer age 34 of 19 Brock Street, Kirkdale, b Liverpool. No children present. 1901 Census: Married Rope Warehouseman of 95 Gloucester Road, Bootle Cum Linacre, Lancs., age 45, b Liverpool

k = Mary WATSON b abt 1854 Scotland, m abt Mar 1883 reg W Derby, d abt Jun 1923 age 68 reg West Derby. 1901 Census: Housewife age 46 at Bootle, b Scotland. [Could this be the younger sister of Marjory WATSON who married Richard’s elder brother John?]

k Williamb1857 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2805] b abt Sep 1857 reg W Derby, d abt Sep 1857 W Derby

k Septimus HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2806] b abt Feb 1859 reg W Derby, c 6 Mar 1859 Liverpool St Peter, d 13 Oct 1862 Toxteth Park, Liverpool. He seems to be the sixth, not seventh, recorded child, so perhaps he was named as the 7th male in the family. Alternatively, perhaps there was an unrecorded still-born twin somewhere among his siblings to make up the numbers. 1861 Census: age 2 in West Derby. 1871 Census: not with parents, confirming 1862 death.

k Robertb1862 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1654] c 5 Jan 1862 Liverpool St Peter reg W Derby d 2 Oct 1862 Toxteth Park. 1871 Census: not with parents, confirming 1862 death.

j Annb1816 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 17 Sep 1816, c 16 Feb 1817 Claughton nr Lancaster. This seems to have been a joint ceremony with her first cousin and namesake below

[j Henryb1818 HATHORNTHWAITE c 26 Apr 1818 Wyresdale Christ Church, s of Richd H & “Gifford” of Hare Apple Tree, in a joint ceremony with Robert H [2708] s of Richard & Molly of Hare Apple Tree, m not found, d not found. Could he fit here? Or is this OLPC record completely spurious? There are other possible speculative positions for this record]

j Betty HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1152] b 3 Jan 1819, c 31 Jan 1819 Claughton nr Lancaster. 1840: Spinster of Bushell Place, Preston, father John H Labourer

j = Samuel LIVESEY m 15 Aug 1840 Preston [OLPC 15 Aug] , Labourer, son of John LIVESEY, Farmer, deceased

j Thomasb1821 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1153] b Hornby, c 24 Jun 1821 Hornby, d 11 May 1888 Galgate age 67 reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: Ag Lab age 20 with parents in Claughton, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married Corn Porter age 30 at 4 Court, Prussia St, St Paul’s Square, Liverpool, b Claughton. 1861 Census: Married Master Carter age 40 at 25 Bond Street, Liverpool, b Clayton, Lancs, rec as HAT-. 1871 Census: Married Retired Master Carter age 50 at Ellel, b Claughton, rec as HAW-. 1881 Census: Married Master Carter (Retired) age 64, Visitor at 62 Commercial Road, Kirkdale, b Liverpool (this seems to be an enumerator’s error), wife not present, rec as HAY- .

j = Mary Ann ANON [PROCTER?] [2009] b abt 1821 Brookhouse, Caton, [m abt Sep 1845 reg Liverpool??], d abt Mar 1891 age 72 reg Lancaster, rec as Mary A HAY-. 1851 Census: Corn Porter’s Wife age 30 at 4 Court, Prussia St, Liverpool, b Caton, (with no children in 1851). 1861 Census: Housewife age 42 at 25 Bond Street, Liverpool, b Claughton, Lancs. 1871 Census: Housewife age 53 at Ellel, b Caton. 1881 Census: Retired Master Carter’s Wife age 62 at Station Houses, Ellel, b Brookhouse, Lancs., husband not at home (he was in Kirkdale), rec as Mary Ann HAWTHORNWAITE.

j Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Hornby, c 5 Oct 1823 Hornby

j Maryb1828 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 12 Oct 1828 Claughton nr Lancaster

j Nancy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1155] b Farleton, c 26 May 1833 Claughton nr Lancaster, d not found

The Descendants of Richard of Kirkby Lonsdale, Druggist

Richard was born in 1788 at Whitendale Farm, some miles up the remote valley north of Dunsop Bridge down which runs the River Dunsop. Sometime before 1806, when Richard was about 18, his father moved from Whitendale to a farm at Claughton Hall (pr. Cluffton, I have recently discovered), over the fell in the Lune Valley. In 1813, at the age of 25 and described as a farmer of Claughton, he married Jane Edmondson of Hornby at Melling Church. At that stage, the newly wed couple went to live in Kirkby Lonsdale, where Richard opened a grocer's shop on Main Street. In about 1900, a magazine article about the family and its connections suggested that Jane Edmondson was possibly sister to John Edmondson who had been in business as a grocer and druggist at Wray, so perhaps this is where he got the idea. The article continues "Being noted for his knowledge of cattle, his farmer-friends often resorted to him for advice, and eventually he began to keep drugs and in this way became a chemist as well as a grocer". The business was later continued by his sons Thomas and William, and then by William's widow Elizabeth until at least 1881. Elizabeth had family connections in Norfolk, and it is probably this that later led her sons Frances and William to settle in Norfolk, the former with tragic consequences.

Richard and his sons seem to have done well out of the business and made moves up the social scale. There are, still kept within this branch of the family, portraits in oils of Richard and William, the former reputed to be an early work by Romney, who was working at this stage in Kendal.

The 1841 Census for Kirkby Lonsdale mentions a Hawthornthwaite Yard on Main Street. However, it is not clear whether this was named after this generation of the family and its Chemists shop or after Peter Hawthornthwaite the Clockmaker and Whitesmith who had looked after the clock in the tower of Kirkby Lonsdale parish church about 100 years previously. An example of one of his fine long case clocks may be seen in the Abbott Hall Museum in Kendal.

Fifth Child of Richard of Whitendale

i Richardb1788 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [687] b Whitendale, c 27 April 1788 Slaidburn, m 1813 as "Farmer of Claughton" age 25, d 30 Apr 1864 Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Kendal, bur Melling [MI]. Portrait reputed to be by Romney. 1841 Census: Chemist & Grocer, 46 Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale. 1851 Census: Widowed Chemist, Grocer, etc., age 62 in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Whittingdale, Slaidburn. Son William is with him, but daughter Eleanor is away in Lancaster visiting friends. 1861 Census: Widower age 73, Chemist, Grocer and Sub Distributor of [Hemps/Lamps?] in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Slaidburn. An 1881 Trade Directory of Lancaster and surrounding area shows Richard Haythornthwaite & Son still in business in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale. Son William's widow Elizabeth, was living in Main Street and running the business, according to the 1881 Census.

i = Jane EDMONDSON [688] c 7 Jul 1782 Tatham (daur of William EDMONDSON of Hornby) m 22 Apr 1813 Melling, "of Melling" age 29, d 8 Jun 1849 Kirkby Lonsdale aged 66 years, reg Kendal, bur 11 Jun 1849 Melling St Wilfrid

j Thomasb1815 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [689] c 13 Aug 1815 Kirkby Lonsdale. In 1841 wrote to his first cousin James at 14 Mercer's Court, Liverpool, discussing the forthcoming sale of Green Head Farm, Low Bentham for a price of around £1300 (copy of letter on file). Green Head was bought and remained in the family until 1923. Druggist. d 30 May 1848 Kirkby Lonsdale, bur 2 Jun 1848 Melling St Wilfrid. Monumental Inscription: "aged 32 years".

j Williamb1817 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [690] c 26 Jun 1817 Kirkby Lonsdale, d 12 Mar 1877 of apoplexy, age 59, bur Chapel-le-Dale (MI in church yard). Chemist and Druggist. I have been told he initially worked as a draper, but when his elder brother died in 1848, he returned to Kirkby Lonsdale to run the Chemist’s Shop with his wife. 1851 Census: Unmarried Chemist, Grocer, etc., age 33 in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Kirkby Lonsdale. 1861 Census: Married Chemist and Druggist age 43 in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Kirkby Lonsdale. 1871 Census: Married Chemist Druggist and Grocer employing 1 man and 1 boy, age 53, of Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Kirkby Lonsdale, wife and daughter not at home..

j = Elizabethb1823 METCALFE c 11 May 1823 Ingleton Fells m 23 Aug 1851 Chapel-le-Dale, Bentham, reg Settle, of Weathercote, Chapel-le-Dale, d 23 Jan 1895 age 72 Casterton Old Hall, bur Chapel-le-Dale (MI in church yard). 1861 Census: Housewife age 38, b Chapel le Dale. 1871 Census: Chemist’s Wife age 48, visitor, together with daughter Sarah Jane, at home of Retired Master Mariner James PETERS in Austwick. 1881 Census: Widowed Grocer & Chemist age 58 employing 1 man and 1 boy in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Ingleton. 1891 Census: Widowed Mother in Law age 68, b Ingleton, living on own means, at Gibson’s Farm, Quernmore, in household of Edward RAWLINSON and her daughter Sarah Jane

k Sarah Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [692] b 12 Jun 1855 Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Kendal, d 19 May 1896 age 40 bur Chapel-le-Dale (MI in church yard). 1861 Census: Scholar age 5, in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale. 1871 Census: Visitor age 15, with her mother, in Austwick. 1881 Census: Unmarried daughter age 25 in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Kirkby Lonsdale.

k = Edward RAWLINSON c 20 Jun 1859 Kirkby Lonsdale m 31 Jul 1889 Quernmore St Peter, reg Lunesdale. Farmer of Old Hall Farm, Quernmore

l Elizabeth (Elsie) RAWLINSON b 28 Jan 1890 Caton d 1984

l Edward William RAWLINSON b 24 Aug 1893 d 9 Jul 1980

k Elizabethb1856 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [694] c 29 Aug 1856 Kirkby Lonsdale reg Kendal, d 10 Dec 1889. 9 children. 1861 Census: Scholar age 4 in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale. 1871 Census: Pupil age 14 at Burton House School, Kirkby Lonsdale. 1881 Census: Land Agent’s Wife age 24 at Hall Garthe, Clapham cum Newby, b Kirkby Lonsdale

k = John BATEMAN m 31 Dec 1879 Chapel le Dale, reg Settle. 1881 Census: Married Land Agent age 28 at Hall Garthe, Clapham cum Newby, b Sedgewick

l William BATEMAN

m Elizabeth BATEMAN

m = George BEAN

n Christine BEAN 2004: of Wimborne, Dorset. A most helpful informant.

n = Michael EDMONDSON

k Francis Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE [696] b 8 Jan 1858 Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Kendal d 30(13?) Aug 1889 age 31 East Dereham, Norfolk , reg Mitford. Francis Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE is a bit of a mystery. Although an educated man, speaking several languages and describing his occupation as that of chemist, according to the Norfolk Free Press of 7 Nov 1889 he was working as a labourer in Norfolk and died as a result of sunstroke whilst helping a local farmer with the harvest. He had apparently called himself Francis METCALFE, and only after his death did his true surname come to light. 1861 Census: Scholar age 3 in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale. 1871 Census: Scholar age 13 living in a hostel in Giggleswick. 1881 Census: Unmarried Grocer & Chemist’s Assistant, age 23, with widowed mother in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale.

k Johnb1859 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2814] b 10 Feb 1859 Kirkby Lonsdale reg Kendal , d 3 Jan 1863 at the Parsonage, Ingleton Fells age 3 years 11 months, bur Chapel le Dale (MI in church yard), reg Settle. 1861 Census: age 2 in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale.

k Williamb1862 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [697] b 17 Apr 1862 Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Kendal. d 3 Apr 1934 reg Plymouth. From 1878 to 1883, he was apprenticed to Mr J Vince, chemist, of Cheapside, Lancaster. He left Lancaster in 1884 and later set up in business (quite when is not clear) in the village of Docking, Norfolk. 1871 Census: Scholar age 8 in Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Kirkby Lonsdale, rec as HAYTHORTHWAITE, 1901 Census: Married Chemist & Tobacconist at Docking, Norfolk, b Kirkby Lonsdale, age 38. 1911 Census: age 48 in Docking. Later moved to Redruth, Cornwall, back to Docking and back to Redruth again, remaining in the South-West until he died.

k = Lucy SMITH b abt 1863 North Walsham, Norfolk, daur. of William and Elizabeth SMITH of Witton Park Farm, m abt Mar 1895 Bacton Church, nr North Walsham, reg Smallburgh, Norfolk. d abt Jun 1937 age 73 reg Plymouth. . Note that Elizabeth SMITH was the daughter of Miles METCALFE of Bacton House, who was brother of John METCALFE of Weathercote, Chapel-le-Dale nr Kirkby Lonsdale. It was presumably this connection that brought Francis Metcalfe H and William H from Kirkby Lonsdale to Norfolk. 1901 Census: Married age 37 with husband in Docking, b Witton, N Walsham

l Muriel Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [699] b abt Dec 1895, Newport, Isle of Wight. Awarded MBE for missionary work in the Gold Coast d 1959. 1901 Census: age 5 with parents in Docking, b Newport, IOW

l Revd. Williamb1897 HAYTHORNTHWAITE MBE [700] b 1 Sep 1897 Isle of Wight, d 1 Aug 1994 age 96 reg New Forest. 1901 Census: age 3 with parents in Docking, b West Cowes, IOW. In about 1946, went out to the Gambia, and was later awarded an MBE for his missionary work there.

l = (1) Evelyn LOVELESS m 15 Jun 1927, reg Bournemouth d 1931

m Anthony G HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1931 reg Devonport, d 1931

l = (2) Josephine Lee WHITE b 25 Dec 1910, d 15 Jun 2001 reg New Forest.

l Albert Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE [704] b abt Dec 1899 reg Docking, m abt Sep 1924 Redruth d abt Jun 1937 age 37 reg Redruth. Aboard a ship in Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia, when a munitions ship blew up in a famous explosion during first world war. Badly injured, but survived. 1901 Census: age 1 with parents in Docking, b Docking. 1911 Census: age 11 in Docking

l = Everil MATTHEWS

m Williamb1932 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2958] b abt Mar 1932 Redruth, presumed twin of Albert Leonard, d abt Mar 1932 age 0 reg Redruth

m Albert Leonard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1932 Redruth, d 6 Dec 2003 Perth. Emigrated to Perth, Australia in 1974. As from 2001, keeper of portraits of Richard & William of Kirkby Lonsdale.

m = Ingeborg ANON

n Leonard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1958

o Mark John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1987


l Edna Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE [711] b abt Dec 1903 reg Docking, m abt Mar 1937 Plymouth

l = Arthur WAKELING

l Frank Miles Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE [712] b 16 June 1906 reg Docking, d 10 Sep 1981 Cape Town. Brought up mainly in Redruth, Cornwall. Archdeacon of Damaraland, Namibia

l = Grace Tillie HERRINGSHAW b 16 Mar 1909 reg Dartford, m 23 Jul 1936 reg Essex SW, d 1992 Cape Town

m David Charles Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 8 Dec 1938, d 9 June 1998, Windhoek, Namibia. 1967: Emigrated from UK to Windhoek, Namibia

m = Heather Louise Maud FRY b 31 Aug 1937, m abt Dec 1962 reg Plymouth. 2000: In Cape Province, South Africa. 2005: in Kirstenhof, Cape Town.

n Julia Denise Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 6 Nov 1963 reg Gloucester C. 2004: In Cape Town.

n = Victor DE MINK m 27 Feb 1985

o Samantha Stephanie DE MINK, b 18 Sep 1985 Windhoek, Namibia

n Peter David Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Mar 1965 Harrogate reg Claro. 1967: Moved with parents to Windhoek, Namibia. 2004: In Windhoek, Namibia.

n = Gail Davena GOODERHAM b 15 Feb 1965 Littlehampton, m 13 May 1988 Windhoek, Namibia

o Stephen James Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 8 Apr 1993 Windhoek, Namibia

o Michael David Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Mar 1994 Windhoek, Namibia

n Cheryl Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1966 reg Newton Abbot, d abt Jun 1966 age 0 reg Totnes

The Haythornthwaite Vineyard

m Mark Metcalfe HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Mar 1942, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. IBM Retiree, Encryption Programmer and Vineyard Owner. The vineyard is at Martinborough in North Island, New Zealand, and produces very high quality Pinot Noir, Gewurtztraminer and Pinot Gris under the "Haythornthwaite" label. Readers of this document will be anxious to encourage Mark to make his produce available so that we can add it to our wine cellars and stun our dinner guests. In November 2000, the Pinot Noir wine was awarded one of only three Gold Medals in the premier Wine Competition of New Zealand. In October 2001, Mark gave a tasting of the Pinot Noir to the 100 guests assembled at the Haythornthwaite Gathering at Sawley, nr Clitheroe, Lancs.

m = Susan Ruth ANDREWS m 20 Oct 2001 South Africa

m Ursula Fiorenza HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 6 Jul 1945

m = Michael VAN NIEKERK b 20 Apr 1939. m 12 Nov 1964

k Margaret Eleanor HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2815] b 30 Aug 1865 reg Kendal, c 5 Sep 1865 Kirkby Lonsdale, d 5 Sep 1865 Kirkby Lonsdale, bur Chapel le Dale (MI in church yard), reg Kendal

j Eleanor HAYTHORNTHWAITE [722] c 23 Aug 1820 Kirkby Lonsdale, d 29 Aug 1855 London age 35 [Snaith15 suggests d 15 Apr 1856 at 75 Birkett St Liverpool age 34 (?), but this conflicts with this Eleanor's headstone in Kirkby Lonsdale churchyard] 1851 Census: Unmarried visitor age 30 at 67 Market Street, Lancaster, b Kirkby Lonsdale, household headed by Alice EDMONDSON, widow, grocer, age 55.

j = John BENSON m 30 Sep 1851 Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Kendal, d 21 May 1876 Dove Nest, Windermere, bur Kirkby Lonsdale, age 59. Leather factor of 18 King Street, Liverpool (from his Will)

k Eleanor BENSON c 30 Jul 1854 Kirkby Lonsdale

k Margaret Jane BENSON c 4 Sep 1855 Kirkby Lonsdale

j Richardb1822 HAYTHORNWAITE [723] c 21 Aug 1822 Kirkby Lonsdale, d 29 May 1824 Kirkby Lonsdale, aged 1 yr 9 mths, bur 9 Jun 1824 Melling (MI in Melling Church Yard) [OLPC: 1 Jun 1824]

Sixth & Seventh Children of Richard of Whitendale

i Nancy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Whitendale c 31 Jan 1785 Whitewell as "Ann", d Claughton Hall bur 1 Apr 1812 Slaidburn "daughter of Richard & Ellen Haythornthwaite of Claughton Hall age 27"

i Robertb1789 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [725] b Whitendale 1789, c 2 October 1791 Slaidburn. Farmer of Claughton and Farleton (nr Claughton), d 3 Oct 1857 (Apoplexy) age 67, Aqueduct House, Halton, bur Halton, age 67, reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: Farmer age 50 at Farleton. 1851 Census: Widower, Farmer of 10 acres at Halton, age 61, b Bowland, living with children Richard & Lettice, and grand-daughter Jane (whose father, William the Miner, Robert’s eldest son below, is believed to have been working as a Coal Miner in Shildon, Co. Durham. However, on Census Day 1851, William was in fact at Twistleton Hall, Ingleton, visiting his aunt Lettice DOWNHAM)

i = Joyce PROCTER [923] c 6 Feb 1791 Halton (daur of William and Anne PROCTER of Farleton), m 13 Jan 1813 Melling, "of Melling", Spinster age 22 and Farmer age 23 of Claughton, d 19 Sep 1849 age 58 Halton, bur Halton St Wilfrid, reg Lancaster

First Child of Robertb1789

j Ellin HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1157] b 26 Jul 1813, c 22 Aug 1813 Claughton nr Lancaster

The First Australian Branch

When William's wife and third infant daughter died tragically in 1844 after the birth, as far as we know he did not marry again in England. However, in 1854, when his sole surviving child Jane was just 15, William decided to emigrate to Australia, leaving Jane behind. She died in Accrington in 1910. For further details of Williamb1815 ("William the Miner") and his descendants in Australia, see Chapter 8.

Second Child of Robertb1789

j Williamb1815 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [924] b Claughton, c 14 May 1815 [27 Aug 1815?] Claughton nr Lancaster. Farmer at Farleton. Later worked as a miner at Shildon in County Durham. Emigrated to Australia in 1854. d 1880 Victoria.

…………………………………………………………… See Chapter 8

Third, Fourth & Fifth Child of Robertb1789

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2938] b 12 Jan 1817, c 16 Feb 1817 Claughton nr Lancaster: this appears to be a joint christening with her first cousin and namesake above, m not found, d not found [unless it was her 1840 Will of Ann H, Spinster of Preston]

j Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1159] b Farleton, c 19 Nov 1821 Hornby [OLPC says 1820]

j Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [925] b Farleton, c 28 Sep 1823 Hornby. 1841 Census: age 15 with parents at Farleton. 1851 Census: Unmarried Housemaid age 27 at Brook House, Bilsborrow, b Farleton, in house of Margaret GREENHALGH, 90 year old Gentlewoman Annuitant.

j = James BLEZARD Joiner of Myerscough (son of Richard, Joiner, and Elizabeth BLEZARD) m 17 Nov 1851 Barton St Lawrence, reg Preston

Sixth Child of Robertb1789

j Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE bur 18 Oct 1828 Melling St Wilfrid, infant of Farleton

Sixth Child of Robertb1789

j Richardb1829 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [926] b Farleton, parish of Melling, c 7 Jun 1829 Hornby, m 6 Oct 1851 Preston St John, "husbandman of Halton", Witness: William HAYTHORNTHWAITE (presumably his elder brother, “William the Miner”), d 3 Jun 1886 reg Lunesdale, age 57, bur Quernmore Church (MI just inside entrance gate to church yard). 1841 Census: age 10 with parents in Farleton. 1851 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Labourer living with his widowed father and niece Jane at Halton, age 21, b Farleton. 1861 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 32 in the Village, Halton, b Farleton. 1867: Labourer of Scotforth. 1871 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 41 at 1 Tile Kiln, Quernmore, b Farlton. 1881 Census: At The Tilery House, Quernmore. Occupation: General Labourer

j = Elizabethb1822 CARTER [930] b abt 1822 Broughton, c 7 Dec 1823 Broughton (daur of William CARTER, labourer, and Ann), d 8 Sep 1906 age 84 reg Lunesdale, bur Quernmore Church (MI just inside entrance gate to church yard). 1861 Census: Married age 38 in Halton, b Broughton. 1871 Census: Labourer’s Wife age 49 at 1 Tile Kiln, Quernmore, b Barton. 1881 Census: Laundress at the Tilery House, Quernmore. 1891 Census: Widow age 69 living on own means at Tilery Cottages, Quernmore, b Barton. 1901 Census: Widowed Crofter age 79 at Tilery Cottages, Quernmore, b Broughton in Preston.

First Child of Richardb1829

k Williamb1852 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [942] b 31 Jul 1852 20 Court Grafton St, Toxteth Park, reg West Derby, d abt Mar 1913 reg Carlisle age 60. As a railway worker, he seems to have moved around quite a bit, and possibly failed to register the birth of his first two children. 1861 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents in Halton, b Liverpool. 1871 Census: Married Goods Shunter age 18, not with wife, at 45 Newland Street, Dalton in Furness, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: Married Railway Inspector, age 28, at Main Street, Warton with Lindeth, nr Carnforth, Lancs, b Liverpool. Subsequently Station Master at Tebay, then at Carnforth. 1891 Census: Married Station Master age 38 at Railway Station House, Carnforth, b Liverpool. In 1897, appointed Assistant Station Superintendent at Carlisle Citadel Station, and in 1899 Station Superintendent, the top job. 1901 Census: Railway Superintendant age 48 at Station House, Court Square, Carlisle (St Cuthbert Parish). It is said by his descendants that he looked most impressive in his staion master’s black silk top hat. Retired in 1908. 1911 Census: Widowed Retired Railway Official age 60, b Liverpool, living at Grinsdale, Carlisle

k = Jane ILLINGWORTH [1160] b abt 1849 Galgate, Lancs, m abt Mar 1870 Lancaster St John the Evangelist reg Lancaster, d abt Jun 1910 Carlisle, aged 65. 1871 Census: Married Silk Mill Hand age 23, not with husband, boarding at Galgate Crescent, Ellel, Lancs, rec as HAW-. 1891 Census: Housewife age 42 at Railway Station House, Carnforth, b Galgate. 1901 Census: at St Cuthbert, age 54, b Galgate, Lancaster.

l Elizabethb1871 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1161] b abt 1871 Quernmore, Lancs (reg not found), m abt Sep 1895 Carlisle. 1871 Census: age 6m with mother in Ellel, b Quernmore. 1881 Census: Scholar age 10 at Warton with Lindeth, b Quernmore. 1891 Census: Unmarried Dressmaker age 20 with parents at Railway Station House, Carnforth, b Quernmore. 1911 Census: Wodowed Maternity Nurse age 40, b Quernmore, living with widowed father in Carlisle

l = Thomas Ross MacFARLANE

l Johnb1873 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1162] b abt Dec 1872 Ellel, reg Lancaster as HAW-, c 22 Oct 1873 Ellel, d abt Jun 1962 reg Carlisle age 89. 1881 Census: Scholar age 8 at Warton with Lindeth, b Ellel. 1891 Census: Unmarried Draper’s Assistant age 18 with parents at Railway Station House, Carnforth, b Galgate. 1900 marriage: Draper’s Manager of Carlisle. [1901 Census: Unmarried Draper’s Manager age 30 boarding at 8 James Street, Birkenhead, b Lancaster. Maybe this is someone else?] 1911 Census: Married Draper Buyer age 38 at 31 Halton Road, Lancaster, b Lancaster

l = Mary Elizabeth SWINBURNE [3010] b abt 1873 Hexham, m 16 Apr 1900 Poulton le Sands Holy Trinity, Spinster of Bare, d abt Jun 1955 age 84 reg Lancaster

m Joycelyn Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1172] b abt Sep 1908, reg Carlisle. Matron of Royal Marsden Hospital. Spinster. Of Gretna, Carlisle. d 1998 (reg not found, presumably reg in Scotland). 1911 Census: age 3 with parents in Lancaster, b Carlisle

m Hubert HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1163] b 12 Apr 1911 reg Lancaster, m abt Sep 1941 reg Settle, d abt Sep 1979 reg Penrith.

m = Doris Elizabeth BATTY [1164] b 28 Mar 1918, d abt Jul 2003 reg Penrith. 2000: of Penrith

n Michael HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Apr 1942 Kendal. 2000: of Darlington

n =(1) Paula OLIVER

o Joanne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1972 reg Penrith

n =(2) Lesley A BALL

o Barry P HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 15 Jan 1979 2001: in Darlington.

o Sean Ben HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 30 Aug 1983 reg York

n Judith Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1945 Penrith 2000: of Penrith

l Richardb1875 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1169] b abt Jun 1875 Orton, Westmorland, reg E. Ward. 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 at Warton with Lindeth, b Orton, Westmorland. 1891 Census: Railway Porter age 15 with parents at Railway Station House, Carnforth, b Tebay. 1901 Census: Unmarried Railway Clerk in the parish of St Cuthbert, Cumberland, age 25, b Tebay, Westmorland. d not found in England. Went to Scotland?

l = Mary Jane ELLIOTT [2012] b abt Mar 1876 reg Carlisle, m abt Jun 1906 reg Carlisle, d not found in England

l Jane Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1170] b abt Dec 1877 Orton, Westmorland, reg E. Ward, [ m abt Jun 1911 reg Settle; this marriage is now shown to be incorrect] d 1943 Gretna, Dumfries, age 65, reg as Jane A HAYTHORNTHWAITE, “other surnames JOHNSTON”. 1881 Census: age 3 at Warton with Lindeth, b Orton. 1891 Census: age 12 with parents at Railway Station House, Carnforth, b Tebay. 1901 Census: at St Cuthbert, Carlisle, age 23, b Tebay, Westmorland. 191 Census: Single age 33, b Tebay, living with widowed father in Carlisle

l = Philip V JOHNSTON m abt Sep 1911 reg Carlisle.

l Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1171] b abt Sep 1880 Orton, Westmorland, reg E. Ward, d abt Sep 1881 reg Lancaster aged 1. 1881 Census: age 8m at Warton with Lindeth, b Orton. 1901 Census: not found.

Second Child of Richardb1829

k Robertb1854 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [933] b 22 Jun 1854 Halton Green, reg Lancaster, c 27 Aug 1854 Halton St Wilfrid, d 25 Dec 1929 The Green, Ireby, bur Leck, age 75, reg Lunesdale. 1861 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents in Halton, b Halton. 1871 Census: Unmarried Farm Servant age 16 at 1 Tile Kiln, Quernmore, with parents, b Halton. 1881 Census shows him at Daisy Bank, Quernmore, Farmer of 34 acres. This is supported by an 1881 Lancaster & District Trade Directory. Note that Daisy Bank appears to be next door to the Tilery House, Quernmore, and the Rectory, where were other members of his family. 1891 Census: Married Farmer age 36 boarding with John PROCTER at Ireby, Burrow with Burrow, wife not present. 1901 Census: Married Farmer of Ireby Green, age 46, b Halton Bulmers History of Lancaster, 1912, describes him as Chairman of the Parish Meeting and farmer at Green Farm, Ireby.

k = Mary SIMPSON b 12 Jun 1856 Longlands, Leck, Lancs. (daur of James SIMPSON, Farmer, and Sarah) Of Godney Green, m 2 Dec 1879 Leck St Peter age 23, d 15 Mar 1942 Beck House, Borwick, nr Carnforth, age 85, bur Leck., reg Lunesdale. 1891 Census: Farmer’s Wife, age 35, at Town End Farm, Church Street, Halton, b Leck, husband not at home. 1901 Census: Married age 44 with husband in Ireby, b Leck

l Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1173] b abt Dec 1880 Quernmore, reg Lunesdale, d abt Dec 1886 reg Lunesdale, aged 6.

l Jamesb1882 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1174] b 31 Jan 1882 Quernmore reg Lunesdale, c 12 Mar 1882 Quernmore, d abt Sep 1960 aged 78 reg Lunesdale. 1891 Census: Scholar age 9 at Town End Farm, Halton, b Quernmore. 1901 Census: Unmarried Farmer's son at Ireby, age 19, b Quernmore, Lancs. Later, farmer at Borwick, Carnforth

l = Jane Elizabeth HODGKINSON [1175] b abt 1883 Gressingham, daur of Stephen HODGKINSON, Farmer of Gale Green, Thornton-in-Lonsdale, m 30 Apr 1907 Thornton-in-Lonsdale age 24, d abt Mar 1944 age 61 reg Lancaster.

m Gladys HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1176] b abt Mar 1908 Beck House, Borwick, Lunesdale, c 26 Apr 1908 Gressingham St John, m abt Sep 1933, reg Lancaster

m = Tom MACKERETH Farmer at Arkholme, Carnforth d

n John MACKERETH 2000: Farmer at Arkholme, Carnforth

m Stephenb1909 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1181] b 23 Oct 1909 Beck House, Borwick, Lunesdale, c 19 Dec 1909 Gressingham St John, d Mar 1989 reg Lancaster Farmer at Escrigge, Carnforth

m = (1) Grace THOMPSON [1183] m abt Sep 1934 Lunesdale, d abt Sep 1935 age 30 reg Lunesdale. No issue

m = (2) Maggie MASON [1182] b 23 May 1909, m abt Jun 1944 Gressingham St John the Evangelist, Lunesdale, d Mar 1986 reg Lancaster No issue

m Robertb1912 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1184] b 21 Sep 1912 Beck House, Borwick, Lunesdale, c 1 Dec 1912 Gressingham St John, d abt Dec 1974 reg Lancaster, bur Melling Church (MI in church yard). Farmer at Melling.

m = Alice LEECE m abt Sep 1933 Melling St Wilfred, Lunesdale, d 1987 bur Melling Church (MI with husband)

n Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1934 reg Lunesdale, d abt Mar 1934 age 10 days, bur Melling Church (MI with parents)

n Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1186] b 5 Jan 1935 Melling, reg Lunesdale 2000: at Lancaster

n = Robert Jennings HEPWORTH [1187] m abt Sep 1963 Melling St Wilfred reg Lunesdale


o Penelope HEPWORTH

n John Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1188] b 13 Aug 1936 Melling. 2000: At Haverbreaks Rd, Lancaster

n = Eleanor Forster ENGLISH [1189] b 12 Mar 1937 Well, Yorks, m 1963 Slyne-with-Hest St Luke, reg Lancaster

o John Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11Oct 1965 High Bentham, reg Ewecross 2000: of Cottam, nr Preston.

o = Carol June FIELDING b 1 Oct 1969 m abt Jun 1994 St Annes, reg Blackpool/F

p Guy Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Dec 1999 Preston, Lancs.

o Timothy Edgar Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Oct 1966 High Bentham, Yorks, reg Ewecross. 2000: Analyst Programmer in London.

o = Eung Jung PARK b 6 Aug 1968 South Korea, m abt Jun 1999 Lancaster

p Emma Eleanor Susie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Jan 2003 Camden, London

p Ethan Eugene Paitfield HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Oct 2009 Cambridge

n Rex Leece HAYTHORNTHWAITE BSc (Est Man) (Lon) ARICS b 2 Jun 1942 High Bentham. 2000: Retired Rural Surveyor nr Okehampton, Devon

n = (1) Carole Ann FORD b 19 Sep 1946 Cardiff m 1968 Cardiff, div. 1983. [m(2) Ashok K JETHWA abt May 1993 reg Tavistock?]

o Llywelyn Daniel Leece HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Dec 1971 Preston, reg Preston 2000: Supermarket Merchandising Manager at Bath. 2012: Business Accountant at Nutricia Ltd, Trowbridge

o = Tara Sian REES-JONES BSc (Edin) MSc (Lough) b 14 Oct 1971 Clevedon 2000: Univ of Bath Projects Officer

p Rees Idris HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 Mar 1999 Bath

o Merlyn Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE BSc b 3 Dec 1977 Plymouth 2000: Bicycle Retail Manager at Bath. 2009: Assistant Editor, Dirt Mountain Bike Magazine. 2011: In Brockweir, Wye Valley

o = Gemma Louise BODÉ BSc b 6 Mar 1978 Cuckfield. 2009: Ecologist, Gwent Wildlife Trust

p Isla Bethan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 6 Jul 2009 Abergavenny

p Rufus George HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Nov 2011 Abergavenny

n = (2) Anne Marie MASSY-DAWSON (nee HERITAGE) b 7 Jul 1937 Sheffield, m abt Oct 1984 Tavistock

n Peter James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Aug 1946 Melling, reg Lunesdale. 2000: Solicitor in Kirkby Lonsdale. Supplier of original tree of this branch of the family. 2005: of Redmire, Wensleydale

n = Margaret Elizabeth MOSS b 6 Nov 1953 Bingley, m abt Sep 1975 Casterton, nr Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Kendal

o Julia Elizabeth Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Mar 1978 Kendal

o Virginia ("Ginny") Mary Moss HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Apr 1981 Kendal

m Williamb1917 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1203] b 26 Sep 1917 Borwick, Lunesdale, c 4 Nov 1917 Gressingham St John, m abt Dec 1942, reg Westmorland S. Farmer at Burton-in-Lonsdale d (but reg not found)

m = Kathleen WILSON [1204] d 20 Oct 2007, bur Thornton in Lonsdale. 2000: of Westhouse, nr Ingleton. No issue

l Richardb1884 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1211] b abt Mar 1884 Quernmore, reg Lunesdale , c 31 Mar 1884 Quernmore, d abt Mar 1916 age 31, as a result of a horse-kick, reg Lunesdale,. 1891 Census: Scholar age 7 at Town End Farm, Halton, b Quernmore. 1901 Census: Unmarried Ordinary Agricultural Labourer at Tilery Cottages, Quernmore, age 17, b Quernmore, working for his widowed grandmother Elizabeth, a Crofter.

l = Margaret Isobel WILCOCK [1212] b 10 Jan 1895 reg Lancaster, m abt Dec 1915 Settle, reg Settle, m(2) William FELL abt Dec 1922 reg Settle, d abt Mar 1971 reg Lancaster

m Richardb1916 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1213] b 26 Mar 1916 Ingleton, Yorks, reg Settle, d abt Jun 1981 reg Braintree. Only child.

m = Kathleen Emma HARROP [1214] b 10 Feb 1916, m abt Mar 1938 Blackpool, d abt Mar 2002 reg Brentwood, Essex. 2000: at Stanford-le-Hope, Essex

n David Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1215] b 8 Oct 1939 Coventry. 2000: At Basildon

n = Marion Rita EVES m abt Jun 1969 reg Thurrock

o Alison Rachael HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1970 reg Barking. 2001: in South Ockenden

o Peter Roger HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1974 reg Barking. 2001: in Stanford le Hope

o Emma Rebecca HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1976 reg Thurrock 2000: At Norwich

o = Christopher J ROSE m abt Sep 2000 reg Norwich

n Barbara Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1944 Westmorland S.

n = Anon DABBS m abt Jun 1969 reg Thurrock

l Sarah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1216] b 6 Oct 1885 Quernmore reg Lunesdale, c 22 Nov 1885. 1891 Census: Scholar age 5 at Town End Farm, Halton, b Quernmore. 1901 Census: Farmer's Daughter at Ireby, age 15, b Quernmore, Lancs.

l = Roger IRETON [b abt Dec 1887 Wyresdale as John Roger IRETON?], m 11 Jun 1914 Wesleyan Chapel, Burton-in-Lonsdale, reg Settle, (son of John IRETON [3673] Farmer decd, and Ann H [1366], see below), insurance agent of Pitt Lane, Farnworth, age 27 No issue

l Mary-Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1205] b 29 May 1887 Quernmore reg Lunesdale c 17 Jul 1887 Quernmore. 1891 Census: age 3 at Town End Farm, Halton, b Quernmore. 1901 Census: Farmer’s Daughter at Ireby, age 13, b Quernmore, Lancs.

l = William BURROW (son of John BURROW, Farmer) m 6 May 1913 Wesleyan Chapel, Burton-in-Lonsdale, (reg Settle), Farmer of Green Farm Ireby, age 24

m 4 children

l Bessie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1214] b 29 Apr 1890 Halton, reg Lonsdale c 15 Jun 1890 Halton. 1891 Census: age 16m at Town End Farm, Halton, b Halton. 1901 Census: Farmer’s Daughter in Ireby, age 10, b Halton

l = Francis James STEPHENSON (son of James STEPHENSON, Farmer, decd) m 9 Nov 1915 Wesleyan Chapel, Burton-in-Lonsdale, Farmer of Green Farm, Ireby, age 26, reg Settle

l Henryb1893 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1218] b 12 Apr 1893 The Green, Ireby, reg Lunesdale, mc 25 Jun 1893 Leck St Peter, d abt Jun 1960 age 67 reg Ewecross, bur Leck St Peter [MI]. 1901 Census: Farmer’s Son of Ireby, age 7

l = Sarah SHUTTLEWORTH [1219] m abt Mar 1919 reg Kendal, d abt Mar 1935 age 41 reg Lunesdale, bur Leck St Peter [MI]

m Lilian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1220] b abt Mar 1919 reg Lunesdale

m = Robert TYSON m abt Dec 1937 reg Ulverston

m Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1225] b abt Sep 1923 reg Lunesdale

m = Bertie NEWHOUSE m abt Dec 1943 reg Lunesdale

m Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1222] b abt Mar 1926 reg Lunesdale

m = Michael EVANS m abt Mar 1953 reg Ewecross

m Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1223] b abt Sep 1928 reg Lunesdale

m = David MORPHET m abt Sep 1948 reg Ewecross

m Doris HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1226] b abt Jun 1934 reg Lunesdale, d 20 May 2011 age 77, bur 21 May 2011 Leck St Peter, unmarried

l =(2) Isabella Agnes POLLOCK [7523] b 21 Jan 1896, m abt Jun 1936 Settle, d abt Jun 1978 Lancaster

Third Child of Richardb1829

k Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1366] b 31 Jan 1857 Town Head, Bentham, reg Settle, d not found. 1861 Census: Scholar age 4 with parents in Halton, b Bentham. 1871 Census: General Servant age 14 at the Rectory, Quernmore, b Bentham. 1881 Census: “Annie” age 24, Unmarried General Domestic Servant at the Rectory in Quernmore, b Bentham. The Rectory is just next door to the Tilery House, where her parents were at the time. 1891 Census: Widow age 31 living on own means at Fairy Cottage, Quernmore, b Bentham, rec as Ann. 1901 Census: at 49 Golgotha Road, Lancaster, with husband

k =(1) John IRETON [3673] m abt Mar 1882 reg Lunesdale to “Annie”, d bfr 1891

l Richard IRETON b abt 1882 Lancaster. 1891 Census: Scholar age 9 (7?) with widowed mother “Ann”, b Lancaster

l Alice Maud IRETON [4172] b abt Dec 1883 reg Lancaster. 1891 Census: with widowed grandmother Elizabeth. 1901 Census: Unmarried age 17 with grandmother Elizabeth H [930] at Quernmore, b Lancaster

l John Roger IRETON b abt Sep 1886 Wyresdale, reg Lancaster. 1891 Census: age 4 with widowed mother, b Wyresdale

l Eva IRETON [5402] b abt Mar 1890 Morecambe, reg Lancaster. 1891 Census: age 1 with widowed mother, b Morecambe

k =(2) Henry DAY m abt Sep 1893 reg Lunesdale

Fourth Child of Richardb1829

k Richardb1859 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1367] b 11 Feb 1859 Town Head, Bentham, reg Settle, d abt Mar 1920 reg Kendal, age 60. 1861 Census: age 2 with parents in Halton, b Bentham. 1871 Census: Farm Servant age 12, b Bentham, working for HODSON family at Standers Head, Lancaster. 1881 Census: Unmarried Farm Servant (indoor) age 22 working at Drinkalls Farm, Heaton with Oxcliffe, “b Quernmore”. (It seems very likely this is him, although the birthplace is in error.) 1891 Census: Married General Labourer age 32 at 43 Berry Stret, Workington, b Bentham. 1901 Census: Railway Labourer at Helmside, Natland, (nr Kendal), Westmorland, b Bentham, Yorks., age 42. 1911 Census: Married Railway Labourer age 52, b Bentham, living at 2 Helmside, Oxenholme, Kendal

k = Elizabeth Alice TAYLOR [3012] b abt Mar 1860 Overton, reg Lancaster, m abt Dec 1881 Overton St Helen reg Lancaster as HAT-, d abt Jun 1935 age 76 reg Kendal as Elizabeth A. 1891 Census: Housewife age 32 at Workington, b Heaton with Oxcliffe. 1901 Census: Elizabeth A at Natland, age 42, b Overton. 1911 Census: Married 29 yrs age 52 with husband, b Heaton Oxcliffe

l Williamb1882 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3013] b abt Dec 1882 Overton, reg Lancaster, d abt Dec 1966 reg Westmorland S. 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 at Workington, b Overton. 1901 Census: Railway Engine Stoker at Natland, nr Kendal, age 18, b Overton. 1911 Census: Married Railway Engine Stoker age 28 at 16 Helmside, Oxenholme, Kendal, b Overton

l = Sarah Jane PITT-PLADDY b abt 1882 Barrow, m abt Sep 1909 reg Kendal, d abt Jun 1959 reg Westmorland S age 77. 1911 Census: Married 1 yr, age 29, b Barrow

m Richardb1911 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3676] b abt Sep 1911 reg Kendal, d abt Dec 1964 reg Lancaster age 53

m Dorothy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3677] b 2 Jul 1914 reg Kendal, d 1993 Lancaster

m = Arthur Louis SMITH [6267] m abt Dec 1943 Lancaster St John the Evangelist

l Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3014] b abt Sep 1886 reg Cockermouth. 1891 Census: Scholar age 4 at Workington, b Workington. 1901 Census: at Natland, age 14, b Workington. 1911 Census: Single Laundress, Collar ironer, age 24, with parents, b Workington

l = Frederic CRAGGHILL m abt Jun 1911 reg Kendal

l Richardb1888 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3015] b abt Sep 1888 reg Cockermouth, d abt Jun 1955 age 66 reg Westmorland S. 1891 Census: age 2 at Workington, b Workington. 1901 Census: at Natland, Westmorland, age 12, b Workington, Cumberland. 1911 Census: Single Railway Engine Stoker age 22, with parents, b Workington

l = Mary E COLLIN m abt Mar 1916 Kendal, d abt Mar 1963 age 75 reg Westmorland S No issue found on St Caths.

l Robertb1890 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3025] b abt Sep 1890 reg Cockermouth, d abt Mar 1896 reg Cockermouth age 5. 1891 Census: age 9m at Workington, b Workington. .

l Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3026] b abt Sep 1892 reg Cockermouth. 1901 Census: at Natland, age 8. 1911 Census: Single, Presser, age 18, with parents, b Workington [d abt Mar 1962 age 69 reg Westmorland S., unmarried?]

l Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3027] b abt Mar 1895 reg Cockermouth. 1901 Census: at Natland, age 6. 1911 Census: Single, Laundress, Collar Damper, age 16 with parents, b Workington

[l = William K CHARNLEY m abt Jun 1935 reg Kendal?]

l Elizabeth Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3028] b abt Mar 1898 Oxenholme, Natland, Westmorland, reg Kendal, d abt Sep 1963 reg Kendal, age 65, unmarried. 1901 Census: age 3 at Natland. 1911 Census: Scholar age 13 with parents in Oxenholme, b Natland

l Mary Agnes HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3680] b Dec 1900 reg Kendal 1901 Census: at Natland, age 3m, b Natland, Oxenholme. 1911 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents, b Natland

The Texas Connection & the Nebraska Ranch

According to family tradition, Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE, disappointed in love at the age of about 17, in 1879 stowed away on a ship carrying cattle to Galveston, Texas. Discovered aboard, they put him to work looking after the cattle, and on arrival in Galveston he was offered a job by the cattle purchaser. In this way, as Harry, he became a Texas Trail cowboy. He settled in the Sandhills of Nebraska around 1884. He or his descendants changed their name to HAYTHORN and in 2000 they ran a 90,000 acre ranch at Ackley Valley near Ogallala, Nebraska. See the Ranch website at . [There is no doubt about the general truth of this family tradition, but the 1879 date may possibly be a bit awry. There is a UK 1881 Census record which sounds very like him, as follows: Henry HATHORNTHWAITE, Unmarried Agricultural Labourer age 19 at Mere Farm, Westby with Plumpton, b Quernmore. Mere Farm was a large establishment of 322 acres employing 4 Men and 2 Boys, and the proprietor, Edward THOMPSON, had recently moved from Scorton near Garstang, bringing his extensive family and staff with him. His eldest daughter was Phoebe THOMPSON, age 16. Perhaps she was the object of young Henry’s affections.]

Fifth Child of Richardb1829

k Henryb1861 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1227] b 29 Oct 1861 Halton, reg Lancaster, c 29 Dec 1861 Halton St Wilfrid, d bfr 1930 Ogalalla, Nebraska. 1871 Census: Scholar age 9 at 1 Tile Kiln, Quernmore, b Halton. 1881 Census: at Mere Farm, Westby, b Quernmore (see heading above). Not at the Tilery House, Quernmore, with parents. Later, Texas Trail Cowboy, then Rancher in Ogallala, Nebraska. 1900 Census: Married, age 38, at Brooking, McPherson Co., Nebraska. 1910 Census: at Brooking, Nebraska. 1920 Census: at Lonergan, Keith, Nebraska

k = Emma G GILPIN b abt 1872 [m abt 1884, according to early data, but this is not compatible with Emma’s birth date; it’s probably 1894], d bfr 1930. 1900 Census: with husband, age 28. 1930 Census: at Lonergan, Keith, Nebraska

l Walter P HAYTHORN b abt 1894 1920 Census: at Arthur, Nebraska. 1930 Census: with wife, age 36, at Ogallala, Keith, Nebraska

l = Hazel J ANON b abt 1893 1930 Census: with husband, age 37, at Ogallala

m Waldo P HAYTHORN b abt 1917 Rancher at Ogallala

n Craig HAYTHORN 2000: Rancher at Ogallala, and President of the Haythorn Land & Cattle Co.

n= Jody ANON

o Sage HAYTHORN b abt 1985

o Cord HAYTHORN b abt 1987

l W Harry HAYTHORN b abt 1896

[k Poppy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1235] Of London [From family tradition, but possibly incorrect. Not mentioned at the Tilery House in 1871 or 1881 Census. No sign of her birth in the St Catherine's Index. It may be that she was wife or daughter to Peter Procter below. Poppy was probably a nick-name. 1871 Census: not with parents at 1 Tile Kiln, Quernmore. ]

Sixth Child of Richardb1829

k Peter Procter HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1236] b 22 May 1864 Bank End, Tatham, reg Lancaster, c 18 Sep 1864 Tatham Fells, Lancs, d 7 Jun 1932 29 West Side, Clapham Common, Surrey, age 68 reg Battersea. 1871 Census: Scholar age 9 in Quernmore, b Tatham. 1881 Census: Unmarried Pupil Teacher age 16 at the Tilery House, Quernmore, b Tatham. 1891 Census: Married Schoolmaster, age 26, at 71 Sugden Road, Battersea, b Tatham Fells. 1901 Census: Married Schoolmaster of 51 Elspeth Road, Battersea, age 36, b Tatham, Lancs. 1911 Census: Married Head Teacher age 46 in Battersea, b Tatham Fells. One time Mayor of Battersea.

k = (1) Eva AUSTEN [1368] m 24 Mar 1888 Battersea, reg Wandsworth, age 27. d 21 May 1921 79 West Side, Clapham Common, age 64 reg Wandsworth. 1891 Census: Married Schoolmistress age 32 in Battersea, b Ottery St Mary. 1901 Census: Married School Mistress in Battersea, age 36, b Ottery St Mary, Devon. 1911 Census: Married Head Teacher age 54 with husband in Battersea, b Ottery St Mary

l Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2834] b 23 Nov 1893 51 Elspeth Road, Battersea, reg Wandsworth, d abt Dec 1938 age 44 reg Romford. 1901 Census: age 7 with parents in Battersea, b Battersea. 1911 Census: Scholar age 17 with parents in Battersea, b Battersea

l = Maud Jane E REES b 9 Dec 1890 m abt Jun 1918 Wandsworth d abt Mar 1980 reg Worthing

m Bevan HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3030] b 4 Mar 1921 reg Wandsworth, d abt Sep 2003 reg Chichester. 2000: in Bognor Regis

m =(1) Beryl C STOREY [b 7 Feb 1916?], m abt Jun 1948 Battersea, [d abt Jun 1975 reg Birkenhead?]

n Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1949 reg Wandsworth

n = Christopher M CUDBY m abt Sep 1972 reg Maidenhead.

n Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1951 reg Wandsworth

n = Robin W MARTIN m abt Jun 1971 reg Worthing

n Jane E HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1953 reg Wandsworth

m =(2) Betty P SIMPSON m abt Jun 1970 reg Chichester. 2000: in Bognor Regis.

k = (2) Constance Hilda SHARPE (daur of Frederick William SHARPE) m 5 Jun 1928 Caterham, Surrey, age 27, reg Godstone, m(2) Anon JONES abt Dec 1940 reg Wandsworth

Seventh Child of Richardb1829

k Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1237] b 16 Jun 1866 Newlands, Scotforth, reg Lancaster, as Joice HAWTHORNTHWAITE, c 30 Aug 1867 Lancaster St Mary in a joint ceremony with her younger sister Elizabeth, m abt Dec 1899 [Quernmore St Peter?] reg Lunesdale as Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Spinster of Quernmore. 1871 Census: Scholar age 4 at Quernmore, b Scotforth. 1881 Census: Scholar age 14 at the Tilery House, Quernmore, b Scotforth. 1891 Census: Unmarried, age 24, living with widowed mother at Tilery Cottages, Grab Alley, Quernmore, b Scotforth. 1901 Census: Married age 34 at Beardwood Road, Blackburn, b Scotforth, Lancs.

k = Henry James GRIFFITHS b abt 1871 Warley, Worcs, 1899 banns at Heysham St Peter: Bachelor of Heysham. 1901 Census: Married Gardener age 30 at Beardwood Road, Blackburn, b Warley, Worcs.

Eighth Child of Richardb1829

k Elizabethb1867 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1238] b 16 Aug 1867 Newlands, Scotforth, reg Lancaster, c 30 Aug 1867 Lancaster St Mary, in joint ceremony with elder sister Joyce. 1871 Census: age 3 in Quernmore, b Scotforth. 1881 Census: Scholar age 13 at The Tilery House, Quernmore, b Scotforth. 1891 Census: Married age 23 in Spalding, b Scotforth

k = Henry John WHITE m abt Sep 1889 reg Lunesdale. 1891 Census: Married Elementary Schoolmaster of Spalding

l George WHITE b abt Jan 1891 Spalding.

Seventh & Last Child of Robertb1789

j Letticeb1834 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Farleton, c 15 Jun 1834 Hornby, m 10 Oct 1857 Tatham, reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: age 7 with parents at Farleton. 1851 Census: “At Home”, unmarried, age 17, living with widowed father in Halton Village, b Farleton

j = Thomas MIDDLETON Stonemason. (Son of Thomas MIDDLETON, stonemason, of Wennington and Jane nee HALL, m 25 Sep 1826 Tatham)

Eighth Child of Richard of Whitendale

i Jamesb1793 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [726] b Whitendale, c 13 October 1793 Slaidburn, d abt Sep 1849 Liverpool. It seems that this James went to Liverpool like two of his brothers, Edward and William, and nephew James (later at Greenhead), shortening his name for business purposes, with Gore's 1829 Directory listing James Hathorne as "Master Porter and Victualer".

i = Jennet ESCOLME [also Jane and Janet] [2838] b abt 1792 Heysham, m 23 Jan 1822 Halton, Spinster age 29 of Halton and Butcher Bachelor of Hornby, d abt Mar 1853 Liverpool. 1851 Census: “Janet”, Widowed Pauper, formerly Publican, age 59, b Heysham, living at 46 Eccles Street, Liverpool, with daur Ellen but no other children present.

j Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2839] c 30 Nov 1823 Liverpool St Peter, child of James Haythornthwaite, Butcher of Ben Jonson Street, and Jane. This was a joint ceremony with her first cousin Edward, s of Edward & Penelope, m not found, d not found. 1851 Census: Unmarried Dressmaker age 26, b Liverpool, living with widowed mother at 46 Eccles St, Liverpool.

j No further children found, which is a little surprising

9th, 10th & 11th (and Last) Child of Richard of Whitendale

i Jennet HAYTHORNTHWAITE [727] b Whitendale, c 25 August 1794 Slaidburn, d Mill bur 16 Jan 1825 Slaidburn aged 31. Unmarried

i Thomasb1796 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [728] b 11 Feb 1796 Whitendale, c 30 July 1797 Slaidburn, d Claughton Hall, bur 29 Nov 1812 Slaidburn aged 16

i Betty HAYTHORNTHWAITE [729] b 2 May 1800 Whitendale, c 2 Jun 1800 Slaidburn, bur 2 May 1801 Slaidburn

End of Descendants of (h) Richard of Whitendale


Descendants of (g) Edward of Higher Fence (cont.)

[h Major HAYTHORNTHWAITE Snaith15 has this suggestion, but I feel this is unlikely, since I think the extremely unusual name Major probably came from the MERCER family of Mitton. Major MERCER was a witness at the wedding of Robert H to Ellen MERCER in 1780.]

Fourth Child of Edward of Higher Fence

h Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Dinkley Green, c 27 Aug 1758 Whitewell Youngest daughter of Edward.

i Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1239] c 27 Jul 1789 Whitewell, rec as Alis (No father given). Mentioned in grandfather Edward’s 1798 Will

j = Henry TAYLOR m 28 Mar 1818 Slaidburn St Andrew, Cordwainer

h = Richard PARKINSON m after 1789, not found

i 3 unnamed children mentioned in 1798 Will of Edward of Higher Fence

End of Descendants of (g) Edward of Higher Fence.

Chapter 6

The Descendants of Richard of Batrix (1732-1795)

For Richard's forbears, see Chapter 4

There follow the Descendants of Richard Haythornthwaite of Batrix, Richard of Sykes' fourth son. This group forms the biggest branch of the family in terms of known descendants. Many of them migrated to work in the cotton and other industries in Blackburn and Burnley, where today the greatest concentration of Haythornthwaites still exists, with over 30 entries in the local telephone directory. A sizeable sub-group, however, retained rural connections and colonised the Lune Valley round Caton and Aughton, adding to the Haythornthwaites already there from earlier times. Robert, a descendant of Richard of Batrix was, until recently, farming near Bolton-by-Bowland, not a dozen miles from Hawthornthwaite itself, and only six miles from Batrix Farm. In complete contrast, a member of this branch, Francis Richard, emigrated to Salisbury, Alberta, and his descendants, now HAYTHORNEs, are widely scattered across Canada. His son, George Vickers HAYTHORNE, became a senior Canadian civil servant.

Richard of Batrix (1732-1795)

The epithet Richard of Batrix is, once again, something of a misnomer, stemming from that fact that the earliest reference I had to him, on an old family tree drawn up in 1911, said "at Batrix Farm 1766", and the name stuck. Beatrix Farm, as the modern maps spell it, (but the old Slaidburn church registers say Batrix), is in a wonderfully commanding position above the village of Dunsop Bridge on the line of the drystone wall which separates the green fields below from the rougher land of Beatrix Fell above.

Richard was born in 1732, not at Batrix but at Hareden a little further up the road that leads to the Trough of Bowland and spent his boyhood there at least until the age of 6. After that we lose track of him, but, in 1762, when he was 30 years old, his father Richard ("of Sykes") died, leaving to him the ancient family land and tenements at Tarnbrook in Over Wyresdale, (his elder brothers jointly taking the bigger property of Dinkling Green Farm near Whitewell), together with all the stock of sheep that might be found at the place at the date of death. He also inherited a chest with the letters "R.H." on it, an item of sufficient monetary or sentimental value to rate a specific mention in the Will. We do not know where he was living when his father died at Whitendale. Perhaps he too was at Whitendale. Perhaps he was in Tarnbrook, already looking after the sheep which were now his.

This newfound financial independence, plus an enhanced ability to store his best clothes and possessions, appears to have given him the wherewithal to contemplate matrimony. Shortly afterwards we hear of him living at Batrix Farm and it was from here that in May 1765 he married Hannah Rudd, daughter of George Rudd, who was also farming Batrix at the time. Witness at the wedding was Richard's brother John, who was, and remained, a bachelor.

Richard and Hannah's first child, another Richard, was born in 1766 at Batrix. But the family did not stay at Batrix for long. By the end of 1767, they were at Birkett, a farm in the valley by the River Hodder that was to be Richard's home for the next 27 years. Between 1767 and 1777, there were four further children, all baptised at Slaidburn, George, John, William and Jennet. Richard died at Birkett in 1795 and was buried at Slaidburn Church, though no monument survives.

Richard's Will has not been found, though it is possible that there is one lurking at the Prerogative Court of York where that of his father was eventually tracked down. We do not know therefore what Richard's assets were on his death. Did he still hold the ancient family freehold in Tarnbrook which he inherited, or had he sold it off at some stage? Was he the freeholder at Birkett? It would be fascinating to find out. Some years after his death, his eldest son Richard himself moved to Tarnbrook, having "bought a farm" there according to a letter written in 1889 by his then aged nephew George. This George would have been a young child at the date of this move and so might have been unaware of whether it was an inheritance or a purchase. Perhaps the original holding was added to at that time.

g Richardb1732 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Harding, c 30 Apr 1732 Slaidburn. At Batrix 1766, Birkett 1768, d Birkett, bur 6 May 1795 Slaidburn. In father's 1760 Will, inherited the estate at Tarnbrook. Also, a chest with the letters "R H" on it, specifically mentioned in the Will. Could this be the same chest inherited in 1630 by (c)Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE from his father John of Tarnbrook? In 1766, Richard Hathornthwaite served as a Slaidburn church warden for Birkett, for the township of Newton. In 1794, Richard Haythorntwhate now living at Matrill (a little to the north-west of Birkett) served again as church warden for Newton. His name is also entered for 1795, then crossed out, presumably because of his death in May of that year.

g = Hannah RUDD b Battrix, c 24 Dec 1732 Slaidburn. Hannah was youngest of 9 children, daur. of George RUDDE & Helen BRIGGE of Battrix, g-daur of Thomas RUDDE of Battrix, m 11 May 1765 Slaidburn, witness at marriage John HAYTHORNTHWAITE, d Batrix, bur 25 April 1810 Slaidburn, “widow age 77”. [Note that her son Williamb1773 was farming Batrix at the time.]

First Son of Richard of Batrix

h Richardb1766 HATHORNTHWAITE [188] b Batrix, c 16 Mar 1766 Slaidburn, d abt Sep 1853 (probably at Marshaw) age 87 Ellel reg Lancaster. Brought up and married from Birkett, he farmed at Birkett, at Birkettmore House, Nether Kellet, Marshaw, New Hey in Bowland, and later at Tarnbrook. 1798 Marriage: Farmer of Slaidburn. 1841 Census: Farmer age 70 at Tarnbrook, Over Wyresdale. 1842: Insolvent, with case heard at Lancaster Castle, where he spent some time as a prisoner. 1851 Census: Shows him a widower, “pauper[??] (landed proprietor)”, living, aged 85, at Marshaw with his daughter Hannah PYE. Although no Will has yet been found for this Richard's father, it is presumed that in 1795 he (young Richard) may have inherited the lands and tenements at Tarnbrook which had been in the family for at least 5 generations. This Richard appears to have been the only member of the family to actually live on this land (or maybe nearby on a new purchase) for about 100 years. It is not clear when the ancient Hathornthwaite holding at Tarnbrook finally went out of the family. Sons James or John below possibly took it over. However, it is possible that it went to his daughter Hannah and William Pye, with whom he lived in his old age. In April 2000, there were still PYEs living in Tarnbrook, but no HAYTHORNTHWAITEs.

h = Jennet SKIRROW c 28 Jul 1771 Melling (daur of James and Mary SKIRROW of Roeburndale), m 29 May 1798 Melling, "of this Parish", Spinster age 25 of Roburndale, d 11 Oct 1847 Haylott, Roeburndale, reg Lancaster, bur 14 Oct 1847 Slaidburn age 76, “of Higher Hay-Lot in Parish of Melling”. 1841 Census: age 65 with husband at Tarnbrook, Over Wyresdale.

i Jennet HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Birkett, c 7 Apr 1799 Slaidburn, d Newhay (near Dunsop Bridge), bur 9 Oct 1828 Slaidburn age 29

i Richardb1800 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Birkett, c 22 Jun 1800 Slaidburn, d Birkett, bur 2 Mar 1818 Slaidburn age 17

i Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Birkett, c 20 Jun 1802 Slaidburn, d Birkett, bur 13 Mar 1816 Slaidburn age 13

i Hannahb1804 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Birkett, c 11 Mar 1804 Slaidburn, the 1851 & 1881 Censuses confirm William PYE's wife was born in Bowland, d 2 Sep 1885 bur Wyresdale, "age 80". At one time Hannah kept a school in Tarnbrook (see Whitaker Family History6). 1871 Census: Widowed Former Farmer’s Wife age 67 with daughter Jennet and son in law in Liverpool. 1881 Census shows her, Widowed Former Farmer aged 77, b Bowland, living at Sharoe Green Lane, Broughton in Preston with her daughter Jennet and son in law John SIMPSON, Farmer of 62 acres.

i = William PYE b 12 Apr 1808, m 20 Nov 1832 Lancaster St Mary, witness James H [194] below. Kept a Public House with a Farm attached at Marshaw. d Black Bull, Broughton in Preston, 4 Jul 1858 1851 Census: Inn Keeper, Gamekeeper, Farmer of 196 acres, right on 2342 acres common, employing 1 labourer, at Marshaw.

j Jennet PYE b Wyresdale, c 19 May 1833 Wyresdale Church

j = John SIMPSON [3038] b abt 1828 Wyresdale

j Dorothy PYE b abt 1835

j Lawrence PYE c 1837

j Richard PYE c 25 Feb 1840

j William PYE c 4 Jun 1843

i Jamesb1806 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [194] b Slaidburn, Yorks c 16 Mar 1806 Slaidburn, d 8 Jan 1884 Higher Haylot, Roeburndale, age 77. 1841 Census: Shepherd age 30 living with parents at Tarnbrook, Over Wyresdale. The 1851 Census shows James, unmarried, aged 45, a farmer of 77 acres and 59 acres of moor at Higher Haylott, Roeburndale, with Agnes Bentham as an unmarried tenant and housekeeper, aged 35. The 1861 Census shows him now married to Agnes, farming 100 acres at Higher Haylott, with daughters Jennet aged 7 and Mary Hannah aged 6. 1871 Census: Married Farmer of 100 acres at Higher Haylott, age 64, b Slaidburn. The 1881 Census reports the birth place of him and his wife incorrectly as Roeburndale.

i = Agnes BENTHAM [1370] b abt 1816 Ingleton, Yorks (daur. of Joseph BENTHAM, labourer, [and Mary?]), [c Chapel le Dale?], m 7 Dec 1852 Melling St Wilfred, reg Lancaster, d 22 Jun 1884 Higher Haylot, Roeburndale age 70, reg Lunesdale. 1851 Census: Unmarried Housekeeper age 35 at Higher Haylott, b Ingleton. 1871 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 55 at Higher Haylott, b Ingleton. 1881 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 64 at Higher Haylott.

j Jenny HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1371] b 11 Sep 1853 Roeburndale reg Lancaster, c 30 Sep 1853 [OLPC: 11 Oct 1853] Hornby as Jennett HAW- and c 11 Oct 1853 Caton St Paul as Jenny HAY- [OLPC]. [It is not clear why Jenny managed to generate 2 baptismal records in two different churches]. 1871 Census: Jane, Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter age 17 with parents at Higher Haylott, b Roeburndale. 1881 Census: Janet, Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter age 27 at Higher Haylott, b Roeburndale

j = John BECK [2843] (son of George BECK, coal merchant) m 19 Jul 1887 Hornby St Margaret

k George BECK b 1887

k John James BECK b 1889

k Thomas BECK b 16 Jul 1890 Haylot, Roeburndale, reg Lunesdale

j Mary Hannah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1372] b 26 Oct 1854 High Haylott, Roeburndale, reg Lancaster, c 3 Nov 1854 Hornby, d 30 Jan 1867 Yarlsber, Ingleton, age 12, reg Settle.

John of the Manor House, Hornby

An important discovery was that it is the John below, born at Birkett, nr Newton, Yorks, who later farmed in Roeburndale, The Manor House Hornby and at Rathmell, just up the road from another branch of the family at Cockley Bank. This latter was the family of Joseph and Bridget, with 8 boys, including the "notorious William", whose descendants later populated New Zealand.

John of the Manor House, Hornby, heads the tree of some significant emigrants to North America, as well as many who stayed in the Lune Valley

i Johnb1807 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Birkett c 25 Jul 1807 Slaidburn, d 26 Mar 1872 Rathmell, age 64, reg Settle

For the Descendants of John of the Manor House, Hornby, refer to Chapter 9.


[i Anon HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1810, say. This possibility is suggested by the 1889 letter of George Haythornthwaite, who noted that his Uncle Richard put all, not both, his sons “into a good way of farming”. This could have been a slip of the pen, but may indicate that there was a third surviving son. His christening does not appear in the Slaidburn register, so perhaps he was born and /or christened after his father moved from Birkettmore House to his farm at Tarnbrook.]

Second Son of Richard of Batrix

h Georgeb1768 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [196] b Birkett, c 24 Jan 1768 Slaidburn, d 15 Dec 1842 Broughton, reg Skipton, bur Broughton. The graves of George, his wife Grace and his eldest son Richard, with legible inscriptions, may be found in Broughton churchyard. In 1810 and 1811, George Haythornthwaite signed the Slaidburn Bishop’s Transcripts in his capacity as Church Warden. At Iva nr Bentham, and Craven. 1835 Yorkshire West Riding Poll Book: at Coniston Cold, in the electoral district of Skipton. 1841 Census: Farmer age 70 at Pasture House, Broughton.

h = Grace BRENNAND [197] b 1772 Hammerton Hall (sister to Hannah BRENNAND who married William of Higher Wood House), c 30 Oct 1772 Slaidburn, m 14 Feb 1794 Slaidburn, d 28 Mar 1860 reg Settle, bur Broughton in Craven. 1841 Census: age 69 at Pasture House, Broughton. 1851 Census: Widow age 78 at Pasture House, Broughton, joint occupier of farm of 300 acres with son John, b Hammerton.

First Child of George and Grace

i Jennet HAYTHORNTHWAITE [198] b Batrix c 7 Feb 1796 Slaidburn. 1851 Census: Married age 55 at Sunny Bank, Bentham, b Newton, Yorks. 1861 Census: Widow living with son John at Chesters, Clapham

[j Richardb1811 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1811 Slaidburn. 1851 Census: Married Labourer-Excavator age 40 lodging in an inn in Bolton, b Slaidburn. This unidentified character just might fit in here as an illegitimate child of Jennet. However, this now looks rather unlikely, since she had a son Richard by John HOYLE below]

i = John HOYLE [c 1 Mar 1790 Long Preston, s of John & Agnes HOYLE?], m 16 Dec 1813 Slaidburn, husbandman, d abt Dec 1860. 1841 Census: Farmer age 50 at Lawsons, Clapham. 1851 Census: Ag Lab age 61 at Sunny Bank, Bentham, b Langstrothdale, Yorks

j Agnes HOYLE c 26 Mar 1815 Slaidburn

j George HOYLE c 25 Aug 1816 Giggleswick. 1841 Census: Age 20 with parents at Lawsons, Clapham, b Yorks

j Grace HOYLE c 10 Oct 1819 Low Bentham

j Betty HOYLE c 17 Feb 1822 Low Bentham

j John HOYLE c 25 Jan 1823 Low Bentham. 1841 Census: Age 15 with parents at Lawsons, Clapham, b Yorks

j Giles HOYLE c 2 Apr 1826 Tatham Fells. 1841 Census: age 15 with parents at Lawsons, Clapham, not b Yorks

j James HOYLE c 2 Apr 1826 Tatham Fells. 1841 Census: not with parents ay Lawsons, Clapham. 1851 Census: Unmarried Ag Lab age 25 with parents at Sunny Bank, b Tatham, Lancs

j Richard HOYLE c 14 Sep 1828 Tatham Fells. 1841 Census: age 12 with parents at Lawsons, Clapham, not b Yorks

j Thomas HOYLE [b 8 Dec 1831?], c 12 Feb 1832 Tatham Fells, d 29 Nov 1916 Gelert, Ontario. 1841 Census: age 9 with parents at Lawsons, Clapham, not b Yorks

j Anthony HOYLE c 22 Mar 1835 Clapham. 1841 Census: age 6 with parents at Lawsons, Clapham, b Yorks

j William HOYLE b 21 Jun 1837, reg 1837/2 Settle, c 3 Sep 1837 Clapham. 1841Census: age 3 with parents at Lawsons, Clapham, b Yorks

j Aaron HOYLE b 2 Jul 1842, reg 1842/2 Settle, c 10 Jul 1842 Clapham. 1851 Census: age 8 with parents at Sunny Bank, b Clapham

Second, Third and Fourth Children of George and Grace

i Richardb1797 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [200] b Batrix, c 25 Apr 1797 Slaidburn, d 5 Jul 1862 reg Settle bur Broughton, age 65, legible MI on parents’ grave. Unmarried. 1841 Census: Farmer age 40 at Pasture House with his parents. 1851 Census: Unmarried Farmer age 50, b Bowland, Visitor at 2000 acre farm of John LODGE at Arncliffe. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer of 336 acres, age 64, at Farm House, Arncliffe with his brother John, b Slaidburn.

i Molly HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Batrix, c 26 Dec 1798 Slaidburn, d Birket Moore bur 3 Sep 1816 Slaidburn

i Jamesb1800 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Batrix c 6 Jul 1800 Slaidburn, d 18 Feb 1825 Hivah, bur Slaidburn, age 24

Fifth Child of George and Grace

i Georgeb1801 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Batrix, c 10 Oct 1801 Slaidburn, m 30 Aug 1834 Clapham, Bachelor Husbandman of Coniston Cold, Gargrave, age 29, d abt Sep 1865 Clapham(?) reg Settle. 1841 Census: Farmer age 35 at Oxen Close, (next to Pasture House), Broughton. 1851 Census: Married Farmer age 50 of 6 acres in Village of Kirkby Malham, b Bentham. 1861 Census: Married Farmer age 60 of 6 acres at 6 Greenhead, Bentham, b Bowland. Older than his brother John, why did he not inherit the substantial 300 acre farm at Pasture House, Broughton, and eke out a living on 6 acres at Greenhead?

i = Ann PARKER b abt 1809 Lawkland/Newby, [c 19 Mar 1809 Clapham, daur. of George & Ann PARKER. Is this the right christening? Probably, but there was another Ann PARKER christened in Giggleswick at about the same time.], d abt Jun 1866 reg Settle, age 57. 1841 Census: with husband at Oxen Close, Broughton 1851 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 42 at Kirkby Malham, b Newby. 1861 Census: Married age 52 at Greenhead, Bentham, b Lawkland. [Note that in 1861 this couple were virtually next door to the Rev (to be) Richard H, who later married an Ann PARKER. It seems highly likely that the younger Ann’s father John PARKER was this elder Ann PARKER’s younger brother] [Lawkland and Newby are three miles apart on opposite sides of Clapham. It is unclear why the two versions of Ann’s birthplace differ so much.]

First Child of George & Ann

j Georgeb1835 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [210] b Jan 1835 Clapham, c 1 Feb 1835 Clapham, d abt Mar 1900 Bolton Abbey reg Skipton, age 65. 1841 Census: age 6 with parents at Oxen Close, Broughton. 1851 Census: Unmarried Farm Labourer age 14 at Stainton Hall, b Clapham, rec as HAYTHORNE. [1861 Census: Unmarried Carter age 23 at farm of James LAYCOCK, Eldroth Hall, Lawkland, b Tatham, Lancs. Is this him? The age is not quite right.] 1871 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 37 at Bolton Abbey, Yorks, b Keasden Head, Clapham. 1881 Census: "Hind (F Bailiff)" at Bolton Abbey. 1891 Census: Married Shepherd, age 57, at Bolton Abbey, b Clapham

j = Ann HODGSON [997] b abt 1837 Thorpe in Craven, Yorks, daur of Anthony Hodgson, Shoemaker, m 16 Aug 1862 Burnsall age 24 reg Skipton, d Jan 1910 reg Skipton, age 71, bur 11 Jan 1910 Bolton Abbey. 1871 Census: Married age 33 with husband, b Thorpe, Yorks. 1891 Census: Wife age 54 with husband at Bolton Abbey, b Thorpe. 1901 Census: Carrying out Home Duties at The Green, Bolton Abbey, age 64, b Thorpe in Craven.

k Georgeb1862 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 3 Sep 1862 Thorpe, Yorks, reg not found, c 3 Sep 1862 Burnsall, d 15 Sep 1938 age 76 reg Skipton, bur Bolton Abbey. 1871 Census: age 8 with parents, b Thorpe. 1881 Census: Farm Servant (Indoor) of Bolton Abbey, age 18, b Thorpe. 1891 Census: Married Gardener age 28 at Farfield Cottages, Addingham, b Bolton Abbey, no children present. 1901 Census: Married Coachman Domestic at 2 Street Houses, Carleton in Craven, Yorks, age 38, b Burnsall, Yorks., no children present.

k = Elizabeth MAWSON b abt 1865 Bolton Abbey, m abt Dec 1888 reg Skipton, d 7 Jan 1931 age 65 reg Skipton, bur Bolton Abbey. 1891 Census: Housewife age 24 at Addingham, b Bolton Abbey. 1901 Census: Housewife at Carleton in Craven, age 36, b Bolton Abbey.

l Clifford H HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Aug 1888, reg not found, d Addingham, bur 29 Jul 1889 Bolton Abbey age 11m, reg Skipton.

k Richardb1864 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [999] b abt Dec 1864 Stainton Coates, reg Skipton, d abt Jun 1945 age 80 reg Skipton. 1871 Census: age 6 with parents, b Stainton Coates. 1881 Census: Farm Servant (indoor) of Bolton Abbey, age 16, b Stainton Coates. 1891 Census: Unmarried General Labourer age 26 with parents at Bolton Abbey, b Coniston. 1901 Census: Married General Labourer age 36 at Lane Houses, Beamsley, Addingham, b Bell Busk, Yorks. 1911 Census: General Labourer age 46 at Lob Wood Cottage, Bolton Bridge, b Bell Busk

k = Alice JACKMAN [5439] b abt 1869 Wigglesworth, m abt Sep 1894 reg Settle, d abt Dec 1958 reg Staincliffe. 1901 Census: Married age 32 with husband in Beamsley, b Wigglesworth

l Beatrice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5440] b abt Sep 1896 Beamsley, reg Skipton. 1901 Census: age 4 with parents, b Beamsley. 1911 Census: Domestic Servant for her uncle and aunt

l = Frederick H WOOD [5441] m abt Sep 1933 Skipton

l Dorothy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5911] b abt Sep 1903 Bolton Abbey, reg Skipton. 1911 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents, b Bolton Abbey

l = Herbert WARD [5912] m abt Dec 1929 reg Skipton

k Anthony HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3039] b abt Mar 1867 reg Skipton, d abt Jun 1867 reg Skipton age 0.

k Tomb1869 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1000] b abt Sep 1869 Bolton Abbey, reg Skipton, d abt Dec 1944 age 75 reg Skipton. 1871 Census: age 18 months with parents, b Bolton Abbey. 1881 Census: Scholar age 11 at Bolton. 1891 Census: Unmarried Farm Servant age 21 at the Rectory, Bolton Abbey. 1901 Census: Unmarried Farm Bailiff of Bolton Abbey, age 31, living with widowed mother, b Bolton Abbey. 1911 Census: age 41 in Skiptomn. 1881 Census records him as Thomas. m not found.

k Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1001] b abt Mar 1872 Bolton Abbey, reg Skipton, m abt Jun 1897 reg Skipton. 1891 Census: Unmarried age 19 at home with parents at Bolton Abbey, b Bolton Abbey. Grandmother of Pamela DALE

k = Arthur DALE 1901 Census: Married Grocer & Sub Postmaster age 28 at the Post Office, Main Street, Carleton in Craven

k Robertb1874 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3686] b abt Sep 1874 reg Skipton. d May 1879 Bolton Abbey age 4, bur Bolton Abbey, reg Skipton.

k Johnb1876 Shackleton HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1002] b abt Dec 1876 Bolton, reg Skipton, d abt Dec 1926 age 50 reg Skipton, bur Bolton Abbey 6 Dec 1926. 1891 Census: Postman age 15 living with parents at Bolton Abbey, b Bolton Abbey. 1894: Awarded Civil Service position as Postman. 1901 Census: Rural Postman at Bolton Abbey, age 24, b Bolton Abbey. 1926: of The Post Office, Bolton Abbey

k = Isabel RAMSDEN m abt Jun 1917 reg Skipton

l John Shackleton HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 May 1918 reg Skipton, d abt Mar 1976 reg Keighley

l = Margarite CLAYTON [3305] b 20 Jul 1922, m abt Mar 1946 reg Hendon, d abt Jan 2003 reg N Yorks. 2000: Of Skipton.

m David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1949 reg Wharfedale Changed name to HAYTHORNE. 2000: Of Riddlesden, Keighley

m = Marion J MILLER m abt Jul 1986 reg Leeds

n Nicola Louise HAYTHORNE b Feb 1989 reg Keighley

n Katie Rebecca HAYTHORNE b Dec 1993 reg Keighley

k Mary Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1003] b abt Dec 1880 Bolton Abbey, reg Skipton. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents at Bolton Abbey, b Bolton Abbey. [1896: qualified as Post Office sorting clerk for Otley; or was this [1015]?]. 1901 Census: “Mary”, carrying out Home Duties at Bolton Abbey, age 20, b Bolton Abbey.

Second Child of George & Ann

j Johnb1837 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 26 Jun 1837 Broughton in Craven, Yorks., d not found, d in infancy?

Third Child of George & Ann

j Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1660] b abt Jun 1838 reg Skipton, c 17 Jun 1838 Broughton. 1841 Census: age 3 with parents at Oxen Close, Broughton. 1851 Census: Servant age 13, b Broughton, at Horton, in household of Thomas CHAPMAN, Farmer of 100 acres. 1861 Census: Housewife age 22 at Salt Pie, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Broughton Oxenclose. 1871 Census: Married Labourer’s Wife age 32 at Kearstwick, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Oxenclose, Yorks.

j = William WEARING b abt 1830 Lindel in Cartmel, m abt Dec 1859 reg Kendal. 1861 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 30 at Salt Pie, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Lindale in Cartmel. 1871 Census: Married Labourer age 41 in Kearstwick, Kirkby Lonsdale, b Lindel in Cartmel.

Fourth Child of George & Ann

j Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [809] b abt 1840 Broughton, reg not found, c 1 Mar 1840 Broughton. 1841 Census: age 1 with parents at Oxen Close, Broughton. 1851 Census: House Servant age 11, b Broughton, in Hanlith Village in household of John Calvert, Farmer of 32 acres. 1861 Census: Unmarried age 21 with parents at Greenhead, Bentham, b Broughton. 1871 Census: Married age 31 at Cash House, Halton Gill, b Yorks

j = Christopher TENNANT [5298] b abt 1837 Arncliffe, m abt Jun 1862 reg Settle, brother to James TENNANT who married Anne’s sister Mary below. 1871 Census: Married Farmer of 120 acres at Cash House, Halton Gill, age 34, b Yorks

Fifth Child of George & Ann

j Thomasb1842 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1918] b abt 1842 Broughton, reg not found [unless it is b abt Dec 1841 reg Garstang as HAW-, which seems very unlikely], c 2 Jan 1842 Broughton, d abt Jun 1879 age 36 reg Clitheroe. 1851 Census: Scholar age 9 at Kirkby Malham, b Broughton. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farm Servant age 19 on farm at Carnforth, b Broughton, rec as HATHORNTHWAITE. 1871 Census: not found.

j = Anne WRIGHTSON b abt 1852 Bishop Monckton, Yorks., m abt Dec 1872 reg Ripon, m(2) abt Jun 1885 reg Clitheroe, Robert LANCASTER, b Paythorn. 1881 Census: Widowed Shopkeeper age 29 at 124 Bawdlands, Clitheroe, b Bishmonkton, Yorks, rec as HAWTHANTHWATE. 1891 Census: Grocer’s Shop Keeper age 39, b Bishop Monkton, at 18 Union Street, Accrington, (married to Robert LANCASTER, age 37, Scavenger, b Paythorn). 1901 Census: Housewife age 47 in Burnley Road, Accrington, b Bishop Monkton, (married to Robert LANCASTER, Lamp Lighter).

k Mary Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4019] b abt Dec 1873 Banknewton, reg Skipton, d abt Jun 1921 age 47 reg Haslingden, unmarried. 1881 Census: Scholar age 7 with widowed mother in Clitheroe, b Banknewton, Yorks. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Winder age 17, with mother and step-father in Accrington, b Bishop Monkton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Winder age 27 in Burnley Road, Accrington, b Bank Newton

k Dora HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2849] b Gisburn, daur. of Thomas, Farmer, and Anne, reg Clitheroe, c 5 Sep 1875 Gisburn, d abt Mar 1892 age 16 reg Haslingden. 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 with widowed mother in Clitheroe, b Middle Breaks, Yorks. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 15 with mother and step father, b Bishop Monkton

k Beatrice HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1877 reg Clitheroe, d abt Dec 1895 age 19 reg Haslingden. 1881 Census: age 4 in Clitheroe, b Bishmonkton. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 14 with mother and step father, b Bishop Monkton

k Williamb1879 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2850] b Newsholme, son of Thomas, Farmer, and Anne, reg Clitheroe, c 8 Jun 1879 Gisburn, d abt Dec 1958 age 79 reg Blackpool. 1881 Census: age 1 with widowed mother in Clitheroe, b Paythorn. 1891 Census: Scholar age 12 with mother and step father at 18 Union Street, Accrington, b Paythorne. 1901 Census: Unmarried Postman in Accrington, b Paythorn, age 21, living with mother and stepfather.

k = Constance Annnie JACKSON [4021] b 17 Feb 1889 reg Preston, m abt Dec 1916 Preston St Luke reg Preston, d abt Jun 1974 reg Huddersfield

l Enid C HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1919 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1919 age 0 reg Preston

l Morris HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Feb 1921 reg Preston, d 3 Dec 1972 age 52, reg Wharfedale

l = Marjorie ELLIS m abt Sep 1943 reg Huddersfield

m Peter HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4047]b abt 1950. 2001: in Huddersfield

m = Gail AMBLER [4048] m abt Sep 1972 reg Huddersfield

n Paul HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1977 reg Huddersfield

n Claire HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1978 reg Huddersfield

m Stella HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1952 reg Huddersfield

m = Bernard RICHARDS m abt Dec 1976 reg Huddersfield

Sixth Child of George & Ann

j Robertb1844 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1009] b reg not found, c 15 Feb 1844 Broughton, m 9 Dec 1871 Rylstone: Servant, of Rylstone, d 18 Nov 1918 reg Blackburn, bur Gisburn, age 74. 1851 Census: Scholar age 7 at Kirkby Malham, b Broughton. 1861 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Labourer on 100 acre farm of Charles LORD at Coniston Cold, age 17, b Broughton, (parents were at Bentham) 1871 Census: shows Robert, age 26, and Catherine WHIPP, age 17, as unmarried General Servants in the household of Charles LORD, farmer at Scale Green, parish of Rylstone. There was clearly romance "below stairs". 1881 Census: Farmer of 130 acres at Loftrains, Paythorne, Yorks. 1891 Census: Married Farmer age 47 at Loftrans, Paythorne, b Broughton, Skipton. 1901 Census: Widowed Farmer at Loftrains Farm, Paythorne, age 57, b Yorkshire.

I can find no record of Robert's birth in the civil registration index for 1844. Robert's 1871 marriage certificate does not give the name of his father, which is perhaps surprising, but may be because his father appears to have died at Clapham in 1865. It seems there may have been some sort of family quarrel, since in 1861 his father George, instead of sharing the 300 acre farm at Pasture House, Broughton, was eking out an apparently precarious existence on 6 acres at Greenhead, Bentham.

j = Catherine WHIPP b abt 1853 Gargrave, Yorks, daur. of John WHIPP, Farmer, m 9 Dec 1871 Rylstone Church in the parish of Burnsall, Yorks, Servant of Rylstone. d 6 Aug 1891 reg Clitheroe, bur Gisburn, age 38

k Johnb1872 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1013] b 18 Apr 1872 Gargrave, Yorks, reg Skipton. Of West Didsbury, Manchester. [Gravedigger.] m 18 Mar 1912 Church of St Mary of the Immaculate Conception, Barton, Salford, Lancs., reg Barton upon Irwell. 1891 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Son age 19 at Loftrains Farm, b Gargrave. 1901 Census: Unmarried Railway Platelayer of Paythorne, age 28. 1912: Railway Platelayer of Paythorne. d abt Mar 1940 age 67 reg Manchester.

k = Emma THOMAS b 30 Sep 1885 d 21 Dec 1970 aged 85, reg Manchester. 1912: Cotton Weaver of Worsley

l John Leslie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1669] b 29 Apr 1912 reg Barton, Salford, m abt Sep 1939 reg Gosport (as Leslie J), d abt Dec 1975 reg Lichfield

1= Jessie Irene MATTHEWS b 21 Jul 1910, d Oct 1996 Milton Keynes

m David John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Feb 1942 reg Manchester, d 10 Jun 2006 Milton Keynes. 2000: of Woburn Sands. No issue.

m Wendy I HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1946 reg Stockport

m = David WALTERS m abt Dec 1971 reg Lichfield

l Catherine (Kitty) HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1914 reg Chorlton

l = Alfred ANON[BURKHILL m abt Sep 1958 reg Manchester?]

l Thomasb1917 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 May 1917 reg Chorlton d abt Mar 1977 reg Manchester

l = Annie WILKINSON [1678] b 23 Feb 1918, m 17 Jan 1939 reg Manchester South, d abt Dec 2002 reg Manchester

m Christine HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 17 Jan 1941 Manchester

m = Anthony JONES m abt Jun 1961 reg Manchester

n Anthony JONES

n Robert JONES

n Christopher JONES

n Susan JONES

l Ethel HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1921 reg Chorlton

l = Norman CLARKE m abt Mar 1954 reg Manchester

m Johnb1943 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1943 Manchester 2000: Of Northenden, Manchester

m =(1) Julie Veronica GRIFFIN b 18 Dec 1947 m 18 Sep 1965 reg Manchester d abt Jan 1989 reg Stockport.

n John Ashley HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Jul 1975 reg Manchester

m =(2) Anne DUNN nee CARSON b 27 Sep1946 m abt Dec 1979 reg Manchester

m Susan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Mar 1948 Manchester

m = John FIELDING b 25 May m abt Sep 1965 reg Manchester

n Deborah FIELDING b 2 March ?

n Jayne FIELDING b 6 June ?

k Richardb1874 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1014] b abt Mar 1874 Gargrave, reg Skipton, m not found, d 16 Aug 1933 age 59 reg Blackburn (Described as a Platelayer of Moor Hall Farm, Paythorne, he died after being hit by an engine between Newsholme and Hellifield). 1891 Census: not at home with parents at Loftrains Farm. 1901 Census: Unmarried Farm Servant at Brooks House, Bracewell, Yorks., age 27, b Gargrave.

k Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1015] b abt Mar 1876 Gargrave, Skipton, m abt Sep 1898 reg Clitheroe. 1891 Census: Farmer’s Daughter age 15 at Loftrains Farm, b Gargrave. [1896: qualified as Post Office sorting clerk for Otley; or was this Mary Ann [1003]?] 1901 Census: not with father at Loftrains Farm [Married age 25 with husband at Ewood, Mytholmroyd, Yorks., b Gargrave?

k = William PEEL [5400] b abt 1868 Newholme, Gisburn, m abt Sep 1898 Gisburn St Mary reg Clitheroe. 1901 Census: Married Farm Bailiff age 33 at Ewood, Mytholmroyd, b Newsholme, Yorks. ]

k Robertb1878 Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1016] b abt Feb 1878 Paythorne, reg Clitheroe, c 11 Aug 1878 Gisburn. d abt Dec 1956 age 78 reg Staincliffe. 1891 Census: Scholar age 13 at Loftrains Farm, b Loftrains. 1901 Census: Farmer's Son age 23 at Paythorne.

k = Rhoda STARKIE b abt 1887 m abt Mar 1912 Gisburn St Mary reg Clitheroe d abt Jun 1963 age 76 reg Ewecross

l Robert Starkie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Jul 1916 reg Blackburn. d abt Jun 1977 reg Burnley/Pen, without issue. Only child? Possibly the last H owner of Loftrains Farm, Paythorne.

k Jamesb1880 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1017] b 3 Apr 1880 Paythorne, reg Clitheroe, c 4 Oct 1881 Gisburn, d abt Dec 1881 age 1 reg Clitheroe.

1901 Census: not found.

k Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2853] b Paythorne abt Jun 1882 reg Clitheroe, c 8 Apr 1883 Gisburn. 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 at Loftrains Farm, b Loftrains. 1901 Census: Farmer's Daughter at Paythorne, age 18.

k Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2854] b Paythorne abt Sep 1884 reg Clitheroe, c 14 Sep 1884 Gisburn. 1891 Census: Scholar age 6 at Loftrains Farm, b Loftrains. 1901 Census: General Domestic Servant at Paythorne, age 16, b Paythorne, working for the PEEL family (see Annie H above who married William PEEL) at Newsholme, Gisburn

k = William BURNS [2855] m abt Jun 1910 Gisburn St Mary reg Clitheroe

k Catherine HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2856] b abt Sep 1886 Paythorne, reg Clitheroe, c 14 Aug 1887 Gisburn. 1891 Census: age 4 at Loftrains Farm, b Loftrains. 1901 Census: Farmer’s Daughter at Loftrains Farm, Paythorne, age 14

k = George Ernest MOORHOUSE m abt Dec 1911 Gisburn St Mary reg Clitheroe

k Betsy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2857] b abt Dec 1888 Paythorne, reg Clitheroe, c 2 Jun 1889 Gisburn. 1891 Census: age 2 at Loftrains Farm, b Loftrains. 1901 Census: Scholar at Loftrains Farm, Paythorne, age 12

k = Robinson NORCROSS m abt Sep 1913 reg Clitheroe

k Georgeb1890 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1018] b 15 Dec 1890 Loftrains, Paythorne, c 12 Jul 1891 Gisburn, d abt Jan 1967 reg Ewecross age 76. 1891 Census: age 3m at Loftrains Farm, b Loftrains. 1901 Census: Scholar age 10 at Loftrains Farm, Paythorne. Later, Farmer at Tewitt Hall.

k = Mary MOORHOUSE [1884] m abt Jun 1913 Gisburn St Mary reg Clitheroe

l Georgeb1913 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1389] b 14 Jun 1913, reg Clitheroe, d Feb 1989 reg Ribble Valley

l = Dorothy GARNETT m abt Jun 1941 reg Settle 1998: of Clitheroe Alive 2000

m Eric HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1020] b abt Mar 1942 reg Settle 2000: Farmer at Broach Flat Farm, Foulridge, Lancs

m = Jean ROBERTS [1021] m abt Jun 1963 Clitheroe St Paul

n John HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1390] [b abt Jun 1964 reg Clitheroe. St Caths entry looks like "Joe"]

n Stephen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1391] b abt Mar 1966 reg Clitheroe 2000: of Colne

n = Stephanie HORROCKS [1392] m abt Oct 1994 reg Burnley/Pen

o Stephen Andrew HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1393] b Mar 1993 reg Burnley/Pen

o Eric Brian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1394] b Nov 1995 reg Burnley/Pen

n David Andrew HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2962] b Apr 1969 Broach Farm, Foulridge, reg Nelson. 2000: Of Salterforth. Farmer at Slaidburn

n = Paula KENNY m abt Aug 1989 reg Ribble Valley

o Lauren Amy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1991 reg Burnley/Pen

o Natalie Symone HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1992 reg Keighley

o Ashleigh Jade HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Feb 1995 reg Keighley

n Julie Yvonne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1399] b abt Sep 1972 reg Burnley

m James Ian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1022] b abt Sep 1943 reg Settle d abt Dec 1963 reg Burnley aged 20

m Dorothy Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1945 reg Settle

m = Anon BROWN m abt Dec 1971 reg Ewecross

m Colin HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1946 reg Settle d abt Dec 1950 aged 4 reg Ewecross.

m Roger HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1948 reg Ewecross 2000: at Clitheroe

m = Jean L WEBSTER m abt Dec 1968 reg Clitheroe

n Susan Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1969 reg Clitheroe

n James Ian ("Ian") HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1971 reg Clitheroe 2000: of Bingley

n Mark Roger HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1973 reg Clitheroe

n = Angela M STIRZAKER m abt May 1994 reg Ribble Valley. 2000: in Nelson

o Michaela Jade HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1993 reg Burnley

o Bradley Luke HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1995 reg Burnley/Pen

m Patricia M HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1953 reg Staincliffe

l Robertb1914 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1029] b 4 Aug 1914, reg Clitheroe. Farmer, d 22 Oct 1993 age 79, bur Bolton-by-Bowland, reg Blackburn

l = Jessie WILSON [1031] m abt Jun 1945 Grindleton St Ambrose reg Settle. At Bolton by Bowland, 2000.

m Celia HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1032] b abt Jun 1946 reg Settle

m = Derek COULTHERD m abt Dec 1967 reg Ewecross

m Clifford HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1033] b abt Mar 1948, reg Nelson 2000: Farmer at Aynhams Farm, Barnoldswick.

m = Elizabeth Jean GISSING [1886] m abt Sep 1971 Barnoldswick St Mary-le-Gill reg Staincliffe

n Andrew David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1973 reg Worth Valley 1998: of Barnoldswick

n = Rachel H WORTHY m abt Sep 2000 reg Burnley/Pen

o William Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Oct 2003 reg Keighley

n Sylvia Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1975 reg Keighley

n = Michael A WILKINSON m abt May 2001 reg Burnley/Pen

m Irene HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1949 reg Ewecross

m = David MOON m abt Jun 1971 reg Ewecross

[m = Anon ROBINSON This is from family tradition, but does not seem to fit with the St Caths index. Perhaps it was a second marriage]

m Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1952, reg Blackburn

m = Michael F WHITE Farmer at Gisburn. m abt Mar 1974 reg Staincliffe

m Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1038] b abt Dec 1956 reg Staincliffe 2000: At Barnoldswick. Prominent in Harness Racing, known as “Acorn”.

m = Teresa J HUNTER [1887] m abt Jan 1987 reg Ribble Valley

n Richardb1988 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1040] b 20 May 1988 reg Keighley. [2008: In New Zealand?]

n Jamesb1990 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 19 Oct 1990 reg Keighley

m Pamela HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1963, reg Burnley 1998: of Barnoldswick

l Hannahb1915 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1030] b abt Dec 1915 reg Clitheroe

l = Stephen ROBINSON [2860] m abt Mar 1940 Gisburn St Mary reg Settle

Seventh Child of George & Ann

j Richardb1846 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [810] b abt 1846 Broughton, reg not found, d abt Mar 1913 age 66 reg West Derby. 1851 Census: age 5 at Kirkby Malham, b Broughton. 1861 Census: Scholar at Greenhead, Bentham, age 14, b Broughton. 1881 Census: Married Cow Keeper age 35 at 5 Victoria Place, Everton, Lancs, "b Byer Whyton". [I have never located Byer Whyton. I think it must be a very garbled version of Broughton.] 1891 Census: Married Milk Cowkeeper age 45 of 5 Victoria Place, Everton, b Brington, Yorks. 1901 Census: Married Self-employed Cowkeeper of 5 Victoria Place, Everton, age 55, b Broughton. 1911 Census: Widower at 5 Victoria Place, Everton

j = Ellen [Nelley/Nellie] SPENCER b abt 1849 Gayle, nr Hawes, Yorks, m abt Jun 1876 reg Aysgarth as Nelley, d abt Dec 1906 age 58 reg W Derby, rec as Nellie

1881 Census: b "Pale" (this is an error). 1891 Census: Wife age 42 with husband in Everton, b Gayle. 1901 Census: Married age 52 at Everton with husband, b Gayle, Yorks.

k Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1004] b abt Jun 1877 reg W Derby, Liverpool. 1891 Census: Scholar age 13 with parents in Everton, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Unmarried age 23 with parents in Everton, b Liverpool

k Robertb1880 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1005] b abt Dec 1880 reg W Derby, d abt Jan 1972 reg Ulverston. Unmarried? 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents in Everton, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cowkeeper's Son with parents in Everton, age 20, b Liverpool.

k Betsy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3056] b abt Mar 1883 Liverpool, reg W Derby, d abt Mar 1962 age 78 reg Liverpool N. 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents in Everton, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: School Teacher age 18, unmarried, living with parents at Everton.

k Georgeb1885 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3057] b abt Jun 1885 Liverpool, reg W Derby, d abt Dec 1963 reg Lancaster age 78. 1891 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents in Everton, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Shipping Clerk age 16, unmarried, living with parents at Everton

k = Elizabeth J BIBBY m abt Sep 1912 Whitchurch S

l Nellie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3693] b abt Sep 1913 reg W Derby

l = Graham BRAITHWAITE [3696] m abt Sep 1939 Oakfield Methodist Church reg Liverpool

l Isobel HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1915 reg W Derby

l Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1917 reg W Derby

l = Joseph S MILES m abt Sep 1942 reg Crosby

Eighth Child of George & Ann

j Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [811] b abt Dec 1849 Hanlith reg Settle. 1851 Census: age 1 at Kirkby Malham, b Hanlith. 1861 Census: Scholar at Greenhead, Bentham, age 11, b Hanlith, Yorks. 1871 Census: Housewife age 21 at Ashes, b Hanlith.

j = James TENNANT m abt Dec 1870 reg Settle. 1871 Census: Married Farmer’s Son at Ashes, Horton in Ribblesdale, age 28, b Ashes.

Ninth Child of George & Ann

j Betsy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [812] b abt Dec 1853 Kirkby Malham, reg Settle, d abt Dec 1878 age 26 reg Skipton, unmarried. 1861 Census: Scholar, at Greenhead, Bentham, age 7, b Kirkby Malham. 1871 Census: Unmarried Lodger age 17 in Kerstwick in the home of her married sister Grace WEARING, b Kirkby Malham.

Sixth Child of George and Grace

i Hannahb1804 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [205] b Batrix, c 8 Jul 1804 Slaidburn, m 2 May 1829 Tatham, Spinster of Tatham age 23, d 5 Feb 1879 bur Slaidburn (Nellie on her gravestone)

i =(1) Thomas WATERWORTH m 2 May 1829 Tatham, Farmer of Dunsop, Slaidburn age 26, d 1848 bur Slaidburn [There are 3 Hannahs b around 1804, but the names of the children below tend to confirm this is the right marriage.]

j Elizabeth WATERWORTH c 21 Feb 1830 Slaidburn

j John WATERWORTH c 11 Sep 1831 Slaidburn

j Grace WATERWORTH c 24 Mar 1833 Slaidburn

j George WATERWORH c 25 Jan 1835 Slaidburn

i =(2) Henry JACKSON m 1850, d 1870 bur Slaidburn

Seventh Child of George and Grace

i Johnb1805 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 May 1805 Batrix, c 18 May 1806 Slaidburn, m

abt Mar 1850 Broughton, nr Skipton (age abt 45, apparently his first marriage), d 18 Oct 1898

Gisburn, age 93, reg Clitheroe. At Iva. 1841 Census: Farmer age 35 with parents at Pasture House, Broughton. 1851 Census: Married Joint occupier with his widowed mother of the 300 acre farm at Pasture House, Broughton, age 46, b Hammerton (this seems to be an enumertor’s error). 1861 Census: Farmer of 259 acres emp 1 Man & 1 Boy at Farm House, Arncliffe, age 51, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Married Farmer of 595 acres at Arncliffe, age 65, b Batrix. 1881 Census: Retired Farmer at Wilcross Cottage, Gisburn, living with wife and unmarried daughter Grace. 1891 Census: Married Retired Farmer age 85 inGisburn, b Slaidburn.

i = Elizabethb1830 (Betty) WILCOCK of North Cote, Horton-in-Ribblesdale b 24 Mar 1830, d 15

Apr 1915, age 85, reg Clitheroe. 1851 Census: Housewife age 21 at Pasture House, Broughton, b

Horton in Ribblesdale. 1861 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 31, b Horton. 1871 Census:

Farmer’s Wife age 44, b North Cote. 1891 Census: Housewife age 61 in Gisburn, b Horton in Ribblesdale. 1901 Census: Living on Own Means at Gisburn, age 71, b

Horton in Ribblesdale.

j Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1007] b 19 Feb 1851 Broughton, reg Skipton. 1851 Census: age 1m at Pasture House, Broughton, b Broughton. 1861 Census: Scholar age 10, b Arncliffe, boarding at Throstle Nest, Conistone, a school run by Thomasina LEYLAND. 1871 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter age 20 with parents at Arncliffe, b Pasture House. 1881 Census: unmarried nurse, age 30, living with retired parents at Wilcross Cottage, Gisburn. d 1 Apr 1900 Bomber Farm, bur 5 Apr 1900 Gisburn.

j = Caleb DUCKWORTH [2016] of Bomber Farm, m 6 Jan 1887 Gisburn St Mary

j Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [456] b abt Mar 1853 Arncliffe, reg Settle, d abt Sep 1931 Giggleswick, reg Settle, age 77. Unmarried. [This is the Ellen who in 1894 drew up a family tree with the help of Culletons Heraldic Office and the Tyldesley Diaries. My own research suggests that this family tree was almost entirely wrong, or, to put it more charitably, does not relate to our side of the family. I do hope her bill from Culletons was not too large!] 1861 Census: Scholar age 9 boarding at Throstle Nest, Conistone. 1871 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter age 18 at Arncliffe, b Arncliffe. 1881 Census: Unmarried Teacher, Assistant Mistress, age 25, at Stoke upon Trent, living as a lodger in Hawksmore Street. 1891 Census: Unmarried School Teacher age 28, Visitor at The Crofts, Nantwich, Cheshire, b Arncliffe, rec as Helen. 1901 Census: Unmarried National School Teacher age 37 in Stafford Street, Market Drayton, b Arncliffe

j Johnb1855 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [457] b 17 Aug 1855 Arncliffe, reg Settle, d abt Jun 1938 age 82 reg Birmingham. 1861 Census: Scholar , age 5, at Farm House, Arncliffe, b Arncliffe. 1871 Census: Grocer’s Apprentice age 15 in Sheep Street, Skipton, b Arncliffe. 1881 Census: Married Grocer’s Assistant age 25 at 5 Dawson Street, Skipton, b Arncliffe. 1891 Census: Married Publican age 36 at 249 Ladybrook Road, Kings Norton, b Arncliffe. 1901 Census: Married Insurance Agent of 29 Edward Road, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, age 45, b Arncliffe.

j = (1) Margaret HOWARTH [458] b 1856 Skipton, m abt Mar 1877 reg Skipton, d abt Jun 1909 age 52 reg Kings Norton. 1881 Census: Married age 24 with husband in Skipton, b Skipton. 1891 Census: Married age 35 in Kings Norton, b Skipton. 1901 Census: married age 44 with husband in Balsall Heath, b Skipton

k Fanny HAYTHORNTHWAITE [462] b abt Dec 1877 reg Skipton, d abt Sep 1893 reg Kings Norton age 16. 1881 Census: age 3 with parents in Skipton, b Skipton. 1891 Census: Scholar age 13 with parents in Kings Norton, b Skipton.

k Maria (“Marie”) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [460] b abt Sep 1879 reg Skipton, m abt Dec 1906 reg Kings Norton, d abt Sep 1968 age 89 reg Bristol. 1881 Census: age 1 with parents in Skipton, b Skipton. 1891 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents in Kings Norton, b Skipton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Sewing Machine Shop Clerk at Balsall Heath, age 21, b Skipton.

k =Henry John CLARK b 1882 d 1949

l Margaret CLARK b 1916

l = George HORNE b 1913 d 1969

m Christine HORNE

m = Kenneth ETHERIDGE

n Mark ETHERIDGE Family Genealogist. 2000: Of Cardiff

l Barbara CLARK

The Midlands Branch

k Maurice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [463] b 2 Jul 1881 Skipton, d abt Dec 1950 age 69 reg Birmingham. 1891 Census: Scholar age 9 with parents in Kings Norton, b Skipton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Sewing Machine Shop Clerk of Balsall Heath, age 19, b Skipton. 1908 - 1911 lived at Kings Norton and had connections with Birmingham University. [This is from family tradition; clearly he was in Kings Norton much earlier than 1908.] 1911 Census: Insurance Agent. First World War: Corporal in Royal Garrison Artillery.

k = Edith BRAND of Nottingham, b abt 1883, m abt Sep 1907 Nottingham, d abt Mar 1940 age 57 reg Nottingham. 1911 Census: Married 3 yrs age 28 with husband, b Sauguer, India

l Stanley HAYTHORNTHWAITE [473] b abt Sep 1908 Kings Norton, d abt Sep 1951 age 43 reg Nottingham.

l = Doris Mary MANTLE [1919] b 30 Dec 1905 reg Nottingham, m abt Dec 1935 Nottingham, d abt Mar 1996 reg Nottingham

m Irene HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1936 Nottingham

m = Anon BOLTON m abt Mar 1954 Nottingham

l Maurice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [475] b 5 Jun 1909 Kings Norton , d Mar 1985 reg Nottingham

l = (1) Dorothea RIPPIN b 20 Jan 1915, m abt Sep 1937 Nottingham, d abt Sep 1989 reg Nottingham

m Denise HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1942 Nottingham

l = (2) Beatrice May HOWE m abt Sep 1948 Nottingham as Beatrice, d 17 Feb 2008 Sherwood, Nottingham, retired hosiery worker, Beatrice May. 2000: of Basford, Nottingham

l Lawrence HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1380] b 19 Aug 1912 Nottingham, d abt Dec 2002 reg Leicester. 1998: of Nottingham

l = Joyce HAYNES m abt Sep 1934 Nottingham

m Rex HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Feb 1936 Long Eaton, reg Shardlow d 17 Sep 2003 Melton Mowbray, reg Leics., Co-Organiser of the Vale of Belvoir Conker Championships at Long Clawson.

m = Luna Anne HACKETT b 18 Jul 1937, m abt Sep 1958 reg Nottingham, d 8 Jul 1996 Long Clawson, reg Melton & Rutland

n Joanne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 21 Dec 1959 reg Nottingham

n = Mark B WHITEHEAD m abt Jun 1981 reg Nottingham

o Thomas WHITEHEAD b 21 Jun 1985

n Kathryn HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Oct 1964 reg Nottingham

n = Clive R SPARLING m abt Jul 1992 reg Melton Mowbray

o Lucy Hannah SPARLING b 26 Oct 1995

o Charlotte Anne SPARLING b 4 Feb 1998

l Neville HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1925 Nottingham 2000: of Beechdale, Nottingham

l = Ivy DAVIS m abt Mar 1940 reg Nottingham

m Richardb1953 John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 31 Oct 1953 Nottingham 2000: of Long Eaton, Nottingham

m =(1) Pamela GINGELL m abt Dec 1973 reg Nottingham Now divorced. 2000: of Aspley, Nottingham

n Sarah Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 5 Apr 1978 reg Nottingham

n = Lance F STEVENS m abt Sep 2000 reg Windsor/Maidenhead

n James Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Feb 1982 reg Nottingham. 2009: changed name to REA

o Gareth WARD b 16 Feb 2004

n = Anon REA m 2009

o Chloe Anne REA b 21 Jun 2005

n Louise Arwen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 19 May 1988

m =(2) Gayle NOBLE (nee WRIGHT) b 1 May 1953 Burbank, California, m 27 Oct 2000 reg Erewash

m Andrew HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1386] b abt Mar 1957 Nottingham 2000: of Liphook, Hants

m =(1) Barbara WAGSTAFF m abt Jun 1978 reg Newport. Divorced

m =(2) Prudence Christine LEATHERLAND m abt Sep 1983 reg Nottingham 2000: of Bognor Regis, divorced

n Adam HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1667] b 28 Feb 1986 reg Chichester

m =(3) Davinda JHUTY m abt May 1997 reg Coventry ……………………………………………………

k Harry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [465] b abt Mar 1884 reg Skipton, d abt Dec 1885 Ecclesall Bierlow, aged 2

j = (2) Jessie May BURT (nee ROBERTS) m 18 Jun 1914 Kings Norton, d abt Dec 1942 age 79 reg Birmingham

Eighth Child of George and Grace

i Thomasb1809 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Batrix, c 2 Jul 1809 Slaidburn in joint ceremony with his first cousin William, son of William HAYTHORNTHWAITE and Hannah BRENNAND, d abt Jun 1887 reg Clitheroe age 78. 1841 Census: Farmer age 25 with parents at Pasture House, Broughton. 1851 Census: Married Farm Labourer age 42 at Pasture House, Broughton, on the farm run by his brother John and mother Grace, b Hammerton (enumerator’s error?). his wife was not with him.. 1861 Census: Married Farmer of 150 acres, age 57, at Langerton, Thorpe, Burnsall, b “Butterhouse” (which seems to be a mistranscription of Batterix). 1871 Census: Married Retired Farmer age 61 at Butterhaugh House, Gargrave, with brother-in-law William SOUTHWELL, b Bolton by Bowland. . 1881 Census: Farmer of 130 acres at Lower Halsteads, Easington, nr Slaidburn.

i = Sarah SOUTHWELL b abt 1820 Thornton, Yorks, daur. of Emmanuel SOUTHWELL of Skinner House, Broughton, m 24 May 1849 Marton (next parish to Broughton), reg Skipton d abt Jun 1900 reg Clitheroe age 80. 1851 Census: Married Farmer’s Daughter age 31 at Skinner House, Broughton, with her parents and baby James, b Thornton, rec as HAYTHORWAITE. 1861 Census: Farmer’s Wife at Langerton, Burnsall, age 41, b Pickhill. 1891 Census: Widow age 71 living on own means at Lower Easington with son James, b Pickhill.

j Jamesb1849 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1010] c 25 Oct 1849 Broughton, Yorks, reg Skipton, d abt Jun 1900 reg Clitheroe, age 50. 1851 Census: age 1 with mother at grandparents house, Skinner House, Broughton. 1861 Census: Scholar age 11 at Langerton, b Broughton. 1871 Census: Unmarried age 21, no employment given, living with parents at Buterhaugh Farm, b Broughton. 1881 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Son age 31 at Lower Halsteads, b Broughton. 1891 Census: Unmarried Farmer age 41 at Lower Easington. 1901 Census: does not appear at Dalton in Furness, Lancs., with wife and children, confirming early death.

j = Isabella DICKENSON [1923] b abt 1867 Dalton, m abt Jun 1891 Dalehead St James, reg Clitheroe, as DIXON. 1891 Census: Unmarried Domestic Servant age 24 at Lower Easington, b Dalton, Lancs. 1901 Census: Widow at 27 James Street, Dalton in Furness, age 34, b Dalton, recorded as Isabel, visiting the house of Jane DIXON. It appears that, recently widowed in Bolland, she had returned to her birth place in Dalton with the children. 1911 Census: Widowed Boarding House Keeper age 44 at 11 Grafton Road, Morecambe, b Dalton in Furness [d abt Sep 1945 age 75 reg Clitheroe?]. Perhaps she remarried, but m not found.

k Sarah Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1924] b 31 Oct 1891 Bolland reg Clitheroe, d Mar 1995 Ribble Valley. 1901 Census: Visitor age 9 at 27 James Street, Dalton in Furness, b Bolland. 1911 Census: Unmarried Milliner’s Assistant with widowed mother in Morecambe

k = Edwin JUBB [6274] m abt Dec 1947 Sandylands St John, reg Lancaster

k Emmanuel HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1925] b 28 Jul 1893 Bolland reg Clitheroe, d abt Sep 1981 reg Keighley, bur Bolton-by-Bowland (with monumental inscription). 1901 Census: Visitor at 27 James Street, Dalton in Furness, age 7, b Bolland. 1911 Census: Unmarried Farm Labourer age 17 working for Proctor family (farmers) at 2 Dunny Shop, Accrington, b Easington

k = Clara JACKSON[1926] b 1905, m abt Mar 1933 Clitheroe, d abt Mar 1953, age 47, reg Staincliffe, bur Bolton-by-Bowland (with monumental inscription).

l Isabell HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1927] b abt Dec 1933 reg Clitheroe

l = Dennis TAYLFORTH [2861] m abt Jun 1957 Bracewell St Martin reg Staincliffe

m Stephen C TAYLFORTH b abt Jun 1958 reg Worth Valley

m Mark W TAYLFORTH b abt Sep 1961 reg Worth Valley

l Jamesb1936 (Jimmy) HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1936 reg Clitheroe, d 13 Oct 2007 Scar Top, Oakworth

l = (div) Anon HORROCKS

m Amanda HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Nov 1969 reg Worth Valley

m = Frank J HOLMES m abt Aug 1993 reg Lancaster

n James Daniel HOLMES b abt Mar 1997 reg Lancaster

m Victoria HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Sep 1972 reg Worth Valley

m = Adrian M GILLESPIE m abt Jul 1996 reg Lancaster

l Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1929] b abt Dec 1938 reg Settle

l = Kenneth WOOD [1930] m abt Jun 1961 Bracewell St Michael reg Staincliffe

m John WOOD 2001: of Salterforth, Barnoldswick, Lancs.

k Josephb1896 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1932] b 15 Mar 1896 Bolland reg Clitheroe, d abt Feb 1990 reg Ribble Valley. 1901 Census: Visitor age 5 at 27 James Street, Dalton in Furness. 1911 Census: not found

k = Mary Ann CHARLES [3059] m abt Sep 1918 reg Stockport. No issue found.

k Thomasb1899 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1933] b 5 Feb 1899 Bolland, reg Clitheroe, d abt Dec 1975 reg Ribble Valley. 1901 Census: Visitor age 2 at 27 James Street, Dalton in Furness, b Bolland. 1911 Census: Scholar with mother in Morecambe

k = Mary INSKIP [3060] m abt Jun 1928 Slaidburn St Andrew reg Clitheroe [d abt Dec 1978 reg Ribble Valley, b 9 Jan 1901?]

l Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3061] b abt Mar 1931 reg Clitheroe

l = Sidney FARADAY [2950] m abt Dec 1960 Grindleton St Andrew reg Ewecross

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1011] c 20 Dec 1851 Broughton, Yorks, reg Skipton 1861 Census: Scholar age 9 at Langerton, b Broughton. 1871 Census: Unmarried Domestic Servant age 19 in home of landowner Robert PROCTER in Cracoe, Burnsall, b Broughton. 1881 Census: Farmer’s wife age 27 at High Brayshaw, b Broughton.

j = Richard TAYLOR m abt Dec 1879 Tosside St Bartholomew reg Clitheroe 1881 Census: Married Farmer of 215 acres at High Brayshaw, Gisburn Forest, age 56, b Rathmill.

k Dorothy TAYLOR 1881 Census: age 10 months

j Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1405] b abt Sep 1853 Burnsall reg Skipton, c 6 Aug 1853 Burnsall, Yorks. 1861 Census: Scholar age 7 at Langerton, b Langerton. 1871 Census: Unmarried age 17 at Butterhaugh Farm with parents, b Burnsall. 1881 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter age 27 at Lower Halsteads, b Burnsall (wrongly transcribed by LDS as Ann). 1891 Census: Married at Brownhills, Gisburn Forest. 1901 Census: Married at New Inns, Rishton

j = William REDMAYNE m abt Dec 1887 Dalehead St James reg Clitheroe

j Sarah Agnes HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1406] b abt Jan 1857 reg Skipton, c 3 Feb 1857 Burnsall, Yorks. 1861 Census: Scholar age 4 at Langerton, b Langerton. 1871 Census: Scholar age 14 at Butterhaugh Farm, b Burnsall.

j = Thomas ROBINSON [3224] m abt Jun 1879 Dalehead St James reg Clitheroe

Ninth and Tenth Children of George and Grace

i Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [206] b Batrix c 11 Oct 1811 Slaidburn, d 30 Apr 1880 age 69 Oxen Close, Broughton,, bur Broughton in Craven (MI in churchyard next to parents). 1841 Census: age 25 with parents at Pasture House, Broughton. 1861 Census: Farmer’s Wife at Oxen Close, Broughton

i = John SOUTHWELL (brother to Sarah SOUTHWELL who married Grace’s brother Thomas) m abt Sep 1847 reg Skipton

i Betty HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Marl Hill c 3 Dec 1815 Slaidburn, d 20 Sep 1816 Birket Moore, bur Slaidburn

Third Son of Richard of Batrix

h Johnb1770 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Birkett, c 12 Sep 1770 Slaidburn, d Birkett, bur 13 May 1792 Slaidburn

William of Higher Wood House

Fourth Son of Richard of Batrix

William had two wives, Hannah BRENNAND and Ann TURNER, and produced a total of 14 children and a staggering number of descendants within a few generations, which makes presentation problematic. Batrix Farm, above Dunsop Bridge, where most of his children were born, is a modest sized farmhouse. It is hard to imagine how they all fitted in and how a few acres of hill land supplied the wherewithal to feed and clothe them all. Around 1824 the family moved to Catlow where he remained for some 20 years. [In 2004, Carl H, Don H on a visit from San Francisco, and I, visited Catlow Farm in the upper reaches of the Hodder valley above Stocks Reservoir. The current farmer there, a Mr Robinson, told us that William Haythornthwaite had carved his name on a beam in an old barn up the hill above the farmhouse, but, though we searched, we found nothing. Perhaps we were unlucky. Perhaps Mr Robinson was pulling our leg!]

In the period 1819-1823, William signed the Slaidburn Bishop’s Transcripts three times in his capacity as Church Warden.

Between April 1841 and June 1842, William moved to Higher Wood House, "his own estate", where he lived for 12 years before he died. Bequests to his children were necessarily spread rather thin, being between £3 and £5 each, with just one of £10. His younger sons George and William inherited Higher Wood House as tenants in common and farmed there for some years.

h Williamb1773 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [174] b Birkett, c 26 Dec 1773 Slaidburn. At Batrix, Catlow and Higher Wood House, d 13 Jan 1854 age 80 Higher Wood House, Slaidburn, reg Clitheroe. 1841 Census: Farmer age 65 at Catlow Farm, Easington. 1851 Census describes him as a Widowed Landed Proprietor, age 77, at Higher Wood House, with sons George and William jointly doing the farming of 40 acres.

h = (1) Hannah BRENNAND [176] b Hammerton Hall, Sister of Grace who married his elder brother George, c 28 Aug 1774 Slaidburn, m 13 Jan 1801 Slaidburn, d 11 Mar 1811 Batrix 2 days after birth of her son John, bur Slaidburn, “wife of Wm. Haythornthwaite of Battarix, 36”.

First Child of Wiliam of Higher Wood House

i Jennett HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Oct 1801 Batrix, c 31 Oct 1801 Slaidburn, d 1876 Haslingden

i = Henry HARGREAVES b 1800, m 29 Oct 1821 Slaidburn, husbandman, d 1861 Haslingden

Second Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Feb 1803 Batrix, c 3 Jul 1803 Slaidburn, d 1870. 1851 Census: Grocer’s Wife age 47 in Slaidburn, b Bowland Forest Higher Division. 1861 Census: Grocer’s Wife age 58 with husband in Sunnyside Irwell, Crawshawbooth, b Slaidburn.

i = John PICKLES of Bolton-by-Bowland, b 1809, m 17 May 1835 Gisburn. 1837 Christening: of Botlon-by-Bowland. 1851 Census: Married Grocer age 42 in Slaidburn, b Horton, Yorks.

j Hannah Haythornthwaite PICKLES c 15 Oct 1837 Slaidburn, daur of John & Mary PICKLES, Slaidburn, Grocer, bur 7 Jan 1838 Slaidburn, “of Slaidburn, infant”.

j 3 boys


The Blackburn Cotton Manufacturing Branch

Although the eldest son, who might have expected to inherit his father's farm, Richard below was one of the earliest of the family to leave Slaidburn for the booming new textile towns of Lancashire.

Later generations built a substantial business in Blackburn. In its heyday, the firm of E & G Hindle, incorporated as a limited company in 1907 by Haythornthwaites as well as Hindles, ran 5 mills in Blackburn, 2 spinning and 3 weaving. It went in to liquidation in 1960, as part of the general restructuring of the cotton industry.

Third Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Richardb1804 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Aug 1804 Batrix, c 13 Jan 1805 Slaidburn, m 16 Aug 1828 Slaidburn, d 28 Aug 1862 Blackburn. 1839: at Slated House, Clapham. 1841 Census: Farmer age 37 at Gibbs, Newton, Yorks. 1851 Census: Servant Man age 43 at 6 Wellington Court, Furthergate, Blackburn, b Slaidburn. Nov 1851: at son’s wedding, described as Cowman. 1857: at daur. Hannah’s wedding, “butcher”. 1861 Census: Butcher age 56 at 70 Furthergate, Blackburn, b Slaidburn.

i = Ann HANSON c 13 May 1804 Slaidburn, daur of James and Jane HANSON of Hollins, sister of Mary who married James HAYTHORNTHWAITE (see Chapter 9), d abt Dec 1867 Blackburn age 63. 1841 Census: age 37 with husband at Gibbs, Newton. 1851 Census: Married age 44 at Furthergate, Blackburn, b Slaidburn. 1861 Census: Butcher’s Wife at 70 Furthergate, Blackburn.

j Williamb1829 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [544] b 1 Mar 1829 Hollins, c 12 Apr 1829 Slaidburn, d 18 Mar 1909 Blackburn, age 80. 1841 Census: age 13 with parents at Gibbs, Newton. 1851 Census: Unmarried Cotton Power Loom Weaver age 22, at Furthergate, Blackburn, b Slaidburn. 1861 Census: Married Overlooker of Cotton Power Looms, age 32, at 18 Stanley Street Terrace, Blackburn, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Cotton Weaving Manager of Cherrytree, age 42, b Slaidburn. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Mill Manager age 52 at 40 Fielden Terrace, Livesey, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Married Manager Cotton Mill age 62 at Bank Villa, Cherrytree, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: Retired Cotton Mill Manager of Livesey. Manager of Dugdales, weavers. Writer of Memoirs "The Hardships my Parents Endured"9.

j = Mary Ann GRIMSHAW [69] b abt 1831, m 22 Nov1851 Blackburn Parish Church, age 20, d 9 Mar 1899 Blackburn age 67. 1881 Census: Married age 50 with husband, b Blackburn. 1891 Census: Wife age 59 at Cherrytree, b Blackburn

k John Thomas HAYTHORNTHWAITE [954] b 19 May 1852 , d 8 Aug 1852 Furthergate, Blackburn, reg Blackburn, bur 10 Aug 1852 Blackburn St John the Evangelist, age 3m

k Jane Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [97] b 21 Feb 1855, reg Blackburn, d abt Mar 1919 age 64 reg Blackburn. 1861 Census: age 6, b Blackburn. 1871 Census: Cotton Weaver age 16 at Cherrytree, b Blackburn.

k = Thomas BOLTON [81] b 1858, m 9 Oct 1879 Feniscowles Immanuel reg Blackburn, Book Keeper age 21

k Jamesb1857 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [99] b 10 Jan 1857 Cherrytree, reg Blackburn, c 1 Mar 1857 Blackburn St Mary the Virgin, d Apr 1939 Blackburn, bur Houghton. Manager of the spinning mill in Cherry Tree. 1861 Census: age 4 at 18 Fielden Terrace, Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1871 Census: Cotton Weaver age 14 at Cherrytree, b Blackburn. 1881 Census: Unmarried book keeper age 24 with parents, b Blackburn. 1888: Cashier in Mill, of Cherry Tree. 1891 Census: Married Clerk in Cotton Mill, age 34, at 30 Fielden Terrace, Livesey, b Blackburn. 1901 Census: Married Cashier, Cotton Mill, at 40 Fielden Terrace, Livesey, age 42, b Blackburn

k = Nancy Miller CROOK [118] Farmer's daughter from Riley Green, m 27 Nov 1888 Hoghton Holy Trinity reg Chorley, Spinster of Hoghton, d Apr 1939 Blackburn, bur Hoghton. 1891 Census: Wife age 26 with husband in Livesey, b Hoghton. 1901 Census: married with husband at Livesey, age 36, b Hoghton, Lancs.

l Williamb1889 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [119] b 20 Sep 1889 Livesey, reg Blackburn, c 17 Nov 1889 Feniscliffe St Francis, s of James H and Nancy MILLER. 1891 Census: age 1 with parents in Livesey, b Cherrytree. 1901 Census: at Livesey age 11. Deputy Head of Arnold School, Blackpool. d 31 Jan 1959 Blackpool

l = Dorothy DAVIES b 30 Jun 1892 m 15 Jul 1918 Blackpool, reg Fylde

m James Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 May 1930 Blackpool, reg Fylde, d 4 April 2011 Lytham St Annes

m = Patricia HELM b 30 Nov 1934 Blackpool, m 1 Jul 1953 reg Blackpool

n David Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Dec 1953 Lytham St Annes, reg Fylde. Owner of an animal antibiotics business. His attempt to take over Blackpool Football Club was sadly thwarted.

n = Sharon ELLISON b 6 Dec 1961, m 23 Apr 1998 Grange-over-Sands reg Ulverston

o Melissa Evie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Oct 1999 Blackpool

o Samuel David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Jun 2001 Lytham

n Simon James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Dec 1956 Kirkham, reg Fylde 1998: of Lytham St Annes

n =(1)(Div) Judith Mary FORTE b 8 Aug 1958 m 26 Aug 1978 Thornton Cleveleys, reg Fleetwood. Div 2004

o James Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE [883] b 7 Aug 1982 Blackpool reg Blackpool/F

n=(2) Cherith Davina ANON m abt 2004

m Joan Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Mar 1934 Blackpool, reg Fylde 2001: in Portugal

m = William STEWART b 1920 m abt Nov 1959 Blackpool. d abt Jul 2003

l Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [121] b 10 Jul 1891 Blackburn, c 16 Aug 1891 Feniscowles Immanuel, d 13 Jan 1963 Cherrytree, age 71 reg Darwen. Spinster. Teacher at Feniscowles School. 1901 Census: age 9 with parents in Livesey, b Livesey

l Frank HAYTHORNTHWAITE [120] b 17 Apr 1893, reg Blackburn, c 21 May 1893 Feniscliffe St Francis, d abt Jan 1976 reg Blackburn. Commercial Traveller in tobacco trade. Lived at Cherry Tree. 1901 Census: age 7 with parents in Livesey, b Livesey

l = Sarah SHARPLES [124] m abt Jun 1922 Feniscliffe St Francis reg Blackburn

m Nancy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [130] b abt Jun 1927 reg Blackburn

m = John Robert (Jack) HINDLE b 11 Jul 1922 Blackburn, m abt Jun 1948 Cherry Tree URC reg Darwen, d 22 Mar 1978 Blackburn. Managing Director of the Scapa Group

m Jamesb1931 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1931 reg Blackburn. General Manager of Scapa Group North America. 2000: in Hudson, Quebec.

m =(1)(div) Carol JONES 2000: of Hudson, Quebec

n Jill HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1966 Quebec

n Kim HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1967 Quebec

n = Martin BAILEY

o Francis BAILEY-HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1993 Quebec


m =(2)(div) ??

m =(3) Polly ANON

l Rachel HAYTHORNTHWAITE [122] b 29 Jun 1895 reg Blackburn, c 4 Aug 1895 Feniscliffe St Francis. 1901 Census: "Rachael", at Livesey, age 5, b Livesey.

l = Percy JEPSON [125] m abt Jun 1942 Woodlands United Reformed Church, Darwen. At Cherry Tree.

k Elizabethb1859 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [100] b abt Mar 1859 reg Blackburn d 1938. 1861 Census: age 2 at 18 Fielden Terrace, Livesey, Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1881 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 22 with parents, b Blackburn

k = Joseph GOODWIN m 21 Sep 1885 Immanuel, Feniscowles, reg Blackburn, 33 yrs, Station Master Bachelor of Feniscowles Station

k Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [101] b abt Nov 1860 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWAITE. d abt Sep 1865 reg Blackburn. 1861 Census: age 5m.

k Hanson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [102] b 21 Feb 1865, reg Blackburn, c 2 Apr 1865 Blackburn St Mary, d 19 Mar 1931 Blackpool, age 66 reg Fylde. m 14 Jun 1892 Immanuel, Feniscowles, reg Blackburn. 1871 Census: Scholar age 6 in Cherrytree, b Blackburn. 1881 Census: Grocer Assistant age 16 with parents, b Blackburn. 1891 Census: Unmarried Manager Co-op Store, age 26, with parents at Cherrytree, b Blackburn. 1901 Census: Married Grocer age 36 at 13 & 15 Yorkshire Street, Blackpool, b Blackburn

k = Anne BOLTON b 31 Dec 1870 Livesey, d 5 Mar 1939 age 68 reg Blackpool

l Williamb1892 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [112] b 29 Nov 1892 Blackburn, reg Blackburn, c 15 Jan 1893 Feniscliffe St Francis, d abt Dec 1976 reg Fleetwood. 1901 Census: age 8 with parents in Yorkshire Street, Blackpool, b Livesey. Deputy Head Master and Head of Physics at Blackpool Grammar School, where he taught from abt 1919 to 1957 and where he was known by the nickname of "Billy Bumps".

l = Dorothy Veale ROE b 14 Feb 1896 m 15 Aug 1923 Poulton-le-Fylde, reg Fylde d May 1982 reg Burnley/Pen

m Robertb1929 Hanson HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Jan 1929 Blackpool, reg Fylde. Solicitor in Burnley. Abt 1978 became a County Court Registrar working in the East Lancashire courts. In 1995 he was appointed District Judge to the Lancaster and Kendal courts because of their need for his experience of family cases, and moved home from Barrowford to Garstang, Lancs. Retired in 1998.

m =(1) Carole BURY b 10 Feb 1936, m 4 Apr 1956 St Chad's Poulton-le-Fylde, d 11 Nov 1999 bur Garstang

n Elizabethb1957 Vayle HAYTHORNTHWAITE [479] b 13 Jul 1957, reg Burnley

n =(1)(div) Stanley HORNE [480] m 3 Nov 1979 Old Laund Booth Inghamite Church reg Burnley/Pen

o David John HORNE b 30 Oct 1981 Burnley

o Michael James HORNE b 14 Mar 1986 Burnley

n = (2) John SHERRIFFS m 28 Aug 1993 Burnley

o Christopher John SHERRIFFS b 31 Aug 1992 Burnley

n Timothy John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Oct 1959, reg Burnley 2000: of Colne, Lancs

n = Phillipa Elizabeth BAILEY [484] b 9 Nov 1961, m 26 May 1984 Colne Christchurch, reg Burnley/Pen

o James Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 17 Apr 1988 Burnley reg Burnley/Pen.

o Andrew Howard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Feb 1990 Burnley reg Burnley/Pen

o Matthew John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Dec 1994 Burnley reg Burnley/Pen

n Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Oct 1964 Higham, reg Nelson, c 13 Dec 1964 Higham St John the Evangelist

n = (1) Mark A GUERIN m 7 Jun 1985 Fence St Anne’s, reg Burnley/Pen

o Laura Jade GUERIN b 18 Apr 1987

n = (2) Neil PARKINSON m 17 Sep 1999 Colchester Reg Office. No issue

m =(2) Sheila Kaye SIDWELL (nee DINSDALE) b 17 May 1945, m 2 Jan 2001 Langdale Chase Hotel, Ambleside, reg Kendal

m Richard James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 May 1931, reg Fylde, d 24 Jul 2006 Thailand. 1945-49: At Sedbergh School. Maltster in Karlsruehe, Germany

m = Kari Cameron GIBSON m 29 Sep 1956 Headley reg Surrey SE (Now Kari Haythorn THWAITE) div abt 1980 1984: of East Bergholt, Suffolk

n Christopher William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Jan 1958, reg Claro 2000: Manufacturer of Computer Equipment, of Brandon, Newark

n = Gillian Claire SHARROCK m 27 Mar 1982 Oxton, reg Newark

o James Michael HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 5 Jun 1989 Grantham

n Caroline Kari HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1959

n = David ADAMS m abt Jun 1991 reg Bristol


n =(1)(div) John HILLYARD-MILLER div abt 1998

o James HILLYARD-MILLER b 1 Aug 1987

n =(2) Peter HUGHES

o Peter Jaques HUGHES b 1999 c Nov 1999 Chester

l Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [146] b 25 Oct 1894, reg Blackburn, c 9 Dec 1894 Feniscliffe St Francis, d 19 Nov 1961. 1901 Census: age 6 in Blackpool, b Livesey.

l = Robert Oddie NICKSON [150] m 28 Jun 1923 Blackpool Christ Church with All Saints

m Barbara Oddie NICKSON b 5 Dec 1928 Family Genealogist of Thornton Cleveleys

m = Stanley Christopher JEFFS m 14 Jul 1970

l Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [147] b 9 Sep 1896 reg Blackburn, c 11 Oct 1896 Feniscliffe St Francis, d abt Mar 1982 reg Blackpool, unmarried. 1901 Census: age 4 in Blackpool, b Livesey.

l Jamesb1901 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [202] b 8 Mar 1901 Blackpool, reg Fylde, d 12 Nov 1968 reg Blackpool. 1901 Census: age under 1m in Blackpool, b Blackpool.

l = Bessie SOUTHERN [3698] b 11 Nov 1901 m abt Dec 1927 Higher Bridge St Methodist Church, Bolton, d Jan 1992 reg Bolton

m Dennis HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3699] b 1 Mar 1928 reg Bolton, d abt Dec 1980 reg Bolton

m = Ethel BLACKLEDGE b 1 Apr 1927 m abt Dec 1951 reg Bolton, d abt Sep 1981 reg Bolton. No issue

m Betty HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3701] b abt Sep 1934 reg Bolton

m = James PLATT m abt Jun 1959 reg Bolton

m Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1934 reg Bolton

m = Leonard GREEN m abt Mar 1952 reg Bolton

j Jamesb1830 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Oct 1830 Low Kettlesbeck, Clapham, c 28 Nov 1830 Clapham, d USA. [1841 Census: age 10 with his grandfather William at Catlow farm, Easington. Is this him?] 1861 Census: Married Cotton Overlooker age 30 at 1 Burnley Road, Blackburn, b Clapham. 1871 Census: not found; emigrated?

j = Ann FOULDS b abt 1833 Blackburn. m 23 Mar 1854 Blackburn St Mary. 1861 Census: Married Milliner age 28 b Blackburn.

j Johnb1832 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [71] b 30 Dec 1832 Low Kettlesbeck, c 6 Feb 1833 Clapham, d 24 Mar 1839 Slated House, Clapham, bur Slaidburn, reg Settle.

j Hannahb1834 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [72] b 4 Dec 1834 Low Kettlesbeck, c 11 Jan 1835 Clapham, d 1909 Darwen. 1841 Census: age 7 with parents at Gibbs, Newton.

j = John NORRIS [73] m 10 Dec 1857 Blackburn St Mary reg Blackburn, Weaver of Greenbank

j Elizabethb1837 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Feb 1837 Low Kettlesbeck, c 17 Feb 1837 Tosside Congregational Chapel, d 13 Mar 1839 Slated House, Clapham, bur Slaidburn, reg Settle

j Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [75] b Eldroth, c 4 Aug 1839 Clapham, reg Settle, m abt Dec 1874 reg Blackburn (second wife), d 1 Jan 1907 age 67 Darwen (MI in Darwen Cemetery). 1841 Census: age 2 with parents at Gibbs, Newton. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 21 at Furthergate, Blackburn, b Clapham.

j = Thomas Baynes TAYLOR JP b 22 Mar 1843, d 9 Mar 1923, bur Darwen Cemetery

j Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [77] b 18 Nov 1841 Slaidburn, reg Clitheroe, c 25 Dec 1841 Slaidburn, d 2 Feb 1915 Ivy Bank, Wilpshire (second wife). Grace took in the orphaned sons, Frank, Herbert & Walter, whose father Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE and mother died young in Finland (see immediately below). 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver, age 19, at Furthergate, Blackburn, b Slaidburn

j = Ephraim HINDLE b May 1855 Blackburn m abt Mar 1878 reg Blackburn d 8 Feb 1939 Wilpshire

The Scandinavian Connection

Richard Haythornthwaite went to Finland to manage a weaving mill and married there, but he and his Swedish wife died young, leaving the orphaned children to be brought up back in Blackburn.

j Richardb1844 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [22] b 18 Sep 1844 Furthergate, Blackburn (Note this date is confirmed by birth certificate held by Barbara Jeffs. Birth registered 1 Oct 1844 by Father, occupation labourer, who made his mark) Weaving Mill Manager in Vasa, Finland, m 19 May 1875 Vasa, d 27 Dec 1884 Vasa. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 17 at Furthergate, Blackburn, b Blackburn.

j = Olga Sofia CARLSTROM b 10 Oct 1853 Helsingfors, d 31 Mar 1892 Vasa

k Mildred Sophia HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 5 Oct 1876 Vasa d 31 Oct 1877 Vasa

k Frank Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Feb 1878 Vasa d 6 Jul 1947 Blackburn age 69. 1901 Census: Cotton Manufacturer of St Clement Danes, London, age 23, b Vasa, Finland

k = Margaret HINDLE b 28 Sep 1884 m 6 Jun 1905 Furthergate, reg Blackburn d 12 May 1967 Blackburn

l Olga HAYTHORNTHWAITE [44] b 23 Jul 1906 Mellor, reg Blackburn, d 3 Apr 1997 Blackburn

m Eve (Pamela Jenny) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1178] b 17 Dec 1929 Walmer, Kent, d 20 Feb 2008 Dorchester. Adopted by ROGERS

m =(1)(div) Raymond BUDD m 3 Feb 1949 Stratton, Cornwall. div 1957

n Pamela Janet BUDD

n Anne Valerie BUDD

m =(2) Bernard D AGER b 7 May 1952 Chelmsford, m 6 Feb 1965 Tunbridge Wells, Kent

l = William Matthew PARKER [48] m 5 Mar 1945 Witton St Mark reg Blackburn, divorced 4 Jun 1953 London.

l George Ephraim HAYTHORNTHWAITE [45] b 4 Aug 1909 Wilpshire, reg Blackburn d 21 Nov 1971 Norwich

l = Marjorie Alice SHAW [49] b 22 Feb 1911, m 21 May 1938 Balderstone St Leonard, Blackburn, d abt Mar 1997 reg Chichester

m Susan Ursula HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 22 Feb 1943 Blackburn m 22 Feb 1969 reg Fulham Medical Practitioner in London area?

m = Christopher Alan SQUIER

m Priscilla Audrey HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 May 1945 Blackburn

l Frank HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 Aug 1915 Blackburn d 3 Dec 1919 Blackburn, age 4

l Margaret Hindle HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 May 1923 Blackburn m 25 May 1962 Salmesbury, reg Blackburn d 7 Jan 1998 Nantwich

l = Walter HEYS b 29 Aug 1923

k John William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Sep 1880 Vasa, d 29 Feb 1892 Vasa

k Anni Teresia HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 May 1879 Vasa, d 9 Oct 1895 Narpes

k Oscar Herbert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 5 Jun 1882 Vasa, d 28 Jun 1939 Wilpshire age 57 reg Darwen. 1901 Census: Cotton Manufacturer's Apprentice of Wilpshire, age 18, b Finland.

k = Mary Emma HITCHON b 22 Oct 1882 Accrington, m 5 Jun 1907 Wilpshire, d 17 Oct 1978 Tilford, Surrey

l Richard Lord HAYTHORNTHWAITE [23] b 19 Jun 1908 Wilpshire reg Blackburn. d 21 Aug 1935 Wilpshire age 27 reg Blackburn

l = Sarah FOSTER [55] m Oct 1934 Wilpshire Methodist Church reg Blackburn, m(2) William Kitchin DOBSON abt Dec 1938 reg Amounderness, d abt Dec 1939 reg Amounderness

l Alfred Ian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3] b 24 Mar 1911, reg Blackburn. Genealogist and writer of paper "The Hathunuts". At Clayton Manor. Director of E & G Hindle Ltd. d 8 Jun 1974 Brixham, reg Torbay. 1911 Census: age 0 in Blackburn

l = Marjorie BOWKER b 21 Jan 1910 m 15 Apr 1936 Wilpshire d 4 Oct 1974 Brixham

m Cdr Alfred Ian Carlstrom ("Carl") HAYTHORNTHWAITE RN, b 9 Jun 1937 Wilpshire reg Darwen. Engineer and Submariner. 2000: at Broughton-in-Furness, Cumbria.

m = Brenda ORBELL b 21 Jan 1935, m 14 Mar 1959 The Leys School Chapel, Cambridge

n Ian Kimball HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Apr 1960 Cambridge, m 9 Jul 1988 Bagshot

n =(1) Catherine (Kate) Alison HADDON b 2 Nov 1960 Hampton Court

o John Ian Haddon HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 30 Jun 1994 Chertsey reg Surrey NW

o Richard Piers HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Mar 1996 West End, Surrey

n =(2) Maria Siu Mui WONG m 22 Aug 2010 Oakley, Hants

n Gillian Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Dec 1962 Portsmouth m 5 Mar 1983 Ulverston, div 1991 Barrow in Furness. 1998: of Askam-in-Furness, Cumbria

n =(div) Peter FOTHERGILL m 5 Mar 1983 Ulverston Reg Office reg Ulverston, div 1991 Preston

m Antoinette HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Dec 1940 Wilpshire, reg Darwen

m = Edward William TOMSETT m 2 Dec 1964 London, reg Marylebone div 1981 London

k Charles Walter HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Jul 1884 Vasa, d 21 May 1935 Wilpshire, age 50 reg Blackburn. Founding Partner of Haythornthwaite & Norris, Chartered Accountants. 1901 Census: Accountant's Apprentice of Wilpshire, age 16, b Finland.

k = Alice Gertrude HINDLE (sister of Margaret above) b 1888 Blackburn, m 13 Mar 1913 Furthergate, d abt Dec 1948 Wilpshire, reg Darwen age 59.

l Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [27] b 8 May 1914 Wilpshire m 11 Aug 1939 Furthergate d Oct 1997 Southport

l = John Theodore SHROUDER d 20 Jun 2004 Lechlade

k Mary SHROUDER b 1 May 1941 Wilpshire 2001: of Winkleigh, Devon

k = Hugh ("Tod") MARSHMAN m 1962 Tunstall, Lancs.

l Elizabethb1916 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 15 Feb 1916 Wilpshire m 3 Sep 1939 Wilpshire, d 16 Aug 2005 Wilpshire. 2000: of Wilpshire

l = James Selwyn DUXBURY b 1914 d??

l Charles William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 6 May 1920 Wilpshire, Flying Officer killed in Second World War (Training Flying Accident over N Lancs Moors) d 17 Aug 1944 reg Clitheroe.

Fourth Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Hannahb1805 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [212] b 15 Aug 1805 Batrix, c 25 May 1806 Slaidburn, d 1866 Far Cappleside, Rathmell, Settle, bur Slaidburn St Andrew (MI for her and husband). 1841 Census: at Catlow Farm, age 35, living with widowed father William. 1842 marriage: dr of Wm Haythornthwaite, Farmer

i = William TAYLOR b 1801 Birkett, Newton, m 4 Jun 1842 Slaidburn, reg Clitheroe, widowed farmer of New Hay, d 1878 Woodhouse gate, Slaidburn. [William’s first wife Mary FRANKLAND died in 1840, bur Slaidburn St Andrew with MI]

j William TAYLOR b 1844 Slaidburn, d 1920 Hornby Of New Hey, Slaidburn

j = Ann MARSHALL b 1848 Seal Stile, Bentham, dr of Ellen H (Hannahb1805’s half sister) and Thomas MARSHALL, m abt 1867 [Bentham?], m of first cousins, d 1896

k 12 children, including -

k William TAYLOR b 1868 Newsholme Farm, Gisburn Forest, d 1947 Clitheroe. Farmed at Radholme Laund, Whitewell. Eldest son

k = Helen FOX b 1868 Fell End, Quernmore, m 3 Dec 1896

l John TAYLOR b 1909, d 2005 Barrow-in-Furness

m John TAYLOR b Feb 1942 Mytton Old Hall, Whalley. 2011: Farmer of Ulverston with an enterprise in Hungary. A helpful correspondent

j Sarah Hannah TAYLOR b 1845 Slaidburn

j = Anon DAVIDSON of Wray, Lancaster

j Ellen TAYLOR b 1849 Far Cappleside, Rathmell, Settle


The Cross Connection with the Whitendale Clerical & Medical Branch via Anne Parker

This link is perhaps mainly of historic interest to family genealogists. For many years, before the recent discovery that the Liverpool and Bentham Branch were directly descended from Richard of Sykes, this was the only known link which connecting them to his descendants. It turns out that the marriage was that of third cousins once removed. One wonders whether the bride and bridegroom knew this at the time! Probably not. There is now known to be another link between the Haythornthwaite Clan and the Parkers of Bentham, since the aunt of the Anne Parker below, another Ann Parker but without the “e”, married George Haythornthwaite who was first cousin to Grace Haythornthwaite below. Parker was used as a middle name for several generations of Haythornthwaites subsequently.

Fifth Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 March 1807 Batrix, c 15 May 1807 Slaidburn, d 28 Nov 1880 Westhouse Lodge, Thornton-in-Lonsdale, Yorks. 1851 Census: Married age 46 with husband at Linga, Bentham, b Slaidburn

i = John PARKER b 1812 Clapham, c 30 Jan 1812 Clapham, s of George & Ann PARKER, m 14 Jun 1836 Slaidburn, d 10 Jun 1890 Westhouse Lodge, Thornton-in-Lonsdale, bur Thornton St Oswald’s. Rev Richard H was an Executor of his Will. 1851 Census: Married Farmer age 39 of 70 acres emp 1 servant man, at Linga, Bentham, b Clapham. [Note that there is a family tradition that John PARKER's mother was not an Ann but Eileen BRENNAND from a family local to Slaidburn, but I have so far found no evidence for this in the Slaidburn registers or elsewhere, and it seems not to be supported by the Naming Rule applied to the PARKER children below]

j Anne PARKER b 16 Mar 1837 Clapham, c 15 Apr 1837 Clapham, m 19 Oct 1859 Low Bentham from Linghaw Farm, High Bentham, d 18 Feb 1923 Cleator Moor, bur Low Bentham. 1851 Census: Scholar age 14 with parents at Linga, Bentham, b Clapham

j = The Revd Richardb1838 HAYTHORNTHWAITE, son of James of Green Head, member of the Whitendale Branch c 29 Jul 1838 Liverpool St Peter, m 19 Oct 1859 Low Bentham reg Settle. Ordained 1867. Vicar of Cleator Moor 1878-1908. d 1908 bur Low Bentham, reg Settle. See (k) above.

j George PARKER b abt 1838 Clapham

j Hannah PARKER b abt 1839 Clapham

j William PARKER b abt 1844 Clapham

j Grace PARKER b abt 1846 Bentham

j Lydia PARKER b abt 1850 Bentham


James of Foulds House

This is my own great great grandfather, so I have separated him and his descendants out into a separate chapter, Chapter 10.

Sixth Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Jamesb1808 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1808 Batrix c 10 Mar 1808 m 28 Jan 1834 Slaidburn At Foulds House, Padiham 1861, Farmer of 48 Acres. d 10 May 1869 Heightside, nr Padiham, reg Burnley, age 61, bur. Higham Methodist Chapel.

i = Mary HANSON, daur. James and Jane Hanson of Hollins, b 1812, d 10 Dec 1884, reg Burnley, age 72

j For the many Descendants of James and Mary, see Chapter 10


Seventh Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Williamb1809 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 May 1809 Batrix, c 2 Jul 1809 Slaidburn in joint ceremony with his first cousin Thomas, d 12 Mar 1819 Batrix

Eighth Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Johnb1811 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [216] b 9 March 1811 Batrix, c 24 Mar 1811 Slaidburn, d abt Mar 1883 Gt & Little Marsden, age 70, reg Burnley. 1840: probably at Thimble Hall, Tatham, Lancs., with his younger brother Josephb1814. 1841 Census: Farmer age 30 at Dovenanter End, Clapham. 1851 Census: Agricultural Labourer at Ireby, age 41, b Slaidburn. 1861 Census: Agricultural Labourer age 50 at Higham, b Bowland. 1871 Census: Married Farmer age 60 at Moor Coates, Higham, b Slaidburn, rec as HAYTHORNTWATE. 1881 Census: Widowed Retired Farmer, age 70, b Slaidburn, living with daughter Ann POMFRET at George Street, Great & Little Marsden.

i = Elizabeth BUTLER [228] b abt 1813 Swireclough (Swireclough Head is between Catlow and Dale House), m 11 Nov 1837 Slaidburn St Andrew, reg Clitheroe [d abt Mar 1881 age 67 reg Burnley? This would make sense, since she does not appear in the 1881 Census.] 1841 Census: age 25 at Dovenanter End. 1851 Census: at Ireby, age 38, b Gisburn. 1861 Census: Attending to House Duties at Higham, age 48, b Gisburn. 1871 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 58 at Moor Coates, Higham, b Tosside

j [Female] HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7623] b abt Dec 1838 Slaidburn, mmn BUTLER, d abt Dec 1838 age 0 Sliadburn

j Williamb1839 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Nov 1839 Swireclough, d 3 Dec 1839 Tosside, age 0, reg Clitheroe

j Johnb1840 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [822] b abt Nov 1840 [probably at Thimble Hall, Tatham, Lancs, near Low Bentham, Yorks] reg Lancaster, c 22 Nov 1840 Slaidburn, d abt Mar 1927 age 85 reg Burnley. 1841 Census: age 8 months with parents at Dovenanter End, Clapham. 1851 Census: Scholar at Ireby age 11, b Bentham, Yorks. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Power Loom Weaver age 20 at Higham, b Bentham(? hard to read), Lancs (which supports the Lancaster b reg). 1871 Census: Married Overlooker in Cotton Factory age 30 at 17 Laneside, Higham, (next door to Mary, widow of Jamesb1808) b Clapham. 1881 Census: Married Tackler, Cotton, 16 Wellington Street, Great & Little Marsden, age 40, b High Bentham. 1891 Census: Married Overlooker in Weaving Shed age 50 of 49 Arnold Street, Nelson, b Bentham. 1901 Census: Cotton Mill Manager of Nelson, age 59, b Higher Bentham.

j = Martha LIVESEY [824] b abt 1843 Higham, m abt Mar 1862 Burnley Register Office, [d Mar 1929 age 85 reg Burnley?] 1881 Census: Married House Keeper with husband, b Higham. 1891 Census: Wife age 47 with husband in Nelson, b Higham

k Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [825] b abt Dec 1862 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1865 reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel age 2 years 9 months, date not given on MI

k Mary Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1045] b abt Sep 1866 Higham reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1881 age 14 reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1871 Census: Scholar age 4 at Laneside, b Higham. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver of Higham, age 14, b Higham.

k Lucilla HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1046] b abt Dec 1872 Higham, reg Burnley, m abt Sep 1898 Burnley Register Office. 1881 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents, b Higham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 18 with parents at 49 Arnold Street, Nelson,, b Higham. 1901 Census: Married age 28 with husband at 51 Hargreaves Street, Nelson, b Higham

k = James CROASDALE [3175] 1901 Census: Married Cotton Beamer(?) age 27, b Nelson

k Hannahb1875 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1047] b abt Dec 1875 Nelson, reg Burnley, 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents, b Nelson. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 15, b Nelson. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver of Nelson, age 25, b Nelson

k = Starkie PICKLES [3146] m abt Mar 1902 Burnley Register Office

k Herbertb1879 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1048] b abt Sep 1879 Nelson, reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1947 age 67 reg Farnworth. 1881 Census: age 1 with parents, b Nelson. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 11 in Nelson, b Nelson. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver of Nelson, age 21, b Nelson. 1911 Census: at 14 Fife Street, Barrowford

k =(1) Margaret NUTTER b abt 1877, m abt Mar 1904 Burnley, d abt Dec 1922 age 45 reg Burnley. 1911 Census: Married 7 years age 33 at 4 Fife Street, Barrowford, b Nelson

k =(2) Ethel May FRYER b abt 1895, m abt Dec 1923 Bolton Fletcher St Chapel reg Bolton, d abt Mar 1955 age 60 reg Bolton

l Herbertb1924 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1415] b 20 Oct 1924 Nelson, d abt Feb 2005 reg Bolton.

l = Jean LESSELLS b 7 May 1925 m 1 Sep 1951 Bolton d Jun 2000 Bolton

m David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 6 Nov 1955 Bolton, reg Farnworth 2000: Of Bolton

m = Elizabeth Mary HOOLE m 13 Jun 1987 Bolton

n Anthony David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Jan 1990 Burnley

n Kathryn Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Aug 1994 Swindon, Wilts.

l Barbara HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1930 Burnley

l = William Basil THRELFALL m 20 Jun 1956 Bolton, reg Bolton

m Susan THRELFALL b 28 Oct 1959 Southport

k One other child who died in infancy? JW's obituary in the Nelson Leader says he was the seventh son, but this probably should have said seventh child. JW's grandson Philip says Herbert was JW's only brother, but this seems to exclude Arthur who died in infancy and is recorded in a monument at Higham Methodist Chapel.

Victory V

k John Wilfrid ("JW") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [825] b abt Dec 1883 Nelson, reg Burnley, d Oct 1962 Barrowford, reg Nelson age 79. See Obituary7 At age 11, started as part-time cotton weaver. Then moved to join a small family confectionery firm. There he worked his way up from office boy to be Managing Director of what became Fryer & Co Ltd of Nelson, Lancs., a significant and well known confectionery concern and makers of "VICTORY V" Lozenges. Also, Chairman of the Marsden Building Society. 1891 Census: Scholar age 7 in Nelson, b Nelson. 1901 Census: Clerk in a Gum Factory, Confectionery, of Nelson, age 17, b Nelson.

k = Margaret LONSDALE [55] b abt Mar 1884 reg Nelson, m abt Dec 1908 Central Methodist Church, Nelson, reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1965 age 81 reg Nelson

l Johnb1911 ("Jack") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1050] b 20 Jan 1911 reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1982 reg Burnley/Pen

l = Joyce A DUCKWORTH m abt Jun 1942 Nelson. 2000: in Barrowford

m Philip J HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1951 Nelson. Military Historian. 2000: of Barrowford. Unmarried

l Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1919 reg Burnley

l = Luigi G CAPRA m abt Dec 1942 reg Westminster

k Lydia HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1016] b abt Dec 1881 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1882 reg Burnley, age 0, bur Higham Methodist Chapel in infancy, date not given on MI

j Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [398] b Mar 1842 Dovenanter End, reg Settle, c 12 Apr 1842 Clapham. Twin of James below, d 3 Dec[?] 1842 bur Tosside. [d abt Jun 1842 reg Settle?]

j Jamesb1842 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [397] b Mar 1842 Dovenanter End, reg Settle, c 12 Apr 1842 Clapham, d abt Jun 1923 age 80 reg Burnley. 1851 Census: Scholar at Ireby age 9, b Clapham. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Power Loom Weaver, age 18, at Higham, b Clapham. 1871 Census: Widowed Cotton Weaver age 28 at Moor Coates, Higham, with parents, b Clapham. This census helps to clarify his rather complex marital history. 1881 Census: Overlooker in Cotton Mill at Higham, age 37, b Settle, married to Lucy. 1891 Census: Loom Overlooker, married to Lucy, age 48 at 62 Maurice Street, Nelson, b Yorkshire. 1901 Census: Married (to Maria) Cotton Loom Overlooker at 1 Appleby Street, Nelson, age 58, b Keasden (nr Clapham), Yorks.

j =(1) Sarah LIVESEY b abt 1849, m abt Dec 1866 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1867 age 18 Padiham reg Burnley. Appears to have died at or shortly after the birth of John Arthur.

k John Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1054] b abt Jun 1867 reg Burnley as "Arthur", d abt Sep 1946 age 79 reg Nelson as “Arthur”. 1871 Census: age 3 at Moor Coates, Higham, the house of his grandfather John, with his widowed father James, b Higham, rec as John A. 1881 Census: “John Arthur”, Weaver, Cotton Mill, age 13, b Higham, married to Lucy. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver Overlooker age 23 at 118 Every Street, Nelson, b Higham. 1894: Cotton Manufacturing partnership reorganised and continued under the name of Haythornthwaite & Slater. 1901 Census: Cotton Cloth Manufacturer of 124 Every Street, Nelson, age 33, b Higham, recorded as John A HAYTHORNWAITE

k =(1) Martha SLATER [3706] b abt Mar 1865 Bingley, reg Keighley, m abt Mar 1890 reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1906 age 41 reg Burnley. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 26 with husband in Nelson, b Bingley. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver of Nelson age 36

l Horace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3707] b abt Mar 1894 Nelson, reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1965 age 71 reg Nelson. 1901 Census: at 124 Every Street, Nelson, age 7, b Nelson.

l = Clara FRANKS b 15 Aug 1899 m abt Jun 1923 reg Burnley d Jan 1987 reg Burnley

m Brian H HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3709] b abt Dec 1926 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1963 age 38 reg Liverpool N. No issue.

m = Barbara A DUDLEY m abt Sep 1956 reg Liverpool N m(2) David W KILVINGTON abt Sep 1964 reg Southport

m Brenda HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3710] b abt Jun 1934 reg Burnley

m = Allan GREEN [3712] m abt Mar 1954 Woodlands Road Baptist Church, reg Nelson

l Maria HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6410] b abt Jun 1895 Colne reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1895 Colne reg Burnley

k =(2) Olive ANON m abt Dec 1906 reg Congleton, d abt Dec 1948 age 73 reg Nelson. 1911 Census: Wife age 34 married 4 yrs with husband, b Colne

j =(2) Lucy PICKLES [1053] b abt 1854 Goldshaw, Lancs., m 19 Feb 1874 Fence St Anne reg Burnley, Weaver Spinster of Newchurch, Weaver Widower of Moorcotes, Higham,itpo Phineas Haythornthwaite, d abt Jun 1896 Burnley age 43. 1881 Census: Housewife at Higham, age 27, with no children (other than John Arthur) present, b Goldshaw. 1891 Census: Housewife age 37 with husband in Nelson, b Newchurch in Pendle. No issue?

j =(3) Maria (or Mary) Jane JACKMAN b abt 1853 Hellifield, m abt Dec 1898 reg Settle, d not found. 1901 Census: Housewife age 42 at 1 Appleby Street, Nelson, b Hellifield, rec as Maria. No issue.

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [399] b abt Mar 1845 Moor Hill, Clapham, reg Settle. 1851 Census: at Ireby age 6, b Clapham. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Power Loom Weaver age 16 at Higham, b Clapham. 1871 Census: not at home with parents, presumed married. 1881 Census: Married at George Street, Gt & Little Marsden, age 36, b Clapham, with widowed father but no children present. 1901 Census: Widow age 56 living with her two daughters at 20 Wellington Street, Nelson, b Keasden

j = Lewis POMFRET b abt 1843 Sabden, m abt Dec 1863 reg Burnley. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver at Gt & Little Marsden, age 38, b Sabden

j Phineas HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3656] b abt Mar 1847 Ireby, reg Lancaster, d abt Sep 1930 reg Burnley, age 83. 1851 Census: “Daughter Phinis” at Ireby, age 4, b Ireby, [the enumerator seems to have been totally confused by this unusual name!]. 1861 Census: Cotton Power Loom Weaver age 14 at Higham, b Burton-in-Lonsdale, Lancs. 1871 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 24 at Moor Coates, Higham, with parents, b Earby, Yorks [this appears to be an enumerator’s misrecording of Ireby, Lancs.] , 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver of Every Street, Nelson, age 34, b Barrowford (this must be an error). 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 44 of 12 Spouthouses, Barrowford, b Ireby, Lancs. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver of 1 Appleby Street, Nelson, age 54, b Ireby, Lancs, living with his remarried brother James, wife and children not present. 1911 Census: age 64 in Burnley, rec as HAYTHORNETHWAITE

j = Sarah Jane EASTWOOD [3657] b abt 1856 Barrowford, m 12 Nov 1879 Nelson St Mary reg Burnley, Spinster of Nelson, Farmer Bachelor of Fence, d abt Dec 1926 age 70 reg Burnley. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 25 of Every Street, Nelson, living with husband and mother Alice EASTWOOD. 1891 Census: Housewife age 36 with husband at 12 Spouthouses, Barrowford, b Barrowford. 1901 Census: Married Grocer Shopkeeper age 44 at 79/81 Gisburn Road, Barrowford, b Barrowford, husband not present. 1911 Census: age 55 in Burnley

k Georgeb1880 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3658] b abt Sep 1880 Nelson, reg Burnley as HAYTHORNETHWAITE, c 12 Sep 1880 Barrowford St Thomas, s of Phineas, Green Grocer of Nelson, & Sarah Jane, m not found, d not found. 1881 Census: age 9 months in Every Street, Nelson. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents, b Nelson. 1901 Census: not found with either parent

k Minnie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6398] b abt Apr 1882 Colne reg Burnley, d abt May 1882 Colne reg Burnley, bur 9 May 1882 Barrowford St Thomas, age 3 weeks

[k Christopher Hamlet HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jan 1884 reg Burnley, d abt Oct 1884 reg Burnley, bur 24 Oct 1884 Barrowford St Thomas, age 10 ½ months]

k William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6405] b 3 Aug 1887 Colne reg Burnley, c 20 Feb 1889 Nelson St Mary, d abt Feb 1889, age 1, 73 Clayton Street, Nelson, reg Burnley, bur 23 Feb 1889 Barrowford St Thomas, age 18 months

k Eleanor Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4045] b abt Sep 1889 Nelson, reg Burnley. 1891 Census: age 1 with parents, b Nelson, rec as Helenor A. 1901 Census: age 11 with mother at Gisburn Road, Barrowford, b Nelson.

k = Thomas HARTLEY [4046] m abt Sep 1915 Little Marsden St Paul reg Burnley

j Josephb1849 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7606] B ABT Sep 1849 Ireby reg Lancaster, mmn BUTLER, d abt Sep 1849 Ireby

j Ellenb1851 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7586] b abt Sep 1851 [Ireby?] reg Lancaster, mmn BUTLER, d abt Dec 1857 age 6 [Higham?], reg Padiham, Burnley

h = (2) Ann TURNER (Second wife of William of Higher Wood House) b 1780, c 13 Apr 1781 Slaidburn, dr. Joseph TURNER of Graydale, [Graydale was up the Croasdale Brook above Croasdale House. There seems to be little there today] m 11 Sep 1813 Slaidburn, as Spinster (although 33 years old), d 17 Mar 1836 Catlow, bur Slaidburn. [Note that the Slaidburn Register shows a christening for 29 Jul 1804 of Jane dr. Ann TURNER of Slaidburn, spurious, and also a marriage on 13 Aug 1825 of Jane TURNER to John LANCASTER, Blacksmith. So it seems that Ann brought a child of her own to her marriage to William.]

Ninth Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Josephb1814 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [405] b 11 March 1814 Batrix, c 10 May(?) 1814 Slaidburn, d abt Sep 1874 age 59 reg Salford. [This initially rather surprising death location is now confirmed by the 1871 Census.] 1838: Farmer of Thimble Hall, Tatham, Lancs. 1840: at Greensmethy, Bentham, Yorks. 1841 Census: Married Farmer of 100 acres, age 25, at Oakhead, Bentham. 1845: Farming at Cockley Bank, Rathmell, 1851 Census: Married Grocer Farmer of 32 Acres, age 37, at Cockley Bank, Rathmell, b Slaidburn. 1861 Census: Farmer of 201 acres, Keasden Head, Clapham, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Married Butcher (wife not present) age 57 at 22 Laundry Street, Salford, b Slaidburn.

i = Bridget HARRISON b 7 Sep 1811 Bottoms, Gisburn Forest, dau William HARRISON, m 21 Nov 1835 Slaidburn, d abt Mar 1879 age 67 reg Blackburn? 1841 Census: Married with husband at Oakhead, Bentham. 1851 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 39 at Cockley Bank, b Gisburn. 1861 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 49, b Gisburn Forest. 1871 Census: Married age 59 living with son Joseph in New Accrington, husband not present, b Gisburn

When Joseph and Bridget were at Cockley Bank, Rathmell, there was just up the road another Haythornthwaite family, ancestors of George Vickers HAYTHORNE, sometime senior official in the Ministry of Labour in the Canadian Government. This other family had roots in Roeburndale and has now been firmly connected to our tree (see Chapter 9). At the time, according to family tradition, these two families believed themselves to be unrelated.

First Child of Josephb1814

j Williamb1836 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [401] b 15 May 1836 Catlings(?), Gisburn [Bottoms, Gisburn Forest?], c 7 Jun 1836 Mount Sion Independent Chapel, Tosside, Yorks., d abt Jun 1902 reg Lancaster age 64. [1841 Census: “Orphan” age 5 at Bottoms, Gisburn Forest, farm of William HARRISON. Could this be him? He was not at home with his parents at Oak Head Farm, Bentham] 1851 Census: Servant age 14, b Gisburn Forest, at Bottoms in household of William HARRISON, Farmer of 107 acres. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Son age 24 at Keasden Head, b Gisburn Forest. 1871 Census: Married Butcher & Farmer of 20 acres, age 34, at 18 Paxton Street, Dalton in Furness, b Gisburn. 1881 Census: Auctioneer & Butcher at Chapel House, Nicholas Street, Lancaster, age 44, b Gisburn. 1891 Census: Married Butcher Auctioneer and Farmer age 54 at Allan Heights House, Lancaster, b Gisburn. 1892: Insolvent. 1901 Census: Retired Auctioneer at 10 Queen Street, Lancaster, "b Bentham, Yorks, age 63". (This birth place appears to be an error.) Described by some as "the notorious William", he became very stout in later life, so much so that, on his death, the upstairs windows had to be removed so that the undertakers could winch his body down to ground level. Note that at Keasden Head, there is a beam in the farmhouse with the names Haythornthwaite and Harrison carved upon it

j =Isabella HARRISON [402] b 25 Nov 1842 Stephen Moor, Easington, Yorks, m 23 Sep 1861 Clapham reg Settle, d abt Mar 1907 reg Lancaster. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter, age 18, b Slaidburn, living with widowed mother at Dubsike, Bentham. 1871 Census: Married with husband in Dalton, age 27, b Slaidburn. 1881 Census: at Chapel House, Lancaster, age 37, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Married Principal in Butcher’s Shop age 47, b Yorks. 1901 Census: in Lancaster, age 59, b Clitheroe

k Josephb1862 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [403] b 6 Mar 1862 Keasden Head, Clapham, reg Settle, d abt Mar 1925 age 62 reg Lancaster. 1871 Census: Scholar age 9 with parents, b Clapham. 1881 Census: Apprenticed to his father William in Lancaster, "b Clapham". 1891 Census: Married Butcher age 29 of 7 Fenton Street, Lancaster, b Clapham. 1901 Census: Auctioneer at 14 Parliament Street, Poulton, Bare & Torrisholme, age 39, b Clapham.

k = Betsy SANDHAM [734] b abt Sep 1860 reg Lancaster, m abt Jun 1884 reg Lancaster, d abt Dec 1934 age 73 reg Lancaster. 1891 Census: Wife age 30 with husband in Lancaster, b Overton. 1901 Census: Married with husband at Poulton, Bare & Torrisholme, age 40

l Edith HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4146] b abt 1882 Cartmel, reg not found. 1891 Census: Scholar age 9 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Unmarried Milliner age 19 with parents in Poulton, b Cartmel. 1911 Census: Married Milliner age 29 with husband in Sheffield, b Grange over Sands

l = William LANGHORNE [4171] b abt 1882 Skipton, m abt Dec 1906 reg Lancaster. 1911 Census: Married Railway Telegraph Clerk age 29 in Sheffield, b Skipton

l Maggie (Margaret Ellen) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [735] b abt Dec 1884 reg Lancaster. 1891 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Unmarried Draper's Assistant of Poulton, age 16, b Lancaster

l = George BOGGIS [3177] m abt Mar 1908 Lancaster Register Office


The New Zealand & North American Branch

Williamb1885 below was the first Haythornthwaite immigrant to New Zealand known to have had progeny. However, in 1879, David Jackson Haythornthwaite of Ulverston (see Index) settled in New Zealand, probably the first H to do so, but he appears to have left no descendants.

l Williamb1885 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [737] b abt Dec 1885 reg Lancaster, m abt Jun 1912 Lancaster. Emigrated to New Zealand on the Athenic, arriving 5 Sep 1920. 1891 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Errand Boy of Poulton, age 15, b Lancaster

l = Margery Eleanor CARLETON

m William Carleton HAYTHORNTHWAITE [739] b 30 Apr 1913 Lancaster, d 12 Jan 2009 Auckland. 1917: at age 4, was caught up in a Zeppelin raid on home town of Morecambe. In New Zealand set up a successful graphic design business with associates round the world. After selling this, he became involved in cloak-and-dagger activities smuggling Bibles across the Iron Curtain. Later, when in conversation with a Bulgarian contact in a Belfast hotel, the building was blown up, whether by the IRA or communist agents. Bill was convinced it was the latter. Happily unscathed, he returned to New Zealand to a less dangerous way of life. I was privileged to meet Bill in an Auckland hotel in March 2005, where I learnt this story. 2000: of Auckland, New Zealand.

m =(1) Anne PILKINGTON

n John William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [740] b 10 Oct 1941 Auckland

n = Janette Winifred GREEN [741] b 7 Sep 1944 Auckland, m 4 Sep 1965

o Craig John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Feb 1968 Auckland

o = Julia GRAHAM b 26 May 1973 Auckland m 23 Jan 1993

p Olivia Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Oct 1997 Auckland

p Oscar Zachary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Jan 1999 Auckland

o Grant Andrew HAYTHORNTHWAITE [743] b 27 Sep 1969 Auckland

o = Lisa WELCH [744] b 2 Dec 1972 Auckland, m 4 Mar 1995

p Luke HAYTHORNTHWAITE [745] b 21 Jul 1999 Auckland. Author (age 12) of children’s book “Taniwha’s First Ice Cream”

p Elisha HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Jun 2001? Auckland

p Joshua HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 2007 Auckland

o Dean William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 22 Apr 1971 Auckland

o = Rachel Grace McLEOD b 1 Aug 1973 m 7 Jan 1995

p Micah Dean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 29 May 1997

p Eden Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Apr 1999

p Phoebe Rachel HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 21 Sep 2001

p Asher Zachariah HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Jan 2003

o Michelle Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1975 Auckland

o = David John CAVANDER b 21 Nov 1972 Auckland m 1996

p Georgia Michelle CAVANDER b 15 Sep 2003 Auckland

p Summer Grace CAVANDER b 8 Jul 2005 Auckland

n Peter Frank HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1943. 2000: Of Auckland. President of the Design Institute of New Zealand

n = Carol Lee HASKINS

o Michael Peter HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1975

o = Anon ANON

p Wendy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Feb 2008 Melbourne

o David Ryan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1977

o Andrew Paul HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1980 2005: In Shepherd’s Bush, London

o Simon Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1981

m =(2) Margaret ANON d 2000

m Lawrence HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Jun 1916 Morecambe, reg Lancaster, d 20 Nov 1991 Blockhouse Bay, Auckland, New Zealand

m = Ruth Margaret NORRIE b 30 Jul 1915 Birmingham, m 7 Oct 1936, d 29 Mar 2008 Auckland. 2000: of Avondale, Auckland

n Donald John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Feb 1937 Whangerei 2000: In San Francisco. Don visited the author in Rothley on several occasions, touring the Forest of Bowland with him and Carl, and was most helpful to his son, Charles Richard, when he went to the Bay Area to read for an MBA at the University of California, Berkeley

n = Elizabeth May McKAIN b 21 Apr 1938 Auckland, m 25 Jul 1959 New Zealand, d 28 Sep 1999 San Francisco

o Mark John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Apr 1962 Whangerei, New Zealand 2000: Daly City, CA. 2007: In Montana

o = Laura Anne SLYE b 1965 USA, m 3 Apr 2004 Tahoe City, CA

o Barry James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Mar 1964 Whangerei 2002: Vancouver WA

o = Stefanie SCOTT b 1970 m 18 Jul 1998

n Judith Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Oct 1940 Waterview Auckland Of Florida & New Zealand

n = (1) Ian Robert MACLAINE (div) m 8 Dec 1962

n = (2) Stanley Ronald BARNETTE div 24 Dec 1998

n Robin Laurence HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Jun 1946 Waterview, Auckland, d 14 Jan 2010 Auckland. Chartered Accountant. 2000: of Mt Wellington, Auckland. No issue.

n = Heather Anne RYAN b 20 May 1955 Blockhouse Bay, Auckland, m 2 Feb 1985, d 22 Feb 1995 Hillsborough, Auckland

End of New Zealand and North American Branch


l Jamesb1891 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [765] b abt Dec 1891 Lancaster. d abt Sep 1965 reg Lancaster. 1901 Census: Scholar at Poulton, Bare and Torrisholme, age 9, b Lancaster

l = Edith SMITH b 22 Nov 1889, m abt Dec 1921 reg Lancaster, d abt Jun 1981 reg Lancaster. No issue

l Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [763] b abt Dec 1893 Morecambe, reg Lancaster. 1901 Census: at Poulton, age 7, b Morecambe. 1911 Census: Unmarried Milliner age 17 with sister Edith LANGHORNE in Sheffield

l = Bernard COLLINSON m abt Sep 1917 reg Lancaster

l Bessie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [766] b abt Mar 1896 Morecambe reg Lancaster. 1901 Census: at Poulton, age 5, b Morecambe. Emigrated to Australia, coming first to New Zealand on the Pakeha

l = Bertie ALDREN [3062] m abt Jun 1922 Lancaster Sandylands Methodist Church reg Lancaster

m Margaret ALDREN b Morecambe

l Norman HAYTHORNTHWAITE [765] b abt Jun 1898 Morecambe reg Lancaster, d abt Jun 1959 age 60 reg Lancaster. 1901 Census: at Poulton, age 2, b Morecambe. First World War: Driver in Royal Horse Artillery.

l = Margaret Eva BARRETT [2701] b abt Dec 1900 reg Lancaster, m abt Jun 1925 Scotforth St Paul reg Lancaster, d abt Sep 1964 age 63 reg Pontypool. No issue?

[l Edith Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3063] b abt Mar 1905 Heaton, Lancaster, mmn HAY-, twin with Emma, d abt Sep 1942 age 37 reg Clitheroe. Unmarried. 1911 Census: listed as niece. Who are parents of these twins?

l Emma HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3064] b abt Mar 1905 Lancaster, twin with Edith Annie, d abt Mar 1905 age 0 reg Lancaster.]

[k Richardb1864 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1864 reg Settle, d abt Jun 1867 age 3 reg Ulverston]

k Williamb1868 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1056] b abt Mar 1868 Barrow in Furness, reg Ulverston as HAWTHORNTHWAITE, d abt Jun 1912 age 44 reg Lancaster. 1871 Census: age 3 with parents, b Dalton. 1881 Census: b Barrow in Furness, Lancs, age 13. 1891 Census: Married Cattle Dealer age 23 at 53 Lune Street, Lancaster, b Barrow in Furness. 1901 Census: Butcher's Journeyman at 16 Main St, Lancaster, b Barrow, Lancs., age 33

k = Eleanor ATKINSON b abt 1869 Lancaster, m abt Sep 1890 reg Lancaster, d abt Dec 1901 age 33 reg Lancaster. 1891 Census: Housewife age 22, b Lancaster, no children present. 1901 Census: Wife age 32 with husband, b Lancaster

l Josephb1894 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3066] b abt Sep 1894 Otley, Yorks, reg Wharfedale. 1901 Census: at Lancaster age 6 b Otley. 1911 Census: with grandmother Ellen ATKINSON

l Charles Allan HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3067] b abt Sep 1896 Otley, reg Wharfedale, d abt Sep 1960 age 64 reg Lancaster. 1901 Census: at Lancaster age 4 b Otley. 1911 Census: with grandmother Ellen ATKINSON

l = Mary Jane SLINGER [3141] b 7 May 1895, m abt Mar 1943 Moor Lane Methodist Church, Lancaster, d abt Jun 1979 reg Lancaster. No issue.

[l William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b1910 1911 Census: age 1 in Barrow in Furness]

k Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1057] b abt Jun 1870 Barrow in Furness, reg Ulverston, m not found, d not found. 1871 Census: age 11 months with parents, b Dalton, rec as Annie. 1891 Census: Unmarried Assistant House Keeper age 20 with parents in Lancaster, b Barrow, rec as Annie

k Bridget Isabella HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1058] b abt Jun 1872 Barrow in Furness, Lancs, reg Ulverston, d abt Sep 1940 age 68 reg Ormskirk. Unmarried. 1891 Census: Unmarried Assistant in Butcher’s Shop age 18, living with parents, b Barrow. 1901 Census: "Isabella H", age 27, "b Barrow on T", living with her parents at 10 Queen Street, Lancaster. 1911 Census: Unmarried Café Manageress age 32 boarding with Hughes family at 21 Egerton Street, Liverpool. [A 1912 Lancaster Trade Directory lists an Isabella H as a Poultry Dealer. It seems unlikely this was her.]

k Margaret Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6386] b abt Jun 1875 Caton reg Lunesdale, mmn HARRISON, d abt Jun 1878 age 3 reg Lancaster

Second Child of Josephb1814

j John Harrison HAYTHORNTHWAITE [404] b 8 Aug 1838 Tatham reg Lancaster, c 2 Sep 1838 Mount Sion Chapel, Tosside, “Father a Farmer of Thimble Hall, Easington”, [this latter looks like an error, since Easington was in Yorks; it was more likely Thimble Hall, Tatham, which is a mile south of Low Bentham, but was and is in Lancs.], d abt Jun 1891 reg Blackburn, age 52, bur 19 Jun 1891 Langho St Leonard, abode Higher Elkar. 1841 Census: age 2 with parents at Oakhead, Bentham, not b in Yorks. 1851 Census: Scholar age 12 at Cockley Bank, b Tatham. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farm Servant age 22 at Black Bank, Eldroth, b Giggleswick, Yorks. 1871 Census: Unmarried Farm Labourer age 32 living with younger brother Joseph at New Accrington, b Tatham, Lancs. (This explains the unexpected Lancaster b reg and confirms him as the John at Billington in 1881 and 1891). 1881 Census: Married Farmer of 101 acres emp. 1 man at Higher Elker Farm, Billington, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Married Farmer at Higher Elker Farm, Billington, age 52, b Bentham, Yorks.

j = Ann WHITEOAK b abt 1843 Connely, nr. Kildwick, m abt Dec 1871 reg Skipton, [m(2) abt Dec 1893?] 1881 Census: Housewife age 38 at Higher Elker Farm, Billington, b Connely, Yorks. 1891 Census: Housewife age 48 at Higher Elker Farm, Billington, b Kildwick.

k Henry HILL 1891 Census: Nephew/adopted son and Farm Servant at Billington, age 20, b Kildwick

Third Child of Josephb1814

j Josephb1840 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [405] b 7 Dec 1840 Greensmethy, Bentham, reg Settle, c 7 Feb 1841 Mount Sion Chapel, Tosside, d 1 Jul 1893 reg Haslingden age 52. 1841 Census: age 6m with parents at Oakhead, Bentham. [Oakhead is 1 mile east of Thimble Hall and a mile south of Bentham, just on the County Beck which used to be the Lancs/Yorks border. I have never located Greensmethy.] 1851 Census: Scholar age 10 at Cockley Bank, b Bentham. 1861 Census: Unmarried Butter (or Butcher) Dealer, age 20, at Keasden Head, b Bentham. 1871 Census: Married Farmer and Potato Dealer (23 acres employing 2 men) age 30 at 14 Melbourn Street, New Accrington, b Bentham, rec as HAYTHORETHWAITE (living with mother and 2 brothers, but no children.). 1881 Census: Married Farmer, age 40, b Bentham, visiting brother William in Lancaster. 1891 Census: Married Farmer age 49 at Church Hall Farm, Church, Accrington, b Bentham. Involved in Paragon Smoke Preventer Limited, wound up in 1896

j = Margaret LATHAM [406] b abt 1844 Burton in Lonsdale, Yorks [but very near Westmorland border], m 23 Sep 1861 reg Settle, m(2) John GREEN abt Mar 1895 reg Blackburn. 1861 Census: Unmarried General Servant, age 18, b Burton in Lonsdale, living at Trees, Barn Field, Mewith. 1871 Census: Housewife age 28 in New Accrington, b Black Burton, Yorks. 1881 Census: Married Farmer’s Wife age 37 at Church Hall Farm, Church, b Westmorland, husband not at home (he was away visiting his brother William in Lancaster), rec as HAYTHORWAITE. 1891 Census: Housewife age 48 at Church Hall Farm, Church, b Burton in Lonsdale, Yorks

k Williamb1861 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6366] b abt Dec 1861 Wray, reg Lancaster, d abt Oct 1864 age 2 Accrington reg Haslingden

k Adam HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6370] b abt Dec 1863 Accrington, d abt Sep 1864 age 1 Accrington reg Haslingden

[k Isobel HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1875 Bury. 1881 Census: Scholar age 6 at Church Hall Farm, b Bury, Lancs., rec as J or I. 1891 Census: Unmarried Pupil School Teacher age 16 at Church Hall Farm, described as niece Isabel rather than daughter, b Bury, Lancs. These Census entries refer to Isabella Walker H, whose mother died about the time of her birth and who, it seems , was brought up by her uncle and aunt.]

The Lune Valley Branch

According to family tradition, two Haythornthwaite brothers from Rathmell married two Newhouse sisters from Aughton [though the record is clear that they were really first cousins] and both couples set up farming round Caton and Aughton in the Lune Valley. Stephen's son Joseph married Mary, a daughter of James of Foulds House.

Fourth Child of Josephb1814

j Georgeb1843 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [423] b 8 Mar 1843 Greensmethy, reg Settle, c 5 Jun 1843 Mount Sion Chapel, Tosside, d 13 Apr 1915, reg Lunesdale, age 72. 1851 Census: Scholar age 9 at Cockley Bank, b Bentham. 1861 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Labourer & Dairyman age 18 at Stainforth Hall, (farm of Thomas MAUDSLEY), b Giggleswick. 1881 Census: Married Farmer of 250 acres, age 36, at Gill House, Halton, b Rathmell. 1891 Census: Married Farmer age 45 at Gill House, Halton, b Tatham, Yorks., rec as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1901 Census: Married Farmer at Halton, Lancs., age 58, b Rathmell, Yorks.

j = Emma DENNY b abt 1855 Aughton, c 31 Mar 1855 Halton, daur of Christiana DENNY, no father given, m 16 Jan 1878 Gressingham, reg Lunesdale, d 17 Feb 1924, reg Lunesdale, age 68. 1861 Census: “Niece”, Scholar age 6 at Gill House, Aughton, in household of Richard NEWHOUSE, unmarried, age 59, joint farmer of 120 acres with his unmarried brother James and married brother William. 1871 Census: Married Farmer’s Daughter, daur of Richard NEWHOUSE and Christina, (who had finally married in 1869) age 16 at Gill House, b Aughton. 1881 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 26 at Gill House, b Aughton. 1891 Census: Housewife age 36 at Gill House, b Halton. 1901 Census: Married at Halton, age 46, b Halton

k Richard Newhouse HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1060] b 1 May 1878 Aughton, c 23 Jun 1878 Aughton, d 24 Dec 1961 age 83 reg Lancaster. 1881 Census: age 2 at Gill House, b Aughton. 1891 Census: Scholar age 12 at Gill House, b Halton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Worker on Farm at Halton, age 22, b Halton, recorded as "Richd Newhouse”

k = Mary Agnes MARSHALL b 3 Mar 1876, m 25 Oct 1911 reg Lunesdale, d 3 Feb 1931 reg Lunesdale age 54

l Norah Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1066] b 21 Apr 1912 Lunesdale, d 8 Nov 1993

l = Harry Hadwin CLARKE b 12 Oct 1912, m 17 Mar 1935, d 20 Jul 1986

m George Hadwin CLARKE b 1935

m Margaret Isabel ("Mitzi") CLARKE b 1938 2001: of Aughton

m = Richard HAYHURST

n Sandi Mitzi HAYHURST b 2 Oct 1962

n = Mark BUCKLE b 13 Mar 1958

o Polly Annabel HAYHURST b 1 May 2001 Leeds c 9 Sep 2001 St Saviour's Church, Aughton

l Georgina Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1915 Lunesdale

l = George Warbrick DANSON m abt Mar 1939 reg Lunesdale. No issue

l Kathleen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1917 Lunesdale, d 2006 Aughton

l = William Thomas LAMB b 1920 m abt Dec 1947 Lunesdale, d 1972

m Kathleen Anne LAMB b 1948

m Jennifer Mary LAMB b 1952

m Richard David LAMB b 1955

k Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1068] b abt Sep 1879 Halton reg Lunesdale, c 3 Apr 1881 Aughton, d abt Sep 1962 age 83 reg Lunesdale, unmarried . 1881 Census: age 1 at Gill House, Halton with Aughton, b Aughton. 1891 Census: Scholar age 11 at Gill House, b Halton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Worker on Farm age 21 with parents at Gill House Farm, Halton, b Halton

k Emma HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1881 Halton, reg Lunesdale, m not found, d not found. Emigrated? 1881 Census: not at home at Gill House, but with widowed grandmother Christiana NEWHOUSE. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 at Gill House, b Halton; youngest child in the house. 1901 Census: Unmarried Worker on farm age 20 living with parents at Gill House Farm, b Halton

Fifth Child of Josephb1814

j Stephenb1845 George HAYTHORNTHWAITE [407] b 18 Jun 1845 Cockley Bank, Rathmell, Gisburn Forest, reg Sep 1845 Settle, c abt Jul 1845 Mount Sion Chapel, Tosside, as " Stephen". (Note: the date in the Tosside register as extracted by Mrs Capstick for Ian H, and as shown in the IGI, is 1844. This seems to be an error.) Father; Farmer and Butter Factor of Cockley Bank. d 11 Oct 1915 reg Lunesdale as Stephen G, age 70, bur Aughton St Saviour's. Lived at Farrer House, Caton. 1851 Census: Scholar age 5 at Cockley Bank, b Rathmell. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farm Servant age 16 at Dale House, Easington, b Rathmell. 1871 Census: not found. 1881 Census: Butcher & Farmer of 78 acres, Town End, Caton. 1891 Census: Married Farmer & Butcher age 46 at Farrer Cottage, Caton, b Rathmell. 1901 Census: Butcher & Farmer of Town End, Caton, age 56, b Rathmell

j = Jane NEWHOUSE [513] b 1844 Aughton, c 17 Nov 1844 Halton, daur. of John & Elizabeth NEWHOUSE, m abt Dec 1870 Gressingham St John the Evangelist reg Lunesdale, d 11 Dec 1929, reg Lunesdale age 85. 1891 Census: Married age 46 at Farrer Cottage, Caton, b Halton. 1901 Census: With husband at Caton, age 56, b Aughton

k Josephb1871 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [288] b 7 Jul 1871 Caton, reg Lunesdale. d 13 Jan 1930 Caton, age 58 reg Lunesdale. 1891 Census: Unmarried Assistant Butcher age 19 with parents at Farrer Cottage, Caton, b Caton. 1901 Census: Farmer, Employer, at Old Hall Farm, Simonstone, age 29, b Caton, Lancs. [Also at Old Hall Farm in 1901 were Domestic Help, Hannah H, sister-in-law to Head of Family, age 24, b Liverpool, (Mary's younger sister)] 1905: at Old Hall Farm, Simonstone

k =(1) Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [287] b 8 Aug 1869 Higham, reg Burnley, m May 1895 Great Harwood reg Blackburn, d 24 Oct 1913 Caton(?), reg Burnley, age 44. Granddaur. of James HAYTHORNTHWAITE and Mary HANSON, see above and also Chapter 10. Marriage of third cousins.

l Hannahb1896 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [400] b 11 Jul 1896 Great Harwood, reg Blackburn, c 11 Jul 1896 Great Harwood St Bartholomew, dau of Joseph & Mary, Fruit & Potato Merchant of Plough Farm, d abt Dec 1973 Morecambe. Family tradition: “m late in life to a widower” 1901 Census: age 4 at Old Hall Farm, b Harwood

l = William FULTON [412] b 22 Jan 1893 Edinburgh, m 7 Apr 1952 Scotforth st Paul reg Lancaster, d 29 Apr 1960

l Stephenb1897 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [408] b 13 Dec 1897 Harwood, reg Blackburn, c 9 Jan 1898 Great Harwood St Bartholomew, s of Joseph, Potoato Merchant, & Mary, of 65 St Hubert’s Road, d abt Jun 1906 age 8, Simonstone, reg Burnley., in an accident with a horse and cart. 1901 Census: age 3 at Old Hall Farm, b Harwood

l Jane (Jenny) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [449] b 12 Oct 1904 Simonstone, reg Burnley d 23 Mar 1999 bur Longton

l = Sidney Edwin THOMAS b 10 Jun 1908 Bideford, Devon, m 1 Apr 1933 Morecambe Parish Church, reg Lancaster d 6 Jun 1970 reg Preston

m Jean Mary THOMAS b 29 Nov 1935

m = Clive PARKER b 27 July 1936 m 29 Aug 1959 All Saints, New Longton

n Susan Jane PARKER b 27 Aug 1961 Skipton

n Diane Christine PARKER b 26 Mar 1963 Scorby, Carlisle

n John Charles PARKER b 24 Sep 1969 Aughton, Ormskirk

m David Charles THOMAS b 24 Nov 1938 d 17 Aug 1998

m = Janet Rosemary HILL m 28 Dec 1964 Cookbridge Methodist Church

n Deborah THOMAS b 16 May 1967

n Paul THOMAS b 23 Oct 1968

n Jane THOMAS b 2 Aug 1971

l Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [410] b 18 Nov 1907, reg Burnley, c 25 Dec 1907 Padiham St Leonard, Father Farmer of Padiham d 24 Mar 1914 reg Burnley age 6

l Emma Gwendolen (Betty) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [411] b 23 Nov 1910 Simonstone, reg Burnley, c 4 Jan 1911 Padiham St Leonard, Father Farmer of Old Hall Farm, Simonstone

l = Ben RILEY b 7 Jul 1911 Waterfoot m abt Jun 1937 reg Lancaster

m Patricia RILEY b Mar 1938

m = Steven POLLARD m 31 Dec 1960



k =(2) Alice ANON

k John Newhouse HAYTHORNTHWAITE [417] b Caton 12 Dec 1873, reg Lunesdale, c 18 Jan 1874 Aughton, d 17 Jun 1936 age 62 reg Lunesdale, bur Caton St Paul [MI in church yard]. 1891 Census: Unmarried Butcher’s Assistant age 17 at Farrer Cottage, Caton, with parents, b Caton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Butcher & Farmer living with parents at Town End, Caton, age 27, b Caton

k = Mary WILDMAN b 7 May 1877 m 2 April 1902 Caton St Paul's, reg Lunesdale, bur Caton St Paul [MI in church yard] d 19 Mar 1950 Lancaster, age 73

l Maggie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [520] b 11 May 1904 Bolton c 19 Jun 1904 Emmanuel Church, Bolton. [This Bolton christening may look a little implausible, but my helpful informant June H confirms her husband's Aunt Maggie was indeed born in Bolton, where her parents went to live very briefly.] d 16 Feb 1977 Lancaster, bur St Paul's, Brookhouse, Lancaster Unmarried

l George Wildman HAYTHORNTHWAITE [421] b 5 Nov 1907, reg Lunesdale d 23 Oct 1970 reg Lancaster

l = Edna PARTON b 9 Dec 1907. m 2 Aug 1933 Pendlebury St Johns, reg Salford div 13 Jan 1955 Remarried same person. m abt Jun 1957 Lancaster. d abt Jun 1976 reg Lancaster

m Brian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [523] b 13 Mar 1935, reg Lancaster, c 7 Apr 1935 Caton St Paul

m = June Dorothy AINSWORTH [1070] m 3 Oct 1959 Borwick St Mary, reg Lunesdale, d 1 Sep 2009 age 75

n Yvonne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 Feb 1964 reg Lancaster

n Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Jul 1967 reg Lancaster

n = John Kevin PRESCOTT

o Robert James PRESCOTT b 13 Nov 2000 Lancaster

o Harry Edward PRESCOTT b 29 Jun 2002

n Carole HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Dec 1970 reg Lancaster

n = Lee Michael HOLROYD m 8 May 2004 Borwick St Mary

o Jack Michael HOLROYD b 19 Jan 2000 Lancaster

o Ellie Rose HOLROYD b 21 Jul 2003

n Paula HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 May 1972 reg Lancaster. 1990: Secretary in Maths. Dept., Lancaster University.

m Brenda HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Dec 1938 Lancaster

m = Frederick Gordon HAY m 2 Jan 1965 Heysham St Peters, reg Lancaster. Now divorced

l Stephenb1908 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [517] b 25 Dec 1908 Crossgill Farm, Littledale, reg Lunesdale, d 26 Feb 1939(1940?) bur Skerton, Lancaster, reg Lancaster Mar 1940.

l = Dorothy BAINES [525] b 13 Feb 1914, m 30 Jul 1932 Lancaster St Mary (married to "John" in the St Caths index, but, correctly, Stephen in Lancs BMD), d 6 Jul 1992 bur Burnley

m Barbara HAYTHORNTHWAITE [526] b 13 Aug 1937 Lancaster

m =(1) Harry BOWMAN [1076] b 10 Jun 1936, m 12 Dec 1959 Burnley St Cuthbert reg Burnley, d 3 Feb 1988

n Kim BOWMAN b 1 Apr 1961

n =(1)(div) Darren BROGDEN m 17 Aug 1984

o Mark BROGDEN b 7 Feb 1985

n =(2) Kevin BRIDSON m 6 Nov 1992

o Toni Louise BRIDSON b 11 Apr 1994

n Jane BOWMAN b 24 Jul 1964

n = Terry NICKSON m 11 Nov 1991

o Luke BOWMAN b 2 Nov 1982

o Karl BOWMAN b 1 Oct 1983

o Terri Jane NICKSON b 5 Dec 1990

n Joanne BOWMAN b 24 Jul 1964

n = Joseph MORRISEY m 18 May 1984

o Shaun MORRISEY b 31 Dec 1987

o Leah MORRISEY b 1 May 1990

m =(2) Alexander Oliver Plunkett LOUGHRAN b 18 Jun 1933 Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone m 16 Jun 1990

l Mary Ellen (Mollie) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [518] b Crossgill 25 Mar 1911, reg Lunesdale, d 31 Dec 2000 Caton

l = Thomas McCREA b 9 Oct 1905 Tatnamara, Lisnaskea, Co. Fermanagh, m 16 May 1932 Caton St Pauls, reg Lunesdale, d 2 Feb 1971 Caton

m Walter Douglas McCREA b 4 Dec 1932 Melling

m =(1)(div) Sylvia MERCER b 5 Aug 1932 m 14 Apr 1956 St Lukes, Lancaster

n Julia Dawn McCREA b 8 Feb 1960 Lancaster

n = Peter Douglas ARNOLD b 11 Jan 1960 Cheltenham m 21

Jun 1981 Bishops Cleve, nr Cheltenham

o Christopher James ARNOLD b 4 May 1985 Cheltenham

o Emma Jane ARNOLD b 15 Jun 1989 Cheltenham

m =(2) Irene JONES (nee GRIME) b 10 Jun 1945 Lancaster m 26 Aug 1994

m Beryl Mary McCREA b 15 Aug 1936 Melling m 14 Feb 1959 St Paul's, Brookhouse, Lancaster

m = Lawrence POSTLETHWAITE b 14 Dec 1938

n Keith Andrew POSTLETHWAITE b 28 Aug 1960 Lancaster

n = Julia Mary KENYON b 8 Mar 1963 m 8 Mar 1986 St Bernadette's. Lancaster

o Steven James POSTLETHWAITE b 25 Mar 1990 Lancaster

o Andrew Thomas POSTLETHWAITE b 10 Sep 1992 Lancaster

o Emma Louise POSTLETHWAITE b 28 Jul 1997 Lancaster

l John Douglas HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Apr 1919 Caton, reg Lunesdale, d 18 Oct 1925 age 6 reg Lunesdale, bur Caton St Paul [MI in church yard]

k Stephenb1877 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [418] b Farrer House, Caton, reg Lunesdale, c 29 Apr 1877 Aughton, d 7 Feb 1919 Aughton, age 41, bur Aughton St Saviour's in same grave as sister Mary Ellen above. Unmarried. 1891 Census: Scholar age 14 at Farrer Cottage, Caton, b Caton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Butcher & Farmer age 24 with parents at Caton, b Caton.

k Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [419] b abt Mar 1879 Caton reg Lunesdale, c 23 Mar 1879 Aughton. 1891 Census: Scholar age 12 at Farrer Cottage, Caton, b Caton. 1901 Census: Unmarried age 22 with parents at Caton, b Caton

k = William BOLTON m abt Dec 1919 reg Lancaster, (2nd wife)

k Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [420] b abt Dec 1883 Farrer House, Caton, reg Lunesdale, d 27 Aug 1914 bur Aughton St Saviour's. 1891 Census: Scholar age 7 at Farrer Cottage, Caton, b Caton. 1901 Census: Unmarried with parents at Caton, age 17, b Caton.

k = Thomas CAMBRAY [514] m abt Dec 1911 reg Lancaster

Sixth Child of Josephb1814

j Richardb1847 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [422] b 20 Nov 1847 Cockley Bank, Rathmell, reg Settle, c 16 Dec 1847 Mount Sion Tosside, d abt Dec 1891 age 43 reg Ormskirk. 1851 Census: age 3 at Cockley Bank, b Rathmell. 1861 Census: Farm Servant age 13 at Black Bank, Eldroth, b Giggleswick.. 1871 Census: Unmarried Potato Dealer age 23, b Rathmell, lodging at 34 North Street, Bury, (together with John HARRISON from Rathmell). 1878: Dissolved his partnership with brother James[427] as Fruit and Potato Merchants. 1881 Census: Seedsman at Town End, Caton, living with (just visiting?) his brother Stephen. His new wife Amelia was with the children in Ormskirk. 1891 Census: Married Seed Merchant age 43 in Derby Street, Ormskirk, b Rathmell, Settle.

j =(1) Isabella WALKER m abt Jun 1871 reg Haslingden, d abt Jun 1874 age 23 reg Bury

k Elizabeth Bridget HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1079] b abt Dec 1871 reg Bury. 1881 Census: Scholar age 9 in Ormskirk, b Bury. 1891 Census: Unmarried age 19 with father and stepmother in Derby Street, Ormskirk, b Bury. 1901 Census: Unmarried, living on own means, age 29, at 31 Larch Street, Southport, b Bury.

k = Edward WRIGHT m abt Sep 1903 Ormskirk Registry Office

k Georgeb1873 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1873 Bury, reg not found. d not found in England, probably d 1946 Kenaston, Saskatchewan, Canada in 1915-6. 1881 Census: Scholar age 8 at 94 Burscough Street, Ormskirk, b Bury, rec as HAYTHORNWAITH. 1891 Census: Unmarried age 18 living with parents in Derby Street, Ormskirk, b Bury. 1901 Census: Unmarried, living on Own Means at 31 Larch Street, Southport with elder sister, age 28, b Bury. 1911 Census: not with wife, having gone to Canada in Mar 1911

k = Eleanor Maud STEPHENS [3069] m abt Sep 1903 reg Ormskirk Registry Office. 1911 Census: Married Shop Keeper age 36 in John Thomas Street, Blackburn, husband not present. Later, joined husband in Canada

l Richardb1904 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3070] b abt Jun 1904 reg Ormskirk. d abt Sep 1904 age 0 reg Ormskirk.

l Stephenb1906 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3073] b abt Sep 1906 reg Ormskirk. d abt Sep 1906 age 0 reg Ormskirk

l Isabella HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 3 Jul 1908 reg Blackburn, d 22 Mar 1997 Canada. 1911 Census: age 2 with mother in Blackurn

l = Anon GRAHAM

m James GRAHAM

l Josephb1910 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1910 reg Blackburn, c 16 Jun 1910 Blackburn St Andrew, d 20 Jul 1998 Canada, no issue. 1911 Census: age 0 with mother in Blackburn

k Isabella Walker HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1081] b abt Jun 1874 reg Bury, d abt Dec 1950 reg Darwen. 1881 Census: Scholar age 6 living at Church Hall Farm with her uncle Joseph & aunt Margaret (following the death of her mother), b Bury. 1891 Census: Unmarried Pupil School Teacher age 16 living with her uncle Joseph and aunt Margaret at Church Hall Farm, Church, b Bury, Lancs.

k = George Thomas BARNES m abt Mar 1895 reg Blackburn

l Harold BARNES b abt Jun 1897 Oswaldtwistle, d abt Dec 1968 Accrington

l = Eva Mary Fletcher BRIDGE [7822] m abt Jun 1923 Blackburn

m Donald Tom BARNES b 1926 Oswaldtwistle

l Joseph Clarence BARNES b 30 Sep 1895 Haslingden, d abt Jun 1980, bur Read St John. For 25 years lived in George Lane, Read, next door to the boyhood home of Peter Kenway Haythornthwaite, compiler of this document. Chairman of Fine Art Developments Ltd, a significant public company involved in greetings cards and mail order.

l = Lilian Eleanor PARKER b 22 Jan 1904 Chorley, d Jul 1986 Blackburn, bur Read St John

m Barry BARNES 2000: Farming at Bashall Hall, nr Clitheroe

m = Mary ANON

m Margaret BARNES d 15 Nov 2009

m = Anon KINDER

m Brenda Christine BARNES b abt Mar 1932 Blackburn, d Jun 2012, bur Read St John

m = Richard W COLTON [7823] m abt Mar 1958 Nelson

j =(2) Amelia FLETCHER [4060] b abt 1843 Ramsbottom, m abt Sep 1875 reg Bury, d abt

Mar 1896 age 53 reg Ormskirk. 1881 Census: Potato Merchant’s Wife age 38 at 94 Burscough Street, Ormskirk, b Ramsbottom. 1891 Census: Married age 45 with husband in Derby Street, Ormskirk, b Ramsbottom. No issue?

Seventh Child of Josephb1814

j Thomas Septimus HAYTHORNTHWAITE [424] b 28 Sep 1849 Cockley Bank, Rathmell, Yorks, reg Settle, c 26 Oct 1849 Mount Sion Chapel, Tosside, d abt Mar 1926 age 76 reg Lewisham. 1851 Census: age 1 at Cockley Bank, b Rathmell. 1861 Census: Scholar age 11 at Keasden Head, b Rathmell. 1871 Census: Unmarried Railway Clerk age 21 lodging at 8 Victoria Terrace, Edmonton, b Settle. 1881 Census: Married Railway Agent age 31 at 9 Percy Terrace, West Ham, b Rathmill. 1890: Bankrupt Former Butcher and Potato Dealer of Rectory Road, Burnley. 1891 Census: Married Agent age 41 of 131 Rectory Road, Burnley, b Settle, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1901 Census: Married Life Insurance Agent age 51 at Queens Park, Bolton, b Rathmell. 1911 Census: Married Life Assurance Agent age 61 in Lewisham, b Cockley Bank Farm, Rathmell

j = Elizabethb1853 HOCKEY [1086] b 20 Jun 1853 Colney Hatch, Finchley, reg Barnet, m 11 Mar 1874 reg Edmonton, d abt Sep 1937 age 84 reg Lewisham. 1881 Census: Married age 27 with husband at 9 Percy Terrace, West Ham, b Finchley. 1891 Census: Housewife age 37 b Colney Hatch. 1901 Census: Married age 47 with husband in Bolton, b Finchley. 1911 Census: Married age 57 with husband in Lewisham, b Finchley

k Thomas Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [733] b 27 Aug 1874 New Southgate, reg Edmonton, c 29 Nov 1874 Saint Barnabas Islington, d 12 Dec 1930 age 56 reg Manchester S, bur 15 Dec 1930 Halliwell St Peter, Bolton, abode: 24 Harpers Lane, Bolton. 1881 Census: Not with parents in West Ham. 1891 Census: Office Boy age 16 in Rectory Road, Burnley, b Colney Hatch. 1901 Census: Married Manager of Tourists Agents in Rochdale, age 26, at 82 Drake Street, Rochdale, b New Southgate. 1911 Census: age 36 in Bolton, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE Sometime prominent Town Councillor for Bolton

k = Jennie GRAHAM [1896] b abt 1875 Bolton, m abt Mar 1898 Bolton St Matthew reg Bolton, d abt Mar 1961 age 85 reg Bolton, bur 30 Mar 1961 Halliwell St Peter. 1901 Census: Wife with husband at Rochdale, age 25, b Bolton.

l Beryl Frances HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2026] b abt Mar 1899 Bolton, c 1 Mar 1899 Bolton St Matthew 1901 Census: age 2 in Rochdale with parents. 1911 Census: age 12 with parents in Bolton

l = Joseph CARTER m abt Sep 1922 Halliwell St Margaret reg Bolton

l Thomas Noel HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt [25?!] Dec 1902 reg Fylde, c 11 Feb 1903 Bolton St Matthew, d abt June 1913 age 10 reg Bolton, bur Halliwell St Peter. 1911 Census: age 8 in Bolton, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE

[l Other children appear possible in this gap]

l Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2029] b abt Mar 1908 reg Bolton, c 15 Feb 1908 Bolton St Matthew. 1911 Census: age 3 with parents in Bolton, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE

l = Maurice E JACKSON [3170] m abt Jun 1928 Halliwell St Margaret reg Bolton

l Lt Col Gerald Graham George HAYTHORNTHWAITE TD [426] b 24 Jul 1912 reg Bolton, d Jan 1995 age 82, reg Sheffield. Of Sheffield. Chairman of Council for the Preservation of Rural England

l = Ethel Mary B GALLIMORE MBE (nee WARD) b 18 Jan 1894, m abt Dec 1937 reg Sheffield, d Apr 1986 age 92, reg Sheffield. Honorary Secretary of Council for the Preservation of Rural England 1924-1980

m Christopher HAYTHORNTHWAITE b reg not found

k Robertb1876 Walter HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1087] b abt Mar 1876 New Southgate reg Edmonton, m abt Jun 1899 reg Pancras, d abt Jan 1963 reg Bromley age 87. 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents, b New Southgate. 1891 Census: Railway Clerk, age 15, in Burnley, b Colney Hatch. 1901 Census: Married Merchant's Clerk at 58 Hinton Road, Camberwell, Lambeth, age 25, b New Southgate. 1911 Census: Married Assistant Secretary age 35 at 25 Gilbert Road, Bromley, Kent, b New Southgate

k = Sara ASHWORTH b abt Dec 1876 Blackpool, reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1960 age 83 reg Bromley. 1901 Census: Married at Lambeth, age 24, b Blackpool. 1911 Census: Married age 34 with husband in Bromley, b Blackpool

l Edith Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3075] b abt Oct 1900 Camberwell, reg Lambeth. 1911 Census: age 10 with parents in Bromley, b Herne Hill, London

l = Thomas A ALLIN m abt Jun 1923 reg Bromley

l Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2835] b abt Dec 1902 Balham, reg Wandsworth. 1911 Census: age 8 with parents in Bromley, b Balham

l = Cyril J CARLYON m abt Sep 1934 reg Bromley

k Josephb1877 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1088] b abt Jun 1877 New Southgate, reg Edmonton, d abt Jun 1882 reg W Ham, age 5. 1881 Census: Scholar age 4 with parents, b New Southgate

k Mary Edith HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1090] b abt Mar 1879 Stratford, Essex, reg W Ham, c 21 May 1902 Halliwell St Peter, Bolton (adult baptism), m abt Dec 1904 reg Croydon. 1881 Census: age 2 with parents, b Stratford, Essex. 1891 Census: Scholar age 12 in Burnley, b Stratford. 1901 Census: Unmarried with parents in Bolton, age 22, b Stratford, Essex

k = Thomas Kirkham EDWARDS m abt Dec 1904 reg Croydon

k Jamesb1880 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1089] b abt Jun 1880 Stratford, Essex, reg West Ham, d abt Jun 1954 age 74 reg Barton. 1881 Census: age 1 with parents, b Stratford, Essex. 1891 Census: Scholar age 11 in Burnley, b Stratford. 1901 Census: Unmarried Master's Assistant Book Keeper age 20 at Bolton Union Workhouse, b Stratford, London. 1911 Census: Married Storekeeper at Bolton Union Workhouse, age 32, b Stratford

k = Mary HOLMES [3076] b abt Dec 1873 Manchester, m abt Sep 1904 St Andrews Methodist Church Salford, reg Bolton, d abt Jun 1942 age 68 reg Barton. 1911 Census: Task Mistress in Bolton Union Workhouse age 36, m 6 yrs, b Little Hulton, Manchester

k Rev Williamb1882 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3077] b abt Jun 1882 Stratford, reg W Ham. 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 in Burnley, b Stratford. 1901 Census: Unmarried Joiner's Apprentice living at father's house in Bolton, age 18, b Stratford, d 21 Jul 1921 Moosonee, Ontario

l = Lilly LAMBERT b abt 1879, m abt Jun 1906 reg Wandsworth, d 1950 Strathroy, Ontario

m Daisy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Jun 1908 Moosonee, Ontario, d 19 Nov Strathroy. 1911: age 3, sailed from Bristol to Quebec in the Royal George, with mother Lilly, but without father Rev Wm H

m = Lucius Frank [William?] BARTHOLOMEW b 10 May 1906 Picton, Ontario, m abt Jul 1931 St Thomas, Ontario, to Daisy, dr of Rev. Wm H

n 2 children

k Stephenb1884 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4061] b 11 Feb 1884 New Cross, reg Greenwich, d 15 May 1894 age 10 reg Haslingden, bur 19 May 1894 Burnley Cemetery 1891 Census: age 7 in Burnley, b New Cross, Surrey

k Elizabeth Sophia HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5710] b 17 Feb 1886 reg Bolton, d 11 Mar 1887 Horwich reg Bolton

k Georgeb1887 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3078] b 28 Apr 1887 Horwich, reg Bolton, d 4 Jun 1963 reg Bolton age 76, bur 7 Jun 1963 Halliwell St Peter, Bolton. 1891 Census: age 3 in Burnley, b Horwich. 1901 Census: age 13 at Bolton with parents, b Horwich

k = Lena ORMSTON [3261] b 14 Jul 1890, m abt Dec 1912 Halliwell Wesleyan Chapel reg Bolton, d abt Aug 1972 reg Bolton

l Lena Elizabeth (Betty) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3262] b abt Jun 1914 reg Bolton, d 9 Aug 2000. Married twice

l = Kenneth A LOMAX m abt Sep 1939 reg Bolton

l Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3717] b abt Jun 1919 reg Bolton, d abt Sep 1919 age 0 reg Bolton, bur 20 Sep 1919 age 5m Halliwell St Peter

l Kathleen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3718] b abt Sep 1920 reg Bolton. Twin of Margaret below

l = Thomas CROSSLEY m abt Mar 1945 reg Southport

l Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3719] b 21 Jul 1920 reg Bolton, d 26 Jan 1995 Ludlow. Twin of Kathleen above

l = Alec Yarnall BERRY [3721] b 24 Nov 1913 Ashton, m 7 Mar 1942 reg Bootle, d Oct 1991 Ludlow

m Janice BERRY A helpful correspondent

m = Anon BLACK

k Kate HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5711] b 5 Jul 1888 reg Bolton, d 15 Oct 1888 reg Bolton

k Gertrude HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4062] b abt Mar 1890 Rectory Road, Burnley, c 12 Mar 1892 Burnley St Peter, d abt Mar 1892 age 2 reg Burnley, bur 18 Mar 1892 Burnley Cemetery. 1891 Census: age 1 in Burnley, b Burnley.

k Johnb1892 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3079] b abt Mar 1892 reg Burnley (reg a manuscript addition to the Index), c 12 Mar 1892 Burnley St Peter, father Insurance Agent of Rectory Road, Burnley, m not found, d abt Jun 1941 age 49 reg Croydon. 1901 Census: age 9 at Bolton with parents, b Burnley. 1911 Census: Printer’s Apprentice age 19 with parents in Lewisham, b Burnley

k Richardb1893 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3080] b 28 Nov 1893 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1975 reg Richmond/T. 1901 Census: age 7 with parents at Bolton, b Burnley. 1911 Census: Printer’s Apprentice age 17 with parents in Lewisham, b Burnley

k = Katie Lucy E PAINE b 3 Feb 1895, m abt Sep 1923 reg Lewisham, d abt Mar 1976 reg Hounslow

l Joan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1930 Lewisham

l = Reginald GARDNER m abt Jun 1956 reg Middlesex S

k Fred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5712] b 15 May 1895 reg Bolton, c 14 Jun 1895 Bolton St Matthew, d 24 Sep 1895 reg Bolton

Eighth & Last Child of Josephb1814

j Jamesb1852 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [427] b 1 Mar 1852 Cockley Bank, Rathmell, reg Settle c 28 Mar 1852 Mount Sion, Tosside. Father: Farmer and Butter Factor, Cockley Bank, d abt Mar 1880 reg Preston, cause of death: manslaughter [the story behind this is unknown]. 1861 Census: Scholar age 9 at Keasden Head, b Rathmell. 1871 Census: Unmarried Farmer Labourer age 19 living with brothers at New Accrington, b Giggleswick. 1878: Dissolved partnership with brother Richard [422] as Fruit and Potato Merchants

j = Emma WADE [928] b abt 1854, daur of William WADE, Stone Mason. Cotton Weaver. m 2 Sep 1875 New Jerusalem Meeting House, Accrington, (Swedenborg sect), reg Accrington as HEY-. 1881 Census: Widow age 27, living on interest of money, at 130 Burnley Road, Accrington. 1891 Census: Widow age 36 living on own means at 130 Burnley Road, Accrington, b Accrington. m(2) 14 Nov 1898 New Jerusalem Meeting House, Accrington, reg Haslingden, to David RILEY, Widower and Butcher. 1911 Census: Married 13 yrs age 56 with husband in Hest Bank, b Accrington

k Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1876 reg Haslingden. 1881 Census: age 5 at 130 Burnley Road, Accrington, b Accrington. 1891 Census: Scholar age 15 with widowed mother in Accrington, b Accrington, rec as Maggie. Emigrated to Washington State, USA around 1900

k = Ernest LAW m 24 March 1897 New Jerusalem Meeting House, Accrington, reg Haslingden

l Jack Haythornthwaite LAW b 9 Nov 1906 Pierce, Washington State, USA

k Josephb1877 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [930] b 4 Oct 1877 Accrington, reg Haslingden. Fruit Merchant. d not found. 1881 Census: age 3 at 130 Burnley Road, Accrington, b Accrington. 1891 Census: Scholar age 13 with widowed mother in Accrington, b Accrington. 1901 Census: Fruit Dealer of 132 Burnley Road, Accrington, age 23, b Accrington, recorded as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1911 Census: Married Salesman age 32 living with mother and stepfather in Hest Bank, b Accrington

k = Margaret JACKSON [931] b abt 1879 Rathmell, m 10 Apr 1901 Accrington St Peter. Later m(2) RILEY. 1911 Census: Married Housekeeper in father’s house age 32, b Rathmell, husband not present

l Edna HAYTHORNTHWAITE [932] b 4 Jan 1906 Accrington reg Haslingden. 1911 Census: Scholar age 5 with mother, b Accrington

l = Douglas Harry BANCROFT [1419] m abt Sep 1931 Huncoat St Augustine reg Haslingden

l James Jackson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [942] b 8 Aug 1908 USA, d Feb 1984 reg Ulverston. 1911 Census: age 2 with mother, b USA [this is a bit of a surprise, since transatlantic crossing not found. However, there seems to be no UK b reg]

l = Vivienne Margaret Slauson JACKSON b 19 Jun 1914, m abt Mar 1934 Waddington St Helen, reg Clitheroe, d Mar 1997 reg Blackburn

m Audrey HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1935 reg Haslingden 2000: Well known Artist in Canada.

m = Maurice WATSON General Practitioner

m John Jackson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [944] b abt Mar 1938 Haslingden Works Manager for Engineering Company. 2000: Of Great Harwood, Blackburn

m = (1) Margaret ARMISTEAD [947] m abt Sep 1961 St Matthew the Apostle, Burnley, m(2) John F STRATTON abt Sep 1974 Hyndburn

n Julie A HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1962 Clitheroe 2000: of Mellor

n = Martin BARNES m abt Sep 1986 reg Hyndburn/R

n James William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1964 reg Clitheroe 2001: of Ramsbottom

m = (2) Barbara WIXTED m abt Jun 1974 reg Hyndburn 2000: of Accrington

m = (3) Carole LLOYD

m Susan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1944 reg Haslingden 2000: Senior Banker in Canada

m = George JOHNSTON

k Emma J HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3081] b abt Sep 1880, d abt Sep 1880 reg Haslingden, age 0. Born after the death of her father.

Tenth Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [215] b 23 March 1816 Batrix, c 28 Apr 1816 Slaidburn, d abt Mar 1895 age 78 reg Settle as Ellen MARSHALL. 1841 Census: Unmarried age 25 with father at Catlow. 1851-1871 Censuses: at Seal Stile, Bentham, b Slaidburn

i = Thomas MARSHALL b 1808, m abt Mar 1844 reg Settle, d 1870

j Jane MARSHALL b 1845, d 1869

j Anne MARSHALL b 1847 Seal Stile, Bentham, d 1896

j = William TAYLOR b 1844 New Hey, Slaidburn, s of Hannah H, Ellen’s half sister, m of first cousins

Eleventh Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Georgeb1817 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [218] b Dec 1817 Batrix, c 19 Jan 1818 Slaidburn, d 24 Feb 1901 reg Clitheroe, age 83, bur Slaidburn St Andrew, where his grave (and that of his family) may be found in the church yard, south-east of the church. In 1854, he inherited a half share in Higher Wood House as tenant in common with his younger brother William. In 1889, shortly after William's death, George, in apparent answer to a genealogical enquiry, wrote a letter from Church Street, Slaidburn, to his nephew Richard H (1843-1911 ) (my great grandfather) outlining the doings of his three deceased uncles. He also went to see the Rector of Slaidburn Church, to check the Register for the christening dates of his uncles. It was the small family tree which was put together from this information in 1912, and incorporated in Richard's Memorial Album, which was a starting point for this present document. 1841 Census: age 20 with father at Catlow Farm, Easington, Yorks. 1851 Census: Farmer age 33 at Higher Wood House, Slaidburn, jointly doing the farming of 40 acres, b Bowland Forest. 1861 Census: Farmer of 40 acres, employing 2 men, at Higher Wood House, with his unmarried brother William in residence. 1871 Census: Married Farmer and Landowner of 66 acres, age 53, at Higher Wood House. 1881 Census: Farmer of 66 acres, living at Higher Wood House, age 63, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Widowed Retired Farmer age 73 at Church Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn.

i =(1)Ann BRIGGS [230] b 1823, m 1 Dec 1855 Slaidburn St Andrew reg Clitheroe, d 16 Mar 1883, reg Clitheroe, age 59, bur Slaidburn St Andrew. 1861 Census: Wife age 47 with husband at Higher Wood House, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Wife age 47 with husband at Higher Wood House, b Easington. 1881 Census: Farmer’s Wife at Higher Wood House, age 57, b Slaidburn.

j Isabella Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [428] b Feb 1857 Woodhouse reg Clitheroe, c 3 Apr 1857 Slaidburn, d 3 Mar 1859 reg Clitheroe, bur Slaidburn age 2

j Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [429] b Oct 1858 Woodhouse, reg Clitheroe, c 7 Nov 1858 Slaidburn, d abt Dec 1904 age 46 reg Liverpool. 1861 Census: age 2 with parents at Higher Wood House, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Scholar age 12 with parents at Higher Woodhouse, b Slaidburn. 1881 Census: Unmarried at Higher Wood House, age 22, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Married age 32 at Higher Woodhouse, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: Married age 42 at Woodhouse Gate, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn

j = William WATERWORTH b abt Mar 1849 Slaidburn, m 30 Aug 1887 Slaidburn St Andrew reg Clitheroe (double wedding with Ellen’s sister Margaret Hannah), d abt Dec 1933 age 84 Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Married, age 41, at Higher Wood House, b Slaidburn

k James William WATERWORTH

k George WATERWORTH [434] b abt Dec 1889 Slaidburn

k = Eleanor HAYTHORNTHWAITE [511] daur. of (j) William HAYTHORNTHWAITE the Verger, see below, m Sep 1923 reg Clitheroe, wedding of first cousins

k Joseph WATERWORTH b abt Sep 1890 Slaidburn

k = Maggie RIGBY m abt Jun 1927

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [437] b 9 Jan 1860 Higher Wood House, reg Clitheroe as “female”, d 14 Jan 1860 age 5 days, bur Slaidburn, reg Clitheroe as “female”.

j Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1091] b abt Apr 1861 reg Clitheroe, d 29 Apr 1869 reg Clitheroe age 8, bur Slaidburn. 1861 Census: age 0 at Higher Wood House.

j Williamb1863 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [438] b abt Mar 1863 Higher Wood House reg Clitheroe, d 22 Mar 1878 reg Clitheroe, age 15, bur Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents at Higher Wood House, b Slaidburn

j Margaret Hannah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [439] b Aug 1865 Woodhouse, reg Clitheroe, c 26 Sep 1865 Slaidburn, d 1932 age 66 Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents, b Slaidburn. 1881 Census: at Higher Wood House, age 15, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Married age 25 with husband at Park Gate, Whitewell. 1901 Census: Widowed ahe 35 at 11 Church Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn. 1911 Census: Married 3 yrs, age 45, at Woodhouse Gate, Slaidburn

j =(1) Frederick Ralph RIGBY b abt 1867, m 30 Aug 1887 Slaidburn St Andrew reg Clitheroe (double wedding with Margaret’s sister Ellen), d abt Sep 1894 age 27 Preston

k Maggie RIGBY b abt Sep 1891 Slaidburn. 1901 Census: age 9 at 11 Church Street, Slaidburn, b Whitewell. 1911 Census: Niece, unmarried, age 19 at Woodhouse Gate, Slaidburn, b Forest of Bowland, Lower Division

k = Joseph WATERWORTH, s of William WATERWORTH and Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE, b abt Sep 1890 Slaidburn, m abt Jun 1927 Leigh, Manchester

k Frederick Ralph “Fred” RIGBY b abt 1894 Alston, Longridge

k = Meta Elizabeth KINDER m abt Sep 1933 Slaidburn Methodist Chapel

l James Haythornthwaite RIGBY b abt Jun 1935 Slaidburn

l Edward RIGBY b abt Sep 1939 Burnley

j =(2) William WATERWORTH b abt Mar 1849 Slaidburn, s of John WATERWORTH and Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE, m(1) 30 Aug 1887 Slaidburn St Andrew to Margaret Hannah’s elder sister Ellen, m(2) 18 Feb 1908 Slaidburn St Andrew, d abt Dec 1933 age 84 Slaidburn

i =(2) Mary BRIGGS b 1819, m abt Mar 1888 Manchester Cathedral reg Manchester, d 17 Feb 1890 bur Slaidburn St Andrew, age 71 reg Clitheroe

Twelvth Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [221] b 25 Jun 1820 Batrix, c 23 Jul 1820 Slaidburn St Andrew, d abt Dec 1883 age 64 Rochdale. 1841 Census: age 20 with father at Catlow Farm, Easington. 1881 Census: at 133 Peel Street, Rochdale, husband not present

i = John SLINGER [231] b abt 1821 Slaidburn, m 28 Mar 1843 Slaidburn St Andrew, reg Clitheroe, d between 1871 and 1881. 1851 Census: Farmer at Ramsclough, Slaidburn. 1861 Census: Agricultural Labourer at 9 Hend Hey, Haslingden. 1871 Census: Ag Lab in Mill Hill, Rochdale

j 7 children

Thirteenth Child of William of Higher Wood House

i Betty HAYTHORNTHWAITE [222] b 27 Mar 1822 Batrix, c 28 Apr 1822 Slaidburn, m 26 Sep 1846 Slaidburn St Andrew, reg Clitheroe (as Elizabeth), d abt Jun 1860 reg Blackburn. 1841 Census: age 15 with father at Catlow Farm, Easington.

i = John WATERWORTH [232] c 31 Jan 1824 Slaidburn St Andrew, s of William & Mary WATERWORTH , Farmer, Croasdale House, b abt Dec 1869 age 45 reg Blackburn

j William WATERWORTH b 1849, d 1871

j Ann WATERWORTH b 1851, d 27 Feb 1877

j = Ephraim HINDLE b May 1855 Blackburn, d 8 Feb 1939 Wilpshire. Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE was his second wife.

Fourteenth Child of William of Higher wood House

i Williamb1824 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 May 1824 Catlow, c 13 Jun 1824 Slaidburn, d 17 Sep 1888, reg Clitheroe, age 64, bur Slaidburn, where two monumental inscriptions may be found in the church yard, one to the east of the church, the other on the headstone of Isaac and Mary RUSHTON (the parents of Elizabeth RUSHTON below). The reason for this double mention is not known. Inherited Higher Wood House with brother George as tenant in common. 1841 Census: age 15 with father at Catlow Farm, Easington. 1861 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Labourer age 36 living at Higher Wood House with elder brother George. 1871 Census: Married Farmer of 51(?) acres, age 46, living at Thorns, Slaidburn, b Easington. 1881 Census: Farmer of 58 acres, living at 7 Church Street, Slaidburn, age 56, b Slaidburn.

i = Elizabethb1834 RUSHTON b abt 1834 Newton, m abt Mar 1867 reg Clitheroe [presumably at Slaidburn St Andrew, but no confirmed], d 16 Oct 1912, reg Clitheroe, age 78, bur Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 36 at Thorns, Slaidburn, b Newton. 1881 Census: Farmer’s wife age 46, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Widowed Farmer age 56 at Thorns, Church Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: Retired Farmer of Slaidburn, age 66, b Newton, Yorks

j Williamb1867 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [425] b Nov 1867, reg Clitheroe, c 17 Dec 1867 Slaidburn, d abt Dec 1937 age 70 reg Nelson, bur Slaidburn St Andrew (grave has no headstone, but is marked by a variegated shrub) 1871 Census: age 3 at Thorns, b Slaidburn. 1881 Census: Scholar age 13, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Son age 23 living with widowed mother at Thorns, Church Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: Farmer at Mill House, Slaidburn, age 33. "William the Verger" at Slaidburn Church. Assisted early family genealogists, including Alfred Ian H, author of "The Hathunuts".

j = Ann[ie] Elizabeth ALDEN b abt Sep 1867 reg Pocklington, m abt Dec 1893 reg Driffield, Yorks, d abt Dec 1940 age 73 reg Settle 1901 Census: age 33, b Melbourne, Yorks,.

k William Ralph (or Ralph William) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [510] b Nov 1897 Slaidburn, reg Clitheroe as William Ralph, c 29 Dec 1897 Slaidburn. Pte in Grenadier Guards d 12 Feb 1918 of pneumonia, bur British Military Cemetery Duisans, Etrun, Pas de Calais. 1901 Census: at Slaidburn age 3. 1911 Census: age 13 in Clitheroe District. There is a difficult-to-decipher monumental inscription in Slaidburn churchyard to the east of the church, and several mentions within the church itself, describing him as Ralph William. He appears on the 1918 Accrington Absent Voters List, home address Rose Cottage, Oswald Street.

k Eleanor HAYTHORNTHWAITE [511] b 28 Mar 1901 Slaidburn, reg Clitheroe, c 12 May 1901 Slaidburn St Andrew, d abt Dec 1973 age 72 reg Ewecross. Organist at Slaidburn Church for many years and was followed in this role by her daughter Elizabeth. "The last Haythornthwaite in Slaidburn" according to Alfred Ian5. 1901 Census: at Slaidburn, age under 1m, b Slaidburn. 1911 Census: Scholar age 10 in Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn

k = George WATERWORTH [434] First cousin marriage, see above m abt Sep 1923 Slaidburn St Andrew reg Clitheroe

l Elizabeth WATERWORTH b abt Jun 1930 Slaidburn

l James W WAYERWORTH b abt Sep 1931 Slaidburn

k Annie Marjorie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [512] b abt Jun 1903 reg Clitheroe, c 7 Jun 1903 Slaidburn

k = Ernest Daniel DOWTHWAITE [448] m abt Dec 1927 Slaidburn St Andrew reg Clitheroe

l Ralph William DOWTHWAITE d in infancy, bur Slaidburn, in grave of his great grandparents William & Elizabeth above.

[i Jamesb1830 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Oct 1830 Low Kettlesbeck, s of Richard H and Ann HANSON. 1841 Census: Appears at Catlow Farm with William H, but seems too young to be William’s youngest son and is thought to be a grandson visiting the farm ]

Youngest child of Richard of Batrix

h Jennett HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Feb 1777 at Birkett "Jennet married Peter Laycock and was very well to do". (Letter from George Haythornthwaite about his uncles and aunts written in 1889.) School mistress in Bolton by Bowland.

h = Peter LAYCOCK c 26 Jul 1767 Slaidburn, son of James LAYCOCK of Newton, m 14 Dec 1799 Slaidburn. Farmer

i John LAYCOCK c 1 Jan 1801 Slaidburn

i Richard LAYCOCK c 12 Feb 1804 Slaidburn

i Jennet LAYCOCK c 7 Jun 1802 Slaidburn

i Maria LAYCOCK c 23 Jun 1805 Slaidburn

i James LAYCOCK b 6 Apr 1807, c 12 Jul 1807 Marton-in-Craven

i George LAYCOCK b 18 Feb 1811, c 17 Mar 1811 Bolton-by-Bowland

i William LAYCOCK c 16 Jan 1814 Bolton-by-Bowland

i Hannah LAYCOCK c 18 Aug 1816 Bolton-by-Bowland

i Ellen LAYCOCK c 9 Nov 1823 Bolton-by-Bowland

Chapter 7

The Descendants of Robert of Hare Appletree (1738-1805)

For Robert's forbears, see Chapter 4

There follow the Descendants of Robert Haythornthwaite (b 1738). It now appears that the William of the Liverpool and Bentham Branch who died at Greenhead, Bentham, was not the William below as some have proposed, but was one of the Whitendale family, born in 1783. (See Chapter 5). This is confirmed by birth place and date information for Greenhead, Bentham from the 1861 Census.

A Mystery Now Resolved

For a long time, it remained a mystery as to what happened to this branch of the family. It appeared that perhaps they had simply died out, though there were hints that some might have vanished across the Atlantic. Now, though, the mystery can be considered partially resolved. It seems beyond reasonable doubt that Richardb1776, son of Robert of Hare Appletree (or Whole Appletree as it was rendered in the Slaidburn burial register), is the Richard who married Mary PARKINSON and crossed the Atlantic in 1820 in the ship "Hope" to Baltimore, settling in Jefferson County, Ohio. But was this Mary the same as the Molly who bore some of Richard's children, or was she a second wife? It now looks as though she was the same, as Richard's marriage to Mary PARKINSON has now been found. It is still unclear exactly what happened to Richard's younger brother Williamb1778, with whom he was farming at Hare Appletree from 1805 till around 1819. It seems that he did not follow his brother across the Atlantic, but remained as an agricultural worker in the Lancaster area till he died. It is possible, but not proven, that his wife Ellen died and he remarried again, to Ann. His son Robert moved to Liverpool but it now seems unlikely that there are any modern descendants of this branch in the UK.

A recent discovery is of the 1805 Will of Robert of Hare Appletree. Surprisingly, this quite long and complex Will leaves Hare Appletree Farm, together with Copyhold lands within the Manor of Slaidburn, not to the elder son Richard, but to his younger brother William, who was only 17 years old. Richard received the sum of £120, a not inconsiderable amount being equivalent to over 40% of the declared value of his father’s Inventory of moveable property, but he did not get ownership of the land. Why this is, one can only speculate. Did father think that his eldest was not up to the responsibility and might not look properly after his 54 year old widow, for whom he had made careful provision in the Will? Or did he and Richard not get on? In any event, it appears that the two brothers continued to work Hare Appletree Farm together for 12 years after the death of their father Robert, at which point the business failed and was put into liquidation. Three years later Richard emigrated to the USA. The story which originally came back to me from America was that Richard was the younger son and had therefore not inherited the farm. It seems this was a “spin” he put on the story in later years. He was very much the elder, but was to this extent cut out of the Will. He took the Family Bible with him to America, but this now has the front pages with the family christenings missing. The story goes that his mother Elizabeth was angry that he had taken away this information and that he had torn the pages out and, so he said, had posted them back to her in England. However, these pages would have contradicted his tale of being the youngest and why he had been disinherited, and so perhaps he simply destroyed them to cover his tracks. We shall probably never know.

The Ohio Migrants changed their name to HAYTHORNE and it seems that they produced a considerable number of HAYTHORNE descendants in the United States, in Ohio and elsewhere.

g Robertb1738 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [187] b Hareden, c 6 Aug 1738 Slaidburn, d Whole Appletree, Quarmore, Parish of Lancaster, bur 25 June 1805 Slaidburn age 66. Will of 1805 leaves Hare Appletree Farm and copyhold lands within the Manor of Slaidburn to younger son William

g = Elizabethb1751 SMITHSON b Davinsons, c 1 Jan 1751 Slaidburn, daur. of Christopher SMYTHSON, mother not known, m 4 Sep 1775 Slaidburn, d Lancaster bur 11 Apr 1823 Slaidburn "age 73" as Betty. 1805: Bequeathed Ashton House, near Hare Appletree, to live in, on death of her husband.

The Ohio Migrants

The Descendants of Richard of Hare Appletree and Mary Parkinson

h Richardb1776 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [452] b Dunsop, c 25 Feb 1776 Slaidburn, Yorks, m 30 May 1814 Lancaster St Mary, Husbandman of Quarmore, d 16 April 1852 Jefferson County, Ohio, bur Hopewell Cemetery, Jefferson County. 1805: Father’s Will left him a cash sum of £120, whilst the ownership of Hare Appletree Farm went to younger brother William. Richard continued to work on the farm. 1817: Farming business at Hare Appletree went into liquidation, all assets being sold off to pay creditors. 1820: On 4 Sep 1820 sailed from England on the ship Hope, arriving Quarter ended 30 Sep 1820 in Baltimore, Maryland, according to passenger list in National Archives. 1820 Census: Family of Richard HATHENOT recorded at Salem Twp, Jefferson Co. 1830 Census: Family of Richard HAWTHORMWAIT recorded at Warren Twp, Jefferson Co. 1840 Census: Richard HAWTHORNTART and family at Warren Twp1848: on 1 Aug 1848, a land patent was granted to Richard HAYTHORN for land in Monroe Co. 1850 Census: Farmer age 75 in Warren Township, Jefferson County, Ohio, b England, rec as HAYTHORN. 1852: Will probated 5 Dec 1852 leaving to his sons Robert, William and James the 117 acre farm in Jefferson Co, which was to be sold to pay bequests to the other children. Richard and John received the farms they lived on in Mono Co, containing 280 acres.

h = Mary PARKINSON [1425] c 24 May 1795 Slaidburn, dr of Jas. PARKINSON of Croasdelhouse, Slaidburn, [s of William PARKINSON of Brennand, c 6 Jan 1757 Slaidburn? Is so, Mary was niece of Ellen PARKINSON who married Richard’s first cousin, Richardb1755 “of Whitendale”] m 30 May 1814, Lancaster St Mary, Spinster of Scotforth, d 15 Feb 1847 Jefferson County, Ohio. [James PARKINSON, Husbandman, married Ellen TOWNSON, at Slaidburn, btp, on 6 May 1788. According to Sharon Haythorn WISE, he owned an "iron mill", though exactly where and what this was is unclear.] Note that Croasdale House and Dunsop Farm, where Richard was born, are about one mile apart, so it seems the two families may have known each other well.

First Child of Richard & Mary

i Betty HATHORNTHWAITE [2709] b 17 Apr 1814 Quernmore, c 9 Oct 1814 Lancaster St Mary, dr. of Richard, Husbandman, and Mary. 1840 Census: Married. 1850 Census: not with parents in Warren Township

Second Child of Richard & Mary

i Richardb1815 HATHORNTHWAITE [2710] c 30 Dec 1815 Wyresdale, Christ Church, son of Richard, Farmer of Hare Appletree, and Molly. This was a joint christening with his first cousin Jennet [3104], d1852. 1850 Census: Unmarried Farmer age 33 in Jackson Township, Monroe Co., Ohio, b England, living with various siblings, rec as HAYTHORN

i = Mary ANON 1850 Census: age 20 with husband, b England, no children present

Third Child of Richard & Mary

i Robertb1818 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2708] c 26 Apr 1818 Wyresdale, Christ Church, son of Richard, Farmer of Hare Appletree, and Molly, d abt 1889 Jefferson Co., bur Hopewell Cemetery. 1850 Census: Unmarried Farmer age 31 with parents in Warren Township, b England

[i Henry HATHORNTHWAITE c 26 Apr 1818 Wyresdale Christ Church, son of Richard, Farmer of Hare Appletree, and “Gifford”. [Source: OLPC. This looks a bit like an error and requires confirmation.]]

Fourth Child of Richard & Mary

i Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2711] c 29 Aug 1819 Ellel, Lancs., dr. of Richd, husbandman of Quernmore, and Mary.

i = John LYON m 1 Sep 1844 Jefferson County, Ohio

[The above 4 children are on the passenger list of the "Hope" as R, E, R, & M.]

Fifth Child of Richard & Mary

i Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2712] b abt 1822 Ohio. 1850 Census: age 28 with parents in Warren Township, b Ohio.

Sixth Child of Richard & Mary

i Parkinson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3093] b abt 1824 Ohio. 1850 Census: Farmer age 26 with siblings in Jackson Township, Monroe Co., Ohio, rec as Parkerson HAYTHORN

Seventh Child of Richard & Mary

i Williamb1825 HAYTHORN(THWAITE) b 5 Nov 1825 Jefferson Co. OH, d 17 May 1885 Antioch OH [Jack Keeling's gggrandfather] 1850 Census: Farmer age 24 with parents in Warren Township, b Ohio.

i = Mary Ann HAMILTON b 28 February 1827 Co. Clare, Ireland [another source says 29 Mar 1827 Monroe Co.], m 17 Feb 1853 Perry Township, d 26 Jan 1909 Sardis, OH

j Lewberta Jane HAYTHORN b 11 Feb 1854 d 16 Apr 1856 Antioch OH

j Orpha Lidora HAYTHORN b 17 Mar 1856 Sardis OH, d 9 Oct 1924 Tulsa OK. 1909: Moved by train from Ohio to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Frightened that she might be attacked by Indians on the journey, she bought a small nickel-plated 5 shot revolver to put in her handbag.

j = John Milton THOMAS b 7 Mar 1851 Ohio, m 22 Apr 1874 Monroe Co., OH, d 24 Aug 1916 Neosho, MO

j Margaret Ellen HAYTHORN b 16 Jun 1858 d 1859

j Missouri Belle HAYTHORN b 22 Aug 1860

j Almira June HAYTHORN b 21 Sep 1862 d 30 Dec 1877 Antioch OH

j Thomas Andrew HAYTHORN b 5 Nov 1865 d 1917 Antioch, OH. 1910 Census: Married Farmer age 44 of Jackson Township, Monroe Co., Ohio

j = Johanna Matilda HOBURG b 1868 d 1958


k Williamb1898 M HAYTHORN b abt 1898 Ohio

k Victor H HAYTHORN b abt 1900 Ohio

k Dora HAYTHORN b 1901 d 1974 Hopemont WV

k Richard Frank HAYTHORN b 1903 d 1983

k = Emma Virginia Frances LOGSTON b 1917

l Richard Dale HAYTHORN b 10 Dec 1929 d 7 Aug 1999

m Sharon Kay HAYTHORN b 15 Feb 1959 2000: of St Simons Island, Georgia

m = Anon WISE

n Stephanie Brooke WISE b 2 Mar 1985

n Kristen Kay WISE b 22 Jan 1988

m Patricia Dale HAYTHORN b 10 Oct 1963

m Richard Darryl HAYTHORN b 17 Nov 1967

n Carolyn Margaret HAYTHORN b 10 Mar 1995

n Nicholas Hahn HAYTHORN b 14 Aug 1997

l William Wesley HAYTHORN

l Mildred May HAYTHORN

l Olive Virginia HAYTHORN

k Alice E HAYTHORN b abt 1906 Ohio

k Hattie M HAYTHORN b abt 1908 Ohio

j Lucinda Elonia HAYTHORN b 14 Feb 1871

Eighth Child of Richard & Mary

i Smithson HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Apr 1826, married as Smithson HATHORN 14 Aug 1851 Jefferson, Ohio. [It is this son with his distinctive first name that provides pretty conclusive additional evidence that Smithson's father Richard was indeed son of Robert H and Elizabeth SMITHSON of Hare Appletree.] 1850 Census: Unmarried Shoemaker age 22 with parents in Warren Township, Jefferson Co., Ohio, rec as HAYTHORN. 1870-2 Census for Jefferson, Ohio, shows a Smith HAYTHORNEWHITE aged 44, which appears as though it must be him, though he seems rather undecided about his name.

i = Mary Ann MAXWELL b abt 1822 Ohio

j Mary J HAYTHORN b abt 1853 Ohio

j Williamb1855 A HAYTHORN b abt 1855 Ohio

Ninth Child of Richard & Mary

i Rachel HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1828 Ohio. 1840 Census: not with parents. 1850 Census: Unmarried, age 22, with siblings in Jackson Township, Monro Co, Ohio, b Ohio.

Tenth Child of Richard & Mary

i Johnb1828 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1828 Ohio. 1850 Census: Unmarried, age 22, with siblings in Jackson Township, Monroe Co., Ohio, b Ohio, rec as John HAYTHORN. 1860 Census: Farmer age 31 in Perry Township, Monroe Co., Ohio. 1880 Census: Self-married Farmer age 52, in Perry Township, Monro Co., Ohio, rec as HATHORN

i = Mary A ANON b abt 1831

j Elizabeth1856 HAYTHORN b abt 1856 Ohio. 1880 Census: Unmarried age 24 with parents in Perry Township, b Ohio

j Catherine HAYTHORN b abt 1857 Ohio 1880 Census: not with parents

j Jamesb1859 HAYTHORN b abt 1859 Ohio 1880 Census: Unmarried Farm Labourer age 21 with parents in Perry Township, b Ohio

j Rachel HAYTHORN b abt 1860 Ohio 1880 Census: not with parents

j Robertb1861 HAYTHORN b abt 1861 Ohio. 1880 Census: Unmarried Farm Labouer age 19 with parents in Perry Township, b Ohio.

j Albert HAYTHORN b abt 1866 Ohio. 1880 Census: Farm Labourer age 14 with parents in Perry Township, b Ohio

j Margaret HAYTHORN b abt 1869 Ohio 1880 Census: At school, age 11, with parents in Perry Township, b Ohio

j Josephb1871 HAYTHORN b abt 1871 Ohio 1880 Census: At school, age 9, with parents in Perry Township, b Ohio

Eleventh Child of Richard & Mary

i Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1830 1840 Census: age 10-15 with parents in Warren Twp. 1850 Census: not with parents, presumed dead.

Twelfth Child of Richard & Mary

i Jamesb1832 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1832 Ohio, d 1901, bur Hopewell Methodist Cemetery, Warren Twp, Jefferson Co. 1850 Census: Farmer age 17 with parents in Warren Township, b Ohio

i Mary LEWIS b 1842, d 1903

j Lewis Parkinson HAYTHORNTWAIT b 20 Apr 1863 Warren Twp, d 29 Dec 1922 Jefferson

j = Frances Isabell RALSTON b 9 Jan 1867 Near Smithville Station, m 30 Mar 1892, d 3 Aug 1944 Warren Twp

k Mary Kathleen HAYTHORNE b 29 Jun 1893

k = Jim McCAHON

k Lou Ralston HAYTHORNE b 25 Dec 1895 Jefferson OH, d 20 Sep 1974 Jefferson OH

k = Alma Jane McCORMICK b 4 Sep 1891, d 7 Dec 1936 Smithfield, Jefferson Co., OH

l Vera Louise HAYTHORNE b 2 Nov 1922, d 3 Jan 1927

l Louie Jean HAYTHORNE b 20 Aug 1928

l = James Allen BRADEN b 2 Nov 1928 Columbus, OH

l Mary Catharine HAYTHORNE b 5 Sep 1931 Martins Ferry, Belmont Co., OH

l =(1) Floyd BEALL

l =(2) Clyde William PINKLEY m 16 Nov 1967 2006: of Columbus, Ohio, and Rancho Mirage, California. A helpful informant

k Charles Wendell HAYTHORNE b 29 Sep 1898, d 16 Nov 1971 Newark, Licking Co., OH

k = Thelma FRIEL

k James Max HAYTHORNE b 6 Jun 1901, d 20 Jul 1978 Parkersburg, Wood Co., W Virginia

k = Grace Kinder PREWETT

l Patricia Kay HAYTHORNE b 12 Apr 1945

l = Lawrence PELL

k Helen Frances Genevieve HAYTHORNE b 4 Nov 1904 Warren Twp, Jefferson Co., OH

k Ester Meridith HAYTHORNE b 23 Mar 1908

k = Daris D JONES

Thirteenth Child of Richard & Mary

i Maria HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Aug 1835 Jefferson County, Ohio, [ “Mary” d Monroe County, Ohio, 20 Jan 1893. Source: FTM disc. Perhaps this is not a daughter but a daughter in law of Richard and Mary] Maria d 17 Dec 1895 Jefferson Co., Ohio 1850 Census: Maria, Attending School, age 15, with parents in Warren Township, b Ohio.

i = Thomas JOHNSON b abt 1833 Ireland, m 9 Feb 1860 Jefferson Co., Ohio, d abt 1919

[Mary married John B COX according to FTM]

Fourteenth and Last Known Child of Richard & Mary

i Eliza HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1837 Ohio, d abt 1907. 1840 Census: age 4 with parents. 1850 Census: Attending School, age 13, with parents in Warren Township, b Ohio. Youngest child in this census


End of Ohio Migrants………………………………………………………

The Descendants of Williamb1778 of Hare Appletree

William of Hare Appletree, Second Child of Robert of Hare Appletree

h Williamb1778 HATHORNTHWAITE [453] b Slaidburn, c 15 Nov 1778 Slaidburn, d abt Aug 1854 reg Lancaster as HAW-, bur 23 Aug 1854 Wyresdale Christ Church as William Hawthornthwaite of Lancaster, aged 75. 1805: At age of 17, he, rather than his elder brother Richard, inherited Hare Appletree Farm on the death of his father. 1817: Farming operations at Hare Appletree Farm put into liquidation and all farming assets sold off. 1841 Census: Age 60 with family in Pitt Street, Lancaster, b Lancs, rec as HATHORNWAITE. 1851 Census: Widowed Pauper formerly Farmer, age 72, of Tarnbrook, b Slaidburn, rec as HAY-

h = Ellen CORLESS [2926] b abt 1773, c 10 Mar 1773 Over Wyresdale, dr of John & Margaret CORLES, m 11 Feb 1812 Lancaster St Mary, Farmer age 33 and Spinster age 37, both "of Quarmore", d abt Sep 1849 Ellel reg Lancaster age 76 as HAT. 1841 Census: Age 65 with family in Pitt Street, Lancaster, b Lancs, rec as Hellen

First Child of William of Hare Appletree

i Robertb1813 HATHORNTHWAITE [2927] b 16 Jan 1813 Hare Appletree, c 21 Feb 1813 Wyresdale Christ Church, son of William, Farmer, and Ellin, of Hare Appletree, d abt Dec 1874 age 59 reg W Derby as HAT-. 1836 marriage: Husbandman of Wyersdale [witness James Haythornthwaite, probably second cousin [194] who was in Wyresdale at the time]. [1841 Census: Unmarried Labourer age 19 at Borough [illeg: hostel or Poor….?], Lancaster, not with parents, b Lancs., rec as HAY-. Is this him? Seems unlikely] 1851 Census: Married Labourer age 36 at 10 North Stephen St, Liverpool, b Lancaster, rec as HATHORNWAITE. 1861 Census: Married Labourer age 47 at 12 Kitchen Street, Liverpool, rec as HAW-. 1871 Census: Married Carter age 58 at 93 Anthony Street, Everton, b Wyresdale.

i = Mary Jane USHER [3101] b abt 1816 [Hawkshead?] Westmorland, m 21 Sep 1836 Lancaster St Mary, spinster of Wyersdale, by Licence, d abt Mar 1878 age 63 West Derby. 1851 Census: Married with husband in Liverpool, age 35, b Westmorland. 1861 Census: age 45, b “Hawksland, Lancs”. Could this be Hawkshead, which was in Lancs., but just 2 miles from the Westmorland boundary? 1871 Census: Housewife age 56 in Everton, b Kendal, Westmorland.

j Williamb1836 HATHORNTHWAITE [3102] c 25 Dec 1836 Wyresdale Christ Church, son of Robert Hathornthwaite, Gamekeeper of Wyersdale, and Mary, d abt May 1839 age 2 Lancaster reg Lancaster as HAW-, bur 30 May 1839 Lancaster St Mary. 1851 Census: does not appear in Liverpool with his parents, which tends to support this death record

j John Corless HAWTHORNTHWAITE [2928] b abt Sep 1838 reg Lancaster, c 30 Sep 1838 Wyresdale Christ Church, son of Robert Hawthornthwaite, Farmer of Wyersdale, and Mary. [OLPC says Black Smith] No m found. No issue? 1851 Census: with parents, age 12, at 10 North Stephen St., Liverpool, b Lancaster. [1861 Census: Unmarried Bill Poster age 21 boarding at 1 Lionel Street, Liverpool, b Liverpool, rec as HAWTHONSWAITE? Wrong birthplace, but age fits well. 1871 Census: Married Bill Poster age 30 at 26 Clifford Street, Liverpool, b Lancaster, rec as HAY-, no children present. 1881 Census: not found. [Did he go to Ireland? I have heard rumours of one branch of the Hs who went to Ireland, and thence to the USA]

[j = Bridget ANON b abt 1851 Wexford, Ireland, m not found, m(2) not found, d not found. 1871 Census: Wife age 20 with husband at 26 Clifford Street, Liverpool, b Wexford, Ireland.]

j Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [685] b 27 Aug 1841 Lancaster, reg not found, c 19 Sep 1841 Lancaster St Mary, dr. of Robert, Labourer of Lancaster, and Mary, d abt Dec 1843 age 2 reg Lancaster as HAW-, bur 8 Dec 1843 Lancaster St Mary age 2, abode: Lancaster. 1851 Census: does not appear with parents in Liverpool, tending to confirm 1843 death, and narrowing Robert’s Liverpool move to 1843-1849. 1861 Census: does not appear.

j Ellen HATHORNTHWAITE [4086] b abt Jun 1845 reg Liverpool. 1851 & 1861 Censuses: not with parents in Liverpool [this is rather odd.] 1871 Census: Married age 26 living with husband and her parents at 93 Anthony Street, Everton, b Liverpool

[k Robertb1864 HATHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1864 reg W Derby as HAY-, m not found, d not found.. 1871 Census: Scholar age 7 living with grandparents Robert & Mary in Everton, b Liverpool. It is not clear who his parents were. Perhaps he was an illegitimate child of Ellen]. 1881 Census: not found..

j = Thomas ROGERS [4087] b abt 1845 Liverpool, m abt Sep 1866 reg Liverpool. 1871 Census: Married Coachman in Everton, age 26, b Liverpool, rec as RODGERS.

k Thomas ROGERS 1871 Census: age 1 with parents in Everton, b Liverpool

k Elizabeth Anne ROGERS 1871 Census: age 3m in Everton, b Liverpool.

j Elizabethb1849 HATHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1849 reg Liverpool, [d abt Sep 1855 reg Liverpool as HAT-?]. 1851 Census: with parents in Liverpool, age 1, b Liverpool. 1861 Census: not with parents. 1871 Census: not with parents [1855 death is probably correct]

Second Child of William of Hare Appletree

i Jennet HATHORNTHWAITE [3104] c 30 Dec 1815 Wyresdale Christ Church, daur of William HATHORNTHWAIT, Farmer of Hare Appletree, and Ellin. This was a joint ceremony with her first cousin Richard [2710], who 5 years later crossed the Atlantic in the "Hope", d abt Mar 1891 age 75 reg Lancaster 1841 Census: Age 25 with parents in Pitt Street, Lancaster, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married age 35 with husband at Damside, Lancaster, b Quernmore

j Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Aug 1839 Wyersdale, c 8 Sep 1839 Lancaster St Mary, dr. of Jennet HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Spinster, reg Lancaster (21, 447). 1841 Census: age 1 with mother and grandparents in Pitt Street, Lancaster, b Lancs, rec as Helen. 1851 Census: not found. 1861 Census: Widowed Domestic Housekeeper age 47, b Quernmore, in Catteral. 1871 Census: Widowed Charwoman age 56, b Wyresdale, in Lancaster

j = Hugh McMULLEN b abt 1843 Ireland, m 24 May 1863 Lancaster St John reg Lancaster to HAW-

i = James HAYHURST [3105] m 22 Jun 1841 Lancaster St Mary reg Lancaster to HAW-, d abt Dec 1858 reg Lancaster. 1851 Census: Scholar age 9 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster

j Robert Hawthornthwaite HAYHURST [4961] b 24 Sep 1841, c 24 Oct 1841 Lancaster St Mary, d abt Dec 1912 reg Lancaster. 1911 Census: Widowed General Labourer Linoleum age 69 at 2 Ellershaws Yard, Main Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster

j = Isabella MARSHALL [6238] m abt Dec 1868 Lancaster St Mary

Third Child of William of Hare Appletree

i Betsy HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3109] b abt 1818 Quernmore, dr. William Hawthornthwaite. Note: Hare Appletree is in/near Quernmore, in the parish of Lancaster. 1841 Census: not with parents in Lancaster. 1851 Census: Unmarried House Servant, age 31, at the Nag’s Head, Lancaster, b Wyresdale. 1861 Census: not found as H, presumed married

i = Robert HEITMAN [3110] m 13 Dec 1853 Lancaster St Mary reg Lancaster

i I have been able to find no other children for William and Ellen. At one time I thought it possible Ellen died and William married again, to Ann, in view of the children to William and Ann noted below. We know that the farming business at Hare Appletree went into liquidation in 1817, so conceivably William then went working as a labourer around Wyresdale. However, it now looks fairly certain that Ellen CORLESS lived till 1849, in which case this possibility is ruled out. Who William and Ann below were is currently not finally confirmed, but it is possible it was William from Claughton and Ann SKIRROW. It seems this William only went to Liverpool to join his son James once Ann SKIRROW had died at Bulk in 1830; she was buried at Melling St Wilfrid.

[h William HATHORNTHWAITE of Lentworth and Meeting Lane

h = Ann ANON m not found, alive in 1823, d not found

i Mary (Ellen?) HATHORNTHWAITE [3112] c 25(?) Sep 1821 Wyresdale Christ Church, Mary, daur of William Hathornthwaite, Labourer of Meeting Lane, and Ann

i = Thomas MASHITER [3113] m 23 Nov 1840 Lancaster St Mary, reg Lancaster, Labourer Bachelor of Quernmore, to Mary Ellen, Full Age Spinster of Quernmore, dr of William H, Labourer

i Jenny HATHORNTHWAITE [4092] c 13 Jul 1823 Wyresdale Christ Church, daur of William Haythornthwaite, Labourer of Lentworth, and Ann.]

h [Possible other children, given the long time interval.]

Last Known Child of Robert of Hare Appletree

h Jennet HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Woodhouse, c 29 Jul 1787 Slaidburn. Inherited £120 in her father Robert’s 1805 Will.

h = John SKIRROW [7526] m abt 1 Jan 1807 Lancaster, Husbandman age 21 of Caton and Spinster age 19 of Lancaster

i Mary SKIRROW [7527] b 13 Jul 1809 Quernmore, c 13 Aug 1809 Lancaster St Mary

i Robert Hathornthwaite SKIRROW [7530] b 2 Dec 1810 ?Caton, c 10 Feb 1811 Caton St Paul

i = Margaret NICKSON [7531] m 28 Dec 1840 Lancaster St Mary

i John SKIRROW [7528] b 17 Nov 1812 Scotforth, c 6 Jan Lancaster St Mary

i William SKIRROW [7529] b 4 May 1815 Scotforth, c 20 Aug 1815 Lancaster St Mary

Chapter 8

The First Australian Branch

The Descendants of William the Miner (1815-1880)

For Forbears of William, see Chapter 5

William moved from Claughton, Lancs., to Shildon on the Durham coalfield. He worked as a coal miner, possibly having acquired mining skills in the shale quarries of Claughton (still operational today). When his wife and third infant daughter died tragically in 1844 after the birth, William's two surviving daughters returned to the rest of the family in the Lune Valley. It appears that William did not, as he was not the informant for the registration of the death at Halton of his daughter Eleanor in 1846. Perhaps he stayed working in the Durham coalfield. Or perhaps he moved to the nearer Lancashire coal fields to be closer to his daughters. We do not really know. What we do know is that he paid visits at least to the Bowland area. On Census Day in 1851 he was at Twistleton Hall, Ingleton, visiting his aunt Lettice DOWNHAM (nee HAYTHORNTHWAITE). And on 24 Oct 1851 he was at Preston as a witness to the marriage of his younger brother Richard. What we also know is that, in 1854, he set off for Australia, on the ship Mooresfort (listed as William HAW- age 38), leaving behind in the Lune Valley his single surviving daughter, Jane, now just 15 years old, working as a house servant in the home of her grandfather Robert in Halton. Jane married at the tender age of 19 and died eventually in Accrington, Lancs, in 1910.

William got involved in goldmining around Taradale, Victoria, and by the time of his death in 1880 may have had his own concession. There is a family tradition that he died in a rock fall in the mine, but this is contradicted by his Death Certificate, which shows he contracted an illness. In around 1900, members of the family moved from Victoria to Western Australia in the goldrush. They sailed to Esperance in Western Australia, bought horses and carts to travel the rest of the way to Kalgoorlie and had leases at nearby Kanowna. A mining tradition has continued in this branch of the family, as there are still Haythornthwaites today involved in gold mining in Kalgoorlie.

William the Miner

j Williamb1815 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [934] b Claughton, c 14 May 1815 Claughton nr Lancaster, m 27 Jan 1838 Caton as "husbandman of Melling", reg Lancaster. The 1838 Marriage Certificate confirms that William's father was Robert, whilst the Certificate for his later marriage to Eliza Weaver in Australia, and his Death Certificate, erroneously give his father as Richard, an error which has sown much confusion among Australian genealogists. A witness at the wedding was Jane Haythornthwaite, presumably William's younger sister, Rev. Thomas Hathornthwaite (spelt without the "y" and no known relation, but identified as [6255]) officiated at the ceremony. Initially a farmer at Farleton, William later worked as a miner at Shildon in County Durham. He emigrated to Victoria, Australia, in 1854 on the ship Mooresfort (on which he was listed as William HAWTHORNTHWAITE, age 38) and worked as a gold miner in Taradale, Victoria. d 24 Sep 1880 Victoria. 1838: Husbandman Bachelor of Melling. 1841 Census: Pitman age 25 in South Church Village, Auckland, Durham, not b Durham, rec as HATHENATE. 1851 Census: Unmarried Coal Miner age 34, b Lancaster, Visitor at Twistleton Hall, Ingleton, home of his 70 year old aunt Lettice DOWNHAM (nee HAYTHORNTHWAITE). Witness at marriage of younger brother Richard in Preston on 24 Oct 1851.

j = (1) Ann HEAPS c 26 Dec 1813 Hornby, daur. of William HEAPS, deceased joiner of Hornby, and Jane, m 27 Jan 1838 Caton St Paul, Servant Spinster of Caton, reg Lancaster, d 23 Jul 1844 Whitfield Place, Shildon, Co. Durham age 29, reg Auckland, after the birth of daughter Alice. 1841 Census: age 25 with husband in Auckland, not b Durham

First, Second and Third Child of William the Miner

k Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [935] b 18 Dec 1838 Farleton, reg Lancaster as HAW-, c 17 Feb 1839 Hornby, m 12 Oct 1858 Tunstall St John, reg Lancaster, father's name given as Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Husbandman (her grandfather), presumably standing in for her real father who was by this time in Australia, d 9 May 1910(1911?) Rothwell Mill Farm, Accrington, bur Accrington Cemetery. 1841 Census: age 2 with parents in Auckland, Durham, not b Co. Durham. 1851 Census: House servant, grand-daughter, age 12, living in the house of her grandfather Robert in Halton, Lancs.

k = Richard SHUTTLEWORTH [940] b abt 1833 Wyresdale, d 10 Aug 1908 aged 75, Rothwell Height Farm, bur Accrington Cemetery.

k Eleanor HAYTHORNTHWAITE [938] b 12 May 1842 Chapel Row, Shildon, Bishop Auckland, reg Auckland, d 24 Mar 1846 age 4 Halton (informant Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Halton), reg Lancaster, bur 29 Mar 1846 Halton St Wilfrid age 3

k Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [939] b 9 Jul 1844 Whitfield Place, Shildon, Co. Durham, reg Auckland, d 28 Jul 1844 Shildon, reg Auckland

j = (2) Eliza Ann WEAVERS nee WRIGHT b abt 1831 Hull, Yorks, m 19 Jul 1862 Kyneton, Taradale, Victoria, d 29 Apr 1897 Bendigo, Victoria, bur with third husband William H. (Eliza married four times. Her first husband was George CHANDLER, with whom she had 4 children. Her second husband was William Henry WEAVERS, m 1859, d Oct 1861? [He seems to have deserted Eliza in Jan 1860 and gone to New Zealand]. Her fourth husband was Jacob FISHER, m 31 May 1890 Golden Square, Victoria)

k Sarah Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Sep 1860 Taradale, Victoria (Daughter of William WEAVERS?)

k = Anon HART

Fourth Child of William the Miner

k Richardb1862 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Nov 1862 Taradale, Victoria. d 21 Jan 1941 age 78 bur Karrakatta Cem., Perth, WA. Together with brothers John and William, after the goldrush in Kalgoorlie was over, in about 1907, took up Land Grants in Quairading and began clearing the bush and farming wheat and sheep.

k = Frances OLIVE b 16 May 1862 m 1889 Bendigo, d 3 Oct 1949 bur Karrakatta

l George Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1891 Bendigo, Victoria d 23 Apr 1951 Quairading WA

l = Gladys Irene HARDY m 16 Feb 1935 d 22 Jan 1985 bur Quairading

m Nancy Olive HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Mar 1936 d 13 Jun 1938, bur Quairading. Only child.

l Olive Myrtle HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1892 Bendigo, Victoria d 1893 aged 7 months, Bendigo Victoria

l Lillian May ("May") HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1894 Bendigo, Victoria d abt 1972

l = Robert WILLIAMS No issue

l Sidney Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Jul 1896 Bendigo, Victoria d 2 Oct 1946 age 50 bur Karrakatta

l = Charlotte Emma ("Sis") SANDY b 15 Mar 1897 Littlebourne, Kent, England. d 28 Dec 1974 bur Karrakatta

m Vincent James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 May 1929 Beverley, WA

m = Rosemary STOKES b 28 Nov 1934 Mt Helena, WA m 21 Aug 1954

n Eric Philip "Oscar" HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Aug 1960 Perth 2000: of Busselton

n = Elizabeth Ann ATTWOOD b 5 Apr 19?? m 18 Sept 1982 Quairading, WA

o Luke James Attwood HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 May 1986

o Brittany Claire HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Apr 1989

o Ebony Kate HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Aug 1991

n Elina Clare HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 May 1961 Perth

n = Stephen George PONTIFEX m 16 Oct 1982 Quairading 2000: Farmer of Corrigin

o Kellie Jade PONTIFEX b 3 Dec 1985

o Ryan Ashley PONTIFEX b 14 Apr 1988

n Mark Terence HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Dec 1964 Perth 2000: of Quairading WA

n = Nicole Ann RIDDLE m 16 Apr 1994 Perth

o Samuel Nicholas HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 8 Oct 1996

o Thomas Joshua HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Mar 2000

m George Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Sep 1922 Perth, WA d 9 May 2000 bur Karrakatta. Farmer and music teacher (guitar).

m = Margaret POULTER b 30 May 1930 Subiaco, WA m 21 Apr 1951. Retired Nurse.

n Lynda Susan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Nov 1952 Subiaco, WA. Cartographer and Tour Guide. Former Sales Manager for a Swan Valley winery. Now with Dept of Land Administration, WA. Runs Swan Personal Tours.

n Jennifer Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Sep 1957 Mt Lawley, Perth. Former Office Administrator. 2001: "early retired gypsy", touring Australia in caravan.

n = Gary John PERCEVAL

o Christopher John PERCEVAL b 30 Sep 1980

o David Andrew PERCEVAL b 1 Apr 1983

n Peter Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Nov 1958 Mt Lawley, Perth. Welder Unmarried. Bushwalker, Abseiler and Orienteer.

l Ivy Gladys HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1901 Bendogo, Victoria

l Thelma HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Western Australia. Adopted.


m Terry ELLIOT

m Olive ELLIOT

m Lynette ELLIOT

Fifth Child of William the Miner

k John Procter HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Jun 1865 Taradale Victoria. d 30 Aug 1944, bur Quairading. Moved to Kalgoorlie in 1896 in the goldrush, carting wood for the mine pit props (according to Kathleen Joan, below), and in 1902 turned to farming in Quairading.

k = Mary Alice Jane ("Jane") EDWARDS m 1890 d 19 May 1932 bur Quairading

l William Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Jun 1890 Sandhurst Victoria d 9 May 1975

l Eileen Joan EATON b 21 Feb 1906 d 24 Dec 1976

m Kathleen Joan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1942 1979: Teaching at Moora. Unmarried. 2000: of Rangeway or Geraldton WA

m John W HAYTHORNTHWAITE m abt 1996. 2000: Farming at Quairading with brother Edward

m = Josephine SUMICH


m Edward P HAYTHORNTHWAITE Unmarried 2000: Farming at Quairading with brother John


m = Darryl SNOOKE Farmer of Meckering


m = Graham SNOOKE (brother to the above) Farmer of Meckering

m Rosalee HAYTHORNTHWAITE Unmarried

l Elsie May HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1892 Bendigo Victoria

l = William Henry OSBORNE

l Edith Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 May 1894 Bendigo Victoria. Farming pioneer of the Australian bush. d 14 Nov 1971 in a plane crash at Northam. Aged 77, she had never flown before. The light plane took off, clipped the top of nearby trees, dived to the ground and blew up.

l = Harry William NEWMAN m 23 Apr 1919 Quairading d 1 Sep 1969 Perth

m Victor George NEWMAN b 2 Apr 1920

m Mary Alice Jane NEWMAN b 22 Jan 1922

m Joyce Proctor NEWMAN b 27 Aug 1924 d 19 Jan 1977

m Valma Edith NEWMAN b 11 March 1930

m = Alexander Ross ECKERSLEY m 4 Mar 1950

n Ross Allen ECKERSLEY b 31 Oct 1951

n Patricia Noreen ECKERSLEY b 30 Sep 1954 2000: of Waikiki WA

n = (div) David Norman WEIR m 7 Dec 1974

o Ross Norman WEIR b 13 Jun 1975

o Holly Kezia WEIR b 27 Aug 1990

n Janice Fay ECKERSLEY b 5 Sep 1959

n = Ian PARKER m 14 Nov 1976

l John Proctor ("Jack") HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1896 Kangaroo Flats, Victoria d 10 Jan 1979, bur Quairading WA age 82

l = Beatrice HISCOX b abt 1914 d 10 Oct 1980 bur Quairading age 66


m = Peter WILLS

m Alec HAYTHORNTHWAITE 2000: of Halls Head

m = Beryl CONNER


n Daughter

l Eva HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1899 Bendigo Victoria d 1899 Bendigo Victoria I day old

l Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Jan 1910 Quairading WA 2000: of Quairading

l = William George HANDSCOMBE b abt 1902 d 22 Dec 1969

m William HANDSCOMBE Unmarried

m Donald HANDSCOMBE Unmarried



n Mary Ann MINCHIN


Sixth Child of William the Miner

k William James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Mar 1868 Taradale Victoria. d 1957. Moved to Kalgoorlie in the goldrush with his brothers, and later turned to farming in Quairading.

k = Margaret Jane HARDY m 1890

l Eva HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1891 Bendigo Victoria d 24 Feb 1892 Bendigo Victoria at 11 months

l Percival HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 3 May 1892 Bendigo Victoria d 16 Jan 1975 Quairading WA, bu Quairading Cemetery

l = Ruby Lillian HARDY b 4 Jun 1893 Bendigo Victoria m 17 Mar 1928 Church of Christ Bendigo. d 7 Sep 1975 Quairading WA, bur Quairading Cemetery

m Elva Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Jun 1933 Bendigo Victoria (on mothers return visit to Victoria)

m = Peter James BOND b 4 May 1929 Perth WA m 17 Mar 1953 South Perth Methodist Church WA

n Jennifer Margaret BOND b 16 Oct 1955 Quairading WA

n Judith Lorraine BOND b 10 Jul 1957 Quairadaing WA

n Trevor James BOND b 31 May 1959 Quairading WA

n = Barbara Florence HAGBOOM b 30 Jul 1960 Northam, m 10 Jan 1981 Sandgate Uniting Church, South Perth WA 2000: of Quairading WA. A helpful correspondent who researched this Australian branch.

o Tanya Jade BOND b 25 Aug 1982 Subiaco

o Jasmine Nicole BOND b 12 Jan 1987 Quairading

o Graydon James BOND b 24 Jan 1989 Quairading

o Amber Kaysia BOND b 2 Jun 1991 Quairading

m Robertb1935 Percy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Jul 1935 d 14 Oct 1997 Fremantle, bur Quairading WA

m Gloria Margaret BRAY b 10 Mar 1938, m 18 May 1957

n Gary Wayne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Nov 1957 2000: of Quairading WA. Gary & wife Liz visited the UK in June 2007 and presented the author of this document a book on Quairading

n = Elizabeth Eunita MAY b 28 Apr 1961, m 27 Oct 1979 Uniting Church, Quairading

o Glenn Matthew HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Feb 1980 2000: of Perth

o Michael Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Sep 1981, d 24 Jun 2000 in road accident

o Rodney Wayne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Apr 1985

n Robertb1960 James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 30 Apr 1960 Unmarried 2000: Perth

n Darrel William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 8 Nov 1961 2000: of Beechboro WA

n = Tracey Lee DAWSON b 5 Mar 1966 m 2 Nov 1985 Anglican Church, York WA

o Bryn John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 22 Sep 1987

o Matt Anthony HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Sep 1990

n Colin Andrew HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Jan 1971 2000: Klara WA

n = Natasha OVENS m 19 Sep 1992 Uniting Church, York WA

o Cody John Anthony Ovens HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Jun 1994

o Tiana Monique Ovens HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 21 Feb 1997

l Williamb1893 (Robert?) (Referred to as "Bob") HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1893 Bendigo, d 9 Jan 1917 of appendicitis, bur Durrington, Wiltshire, England, reg Amesbury age 23. Pte in 11th Battalion Duke of Wellington's Regiment (Wiltshire memorial index says 11th Bn Australian Infantry). Mentioned on Quairading War Memorial.

l Ivy May HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1894 Bendigo Victoria, d 1894 Bendigo, age 4 months

l Richardb1895 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1895 Bendigo Victoria, d 13 Sep 1961 Quairading age 66

l = Vera May RICE b 16 May 1897, d 10 Apr 1971 bur Quairading Cemetery

m Richardb1929 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1929 2000: of Albany WA

m = Cissie WONG

n Children??

m Jamesb1936 (Jim) HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1936 2000: of Collie WA

m = Joan HALL

m Myra HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1936 2000: of Albany WA

m = Alec BERTOLA

m Lena HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1934 d 1998 Perth

m = Bill LAMB

l Jane Eliza HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1896 Bendigo Victoria, d 1897 at 1 mth Bendigo Victoria

l Irene (Rene) HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1898 Bendigo Victoria

l = Fred (William?) CRABTREE




l Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1900 Bendigo Victoria

l Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Western Australia







m Ken SUTHERLAND (has H photos)

l Grace HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1902 Western Australia d 14 Oct 1999

l = James Heward HUBBERT

m Lillian HUBBERT (changed name to Lyn)

m Violet HUBBERT

m Valma HUBBERT (has H photos)

m = Douglas McCORKHILL

l Daisy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Western Australia


m Rodney CHEESEMAN d aged 8 of meningitis

m Elaine CHEESEMAN b abt 1940. d 1965

l Cleave HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Western Australia

l =(1?) Eleanor Mary BARBER 2000: Of Hobart, Tasmania

m Cleave Anthony (Tony) HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 July 1939 Western Australia. 2000: in Levin, New Zealand

m = Anne Evlyn Sophia RICHARDS-DAVIES 2000: now divorced. Of Wellington.

n Sara Antonia HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Oct 1973 2000: of Lower Hutt

o Connor Owain Davis HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Feb 2000

m David Ashley HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1853] b 22 Jul 1943 Quairading. 1968: Joined Film Australia and for 2 decades directed documentaries. 2000: of Currawong, Sydney

m = Margaret PARKIN

n Sophie Genevieve HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1855] b 5 Mar 1971 2002: Artist in Avalon, Sydney

o Ruby Dorothea Amy Rose HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Jun 2006 Sydney

n Thomas John Cleave HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 Sep 1974 2000: Of Sydney. Sometime Soccer Player for Newcastle NSW

n = Sally Maree FREUDENSTEIN

o Lucy Lynette HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Dec 2004 Sydney

o Samuel James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 5 Aug 2006 Sydney

o Daisy Sophia HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Mar 2009 Sydney

m William James HAYTHORNTHWAITE 23 Feb 1938, d 28 Dec 1995. Of Freemantle WA

m = Margaret McGRATH

n Sarah HAYTHORNTHWAITE (adopted)

[l =(2?) Norma SHEARERS? Validity of this record is not clear.]

Seventh and Last Child of William the Miner

k Vincent Wright HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 30 Jun 1871 Taradale, Victoria, d 23 Jun 1902 Boulder WA, bur Pioneer Cemetery (Anglian Portion), Boulder.

k = Helen Sarah STEVENSON b 30 Oct 1872 Bendigo, Victoria, m 18 Jun 1890 Sandhurst, Bendigo, as Sarah Helen [m(2) 24 Apr 1913 Boulder, John Thomas KEANE d 1 Mar 1951 Perth] d 1 Apr 1951 Victoria Park, WA. When her husband's brothers moved to Quairading to farm after the gold rush, Sarah, now a widow, and her children remained in Kalgoorlie, where Haythornthwaites remain to this day. Sarah remarried in 1913

l Vincent HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1891 Bendigo Victoria

l Nellie Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Feb 1894 Bendigo Victoria, d 12 Jun 1980 Kalgoorlie, WA

l = Alfred Edward HATTON b 18 Mar 1886, m 24 Mar 1913 Kalgoorlie, d 4 Dec 1946 Kalgoorlie

m Charlotte Joyce HATTON b 23 Oct 1914 Boulder, d 28 Mar 1979 Kalgoorlie

m Richard Alfred HATTON b 1 May 1915 Boulder, d 18 Aug 1978 Kalgoorlie

m Alfred Edward HATTON b 23 May 1917 Boulder, d 23 Sep 1975 Kalgoorlie

m = Beverley Brice SMYTHE b 2 Jul 1924 Boulder, m 1 Dec 1945 Kalgoorlie, d 21 Jun 1993 Kalgoorlie

n Janice (Jan) Marilyn HATTON b 25 Apr 1947 Kalgoorlie. A helpful correspondent, of City Beach WA

n = William (Bill) Charles GRIFFIN BSc (Met) b 27 Nov 1945 Subiaco, WA, m 27 Apr 1968 Boulder, WA

o Karicia Marie Beverley GRIFFIN B.Econs, M.Tax b 21 Jul 1971

o anon HARDING

p Bryce William HARDING b Jan 2009 Perth

p Olethea Ruby HARDING b 8 Feb 2011 Subiaco

o Kyle William Neville GRIFFIN b 13 Oct 1976, d 2010 City Beach

m Elinor Joan HATTON b 2 Aug 1929 Kalgoorlie, d 26 Jan 2001 Nedlands, WA

l Charlotte HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1896 Bendigo Victoria [formerly rec as Charles, but it seems there was no Charles], d 10 Sep 1966 Perth bur Karrakatta Cemetery

l = William BREARLEY b 1888, m 2 Sep 1914 St James Church, Malcom, WA, d 12 Nov 1959 Kalgoorlie, WA, bur Kalgoorlie

m Frank Vincent BREARLEY b 19 Mar 1915 Kalgoorlie WA, d 10 Oct 1984 Claremont WA

m Nellie Jeane BREARLEY b 15 Jun 1916 Kalgoorlie WA, d 21 Jun 1999 Perth

m William Wright BREARLEY b 15 Mar 1921 Boulder WA, d 15 Dec 1986 bur Karrakatta Cemetery WA

m Brian Desmond BREARLEY b abt 1920 Kalgoorlie WA

l Daniel John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1897 Bendigo Australia, d 1898 Bendigo at 1 month

l Richard John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1898 [Another source says 1900] Bendigo, Victoria, d 1940 bur Boulder

l = Kate Campbell JOHNSTONE d 1968 Kalgoorlie (Tragically, Kate disappeared in 1968 and it is suspected she may have been abducted, robbed, and the body disposed of down a disused Kalgoorlie mineshaft.)

m Marjorie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1922

m = John MORAN

m Richard John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1926, d 1995 Kalgoorlie

m = Henrietta McNALLY 2000: of Kalgoorlie, WA

n Glenn Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE 2000: of Kalgoorlie, WA

n = Annette ANON

o Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE 2000: of Kalgoorlie

o Jake HAYTHORNTHWAITE 2000: of Kalgoorlie


m = Doreen BURSTON

n Geoffrey HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 3 May 1957 2000: of Kalgoorlie, WA. Owns a hydraulic business servicing machinery in the gold mines.

n = Lois ANON b 9 Aug 1952

o Natasha Joy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1978 2000: of Boulder, W. Australia

o Ryan Geoffrey HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1982, d 1985 aged 3 in a back yard swimming pool accident.

o Melissa Jay HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1987

o = Tristan SCHILLING m 5 Sep 2009 Aquinas College Chapel, Perth, WA

o Christopher Ryan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1988


n Ronald James HAYTHORNTHWAITE 2000: of West Lamington, W. Australia. Safety Officer for major gold mining firm.

n = Lesley SARTORI b 1953

o Brent HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1976

o Kristy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1978. 2005: Working for Bank of America in London

o Scott HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1982


Chapter 9

The Descendants of John of the Manor House, Hornby (1807-1872)

For the forbears of John of the Manor House, see Chapter 6

The discovery that John of the Manor House, Hornby, was born, not in Hornby or Roeburndale, but at Birkett, nr Newton, Yorks., has enabled us for the first time to connect the tree in this chapter with the other descendants of John of Tarnbrook. Two members of this branch are known to have made their way across the Atlantic. Some time around 1900, Francis Richard emigrated to Salisbury, Alberta, and changed his name to HAYTHORNE, reputedly after difficulty with the postal authorities. His son George Vickers became prominent in the Canadian Government as Deputy Minister of Labour (a senior civil service rather than political role) and several of his relations are currently scattered across Canada from Ontario to British Columbia. More recently, Robert Morphet H went to the United States and became Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.

John of the Manor House, Hornby

i Johnb1807 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [268] b Birkett, nr Newton, c 25 Jul 1807 Slaidburn, (m Liverpool, according to a family tradition, but there is a specific register entry in the Melling Church Register), m 5 Dec 1836 Melling, "Husbandman of this parish", d 26 Mar 1872 Rathmell, Yorks, reg Settle, age 64.

Farmed at Haylot in Roeburndale, the Manor House at Hornby, then at Rathmell nr Settle. 1841 Census: Farmer age 30 at Higher Haylot. 1851 Census: Farmer of 120 acres & 88 acres moor of Barkingate, Roeburndale, age 43, b Newton, Yorks. 1861 Census: Farmer, age 53, of 150 acres emp. 1 man at Barkingate, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Widowed Farmer & Grocer age 63 at Quarry House, Rathmell, b Newton, Yorks., transcribed, incorrectly, as John THWAITE.

i = Margaret SKIRROW [300] b Roeburndale, c 3 Nov 1816 Melling (daur of Thomas SKIRROW, Yeoman of Lower Salter, Roeburndale, and Agnes) m Melling, "spinster of this parish", d 26 Nov 1868 Manor House Hornby age 52, reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: age 20 at Higher Haylot. 1851 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 34 at Barking Gate, Roeburndale, b Roeburndale.

First Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Jenny HAYTHORNTHWAITE [549] b 1837 Haylott, reg Lancaster, c 26 Nov 1837 Hornby, d 9 Mar 1920. 1841 Census: age 3 at Higher Haylot, rec as Jinnet. 1851 Census: Farmer’s daughter age 13 at Barking Gate, b Roeburndale. 1861 Census: Unmarried House Keeper age 23 at house of cousin Walter PROCTER, Wray, b Roeburndale. 1871 Census: Unmarried House Keeper at Quarry House, Rathmell, age 33, b Roeburndale.

j = Ambrose TAYLOR b abt 1835, m abt Dec 1873 reg Settle, d 13 Mar 1905 "age 70"

k Richard Ambrose TAYLOR b abt 1875, d 19 Nov 1923 age 48

k Margaret Agnes TAYLOR b abt 1877, d 2 Jul 1960 Settle, age 83

Second Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Richardb1839 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1257] b Mar/Apr 1839 Roeburndale reg Lancaster, c 11 Apr 1839 Hornby, d 23 Oct 1913 High Bentham, age 74, reg Settle. 1841 Census: age 2 at Higher Haylot. 1851 Census: Scholar age 12 at Barking Gate, b Roeburndale. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Son age 22 at Barkingate, b Roeburndale. 1871 Census: Unmarried Farm Assistant age 32 at Quarry House, Rathmell, b Roeburndale. 1891 Census: Married Farmer & Grocer age 52 at Farmhouse and Grocer’s Shop, Rathmell, b Melling. 1901 Census: Farmer Grazier of Bean Tree Farm, Rathmell, age 62, b Roeburndale. 1911 Census: Married Retired Farmer age 72 at Mount Pleasant, Bentham, b Roeburndale

j = Margaret HITCHIN b Bolton by Bowland, c 5 Oct 1843 Tosside (daur of Robert HITCHIN Farmer of Sedgewicks, Gisburn Forest, and Ellen.), m 1 Sep 1875 Tosside St Bartholomew, reg Clitheroe, d 31 Mar 1912 High Bentham, age 68, reg Settle. 1891 Census: Housewife age 47 at Rathmell, b Bolton. 1901 Census: Housewife age 57 at Bean Tree Farm, Rathmell, b Bolton by Bowland.

k John Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2828] b 14 Jun 1876 Rathmell, reg Settle, d 7 Jul 1885 age 9, bur Rathmell, reg Clitheroe

k Margaret Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2829] b 20 Nov 1877 Quarry House, Rathmell, reg Settle, [d abt Mar 1919 age 41 reg Burnley, unmarried? ] 1891 Census: age 13 with parents at Rathmell, b Rathmell. 1901 Census: Unmarried age 23 with parents at Bean Tree Farm, Rathmell, b Rathmell. 1911 Census: Unmarried Housekeeper Domestic age 33 with Webster family (pawnbrokers) at 93 St Andew’s Road South, StAnnes on the Sea, b Rathmell

k Jane Agnes HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2830] b 9 Oct 1879 Quarry House, Rathmell, reg Settle. 1891 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents at Rathmell, b Rathmell. 1901 Census: not at home with parents.

k = James Thomas WRATHALL m 11 Apr 1911 Bentham St Margaret, reg Settle. Draper's Traveller (son of Thomas WRATHALL, Farmer) age 32

k Dora Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2833] b 27 Dec 1881 Rathmell, reg Settle, d abt Sep 1949 age 67 reg Lancaster, unmarried. 1891 Census: Scholar age 9 at Rathmell, b Rathmell. 1901 Census: Unmarried age 19 with parents at Bean Tree Farm, Rathmell, b Rathmell. 1911 Census: Single, age 29, with parents in Bentham, b Rathmell

k Ada Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2932] b 27 Jul 1883, reg Settle, d 26 Jun 1885 bur Rathmell, age 1, reg Settle

k Mabel May HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2933] b 25 May 1885, reg Settle d 11 Jun 1885 bur Rathmell, age 0, reg Settle [These last two entries are from monumental inscriptions in Rathmell church yard. The earlier children are from Snaith15, now confirmed from the 1891 Census..]

Third Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Agnes Skirrow HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1255] b 5 Oct 1840 Haylott, Roeburndale, reg Lancaster, c 15 Nov 1840 Hornby, d 3(22?) Nov 1927 Chapel House, Bentham, reg Settle age 87, bur High Bentham (MI in churchyard). 1841 Census: age 5m at Higher Haylot. 1851 Census: farmer’s Daughter age 10 at Barking Gate, b Roeburndale. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter age 22 at Barkingate, b Roebundale. 1871 Census: Unmarried Dairy Maid age 30 at Quarry House, Rathmell, b Roeburndale. 1881 Census: Unmarried annuitant age 40, Visitor at Grocer’s Shop, Hornby, b Roeburndale. 1891 Census: Unmarried House Kepper age 50 living with recently widowed younger brother Robert at Black Bank, Lawkland, b Haylot. 1901 Census: Unmarried, Living on own means at Bentham, age 60, boarder at Grove Cottage, Bentham, b Roeburndale. 1911 Census: Single, of private means, age 70 in Grove Cottages, Bentham, with Margaret [1973]

Fourth Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1256]b abt Nov 1842 Haylott, reg Lancaster, c 13 Nov 1842 Hornby, d 16 Oct 1871 Rathmell age 29, reg Settle, unmarried. 1851 Census: Scholar age 8 at Barking Gate, b Roeburndale. 1861 Census: not at home with parents. 1871 Census: Unmarried Shop Woman age 28 at Quarry House, Rathmell, b Roeburndale.

Fifth Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1973] b abt Sep 1844 Barking Gate, reg Lancaster, c 1 Sep 1844 Hornby, d 24 Feb 1924 age 79 reg Settle, bur High Bentham age 87 (MI in churchyard) Unmarried. 1851 Census: Scholar age 6 at Barking Gate, b Roeburndale. 1861 Census: Farmer’s Daughter age 16 at home with parents. 1871 Census: not at home with parents. 1881 Census: Unmarried General Servant age 35 at 2 Bolton Road, Birkdale, Lancs, b Barking Gate. 1891 Census: Unmarried Visitor age 40(6?) at house of sister Elizabeth at Feizor, Lawkland, b Melling. 1901 Census: Unmarried Companion age 56 to Miss Walker at Meadowside, Lancaster, b Barkingate

Sixth Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Hannahb1846 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1258] b abt Sep 1846 reg Lancaster, c 4 Oct 1846 Hornby, d 22 Oct 1868 Manor House Hornby (in an epidemic, according to a family tradition), age 22, reg Lancaster. 1851 Census: age 4 at Barking Gate, b Roeburndale. 1861 Census: Farmer’s Daughter age 14 at home with parents at Barkingate. 1871 Census: not at Quarry House with parents

Seventh Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Thomasb1847 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6345] b abt Dec 1847 Wray reg Lancaster, d abt Feb 1848 reg Lancaster

Eighth Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Johnb1849 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1259] b abt Mar 1849 Barkingate, reg Lancaster, c 18 Jul 1849 Hornby. Shipping clerk in Liverpool, d 5 Aug 1868 Manor House, Hornby age 19 (in epidemic brought from Liverpool and passed to other members of the family), reg Lancaster. 1851 Census: age 2 at Barking Gate, b Roeburndale. 1861 Census: Scholar age 12 at Barkingate. [1871 Census: Married Bill Casher age 20 at 26 Clifford Street, Liverpool, b Lancaster, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE, m to Bridget, age 20, Wexford, Ireland.. Is this him? It is in conflict with the date of death above which is from Family Tradition.]

Ninth Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Thomas Skirrow HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1260] b 22 Sep 1851 Roeburndale, reg Lancaster, c 9 Nov 1851 Hornby, d 5 Apr 1931 Robinson House, Burrow, age 79, reg Lunesdale as HAWTHORNTHWAITE. 1861 Census: Scholar age 9 at Barkingate. 1871 Census: Farm Assistant age 19 at Quarry House, Rathmaell, b Roeburndale. 1881 Census: At Owthwaite, Roeburndale, age 29. 1891 Census: Married Farmer age 39 at Cowdber Farm, Burrow with Burrow, b Melling. 1901 Census: Married Farmer at Robinson House Farm, Burrow, age 49, b Roeburndale. 1912: Farmer at Robinson House, Burrow, near Kirkby Lonsdale according to Bulmers History of Lancaster. [Note that there was another Thomas S(eptimus) HAYTHORNTHWAITE, seventh of 8-10 sons of Joseph and Bridget, b abt 1850 Cockley Bank, Rathmell, Yorks, (apparently just up the road from this Thomas S) who in 1881 was in Essex. Grandfather of Gerald HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Chairman of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England.] Also 1912, mentioned under Tunstall Educational Charity Trustees.

j = Isabella MAUDSLEY [1261] b 12 Jan 1855 Little Bank Farm, Rathmell, Giggleswick, Yorks, one of 12 children of Joshua MAUDSLEY, farmer of Settle, and Ellen FELL, m 24 May 1876 Giggleswick, reg Settle, d abt Mar 1935 reg Lunesdale. 1901 Census: Wife age 46 with husband in Burrow, b Rathmell

k Johnb1877 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1262] b 4 Jul 1877 Owthwaite, Roeburndale, reg Lunesdale, d 15 Sep 1951 Kirkby Lonsdale, age 74 reg Westmorland S. 1891 Census: Farmer’s Son, age 13, at Cowdber Farm, Burrow with Burrow, b Melling. 1901 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer at Thurland Mill, Cantsfield, Lancs., age 23, b Roeburndale. 1911 Census: Married Estate Woodman, age 34, b Wray, at Underley Farmyard, Kirkby Lonsdale

k = Elizabeth Eleanor NELSON [1263] b 2 Aug 1872 Tunstall, m 11 Jul 1900 Tunstall St John, Spinster of Cantsfield, d 28 Nov 1951 age 79 reg Westmorland S. 1901 Census: Wife age 28 with husband, b Tunstall. 1911 Census: Married 10 yrs, age 37, b Tunstall

l Doris May HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1264]b 2 Jan 1901 reg Keighley, d 27 Aug 1977. 1901 Census: at Cantsfield, age 3m, b Bingley. 1911 Census: age 10 with parents, b East Morton

l = John Gibson METCALFE b 11 Sep 1890, m abt Jun 1925 reg Kendal, d 11 Sep 1968

m Gordon METCALFE b 14 Feb 1926, d 3 Nov 2005

l Thomas Nelson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1266] b 19 Oct 1903 reg Dec 1903 Lunesdale, d 1 Jun 1975 reg Keighley. 1911 Census: age 7 with parents, b Cantsfield. Later, Farmer at Lingber, nr Hellifield, Yorks

l = Sarah WARREN [1271] b 7 Nov 1908, m 3 Mar 1930 Barnoldswick St Mary-le-Gill reg Skipton, d 24 Jun 1983 reg Keighley

m May HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Aug 1930 reg Skipton, d 21 Sep 2009

m = Norman HUGILL b 17 Jul 1931, m 30 Nov 1957 reg Ewecross, d 8 Apr 2006. Farmed Lingber, Hellifield

n Alison HUGILL 2005: In Ripon

m Vera M HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Sep 1931 reg Burnley

m = John KEANE m 4 Jun 1955, London, reg Marylebone, d 12 May 2000

m Olive HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Nov 1939 reg Settle 1998: of Hellifield, Yorks

l John Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1267] b 24 Aug 1910 reg Kendal, d 24 Dec 1979 reg Kendal. 1911 Census: age 8m with parents, b Kirkby Lonsdale. Later, Cooperative Store Manager, Kirkby Lonsdale

l = Elizabeth Lily May HEALD [1268] b 15 Oct 1912, m 2 Oct 1935 Chorley St Peter, d 22 Jul 1979

m Johnb1942 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 4 May 1942 Kirkby Lonsdale reg Westmorland South 2000: of Kirkby Lonsdale

m = Margaret HUNTINGTON b 9 Sep 1943, m 7 Oct 1967 Hutton Roof nr Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Westmorland S

n John David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 Apr 1972 Kendal, reg Westmorland S 2000: of Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley

n = Melanie JONES b 21 Nov 1970, m 18 Sep 2004

o Oliver John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 3 May 2001

o James Thomas HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 May 2003

n Neil Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Sep 1974 Kendal 2000: of Scunthorpe, Lincs.

n = Louise WOLFENDEN b 27 Sep 1974, m 19 Jun 2004

o Ethan Michael HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Oct 2009

n Paul Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Dec 1981 Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Kendal 2004: in Reading

m Doreen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 15 Jun 1946

m = Harry HOGARTH b 7 Mar 1944, m 10 Jun 1964 Kirkby Lonsdale, reg Westmorland S

n Katherine HOGARTH b 15 Nov 1964

n Andrew HOGARTH b 6 Apr 1967

k Joshua Maudsley HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1275] b Feb 1879 reg Lunesdale, d Apr 1879 Owthwaite, Roeburndale age 0, reg Lunesdale

First Canadian Branch

k Francis Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1276] b 6 Aug 1880 Owthwaite, Roeburndale, d 15 Jul 1958 Salisbury, Alberta. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 at Cowdber Farm, Burrow with Burrow, b Melling. 1901 Census: Footman (Domestic) age 20 at Wadhurst Hall, Sussex, house of Julius Charles DREW, later builder of Castle Drogo in Devon. In that year he volunteered for the Sussex Imperial Yeomanry and trained for the Boer War (which, however, was over before he had to go to S Africa). After his marriage in 1906, he emigrated to Salisbury, Alberta, and received a Land Grant of one section (160 acres) near Edmonton. In 1911, he opened the district’s first store and Post Office, and changed his name to HAYTHORNE reputedly because of problems with the Canadian Postal Authorities. In 1915, he sold the store and Post Office to devote himself full-time to his real love - farming. Today, the F R Haythorne Junior High School, named after him, is on this land.

k = (1)Elizabeth Jane REED [1277] b 4 May 1872, m 18 Apr 1906 reg Kendal, d 23 Feb 1928

l Thomas Reed HAYTHORNE [1280] b 6 Nov 1907 Edmonton. d 28 Aug 1998 Vancouver. Minister of Religion: The Oxford Group.

l = Lydia Jane FARRELL [1457] b 16 Jun 1911, m 18 Feb 1943, d 10 Nov 2006 Vancouver

m Allan Richard HAYTHORNE [1458] b 5 Dec 1943. 2000: of Victoria, BC

m = Elisabeth Dianne EVESON b 6 Jan 1942 m Jun 1964

n Child, name not known

m Grace Elizabeth HAYTHORNE [1459] b 30 Jun 1946

m = Henry Steffen BERGMAN b 23 Feb 1944 m 12 Oct 1968

n David Steffen BERGMAN b 30 Jul 1974

n Sarah Jane Elizabeth BERGMAN b 11 Sep 1979

m John Stephen HAYTHORNE [1463] b 1 Jul 1949

m = Judith Marion WALKER b 6 Aug 1950 m 28 Dec 1974

n Danielle Jean HAYTHORNE b 18 Feb 1980

n Alex HAYTHORNE b 23 Nov 1983

m Ruth Margaret HAYTHORNE [1466] b 30 Oct 1950

m Paul Michael HAYTHORNE [1467] b 25 Jul 1959


l George Vickers HAYTHORNE [1278] b 29 Sep 1909 Salisbury, Alberta, d 22 Nov 2002. Had a distinguished career, including a spell (1961-1969) as Deputy Minister of Labour in the Canadian Government. 2000: of Vanier, Ontario

l = Ruth Irene RICHAN [1279] b 13 Aug 1911, m 27 Jun 1938, d 4 Jun 2010 Ottawa

m Elinor Ruth HAYTHORNE [1468] b 6 Sep 1941 2003: in Ottawa

m = Volkmar (Mark) MUELLER b 14 May 1944, m 2 Sep 1967

n Derek Richan MUELLER b 22 May 1972

n = Kathryn BREEN b 13 Jul 1974, m 24 Sep 2002

n Andrea Beuth MUELLER b 17 Dec 1974

n = Murray RICHARDSON b 23 Sep 1977, m 18 Jun 2002

m Eric George HAYTHORNE [1470] b 5 Apr 1946 2010: of Lenox, Massachusetts

m =(1) Naomi JAMES m 4 Sep 1990

m =(2) Carol Forsyth MICHEY m 28 Sep 2002

k = (2) Winifred Isabel McKITRICK [1281] b 17 Jan 1897, m 31 Dec 1929, d 9 Nov 1963

l Richard Gordon HAYTHORNE [1280] b 26 Nov 1931, d 1996

l = Margaret Ellison BLACK b 7 Sep 1930, m 29 Jul 1961, d 29 Oct 1999

m Gordon David HAYTHORNE b 10 Sep 1963, d 21 Nov 2002 Chilliwack, BC

m Ann Margaret HAYTHORNE [4102] b 5 Jan 1966

m = Ken GOUDSWAART b 10 Apr 1962

n Myles Jacob GOUDSWAART b 28 Aug 1994

n Spencer Richard GOUDSWAART b 28 Jan 1997


l Donald Francis HAYTHORNE [1282] b 11 Sep 1933, m 27 May 1960 2006: in Delta, British Columbia. 2011: Don and Myriam came to visit the compiler of this document at his home in Rothley

l =(1) Geraldine SENECTCHKO [1285 b 5 Apr 1937

m Leanna Rae HAYTHORNE [1473] b 5 Jun 1962

m = Anil NAIDOO b 19 Sep 1962

n Rohin Vikram Francis HAYTHORNE-NAIDOO b 21 Nov 2001

n Daughter b 26 Jan 2005

m Rayna Lynn HAYTHORNE [1474] b 27 May 1966

l =(2) Myriam LABERGE

l Owen Elmer HAYTHORNE [1284] b 8 Jun 1940 2000: of Cookstown, Ontario

l =(1) Susan BAZUIK

m Cynthia Lee BAZUIK b 27 Nov 1972

m = Brian HINKEL m 3 Aug 1996

n McKenzie Charlotte HINKEL b 21 Apr 1998

n Alyssa Jane HINKEL b 2 Jan 2001

l =(2) Joyce ANON

k Thomas Edward (Ted) HAYTHORNTHWAITE DCM [1287] b 7 Oct 1882 Roeburndale, reg Lunesdale, d 30 Sep 1918 Cambrai, France. 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 at Cowdber Farm, Burrow with Burrow, b Melling. 1901 Census: Farmer's Son age 18 with parents at Burrow, b Roeburndale. Emigrated to Canada and received a Land Grant of one eighth section (80 acres) near Excelsior, Alberta. It was at Excelsior that he registered to join the 49th Battalion, Canadian Infantry in the First World War. He was awarded a DCM.. The citation reads “For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during the attack north of Parvillers, on 13th and 14th August, 1918. Whilst the bombing squad was trying to clear an enemy block, he, in the face of intense machine-gun fire and bombs, operated his gun with great courage and freely exposing himself. When the objective was reached, he advanced alone and bombed a German machine-gun post, putting the gun out of action. He did splendidly.” He later died in France on 30 Sep 1918, just before the end of the war.

k Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1288] b 3 Nov 1884 reg Lunesdale, d 1964? 1891 Census: Scholar age 6 at Cowdber Farm. 1901 Census: age 16 with parents in Burrow, b Roeburndale

k = Joshua BOLLAND [1289] (cousin) b abt 1878 Kirkby Malham, m(1) 1914 to Alice PRESTON, m abt Sep 1939 Tunstall St John the Baptist reg Lunesdale

k Jamesb1886 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1290] b 7 Nov 1886 Wray, reg Lunesdale, d 18 Nov 1953(1?). [d abt Dec 1951 age 65 reg Worth Valley?] 1891 Census: age 4 at Cowdber farm. 1901 Census: Farmer's son, age 14, with parents at Burrow, b Roeburndale. Later, Farmer.

k = Ruth WILSON b 12 Dec 1884, m abt Jun 1914 Lunesdale, d abt Sep 1977 reg Bradford

l Thomasb1917 Wilson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1292] b 2(0?) Aug 1917 Settle, d abt May 1992, reg Torbay. Pilot for Britannia Airways.

l = Eveline MARSDEN [1293] b 14 Feb 1921, m abt Dec 1943 Great Marsden St John the Evangelist reg Nelson, d abt Jan 2002 reg Nth Yorkshire. 2000: in Ripon.

m Brian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3133] b 5 Nov 1942 reg Nelson, d abt Dec 1981 reg Burnley/Pen

m = Carol A COOK m abt Jun 1963 reg Nelson

n Mary Louise HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3135] b abt Jun 1966 reg Nelson, d abt Mar 1969 age 2 reg Barton

n Linda HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1967 reg Nelson

n Wendy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1970 reg Burnley. 2000: in Nelson.

n Markb1973 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1973 reg Burnley

m David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Nov 1945 Nelson. 2000: Pharmaceutical Consultant at Chester

m = Susan B ACKROYD m abt Sep 1968 reg N Walsham

n Paul Russell HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Oct 1970 reg Folkestone. 2001: in Basingstoke. 2005: in High Wycombe

n =(div) Anon [TORR m abt Sep 2003 reg Chiltern?]

n Frances Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 22 Dec 1972 reg Dover

n = Mathew J DRAPER m abt Jun 1999 reg Cheshire Est.

o Thomas Edward DRAPER b 30 Oct 2004 Hale, Cheshire

n Emily Carol HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Mar 1975 reg Canterbury. 2005: in Brighton.

n = Duncan OAKDEN m 8 Oct 2005 reg New Forest

n Alison Rachael HAYTHORNTHWAITE PhD b 19 Feb 1978 Buntingford, reg Bishop Stortford. 2001: in Chester. 2005: Post Doctoral Research Fellow in School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane.

m Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 Oct 1949 in Pakistan. [Note: being born abroad, this Jean’s birth does not appear in the normal St Caths index. There was another Jean, also b1949, who does appear in St Caths., thus causing some confusion]

m = Terrence KIERNAN b 20 Sep 1949, m 17 Apr 1976 reg Bracknell

n Christopher Francis KIERNAN b 16 Jul 1981

n Sarah Jane KIERNAN b 6 Dec 1983

l Ruth HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1919 Horton in Ribblesdale, Yorks, reg Settle. 2000: At Bradford, Yorks. A helpful informant.

l Helen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Mar 1915 Settle

l = Herbert CALVERT b 17 Aug 1912 m 22 Feb 1938 reg Skipton

m David Owram CALVERT b 30 Oct 1940

m James Alec CALVERT b 10 Apr 1942

l Mary Isabel HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 17 Feb 1924 Lunesdale d 18 Jan 1974

l = Herbert FIELDING m 26 Jul 1958 reg Staincliffe

k Robertb1889 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1299] b 30 May 1889 Lonsdale d 24 Aug 1970 reg Lancaster Farmer at Robinson House, Burrow, with his father, then at Old Park Side at Quernmore, Lancaster. 1891 Census: age 1 at Cowdber Farm. 1901 Census: at Burrow, age 11, b Roeburndale.

k = Nancy BURTON b 18 Aug 1909 Ravenstonedale m 25 Nov 1935 d 24 Aug 1998 Ulverston

l Thomas Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 22 Dec 1936, d 12 Jan 1960 age 23 reg Lancaster

l Dorothy Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1482] b 31 Aug 1938 Lunesdale

l = Gerald Playford STANCEY [1967] m 11 Sep 1961 Lancaster St Thomas

m Jane STANCEY b 23 Nov 1961

m Sarah STANCEY b 15 Sep 1964

l Norah Marjorie HAYTHORNTHWAITE B Pharm b 24 Feb 1940 Lunesdale 2001: at Carlton, Leyburn, N. Yorks. Regulatory Consultant to the Pharmaceutical Industry

l = James Edgar ("Ted") LIGHTOWLER BSc Lt RNVR m 27 Feb 1965 reg St Albans

l Enid Nancy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1484] b 10 Sep 1942 Lunesdale. 2001: at Levens, Cumbria

l = James William LOOKER b 20 Jul 1908, m 2 Oct 1971 Lancaster Christ Church, reg Lancaster

k Williamb1892 Maudsley HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1301] b 16 Jan 1892 Burrow with Burrow, reg Lunesdale, d 13 Apr 1972 reg Claro. 1901 Census: at Burrow, age 9, b Burrow with Burrow. 1911 Census: Undergraduate age 19 at Manchester University, b Wray. Later, teacher at Whitley Bay, Yorks. Researched family tree of this branch of the family

k = Doris MORPHET b 3 Aug 1896, m Sep 1919 Knaresborough, d 1 Nov 1977 reg Bath

l Joan Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Jul 1920 Knaresborough d 15 Oct 1981

l = Denman WHATLEY m abt Mar 1949 reg Claro



l Robert Morphet HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1303] b 5 May 1922 Tynemouth, d 24 Feb 2007. Emigrated to USA. 2000: Professor Emeritus of Engineering Science at Temple University, Philadelphia, living at Jenkintown, PA. Founder, in 1969, and first President of the American Academy of Mechanics. In 1984 spent time at Lancaster University, England, and circulated many of the Haythornthwaites in England at that time, publishing a list.

l = Beatrice Mary SWIFT m 29 Mar 1952 reg Sheffield

m Richardb1953 Swift HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Dec 1953 Boston, Mass

m Jennifer Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Aug 1957 Boston, Mass. 2004: at Gibson Island, MD

m = John WALKUP

m Susan Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Jun 1959 Rhode Island.

m Sheila Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Jul 1964 Michigan. 2004: at Galeton, PA

m = Robert GLESMANN

n Andrew GLESMANN b 23 Nov 2005

n Natalie GLESMANN b 14 Apr 2010

k George Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1308] b 5 Jul 1894 reg Lunesdale, d abt Dec 1896 reg Lunesdale, age 2

Tenth Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j William James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1309] b 18 Apr 1854 Barkingate, Roeburndale, reg Lancaster, c 4 Jun 1854 Hornby, d 10 Nov 1855 Wray (in epidemic) age 1, reg Lancaster, bur 13 Nov 1855 Melling St Wilfrid

Eleventh Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Robertb1856 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1310] b 5 Dec 1856 Roeburndale, reg Lancaster, c 8 Feb 1857 Hornby, d 31 Mar 1934 Bentham, aged 77 reg Settle. 1861 Census: age 4 at Barkingate. 1871 Census: Farm Assistant age 14 at Quarry House, Rathmell, b Roeburndale. 1881 Census: at Hiles, Wigglesworth, Farmer of 127 acres, employing one boy, age 24, b Hornby, married to Elizabeth. 1891 Census: Widowed Farmer age 34 at Black Bank, Lawkland, b Wigglesworth (this is an error). 1901 Census: Farmer Grazier at Black Bank, Lawkland Entire, age 44, b Hornby, married to Isabel. 1911 Census: age 54 at Black Bank, Settle

j =(1) Elizabeth LISTER [1311] b abt 1856 Rathmell, Yorks., m abt Mar 1880 reg Settle, d 28 May 1890 Black Bank, Eldroth, age 35, reg Settle, bur Rathmell

k Julia HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1312] b abt Dec 1880 Long Preston, reg Settle, d abt Sep 1920 reg Lancaster age 39. 1891 Census: Age 10 with widowed father at Black Bank, Lawkland, b Wigglesworth. 1901 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter at Black Bank, Lawkland Entire, age 20, b Long Preston, Yorks. 1911 Census: age 30 at Black Bank

k Herbertb1882 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1314] b abt Mar 1882 Hiles, Wigglesworth, reg Settle, d 31 Oct 1945 age 63 reg Settle, bur Keasden, where a monumental inscription is in the churchyard. 1891 Census: age 9 with widowed father at Balck Bank, Lawkland, b Wigglesworth. 1901 Census: Farmer's son at Black Bank, Eldroth, Lawkland Entire, age 19, b Long Preston. 1911 Census: age 29 at Black Bank

k = Maggie WALLBANK m 3 Apr 1918 Settle, d 26 Dec 1954 age 62 reg Ewecross, bur Keasden in husband’s grave.

l Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 20 Aug 1919 Settle

l = Harold WALLBANK m 9 Nov 1940 reg Settle

l Elizabethb1925 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Apr 1925 Settle d 19 Dec 2002 age 77, bur Keasden

l = Robert GOTT m 22 Apr 1946 reg Settle

l Robertb1928 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1317] b 15 Apr 1928 Mewith Head, reg Settle. 2000: of Bentham One of the last Haythornthwaites farming in the Bowland area, though the farm has now been sold and is no longer in the family.

l = Elsie WRIGHT [1318] m 28 Aug 1952 Tatham Fells, The Good Shepherd, reg Lunesdale

m Johnb1953 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1319] b 5 Jul 1953 Lunesdale 2000: Of Mewith, Bentham. Postman.

m = Gail CLARKSON [1320] m 3 Jun 1978 Lancaster St Mary

n Jonathan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Jul 1982 reg Lancaster

m Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Nov 1956 reg Ewecross

m = Robert MASON m 15 May 1976 reg Ewecross

m Robertb1964 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Jan 1964 reg Ewecross. d Jul 1988 reg Lancaster, age 24 after an accident, bur Keasden in grandparents’ grave.

k Amelia HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1313] b abt Dec 1885 reg Settle. 1891 Census: age 5 with widowed father at Black Bank, Lawkland, b Lawkland. 1901 Census: Domestic Servant at Lawkland Entire, age 15, b Yorkshire. 1911 Census: Unmarried Domestic Servant age 25 on a Newhouse farm, Tosside, Clitheroe

k = Walter A CHANEY m abt Sep 1917 Settle. 4 children

[k Richard Thomas HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7637] b abt Jun 1887 reg Settle, d abt Sep 1887 age 0 reg Settle]

k Richardb1890 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2935] b 17 May 1890 reg Settle, d 9 Jun 1890, bur Rathmell, reg Settle, age 0

j =(2) Isabella THOMPSON [1974] b abt Mar 1870 Clapham reg Settle, m abt Mar 1901 Colne St Batholomew reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1943 age 76 reg Settle. 1901 Census: married at Lawkland, age 32, b Clapham, rec as Isabel. 1911 Census: Married 10yr age 41 at Black Bank, Clapham Station, b Clapham

Twelfth and Last Known Child of Johnb1807 of the Manor House, Hornby

j Elizabeth Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1314] b 11 Jul 1859 Barking Gate, Roeburndale, reg Lancaster, c 2 Aug 1859 Hornby St Margaret as Elizabeth. 1861 Census: age 1 at Barkingate. 1871 Census: Scholar age 11 at Quarry House, Rathmell, b Roeburndale. 1881 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter age 21, Visitor at Grocer’s Shop, Hornby, with her elder sister Agnes. 1891 Census: Wife age 31 with husband at Feizor, Browside, Lawkland, b Melling. (Also present was unmarried Visitor Marg. HAYTHORNTHWAITE, age 40, b Melling)

j = Joseph LAWSON m abt Jun 1881 Settle

Chapter 10

The Descendants of James of Foulds House, (1808-1869)

For the Forbears of James, see Chapter 6

The Burnley Cotton Weaving Branch

James left Slaidburn owing to pressure of numbers and hard times in farming. He turned to Methodism, and "quarried the stone" for the new Chapel School at Higham, nr Burnley. Several of his sons went into cotton weaving, building up two significant businesses from small beginnings. The graveyard at Higham Methodist Chapel contains several impressive tombs commemorating the very many members of the Haythornthwaite family who had connections with Higham.

James of Foulds House

i Jamesb1808 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1808 Batrix c 10 Mar 1808, m 28 Jan 1834 Slaidburn, d 10 May 1869 Heightside, nr Padiham, age 61, reg Burnley, bur. Higham Methodist Chapel. 1841 Census: Farmer age 30 at Woodhouse, Slaidburn. 1851 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 43 of Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn. In 1854 he inherited the sum of £3 on the death of his father William. At about this time, he moved away from Slaidburn, to Padiham. 1861 Census: Married Farmer of 48 Acres at Foulds House, Padiham

i = Mary HANSON, dr. of James and Jane Hanson of Hollins, b 1812, d 10 Dec 1884, reg Burnley, age 72, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1841 Census: age 25 with husband at Woodhouse, Slaidburn. 1861 Census: age 49 at Foulds House, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Widow age 59 at 16 Laneside, Higham (next door to Johnb1840), b Slaidburn. 1881 Census: Farmer’s Widow age 68, b Slaidburn, living at Brown Street West, Great & Little Marsden, with unmarried youngest son Robert.

First Child of James of Foulds House

j Williamb1834 [James?] HAYTHORNTHWAITE [270] b 27 April 1834 Hollins, (nr Slaidburn), Easington, c 25 May 1834 Holden Congregational Chapel, nr Bolton by Bowland, d 30 Apr 1906 Simonstone, age 72 reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1841 Census: age 7 at Woodhouse, Slaidburn. 1851 Census: Farm Servant age 16, b Slaidburn, at Hollins, working for the HANSON family. 1861 Census: Unmarried Carter and Agricultural Lab. age 25 in Higham Village in house of Henry WILKINSON, whose daughter Sarah he later married. 1871 Census: Married Farmer age 38 of Heirs(?) House, Colne, b Ollings(!), Yorks. 1881 Census: Married Farmer of 23 acres at Lower Clough, Barrowford, b Easington. [1891 Census: Widowed Farmer age 56 at Parrock House, Barrowford, b Easington, wrongly recorded as James?] 1901 Census: Retired Farmer at Old Hall Farm, Simonstone, living with his daughter and son-in-law, age 65, b Easington.

j = Sarah WILKINSON [280] b 9 Feb 1838 Higham, m abt Jun 1865 reg Burnley, d 26 May 1885, age 47, reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Daughter age 23 in Higham Village, b Higham. 1871 Census: Housewife age 34 at Heirs House, Colne, b Higham. 1881 Census: Farmer’s Wife age 43 at Barrowford, b Higham

k Henry Wilkinson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6372] b abt Sep 1866 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1866 age 0 Padiham reg Burnley

k Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [287] b 8 Aug 1869 Higham, reg Burnley 1868/3? m abt Jun 1896 reg Blackburn, d 24 Oct 1913 Caton, age 44, reg Burnley. 1871 Census: age 2 at Heirs House, Colne, b Higham. 1881 Census: Scholar age 12 at Barrowford, b Higham. 1891 Census: Unmarried age 22 at Parrock House, Barrowford, with “father James”, b Higham. 1901 Census: at Simonstone, age 31, b Higham.

k = Josephb1871 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Jul 1871 Caton, reg Lunesdale, d 13 Jan 1929 Caton, reg Lunesdale age 58. Grandson of Joseph and Bridget HARRISON, see earlier chapter. Marriage of third cousins. 1901 Census: Farmer at Old Hall Farm, Simonstone

l Hannahb1896 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Jul 1896 Great Harwood

l = William FULTON b 22 Jan 1893 Edinburgh d 29 Apr 1960

l Stephenb1897 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Dec 1897 d 1905 Simonstone

l Jane (Jenny) HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Oct 1904

l = Sydney THOMAS

l Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [410] b 18 Nov 1907 reg Burnley, d 24 Mar 1913

l Emma HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Nov 1911 Simonstone

l = Ben RILEY b 7 Jul 1911 Waterfoot

k Hannah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6381] b abt Jun 1872 Colne reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1873 age 1 West Derby

k Henry Garnett HAYTHORNTHWAITE [290] b abt Sep 1873 W. Derby, Liverpoold abt Jun 1952 age 78 reg Haslingden. 1881 Census: Scholar age 7 at Lower Clough, Barrowford, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: Unmarried age 18 at Parrock House, Barrowford, b Liverpool, rec as Garnett. 1901 Census: Married Wholesale Egg Fruit & Potato Merchant age 27 of 124 Manchester Road, Accrington, b Liverpool

k = Mary Hannah TRICKETT [2936] b abt Mar 1874 Accrington, reg Haslingden, , m 16 Aug 1899 Accrington St Peter reg Haslingden, d abt Mar 1960 age 87 reg Haslingden as Mary H. 1901 Census: married age 26 with husband, b Accrington

l Norman William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [543] b abt Jun 1903 reg Haslingden, m not found, d abt Jun 1963 age 60 reg Haslingden.

k Hannahb1876 (Anne) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [291] b abt Mar 1876 W. Derby, Liverpool. 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 at Lower Clough, Barrowford, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: Age 15 at Parrock House, Barrowford, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Domestic Help at Old Hall Farm, Simonstone, age 24, b Liverpool. She was assisting her first cousin Josephb1871 and elder sister Mary.

k = William HAWORTH [1427] m abt Jun 1904 Whalley St Mary reg Clitheroe

Second Child of James of Foulds House

j Jamesb1836 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [271] b 28 Feb 1836 Slaidburn, c 3 Apr 1836 Slaidburn St Andrew, d 6 Mar 1904 Brierfield, bur Higham Methodist Chapel, reg Burnley, age 68. 1841 Census: age 5 with parents at Woodhouse, Slaidburn. 1851 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Labourer age 15, b Slaidburn, at Higher Hayhead, Bolton-by-Bowland. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 25 in Higham. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 35 of Well Head, Higham, b Slaidburn. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 48 at Calder Vale, Barrowford Booth, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 56 of 8 Dixon Street, Barrowford Booth, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver of 214 Colne Road, Brierfield, age 65, b Slaidburn

j = Mary LIVESEY b abt 1839 Higham, m 16 Nov1861 Padiham St Leonard reg Burnley, d 22 Aug 1924, bur Higham, age 85, reg West Ward (Cumbria). (Jamesb1836, Mary, John William, Martha Ann and Johnb1878 all share a legible gravestone in Higham Chapel.) 1871 Census: Married, Attending House Duties at Well Head, Higham, age 32, b Higham. 1881 Census: Wife age 43 at Calder Vale, Barrowford Booth, b Higham. 1891 Census: Married age 52 with husband in Barrowford Booth, b Padiham. 1901 Census: Housewife age 62 in Brierfield, b Higham.

k John William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [815] b abt Jun 1862 Higham, reg Burnley. d 7 Aug 1877, age 15, reg W Derby, bur Higham. 1871 Census: age 8 at Well Head, Higham, b Higham

[k Sarah Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1864 reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1864 age 0 Padiham reg Burnley?]

k Emma Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [289] b abt Dec 1866 Higham reg Burnley, m abt Jun 1896 Burnley Register Office. 1871 Census: age 4 at Well Head, Higham, b higham. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver age 14, b Higham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 24 with parents in Barrowford Booth, b Higham

k = Albert HOWARTH [3154]

k Lois HAYTHORNTHWAITE [293] b abt Mar 1869 Higham, reg Burnley. 1871 Census: age 2 at Well Head, Higham, b Higham. 1881 Census: Scholar age 12 b Higham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 22 with parents in Barrowford Booth, b Higham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver of Brierfield, age 32, b Higham

k = John ROBINSON m abt Dec 1908 Trinity Methodist Chapel, Reedyford, reg Burnley. 1911 Census: Married Farmer age 54 at Copy Hill, Shap, b Greystoke, Cumb

k Sarah Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3114] b abt Sep 1872 Higham reg Burnley. 1881 Census: Scholar age 8 b Higham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 18 with parents in Barrowford Booth, b Higham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver of Brierfield, age 28, b Higham. Note that, in this household, the name in the 1901 Census was spelt HAYTHORNETHWAITE

k = Moses SHUTTLEWORTH [3225] m abt Mar 1908 reg Burnley

k Martha Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1092] b abt Dec 1878 Higham reg Burnley, d 4 Feb 1962 aged 83, bur Higham Methodist Chapel, reg Fylde. m abt Sep 1904 reg Burnley. Married her first cousin, see below. 1881 Census: age 2 b Higham. 1891 Census: Scholar age 12 in Barrowford Booth, b Higham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver of Brierfield, age 22, b Higham

k = Johnb1878 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Jul 1878 reg Burnley, d 27 Apr 1970 aged 91, bur HighamMethodist Chapel, reg Fylde.

Third Child of James of Foulds House

j Georgeb1837 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [272] b 1 Oct 1837 Dovenanter, Clapham, reg Settle c 10 Dec 1837 Slaidburn. [Note he was born in Clapham, but baptised back in Slaidburn. This may account for the rather erratic account of his birthplace in Census records.] d 26 Apr 1904 Higham, age 66, reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1841 Census: age 3 with parents in Woodhouse, Slaidburn. 1851 Census: Agricultural Labourer’s Son age 13 at Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Clapham. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 23 in Higham, b Clapham. 1871: Cotton weaver, of Sagar Hill, Higham, age 30, b Slaidburn. 1881: Farmer 12.5 acres, Danefold, Higham, age 43, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: Farmer, married to Fanny, at 5 Cross Street, Higham, age 63, b Slaidburn, recorded as HAYTHORNWAITE, b Slaidburn.

j =(1) Ellen STARKIE [282] b abt Mar 1839 Higham reg Burnley, m abt Jun 1867 reg Burnley, d 9 Jun 1891, age 52, reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1881 Census: Farmer’s wife, age 42, b Higham.

k Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [816] b abt Jun 1868 Higham, reg Burnley. 1881 Census: Scholar age 12 with parents at Danefold, b Higham

k = Richard HIGGIN m abt Dec 1890 reg Burnley

k Esther Hannah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [294] b abt Dec 1869 Higham, reg Burnley. 1881 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents at Danefold, b Higham. 1901 Census: Married age 31 with husband at Jackson Fold, Higham, b Higham

k = John CAPSTICK [3115] b abt 1869 Higham, m abt Sep 1896 Burnley Register Office. 1901 Census: Married Grocer/Shopkeeper age 32 at Jackson Fold, Higham, b Higham

j =(2) Fanny QUINEY [3116] b abt 1846 Preston Capes, Northampton, m abt Jun 1898 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1930 age 84 reg Burnley. 1901 Census: Married at Higham, age 54, b Northampton. 1911 Census: Widowed Breadbaker age 64 at Cross Street, Higham, b Preston Capes, Northants

Fourth Child of James of Foulds House

j Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [274] b 18 May 1839 Dovenanter, Clapham, reg not found, c 30 Jun 1839 Slaidburn, d 12 Mar 1895. 1841 Census: age 2 with parents in Woodhouse, Slaidburn. 1851 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents at Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Clapham. 1871 Census: Married age 31, with husband at Laneside, Higham, b Clapham. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 41 in Marsden, living next door to widowed mother Mary.

j = Robert HORNE [283] b abt Dec 1840 reg Burnley, m abt Sep 1860 Burnley Register Office. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 41 in Marsden.

k = Mary Jane HORNE b 1862 d 10 Dec 1893

k = Hannah HORNE b 1864 d 14 Dec 1894

Fifth Child of James of Foulds House

j Johnb1841 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [273] b 13 Jan 1841 Higher Wood House, Slaidburn, reg Clitheroe, c 28 Feb 1841 Slaidburn, d abt Dec 1912 age 71 reg Burnley. 1841 Census: age 4m with parents at Woodhouse, Slaidburn [this entry seems incompatible with the birth and christening dates above, whose year should presumably be 1840.] 1851 Census: Scholar age 10 at Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver age 20 at Higham, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Cotton Weaver of Sagar Hill, Higham, age 30 b Slaidburn, Yorks. 1881 Census: Farmer of 30 acres at Monk Hey, Reedley Hallows, Lancs., age 40, b Slaidburn. 1891 Census: Married Farmer age 50 at Monkhey Farm, Reedley Hallows, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: not found.

j = Ellen HARTLEY [284] b abt 1843 (or abt 1850?) Higham m abt Sep 1869 reg Burnley [d abt Mar 1910 age 60 reg Burnley? This may be a misprint for 66.]. 1881: Farmer’s wife at Monk Hey, Reedley Hallows, age 37 b Higham. 1891 Census: Housewife age 47 at Monkhey Farm, b Higham.

k Jamesb1870 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [51] b abt Mar 1870 Higham, reg Burnley, m abt Dec 1898 Burnley, [d abt Jun 1951 age 81 reg Nelson or d abt Sep 1943 age 73 reg Nelson. As well as this James, there was also in Burnley Jamesb1869, born in Thornley. It is hard to decide which death record applies.] 1881 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents at Monk Hey, b Higham. 1899: Cotton coloured goods manufacturer Burrows, Overton and Haythornthwaite of Hollin Bank Shed, Brierfield, of which he was partner, made arrangements with its creditors. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver at Monkhey Farm, age 21, b Higham. 1901 Census: Cotton Cloth Looker of Brierfield, age 31, b Higham

k = Ellen ASHTON b abt Dec 1871 Brierfield reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1954 age 82 reg Nelson. 1901 Census: at Brierfield, age 28, b Brierfield

l Elma HAYTHORNTHWAITE [302] b 5 Mar 1900 Brierfield, reg Burnley. d abt Dec 1976 reg Burnley/Pen. Unmarried.

l Sarah Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [303] b abt Sep 1903 reg Burnley. d abt Sep 1960 age 57 reg Nelson. Unmarried.

l Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [307] b 8 Dec 1906 reg Burnley, d Aug 1982 reg Burnley. Unmarried

l Johnb1910 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [304] b 11 Sep 1910 reg Burnley, d abt Jul 1992 reg Burnley/Pen, 1911 Census: age 7m with parents

l = Rose M MOORE m abt Jun 1945 reg Nelson

m Roger HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3724] b abt Mar 1948 reg Nelson. Unmarried? 2006: in Barrowford

m Linda HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3725] b 20 Jan 1951 reg Nelson. Unmarried. 1970: in Canada.

n Geoffrey James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4004] b 8 Sep 1982 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

l Robertb1914 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [305] b abt Jun 1914 reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1973 reg Blackpool.

l = Doreen BALDWIN b 6 Sep 1920 m abt Jun 1942 reg Nelson d abt Mar 1975 reg Blackpool/F

m Janet HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1947 reg Nelson

m = Kevin LANE m abt Dec 1972 reg Blackpool

[k John Henry HAYTORNTHWAITE [6382] b abt Mar 1872 Padiham, reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1873 age 1 Padiham, reg Burnley]

k Hartley HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1093] b abt Mar 1874 Higham, reg Burnley d abt Jun 1883 Burnley, age 9. 1881 Census: Scholar age 7 at Monk Hey, Reedley Hallows, Burnley.

k Hanson HAYTHORNTHWAITE [301] b abt Jun 1876 Higham, reg Burnley. d abt Sep 1947 age 71 reg Nelson. 1881 Census: age 5 at Monk Hey. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 15 at Monk Hey, b Higham. 1901 Census: not found.

k = Sarah Ann DYSON [2956] b abt Jun 1876 reg Burnley, m abt Sep 1903 reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1942 age 65 reg Nelson

l Hartley HAYTHORNTHWAITE [309] b abt Sep 1904 Higham(?) reg Burnley. d abt Sep 1967 reg Burnley age 62

l = Elsie Annie WATKINSON b 22 Jul 1907 m abt Mar 1937 reg Nelson. d Jul 1992 reg Staincliffe. No issue?

l Mary ("Molly") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [311] b abt Mar 1907 reg Burnley

l = Frederick John JONES m abt Sep 1933 Sabden Heyhouses St Nicholas reg Burnley

l Marjorie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1052] b abt Sep 1908 reg Burnley, mmn DYSON, d abt Jun 1909 reg Burnley

l John Ingham HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Jan 1916 reg Burnley, d abt Oct 1995 reg Hyndburn/R.

l = Clara A RICHARDSON m abt Jun 1942 reg Nelson. 2000: in Nelson

m Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3121] b abt Mar 1944 reg Nelson

m = Roy BRADLEY [3122] m abt Sep 1963 Brierfield Methodist Church, reg Burnley

m Johnb1946 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1946 reg Nelson. 2000: in Nelson

m = Sandra SPARKS m abt Jun 1977 reg Burnley/Pen? No issue?

k Johnb1878 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [300] b abt Sep 1878 Reedley Hallows, reg Burnley, m abt Sep 1904 reg Burnley, (married his first cousin, see above), d 27 Apr 1970 aged 91, bur Higham. 1881 Census: age 2 at Monk Hey. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 12 at Monk Hey, b Reedley Hallows.

k = Martha Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1092] b abt Dec 1878 reg Burnley, d 4 Feb 1962 aged 83, bur Higham

l Mary Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1429] [b abt Sep 1906 reg Burnley?]

l Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [308] b abt Jun 1912 reg Leeds, d abt Mar 1913 reg Leeds age 0.

Richard Haythornthwaite, Cotton Manufacturer

This Richard is my own great grandfather, so I will give his story a little space. He started as a weaver at a Mill in Padiham and by dint of hard work rose to become tackler. My father used to tell how, after a long day in the mill, he walked down into Padiham to Night School, to give himself an education, though I am unsure as to precisely what stage of his life that was. At the rather advanced age of 45, he set up in business as a cotton weaver on his own account at Fir Trees Mill, Higham. My father also used to relate how, during his first year in business, he faced a strike by his employees. Hiring a large number of horses and carts, he took all his looms away with him to Burnley, leaving the strikers behind. He set up again in Springhill Sheds, with his brother Robert, as R & R Haythornthwaite which operated until his death in 1911. Several of his sons worked in the cotton business there and in 1904 they set up Haythornthwaite Bros. Ltd. and began weaving at Mount Pleasant Mill, at one time operating a total of about 1000 looms.

Richard's Obituaries stress his humble origins, "starting on the lowest rung of life", his long and ultimately successful struggle for economic success, and his fierce adherence to the cause of Temperance. Among the first to join the Band of Hope, he remained an enthusiastic temperance worker till the end of his life. Somewhat austere and undemonstrative in manner, and perhaps a little narrow in outlook, he had a dogged perseverance which is an example to us all.

Before he left Higham for Burnley, Richard lived at Wallet, a row of back-to-back cottages still standing today, though now much gentrified. Such was the size of his family that they occupied not one but two of the houses, knocked together to give the back door denied to most of the Wallet residents. Fir Trees Mill was just a few hundred yards down the hill.

Richard is buried at Higham Wesleyan Chapel. The graveyard of the Higham Wesleyan Chapel offers a most impressive set of tombstones and memorials for the very large number of Haythornthwaites who grew up in Higham. There are monumental inscriptions in a good state of preservation for around 30 members of the family.

Sixth Child of James of Foulds House

j Richardb1842 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [275] b 18 Oct 1842 at Blackburn, Lancs, (Birth not registered, apparently) c 20(6?) Feb 1843 Slaidburn. At Foulds House nr Padiham abt 1855, Burnley 1887, Cotton Mfr with brother Robert, as R&R Haythornthwaite, and Haythornthwaite Bros Ltd, Mount Pleasant Mill, Burnley, d 10 July 1911 Chorlton, age 68, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. See In Memoriam Album for photographs and obituaries. 1851 Census: Scholar age 8 at Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Blackburn. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver age 18 at Foulds House, b Slaidburn (birthplace in error). 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver, age 27, at Wallet, Higham, “b Higham” (this is incorrect). 1881 Census: Married Weaver age 38 at 13 Laneside, Higham, b Blackburn. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Manufacturer age 48 of 14 Berry Street, Burnley, b Blackburn. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Cloth Manufacturer of 2 Piccadilly Road, Burnley, age 58, b Blackburn. Recorded as "Rd", so index entry does not appear if you ask ONS for Richard. [Ancestry has him transcribed as Rd Haytham Thwaite].

j = Martha BRINNAND [285] b 9 Nov 1843 Higham, m abt Sep 1863 Burnley Reg Office, d 14 Dec 1909 Burnley, age 65, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1891 Census: Housewife age 47 at 14 Berry Street, Burnley, b Higham. 1901 Census: Housewife age 57 at 2 Piccadilly Road, Burnley, b Higham.

k Edwin James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [313] b 15 Dec 1863 Higham reg Burnley. 1881 Census: Weaver in Cotton Mill. Rose to become Town Clerk of Stoke Newington and Finsbury d 16 May 1952 bur Willesden New Cemetery, London, reg Willesden. Memorial at Higham Methodist Chapel. Although having 12 children, including 5 boys, Edwin had no male grandchildren, and so the name died out on this branch. 1891 Census: Married Clerk age 27 at 112 Healey Wood Road, Burnley, b Higham. 1901 Census: Married Incorporated Accountant (Accountant to Public Authority) age 37 at 6 Summerfield Street, Willesden, b Higham, Lancs. 1911 Census: Married Accountant age 47 at 13 Kingswood Ave, Willesden, b Higham

k = Martha Ann HIGGIN b abt Mar 1864 Sabden reg Clitheroe, m 14 Jun 1886 Higham, reg Burnley d 18 Feb 1950 aged 86, reg Willesden. Memorial at Higham. 1891 Census: Housewife age 27 with husband in Burnley, b Sabden. 1901 Census: Housewife age 37 in Willesdaen, b Sabden, Lancs. 1911 Census: Married age 47 with husband in Willesden, b Sabden

l Florence HAYTHORNTHWAITE [306] b abt Mar 1887 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1890 reg Burnley

l Thomas Lee HAYTHORNTHWAITE [315] b abt Sep 1888 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1889, age 1, reg Burnley

l Richardb1889 Horace HAYTHORNTHWAITE [316] b 2 Sep 1889 reg Burnley, d 30 Mar 1920 reg Willesden. 1891 Census: age 1 at Healeywood Road, Burnley. 1901 Census: age 11 in Willesden, b Burnley. 1911 Census: Unmarried Bank Clerk age 21 with parents in Willesden, b Burnley, rec as “Richard Sparice”

l = Elsie MARSDEN m abt Mar 1920 reg Paddington. No issue

l Eva HAYTHORNTHWAITE [318] b 15 Dec 1891 Burnley, d abt Jun 1967 age 75 reg Harrow. Unmarried. 1901 Census: age 9 in Willesden, b Burnley. 1911 Census: Unmarried age 19 with parents in Willesden, b Burnley

l Gladys HAYTHORNTHWAITE [319] b 3 Jul 1893 Burnley, d abt Dec 1974 reg Brent. Unmarried. 1901 Census: age 7 in Willesden, b Burnley. 1911 Census: Unmarried age 17 with parents in Willesden, b Burnley

l Allan HAYTHORNTHWAITE [320] b 2 Jun 1895 Burnley, d abt Jan 1968 reg Harrow. 1901 Census: age 5 in Willesden, b Burnley. 1911 Census: Scholar age 15 with parents in Willesden, b Burnley

l = Margaret BRAIN m abt Jun 1930 reg Brentford.

m Hannahb1931 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1931 reg Hendon, d abt Mar 1931 age 0 reg Hendon.

l Jenny HAYTHORNTHWAITE [322] b 1 Apr 1897 Burnley, Wedding of first cousins, m abt Jun 1923 reg Paddington as Jeany. 1901 Census: age 4 in Willesden, b Burnley. 1911 Census: age 14 with parents in Willesden, b Burnley

l = Granville COOKE b 21 Jan 1891, Son of Mary Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE, see below

m Alan COOKE Of Whalley, Lancs.

m = Eileen ANON

m Brian COOKE General Practitioner. 2001: in Simonstone, Lancs

m = Lilian ANON

l Edwin HAYTHORNTHWAITE [323] b 26 Dec 1899 Hendon, d abt Dec 1983 reg Somerset W. 1901 Census: age 1 in Willesden, b Willesden. 1911 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents in Willesden, b Willesden

l = Eileen COOPER m abt Sep 1939 Hendon. No issue

l Alice Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [324] b 5 Dec 1901 Hendon. 1911 Census: age 9 with parents in Willesden, b Willesden l = Stanley John LACEY m abt Jun 1928 reg Paddington

m Robert LACY b 1941

l Dorothy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [325] b 7 Sep 1903 Hendon. 1911 Census: age 7 with parents in Willesden, b Willesden

l = Edgar WILSON m abt Sep 1925 reg Paddington

m Richard Wilson b 1937

l William Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [326] b 2 Dec 1906 Hendon, m abt Jun 1934 reg Hendon, d Oct 1997 reg Bury St Edmunds, rec as HAYTHORN. 1911 Census: age 4 with parents in Willesden, b Willesden.

l = Muriel Frances HORLICK b 27 Mar 1907, d Nov 1997 Bury St Edmunds. No issue

l Norah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [327] b 5 Aug 1909 reg Hendon. 1911 Census: age 1 with parents in Willesden, b Willesden

l = Charles COOPER m abt Sep 1935 reg Hendon

m Margaret COOPER b 1939

k John Thomas HAYTHORNTHWAITE [336] b 6 Dec 1864 Higham, reg Burnley, d 18 Jul 1947, age 82 reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1891 Census: Married Power Loom Overlooker age 26 of Laithe Street, Burnley, b Higham. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Warp Sizer of 120 Healey Wood Road, Burnley, age 36, b Higham

k = Mary Ellen DYSON b abt Sep 1865 Barrowford reg Burnley, m 8 Apr 1890 Wesley Chapel, Burnley, d 1 Jan 1923 aged 58, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 26, at Laithe Street, Burnley, b Barrowford. 1901 Census: Housewife age 36 at 120 Healey Wood Road, Burnley, b Barrowford.

l Walter HAYTHORNTHWAITE [339] b abt Jun 1891 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1949 age 58 reg Burnley. 1901 Census: age 9 with parents, b Burnley.

l = Edith Alice WILLAN b 23 Apr 1891, m abt 1913 Burnley, d abt Dec 1972 reg Burnley, bur 12 Oct 1972 Burnley Cemetery age 81

m Edwin HAYTHORNTHWAITE [340] b 23 Dec 1913 Burnley, d Jul 1987 reg Worthing.

m = Gertrude Teresa GITTINS b 2 Dec 1903 m abt Dec 1950 Burnley. a abt Sep 1975 reg Worthing. No issue.

k Mary Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [341] b 30 Oct 1866 Higham reg Burnley, d 6 Nov 1954

k = William Ellis COOKE [342] m abt Dec 1888 Burnley St Alban (St Paul) reg Burnley, d 25 Apr 1952 aged 82

l Hannah COOKE

l Granville COOKE b 21 Jan 1891

l = Jenny HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 1 Apr 1897 daur of Edwin James, see above. Wedding of first cousins

l Doris COOKE b 8 Apr 1899, d 1904 of scarlet fever

l Christina COOKE d1967

l = Anon RILEY

m Joan RILEY

m = Anon SCOTT

n Carole SCOTT b1959 London. 2009: Nr Edinburgh

n = Anon SYKES

k Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [354] b 14 Feb 1868 Higham, reg Burnley, d 2 Aug 1950, "Higham", Paignton, bur Higham, age 82, reg Totnes. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver Overlooker age 23 with parents at 14 Berry Street, Burnley, b Higham. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Loom Overlooker age 33 of 122 Healey Wood Road, Burnley, b Higham. (He was straddled by two of his brothers)

k = (1) Ellen HANSON b abt Mar 1868 reg Burnley, m 1 Jun 1895 Wesley Chapel, Burnley, d 12 Oct 1924 aged 56, bur Higham, reg Burnley. No issue. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 33 b Burnley.

k = (2) Helen Dykes SCOTT, m abt Jun 1928 reg Burnley, d 24 Jan 1955 Paignton, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. No issue

k William Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE [357] b 19 Jan 1870 Higham, reg Burnley, d 12 May 1947 age 77 reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver at 14 Berry Street, Burnley, b Higham. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Overlooker of 124 Healey Wood Road, Burnley, age 31, b Higham. (There were 3 HAYTHORNTHWAITE houses in a row, William Edward, Arthur and John Thomas, at 120, 122 and 124 Healey Wood Road.)

k = Ada WHITTAKER b abt Jun 1869 Burnley, m abt Jun 1896 reg Burnley, d 19 Aug 1950 aged 81 bur Higham Methodist Chapel. No issue. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 31 at 124 Healey Wood Road, b Burnley.

k Wilfrid HAYTHORNTHWAITE [359] b 15 Mar 1872 Higham, reg Burnley, d 7 Jun 1953 age 81 Morecambe reg Lancaster, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 19 with parents at 14 Berry Street, Burnley, b Higham. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Mill Manager of 14 Thursby Road, Burnley, age 29, b Higham. Visited Central Africa in 1912 and, according to family tradition, "saw the Victoria Falls", something of an adventure in those days.

k =(1) Evalina WHITEHEAD b 1868 Haggate, Burnley, m abt Sep 1899 reg Burnley, d 28 Feb 1943 aged 75 reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. No issue. 1901 Census: Housewife age 35 b Haggate.

k =(2) Emily WADE [361] b abt 1880, m abt Sep 1948 Sandylands Methodist reg Lancaster, d abt Dec 1950 Morecambe. No issue.

k Ephraim HAYTHORNTHWAITE [362] b 14 July 1873 Higham, reg Burnley Cotton Manufacturer at Mount Pleasant Mill, Burnley, d 26 Nov 1953 Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 17 of 14 Berry Street, Burnley, b Higham. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Manufacturer Salesman of Burnley, age 27, b Higham

k = Lydia HANDLEY b 30 May 1875 Church, m 1 Sep 1900 Wesley Chapel, Burnley, d 16 Dec 1933 Burnley, bur Higham. 1901 Census: Married Baker, age 25, b Accrington

l Georgeb1902 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [536] b 10 Mar 1902 Burnley, d 12 Jul 1990 reg Blackpool. Of Burnley and Padiham.

l = Elizabeth (“Betty”) MYERS [545] b 30 Jun 1900, m abt Jun 1927 Burnley, d 28 May 1971 reg Burnley.

m Sheila HAYTHORNTHWAITE [537] b 1 Jun 1930

m = Peter Ward SUTCLIFFE b 27 Nov 1931, Burnley m abt Sep 1955 Wesley Chapel, Burnley, d 20 Aug 1984 Burnley

n Kathryn Margaret SUTCLIFFE b 3 Sep 1959 Family genealogist

n = Peter Christopher YATES m abt Sep 1981 reg Burnley/Pen

o Rachel Elizabeth YATES b Nov 1985 reg Burnley/Pen

o Richard Peter YATES b Jan 1990 reg Burnley/Pen

n Jennifer Elizabeth SUTCLIFFE b 3 Aug 1961

n = Jonathan COCHRANE

o Edward COCHRANE b Nov 1997

m Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [538] b abt Jun 1933 Burnley

m = Peter John BARBER [819] m abt Sep 1957 Burnley Wesley Chapel

n Simon BARBER b 1960

n Richard BARBER b 1962

l Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [534] b 8 Sep 1905 Burnley, d 11 Feb 1985 Southport, reg Sefton North

l = Muriel Dawson PINDER b 20 May 1915, m 31 Oct 1936 Burnley, d abt Nov 1998 reg Sefton North.

m Muriel Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1942 Burnley, c 4 Oct 1942 Burnley St Stephen

m = Ernest F RODGERS m abt Sep 1963 reg Southport

l Frank HAYTHORNTHWAITE [535] b 22 Mar 1910 Burnley, d 4 Apr 1988 Burnley, bur Read Church (MI). Cotton Manufacturer, Joint Managing Director of Haythornthwaite Bros. Ltd., at Mount Pleasant Mill, Burnley.

l = Kathleen Mary KENWAY [548] b 30 Oct 1914 at Burnley, m abt Sep 1937 Burnley Wesley Chapel, d 26 Jan 1966 Read, Burnley, bur Read Church (MI)

m Peter Kenway HAYTHORNTHWAITE BA(Cantab) MA(Lancaster) [365] b 12 March 1943 Nelson. At Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge. Compiler of this tree. 2001: of Rothley, Leicestershire

m = Helen Catherine CHESTERTON b 2 Nov 1943 East Sheen, m 30 Oct 1971 East Sheen

n Charles Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE BSc MSc PhD [549] b 21 May 1973 Sabden Great Hall, Newchurch in Pendle, reg Burnley. Physicist, Specialising in Photonics. 2001: Account Manager for ADC Telecoms, living in Hampshire. 2004: at UCLA Berkeley, California. 2008: Vice President Investments for Chrysalix Clean Technology in Vancouver

n = Barbara GUIDA b 29 Aug 1971 Schio, Vincenza, Italy, m 21 Jul 2005 Otranto Cathedral, Puglia, Italy

o Chiara Helen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 19 Dec 2007 Los Angeles

o Giorgia Emily HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6994] b 16 Apr 2010 Vancouver BC

n Alice Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE BA b 24 Feb 1976 Grundisburgh, Suffolk, reg Ipswich. 2001: News Reporter for Accountancy Magazine, living in West Kensington, London

n = Allister NIXON b 23 Apr 1971 Johannesburg, South Africa, m 2 Jul 2004 Prestwold St Andrew, Leicestershire

o James Luke NIXON [4331] b 8 May 2006 Brentford, reg Hounslow, c 25 Feb 2007 Cramond Kirk, Edinburgh

o Sophie Holly NIXON [5841] b 20 Dec 2008 Reading, c 5 Jul 2009 Prestwold St Andrew, Leicestershire

k Martha HAYTHORNTHWAITE [364] b 6 Jul 1875 Higham, reg Burnley, d 21 Apr 1946 aged 70. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 15 at 14 Berry Street, Burnley, b Higham. Grandmother of Diana HENRY

k = Thomas SEDDON b 1874, m 12 Aug 1899 Wesley Chapel, Burnley, Hosiery Traveller, d 29 Jul 1950 aged 76

l Richard Haythornthwaite SEDDON

k Sarah Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [366] b abt Dec 1876 reg Burnley, d 17 Jun 1877 age 28 weeks, reg Burnley

k Hannahb1879 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [367] b abt Dec 1879 reg Burnley, d 8 Mar 1889 at 9 yrs

k Clara HAYTHORNTHWAITE [369] b 6 Nov 1882 Higham reg Burnley, d 18 Feb 1961. 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 at 14 Berry Street, Burnley, b Higham. 1901 Census: Unmarried at 2 Piccadilly Road, Burnley, age 18, with parents, b Higham

k = Thomas Burrows NUTTER b 1882 m 28 Jun 1916 d 14 Sep 1957 aged 75

l Arthur NUTTER In around 1950, he lived opposite the compiler of this tree when a small boy in Ladbrooke Grove, Burnley

k Ethel HAYTHORNTHWAITE [368] b abt Sep 1887 reg Burnley, d 27 Apr 1888 at 10 mths


The Grenfell Cloth Connection

On his return from America, Thomas, like his brothers Richard and Robert, set up a family textile business in Burnley. His son Walter developed a connection with the Methodist missionary doctor Sir Wilfred Grenfell, producing a special cloth to help him in his missionary work. In 1931 Sir Wilfred suggested that the fabric be marketed more widely as "Grenfell Cloth", and so the story was born. Haythornthwaite & Sons Ltd., set up to market this product, was sold to Japanese interests in 1991, but Grenfell garments are still made, and David HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Burnley is still the holder of the Royal Warrant.

The graves of several members of this branch are in the graveyard at Higham Methodist Chapel

Seventh Child of James of Foulds House

j Thomasb1845 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [276] b 27 Nov 1845 Slaidburn, reg Clitheroe, d 18 Jan 1935 age 89 reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1851 Census: Scholar age 5 at Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver age 15 at 1 Foulds House, Heightside, Padiham, b Slaidburn. 1869: Went to USA, arriving in New York on 27 Sep 1869 with his pregnant wife Mary and her parents, Robert and Agnes. 1870 Census: In Iowa. Returned to UK in abt 1877. 1881 Census: Cowkeeper at Wavertree, Liverpool . 1891 Census: Loom Tackler age 45 at 34 Berry Street, Burnley, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: Cotton weaver in Burnley. In 1908 he started a cotton weaving business in Burnley as T Haythornthwaite & Sons Ltd.

j = Mary WHITAKER b 1846 Padiham, m 28 Mar 1869 reg Burnley, d 31 Dec 1927, reg Burnley, age 81, bur Higham Methodist Chapel

k Mary Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Oct 1870 USA, d 15 July 1886 Wavertree, age 16, reg W Derby, bur Wavertree Holy Trinity, MI at Higham Methodist Chapel

k Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Iowa abt 1873, presumably. I have so far found no trace of him in the UK record, but, if he did not die in infancy, he must have returned to the UK with his parents. Does not appear in 1881 Census for Wavertree.

k Thomasb1875 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [375] b 28 Oct 1875 Iowa, USA, d 16 May 1960 Blackpool, bur Higham, age 84. 1901 Census: Superintendant Life Assurance Agents of Darwen, age 25, b Iowa USA (recorded as HAYTHORNWAITE)

k = Alice FIELDING [380] b abt Sep 1879 reg Blackburn, m abt Sep 1901 Darwen St John, d 2 Feb 1942, bur Higham, reg Blackpool, age 62. 1911 Census: age 32 in Burnley

k Walter HAYTHORNTHWAITE [376] b 12 Dec 1877 Liverpool, reg W Derby, d 21 May 1944 Burnley, reg Fylde, age 66, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver of Burnley, age 23. Later, Managing Director of Haythornthwaite & Sons Ltd., Lodge Mill, Burnley, manufacturers of the renowned Grenfell Cloth.

k =(1) Mary Ann CALVERT b 1880 m 6 Jun 1904(5?) (reg Jun 1905) Wesley Chapel Burnley, d 10 Jun 1936 aged 56 bur Higham Methodist Chapel

l Ruth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [383] b 18 Jul 1908 reg Burnley

l = Joseph KENDALL [384] m abt Jun 1934 Brierfield Methodist Chapel, reg Burnley

l Eric HAYTHORNTHWAITE [385] b 14 Jun 1914 Burnley, d abt Oct 1989 reg Knowsley

l =Dorothy BROCKBANK [386] b 23 Jun 1916 Nelson, m 22 Jun 1938 Brierfield Methodist Church reg Nelson

m Grace Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [387] b 9 July 1940 Burnley

m = John David CRAWLEY [388] b 6 Aug 1940, m abt Dec 1960 Brierfield Methodist Church reg Nelson

n David Grant CRAWLEY b 21 Apr 1970

n Jonathan Brett CRAWLEY b 1975

m David John HAYTHORNTHWAITE [539] b 31 May 1944 Burnley. Clothing Manufacturer. Holder of Royal Warrant for Grenfell.

m = Christine Mary BANNISTER [390] b 11 Oct 1943, m abt Sep 1966 Brierfield Methodist Church, reg Nelson

n Stephen Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 May 1970 reg Burnley. 2000: Computer Programmer for a Leeds Internet Company.

n = Geraldine POIGNANT b 22 Oct 1970 Laval, France. m 8 Sep 2001

o Zoé Annick Christine HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3046] b 20 May 2004 Pontefract

o Léonie Marie Rose HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 22 May 2007

n Sarah Dawn HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 29 Jun 1973 reg Burnley 2000: At Bluecoat Centre of Art, Liverpool.

n = Jonathan EDOLLS m 31 Jul 2004

k =(2) Margaret JOHNSON b 26 Jun 1897 Nelson, m abt Jun 1941 reg Nelson, d Jun 1986 reg Ulverston. Travelled to Africa, India and elsewhere concerning leprosy


k Ernest HAYTHORNTHWAITE [377] b 8 Nov 1879 Liverpool, reg W Derby, d 8 May 1951 age 71 reg Manchester, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver of Burnley, age 21

k = Blanche GREGORY b 1885 m abt Dec 1915 reg Burnley, d 9 Sep 1962, reg Burnley, age 77, bur Higham Methodist Chapel

l Stanley HAYTHORNTHWAITE [392] b 24 Sep 1916 Burnley, d abt Aug 1992 reg Burnley/Pen. Medical Practitioner in Nelson. No issue?

l = Mary Jane WALMSLEY [1941] m abt Sep 1941 Duckworth St United Reformed Church, Darwen. Medical Practitioner.

k Helena HAYTHORNTHWAITE [378] b 11 Apr 1883 W Derby, Liverpool, d 11 Feb 1982 reg Burnley/Pen, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. Unmarried.

k Albert HAYTHORNTHWAITE [379] b 24 Mar 1886 W Derby, d 25 Sep 1954 Colne, age 68 reg Nelson, bur Higham 1901 Census: Grocer's Assistant of Burnley, age 15.

k = Martha Ann STEPHENSON b abt 1887, m abt Dec 1906 reg Burnley, d 3 Dec 1973 aged 86, bur Higham. 1911 Census: Married 4 yrs, age 23, b Burnley

l Nora HAYTHORNTHWAITE [395] b abt Mar 1908 reg Burnley.

l = Eddie TURNER [3185] m abt Dec 1935 Burnley Wesley Chapel

l Constance HAYTHORNTHWAITE [394] b abt Dec 1912 reg Burnley, d 21 May 1933, bur Higham Methodist Chapel, reg Burnley age 20.

Eighth Child of James of Foulds House

j Josephb1848 Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [277] b 13 May 1848 Slaidburn reg Clitheroe, d 24 Feb 1920 age 71 reg Burnley, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. Unmarried. 1851 Census: age 2 at Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn. 1861 Census: Scholar age 9 at Foulds House, b Slaidburn. 1871 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 22 living with widowed mother Mary at 16 Laneside, Higham, b Slaidburn. 1881 Census: Unmarried Cowkeeper in Wavertree, unmarried, lodging with elder brother Thomas, later to start the textile business.1884: Bankrupt Farmer at Parrock Farm, Nelson. 1891 Census: Unmarried Man Servant age 40 in the Clayton household at Carr Hall, Barrowford, b Slaidburn. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Shed Manager of Barrowford, Lancs, age 54 b Higham. (This census birth place must be incorrect, since his father did not move to Higham until around 1854.) 1911 Census: Unmarried Domestic Gardener age 62 boarding at 2 Bedford Street, Barrowford, b Slaidburn

Ninth Child of James of Foulds House

j Hannahb1850 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [279] b 2 Jul 1850 Slaidburn reg Clitheroe, d Nov 1851 Slaidburn reg Clitheroe, bur 21 Nov 1851 Slaidburn. 1851 Census: age 8m at Chapel Street, Slaidburn, b Slaidburn.

Tenth and Last Child of James of Foulds House

j Robertb1854 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [278] b 7 May 1854 Higham, Padiham (Family tradition says Slaidburn, but this seems a bit unlikely given the registration district) reg Burnley. This suggests the family moved to Padiham abt 1854, d 9 Jun 1927 age 73 reg Ormskirk, bur Higham Methodist Chapel. Unmarried. 1861 Census: Scholar age 6 at Foulds House, Padiham, with parents. 1871 Census: Cotton Weaver age 16 living with widowed mother Mary at 16 Laneside, Higham, b Padiham. 1881 Census: age 26, living with widowed mother Mary at Marsden , occupation Prudential Insurance Agent, b Higham. 1887: Cotton Mfr with brother Richard at Fir Trees Mill, Higham, and later Spring Hill Shed and Mount Pleasant Mill, Burnley. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Cloth Manufacturer of 31 Lomeshaye Road, Nelson, age 43, b Church, Lancs. (He seems to have been born during his father’s move from Slaidburn to Higham, hence a degree of confusion as to his precise birth place.)

Chapter 11

Tree of Raymond Frank of Ontario

The Forbears of Johnb1775 below are currently plausible but somewhat tentative. Modern descendants in this tree have Type I DNA, thus connecting them genetically with many of the trees in this volume.

Data for the starting point of this tree was originally supplied by Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Christchurch, New Zealand, and further data was passed on by Carl HAYTHORNTHWAITE in Sep 2000 from James HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Hudson, Quebec. The eponymous Ray was told by his father that his family came from around Garstang or even from Hawthornthwaite itself.

At this point, I have been able to trace this tree back with certainty as far as a large family living in Great Harwood, Wiswell and then Read. Their children were given several unusual biblical names, which might suggest they had nonconformist tendencies, but so far they have been mainly located in the Church of England. Read had no church of its own in the early 1800s, so Readites had to to use neighbouring establishments. In the period 1795-1820, this family frequented Great Harwood, Altham and Whalley churches. In 1831, Enoch below baptised two of his children in the Ebenezer Primitive Methodist Chapel in Blackburn, so it is perhaps in this sort of establishment that the missing christenings of Nathan, William and Jabez will be found.

A plausible working hypothesis for the forebears of John of Read has now been established. It appears they very likely came from Samlesbury, some 6 or 7 miles to the west of Great Harwood, and prior to that from Woodplumpton, but before that the ancestry becomes a little bit tentative.

Modern descendants in this tree appear to use the name variants HAYTHORNTHWAITE and HAYTHORNWHITE, but not HAWTHORNTHWAITE, and there are also some modern HAYTHORNs as there was a tendency to separate and drop the -WHITE . In the 19th century, they interchanged the two main forms as it suited them. Johnb1775’s 1795 marriage record at Great Harwood church, below, makes an upfront declaration on the subject, describing him as “HAYTHORNWHITE alias HAYTHORNE”. It was with this rather open-minded attitude to nomenclature that they continued for the next hundred years or so, till, one supposes, the demands of modern bureaucracy made it impractical.

The tendency to separate the HAYTHORN from the WHITE in this branch has led to some records being classified under WHITE. This may be one of the reasons for the missing christenings.

The Forebears of Johnb1775 of Read

The relationships in this section are tentative at this stage and are subject to further research and perhaps substantial revision, particularly the entries in square brackets. [Yes, I know, there’s rather a lot in square brackets……..]

Richard, Blacksmith of Tarniker and Myerscough

The identity of Richard of Tarniker is unknown. I no longer think him a possible son of William of Goosnargh, c 15 May 1681 Goosnargh [IGI]. The Naming Rule suggests his father might have been John. There is a possibility that he could be brother to Robert of Netherwyresdale or Robert of Bleasdale

e Richardb1660 HATHORNWHITE [6623] b abt 1660, c not found, d not found [probably before 1729 in view of Marjorie burial below]. 1683 marriage: of Garstang. 1694: of Tarniker. 1697/8 & 1701: Blacksmith of Tarniker. 1702: of Marsco [PRs] [Will (Admon) of 1709 of Richard of Wyersdale? Is this him?][Could he be Richard [8032] s of Robert of Bleasdale?]

[e = Mary ANON m abt 13 Apr 1697 Garstang St Helen, of Lancaster Parish, bride’s surname illeg., Richard “of Wirsdall” [PR]. This was originally an alternative marriage, then thought probably not to apply. However, it just might be a second marriage (of three). There may be some confusion in the dates below between the Julian and Gregorian calendars, which would allow Richard the Blacksmith to have married 3 times]

e =(1) Elizabeth BRAIDLEY m 10 May 1683 Garstang St Helen [PR], bur 27 Feb 1697/8 St Michael’s on Wyre, wife of Richard of Tarniker

f Johnb1684 HATHORNWHITE c 2 Mar 1684 Garstang St Helen, s of Richard of [illeg., AIH says Claughton] [PR]

[f Other children missing?]

f Mary HATHORNTHWAITE bur 4 Jun 1694 Woodplumpton, St Michael’s on Wyre, dr of Richard of Tarniker

f Mary HATHORNTHWAITE c 9 Feb 1697/8 St Michael’s on Wyre, dr of Richard HAYTHORTWAIT, Blacksmith of Tarniker [AIH PR]

e =(2) Marjorie CHARNLEY m 4 Nov 1701 St Michael’s on Wyre [OLPC], of Tarniker, to Richard H, Blacksmith of Tarniker, bur 22 Aug 1729 Woodplumpton St Anne, as Marjorie Hatherwaite, a poor widow. Note that Tarniker is very close to Myerscough

f Thomasb1701 CHARNLEY alias HATHORNTHWAITE c 5 Sep 1701 St Michael’s on Wyre, s of Marjary CHARNLEY alias HATHORNTHWAITE


f = Margaret CHEW m 3 Feb 1729/30 Woodplumpton St Anne [IGI], both of Woodplumpton [PR] , bur 25 Jan 1730/1 Woodplumpton St Anne, as Margaret wife of Willm. HATHORNTHWAITE

g Richardb1731 HATHORNWAITE c 24 Jan 1730/1 Woodplumpton St Anne, s of Wm [PR] [probably eldest son?], bur 2 Jun 1736 Woodplumpton St Anne, s of William Heathornewhite of Barton]

f Edwardb1702 HATHORNWHITE [6625] c 13 Jul 1702 Garstang St Helen, s of Richard HATHORNWHITE of Marsco, no mother given [PRs], [bur 16 Feb 1767 Kirkham St Michael as Edward H of Trales?]. 1725 Marriage Bond: of Myersco

f = [1?] Jennet DAWSON [or DANSON?] [6626] Marriage Bond 23 Jul 1725: of Garstang, marriage to be in Stalmine [AIH], d not found

g Richardb1726 HAYTHORNWHITE [7376] c 9 Oct 1726 Broughton, s of Edward of Myerscough [fits the Naming Rule, as eldest son]

g Ellen HAYTHORNWHITE c 11 Oct 1730 Broughton, as Elling dr of Edward of Myerscow, bur 26 Nov 1744 Woodplumpton St Anne, d of Edwd HAWTHORNTHWAITE of Barton

[g William HAYTHORNWHITE c not found, d not found. 1776: of Bartel

[g = Elizabeth SHEPHERD m 12 Nov 1781 Broughton St John, of Claughton in Parish of Garstang & Wm H of Barton in Parish of Preston]

h John HETHORNWITE bur 3 Jun 1776 Woodplumpton St Anne, s of Will. HETHORNWHITE of Bartel [OLPC] Note: this is perhaps more likely a son of Catholics Wm H and Margaret SOUTHWORTH, who baptised another John on 16 Mar 1777 at Salwick and Lea RC]

[h Margaret HAYTHORNWHITE c 22 Sep 1782 Broughton, dr of William of Barton]

[g James HAYTHORNWHITE b abt 1733 say], c not found, d not found

g = Ellen BALDWIN m 29 Jun 1758 Preston St John, husbandman and spinster of this parish [OLPC]]

[g John HAYTHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1735 say], c not found, d not found

g = Mary BRYARS m 20 Jul 1758 Preston St John, Spinster of Preston & Husbandman of Kirkham

h Margaret HETHORNWITE bur 12 Nov 1764 Woodplumpton St Anne, dr John HETHORNWITE of Woodplumpton [OLPC]]

[g George HAYTHORNWHITE [6627] c not found, m 24 Aug 1767 Ribchester, Labourer of Ribchester, to Agnes BASHAW, Spinster of Ribchester [OLPC], d not found]

Robert of Samlesbury

[Although there seems to be a clear record that this Robert was son of Edward, there is a slight anomaly in that he tries very hard to name his eldest son James. This would often imply that Robert’s father was James.]

g Robertb1738 HAYTHORNWHITE [6629] c 23 Jul 1738 Woodplumpton, s of Edw. HEATHORNWHIT of Plumpton, no mother given [PR], bur 14 Feb 1811 age 72 Samlesbury St Leonard the Less [OLPC]. 1768 marriage: Whitener of this parish

g =(1) Margaret SMITH m not found, d not found

h James1762 HAYTHORNWHITE or SMITH c 21 Dec 1762 Woodplumpton, s of Robt. HETHORNWITE and Margt. SMITH, both of Woodplumpton [PR]

g = (2) Betty SIMPSON [6630] m 14 Jun 1768 Preston St John, Spinster of this parish [PR], bur 3 Nov 1812 Samlesbury St Leonard the Less [OLPC]

h Jamesb1768 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6631] b 14 Nov 1768, c 11 Dec 1768 Preston St John, s of Robert and Elizabeth of Ribbleton [PR], bur 27 Mar 1773 Samlesbury St Leonard, s of Robt. & Elizabeth H [PR]

h Mary HAYTHORNWHITE [6632] c 3 Aug 1770 Samlesbury St Leonard the Less, daur Robert HAYTHORN and Elizabeth [PR], m not found, d not found at Samlesbury up to 1781. 1841 Census: age 70 at Edge End, Gt Harwood

h = Henry BARON m 31 Dec 1804 Great Harwood St Bartholomew. 1841 Census: age 75 at Edge End, Gt Harwood

h Elizabethb1772 HAYTHORNWHITE [6633] c 9 Jun 1772 Samlesbury St Leonard, daur. of Robert HAYTHORNWHAITE and Elizabeth [PR]

h Jamesb1774 HAYTHORNWHITE [6634] c 6 Apr 1774 Samlesbury as Jas. HAYTHORWHAITE, s of Robt. and Elizth [PR], m not found, [d abt Mar 1848 Lancaster as James Hawthorn-Thwaite? (this may be age 83 Caton)] Witness at his brother John’s 1795 wedding in Great Harwood, (where he signed in his own hand). [It appears just possible that he may have moved from Blackburn to Lancaster, to marry Ellen Eskham or Escolme 7 Jul 1795 Lancaster St Mary]

h = Ellen ANON [ESCOLME?] m not found [unless it was 7 Jul 1795 Lancaster St Mary, James H of Quarmore & Ellen ESCOLME of Scotforth. This now seems extremely unlikely]

i Moses[?] HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 24 Dec 1797 Blackburn St Mary the Virgin, s of James HAYTHENTHWAITE and Ellen of Blackburn, d not found

Johnb1775 of Read

h Johnb1775 HAYTHORNWHITE [912] c 25 Jan 1776 Samlesbury St Leonard, s of Robert and Elizabeth HAYTHORNWHAITE, rec as … [page torn] [PR]

[For the Descendants of John of Read, see Section below]

h Edwardb1777 HAYTHORNWHITE [6635] c 18 Dec 1777 Samlesbury St Leonard, s of Robert HAYTHORNWHAITE and Eliza [PR] [twin with George below], bur 22 Oct 1835 Samlesbury St Leonard, as Edwd. HAW-, age 58, of Preston [OLPC]. 1802: Labourer Edward HAYTHORN of p. of Blackburn, signing by mark(X)

h = Margaret HARDMAN m 14 Nov 1802 Blackburn St Mary the Virgin, spinster of Blackburn

i Mary HAYTHORN b 30 Aug 1803, c 25 Sep 1803 Preston St John, dr of Edward and Margaret [OLPC]

[i Betty HAYTHORN c 15 Jun 1808 Preston St John, dr of Edwd. HAYTHORN and Margt.]

[h =(2) Betty ANON b abt 1796, d Catforth, bur 4 Apr 1819 Garstang St Helen, age 23, wife of Edward HAT- of Catforth, C of E?]

h Georgeb1777 HAYTHORNWHITE [6638] c 18 Dec 1777 Samlesbury St Leonard, s of Robert HAYTHORNWHAITE and Elizabeth [PR] [twin with Edward above], bur 24 Dec 1777 Samlesbury

h George HAYTHORNWHITE c not found, bur 31 Jul 1782 Samlesbury St Leonard the Less, s of Robert ATHORNWHITE & Elizabeth

h Robertb1781 HAYTHORNWHITE [7128] c 4 Sep 1781 Samlesbury, s of Robert & Elizb. ATHERNW… [PR; not in BT], d not found. 1803: Weaver of Blackburn, signing own name as HAYTHORN

h = Ann CRONKSHAW b abt 1783, m 3 Jul 1803 Blackburn St Mary the Virgin, spinster of Blackburn, bur 1 Aug 1812 age 29 Blackburn St Mary, wife of Robert HATHORN

[i Elder children missing?]

i Ann HAYTHORN-WHITE b 4 Jul 1808, c 30 Aug 1808 Blackburn St Paul, dr of Robt. Haythorn-White and Ann of Blackburn

i Betty HAYTHORN c 9 Dec 1810 Blackburn St Mary the Virgin, dr of Robert HAYTHORN & Nanny

i = John FORREST m 7 Nov 1833 Blackburn St Mary

h Jane HAYTHORNWHITE [6639] b 18 Feb 1784, c 19 Feb 1784 Samlesbury St Leonard as Jane HAYTHORNWHAITE, dr of Robt and Betty [PR]

h Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6640] b 10 Feb 1786, c 12 Feb 1786 Samlesbury St Leonard as Anne ATHERONWHAITE [PR]

[h = Thomas HARWOOD m 26 Dec 1802 Blackburn St Mary? Bride seems a bit young!]

h George HAYTHORNWHITE c not found, but probably after 1785 since there is a gap in OLPC baptisms in the period 1786 - 1812, bur 20 Jan 1792 Samlesbury St Leonard the Less, s of Robert & Elizabeth [OLPC says age 29, but this does not make sense and appears to be an error]

g Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 1 Nov 1741 Woodplumpton, dr of Edw. HETHORNWITE of Woodplumpton [PR]

[f = (2) Jane BILLINGTON of Salwick, m 1 Jul 1749 Kirkham St Michael, to Edward HAYTHORNWHITE of Trales?]

The Descendants of Johnb1775 of Read

Johnb1775 of Read

h Johnb1775 HAYTHORNWHITE [912] b abt 1775, [probably c 25 Jan 1776 Samlesbury St Leonard, s of Robert and Elizabeth, see above], m 9 Mar 1795 Great Harwood St Bartholomew, registered as HAYTHORNWHITE alias HAYTHORNE (sic) of this parish, Husbandman, signed by mark, itpo: James HAYTHORNWHITE (signed his own name) and James FOULDS, d 5 Apr 1845 "aged 69", Eccles Street, Blackburn, (the house of his son Jabez in 1851 Census), occupation Weaver, reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE, Informant: James HAYTHORNWHITE [this may be a mis-recording of the unusual name Jabez, as John’s eldest son James appears to have died in 1819]. 1810: of Read. [Son Jacob’s christening record is very faded, but the place name is very short and probably of 4 letters. The 1851 Census for his son Jacob confirms Read.] 1841 Census: not found. [Note: could the literate James H, witness at this John’s wedding, be James HAYTHORNEWHITE alias HAYTHORNE, the Exciseman of Warrington, who features in the tree of the Descendants of James the Exciseman, in Chapter 14?]

h = Elizabeth or Betty RATCLIFFE [4114] [c 14 Jul 1770 Altham, Lancs, dr of James and Elisabeth RADCLIFF?], m 9 Mar 1795 Great Harwood, Spinster of Great Harwood, [d abt Dec 1856 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORN? No. This was age 56. Probably d bfr 1837] 1841 Census: not found. 1851 Census: not found

First Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Jamesb1795 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6641] b 11 Aug 1795 [from Martha Lightbown Robbins’ family Bible], c 3 May 1795 Altham, s of John and Betty HAYTHORN of Harwood [Note: baptismal date conflicts with birth date in family Bible], bur 14 Jul 1819 age 24 Great Harwood as James HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Read. [Note that OLPC says 3 May 1795 baptism is of John, not James, but it seems this may be a transcription error. I read the PRs as James]

Second Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Elizabethb1796 HAYTHORNWAITE [4115] b 3 Dec 1796, c 15 Jan 1797 Great Harwood St Bartholomew, dr of John & Betty of Harwood, d 1870 Great Harwood 1820 Marriage: of Whalley parish, but no home village given on marriage record.

i = John GREENWOOD [2133] b 1792 Read, m 13 Aug 1820 Whalley, “of Read”, d 1868 Padiham

j Henry GREENWOOD [6984] b 1824 Read

j Elizabeth GREENWOOD [6985] b 1826 Read

j John GREENWOOD [6986] b 1828 Read

j James GREENWOOD [6987] b 1830 Read

j Moses GREENWOOD [6988] b 1834 Read

Third Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Sarah HAYTHORNWHITE [4116] c 2 Sep 1798 Great Harwood St Bartholomew, daur of John HAYTHORNE or HAYTHORNWAITE and Elizabeth or Betty RATCLIFFE, bur 2 Sep 1798 age 1 day, Great Harwood

Fourth Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Enoch HAYTHORNEWHITE [4117] b 1 Jul 1801, c 27 Sep 1801 Great Harwood St Bartholomew, s of John HAYTHORNEWHITE & Betty of Harwood, d abt Mar 1879 age 73 (78?) reg Haslingden as HAYTHORN. 1826 marriage: “of Read”. 1841 Census: not found. 1851 Census: Married Cotton Printer age 50 at Crawshawbooth, Higher Booths, Lancs., b Higher Booths. 1861 Census: Married Labourer age 59 of Higher Booths, Haslingden, b Harwood, rec as HAYTHORN. 1871 Census: Married Milk Dealer age 65 at Bankses, Higher Booths, b Harwood, rec as HAYTHORN.

i =(1) Mary EATOUGH b abt 1804, m 26 Mar 1826 Whalley, “of Whalley”, d abt Mar 1843 age 39 Sunniside, bur 9 Mar 1843 Whalley

j Ann HAYTHORN b 8 Aug 1826, c 22 Feb 1837 Ebenezer Primitive Methodist, Blackburn, daur of Enoch HAYTHORN and Mary EATOUGH, [m abt Sep 1847 reg Haslingden?]

j Elizabethb1831 HAYTHORN b 5 Feb 1831 Whalley, c 22 Feb 1837 Ebenezer Primitive Methodist, Blackburn, daur of Enoch HAYTHORN and Mary EATOUGH. 1851 Census: Unmarried Slubber in Cotton Mill, age 20, lodging in Wellington Street, New Accrington, b Whalley, rec as HAWTHORN

i =(2) Elizabeth GOUGH b abt 1809 Dublin, m abt Sep 1843 Prestwich St Mary, reg Manchester as HAYTHORNWITH. . 1851 Census: Housewife age 46 at Higher Booths, b Ireland. 1861 Census: age 52 at Higher Booths, b Dublin. 1871 Census: Housewife age 60 at Bankses, Higher Booths, b Dublin

j Margaret HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Jun 1844 Rakefoot, Lancs, reg Haslingden as HAYTHORNWHITE, [d abt Jun 1857 reg Haslingden as HAYTHORN?]. 1851 Census: age 7 at Higher Booths, b Rakefoot, Lancs., rec as HAYTHORN 1861 Census: not with parents at Bankses. 1871 Census: not with parents at Bankses.

Fifth Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Johnb1803 HAYTHORNEWHITE [6647] b 17 Sep 1803 [from Family Bible] Whalley, c 16 Oct 1803 Whalley, s of John HAYTHORN, Weaver of Wiswell, d abt Mar 1866 age 61 reg Manchester. 1841 Census: Block Cutter age 41 at Bradford Road, Ancoats. 1851 Census: Married Labourer to Boilermaker age 47 at 2 Goodwin Street, Ancoats, Manchester, b Blackburn, rec as HAWTHORN. 1861 Census: Labourer to Boilermaker age 50 [misreading of 58?], married to Sarah age 52, with children aged 18-22, at 20 Porter Street, New Cross, Manchester, b Whalley, rec as HAYTHORN.

i = Sarah BRADLEY b abt 1811 Longsight, m 26 May 1834 Manchester Cathedral, d abt Mar 1874. 1871 Census: Widow at Porter Street, Ancoats

j Johnb1836 HAYTHORN [6649] b abt 1836 Stockport, d abt Mar 1898 age 55 Accrington, reg Haslingden. Spent many years in India. 1841 Census: age 6 with parents. 1851 Census: Van Driver age 15 with parents in Ancoats. 1861 Census: Married Labourer age 21 with wife Mary at 90 Ravald Street, Manchester, b Manchester. 1871 Census: not found (was in India). 1881 Census: at 17 Lonsdale Street, Accrington. 1891 Census: In Accrington

j = Mary Ann JONES [6653] b abt 1833 Warrington, m abt Dec 1855 Manchester St Johns, d abt Mar 1915 age 78 reg Haslingden. 1901 Census: Widow age 66, b Manchester, living with dr Evelyne in Accrington

k Jamesb1861 [W?] HAYTHORN [6658] b abt 1861 Bengal, [d abt Sep 1947 age 85 reg Saddleworth?] 1881 Census: Unemployed age 18 with parents

k Mary Elizabeth HAYTHORN [6659] b abt 1865 Monaldell, Bengal. 1881 Census: Cotton Winder age 16, with parents. 1891 Census: Married age 26, b Monaldell, E India, at 70 Lonsdale Street, Baxenden, Accrington

k = Joseph HOPE [6666] b abt 1865 Church, m abt Sep 1887 Hyndburn Register Office. 1891 Census: Coal Miner

k Cecelia Jane HAYTHORN [6660] b abt 1867 Sealkote, Bengal. 1891 Census: at Convent of Poor Clares, Alma Park, Levenshulme, Manchester

k Walter HAYTHORN b abt 1868 Bengal, m not found, d not found

k Evelyne Maud HAYTHORN b abt 1872 Bengal

k John (or Harry) Edward HAYTHORN b abt 1874 Bengal

j Elizabethb1838 HAYTHORN b 10 Jan 1838 Stockport (reg as HAWTHORN) 1841 Census: age 4 with parents. 1861 Census: Unmarried Silk Doubler age 22 with parents, b Stockport, Cheshire

j = John HOLT m 8 Jun 1865 Manchester Cathedral

j Jamesb1840 HAYTHORN b abt July 1840 Manchester. Galvaniser. 1841 Census: age 10 months. 1861 Census: Unmarried Labourer age 20 with parents, b Manchester. 1871 Census: with widowed mother at 20 Porter Street, Ancoats.

j = Jane CROMPTON m 9 Dec 1861 Manchester Cathedral, reg Manchester

k Sarah HAYTHORN b abt 1862

k = Samuel BOTTOMLEY m 1884

k Johnb1864 HAYTHORN b abt 1864 1901: in New Mills

k = Harriet SQUIRE m 1888

l John Henry HAYTHORN b abt Mar 1889 reg Manchester

l = Anon WHITTAKER m abt Sep 1924 reg Hayfield. No issue?

l Ernest HAYTHORN [b abt Sep 1895 reg Ashton?] m not found

l Ethel HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1891 reg Manchester

l Herbert HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1900 reg Stockport

l = Anon SWANN m abt Dec 1922 reg Hayfield. No issue?

k Mary Jane HAYTHORN b abt Mar 1870 reg Manchester

k Amelia HAYTHORN b abt Dec 1871 reg Manchester

k Emma HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1873 reg Manchester, d 1919 age 46, g-grandmother of David WILDE, a helpful correspondent

k = Albert William HESSNER m 22 Dec 1894

k Elizabethb1880 HAYTHORN b abt Mar 1880 reg Manchester

k Henryb1883 HAYTHORN b abt Jun 1883 reg Manchester, d abt Mar 1923 age 39 reg Bucklow

[k = Anon CADDICK m abt Dec 1915 reg Manchester?

l James William HAYTHORN b 17 Apr 1917 reg Prestwich, d Feb 1992 reg Oldham

l = Anon BALL m abt Sep 1945 reg Manchester

m David C HAYTHORN b abt Dec 1946 reg Manchester

m = Anon FERGUSON m abt Sep 1969 reg Scarborough

n Matthew David HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1973 reg Oldham

n Neil Edward HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1976 reg Oldham

m Judith M HAYTHORN b abt Mar 1951 reg Manchester

m Jeffrey W HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1953 reg Manchester

m = Anon GRAHAM m abt Mar 1986 reg Hammersmith

n Robert Graham HAYTHORN b Oct 1986 reg Hammersmith

n Christopher Martin HAYTHORN b Jun 1989 reg Hammersmith

l Elsie HAYTHORN b abt Dec 1921 reg Prestwich

l Harold T HAYTHORN b abt Jun 1925 reg Manchester N, m not found]

j Williamb1844 HAYTHORN b abt Mar 1844 reg Manchester, d 1896 reg Prestwich age 51. 1861 Census: Unmarried Labourer age 18 with parents, b Manchester

j = Mary LAMBERT m 12 Oct 1867 Manchester Cathedral, reg Manchester

k Sarah Jane HAYTHORN b 1868 Manchester

k Mary Elizabeth HAYTHORN b 1870 Manchester

k Annie HAYTHORN b 1873 Manchester

k Williamb1875 HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1875 reg Manchester, [m abt Mar 1895 reg Hendon?], d abt Dec 1949 age 75 reg Manchester

k Johnb1878 HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1878 reg Sheffield, m not found, d abt Dec 1914 age 37 reg Chorlton

k Alice HAYTHORN b 1880 Alderwasley, Derbyshire

k Louisa HAYTHORN b 1883 Wirksworth, Derbyshire

k May HAYTHORN b 1885 Wirksworth

k Herbert HAYTHORN b abt Sep 1891 reg Prestwich, d abt Mar 1966 age 74 reg Manchester

Sixth Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Robertb1805 HAYTHORNWAITE b 29 Oct 1805 [from family Bible], c 8 Dec 1805 Whalley, s of John HAYTHORNTHWHITE, Weaver of Wiswell, d Feb 1829 Read, bur 24 Feb 1829 Whalley, age 24, s of John HAYTHORNWAITE of Read

Seventh Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Susannah HAYTHORNWHITE b 18 Nov 1807 [from family Bible], c 27 Dec 1807 Whalley, dr of John HAYTHORN, Weaver of Wiswell, m not found, d not found

Eighth Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Jacob HAYTHORNTHWITE [3847] b 23 Mar 1810 Read. [The Whalley christening record is very faded, but the place name is about 4 letters, and certainly not Great Harwood. Read is confirmed by the 1851 Census.], c 22 Apr 1810 Whalley, s. of John of Wiswell, no mother given. d not found. . 1841 Census: Cotton Printer age 30 at Reedsholme, Higher Booths (Rossendale), rec as HAYTHORN. 1851 Census: Married Block Printer age 44 at 11 Roberts Yard, Burnley, b Read, rec as Jacob HAYTHORNE. 1861 Census: not found. 1886 Death of son William: “of Rossendale”

i =(1) Elizabeth ORMEROD m 21 Aug 1830 Whalley, bride and groom both of Read, signing by mark. 1841 Census: age 30 with husband at Reedsholme, Higher Booths, rec as Betty.

j Robertb1831 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4123] c 1 May 1831 Whalley, s of Jacob, Calico Printer of Read, & Betty. 1841 Census: age 10 with parents in Higher Booths. 1851 Census: not found

j Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4124] c 21 Apr 1833 Whalley, dr of Jacob, Weaver of Read, and Elizabeth, d abt Mar 1843 reg Haslingden as HAYTHORN. 1841 Census: age 8 with parents in Higher Booths. 1851 Census: not with father and new wife.

j Johnb1836 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6737] b abt 1836, d abt Jun 1843 Haslingden. 1841 Census: age 5 with parents in Higher Booths, rec as HAYTHORN

j Emma HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6738] b abt 1838, [d abt Dec 1844 Manchester?]. 1841 Census: age 3 with parents in Higher Booths, rec as HAYTHORN

j Williamb1841 HAYTHORNWHITE [4125] b abt Sep 1841 “nr Haslingden” [Rakefoot, Higher Booths?], reg Haslingden as HAYTHORNWIGHT, d abt Jun 1886 reg Blackburn age 44, rec as HAYTHORWHITE, bur 7 May 1886 Great Harwood, s of Jacob HAYTHORNWITE of Rossendale. 1851 Census: age 10 in Burnley, b Burnley (this seems to be incorrect), rec as HAYTHORNE. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 19 living with uncle Williamb1815 (see below) in Audley Range, Blackburn, b “nr Haslingden”, rec as HAWTHORNTHWAITE. 1871 Census: Married Clogger age 29 in Wensley Street, Blackburn, b [illeg]dale. 1881 Census: Married Master Clogger age 39, b Sunnyside, in Wensley Street, Blackburn, with wife but no children

j =(1) Esther ASPDEN [4126] b abt 1833, m 31 Dec 1863 Witton St Mark reg Blackburn, d abt Jun 1883 age 50 Wensley Street Blackburn reg Blackburn, bur 8 Jun 1883 Great Harwood St Bartholomew. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 37, b Gt Harwood. 1881 Census: Unemployed Cotton Weaver age 47, b Harwood, listed as Easter

k Thomasb1864 HAYTHORNWHITE [6739] b 16 Sep 1864 Wensley Fold, reg Blackburn, c 19 Sep 1864 Witton St Mark, d abt Jun 1874 Wensley Street Blackburn, bur 3 Jun 1874 age 9 yrs 8m Great Harwood. 1871 Census: age 6 with parents, b Blackburn

j =(2) Margaret Jane BEESLY [6339] m 3 Dec 1883 Witton St Mark, Spinster Domestic Servant age 30 to Clogger Widower age 42 of Wensley Street, m(2) abt Sep 1886 reg Blackburn to KIRTLAN

k = Thomasb1885 HAYTHORNWHITE [5585] b 3 Mar 1885 reg Blackburn, c 22 Mar 1885 Witton St Mark, d abt Jun 1913 reg Fylde. 1891 Census: age 6, b Blackburn, living with widowed mother and her new husband Robert KIRLAN, rec as Thomas KIRTLAN. 1901 Census: Single Bar Man age 16 at Clifton Arms, Warton, b Blackburn. 1911 Census: Married Shipyard Labourer age 25 at Warton, b Blackburn

k = Margaret THRELFALL [4149] b abt Jun 1884 Preston, m abt Jun 1907 Warton St Paul, d 2 Jul 1954 Fylde, m(2) Wm HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4700] abt Sep 1919 Warton St Paul. 1911 Census: Married Cycle and General Agent

l Thomas William HAYTHORNWHITE [5936] b abt Mar 1908 reg Kirkham, d abt Dec 1968 age 60 Blackpool. 1911 Census: age 3 with parents, b Wasling (sic)

l Edward Ibbison HAYTHORNWHITE [5937] b 13 Aug 1909 Wrea Green, d Nov 1985 reg N Cotswold

l = May Stevenson BAILEY [5938] b 19 Mar 1910 Preston, m abt Nov 1934 reg Fylde, d Aug 1985 reg Oxford

m Margaret HAYTHORNWHITE [5939] b abt Sep 1985 reg Halifax

m = Raymond V BOULTON [5940] m abt Mar 1856 reg Oxford

m Barbara HAYTHORNWHITE [5941] b abt Dec 1937 reg Blackburn East

m = Peter A COWELL [5942] m abt Dec 1961 reg Darwen

m Albert Edward HAYTHORNWHITE [5943] b abt Jun 1940 reg Blackburn East

m = Anitra M SHARPLES [5944] m abt Sep 1969 reg Blackburn. No issue?

l Jane A F HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Dec 1912 reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1914 age 1 reg Fylde

j Samuel HAYTHORNWHITE [4127] b abt Jun 1844 [Sunnyside?] reg Haslingden as HAYTHORNWHITE, d abt Sep 1900 age 57 reg Burnley as HAYTHORNWHITE, abode: Workhouse, bur 17 Sep 1900 Burnley Cemetery. 1851 Census: age 8 in Burnley, b Burnley, rec as HAYTHORNE. 1861 Census: Unmarried Power Loom Cotton Weaver, age 17, boarding at 12 Rodney Street, Burnley, b Burnley rec as HAYTHORN. 1871 Census: Married Weaver age 25 in Parliament Street, Habergham Eaves, Burnley, b Lucy(?)[is this Sunny?] Side, Lancs., rec as HAYTHORN. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 36 at 28 Parliament Street, Burnley, b Burnley, rec as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1891 Census: Widowed Cotton Weaver age 46 at 85 Waterloo Road, Burnley, b Sunnyside, Lancs., rec as HAYTHORNTHWAITE

j =(1) Mary ANON b abt 1852 Barrowford, [m abt Dec 1869 reg Manchester as HAYTHORN?], d abt Jun 1888 age 38 reg Burnley, abode Parliament Street, bur 23 Jun 1888 Burnley Cemetery. 1871 Census: Married Weaver age 19 with husband in Burnley, b Barrowford. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 31 with husband in Burnley, b Burnley.

k Isabella HAYTHORNWHITE [4166] b abt Dec 1870 Burnley, reg not found. 1871 Census: age 4m with parents in Burnley, b Burnley, rec as HAYTHORN. 1881 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents in Burnley, b Burnley, rec as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 20 with widowed father in Burnley, b Burnley, rec as HAYTHORNTHWAITE

k = William Lot PETTIGREW [4174] m abt Jun 1897 Burnley St James

k Jacob HAYTHORNWHITE [4139] b abt 1873 reg Burnley, reg not found [b abt Mar 1869 reg Burnley as HAYTHORN?], d abt Sep 1936 age 63 reg Burnley as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1881 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents in Burnley, b Burnley. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 18 with widowed father in Burnley, b Burnley, rec as HAYTHORNTHWAITE. 1901 Census: not found. 1911 Census: Coal Miner Hewer, m 15 years, age 37, at 3 Cornwall Terrace, Burnley, b Burnley

k = Martha Alice MARTIN [3843] b abt 1878 Burnley, m abt Sep 1895 Burnley Holy Trinity reg Burnley as HAYTHORNWHITE, d abt Dec 1934 age 57 reg Burnley. 1911 Census: Married Cotton Winder age 32 with husband in Burnley, b Burnley

l Minnie HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Dec 1908 reg Burnley. 1911 Census: age 2 with parents in Burnley, b Burnley

l = Peter TAYLOR m abt Sep 1931 reg Burnley

l Wilfred HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Sep 1911 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1911 reg Burnley, abode: Cornwall Terrace, bur 5 Sep 1911 Burnley Cemetery age 14 days

l Harry HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Dec 1912 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1966 age 53 reg Burnley

l = Mary E SHANNON b 26 Nov 1912 Lanchester, Durham, m abt Sep 1933 reg Burnley, d Jul 2001 reg Burnley

m Brian HAYTHORNWHITE [6015] b 7 Jan 1934 reg Burnley, d Oct 1996 age 62 reg Bangor. Memorial gate-plaque near Grasmere

m = Pamela MARTIN [5918] m abt Mar 1956 Burnley St Matthew the Apostle reg Burnley

n Kevin HAYTHORNWHITE [5919] b abt Jun 1959 reg Burnley

n =(1) Christine Margaret GILL [5920] m abt Dec 1974 Burnley Holy Trinity reg Burnley/Pen

o Kevin HAYTHORNWHITE [5922] b abt Jun 1980 reg Burnley/Pen

o Gemma HAYTHORNWHITE [5923] b abt Dec 1983 reg Burnley/Pen

n =(2) Carol A THOMPSON [5921] m Mar 1996 reg Burnley/Pen

n Susan HAYTHORNWHITE [5924] b abt Mar 1961 reg Burnley

n = Anthony D PRESTON m abt Sep 1983 reg Burnley/Pen

n Brian HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Jun 1968 reg Burnley

n = Julie G HOLLOWOOD m Jun 1994 reg Burnley/Pen

o Adam John HAYTHORNWHITE b Feb 1992 reg Burnley/Pen

m Robertb1936 HAYTHORNWHITE [6016] b abt Sep 1936 reg Burnley

m = Anon WHALLEY m abt Mar 1956 reg Burnley

n Alan HAYTHORNWHITE [6018] b abt Sep 1956 reg Burnley

n = Julie RATCLIFFE [6023] m abt Jun 1977 Burnley Holy Trinity reg Burnley/Pendle

o Marc HAYTHORNWHITE [6024] b abt Dec 1979 reg Burnley/Pen

o Paul HAYTHORNWHITE [6125] b abt Jun 1982 reg Burnley/Pen

o Michael HAYTHORNWHITE [6026] b May 1985 reg Burnley/Pen

n David HAYTHORNWHITE [6019] b abt Jun 1960 reg Burnley

n = Susan A WOOLFORD [6027] m abt Jun 1982 reg Burnley/Pen

o Emma Louise HAYTHORNWHITE [6028] b Feb 1987 reg Burnley/Pen

o Ashley HAYTHORNWHITE [6029] b May 1991 reg Burnley/Pen

n Robertb1961 HAYTHORNWHITE [6020] b abt Jun 1961 reg Burnley

n =(1) Tracey C McCARTHY [6031] m abt Mar 1983 reg Burnley/Pen. No issue

n =(2) Carol L GREENHOW [6032] m Feb 1987 reg Burnley/Pen. No issue

n Steven HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Mar 1963 reg Burnley, rec as –THWAITE

n Linda HAYTHORNWHITE [6022] b abt Sep 1965 reg Burnley

n = Neil BRYAN [6033] m Aug 1989 reg Burnley/Pen

m Derek HAYTHORNWHITE [6034] b abt Sep 1938 reg Burnley

m =(1) Dorothy M BRUNKER [6035] m abt Sep 1961 reg Clitheroe, m(2) Clifford D RIGBY m abt Dec 1974 reg Ribble Valley

n Wendy HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Dec 1962 reg Burnley

n Dawn HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Jun 1965 reg Burnley

m =(2) Adrienne H SHAW [6039] m abt Dec 1972 Haslingden. No issue

k Ann HAYTHORNWHITE [4140] b abt 1874 Burnley, reg not found, d abt Dec 1891 age 17 reg Burnley, abode Waterloo Rd, bur 21 Oct 1891 Burnley Cemetery 1881 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents in Burnley, b Burnley. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 16 with widowed father in Burnley, b Burnley

k Margaret HAYTHORNWHITE [4141] b abt Dec 1875 reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1899 age 23 Burnley East. 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents in Burnley, b Burnley. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 15 with widowed father in Burnley, b Burnley, rec as Margie

k Edith HAYTHORNWHITE [4142] b abt Dec 1877 reg Burnley 1881 Census: age 3 with parents in Burnley, b Burnley. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 13 with widowed father in Burnley, b Burnley

k Alice Hetta HAYTHORNWHITE [6391] b abt Mar 1879 reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1881 age 2 reg Burnley, abode Parliament Street, bur 26 Mar 1881 Burnley Cemetery as Alice Etta

k Mary Ann HAYTHORNWHITE [4143] b abt Feb 1881 reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1956 age 75 reg Burnley. Unmarried. 1881 Census: age 2m with parents in Burnley, b Burnley. 1891 Census: age 10 with widowed father in Burnley, b Burnley. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 20, boarding with ENTWISTLE family at 11 Regent Street, Burnley. 1911 Census: Unmarried Power Loom Weaver age 30 in Burnley, b Burnley

k Harriet Jane HAYTHORNWHITE [4144] b abt June 1883 reg Burnley. 1891 Census: age 7 with widowed father in Burnley, b Burnley, rec as HAYTHORNTHWAITE. 1901 Census: unmarried Cotton Weaver age 17, boarding with ENTWISTLE family, b Burnley. 1911 Census: Married Cotton Weaver, m 4 yrs, age 27, b Burnley

k = Henry NAYLOR [4168] m abt Jun 1906 reg Burnley. 1911 Census: Married Carpeenter and Joiner, age 26, b Burnley

[k William Henry HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Dec 1885 reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1886 age 1 reg Burnley, abode Parliament Street, bur 9 Dec 1886 Burnley Cemetery, age 1 yr 3 mths]

k Minnie HAYTHORNWHITE [4145] b abt Jun 1887 reg Burnley. 1891 Census: age 3 with widowed father in Burnley, b Burnley. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver boarding with ENTWISTLE family, b Burnley

k = James DEWHURST [4170] m abt Sep 1914 Burnley St James reg Burnley

j =(2) Anon ANON [Sarah Ann MOBB?] m abt Jun 1891 [Hyndeburn?] reg Burnley

i =(2) Eliza WILSON (or WALKER) [4129] b abt 1805 Jersey, m abt Mar 1849 reg Burnley to Jacob HAYTHORN, d abt Mar 1852 reg Burnley as HAYTHORN. 1851 Census: Housewife age 46 with husband in Burnley, b Iland (sic) of Jersey.

Ninth Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Nathan HAYTHORNTHWAITE [955] b 23 Apr 1813 [from family Bible] Read, c not found [not on IGI, nor in Altham PRs, (not yet on IGI)], m 6 May 1839 Blackburn St Mary, reg Blackburn as Nathan HAYTHORN, d abt Apr 1882, age 68, 7 Ribbleton Street, Preston, bur 24 Apr 1882 Balderstone St Leonard as HAW- reg Preston as HAY-. 1851 Census: Coal Dealer and running a small shop at 9 Ribbleton Lane, Preston, age 39, b Read. 1861 Census: Coal Dealer with Small Shop at 9 Ribbleton Lane, age 48, b Read. [1871 Census: Nathan HEYWOOD, Draper age 57, married to Catherine age 45, in Barton upon Irwell, b Harwood??? If this is him, he had left his wife and changed his name!] 1881 Census shows a Nathan, widower of 67, Licensed Hawker, living with another family in Preston as a boarder, rec as HAYTHORNTHWAITE.

i = Betty JUDD [2038] b abt 1801 Baldeston, d abt Apr 1874 Preston age 74 reg Preston as Betty, bur 27 Apr 1874 Balderstone St Leonard as Elizabeth. 1851 Census: Married at Ribbleton Lane, Preston, age 50, b Baldeston, with no children. No issue.

Tenth Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Williamb1815 HAYTHORNWHITE [3731] b 19 Mar 1815 Read, d abt Mar 1874 age 58 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORN. 1850 Birth Cert: Beer Seller at 3 Haword Street, Blackburn 1851 Census: Married Beer Seller age 36 at Haword Street, b Read, Whalley, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1861 Census: Married, Not Able to Work being Blind, of Audley Range, Blackburn, age 46, b Read, rec as HAWTHORNTHWAITE. 1871 Census: Blind, with no occupation, at 44 Dewhurst Street, Blackburn, age 56, b Read, rec as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1881 Census: not found, which tends to support the death record for HAYTHORN.

i = Jane NELSON [3732] b 5 Aug 1819 [from Family Bible] Clitheroe, m 12 Jul 1841 Blackburn St Mary, reg as Haythorn WHITE, d abt Sep 1893 age 74 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWAITE 1851 Census: age 32 at Haword Street, b Clitheroe. 1861 Census: Married age 42 with husband in Audley Range, Blackburn, b Clitheroe. 1871 Census: Married age 43 at Dewhurst Street, Blackburn, b Clitheroe. 1881 Census: Widowed Former Cotton Weaver age 61 at 49 Audley Range, Blackburn, b Clitheroe, rec as HAYTHORN. 1891 Census: Widowed Retired House Keeper age 72 living with married daughter Elizabeth at 4 Whalley Banks, Blackburn, b Clitheroe, rec as HAYTHORNWHITE

j Johnb1841 HAYTHORNWHITE [2776] b 10 Sep 1841 [from Family Bible], c 2? Jan 1842 Chapel Street Congregational Church, Blackburn, d abt Mar 1843 age 1 reg Blackburn as HATHORNWHITE. 1851 Census: not found

j Elizabethb1843 HAYTHORNWHITE b 5 Sep 1843 [from FB] reg Blackburn, d abt Sep 1843 age 0 reg Blackburn [note also Elizabeth b 1852 below]. 1851 Census: not found

j Susannah HAYTHORNWHITE [3733] b 5 Aug 1844 [from FB] reg Blackburn, c 6 Aug 1844 Chapel Street Congregational Church, Blackburn, d 16 Oct 1916 Fall River, Massachusetts 1851 Census: Scholar age 6, b Blackburn [Note: b reg as Susanna, Census as Susanah] 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver at Audley Range with parents, age 16, b Blackburn. 1871 Census: not with parents. Emigrated to Massachusetts. Great grandmother of Martha Lightbown ROBBINS of Virginia, a helpful correspondent, who holds a Family Bible for this branch, from which birth dates have been extracted for Susannah and her siblings, parents, uncles and aunts

j = James LIGHTBOWN m 3 Apr 1869 reg Blackburn, bride recorded as Susannah Haythorn WHITE

j Mary Ann HAYTHORNWHITE [3734] b 10 Sep 1847 reg Blackburn, c 7 Nov 1847 Chapel Street Congregational Church, Blackburn, d abt Dec 1853 age 6 reg Blackburn 1851 Census: Scholar age 4, b Blackburn 1861 Census: not with parents

j Williamb1849 HAYTHORNWHITE [3735] b 10 Dec 1849, 3 Haword Street, Blackburn, reg Blackburn, c 3 Jul 1850 Chapel Street Congregational Church, Blackburn, m abt Sep 1870 reg Blackburn, d abt Jun 1935 age 85 reg Blackburn. 1851 Census: age 1 at Haword Street, Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver age 11 at Audley Range, Blackburn. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 21 at 46 Dewhurst Street, Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1878: Moulder of 61 Grange Street, Accrington. 1891 Census: Married Iron Planer age 41 of 202 Richmond Hill, Accrington, b Blackburn. 1901 Census: Married Iron Planer of 115 Ormerod Street, Accrington, age 52, b Blackburn. 1911 Census: Married Copper Roller Polisher, age 61, at 115 Ormerod Street, Accrington, b Blackburn

j = Elizabeth WALMSLEY [3736] b abt 1848 Blackburn, d abt Dec 1930 age 81 reg Fylde as Betty 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver at 46 Dewhurst Street, Blackburn, age 22, b Mellor. 1891 Census: Wife age 42 in Accrington, b Blackburn. 1901 Census: Wife age 53 in Accrington, b Blackburn

k Mary Jane HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Dec 1870 reg Blackburn, d abt Mar 1871 reg Blackburn

k William Albert HAYTHORNWHITE [4137] b abt Mar 1872 Blackburn, reg Blackburn as William Albert, d abt Jun 1958 age 86 reg Blackburn as Albert W. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 19 with parents in Accrington, b Blackburn, rec as Albert. 1901 Census: not at home with parents.

k = Harriett Ann CUNLIFFE [5914] m abt Mar 1897 reg Blackburn, d abt Dec 1935 reg Haslingden. 1911 Census: Married 14 yrs, age 36, with husband, b Barnoldswick

l Susannah HAYTHORNWHITE [6415] b 11 May 1897 Oswaldtwistle, c 1 Aug 1897 Church Kirk St James, d abt Dec 1897 age 0 Oswaldtwistle

l Albert HAYTHORNWHITE [3743] b 9 Aug 1898 Church reg Blackburn, c 15 Sep 1898 Accrington St James, s. of William and Harriet Ann, d abt Sep 1936 age 37 reg Haslingden. 1901 Census: age 2 with parents and grandparents at 115 Ormerod Street, Accrington, b Church. 1911 Census: Scholar age 12 with parents, b Church

l = Anna Bella ASHTON [3744] m abt Dec 1926 Huncoat St Austin, reg Burnley, m(2) Henry C HAMER abt Mar 1954 reg Weston as Hannah B HAYTHORNWHITE

m Albert HAYTHORNWHITE [3746] b abt Jun 1927 reg Burnley

m Ronald HAYTHORNWHITE [3747] b abt Sep 1928 reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1934 age 5 reg Burnley

m May HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Jun 1930 reg Haslingden

m = George PHILLIPS m abt Sep 1950 reg Haslingden

l James William HAYTHORNWHITE [5915] b 4 Aug 1900 Church, reg Blackburn, d abt Mar 1974 reg Haslingden. 1911 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents, b Church

l = Fanny Gertrude NICHOLSON [5916] m abt Dec 1929 reg Haslingden

m Brian HAYTHORNWHITE[5917] b 14 Feb 1934 reg Haslingden, d abt Sep 1971 reg Burnley

m = Mary E BOLTON m abt Jun 1960 reg Haslingden

l Ethel HAYTHORNWHITE [3748] b abt Jun 1902 reg Haslingden, d abt Dec 1902 age 0 reg Haslingden

l Minnie HAYTHORNWHITE [6416] b abt Mar 1904 Accrington, d abt Dec 1904 age 0 Accrington

l Elizabethb1909 HAYTHORNWHITE [5928] b abt Jun 1909 Accrington reg Haslingden. 1911 Census: age 2 with parents, b Accrington

l = Harry Gill DARWOOD [5929] m abt Sep 1932 Accrington St James reg Haslingden

l Evelyn HAYTHORNWHITE [6603] b abt Dec 1914 reg Haslingden

l = George SOUTH [6604] m abt Sep 1936 Accrington St James

k Walter HAYTHORNWHITE [6385] b 13 May 1873 Meadow Street, Blackburn, c 20 Jul 1873 Blackburn St Mary the Virgin, father Weaver, d abt Sep 1875 age 2 Accrington reg Haslingden

k Arthur HAYTHORNWHITE [6387] b 2 Jul 1875 Accrington reg Haslingden, c 18 Aug 1875 Blackburn St Thomas, d abt Jun 1876 age 0 Accrington reg Haslingden

k Herbert HAYTHORNWHITE [3737] b 6 Nov 1876 Napier Street, Accrington reg Haslingden, c 10 Dec 1876 Accrington St James, m abt Sep 1902 reg Blackburn, d abt Dec 1959 age 83 reg Southampton (also indexed as HAYTHORNE: so the ancient tradition in this branch of being HAYTHORNWHITE alias HAYTHORNE seems to have persisted into the mid 20th century) 1891 Census: Cotton Warehouse Boy age 14 with parents in Accrington, b Accrington. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Cloth Overlooker with parents in Accrington, age 24, b Accrington. 1911 Census: Cloth Overlooker, m 8 yrs, age 34 at 123 Ormerod Street, Accrington, b Accrington [Sgt. in RAMC, of 119 Willows Lane, on 1918 Accrington Absent Voters List?]

k = Sarah Alice THRELFALL [3738] m abt Sep 1902 reg Blackburn, d abt Dec 1958 age 80 reg Haslingden as HAYTHORNWHITE

l Norman HAYTHORNE [5932] b abt Jun 1909 reg Accrington. 1911 Census: age 1 as HAYTHORNWHITE, d abt Sep 1955 age 46 reg Winchester as HAYTHORNE

l = Annie WHITEMAN m abt Jun 1934 reg Haslingden

m Norman S HAYTHORNE [5934] b abt Sep 1942 reg Haslingden

m = Violet FISK [5935] m abt Dec 1966 reg Dewsbury

l Arnold HAYTHORNE [6744] b 12 Aug 1911 reg Haslingden, d Oct 1984 reg Southampton

k Ada HAYTHORNWHITE [3739] b 9 Oct 1878 reg Haslingden, c 31 Oct 1878 Accrington St James, d abt Sep 1914 age 35 reg Haslingden. 1881 Census: age 2 at 55 Billinge Street, Blackburn, living with grandparents John & Mary WALMSLEY, b Accrington. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver of Accrington, age 22, b Accrington. Unmarried.

k Ernest HAYTHORNWHITE [3740] b 31 Oct 1880 reg Haslingden, c 25 Nov 1880 Accrington St James, d abt Jan 1883 age 2 reg Haslingden

k Williamb1882 HAYTHORNWHITE [3741] b 3 Apr 1882 Grant Street, Accrington reg Haslinden, c 27 Apr 1882 Accrington St James, d abt Sep 1963 age 81 reg Haslingden. 1901 Census: Married Textile Machinery Fitter, age 18, living with parents in Accrington, b Accrington. 1911 Census: Married Textile Machinery Erector age 29 at 6 Carter Street, Accrington, b Accrington

k = Elizabeth Alice GREGSON [3742] b abt Dec 1882 reg Preston, m abt Mar 1901 Accrington Congregational Church, reg Haslingden, d abt Mar 1947 age 65 reg Haslingden. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver of Accrington, age 19, b Accrington

l Williamb1901 HAYTHORNWHITE [5930] b 15 Aug 1901 Accrington, no m found, d abt Dec 1972 reg Haslingden. 1911 Census: Scholar with parents in Accrington

l Edith HAYTHORNWHITE [3749] b abt Dec 1905 reg Haslingden. 1911 Census: Scholar with parents in Accrington

l = Nathan BANKS [5931] m abt Jun 1930 Accrington Christ Church reg Haslingden

k Ernest HAYTHORNWHITE [3750] b 12 May 1884 Grange St, Accrington, reg Haslingden, c 1 Jun 1884 Accrington St James, d abt Mar 1974 reg Heywood. 1891 Census: age 6 with parents in Accrington, b Accrington. 1901 Census: Textile Machine Fitter age 16, b Accrington

k = Edith EGLIN [3751] b abt Dec 1877 reg Haslingden, m abt Mar 1918 reg Haslingden, d abt Dec 1949 age 72 reg Blackburn. No issue

k Minnie HAYTHORNWHITE [3752] b 12 Dec 1885 Grange St, Accrington, c 21 Jan 1886 Accrington St James. 1891 Census: age 5 with parents in Accrington, b Accrington. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver, age 15, with parents in Accrington, b Accrington.

k = Joseph HIBBERT [3753] m abt Jun 1912 reg Haslingden

k Stanley HAYTHORNWHITE [3754] b 5 Nov 1887 Marsden St, Accrington, reg Haslingden, c 18 Dec 1887 Accrington St James, m not found, d not found. Emigrated? Died in WW1? 1891 Census: age 3 with parents in Accrington, b Accrington. 1901 Census: Cotton Warehouse Boy of Accrington, age 13, b Accrington, Appears on 1918 absent voters list for Accrington, as Pte. Stanley HAYTHORNTHWAITE in R.E., of 115 Ormerod Street.

k Frank HAYTHORNWHITE [3755] b 26 Aug 1890 Accrington reg Haslingden, c 2 Nov 1890 Accrington St James, child of William, Planer, and Elizabeth, d abt Jan 1893 age 2 reg Haslingden. 1891 Census: age 7m with parents in Accrington, b Accrington

j Elizabeth HAYTHORNWHITE [3840] b 29 Feb 1852 Blackburn, reg Blackburn, c 1 Aug 1852 Chapel Strett Congregational Church, Blackburn. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver age 9 with parents at Audley Range, Blackburn. 1871 Census: at Dewhurst Street with parents, unmarried Cotton Weaver, age 19, b Blackburn. 1881 Census: Unmarried Milliner age 29 with widowed mother in Blackburn, b Blackburn, rec as HAYTHORN

j = Oliver BARKER m abt Dec 1886 reg Blackburn. 1891 Census: Married Newsagent & Tobacconist at 4 Whalley Banks, Blackburn

j Jacob HAYTHORNWHITE [3842] b 28 Dec 1853 [from FB] reg Mar 1854 Blackburn, reg Blackburn, c 2 Apr 1854 Chapel Street Congregational Church, Blackburn, d abt Dec 1920 age 65 reg Fylde as HAYTHONTHWAITE. 1861 Census: Scholar age 7, b Blackburn. 1871 Census: at Dewhurst Street with parents, unmarried Cotton Weaver age 17, b Blackburn. 1881 Census: Unmarried Flagger and Slater’s Labourer age 27 with widowed mother in Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1891 Census: Unmarried Flagger & Slater’s Labourer age 37 living with married sister Elizabeth at 4 Whalley Banks, Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1901 Census: not found. 1911 Census: Unmarried age 56 in Fylde Union Workhouse, Wesham, b Blackburn.

j Anne HAYTHORNWHITE b 22 Dec 1856 Witton, reg not found, c 2 Aug 1857 Chapel Street Congregational Church, Blackburn as Ann HAYTHORN. 1861 Census: age 4 at Audley Range, b Blackburn. 1871 Census: Cotton Weaver age 14 at Dewhurst Street, b Witton. 1881 Census: not with widowed mother in Blackburn. Married? 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 34

j = Albert SELLERS m abt Dec 1879 reg Blackburn. 1891 Census: Married Book Keeper in Cotton Mill, age 34, Blackburn, b Blackburn

j Sarah Jane HAYTHORNWHITE b 27 Mar 1859 Witton, reg not found, c 5 Jun 1859 Chapel Street Congregational Church. 1861 Census: age 2 at Audley Range with parents, b Blackburn. 1871 Census: Cotton Weaver (part-timer) age 12 at Dewhurst Street, b Witton. 1881 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 22 with widowed mother in Blackburn, b Blackburn

j = Henry PEARSON m abt Sep 1881 reg Blackburn. 1891 Census: Cotton Mill Manager age 34 in Queens Road, Blackburn, b Blackburn

j Betsey HAYTHORNWHITE b 23 Dec 1860 Witton, reg not found, c 3 Feb 1861 Chapel Street Congregational Church, Blackburn, d abt Mar 1863 reg Blackburn. 1861 Census: age 4m, b Blackburn, rec as Betsey. 1871 Census: not present with parents.

Eleventh and Last Known Child of Johnb1775 of Read

i Jabez HAYTHORNTHWAITE [908] b 1817 Read, c not found on IGI or at Altham (not on IGI), d 2 Oct 1868 reg Blackburn age 51 as HAYTHORNTHWAITE. 1841 Census: not found. 1851 Census: Married Cotton Weaver of 12 Eccles Street, Blackburn, age 33, b Read, rec as HAYTHORN. 1861 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 44 at 80 Havelock Street, Blackburn, b Read, rec as Jabez H WHITE

i = Ann WILSON [909] b 12 May 1819 Cuerdale, daur. William WILSON of Blackburn, m 16 Apr 1838 Blackburn Parish Church, reg Blackburn, bride a minor, groom warehouseman, “father John, a weaver”, d 13 Sep 1869, age 50, reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1851 Census: Married at Eccles Street, age 31, b Cuerdale. 1861 Census: Married Weaver age 42 with husband, b Leyland

j Johnb1838 HAYTHORNWHITE [2775] b abt Sep 1838 reg Blackburn mmn WILSON, c 4 Sep 1838 Blackburn St Mary, father “HAYTHORNWHITE” (no first name given), abode Blackburn, [d abt Sep 1838 [age 6 in LancsBMD but may be a misprint for 0] reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHAITE, (not bur at Blackburn St Peter, Wilpshire). If they followed the Naming Rule, the eldest son should have been a John. It is just possible he was a son of Robertb1809, but in view of the –WHITE spellings, problem with father’s first name, and St Mary location, it seems more likely he fits here

j Elizabethb1839 HAYTHORNWHITE [5573] b abt Dec 1839 reg Blackburn mmn WILSON, d Mar 1843 age 3yrs 3m, reg Blackburn, bur 29 Mar 1843 Blackburn St Peter, Wilpshire

j Williamb1842 HAYTHORNWHITE b 15 Apr 1842 reg Blackburn, c 5 Jun 1842 Blackburn St Mary, s of Jabez and Ann, d abt Mar 1843 age 11 months, reg Blackburn, bur 21 Mar 1843 Blackburn St Peter, Wilpshire

j William Henry HAYTHORNWHITE [907] b 1 Apr 1844 Blackburn, reg Blackburn, m 8 Aug 1864 Blackburn St Mary, reg Blackburn, d 3 Apr 1900 Blackburn, Tackler. 1851 Census: age 6, b Blackburn 1861 Census: Unmarried Weaver age 17 with parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 28 in Heatley Street, Blackburn, b Blackburn, rec as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1881 Census: Overlooker (Cotton) of 16 Lower Hollin Bank Street, Blackburn, rec as HAYTHORNTHWAITE. 1891 Census: Married General Mill Labourer age 47 at 109 Chester Sreet, Blackburn, b Blackburn, rec as HAYTHORNWHITE.

j = Martha Jane TIPPING [910] b 26 Apr 1840 Church, daur. of John TIPPING of Oswaldtwistle, d 20 Nov 1912 age 70, reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 31 with husband in Heatley Street, Blackburn, b Church. 1881 Census: Cotton weaver. 1891 Census: Married age 50 wih husband in Chester Street, Blackburn, b Church. 1901 Census: Widowed Housekeeper Domestic of Blackburn, age 60, at house of married daughter Elizabeth Ann, b Oswaldtwistle. 1911 Census: Widow with daughter Elizabeth Ann at 18 George Street, Blackburn

k Ann HAYTHORNWHITE [968] b 11 Sep 1865, reg Blackburn, d 2 Oct 1865 Blackburn.

k Betsy HAYTHORNWHITE [969] b 11 Mar 1867 reg Blackburn as Betty, d 6 Sep 1867 reg Blackburn.

Name Change

Some time after the birth of his son Frank in 1906, James HAYTHORNWHITE below appears to have changed his name, and that of his children, to HAYTHORNTHWAITE, and his descendants have adhered to this consistently. Other branches of this family have, however, stuck with HAYTHORNWHITE, or shortened it to HAYTHORN(E).

k Jamesb1868 HAYTHORNWHITE [914] b 20 Jun 1868 57 Havelock St, Blackburn, reg Blackburn, d 19 May 1928 age 59 32 Ripon Street, reg Blackburn, as HAYTHORNTHWAITE, m 6 Aug 1896 at Chapel St. Congregational Church, Freckleton St. Blackburn. Living at 10 Randolph St. Blackburn in 1896 and 32, Ripon St, Blackburn, in 1924. 1871 Census: age 2 with parents in Heatley Street, Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1881 Census: Warehouse Lad (Cotton) age 12, "HAYTHORNTHWAITE". 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 22 with parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 32, of 25 Winchester Street, Blackburn, living with in laws, b Blackburn, rec as "HAYTHORNWHITE". 1911 Census: Married Hardware Hawker at 6 Wimberley Street, Blackburn

k = Ellen COOPER [915] b 11 Aug 1869 Blackburn, 6th daughter of COOPER, d 5 Sep 1928, age 59, reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNTHWAITE. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 31, with husband and parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1911 Census: Grocer, married 14 yrs.

l Albert HAYTHORNWHITE [976] b 13 Jan 1899, reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE, m as HAYTHORNTHWAITE, d abt Dec 1976 reg Warwick/L as HAYTHORNTHWAITE. 1901 Census: in Blackburn, age 2, "HAYTHORNWHITE". In Royal Flying Corps, then a Chartered Accountant.

l =(1) Gwendolen Mary Elizabeth LEADER, dr of L W LEADER of Norbury, London, m 13 Jul 1921 Wandsworth, div 1932. No issue?

l = (2) Evelyn May WOODWARD b 1 Jun 1906, m abt Jun 1934 reg Wandsworth, d Feb 1987 reg M Warks.

m Helen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1935 reg Lambeth 2000: Of Kenilworth

m = John C ROSSITER m abt Dec 1960 reg Warwick

m Gerald (Gerry) HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1939 reg Surrey NE. 2001: Executive Director of Monaco Single Buoy Mooring Inc., living in Monaco. Also has lived in Naples, Florida

m =(1) Anne CHASE m abt Jun 1961 Meriden

n Simon HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1964 reg Meriden

n = Marie E RICHARDS m abt May 1992 reg Llanelli

o Megan Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1995 reg Claro

o Samuel David J HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jul 1998 reg Claro

n Susan Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1493] b abt Jun 1967 reg Henley

n = Stephen W MALIN [6278] m Feb 1993 reg Abingdon

m =(2) Anna J T KOMIJN m abt Dec 1980 reg Worthing

m Howard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1940 Wolverhampton. 2000: Of Applecross, W Australia.

m = (1) (div) Josephine A McILVEEN m abt Dec 1964 reg Stratford 2000: Of Glasgow. Professor at Glasgow Caledonian University

n 2 children?

m =(2) Wai Lin ANON 2000: Of Singapore & Guildford

l Alice HAYTHORNWHITE [983] b 2 Jan 1902 reg Blackburn. m as HAYTHORNTHWAITE.

l = James JOHNSON [984] b 1902, m abt Sep 1939 Blackburn St Andrews Mission


m Linda JOHNSON 2001: of Queen Charlotte Islands, BC, Canada

[l Samuel HAYTHORNWHITE [3271] b abt Jun 1903 reg Blackburn Southern, mmn HAYTHORNWHITE (so he does not fit here!), d not found. Where does he fit?]

l Frank HAYTHORNWHITE [2948] b 27 Sep 1906 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE, m 1 Jul 1936 Worth Church, reg Cuckfield as HAYTHORNTHWAITE, d 7 Jul 1972 reg New Forest, as HAYTHORNTHWAITE. Telecommunications Engineer.

l = Ethel Hilda SPEAR b 26 Jun 1902 New Cross, London, d 6 Jan 1980 Ottawa, Canada

m Raymond Frank HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Dec 1938 Beckenham, reg Bromley. 1970: Emigrated to Canada 2000: Of Nepean, Ontario

m =(1) Joyce Mary WESTBY b 29 Jan 1940 Chilwell, Notts, m 18 Aug 1961 Chilwell, reg Basford, d 31 Oct 1996 Ottawa

n Thomas Westby HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Jun 1962 Manchester. 2000: In Canada. Specialist in Geographic Information Systems. 2009: With World Health Organisation in Afghanistan. 2011: In Tower Hamlets, London

n = Fatima ANSARI b 6 Jun 1982 Baghan, m 22 Mar 2008 Afghanistan

m =(2) Breeda Valentine FOLEY b 14 Feb 1944 Kanturk, Co. Cork

k Alice HAYTHORNWHITE [970] b 5 Aug 1870 Blackburn, m 7 May 1892 Blackburn Register Office as HAYTHORNWHITE, d 30 Nov 1923 Blackburn. 1871 Census: age 7m with parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Warper age 20 with parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn.

k = James HINDLE [974]

k Elizabeth Ann HAYTHORNWHITE [971] b 12 Mar 1874 Blackburn. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Winder age 17 with parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Winder age 27 with husband at 28 Walter Street, Blackburn, b Blackburn

k = Henry MAUDSLEY [972] m 20 May 1899 Chapel St Congregational Church, Blackburn (as HAYTHORNWHITE)

k Williamb1876 HAYTHORNWHITE [973] b 28 Jun 1876 reg Blackburn, d 1 Jan 1877 Blackburn, reg Blackburn, age 0

k Ellen HAYTHORNWHITE [911] b 19 Jul 1878 reg Blackburn, d 3 Jun 1900 age 21 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver (Tenter) age 13 with parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn.

k John William HAYTHORNWHITE [975] b 14 Jul 1882 Blackburn, d 6 Jun 1883 age 0 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE

j Jabez HAYTHORNTHWAITE [958] b abt Jun 1846 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNTHWAITE, d abt Mar 1853 age 6, Eccles St., Blackburn, reg as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1851 Census: at Eccles Street, age 4, b Blackburn

j Elizabethb1848 Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [959] b 5 Dec 1848 Blackburn, reg not found, d 2 Oct 1901. 1851 Census: at Eccles Street, age 2, b Blackburn. 1861 Census: Weaver age 13 with parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn, rec as WHITE

j = Robert ALMOND [960] m abt Jun 1869 Blackburn St Mary reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE

j Jamesb1851 HAYTHORNWHITE [961] b abt Sep 1851 Blackburn d aged 62(family tradition), [d abt Sep 1869 age 18 reg Blackburn as HAYTHORNWHITE? This record suggests family tradition is in error here] 1861 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents, b Blackburn, rec as WHITE

j Sarah Ellen HAYTHORNWHITE [962] b 13 Feb 1854 reg Blackburn. 1861 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents, b Blackburn, rec as Sarah Helen Haythorn WHITE. 1870: Weaver Spinster of Little Peel Street, Blackburn, “age 18”. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 18 at Redlam, Witton, b Blackburn

j = William Henry HOLDEN [963] m 5 Jun 1870 Blackburn St Paul reg Blackburn

j Alma HAYTHORNWHITE [964] b May 1856 reg Blackburn, d 6 Oct 1909 Blackburn. 1861 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents in Blackburn, b Blackburn, rec as Haythorn WHITE

j = Charles Edward KENYON [965] m 5 Nov 1874 Witton St Mark, Bachelor Loomer age 19 and Weaver Spinster age 18

j Susanna HAYTHORNWHITE [966] b 20 Feb 1858 reg Blackburn, d 8 Aug 1914. 1861 Census: Scholar age 3 with parents in Blackburn

j = James HOPWOOD [967] m abt Sep 1877 Blackburn Register Office

Chapter 12

Tree of Roland of Burley-in-Wharfedale

The Forbears of William of Claughton below are not known for certain, but some interesting possibilities are beginning to emerge. Modern descendants have Type I DNA, thus connecting them genetically to the main tree and many other trees in this volume.

James (b1783) below was born in Chipping, very close to Dinkling Green Farm, and was christened in Chipping Church. It would seem only natural that he should be one of the Haythornthwaites of Dinkling Green. But, surprisingly, this turns out not to be the case, as his father Henry was a shoemaker from Goosnargh. This branch of the family appears to have made its way round the fell to Chipping from Over Wyresdale in an anti-clockwise direction via Garstang. Their ancestors have been traced back with reasonable certainty to William of Claughton. The forebears of William of Claughton are more speculative, but some initial explorations are shown below. One interesting possibility is that William might be closely related to Robert of Barnacre, whose widow Ann appears to have died at Claughton, thus connecting this branch (very tentatively at this stage) to the Descendants of John of Tarnbrook, the main tree in this volume.

Modern descendants of this branch use the name variants HAYTHORNTHWAITE, HAWTHORNTHWAITE and HAWTHORN.

The Descendants of William of Claughton

William of Claughton

f William HATHORNTHWAITE [6860] [b abt 1690 say], c not found, [c 17 Feb 1685 Caton St Paul, s of Thomas HATHORNTHWAIT? [PR] It is now clear that this Caton William died in infancy, bur 28 Mar 1686 Caton, so it cannot be him] [ I think it possible he came from the then apparently Catholic or otherwise nonconformist H denizens of Netherwyresdale, but in the absence of a mention in a Will, this may be hard to prove], d Claughton, bur 11 Sep 1740 Garstang St Helen[PR]. 1717-1740: of Claughton

f = Ann JOHNSON [6881] m 25 Aug 1717 Garstang St Helen, [of Claughton [place hard to read]? And does this apply to groom as well as bride?] [PR], bur 19 May 1764 Garstang St Helen as Ann HATHORNTHWAITE of Claughton, a Widow [PR]. Will of Ann of Claughton, Widow, 1764, mentions daurs. Eling and Mary, new wife of Robert HAT-, son Miles and unnamed children of Miles (apparently minors)

g Eling HATHORNTHWAITE [7253] c 1 Feb 1719 Garstang St Helen, dr of Wm HATHORNWHITE of Claughton [PR]

[g Ann HATHORNTHWAITE c not found. 1748: of Claughton

g = Henry BLEASDALE m 11 Jan 1748 Garstang St Helen, of Claughton]

g Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [7254] c 19 Apr 1724 Garstang St Helen, dr of Wm HATHORNTHWAITE of Claughton [PR], m 1 Nov 1762 Garstang St Helen, of parish of Garstang, d abt May 1800 Bilsborrow, bur 6 May 1800 Garstang St Helen, wife of Robt. of Bilsbro

g = Robertb1727 HATHORNTHWAITE [7989] b abt 1727, c not found, m 1 Nov 1762 Garstang St Helen, of parish of St Michael’s, bur 16 Apr 1808 Woodplumpton St Anne as Robert H of Bilsborrow age 81. 1797: of Inskip. 1800: of Bilsbro. It is not clear at present who this Robert is

h John HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7990] [b abt 1763, say], c not found, d abt Apr 1797 Inskip, bur 16 Apr 1797 Garstang St Helen, s of Robert of Inskip

[h Other children not found]

Miles of Claughton

g Milesb1729 HATHORNTHWAITE [3325] b abt 1729, c not found, but mentioned in mother Ann’s 1764 Will, d abt Apr 1810 Goosnargh, bur 25 Apr 1810 Garstang St Helen age 83. 1752 Marriage: of Claughton. 1762: Witness at Garstang St Helens marriage of Robert HATHORNTHWAITE of parish of St Michaels and Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [Miles’s sister] of the parish of Garstang.]

g = Merial LEACH [3326] m 4/11 Apr 1752 Garstang, of Barnaker, d not found

First Child of Miles of Claughton

h Tamar HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3327] b abt 1752 Claughton, c 8 Jul 1752 Garstang St Helens, d Apr 1823 Goosnargh, bur 28 Apr 1823 Garstang St Helens, age 71, of Goosnargh. Unmarried

i Isabel HATHORNTHWAITE [6825] c 2 Jun 1782 Goosnargh, dr Tamar, no father given, d abt Mar 1857 age 74 reg Preston as Isabella. 1851 Census: Unmarried Nurse age 71 lodging at 77 Gt George Street, Preston, b Inglewhite, rec as Isabela HAW-

Second Child of Miles of Claughton

h Williamb1754 HATHORNTHWAITE [6826] b abt 1754 Claughton, c 31 May 1754 Garstang St Helen, 1781 marriage: (X), of Barton in the parish of Preston, d 22 Apr 1825 Inskip, bur Garstang St Helen 25 Apr 1825, age 72, legible MI in Churchyard. 1825 Admon: William H, Farmer of Inskip

h = Elizabeth SHEPHERD b abt 1753, m 12 Nov 1781 Broughton St John the Baptist, (X), of Claughton in parish of Garstang, d 30 Apr 1842 reg Garstang as HAW-, bur Garstang St Helen, age 89 as HAY-, legible MI in Churchyard. 1841 Census: Farmer age 85 living at Inskip with unmarried children, Ann, Miles and William, b Lancs

i Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6831] b abt 1784 Inskip, c 18 Apr 1784 St Michael on Wyre, d abt Dec 1878 age 94 Inskip reg Garstang, unmarried. 1841 Census: Unmarried Farmer age 55 at Inskip with widowed mother and brothers Miles and William. 1851 Census: Unmarried Housekeeper age 67, living with brother William in Inskip, b Inskip. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Sister age 77 at Crabtree House, Inskip, b Inskip, rec as Nancy. 1871 Census: Unmarried Retired Farmer age 87 at Inskip, b Inskip

i Williamb1785 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6832] b 3 Jul 1785 Crossmore [near Inskip], c 10 Jul 1785 St Michael on Wyre as HAYTHORNWHITE, d bfr 1799, bur not found

i Elizabethb1787 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6833] b 1 Jun 1787 Inskip, c 17 Jun 1787 St Michael on Wyre, d 25 Oct 1862 reg Garstang as HAT-, bur Garstang St Helen age 75, legible MI in Churchyard. Unmarried. 1851 Census: Unmarried Domestic age 64 living in house of brother William in Inskip, b Inskip. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer’s Sister age 77 at Crabtree House, Inskip, b Inskip

i Milesb1789 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6834] b 6 Feb 1789 Inskip, c 8 Feb 1789 St Michael on Wyre as HAWTHORNWHITE, d 28 May 1860 reg Garstang as HAY-, bur Garstang St Helen age 71, legible MI in Churchyard. Unmarried. 1841 Census: Farmer age 50 living with brother William at Inskip, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Labourer age 62 living with brother William in Inskip, b Inskip

i Henryb1790 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6835] b 19 Dec 1790 Inskip, c 16 Jan 1791 St Michael on Wyre, d 8 Dec 1836 in his 47th year Wharles, bur Garstang St Helen, legible MI in Churchyard. 1821: Widower Husbandman of Catforth age 30. Apparently married twice, although his wives were not buried with him at Garstang St Helen. !837 Admon: Henry of Wharles, Farmer

i =(1) Betty WARDE [6897] m 2 Sep 1816 Kirkham St Michael, groom of Treales, bride of Kirkham, d bfr 1821, [bur 4 Apr 1819 Garstang St Helen as Betty, wife of “Edward” H of Catforth, age 23? Could this be her?]

j Betsy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6898] b Inskip, c 20 Apr 1817 St Michael’s on Wyre, dau of Henry H, Labourer of Inskip, & Betty

j Nancy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6899] b Catforth, c 18 Apr 1819 St Michael’s on Wyre, dau of Henry, Husbandman of Catforth, & Betty

j = George WILKINSON m 17 Oct 1840 Preston St John, Servant Bachelor of Inskip age 26 and Spinster age 21 of Chaddock Street, father late Henry H, Farmer

i =(2) Alice BRAMWELL [6900] b abt 1802, m 13 Oct 1821 Woodplumpton St Anne, Spinster of Catforth age 19, d not found [not buried with putative husband Henry at Garstang St Helen, presumably because of her later marriage to William TUSON], m(2) 8 Dec 1841 Preston St John to William TUSON [6297] Servant Bachelor age 22 of Saul St to Housekeeper Widow age 36

j Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [6901] b 10 Nov 1822 Catforth, c 8 Dec 1822 Woodplumpton St Anne, dr of Henry, Husbandman, & Alice, [bur 1 Jan 1837 age 14 Garstang St Helen, abode: Wharles? It appears this burial is someone else, in view of the marriage below]

j = John BURKE m 3 Mar 1849 Preston St John, age 24, Corporal 39th Foot, Bachelor of Fulwood, & Margaret HAY- (X) age 19, Spinster Weaver of Deepdale Road, father: late Henry H, Farmer

j Jenny HATHORNTHWAITE [6902] b 24 Oct 1824 Catforth, c 5 Dec 1824 Woodlumpton St Anne, dr of Henry, Husbandman, & Alice

j = William VERNON m 9 Aug 1845 Preston St John, Spinner Widower age 39 of Moor Lane & Jane H Weaver Spinster age 22 of Kirkham Street North

j Alice HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6903] b Catforth, c 19 Oct 1828 St Michael’s on Wyre, child of Henry, Husbandman, & Alice. 1841 Census: age 14 in Saul Street, Preston

j = Richard ECCLES m 2 May 1847 Preston St John as Richard Ecles 21 Mason Bachelor of St Peter’s Square & Alice H 19 Weaver Spinster of Kirkham Street, father late Henry H Farmer

j Mary HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1830 [Wharles?], c not found. 1841 Census: age 11 with parents in Saul Street

j Peggy HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1832 [Wharles?], c not found. 1841 Census: age 9 with parents in Saul Street

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 31 Dec 1835 Kirkham St Michael, child of Henry, farmer of Wharles, and Alice. 1841 Census: age 6 with parents in Saul Street, Preston

[ j Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1839 Kirkham, mmn HAT- or BRAMWELL. 1841 Census: age 3 with parents in Saul Street, Preston. 1851 Census: “daughter” age 12 with parents Alice &William at 2 Charnley Row, Preston. This is slightly puzzling in view of sister Peggy above]

i Jane (Jenny) HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Sep 1792 Inskip, c 7 Oct 1792 St Michael on Wyre as Jenny. 1851 Census: Widowed Domestic age 59 living with brother William in Inskip, b Inskip. 1861 Census: Widowed Farmer’s Sister age 74 at Crabtree House, Inskip, b Inskip. 1871 Census: Widowed Retired Farmer age 79 at Inkip, b Inskip

i = Richard BARTON b abt 1798, m 1 May 1828 Woodplumpton St Anne, Miller Bachelor of Sowerby, age 30, d Feb 1835 Myerscough, bur 3 Feb 1835 Garstang St Helen, age 37

i Johnb1794 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6839] b 8 Jun 1794 Inskip, c 22 Jun 1794 St Michael on Wyre as HAYTHORNTHWAITE, d abt Jun 1883 age 90 reg Fylde. 1836 Marriage: Farmer Bachelor of Sowerby, rec as HAY-. 1851 Census: Married Farmer, age 56, of 193 acres emp 12 labourers at Denham Hall Farm, Brindle, b Inskip, rec as HAW-. 1871 Census: Widowed Annuitant age 73 at 27 Preston Street, Thornton Cleveleys, b Inskip. 1881 Census: Widowed Retired Farmer age 87 in Thornton Cleveleys, b Inskip

i = Elizabeth THRELFALL [6840] b abt 1797 Woodplumpton, m 9 Jun 1836 Woodplumpton St Anne, Spinster of Woodplumpton, d abt Jan 1865 age 69 reg Garstang. 1851 Census: Wife age 54 at Denham Hall Farm, Brindle, b Woodplumpton, no children present

j Margaret Elizabeth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6841] b 29[20?] Mar 1837 reg at Inskip Particular Baptist Chapel, parents John HAY- and Elizabeth, of Marley(?) in the Township of Sowerby, d abt Mar 1840 St Michael’s, reg Garstang, age 2

j Richardb1838 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7595] b abt Dec 1838 St Michael, reg Garstang, d abt Dec 1838 St Michael’s, Garstang, age 0, mmn THRELFALL

j Jennet HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7602] b abt Dec 1839 St Michael, reg Garstang, mmn THRELFALL, d abt Dec 1840 St Michael’s, Garstang, age 0

i Williamb1799 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6842] b 19 Feb 1799 Inskip, c 24 Mar 1799 St Michael on Wyre, d abt Feb 1877 age 78 reg Garstang as HAY-, bur 7 Feb 1877 Inskip St Peter. 1841 Census: Farmer age 40 at Inskip. 1851 Census: Unmarried Farmer of 26 acres emp 2 labourers, age 52, at Todd House, Inskip with Sowerby, b Inskip, rec as HAW-. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer of 47 acres age 61 at Crabtree House, Inskip, b Inskip. 1871 Census: Unmarried Retired Farmer age 72 at Inskip, b Inskip

Third Child of Miles of Claughton, Henry of Chipping

h Henryb1755 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3328] b abt 1755 Claughton, c 5 Jan 1756 Garstang St Helen, m 31 Mar 1779 Chipping, Shoemaker of Goosnargh in the parish of Kirkham (a detached part of this parish), d Feb 1826 Longridge, bur 21 Feb 1826 Garstang St Helen, age 70, of Longridge. 1804: in Goosnargh

h = Margaret LIVESEY [3329] m 31 Mar 1779 Chipping, of Chipping, d abt Dec 1827 Thornley, bur 2 Dec 1827 Garstang St Helen, age 74, of Thornley

First Child of Henry of Chipping

i Josephb1779 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7537] c 6 Jun 1779 Chipping St Bartholomew, son of Henry of Chipping

Second Child of Henry of Chipping

i Milesb1781 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7538] c 19 Aug 1781 Chipping St Bartholomew, son of Henry of Chipping, bur 3 Apr 1803 Garstang St Helen as Miles Hawthornthwaite of Inglewhite age 21

Third Child of Henry of Chipping

i Jamesb1783 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3331] b Chipping, c 7 Sep 1783 Chipping St Bartholomew, son of Henry of Chipping, d abt Sep 1851 age 67 Alston reg Preston, bur 18 Jul 1851 Longridge St Lawrence. 1841 Census: Handloom weaver, age 55, of New Town, Alston, b Lancs, rec as HAW-. 1851 Census: Married Hand Loom Weaver, Cotton, age 64, of New Town, Alston, b Chipping (rec as HAYTHORNWHITE)

i = Ellen NORCROSS [3332] b abt 1796 Ribchester, Lancs., m not found [but probably 1822 Ribchester], d abt Mar 1863 age 68 Alston reg Preston, bur 26 Mar 1863 Longridge St Lawrence. 1841 Census: age 45 with husband, b Lancs. 1851: Married Hand Loom Weaver, Cotton, age 55, b Ribchester. 1861 Census: Widowed Retired Cotton Weaver age 65 of 36 New Town, Alston, b Dutton, rec as HAW-

First Child of Jamesb1783

j Markb1823 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3333] b abt 1823 Alston, c 5 Oct 1823 Longridge St Lawrence, s of James, Weaver, & Ellen of Alston, d abt Mar 1863 age 42 Alston reg Preston, bur 22 Mar 1863 Longridge St Lawrence. 1841 Census: age 15 with parents, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married Hand Loom Weaver Cotton age 28 of New Town, Alston, b Alston, rec as HAY-. 1861 Census: Married Cotton weaver age 39 at 17 Newtown, Longridge, b Alston, rec as HAW-.

j = Alice EDDLESTON [3334] b abt 1819 Thornley, m 25 Dec 1848 Ribchester St Wilfred, reg Preston, d abt Mar 1863 age 44 Alston reg Preston, bur 2 Mar 1863 Longridge St Lawrence. 1851 Census: Married Hand Loom Weaver Cotton age 32 with husband in Alston, b Thornley. 1861 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 40 with husband in Longridge, b Alston.

k Jamesb1849 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3345] b abt Jun 1849 Alston, reg Preston, c 1 Jul 1849 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Jun 1935 age 86 reg Amounderness, as HAW-. 1851 Census: age 2 with parents in Alston, b Alston. 1861 Census: Scholar at Newtown, age 11, rec as HAW-. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age age 22 at 24 Mersey Street, Dilworth, b Alston, rec as HAW-. 1881 Census: Cotton Cloth Looker of 33 Mersey Street, Dilworth, age 32, b Alston, recorded as HAW- 1891 Census: Married Cotton Cloth Looker age 40 of 84 Mersey Street, Dilworth, b Alston, rec as HAW-.. 1901 Census: Head Cotton Cloth Looker of Dilworth, age 52, b Longridge rec as HAW-

k = Ellen SELLERS [3442] b abt 1849 Dilworth, m 24 Jun 1869 Longridge St Lawrence reg Preston as HAW-, d abt Jun 1918 age 70 reg Preston as HAW-. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 23 with husband at Dilworth, b Dilworth. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver of Dilworth, age 32, b Dilworth. 1891 Census: Housewife age 42 at Dilworth, b Alston. 1901 Census: Housewife age 52 with husband in Dilworth, b Longridge.

l Alfred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3443] b 22 Dec 1870 Dilworth, reg Preston as HAY- , c 29 Jan 1871 Longridge St Lawrence as HAY-, d abt Dec 1936 age 65 reg Amounderness as HAW-. 1871 Census: age 3m with parents in Dilworth, b Dilworth. 1881 Census: Scholar at Dilworth, age 10, b Dilworth, rec as HAW- . 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 19 with parents, b Dilworth, rec as Albert. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver of 10 Lune Street, Dilworth, age 30, b Longridge, rec as HAW-

l = Catherine POMFRET [3445] b abt Dec 1867 Mellor reg Blackburn, m 1 Aug 1895 Longridge St Lawence, reg Preston as HAW-, d abt Dec 1925 age 58 reg Preston. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Winder age 34 with husband in Dilworth, b Mellor.

l Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3444] b 27 Jan 1873 Dilworth, reg Preston as HAY-, c 23 Feb 1873 Longridge St Lawrence, dr of James & Ellen HAW-, Warehouseman of Dilworth. 1881 Census: Scholar at Dilworth, age 8, b Dilworth, rec as HAW-. 1891 Census: Unmarried Worsted Heald[?] Knitter age 18 b Dilworth, rec as HAW-. 1901 Census: Housewife age 28 with husband in Thornley, b Longridge. Also living there was unmmarried Aunt age 65, Mary BLACKBURN.

l = John COOK b abt 1873 Elston, m 24 Jun 1896 Longridge St Lawrence, reg Preston. 1901 Census: Married Farmer age 28 at Staked Gate, Thornley with Wheatley, b Elston

l Markb1876 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6124] b abt May 1876 Alston reg Preston, d abt Jun 1876 age 0 Alston reg Preston, bur 15 May 1876, Longridge St Lawrence, as Mark HAW-, infant of Dilworth

l Williamb1878 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6125] b 26 Aug 1878 Alston reg Preston, c 29 Sep 1878 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Dec 1878 age 0 Alston reg Preston

l William Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4175] b 11 Jan 1882 reg Preston as HAY-, c 19 Feb 1882 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Dec 1957 age 75 reg Westmorland South as HAW- 1891 Census: Scholar age 9 b Dilworth. 1901 Census: Unmarried Warehouseman Cotton Mill, age 19, with parents in Dilworth, b Longridge. 1911 Census: Married Clergyman (established Church) age 29 at 79 Green Street, Middleton, Oldham

l = Mary Ellen BLACKBURN [6169] b abt 1875 Newton Heath, m abt Sep 1907 reg Prestwich, d abt Sep 1962 age 87 reg Westmorland S

l Johnb1885 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Feb 1885 reg Preston as HAW-, c 8 Mar 1885 Longridge St Lawrence. 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents in Dilworth, b Dilworth. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 16 with parents in Dilworth, b Longridge. 1911 Census: Warehouseman, single, age 26, at 84 Mersey St, Longridge, with parents

k Williamb1850 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3336] b abt Dec 1850 Alston, reg Preston as HAY-, c 29 Dec 1850 Longridge St Lawrence, s of Mark HAY- & Alice, Weaver of Alston, d not found [possibly reg as HAWTHORN]. 1851 Census: age 5m with parents in Alston, b Alston, rec as HAY-. 1861 Census: Scholar age 9 at Newtown rec as HAW-. 1871 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 20 living with elder brother James at 24 Mersey Street, Dilworth, b Alston, rec as HAW-. 1881 Census: Married General Labourer of 1 Lime Street, Bradford, age 30, b Longridge, rec as HAW-. 1891 Census: Married Watchmaker age 40 at Railway Street, Walmersley, Summerseat, Ramsbottom, b Longridge, rec as HAW-. 1901 Census: Married Watchmaker & Shopkeeper age 50 at 4 Foot of Rake, Ramsbottom, b Longridge, rec as HAWTHORN.

k = Ellen SINGLETON [3761] b abt 1849 Goosnargh, m 15 Feb 1873 Longridge St Lawrence, reg Preston as HAW-. 1881 Census: Married age 29 with husband in Bradford, b Goosnargh. 1891 Census: Married Weaver age 40 with husband in Walmersley, b Goosnargh. 1901 Census: Married age 49 with husband in Ramsbottom, b Longridge.

l Thomasb1874 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3762] b 8 Jul 1874 Longridge, reg Preston as HAY-, c 26 Jul 1874 Longridge St Lawrence as HAW-, AW-H d abt Jun 1957 age 82 reg Bury as HAW- 1881 Census: Scholar of Bradford, age 6 , b Longridge, rec as HAW-. 1891 Census: Unmarried Weaver age 16 with parents in Walmersley, b Longridge, rec as HAW-. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 26 of 14 Mount Pleasant, Bury, b Longridge, rec as HAW-.

l = Emily HAMER b abt 1875 Bury, m abt Jun 1898 reg Bury, d abt Jun 1921 age 46 reg Bury as HAW-. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 26 at 14 Mount Pleasant, Bury, b Bury, rec as HAW-. 1911 Census: Cotton Weaver, m 12 yrs, age 36, b Bury, at 19 Mount Pleasant, Bury, husband not present

m William Alfred HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 30 Mar 1899 reg Bury, d abt Jun 1979 reg Bury as HAW-. . 1901 Census: age 2 in Mount Pleasant, Bury, b Bury.

m = Dorothy Agnes LAMBERT b abt Mar 1900 reg Sedbergh, m abt Sep 1925 reg Bury, d abt Sep 1965 age 65 reg Bury. No issue?

m Johnb1902 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Dec 1902 reg Bury, d abt Sep 1978 reg Blackpool/F. 1911 Census: Scholar age 8 with mother in Bury

m = Isabella WILSON b 20 Jun 1899 [reg Fylde?], m abt Jun 1923 reg Bury, d Jun 1990 reg Blackpool/F

n Donald W HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1924 reg Bury

n = Dorothy ARMSTRONG b 19 Mar 1925 Northumberland, m abt Dec 1947 reg Fylde, d Jun 2006 Dorset

o Lynda M HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1950 reg Blackpool

o = Julian W CORCORAN m abt Jun 1974 reg Selby

o Graham HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1955 reg Clitheroe

o =(1) Suzanne C J WOOD m abt Jun 1978 reg Yeovil

o =(2) Heather M CROSBIE m abt Sep 1981 reg Dorset N

p Matthew John HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1980 reg Yeovil

p Melissa Kate HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1982 reg Yeovil

o =(3) Susan E PASKE m abt Jun 1992 reg Dorset N

n Lois E HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1926 reg Bolton

n = Leslie GORST m abt Mar 1957 reg Blackpool

n Jack HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Jan 1929 reg Bury, d abt Jul 2002 reg Blackpool

n = Evelyn M TURNER m abt Mar 1956 reg Fylde

o Susan HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1957 reg Fylde

o = Keith McPHERSON m abt Dec 1978 reg Fleetwood

o Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1958 reg Fylde

o = Robert A KILLEN m Oct 1984 reg Blackpool/F

o Julie HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1961 reg Fylde

o = Andrew V TOPPING m abt Sep 1986 reg Blackpool/F

o Carol HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1962 reg Fylde

o = Stephen I COX m abt Dec 1986 reg Blackpool/F

n Beryl D HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1930 reg Bury

n = Arthur EARNSHAW m abt Mar 1954 reg Fylde

l Markb1875 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3763] b 8 Oct 1875 Longridge reg Preston, c 14 Nov 1875 Longridge St Lawrence, m abt Jun 1903 reg Bury, d abt Mar 1955 age 79 reg Haslingden 1881 Census: Scholar of Bradford, age 5, b Longridge. 1891 Cotton Weaver age 15 with parents in Walmersley, b Longridge. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 25 with parents in Ramsbottom, b Longridge, rec as HAWTHORN. 1911 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 35, b Longridge, at 15 Mt Pleasant, Bury, rec as HAW-

l = Ruth HAMER [4213] b abt Mar 1876 reg Bury, m abt Jun 1903 reg Bury, d abt Mar 1945 age 69 reg Bury. 1911 Census: Cotton Weaver, m 6 yrs, age 35, b Bury, with husband

m Walter HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4211] b 6 Apr 1904 reg Bury, d abt Apr 1993 reg Bury

m = Emily THORNTON b 11 Jul 1910 reg Bury, m abt Jun 1937, d Jan 1985 reg Bury

m Joan HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7548] b abt Jun 1938 Bury

l Alice Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6362] b 4 Oct 1877 Alston reg Preston, c 15 Oct 1877 Longridge St Lawrence, child of William HAW-, Insurance Agent of Longridge & Manchester, & Ellen, d abt Dec 1877 age 0 Alston reg Preston, bur 22 Oct 1877 age 2 weeks Longridge St Lawrence

l Alice Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3764] b 2 Jan 1879 Gorton, reg Chorlton, c 20 Apr 1879 Longridge St Lawrence, child of William, Insurance Agent of Manchester. 1881 Census: at Bradford, age 2, b Gorton, rec as HAY-. 1891 Census: Weaver age 12 with parents in Bury, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 21 with parents in Ramsbottom, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Married 9 yrs, age 31, in Nelson, b Stockport

l = Wilfred COOKE [3765] m abt Dec 1904 reg Bury to HAW-

l Williamb1881 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1881 Manchester, reg Prestwich, d not found. 1891 Census: School Boy age 9, b Manchester. 1901 Census: not found (d as HAWTHORN?)

l Hannah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6403] b abt Dec 1886 Walmersley reg Bury, d abt Jun 1890 age 3 reg Bury

l Robertb1887 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6404] b abt Dec 1887 Walmersley, reg Bury, m not found, d not found

l Jamesb1890 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4148] b abt Dec 1890 Summerseat, reg Bury, d not found. 1891 Census: age 7m at Summerseat, b Summerseat. 1901 Census: age 10 with parents in Ramsbottom, b Walmersley, rec as HAWTHORN. [Watchmaker of 13 Dale St, Ramsbottom, emigrated to S Africa on RMS Durham Castle on 15 Jul 1926 with wife and daughter Miss E?]

l = Annie BLACKBURN [4150] m abt Dec 1917 reg Bury, [d abt Sep 1960 age 61 reg Blackburn?]

[m E HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1924]

l Edith HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1892 Ramsbottom, reg Bury, m not found (as HAWTHORN?), d not found. 1901 Census: age 9 with parents in Ramsbottom, b Ramsbottom, rec as HAWTHORN.

k Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3337] b abt Sep 1853 Alston, reg Preston, as Ellinor, c 2 Oct 1853 Longridge St Lawrence as Ellen HAW-. 1861 Census: Scholar at Newtown, age 7, b Alston, rec as Ellen HAW-. 1871 Census: Unmarried Cooton Power Loom Worker, age 17, boarding in Pancake Row, New Town, Alston, b Alston. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver of Fell Brow, Alston, age 26, b Longridge

l Markb1872 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6383] b 26 Aug 1872 Alston reg Preston, mmn H, c 15 Sep 1872 Longridge St Lawrence, son of Ellen, Spinster of Alston, d abt Mar 1874 age 1 Alston reg Preston, bur 1 Mar 1874 Longridge St Lawrence, age 1 yr 7 months, of Alston

k = James SHARPLES m 17 May 1875 Ribchester St Wilfred reg Preston, Quarryman Bachelor of Alston, Weaver Spinster of Alston. 1881 Census: Married Quarryman age 27 of Fell Brow, Alston, b Longridge

k Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6350] b abt Sep 1856 Alston, c 14 Sep 1856 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Apr 1860 reg Preston, bur 29 Apr 1860 Longridge St Lawrence, age 4

k Hannahb1859 Maria HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3338] b abt Jun 1859 Alston reg Preston, c 24 Apr 1859 Longridge St Lawrence as Hannah, dr of Mark HAW-, Power Loom Weaver of Alston, & Alice. 1861 Census: Scholar at Newtown, age 3, b Alston, rec as HAW-. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 22 b Alston

k = Abraham PINDER m 2 May 1877 Longridge St Lawrence, reg Preston as HAW-

k Margaret Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6361] b abt Jun 1861 Alston, reg Preston, c 18 Aug 1861 Longridge St Lawrence, no m or d found

Second Child of Jamesb1783

j Milesb1825 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3340] b abt 1825 Alston, c 2 Jan 1825 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Jun 1899 Preston age 74, rec as HAY-. 1841 Census: age 15 with parents, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Weaver age 26 lodging at 13 Harrington Street, Preston, b Preston. 1861 Census: Married Cotton weaver of 11 Newtown, Longridge, age 36, b Alston, rec as HAW-. 1871 Census: Married Labourer in Cotton Warehouse in Dilworth, age 46, b Longridge. 1881 Census: Hawker of 22 Crook Street, Preston, age 56, b Longridge, recorded as HAW-. He is described as married, but there is no sign of his wife. 1891 Census: Married Baker age 66 of 31 & 32 Comb, Crook Street, Preston, b Longridge

j = Mary LANCASTER (nee FAIRCLOUGH) [3341] b abt 1826 Alston, m 22 Feb 1852 Preston St John, reg Preston, Weaver Widow age 25 and Labourer Bachelor of Ormside Street, d abt Jun 1893 age 66 reg Preston. Mary had a daughter Elizabeth in 1851 by her previous marriage, who married Anon CATLOW and was widowed by 1891. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver of Newtown, age 34, b Alston. 1891 Census: Wife age 64 with husband in Preston, b Longridge

k Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3344] b abt May 1853 reg Preston, c 22 May 1853 Preston St John, dr of Miles, Laborer, and Mary, of Black Mill Bank, m not found, d not found. 1861 Census: Scholar at Newtown, Longridge, age 7, b Preston. 1891 Census: Unmarried Baker’s Assistant age 38 with parents in Preston, b Longridge. Unmarried?

k Jamesb1856 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3345] b abt Dec 1856 Dilworth, reg Preston, c 6 Dec 1856 Longridge St Lawrence, s of Miles HAW- & Mary, Mason of Dilworth. d abt Sep 1909 reg Preston. 1861 Census: Scholar age 4 b Dilworth. 1881 Census: Married. Stone Mason (unemployed), age 24, b Longridge, at 41 Russell St, Preston . 1901 Census: Married Stone Mason at 33 Astley Street, Preston, age 44, b Longridge, Lancs

k = Mary Elizabeth AINSWORTH [3019] b abt 1856 Preston, m 6 Dec 1875 Preston Parish Church, reg Preston, d abt Mar 1913 age 57 reg Preston. 1881 Census: at Preston with no children, age 24 b Preston. 1901 Census: Housewife age 44, b Preston. No issue?

Third Child of Jamesb1783

j Henryb1827 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3346] b abt 1827 Alston, Longridge, m 20 Apr 1863 Preston St John, Weaver of Cragg's Row, Preston. Witnesses at the wedding were Mary and Miles HAYTHORNTHWAITE. d abt Dec 1901 reg Preston, aged 74. 1841 Census: age 10 with parents, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Hand Loom Weaver age 23 of New Town, Alston. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 33 living with widowed mother at 36 New Town, Alston, b Alston. 1871 Census: Married Farmer of 26 acres at Lower Birkis, Thornley, age 38, b Alston. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver at 21 High Street, Dilworth, Lancs, age 50. 1891 Census: Married, no occupation given, age 63, at 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth,b Longridge. 1891 Census: Married age 63 at 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, b Longridge. 1901 Census: At 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, widower age 73, b Longridge, recorded, along with his family below, as HAWTHORNTHWAITE. [1901 Census: also at 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, were three grandchildren of Henry, Miles age 15, Gertrude age 5 and Ernest age 2, all b Longridge. Miles was born to Henry’s daughter Ellen as a single mother with no father given on the Birth Certificate. Ernest may have been a sibling of Henry, but this is not certain. Gertrude was daughter to Anne [3391]]

j = Mary Ann BLACKBURN [3347] b abt 1841 Caton, Lancs, d abt Mar 1900 age 58 reg Preston, bur 6 Feb 1900 Longridge St Lawrence. 1863: Weaver of Aqueduct Street, Preston. 1871 Census: Married age 28 at Lower Birkis, Thornley, b Caton. 1891 Census: Married age 54 with husband in Dilworth, b Caton

k Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3348] b abt Jun 1863 Alston, reg Preston, c 24 Jun 1863 Longridge St Lawrence, as HAY-, d abt Mar 1936 age 72 reg Amounderness. Unmarried. 1871 Census: Scholar age 7 at Lower Birkis, b Alston. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 27, b Longridge. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver of 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, spinster age 37, b Longridge, recorded as "HAW"

l Emma HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Oct 1882 Longridge, c 12 Nov 1882 Longridge St Lawrence, dr of Ellen, Weaver, bur 8 May 1883 Longridge St Lawrence, age 6 months

l Milesb1885 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3629] b 10 Aug 1885 50 Pitt St, Dilworth, reg Preston, mother Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE, no father given, c 13 Sep 1885 Longridge St Lawrence, s of Ellen, Weaver of Longridge, d abt Dec 1945 age 61 reg Burnley. 1891 Census: Scholar age 5 at house of grandfather, 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, b Longridge. 1901 Census: at 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, age 15, grandson of widower Henryb1827. [Also there in 1901 were two other grandchildren, possible siblings of Miles: Gertrude age 5 (b abt Dec 1895 reg Preston) and Ernest age 2 (b abt Jun 1898 reg Preston)]. 1911 Census: Married age 23 at 9 Pine Street, Nelson 1939: Cotton Weaver

l =(1) Margaret E WHITTAM [3630] m abt Jun 1908 Little Marsden St Paul reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1919 age 41 reg Burnley

m Ethel HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5903] b abt Dec 1908 reg Nelson. 1911 Census: age 2 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

m = Henry PENROSE m abt Sep 1935 reg Burnley

m Jamesb1914 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3631] b abt Jun 1914 reg Burnley (age 25 on 1 Jul 1939) Appears to be youngest child, d abt Sep 1959 Nelson. 1939: Engineer’s Fitter

m = Mary Maud RACK b 8 Jun 1912 m 1 Jul 1939 reg Kensington, London, d abt Mar 1995 reg Burnley/Pen

n James Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3633] b 1 Feb 1940 reg Willesden, London, d abt Jun 2005 reg Lancs

n = Wendy O'MAHONY m abt Mar 1968 reg Nelson.

o Colin HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1968 reg Nelson

o James Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1970 reg Burnley. 2000: in Nelson

n Milesb1943 E HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1943 reg Nelson. 2000: in Nelson

n = Judith DURKIN (nee MAHER) m abt Mar 1971 reg Nelson.

o Michael John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1971 reg Burnley.

o = Michelle D BURNETT m abt Jun 1993 reg Burnley/Pen

p Ryan David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Oct 2000 reg Burnley/Pen

o Duane Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1974 reg Burnley

o Joseph Michael HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1979 reg Burnley/Pen

n Mary M HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1944 reg Nelson

n = James THORPE m abt Mar 1968 reg Nelson

n Peter William HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 26 Jan 1948 reg Nelson. d abt Dec 1981 reg Burnley/Pen

n = Catherine McCAFFREY m abt Jun 1972 reg Nelson

o Gary Wilfred HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1966 reg Nelson. 2000: in Nelson.

o = Joanne S LORD m abt Aug 1993 reg Burnley/Pen

p Jemma Louise HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Aug 1990 reg Burnley/Pen

o Kelly HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1971 reg Burnley

o Daniel James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1976 reg Burnley/Pen. 2000: in Nelson

o = Catherine ANON

o Josephb1977 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1977 reg Burnley/Pen

n Frederick A HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3316] b abt Dec 1951 reg Nelson. m not found. 2000: in Nelson

l =(2) Louisa MARSDEN [7524] b 29 Jan 1899 Stockport, m(1) Fred BROWN abt Mar 1925 Burnley, m(2) abt Mar 1939 Nelson RO, d abt Sep 1975 Burnley & Pendle

k Josephb1864 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3349] b 30 Aug 1864 Alston, reg Preston, c 25 Sep 1864 Longridge St Lawrence, d 30 Sep 1942 age 78 reg Skipton. 1871 Census: Scholar age 6 at Lower Birkis, b Alston. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver at Dilworth. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 26 of 17 Brook Street, Clitheroe, b Alston. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver at 20 Hayhurst Street, Clitheroe, age 36, b Longridge, Lancs.

k = Margaret SAUNDERS b abt 1872 Galgate, m 12 May 1888 Clitheroe St Mary Magdelene reg Clitheroe, Spinster Winder, d 19 Jun 1922 Clitheroe, bur St Mary's Clitheroe, age 50. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Winder age 19 of 17 Brook Street, Clitheroe, b Galgate. 1901 Census: Wife age 29 with husband in Clitheroe, b Galgate

l Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 May 1890 Clitheroe, c 22 Jun 1890 Clitheroe St Mary Magdelene, d 7 Apr 1892 Clitheroe, age 2. 1891 Census: age 10m at Clitheroe, b Clitheroe.

l Williamb1892 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3352] b 26 Dec 1891 Clitheroe, c 31 Jan 1892 Clitheroe St Mary Magdalene, d 17 Apr 1900 Clitheroe, age 8

l Elizabeth Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3353] b 21 Apr 1893 Clitheroe, c 25 Jun 1893 Clitheroe St Mary Magdalene, d 24 Feb 1919 Clitheroe. 1901 Census: at Clitheroe, age 7, b Clitheroe.

l = Joseph COATES [3354] m abt Dec 1915 Clitheroe St Mary Magdelene, reg Clitheroe

m Margaret COATES [7575] b 23 May 1916 Clitheroe, d 5 Aug 2000

m = Thomas Alan WEST [7576]

l Margaret Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3355] b 18 Apr 1895 Clitheroe, c 1 May 1895 Clitheroe St Mary Magdelene, d 20 Sep 1895 Clitheroe, age 0

l Ada HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3356] b 5 Aug 1896 Clitheroe, d 31 Jul 1989 Keighley. 1901 Census: age 4 with parents, b Clitheroe. 1911 Census: age 14 in Clitheroe

l = John ("Jack") MARSDEN [3357] m abt Dec 1917 Clitheroe St Mary Magdalene

l Emma HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3358] b 16 Dec 1897 Clitheroe, c 8 Feb 1898 Clitheroe St Mary Magdalene, d 14 Feb 1927 Clitheroe. 1901 Census: at Clitheroe with parents, age 3.

l = David GRANEY [3359] m abt Mar 1923 Clitheroe St James

l Florence HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3360] b 24 Dec 1899 Clitheroe, c 1 Jan 1901 Clitheroe St Mary Magdelene, d 19 Dec 1926. 1901 Census: age 1 with parents, b Clitheroe

l = Louis RAWSTHORNE [3361] m abt Dec 1920 Clitheroe St James

l Josephb1901 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3362] b Feb 1901 Clitheroe, d 22 Jul 1901, reg Clitheroe, age 0. 1901 Census: age 2m with parents, b Clitheroe.

l Henryb1902 ("Harry") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3363] b 28 Mar 1902 Clitheroe, d abt Sep 1971 reg Lancaster.

l = Lily JOHNSON [3364] b 11 Jul 1903, m abt Jun 1925 Clitheroe, d abt Sep 1981 reg Lancaster

m Nora HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3365] b abt Sep 1927 Clitheroe

m = Terence McCULLOUGH [3366] m abt Dec 1945 Moor Lane Methodist Church, Clitheroe

l Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3367] b 8 Aug 1904 Clitheroe, d 13 Oct 1988 Halifax

l = John Ernest WALTON [3368] b 26 Apr 1903 Reighton, m 17 Jul 1926 Clitheroe St James, d 9 Jan 1999 Halifax

m Derek WALTON b 30 Oct 1941 Skipton

m = Christine TANSWELL b 9 Mar 1941 Skipton m 2 Jun 1962 Christ Church, Skipton

l Johnb1906 ("Jack") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3371] b 16 Jul 1906 Clitheroe. 1933: Weaver of Barnoldswick d 1 Jan 1992 Bradford

l = Alice HOOLEY b 25 Oct 1908, m 3 Jun 1933 Newchurch in Rossendale St Nicholas, reg Haslingden d Apr 1988 Shipley, reg Bradford

m Roland HAYTHORNTHWAITE MBE [3373] b 8 Aug 1936 Haslingden, Rossendale. 2000: of Burley in Wharfedale, Yorks. d 13 Apr 2003 reg Keighley

m = Edith TAYLOR b 15 Jul 1937, m abt Mar 1956 Haslingden

n David John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Jun 1962 Shrewsbury 2000: of Crewe, Cheshire.

n = Lesley M SIMCOCK m abt May 1987 reg Manchester. 2001: in Crewe

m =(2) Marilyn M HULME [7567] m(1) Brian A ISHERWOOD abt Mar 1960 Bury, m(2) Roland H abt Jun 1972 Oldham RO

m Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1948 reg Haslingden. 2000: of Bradford

m =(1) (div) Catherine Elizabeth BANT [3377] m abt Sep 1969 reg Leeds (m(2) Paul T GENT m abt May 1999 reg Bradford).

n Graham Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 13 Feb 1976 Leicester 2000: of Nottingham

n Rachel E SPACEY m Oct 2004 Rushcliffe

n Martin John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Jan 1978 reg Leicester C. 2000: of Manchester

m =(2) Carol KIRK b 31 Aug 1950 m 1 Sep 1998 reg Leeds

l Milesb1911 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3253] b 21 Jan 1911 Clitheroe, d 12 Sep 1994 Clitheroe.

l = Ada WHITTAKER [3252] b 11 May 1912, m abt Dec 1937 Clitheroe St James, d 18 Apr 1989 Clitheroe, reg Ribble Valley.

m Jean HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1949 Haslingden

m = Colin PERRYN m abt Jun 1972 reg Rochdale

k Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3381] b abt Mar 1866 Alston, reg Preston, c 12 Mar 1866 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Sep 1905 age 39 reg Preston. Unmarried. 1871 Census: age 5, b Alston. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver. Twin with Elizabeth below. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 24 living with parents at 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver living with parents at 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, spinster age 35, b Longridge

l Ernest HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3768] b abt Jun 1898 Alston, mmn H, c 19 Jun 1898 Longridge St Lawrence, child of Alice H, Weaver of Dilworth, d 8 Aug 1916 on the Somme, bur Thiepval Cemetery. Private, King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment). 1911 Census: Scholar age 12 with Anne [3391], as “nephew”, in Eastham St, Preston, b Longridge

k Elizabethb1865 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3382] b abt 1865 Alston, Lancs, reg Preston, twin with Alice above, c 12 Mar 1866 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Mar 1896 age 30 reg Preston, bur 1 Apr 1896 Longridge St Lawrence. 1871 Census: age 5, b Alston. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 24 living with parents

k Williamb1867 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3383] b abt Dec 1867 Thornley, Lancs, reg Clitheroe as HAY-, c 27 Oct 1867 Longridge St Lawrence as HAW-, d abt Sep 1939 age 72 reg Nelson as HAW- 1871 Census: age 3 at Lower Birkis, b Thornley. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver age 13 at 21 High Street, Dilworth, b Thornley. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 23, living with brother Joseph’s family at 17 Brook Street, Clitheroe, b Thornley. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver, age 33, of 5 Waterworth Street, Nelson. 1911 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 43 at 24 Hartley Street, Nelson, b Thornley cum Wheatley, Lancs

k = Louisa Ann WALSH [3384] b abt 1867 Whittingham, Lancs, m 21 Jan 1888 Longridge St Lawrence reg Preston, m(2) abt Dec 1940 to Lewis COCKHILL. 1891 Census: Married age 20 at 17 Brook Street, Clitheroe, b Whittingham. 1901 Census: Housewife age 33 in Nelson, b Whittingham. 1911 Census: Married age 43 with husband in Nelson, b Whittingham

l Jamesb1888 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3796] b 18 Jul 1888 Alston, reg Preston, c 26 Aug 1888 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Jun 1893 age 4 reg Preston, bur 17 Jun 1893 Longridge St Lawrence. 1891 Census: age 2 at 17 Brook Street, Clitheroe, b Alston.

l Henryb1890 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3385] b 20 Oct 1890 Longridge, reg Preston, c 30 Nov 1890 Longridge St Lawrence as “Harry”, d abt Dec 1947 age 57 reg Nelson. 1891 Census: age 3m, b Dilworth, rec as Harry. 1901 Census: in Nelson, age 10, b Longridge. 1911 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 20 with parents in Nelson, b Longridge. There was a Henry who, according to family tradition, was Mayor of Nelson, Lancs., in abt 1946 and who died abt 1947. Mayor Henry appears to be this one.

l = Mary Frances BUTTERWORTH [3258] b abt 1881, m abt Jun 1915 Burnley, d abt Sep 1965 age 72 reg Nelson.

m Alan HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5257] b abt Dec 1915 Burnley, d 13 May 1942 age 26 reg Poole, bur Poulton-le-Fylde. Private, The King’s Regiment

m = Evelyn SCOTT b 30 May 1914 reg Burnley, m abt Dec 1935 Burnley, d abt Jun 1983 reg Burnley

n Neil HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Mar 1935 Fence, reg Nelson 2000: of Barkerhouse Road, Nelson. Miner?

n = Jean Mary WHITTLE [3395] b 4 Mar 1938, m abt Mar 1958 Nelson , d abt Aug 1988 reg Burnley/Pen.

o Karen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3396] b abt Dec 1958 Nelson

o = David Charles NOBLE [3397] m abt Sep 1981 Geat Marsden St John the Evangelist reg Burnley/Pen

o Shelly HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1963 Nelson. 2000: in Nelsosn

n Roy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1938 Nelson 2000: Upholsterer of (Padiham?), Burnley

n = Barbara GRAY m abt Sep 1960

o Markb1961 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1961 reg Burnley

o = Janice McALERNON m abt Nov 1986 reg Burnley/Pen

o Stephenb1963 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1963 reg Nelson

o = Christine O EDGAR m abt Sep 1992 reg Burnley/Pen

p Blake Roy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Mar 1993 reg Burnley

o David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1964 reg Nelson

o Paul HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1967 reg Nelson

o = Christina MUTCH [3234] b abt Jun Todmorden, m Jun 2000 reg Burnley

p Jack HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Jul 1996 Burnley. Twin

p Scott HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Jul 1996 Burnley. Twin

n Eric HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3401] b abt Mar 1940 Nelson. 2000: in Nelson

n = Doreen WRIGHT

o Sean Allan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1982 reg Burnley/Pendle. 2000: in Nelson.

m Annie M HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1927 Burnley

m = Harry F WOODALL m abt Jun 1955 reg Nelson.]

l Thomasb1893 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6407] b 8 Jun 1893 Clitheroe, c 25 Jun 1893 Clitheroe St Mary Magdalene, d abt Dec 1895 age 2 reg Clitheroe

l Louisa HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6409] b 18 Sep 1895 reg Clitheroe, c 27 Oct 1895 Clitheroe St Mary Magdelene, d abt Mar 1896 age 0 reg Clitheroe

l Arthur HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3386] b 11Feb 1897 Clitheroe, reg Clitheroe, c 14 Mar 1897 Clitheroe St Mary Magdalene, d abt Mar 1902 age 4, reg Burnley. 1901 Census: in Nelson, age 4, b Clitheroe

l Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3387] b abt Oct 1899 Nelson, reg Burnley, c 8 Oct 1899 Little Marsden St Paul. 1901 Census: age 1, b Nelson. 1911 Census: age 11 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

l = Roland MARSDEN [3388] m abt Jun 1920 Little Marsden St Paul reg Nelson

l Georgeb1903 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5856] b abt Mar 1903 Nelson, reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1968 age 65 reg Burnley. 1911 Census: age 8 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

l = Lilian Eastwood SHEPPEY [5857] b abt Sep 1906 reg Burnley, m abt Mar 1928 Nelson St Philip reg Burnley

m Clarence HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5858] b abt Dec 1928 reg Burnley

m = Nellie BRIDGE b 2 Feb 1926 reg Burnely, m abt Mar 1953 reg Burnley, d Sep 2004 reg Burnley/P

n Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5860] b abt Mar 1961 reg Burnley

n = Ian WINCHESTER [5861] m Jun 1987 reg Burnley/P

m Sylvia HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5862] b abt Mar 1931 reg Burnley

m =(1) Herbert HIRST m abt Dec 1949 reg Nelson

m =(2) James Anthony LORD [7569] m abt Dec 1973 Nelson RO

l Frank HAYTHORNTHWAITE [985] b 7 Dec 1905 reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1974 age 68 reg Blackpool. 1911 Census: age 5 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

l = Susannah CROSS [3157] b 27 Apr 1901, m abt Jun 1928 reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1989 age 88 reg Blackpool

m Williamb1929 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3158] b abt Jun 1929 reg Burnley. 1950: emigrated to New Zealand, age 21, Joiner/Carpenter, and lived in Invercargill

m = Rubina May GARDNER

n Frank HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5571] b abt Dec 1952 Invercargill

n Suzanne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5572] b abt Sep 1954 Invercargill

m Joyce HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3159] b abt Dec 1933 reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1933 age 0 reg Burnley

m Roland HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3160] b abt Dec 1933 reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1933 age 0 reg Burnley

k Jamesb1869 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3389] b abt Sep 1869 Thornley, reg Clitheroe, c 29 Aug 1869 Longridge St Lawrence, son of Henry, Farmer of Thornley, d abt Sep 1943 age 73 reg Nelson. 1871 Census: age 1, b Thornley. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver Half Time at Thornley. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver of 22 Wellington Street, Nelson, age 30, b Thornley, Lancs. [He is next door to Ann POMFRET nee HAYTHORNTHWAITE, but they are not thought to be related and this is probably just a strange coincidence.]

k = Elizabeth Ellen DUERDEN b abt Mar 1874 reg Blackburn, m 5 May 1898 Nelson St Mary reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1952 age 77 reg Macclesfield. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 26 at 22 Wellington Street, Nelson, b Blackburn.

l Ada HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4217] b abt Mar 1899 reg Nelson. 1901 Census: age 2 with parents, b Nelson. 1911 Census: age 12 in Burnley

l = Percy BRETT [4218] m abt Sep 1924 Little Marsden St Paul reg Burnley

l Beattie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5891] b abt Jun 1903 reg Nelson. 1911 Census: age 7 with parents, b Nelson

l = Thomas NORMAN [5892] m abt Jun 1927 Little Marsden St Paul reg Burnley

k Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3390] b abt Nov 1870 Thornley, reg Clitheroe, c 5 Dec 1870 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Sep 1896 Dilworth reg Preston, bur 23 Sep 1896 age 25 Longridge St Lawrence, abode Pitt Street, Dilworth. 1871 Census: age 5m, b Thornley. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver Half Time at Thornley. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 20 living with parents in Dilworth, b Thornley. Unmarried

k Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3391] b 5 Apr Jun 1872, Thornley, reg Clitheroe, c 19 May 1872 Longridge St Lawrence, dr of Henry & Mary, Farmer of Thornley. 1881 Census: Scholar at Thornley. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 18 living with parents. 1901 Census: Cotton Weaver at 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, spinster age 27, b Thornley. 1911 Census: Married (3 yrs) Cotton Weaver age 37 with husband, b Thornley with Wheatley

l Gertrude HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3766] b 18 Nov 1895 reg Preston, c 15 Dec 1895 Longridge St Lawrence, child of Annie H, Weaver of Longridge. 1911 Census: with mother and stepfather

l = John COLLISON [3767] m abt Mar 1920 reg Preston

[l Albert HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6414] b abt Dec 1897 St John, Preston, mmn H, d abt Mar 1898 age 0 St John, Preston?]

k = Joseph YOUNG m abt Dec 1907 Preston Emmanuel reg Preston. 1911 Census: Married Angle Iron Smith Striker age 33, b Preston

k Henryb1874 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3394] b abt Mar 1874 Thornley, Lancs, reg Clitheroe. 1881 Census: Scholar, age 7. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cottom Weaver age 16 living with parents, b Thornley, d abt Jun 1892 age 18 reg Preston, bur 23 May 1892 Longridge St Lawrence

k Johnb1877 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3404] b 3 Nov 1877 Thornley, reg Clitheroe, c 2 Dec 1877 Longridge St Lawrence, s of Henry, Farmer of Thornley, & Mary, d abt Jun 1903 age 25 reg Preston. 1881 Census: Scholar. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 13 living with parents, b Thornley. 1901 Census: At 50 Pitt Street, Dilworth, age 23, infirmity: "imbecile".

Fourth Child of Jamesb1783

j Williamb1830 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3405] b abt 1830 Dilworth, d abt Dec 1867 age 37 reg Manchester rec as HAW-. [Not d abt Dec 1893 age 60 reg Lancaster, as previously surmised] 1841 Census: age 8 with parents in New Town, Alston, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Handloom Weaver age 20 of New Town, Alston, b Dilworth. 1853 Marriage: Labourer age 22 of High Street, Preston. 1861 Census: Married Porter age 30 at 5 Wheat Hill, Salford, b Alston, reg as HAW-.

j = Dorothy BAINES [4219] b abt 1823 Capernwray [nr Carnforth], c 25 Apr 1823 Over Kellet, m 27 Mar 1853 Preston St John reg Preston, Spinster Reeler age 30 of High Street, d abt Mar 1908 age 86 reg Rye. 1861 Census: “Dority”, Married age 36 at 5 Wheat Hill, Salford, b Capernwray. 1871 Census: Widow age 44, b Capernwray, visiting Homestead Farm, Fog Lane, Burnage, Manchester, with daughter Elizabeth age 9. [1871 Census: Widowed Charwoman age 46 at 13 Elm Street, Salford, b Lancs, living with son James and daughter Elizabeth age 10. Since place of birth is vague, it is not clear whether this is a duplicate census record for her home address while she was away visiting, or whether this is a different person. However, the probablity of two Dorothy Hs in Manchester, each from the hamlet of Capernwray, seems vanishingly small] 1881 Census: not found. 1901 Census: in Rye Workhouse

k Jamesb1854 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4220] b abt Dec 1854 reg Preston, c 31 Dec 1854 Preston St John, son of William & Dorthy, Laborer of North Road, d abt Sep 1909 age 52 reg Preston as HAY-? 1861 Census: age 6 in Salford, b Preston, rec as HAW-. 1871 Census: Unmarried Calico Printer age 16 living with widowed mother at 13 Elm Street, New Cross, Manchester, b Preston, rec as HAW-. 1881 Census: Married Striker (married to Hannah) age 26 at 189 Queen’s Road, Manchester, b Preston. 1891 Census: Iron Moulder age 37, now married to Sarah A, b Macclesfield, at 41 Oswald Street, Accrington, b Preston, rec as HAY-. 1897: Engine Driver of 168 Bold Street, Accrington. 1901 Census: Widowed Stationary Engine Tenter age 48 at 3 Abraham Street, Accrington, b Preston] [The death records for James and some of his family seem a bit problematic. Is it possible that they emigrated?]

k =(1) Hannah GADD [4221] b abt Jun 1855 reg West Bromwich, m abt Dec 1876 Miles Platting St Luke reg Prestwich, d abt Dec 1882 age 26 reg Haslingden as Annie HAW- (probably) 1881 Census: Married age 26 with husband, b Birmingham

l Williamb1877 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4222] b abt Dec 1877 Newton Heath reg Prestwich, [d abt Jun 1964 age 84 reg Blackpool?? Or d overseas in military?] 1881 Census: age 3 in Manchester, b Newton Heath. 1891 Census: Errand Boy age 13 in Oswald Street, Accrington, b Newton Heath, rec as HAY-. 1901 Census: Unmarried Private of Dragoons age 23 at York Cavalry Barracks, b Manchester.

l Robertb1880 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1880 Newton Heath reg Prestwich, d abt Sep 1882 age 2 reg Haslingden. 1881 Census: age 1 in Manchester, b Newton Heath. 1891 Census: not with parents

l Benjamin HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6393] b 14 May 1882 Accrington reg Haslingden, mmn GADD, c 25 May 1882 Accrington St James, s of James, Stoker of 10 Dale Street, & Anna, d abt Mar 1883 age 0 Prestwich

k =(2) Sarah Ann HOWARD [6399] b abt 1855 Macclesfield, Cheshire, m not found, d abt Jun 1895 age 37 reg Haslingden. 1891 Census: Married age 36 with husband in Accrington, b Macclesfield, Cheshire

l Jamesb1883 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4226] b 18 Dec 1883 Pitt Street, Accrington reg Haslingden, c 10 Jan 1884 Accrington St James, d not found. 1891 Census: age 7 with parents in Accrington, b Accrington. 1901 Census: Unmarried Iron Moulder (Apprentice) age 17 with widowed father at 3 Abraham Street, Accrington, b Accrington.

[l = Margaret BENTLEY (nee GLOVER) [4229] b abt 1859 St Helens, m abt Jun 1901 Accrington St James reg Haslingden. 1901 Census: Widowed Cotton Weaver age 42 at 60 Victoria Street, Accrington, b St Helens]

l Elizabeth Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7636] b 31 Oct 1885 Oswald St, Accrington, c 19 Nov 1885 Accrington St James, father: moulder

l Georgeb1887 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4225] b 20 Aug 1887 Accrington, reg Haslingden, c 6 Oct 1887 Accrington St James, d 11 Mar 1917 age 29 France, bur Combles Military Cemetery. Corporal in 2nd Battalion, West Yorkshire Regt. Photo in Haworth Art Gallery, Accrington, as killed in WW1, rec as HAY-. 1891 Census: age 3 with parents in Accrington, b Accrington, rec as HAY- 1901 Census: Coal Miner Drawer age 13 in Accrington, b Accrington

l = Annie CUNLIFFE [4230] [b abt Jun 1885 reg Blackburn as Ann?], m abt Mar 1917 Ernest Street Baptist Church, Church reg Blackburn, d abt Mar 1926 age 40 reg Preston. No issue

l May HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4227] b 16 May 1889 Oswald Street, Accrington reg Haslingden, c 6 Jun 1889 Accrington St James, d abt Dec 1904 age 15 reg Haslingden. 1891 Census: age 1 with parents in Accrington, b Accrington. 1901 Census: age 11 with widowed father in Accrington, b Accrington

l Ada HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4228] b 8 Jun 1890 Accrington, reg Haslingden, c 31 Jul 1890 Accrington St James. 1891 Census: age 10m with parents in Accrington, b Accrington. 1901 Census: age 10 with widowed father in Accrington, b Accrington

l = William Edward DUCKWORTH [4231] m abt Jun 1912 Accrington St James reg Haslingden

l Joseph HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4232] b 14 Sep 1893 Huncoat reg Burnley, c 19 Oct 1893 Accrington St James, d abt Mar 1943 age 50 reg Amounderness. 1901 Census: age 7 with widowed father in Accrington, b Accrington

l =(1) Ellen Ann KING [4233] m abt Mar 1920 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1942 age 43 reg Amounderness

m Victor Joseph HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4234] b 11 Aug 1920 reg Burnley , d abt Jan 1976 reg Burnley/Pen, bur 12 Jan 1976 Burnley Cemetery

m = Catherine McCLUSKEY [4237] m abt Dec 1948 Preston Register Office reg Amounderness, d Nov 2000 Spain

n Michael Joseph HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4240] b abt Sep 1951 reg Amounderness, d 3 Mar 2000 Spain

n = Patricia Ann RYAN [4243] m abt Sep 1975 Burnley St Matthew the Apostle, reg Burnley/Pen, m(2) David A TAGG Aug 2002 reg Burnley/Pen

o Markb1980 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1980 reg Burnley/Pen. Helpful Informant. 2010: of Bolton

o Emma HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1982 reg Burnley/Pen

o Michael HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Mar 1985 reg Burnley/Pen

n Sylvia HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1955 reg Blackburn, m not found, d abt 1991 Spain

n John G HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1959 reg Burnley

n = Mary F HEGARTY m abt May 1986 reg Burnley/Pen. No issue?

m Auriel Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4235] b abt Sep 1926 reg Burnley

m = William RIGBY [4238] m abt Sep 1946 Ashton on Ribble St Andrew, reg Preston

m William D HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1928 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1945 age 17 reg Preston

m Bernard Granville P HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7558] b 24 Feb 1930 Burnley, d May 1997 Sefton North

m =(1) Cynthia BARNES [7559] m abt Jun 1958 Fylde

n Victoria Anne HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7561] b abt Dec 1958 Blackpool

n = Ian W RENNIE [7562] m abt Sep 1980 Preston SR

o Alistair James RENNIE

o Isabel Anne RENNIE

m =(2) Lorna ROE [7560] m abt Sep 1974 Ulverston

l =(2) Jennie BARRATT [6269] b abt 1894, m abt Jun 1946 Preston Register Office, reg Amounderness, d abt Jun 1967 age 73 reg Preston

l Rose HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6400] b abt Jun 1895 Accrington reg Haslingden, d abt Dec 1895 Accrington reg Haslingden

k =(3) Sarah Ann OGDEN [4224] b abt 1861, m abt Jun 1896 Haslingden Register Office, d abt Mar 1900 age 39 Broughton, reg Preston as HAY-

l Walter HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6412] b abt Dec 1897 Accrington reg Haslingden, c 25 Nov 1897 Accrington St James, d abt Mar 1898 Accrington reg Haslingden

l Frank HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6413] b abt Dec 1899 Accrington reg Haslingden, d abt Mar 1900 Accrington reg Haslingden


k Elizabeth HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4249] b abt Dec 1862 reg Manchester. 1871 Census: Scholar age 10 with widowed mother in Salford, b Manchester. [1871 Census: age 9 with mother visiting in Burnage , b Manchester. This appears to me to be a duplicate census entry.] 1881 Census: not found. 1891 Census: Unmarried Salvation Army Officer age 25 lodging in Rosemary Lane, Madley, Herefordshire, b Manchester Salford. 1901 Census: Married Sewing Machinist age 39 living alone at 40 Nudles Passage, High Street, Rye

k = Albert RHODES m abt Mar 1895 reg Rye.

Fifth Child of Jamesb1783

j Jamesb1834 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1834 Dilworth, c 23 Mar 1834 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Dec 1923 age 89 reg Preston, unmarried. 1841 Census: age 6 with parents in New Town, Alston, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Hand Loom Weaver age 16 of Alston, b Dilworth. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 28 living with widowed mother Ellen at 36 New Town, Alston, b Dilworth. 1871 Census: Unmarried Cotton Mill Labourer lodging at 36 Pitt Street, Dilworth, b Dilworth. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 69 of 46 Fell Brow, Alston, b Longridge.

Sixth & Last Known Child of Jamesb1783

j Johnb1838 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3407] b abt Mar 1838 Dilworth, reg Preston as HAWTHORNWHITE, c 25 Feb 1838 Longridge St Lawrence, d abt Sep 1911 age 73 reg Oldham as HAWTHORNTHWAITE. 1841 Census: age 3 with parents in New Town, Alston, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Hand Loom Weaver age 13 b Dilworth rec as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1861 Census: Married Cotton weaver of Fell Brow, Alston, age 22. 1881 Census: Married Annual Rent Collector age 43 at 24 Ardwick Street, Manchester, b Longridge, rec as HAWTHORNE. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 53 at 80 Bolton Road Tottington Lower End, Ramsbottom, b Longridge, rec as HAWTHORN. 1901 Census: Married Assurance Clerk age 63 at 32 Goodman Street, Blackley, Prestwich, Manchester, b Longridge, rec as HAWTHORN. 1911 Census: Married Retired Insurance Collector age 73 at 180 London Road, Oldham, with daughter and son in law, b Longridge, rec as HAW-

j = Margaret HOWARTH [3408] b abt 1838 Hoghton, Lancs, daur. of Robert HOWARTH, m abt Dec 1859 reg Preston as HAW-, [d abt Jun 1917 age 79 reg Bury as HAW-??]. 1861 Census: Married Cotton weaver of Fell Brow, Alston.. 1881 Census: Married age 43 with husband at Ardwick, b Houghton Bottom. 1891 Census: married age 53 with husband in Ramsbottom, b Preston. 1901 Census: Married age 63 at Blackley with husband, b Longridge. 1911 Census: married 52 yrs age 74 with husband in Oldham, b Preston

k Jamesb1862 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6368] b abt Sep 1862 Alston reg Preston, d abt Mar 1863 age 0 Alston reg Preston as HAY-, bur 21 Mar 1863 Longridge St Lawrence, age 8 months

k Margaret Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1865 Longridge, reg Preston as HAYTHORNTHWAITE 1881 Census: age 15 with parents in Ardwick, b Longridge, rec as Hawthorne. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 25 with parents in Ramsbottom, b Longridge, rec as HAWTHORN

k = George SINGLETON m abt Jun 1897 Bury Reg Office

k Robert Howarth HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4252] b abt Sep 1866 Longridge reg Preston as HAYTHORNTHWAITE 1881 Census: Office Boy, Leather, age 14, b Longridge. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cloth Looker age 24 living with parents in Ramsbottom, b Longridge, rec as HAWTHORN. 1911 Census: Married Life Assurance Clerk age 44 at1 Academy Place, Warrington, b Longridge

k =(1) Lilley [aka Lillie] CLOSE [4257] b abt Jun 1866 reg Stamford, m abt Dec 1893 BuryRegister Office as HAW-, d abt Dec 1901 age 35 reg Prestwich as HAW-

l Oscar HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5444] b abt Mar 1895 Blackley reg Prestwich. 1911 Census: Unmarried Chartered Accountant’s Clerk age 16 with parents in Warrington, b Manchester

l Norman HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5585] b abt Dec 1901 reg Prestwich. 1911 Census: age 9 with parents in Warrington, b Manchester. Emigration: 17 May 1929 sailed Liverpool for Quebec in White Star RMS Regina bound for Montreal, last UK address Birkdale, Southport, occupation Carpenter

l = Edith May FAGAN [5586] b abt Jun 1903 Barton upon Irwell, m abt Sep 1923 reg Ormskirk, emigrated with husband to Canada

k =(2) Edith Martha BUCKLEY [5984] b abt Jun 1865 reg Chorlton, m abt Mar 1902 reg Prestwich as HAW-, d abt Dec 1941 age 75 reg Southport. 1911 Census: Married 9 yrs age 44 with husband in Warrington, b Manchester

k Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1868 reg Preston. 1881 Census: age 13 with parents in Ardwick, b Longridge, rec as HAWTHORNE. 1891 Census: not with parents in Ramsbottom, presumed married

k = Albert CARTER m abt Dec 1885 reg Bury 1891 Census: Married Cotton Spinner at 80 Bolton Road, Ramsbottom, b Oxfordshire

k Joseph HAWTHORNE b abt Mar 1875 reg Chorlton, 1881 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents in Ardwick, b Manchester

k John HAWTHORNE b abt 1877 Manchester, reg not found. 1881 Census; age 4 with parents in Ardwick, b Manchester. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 14 with parents in Ramsbottom, b Manchester

k Edith HAWTHORN [4255] b abt Mar 1879 reg Chorlton 1881 Census: age 2 with parents in Ardwick, b Manchester. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 12 with parents in Ramsbottom, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 22 with parents at Blackley, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Married 2 yrs age 33, b Manchester, with husband in Oldham, rec as HAWTHORNTHWAITE

k = Samuel Harwood RYDER [6004] m abt Jun 1908 reg Barton, bride rec as HAWTHORN. 1911 Census: Married Station Master age 24 at 180 London Road, Oldham, b Leedley

k William HAWTHORN [4256] b abt Jun 1880 reg Chorlton. 1881 Census: age 11m in Ardwick, b Manchester. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents in Ramsbottom, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Unmarried Assurance Clerk age 20 with parents at Blackley, b Manchester

[k = Lydia Alice HOLDING m abt Jun 1906 Blackburn Register Office

l Noel HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6427] b abt Sep 1908 Great Harwood, Blackburn]

Fourth Child of Henry of Chipping

i Markb1786 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3409] b Chipping, c 22 Jan 1786 Chipping St Bartholomew, son of Henry Hawthornthwaite of Chipping, m 16 Dec 1805 Garstang St Helen: a Minor of the parochial chapelry of Goosnargh, d abt Mar 1807 Goosnargh, bur 10 Mar 1810 Garstang St Helen age 21

i = Alice ROBINSON m 16 Dec 1805 Garstang St Helen: a spinster of the parish of Garstang. 1851 Census: not found

Fifth Child of Henry of Chipping

i Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3397] b Chipping, c 16 Mar 1788 Chipping St Bartholomew, dr of Henry of Chipping

i = Thomas BARRETT m 13 Apr 1810 Goosnargh St Mary the Virgin. 1841 Census: Cotton Spinner in Bolton with husband, b abt 1794

Sixth Child of Henry of Chipping

i Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4259] c 25 Jul 1790 Goosnargh, daur. of Henry of Goosnargh

[i = James HIGGINSON m 13 Apr 1806 Goosnargh St Mary the Virgin? Seems a bit early]

[i Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [8117] [b abt 1791 say], c not found, d abt Sep 1855 age 62 reg Preston. 1851 Census: Married age 60 in Byron Street, Preston, b Longridge. Just possibly a daughter of Henry of Chipping, in view of birthplace

i = James BAMBER m 20 Jul 1824 Kirkham St Michael

Seventh Child of Henry of Chipping

i Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [4260] c 9 Sep 1792 Goosnargh St Mary the Virgin, dr of Henry H of Goosnargh

i = James HELME m 7 Sep 1814 Chipping St Bartholomew, Husbandman of this parish [a widower]

Eighth Child of Henry of Chipping

i Johnb1795 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4261] b abt 1793 Goosnargh, c 22 Feb 1795 Goosnargh, s of Henry H of Goosnargh, d abt Dec 1878 age 86 reg Preston 1851 Census: Married Dresser Cotton, age 56, at 58 London Road, Preston, b Preston. 1861 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 68 at 106 London Road, Preston, b Goosnargh. 1871 Census: Widowed Cotton Weaver age 78 boarding at 16 James Street, Fishwick, Preston, b Goosnargh, rec as HAWTHORNWHITE

i = Ellen BOLTON [4262] m 25 Jan 1813 Chipping St Bartholomew, Spinster of Chipping and Cordwainer of Chipping, d abt Dec 1862 reg Preston. 1851 Census: Married age 62 at 58 London Road, Preston, b Mellor. 1861 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 73 at 106 London Road, Preston, b Dilworth

j Betty HATHORNTHWAITE [7711] c 9 Apr 1815 Longridge St Lawrence, dr of John, Weaver of Thornley, & Ellen. 1838 Wedding: age 23, Power Loom Weaver of London Road, Father John HAW-, Power Loom Dresser

j = Thomas MYERSCOUGH b abt 1813, m 12 May 1838 Preston St John, Spinner Bachelor age 25 of London Road, Preston

j Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [7712] c 15 Jun 1817 Longridge St Lawrence, dr of John, Weaver of Thornley, & Ellen. 1841 marriage: Weaver Spinster age 24 of London Road, father John H, Dresser

j = William WALMSLEY m 10 Oct 1841 Preston St John, Bachelor Jobber of Frenchwood Road

j Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1818, c not found. 1841: Witness at sister Dorothy’s wedding

j = William SIMPSON m 25 Dec 1846 Preston St John, Groom 30 Weaver Bachelor of Park Road, Bride Margaret HAY- 28 Weaver Spinster of London Road, father John H, Dresser

j Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7221] b Goosnargh, c 16 Jan 1820 Whitechapel St James, dr of John, Weaver of Goosnargh, and Ellen, m not found, d not found

j Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7222] b Goosnargh, c 6 Apr 1823 Whitechapel St James, dr of John, Weaver, and Ellen, rec as –WHITE, m not found, d not found [unless it was her 1840 Will of Ann H, Spinster of Preston, which sounds a bit unlikely]

Ninth & Last Known Child of Henry of Chipping

i Betty HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7271] c 27 Aug 1797 Goosnargh, dr of Henry of Goosnargh, d Feb 1804 Goosnargh, bur 23 Feb 1804 Garstang St Helen, Dau. of Henry Hawthornthwaite of Goosnargh age 7

Fourth & Fifth Children of Miles of Claughton

h Anon HATHORNTHWAITE bur 9 Jul 1758 Garstang St Helen, child of Miles HATHORNWAIT of Claughton

h Anon HATHORNTHWAITE [6828] b abt Nov 1759 Claughton, c 18 Nov 1759 Garstang St Helen, child of Miles HATHORNWAIT of Claughton [no first name or sex given]

Sixth Child of Miles of Claughton

h Jamesb1762 HATHORNTHWAITE [7179] b abt Mar 1762 Claughton, c 28 Mar 1762 Garstang St Helen, d not found

[h = Ellen ANON m not found, d not found

i Milesb1796 HATHORNTHWAITE b abt 1796, c not found, bur 15 Sep 1825 age 26 Garstang St Helen, “of Goosnargh”. This first child would fulfil the Naming Rule. Could he be “Moses(?)” c 24 Dec 1797 Blackburn St Mary the Virgin, s of James HAYTHENTHWAITE & Ellen of Blackburn?]

Seventh Child of Miles of Claughton

h Anon [Male] HATHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1764 Claughton, c 17 Jun 1764 Garstang St Helen [no first name given] [It is conceivable, though it now seems unlikely, a better candidate having been found in Johnb1775 in Samlesbury, that this unnamed child was the Johnb1775 who heads up the Tree of Raymond Frank of Ontario. The age of this child is rather too old, but family tradition is that John came down to Great Harwood from Garstang. DNA of both branches is Type I, so the possibility remains open. Another possibility is that this child is the Johnb1764 who heads up the Fragment from Brindle. Or he could be the John of John and Ann whose eldest son was baptised Miles. The latter seems most likely at present]

Chapter 13

Tree of Christopher and the Blacksmiths

This tree now combines that of Christopher of Preston and of the Lancashire Blacksmiths. The Forbears of William below are unknown.

Tree of Christopher of Preston

This branch of the family was originally researched by Christopher's grandfather and is strongly Catholic. The fact that Catholics did not keep baptismal records before around 1775 means that tracing this branch back to their probable connection with the 17th Catholic denizens of Over Wyresdale is likely to be difficult, if not impossible. However, marriages, burials and Wills can sometimes lay a trail.

This Catholic family appears to have used Woodplumpton St Anne (C of E) for burials and some weddings in the 18th Century, whilst after around 1775 using Cottam St Andrew RC for baptisms and prior to 1775 keeping no record. The C of E family in the Tree of Raymond Frank also used Woodplumpton St Anne at around the same time, giving rise to possible confusion between the two trees. Those individuals for whom no C of E baptisms can be found are likely to belong to the Catholic family, though I have recently read that some Catholics may (rarely) have had baptisms at Woodplumpton C of E, that being considered better than not having a baptism at all.

[f William HATHENTHWAITE [Could this be an early son of Robert of Barnacre, or otherwise link to the family around Netherwyresdale?]

f = Margaret CHEW m 3 Feb 1729 Woodplumpton St Anne [IGI], both of Woodplumpton [PR]. Alternatively, this marriage might belong to Tree of Raymond Frank]

[g Richardb1730 HATHORNTHWAITE c 24 Jan 1730/1 Woodplumpton St Anne, s of Willm. HATHONTHWAITE, no mother given? [PR] Timing fits, but this C of E baptism may be out of place in a normally RC family. Or perhaps they went through a C of E baptism for form’s sake]

g Williamb1732 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3562] b abt 29 Sep 1732, c not found (probably an unrecorded Catholic christening), but he might be the son of the William who married Margaret CHEW, above, based on location and timing], d (or bur?) 13 Sep 1816 Salwick & Lea RC, “of Salwick”, “15 days before age 84”. 1759 Marriage: of Woodplumpton in the parish of St Michael

g = Margaret SOUTHWORTH [3563] m 6 Nov 1759 Woodplumpton St Anne, of Woodplumpton (X)

h Elder children 1759-1775 missing [possibly these include the following –

h Henry Heaton HAWTHORNTHWAITE [This chap might be from the next generation, but if so, we would expect to find his baptism in the 1790s, so far undiscovered]

h = Jane ANON

[i Elder children missing?]

i Anne HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 22 Sep 1813, c 26 Sep 1813 Cottam St Andrew RC [IGI]

h Catherine HAWTHORNWHITE c not found. 1784 marriage: (X), of Woodplumpton

h = Robert SHEPHERD m 19 Apr 1784 Woodplumpton St Anne, of Woodplumpton

i Isabel SHEPHERD c 26 Sep 1784 Cottam St Andrew RC

i Mary SHEPHERD c 20 Nov 1796 Cottam St Andrew RC

i William SHEPHERD c 26 Dec 1800 Cottam St Andrew RC

h Robert HATHORNTHWAITE [1784 marriage of Catherine H of Woodplumpton: Robert H witness. Could this be the Robert, brother to Catherine?] 1785 Marriage: Laborer of Catforth/Woodplumpton

h = Nancy CORNALL m 10 Apr 1785 St Michael’s on Wyre, of Catforth/Woodplumpton

i Williamb1786 HATHORNWHITE [6907] c 19 Mar 1786 Cottam St Andrew RC, s of Robt. H and “N GORNER”[IGI] Could this be a mishearing or mis-transcription of CORNALL? Bur 17 Aug 1792 Woodplumpton St Anne, son of Robert HEATHORNWHEAT of Plumpton

i Margaretb1789 HAYTHORNWHITE b 22 Dec 1789, c 1 Jan 1790 Cottam St Andrew RC, s of Robt. H and “N.” [IGI]

h William HATHORNTHWAITE [3770] c not found, but Naming Rule applied to his children supports his father’s being William, his first born son being William. 1792: of St Michael’s parish

h = Ann RYLEY [3771] b abt 1763, m 8 Jan 1792 St Michael’s on Wyre, of St Michael’s, bur 10 Aug 1806 Woodplumpton St Anne, age 33, abode Salwick

For descendants of William and Ann RILEY, see Tree of the Lancashire Blacksmiths below

h Alice HAWTHORNWHITE b abt 1772, c not found, 1793: Spinster of Lancaster

h = Robert SLATER m 12 Feb 1793 Woodplumpton St Anne, witnesses James & Leonard BILLINGTON, Joiner of Sowick, Kirkham

[h Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE 1795 marriage: of Parish of St Michael

h = Ann SOUTHWORTH m 16 Feb 1795 Woodplumpton St Anne, of Parish of St Michael (X)]

[h John HETHORNWITE bur 3 Jun 1776 Woodplumpton St Anne, s of Will. HETHORNWITE of Bartel [PR]? This just might fit in the Tree of Raymond Frank, but in view of the lack of a Woodplumpton christening, more likely fits here]

h Johnb1777 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3564] c 16 Mar 1777 Salwick & Lea RC Church, s of Gul. HAW- and Marg. SOUTHWORTH, d abt Jun 1846 age 70 Broughton reg Preston. 1801: of Woodplumpton. 1841 Census: Handloom Cotton Weaver age 60 in Catforth, b Lancs. 1846 Will: Farmer of Catforth within Woodplumpton [not seen]

h = Margaret TURNER [5308] b abt 1776, m 16 Feb 1801 Woodplumpton St Anne, of this Chapelry (X), d abt Jun 1844 age 68 Broughton reg Preston. 1841 Census: age 65 in Catforth, b Lancs

i Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1802, c not found, 1841 Census: Margaret SALTHOUSE, b abt 1806, Salwick. 1851 Census: Margaret SALTHOUSE, age 49, b Salwick

i = James SALTHOUSE b abt 1793, m 29 Sep 1828 Woodplumpton St Anne, Weaver Bachelor age 35 and Spinster age 26, both of Woodplumpton.

i John SALTHOUSE [Eldest child] 1841 Census: with parents. 1851 Census: working for William [4829] in Liverpool, and missing from parental Woodplumpton farm

i Francis HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7000] b abt 1804, c not found. [1821: Confirmed at Fernyhalgh (RC)?] 1824: Weaver Bachelor of Bartel age 20, d not found (pre-1837?)

i = Margaret BILLINGTON [7001] b abt 1801, m 30 Aug 1824 Woodplumpton St Anne, Spinster of Bartel age 23, witnesses: James SALTHOUSE & Margrate (sic) HAYTHORNTHWAITE, d abt Mar 1883 age 82 reg Preston. 1861 Census: Housekeeper at 8 Gardner Street, Preston. 1871 Census: Mother in law at 2 Isabella Street, Preston

j Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 26 Sep 1825 Cottam St Andrew RC, fa. Francis H and Margaret (once Billington)

j Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 12 Dec 1827 Cottam St Andrew, fila Francisci & Margaritae olim Billington

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7002] b abt 1833. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver at 8 Gardner Street, Preston. 1871 Census: at 2 Isabella Street, Preston

k William Whiteside HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7003] b abt Dec 1853 Preston, d not found. 1871 Census: Tailor living with parents

j = William WHITESIDE [7004] m abt Sep 1863 reg Preston. 1871 Census: Engine Fitter at 2 Isabella Street, Preston

k Margaret E WHITESIDE 1871 Census: Scholar living with parents

i Williamb1805 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4829] b abt 1805 Claughton, c 5 Dec 1805 Claughton on Brock St Thomas (RC) [no father’s name given in IGI], d abt Mar 1874 age 68 reg Liverpool. [1821: Confirmed at Fernyhalgh (RC)?] 1851 Census: Married Licensed Victualler age 45 of 49 Park Lane, Liverpool, b Preston. [Working for him as an assistant was one John SALTHOUSE, s of Margaret H of Woodplumpton, b abt 1802] 1861 Census: not found. 1871 Census: Retired Publican age 65, married to Ann, at 7 Morpeth Street, Liverpool, b Claughton, Lancs.

i =(1) Sarah WHITTLE b abt 1806 Culcheth, m not found [so William below is not necessarily the eldest son], d abt Dec 1857 age 51 reg Liverpool. 1851 Census: Housewife age 45 , b Culcheth

[j Elder Children Missing? May include –

j John HAYTHORNTHWAITE d abt Jun 1839 reg Liverpool

j Thomas HAYTHORNTHWAITE d abt Jun 1840 reg Liverpool]

j Elizabethb1836 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4819] b abt 1836 Liverpool, d abt Dec 1876 age 40 Liverpool. 1851 Census: at home with parents, age 15, b Liverpool

j = George HARDIKER b 1832 m abt Jun 1855 reg Wirral

k George Haythornthwaite HARDIKER b abt Mar 1861 reg Liverpool

[j Other children missing?]

William the Shipwright

j Williamb1843 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4832] b abt 1843 Liverpool, b not found, d abt Jun 1903 age 61 reg Preston. 1851 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents at 49 Park Lane, Liverpool, b Liverpool. 1861 Census: not found. 1871 Census: Married Shipwright age 28 at No. 7, 14 Court, Rath: Street, Liverpool, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: Married Ship’s Carpenter age 36 in Highfield Street, Liverpool, b Liverpool.

j = Mary BROWN [4833] b abt 1841 Ireland, m abt Jun 1862 Liverpool Register Office, d abt Mar 1900 age 57 reg W Derby. 1871 Census: Housewife age 30 with hussband, b Ireland. 1881 Census: Wife age 38 with husband in Highfield Street, Liverpool, b Ireland.

k Williamb1863 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4834] b abt Jun 1863 reg Liverpool, m not found, d 1879 age 18, at sea on vessel Sarah 1871 Census: Scholar age 7, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: not found.

k Sarah Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1866 reg Liverpool 1871 Census: Scholar age 5, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: age 16 with parents in Highfield Street, Liverpool, b Liverpool, rec as Sarah. [1891 Census: Sarah A MORGAN age 25, b “Manchester”, with husband running a lodging house in Pennington, Leigh]

[k = John MORGAN [6163] m abt Dec 1890 Liverpool Register Office to Sarah]

k Peter Oswald HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1867 reg Liverpool, m not found, d not found.. 1871 Census: Scholar age 4, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: Shop Boy age 14 with parents in Liverpool, b Liverpool.

k Thomas Joseph HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1869 reg Liverpool, m not found, d not found. 1871 Census: age 1, b Liverpool. 1881 Census: age 11 with parents in Liverpool, b Liverpool

k Johnb1872 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5901] b abt Mar 1872 reg Liverpool. 1881 Census: age 9 with parents in Liverpool, b Liverpool, d not found. 1911 Census: Married Tailor age 39 at 356 Park Road, Liverpool, b Liverpool

k =(1) Agnes CHAMBERLAIN [6164] m abt Jun 1895 West Derby Register Office, d abt Mar 1896 age 22 reg West Derby.

l Francis HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6165] b abt Mar 1896 Kirkdale reg West Derby, d abt Jun 1896 age 0 reg West Derby

k =(2) Amelia MARTIN b abt 1872 Chester, m abt Sep 1900 reg Birkenhead, d not found. 1911 Census: Wife with husband, m 10 years, age 39 b Chester. No issue

j Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 3 Jun 1844 reg Liverpool, c 3 Jul 1844 Liverpool St Patrick (RC), dau Wm H & Sarah WHITTLE, d abt Mar 1846 age 1 reg Liverpool

j Peterb1846 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1846 reg Liverpool, d abt Mar 1914 age 66 reg E. Preston, Sussex. 1851 Census: Scholar age 4 with parents in Liverpool, b Liverpool.. 1871 Census: Unmarried Student of Theology age 26 at St Thomas College, Chelsea, b Liverpool. 1891 Census: Unmarried Roman Catholic Priest age 44 in Freshwater, Isle of Wight, b Liverpool. 1901 Census: Roman Catholic Priest, age 54 at The Presbytery, Buckland, Berks. Presumed no issue.

i =(2) Ann CATTERALL [4839] b abt 1814 Little Plumpton, Lancs., m abt Dec 1858 Liverpool Register Office, d abt Jun 1901 age 87 reg Preston. 1871 Census: Housewife age 57 in Monteith Street, Liverpool, b Little Plumpton, Lancs. 1881 Census: Widowed Annuitant age 67 at Punt Street, N Meols, Southport, b Westby. 1891 Census: Widow age 77 living on own means in household of niece at 168 Lord Street, Southport, b Plumpton. 1901 Census: Widowed Patient with chronic bronchitis in St Joseph’s Orphanage and Hospital, Preston, age 87, b Little Plumpton.

i Catherineb1809 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4983] b abt 1809 Goosnargh, c 13 Oct 1809 Claughton on Brock St Thomas RC [IGI], d abt Jun 1889 reg Preston age 80. [1825: Confirmed at Newhouse (RC)?] 1828: Probable witness at elder sister’s wedding at Woodplumpton. 1841 Census: age 30 with parents in Catforth, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Hand Loom Weaver age 41, with brother at Blackleach Lane, b Goosnargh. 1861 Census: Unmarried Dairy Maid age 51 at Blackleach Lane. 1871 Census: Unmarried Housekeeper for brother at Blackleach Lane. 1881 Census: Unmarried sister age 70 in Blackleach Lane.

j Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4984] b abt 1837 Catforth. 1841 Census: age 4 with mother. 1851 Census: Scholar age 14, niece living with mother & uncle. 1861 Census: Unmarried House Servant & Niece age 24 with mother and uncle

j = Lawrence PARR [6316] b abt 1839 Inskip, m abt Sep 1863 Preston Register Office

j Sarah Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4954] b abt Jun 1841 Catforth, reg Preston 1841 Census: age 1m with mother. 1851 Census: Scholar and niece age 9 at Catforth

j = Joseph NEWSHAM [6121] m abt Jun 1860 Kirkham St Michael reg Fylde

i Thomasb1814 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4985] b 25 Oct 1813 Goosnargh, c 28 Oct 1813 Claughton on Brock St Thomas RC [IGI], d abt Jun 1889 age 76 reg Preston. 1841 Census: age 25 with parents in Catforth, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Hand Loom Weaver age 37 living with sister at 3 Blackleach Lane. 1861 Census: Unmarried Farmer age 47 at Blackleach Lane. 1871 Census: Unmarried Farmer of 25 acres, age 55, in Blackleach Lane, Woodplumpton. 1881 Census: Unmarried Farmer of 25 acres, employing 1 labourer, age 66, b Goosnargh

i Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5309] b abt 1826 Lancs, [d abt Mar 1841 age 19 Broughton reg Preston?]. 1841 Census: age 15 with parents in Catforth

[h Josephb1778 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7251] b abt 1778, c not found, d abt Dec 1869 Broughton, bur 2 Dec 1869 Woodplumpton St Anne, age 82, abode: Workhouse]

h Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3565] c 24 Nov 1779 Salwick & Lea RC Church

h = Richard FAIRCLOUGH m 31 Aug 1800 St Michael on Wyre, both of Barhall [Bartle?] in this parish

i Margaret FAIRCLOUGH c 15 Jul 1801 Cottam St Andrew RC

h Jamesb1782 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3566] c 14 Jul 1782 Salwick & Lea RC Church, d abt Sep 1858 age 77 Kirkham reg Preston. 1841 Census: Widowed(?) Handloom Cotton Weaver age 50 at Bartel, Woodplumpton, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Widowed Handloom Cotton Weaver at Pointer, Woodplumpton, age 68, b Woodplumpton. 1861 Census: not found.

h = Catherine GOODYEAR (GOODEAR?) d before 1841 1841 Census: not found.

i Williamb1813 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3568] b Bartle, Woodplumpton, c 30 Jun 1813 Cottam St Andrew RC, d abt Mar 1887 age 74 reg Preston. 1831: Confirmed at Cottam St Andrew on 20 June. 1841 Census: age 20 with father in Bartel. 1851 Census: Unmarried Sawyer, age 37, b Woodplumpton, living with widowed father at Pointer, Woodplumpton. 1861 Census: Unmarried Joiner age 47 boarding at 29 Egbert Street, Preston, with his nephew John, b Woodplumpton, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1871 Census: Unmarried Joiner age 58 boarding at 145 Lancaster Road, preston, b Woodplumpton. 1881 Census: Unmarried Joiner of 36 Tuson Street, Preston, age 67, b Bartle, rec as HAY-. [Note that this and subsequent christenings at Cottam St Andrew are all recorded in the Register as HAWTHORNTHWAITE or HAWTHORNWAITE. Later generations appear as HAYTHORNTHWAITE.]

i Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 8 Jan 1815 Cottam St Andrew RC. 1831: Confirmed at Cottam St Andrew.1841 Census: age 20 with father in Bartel, Woodplumpton.

[j Robertb1841 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1841 reg Preston, s of Jane of Woodplumpton, no father given?]

i Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 4 Apr 1817 Cottam St Andrew RC. 1831: not confirmed at Cottam with siblings. 1841 Census: not with father in Bartel

i Thomasb1819 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3576] b abt 1819 Salwick, c 14 Jul 1819 Cottam St Andrew RC, d abt Jun 1884 age 64 reg Fylde, bur 8 May 1884 Lytham St Cuthbert (No service R. C.). 1831: Confirmed at Cottam St Andrew. 1841 Census: age 15 with father in Bartel, Woodplumpton. [1851 Census: Unmarried Farm Labourer age 28 at Common Side, Lytham, b Plumpton?]. 1861 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 46 of Park Road, Lytham, b Woodplumpton. 1871 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 51 at 50 Westby Street, Lytham, b Woodplumpton. 1881 Census: Gardener & General Labourer of 7 Westby Street, Lytham, age 61, b Salwick.

i = Alice GILLETT (nee SINGLETON) (2nd marriage) b abt 1806 Westby, m abt Sep 1852 Old Fylde Registry Office reg Fylde, d abt Dec 1887 age 81 reg Fylde, bur 28 Nov 1887 Lytham St Cuthbert (No service, RC). 1861 Census: Married Shop Keeper age 54 of Lytham, b Westby. 1871 Census: Housewife age 65 in Lytham, b Westby. No issue?

i Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 15 Aug 1821 Cottam St Andrew RC. 1841 Census: not with father in Bartel

[i = Walter MELIA m 15 Aug 1846 [Preston?] St Augustine RC, groom of Liverpool, bride of Preston]

i Catherineb1823 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 25 Jun 1823 Cottam St Andrew RC, d not found [d abt Mar d abt Mar 1858, reg Preston? No, this is age 75] 1841 Census: age 13 with father in Bartel, Woodplumpton. 1851 Census: Unmarried Handloom Weaver, Cotton, age 29, Lodger at 22 High Street Cellar, Preston, b Woodplumpton, with Margaret H age 1 b Woodplumpton, rec as HAW-. 1861 Census: not found.

j Richardb1842 D HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3579] b 12 Jan 1842 Woodplumpton, reg Preston, no father given, d abt Sep 1902 age 60 reg Preston. 1851 Census: age 9, at Woodplumpton with grandfather James, (but no mother), b Woodplumpton. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 19 boarding at 58 Haydock Street, Preston. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 29 lodging at 35 Hilton Street, Preston, b Woodplumpton. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 39 of 8 Grayston St, Fishwick, b Woodplumpton. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 49 of 43 Langton Street, Preston, b Woodplumpton. 1901 Census: Married Cotton weaver age 59 of 43 Langton St, Preston, b Woodplumpton

j = Ellen SWINDLEHURST [3580] b abt Sep 1842 Preston, reg Preston, m 25 Nov 1865 Preston St John reg Preston, d abt Mar 1908 age 65 reg Preston. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 29 b Preston. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 38 with husband at Fishwick, b Preston. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 48 with husband in Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver, age 59

k Jamesb1866 S HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3581] b abt Dec 1866 reg Preston, d abt Jun 1940 age 74 reg Amounderness. 1871 Census: age 4 with parents, b Preston. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver age 14 of Fishwick, b Preston. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver, age 24, with parents at Langton Street, Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Married Electrical Engineer's Assistant of 13 River Street, Preston, age 36, b Preston

k = Mary Ann HUGHES [3582] b abt 1863 Lancaster, m abt Sep 1889 Preston St Peter reg Preston, d not found. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Spinner, age 25, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Spinner age 37 with husband in Preston, b Liverpool

l Richardb1890 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3583] b 12 Mar 1890, reg Preston, d 8 Jul 1943 age 53 reg Preston. 1891 Census: age 12m at Langton Street, Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: age 11 with parents in Preston, b Preston.

l = Mary Elizabeth JOYCE [3584] b 18 Feb 1889, m 13 Mar 1915 Preston Register Office, d 31 Jan 1948 age 58 reg Preston.

m Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Sep 1915 reg Preston, d 1980

m = Ralph CROMPTON b 27 May 1896, m 24 Mar 1951, reg Preston

m Richardb1918 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Sep 1918, reg Preston, d Sep 1987 reg Preston/SR

m = Mary Catherine HAMPSON b 22 Sep 1918 m 18 Jun 1946, reg Preston d Oct 1993 reg Preston/SR

n Marion HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Sep 1947, reg Preston

n = Michael VAUGHAN (or VAUGHN?) m abt Dec 1968 reg Preston

n Richard Michael HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Jan 1949, reg Preston d May 1996 Preston

n = Kathleen Margaret DIXON b 9 May 1948 m abt Jun 1973 reg Birmingham

o Christopher Michael HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 29 Sep 1977 reg Preston/SR

o Andrew Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Oct 1981 reg Preston/SR

o Michelle Louise HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Jul 1987 reg Preston/SR

n Johnb1950 Anthony HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3593] b 17 May 1950, reg Preston, d 3 Oct 2008, bur Preston. 1998: of Longridge, Preston. Government official working in Saudi Arabia.

n = Josephine HANNAH m abt Sep 1971 reg Preston. 1998: Warden at Longridge

o Roger David HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3297] b abt Sep 1973 reg Preston.

o = Saera J BENSON [3298] m abt Apr 1998 reg Preston/SR

[p Christopher James BENSON b abt Jul 1993 reg Blackpool/F]

p Daniel Thomas HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3299] b abt Jun 1994 reg Blackpool/F

p Naithan John W HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3300] b abt Dec 2000 reg N Yorkshire

o Philip John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1979 reg Blackpool/F 2004: Unmarried

n Margaret E HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Mar 1952, reg Preston d 25 Nov 1952

n Martin J HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Nov 1954, reg Preston 1998: of Preston

n = Carol L HARRISON nee YATES m abt Jul 1989 reg Preston/SR No issue?

n Catherine Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3596] b 19 Sep 1959, reg Preston.

n = John Martin HUSBANDS [3604] m abt Sep 1979 Preston St Gregory the Great reg Preston/SR

m May Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Feb 1920, reg Preston d 16 Feb 1921, reg Preston, age 1

m Diana Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 16 Apr 1921, reg Preston d 16 Sep 1921, reg Preston, age 0

l May HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3605] c 25 Dec 1892, reg Preston. 1901 Census: not found with parents, and not found elsewhere.

l = Herbert MARTIN m abt Jun 1931 reg Preston

l Jamesb1895 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3607] c 2 Jun 1895, reg Preston, d abt Sep 1938 age 43 reg Amounderness. 1901 Census: age 5 with parents in Preston, b Preston.

l = Norah W BURKE b abt 1898, m abt Sep 1919 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1936 age 38 reg Preston

m Nellie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1920 reg Preston

m = Thomas HARRISON m abt Sep 1938 reg Preston

l Mary Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3613] b abt Dec 1897 reg Preston 1901 Census: age 3 with parents in Preston, b Preston

l = Joseph FRYER [3614] b 1895, m 20 May 1918 Preston Emmanuel reg Preston

l Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5464] b abt Mar 1900 reg Preston as HAW- 1901 Census: age 1 with parents in Preston, b Preston

l = Fred HOWE [6263] m abt Jun 1929 Preston Emmanuel, first cousin marriage

l Fred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3611] b 1 Jun 1903 reg Preston, d abt Jan 1977 reg Preston/SR. At one time at 86 Henderson Street, Preston.

l = Ada POULTON [3612] b 5 Sep 1903, m abt Jun 1940 Preston St Thomas, d Feb 1982 reg Preston/SR. No issue.

k Williamb1868 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6373] b abt Mar 1868 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1868 age 0 reg Preston

k Georgeb1869 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6374] b abt Jun 1869 reg Preston, b abt Mar 1870 age 0 reg Preston

k Mary Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Mar 1871 Preston reg Preston, d abt Sep 1877 age 6 reg Preston.. 1871 Census: age 1m with parents, b Preston. 1881 Census: not with parents.

k Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6375] b abt Sep 1874 reg Preston, c 19 Jul 1874 Preston St John, daur of Richard, Weaver of James St, & Ellen, d abt Dec 1876 age 2 reg Preston

k Betsy Swindlehurst HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6123] b abt Jun 1876 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1876 age 0 reg Preston

k Richardb1878 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3619] b abt Mar 1878 reg Preston, d not found. 1881 Census: age 5 at Fishwick, b Preston. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 13 at Langton Street, Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Building Labourer age 23, b Preston

k = Margaret POSTLETHWAITE [3620] b 1883, m 8 Aug 1908 Preston Christ Church reg Preston

k Mary Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3621] b abt Mar 1880 reg Preston. 1881 Census: age 1 at Fishwick, b Preston. 1891 Census: Scholar age 11 at Langton Street, Preston. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver "age 28" (but this is probably a misprint for 21)

[l Dorothy HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6238] b abt Dec 1898 Trinity, Preston, mmn H, d abt Dec 1898 Trinity, Preston?]

k = Thomas HOWE b 1878, m 30 Jun 1900 Christ Church, Preston, Weaver of Preston

l Fred HOWE [6263] s of Mary Ellen H [3621] above

k Fred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3623] b abt Jun 1882 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1933 age 51 reg Preston as Frederick? 1891 Census: Scholar age 9 at Langton Street, Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Cardroom Operative, Cotton, of Preston, age 19, b Preston

k = Ellen BULGER [3624] m abt Jun 1908 Preston Christ Church, d abt Mar 1960 age 76 reg Preston. No issue

[k Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1893 reg Preston. 1901 Census: dr of Richard, age 8, b Preston. Although stated to be a daughter of Richard D and Ellen, in view of her age and an elder sister also called Mary, it seems this Mary b1893 must have really been a grand-daughter or adopted.]

j Johnb1846 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3626] b abt Jun 1846 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1879 age 33 reg Preston 1851 Census: age 4, at Woodplumpton with grandfather James (no mother present), b Woodplumpton. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver age 14 boarding with his unmarried uncle Williamb1813 at 29 Egbert Street, Preston, b Woodplumpton. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 24 boarding at 28 Griffin Street, Wiiton, Blackburn, b Woodplumpton, wife not present.

j = Agnes DIXON [6006] b abt 1841 Preston, m abt Dec 1869 Preston St John reg Preston, d abt Mar 1900 age 59 reg Preston. 1881 Census: Widowed Cotton Weaver age 40 at 23 Buckingham Street, Preston, b Preston

k Catherine HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6007] b abt Dec 1870 reg Preston. 1881 Census: Scholar age 10 with mother in Preston, b Preston

k = James SHARPLES [6166] m abt Jun 1897 reg Preston

k Mary Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6008] 1881 Census: Scholar age 8 with mother in Preston, b Preston

k = Wilfred HOPKINS [6011] m abt Sep 1893 Preston Christ Church

k Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6009] b abt Sep 1875 reg Preston 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 with mother in Preston, b Preston

k = Thomas KIRBY [6167] m abt Mar 1901 Preston Christ Church reg Preston

k Thomasb1878 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5893] b abt Sep 1878 reg Preston, [d abt Sep 1913 age 35 reg Salford?] 1881 Census: age 2 with widowed mother Agnes at 23 Buckingham Street, Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Married Self-employed Shoemaker age 22 at 8 Bridge Lane, Preston, b Preston. 1911 Census: not with wife and family in Preston

k = Elizabeth CARR [5894] b abt 1877 Preston, m 9 April 1898 Preston St Peter reg Preston. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 24 with husband in Preston, b Preston. 1911 Census: Cotton Weaver married 13 years age 34 at 19 Mill Hill, Preston, b Preston, husband not present

l Agnes Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3782] b abt Dec 1898 reg Preston. 1901 Census: Age 2 with parents (rec as Agnes Helen), b Preston 1911 Census: Scholar age 12 with mother in Mill Hill, Preston, b Preston

l = Edward DAVIS [3783] m abt Mar 1922 Preston St Peter

l Elizabethb1900 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5868] b abt Mar 1900 reg Preston. 1901 Census: age 1 with parents in Preston, b Preston. 1911 Census: age 11 with mother in Preston, b Preston

l = Thomas LANG [5872] m abt Dec 1927 Preston St Peter

l Catherine HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6418] b abt Jun 1902 Preston St John, d abt Sep 1903 age 1 Preston St John

l Johnb1903 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Apr 1903 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1979 reg Bolton. 1911 Census: age 8 with mother in Preston, b Preston

l = Eva Corlett JONES [5873] b 12 Aug 1897 reg Portsea, m abt Mar 1927 reg Preston, d abt Mar 1983 reg Bolton

m Elizabethb1927 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5874] b abt Jun 1927 reg Preston

m = Kenneth Francis HARVEY m abt Jun 1949 Fulwood St Cuthbert reg Amounderness

l Nicholas HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3278] b 10 May 1905 Preston, d abt Apr 1991 reg Preston/SR. 1911 Census: Scholar age 6 with mother in Preston, b Preston

l =(1) Edith DUCKWORTH [3279] b 1 Jan 1908 reg Preston, m abt Dec 1931 Preston St Matthew, d Feb 1995 reg Preston. Later divorced, so that Derek below knew his mother’s maiden name was DUCKWORTH, but did not remember the first name of his father. He thinks he was in the Navy. [However, St Caths Index shows that Edith DUCKWORTH married Nicholas H and this seems to fit.]

m Derek James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3281] b 3 Jul 1945 Preston, reg Amounderness. Only child. 2000: of Ingol, Preston

m = Theresa TAYLOR m abt Sep1967 reg Preston

n Annette Marie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1968 reg Amounderness

n = Thomas HEWITT m abt Aug 1994 reg Preston/SR

n Deborah Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1969 reg Preston

n Lisa Michelle HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3286] b abt Mar 1971 reg Preston

n = David M ORMROD [6010] m abt Jul 2005 reg Lancs

n Gary James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3287] b abt Sep 1974 reg Preston/SR 1998: of Ingol, Preston. No issue?

n = Hilary G CUMMINGS m abt Sep 2003 reg Preston SR

[l =(2) Margaret Annie HALL [3280] b 16 Jun 1903 reg Preston, m abt Sep 1973 reg Preston, d abt Sep 1984 reg Preston.]

l Lilian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5871] b abt Mar 1908 reg Preston 1911 Census: age 3 with mother in Mill Hill, Preston, b Preston

l = George SIMMONS m abt Mar 1930 reg Preston

l Harold HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6419] b abt Mar 1908 North Preston, d abt Sep 1910 age 2 North Preston, twin of Lilian above

l Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5872] b abt Nov 1910 reg Preston. 1911 Census: age 5m with mother in Preston, b Preston

l = Alfred MARTLEW [5878] m abt Sep 1937 Preston St Mary

j Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3659] b abt Jun 1849 Woodplumpton, reg Preston as HAY- 1851 Census: age 1 in Cellar, High Street, Preston, b Woodplumpton, with her unmarried mother Catherine. Rec as HAW-

[j = Thomas WALSH m 7 Sep 1868 Preston St John, Groom (X) 26 Spinner Bachelor of Aughton Street, Bride (X) 21 Weaver Spinster of Great George Street, father late Thomas H, Laborer. Does not fit here, now we know Margaret’s father was Thomas H. Correct position as yet undetermined]

i Other children missing?

i Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3627] c 17 Jan 1827 Cottam St Andrew RC, dr of James and Catherine (olim DIGGLES) [is this the wrong family, or did James marry again?] d abt Jun 1887 age 57 reg Preston. 1841 Census: age 9 with father in Bartel, Woodplumpton [there is an age discrepancy here with the christening record]. 1881 Census: Widowed Dressmaker at 30 Smith Street, Preston

i =(1) Richard ECCLES b abt 1826 Preston, m abt Sep 1847 Preston Reg Office, d abt Mar 1864 Preston. 1861 Census: Draper at 40 New Hall Lane, Preston

i =(2) John VERNON b abt 1810 Preston, m abt Mar 1865 Preston Reg Office, d abt Jun 1880 age 71 Preston

Tree of the Lancashire Blacksmiths

The Forbears of William below are given in the Tree of Christopher of Preston above.

The tree below contains a very strong blacksmith tradition passing down from generation to generation in some of the branches.

Some branches of this family appear to have vacillated between the HAY- , HAW-, HAT- (and other) spellings from record to record, at least one branch changed to HAYTHORN, and so modern descendants show a variety of forms. As a result, I have got into a hopeless muddle as to which spelling to use in the earlier records.

h William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3770] b abt 1765, bur 8 Jan 1807 Woodplumpton St Anne, age 42, Shoemaker of Salwick. 1792: of St Michael’s

h = Ann RYLEY [3771] b abt 1763, m 8 Jan 1792 St Michael on Wyre, of St Michael’s, bur 10 Aug 1806 Woodplumpton St Anne, wife of Wm HAT-, age 33, abode Salwick

First Child of William & Ann RILEY

i Margaret HAWTHORNWHITE [3772] c 18 Feb 1793 Salwick & Lea RC, Lea by Kirkham, dr. of William H & Ann RILEY

i = Richard BILLINGTON [6983] b abt 1790, m 22 Feb 1816 Woodplumpton St Anne, Miller age 26 and Spinster age 23 (X)

Second Child of William & Ann RILEY

i Williamb1794 HAWTHORNWHITE [3773] b 27 Dec 1794, c Cottam St Andrew RC, s. William H & Ann RYLEY, d abt Dec 1856 Kirkham age 62 reg Fylde. 1851 Census: Farm Lab, married to Jane, age 57 in Medlar with Wesham, b Woodplumpton, rec as HATHORNWATE

i =(1) Alice WILCOCK [6905] m 18 Aug 1823 Kirkham St Michael, both of Freckleton, d bfr 1837

i =(2) Jane KELLATT [4265] b abt 1805 Walton, Lancs, m not found [date unclear], [d abt Mar 1884 age 83 reg Fylde?] 1851 Census: Housewife, married to William, at Medlar with Wesham, age 46, b Walton. 1861 Census: not found.

j Peterb1824 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4266] b abt 1824 Newton, Lancs., [c 30 Mar 1824 Salwick & Lea RC, “s. of William & Alice”. Peter’s dates fit well, so perhaps Wm had an earlier marriage] d abt Jun 1871 age 47 reg Fylde as HAYTHORNWHITE 1851 Census: Unmarried Carter age 27 living with parents (William & Jane) at Medlar with Wesham, b Newton, Lancs. 1861 Census: Carter, married to Jane, age 36 at Medlar with Wesham, b Newton. 1871 Census: Widowed Shop Keeper and Grocer age 47 at 32 Station Road, Medlar with Wesham, b Newton, rec as HAY-

j = Jane FAIRCLOUGH [4267] b abt 1823 Wrea Green, m abt Sep 1860 Old Fylde Registry Office reg Fylde, d abt Jun 1867 age 43 reg Fylde. 1861 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 37 at Wesham, b Wrea Green. No children in household

k Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1864 Wesham reg Fylde, d abt Dec 1880 age 16 reg Fylde. 1871 Census: Scholar age 7 living with widowed father in Wesham, b Wesham, no other children present.

j Henryb1831 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4269] b abt 1831 Wesham, d abt Jun 1864 Kirkham age 33 Kirkham reg Fylde. 1851 Census: Unmarried Cattle Looker, age 19, at Wesham, b Wesham. 1861 Census: not found

j Williamb1834 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4270] b abt 1834 Wesham, d not found. 1851 Census: Farm Lab age 17 at Wesham, b Wesham. 1861 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Servant age 26 at Little Eccleston Hall, b Wesham. 1871 Census: Unmarried Farm Servant Indoor age 35 at White Hall, Upper Rawcliffe, b Wesham. 1881 Census: not found. 1891 Census: not found. [1901 Census: Unmarried Lodger, age 70, living on own means at Fulwood, Preston, b Wesham?]

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4271] b abt 1836 Wesham 1851 Census: Scholar age 15 at Wesham, b Wesham

j Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4272] b abt Dec 1838 Wesham reg Fylde as HAT, mmn KELLATT. 1851 Census: Scholar age 12 at Wesham, b Wesham. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Rover age 31, b Wesham, at Meany Gate, Walton-le-Dale

j = William NEWSHAM [6311] b abt 1853 St Michael’s, m abt Jun 1863 Preston St John. 1871 Census: Married Railway Servant age 28

j Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4273] b abt Mar 1841 Wesham reg Fylde, mmn KELLATT 1851 Census: Scholar age 10 at Wesham, b Wesham

j Thomasb1846 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4274] b abt Sep 1846 Wesham reg Fylde as HAT- , mmn KELLATT, d abt Mar 1915 age 68 reg Preston as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1851 Census: age 4 at Wesham, b Wesham. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 35 of 3 Witton Stocks, Witton, Lancs, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 44 at 224 Plungington Road, Preston, b Wesham, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 55 at 191 Plungington Road, b Wesham, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1911 Census: Married, Unemployed, at 202 Plungington Road, Preston

j = Elizabeth WHITESIDE [4275] b abt 1846 Kirkham, m abt Mar 1869 reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1924 age 78 reg Preston. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver age 35 of Witton Stocks,b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Housewife age 45, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Housewife age 56, b Kirkham. 1911 Census: Married, with husband at 202 Plungington Road, Preston

k Mary Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4280] b abt Jun 1869 Kirkham, reg Fylde. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver age 12 of Witton Stocks, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: not at home with parents

k = Charles Frederick TAYLOR m abt Dec 1890 Preston Register Office

k Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4276] b abt Mar 1871 Kirkham, reg Fylde. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver age 10 of Witton Stocks, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 20 living with parents, b Kirkham

k = Joseph ROBINSON [6011] m abt Sep 1895 Preston Register Office

k Agnes HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6378] b abt Mar 1871 Kirkham reg Fylde, d abt Jun 1874 age 3 Kirkham reg Fylde

k John HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1873 reg Blackburn, d abt Jun 1874 reg Blackburn

k Frances Hannah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4277] b abt Sep 1875 Witton Stocks reg Blackburn, [m abt Dec 1902 reg Preston, rec as Frances H?] 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 of Witton Stocks, b Blackburn. 1891 Census: Unmarried Milliner’s Apprentice, age 15, living with parents, b Witton, rec as Frances Hannah. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 25 living at home with parents, b Blackburn. 1911 Census: Married 8 yrs age 34 with parents in Preston, b Broughton

k = Robert BARON [4283] m abt Dec 1902 Preston Register Office

k Williamb1879 Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4284] b abt Mar 1879 Witton reg Blackburn d abt Sep 1882 age 3 reg Blackburn 1881 Census; age 2 at Witton Stocks. 1891 Census: not with parents, tending to confirm death record.

k Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4278] b Dec 1880 Witton, reg Blackburn. 1881 Census: age 4m at Witton Stocks, b Blackburn. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10, b Witton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 20 in Preston, b Blackburn

k = James HELM m abt Sep 1906 Ashton on Ribble St Andrew reg Preston

k Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7609] b abt Dec 1883 Witton, Blackburn, mmn WHITESIDE, d abt Jun 1884 Witton, age 0

k John William HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4279] b abt Mar 1886 Wesham, reg Fylde as HAW-, m not found [m abt Mar 1914 reg Preston probably applies to John William b1890] d abt Mar 1954 reg Bury age 68 rec as HAW-. 1891 Census: Scholar age 5, b Wesham. 1901 Census: Iron Moulder age 15 with parents at Preston, b Wesham. 1911 Census: Unmarried Iron Moulder age 25 with parents in Preston, b Kirkham

[j Catherineb1849 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7605] b abt Jun 1849 Kirkham, mmn KELLATT, d abt Sep 1850 Kirkham. Alternatively, could she be dau of Thomas & Agnes KELLATT?]

Third Child of William & Ann RILEY

i Peterb1797 HATHORNTHWAITE [6904] c 5 Oct 1797 Salwick & Lea RC, s of William and Ann RILEY, d bfr 1804 presumably

Fourth Child of William & Ann RILEY

i Helen HATHORNWHITE [3774] b 28 May 1799, c 30 May 1799 Mowbreck or The Willows RC, Wesham, dr of Gulielmo HATHORNWHITE or HATHERNETTE

Fifth Child of William & Ann RILEY

i Catherineb1801 HAWTHORNWHITE [3775] c 23 Sep 1801 Lea and Salwick RC, Trayles, dr. of William H & Ann RILEY, [Possibly she was the witness at the Woodplumpton wedding of her sister Margaret on 29 Sep 1828]

i = John PORTER [7724] m 17 Nov 1823 Kirkham St Michael, John of Weeton, Catherine of Wesham

Sixth Child of William & Ann RILEY

i Peterb1804 HAWTHORNWHITE [3776] c 20 Jan 1804 Lea and Salwick RC, Trayles, s. of William H & Ann RYLEY, d Aug 1838 Kirkham age 34 reg Fylde, bur 8 Aug 1838 Mowbreck RC age 34. 1841 Census: not with wife, confirming 1838 death

i = Mary BARNES [3788] b abt 1803 Westby, d abt Jun 1870 age 67 reg Fylde as HAY- 1841 Census: Weaver age 35 at Ribby Lane, Kirkham, husband not present, presumed dead. 1851 Census: Widowed

Housekeeper age 48 at 192 Ribby Lane, Kirkham, b Westby, rec as HAW-. 1861 Census: Widow age 58 in Moor

Street, Kirkham, b Westby. She has sons Thomas & William there, and William’s wife, and grandson Johnb1850,

but Ann has left home.

First Child of Peter & Mary

j Williamb1826 HAYTHORNWHITE [4288] b 17 Feb 1826 Wesham, c 18 Feb 1826 Mowbreck or The Willows RC, Wesham, son of Peter & Mary, d abt Mar 1879 age 53 reg Fylde as HAW-. 1841 Census: not at home with mother. 1851 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 25 at 184 Ribby Lane, Kirkham, b Wesham, no children present, rec as HAW-. 1861 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer age 35 living with widowed mother Mary in Moor Lane, Kirkham, b Wesham. 1871 Census: Married Labourer age 45 at 25 Order’s Lane, Kirkham, b Wesham, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE.

j = Mary HAYES b abt 1825 Kirkham, m abt Sep 1850 Old Fylde Registry Office. 1851 Census: Married Factory Hand age 25 with husband at 184 Ribby Lane, Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1861 Census: Married age 37 in Moor Lane, Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1871 Census: Married Linen Reeler age 46, b Kirkham. No children present. No issue?

Second Child of Peter & Mary

j Alice HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3789] b abt 1829 Wesham, d abt Jun 1873 age 45 Kirkham reg Fylde. 1841 Census: age 13 at home with mother in Kirkham. 1851 Census: Unmarried Factory Worker at 192 Ribby Lane, age 22, b Wesham. 1851marriage: full Spinner Spinster of Kirkham, bride’s father Peter, Labourer

j = Thomas LAWRENSON [4290] m 6 May 1851 Kirkham St Michael reg Fylde, Carrier Bachelor of Kirkham

Third Child of Peter & Mary

j Peterb1832 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3790] b abt 1832 Wesham, d not found. 1841 Census: age 9 with mother in Kirkham. 1851 Census: Unmarried Handloom Weaver age 19 at 192 Ribby Lane, b Wesham. 1861 Census: Married Cotton Twister age 29 of Wrongway Street, Kirkham, b Wesham. 1871 Census: not found.

j = Margaret STAPLETON [3929] b abt 1833 Ireland, m abt Dec 1856 Old Fylde Register Office, Fylde. 1861 Census: Married Handloom Cotton Weaver age 28 b Ireland. 1871 Census: not found

k Henryb1857 HATHORNTHWAITE [3931] b abt Dec 1857 Kirkham reg Fylde as HAT-. 1861 Census: Scholar age 3 b Kirkham. 1871 Census: not found

k Thomasb1859 HATHORNTHWAITE [3930] b abt Jun 1859 Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAT-, d not found (d in USA?) 1861 Census: age 2 b Kirkham. 1871 Census: not found. 1901 Census: not found. 1911 Census: not found

[k = Alice CROSS b abt 1858 Treales, m abt Jun 1878 old Fylde Registry Office. 1911 Census: Widow age 53, b Treales

l Mary Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5438] b abt 1881 Kirkham

l Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1882 Fall River, Massachusetts. 1901 Census: in Kirkham, no father present, b Fall River

l Catherine HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1884 Fall River, Massachusetts. 1901 Census: in Kirkham, no father present, b Fall River]

k Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7572] b abt Dec 1861 Kirkham reg Fylde

k Peterb1863 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7573] b abt Sep 1863 Kirkham, reg Fylde

k Bridget HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7574] b abt Sep 1865 Kirkham reg Fylde

k John James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3615] b abt Jun 1867 Kirkham reg Fylde, mmn STAPLETON 1910 Census: age 42 at Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts. 1920 Census: age 54 at Fall River, Mass

k Catherineb1869 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7608] b abt Jun 1869 Kirkham, mmn STAPLETON

Fourth Child of Peter & Mary

j Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3791] b abt 1834 Wesham. 1841 Census: age 7 at home with mother in Kirkham. 1851 Census: Unmarried Factory Worker, age 17, with widowed mother at 192 Ribby Lane, Kirkham, b Wesham. 1861 Census: not with widowed mother at Moor Lane, Kirkham, apparently married. 1871 Census: with husband and 8 children in Westby w Plumpton, confirming this marriage. Gg-grandmother of Allan SMITH, a helpful informant.

j = Lawrence COTTAM m 7 Aug 1852 Kirkham RC Chapel, reg Fylde as HAT-

[The Johnb1849 below, previously thought a very young son of Peter & Mary, is now recognised as a grandson, in fact, son of Ann above, born before she married Lawrence COTTAM]

k Johnb1849 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3927] b abt Jun 1849 Kirkham, reg Fylde as “HAT-“ , mmn H, 1851 Census: “Son” age 1 of widow Mary, age 48, at 192 Ribby Lane, Kirkham, b Kirkham, but he is listed below Ann, so perhaps he was a child of Ann. 1861 Census: Scholar age 11 living with widowed grandmother Mary age 58, b Kirkham, and with Williamb1826 and wife Mary HAYES living in the same house.

Fifth Child of Peter & Mary

j Thomasb1836 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1836 Wesham, [d abt Mar 1869 age 34 reg Manchester?]. 1841 Census: age 5 with mother in Kirkham 1851 Census: Agricultural Labourer age 15 at Walton House, Ribby with Wrea, b Kirkham, rec as HAWTHORWHITE. 1861 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Labourer age 25 with widowed mother Mary in Moor Lane, Kirkham, b Wesham. 1871 Census: not found

[j = Anon ANON m abt Mar 1869 reg Fylde as HAY-?]

Sixth Child of Peter & Mary

j Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1837 Wesham, reg not found, presumed pre-Jul 1837, m not found, [d abt Jun 1900 age 63 reg Fylde as HAY-, unmarried?] 1841 Census: age 4 with mother in Kirkham. 1851 Census: Scholar age 13 with widowed mother Mary in Ribby Lane, Kirkham, b Wesham, rec as HAW-. 1861 Census: Unmarried Heald Knitter age 23 with widowed mother Mary in Moor Street, Kirkham, b Wesham. 1871 Census: not found. 1881 Census: Unmarried House Keeper age 43 at 20 Moor Street, Kirkham, b Kirkham, with nephew James LAWRENSON and his wife Elizabeth, rec as HAWTHORNWAITE. Note that this is probably the same house she was in in 1861. 1891 Census: Unmarried House Keeper age 53 at 10 Ward Street, Kirkham, b Kirkham, in house of nephew John SMITH age 34, married to Alice age 34, both b Kirkham

Seventh Child of Peter & Mary

j Henryb1839 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1839 reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1844 reg Fylde. 1841 Census: age 2 with mother in Ribby Lane, Kirkham

Seventh Child of William & Ann RILEY

i Thomasb1806 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3413] b 24 Feb 1806 Treales, c 25 Feb 1806, Mowbreck or The Willows RC, Wesham, Lancs, s. of Gulielmo and Anna ATHORNWHITE, d abt Dec 1855 Kirkham age 49 reg Preston. “Blacksmith from the Lancaster area", according to family tradition, but 1842 birth certificate of his son Thomasb1842 below describes him as a labourer of Wesham. 1841 Census: Ag Lab age 35 in Wesham. 1851 Census: Married Agricultural Labourer of 70 Poulton St, Kirkham, age 44, b Treales, Lancs.

i = Agnes KELLATT [3414] b abt 1807 Wyersdale(?) [probably Walton], m not found, [d abt Sep 1890 age 85 reg Preston?] 1841 Census: Weaver age 35 with husband in Wesham. 1851 Census: Married Sack Maker age 44 at 70 Poulton Street, Kirkham, b Wyersdale(?). 1861 Census: Widow age 53 at Poulton Street, Kirkham, “b Preston”. 1871 Census: Widowed Washerwoman age 66 at 38 Marsden Street, Kirkham, b Walton, Lancs. Boarders, but no family, present. Rec as HAW-. 1881 Census: Widowed Boarding House Keeper age 77 at 46 Marsden Street, Kirkham, b Walton, Boarders and grandson Thomas HAW- present. Thomas is Unmarried age 21 Soldier of the 47th Foot, b Manchester.

First Child of Thomas & Agnes

j Johnb1830 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3993] b abt 1830, d abt Mar 1849 age 19 Kirkham reg Fylde. 1841 Census: age 11 in household of William and Alice KELLET, Agricultural Labourer of Clifton, Kirkham [could these be Agnes KELLATT’s parents?].

Second Child of Thomas & Agnes

j Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3777] b abt 1831 Wesham 1841 Census: age 10 with parents in Wesham. 1851 Census: Unmarried Factory Worker age 20 with parents at 70 Poulton Street, Kirkham, b Wesham. 1861 Census: Married age 29 with husband at 7 Fairclough Street, Preston, b Kirkham. 1871 Census: Married age 41 with husband at 17 Harrington Street, Preston, b Wesham

j =(1) James PARKINSON [6306] m abt Jun 1853 Old Fylde Register Office. 1861 Census: Married Blacksmith age 51, b Preston

j =(2) Thomas FAIRCLOUGH [6321] m abt Jun 1869 Preston Register Office. 1871 Census: Corn Miller age 35

Third Child of Thomas & Agnes

j Williamb1834 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3415] b 1834 Kirkham (sic, Kirkham, not Wesham like his siblings). 1841 Census: age 7 with parents in Wesham. 1851 Census: Factory Worker age 17 of 70 Poulton Street, Kirkham, b Kirkham 1857: Hackler [in a flax mill] of 70 Poulton Street, Kirkham. 1861 Census: Married, age 27, living with widowed mother, b Kirkham. 1871 Census: Married Overlooker of Flax age 33 at 11 Albert Terrace, Salford, b Lancashire, rec as HAYTHORNWATE. 1881 Census: Coal Dealer age 45 at 47 Garnett Street, Cheetham, rec as HAWTHORN, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Widower living with daughter Sarah Ann and family. [According to my informant, Lesley Hoyes, from this branch, Wm married and moved to Manchester/Salford where he and his descendants changed their name to HAYTHORN or HAWTHORN]

j = Martha CARSON [4298] b abt 1836 Belfast, m abt Dec 1857 Old Fylde Registry Office reg Fylde as HAT. 1871 Census: Housewife age 30 at 11 Albert Terrace, Salford, b Belfast. 1881 Census: Worker in Flax Mill age 44 in Cheetham, b Belfast

k Catherineb1858 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7584] b abt Mar 1858 Kirkham, d abt Sep 1860 Kirkham

k Peterb1859 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 2 Oct 1859 reg Fylde as HAT-, c 9 Oct 1859 Kirkham St John RC, d abt Sep 1862 age 2 reg Fylde as HAT-. 1871 Census: not with family. 1881 Census: not at Salford with rest of family.

k Johnb1863 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 8 Oct 1863 Kirkham reg Fylde, c 11 Oct 1863 Kirkham St John RC. 1871 Census: age 8 with family in Salford, b Kirkham. 1881 Census: Coal Carter age 19 of Cheetham, b Kirkham.

k = Elizabeth SEWELL b abt 1863, m 19 Apr 1881 St John the Evangelist, Manchester, reg Prestwich as HAWTHORN. 1881: Mill Hand.

k Sarah Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Sep 1865 Clegg St., Kirkham, reg Fylde, c 10 Sep 1865 Kirkham St John RC, d 1952 age 86. 1871 Census: age 6 with parents in Salford, b Kirkham. 1881 Census: Unmarried Factory Operative age 17 in Cheetham, b Kirkham

k =(1) Robert KNOWLES m 19 Mar 1885 Salford Register Office, reg Salford d 1899

l Robert KNOWLES d Belgium 6 Sep 1917

l Martha Ann KNOWLES b 25 Mar 1891 Salford d 3 Jan 1948

l = Thomas PODMORE m 1908

m Maria PODMORE b 1918 d 1973

m = George Leslie HOYES b 1917 m 1939 Salford d 1992

n Lesley HOYES b 1950 A most helpful informant.

l Thomas KNOWLES b 1893

k =(2) Antony WROE m 1900

k Catherineb1868 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4314] b abt Jun 1868 reg Salford. 1871 Census: age 4 with parents, b Salford. 1881 Census: Scholar age 12 of Cheetham, b Salford, rec as Katherine

k = Patrick COX [4316] m abt Sep 1887 Salford Register Office to HAYTHORN

k William Thomas HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1870 reg Salford, rec as HAWTHORTHWAITE, d abt Apr 1871 age 0 reg Salford as HAWTHORNE 1871 Census: age 10m in Salford, b Salford

Fourth Child of Thomas & Agnes KELLATT

j Alice HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3778] b abt 1836 Wesham, m not found. 1841 Census: age 5 with parents in Wesham. 1851 Census: Factory Worker age 15 with parents in Kirkham, b Wesham. 1861 Census: Unmarried Flax Spinner age 25, with parents at Poulton Street, Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1871 Census: Unmarried Linen Spinner age 34 at 8 New Row, Kirkham, b Wesham.

k Thomasb1860 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3938] b abt Mar 1860 reg Salford, d not found. 1861 Census: age 1 at Poulton Street, Kirkham, described as son of Thomas & Agnes, but appears to be grandson and probably illegitimate son of Alice, who was also in the house. 1871 Census: Linen Differ age 11 with mother in Kirkham, b Pendleton

k Catherineb1863 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6334] b abt Jun 1863 Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAY-, [m abt Dec 1882 reg Preston as HAY-?]. 1871 Census: Scholar age 8 with mother in Kirkham, b Kirkham

k Anne HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1869 Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAY-?. 1871 Census: age 2 with mother in Kirkham, b Kirkham

Fifth Child of Thomas & Agnes

j Peterb1838 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3416] b abt Dec 1838 Wesham, reg Fylde as HATHORNTHWAITE, d abt Dec 1924 age 85 reg Burnley as HAW-. 1841 Census: age 2 with parents in Wesham. 1851 Census: Spinning Assistant age 13 of Kirkham, b Wesham, rec as HAW- . 1861 Census: Unmarried with parents, age 22, b Kirkham. 1871 Census: Married Flax Overlooker age 32 at 1 Barn Field, Kirkham, b Wesham, rec as HAY-. 1881 Census: Overlooker in Flax Mill, living at 1 Barn Field, Kirkham, age 42, b Wesham. 1891 Census: Married, age 52, no occupation given, at 103 Carr Road, Nelson, b Wesham. 1901 Census: Market Gardener of Kirkham, age 62, b Wesham, rec as HAWTHORNTHWHITE. 1911 Census: Widowed Retired Overlooker age 72 at 12 North Street, Nelson, b Wesham

j = Mary Ann WALTON [3417] b abt 1840 Kirkham, m abt Dec 1861 Old Fylde Registry Office reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1902 age 62 reg Burnley. 1871 Census: Housewife age 31 at 1 Barn Field, Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Housewife age 51, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Married age 60 at 103 Carr Road, Nelson, husband not present, b Kirkham

First Child of Peter & Mary Walton

k Thomasb1864 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3418] b abt Jun 1864 Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAY-, m abt Sep 1895 reg Burnley as HAW-, d abt Mar 1936 age 71 reg Fylde as HAW-. 1871 Census: Scholar age 7 at 1 Barn Field, Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver at Kirkham, age 17, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver, age 27, at Carr Road, Nelson, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Married Life Insurance Agent age 37 at 55 Smith Street, Nelson, b Kirkham, rec as HAW-. 1911 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 46 at Bryn Farm Lane, Kirkham, b Kirkham

k = Mary Elizabeth FAIRCLOUGH b abt 1868 Wrea Green, Lancs. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 33 with husband, b Wrea Green, Lancs. 1911 Census: Married 15 yrs age 43 with husband, b Wrea Green

l Wilfrid Joseph HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1900 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1968 age 68 reg Barton. 1901 Census: age 1 with parents, b Nelson. 1911 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents, b Nelson

l = Anon SISSON m abt Sep 1925 reg Preston

m Wilfrid Sisson HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 27 Feb 1927 reg Preston, d Nov 1991 reg High Peak. Unmarried?

l Mary Winifred HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6222] b 15 Jun 1904 Nelson, d abt Mar 1979 reg Blackpool/F. Unmarried. 1911 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents, b Nelson.

Second Child of Peter & Mary

k Henryb1865 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3419] b abt Sep 1865 Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAY-, d abt Jun 1924 age 58 reg Burnley as HAW-. 1871 Census: Scholar age 5 at 1 Barn Field, Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1881 Census: Cotton Spinner age 15. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 25 lodging at 7 Commercial Street, Great & Litle Marsden, Nelson, b Kirkham, reg as HAW- 1901 Census: not found, either as HAY- or HAW-. 1911 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 44 at 34 Napier Street, Nelson, b Kirkham

k = Ann WALMSLEY [3475] b abt 1867 Lancaster, m abt Jun 1892 Burnley Register Office, d abt Sep 1929 age 62 reg Burnley. 1911 Census: Wife married 18 yrs age 44 b Lancaster

l John Walmsley HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5947] b abt Jun 1893 Nelson reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1969 age 75 reg Nelson. Unmarried? 1911 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 17 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

l Josephb1895 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5948] b abt Jun 1895 Nelson, d abt Mar 1944 age 49 reg Manchester. 1911 Census: Cotton Weaver age 16 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson.

l = Ellen A KING b 6 Apr 1898, m abt Mar 1920 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1973 reg Manchester. No issue.

l Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5949] b abt Jun 1896 Nelson, reg Burnley. 1911 Census: Cotton Weaver age 15 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

l Jamesb1897 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6411] b abt Mar 1897 Nelson, d abt Dec 1899 age Nelson reg Burnley

l Mary Alice HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6417] b abt Jun 1898 Nelson, d abt Dec 1899 age 1 Nelson

l Williamb1899 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6428] b abt Dec 1899 Nelson, d abt Dec 1899 age 0 Nelson

l Henryb1900 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5953] b 4 Sep 1900 Nelson, d abt Jun 1979 reg Preston/SR

l =(1) Elizabeth POLDING [5954] b abt Dec 1899 Burnley, m abt Dec 1928 reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1933 age 33 reg Burnley. No issue

l =(2) Margaret FLINTOFF [6268] m abt Dec 1944 Preston Register Office. No issue

l Mary Agnes HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5950] b 20 Nov 1901 Nelson, d abt Dec 1978 reg Burnley/Pen. 1911 Census: age 9 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

l Alphonso HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5951] b 1 Sep 1905 Nelson, d Aug 1991 reg Bury. 1911 Census: age 5 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

l = Gertrude HOLT [5955] b 28 Sep 1903 reg Burnley, m abt Jun 1931 reg Burnley, d May 1986 reg Burnley/Pen

m Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5957] b abt Sep 1932 reg Burnley

m = Daniel J ATKINSON [5961] m abt Sep 1955 reg Nelson

m Joan HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5958] b abt Sep 1934 reg Burnley

m = Gerald DONLAN [5962] m abt Sep 1957 reg Nelson

m Anthony HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5959] b abt Dec 1942 reg Nelson

m = Bridget M CLONEY [5963] m abt Dec 1965 reg Nelson

n John Anthony HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5964] b abt Sep 1963 reg Nelson

n Gordon Peter HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5965] b abt Mar 1968 reg Nelson

n Emma Louise HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5966] b abt Dec 1972 reg Burnley

n Clare Maria M HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5967] b abt Jun 1981 reg Yeovil

m Anne HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5960] b abt Mar 1947 reg Nelson

m = Alexander HOLT [5968] m abt Sep 1968 reg Nelson

l Robert1904 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5952] b 19 Oct 1906 Nelson reg Burnley, d Oct 1988 reg Burnley/P. 1911 Census: age 4 with parents in Nelson, b Nelson

l = Margaret Mildred GREAVES [5956] b 15 Feb 1905 Chorley, m abt Jun 1930 reg Burnley, d Feb 1991 reg Burnley/P. No issue

Third Child of Peter & Mary

k Williamb1867 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3779] b abt Mar 1867 Salford, reg Salford, Lancs as HAW-, d abt Sep 1939 age 72 reg Nelson. 1871 Census: age 4 at Kirkham, b Manchester. 1881 Census: Cotton Weaver at Kirkham, age 14, b Salford. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 24 at Carr Road, Nelson, b Salford. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Overlooker age 33 at 9 Cannon Street, Nelson, b Manchester, rec as HAY- [Source Carl: not found in Ancestry]. 1911 Census: Married Cotton Mill Overlooker age 44, b Salford, at 6 Beddington Street, Nelson. Note: Censuses all agree that he was born, surprisingly, in the Manchester area.

k = Sarah Ann HARTLEY [3780] b abt 1870 Foulridge, m abt Mar 1892 Burnley Register Office, d abt Sep 1942 age 72 reg Nelson. 1911 census: Married 19 years, age 41, b Foulridge

l John Armstead HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6406] b abt Jun 1893 Colne reg Burnley, d abt Dec 1884 age 0 Colne, reg Burnley

l John Hartley HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6408] b abt Jun 1895 Nelson reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1895 age 0 Nelson reg Burnley

l Herbert HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5422] b abt Jun 1897 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1905 age 8 reg Burnley. 1901 Census: age 4 with parents, rec as HAY-.

l Josephb1898 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5423] b abt Jun 1898 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1966 reg Amounderness. 1901 Census: age 3 with parents, rec as HAY-. 1911 Census: Cotton Weaver age 13 with parents, b Nelson

l = Katherine STINCHON b 25 Sep 1898 reg Burnley, m abt Sep 1920 reg Burnley, d abt Mar 1988 reg Burnley/Pendle. No issue

l Jamesb1900 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5425] b 21 Jul 1900 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1978 reg Burnley/Pendle. 1901 Census: age 8m with parents, rec as HAY-. 1911 Census: age 10 with parents, b Nelson

l = Catherine DOWNHAM [5426] b 18 May 1904 Burnley, m abt Sep 1925 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1989 reg Burnley/Pendle

m Johnb1928 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5427] b abt Mar 1928 reg Burnley

m = Iris ROPER [5429] [b 24 Apr 1926?], m abt Sep 1928 Colne St Bartholomew reg Burnley, [d Jan 2003 reg Durham Central?]

n Martin HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5430] b abt Sep 1954 reg Nelson

n = Catherine E SMITH [5433] m abt Dec 1980 reg Camberwell

o Charlotte Alexis HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5434] b Jan 1985 reg Wandsworth

o Ava Sophie HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5435] b Apr 1987 reg Camberwell

o Rebekah HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5436] b Apr 1989 reg Leeds

o Elizabeth HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5437] b Sep 1993 reg Blackburn

n Julie HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5431] b abt Jun 1960 reg Nelson

n = Peter HAWORTH m abt Mar 1885 reg Blackburn

m Audrey W HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5428] b abt Dec 1935 reg Burnley

m = Ronald KNOTT m abt Sep 1954 reg Nelson

l Minnie May HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6174] b abt Dec 1902 Nelson. 1911 Census: age 8 with parents, b Nelson

l = Thomas FLETCHER [6177] m abt Jun 1930 reg Burnley

l Cecil HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6176] b 5 Aug 1905 Nelson, d abt dec 1976 reg Burnley/Pendle. 1911 Census: age 5 with parents, b Nelson

Fourth Child of Peter & Mary

k Mary Agnes HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3420] b abt Dec 1868 Kirkham, reg Fylde, m abt Sep 1892 reg Burnley as HAW-. 1871 Census: age 3 at Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1881 Census: Scholar age 12 at Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 22 at Carr Road, Nelson, b Kirkham

k = Francis FAZACKERLEY m abt Sep 1892 Burnley Register Office

Fifth Child of Peter & Mary

k Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3422] b abt Mar 1870 Kirkham, reg Fylde, [d abt Mar 1939 age 68 reg Blackpool, unmarried?]. 1871 Census: age 1 at Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1881 Census: Scholar age 11 at Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver, age 21, of Carr Road, Nelson, b Kirkham

Sixth Child of Peter & Mary

k Johnb1872 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3424] b abt 1872 Kirkham, reg not found, d abt Sep 1955 age 83 reg Burnley as HAW-. 1881 Census: Scholar at Kirkham age 9, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 19 at Carr Road, Nelson, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver with mother at 103 Carr Road, Nelson, age 29, b Kirkham. 1911 Census: Married Newsagent and Stationer age 39 at 12 North Street, Nelson, b Kirkham [m not found]

Seventh Child of Peter & Mary

k Rebecca HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3423] b abt Jun 1873 Kirkham, reg Fylde, d abt Dec 1944 age 71 reg Nelson as HAW-, unmarried. 1881 Census: b Kirkham, Scholar aged 8 at Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver, age 17, at Carr Road, Nelson, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 27 with mother in Nelson, b Kirkham. 1911 Census: Unmarried Shop Assistant and Housekeeper age 37 at 12 North Street, Nelson, b Kirkham

Eighth Child of Peter & Mary

k Jamesb1874 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1874 Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAW-, d abt Sep 1947 age 73 reg Manchester as HAW-. 1881 Census: Scholar at Kirkham age 6, b Kirkham rec as HAY-. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Loomer, age 16, at Carr Road, Nelson, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Twister with mother at 103 Carr Road, Nelson, age 26, b Kirkham, rec as HAW-

Ninth Child of Peter & Mary

k Alfred HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6388] b abt Mar 1876 Kirkham reg Fylde, mmn WALTON, d abt Jun 1876 age 0 Kirkham reg Fylde

Tenth Child of Peter & Mary

k Mary Josephine HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6390] b abt Jun 1878 Kirkham, mmn WALTON, d abt Jun 1878 Kirkham

Eleventh Child of Peter & Mary

k Josephb1879 Alfred HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3426] b abt Sep 1880 Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAW-, d abt Dec 1955 age 75 reg Nelson as HAW-. 1881 Census: at Kirkham, age 8 months, as HAY-. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 in Carr Road, Nelson, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver with mother in Nelson, age 20, b Kirkham, as HAW- . 1911 Census: Unmarried Cotton Cloth Looker age 30 at 12 North Street, Nelson, b Kirkham

k = Ada PICKLES m abt Sep 1911 reg Burnley

l Frederic (sic) J HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Nov 1912 reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1972 reg Burnley

l = Anon BECKWITH m abt Sep 1939 reg Leeds. No issue?

l Mary Josephine HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5568] b abt Jun 1915 reg Burnley

l = Walter HUME m abt Sep 1940 Great Marsden St John the Evangelist reg Burnley

Twelvth Child of Peter & Mary

k Alice Josephine HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4138] b abt Sep 1882 Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAW-. 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 in Carr Road, Nelson, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Dressmaker’s Assistant age 18 with mother in Nelson, b Kirkham

k = John William ADAMSON m abt Jun 1908 Burnley Register Office

Sixth Child of Thomas & Agnes

j Thomasb1842 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3444] b 25 Mar 1842 Wesham, Parish of Kirkham, Lancs, reg Fylde, d abt Jun 1919 reg Preston, age 77. 1851 Census: Scholar age 9 at Kirkham, b Wesham 1861 Census: Unmarried Blacksmith’s Apprentice, age 19, to Roger PARKER of the Manor House, Elswick, Blacksmith and Farrier, b Kirkham. 1871 Census: Married Master Blacksmith age 29 at Inskip with Sowerby, b “England” (?) [Wesham?] Lancs. 1881 Census: Married Blacksmith at Button Street, Inglewhite, Goosnargh, age 39, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE (together with wife and children below). 1901 Census: Widowed Blacksmith of Preston age 59, b Kirkham, rec as HAYTHORNWAITE. 1911 Census: Widowed Blacksmith age 69 at 1 Summit Cottages, Bamber Bridge, b Kirkham. [Note that it is not proven that this is the brother of the John below, but the date, place of birth and occupation are suggestive. Veronica H below confirmed to me in a private communication that this person was a "blacksmith at Inglewhite, nr Preston."]

j = Jane LINGARD [3445] b abt 1845 Roseacre, Lancs, m abt Jun 1864 Garstang Register Office to HAYTHORNWHITE, d bfr 1901, reg not found. 1871 Census: Blacksmith’s Wife age 27 at Inskip, b Wesham. 1881 Census: Married at Goosnargh, age 36, b Roseacre.

k Ann Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt June 1865 Inskip, reg Fylde, m not found, d abt Dec 1901 age 36 reg Chorley as Ann M HAY-, unmarried. 1871 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents at Inskip, b Wesham. 1881 Census: Unmarried General Servant age 16 at Paradise, Kirkham, in the house of retired Gamekeeper James GORNALL, b Inskip. 1891 Census: Unmarried General Domestic Servant age 25 Whittingham, b Goosnargh with Newsham, at home of Joseph Lee SMITH, Cotton Spinner & Manufacturer, Whittingham House,. 1901 Census: Unmarried Servant (Domestic) age 35 living with younger brother Thomas William in Broughton, b Kirkham.

[k Thomas W HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1867 reg Garstang, d abt Jun 1868 age 0 reg Garstang]

k Thomas William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4319] b abt Sep 1870 Inskip, reg Garstang as HAYTHORNWHITE, mmn LINGARD, m abt Jun 1894 reg Garstang as Thomas W, d abt Dec 1905 age 35 reg Preston. 1871 Census: age 8m at Inskip, b Wesham(?). 1881 Census: Scholar at Inglewhite, age 10, b Inskip. 1891 Census: Unmarried Blacksmith age 20 lodging at Inglewhite, Goosnargh, b Inglewhite. 1901 Census: Married Blacksmith of Virgins Square, Broughton age 30, b Inskip

k = Elizabeth JOHNSON b abt 1872 Garstang. 1901 Census: Married age 29 with husband in Broughton, b Garstang, no children present.

k John Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3448] b abt Dec 1872 Inskip, reg Garstang. [m abt Sep 1898 reg Ulverston as John Henry HAWTHORNTHWAITE?]. d abt Jan 1947 age 74 reg Liverpool N. 1881 Census: Scholar at Inglewhite age 8 b Inskip. 1901 Census: Journeyman Tailor of Blackpool, age 28, b Inskip, Lancs. 1911 Census: Unmarried Tailor’s Machinist age 39, with father in Bamber Bridge, b Inskip

k Catherineb1874 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3449] b abt Dec 1874 Goosnargh, reg Garstang. 1881 Census: Scholar at Inglewhite age 6, b Goosnargh. [1901 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver boarding at 25 Poplar Street, Preston, age 30, b Preston?.]

k = Richard SIMONS m abt Dec 1902 Preston Christ Church

k Charles Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3451] b abt Mar 1877 Goosnargh, reg Preston, d abt Sep 1958 age 81, reg Burnley. 1881 Census: age 4 at Inglewhite, b Goosnargh. 1891 Census: General Domestic Servant age 14 at Hill Chapel, Goosnargh, b Goosnargh. 1901 Census: not found. 1911 Census: Married Quarry Man age 32 at 14 Victoria Street, Alston, b Goosnargh. Of Colne (family tradition).

k = Mary Jane GARDNER [5866] b abt 1878 Whittingham, m abt Sep 1899 reg Preston, d abt Mar 1944 age 69 reg Nelson

l Williamb1904 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3302] b abt Mar 1904 Longridge reg Preston, d abt Sep 1956 age 53 reg Preston. 1911 Census: age 7 with parents in Alston, Longridge, b Longridge

l = Mary Teresa SHORROCK [3303] b abt 1901, m abt Sep 1927 Preston Register Office, d abt Dec 1955 age 54 reg Preston

m Richardb1929 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3304] b 25 Apr 1929 Preston, d abt Jul 2003 reg Preston/SR 2000: of Penwortham, Preston

m = Marguarite CHADWICK [3305] m abt Dec 1952 Preston St Matthew reg Preston

n Janet E HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1962 reg Amounderness

n = Andrew N YEADON m abt Apr 1987 reg Preston/SR

n Ian Richard HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1966 reg Amounderness

n = Helen J PARKINSON m abt Aug 1991 reg Preston/SR

o Benjamin Jack HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jul 1996 reg Preston/SR

m Mary Joan HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1939 Amounderness

m = Colin F ALLEN m abt Jun 1959 reg Prescot

l Thomasb1905 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5867] b 5 Dec 1905 Longridge reg Preston, d Nov 1984 reg Burnley/P. No marriage found. 1911 Census: age 5 with parents in Alston, Longridge, b Longridge

k Agnes Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3455] b abt Dec 1878 Goosnargh, reg Preston, d abt Mar 1901 age 22 reg Preston. 1881 Census: at Inglewhite age 2 b Goosnargh. 1891 Census: Domestic Servant age 12 at Elston House, Elston, b Inglewhite.

k Peterb1880 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3456] b abt Jun 1880 Goosnargh, reg Preston, d abt Dec 1954 age 74 reg Preston as HAY- . 1881 Census: at Inglewhite age 2m b Goosnargh. 1891 Census: Domestic Farm Servant, age 11, at Grange Farm, Elswick, b Inglewhite. 1901 Census: Married Blacksmith of 69 Villier Street, Preston, age 20, b Inglewhite, no children present. 1911 Census: age 31 in Preston

k = Eliza MARSHALL [3457] b abt 1879, m 19 Nov 1898 Preston Emmanuel reg Preston, d abt Jun 1947 age 68 reg Preston. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 21 with husband in Preston, b Blackburn

l Agnes Ellen HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5864] b abt Sep 1903 reg Preston. 1911 Census: age 7 with parents in Preston

l =(1) Hamlet MILLER [6299] m abt Dec 1926 Preston Register Office

l =(2) George William COLLIER [6300] m abt Dec 1964 Garstang register Office

l Norah HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5865] b abt Dec 1906 reg Fylde. 1911 Census: age 4 with parents in Preston.

l = David LEE [6262] m abt Dec 1926 Preston Register Office

l Thomas William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3458] b 28 Jun 1908 Bamber Bridge, reg Preston, d abt Sep 1978 reg Preston /SR. Blacksmith

l = Teresa SHARPLES b 28 May 1905 m abt Sep 1932, reg Preston d Jul 1992 reg Chorley

m Thomasb1933 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 May 1933, reg Preston. d abt Sep 1979 age 46 reg Preston/SR

m Teresa HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1936 reg Amounderness

m = Robert TURNER m abt Jun 1963 reg Amounderness

m Veronica HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1938 reg Amounderness 2000: of Walton Le Dale, Preston. Unmarried (A most helpful informant)

m Peterb1940 A HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1940 reg Amounderness 2000: Blacksmith of Browns Lane, Bamber Bridge

m = Mary Clare DOWBAKIN b 1941, m abt Jun 1963 reg Amounderness

n David Anthony HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1395] b abt Sep 1964 reg Preston 2000: of Leyland

n = Angela Sarah MONK [3143] m abt Apr 1988 Leyland St Mary reg Preston/SR

o Emily Victoria HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jul 1992 reg Preston/SR

o Richard David HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jul 1994 reg Preston/SR

n Kathryn M HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1965 reg Preston

n Sandra Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1968 reg Amounderness

n = David LAVERICK m abt May 1990 reg Preston/SR

n Paul Andrew HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1971 reg Amounderness

n Johnb1973 Peter HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1973 reg Chorley 2000: of London. Music Teacher and aspiring Opera Singer (Tenor). 2005: Tenor with Diva Opera, which stages country house performances.

m Francis D HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1944 reg Amounderness 2000: of Lostock Hall, Preston

m = Sharon Dawn WALKER m abt Sep 1969 reg Amounderness

n Nicola Jayne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1971 reg Amounderness. 2000: in Chorley

n = Simon D MILES m abt Jul 2001 reg Preston/SR

n Stephen Robert HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1974 reg Amounderness 2000: of Chorley

n = Helen leyland m abt Nov 1999 reg Chorley

o Howard Francis HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5205] b abt May 2005 reg Preston/SR

l Eugene HAYTHORNTHWAITE Of Clitheroe [Eugene was mentioned by Rita below, but I have been unable to find his entry in the St Catherine's Index. Perhaps this was a second name, like Peter Eugene below.]

l Peter Joseph HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 5 Mar 1915 Preston. d abt Mar 1979 reg Blackburn Blacksmith of Preston

l = Jane DUCKWORTH b 18 May 1908 m abt Jun 1935 Preston d Feb 1998 reg Preston/SR

m Peter Eugene HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 19 Mar 1936 reg Preston. d abt Dec 1976 reg Preston/SR

m = Rita McDUFF m abt Sep 1954 Preston 2000: of Penwortham, Preston

n Peter Carl HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3482] b abt Jun 1957 reg Amounderness 2001: of Durham.

n = Claire Elizabeth PRITCHARD [3483] m abt Dec 1978 Penwortham St Leonard reg Preston/SR

o Jason Steven HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1977 reg Preston/SR. 1998: at Penwortham.

o Dean L HAYTHORNTHWAITE 2001: in Durham

n Michael Ian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3485] b abt Sep 1959 reg Preston 2000: Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of Central Lancashire. Of Fulwood, Preston

n = Christine RUSHE [3486] m abt Sep 1984 Preston St Mary Magdalene reg Preston/SR

o Simon Christopher HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Nov 1985 reg Preston/SR

o Oliver James HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Nov 1991 reg Preston/SR

m Anthony Roy HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Aug 1945 reg Amounderness d Mar 1999 Preston 1998: of Ingol, Preston

m = Sandra SOWERBUTTS m abt Jun 1973 reg Birmingham

n Anthony Harry HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1981 reg Preston/SR

n = Gail LAWSON m 15 Sep 2012 Grange St Paul

n Roy Russell HAYTHORNTHWAITE b Feb 1984 reg Preston/SR

l Jamesb1919 ("Jimmie") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3492] b 15 Jan 1919 reg Preston. d abt Dec 1974 reg Preston/SR No issue

l = Jane Ellen HOLT nee TURNER [3784] b 4 Jan 1906 reg Preston, m abt Jun 1947 Preston Register Office, d abt Jun 1975 reg Preston

k Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1884 Inglewhite, reg Preston. 1901 Census: Unmarried General Domestic Servant for the STEWART family at 63 Brackenbury Road Preston, age 17, b Inglewhite, Lancs. 1911 Census: Unmarried Cotton Cop Winder age 25, with father in Bamber Bridge, b Goosnargh

k = Thomas HOUGH [4321] m abt Jun 1914 Chorley Register Office

Seventh Child of Thomas & Agnes

j Henryb1844 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3494] b abt Mar 1844 Wesham, reg Fylde as HAT-, m abt Jun 1867 reg Salford as HAY-, d abt Jun 1915 age 71 reg Chorlton as HAY- 1851 Census: Scholar age 7 in Kirkham, b Wesham, rec as HAW-. 1861 Census: Unmarried Cotton Spinner age 19 at Poulton Street, Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1871 Census: Married Police Constable age 27 at 17 Harrington Street, Preston, b Kirkham, rec as HAW-, with sister Ann and husband Thomas FAIRCLOUGH. 1881 Census: b Kirkham, Lancs. Policeman at 2 Peter St, Broughton in Salford, Lancs, age 36, recorded as HAW-. 1891 Census: Married Chemical Labourer age 46 at 5 Nelson Terrace, Droylesden, Prestwich, Manchester, b Wesham, rec as HAW-. 1911 Census: Widowed Night Watchman for Manchester Corporation, age 66, b Kirkham, living with son & daughter in law

j = Isabella LEEMING [3495] b abt 1843 Alston, m abt Jun 1867 reg Salford as HAY-, d abt Sep 1907 age 62 reg Chorlton as HAW-. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 27 at 17 Harrington Street, Preston, b Alston. 1881 Census: at Broughton in Salford, age 36, b Ashton, Lancs. 1891 Census: Housewife age 46 in Droylesden, b “Auston” [Alston?]

k Thomasb1867 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3786] b abt Dec 1867 reg Salford, d abt Sep 1937 age 69 reg Manchester S as HAW-. 1871 Census: Scholar age 4 with parents in Preston, b Manchester, rec as HAW-. 1881 Census: Errand Boy, Druggist, in Broughton, age 14, b Salford, rec as HAW-. 1891 Census: Unmarried Iron Driller age 23 at Droylesden with parents, b Salford. 1901 Census: Machine Driller of Gorton, age 33, b Salford, rec as HAW-. 1911 Census: Unmarried Iron Driller, b Salford, with married sister Agnes Ellen in Gorton

k Johnb1870 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1870 reg Salford as HAW-, d abt Dec 1871 age 1 reg Preston as HAY-. 1871 Census: age 1 at 17 Harrington Street, Preston, b Manchester, rec as HAW-. 1881 Census: not with parents, which supports the 1871 death

k Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6379] b abt Mar 1872 Preston. 1881 Census: not with parents

k Henry HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6380] abt Sep 1875 Preston, d abt Dec 1875 age 0 reg Preston

k Williamb1878 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3469] b abt Sep 1878 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1957 age 78 reg Barton, rec as HAY-. 1881 Census: b Preston, Lancs, living with parents at Broughton in Salford, age 2. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents at Droylesden, b Preston, (enumerator has age a bit wrong, but it is clearly him). 1911 Census: Married Printer’s Labourer age 32 b Preston, living at 104 Heathcote Road, Gorton

k = Catherine Thomas THOBURN [6170] b abt Dec 1881 Manchester, m abt Sep 1905 reg Chorlton, d abt Mar 1956 reg Manchester age 74. 1911 Census: Married 5 yrs with husband in Gorton, b Manchester

l Mary Agnes HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1908 reg Chorlton

l = Anon McDERMOTT m abt Dec 1929 reg Barton upon Irwell

l Winifred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6171] b abt Mar 1912 reg Chorlton

l = Richard G CASSIDY [6172] m abt Sep 1934 reg Barton upon Irwell

k Agnes Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4151] b abt 1883 Broughton, reg not found, [m abt Sep 1908 reg Chorlton?] 1891 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents in Droylesden, b Broughton

k = John Edward CONNOLLY [4152] m abt 1908 reg Chorlton

Eighth Child of Thomas & Agnes

j Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [7584] b abt Mar 1844 Kirkham reg Fylde, d abt Dec 1848 Kirkham reg Fylde, age 4

Ninth Child of Thomas & Agnes

j Jamesb1847 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3787] b abt Jun 1847, Kirkham, reg Fylde as HAT- d abt Jun 1926 age 78 reg Lancaster as HAW- 1851 Census: age 3 at Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1861 Census: Cotton Spinner age 14 at Poulton Street, Kirkham, b Kirkham. 1871 Census: Married Labourer in Cotton Mill age 24, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Married Paver age 43 at 30 Edward Street, Lancaster, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Married Pavior Road Labourer age 53 of 30 Edward Street, Lancaster, b Kirkham

j = Ann KELLY [4153] b abt 1851 Drogheda, Ireland, m abt Mar 1867 reg Fylde. 1891 Census: Married age 40 with husband in Lancaster, b Ireland. 1901 Census: Wife age 53 in Lancaster, b Ireland.

k Mary Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7587] b abt Jun 1867 Kirkham reg Fylde, d abt Sep 1867 Kirkham reg Fylde

k Thomasb1868 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4154] b abt Dec 1868 Kirkham reg Fylde, d abt Jun 1911 age 41 reg Lancaster. 1871 Census: age 2 with parents, b Kirkham. 1891 Census: Unmarried Paver age 22 with parents in Lancaster, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Pavior Road Labourer age 33 with parents, b Kirkham

k Agnes HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5305] b abt Mar 1871 reg Fylde, d abt Jun 1874 reg Fylde as HAY-. 1871 Census: age 1m with parents, b Kirkham

k Johnb1873 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6384] b abt Mar 1873 Kirkham mmn KELLY, d abt Mar 1873 Kirkham

k Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4155] b abt Mar 1874 Kirkham reg Fylde, mmn KELLY. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 17 with parents in Lancaster, b Kirkham, rec as Annie. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Warper age 27, b Kirkham, living with parents in Lancaster.

k = Frank CLARKSON b abt 1878 Cockerham, m abt Sep 1900 reg Lancaster. 1901 Census: Married National Telephone Linesman age 22, b Cockerham, living with in-laws in Lancaster

k Williamb1876 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6389] b abt 1876 Kirkham, mmn KELLY

k Peterb1880 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4156] b abt Jun 1880 Kirkham reg Fylde, mmn KELLY, d abt Sep 1950 age 70 reg Garstang. 1891 Census: Scholar age 9 with parents, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Pavior Road Labourer age 20 with parents in Lancaster, b Kirkham

k = Mabel DICKENS b 21 Jan 1894, m abt Sep 1945 reg Garstang, d abt Jun 1975 reg Lancaster. No issue.

k Johnb1883 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4157] b abt Mar 1883 Kirkham reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1933 age 50 reg Lancaster. 1891 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Unmarried Table Baize Machine Minder age 18 with parents in Lancaster, b Kirkham. 1911 Census: Married Labourer in Oilcloth Works, age 28, b Kirkham, at 80 Ullewater Road, Lancaster

k = Eliza POWLTON [4778] b abt Dec 1884 Quernmore, m abt Sep 1906 Lancaster Register Office, d abt Jun 1934 age 49 reg Lancaster. 1911 Census: Married 4 yrs, age 26, b Quernmore, with husband in Lancaster

l Jamesb1907 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6065] b abt Sep 1907 reg Lancaster, d not found. 1911 Census: age 3 with parents, b Lancaster

l = Elizabeth BANKS [7522] m abt Dec 1933 Old Fylde RO

l Elsie May HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6270] b 3 Apr 1912 reg Lancaster, d Jun 1985 reg Lancaster

l = William PAYNE [6272] b 7 May 1914, m abt Sep 1934 Lancaster St Mary reg Lancaster, d Mar 1985 reg Lancaster

l Sarah Constance HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6271] b 14 Feb 1926 reg Lancaster, d Feb 1992 Lancaster

l = Edgar Ernest ROSE [6273] m abt Dec 1946 Scotforth St Paul reg Lancaster

Tenth Child of Thomas & Agnes, John the Blacksmith

j Johnb1851 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3497] b abt 1851 “Pendleton”, reg Kirkham, Fylde, d abt Dec 1934 age 83 reg Blackburn. 1861 Census: Scholar age 9 with widowed mother at Poulton Street, Kirkham, b Pendleton (sic). 1871 Census: Unmarried Journeyman Blacksmith age 19, in the Village, Upper Rawcliffe, b Kirkham. He was working for Blacksmith William JACKSON, age 47, b Priest Hutton. 1881 Census: Married Blacksmith at 160 Ellen Street, Preston, age 30, b Kirkham, rec as HAYTHORNWHITE. 1885 Barrett’s Directory of Preston: Blacksmith of 13 Aqueduct Street, Preston. 1891 Census: Married Blacksmith age 42 at 101 Broughton Street, Preston, b Kirkham. 1901 Census: Married Blacksmith age 54 at 22 Lucomb Terrace, Blackburn, b Kirkham, rec as HAYTHONTHWAITE. 1900-1905 Barrett’s Directory for Blackburn: Blacksmith of 22 Queens Terrace, Mill Hill. 1911 Census: Married Blacksmith (not working) age 63 in Bower Street, Blackburn

k =(1) Mary HUDSON Family tradition is that she came from a good family and married beneath herself b abt 1851 Ireland, m abt Mar 1873 Preston, d 5 Sep 1880 age 29 reg Preston, of typhoid fever

l Williamb1873 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3499] b 1 Jul 1873 reg Preston, c 6 Jul 1873 Church of the Holy English Martyrs, Moor Park, Preston, [d abt Dec 1928 age 55 reg Burnley?] 1881 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents in Preston, b Preston. 1891 Census: Unmarried Blacksmith’s Apprentice age 17 with parents in Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Blacksmith at 269 Blackburn Road, Darwen, age 29, b Preston. 1911 Census: Married Blacksmith & Farmer age 49 at 30 Ice Street, Blackburn, b Preston

l = Mary Hannah HORNE [3500] b abt 1869 Blackburn, m 17 Jul 1897 Darwen St Cuthbert reg Blackburn as Mary Anna, Weaver Spinster of Darwen, d abt Mar 1963 age 94 reg Nelson. 1901 Census: at Darwen, age 31 , b Blackburn. 1911 Census: Married 13 yrs, age 43, with husband, b Blackburn

m Winifred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3501] b abt Dec 1897 Darwen, reg Blackburn 1901 Census: at Darwen age 3, b Darwen. 1911 Census: Cotton Weaver age 13 with parents, b Darwen

m = Joseph WALTON [3502] m abt Mar 1922 Blackburn St Andrew reg Blackburn

m Johnb1899 ("Jack") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3503] b 30 Apr 1899 Darwen, reg Blackburn, d abt Jan 1976 reg Blackburn. Blacksmith at Blackburn. 1901 Census: at Darwen age 1 b Darwen. 1911 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents, b Darwen

m = Ann WALING b 27 Jun 1897, m abt Sep 1924 reg Burnley, d abt Sep 1978 reg Burnley

n Johnb1927 ("Jack") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1390] b abt Dec 1927 reg Burnley 2000: of Sabden

n = Doreen HOLT m abt Sep 1949 reg Nelson

o Brian HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1950 Nelson 2000: of Sabden

o = Jean FLETCHER m abt Dec 1973 reg Burnley..

p Paul Brian HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3509] b abt Jun 1978 reg Burnley/Pendle

p = Samantha L LORD m abt Jun 2005 reg Lancs

p Roger Mark HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1980 reg Burnley/Pendle

o Ian James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3510] b abt Mar 1957 Whalley, reg Clitheroe 2000: of Padiham

o = Catherine Ann SCOTT m 8 Sep 1984 Padiham St Leonard reg Burnley/Pen

p Alex James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3513] b Dec 1985 reg Burnley/Pen, c 9 Feb 1986 Padiham St Leonard

p Leigh Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3514] b Oct 1986 reg Burnley/Pen

[p Elena Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3515] b Mar 1998 reg Burnley/Pen]

n Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1931 reg Burnley

n = Kenneth METCALFE m abt Dec 1957 reg Nelson?]

n Raymond HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1933 reg Burnley Painter & Decorator at Blackburn. 2000: retired at Pendleton nr Clitheroe.

n = Ann STOTT abt Mar 1965 reg Haslingden. No issue?

m Thomasb1900 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3520] b abt Dec 1900 Darwen, reg Blackburn Of Padiham, but had no issue (from family tradition). 1901 Census: at Darwen age 6m, b Darwen. d abt Dec 1901 age 1 reg Blackburn. [Thomas who featured in 1901 Census died later in 1901, so cannot be the one who lived in Padiham, according to family tradition. It seems that the Thomas in family tradition must be the later Thomasb1909 below.]

[m Nelly HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6419] b abt Dec 1901 Accrington, d not found. 1911 Census: not found]

m Mary ("Polly") HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3521] b abt Dec 1902 reg Blackburn. 1911 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents, b Darwen

m Thomasb1903 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6425] b abt Dec 1903 Darwen reg Blackburn, d abt Mar 1904 Darwen reg Blackburn

m Annie HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3522] b abt Mar 1905 reg Blackburn. 1911 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents, b Darwen

m = Clifford MATHER [4295] m abt Dec 1931 Sabden Heyhouses St Nicholas reg Burnley

m Williamb1906 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3523] b 23 Jul 1906 Bolton, reg Bolton. In cotton trade, according to family tradition. d Aug 1989 Sabden aged 83, reg Ribble Valley. 1911 Census: Scholar age 4 with parents, b Bolton

m = Phoebe Mary STEPHENSON [3524] b 1 Sep 1911 reg Haslingden, m abt Jun 1930 Sabden Methodist Church reg Burnley, d May 1987 reg Ribble Valley

n Linda HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1948 Nelson

[n = James WILSON m abt Mar 1970 reg Darwen. Or is this Linda b1951 Nelson?]

n Stephen b1953 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1953 Burnley No issue 2000: of Sabden

n = Roseleen SPEAK m abt Aug 1993 reg Ribble Valley

n Carol HAYTHORNTHWAITE reg not found 2000: married and in Australia

m Thomasb1909 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2028] b 20 Apr 1909 reg Bolton, d abt Jun 1975 reg Burnley/Pendle. 1911 Census: age 1 with parents, b Bolton. Later: lived in Padiham, according to Family Tradition. 1935 Marriage: Motor Driver age 26 of Sabden

m = Annie Astin WALSH [3238] b 29 Mar 1909, m 20 Jul 1935 Padiham St Leonard reg Burnley, d abt Jun 1973 Nelson. No issue?

l Sarah Agnes HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3534] b 9 May 1875 reg Preston, c 15 May 1875 Church of the Holy English Martyrs, Preston. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 16 with parents in Preston, b Preston.

[l = James DICKINSON?] m abt Sep 1896 reg Blackburn.

l Thomasb1877 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3536] b 12 Jun 1877 Preston, c 15 Jun 1877 Church of the Holy English Martyrs, Preston, d abt Jan 1958 age 80 reg Haslingden. 1891 Census: Blacksmith’s Apprentice age 13 with parents in Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Married Horse Farmer age 22 at 51 Hannah Street, Blackburn, b Preston. 1911 Census: Married Foreman Horseshoeing age 32 at 27 Inkerman Street, Blackburn

l = Clara CLARK [4296] b abt Dec 1879 reg Blackburn, m abt Sep 1899 reg Blackburn, d abt Mar 1958 age 78 reg Burnley. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 21, b Blackburn.

m Mary Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4297] b abt Aug 1900 reg Blackburn. 1901 Census: age 8m, b Blackburn.

m = Frank WILSON [4294] m abt Sep 1922 reg Blackburn

m Gertrude HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5886] b abt Mar 1903 reg Blackburn

m = John CAUGHEY [5887] m abt Jun 1927 Blackburn St Bartholomew

m Clara HAYTHORNTHWAITE [5887] b abt Sep 1905 reg Blackburn

m = Tom ASTEN [6263] m abt Mar 1929 Bacup St Saviour

l Alice Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3793] b 25 Nov 1879 reg Preston, c 30 Nov 1879 Church of the Holy English Martyrs, Preston. 1881 Census: infant with parents in Preston. 1891 Census: Scholar age 14 with parents in Preston, b Preston [the age sems to be in error here] 1901 Census: Unmarried General Domestic Servant age 22 lodging in household of Robert HARTLEY in Sandon Street, Blackburn. Grandmother of Annette CAVELL, a helpful informant

m Mary Gladys HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7621] b abt 1900 reg Blackburn, d abt Sep 1901 age 0 reg Blackburn. 1901 Census: age 6m with Alice Ann above, b Blackburn

m Alexander HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6759] b 10 Sep 1902 reg Blackburn, c 15 Sep 1902 St Joseph’s RC Church, Blackburn, confirmed 1913 under the name Alexander ETHERINGTON, d abt Mar 1928 age 25 reg Blackburn. Unmarried

l = William Edward Gordon De La Touche ETHERINGTON m abt Dec 1905 Blackburn St Pauls. Alice and William lived in Blackburn and had 7 children, including -

m Irene ETHERINGTON great grandmother to Amanda TAYLOR, a helpful correspondent

k =(2) Alice W HULL [3537], a Catholic. . [My informant Helen, below, was very clear that her husband's grandfather was John, a blacksmith of Preston, who had a first wife and family before marrying her grandmother. ] b abt 1857 Singleton, Lancs., daur of Thomas HULL, Grocer, and Mary, m abt Mar 1881 Church of the English Martyrs, reg Preston, d abt Mar 1939 age 81 reg Blackburn. 1861 Census: age 3 with parents in Mill Street, Singleton, b Singleton. 1871 Census: Scholar age 13 with parents in Singleton, b Singleton. 1881 Census: Married age 24 with husband at 160 Ellen Street, Preston, b Singleton. 1891 Census: Married age 36 with husband at 101 Broughton Street, Preston, b Singleton. 1901 Census: Housewife age 45 at Lucomb Terrace, Blackburn, b Singleton. 1911 Census: With husband in Bower Street, Blackburn. [From Annette CAVELL, we have the story that John the Blacksmith, having recently lost his first wife Mary and with 4 young children to look after, went down to the Workhouse to find a house keeper and brought her home. A little while later he made her his second wife. This story does not seem quite to tie with the idea that Alice’s parents were Grocers in Singleton, but perhaps they hit financial difficulties, or perhaps I have wrongly identified Alice’s parents.]

l James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6394] b abt Mar 1882 reg St Peter’s, Preston, d abt Mar 1882 St Peter’s, Preston

l Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6395] b abt Mar 1884 reg St Peter’s Preston, d abt Sep 1885 age St Peter’s, Preston

l Henryb1885 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6396] b abt Sep 1885 St Peter’s Preston, d abt Sep 1885 age 0 St Peter’s Preston

l Henryb1886 Hindle HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3538] b abt Sep 1886 St Peter’s, Preston, d abt Mar 1958 age 71 reg Blackburn. Unmarried (according to family tradition). 1891 Census: age 5 in Preston with parents, b Preston. 1901 Census: age 14 at Lucomb Terrace with parents, b Preston. 1911 Census: Cripple (not working) age 24, with parents

l Janet HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3539] b abt Jun 1888 St Peter’s, Preston. 1891 Census: age 3 with parents in Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: age 13 at Lucomb Terrace, Blackburn, b Preston, rec as Jane. 1911 Census: Unmarried Servant in a baker’s family in King Street, Blackburn

[l = John W GARDNER m abt Mar 1920 reg Blackburn?]

l Josephb1891 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3540] b abt Sep 1891 St Peter’s, Preston, d 1943 Penwortham, reg 1943/1 Amounderness, age 50, as HAW-. 1901 Census: age 9 at Lucomb Terrace, Blackburn, b Preston. 1911 Census: Iron Foundry Labourer lodging in Aspden Street, Mill Hill

l = Sarah Ann JACKSON b 21 Mar 1893, m abt Sep 1911 reg Blackburn, d Jan 1986 reg Blackburn

m Gertrude HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3542] b abt Mar 1912 Blackburn

[m = Horace L WILLIAMS m abt Sep 1946 reg Derby?]

m Martha HAYTHORNTHWAITE [2953] b abt Sep 1913 Blackburn, d abt 1950?

m = Charles Arthur SANDERS [2954] m abt Aug 1935 Blackburn St Andrews Mission

m Marion HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1914 Blackburn d abt May 1936 age 21 reg Blackburn

m Janet HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3545] b abt Dec 1916 Blackburn, d abt 1996

m = Thomas Miller KNIGHT [3546] m abt Dec 1939 Blackburn St Andrews Mission

m Winifred HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 19 Sep 1919 Blackburn, c 12 Oct 1919 Blackburn St Andrew

m = Frank MORRIS [3549] m abt Sep 1940 Blackburn St Andrews Mission

m Fred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3550] b 26 Nov 1922 Blackburn, c 24 Dec 1922 Blackburn St Andrew, d Sep 1996 Preston Policeman

m = Helen SLATER [3551] b abt 1921, m abt Jun 1942 Blackburn St Andrews Mission 2000: of Fulwood, Preston. A helpful informant

n Fred HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3552] b abt Dec 1942 reg Blackburn. 2000: of Darwen

n = Christine Elizabeth BENNETT [3553] m abt Mar 1967 Blackburn St Andrew. [2001: in Bristol?]

o Sarah Judith HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3554] b abt Mar 1968 reg Clitheroe

o = David Edward Lincoln STOKES [3555] m Feniscliffe St Francis reg Blackburn

n Pauline HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3556] b 23 Nov 1946 Blackburn, d Oct 1987 reg Manchester

n= Michael Charles HALLMARK [3557] m abt Sep 1967 Blackburn St Andrew

n Lynne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1948 Blackburn.

n = Ian D MACK m abt Mar 1984 reg Blackburn

l Gertrude HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6397] b abt Dec 1893 St Peter’s, Preston, d abt Dec 1894 age 1 St Peter’s, Preston

Chapter 14

Other Unconnected Trees

Note that the Tree of Tony of Levin, New Zealand, previously unconnected, has now been incorporated into the main tree in Chapter 8. The Tree of Edward Alastair of Vancouver Island, previously listed below, has now been reliably connected to the main tree in Chapter 5, under the title British Columbian Branch. The Tree of the Ohio Migrants has now been connected to the Descendants of Robert of Hare Appletree, Chapter 7. The Tree of Phineas has now been attached to the main tree in Chapter 6. The Tree of the Haythornwhites in Accrington has been attached to the Tree of Raymond Frank in Chapter 11. The Tree of Richard & Frederick has now been connected to the main tree in Chapter 5. The Tree of Christopher of Preston now forms part of the Tree of Christopher and the Blacksmiths in Chapter 13. The Family of William the Shipwright is also now included in Chapter 13.

The Descendants of James the Exciseman

The Arkansas Raid

Much of this information has been supplied by Carole Frick of Kansas, to whom many thanks.

In 1860, William Haythornewhite, a surgeon from Wrenbury, nr Nantwich, Cheshire was languishing in jail in Benton County, Missouri, on a charge of first degree murder. Shortly after this, he was apparently released to work as a military surgeon for Confederate forces under the command of General Sterling Price. Travelling with these forces on the Arkansas Raid, he arrived in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he settled and lived until he died in 1875. Much still remains to be discovered about his travels and adventures, but the fragments we have suggest an eventful life worthy of further investigation.

Not without difficulty, we have traced William’s origins in England and identified his father as James, an Exciseman of Warrington, Lancs (now Cheshire), but earlier ancestors have proved elusive. There are hints, but no more, that this tree may connect with the tree of Raymond Frank of Ontario in Chapter 11. At the 1795 Great Harwood marriage of “John HAYTHORNWHITE alias HAYTHORN” in that tree, there was a witness James, who, unlike the bride and groom, was literate. Just possibly he was the Exciseman. Certainly his family seemed to share with the Exciseman the habit of periodically detaching the -WHITE. However, the recently found 1851 Census entry for Newton by Chester suggests that the Exciseman was born in Ascot, Berks. If correct, this tends to weaken the link with the Lancashire HAYTHORNTHWAITES. However, the Census Enumerator seems to have been very unclear on this point. The original entry was Ascot, Kent, but Kent had been later deleted and Berks substituted. Is it possible this was a total mis-hearing of, for example, Hesketh (perhaps pronounced ‘Esketh) or Hathornthwaite (pr ‘Athunut)? Now Hesketh Lane is near Chipping, Lancs., and very much in H country, and Hathornthwaite requires no introduction from me. Perhaps I am clutching at straws, particularly as the 1841 Census, original image now seen, indicates he was not born in Lancashire. But note that there is also a Hesket in Cumbria. Note also 1785 Will of Edward of Gravesend, Kent, Taylor

James the Exciseman

i Jamesb1779 HAYTHORNWHITE b abt 1779, (from Death Cert.), or b abt 1787 (from burial record), or b abt 1783 (from 1851 Census) [Ascot, Berks?] Exciseman (of Frodsham, Warrington and Chester), d 7 Jun 1855 at 7 Bold Square, Chester, reg Castle Sub-district, Gt Boughton as James HAYTHORNE, Retired Exciseman, age 76, cause of death: paralysis 4 years. Bur. 12 Jun 1855 St Paul’s Church (C of E), Bewsey Street, Warrington, age 68 (note that this age is in sharp disagreement with the age on his Death Certificate). Proven father to Emma below, and probable father to William the Surgeon/Physician below. [1795: Just possibly he was the literate James HAYTHORNWHITE who was witness at the wedding of putative brother John HAYTHORNWHITE alias HAYTHORN at Great Harwood St Bartholomew, in the tree of Raymond Frank of Ontario.] 1841 Census: James HAYTHORN, Excise Officer at Johns Street, Warrington, age 55, not born in Lancs.. 1844 and 1847: at 2 Johns Street, Warrington, according to death certificates of grandson William and youngest daughter Eliza below. 1851 Census: Married Superannuated Excise Officer age 68 at Flookersbrook, Newton by Chester, b Ascott, Berks. (Kent deleted by supervisor), rec as HAWTHORNE. [I am a little sceptical of this birthplace, which seems strangely out of area. Note that there is also Ascott under Wychwood , Oxon] [Note that there is a Family Search entry which suggests that the James H who married Mary STEPFORD was from Melling, b1783.]

i = Mary [STEPFORD?] b abt 1784 Peckforton, Cheshire [Note: there is no church in Peckforton. The nearest churches are in Bunbury, Harthill and Brown Knowl, all non-IGI.] [ James HAYTHORN, Traveller, & Mary STEPFORD, Spinster, m 21 Oct 1811 Manchester Cathedral, botp. Is this them? ] [d abt Dec 1863 reg Clerkenwell, reg as HAYTHORNE? It looks as though she may have gone to live with or near her daughter Emma CHEFFINS] 1841 Census: Mary at Johns Street, Warrington, with husband James, daughters Eliza H and Emma CHEFFINS age 20, and William CHEFFINS age 3 months. 1851 Census: Housewife age 67 with husband at Flookersbrook, Newton by Chester, b Peckforton, Cheshire. 1861 Census: not found, specifically not found with daughter Emma in Clerkenwell.

William the Surgeon

j Williamb1812 HAYTHORNEWHITE b 5 Jan 1812 [at Peckforton?] Cheshire, [c 19 Feb 1815 Manchester Cathedral, s of James HAWTHORN, Traveller, & Mary, of Manchester? This just might be possible if the Manchester Cathedral STEPFORD marriage is correct. Unlike his sister Emma, he was not christened at Frodsham], d 3 Aug 1875 age 63, bur Mount Holly Cemetery, Little Rock, Arkansas. 1833: Claimed (much after 1833 in an Arkansas medical directory) to have become a Licenciate of Apothecaries’ Hall, London, in this year. 11 Nov 1834: Joined Ancient Order of Foresters (branch unknown). 1837 Christening of daughter Ellen Mary: Surgeon of Bunbury, Cheshire. 1841 Census: Married Surgeon in Wrenbury, b Cheshire abt 1816. 1842 Birth Cert of daur. Amelia: Surgeon at Wrenbury, Nantwich, Cheshire. 1845?: London Medical and Surgical Journal lists Wm Haythorne White of Chester in the context of an irregular advertisement (“ad captandum”) in a chemist’s shop in Holborn. 1846: On the island of Sheppey, Kent. 1847: The Jurist of 16 Jan 1847 lists him as being of Sheerness and having applied for protection from his creditors, a first step toward bankruptcy. It is not clear whether he actually became bankrupt, but it seems that increasing financial and professional difficulties may have encouraged him to emigrate. 1850: Emigrated to USA on the Ship "Virginia" out of Liverpool arriving 2 Aug 1850 in New Orleans, listed under WHITE. 1858: Bought land in Benton County, Missouri. 1860: Claimed (in a later Arkansas medical directory) to have graduated this year in medicine at “Giessen, Hess and Darmstadt”. 1860 Census for Benton County, Missouri: age 55 b England, Physician. In jail having been charged with first degree murder, probably relating to a medical matter. It is not clear whether he was ever convicted, but he was apparently soon released. 1870 Census for Little Rock, Arkansas: Physician age 58. 1875: Obituary in Arkansas Gazette says that Dr Haythornewhite came to Little Rock in about 1860 as a surgeon for Confederate forces under the command of General Sterling Price.

j = Ellen HEWSON b abt 1815, Cheshire, m 30 Aug 1836 Liverpool St Brides. On 30 Jul 1840 at St Oswald's Church in Chester, William and Ellen HAYTHORNWHITE were witnesses to the marriage of George Alfred CHEFFINS and Emma HAYTHORN-WHITE, probably William's sister. 1860 Census for Benton County, Missouri: age 45, b England, described as "Farmer" (while husband was in jail)

k Ellen Mary HAYTHORNEWHITE c 4 Jun 1837 Bunbury, Cheshire, daur. of William HAYTHORNEWHITE, Surgeon of Bunbury, and Ellen. d abt Sep 1837 reg Nantwich.

k Williamb1838 HAYTHORNEWHITE b Jun/Jul 1838 reg Nantwich, c 17 Jul 1838 Wrenbury Parish Church. d 2 Feb 1844 age 5½ at 2 Johns Street, Warrington, Lancs, cause: typhus fever 9 days, informant James HAYTHORN, occupier, who appears to be William & Emma's father, the Exciseman. Bur, 6 Feb 1844 St Paul’s, Warrington

k Henryb1839 HAYTHORNEWHITE b abt Sep 1839 reg Nantwich as Henry WHITE, c 7 Jul 1839 Wrenbury Parish Church. 1880 Census: at Hot Springs, Arizona, b England. 1884-86: Coroner of Hot Springs, Arkansas.

k =(1) Julia Ann DESHERLEY b abt 1845 Illinois m 1865 Phelps Co., Missouri.

l Fanny Huelke HAYTHORNEWHITE b abt 1866

l Harry HAYTHORNEWHITE b 16 Jan 1882

m Eugene W HAYTHORNEWHITE b 5 Feb 1912 Arizona, d 21 Feb 2000 age 87, Sun Lakes, Arizona

n Raymond W HAYTHORNEWHITE b abt 1938 Los Angeles. 2004: In Redwood City, CA. Together with Donald John HAYTHORNTHWAITE, I met Ray and Carole at Trader Vic’s in San Francisco in June 2005.

n = Carole ANON



n Roger E HAYTHORNEWHITE b 1 Nov 1940 2004: In Sun Lakes, Arizona. Keeper of a family Bible.

n = Linda McGINNIS m abt 1960

o Brian HAYTHORNEWHITE 2005: of Campbell, California

o Melissa HAYTHORNEWHITE 2004: Chandler, Arizona

k =(2) Elizabeth ANON b abt 1852 Iowa. 1880 Census: at Hot Springs, Arizona, with husband, b Iowa

k Edwin HAYTHORNEWHITE [4354] c 9 Mar 1841 Wrenbury Parish Church, nr Nantwich, Cheshire. [Note: Unknown male Haythornewhite b abt Mar 1841, reg Nantwich, seems almost certainly him.] d 2 May 1862 age 21, bur Mount Holly Cemetery, Little Rock, Arkansas. On the passenger list of the Virginia in 1850 as “Edward WHITE”.

k Amelia HAYTHORNEWHITE [4355] b 4 Sep 1842 Wrenbury, reg Nantwich, Cheshire, England. c not found in Wrenbury Parish Church register.

k = Samuel Valentine SANDS m abt 1863 Benton County, Missouri

k Elizabethb1844 HAYTHORNEWHITE b 17 May 1843, at "Rennsboro", England, according to later US information, but in fact b 17 May 1844 at Warrington, Lancs., according to her birth certificate. g grandmother of Carole Frick, my informant. 1910 Census: b "Rennesboro", England, came to USA abt 1848. 1920 Census: at Tulsa, OK. d 27 Feb 1921 Tulsa, OK.

k = James Valentine HUDGENS m 1868, Phelps County

k Frederick William HAYTHORNEWHITE b abt Mar 1846 reg Sheppey, Kent. On passenger list of the Virginia in 1850, but appears to have died young in America.

k Walter HAYTHORNEWHITE b abt Sep 1847 reg Sheppey. d abt Sep 1847 reg Sheppey

[j Nathaniel HAYTHORNWHITE b 1805-1823. Medical doctor in Benton County, Missouri, in around 1854, acccording to an Ancestry Message Board posting. If not a garbled version of William himself, this seems too much of a coincidence. Could this be a brother to William? Did William go to the USA to join him? Currrently we only have 3 children for James the Exciseman for the 14 year period 1812-1825, and we are not sure of his marriage date which may be much earlier, so we are likely to be missing some progeny, conceivably as many as 10

j Margaret HAYTHORNE d abt Mar 1846 reg Runcorn, Cheshire. Could this be a daughter of the Exciseman?]

j Emma HAYTHORNEWHITE b abt 1816 Frodsham, Cheshire, c 12 Aug 1816 Frodsham, dr of James and Mary HAYTHORN, Officer of Excise of Frodsham. Probable sister to William the Surgeon above. m 30 Jul 1840 Chester St Oswald's, reg Sep 1840 Gt. Boughton, Cheshire, as "Emma Haythorn WHITE", (indexed under W). This marriage suggests her parents may have been living in the Chester area in 1840. However, we do know they were, in 1841, living in Warrington, so it may be that the wedding was in Chester St Oswald for reasons of prestige. Gt. Boughton is a registration district, abolished in 1869, which covered the city of Chester. 1841 Census: age 20 at 2 Johns Street, Warrington, with parents and sister Eliza, but not husband, 1851 Census: Housewife age 32 at 1 Vernon Street Upper, Clerkenwell, Finsbury, London, b Frodsham, Cheshire, husband Architect & Surveyor not at home. 1861 Census: Housewife age 42 at 2 Lacy Circus, Clerkenwell, b Frodsham, widowed mother not present

j = George Alfred CHEFFINS b abt 1803 St Brides, London. 1840 Marriage: Engineer of St Oswald's parish, Chester, s of Richard CHEFFINS, Gentleman. 1841 Census: not at 2 Johns Street, Warrington, with his wife and baby son William and father-in-law James. 1851 Census: not at home in Clerkenwell with his wife. Presumably away on business. 1861 Census: Married Surveyor etc age 58 at 2 Lacy Circus, Clerkenwell, b St Brides, London.

k William Henry CHEFFINS b 14 May 1841 Warrington, Lancs., c 6 Aug 1841 Birmingham St Phillip. 1841 Census: age 3m with mother and grandparents at 2 John Street, Warrington. 1851 Census: Scholar age 9 with mother in Clerkenwell, b Warrington.

k Emma Jane CHEFFINS b abt Oct 1842 reg Birmingham, c 30 Oct 1842 Birmingham St Mark. 1851 Census: not with mother in Clerkenwell.

k Henrietta CHEFFINS b abt 1848 Clerkenwell. 1851 Census: Scholar age 3 with mother in Clerkenwell, b Clekenwell.

k Lucinda Florence CHEFFINS b abt 1850 Clerkenwell [reg Clerkenwell 1849/4 as Lucinda]. 1851 Census: age 1 with mother in Clerkenwell, b Clerkenwell, rec as Florence

j Eliza HAYTHORNEWHITE b abt 1825, c not found [not at Frodsham]. [It is not at Warrington St Elphins, suggesting that father had not yet moved to Warrington. St Paul’s Church, Warrington, where Eliza was buried, was not built in 1825.] Spinster. d 17 Apr 1847 at 2 John's Street, Warrington, age 22, informant James HAYTHORNEWHITE, presumably her father, residing at this address. Bur 20 Apr 1847 St Paul’s Church, Bewsey Street, Warrington, “age 23”. 1841 Census: at 2 Johns Street, Warrington, with parents, no other children present.

The Descendants of John & Ann of Lancaster

This John was previously thought to be Johnb1770, son of Peter HAUTHORNTHWAITE, but the discovery of earlier children suggests this John was born before 1770. The naming of his eldest son with unusual name Miles suggests his father might be Miles of Claughton, thus giving a possible connection to the Tree of Roland.

This branch of the family moved from Lancaster to Leeds, then to Manchester and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. It showed a vigorous enrepreneurial streak and a liking for the name Peter.

[f Miles HATHORNTHWAITE of Claughton

f = Merial LEACH m 4 Apr 1752 Garstang]

g John HATHORNTHWAITE [6828] [c 17 Jun 1764 Garstang St Helen, no child’s name given, s of Miles?], [bur 10 Sep 1842 Lancaster St Mary as John H of Skerton age 78, 1843 Will of John H of Skerton, Sawyer (not seen)?]

g = Ann ANON [6872] b abt 1764, m not found, bur 15 Nov 1831 Lancaster St Mary as Ann H of Lancaster age 67

h Milesb1785 HATHORNTHWAITE [3330] c 23 Jan 1785 Lancaster St Mary, as Myles s of John HAT- and Ann, [d abt Jun 1863 reg Manchester as HAW-?] 1813: Cooper of Lancaster. 1841 Census: of independent means age 55 at Albright’s Yard, St Leonard’s Gate, Lancaster, b Lancs

h = Elizabeth HINDE [5136] b abt 1789, m 6 Jul 1809 Lancaster St Mary, Spinster of Lancaster age 20 and Cooper of Liverpool age 24, d not found. 1841 Census: Married age 50 with husband, nb Lancs

i Johnb1809 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5137] b 17 Sep 1809 Lancaster, c 28 Jul 1811 Lancaster St Mary, s of Myles HAW- and Elizabeth of Lancaster. 1841 Census: Seaman age 30 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancs. [At one time I thought this John was the John who, with his family, appears on the gravestones at the Shireshead Chapel, but this now appears not to be the case. The Shireshead John is [6845], son of Frances]

i Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6873] b 15 Jun 1811 Lancaster, c 28 Jul 1811 Lancaster St Mary, dau of Myles HAW- and Elizabeth of Lancaster, joint ceremony with elder brother John. 1841 Census: not with family

[i = Henry CUMPSTY [6876] m 28 Sep 1835 Lancaster St Mary, Labourer Bachelor of Quernmore and Spinster of Quernmore?]

i Elizabethb1813 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6874] b 4 Sep 1813 Lancaster, c 31 Oct 1813 Lancaster St Mary, dr Miles, Cooper, and Elizabeth

i =(1) Anthony HARGREAVES [6930] m 16 Jun 1833 Lancaster St Mary, Bachelor Gardener and Spinster of this town

i =(2) William THORNTON [6301] m abt Mar 1839 Lancaster St Mary

i Thomasb1816 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3107] b 16 Jun 1816 Lancaster, c 4 Aug 1816 Lancaster St Mary, s. Miles, Cooper, and Elizabeth, d abt Jun 1894 age 75 reg Birkenhead. 1841 Census: not with parents. 1851 Census: not found. 1861 Census: Commercial Traveller age 49 in Stanley Lane, Manchester, b Lancaster. 1871 Census: Married Retired Commission Agent age 54 in Broughton Lane, Salford, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: not found. 1891 Census: Married, Living on Own Means, age 74 at Tranmere, Birkenhead, b Lancaster

i =(1) Jane BINNS [3108] m abt Dec 1844 Manchester, d abt Jun 1883 Birkenhead

j Emma HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4967] b abt Dec 1845 Manchester

j = Harry G JONES [4968] m abt Sep 1867 Manchester

j Harriet HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5320] b abt 1848 Manchester

j Florence HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5321] b abt Sep 1848 Manchester, d abt Jun 1852 Manchester

j Frances HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5322] b abt Jun 1856 Manchester, d abt Sep 1875 Birkenhead

j Johnb1859 H HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3926] b abt 1859 Manchester

j = Ellen E ANON [4177]

k Eric HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4178] b abt Mar 1886 Birkenhead

k Dorothy HAWHORNTHWAITE [4179] b abt Sep 1888 Birkenhead, d abt Dec 1918 West Derby

j Florence Annie HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6796] b abt Jun 1854 Manchester

i =(2) Marian WARDLEY [4180] m 18 Mar 1884 Stretford St Matthew to Thomas, Gentleman Widower, father Miles HAW- of Tranmere St Paul

i Williamb1818 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6875] b 22 Jan 1818 Lancaster, c 15 Mar 1818 Lancaster St Mary, s Miles, Cooper, and Elizabeth, d abt Sep 1880 age 62 reg Northwich. 1841 Census: not with parents. 1851 Census: Married Portrait Artist at 7 Cheetham Street, Manchester. 1861 Census: Married House Agent of 29 Stanley Street, Manchester. 1871 Census: Married Agent age 53 of Broughton Lane, Salford, b Lancaster, rec as HAY-

i = Elizabeth THOMPSON [7592] b abt 1829 Lincoln, m abt Dec1850 Manchester RO, d abt Sep 1921 Stockport, age 92. 1851 Census: Housewife age 22 with husband, b Lincoln. 1871 Census: Married age 42, with husband in Salford, b Lincoln. 1891 Census: Widowed Property Owner in Salford, b Lincoln. No issue?

i Jamesb1820 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5138] b 11 Jul 1820 Lancaster, c 3 Sep 1820 Lancaster St Mary, s. of Miles and Elizabeth, d abt Sep 1895 age 76 reg Ormskirk. 1841 Census: Seaman Apprentice age 20 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married Land Building Agent age 30 in Yew Tree Houses, Stretford, b Lancaster, no children present. 1861 Census: Married Property Owner, age 40, b Lancaster, at 102 Elizabeth Street, Cheetham. 1871 Census: Married Owner of Houses in Newton, Manchester, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: age 60, living on interest from money, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Married retired Land Building Agent, age 70, b Lancaster, at Lancallan Villas, Osborne Road, Levenshulme

i =(1) Betsy ROSE [6328] b abt 1825 Radcliffe, m abt Jun 1844 Manchester Cathedral, reg Manchester, d abt Sep 1877 age 51 reg Chorlton. 1851 Census: Wife age 26 with husband in Stretford, b Radcliffe, Lancs. 1861 Census: age 34, b Prestwich. 1871 Census: Married with husband in Newton, Manchester. No issue?

i =(2) Emma M MILLMAN [6326] b abt 1847 Scotland, m abt Dec 1878 Manchester Cathedral reg Chorlton. 1881 Census: Schoolteacher age 34, b Scotland. 1891 Census: Principal of Lady’s Day School, age 44, b Scotland

j Ada Millman HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6327] b abt Mar 1881 Levenshulme reg Chorlton, d abt Dec 1964 age 83 reg Liverpool S. 1891 Census: age 9 with parents, b Levenshulme

i Georgeb1822 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6947] b 30 Oct 1822, c 25 Feb 1823 Lancaster St Mary, s of Miles H and Elizabeth, bur 9 Jan 1825 Lancaster St Mary, age 2, of Lancaster

[i Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7468] b after 6 Jun 1841 Lancaster, d 5 Dec 1843 St Leonard’s Gate, Lancaster, age 2 [source: Lancaster Gazette] This seems a little implausible and this birth or death does not seem to have been registered. There is perhaps confusion with Sarah [3103]]

h Frances HATHORNTHWAITE [6866] b Torrisholme, c 20 Aug 1786 Poulton le Sands Holy Trinity, dau of John HAW-, Labourer of Torrisholme

i Johnb1812 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6845] c 5 Jul 1812 Lancaster St Mary, s of Frances H, illegt, d 30 Apr 1847 of Lancaster age 35, bur Shireshead [Legible MI in graveyard]. 1834: of Cockerham

i = Dorothy DICKINSON [6843] b abt 1811, m 19 Oct 1834 Cockerham, d 1 Apr 1894 age 83, bur Shireshead [Legible MI in graveyard, widow of John HAWTHORNTHWAITE]

j Jamesb1836 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1836, d 27 Aug 1861 age 25, bur Shireshead [Legible MI in graveyard]

j Frances (“Fanny”) HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6844] b abt 1839, d 4 Sep 1864, bur Shireshead [Legible MI in graveyard]

j Isabella HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6846] b abt 1842 Ellel, d 23 May 1926 age 84, bur Shireshead [Legible MI in graveyard]

j Johnb1844 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6847] b 28 Mar 1844 Lancaster, c 14 Apr 1844 Lancaster St Mary, s of John, Turner Filer of Lancaster, & Dorothy, d 19 May 1862, bur Shireshead [Legible MI in graveyard]

j Mary Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6848] b 12 Feb 1847 Lancaster, c 11 Apr 1847 Lancaster St John, s of John, Mechanic, & Dorothy, d 30 Mar 1870 Lancaster age 23

j = Robert GREGSON [6849] b abt 1845, m abt Mar 1868 Lancaster St Thomas, d 3 Mar 1924 age 81, bur Shireshead

i = George HODGKINSON [6867] b abt 1788, m 16 Aug 1829 Garstang St Helen, Widower, Corndryer, & Fanny H of Preston



h Ann HATHORNTHWAITE [6878] c 12 Oct 1788 Lancaster St Mary, dr of John HAT- and Ann, abode: Lancaster, 1817: Spinster of Lancaster age 21, d abt Apr 1852 age 63 reg Lancaster

h = Christopher TOWNLEY b 1797 Lancaster, m 2 Feb 1817 Lancaster St Mary, Gunsmith of Lancaster age 21

h Jamesb1792 HATHORNTHWAITE [6879] c 20 May 1792 Lancaster St Mary, s of John HAT- and Ann of Skerton, d abt Jun 1851 age 59 reg Lancaster, bur 16 Apr 1851 Lancaster St Mary [Note possible confusion with Jamesb1793 [5604]. Perhaps this James was the Cooper of Lancaster, but the Naming Rule supports my current interpretation]

h Peterb1793 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4597] c 14 Sep 1794 Lancaster St Mary, s of John HAW- and Ann of Skerton, [d abt Jun 1885 age 83 Chorley? Probably not]. 1841 Census: not found. 1851 Census: not found

h = Elizabeth WALTON [4598] b 1 Jan 1796, c 1 Jan 1796 High Street Independent, Lancaster, dr of John & Martha WALTON [this christening record enables this Lancaster family to be identified with Peter & Elizabeth WALTON in Leeds], m 29 Jan 1815 Lancaster St Mary, Spinster of Scotforth to Tobacconist of this town and parish, [d abt Jun 1866 age 77 reg Manchester?] 1841 Census: not found. 1851 Census: not found

First Child of Peter & Elizabeth

i Isaac HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4599] b 13 Jan 1816, c 18 Jan 1816 High Street Independent, Lancaster, s of Peter HAY- and Elizabeth, d abt Dec 1853 reg Leeds, bur 9 Oct 1853, age 37, Leeds Woodhouse St Mark. 1851 Census: not found

[i = Anon ANON m abt Sep 1837 reg Leeds to Hawthorn THWAITE. Possibility that this marriage is for Isaac HAW-, s of John & Rebecca

j Albert HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1850 reg Leeds as Hawthorn THWAITE?]

Second Child of Peter & Elizabeth

i Johnb1818 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4600] b 29 Dec 1818, c 9 Jan 1819 High Street Independent, Lancaster, s Peter HAY- and Elizabeth, d not found (bfr 1837?) 1851 Census: not found

[i Other children missing in period 1820-1823?]

Third Child of Peter & Elizabeth

i Samuel HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4601] b 25 Dec 1824, c 9 Nov 1827 Ebenezer Street Methodist New Connexion, Leeds, s of Peter & Elizabeth WALTON, d abt Mar 1878 age 52 reg Newcastle. 1841 Census: not found. 1851 Census: Married Letterpress Printer age 25 at 45 Clare Street, Hulme, Manchester, b Leeds, 1861 Census: Printer age 35 in Hulme, Chorlton, Manchester, b Leeds. 1871 Census: Married Printer Master (emp 3 boys and 1 girl) age 45 at 2 Worley Street, Westgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, b Leeds. Author of book “Mr Hawthornthwaite’s Adventures among the Mormons”, pub. 1857

i = Ann CAIN [4602] b abt 1824 Isle of Man, m 2 Sep 1847 Manchester Cathedral, reg Manchester, d abt Dec 1891 age 69 reg Newcastle 1851 Census: Married Staymaker age 25 in Hulme, b Isle of Man. 1861 Census: Married at Hulme, age 35, b Isle of Man. 1881 Census: Widow, Printer Employing 3 Sons & 1 Boy, of 4 Prospect Place, Westgate, Northumberland, age 57, b Renshent?, Isle of Man. 1891 Census: Widow age 68 living with son Arthur T at 5 Mary Street, Westgate, Newcastle on Tyne.

j Samuel Henry HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1849 reg Chorlton, d abt Mar 1850 reg Chorlton

j Edwin Brigham HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4604] b abt Jun 1850 Hulme, reg Chorlton, d abt Jun 1935 age 84 reg Newcastle upon Tyne as Edwin B. 1851 Census: age 3m in Hulme, b Manchester. 1861 Census: Errand Boy age 11 at Hulme, b Hulme. 1871 Census: Unmarried Printer age 20, b Hulme, living with grandmother Ann CAIN at 9 Bonsall Street, Hulme. 1881 Census: Married Printer, Compositor & Picture Framer age 30 at 86 Clayton Street, Newcastle, b Manchester. 1891 Census: Married Letterpress Printer age 40 at 86 Clayton Street, Newcastle, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Married Letterpress Printer age 50 at 244 Mill Lane, Elswick, Newcastle, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Married Printer at 157 Ellesmere Road, Fenham, Newcastle upon Tyne

j = Mary CRAWFORD [4605] b abt 1851 Manchester, m abt Jun 1873 Manchester Cathedral reg Manchester, d abt Jun 1922 age 71 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1881 Census: Married age 30 with husband in Newcastle, b Manchester, rec as Polly. 1891 Census: Married in Newcastle age 40, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Married age 50 with husband in Elswick, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Married 39 years, age 60, b Manchester

k Anne HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1875 reg Chorlton, d abt Dec 1935 age 59 reg Gateshead as Annie, unmarried. 1881 Census: age 5 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle, rec as Anne 1891 Census: age 15, “grandchild”, b Newcastle, rec as Annie. 1901 Census: not found.

[k = Anon ANON [John Edward LITTLE?] m abt Jun 1898 reg Newcastle on Tyne. Alternative to unmarried death record above]

k Herbert HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4608] b abt Jun 1877 reg Chorlton, d not found. 1881 Census: age 3 with parents in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1891 Census: age 13 with parents in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Married Blacksmith’s Manager age 23 at 7 Glenthorn Road, Jesmond, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Married Motor Mechanic age 32 in Jesmond, Lanchester, b Manchester

k = Margaret HICKS [4629] b abt Sep 1877 Bamburgh, reg Belford, m abt Dec 1900 reg Hexham, d abt Dec 1927 age 50 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1901 Census: Married age 23 in Jesmond with husband, b Bamburgh, no children present. 1911 Census: Married 10 yrs, age 29, with husband, b Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire

l Herbertb1902 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4630] b abt Jun 1902 reg Newcastle, d abt Jun 1902 reg Newcastle

l Robert Leslie HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6089] b abt Jun 1903 reg Newcastle, d abt Jun 1937 age 33 reg Newcastle. Unmarried? 1911 Census: age 7 with parents in Jesmond, b Jesmond

l Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4631] b abt Sep 1904 reg Newcastle, d abt Sep 1904 reg Newcastle

l Sarah Evelyn HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6090] b abt Sep 1905 reg Newcastle. 1911 Census: age 5 with parents in Jesmond, rec as Sadie

l = Joseph M LAWRENCE [6092] m abt Dec 1932 reg Newcastle

l Williamb1906 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6091] b 15 Oct 1906 reg Newcastle, d abt Sep 1982 reg Gateshead. 1911 Census: age 4 with parents in Jesmond, b Jesmond

l = Emma PRINGLE [4772] m abt Dec 1935 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Sep 1989 reg Newcastle

m Barry W HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4757] b abt Sep 1944 reg Durham NE

m =(1) Pamela VAN COEVORDEN m abt Mar 1962 reg Hackney

n Lindy P HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1964 reg Hackney

n Tina J HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1965 reg Hackney

n David Barry HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1966 reg Hackney

m =(2) Brenda COX m abt Sep 1974 reg Hackney]

k George Alfred HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4609] b abt Sep 1879 reg Chorlton, d abt Sep 1943 age 62 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1881 Census: age 1 with parents in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1891 Census: age 11 with parents in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Married Compositor Print age 21 os 82 Clayton Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Married Cartman age 31 at 6 Back Judson Place, Newcastle on Tyne, b Manchester

k = Jane HUTCHINSON [4614] b abt 1881 Newcastle, m abt Mar 1900 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Mar 1945 age 63 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1901 Census: Married age 20 in Newcastle, b Newcastle

l Nellie HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4633] b abt Jun 1900 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1901 Census: age 9m b Newcastle. 1911 Census: age 10 with parents b Newcastle

[l = Thomas A PETCH m abt Sep 1921 reg Newcastle?]

l = Mary Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6179] b abt Mar 1903 reg Newcastle. 1911 Census: age 8 with parents, b Newcastle

l = Joseph WILSON [6183] m abt Dec 1922 reg Newcastle

l John William HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6180] b 22 Apr 1905 reg Newcastle. 1911 Census: age 6, rec as William, with parents, b Newcastle, d Jun 1986 reg Worthing

l = Muriel Vivien HAMMOCK [6184] b 29 Mar 1909 Lewisham, m abt Jun 1933 reg Horsham, d abt Sep 1983 reg Worthing

m Hilary I G HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6185] b abt Jun 1934 reg Westhampnett

m = Michael B SHARMAN [6187] m abt Sep 1982 reg Worthing

m Hugh Roger HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6186] b abt Jun 1940 reg Worthing. 2010: in Canada

m = Jill SHARMAN [6188] m abt Jun 1961 Hove, div, m(2) John M WILLIAMS [6189] abt Sep 1970 reg Brentwood

n Stephen J HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6190] b abt Jun 1962 reg Meriden

l Lily HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6181] b abt Dec 1907 Newcastle, d abt Sep 1974 reg Newcastle. Unmarried. 1911 Census: age 3 with parents, b Newcastle

l Jane N HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6182] b abt Mar 1910 reg Newcastle. 1911 Census: age 1 with parents, b Newcastle

l = George THORPE [6128] m abt Sep 1936 reg Liverpool S

l Emily HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1913 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, mother HUTCHENSON

l = Leslie TUCKER m abt Sep 1944 reg Newcastle

l George Alfred HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Jul 1916 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, mother HUTCHINSON, m not found, d abt Dec 2001 reg N Yorkshire

l Leslie HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1918 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, mother HUTCHINSON, m not found, d 20 May 1940 Dunkirk, Private in Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)

l Annie HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1921 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, mother HUTCHINSON

l = William S FOTHERBY m abt Jun 1942 reg Newcastle

l Albert E HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1925 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, mother HUTCHINSON

l = Rhoda DEVINE b 26 Jan 1926 reg Newcastle, m abt Sep 1950 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

m Stephen HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1956 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Dec 1956 age 0 reg Newcastle

k Edwin James HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4610] b abt Mar 1881 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Jun 1966 age 85 reg Durham NW. 1891 Census: age 9 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1901 Census: Unmarried Printer age 19 in Elswick, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Married Jobbing Printer age 30, b Newcastle, living at 52 Cambridge Avenue, Whitley Bay

k = Annie CLARKIN [4635] b abt Jun 1874 reg Newcastle, m abt Jun 1909 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1911 Census: Married 2 yrs age 35 with husband, b Newcastle

l Edwin James HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6203] b 9 May 1915 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, s of CLARKIN, d Sep 2005 Halton, Cheshire

l = Marguerite Eileen DOOCEY [6204] b 3 Jul 1914 Gateshead, m abt Mar 1940 reg Durham NW, d Dec 2001 Cheshire S

m Mary E HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6205] b abt Mar 1941 reg Durham NW

m = James A RAFFERTY [6206] m abt Sep 1963 reg Carlisle

m Anna C HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6207] b abt Mar 1947 reg Gateshead

m = John O P JEPHCOTT [6208] m abt Sep 1969 reg Border

l Anne Louise HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6209] b 17 Apr 1917 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d Nov 1984 reg Gateshead. Unmarried

k Gertrude HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4611] b 19 Mar 1884 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, 1891 Census: age 7, “grandchild” b Newcastle. 1901 Census: daughter age 17, b Newcastle

k = Edward POTTS [4636] m abt Dec 1904 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Lily HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 15 Feb 1887 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt May 1986 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, unmarried. 1891 Census: “grandchild” age 4, b Manchester. 1901 Census: daughter age 15, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Unmarried Shop Assistant age 24 with parents, b Newcastle

k Williamb1889 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1889 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Mar 1962 age 72 Newcastle upon Tyne. Unmarried? 1891 Census: age 2 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1901 Census: age 12 in Elswick, Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Unmarried Clerk age 22 with parents, b Newcastle

k Nellie HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6177] b abt Dec 1894 reg Newcastle. 1911 Census: age 11 with parents, b Newcastle

k = Charles H WEBSTER [6178] m abt Dec 1919 reg Newcastle

j Rachel Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4614] b abt Mar 1852 reg Chorlton. 1861 Census: Scholar age 9, b Hulme. 1871 Census: Unmarried, age 19, at home with parents in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1881 Census: Married age 29 at Westgate, Newcastle

j = John William BOLAM [not William ROBERTSON [4637] b abt 1850 Scotland,] m abt Mar 1872 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1881 Census: Married Wine & Spirits Traveller age 38

k Florence Isabella BOLAM gg-grandmother to Natalie McPARLIN

k 7 other children

j David William HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1853 reg Chorlton, m abt Jun 1881 reg Newcastle-upon-Tyne, d abt Dec 1918 age 65 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1861 Census: Scholar age 7, b Hulme. 1871 Census: Unmarried Printer age 18 with parents in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1881 Census: Unmarried Printer & Compositor age 27 at Westgate, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Married Printer age 47 at 94 Avondale Road, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, b Manchester

j = Margaret Jane COLTMAN b abt Sep 1859 Newcastle upon Tyne, reg Harlepool, d abt Mar 1931 age 73 reg Newcastle on Tyne. 1891 Census: Married age 32 at 44 Clayton Street, Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1901 Census: Married age 43 with husband in Byker, b Sunderland, Co. Durham

k Reuben William HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4621] b abt Dec 1881 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Mar 1969 age 87 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1901 Census: Unmarried Joiner Cart(?) age 19 with parents in Byker, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Married Joiner age 30, b Newcastle, at 137 Janet Street, Byker, Newcastle

k = Annie STEPHENSON [4638] b abt Jun 1875 reg S Shields, m abt Sep 1908 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Dec 1935 age 59 reg Gateshead. 1911 Census: Married 3 yrs, age 27, with husband in Byker, b Newcastle

l Williamb1908 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4771] b 21 Oct 1908 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d Mar 1997 reg Durham N.1911 Census: age 2 with parents in Byker

l = Elizabeth ORRICK [6093] m abt Sep 1932 reg Newcastle, d Aug 1997 reg Durham N

m Douglas W HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1937 reg Newcastle

m = Anon PURCHASE m abt Sep 1962 reg Newcastle. No issue?

l Annie HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6173] b 21 Oct 1908 Newcastle. 1911 Census: age 2 with parents in Byker

l Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1911 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

l = George B ROBSON m abt Mar 1931 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

l Dorothy HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1916 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

l = Wilfred H MILLS m abt Mar 1942 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Amy Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1883 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1891 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents in Newcastle. 1901 Census: Unmarried Tailoress age 17 with parents in Byker, b Newcastle

k = Anon ANON m abt Jun 1901 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Ethel HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1888 reg Newcastle, 15 Jan 1888 Newcastle St Andrew. 1891 Census: age 3 with parents. 1901 Census: age 13 with parents in Byker, b Newcastle

k = Joseph R OXLEY m abt Mar 1913 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

j Reuben Naphtali HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1855 reg Chorlton, m not found. d abt Sep 1936 age 80 reg Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1861 Census: Scholar age 5, b Hulme. Printer age 15 with parents in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1881 Census: Unmarried Printer Manager age 25 at Westgate, b Manchester. 1901 Census: Married Master Printer (Letterpress) age 43 at 45 South J???? Road, Benwell, Tyneside, b Hulme, Manchester. 1911 Census: Married Letterpress Printer age 54 at 45 North View terrace, Fenham, Newcastle, b Manchester

j = Dorothy ARMSTRONG b abt 1856 Gateshead, m abt Mar 1884 reg Newcastle, d abt Mar 1938 age 82 reg Northumberland S. 1901 Census: Married age 44 in Benwell, b Sherriff Hill, Gateshead. 1911 Census: Married 26yrs age 55, with husband in Fenham, b Gateshead

k Isabel Florence HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4625] b abt Mar 1885 reg Gateshead. 1891 Census: age 6 with parents at 10 Tamworth Road, Elswick, Newcastle, rec as Isabella. 1901 Census: Unmarried with parents age 16 in Benwell, b Durham

k = John Sim ASTROP [4625] m abt Sep 1906 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Ada Annie HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1889 reg Gateshead. 1891 Census: age 2 with parents, b Gateshead, 1901 Census: Unmarried age 12 with parents in Benwell, b Durham. 1911 Census: Unmarried age 22 with parents in Fenham

k = John J PATTERSON m abt Sep 1915 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Ernest H HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1891 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, m not found, d abt Sep 1918 age 27 reg Newcastle upon Tyne.. 1901 Census: age 8 with parents in Benwell, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Printing Letterpress Assistant age 19 with parents in Fenham

k Reuben Leonard HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 15 Jul 1894 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Dec 1992 reg Darlington. 1901 Census: “Reuben” age 8 with parents in Benwell, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Scalemaker age 17 with parents in Fenham

k = Harriett HOLMES b 8 Oct 1888 reg Newcastle, m abt Dec 1921 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, div before Jan 1944, d abt Dec 1976 reg Darlington

l Reuben L HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1923 reg Darlington. Only child?

l = Constance B JOHNSON [4649] b 23 May 1924 reg S Shields, m abt Mar 1944 reg Darlington, d Dec 2003 reg Darlington

m Michael P HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1944 reg Darlington

m =(1) Ann E PARIAS m abt Sep 1967 reg Darlington. No issue

m =(2) Patricia FAWCETT No issue

m =(3) Jacqueline FOX No issue

m Lindsey C HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1956 reg Darlington, m not found

k Dora HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1895 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Dec 1982 reg Darlington. Unmarried. 1901 Census: age 6 with parents in Benwell, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: age 15 with parents

k Charles Frederick HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1898 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d not found. 1901 Census; age 3 with parents in Benwell, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Scholar age 13 with parents

k = Ada WALDEN m abt Dec 1925 reg Manchester S.

l Charles Frederick HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1927 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, m not found.

l Gerald HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 2 May 1929 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Dec 1985 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. Unmarried?

l Margaret R HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1935 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

l = Ellis M PLAICE m abt Jun 1957 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Norman HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 29 May 1900 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Apr 1995 reg Newcastle. 1901 Census; age 10m with parents in Benwell, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents

k =(1) Agnes KENNEDY b 27 Oct 1904 reg Newcastle, m abt Jun 1927 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Mar 1976 reg Durham East.

l Agnes HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1930 reg Newcastle

l = Robert ROBINSON m abt Sep 1956 reg Newcastle

k =(2) Hannah MUSGRAVE b 25 Jan 1911 reg Middlesbrough, m abt Jun 1977 reg Newcastle, d Jul 1994 reg Newcastle

j Alfred Thomas HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4607] b abt Dec 1857 reg Chorlton, m abt Mar 1893 reg Auckland, d abt Mar 1914 age 56 reg Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 1861 Census: Scholar age 3, b Hulme. 1871 Census: Scholar age 13 with parents in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1881 Census: Unmarried Carver in Wood at Westgate, age 23, b Manchester. 1891 Census: Unmarried Wood Carver age 33 living with widowed mother at 5 Mary Street, Westgate, Newcastle, b Hulme. 1901 Census: Married Wood Carver age 43 at 11 Darnell Street, Westgate, Newcastle, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Widowed General Woodcarver age 53 at 11 Darnell Street, Newcastle, b Manchester

j = Edith HUNTER b abt 1870, m abt Mar 1893 reg Auckland, d abt Dec 1909 age 39 reg Newcastle. 1901 Census: Married, age 30, with family at 11 Darnall Street, Westgate, b Northumberland

k Winifred Victoria HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1893 Newcastle

k = Alexander DICKSON m abt Sep 1927 reg Newcastle

k Mabel G HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1895 Newcastle. 1911 Census: Saundry Parker and Sorter (sic) age 16 with widowed father, b Newcastle

k = Arthur SHORT [7521] m abt Jun 1923 Newcastle upon Tyne

k Laura Adelaide HAWTHORNTHWAITE b Aug 1900 Newcastle, d Feb 1984 reg Newcastle. 1911 Census: Student age 10 with widowed father, b Newcastle

k = Anon WORDINGHAM m abt Dec 1970 reg Newcastle

k Lilian Mercia HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6223] b abt Jun 1904 Newcastle, d abt Dec 1915 age 11 reg Castle Ward. 1911 Census: Scholar age age 7 with widowed father

[j Leopold Frederick HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6365] b abt Mar 1860 Hulme, mmn not given, d abt Dec 1860 reg Chorlton]

j Arthur Frederick HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4617] b abt Jun 1862 reg Chorlton as “Frederick”, d abt Jun 1945 age 83 reg Newcastle upon Tyne . 1871 Census: Scholar age 9 in Newcastle, b Manchester. 1881 Census: Unmarried Printer and Compositor at Westgate, age 19, b Manchester. 1891 Census: not found. 1901 Census: Married Printer age 39 at 41 Derby Street, Westgate, Newcastle, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Married Printer age 49, b Manchester, at 41 Derby Street, Newcastle

j = Mary Isabella CREA b abt 1864 Newcastle, m abt Sep 1885 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Mar 1947 age 82 reg Newcastle 1901 Census: Married age 37 with husband in Westgate, Newcastle, b Newcastle upon Tyne

k Frederick James HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4739] b 28 May 1886 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Mar 1970 reg Holderness 1901 Census: Copperplate Salesman age 14 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Married Corn Merchant’s Clerk age 24 at 107 Bell Terrace, Newcastle on Tyne, b Newcastle

k = Ethel PHILIPSON [4740] m abt Sep 1908 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d abt Dec 1963 age 77 reg Newcastle

l Arthur Frederick HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6127] b 28 Dec 1908 Newcastle upon Tyne, d Feb 1981 Gateshead. 1911 Census: age 2 with parents

l = Amelia PATTERSON [6130] m abt Jun 1936 reg Newcastle, d abt Jun 1955 age 49 reg Newcastle

m Dorothy M HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6131] b abt Dec 1937 reg Newcastle

[l Jane N HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1910 Newcastle upon Tyne. 1911 Census; not found]

l Lilian HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6128] b abt Dec 1911 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

l = Ronald B P METCALF [6201] m abt Jun 1934 Newcastle

k Louisa Frances HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1888 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, c 25 Apr 1888 Elswick. 1901 Census: age 12 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Still Room Maid, with parents

k = Peter D ANDERSON m abt Mar 1917 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Lily Beatrice HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4743] b abt Dec 1891 reg Newcastle upon Tyne 1892/1, c 27 Dec 1891 Elswick, m not found, d not found. 1901 Census: age 9 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: not with parents

k = John BULMAN m abt Jun 1923 Newcastle upon Tyne

k Eveline HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1893 reg Newcastle upon Tyne 1901 Census: age 7 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Stationery [Clerk?] with parents

k = Joseph BURNS m abt Sep 1932 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Blanche HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1895 reg Newcastle upon Tyne. 1901 Census: age 5 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: at home with parents

k = Anon COLVIN m abt Jun 1925 reg Newcastle upon Tyne

k Gladstone HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4748] b abt Jun 1898 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, d 1968 Bordeaux, France, age 70. 1901 Census: age 2 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Scholar, with parents

k =(1) Elizabeth Bambling LANES b abt Mar 1903 Gateshead, m abt Jun 1922 Gateshead, d abt Dec 1940 reg Huddersfield

l Elizabeth G HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1922 Gateshead

l = Andre R SABARDU m abt Dec 1944 Sheffield

l Doreen HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1924 Gateshead

l = Reginald BROOK m abt Jun 1942 Huddersfield

m Reginald BROOK b abt Dec 1942 Durham

m Sheila BROOK b abt Dec 1946 Spen Valley

m Jean BROOK b abt Mar 1948 Spen Valley

m Rita BROOK b abt Dec 1951 Huddersfield

l Elsie HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1925 reg Newcastle T, d abt Dec 1925 age 0 Newcastle T

l George HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1928 Huddersfield, d abt Jun 1928 age 0 Huddersfield

k =(2) Minnie GRIFFITHS m abt Dec 1941 reg Cheshire NE, d Feb 1992 reg Stockport

k Arthur Ronald L HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 19 Dec 1899 reg Newcastle upon Tyne , d abt Dec 1971 reg Epping. 1901 Census: age 1 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle. 1911 Census: Scholar, with parents

k = Primrose PRINGLE b 19 Apr 1901 reg S Shields, m abt Sep 1920 reg Gateshead, d abt Dec 1969 reg Hackney

l Arthur J HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1921 reg Gateshead, d abt Mar 1964 reg Bury St Edmunds

l =(1) Maud M REEVES m abt Sep 1950 reg Hackney

m Susan D HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1954 reg Hackney

m = William P CLARKE m abt Sep 1975 reg Havering

l =(2) Mabel T FLEMING m abt Dec 1956 reg Durham NW

l Grace R HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1923 reg Gateshead

l = Frederick COLES m abt Mar 1945 reg Hackney

l Ronald Frederick HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 11 Jun 1926 reg Hackney, d abt Sep 1989 reg Hackney

l = Norma Veronica TAYLOR b 10 Apr 1929 reg Newcastle, m abt Sep 1953 reg Stoke Newington, d May 1989 reg Tower Hamlets

m Gary HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1954 reg Hackney

m Lee HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1957 reg Hackney. No issue?

m = Anon MOORE m abt Mar 1977 reg Stoke Newington

l Raymond L HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1928 reg Gateshead

l = Pamela E PAYNE m abt Mar 1955 reg Shoreditch

m Kim HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1957 reg Hackney

m = Stephen J ABBOTT m abt Sep 1980 reg Epping Forest

m Dean HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1959 reg Hackney

l Edwin A HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1931 reg Hackney, d abt Jun 1931 age 0 reg Hackney

k Lydia HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6191] b abt Dec 1904 reg Newcastle. 1911 Census: Scholar age 8 with parents

k = William BEST [6191] m abt Sep 1930 reg Newcastle

[j Louise Bertha HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6369] b abt Dec 1863 Hulme, d abt Jun 1864 reg Chorlton?]

j Elizabeth Ada HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1867 reg Newcastle 1871 Census: age 4 with parents in Newcastle, b Newcastle upon Tyne. 1881 Census: Scholar at Westgate, age 14, b Newcastle upon Tyne

j = Anon ANON [John SLATER?] m abt Sep 1888 reg Newcastle

Fourth Child of Peter & Elizabeth

i Martha HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Feb 1827, c 3 Jun 1827 Ebenezer Street Methodist New Connexion, Leeds, daur of Peter HAW- and Elizabeth WALTON, m not found, d not found

Fifth Child of Peter & Elizabeth

i Jamesb1829 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4674] b 16 Apr 1829, c 17 May 1829 Ebenezer Street Methodist New Connexion, Leeds, s Peter HAW- and Elizabeth WALTON, d abt Mar 1872 age 42 reg Rochdale. 1851 Census: not found. 1861 Census: Married Mechanics Labourer age 31 at 6 Holt Street, Wardleworth, Rochdale, b Leeds. 1871 Census: Married Nightwatchman age 42 at 3 Brown Street, Castleton, Rochdale, b Leeds

i = Sarah Ann MUCH b abt 1833 Prescott, Lancs, m abt Mar 1853 Rochdale, m(2) abt Sep 1891 Rochdale to Charles STOTT, d not found. 1861 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 28. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Operative age 38 with husband, b Prescot. 1881 Census: Widow age 48 at Kerrion Street, Castleton. 1891 Census: Widowed Shopkeeper and General Dealer age 57 at 34 Brunswick Street, Wardleworth, Rochdale

j Peterb1854 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1854 Rochdale, d abt Jun 1919 age 65 reg Rochdale. 1861 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents, b Rochdale. 1871 Census: Unmarried Iron Turner age 17 living with parents, b Rochdale. 1881 Census: Widowed Iron Turner age 26 with mother in Castleton, b Rochdale. 1891 Census: Married Chapel Keeper age 37 at 15 Portland Street, Wardleworth. 1901 Census: Married Chapel Caretaker. 1911 Census: Married Cotton Yarn Tester age 57 at 18 Finsbury Street, Rochdale, b Rochdale

j =(1) Ann Jane FARROW b abt Sep 1848 reg Rochdale, m abt Mar 1877 reg Rochdale, d abt Dec 1879 age 31 reg Rochdale

j =(2) Emma WHITWORTH b abt 1851, m abt Dec 1882, d abt Mar 1934 age 83 reg Rochdale

k Wilfred HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5394] b abt Mar 1884 reg Rochdale, d Nov 1917 France, bur Grevillers. 1891 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents, b Rochdale. 1901 Census: Unmarried Clerk in Cotton Manufacturer’s Office, living with parents. 1911 Census: Married Secretary (Cotton) age 27 at 184 Castketon Road, Castleton, b Rochdale

k = Ethel TAYLOR b abt 1887, m abt Jun 1910 reg Rochdale, d abt Dec 1967 age 80 reg Fylde, not remarried? 1911 Census: Married under 1yr, age 23, with husband, b Heywood

l Johnb1911 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Jun 1911 reg Rochdale, [m abt Jun 1938 reg Fylde to LE MOINE, no issue? Other possible marriages], d abt Dec 1997 reg Blackpool/F

l = Vera Margaret LE MOINE b 16 Jul 1913, m abt Jun 1938 reg Fylde, d Sep 1996 reg Kendal, no issue

l Roy HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1915 reg Rochdale, d Apr 2005 reg N Warks

l = Dorothy NICHOLAS m abt Sep 1934 reg Fylde

m Peter J HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1935 reg Fylde

m = Mavis I SMITH m abt Jun 1956 reg Rugby

n Michael P HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1957 reg Meriden. Unmarried?

n Steven R HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1959 reg Rugby

n = Eileen A QUINN m abt Jan 1984 reg Rugby

o James Michael HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jan 1986 reg Coventry

o David Thomas HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Nov 1990 reg Coventry

o Thomas William HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Aug 1998 reg Coventry

n Carol HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1961 reg Rugby

n = Duncan N ROBERTS m abt Sep 1987 reg Rugby

n Kay HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1961 reg Rugby

n Lisa HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1967 reg Coventry

n = Kevin R GARLICK m Mar 1992 reg Rugby

m Gillian F HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1945 reg Fylde

m Markb1959 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1959 reg Newton Abbot

[k Herbertb1885 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1885 reg Rochdale, d abt Jun 1886 age 0 reg Rochdale]

j Johnb1856 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1856 reg Rochdale, d abt Sep 1856 reg Rochdale

Sixth Child of Peter and Elizabeth

i Elizabethb1831 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [b 25 Jun 1830/25 Jan 1831?], c 10 Jun 1831 Ebenezer Street Methodist New Connexion, Leeds, daur Peter HAW-, Tobacco Manufacturer, and Elizabeth WALTON. 1851 Census: not found

[i = Anon ANON m abt Dec 1854 reg Bradford?]

Last 4 children of John & Ann

h Williamb1797 HATHORNTHWAITE [7280] c 23 Sep 1797 Lancaster St Mary, s of John HAT- and Ann of Skerton [What happened to him?]

h Johnb1798 HATHORNTHWAITE [7296] c 25 Nov 1798 Lancaster St Mary, s of John HAT- and Ann of Skerton, d abt May 1800 Skerton, bur 31 May 1800 Lancaster St Mary, s of John HAT-

h Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7281] c 2 Jul 1801 Lancaster St Mary, dr of John HAW- and Ann of Skerton

h = James ATKINSON [7281] m 27 Oct 1823 Liverpool St Paul, Cooper of Liverpool & Spinster of Liverpool

h Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [7278] c 23 Sep 1804 Lancaster St Mary, dr of John HAT- and Ann of Skerton

Tree of Derek of Singleton

Initial information supplied by Derek, Nov 2004, whose ancestors were in Freckleton and Cabus. Derek shows Type I DNA, thus suggesting genetic connection with the main tree in this volume, though we are at present some way from demonstrating this connection through the written record. See Chapter 16 for discussion of DNA tests.

In the 19th Century, this branch sometimes appears with the spelling HAY- or HAT-, but in more modern times standardised on HAW-

Although at first it seems plausible that this branch might descend from the prominent Hs of Scorton, Netherwyresdale, Cockerham and Forton, which are near to Cabus (see Chapter 5), no firm connection has yet been found. The theory that Robert of Barnacre below is the same as Robert of Kellett, of the Scorton family, is still conceivable, but may now be less likely than the idea that he was closely related to Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale, whose Will of 1704/6 suggests a close relationship to the Hs of Tarnbrook.

Robert of Barnacre

f Robert HATHORNTHWAITE [5601] [ perhaps he was b abt 1690 c not found, son of Thomas of Kellett c 24 Dec 1665 Garstang, in which case Ann KIRKLY was his first wife, and Mary POOL his second, m(2) 1738.] 1726-1732: at Barnaker [ bur 3 Sep 1729 Garstang St Helens as Robert Hathornweit of Forton? [OLPC], [d Jan 1747/8, bur 23 Jan 1747/8 Garstang St Helen as Robert HAT- of Goosnargh?]

[f = Ann KIRKLY m 6 May 1711 Garstang St Helen, [bur 17 Jan 1769 Garstang St Helen as Ann HAW- of Claughton?]]

g Elder children missing? [It seems Robert may have given his early children unrecorded Catholic baptisms, until, pressured perhaps by the repressive anti-Catholic legislation of 1723, he adopted the Church of England. In this he may have mirrored the behaviour of Richard of Sykes]

g Jamesb1726 HATHORNTHWAITE [4682] c 9 Jan 1726 Garstang St Helen, s of Robt HATHOURNWAITE of Barnaker, d Cabus, [bur 8 Jul 1774 Garstang St Helen? Or was this his son James?]

g = Ann WALMSLEY [4683] m 21 Jan 1744 Lancaster St Mary? He is a bit young for this marriage, if the above christening is the correct one. However, the name Ann tends to be supported by the position of Thomas and Martha’s second daughter Ann below]

[h Elder children missing, if above marriage is correct]

[h Robert HATHORNTHWAITE Eldest son should be Robert, if Naming Rule applies.]

h Jamesb1751 HATHORNTHWAITE [7088] c 6 Jan 1751 Ellel, s of James HATHORNTHWAITE, mother’s name not given, d 8 Jul 1774 Cabus, bur 8 Jul 1774 Garstang St Helen. Unmarried. Inherited Cabus Nook Farm from his father James in 1771, but his early death at the age of 23 led to Cabus Nook Farm passing to younger brother Thomas below. 1776 Will: Yeoman/husbandman of Cabus (not seen)

h Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5577] b abt 1763, c not found, but mentioned in father James’ Will

[h = George BIBBY m 28 May 1785 Cockerham St Michael, husbandman of Yeathouse, Cockerham, age 22 spinster of Yeathouse age 22]

h Thomasb1756 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4685] c 23 May 1756 Ellel, s of James HATHERNWAITE, mother’s name not given, m 4 Aug 1784 Garstang St Helen: Yeoman of this parish, signing his own name, d May 1828 Cabus, bur 31 May 1828 Garstang St Helen, age 72, of Cabus [this age fits well with the postulated 1756 Ellel christening]. At his father’s death in 1771, he shared £90 with his sister Margaret, but in 1774 he inherited Cabus Nook Farm on the early death of his elder brother James. 1828 Will: Yeoman of Cabus

h = Martha CLARKSON [4686] m 4 Aug 1784 Garstang St Helens: Spinster of this parish (X) [this was two days after a certain James HAW- married Jane LAMBERT, also at Garstang St Helens. At one time I thought maybe this James was the James above, but, from information supplied by Derek, it seems this cannot be correct] d abt 1835 age 75 Cabus, bur 23 May 1835 Garstang St Helen. 1840 Will: Widow of Cabus (not seen)

First Child of Thomas and Martha

i Jamesb1784 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4687] b abt 1784 Cabus, c 23 Jan 1785 Garstang St Helens, d abt Jun 1868 Kirkham age 83 reg Fylde as HAY- 1841 Marriage: Farmer. 1841 Census: age 55 at Cabus Nook Farm, with wife and siblings. 1843: Inn Keeper at Freckleton. 1845: at Freckleton. 1851 Census: Married Farm Labourer at Higherhead, Freckleton, age 66, b Cabus, rec as HAY-. Although the eldest son, this James did not inherit or work the family farm at Cabus Nook. Perhaps there was some sort of family disagreement. It seems Cabus Nook Farm was inherited or worked by his younger brother John, (who also had an interest in a farm at Carnforth some distance away, unless Carnforth is a clerical error for Cabus in his Will), who died at Cabus in 1850, so that the 1851 Census shows this farm being run by the three unmarried younger sisters. 1861 Census: Married Late Farmer, age 74, at Clitheroes, Freckleton, b Cabus

i = Mary CLIFTON [4688] b abt 1817 Freckleton, m 23 Jan 1841 Garstang St Helens, reg Garstang as HAT-, d abt Mar 1890 age 73 reg Fylde as HAW-. 1841 Census: age 20 with husband at Cabus Nook Farm, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married age 34 with husband at Higherhead, Freckleton, b Freckleton. 1861 Census: Housewife age 46 at Clitheroes, b Freckleton. 1871 Census: Widowed Retired Farmer age 54, b Freckleton, lodging with Farmer & Landowner J MASON at Forton (not far from Cabus Nook Farm). 1881 Census: Widowed Annuitant at 1 School Lane, Freckleton

First Child of James and Mary

j Thomasb1841 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4689] b 22 Oct 1841 [Cabus Nook Farm?], reg Garstang as HAW-, d abt Dec 1841 age 0 Kirkham reg Fylde, bur 21 Dec 1841 Garstang St Helen, Inf, abode: Freckleton, as HAY-

Second Child of James and Mary

j Martha HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4690] b abt Dec 1842 reg Fylde as HAT-, c 5 Jan 1843 Kirkham St Michael, father Inn Keeper of Freckleton, d abt Mar 1846 Kirkham age 3 reg Fylde

Third Child of James and Mary

j Thomasb1845 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4691] b abt Sep 1845 Freckleton, reg Fylde as HAT-, c 31 Aug 1845 Kirkham St Michael, d abt Dec 1870 reg Fylde as HAW-, age 25, unmarried, bur 26 Oct 1870 Kirkham St Michael, age 25, abode Freckleton. 1851 Census: Freckleton, age 5, rec as HAY-. 1861 Census: Agricultural Labourer & Nephew at Cabus Nook Farm, nr Garstang, age 15, b Freckleton, rec as HAW-. 1871 Census: not found

Fourth Child of James and Mary

j Martha HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4692] b abt Mar 1848 Freckleton, reg Fylde as HAT-, c 15 Feb 1848 Kirkham St Michael, m abt Jun 1868 reg Fylde as HAW- . 1851 Census: at Freckleton age 3. 1861 Census: not at Clitheroes with parents, not found elsewhere. 1871 Census: Joiner’s Wife age 23 in School Lane, Freckleton, (next door but one to brother John below), b Freckleton. 1881 Census: Inn Keeper’s Wife at Coach and Horses, Preston Road, Freckleton. 1891 Census: Joiner’s Wife in Lytham Road, Freckleton.

k James1865 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5446] b abt Dec 1865 Freckleton, reg Fylde, c 14 Feb 1866 Freckleton Holy Trinity, d abt Jun 1956 age 90 reg Fylde. 1871 Census: age 5 in School Lane, Freckleton, b Freckleton. 1881 Census: with grandmother Mary, Annuitant, at 1 School Lane, Freckleton. 1891 Census: Unmarried Bricklayer with stepfather and mother in Lytham Road, Freckleton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Bricklayer age 35 living with mother and stepfather, b Freckleton

k = Jane BONNEY [5447] m abt Dec 1916 Freckleton Holy Trinity reg Fylde

j = William THRELFALL b abt 1844 Freckleton, 1871 Census: Married Joiner age 27 in School Lane, Freckleton, b Freckleton

k Several THRELFALL children

Fifth Child of James and Mary

j Johnb1850 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4694] b Sep 1850 Freckleton, reg Fylde 1850/3 as HAT-, d abt Dec 1878 age 27 reg Fylde as HAY-, bur 10 Oct 1878 Kirkham St Michael, age 28, abode Freckleton. 1851 Census: age 7m with parents at Higherhead. 1861 Census: Visitor & Nephew age 10 at Cabus Nook Farm, nr Garstang, b Freckleton. 1871 Census: Unmarried Ag Lab age 19 at School Lane, Freckleton, b Freckleton, described as “son”, but no parents present. 1881 Census: not found

j = Jane KIRBY [6328] b 1846 Freckleton, m 6 Aug 1878 age 32 Freckleton Holy Trinity reg Fylde, m(2) Robert HARGREAVES [6330] abt Sep 1880 Preston St James

Sixth Child of James and Mary

j Robert Clifton HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4695] b abt Mar 1853 Freckleton, reg Fylde as HAT-, d abt Dec 1896 age 43 Freckleton reg Fylde as HAY-, bur 11 Dec 1896 Freckleton Holy Trinity age 43 as HAW- 1861 Census: Scholar age 7 at Clitheroes, Freckleton, b Freckleton. 1871 Census: Unmarried Agricultural Labourer, age 18, living alone at Fern Cottage, Garstang, with an elderly servant. 1881 Census: Married Farm Labourer of Clitheroes, Freckleton, age 27, b Freckleton, rec as HAY-. 1891 Census: Married Farm Labourer age 37 at Higher Road, Freckleton, b Freckleton.

j = Ann ENTWISTLE [4696] b abt 1846 Newton, Lancs., m 11 Dec 1874[3?] Warton St Paul reg Fylde as HAT- [reg 1874/1], d abt Mar 1919 age 73 reg Fylde as HAW- 1881 Census: Housekeeper of Freckleton, age 34, b Newton. 1891 Census: Housewife age 44 at Higher Road, Freckleton, b Newton. 1901 Census: Widow at School Lane, Freckleton, age 54, b Newton. 1911 Census: Widow age 66 b Freckleton, at 44 Lytham Road, Freckleton

k Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4697] b abt Jun 1874 Freckleton, reg Fylde, c 24 May 1874 Freckleton Holy Trinity, d abt Mar 1897 age 22 Freckleton reg Fylde as HAY-, bur 27 Mar 1897 Freckleton Holy Trinity age 23 as HAW-. 1881 Census: Scholar at Freckleton, age 6, b Freckleton. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 16 with parents in Freckleton, b Newton. 1901 Census: not with widowed mother and siblings.

k Thomasb1875 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4698] b abt Mar 1875 Freckleton, reg Fylde, c 5 Dec 1875 Freckleton Holy Trinity, d abt Jun 1965 age 89 reg Fylde as HAW- 1881 Census: Scholar at Freckleton, age 5, b Freckleton, rec as HAY-. 1891 Census: Rope [Twister?] age 15 with parents in Freckleton, b Newton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Corn Miller’s Labourer age 25 boarding at Queen’s Square, Poulton le Fylde, b Freckleton, rec as HAW- . 1911 Census: Married Corn Miller age 34, b Freckleton, living with parents in law at Bain’s Farm, Staining, Poulton le Fylde. One time Miller at Thornton Windmill

k = Rebecca DAGGER [4704] b abt 1874, m abt Dec 1902 Poulton-le-Fylde St Chad reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1950 age 75 reg Blackpool. 1911 Census: age 34 with husband

l Robertb1903 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5987] b 21 Apr 1903 Staining reg Fylde, d Mar 1989 reg Blackpool/F. 1911 Census: age 7 with parents, b Staining

l = Constance Catherine M JONES [5988] b 10 Jun 1904 reg Garstang, m abt Jun 1927 reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1977 reg Blackpool/F

m Jean HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5989] b abt Mar 1931 reg Fylde

m = Alexander GILBERTSON [5990] m abt Mar 1952 reg Fylde

l Henryb1906 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5991] b 1 Apr 1906 Staining reg Fylde, d abt Dec 1978 reg Fleetwood. 1911 Census: age 5 with parents in Staining, b Staining

l = Mary Agnes WEBSTER [5992] b 19 Jul 1910 reg Fylde, m abt Dec 1930 reg Fylde, d May 2003 reg Fleetwood/F

m Maureen HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5993] b abt Sep 1934 reg Fylde

m = James H ROBINSON [5994] m abt Jun 1955 reg Fylde

l Thomas Albert HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4705] b 11 Jul 1907 reg Fylde, d 12 Feb 2001 reg Blackpool. 1911 Census: age 3 with parents, b Staining

l = Clara WOLSTENCROFT b 17 Apr 1904, m abt Mar 1936 reg Fylde, d 18 Aug 1979 reg Fleetwood

m Milton Keith HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 30 Apr 1936 reg Fylde, d abt Jan 2003 reg Fleetwood & Fylde. Unmarried.

m Reginald HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1940 reg Fylde, Unmarried

m Arthur Derek HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Jul 1945 Blackpool, reg Fylde 2004: of Singleton. In 2006, I stayed with Derek and Pam and we drove round the Forest of Bowland together, visiting H farms, and also visiting Lancaster St Mary

m = Margaret Pamela SCHOFIELD m 19 Apr 1969 reg Fylde

n Markb1975 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 22 Jun 1975 reg Blackpool/F

n =(1) Janine McCOURT m 23 Mar 1996 reg Blackpool/F

n =(2) Debbie CUNNINGHAM

o Bradley Mark Derek HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Sep 1999 reg Blackpool

n =(3) Holly Elizabeth DAVIES m 15 Jul 2010

o Jack Thomas HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 21 Nov 2011

l John Richard HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5995] b 27 Nov 1909 Staining reg Fylde, d abt Jun 1983 reg Blackpool/F. 1911 Census: age 1 with parents in Staining, b Staining

l = Lucy ROSSALL [5996] b 1 Jan 1918 Garstang, m(1) abt Dec 1936 reg Fylde, m(2) Brian D REEDER abt Sep 1973 reg Fylde, d Oct 1985 reg Blackpool/F

m Marion HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5997] b abt Mar 1937 reg Fylde

m = Charles ADKINSON [5999] m abt Sep 1958 reg Fylde

m James E HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6000] b abt Mar 1960 reg Blackpool

m = Anne STEWART [6003] m Jun 1990 reg Bolton. No issue

l Jane Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5581] b 19 Mar 1912 Marsh Mill, Thornton, reg Fylde

l = Thomas SMITH b 1911, m 19 Mar 1933 reg Fylde, d Jul 1988

m Thomas Wallace SMITH b 18 Apr 1938

m Malcolm SMITH b 6 May 1945

m = Caroline Elizabeth BOND m 1969

k John James HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4699] b abt Jun 1877 Freckleton, reg Fylde, c 23 Sep 1877 Freckleton Holy Trinity, m not found, d abt Mar 1914 age 36 reg Preston as HAW- 1881 Census: Scholar at Freckleton, age 3, b Freckleton. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 13 with parents in Freckleton, b Newton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Bricklayer Labourer with widowed mother Ann in School Lane, Freckleton, age 23, b Freckleton, rec as HAW-. 1911 Census: Unmarried General Labourer for Bricksetter age 33 b Freckleton, with widowed mother in Freckleton

k Williamb1879 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4700] b abt Jun 1879 Freckleton, reg Fylde, c 13 Jul 1879 Freckleton Holy Trinity, d 7 Apr Jun 1964 age 84 reg Blackpool as HAW-, bur Warton Church (MI in church yard) 1881 Census: age 1, rec as HAY-. 1891 Census: Cotton Weaver age 11 with parents in Freckleton, b Freckleton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Carter on Farm at Freckleton, age 21, b Freckleton, rec as HAW-.

k = Margaret HAYTHORNWHITE [nee THRELFALL] [4149] b abt 1884, m abt Sep 1919 Warton St Paul reg Fylde, d 2 Jul 1954 age 70 reg Fylde, bur Warton Church (MI in church yard, together with son by a first marriage, Thos. Wm. HAYTHORNWHITE, d 1 Nov 1968 age 60. Margaret THRELFALL m(1) Thos. HAYTHORNWHITE b abt Mar 1885 reg Blackburn, m abt Jun 1906 Warton St Paul reg Fylde and d abt Jun 1913 age 28 reg Fylde. This Thomas is now identified as [5585]

l Robert C HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6784] b abt Sep 1920 reg Fylde, d abt Jun 1928 age 7 reg Fylde

k Richardb1880 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4701] b Dec 1880 Freckleton, reg Fylde, c 16 Jan 1881 Freckleton Holy Trinity, m abt Jun 1907 reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1946 age 65 reg Preston. 1881 Census: age 4m at Freckleton, rec as HAY-. 1891 Census: Scholar age 10 with parents in Freckleton, b Freckleton. 1901 Census: Unmarried Cattleman living with widowed mother Ann in School Lane, Freckleton, age 20, b Freckleton, rec as HAW-. 1911 Census: Married Farm Labourer age 29 in Bryning, b Freckleton

k = Margaret Agnes CATTERALL [4713] b abt 1886 Bryning, m abt Jun 1907 Warton St Paul reg Fylde, d 31 Jul 1939 age 53 reg Amounderness, bur Inskip Baptist Chapel. 1911 Census: Married 4 yrs age 24, with husband in Bryning, b Woodplumpton

l Ethel HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5153] b abt Sep 1907 reg Fylde. 1911 Census: age 3 with parents

m Roma HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5586] b abt Dec 1926 reg Bury

m = William Allan HARLING m abt Jun 1946 Hoole St Michael reg Amounderness

m Beatrice Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6275] b abt Nov 1929

m = Waldemar Alojzy KALUSOK [6276] m abt Jun 1949 Preston RO

m James S HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6276] b abt Dec 1930 reg Amounderness

l = Arthur RAVENSCROFT m abt Mar 1933 reg Barton upon Irwell. Lived in Manchester

l Thomasb1909 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5150] b 9 Oct 1909 reg Fylde, d abt Jun 1972 reg Preston. 1911 Census: age 1 with parents

l = Ann SLINGER [5157] b abt Dec 1912 Hoole St Michael reg Ormskirk, m abt Sep 1934 reg Preston, d abt Dec 1955 reg Preston

m Thomasb1938 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5158] b abt Jun 1938 reg Preston

m = Mavis ROSKELL [5159] b 12 May 1942 reg Amounderness, m abt Mar 1961 Hoole St Michael reg Amounderness, d abt Jun 1999 reg Preston

n Trevor Thomas HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5160] b 17 Dec 1961 reg Amounderness, d Nov 1991 reg Preston/SR

n = Caroline Alison RAINEY [5161] m abt Jul 1987 Preston English Martyrs reg Preston/SR

o Jessica Grace HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Apr 1992 reg Preston/SR

n Stephen J HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1963 reg Amounderness

n = Diane TAYLOR m abt Oct 1988 reg Preston/SR

o Jack Daniel HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jul 1991 reg Preston/SR

o Zoe May HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Oct 1993 reg Preston/SR

m Robertb1941 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5167] b abt Jun 1941 reg Preston

m = Susan BRITTON [5168] m abt Dec 1972 Hoole St Michael reg Amounderness

n Mark Thomas HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1973 reg Preston. Unmarried?

n Nicola Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1975 reg Preston/SR

m Stephen R HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1947 reg Preston, d abt Sep 1947 age 0 reg Preston

l Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1911 reg Fylde (dr of CATTERALL)

l =(1) William HODSON [5172] m abt Mar 1950 reg Ormskirk

l =(2) Anon SLATER

l Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 17 Mar 1913 Leyland reg Chorley, d 10 Feb 2002 Preston. Lived at Osbaldeston House, Walton le Dale, then Much Hoole.

l = Henry MARTINDALE b 4 May 1904 Manor House Farm, Much Hoole, reg Preston, m 19 Jun 1943 Hoole Methodist Chapel, reg Amounderness, d Oct 1995 reg Preston/SR

m Anne Margaret MARTINDALE b 23 Dec 1943. Mother to Janice Lesley WEBSTER (nee WHALLEY), a helpful correspondent

l Johnb1915 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5148] b abt Sep 1915 reg Chorley, d not found

l = Susannah MARTINDALE [5156] b 4 Nov 1912, m abt Dec 1942 Hoole Methodist Church, reg Amounderness, d Feb 1992 reg Chorley

m Jean HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5183] b abt Sep 1944 reg Southport

m = Frank Leigh WALMSLEY [5184] m abt Mar 1967 Heskin Methodist Church, reg Chorley

m Eric HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 15 Sep 1947 reg Southport, d abt Sep 1966 age 18 Bridlington, reg Buckrose, drowned in the sea

l Robertb1917 C HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1917 reg Chorley, d abt Sep 1917 age 0 reg Chorley, bur Leyland Churchyard

l Richardb1922 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5149] b 9 Oct 1922 reg Preston, d abt Jun 1980 reg Lancaster

l = Margaret BLACKBURN [5156] m abt Sep 1944 Hoole St Michael reg Amounderness

m Carol Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5175] b abt Mar 1945 reg Preston

m =(1) Michael KILSHAW [5176] m abt Mar 1963 Preston

m Barbara HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3556] b abt Dec 1949 reg Amounderness

m =(2) Robert Chalmers BAILLIE [7566] m abt Dec 1982 Lancaster RO

m = Anthony Charles EASTHAM [5178] m abt Mar 1968 Hoole St Michael reg Amounderness

[m Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1963 reg Amounderness? Unmarried?]

l Margaret May HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5152] b abt Jun 1926 reg Preston

l = Clarence Arthur WALKER [5180] m abt Dec 1944 Hoole St Michael reg Amounderness

k Henry Arthur HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1883 reg Fylde, c 14 Nov 1883 Freckleton Holy Trinity [OLPC say William Arthur], d abt Dec 1884 age 1 reg Fylde, bur 26 Dec 1884 age 1yr 9m Freckleton Holy Trinity

k Mary Elizabeth HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4702] b abt Mar 1886 Freckleton, reg Fylde, c 21 Oct 1886 Freckleton Holy Trinity. 1891 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents in Freckleton, b Freckleton, rec as Margaret Elizabeth. 1901 Census: Apprentice Dressmaker with mother in School Lane, Freckleton age 15 b Freckleton. 1911 Census: Tailoress m 2 yrs age 25, b Freckleton, living in Kirkham

l Arthur HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5589] b 25 Oct 1904 reg Fylde, c 4 Dec 1904, d abt Jul 1995 reg Blackpool/F. 1911 Census: Scholar age 6, b Freckleton, living with widowed grandmother, Freckleton

l = Margaret WRIGHT [5590] b 6 Jul 1903 reg Fylde, m 15 Nov 1924 reg Fylde, d Jul 1995 reg Blackpool/F

m Georgeb1925 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5591] b abt Jun 1925 reg Fylde

m = Eunice M PORTER m abt Sep 1948

n Anne HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5594] b abt Sep 1948 reg Fylde

[n = John T SHAW [5597] m abt Dec 1985 reg Cheltenham. This marriage is now known to be to Anne HAW-, dr of Richard HAW- of Bradford]

n Ruth HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5595] b abt Sep 1951 reg Fylde

n = John A GORDON m abt Sep 1975 reg Blackpool/F

n Markb1966 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1966 reg Fylde. Unmarried? 2009: Painter & Decorator in Lytham

m Frederick J HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1928 reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1929 age 0 reg Fylde

k = George PORTER [4714] m 29 May 1909 Freckleton Holy Trinity reg Fylde

k Robertb1889 Henry HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4703] b abt Jun 1889 Freckleton, reg Fylde, c 28 Jul 1889 Freckleton Holy Trinity, d 31 Oct 1951 age 62 reg Fylde as Robert H HAW- 1891 Census: age 1 with parents in Freckleton, b Freckleton. 1901 Census: at Freckleton age 11, b Freckleton. 1911 Census: Unmarried General Labourer for Brick Setter age 21, b Freckleton, living with widowed mother in Freckleton

k = Gertrude CARTMELL b abt Sep 1898 reg Preston, m 21 May 1919 reg Fylde, d abt Mar 1936 age 37 reg Fylde

l John James HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 3 Mar 1920 reg Fylde d abt Sep 1997 reg Blackpool/F

l = Edna TRACEY m abt Sep 1941 reg Fylde

m Pamela HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1941 reg Fylde, d abt Sep 1942 age 0 reg Fylde

l Susannah E HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1922 reg Fylde

l = James A McEVOY m abt Dec 1950 reg Fylde

l Mary E HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1924 reg Fylde

l = Richard TOWNSEND m abt Jun 1944 reg Fylde

l Richardb1927 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1927 reg Fylde

l = Marjorie EAVES nee WHITESIDE [4800] b abt Jun 1922 Fleetwood, m(1) abt Jun 1942 Lytham St John to James EAVES, m(2) abt Sep 1953 reg Fylde

m Janet HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7553] b abt Dec 1954 reg Fylde

m = Robert WHEATLEY [7555] m abt Sep 1974 reg Blackpool & Fylde

n Richard Damian WHEATLEY

n Cassandra WHEATLEY

Seventh Child of James and Mary

j Jane Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [4801] b abt Sep 1855 Freckleton, reg Fylde 1861 Census: Scholar age 5 at Clitheroes, b Freckleton. 1871 Census: At Home, age 15, with elder brother John in School Lane, Freckleton, b Freckleton, widowed mother not present. 1881 Census: Wife of Professor of Music, age 25, boarding at 26 Warton Street, Lytham, b Freckleton. 1891 Census: Wife of Professor of Music at 33 Warton Street, Lytham. 1901 Census: Wife of professor of Music at 45 Cleveland Road, Lytham

j = William Frederick HOLDEN [4713] b abt 1857 Blackburn, m 30 Jan 1877 Freckleton Holy Trinity, Book-keeper Bachelor of Audley Street, Blackburn, reg Fylde. 1881 Census: Married Professor of Music, age 24, b Blackburn

Last Four Children of Thomas and Martha

i Johnb1786 HATHORNTHWAITE [4803] b 1786, c 24 Dec 1786 Garstang St Helen, d 12 Jan 1850 Cabus Nook, reg Garstang as HAT- . Will written 12 Oct 1843 gives his residence as Cabus and bequeaths his farm at “Carnforth, Lancs”., (but does not mention Cabus Nook Farm) to his three unmarried sisters. Presumed unmarried, or a widower with no issue in 1850. But what was he doing up in Carnforth? Is Carnforth just a clerical error for Cabus? [Note that Carnforth is very close to Kellet, where several Hs died in the mid 1700s, including Robert d1754, late of Kirk House in Over Kellet, Thomas d1729 of Kirkhouse, parish of Bolton le Sands, and John d 1730 of Bolton le Sands.] 1841 Census: age 50 at Cabus Nook Farm with siblings.

i Betty HATHORNTHWAITE [4804] b Cabus, c 20 Apr 1788 Garstang St Helen, daur of Thomas & Martha HAT-, d 12 Dec 1863 age 75 [Preston Chronicle] reg Garstang as HAY- 1841 Census: age 50 at Cabus Nook Farm. 1851 Census: One of 3 unmarried sisters, joint farmers of 120 acres at Cabus Nook Farm, Cabus, employing 4 labourers, age 62, b Cabus. 1861 Census: Unmarried age 75 at Cabus Nook Farm, b Cabus

i Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4805] b Cabus, c 14 March 1790 Garstang St Helen, daur of Thomas & Martha, d abt Jun 1859 reg Garstang as HAT- 1841 Census: age 50 at Cabus Nook Farm. 1851 Census: Unmarried at Cabus Nook Farm, age 60, b Cabus

i Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4806] b Cabus, c 8 Jul 1792 Garstang St Helen, daur of Thomas & Martha d end Mar 1871 age 79 reg Garstang as HAT-. 1841 Census: age 45 at Cabus Nook Farm. 1851 Census: “Ann” (enumerator’s error) at Cabus Nook Farm, age 58, b Cabus. 1861 Census: Unmarried at Cabus Nook Farm age 69, b Cabus. 1871 Census: not found

[g Johnb1732 HATHORNWAIT c 10 Sep 1732 Garstang St Helen, s of Robert of Barnacre, no mother given, m or d not found]

Fragment from Brindle

At one time, I believed that this fragment might connect with the Tree of Raymond Frank in Chapter 11. But it now seems that the John from Brindle was not John the father of unusually named Jabez, ancestor of Raymond Frank. The latter died in Blackburn in 1845.

h Johnb1764 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1764, m 26 Sep 1797 Garstang, as John HAW- "of Garstang", bur 10 July 1826 Brindle, age 62 [It is possible that this John is the 6th child of Miles of Claughton, b Claughton, c 17 Jun 1764 Garstang St Helen, no first name given. However, William as eldest son below does not tend to support this]

h = Bella WILSON "Of Garstang", b abt 1770, d Brindle, bur 15 Feb 1819 Brindle, age 48

i Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 29 Oct 1797 Garstang Chapel, daur of John HAW- of Scorton, Husbandman, no mother given, d abt Jan 1801 Brindle, bur 15 Jan 1801 Brindle St James as Alice HAT-, dau of John HAT-

i Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1799, c not found at Brindle [probably in Garstang?], d abt Nov 1817 Brindle, bur 4 Nov 1817 Brindle, age 18

i Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1488] c 12 Apr 1801 Brindle, Lancs., as Alis HEATHORNWIGHT, daur of John & Bella of "Brindle Witt:" [Lancs OPC says dau of Jno HAY-, abode: Brindle Workhouse]

j Bella HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4679] b abt 1824 Brindle, c 27 Jun 1824 Leyland St Andrew as Bellah, dau. of Alice HAT-, Single Woman, bur 5 Aug 1824 Brindle, infant of Brindle. Parents’ names not given

i Molly HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 27 Mar 1803 Brindle, as Molley ATHORNWEGHT

i Williamb1806 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [953] c 19 Jan 1806 Brindle, as William ATHORNWHITE, son of John & Bella of Whittle. [Could this be father of William the Shipwright, see elsewhere in this Chapter? The dates fit well, but not the place of birth]

i Richardb1807 HAYTHORNTHWAITE b 24 Sep 1807, c 18 Oct 1807 Brindle, Lancs, as Richd HAYTHORNTHWIT, son of John & Bella of Brindle It is possible that Richardb1807 died fairly young, as he does not seem to appear in the 1851 Census] [1851 Census: not found, unless he is the mysterious Labourer-Excavator in Bolton, age 40,b Slaidburn, which sounds a bit unlikely.]

[i = Ann RIGBY b abt 1804, m 1 Nov 1830 Preston St John, both (X) of this parish?? d abt Dec 1867 age 63 reg Blackburn]

i Jamesb1809 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [956] c 25 Dec 1809 Brindle, Lancs, son of John & Bella ATHORNTHWAITE of Whittle, d abt Jun 1849 age 39 reg Preston. 1836: Mechanic of Georges Street, Preston. 1841 Census: Married Spindle Maker age 30 in Great George Street, Preston. 1851 Census: not found. 1865: late “Smith”

i = Betty HALL [7131] b at 1816, m 12 Aug 1833 Penwortham St Mary, m(2) John BROWN 27 Nov 1852 Preston St John as Betsy H “age 30” 1841 Census: with husband in Preston. 1851 Census: Widow at 89 Gt George Street, Preston

j Margaret HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6315] c 10 May 1836 Preston St John. 1841 Census: age 5 with parents in Preston

j = Thomas WIGNALL m abt Dec 1857 Preston St John

j Jamesb1840 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7132] b abt Dec 1840 reg Preston, c 10 Jan 1841 Preston St John, s of James, Mechanic of Gt George Street, & Betty, m not found, d abt Dec 1876 age 35 reg Preston as HAYTHORN? 1841 Census: age 6m with parents in Preston. 1851 Census: with widowed mother in Gt George Street, Preston

j Henryb1843 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7174] b abt Nov 1843 reg Preston, c 12 Nov 1843 Preston St John, s of James, Labourer of Gt George Street, & Betsy, d abt Jun 1869 age 25 reg Preston, bur 29 May 1869 Preston St John, age 25, abode Dawson Street

j = Alice PILKINGTON [7197] b abt 1845, m 3 Sep 1865 Preston St John, age 20. Groom’s late Father: Smith

k Jamesb1866 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7250] c 7 Oct 1866 Preston St John, s of Henry, Spinner of Dawson Street, & Alice, bur 11 Jan 1868 Preston St John, age 1, abode Dawson Street

k Jamesb1869 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7249] bur 17 Sep 1869 Preston St john, inft., abode Dawson Street

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7175] b abt 1847 Bolton. 1851 Census: with widowed mother at 89 Gt George Street

j Eleanor HAYTHORNTHWAITE [7176] c 16 Sep 1849 Preston St John, child of John H, Spindle Maker, & Elizabeth, of Great George St., d abt Dec 1869 age 20 reg Preston, as Ellen, abode Dawson Street. 1851 Census: with widowed mother at 89 Gt George Street, Preston

i Elizabethb1813 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [1490] c 24 Oct 1813 Brindle, Lancs, dr of John (Labourer) & Bella of Brindle.

j Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [3268] c 24 Jun 1837 Brindle, daur. of Elizabeth H, single woman of Brindle

j = Joseph HATCH [3691] m 21 Dec 1859 [21 Jan 1860?] Brindle St James, reg Chorley, Weaver of Brindle

i = William HEATLEY b 1819, m 21 Jan 1839 Brindle St James, to "Betty" HAYTHORNTHWAITE(X) Spinster House Servant of Brindle, reg Chorley

The Descendants of Richard of Quarmore

[Peter the Clockmaker

This Peter was a Freeman of the City of Lancaster 1708-9, and was in Kirkby Lonsdale from around 1711 where he maintained the clock in Kirkby Lonsdale church. There is a fine example of one of his long case clocks in the Abbott Hall Museum in Kendal. From his name and age, and the names of his children, it appears he might be a brother or cousin to Richard below, but this is unproven. From a correspondent I learn, but have yet to confirm independently, that he left modern descendants. One of these lived in France and married a Swiss wife who had trouble with the name, and so he shortened it to HAWTHORN

g Peterd1760 HATHORNTHWAITE bur 4 Jun 1760 Kirkby Lonsdale]

Richard of Quarmore

g Richardd1753 HATHORNTHWAITE [7026] [b abt 1690 say], c not found, m of Quarmore, [bur 23 Mar 1753 Lancaster St Mary, of Lancaster?]

g = Margaret TOMLINSON[7060] m 21 Apr 1718/9 Lancaster St Mary, both of Quarmore, d not found

[Note that children below are not in chronological order, for convenience of presentation]

h Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [7044] c 29 Jul 1733 Lancaster St Mary, dr Richd. HATHORNTHWAITE of Quarmore, mother not recorded

h = William FOX m 2 Jun 1753 Lancaster St Mary, both of Quarmore

h Other children missing?

[h Matthew HAWTHORNTHWAITE of Kendal, b abt 1731. Could he fit in here?]

h Peterb1723/4 HATHORNTHWAITE [7023] c 24 Feb 1723/4 Lancaster St Mary, s. Richard HATHORNTHWAITE of Quarmore, bur 8 Mar 1771 Lancaster St Mary, of Lancaster. 1761 Marriage Bond (for Agnes Danson): Candle Box Maker. 1771 Will of Peter of Lancaster, House Carpenter of Spring Garden Street: names wife Margaret and children Richard, Edmond, Peter, Mary & John

h =(1) Sarah DANSON [7025] m 16 Sep 1752 Lancaster St Mary, both of Lancaster, bur 28 Feb 1768 Lancaster St Mary, w. Peter HATHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster

i Johnb1753 HATHORNTHWAITE [7027] c 5 Jul 1753 Lancaster St Mary, s. Peter HATHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster, bur 2 Mar 1768 Lancaster St Mary, s. Peter H of Lancaster. [1768: Freeman of City of Lancaster, Cabinet Maker of Lancr? He sounds to be too young]

i Richardb1755 HATHORNTHWAITE [7028] c 22 Jun 1755 Lancaster St Mary, s Peter HATHORNTHWAITE or HAWTHORNETHWAITE of Lancaster, m 7 Jan 1782 , Gardener of Lancaster, d not found. 1783/4: Freeman of City of Lancaster, Gardiner of Lancr

i = Margaret VAREY m 7 Jan 1782 Lancaster St Mary, Widow of Lancaster (X), d not found

j Sally HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7031] c 22 Dec 1782 Lancaster St Mary, d. Richard & Margt. HATHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster, bur 16 Jul 1784 Lancaster St Mary, d. of Richd. & Margt H of Lancaster? [My original transcription was Mary, but OLPC now says Margt., and this makes better sense]

j Peterb1784 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7032] c 15 Aug 1784 Lancaster St Mary, s. Richd. & Margt. HAWTHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster, m not found, d not found

j Williamb1786 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7288] c 7 Jan 1787 Lancaster St Mary, s Richard & Margt of Lancaster

j Margaretb1788 HATHORNTHWAITE [7033] c 17 Aug 1788 Lancaster St Mary, d. Richard & Margte of Skerton

k Peterb1810 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 3 Jul 1810, c 22 Jul 1810 Lancaster St Mary, mother “Peggy” of Lancaster, no father given

j Betty HATHORNTHWAITE [7035] c 19 Sep 1790 Lancaster St Mary, d. Richard & Margt of Lancaster

k Sarah HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 25 Sep 1810 Lancaster, c 28 Oct 1810, illegte. dr of Betty HAW-

j Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [7036] c 12 Nov 1792 Lowther, Westmorland, dr Richard H and Margaret FARRAY [IGI], bur 30 Oct 1796 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Richard Hathornthwaite of Lancaster

i Williamb1758 HATHORNTHWAITE [7037] c 8 Jan 1758 Lancaster St Mary, s. Peter HATHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster, bur 22 Aug 1766 Lancaster St Mary, s. Peter H of Lancaster

i Edmond HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7038] c 2 Mar 1760 Lancaster St Mary, s. Peter HAWTHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster. [This was a joint ceremony with Thomas s of Thomas of Quarmore. It sounds as if Thomas and Peter, both from Quarmore, were closely related, possibly brothers]

i Margaretb1762 HATHORNTHWAITE [7039] c 11 Apr 1762 Lancaster St Mary, d. Peter HATHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster

i Maryb1764 HATHORNTHWAITE [7041] c 22 Jul 1764 Lancaster St Mary, ditto

i = John PHILIPS m 15 Oct 1786 Lancaster St Mary, Mariner of Lancaster, witness Richard HAT-, presumably Mary’s elder brother

i Peterb1766 HATHORNTHWAITE [7042] c 12 Oct 1766 Lancaster St Mary, s of Peter HATHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster, bur 11 May 1779 Lancaster St Mary, of Lancaster, drowned

h =(2) Margaret BLEAZDALE m 28 Jan 1769 Lancaster St Mary, bur not found. Mentioned in husband Peter’s 1771 Will

Last Known Child of Peter of Lancaster

i Johnb1770 HATHORNTHWAITE [4780] c 7 Jan 1770 Lancaster St Mary, s of Peter HAUTHORNTHWAITE of Lancaster, no mother given, d 1811: “Feltmaker, late of Lancaster”, bur not found [probably in Manchester]

i = Rebecca CARTER [4781] [b abt 1765 Melling?] m 23 Oct 1792 Manchester Cathedral, Spinster, to John HAR-, a Hatter, both of Manchester, d not found, probably d bfr 1837. 1841 Census: not found. 1851 Census: not found

j Peterb1793 HATHORNTHWAITE [7021] c 8 Sep 1793 Manchester Cathedral, s of John HAT-, no mother given, m not found, d 1811, bur not found [Will of 1811/2: Peter of Lancaster, Tobacconist, son of Jno, late of Lancaster, Feltmaker (not seen)]

j Margaret HATHORNTHWAITE [4782] c 18 Jun 1797 Lancaster St Mary, dr of John & Rebecca of Lancaster, bur 23 Oct 1803 Lancaster St Mary, age 6, dr of John of Lancaster

j Elizabethb1799 HATHORNTHWAITE[4783] c 23 Jun 1799 Lancaster St Mary, dr of John & Rebecca of Lancaster

j Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [4784] c 20 Jun 1802 Lancaster St Mary, dr of John & Rebecca of Lancaster, bur 9 Apr 1803 Lancaster St Mary, inft, dr of John of Lancaster

j Mary Ann HATHORNTHWAITE [4785] c 1 Apr 1804 Lancaster St Mary, dr of John & Rebecca of Lancaster

[j = Mark COATS m 15 Apr 1833 Chipping St Bartholomew, Bachelor and Spinster of Chipping?]

j Edwardb1807 HATHORNTHWAITE [2761] b 3 Feb 1807 Lancaster, c 29 Mar 1807 Grimsargh, Preston St John, son of John & Rebecca, d 14 Nov 1878 age 74, a Hatter, in Prestwich Workhouse, Crumpsall, reg Prestwich as HAWTHORNTHWAITE. 1841 Census: Hatter age 30 in Marshall Street, Broughton, Salford, b Lancs., rec as HAWTHORN. 1851 Census: Married Hatter age 44 at 51 Ashley Street, Manchester, b Manchester, name given as Richard, which has caused me much confusion, but it seems it must be him as the children all fit and there is no record for an Edward. 1861 Census: Married Hatter, age 65, in Cheetham, Cathedral District, Manchester, b Lancaster, no children present. [ If this is him, then the age is wrong] 1871 Census: not found

j = Mary ANON b abt 1807 Bury, m 14 Dec 1834 Manchester Cathedral. 1841 Census: age 30 with husband Edward in Broughton, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married Hat Trimmer age 44 with husband (“Richard”), b Bury. 1861 Census: Wife age 54 with husband in Cheetham, b Bury

k Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1828 Manchester. 1841 Census: age 13 with parents (father stated as Edward) in Broughton, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Hat Trimmer age 20+ with parents (father stated as Richard), b Manchester

k Johnb1831 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1831 Wigan, m not found, [d abt Mar 1861 reg Manchester?] 1841 Census: age 10 with parents (father stated as Edward), b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Tobacconist age 19 with parents (father stated as Richard), b Wigan

k Edwardb1834 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [2966] c 14 Dec 1834 Manchester Cathedral, s. of Edward and Mary, rec as HAY-, d 20 Aug 1881, age 45, 120 Joynson Street, Broughton, reg Salford as HAW-. 1841 Census: age 6 with parents, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Tobacconist’s Apprentice age 15 at 51 Ashley Lane, Manchester, b Manchester, son of Richard & Mary. 1861 Census: Married Tobacconist age 24 of Back Redfern Street, Manchester, b Manchester. 1866: Green Grocer. 1871 Census: Married Tobacconist age 36 at 2 Victoria Street, Broughton in Salford, b Manchester. 1881 Census: Edward HAWTHORNTHWAITE, age 45, born Manchester, married, tobacconist, living as lodger at 1 Temple Row, Keighley, Yorks, head of household Wm. JENNINGS.

k = Sarah LAWTON b abt 1836 Manchester, m 27 Apr 1856 Manchester Cathedral, reg Manchester, d not found. 1861 Census: married to Edward the Tobacconist, age 25, b Manchester. 1871 Census: married to Edward the Tobacconist. 1881 Census: Married Furniture Broker at 120 Joynson Street, Broughton, b Manchester.

l Mary Elizabeth HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1857 reg Manchester, c 2 Mar 1857 Manchester Cathedral, daur. of Edward & Sarah, d abt Sep 1858 reg Manchester. 1861 Census: not found

l Sarah Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1860 reg Manchester, c 26 Feb 1860 Manchester Cathedral, daur. of Edward & Sarah. 1861 Census: age 1 at Back Redfern Street, with parents, b Manchester, d abt Jun 1867 age 7 reg Salford. 1881 Census: not with mother in Broughton

l Elizabeth HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1862 reg Manchester 1871 Census: Scholar age 8, b Manchester. 1881 Census: not with mother in Broughton

l William Edward HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4788] b 9 Jun 1866 Broughton, reg Salford, d 18 Aug 1949 age 83 at 8 Croft Street, Heckmondwike reg Spen Valley as Wm E. 1871 Census: Scholar age 5, b Broughton. 1881 Census: Unmarried Lithographic Printer (out of employment) with mother at 120 Joynson Street, Broughton, b Broughton. 1891 Census: not found. 1901 Census: Married Wire Drawer Iron age 34 at 32 Thorntonville, Liversedge, Spen Valley, b Broughton, rec as Wm E HAWTHORN. 1911 Census: Married Thick Wire Drawer age 44 at 4 Cross Crown Street, Cleckheaton, b Lower Broughton

l = Clara SHAKESPEARE [4911] b abt 1869, m 25 Dec 1891 reg Salford, d 18 Jan 1953 age 84 Heckmondwike, reg Spen Valley. 1901 Census: Married age 32 with husband in Liversedge, b Broughton. 1911 Census: Married 20 yrs, age 42, with husband in Cleckheaton, b Lower Broughton

m Ada HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5969] b abt Sep 1893 reg Salford. 1901 Census: age 7 with parents, b Broughton, rec as HAWTHORN

m = Sydney SMITH [5970] m abt Mar 1918 reg Dewsbury

m Edwardb1896 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5971] b 27 Mar 1896 Broughton, Salford, d 23 Apr 1896 age 0 Heage, Ambergate reg Belper

m Richardb1897 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5972] b 11 Mar 1897 Ambergate reg Belper, d 29 Aug 1969 reg Spen Valley. 1901 Census: age 4 with parents in Liversedge, b Ambergate, Derbyshire, rec as HAWTHORN. 1911 Census: age 14 with parents in Cleckheaton, b Manchester (sic)

m = Sarah LONGWORTH [5972] b 2 Apr 1906 Darwen, m 6 Jun 1927 reg Dewsbury, d 14 Oct 1972 reg Spen Valley

n Anne HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5973] b 23 Aug 1929 Heckmondwike reg Dewsbury

n = John Timothy SHAW [5974] m 30 Nov 1985 Boddington, Gloucestershire, reg Cheltenham

n Johnb1937 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5975] b 17 Aug 1937 Heckmondwike reg Dewsbury. 1981: Major in Intelligence Corp. Later, National Chairman of Royal British Legion. A helpful correspondent

n = Mary Josephine BURCH [5976] m 7 Sep 1968 Singapore

o Jane Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5977] b abt Mar 1970 reg Amersham

o =(1) Philip C BERRECLOTH [5978] m Apr 1994 reg Swindon

o =(2) Hedley John MYERS [7542] m 15 Jun 2008 Las Vegas, Little White Wedding Chapel

p Sebastian John Hawthornthwaite MYERS [7543] b 15 Sep 2008 Swindon

o Richard John HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5979] b abt Dec 1971 reg Cheltenham

m Clara HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5980] b abt Sep 1899 Ambergate reg Belper. 1901 Census: age 1 with parents in Liversedge, b Ambergate, Derbyshire, rec as HAWTHORN. 1911 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents in Cleckheaton, b Ambergate

m = Harold HIRST [5981] m abt Mar 1927 reg Dewsbury

m Jamesb1902 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 14 May 1902 Liversedge reg Dewsbury, d abt Mar 1903 age 0 Liversedge, reg Dewsbury

m William Edward HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Jul 1904 Liversedge, reg Dewsbury, d 27 Jan 1905 age 0 Liversedge reg Dewsbury

m Minnie HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5982] b 4 Feb 1906 reg Dewsbury, d Nov 1992 reg Dewsbury, unmarried. 1911 Census: Scholar age 5 with parents in Cleckheaton, b Cleckheaton

m Frank HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5983] b 3 May 1910 Cleckheaton reg North Bierley, d 16 Aug 1912 Heckmondwyke reg Dewsbury (fractured skull after falling off a kitchen stool). 1911 Census: age 2 with parents in Cleckheaton, b Cleckheaton

m Lilian HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1913 reg Dewsbury

m = Frederick OATES m abt Mar 1944 reg Spen Valley Informant on William Edward’s Death Cert was L Oates, daughter

l Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4789] b abt Sep 1868 reg Salford. 1871 Census: age 2, b Broughton. 1881 Census: Scholar age 13 with mother in Broughton, b Broughton

l = James LEE [4790] m abt Sep 1892 Salford Ascension

l Frank HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4908] b abt Jun 1872 Broughton, reg Salford, d abt Sep 1900 age 28 reg Barton on Irwell. 1881 Census: Scholar age 9 with mother in Broughton, b Broughton

l = Mary Emma STANFIELD [4917] b abt 1871 Manchester, m abt Dec 1894 reg Hayfield, m(2) abt Mar 1914 Manchester to Herbert Bernard JACQUIER [6137]. 1901 Census: Widowed House Keeper age 30, with widowed father in Stretford, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Widowed Charwoman age 39, b Manchester

m Frank HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6138] b 25 May 1896 Warrington, d abt Mar 1978 reg Manchester. 1901 Census: grandson of Charles STANFIELD, age 10, living with widowed mother, b Manchester. 1911 Census: Iron Foundry Driller age 14

m =(1) May HEWITT [6215] m abt Jun 1920 Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Longsight reg Chorlton, d abt Dec 1920 age 24 reg Manchester. No issue

m =(2) Edith POLLITT [6216] b 10 Aug 1898 Manchester, m abt Sep 1923 reg Chorlton, d abt Jun 1982 reg Manchester

n Brenda HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6217] b abt Jun 1925 reg Manchester N

n = Kenneth WOOD [6219] m abt Jun 1947 reg Manchester

n Audrey HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6218] b abt Mar 1927 Manchester N

n = Harry TROY [6220] m abt Sep 1949 Manchester

m Mary Emma HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6139] b abt 1898 Manchester. 1901 Census: age 3 with widowed mother, b Manchester

m = George W RIDYARD m abt Jun 1924 Oldham St Wesleyan Church, Manchester

m Charles HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6212] b abt 1903 Manchester, d abt Mar 1937 Manchester N

m = Elsie FISHER [6213] m abt Sep 1936 Manchester S, m(2) Albert E HALL [6214] abt Jun 1942 Manchester

l Clara HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4909] b abt Jun 1873 Broughton, reg Salford. 1881 Census: Scholar age 8 with mother in Broughton, b Broughton

l = Anon ANON [4910] m abt Mar 1891 reg Salford

k Hannah HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1839, reg not found. 1841 Census: age 2 with parents in Broughton, b Lancs. 1851 Census: not with parents

k Elizabethb1841 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1841 reg Manchester. 1851 Census: Scholar age 9 with parents, b Manchester. 1861 Census: Married age 19, b Manchester, living with parents in Cheetham

k = William HUGHES m abt Mar 1860 Manchester Cathedral reg Manchester as HAY-. 1861 Census: Married Tobacconist age 28 living with parents in law, b [Ireland?]

j Johnb1809 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [2762] c 19 Nov 1809 Manchester Cathedral, son of John, Hatter and Rebecca, [d abt Mar 1879 age 74 reg Chorlton?] 1841 Census: Joiner age 30 in Richard St, Rochdale, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married Joiner age 39 in Cross St, Wardleworth, Rochdale, b Manchester 1861 Census: Married Joiner & Cabinet Maker age 53 of 1 Dussetts Court, Manchester, b Manchester, rec as HAW-. 1871 Census: Joiner of Newhey, Butterworth, Rochdale. 1881 Census: not found.

j = Elizabethb1797 ANON [3936] b abt 1797 Lancaster, m not found, [d abt Mar 1885 age 89 reg Malton?]. 1861 Census: Married Stay Maker age 64 at 1 Dussetts Court, Manchester, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: not found

k Williamb1830 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7630] b abt 1830 Leeds. 1841 Census: Cotton Spinner age 15, with parents, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver, age 21, with parents, b Leeds

k Rebecca HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7631] b abt 1838 Manchester. 1841 Census: age 4, with parents, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Cotton Weaver, age 13, with parents, b Manchester

j Jamesb1811 HATHORNTHWAITE [7539] b abt Dec 1811, bur 24 Jan 1813 Manchester Cathedral, s of John HATHAMTHWAITE and Rebecca, age 13 mths, abode: Millers Street, Manchester

j Isaac HATHORNTHWAITE c 24 Jul 1814 Manchester Cathedral, s of John & Rebecca, Hatter of Manchester

The Tree of Sibyl of Newcastle

Sibyl told me of her grandfather John James born to her great grandmother Alice who later married Mr CAMM. This tree traces back to Scorton, nr Garstang, but so far I have been unable to connect it up to other trees in this volume. The baptism of Johnb1789 below has not been found. But there was only one known H family in Scorton baptising and burying children at Garstang St Helen around 1790, and that was headed by a William, whose forbears are uncertain, and who is not yet included elsewhere in this volume

[h William HATHORNTHWAITE of Scorton/Wyersdale?]

i Johnb1789 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4811] b abt 1789 Scorton, Lancs, c not found, [d abt Jun 1867 age 78 reg Preston as HAW-, bur 23 Apr 1867 Preston St John, age 78, abode Hopwood Street?]. 1851 Census: Pensioner age 60 at 2 Blue Bell Yard, Preston, b Scorton, married to Norah (originally transcribed as Sarah). 1861 Census: Widowed Labourer age 70 at Blue Bell Yard, b Scorton, rec as John Hawthorn THAVATE

i = Honora [Nora] McMAHON [4827] b abt 1801 Ireland, m not found (in Scotland?), d abt Dec 1858 age 54 reg Preston, bur 12 Dec 1858 Preston St John, age 54, abode Blue Bell Yard as Nora. 1851 Census: Married age 50 at 2 Blue Bell Yard, Preston, b Ireland. [d abt Dec 1850 age 37 reg Preston as Mary, now not thought to apply]

[j Anne HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 30 Aug 1824 Preston St John, dr of John, Weaver of North Road, & Ann, bur 3 Apr 1830 Garstang St Helen, dau of John HAYTHORNTHWAITE , age 5, abode Preston?]

j Elizabethb1827 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4813] b abt 1827 Scotland, d abt Jun 1869 age 41 reg Preston. 1851 Census: Married Handloom Weaver, Elizabeth JACOMBS, age 24 at 2 Blue Bell Yard, Preston, b Scotland, no husband present.

j = Walter JACOMBS m abt Sep 1849 Preston St John reg Preston

j Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4815] b abt 1830 Scotland. 1851 Census: Unmarried Hand Loom Weaver age 20 at 2 Blue Bell Yard, Preston, b Scotland. 1861 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 30, with widowed father and husband in Blue Bell Yard, b Scotland

j = Henry BLACKBURN m abt Jun 1851 Preston St John, reg Preston

j Jamesb1835 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6863] c 3 May 1835 Preston St John, s of John H, Labourer, & Honora of Blue Bell Yard, d 14 Jul 1838 [IGI], age 3, reg Preston

j Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6349] b abt Sep 1837 reg Preston, mmn McMAHON, d abt Mar 1839 age 1 reg Preston

j Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4816] b abt 1840 Preston, reg not found, c 8 Mar 1840 Preston St John, daur of John & Honor, Labourer of Church Street, Preston [OLPC], 1851 Census: At Home age 11 at 2 Blue Bell Yard, Preston, b Preston. 1861 Census: Married Weaver age 21 with husband at 38 Alfred Street, Preston

j = Thomas Smith MEREDITH [7185] m abt Dec 1858 reg Preston

j Isabella HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6347] b abt Sep 1843 reg Preston as Bella, mmn McMAHON, c 20 Aug 1843 Preston St John as Isabella, dau of John & Anna [assumed misrecording of Honor] of Blue Bell Yard, d 14 Dec 1847 age 4 reg Preston as Isabella

j Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3949] b abt Mar 1846 reg Preston, mmn McMAHON, c 12 Apr 1846 Preston St John, daur of John & “Mary” (appears to be an error) of Church Street. 1851 Census: At Home, age 5, at 2 Blue Bell Yard, Preston, b Preston, with father John and his wife Norah. 1861 Census: Cotton Weaver age 15 with widowed father in Blue Bell Yard, b Preston. 1871 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 28 with husband Henry ATKINSON, Police Constable, at 30 Lady Street, Preston. Also in the household was lodger sister Isabella H, age 23, unmarried Cotton Weaver, b Preston. 1881 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 34 at 1 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 50 at 1 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Married age 58 at 1 Segeant Street, Preston, husband not present

k John James HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3947] b abt Sep 1864 reg Preston, c 23 Sep 1864 Preston St John, no father given, abode: Hopwood Street, d abt Jun 1948 age 83 reg Amounderness. 1871 Census: age 6 with mother Alice ATKINSON and her husband Henry at 30 Lady Street, Preston. 1881 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver age 16 at 1 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 26 with mother in Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 31 at 4 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston.

k = Mary Dawson BILSBOROUGH [3948] b abt Mar 1862 reg Preston, m abt Mar 1890 Preston St Mary reg Preston, d abt Sep 1940 age 78 reg Amounderness. 1891 Census: Married Cotton Weaver age 29 with husband in Preston, b Preston. 1901 Census: Married, age 30, at 4 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston.

l John William HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4818] b 9 May 1890 reg Preston, d abt Mar 1972 reg Northumberland C. 1901 Census: age 10 at 4 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston

l = Annie TURNER [4820] [b 20 Jul 1886?], m abt Mar 1914 Orchard Chapel, Liverpool Street, Preston reg Preston, [d abt Jun 1970 reg Northumberland?]

m Doris HAYTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1915 reg Preston, m not found, d not found

l Henryb1891 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3259] b abt Dec 1891 reg Preston, [d abt Jun 1961 age 69 reg Ealing?]. 1901 Census: age 9 at 4 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston.

l = Nellie ADDISON [3944] b 9 Nov 1894 reg Preston, m abt Sep 1921 Preston St Saviour w St James reg Preston, d abt Dec 1984 reg Bournemouth

m Vera (“Diana”) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4820] b abt Sep 1922 reg Preston 2001: of Kidlington

[m = Jack ROUSSEL m abt Sep 1947 reg Brentford?]

m Henryb1926 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4822] b abt Mar 1926 reg Preston, m not found.

m Frank HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4821] b abt Mar 1927 reg Preston. Changed name to HAYES. 2001: of Merseyside

l Mary HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3625] b abt Dec 1893 reg Trinity, Preston, mother’s maiden name BILSBOROUGH, d abt Jun 1894 age 0 Trinity, Preston

l Jamesb1895 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3946] b 2 Aug 1895 reg Preston, d abt Sep 1980 age 85 reg Ulverston. 1901 Census: age 5 at 4 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston. [1911 Census: Unmarried Farm Labourer age 16 at Black Bank, Clapham, farm of Robert H (no relation). Might equally be [3607]] 1963-1971: Honorary Administrator at Rusland Hall, near Ulverston

l = Lucy Vernon ELLIS [3040] b 28 Oct 1884 reg Barton upon Irwell, m abt Sep 1919 reg Barton upon Irwell, d abt Dec 1970 reg Ulverston

m Joyce M HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3687] b abt Sep 1920 reg Fylde

m = Robert F E MUMFORD [3688] m abt Mar 1943 reg Lewisham

m Henry Ivan HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3043] b abt Sep 1922 reg Liverpool, d 1993 age 70 [direct communication, no reg found]

m = Dorothy CUTHBERT [3045] b 30 Jan 1925, m abt Sep 1950 reg Sunderland, d abt Oct 2003 reg York. No issue?

m Marjorie Sibyl V (“Sibyl”) HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3044] b abt Sep 1926 reg Liverpool 2001: of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

[m = Colin HAMPSON [3689] m abt Dec 1976 reg Huddersfield?]

l Alice HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4824] b abt Jun 1897 reg Preston, d abt Sep 1902 age 5 reg Preston. 1901 Census: age 3 at 4 Sergeant Street, Preston, b Preston

l Isabella HAYTHORNTHWAITE [6376] b abt Sep 1898 Trinity, Preston, d abt Jun 1900 age 1 reg Preston

l Edwardb1901 HAYTHORNTHWAITE [3781] b 23 Oct 1901 reg Preston, d Jan 1985 reg Ealing. Unmarried?

j =(1) Henry ATKINSON b abt 1841 Liverpool, [ m abt Jun 1868 reg Preston to “Alice WHITE” or m abt Jun 1868 reg W Derby to Anon ANON missing from index?], d abt Mar 1874 age 33 reg Preston. 1871 Census: Married Police Constable age 30 at 30 Lady Street, Preston, b Liverpool

j =(2?) Edward CAMM [4817] b abt 1841 Liverpool, m abt Dec 1874 reg Preston. 1881 Census: not with wife at 1 Sergeant Street, Preston. 1901 Census: not with wife at 1 Sergeant Street, Preston

k Edward CAMM b abt 1876 Preston. 1881 Census: Scholar age 5 with mother Alice CAMM in Preston, b Preston

k William J CAMM b abt 1879 Preston. 1881 Census: age 2 with mother in Preston, b Preston

j Isabella HAYTHORNTHWAITE [4825] b abt Jun 1848 reg Preston, c 18 Jun 1848 Preston St John, daur of John, Laborer of Blue Bell Yard, & Mary. 1851 Census: At Home at 2 Blue Bell Yard, Preston, age 2, b Preston. 1861 Census: Scholar age 13 with widowed father at Blue Bell Yard, b Preston. 1871 Census: Unmarried Cotton Weaver, age 23, lodging with the ATKINSON family at 30 Lady Street, Preston

j = Richard Thomas BATESON [4826] m abt Dec 1873 reg Preston

The Descendants of Matthew of Kendal

The Forbears of Matthew below are currently unknown.

This branch seems to have been fairly (but not wholly) consistent in its usage of the name variant HAWTHORNTHWAITE

g Matthew HAWTHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1731?], c not found on IGI, c not in Kendal, bur 17 Feb 1801, Kendal All Hallows, Fellside

g = Isabell ROOKING c Oct 1728 Kendal, daur of William & Jennet ROOKING, m 8 Feb 1755 Kendal,

h Jennet HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 28 Dec 1755 Kendal French Lane

h = Thomas WOOF m 25 Oct 1791 Kendal, to “Jane”

h Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 9 Jan 1757 Kendal French Lane

h = Daniel O’NEAL m 6 Jan 1790 Kendal

h Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 6 Aug 1758 Kendal Captain French Lane, bur 18 Nov 1759 Captain French Lane, Kendal as HERTHINTHWAITE

h Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 5 Feb 1764 Kendal Fellside, d not found

h = John COOPER m 23 Nov 1788 Kendal

h Elizabeth HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 10 Jul 1766 Kendal Fellside

h = John BENNET m 9 Nov 1791 Kendal

h Edwardb1769 HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 11 Jun 1769 Kendal, s of Mathew & Isabell, bur 15 Jul 1823 Kendal

h = Mary FENTON m 14 May 1791 Kendal, [d abt Mar 1838 reg Kendal?] On 3 Oct 1802 in Kendal, Edward and Mary appear to have had a mass baptism of their four children, one of whom was already 11. It is not clear why. Perhaps they had undergone a religious conversion of some sort.

i Robertb1791 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Oct 1791, c 3 Oct 1802 Kendal, d abt Dec 1871 age 80 reg Kendal as HAY-. 1851 Census: Married Linsey Weaver age 57 at Fell Side, Kendal, b Kendal. 1861 Census: Married Linsey Weaver age 68 in Kendal, b Kendal, rec as HAWTHORN. 1871 Census: not found.

i = Emma ANON b abt 1796 Kendal, m not found, d abt Mar 1871 age 76 reg Kendal as HAW-. 1851 Census: Married age 55 with husband in Kendal, b Kendal. 1861 Census: Married Linen Winder age 66 with husband in Kendal, b Kendal

[j Mary Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1847 Kendal, reg not found, m not found, d not found. 1851 Census: Lodger (sic) age 4 with Robert & Emma at Fell Side, Kendal, b Kendal.]

i Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 23 Mar 1798, c 3 Oct 1802 Kendal

i = Robert TAYLOR m 17 Sep 1821 Kendal

i Isabella HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 3 Sep 1800, c 3 Oct 1802 Kendal as Bella,

i = William SHACKLEY m 28 Aug 1824 Kendal to William SHACKLEY as Isabella

i Matthew HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 30 Sep 1802, c 3 Oct 1802 Kendal, bur 25 Oct 1848 Lockwood, Huddersfield. Weaver

i =(1) Mary KENNEDY m 16 Dec 1822 Kendal Holy Trinity, d abt Mar 1838 reg Kendal

j Edwardb1824 HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 23 Feb 1824 Kendal Fellside, m not found, d not found

j Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 26 Nov 1826 Kendal Fellside, dr of Matthew & Mary. 1851 Census: not with siblings in Almondbury

j Robertb1829 HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 11 Mar 1829 Kendal Fellside, s of Matthew & Mary, bur 26 Nov 1837 Kendal [Nether Graveship?]

j Williamb1830 HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 10 Dec 1830 Kendal Fellside, s of Matthew & Mary, d abt Mar 1899 age 68 reg Huddersfield, bur 10 Jan 1899 Emmanuel Church, Lockwood. 1851 Census: Unmarried Fancy Vest Weaver age 20, Head of Household at 1345 Taylor Hill, Almondbury, b Kendal. 1861 Census: Widowed Wool Hand Loom Weaver in Whiteley’s Fold, Almondbury, age 30, b Kendal. 1871 Census: Married Power Loom Weaver age 40 at 521 Taylor Hill, Almondbury, b Kendal. 1881 Census: Married Woollen Power Loom Tuner(?) age 52 in Taylor Hill, Almondbury, b Kendal. 1891 Census: Married Woollen Weaver age 60 in Stoney Lane, Almondbury, b Kendal.

j =(1) Mary HAIGH m 2 Nov 1851 Almondbury Parish Church reg Huddersfield, d 1855-1861, not found

k Matthew HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4857] b 25 Sep 1853 Almondbury reg not found, d 10 Aug 1934 age 81 Lockwood reg Huddersfield. 1861 Census: Scholar age 8 with widowed father in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1871 Census: Unmarried Cabinet Maker age 18 with parents in Almondbury, b Newsine(?), Yorks. 1881 Census: not found. 1891 Census: Married Cabinet Maker age 38 in Stoney Lane, Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1901 Census: Married Cabinet Maker age 48 at 80 Salford(?), Almondbury, b Luckwood, Yorks. 1911 Census: Married Cabinet Maker age 58 at 14 Bland Street, Lockwood, Huddersfield, b Newsome

k =(1) Ethiana Bilsbrough RICHARDSON [4858] b abt 1857 Selby, m 28 Apr 1877 Huddersfield Holy Trinity, d abt Jun 1900 age 43 reg Huddersfield. 1891 Census: Married age 34 with husband in Almondbury, b Selby. 1911 Census: with husband in Huddersfield

l Thomas William HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4860] b 26 Sep 1877 Lockwood reg Huddersfield, d 30 Sep 1925 Harrogate. 1901 Census: Unmarried Compositor Print age 23 with parents in Almondbury, b Huddersfield. 1911 Census: Married Compositor age 33 at 14 Woodside Road, Lockwood, Huddersfield, b Close Hill

l = Hannah ASKEY b abt Jun 1880 Newsome reg Huddersfield, m 31 Mar 1902 Lockwood reg Huddersfield, d abt Mar 1961 age 80 reg Claro

m Cyril HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6072] b 18 Jun 1903 Lockwood reg Huddersfield, d 12 Apr 1976 Ripon. 1911 Census: age 7 with parents, b Lockwood. Occupation: Electrical Power Engineer

m = Eda YOWARD [6073] b 8 Oct 1898 Hunslet, m 27 Jul 1929 Wrangthorn St Augustin reg Leeds, d abt May 1997 reg Claro

n Thomas William HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6074] b abt Jun 1931 reg Knaresborough. Of Malvern

n = Eileen Dorothea ALLEZ [6075] m abt Jun 1957 reg Worcester

o Julian Mark HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6076] b abt Jun 1960 reg Worcester

o Nigel Paul HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6077] b abt Sep 1962 reg Worcester

n Dennis HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6078] b abt Dec 1934 reg Knaresborough

n = Margaret STELLING [6079] m abt Sep 1960 reg Northallerton

n Constance Eda HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6080] b 28 Jul 1938 reg Ripon, d Jul 1998 reg Northallerton. Unmarried

n Brian C HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6081] b abt Sep 1940 reg Ripon

n = Patricia E M FORSHAW [6082] m abt Sep 1989 reg Claro

m Douglas HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 20 Sep 1913 reg Huddersfield, d abt Jan 1992 reg Claro

m = Anon BARTLETT m abt Sep 1939 reg Knaresborough

n Catriona E W HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1945 reg Ripon

n = Anon WEBB m abt Jun 1979 reg Claro

l Emily HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4860] b abt Sep 1882 reg Huddersfield, 1901 Census: Unmarried Clothier Dressmaker age 18 with parents in Almondbury, b Huddersfield

l = Anon ANON m abt Dec 1908 reg Huddersfield

l Arthur HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1887 reg Huddersfield, d abt Dec 1897 age 10 reg Huddersfield. 1891 Census: age 3 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury

l Richardson HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1890 reg Hudderfield, d abt Jun 1898 age 8 reg Huddersfield 1891 Census: age 1 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury

l Henryb1896 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1896 reg Huddersfield. 1901 Census: age 4 with parents in Almondbury, b Huddersfield. [This chap may have emigrated to Massachusetts in 1920s and married Muriel PORTER. He was known as Harry. Source: Scott HAWTHORNTHWAITE, Phoenix, Arizona.]

[l =(1?) Anon WILLIAMS m abt Dec 1917 reg Newcastle upon Tyne, to Harry? No issue?]

[l =2?) Muriel PORTER b Malvern, m not found

m Gerald HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 1931 Boston, Mass

m = Anon ANON 2006: in Phoenix Arizona

n Scott HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1960 2006: in Phoenix, Arizona. Unmarried


m Brian HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 1941 2006: in Phoenix, Arizona

k =(2) Hannah Trueman HOWRAM [4913] b abt Dec 1863 Knottingley reg Pontefract, m abt Dec 1900 reg Grimsby, d abt Jun 1945 age 81 reg Upper Agbrigg. 1901 Census: Married age 37 with husband in Almondbury, b Knottingley, Yorks. 1911 Census: Married 10 yrs, age 47, b Knottingley, with husband in Huddersfield

l John Howram HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6087] b 12 Mar 1902 Lockwood reg Huddersfield, d abt Mar 1972 reg Huddersfield. 1911 Census: age 9 with parents in Huddersfield, b Lockwood

l =(1) Elsie HARGRAVE [6068] b 7 Aug 1899 Hunslett, m abt Jun 1925 reg Pontefract, div 10 Oct 1939, [m(2) Lawrence GAWTHORPE [6071] abt Jun 1944 Southend, or m(2) Anon HALL abt Jun 1942 Manchester?] d Apr 1985 reg Bolton

l =(2) Violet Alberta HARGRAVE [6069] b 5 Jun 1909 Pontefract, m abt Jun 1960 reg Upper Agbrigg, d Oct 2001 reg Dewsbury

m John A HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1940 reg Upper Agbrigg

m = Anon DIXON m abt Dec 1964 reg Spen Valley? No issue

k Hannah HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1855 Almondbury. 1861 Census: Scholar age 6 with widowed father in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1871 Census: Unmarried Winder age 16 with parents in Almondbury, b Taylor Hill. 1881 Census: not with father and stepmother.

k = Luther HAIGH m abt Sep 1877 reg Huddersfield

j =(2) Lydia ANON b abt 1827 Almondbury, [m abt Sep 1863 reg Huddersfield?], d abt Mar 1908 age 82 reg Huddersfield, bur Lockwood. 1871 Census: Married age 44 with husband in Almondbury, b Santly(?) Place, Yorks. 1881 Census: Married Woollen Piece Knotter age 54 with husband in Taylor Hill, Almondbury, b Almondbury, no children present. 1891 Census: Married age 64 with husband in Almondbury, b Henley, Yorks 1901 Census: Widow age 75 living alone on own means at 11 Taylor Hill, Almondbury.

j Mary Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 20 Jan 1833 Kendal, dr of Matthew & Mary, m not found, [d abt Mar 1838 reg Kendal as Mary HAW-? Other individuals might fit this record]. 1851 Census: not with siblings in Almondbury

j Elizabethb1834 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1834 Kendal, c 24 Dec 1834 Kendal Nether-graveship, dr of Matthew & Mary. 1851 Census: Unmarried age 16 living with brother William in Almondbury, b Kendal. Occupation: Drawer

j = George HAYS m 19 Dec 1854 Bradford Parish Church, reg Bradford

j Matthew HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 7 Sep 1836 Kendal Netherfield, s of Matthew & Mary, d abt Mar 1907 age 70 Priestley’s Yard, Taylor Hill, reg Huddersfield, bur 11 May 1907 Newsome St John. 1851 Census: Mule Piecer age 14 living with elder brother William at 1345 Taylor Hill, Almondbury, b Kendal. 1861 Census: Married Woollen Spinner age 24 in brother William’s house at Whiteley’s Fold, Almondbury, b Kendal. 1881 Census: Married Woollen Spinner at Taylor Hill, Almondbury, nr Huddersfield, b Kendal. 1901 Census: Married Woollen Spinner of Almondbury, age 64, b Kendal

j =Emma HAIGH b abt 1837 Almondbury, m 25 Dec 1857 Almondbury reg Huddersfield, d abt Sep 1916 age 79 reg Huddersfield. 1861 Census: Married age 23 with husband in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1881 Census: Married age 43 with husband in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1901 Census: Married Woollen Spinner age 63 with husband in Almondbury, b Almondbury

k Mary Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 21 Mar 1859 Taylor Hill, Almondbury, reg Huddersfield. 1861 Census: age 2 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1881 Census: Unmarried Woollen Burler age 22 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1891 Census: Married Worsted Mender age 32 (husband not present) at Taylor Hill, Almondbury,

k = William Henry GREENWOOD m abt Jun 1881 reg Huddersfield

k Sarah HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Feb 1861 Taylor Hill, Almondbury, reg Huddersfield. 1861 Census: age 1m, b Almondbury. 1881 Census: Unmarried Woollen Piecer age 20 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury

k = Alfred LONGBOTTOM b abt 1862 Almondbury, m 6 Mar 1886 Armitage Bridge, reg Huddersfield

k Joe HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1863 Almondbury, reg Huddersfield, d abt Mar 1943 age 80 reg Huddersfield. 1881 Census: Unmarried Cloth Finisher (Woollen) with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1891 Census: Married, with wife’s parents and wife in Almondbury. 1901 Census: Married Woollen Finisher of Taylor Hill, Almondbury, age 38, b Huddersfield. 1911 Census: age 48 in Huddersfield

k = Louisa LONGBOTTOM b abt 1863 Huddersfield, m 22 Sep 1888 Armitage Bridge reg Huddersfield, d abt Jun 1952 age 89 reg Bradford. 1901 Census: Married age 38 with husband in Almondbury, b Huddersfield. 1911 Census: age 47 in Huddersfield

l Alice Maud HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1899 reg Huddersfield 1901 Census: age 2 in Almondbury, b Huddersfield, rec as Maud, no other children present. 1911 Census: age 12 in Huddersfield

l = Ben ARMITAGE m abt Mar 1918 reg Huddersfield

k Fred HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4882] b abt Mar 1865 Almondbury reg Huddersfield, d abt Dec 1949 age 84 reg Huddersfield. 1881 Census: Unmarried Cloth Finisher (Woollen) age 16 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1901 Census: Married Cloth Finisher of Taylor Hill, Almondbury, age 36, b Huddersfield. 1911 Census: Worsted and Woollen Cloth Finisher age 46 at 28 Stoney Cross Street, Huddersfield, b Huddersfield

k = Ruth Hannah BROADBENT b abt 1860 Huddersfield, m 22 Dec 1888 Armitage Bridge, reg Huddersfield, d abt Jun 1938 age 78 reg Huddersfield. 1901 Census: Cloth Burler (Woollen) age 40 with husband in Almondbury, b Huddersfield, no children present. 1911 Census: Worsted and Wollen Cloth Burler, married 22 years, age 49, with husband in Huddersfield, b Huddersfield. No issue?

k William E HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4884] b abt Jun 1867 Almondbury, reg Huddersfield as William, d abt Sep 1943 age 76 reg Upper Agbrigg. 1881 Census: Scholar age 14 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1891 Census: Married Coachman Domestic age 24 at Roydhouse Carr Gate, Moor Side, Shelley. 1901 Census: Married Coachman Domestic of Roydhouse, Shelley, Yorks. W. Riding, age 35, b Almondbury. 1911 Census: Married Coachman age 44 at Heymoorhouse, Shepley, b Taylors Hill

k = Annie SADLER b abt 1861 Thirsk, Yorks, m 26 Dec 1890 Lockwood reg Huddersfield, d abt Sep 1923 age 62 reg Bramley. 1891 Census: Married age 28 with husband in Shelley, b Thirsk. 1901 Census: Married age 40 b Thirsk

l Elsie HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 18 Dec 1891 Shelley, reg Huddersfield. 1901 Census: age 9 with parents in Shelley, b Shelley

l = Arthur HIRST m abt Mar 1918 reg Huddersfield

l Nora HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1893 Carr House, Shelley reg Huddersfield, d 11 Nov 1926 age 33 reg Huddersfield, unmarried. 1901 Census: age 8 with parents in Shelley, b Shelley

l Percy HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Sep 1894 Carr House, Shelley reg Huddersfield, c 25 Nov 1894 Shelley, d 10 Dec 1965 age 71 reg Upper Agbrigg. 1901 Census: age 6, b Shelley

l = Florence May OATES b 14 May 1897 reg Huddersfield, m abt Mar 1923 reg Huddersfield, d Feb 1889 reg Huddersfield

m Williamb1925 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1925 reg Huddersfield, d abt Dec 1925 age 0 reg Huddersfield

m Gerald HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1927 reg Huddersfield

m = Tessa Gwyneth ADDY m abt Jun 1961 reg Upper Agbrigg

n Melanie Louise HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1962 reg Huddersfield, m not found

n Julian Clive HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1963 reg Huddersfield

n = Julie JACKSON m abt Sep 2005 reg Huddersfield

l Evelyn HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 9 Jun 1897 Shelley, reg Huddersfield, d 17 Dec 1982 reg Huddersfield, unmarried. 1901 Census: age 3, b Shelley

l Alice HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 7 Feb 1899 Shelley reg Huddersfield, d 16 Jan 1964 age 64 Shelley reg Huddersfield, unmarried. 1901 Census: age 2 b Shelley

l Mabel HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4881] b 14 Apr 1901 Shelley reg Huddersfield, d 3 Nov 1973 reg Upper Agbrigg, unmarried. 1911 Census: with parents in Huddersfield

l Walter HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6083] b 14 Mar 1903 Roydhouse, Shelley reg Huddersfield, d 15 May 1922 reg Huddersfield

k Alice HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 14 Jul 1871 Taylor Hill, Almondbury, reg not found, d abt Sep 1897 age 26 Taylor Hill reg Huddersfield, unmarried. 1881 Census: Scholar age 9 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1891 Census: Unmarried Cotton Winder age 19 with parents, b Almondbury

k Elizabethb1874 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4873] b 22 Dec 1874 Taylor Hill, Almondbury reg Huddersfield. 1881 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents in Almondbury, b Almondbury. 1891 Census: Woollen Burler age 16 with parents, b Kendal

k = Fred HIRST m abt Sep 1896 reg Huddersfield

Second Wife of Matthew

i =(2) Hannah ALEXANDER [7532] m abt Jun 1838 reg Kendal, d abt Sep 1842 reg Kendal. 1851 Census: not found

i Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 25 Oct 1807 Kendal, dau Edward and Mary

Last Known Child of Matthew & Isabel

At one time I thought this Robert might be the Robert who was the Master Mariner of Lancaster and an Authorised Privateer in the 1812-14 War. Now I think this is unlikely and that the Privateer was one of the family of Master Mariners living around Cockerham

h Robertb1771 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [4895] c 20 Oct 1771 Kendal Fellside, s of Mathw. and Isabel, m not found, d not found

The Tree of the Lancaster Coopers

It seems possible the James below is the son of William H and Alice BANTON, to be found elsewhere in this volume.

h Jamesb1751 HATHORNTHWAITE [ [6808] son of William H and Alice BANTON?] c not found, d not found. 1784 Marriage: Labourer of Cockerham (X)

h = (1) Jane LAMBERT m 2 Aug 1784 Garstang St Helen, Spinster of Garstang (X), bur 5 Dec 1798 Bolton St George as Jane, wife of James Hawthornwhite of Halliwell

h = (2) Ellen ENTWISTLE m 26 Jan 1800 Deane Parish Church, Widow & Widower

i Margaret HAYTHORNWHITE b 3 Dec 1785, c 7 Jan 1786 Forton Independent Chapel, Cockerham, dr. of James & Jane

i = Thomas HAMPSON m 31 Dec 1809 Deane Parish Church

[i Other children in this gap? Could this include Johnb1789 in the Tree of Sibyl?]

i Sarah HATHERNWHATE c 28 Feb 1790 Forton Independent Chapel, Cockerham, dr. of James & Jane

i Jamesb1793 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5604] b 26 May 1793, c 1793 Dukes Alley Independent, Bolton le Moors, Lancs., s of James HAWTHORNTHWAIT and Jane, bur 16 Apr 1851 Lancaster St Mary age 59 reg Lancaster [note possible confusion with Jamesb1792 [6879]]. 1813: Cooper of Lancaster. 1841 Census: Married Cooper age 49 in Union Street, Lancaster, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Widowed Licensed Victualler and Cooper age 56 at 18 & 20 Wood Street, Lancaster, b Skerton. 1861 Census: not at Wood Street, Lancaster with daughter Jane. Although this James’s christening is out of area, the parental names, date sequence and nonconformist tradition make this positioning a reasonable possibility. The Naming Rule is also supportive.

i = Jane CATON [CARTER?] [5605] m 10 Jul 1813 Lancaster St Mary, Spinster of Lancaster age 21 and Cooper of Lancaster age 21, d abt Mar 1849 reg Lancaster 1841, bur 5 Apr 1849 Lancaster St Mary. Census: Married age 47 with husband, b Lancs

First Child of James and Jane

j Jamesb1814 HATHORNTHWAITE b Lancaster, c 17 Jan 1815 Lancaster St Mary, s of James, Cooper of Lancaster, and Jane, d bfr 1830

Second Child of James and Jane

j Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5611] b 28 Sep 1816 Lancaster, c 17 Oct 1816 Lancaster St Mary, dr of James, Cooper of Lancaster, and Jane. [1841 Census: Unmarried age 25, Head of household in Pitt Street, Lancaster, with Wm H 60 and Hellen H 65, plus Helen H 1?] 1851 Census: Unmarried age 34 with widowed father in Wood Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1861 Census: Widowed Publican age 45 at 18 and 20 Wood Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster, rec as Jane WRIGHT, also present her niece Elizabeth HAWTHORNTHWAITE age 3 b Lancaster (not yet located on tree; whose daughter was she?). 1881 Census: Widow with income from property age 64 at 16 Cable Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Widow age 74 living on own means at 18 Parliament Street, Lancaster

j = Richard WRIGHT [5613] m 19 Jul 1855 Lancaster St Mary reg Lancaster, age 40, upholsterer Bachelor of Wood Street, d bfr 1861

Third Child of James and Jane

j Isabella HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5614] b 14 Mar 1819 Lancaster, c 11 Apr 1819 Lancaster St Mary, dr of James, Cooper of Lancaster, and Jane. 1841 Census: Unmarried Servant with BALDWIN family (Solicitors) in Cable Street, Lancaster

j = George WATERS [5615] m 14 Apr 1846 Lancaster St Mary reg Lancaster, Whitesmith of Church Street to Spinster of Wood St

Fourth Child of James and Jane

j Johnb1822 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5606] c 12 Jul 1821 Lancaster St Mary, s of James HAW- & Jane, [d abt Jun 1890 age 65 reg Lancaster? Age is not quite right]. 1851 Census: Married Journeyman Cooper age 29 with father and family in Wood Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1861 Census: Married Gamekeeper age 39 in Cocklaw, Northumberland, b Lancaster. 1871 Census: Married Cooper age 49, b Liverpool, at 42 Clarendon Street, Birkenhead. 1881 Census: Married Cooper age 59 at 32 Pine Street, Burnley, b Lancaster

j = (1) Frances HODGSON [5612] b abt 1828 Warton, Lancs, m 15 Dec 1844 Lancaster St Mary, reg Lancaster, d abt Mar 1872 reg Birkenhead 1851 Census: Married age 33 with husband in Wood Street, Lancaster, b Warton, Lancs, no children present. 1861 Census: Married age 40 with husband in Cocklaw, b Warton, Lancs., no children present. 1871 Census: age 57 with husband, b Walton

j = (2) Maria ARMER nee HODGSON [5616] b abt 1815 Warton, m 23 Jan 1873 Lancaster St John, Widow age 59 of Warton, to Cooper Widower age 52, reg Lancaster, [d abt Mar 1887 age 70 reg Preston, rec as HAY-?]. 1881 Census: Cooper’s Wife age 66 with husband in Burnley, b Warton

Fifth Child of James and Jane

j Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5617] b 8 Mar 1824 Lancaster, c 28 Mar 1824 Lancaster St Mary, dr of James, Cooper of Lancaster, and Jane, d abt Sep 1887 age 64 reg Lancaster, unmarried. 1841 Census: Unmarried age 27 with CROMPTON family at 90 Market Street, Lancaster. 1851 Census: not with parents at 19-20 Wood Street, Lancaster. 1861 Census: Unmarried Publican age 38 at 18 & 20 Wood Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1871 Census: Unmarried, living on income from property, age 46, at 16 Cable Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Unmarried Teacher of Music age 56 with sister Jane WRIGHT at 16 Cable Street Lancaster, b Lancaster

Sixth Child of James and Jane

j Mary HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 21 Aug 1826 Lancaster, c 15 Sep 1826 Lancaster St Mary, dr of James, Cooper of Lancaster, and Jane, m not found, d not found

Seventh Child of James and Jane

j Williamb1828 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 10 Apr 1828 Lancaster, c 24 Apr 1828 Lancaster St Mary, s of James, Cooper of Lancaster, and Jane. 1851 Census: Unmarried General Clerk age 22 with widowed father in Wood Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1861 Census: not found.

j = Mary WILSON m in Ireland

k James Hurst HAWTHORNTHWAITE b1863 Co Westmeath, Ireland, d 1 Nov 1926, bur Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria. Emigrated to British Columbia in late 1880s. Socialist member of the Provincial Assembly of British Columbia 1901-1912 and 1918-1920

k = Elizabeth Ada BATE of Nanaimo, m 1890

l Alan Hurst HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 1891 [in USA? USA Draft Card for WW1]


l William Esmond HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 1893

l Gilbert Shafto HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 1895

l Leonore Kinghurst HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 1897

l Cecilia Eros HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 1899




l Jamesb1908 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt 1908

m Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE 2002: in Lytton, Vancouver Island

m = Anon WILSON

Eighth Child of James and Jane

j Jamesb1830 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5621] b 10 Mar 1831 Lancaster, c 8 May 1831 Lancaster St Mary, s of James, Cooper of Lancaster, and Jane, bur 18 May 1832 Lancaster St Mary, age 1

Ninth Child of James and Jane

j Milesb1834 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5608] b abt 1834 Skerton, c 6 Jul 1834 Skerton St Luke, Lancaster, s of James and Jane, d abt Dec 1909 age 75 reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: age 6 with parents in Union Street, Lancaster, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Apprentice Brass Finisher age 16 with father in Wood Street, Lancaster, b Skerton. 1861 Census: Married Brass Finisher age in Halton Village, b Skerton. 1864: Book Keeper of Quay. 1871 Census: Married Clerk in Gas Works age 36 at St Georges Quay, Lancaster, b Skerton. 1881 Census: Married Book Keeper Gas Office age age 44 at 20 Cable Street, Lancaster, b Skerton. 1891 Census: Married Clerk in Gas Office age 57 at 64 Castle Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Married Cashier age 66 at 64 Cable Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster

j = (1) Eliza TOWERS [5622] b abt 1834 Bradford, m 23 Jul 1856 Lancaster St Mary reg Lancaster, d abt Mar 1864 age 30 reg Lancaster, bur 8 Feb 1864 Lancaster St Mary, abode St George’s Quay. 1861 Census: not with husband

k Eliza Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5618] b 23 Apr 1857 Lancaster reg Lancaster, c 3 Nov 1860 Lancaster St John, child of Miles HAW-, Brass Finisher, and Eliza. 1861 Census: age 3 with aunt Jane WRIGHT. 1871 Census: Scholar age 13 1881 Census: Unmarried Dressmaker age 23 with aunt Jane WRIGHT at 16 Cable Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Unmarried Teacher of Music and Painting age 32 with aunt.

k = William DIXON [5619] m abt Sep 1898 Treales Christ Church reg Fylde

k Mary Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5623] b abt Sep 1858 Halton reg Lancaster, c 15 Jan 1860 Halton St Wilfrid. 1861 Census: age 2 with parents in Halton, b Halton. 1871 Census: age 12 with parents, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Unmarried Dressmaker age 21 with parents in Lancaster, b Halton

k = Henry HULSE [5630] b 1854, m 1 Aug 1882 age 28 Lancaster St John reg Lancaster, Salesman Bachelor of Exeter Street, Ardwick

k Harriet Wright HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5624] b abt Jun 1861 Halton reg Lancaster, c 2 Jun 1861 Halton St Wilfrid, dr of Miles H, Brass Finsher. 1871 Census: age 10 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Unmarried School Mistress age 20 with parents in Lancaster, b Halton. 1891 Census: Married age 29 with husband in Treales, b Halton

k = Peter HALL [6259] m abt Jun 1885 Treales Christ Church reg Fylde. 1891 Census: Married Foreman Joiner age 27 at 1 Bolton Houses, Cross Hill, Treales, b Treales

k Henryb1864 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6364] b 31 Jan 1864 reg Lancaster, c 5 Feb 1864 Lancaster St Mary, child of Miles, Book Keeper of Quay, d abt Mar 1864 age 0 reg Lancaster, bur 16 Feb 1864 Lancaster St Mary

j = (2) Jane KIRKHAM [5625] b abt 1845 Lancaster, m 23 Dec 1865 Lancaster St Mary reg Lancaster, d abt Jun 1919 age 74 reg Lancaster. 1871 Census: Married with husband in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Married age 36 with husband in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: married age 47 with husband in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Married age 56 with husband at 64 Cable Street, Lancaster. 1911 Census: Widowed age 65, Lancaster, with son and family at 64 Cable Street, Lancaster

k Arthur Kirkham HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5626] b 17 Jun 1866 reg Lancaster, c 22 Aug 1866 Lancaster St Mary, d abt Mar 1918 age 51 reg Lancaster. 1871 Census: with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Scholar age 14 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Married Organist Teacher of Music age 24 with parents and wife in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Married Musician age 34 at 64 Cable Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1911 Census: Married Professor of Music, age 44, b Lancaster, at 64 Cable Street, Lancaster

k = Mary Alice GARDNER [5627] b abt 1868 Galgate, m abt Jun 1888 reg Stockport, d aby Dec 1935 age 68 reg Lancaster. 1881 Census: age 13 with parents, b Ellel. 1891 Census: married age 23 with husband in Lancaster, b Galgate. 1901 Census: Married age 33 with husband, b Ellel. 1911 Census: Married 22 yrs., age 43, b Galgate, with husband, rec as Lalla

l Arthur Jemson HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5629] b abt Dec 1888 reg Macclesfield, d abt Mar 1964 age 75 reg Bury St Edmunds, unmarried?. 1891 Census: age 2 with maternal grandparents at 1 Owen Road, Lancaster, b Macclesfield. 1901 Census: age 12 with parents, b Macclesfield. 1911 Census: Single, age 22, b Lancaster, with parents

l Miles Carter HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5628] b 9 Apr 1890 reg Lancaster, c 28 Apr 1890 Lancaster St John, s. of Organist at St John’s Church, d abt Dec 1960 age 70 reg Durham NW. 1891 Census: age 1 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: age 10 with parents in Lancaster. 1911 Census: Unmarried Student Teacher age 20, b Lancaster, at York Training College, Lord Mayor’s Walk, York. Became a schoolteacher and moved to Leadgate, Co. Durham

l = Sarah M I GRAINGER m abt Mar 1916 reg Lanchester [spouse also appears in index as James O]

m Reginald Grainger HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Apr 1917 reg Lanchester, d abt Sep 1979 reg Northumberland

m = Eunice Routledge MONKHOUSE b 13 Dec 1921, m abt Jun 1947 reg Northumberland C, d Sep 1986 reg Northumberland

n Miles G HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1949 reg Northumberland S

n = Anon PANTER m abt Sep 1974 reg Northumberland C

n Hilary HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Mar 1954 reg Northumberland S

n = Anon ANDERSON m abt Jun 1976 reg Northumberland C

m Marjorie HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1920 reg Lanchester

m = Anon BARKER m abt Sep 1945 reg Durham NW

m Alwyn HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1921 reg Lanchester

m = Anon WALTON m abt Jun 1949 reg Durham NW

n Eleanor HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1950 reg Durham NW

n = Anon JACQUES m abt Sep 1972 reg Durham NW

n Irene HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Dec 1950 reg Durham NW

n = Anon HODGSON m abt Sep 1972 reg Durham NW

m Lorna HAWTHORNTHWAITE b abt Jun 1923 reg Lanchester

m = Anon TODD m abt Sep 1947 reg Durham NW

Tenth and Last Known Child of James& Jane

j Robertb1836 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5609] b 1 Apr 1836 Lancaster, c 14 Sep 1836 Lancaster St Mary, s of James, Cooper of Lancaster, and Jane, d abt Dec 1882 age 46 reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: age 5 with parents in Union Street, Lancaster. 1851 Census: Apprentice Whitesmith age 14 with father in Wood Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1861 Census: Unmarried Whitesmith age 24 with widowed sister Jane at 19-20 Wood Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1871 Census: Married Master Whitesmith emp. 3 Smiths, age 34, at 33 Damside, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Married Whitesmith age 45 at 33 Damside Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: not found, supporting the 1882 death.

j = Mary CRANE [5633] b abt Sep 1841 reg Lancaster, m 6 Oct 1863 Lancaster St John reg Lancaster . 1871 Census: Married age 29 with husband at 33 Damside Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Married Milliner age 39 with husband, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Widowed Milliner age 49 at 13 Damside Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Widow age 59 with 2 unmarried children at 13 Damside Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1911 Census: Widow age 69, b Lancaster, with daughter Edith Hannah at 13 Damside Street, Lancaster

k Annie Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5634] b 7 Jan 1864 reg Lancaster, c 22 Mar 1865 Lancaster St Mary. 1871 Census: Scholar age 7 with parents, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Unmarried Pupil Teacher age 17 with parents, b Lancaster, rec as Annie J. 1891 Census: Married age 27 at 84 Pinfold Lane, Lancaster, b Lancaster

k = Richard Archer LEACK [5638] b abt 1860 Crewe, Cheshire, m 31 Dec 1889 Lancaster St John the Evangelist reg Lancaster, rec as LEACH. 1891 Census: Married Iron Turner age 31 at 84 Pinfold Lane, Lancaster, b Crewe, Cheshire

k Jamesb1867 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [6371] b 2 Jun 1867 Lancaster, c 2 Oct 1867 Lancaster St Mary, d abt Mar 1869 age 1 reg Lancaster, bur 13 Feb 1870 Lancaster St Mary, abode Damside St

k Jamesb1870 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5635] b abt Jun 1870 reg Lancaster, c 22 Jun 1870 Lancaster St Mary, d abt Dec 1949 age 79 reg Chorley. 1871 Census: age 1 with parents in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1881 Census: Scholar age 11 with parents, in Lancaster. 1891 Census: Unmarried Machine Fitter age 21 with widowed mother at 13 Damside Street, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: not found.

k = Margaret BLACKHURST b abt Sep 1869 reg Preston, m abt Dec 1898 Leyland St Andrew reg Chorley, d abt Dec 1940 age 71 reg Chorley. 1911 Census: with husband, m 13 years

l Dorothy Margaret HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 16 Aug 1905 reg Chorley, d abt Mar 1984 reg Preston/SR, unmarried

k Edith Hannah HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5636] b 1 Jun 1874 reg Lancaster, twin with Thomas Crane below, c 15 Oct 1874 Lancaster St Mary as Anna, d abt Dec 1956 age 82 reg Lancaster, unmarried. 1881 Census: Scholar age 6 with parents, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Unmarried Pupil Teacher age 16 with widowed mother at 13 Damside Street, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Unmarried Assistant Schoolmistress age 26 with widowed mother in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1911 Census: Single with widowed mother at 13 Damside Street, Lancaster

k Thomas Crane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5637] b 1 Jun 1874 reg Lancaster, twin with Edith Hannah above, c 15 Oct 1874 Lancaster St Mary, m not found, d abt Jun 1931 age 57 reg Lancaster. 1881 Census: Scholar age 4 with parents, b Lancaster. 1891 Census: Watchmaker age 16 with widowed mother at 13 Damside Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1901 Census: Unmarried Watchmaker age 26 with widowed mother in Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1911 Census: Unmarried Watch & Clock Repairer age 36, with widowed mother, b Lancaster

Tree of Peter the Clockmaker

Peter HATHORNTHWAITE was the first of three generations of clockmakers, and maintained Kirkby Lonsdale Church clock. There is a fine example of his long-case clocks in the Abbot Hall Museum in Kendal. The 1841 Census for Kirkby Lonsdale records a Haythornthwaite Yard on/near Main Street, which is perhaps where he had his workshop. His grandson Peter was a watchmaker in the Strand, London, but I do not know whether any of his timepieces are still about. Anyone knowing of a Hathornthwaite clock or watch, please contact me!

I have now learned that Peter the Clockmaker had modern descendants, some of whom moved to France and shortened their name to HAWTHORN when a Swiss wife was unable to cope with the –thwaite.

Is it possible this tree connects with the Descendants of Richard of Quarmore? They both like the name Peter, and both seem to have non-conformist tendencies. Not much to go on, but it seems plausible.

Peter the Clockmaker

f Peterb1688 HATHORNTHWAITE [5704] b abt 1688, c not found, bur 4 June 1760 Kirkby Lonsdale. Lancaster Freeman 1708-9. At Kirkby Lonsdale 31 Dec 1711. Whitesmith-Clocksmith. Maintained the clock in Kirkby Lonsdale church. There is a fine example of his long-case clocks in the Abbott Hall Museum in Kendal. [Ancestor to Cedric HAWTHORN of Paris, b 29 Apr 1975]

f = Elizabeth HARDY [7062] b 1692, m not found, bur 15 May 1769 Kirkby Lonsdale

g Elizabethb1715 HATHORNTHWAITE [7063] c 26 April 1715 Kirkby Lonsdale, bur 28 May 1715 Kirkby Lonsdale

g Richardb1717 HATHORNTHWAITE [7064] [b abt 1717?], bur 3 Dec 1718 Kirkby Lonsdale

g Margaretb1719 HATHORNTHWAITE [7065] c 26 April 1719 Kirkby Lonsdale. 1746 marriage bond: age 24, of Kirkby Lonsdale

g = Jonathan FENTUM b abt 1724, m 28 Jun 1746 St James’s Westminster, or St George’s Hanover Square

g Maryb1720 HATHORNTHWAITE [7066] c 11 Feb 1720 Kirkby Lonsdale

g Johnb1725 HATHORNTHWAITE [5705] c 14 July 1725 Kirkby Lonsdale. Clocksmith. Freeman of Lancaster 1744. Circa 1750 Watchmaker in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. d 1779

g =(1) Sarah GILBERTSON [5716] m 11 Feb 1755 St Nicholas Parish Reg & Nonconf., Newcastle upon Tyne, d not found, bfr 1756

h Ellen HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5717] c 11 Feb 1756 Castle Garth Presbyterian, Newcastle?

h = Ralph BEILBY [7274] m 1780 All Saints Church, Newcastle upon Tyne. Prominent Engraver & Businessman. In Pockerley Old Hall, there is a long case clock by “Beilby and Hawthorn”. This sounds like a partnership of Ralph BEILBY and one of the HAWTHORNTHWAITE clockmakers.

g =(2) Margaret ROBERTSON [5715] m 27 Jul 1762 Newcastle upon Tyne St John

h Peterb1763 HATHORNTHWAITE [7068] b 18 Apr 1763, c 5 May 1763 Newcastle upon Tyne, Castle Garth Presbyterian-nc, d abt Mar 1847 reg Stepney as HAW-. Freeman of Lancaster 1783-4. 1785: moved to London. Watchmaker in the Strand

h = Katherine FENTUM [7069] m 17 July 1785 St Martin In The Fields, Westminster, London, d not found

h Jane HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7070] b 6 Dec 1764, c 26 Dec 1764 Newcastle upon Tyne, Castle Garth Presbyterian

h Robertb1766 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7071] b 5 Feb 1766, c 24 Feb 1766, Newcastle upon Tyne, Castle Garth Presbyterian

[h = Alice BURN m 11 May 1789 Shilbottle St James, Northumberland, to Robert HAWTHORN?]

h Johnb1767 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7072] b 21 Aug 1767, c 1 Sept 1767 Newcastle upon Tyne, Castle Garth Presbyterian.

[h = Mary OLIVER [7073] m 2 Aug 1807 Monkwearmouth St Peter?]

h Jamesb1771 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5698] b 19 Mar 1771, c 18 April 1771 Newcastle upon Tyne, Castle Garth Presbyterian

h = Jean BROWN b Kilmarnock

i Jean Brown HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 28 Jul 1805, c 21 Aug 1805 Hanover Square Presbyterian, Newcastle upon Tyne

i Margaret Ann HAWTHORNTHWAITE c 3 Sep 1808 Hanover Square Presbyterian, Newcastle upon Tyne

i Beilby HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 15 Oct 1810, c 21 Oct 1810 Hanover Square Presbyterian, Newcastle

i Edwardb1812 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 21 May 1812

i Lillas HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 12 Apr 1814 Newcastle upon Tyne

i Elizabethb1815 HAWTHORNTHWAITE b 4 Dec 1815 Newcastle upon Tyne

h Williamb1773 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7074] b 27 Feb 1773, c 21 March 1773 Newcastle upon Tyne, Castle Garth Presbyterian

h Margaretb1776 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [7075] b 13 Aug 1776, c 1776 Newcastle upon Tyne, Castle Garth Presbyterian

g =(3) Elizabeth ANON [5723] m not found, d not found

h Johnb1779 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5721] b 29 Aug 1779, c 5 Sep 1779 Hanover Square Presbyterian, Newcastle

h Williamb1782 HAWTHORNTHWAITE [5730][Carl has first name as Williamson] b 18 Jan 1782, c 24 Feb 1782 Hanover Square Presbyterian, Newcastle

g Ann HATHORNTHWAITE c 23 July 1727 Kirkby Lonsdale

g Elizabethb1729 HATHORNTHWAITE c 27 April 1729 Kirkby Lonsdale

g Jane HATHORNTHWAITE c 27 Aug 1731 Kirkby Lonsdale

g Williamd1743 HATHORNTHWAITE bur 13 Mar 1743 Kirkby Lonsdale

Descendants of Gilbert of Parke

d Gilbert HATHORNTHWAITE [7705] Of Parke [Quarmore Park?], bur not found

d =(1) Ellen ANON [7706] m not found, [bur 24 Dec 1644 Lancaster St Mary, as Ellen vxor Gylbert de Bolke?]

d =(2) Anon ANON [7707] [m abt 1646? Note that PR records were disrupted during the Commonwealth, as weddings had to take place before a Magistrate, and were not necessarily recorded in the Parish Registers, or sometimes only in retrospect]

e Johnb1648 HATHORNTHWAITE [7708] c 11 Jun 1648 Lancaster St Mary, f. Gilbt, m not found, d not found

e Thomasb1650 HATHORNTHWAITE [7709] c 23 Feb 1649/50 Caton St Paul, s of Gilbte, [d bfr 1654 presumably] bur not found

e Thomasb1654 HATHORNTHWAITE [898] [Was 7710] c 17 Sep 1654 Caton St Paul, s of Gilbt, [bur 22 May 1725 Caton St Paul as Thomas H de Summers? Or bur Aug 1732 Caton St Paul?] ]

e Nicholasb1658 HATHORNTHWAITE [4749] c 10 Nov 1658 Lancaster St Mary, s of Gilbart of Parke [Bulke?], d not found [unless it is bur 24 Jan 1744/5 Wyresdale Chapel as Nicholas HAT- of Hayshaw [ancient vaccary of Over Wyresdale, precise location not known, but Hayshaw Fell is just west of Catshaw Fell], “upwards of 80 years of age”. However, this seems perhaps more likely to refer to Nicholas b abt 1662 at the Lower Lee.] 1705: Sold Caton Hall to Thomas THORNTON. 1706: of Hare Appletree, Quarmore [Rylands Charters: Agreement of 27 Apr 1706 mentions Nicholas & Mary his wife]

e = Mary FINCHAM [7698] [b abt 1670?], m 20 Feb 1697 Caton St Paul [Marriage Bond: to Nicholas H, Yeoman of Caton, age 35], bur 6 Feb 1716 Lancaster St Mary, wife of Nicholas HAT- of Quarmore

Richard of Quarmore? See Descendants of Richard of Quarmore

It now seems likely that Richard of Quarmore fits in here

f Richardb1698 HATHORNTHWAITE [7026] of Quarmore? b abt 1698, c not found, [bur 7 Feb 1732/3 Caton St Paul as Richard H from Hawkshead (a farm 1m south of Caton)? Or bur 23 Mar 1753 Lancaster St Mary, as Richard of Lancaster?]

f = Margaret Jane TOMLINSON [7060] m 21 Apr 1719 Lancaster St Mary to Richard H, both of Quarmore [m(2) Frances LEAH 14 Feb 1737/8 Lancaster St Mary, both Quarmore?]

g For Children and Descendants, see Tree of Richard of Quarmore

f Thomasb1700 HATHORNTHWAITE [7699] c 6 Mar 1700 Lancaster St Mary, s of Nicholas of Quarmore [bur 6 Sep 1731 Lancaster St Mary, “of Quarmore”?]

f Ann HATHERNTHWAITE [7829] c 2 Aug 1702 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Nicholas of Quarmore

f Elizabethb1703 HATHORWHAITE [7830] c 2 Oct 1704 Lancaster St Mary, dr Nicholas of Whole-appletree, d Quarmore, bur 4 Feb 1703/4 Lancaster

Family of James of Lodge in Quarmore

This tree is taken from the Will of James of Lodge 1706, Admons of James of Staple Oak and Parish Registers. These together suggest that "The History of Chipping" (Tom C Smith 1894) is incorrect in claiming that Edward Hathornthwaite of Dinkling Green came from the "well established family at Staple Oak" (ie the family of James of Lodge). This family appears to have possessed very considerable wealth and had good connections, but seems to have produced no surviving male heirs to carry on the name into the modern era. It seems that the David below cannot have been the David who was at Forton and frequented Cockerham Church at about that time.

Garnett (Emmeline Garnett: The Dated Buildings of South Lonsdale, 1994) suggests that this family were Quakers, though appearing only very sparsely in Meeting House records. Certainly, C of E baptisms in some branches of this family are conspicuous by their rarity at Lancaster St Mary, though there are some burials, which would tend not to support the Quaker theory. Interest in Quakerism was perhaps rather patchy in the family. There was another James H of Quarmore, bur 20 Apr 1704 Lancaster Moorside Burial Ground, who definitely was a Quaker. It is hard to distinguish the two.

e Jamesb1640 HATHORNTHWAITE [7449] [b abt 1640 say], c not found, d Lodge in Quarmore, bur 11 Nov 1706 Lancaster St Mary. Will of 1706 of James of Lodge in Quarmore (written 26 Oct 1706): mentions sons John, Thomas & James, but no wife

e = Anon ANON m not found, bur not found

[f Anon HATHORNTHWAITE bur 16 May 1677 [place not given], dr of James H of Lodge in Quarmore of the Lancaster Quaker Meeting]

[f Hannah HATHORNTHWAITE [8059] [b abt 1680 say], bur 10 Jun 1695 recorded at Caton St Paul, as Hannah dr James H,” Quaker buried at Lancr” [perhaps this is the “other” James of Quarmore, see heading paragraph above]]

f Johnb1670 HATHORNTHWAITE [7450] [c 24 Dec 1677 Slaidburn St Andrew, f James Haythornewhitt de Dalehead? ], d Bolton le Sands, bur 17 Sep 1730 Lancaster St Mary as “Mr” John H. In 1706 inherited from his father: Lanshaw & Old Walters, Clapham; Bolton by the Sands; and a third share in Marshaw. In 1722, it appears John was living at Bolton. Father’s 1706 Will suggests that John had no heirs or might have no heirs, perhaps because he was not yet, or only very recently, married. 1727: Possibly witness to younger brother Thomas [7452]’s Will (proved 1731, but signed 13 Apr 1727). 1730 Will of John of Bolton by the Sands, Yeoman [not seen]. [1731 Will of John H, nup. de Sandside in Kirkby, Yeoman, [Prerogative Court of York] [full text not seen] mentions no wife or children, but leaves legacies to his brother James’s children, [maybe the children tentatively listed below are not his] and £10 for a new Meeting House at Rookehow in Furness Fells. This appears to be another John and not this one]

f = Anne WILKINSON [7451] of Blackburn, m 12 Mar 1705/6 [1707/8?] Bolton-by-Bowland, to John H of Slaidburn, d Bolton le Sands, bur 18 Nov 1722 Lancaster St Mary as Anne, w. of “Mr” John H of Bolton

[g Ann HAYTHORNTHWAITE [8060] c 8 Oct 1710 Clitheroe, dr of John H of Starkey [Where is Starkey? Possible candidate Stakes Farm, Cow Ark] [bur 17 Jun 1737 Garstang St Helens, or m 29 Sep 1746 Lancaster St Mary?]

g Johnb1713 HAYTHORNTHWAITE c 17 May 1713 Clitheroe, s of John H of Staker. Could this be the grandson of James [7449] who was a Trustee of Chipping School in 1736? See History of Chipping by Tom Smith 1894. Unmarried?]

f Thomasb1660 HATHORNTHWAITE [7452] [b abt 1660 say], In 1706 inherited from his father Lodge in Quarmore; and third share in Marshaw, d Quarmore, bur 6 Sep 1731 Lancaster St Mary as Tho: HAT- of Quarmore. [1703/4: Freeman of City of Lancaster, Thomas H Dyer?] 1731 Will of Thomas of Lodge in Quarmore. [Could this be “my nephew Thomas H of Quarmore “ supervisor of 1685 Will of William of Abbeystead [7958]?]

f = (1) Anon ANON m not found, bur not found. [Thomas’s 1731 Will may suggest a first marriage. It is not possible at present to say which of Thomas’s children were by which wife]

f = (2) Isabel BERRY m 28 Jan 1685/6 Caton St Paul [PR], bur 14 Apr 1745 Lancaster St Mary, as Isabel relict of Thomas of Quarmore. Husband Thomas’s 1731 Will: “my now wife Isabel”

g Penelope HATHORNTHWAITE [7896] bur 8 May 1688 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Tho: H of Quamor

g Jamesb1690 HATHORNTHWAITE [7454][5101] [b abt 1690 say], c not found, m bond 23 Jun 1724 for James of Lodge in Quarmore [this must be a second wife], d Quarmore, bur 1 Sep 1759 Lancaster St Mary. Eldest son, inheriting Farr Lodge, Quarmore, from father Thomas in 1731]

g = Ann JEPSON [5100] m 15 Jan 1720 Cockerham St Michael [from Derek, PR not found], to James H of Lodge in Quarmore, bur 30 Jul 1772 Lancaster St Mary as Ann r. Jas HAWTHORNTHWAITE, L Old Age

[h Children missing 1720 – 1724?]

h Johnb1725 HATHORNTHWAITE [7456] [b abt 1725 say], c not found, bur 11 Jan 1739/40 Lancaster St Mary, as John H s of James of Quarmore

h Sarah HATHORNTHWAITE [7457] c not found, bur 25 Sep 1740 Lancaster St Mary, dr of James of Quarmore

g Johnb1692 HATHORNTHWAITE [7458] [b abt 1692 say], c not found, bur 9 Apr 1701 Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas of Quarmore, Dyer

g Hannah HATHORNTHWAITE [7459] c not found, bur 25 Dec 1701 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thomas of Quarmore

g Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [7871] c not found. Mentioned in Father’s 1731 Will as “my daughter Jane JEPSON”

g = Robert JEPSON [8089] m 13 Nov 1725 Lancaster St Mary, “both Quarmore”

g Thomasb1693 HATHORNTHWAITE [7908] [b abt 1693 say], c not found, m not found, d 1762, bur 20 Dec 1762 Lancaster St Mary as Thos H of Quarmore. Second surviving son. 1731: inherited Narr Lodge, Quarmore, from father Thomas [7452]

g = Anon ANON m not found

[h Jane HATHORNTHWAITE bur 23 Oct 1715 Lancaster St Mary as Jane dr of Thoms. Hathonwaite of Quarmore]

Thomas of Catterall

When he married in 1745 at Garstang, this Thomas [8062] styled himself Thomas Sherington otherwise Hathornthwaite of Catterall, although it seemed he used only the name Hathornthwaite in later life. Perhaps he does not fit here as the surmised son of Thomas [7908] above, but was a bastard child of a Sherington, perhaps an offspring of the bigwig “Mr” Francis Sherington of Wigan who owned the Landscale Estate in Catterall. Or perhaps Thomas H [7908] fathered a child with a Sherington daughter from the Landscale estate. Probably one or the other, but it is is hard to know which.

h Thomas HATHORNTHWAITE [8062] b abt 1722, c not found, d 15 Apr 1810, bur 18 Apr 1810 Lancaster St Mary as Thomas H of Old Town West [presumably Westmorland] age 88. 1810 Will: Thomas H of Old Town, [Mansergh, Kirkby Lonsdale], Yeoman, “formerly of Barnes End, Quarmore”, Yeoman: mentions son James H, grandson Thomas H, John Whitehead of Banton House, Ellel, and his son Iram Whitehead of Old Town. [In view of his dual name on marriage, it is not clear that this Thomas fits here as a son of [7908]. It is unclear whether he was an H calling himself Sherington, or a Sherington taking on the name H. However, he seems to have styled himself Hathornthwaite rather than Sherington in later life]

h = Grace PARKER c 19 Feb 1720/1 Slaidburn St Andrew, dr of Ralph PARKER of Newton, m 6 Oct 1745 Garstang St Helen as Grace PARKER of Bleasdale & Thomas SHERINGTON otherwise HATHORNTHWAITE of Catterall, bur 21 Apr 1796 Lancaster St Mary, as Grace, wife of Thomas of Quarmore. 1767 Will of Ralph PARKER of Harrop, Bowland, mentions daughter Grace HATHORNTHWAITE married to Thomas H of Quarmore

[i Johnb1747 HATHORNTHWAITE c 20 Jan 1747/8 Garstang St Helen as s of Thos: H of Catterall, bur 25 Jan 1747/8 Garstang St Helen, s of Thos: H of Catterall

i Other children missing? Was he in Westmorland?]]

i Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1750 say], c not found, d bfr 1810. Mentioned in father’s 1810 Will as daughter Elizabeth Whitehead now deceased

i = John WHITEHEAD m not found. Mentioned in Thomas H’s 1810 Will as being of Banton House, Ellel

j Iram WHITEHEAD [b abt 1775 say]. 1810: Mentioned in grandfather Thomas H [8062]’s Will as being a Farmer at Old Town, Westmorland

j = Bridget PORTER m 26 Jun 1798 Lancaster St Mary

i Thomasb1760 HATHORNTHWAITE [7909] c 2 Mar 1760 Lancaster St Mary as Thomas s of Thomas H of Quarmore, (same day ceremony with Edmond s of Peter H of Lancaster, suggesting Peter & Thomas might be related; or was it just coincidence?), bur 28 Jun 1760 Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas HAT- of Quarmore

i Hannah HATHORNTHWAITE b Quarmore, c 21 Jun 1761 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thomas H of Quarmore. 1809: of Ellel

i = George CROSKELL m 2 Dec 1783 Lancaster St Mary, Husbandman of Ellel & Spinster of Quarmore

i Jamesb1764 HATHORNTHWAITE c 27 May 1764 Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas H of Quarmore, d abt Mar 1848 age 83 Caton, bur not found. 1810: inherited Patchetts in Scotforth from father. 1825: at Barnes End, Quarmore (Garnett). 1841 Census: Of independent means, age 75, in Harrington Street, Preston

i = Ellen ESKHAM [7180] b abt 1770, m 7 Jul 1795 Lancaster St Mary [Previously allocated to [7179]], d abt Mar 1841 age 69 reg Preston as Haythornwhite

j Betty HATHORNTHWAITE [7271] c 19 Aug 1798 Lancaster St Mary, dau of James & Ellen of Lancr, bur 16 Oct 1799 Lancaster St Mary, dr of James of Lancaster

j Thomasb1802 HATHORNTHWAITE [7279] c 16 May 1802 Lancaster St Mary, s of James & Ellen of Lancr, d abt Sep 1874 age 72 reg Lancaster. 1810: Inherited Barns End from grandfather Thomas. 1841 Census: Of independent means, age 35, at Harrington Street, Preston, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried Land Proprietor age 48 of Barnes End, Quernmore, b Quernmore. 1861 Census: Unmarried Landed Proprietor age 58 at 22 Edward Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster. 1871 Census: Unmarried Retired Farmer age 69 at 17 Edward Street, Lancaster, b Lancaster

j Betty HATHORNTHWAITE [7272] c 25 Mar 1804 Lancaster St Mary, dr James & Ellen of Quarmore, b 22 Feb 1804, d abt Mar 1857 reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: Independent Means, age 30 with father at Harrington Street, Preston, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Unmarried House Proprietor age 47 at Barnes End, Quernmore, b Quernmore

j Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [7273] c 10 Aug 1806 Lancaster St Mary, dr of James & Ellen of Quarmore, b 30 Jun 1806, d Quernmore, bur 7 Jun 1826 Lancaster St Mary age 19

j Sally HATHORNTHWAITE [7277] c 13 May 1808 Lancaster St Mary, dr of James & Ellen of Scotforth, b 27 Mar 1808, d Quernmore, bur 20 Jun 1827 Lancaster St Mary, age 19

j Isabella HATHORNTHWAITE [7181] b 9 Apr 1811, c 19 May 1811 Lancaster St Mary dr of James & Ellen of Scotforth, d abt Mar 1883 age 71 reg Lancaster. 1841 Census: Independent Means, age 25, with father at Harrington Street, Preston, b Lancs. 1851 Census: Married Dressmaker age 39 at Barnes End, Quernmore, b Quernmore. 1861 Census:Single, age 50, living with brother Thomas at 22 Edward Street, Preston, as Isabella Rowly. 1871 Census: Widowed age 59 acting as housekeeper for brother at 17 Edward Street. 1881 Census: Income from Property, widowed, age 69 at 17 Edward Street

j = John ROWLEY m 22 Jan 1844 Preston St John, John ROWLEY, Surgeon of Lancaster & Isabella H Spinster of Warf Street, Groom’s father, Rev Joseph Towley, Chaplain of Lancaster castle, Bride’s father, James H, Gentleman. 1851 Census: not found

j Ellen HATHORNTHWAITE [7182] b 5 Sep 1813 Scotforth, c 17 Oct 1813 Lancaster St Mary, dau of James Hawthornthwaite & Ellen of Scotforth, a farmer. bur 19 Jun Lancaster St Mary , an infant of Langthwaite.

g Davidb1702 HATHORNTHWAITE [7872] [b abt 1702 say], c not found. Under 21 in 1706 [from 1706 Will of James of Lodge], d Quarmore, bur 2 Jan 1716/7 [1719/20?] Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas of Quarmore

f Jamesb1675 HATHORNTHWAITE[7878] [b abt 1675 say], c not found. Inherited from father James (1706) Stable Oak & Higher Stable Oak, including the Water Corn Mill; and third share of Marshaw, d Staple Oak, bur 7 Sep 1708 Slaidburn, “sepultus in ecclesia”. Catherine Haythornthwaite, widow, and Ambrose Barcroft as Administrators of 1708 Admon, mentioning Jane, Elizabeth and Mary. Alexander Aspinall (husband of Jane HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Bowland, m 1714/5) Executor of 1719 Admon mentioning Elizabeth (a minor) & Mary (deceased)

f = Catherine WALSHMAN [7879] [b abt 1675?], m 26 May 1695 Broughton near Preston, of Pracall, groom of Wiresdale, bur not found [at Broughton? (not on OLPC till 1725)] 1708 Admon of James of Staple Oak: mentioned as a widow of Staple Oak, d in 1719 necessitating new Admon to look after dr Elizabeth still a minor, Mary having died and Jane married

[g John HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1700 say], c not found. Mentioned in records of a school at Chipping as a Trustee and as grandson and heir of James of Staple Oak, one of the four original Trustees. School founded in 1683, John mentioned as alive in 1736. Alternatively, he might be son of John [7450] above]

g Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [7880] [Suggested from 1708 Admon] c in mother's home parish? [Broughton? (not on OLPC till 1724)], m "of Bolland"

g = Alexander ASPINALL [7881] of Mearley, m 13 Jan 1714/5 Clitheroe St Mary Magdalene

g Ellina HATHORNTHWAITE [7882] c 2 Jun 1700 Slaidburn, b Staple Oak, f. Jacobi de Stable Oak, d Staple Oak bur 7 Sep 1700 Slaidburn, f Jacobi de Staple Oake

g Elizabethb1701 HATHORNTHWAITE [7883] c 19 Oct 1701 Slaidburn b Staple Oak, f Jacobi de Stapleoak. 1719 Admon: mentioned as alive, unmarried and still a minor

g = Christopher GREGSON m 22 Aug 1721 Clitheroe St Mary Magdalene, groom of Newbarn, bride of Mearley

g Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [7885] c 8 Feb 1703 Slaidburn b Staple Oak, f Jacobi de Staple Oake, d before 1719, bur not found

g Jamesb1706 HATHORNTHWAITE [7886] c 11 Sep 1706 Slaidburn b Staple Oak, f Jacobi de Staple Oake, d Staple Oak bur 15 Feb 1706/7 Slaidburn, f Jacobi de Stapleoake

f Grace HATHORNTHWAITE [7873] m "of Bowland" 20 Aug 1684 Chipping. Alive in 1706. Bur 2 Aug 1721 Mitton All Hallows, as wife of Richard Haighton, Gentleman of Chaigley

f = Richard HAIGHTON [7874] Of Cheagley Alive in 1706, bur 26 Jan 1737 Mitton All Hallows, Yeoman of Chaigley

f Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [7875] [but can’t be Elizabeth f James Hethornewhite de Slacke, c 6 Jan 1683/4 Slaidburn St Andrew, as I had surmised previously], bur 11 Jul 1719 Mitton All Hallows, an old woman of Chaigley [more likely John’s mother than his wife?]

f = John HAIGHTON [7876] m 14 Dec 1684 Mitton All Hallows, Johannes Heighton to Elizabetha Hothernwaite, d before 1706 Will of James, bur 28 Sep 1706 Mitton All Hallows, of Chaigley

g Jane HAIGHTON [7877] Described as John Haighton's daughter & James Hathornthwaite's grand-daughter in 1706 Will.. Under 21 in 1706, bur 10 Mar 1709 Mitton All Hallows

Family of Robert of Hazelheads

Put together from PRs and Wills by PKH 10 Sep 2012, updated 10 Oct 2012

This family at Hazelheads, Bleasdale, seems to have used Chipping St Bartholomew church, which is unfortunate for us as the Chipping PRs are very hard to read and one imagines that many Register entries have effectively been lost.

Hazelheads is an alternative version of Hazelhurst, by which name the farm appears on modern maps.

b John HATHORNTHWAITE [7916?] [b abt 1590 say], d 1647, bur not found. 1647 Will of John Haitterwhait of the Haslehead in Blisdall mentions wife Mary and sons Robert & William

b = Mary ANON m not found

c William HATHORNTHWAITE Alive 1647. Mentioned in father’s 1647 Will

c Robertb1624 HATHORNTHWAITE [8027][7918?] [c 10 Mar 1624/5 Lancaster St Mary? But note bur 29 Mar 1626 Lancaster St Mary as Robert s of John might apply], d1682 Haselheads, bur 8 Oct 1682 Chipping St Bartholomew as Robert H of Bleasdell. [History of Chipping 1894: 1634 Will of Richard Parkinson [Parker?] of Fairsnape gives £3 to Robert Hathornthwaite, son of John Hathornthwaite]. 1682 Will of Robert of Haselheads, Yeoman, mentions no wife, but sons Robert, Peter, John, & Richard, and daughters Julian & Jennet, Robert to inherit all the estate at Haselheads, Robert & Peter to be Executors

c = Anon ANON [8028] [d bfr 1682?],

d Julian HATHORNTHWAITE [8033] c not found, alive 1682

d Jennet HATHORNTHWAITE [8034] c not found, alive 1682

d Robertb1660 HATHORNTHWAITE [8029] [b abt 1660 say], c not found, d not found [Nephew Robert was at Haselheads in 1729, so sounds as if this Robertb1660 had no progeny to inherit from him? Or perhaps he had an unknown son Robert [8035], lost in the Chipping PRs]

d = (1) Margaret BARKER m 7 Jan 1683/4 Bolton-le-Sands, Robert H of Blesdale in the pish of Lancaster & Margret BARKER of Thwayte End, bur 19 Oct 1730 Bolton-le-Sands as Margaret wife of Robert H fro. Haslehead

d = (2) Mary WILCOCK m bond 1733 for Robert H (aged 70) & May Wilcock (age 40) both of Bleasdale, m to be at Lancaster/Chapel of Admarsh, m(2) Anon HOLDEN [1729 Will of John of Mitton: “my sister in law Mary HOLDEN”],

d Peterb1650 HATHORNTHWAITE [8030] [b abt 1660 say], c not found, bur 19 Jul 1702 Lancaster St Mary as Peter H of Wyersdale. Will (Admon) of 1702 of Peter of Wiersdale, Administrator Margaret H of Wiersdale, “for Peter H of Lancaster”? [This latter sounds like a son. Peter the Clockmaker?] 1680: in Bleasdale. 1682: at Oakenclough. 1691: in Wyresdale

d = (1) Anon ANON m not found [abt 1675?], d bfr 1693, bur not found [lost at Chipping?]

e Robertb1680 HATHORNTHWAITE [8038] c 24 Oct 1680 Chipping St Bartholomew as Robert s of Peter of Bleasdell, bur 3 Jul 1740 Chipping St Bartholomew as Robert H. 1729: At Hazelheads, according to Will of John of Chaigley, Mitton [8031 below]. John gave Robert 1 shilling, implying he had already had his share of John’s estate

If I’ve got the story right, between 1680 and 1682, Peterb1650 moved from Bleasdale to Oakenclough, and then, before 1691 to Wyresdale

[e Other children in this gap, recorded at Chipping, Garstang or Lancaster? No baptisms found to date]

[e Richard of Quarmore [7026] b abt 1690 say, who called his eldest son Peter?]

[e Peter HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1688 say], bur 4 Jun 1760 Kirkby Lonsdale. “Peter the Clockmaker”. ???]

e Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [8039] bur 19 Aug 1691 Lancaster St Mary as Elizabeth dr of Peter H of Wyresdale

d = (2) Margaret SINGLETON [8041] m 26 Oct 1693 Broughton, Peter H of Wiresdale & Margaret S of Barton, bur not found.

e Elizabethb1701 HATHORNTHWAITE [8040] c 25 Oct 1701 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Peter H of Wyersdale

d Johnb1655 HATHORNTHWAITE [8031] [b abt 1655 say], c not found, bur 24 Jan 1733 Mitton All Hallows, Farmer of Chaigley. Mentioned in father’s 1682 Will. [Now appears as if he may have been the eldest son, based on the naming rule]. 1729 Will of John H of Chaigley: mentions Robert H of Bleasdale (unidentified). Apparently unmarried. Bequeathed 1s to Robert H of Bleasdale, perhaps indicating he had already had his bequest. John had a sister in law Mary Holden of Chaigley. It is hard to work out the implications of this. Perhaps brother Robert’s widow Mary married again, to Anon HOLDEN. This might make sense, for Robert seems to have produced no heirs, and perhaps died young. John of Chaigley, based on location, may have had some association with Stoneyhurst]

d Richardb1660 HATHORNTHWAITE [8032] [b abt 1660 say], c not found, alive 1682 [but not apparently a minor], m not found, d not found. Mentioned in father Robert’s 1682 Will as possibly the youngest son. [Could this be Rev Mr Richard HATHORNTHWAITE bur 1725 Wyresdale Chapel? Younger sons of good families did go into the church!][or is he Richard H [6623], the Blacksmith of Tarniker?]

[d = Elizabeth BRADLEY m 10 May 1683 Garstang St Helen?]

e Anon HATHORNTHWAITE bur 25 Oct 1693 Garstang St Helen, as infant of Richard Hatornats of Bleasdale

Family of George of Over Wyresdale

Although PRs refer more generally to Wyresdale, a date stone at Gornall’s Farm, Tarnbrook, suggests that some of this family were at Tarnbrook in Wyresdale. Garnett suggests some of them were Quakers, but they do not appear in Registers of the Wyresdale Meeting House.

b John HATHORNTHWAITE [8057] [b abt 1540 say] Mentioned in brother George’s 1614 Will

b Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE [8058] [b abt 1540 say] Mentioned in brother George’s 1614 Will

b George HATHORNTHWAITE [7913] [b abt 1540 say], d 1614, bur 3 Dec 1614 Lancaster St Mary as George H senex. 1614 Will of George of Over Wyresdale: mentions sons Nicholas & John, wife Jenet, Gilbert H (unidentified), his brother John and sister Elizabeth

b = Jenet ANON [7914] [b abt 1550 say], d 1633, bur 13 Mar 1633 as Jennet H relic Georgij. 1633 Will of Jennet of the Netherlee, Widdow of George: mentions son John and his son Robert, also sons William & George

c Nicholas HATHORNTHWAITE [7915] [b abt 1570 say], fl 1614

c John HATHORNTHWAITE [7916] fl 1614, 1633 [1647 Will of John H of the Haslehead in Blisdall?]

c = Anon ANON m not found

d Jennet HATHORNTHWAITE [7917] c 27 Oct 1623 Lancaster St Mary as Jenet Hathornthwaitt fa. Johnis

d Robert HATHORNTHWAITE [7918] [c 10 Mar 1624/5 Lancaster St Mary as Robt Hathornthwait f. Johnis, prob bur 14 Feb 1625/6] Mentioned in grandmother Jennet’s 1633 Will [Could this be Robert of Hazelheads? It sounds plausible]

d George HATHORNTHWAITE c 19 May 1628 Lancaster St Mary as George H f. Johnis [possibly George of Quarmore below, as he named his eldest known son John]

c William HATHORNTHWAITE [7919] [b abt 1595 say], c not found, fl 1633 [Is he the William in Quarmore?]

d George HATHORNTHWAITE [7920] c 22 Nov 1620 Lancaster St Mary as George f. Willmi

c George HATHORNTHWAITE [7921] [b abt 1590 say], fl 1633, [bur 2 Feb 1666 Lancaster St Mary as George H of Wirsdalle?]

c = (1) Anon ANON [m abt 1615 say], m not found, d abt 1620, bur not found

d Bartholomew HATHORNTHWAITE [7922] c 24 Aug 1616 Lancaster St Mary as Bartholomew Hathothait (sic) f. Georgij, bur 25 Jul 1703 Lancaster St Mary as Bartholomew H of Wyersdale. Date stone at Gornall’s Farm (outbuilding) at Tarnbrook: 1677 BDH, interpreted as Bartholomew and Dorothy H. 1690 Oath Rolls: Bartholomew H of Scotforth. [Garnett suggests he was a Quaker, but his St Mary burial may suggest otherwise]

d = Dorothy ANON [Could this be Dorothy H [901]?], m not found, bur 2 Mar 1690 Lancaster St Mary as Dorothy w. of Bartholomew H of Wyersdale. [Admon of 1694 of Dorothy of Tarnbrook is not this one, but widow of William H, father of Jane]

e Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE c not found (Quaker?), d 1682 [Garnett] [Garnett: assumed daughter and son in law from date stone]

e = Giles PARKER [7921] [c 26 May 1634 Slaidburn St Andrew as Egidius f. Roberti Parker de Oxenhursthouse?], m not found, d 1691 [Garnett]. Date stone at Gornall’s Farm: 1677 GEP. “Gentleman, of Tarnbrook”, according to his description in Admon relating to probate of William H of Tarnbrook [899]

f Bartholomew PARKER [Source: Garnett] m 1699, fl 1713

d George HATHORNTHWAITE [7927] c 3 Apr 1619 Lancaster St Mary as George Hathornthwatt f. Georgij

d Ellen HATHORNTHWAITE [7928] c 11 Apr 1622 Lancaster St Mary as Ellen Hathornthwait fa. Georgij

c = (2) Jane HATHORNTHWAITE [7934] m 24 Aug 1621 Lancaster St Mary, [bur 26 Oct 1692 Lancaster St Mary?]

d William HATHORNTHWAITE [7929] c 3 Jan 1625/6 Lancaster St Mary as Willm Hathornthwait f. Georgij

[d Thomas HATHORNTHWAITE [7930] bur 31 Jul 1637 Lancaster St Mary as Thomas H f. Georgij]

Three Families of George

The three families below very likely connect to the above and are probably the first cousins in Generation (d). But which is which? There is also George of Tatham, who is probably separate.

Family of George of Fennow Carrs

This family were Quakers, which explains the apparent lack of records at Lancaster St Mary. What we have below comes from George’s 1695 Will and Lancaster Meeting Records. This branch appears to have daughtered out, unless he was the same as George of Bulk, below.

[d James HATHORNTHWAITE a James H did George’s 1695 Inventory, possibly a brother or a cousin, since he mentions no son James in his Will]

d George HATHORNTHWAITE d 18 Dec 1694 Lancaster, bur 19 Dec 1694 Lancaster Moor Side Burial Ground (Quaker). 1695 Will of George of Fennow Carrs, Lancaster Town, Husbandman: names wife Isabel and daughters below, and suggests he was a Quaker, hence presumably the absence of baptisms for his children

d = Isabel ANON m not found, d 14 Mar 1720/1 Fennow Carrs, bur 51 Mar 1720/1 More Side Burial Ground, Lancaster


e = Richard MILLER


e = Jeremiah MORRIS

e Anon HATHORNTHWAITE d bfr 1695

e = John LUND

e Elizabeth HATHORNTHWAITE Mentioned in father’s 1695 Will as unmarried

[e = William GUNSON m 12 Aug 1695 Lancaster Meeting House, Eliz a Spinster of Lancaster?]

e Katherine HATHORNTHWAITE Mentioned in father’s 1695 Will as unmarried

e = John PATCHETT m 9 Nov 1709 at William Stout’s House in Lancaster as John P of Scotforth & Katherine H, Spinster Linen Weaver of Lancaster


e = Richard WILDER

Family of George of Bulk

Could George of Bulk be the same as George of Fennow Carrs, above?

d George HATHORNTHWAITE of Bulk, [b abt 1635 say], bur not found. Left no Will. 1664: Paid Hearth Tax as George of Bulk

d = Anon ANON m not found

e Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [8085] c 15 Jul 1666 Lancaster St Mary as Dorathy H fa. George of Bulke

[f Ellen HATHORNTHWAITE c 25 Jun 1699 Lancaster St Mary as Ellen dr of Dorothy H of Bulk?]

e Richard HATHORNTHWAITE [8087] c 16 May 1669 Lancaster St Mary as Richard H f. Geo: of Bulke, m not found, d not found

e Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [8086] c 22 Jan 1670 Lancaster St Mary as Marie H fa. George of Bulk, m not found, d not found

Family of George of Quarmore

d George HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1635 say], [c 19 May 1628 Lancaster St Mary as George H f. Johnis?], bur 6 Dec 1700 Lancaster St Mary as George H of Quarmore. [Moved to Tatham? See burial of possible first wife Ellen] [1664 Hearth Tax: Paid on 1 hearth as George H of Tatham?]. 1700 Will of George of Quarmore: mentions wife Jennet, son John and daughters Mary & Dorothy

[d = (1) Ellen ROBINSON m 13 Dec 1656 Tatham, Ellen of Wray, Melling p:, bur 9 Apr 1679 Bentham as Ellen ux: George H de Tatham? Perhaps a bit unlikely]

[d = (1) Elizabeth ANON m not found, d bfr 1680, based on naming patterns in the Rigmaiden family below]

e John HATHORNTHWAITE [7932] c 18 Nov 1666 Lancaster St Mary as Jo: H f. George of Quermore, m not found, d not found. Mentioned in father’s 1700 Will

e Ann HATHORNTHWAITE [7933] c 6 Jun 1669 Lancaster St Mary as Ann H fa. George of Quermore. Not mentioned in father’s 1700 Will

e Ellen HATHORNTHWAITE c 14 Feb 1673 Lancaster St Mary as Elling fa. George H of Quermore, bur 13 May 1711 Lancaster St Mary as Ellen H of Quarmore. [Not mentioned in George of Quarmore’s 1700 Will. It is not clear why. Perhaps there is an error here]

e Dorothy HATHORNTHWAITE [8085] [b abt 1675 say], c not found, bur 9 Jun 1706 Lancaster St Mary as Dorothy w. of Thomas Rigmaiden of Lancaster. Mentioned in father’s 1700 Will as married

e = Thomas RIGMAIDEN [8088] of Lancaster, m(1) bfr 1697, not found, m(2) after 1706, not found, bur not found

f Elizabeth RIGMAIDEN c 11 Jul 1697 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thomas R of Lancaster

f George RIGMAIDEN c 2 Jun 1700 Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas R of Lancaster

f John RIGMAIDEN c 25 Oct 1702 Lancaster St Mary, s of Thomas R of Lancaster

f Mary RIGMAIDEN c 15 Feb 1705 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thomas R of Lancaster

f Ellen RIGMAIDEN c 17 Sep 1710 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Thomas R of Lancaster

d= (2) Jennet ANON m not found, bur 14 Mar 1716/7 as Jennet H a widow of Quarmore. Mentioned in husband George’s 1700 Will

e Mary HATHORNTHWAITE [b abt 1681 say], c not found, bur 12 Dec 1730 Lancaster St Mary as Mary w. of Wm C of Quarmore. Mentioned in George of Quarmore’s 1700 Will as unmarried,

e = William CHIPPENDALE m 14 Feb 1702 Lancaster St Mary, bur 8 May 1743 Lancaster Sty Mary as Wm C of Quarmore

f Jennet CHIPPENDALE c 11 Feb 1703 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Wm C of Quarmore

f Elizabeth CHIPPENDALE c 17 May 1704 Lancaster St Mary, dr of Wm C of Quarmore

f John CHIPPENDALE c 17 Feb 1705 Lancaster St Mary, s of Wm C of Quarmore, bur 26 Mar 1729 Lancaster St Mary as John s of Wm C of Quarmore

f George CHIPPENDALE c 26 Jan 1707 Lancaster St Mary, s of Wm C of Quarmore Brow

f William CHIPPENDALE c 7 Jul 1710 Lancaster St Mary, s of Wm C of Quarmore, bur 11 Jul 1710 as Wm s of Wm C of Quarmore

f Mary CHIPPENDALE c not found, bur 14 Oct 1730 Lancaster St Mary as Mary dr of Wm C of Quarmore

Chapter 15

Selected Wills

Family relationships of the early Hathornthwaites have been determined partly by means of their Wills, since Parish Registers appear devoid of the baptisms that we might expect. This chapter gives the text of a number of Wills which are key to the Hathornthwaite story or interesting in their own right. Other Hathornthwaite Wills are given in the separate document Hathornthwaite Wills, which is available on request.

Will of Robert of Scorton 1686

In the name of God Amen the thirteenth day of May in the seventh year of the Raigne of the Most Gracious Soveraigne Lord King James the Second by the grace of god over England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith and in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eightie six, I Robert Hathornthwait of Scorton within Netherwyresdall in the Countie of Lanc being infirm in body but of sound memory praise be given to almighty God for the same doe make this my last Will and testament in manner following first and principally……[etc etc]……………as to my worldly estate I dispose it as followeth whereas I hold and enjoy one messuage and tenement in Over Kellet in the countie aforesaid containing fortie acres of land or thereabouts with severall buildings thereunto belonging and also one close of land situate in Forton in the said countie called Gillsfeild to me and my heirs for ever containing five acres of land or thereabouts [illeg] is my mynd and I doe hereby give devise and bequeath one full third of all the said messuage and tenement in Over Kellet aforesaid with the appurtenances and one full third of all the buildings thereto belonging with one full third of that close called Gillsfeild with the appurtenances unto Elizabeth my loving wife and [illeg] during the terme of her naturall life and whereas I now hold and enjoy one messuage and tenement and several buildings in Scorton in the countie aforesaid [illeg] the Honble the Lady Elizabeth [Gorman?] and about thirtytwo acres of land thereunto belonging under the yearly rent of sixteen pounds and tenn shillings payable every second day of February and twentyninth day of September by equall portions Item it is my mynd and will and I doe hereby (with the consent and good likeing of the said Lady [Gorman?] or of her Lord) [illeg] give devise assign and bequeath all such right goodwill and tenancy unto the said messuage [illeg] and buildings in Scorton aforesaid unto my eldest son John Hathornthwait his heires and assigns as I now have unto the same premisses Item I also give devise bequeath and assign unto the said John Hathornthwait my eldest son and to his heires and also for ever all the [illeg] close of Land in Forton aforesaid called Gillsfeild allowing Elizabeth my wife her third thereof to lien for life paying all dues duties assessments demands [illeg] for the same Item It is my mynd and will and I doe give devise and bequeath unto Willm Hathornthwait my second son his heires and assigns for ever all my messuge tenement land and buildings in Over Kellet aforesaid he allowing unto Elizabeth my wife her third [illeg] thereof bequeathed to lien for life as aforesaid paying all rents dues and duties and demands for ever for the same also paying unto my three youngest daughters Alice Anne and Elizabeth Hathornthwait every one thirty pounds as they severally attain to twentyone yeares of age and if all or any of them dye before they attayne unto twenty one yeares of age then it is my mynd that [several lines hard to read, but apparently a matter of detail] if the said William Hathornthwait dye and leave no lawful issue of his body Item It is my Will and I doe give devise and bequeath the said [illeg] premisses as aforesaid to my third son Thomas Hathornthwait his heirs and also for ever paying doing and allowing all and whatever my said son Willm Hathornthwait should have paid and done for the same as also paying unto my son David and two eldest daughters Agnes and Sarah every one twenty pounds and to my three youngest daughters Alice Anne and Elizabeth every one tenne pounds as they shall severally attaine to twenty one yeares of age. And if it shall happen the said Thomas Hathornthwait dye and leave noe lawfull issue of his body it is my mynd and will and I doe give devise and bequeath all the same [illeg] premisses unto my fourth son David Hathornthwait his heires and also for ever he paying doeing and allowing all and whatsoever my said son Thomas Hathornthwait is willed to pay and doe for the same And if it happen that the said David Hathornthwait dye and leave no lawfull issue of his body it my mynd and will and I doe give devise and bequeath all the said last mencioned premisses unto my eldest son John Hathornthwait and his heires and also for ever And [illeg] to me and my also one messuage and tenement in Garstang in the said countie with severall buildings and about tenne acres of land or thereto belonging by lease from the Honble Willm Spencer Esquire and the Honble Elizabeth his wife for twenty one years (thirteen yeares whereof or thereabouts are yet in being) Item it is my mynd and I doe hereby desire my Executors will appraise and Inventory the said tenement amongst the rest of my personall estate to the end the profitts that shall be raised out of the same during the said therteen yeares may be employed towards payment of my [illeg] manorial. Item it is my will and mynd and I doe hereby [illeg] and good liking of the same Hon Spencer and his Lady give devise and bequeath all [illeg] right goodwill [illeg] messuage and tenement situate in Garstang aforesaid to my said son Thomas Hathornthwait his heires and assigns as I have or ought to have of in or unto the same Item it is my mynd and will and I doe hereby give devise and assign [illeg] bequeath my whole benefitt of [illeg] belonging to the same last mentioned premisses unto my son John Hathornthwait his heires and assigns in manner and form as usually the same [illeg] given and bequeathed within the Town of Garstang [illeg] person to another and four my personall estate I will treat my debts and funerall expenses be paid out of my whole goods and chattels and the surplusage thereof shall be divided into three equall partes and according to the Laudable Custom of the Province of Yorke shall be distributed one third part thereof to my wife Elizabeth another third part thereof to my younger children Thomas David Agnes Sarah Alice Anne and Elizabeth Hathornthwait share and share alike and to be paid unto them according as they shall respectively attayne to the age of one and twenty yeares And the other third part comonly called the deads parte I give and bequeath as followeth Viz I give to John my eldest son twenty pounds towards [illeg] as safe as his tenement and I give to Thomas and David my two younger sons three score pounds apiece to be payd them when they come to twenty one yeares of age I give to Agnes my eldest daughter Three score and tenne pounds and to Sarah my second daughter three score pounds and to my three younger daughters Alice Anne and Elizabeth every one tenne pounds to be payde them when they shall respectively come to twenty one yeares of age And it is my mynd and will that if any of my seven younger children Viz my five daughters and two sons Thomas and David doe dye without Lawfull issue of their bodyes the share or parte of him her them or any of them soe dyeing shall accrue(?) and come unto and equally be distributed by my Executors amongst the Survivor and Survivors of them Except what I have herein before given shall accrue and come to my son Willm or any other of my sons which shall have my estate at Over Kellet aforesaid Item it is my will that if my own parte of goods come to any more than what I have herein before bequeathed the sum and my mynd is shall be distributed equally amongst my seven youngest children Item it is my mynd and will that my Executors shall joyntly take [illeg] and have the Guardianshipp of my children under age and manage their porcions to the best and [illeg] most advantage and educate and bring them up with Learneing according to their severall abilities and lastly I doe nominate and appoint my loveing wife Elizabeth Hathornthwait my eldest son John Hathornthwait and my brother in Law Willm Hathornthwait sole onely and Joynt Executors of this my last Will and testament hopeing they will honestly perform the same as my trust is in them reposed In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written

Will of John of Tarnebroke 1630

Summary of Townley Manuscript, original at the British Museum, microfilm copy at Lancashire Record Office. The full text of the original Will has been lost.

The story of the Townley Manuscripts is an interesting one in itself. During an ecclesiastical dispute (I am not sure precisely when) over whether certain Wills should be stored at Lancaster or York, they were transported several times between the two places. One journey was made in an open cart during a storm. Many of the Wills were blown away and soaked with rain. A man named Townley gathered up all he could find, made abstracts of them and gave the abstracts to the Authorities. These are now stored at the Britsh Museum as the Townley Manuscripts13.

Will of John Hathornthwait of Tarnebroke in Wyresdale, Yeoman, 8 Dec 1630

He gives to Elizabeth his wife one third part of his lands and tenements during her widowhood

He gives to John his son the remainder of his lands and tenements

He gives "one peece of ground" towards bringing up his younger children until his daughter Margaret attains to the age of 21, then to remain to William his son

He gives to Thomas, Dorathy & Margaret his children 4d apeece

He gives to Richard his son one [chist?] [=chest?]

He gives to Ellen his daughter, wife of Peter Tomlinson, 10s

The rest of his goods he gives to William, Thomas, Dorathy and Margaret his younger children equally between them

He names Elizabeth his wife Executrix.


The summary of this Will given in "The Haythorns" by Dorothy Haythorn Collins is not accurate

John is apparently the eldest and inherits the greater part of the estate

Thomas, Dorathy & Margaret are clearly minors, and perhaps quite small.

William is presumably the second son.

Richard is perhaps the third son. The nature of the "chist" is unclear, but it is presumably a chest. A later Haythornthwaite will also refers to a chest with initials "RH" bequeathed from one Richard H to another, so it may be that this particular chest was handed down from one Richard Haythornthwaite to another for several generations.

Will of John Hathornthwaite of Tarnbrook 1658/9

[Numbers in square brackets are line numbers in the original document]

[1] In the name of God Amen the [2] first day of march in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fifty eight [3] according to the computation of the Church of England I John Hathornthwaite of Tarnbrooke [4] in Wyresdall in the County of Lancaster yeoman being sick in bodie but whole in mynd [5] and of perfect memory and remembrance blessed and praised bee Almighty God for it [6] doe make and ordayne this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following [7] First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker hopeing that through the [8] meritorious death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to [9] receave free pardon and forgiveness of all my sinnes and to be one of his elect and chosen [10] to live with him in his Everlasting Glory And my bodie to be buried in Christian buriall [11] in the parish Church yard of Lancaster at the discretion of my Executors

And as for my [12] worldly Estate I give and bequeath as followeth First after my debts and funerall expenses [13] being discharged forth of the whole I give and bequeath the full halfe of all my houses [14] buildings and barnes whatsoever and alsoe the full halfe of all my lands and Tenements to all and [15] every of the full halfe part lyinge at the Vaccary of Tarnbrooke and at the Vaccarie of Marshaye [16] unto Richard Hathornthwaite my deere and lovinge sonne payinge unto my daughter Elizabeth [17] Hathornthwaite the full whole and [just?] summe of Twenty three pounds six shillings eight pence [18] of lawfull money of England at two equall portions that is to say the first moyety or halfe part [19] of the summe aforesayd at and upon the second day of February which shall be three yeares [20] after the decease of him the sayd John Hathornthwaite father to the sayd Elizabeth and the latter [21] moyetie or other halfe part at the other third yeares end followinge Item I give and bequeath unto [22] John Hathornthwaite and Edward Hathornthwaite my deere and lovinge sonnes the other halfe [23] part of all my buildings houses barnes lands and Tenements lying at the Vaccarie of Tarnbrook and at the [24] Vaccarie of Marshay equally between them paying unto my sonne Thomas Hathornthwaite the full whole [25] and [just?] summe of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England within foure yeares after the death of him the [26] sayd John father to him the sayd Thomas at one whole and entyre payment which payment to bee paid [27] equally by both the sayd John and Edward his brother And likewise my will and mynde is that my two [28] sonnes John and Edward shall paye unto my sonne Nicholas Hathornthwaite the full whole and [just?] [29] summe of five pounds of lawfull money of England at one whole and entire payment within five [30] years after the death of him the sayd John Father to him the sayd Nicholas And likewise my will [31] and mynde is that my two sonnes John and Edward shall pay unto my sonne Lawrence Hathornthwaite [32] the full whole and [just?] summe of five pounds at one whole and entyre payment of lawfull money [33] of England within sixe yeares after the death of him the sayd John father to him the sayd Lawrence [34] which payments equally to be paid betweene the sayd John and Edward And alsoe my will and [35] mynde is that Alice my Wife shall have the bedchamber above the fyre in her third part [36] And furthermore I make and ordayne John Hathornthwaite and Edward and Richard [37] Hathornthwaite my three deere and lovinge sonnes my whole Executors hopeinge as my trust [38] is in them that they will see this my will performed in witness whereof I have put [39] my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written John Hathornthwaite mark and Seale. Sealed signed and delivered in the presence of witnesses Richard Hathornthwait and [41] [ ] [ ] [ ] James Hathornthwaite Also my will and mynde is that my sonne Richard [42] shall have and enjoy all the halfe part of my buildings lands and Tenements as is herein expressed [43] to him and his heyres for ever performing the legacies as is herein expressed and the other halfe part [44] to my sonnes John and Edward to them and their heyres for ever performing the legacies. I John [45] Hathornthwaite of Tarnbrook Doe confesse myselfe to stand indebted unto my sonne Richard [46] Hathornthwaite of nineteen pounds due to be paid unto him the sayd Richard Hathornthwaite [47] I John hathornthwaite have oweinge unto me of William Waller of [Stors?] [near?] [Acrain/Arwain?] the summe [48] of thirteen shillings And the sayd John Hathornthwaite doe declare thus upon his will in the [49] [presence?] of [ ] And furthermore the sayd John Hathornthwaite doe declare upon this his will that [50] his sonne Edward shall have foure yards of one web of cloath which is at dressing at the [Weaver?] [51] And his daughter Elizabeth one yard and a halfe, and furthermore that his wife shall have as [52] much of the woollane yarne when it is made into Cloath it now beinge in spinning as shall [53] make her petticoate and wastcoate And likewise that there is one Webb of Cloath at Lancaster [54] that [four] of my eldest sonnes shall have [every] of them a payce of stockins cloath and [the] [55] remaynder over of them all to be sold except one petticoate cloath for my daughter [56] Elizabeth And likewise of that webb which is in spinninge my mynde is that my sonne [59] Thomas shall have three yards of it Witnes hand of Richard Hathornthwaite marke William [F----] James Hathornthwaite

This Will was proved at London before the judges for probate of Wills and graunting Administrations on the one and Twentieth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fifty nyne by the oath of Edward and Richard Hathornthwaite Executors unto whome was committed Administration they being first by commission [ ][truely] to Administer.

Will of Edward of Dinkling Green

Edward HAYTHORNTHWAITE of Tarnbrook and Dinkling Green c? m? d 1700 Dinkling Green, bur Chipping

In the name of God Amen, the first day of November in the twelth year of the raign of King William the Third and in the year of our lord god one thousand and seven hundred, I Edward Hathornwhaite of Dinklegreen [illeg] in the [Forest?] of Bolland & County of Lancaster yeoman sicke in body but of good & [illeg] memory thanks be unto god, doe make this my last will & testament in manner & [form] as followeth, First & principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty god my creator & Redeemer hopeing through the [illeg] Death & buriall of Jesus Christ to be one of his [Elect that??] shall be saved. Item I give and bequeath to Richard Hathornwhaite my sonn all my lands & tenements at Dinklegreen & in Wyersdale Item I give & bequeath unto my three daughters each one Twenty Pounds apiece as they shall accomplish they [sic] age of Twenty one years Item I bequeath & give unto Margrett my wife the thirds of all my lands at Dinklegreen & in Wyersdale Item my will & mind is that my three daughters shall be brought up and maintayned till they shall come [late?] to the age of twenty one years with meat drink & apparall. Item I constitute & ordaine & make Margrett my wife and Richard my sonn whole executors of this my last Will & Testament, hopeing that they will see the same executed & performed according to this my last will & Testament as my hope is in them. Witness my hand & seale the day and the year above written

Edward Hathronwhate [marke]

Sealed Signed & Delivered

in the sight & presence of

his marke

Richard R Hathronwhate [Sea

Henry Braskin


John Marten

Will of Robert of Fell End, Netherwyresdale, 1704/6

In the name of God Amen the fourth day of October in the third year of the Raigne of our most gracious Soveraigne Lady Anne for the grace of God Queen over England Scotland France Ireland Defender of the Faith and [illeg], I Robt Hathornethwt of Netherwyresdall in the County of Lancaster being infirm and weake in body but of sound and perfecte memory (praise to Almighty God for the same) And minding me of my dissolution [etc etc etc]….…And as to my worldly estate which God of his goodness hath been pleased to bestowe upon me I give devise and bequeath as followeth (viz) And first it is my mynd and will that all my debts legacys and funerall expenses be wholly paid and discharged out of my whole personall estate Item Whereas I have purchased to me my houses for over one third [illeg] of [illeg] of tyth in Netherwyrsdall afforesaid with [illeg] of tythe does not descend to me the rest of the purchase till the death of the Lady Bindloss of Borwicke Hall in the said County Widdow, my mynd and will is and I doe hereby give devise and bequeath the same and all my whole Interest and tythe thereunto unto William Parkinson of Sykes in Bowland in the County of Yorke, Lawrence France of Quaremoore in the County of Lanc and to Rachel Hathornthwaite Daughter of my Bro: James Hathornthwaite Equally amongst them And whereas I have one Bond of Eighty Pounds for the payment of forty pounds due to me from one Jon. Hathornthwaite Decd whose Widdow and [illeg] is now married to one William Alston in the said County of Lanc [illeg] the said sum of money thereon due and [illeg] thereof I give and bequeath all the same from and to the said Rachell and to Sarrah the daughter of John Hathornthwt………..equally amongst them And whereas I have one [illeg] Bond or obligation of the payment of twenty pounds [illeg] for the payment of tenne pounds due to me from Henry Winder of Overwyresdall afforesd I give devise and bequeath the same and all moneys thereupon due unto Easter Hathornthwt the only daughter of my cozin Wm Hathotnethwt late of Netherwyresdall dec’d And whereof I have lately taken a Legacy or ……………his Grace the Duke of Hamilton for the messuages and tenements in Netherwyrsdall afforsaid where I now [illeg] have paid to his said Grace one halfe of the figure agreed for; it is my mynd and will and I do hereby give devise and bequeath the same and all my…………………. Term right thereinto and thereunto unto my loving wife Alne Hathornethw: to Jon Hathornethw: my Kinseman of Rawmor in Bowland in the said County of Yorke equally between them they paying the other Halfe of the figure between them my said loveing wife onely to have possession and enjoy the same duringe the tearme of her naturall life the Rem: to descend to the said John Hathornthwt: And as to all the Rest Residue and Rem: of all my wheresoever personall Estate I give and bequath the same unto my said Loveing wife Alne Hathornthwt: and the said John Hathornthwt: Equally betwixt them they paying unto the said Easter Hathornthwt: the Daughter of the said Wm Hathornthwt: either of them the full sum of fower pounds both of them the sum of eight pounds equally betweene them And I ask and doe nominate and appoint them the said Alne Hathornthwt: my loveing wife and the said John Hathornethwt: to be Executrix and Executor of this my last will and testament hopeing they will see the same performed as my trust is in them reposed In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first before written

Robt Hathornthwt:


his marke

Will of John Hathornwait of Slean End 1741

In the name of God amen: - I John Hathornwait of Slean End in Nether Wirsdale within the parish of garstang and the county of Lancaster Husbandman being sick and infirm of body but of a sound and perfeck disposing mind and memory praised bee god for the same Doe for the setteling of my temporall concerns doe make this my Last Will and testament as foloweth hereby Renouncing Revoacking frusterateing and making nul and void all former and other Will and Wills maid by mee heretofore or Executed and I doe Declare and appoint this to bee my Last Will and testament and First it is my Will and mind that all my just debts funerall Expenses and charges atending the probate and Execution of this my Will and the Incident Charges of my Executors in the Execution here of bee first paid and discharged-----------------------Item then it is my Will and mind for my Wife to have all that that was her own and all that hous end at the back side of the fier at the Lawher house and shee shall have it cept in repare by the tenant in poseshon and that Litell orchard at the north side of the fould and six pole of ground more in sum convenyont place for Earbs and roots likewise it is my Will and mind for my Wife to have forty Shillings a year and Shee Shall have one bed with forniture thereunto belonging as her own [illeg] above menshoned Shee Shall Enjoy soe Long as that tenement shall hould in Leas if Shee neither mary nor miscary but if Shee remain as my Wife but if Shee Either mary or miscary Shee Shall have it noe Longer it is my mind for my Wife to have the tuishon of my grand son William Hathornwait till such time as Hee is capable of choosing his tutor himself and for my grand son to have a bed and all thereunto belonging and it is my Will and mind for my Wife to have the use of those goods that I shall now name soe long as Shee remaine my Wife and then for my grand son to have them that is one bras clock and the cupboard a warmin pan and the fleas pres and it is my Will and mind for my grand son to be brought up with such scool Larning as is nedfull for him and it is my Will and mind for my Daughter in Law Alce Hathornwait to have five shillings and my Grand Daughter that is Eling Hathornwait to have a giny and for to my two sisters to have twelvepence apeece and all that I am own ounckel to I give twelvepence apeece all the remander of my Estate boath real and personall I give to my Grand son William Hathornwait duering his nattuerall Life but if hee happen to die before hee mary or atain to the age of one and twenty then it is my Will and mind for all that hee did poses that was mine for his sister Eling Hathornwait to have But if Eling my grand Daughter Doe happen to die before she atain to the age of one and twenty then it is my Will and mind for all that then remains for it to bee Equaly devided among all my relashons that I am own ounckel to and Lastly I doe here by nominate and appoint Jane Hathornwait my dear Wife and Joseph Corlas of Winmarley------ and John Dunderdall of barnaker to bee my Executors of this my Last Will and teastement in Witness whereof I the said John Hathornwait have here unto put my hand and seal this seventeent day of apriel in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand seven hundred and forty one------

The mark and caractere

of John Hathornwait

The Will of Richard of Sykes

Richard Haythornthwaite (abt 1679-1762) of Sykes, Dinkling Green, Hareden and Whitendale

Be it Rembred that I Richard Haythornwaite of Whitendale within the parish of Slaidburn and Diceous of York do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament this Seventeenth day of May one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty in manner and form Following First it is my Will and mind that my Executors hereinafter mentioned shall pay and discharge all my just debts (if any) and my Funeral Expenses out of my whole Effects I give to my son Edward and my son William all my Estate at Dinclingreen with all the priviledges thereto belonging and to [them?] and each of their heirs for ever Subject to the payment of four pounds ten shillings p year payable to Jennet my Wife provided she please to accept the same in full [Barr?] of her Thirds or Dower or Title of Dower and I give the said Estate to the said Edward and William accordingly to be equally divided between them Share and Share Alike and further whereas I have now Two Hundred pounds lodged in a certain hand in order to pay for a certain parcell of Lands now Contracted for called Knotend purchased from Mr Thomas Gradwell and Mr Henry Haighton Executors of the late Mr John Parkinson of Clithero I do hereby give the said two hundred pounds to my two sons provided they take the Title of the said Estate equally betwixt them to be divided share and share alike and that each of their heirs shall have an equal Benefit of the same ( to wit ) my son Edward and William and their heirs for ever and whereas I am well Entitled to an Estate called Farn Brook [sic] I do hereby give and bequeath the said Estate called Farn Brook within Lancashire to my son Richard and his heirs for ever with all the priviledges and appurtenances thereto belonging together with all my Stock of Sheep which may be found at the place at the time of my decease chargeable with the payment of one pound ten shilling yearly and every year to Jennet my wife for and during her natural life provided she please to accept the same in full of her Thirds or dower for the same I give and bequeath to my son John one hundred and twenty pounds to be paid by my Executors twelve months next after my decease and I also hereby give and bequeath unto my son Robert one hundred and twenty pounds to be paid by my Executors within twelve months next after my decease as to all the rest residue and remainder of all my Goods Chattels and Effects of what kind nature or quality [sort ??] the same my[sic] be I give and bequeath the same to my son Edward and my son William to be equally divided betwixt them share and share alike except Two Shillings and Sixpence which I give to my Son Christopher Sutton and one chest which I give to my Son Richard with these letters on R:H: Lastly I nominate and appoint my son Edward and my son William [joint?] Executors of this my last will and testament hoping they will see the same carefully performed as my trust is in them reposed for that purpose in witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and done the day and year above written ~ Richard Haythornwaite ~ Signed Sealed published and [illeg] by the Testator in the sight and presence of us, Edmd Parker, Richard Shore[?], Rich. Clough ~ ~ ~

This will past Seal 29th November 1762

This Will was transcribed 14 February 2000 by Peter Haythornthwaite from Microfilm 0099724 of the Mormon Family History Library, and comes from a bound volume of official copies of wills probated by the Prerogative Court of York, held at the Borthwick Institute of Historical Research

Will of Edward of Higher Fence 1798

The last Will and Testament of me Edward Haythornthwaite of Higher Fence in the Township of Little-Bowland and County of Lancaster Yeoman is as follows First I will order and direct that all my just Debts Funeral Expenses and Probate of this my Will be fully discharged and satisfied by my Executors herein after named out of my personal Estate and Effects Also I give devise and bequeath unto my son Robert his Heirs and Assigns all that my Messuage Lands Tenements and Hereditaments being estate of Inheritance situate lying and being at Dinkley-Green in the said Township of Little-Bowland together with the whole Stock of Sheep thereunto belonging and also all my Right Title Term and Interest to and in the Farm at Higher-Fence with all the Stock of Horses and Implements of Husbandry thereunto belonging Also I give devise and bequeath to my son Richard his Heirs and Assigns all that my Estate of Inheritance situate lying and being at Knot-End in the said Township of Litle-Bowland together with all my Right Title Term and Interest to and in the Farm at Whitendale and a certain Field or Parcel of Ground commonly called and known by the Name of Long-Knot and also all the Stock of Sheep Household Goods and Implements of Husbandry and Horses belonging to the said Farm at Whitendale Also I give and bequeath to the three oldest sons of my said son Richard my Stock of Sheep called long tails equally divided amongst them Also I give and bequeath my whole stock of horned cattle (except sheep) wheresoever the same shall be found to my two sons Robert and Richard to be divided equally betwixt them share and share alike Also I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary the Wife of Richard Parkinson the sum of twenty Pounds, to Alice oldest Daughter of the said Mary fifty Pounds and to each of her other three Children the sum of ten Pounds apiece all which four last Legacies I will order and direct to be paid to the said Legatees when and as they shall respectively attain to the Age of twenty one years And further I will order and direct, provided my said Daughter Mary shall be left a Widow before all or any of her said Children shall arrive at the Age of twenty one years, that then and in such Case the Interest of the Legacies of such of the Children as are under the Age of twenty one years shall be paid by my Executors hereinafter named to my said Daughter Mary toward the Support and Maintenance of the said Children, but not otherwise I also give and bequeath to my Widow, if I shall leave one, [illeg] and other necessaries to furnish a Room and also the Sum of eight Pounds a year during the Term of her natural Life to be paid by my two sons Robert and Richard equally Share and Share alike or by their respective Heirs executors Administrators and Assigns And all the Rest Residue and Remainder of any Estate and Effects wheresoever and whatsoever I give devise and bequeath to my two Sons Robert and Richard equally betwixt them Share and Share alike And I hereby nominate and appoint my said two Sons Robert and Richard and my Brother John Haythornthwaite Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Will and Wills by me heretofore made In Witness whereof I hereunder set my Hand and Seal this eighth Day of February in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and ninety eight

Signed sealed published and declared Edward Haythornthwaite

by the said Testator Edward Haythornthwaite

as and for his last Will and Testament in the

Presence of us, who, in his Presence, and at his

Request, have subscribed our Names

as Witnesses thereto

Alexr Parker [Seal]

Richard Robinson

John Carlisle

Robert Haythornthwaite & Richard Haythornthwaite the Executors within named were duly sworn before me

"Prerogative" Thos Armistead Surrogate

Passed Seal 20th June 1800 [illeg]

Chapter 16

The DNA of the Haythornthwaites

The modern science of genetics is another source of information which now can provide further clues to supplement the written record. The Y-chromosome is handed down from father to son rather in the manner of a surname. Certain repetitive structures in the DNA are characteristic of descendants of a given male ancestor, and so study of these structures may throw interesting light on questions of genealogy. To what extent are modern Haythornthwaites (and indeed Hawthornthwaites, Haythornwhites and Haythorn(e)s) genetic descendants of a single ancestral male Haythornthwaite who lived at Hawthornthwaite in around the year 1400? Are there links between hitherto unconnect branches of the family? As Haythornthwaites, we are fortunate that our name was selected as one of 40 surnames to receive special attention from the Department of Genetics at Leicester University, so we can now answer some of these questions. Initial results became available from this project in Autumn 2004 and the selected male Haythornthwaites who acceded to requests for DNA samples in 2001 got some personal feedback on their individual test results.

In 2009, a scientific paper has finally been published and is available on the web. A summary of the project and links to the paper may be found at Clicking on the link for Haythornthwaite produces a rather nice chart of yellow blobs. This illustrates the fact that 38 of the 39 volunteers fell into a single Y-chromosome type which, to avoid technicalities, I will refer to as Type I (actually Haplotype R1b1).

The implication of this is those tested generally appear likely to have descended from a common male ancestor who lived a few hundred years ago, whether their modern name is Haythornthwaite, Haythornwhite, Haythorn(e) or Hawthornthwaite. The sole exception appears to be the result of a documented maternal transmission of the name about 150 years ago (giving rise to what we may call a Type II group of descendants).

This result allows us to deduce that several family trees in this volume, unconnected as yet by the written record, are indeed more likely than not connectable if the records could be found. In the case of other unconnected trees in this volume, no modern descendants were tested in this project, and therefore we cannot draw the same conclusion about them.

In 2009, Leicester University Genetics Department is launching a new project to examine the effect on modern DNA of Viking settlement in the north west of England. Some representative Haythornthwaite DNA will be included in this study, so it may be by 2011, when results are planned, we may be able to test the validity of H claims to a Viking heritage, at least as far as Y-chromsomal DNA is concerned.


1 In Memoriam Album for Richard Haythornthwaite (1842-1911) of Mount Pleasant Mill, 1912. Contains photographs (1912) of places of interest in Slaidburn, Higham and Burnley, obituaries, letters from relations and a family tree going back to Richard of Batrix (1732-1795), based on family memory and an 1889 letter from George Haythornthwaite of Slaidburn recalling his aunts and uncles and where they went. It was this Album that, in my youth, first got me interested in the family tree.

2 Microfilm original and transcriptions of Parish Register entries. A compendium of all Haythornthwaite entries extracted by me is available on computer file. Much Parish Register data in my tree was acquired as part of sections of tree supplied by collaborators, and these data have not been checked with sources or included in this list.

3 Haythornthwaite Wills - a separate document is available giving lists of, extracts from, and transcriptions of Wills written by or mentioning Haythornthwaites.

4 Census Returns - a compendium of Census Returns involving Haythornthwaites is in preparation.

5"The Hathunuts" by Alfred Ian Haythornthwaite, 1964

6 Sketch of the Family History of John Whitaker. John Whitaker, December 1930. Describes life in Wyresdale and mentions Haythornthwaites.

7 The History of Chipping: 1893. I have not seen this book myself, but Kathryn Yates has kindly supplied extracts from it.

8 Obituary article in Burnley Express and in Nelson Leader about John Wilfrid "JW" (Victory V) Haythornthwaite, 10 Oct 1962

9 "The Hardships my Parents Endured….". Personal reminiscences by William Haythornthwaite (1829-1909). The title is rather misleading as much of the text is very interesting material about the early days of the cotton trade and the co-operative movement in Blackburn.

10 Lay Subsidies. A collection of extracts of pipe rolls and manuscripts listing Hearth Tax Returns and other Lay Subsidies paid by Haythornthwaites is in course of preparation.

11 The Tree of the 1820 Ohio Migrants on the "Hope", now connected to the main tree described in this document and to be found in Chapter 7..

12 The Tree of Peter James Haythornthwaite of Kirkby Lonsdale, now connected to the main tree described in this document and to be found in Chapter 5.

13 "The Haythorn(e)s, A History and Genealogy" by Dorothy Haythorn Collins, 1982, published by I P Thiebault Company.

14 H E W Turner's Notes (on the Haythornthwaite family), 1988, edited and illustrated with family photographs by Chris Turner and James Fisher, 2000.

15 " The Families of Hazel Joy Snaith (nee Hanson): Part 1, Haythornthwaite" by John H Snaith, 2001. Document deposited at the Society of Genealogists, London.. FH/HAY


Haythornthwaite Households Worldwide in 2001

This Appendix represents a snapshot in time, illustrative of how Haythornthwaites were distributed throughout the world around the turn of the Millennium.

The listing was originally drawn up in 2001 based on published phone directories plus some ex-directory households identified by other means, including the 1998 UK electoral roll. Inevitably some ex-directory households will be missing, particularly outside the UK, but it is hard to estimate how many. The statistics refer to Haythornthwaites plus a few Haythorn(e)s known to be descended from Haythornthwaites. Hawthornthwaites and Haythornwhites were not included in the survey.

Note that addresses given were as up to date as possible in 2001, but have not been generally updated since then, except where kind correspondents have drawn my attention to a new address, in which case the change is noted, with date. Although the list may be of some assistance in getting in touch with another member of the clan, it is impracticable for me to maintain it as a fully live address list and it is not intended as such.

Names in bold are connected to the family tree of the Descendants of John of Tarnbrook. 158 79%

Names in italics have been contacted or identified, but not yet connected to the above. 38

Names in this font have not yet been contacted or identified and are unknown. 5 ___

Total known Haythornthwaite households 201

In the listings below, X indicates apparent ex-directory. * indicates subject to final confirmation.

^ indicates change of name to Haythorne or Haythorn.

United Kingdom


Alan Bentham Ldg, Ghyll Fields, Barnoldswick 01282 812658


Andrew D 32 Denton St, Barnoldswick X

Barbara 45 Oswald St, Accrington 01254 235039

Brian & June Rose Lea, Priest Hutton, Carnforth 01524 781076

Brian 10 Timbrills Av, Sabden, Blackburn

Clifford Aynhams Farm, Brogden Lane, Barnoldswick 01282 815731

C 42 Church St, Barrowford

David Alan 11 West Beach, Lytham St Annes, FY8 5QH

Deborah Mary 27 Bamford Rd, M20, Manchester 0161 434 6253

David 22 Beresford St, Nelson

David 5 School Terrace, Salterforth, Lancs. 01282 817081

David 39 The Beeches, Bolton 01204 304754

Derek James 19 Mayfield Av, Ingol, Preston 01772 720404

Derek (Haw…) Fishers Slack Cottage, Fleetwood Rd., Singleton, Poulton-le-Fylde

FY6 8NF 01995 670160

David J 29 Fairfield Drive, Burnley 01282 435843


Dorothy 15 Farifield Drive, Clitheroe 01200 424286

Eric Broach Flat Farm, Foulridge, Colne 01282 865188

Frederick 11 Newton Av, Preston 01772 792118

F (Helen) 6 Sansdale Av, Fulwood, Preston 01772 795927

Fred Darwen X

Frank Lostock Hall, Preston X 01772 697400

Harry 87 Coniston Rd, Fulwood, Preston 01772 798189

Herbert 21 Queensgate, Bolton 01204 495296

Ian J & Catherine 14 Eton Close, Padiham, Burnley 01282 774396

Ian R 3 Pine Walks, Lea, Preston

James 184 Halifax Rd, Nelson

James Robert & Winifred 3 Highfield Crescent, Barrowford, Nelson. 01282 694639

James Alan & Patricia 29 Poachers Trail, Lytham St Annes, FY8 4FF 01253 796552


James William 51 Queen St, Great Harwood, Blackburn X

John Trebor, Mewith, Lancaster 015242 61953

Janet (l/a Alfred Parker) St Mary's Lodge, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth

Jessie 7 Gisburn Road, Bolton by Bowland, Clitheroe 01200447214

John & Anne 14 Victoria Road, Northenden, Manchester X

John & Doreen 11 Crowtrees Rd, Sabden, Blackburn 01282 771850

John 11 Ruskin Drive, Kirkby Lonsdale 015242 71997

John David Scunthorpe (or Whittle le Woods?) X

[J A Wild Goose House, Goe Lane, Freckleton. bus. address of James Alan above.]

John I & Clara Ashiana Lodge, Audley Close, Nelson

John Jackson 29 Cliffe Lane, Gt Harwood, Blackburn

& Carole

John Mark Cottam, nr Preston X

John Robert Felsted, Haverbreaks Rd, Lancaster

Kathleen Moffinber, Westhouse, Carnforth 015242 41515

Kathleen M 2 Chestnut Drive, Preston 01772 861441

Linda 8 Carr Head, Trawden, Colne 01282 817081

Martin Manchester X

Neil & Shelly 305 Barkerhouse Rd, Nelson 01282 616250

Neil Richard 21 Derek Rd, Whittle le Woods, Chorley

Pamela 4 Cedars Close, Barnoldswick, Lancs

Peter A 13 Brown Lane, Bamber Bridge, Preston

Peter James Biggins Wood, High Biggins, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth

2004: Hargill Garth, Hargill Road, Redmire, Leyburn DL8 4ER 01969 624252

Peter (widow, Rita) 21 Ryefield Av, Penwortham, Preston 01772 745457

Philip J Parkhill, Parrock Rd, Barrowford, Nelson

Robert 13 Ingleborough Park Drive, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth 015242 42005

Robert Hanson 5 Spring Bank, Garstang, PR3 1QX 01995 600377

Raymond Lindens, Whalley Rd, Pendleton, Clitheroe 01200 422370

Roy B 23 Surrey Av, Burnley 01282 424851

Rose M 27 St Clements Ct, Barrowford, Nelson

Richard 35 Manor Av, Penwortham, Preston 01772 742557

Roger 17 Fraser St, Burnley

Roger 58 York St, Clitheroe 01200 427190

Simon James 42 Chandlers Rest, Lytham St Annes, FY8 5AL

Stephen 3 Chatham St, Colne 01282 866034

Stephen 117 Clitheroe Rd, Sabden, Clitheroe 01282 771015

Stephen 14 Conway Rd, Chorley 01257 452877

Stephanie 26 Glen St, Colne 01282 711647

Timothy John 21 Standroyd Drive, Colne

Veronica 37 Duddle St, Walton le Dale, Preston 01772 334893


^ = Haythorne

Alan & Carol 4 Riley Park, Kirkburton, Huddersfield, HD8 0SA 01484 608200

David^ The Barn Cottage, Riddlesden, Keighley, BD20 5QT 01535 600869

Dorothy 8 Wolsey Croft, Sherburn in Elmet, Leeds (moved away?) 01977 685604

Evaline 22 Kirkby Av, Ripon 01765 602879

Geoffrey 1 Imperial Av, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield 01924 291597

James Ian 15 Wilsden Road, Harden, Bingley X


Olive 2 Station Villas, Hellifield, Skipton, N. Yorks. X

Margarite 24 Neville St, Skipton 01756 799379

Peter 5 Celandine Av, Huddersfield

Ruth 11 Emmaline Close, Bradford 10 01274 614298

Roland & Marilyn 1 Sandholme Drive, Burley in Wharfedale, Ilkley 01943 863350


Simon J 92 Wakefield Rd, Rothwell, Leeds 0113 282 3745


Stephen Mark 34 Stainfield Cres, Leeds LS17


Cumbria, Durham & Northumberland

Carl (Cdr A I C) To 2003: Brookside, Broughton-in-Furness

From 2004: 3 Greenacres, Grange over Sands, LA11 7ER 01539 532473


(Marjorie) Sybil (Vernon) 41 Whinneyfield Rd, , Newcastle on Tyne 0191 265 3803

Doris Elizabeth 12B Sand Croft, Penrith 01768 865497

Gillian Mary 5 Abbey Heights, Askam-in-Furness, Cumbria X

Michael 54 Westfield Drive, Darlington X 01325 282865

michealhaythornthwaite@ (sic)

Peter Carl Newcastle upon Tyne X 0191 3773493

Other Counties in UK

Alice Jane 50 Baron's Court Road, London W14 9UD 0207 854 9190

Arthur William Fitzjames 64 Mynachdy Rd, Gabalfa, Cardiff 029 2061 0098

Andrew Liphook, Hants X

Anthony Quentin (& MW) 21 Stone St, Boxford, Colchester 01787 211173


Charles Richard 1A The Spinney, Hook, Hants, RG27 9DE 01256 768463

2004: in Berkeley, CA

Christopher William Church Lane Farmhouse, Brandon, Newark 01636 626220

David 12 Lower Park Rd, Chester 01244 675407

David John Crewe, Cheshire X

David John 71 Theydon Av, Woburn Sands, Milton Keynes 01908 582879

David Richard Basildon, Essex X 01375 764162

Diana R 14 Pilgrims Way, Downend, Bristol 0117 956 3051

Diana 4 Foxglove Rd, Begbroke, Kidlington,Oxon 01865 379575

Emma 21 Chapel Rd, Hainford, Norwich 01603 710058

Graham 58 Sedgley Av, Nottingham 0115 841 1595

Giles Edward 150 Shirland Rd, London W9 020 7286 9457

Garth Perret 4 Abbots Barton Walk, Canterbury, Kent 01227 766748 G.Haythornthwaite@

H (Howard?) 12 Belgravia Hse, Halkin Pl, London SW1

Henrietta 55 Marville Rd, London SW6 X

Ian Kimball The Old Vicarage, Hatherleigh, Okehapton, Devon X

Josephine A 59 Queensborough Gdns, Glasgow G12 0141 357 5077

(Pamela) Julie 10 Cumberland Mews, Woodbridge

Kathleen Emma Singlewell, Stanford Road, Stanford le Hope, Basildon 01375 641669

Llewin D 17 Laxton Wy, Peasedown St John, Bath 01761 434179

Louise 9 Beresford Court, Park Road, Twickenham 020 8607 9677

May 401 Valley Rd, Basford, Nottingham 0115 960 5780

Merlyn E 6 St James's Parade, Bath X

Neville 14 Tetney Wk, Beechdale, Nottingham 0115 916 6752

Peter Kenway 5 Brownhill Crescent, Rothley, Leics 0116 2302525

Prudence 39 Elizabeth Clo, Rose Gardens, Bognor Regis 01243 266785

Rex Leece 7 Crandford Close, Bridstowe, Okehampton, Devon

Rex 42 Clark Drive, Melton Mowbray, Leics. LE13 1HU X 01664 854023

Richard John 27 Friar St, Long Eaton, Nottingham 0115 849 4476

Pamela (R J) 70 Felstead Rd, Aspley, Nottingham 0115 913 1371

Rick (Chief Executive of Blue Circle plc) London X

Sally 7 Bishops Rd, London W7 020 8567 6844

Timothy John Mill Cottage, Cratfield Road, Huntingfield, Halesworth, Suffolk 01986 798628

Timothy Edgar Robert 14 Acacia Hse, London N22 020 8352 4964

William Arthur & Muriel Woodside, Rattlesden Rd, Drinkstone, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk X


Alec & Beryl 12 Carina Circle, Halls Head 6210, WA 08 9581 4646

Alfred Leonard & I 10 Cetus Cove, Kingsley, Perth 6026, WA 08 9309 2301

B 44 Stuart St, Koongamia 6056, WA 08 9255 1532

Colin A & N L O 18 Tolbury Ret, Klara 6054, WA 08 9279 9449

David & M Currawong Beach, Coasters Retreat 2108, NSW 02 9974 4047

Darrel W & Tracey L 6 Rhone Pl, Beechboro 6063, WA 08 9377 5371

Evlyn Margaret Maritana Pl, Berriedale 7011, TA 03 6249 2798

Gabriel Robert 21 Georgina St, Newtown, Sydney 2042, NSW 02 9550 5446


[Gabriel's country house 35 Dell St, Blackheath 2785, NSW 02 4787 6540]

Glenn & A (&Henrietta V) 9 Emin St, Kalgoorlie 6430, WA 08 9021 2915

Gary & Elizabeth Corrigin Rd, Quairading 6383, WA 08 9645 1306

Geoff & Lois 23 Edgar St, Kalgoorlie 6430, WA 08 9021 2089

Gloria Margaret 7 Coolibah Av, Mandurah 6210, WA 08 9582 7601

Howard & B 50 Draycott Park, 63d Canning Beach Rd, Applecross 6153, WA 08 9364 1913

Jim & Joan M 19 Wylam Rd, Collie 6225, WA 08 9734 3669

J W & Edward P Frmrs, Mecca Fm, South Quairading 6383, WA 08 9645 4228

John W & Jo N South Quairading 6383, WA 08 9645 4242

Kathleen Joan 28 Sherlock Way, Rangeway 6530, WA 08 9921 6391

Margaret 261 Grand Prm, Dianella 6059, WA 08 9276 1899

Mark T & Nicole A Frmr, Taradale, Old Beverly Rd, Quairading 6383, WA 08 9645 1419

Natasha 10b Parry Way, Boulder 6423, WA 08 9093 4292

Oscar & Liz Busselton X

Peter Richard 22 Gibbs Crs, Westminster 6061, WA 08 9440 4672

Richard & Cece Rocky Crossing Rd, Albany 6330, WA 08 9844 3521

Ron & Lesley 5 Castle St, West Lamington 6430, WA 08 9021 5232

[Robert Percy (deceased) Quairading 6383, WA 08 9645 1132]

Leonard Perth??? (Son of Alfred Leonard) X?

R Clark Rd, Arnhem 0801, NT 08 8978 8854

Tom Sydney (Soccer player for Newcastle NSW) X


^ = Haythorne

Allan Richard^ 449 Brookhaven Rd, Victoria BC 250 658-8027

Constance A ("Sally") 70 Prescott Av, Toronto, ON 416 651-8184

Carol (1st wife of James) 450 Lakeview, Hudson, QC 450 458-7448

Donald Francis^ 1023 50B St, Delta, BC 604 943-5354

Edward Alastair 6134 Lakeview Dr, Duncan, BC 250 748-3274

Elizabeth 309 Wellington Road, Elora, ON 519 846 0845

Gabriel & Lloy Victoria BC X

George Vickers^ 20 Charlevoix St, Vanier, ON 613 744-1960

Gordon David 9312 82 St NW, Edmonton, AB 780 465-6922

I 4231 Bath Rd, Kingston, ON (No. no longer applicable) 613 389-1370

John Victoria BC X

John Stephen^ 567 P Lonsdale Av, North Vancouver, BC 604 980 2844

Jordan William 2203 1501 Haro St, Vancouver, BC 604 683-2944

James & Polly 155 Fairhaven, PO Box 763, Hudson, QC 450 458-1521

Owen Elmer^ Cooper's Falls, Severn Bridge, ON 705 689-2074

Raymond Frank 50 Foothills Dr, Nepean, ON 613 829- 4214


Richard Gordon^ 8557 88 St NW, Edmonton, AB (address now changed?) 780 466-2626

Tom 26 Nepean St, Ottawa, ON 613 230-8411


Robert Brendan La Nauvrasse, 17270 St Pierre du Palais, Montguyon, 00 33 546 04 56 58

& Rosemary Charente Maritime


Gerald (or Gerry) Monaco (also has a place in Florida)

Executive Director of Monaco Single Buoy Mooring Inc

24 Ave Fontvieille 98000, Monaco 97 77 82 52


Richard James Karlsruehe


James Charles Henry Cullenhue, Newtown Rd, Wexford

James Adrian Edward Wexford 053 43271


Peter Windhoek

New Zealand

^ = Haythorne

Andrew James Edward^ 309 Waimairi Rd, Ilam, Christchurch 8004

Anne Evelyn 65 Wyndrum Av, Waterloo, Lower Hutt 0-4-569 9919

Cleave Anthony (Tony) 248 CD Farm Rd, Levin 0-6-367 8288

Craig John 33 Waverley Av, Glenfield, Auckland 0-9-443 0930

David Ryan 8 Winifred Av, Glenfield, Auckland 0-9-444 9622

Dean William ???Auckland X

David William Richard 10 Chardale St, Avondale, Christchurch 0-3-388 9541

Grant & Lisa 3 Ramonda Clo, Glenfield, Auckland(now moved) 0-9-443 8354

John William 20 Welland Pl, Glenfield, Auckland 0-9-418 3493

Mark M Puruatanga Rd, Martinborough 0-6-306 9889

Philip Arthur John 160A North Parade, Shirley, Christchurch 0-3-385 7661

Peter Frank 145 Clark Rd, Hobsonville, Auckland 0-9-416 9528

Richard John 309 Waimairi Rd, Ilam, Christchurch 0-3-358 3739

r j

Robin Laurence 2a Mountain View Mews, Mt Wellington, Auckland 0-9-527 3622

Ruth Margaret 4/14 New Windsor Road, Avondale, Auckland 0-9-828 1296

Sara Antonia Lower Hutt

William 24 Oakpark Pl, West Harbour, Auckland 0-9-418 2315

William Invercargill


Wai Lin c/o Singapore Tourism Board, 1 Orchard Spring Lane

South Africa

Heather Cape Town


^ = Haythorn

Barry James Vancouver, WA X

Craig & Jody^ Haythorn Ranch, Ogallala, Nebraska 308 355 4000


Donald John 601 Van Ness Ave #205, San Francisco, California 94102


Jennifer 651 Broad Water Way, Gibson Island, MD

Mark & Laura Daly City, CA

Prof Robert Morphet 313 Wellington Ter, Jenkintown, PA

Sheila Margaret 10 Overhill Street, Catonsville, MD 212228

Susan Mary Rausch Rd, Galeton, PA

Waldo^ Haythorn Ranch, Ogallala, Nebraska 308 355 4000

People Connected to Haythornthwaite & Interested in the Family History

Barbara BOND 'Tenilba', PO Box 16, Quairading 6383 WA, Australia 08 964 54234


Mark ETHERIDGE 36 Glan-Y-Nant Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 1AS


Jim FISHER Throop Mill Cottage, Throop Road, Bournemouth BH8 0DN

james.f.fisher@ 01202 515781

Kathryn YATES 119 Ighten Rd, Burnley, Lancs, BB12 0LJ 01282 458912

Barbara JEFFS 34A Station Rd,Thornton Cleveleys, Lancs, FY5 5HZ 01253 826159


Chris TURNER Inglestone House, Inglesbatch, Bath, BA2 9DZ 01225 330 521


Wendy SHELDON Jasmine Cottage, Priors Marston


Derek WALTON Tsavo, 38 Newlands Rd, Norton Towers, Halifax, Yorks 01422 321929


Patricia WEIR 4 Bass Court, Waikiki 6169, W. Australia


This index includes personal names, place names (some now have Grid References), occupations and other material. It is, as Dr James Fisher so delightfully put it, "all done by electricity", that is, automatically generated from a concordance file. It would be improved by considerable manual editing to remove superfluous or unhelpful entries. However, this task is too time-consuming to carry out on a document that is work-in-progress and subject to constant modification. My apologies for its imperfections. I hope that it will nevertheless prove helpful.


Abbeystead, 8, 16, 17, 29, 34, 36, 58

Abbot Hall Museum, Kendal, 12, 264


Abergavenny, 80

Abingdon, 181


Actress, 68

Ada, 147, 162, 179, 193, 194, 196, 198, 208, 218, 231, 236, 237, 239, 251, 261

Adam, 100, 119, 175

ADAMS, 107


ADDY, 259


Afghanistan, 182

AGER, 108

Agnes, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 67, 82, 88, 89, 102, 146, 147, 154, 164, 168, 188, 205, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 237, 245, 249, 275

Agnes Caton, 24, 29, 32

Agnesb1657, 21

Agnesd1629, 16

Agnesd1671, 21

Agra, India, 59

Aighton, 17, 55

AINSWORTH, 122, 191

Aithna, 61

Alan, 60, 61, 84, 96, 108, 144, 161, 175, 192, 193, 194, 261, 287, 288

Alan Hurst, 261

Alastair, 71, 227, 291

Albert, 65, 67, 70, 75, 76, 135, 156, 165, 172, 174, 177, 178, 180, 181, 187, 196, 199, 200, 214, 232, 234, 252

Albert Edward, 174

ALDEN, 130

Alderwasley, 172

Alec, 126, 142, 143, 152, 290

Alexander, 28, 34, 43, 45, 50, 60, 122, 141, 217, 225, 237, 243, 269


Alfred, 9, 10, 11, 13, 62, 63, 70, 93, 109, 130, 144, 187, 210, 218, 237, 254, 258, 286, 288, 290

Alfred Leonard, 290

Alfred Parker, 63, 288

Alfred Thomas, 237

Alice, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 52, 54, 61, 76, 79, 80, 82, 85, 90, 101, 108, 109, 114, 121, 125, 134, 139, 140, 141, 151, 161, 163, 164, 172, 174, 176, 178, 179, 182, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 200, 201, 204, 206, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 225, 248, 253, 254, 255, 258, 259, 260, 265, 275, 278, 283, 289

Alice Jane, 163, 289

Alice Maud, 82, 258

Alisdair Ross, 68

Alison, 81, 109, 148, 151

Alison Rachael, 81, 151

Allan, 55, 56, 71, 113, 115, 118, 149, 160, 195, 213, 245, 291

Allan Richard, 149, 291

Allanb1840, 55

ALLEN, 220

ALLEZ, 256

Allithwaite, 63

Alma, 135, 143, 171, 183

Almira, 134

Alphonso, 216

Alston, Lancs., 64, 129, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 197, 199, 200, 219, 220, 222, 280

Alwyn, 263

Amanda, 101, 225

Ambergate, 251, 252


Amelia, 53, 63, 123, 124, 154, 172, 205, 228, 229, 238

Amersham, 251

Amounderness, Lancs [Registration District], 15, 16, 21, 26, 53, 109, 187, 191, 198, 199, 207, 208, 209, 217, 219, 220, 221, 226, 245, 246, 254

Amy, 68, 70, 95, 143, 236

ANDERSON, 238, 263

Andrew, 15, 20, 31, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, 60, 61, 65, 85, 96, 100, 101, 102, 106, 110, 111, 116, 117, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 142, 149, 153, 156, 163, 189, 198, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211, 212, 219, 223, 226, 236, 248, 264, 266, 268, 269, 271, 287, 289, 292

Andrew Howard, 106

Andrew Richard, 207


Ann Camilla, 107

Ann Skirrow, 59

Ann(e), 3, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 35, 40, 41, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 69, 70, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 128, 129, 130, 132, 134, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 147, 150, 153, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 168, 169, 170, 171, 176, 177, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 191, 194, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 253, 258, 261, 262, 265, 266, 267, 273, 275, 280, 288, 292

Anna Mae, 134

Annb1816, 73

Annb1852, 69

Annette, 144, 209, 225

Annette Marie, 209

Annie, 59, 62, 70, 81, 82, 93, 94, 97, 101, 107, 117, 118, 120, 130, 159, 172, 178, 190, 195, 196, 197, 198, 223, 224, 225, 233, 234, 235, 236, 254, 259, 263


Anthony, 62, 63, 75, 89, 90, 93, 112, 136, 137, 142, 143, 175, 196, 207, 216, 220, 221, 230, 246, 289, 292

Anthony Harry, 221

Anthony Quentin, 63, 289

Antoinette, 109

Antonia, 143, 292

Archivist, 64, 68

Arkansas, USA, 3, 13, 227, 228, 229

Arkholme, 30, 66, 67, 79


Armitage Bridge, nr Huddersfield, 258, 259


ARMSTRONG, 188, 236

Arnold, 28, 68, 104, 111, 112, 178


Arthur, 60, 62, 65, 76, 82, 83, 91, 112, 113, 143, 159, 162, 163, 178, 189, 195, 226, 232, 237, 238, 239, 244, 245, 246, 257, 259, 262, 263, 289

Arthur Derek, 244

Arthur Ronald, 238

Artist, 63, 127, 143, 231

Ascot, 227

ASH, 38

Asher, 116

Ashley, 140, 143, 175, 250, 251

ASHTON, 158, 178


Askam-in-Furness, Cumbria, 109, 289

ASKEY, 256

Aspatria, Cumbria, 64


ASTEN, 225


Athon, 8

ATHORNWHITE, 169, 214, 248

ATKINSON, 118, 216, 241, 254, 255

Auckland, New Zealand, 5, 68, 70, 71, 116, 117, 139, 140, 237, 292

Auctioneer, 115

Audrey, 108, 127, 217, 252

Aughton (pr, 86, 119, 120, 121, 123, 210

Augusta, 24

Auriel, 198


Australia, 5, 13, 57, 62, 66, 76, 77, 117, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 181, 225, 290, 292, 293

Austwick, 25, 74, 75

Ava Sophie, 217


Bacton, Norfolk, 75

BAILEY, 105, 106, 173


BAINES, 122, 197

Bakewell, Derbyshire, 67, 68

Balderstone, 108, 176

BALDWIN, 158, 168, 261

Balham, 125

BALL, 78, 172

Balsall Heath, 98, 99

Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, 219, 220, 221, 288


Bangor, 174

BANKS, 179, 223


BANT, 193

BANTON, 40, 260

Barbara, 5, 58, 63, 81, 99, 100, 107, 108, 112, 113, 122, 128, 142, 163, 173, 195, 246, 287, 292, 293

Barbara Oddie JEFFS, nee NICKSON, 107

BARBER, 143, 163

Bare, 78, 115, 117

BARKER, 179, 263, 270

Barking, 81, 146, 147, 148, 154

BARNES, 124, 128, 199, 212

Barnes End, 268

Barnoldswick, Lancs, 96, 101, 148, 177, 193, 287, 288


BARRETT, 118, 201

Barrow in Furness, Lancs, 52, 59, 82, 109, 110, 118

Barrowford, Lancs, 5, 106, 112, 113, 114, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 165, 174, 287, 288

Barry, 78, 117, 124, 233, 292

Barry James, 117, 292


Basford, Notts., 99, 182, 290


Basket Maker, 49

BATE, 261



Bath, 6, 62, 68, 80, 152, 290, 291, 293

Batrix/Beatrix, [a farm or hamlet in Bowland (Bolland) Forest Higher, p Slaidburn, Reg District Clitheroe]. GR 665515, 35, 47, 55, 86, 87, 89, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 110, 111, 115, 128, 129, 155

Battle, Sussex, 59, 60



BEALL, 135

Beamsley, 90

Beatrice, 90, 92, 99, 142, 153, 238, 245

Beatrice Mary, 153, 245

Beattie, 196

Becher, 61

BECK, 88



Beilby, 265

BELL, 22

Bell Busk, 90

Bella, 23, 178, 248, 249, 254, 255

Belper, 251, 252

Bendigo, Victoria, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144

Benjamin, 51, 57, 60, 61, 67, 197, 220

BENNET, 62, 255


BENNETT, 63, 226

BENSON, 76, 207


Bentham, Yorks, 2, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 74, 80, 82, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97, 110, 111, 115, 118, 119, 128, 132, 146, 147, 153, 273, 287

Benton County, Missouri, 227, 228, 229



BERRY, 126, 267


Beryl Esther, 73

Beryl Frances, 125

Bessie, 81, 107, 117

BEST, 239

Betsy, 95, 97, 115, 137, 181, 185, 208, 231, 248

Betty, 25, 28, 40, 49, 53, 54, 57, 59, 64, 68, 72, 73, 84, 85, 89, 98, 102, 107, 121, 126, 129, 132, 133, 162, 168, 169, 170, 173, 176, 177, 181, 185, 201, 247, 248, 249, 250, 268

Bevan, 84

BIBBY, 97, 241

Bideford, Devon, 121

BILLINGTON, 169, 204, 210


Bingley, Yorks, 80, 95, 113, 148, 289

BINNS, 230


Birkenhead, Cheshire, 52, 59, 68, 72, 73, 78, 84, 205, 230, 261

Birkett, [a farm nr Newton, p Slaidburn] GR 682491, 35, 47, 76, 86, 87, 88, 102, 103, 110, 130, 146

Birmingham, 98, 99, 100, 117, 197, 207, 221, 229

Bishop Stortford, Herts, 151

BLACK, 126, 150

BLACKBURN, 17, 187, 190, 191, 246, 253

Blackburn, Lancs, 2, 12, 17, 51, 52, 53, 54, 84, 86, 93, 94, 96, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 115, 118, 119, 121, 124, 127, 129, 155, 160, 164, 167, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 187, 190, 196, 198, 200, 202, 209, 211, 212, 217, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 244, 247, 248, 267, 286, 287, 288


Blackpool Grammar School, 105

Blacksmith, 3, 114, 167, 168, 203, 204, 210, 214, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 227, 233, 271


BLEASDALE, 31, 43, 184



Blind, 177

Blue Circle plc, 13, 68, 290

Blyth, 63


BODÉ, 80


BOLAM, 235


Bolland [alt. spelling Bowland], 43, 57, 101, 269, 279

Bolton, 17, 22, 27, 52, 54, 58, 86, 89, 90, 91, 96, 100, 101, 103, 107, 112, 121, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 146, 147, 155, 156, 189, 198, 199, 200, 201, 209, 224, 225, 244, 247, 248, 257, 260, 262, 266, 267, 270, 287, 288

BOLTON, 99, 104, 105, 123, 178, 201

Bolton-by-Bowland, Yorks, 86, 96, 101, 103, 131, 156, 267

BOND, 30, 42, 142, 244, 292


Bootle, Lancs, 8, 71, 72, 73, 126

Borwick, Lancs, 39, 79, 81, 122

Boscombe, 24


Boulder, WA, 6, 144, 145, 290



Bournemouth, Hants, 5, 24, 59, 60, 75, 254, 293




Bowness, 59


Boxford, Suffolk, 63, 289

Bracewell, 94, 101

Bradford, 151, 152, 171, 188, 189, 193, 240, 246, 258, 262, 289

BRADLEY, 40, 159, 171, 271

Bradley Luke, 96


BRAIN, 160

BRAITHWAITE, 66, 70, 97

Bramley [RD], 259

BRAMWELL, 185, 186


BREE, 150


Brenda, 65, 109, 113, 122, 124, 233, 252

BRENNAND, 46, 48, 89, 100, 102, 103, 110

Brent, 145, 160

Brentwood, 81, 234

BRETT, 196

Brian, 95, 113, 122, 144, 150, 151, 161, 174, 175, 178, 193, 224, 229, 244, 257, 287

BRIDGE, 124, 195

Bridget, 88, 115, 118, 137, 148, 156, 213, 216, 268


Brierfield, Lancs, 156, 157, 158, 159, 164

BRIGGS, 128, 129

Brighton, Sussex, 151

Brindle, Lancs, 3, 186, 202, 248, 249



Bristol County, Mass., 213

British Columbia, 2, 60, 71, 146, 150, 227, 261

Brittany, 140




Brockweir, 80


Bromley, Kent, 125, 182

BROOK, 238

Broughton [several different villages], 5, 8, 26, 49, 58, 78, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, 100, 102, 109, 168, 185, 199, 204, 206, 211, 219, 222, 223, 225, 230, 231, 250, 251, 252, 253, 269, 270, 289

Broughton in Salford, 222, 251

Broughton-in-Furness, Cumbria, 5, 8, 109, 289

BROWN, 67, 73, 95, 192, 205, 248, 265



BRYAN, 175


Bryn, 142, 215

Buckingham Palace, 13


Bucklow, 25, 172



Buntingford, 151

BURCH, 251

Burnley, Lancs, 3, 6, 12, 13, 52, 65, 66, 68, 86, 92, 94, 95, 96, 106, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 147, 148, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 215,216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 223, 224, 225, 261, 286, 287, 288, 293

BURNS, 94, 238

Burnsall, Yorks, 90, 93, 100, 102


Burrow, Lancs, 79, 148, 149, 151, 152


BURT, 100


Burton-in-Lonsdale, Yorks, 81, 114

Bury, 119, 123, 124, 161, 188, 189, 190, 193, 199, 200, 212, 216, 239, 245, 250, 263, 290

BURY, 106

Bury St Edmunds, 161, 239, 263, 290

BUTLER, 111, 114


Byker, Northumberland, 235, 236


Caleb, 98, 150

California, 13, 100, 117, 135, 163, 229, 292

CALVERT, 152, 164

Camberwell, 125, 217

Cambrai, France, 151


Cambridge, 24, 25, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 68, 80, 109, 163, 234

Canning Dock, Liverpool, 57, 58

Canon, 62

Canterbury, Kent, 61, 151, 290

Cantsfield, Lancs., 148

Cape Province, 76

Cape Town, 76, 292

CAPRA, 113

Captain, 255

Carl, 1, 5, 6, 20, 102, 109, 117, 167, 217, 265, 289


Carlisle, Cumberland, 78, 79, 121, 234, 284


Carnegy, 24

Carol, 66, 80, 105, 117, 150, 151, 175, 189, 194, 208, 225, 240, 246, 288, 291

Carole, 80, 106, 122, 128, 162, 227, 228, 229, 288

Caroline, 61, 71, 107, 244, 245

Caroline Alison, 71, 245

Caroline Kari, 107

Carolyn Margaret, 134

Carpenter, 54, 70, 196, 200, 205, 249

CARR, 55, 209

CARSON, 94, 214

CARTER, 52, 78, 125, 200, 250, 260

Cassandra, 247


Casterton, Westmorland, 62, 74, 80

Castle Garth, 265

Catherineb1801, 212

Catherineb1809, 205

Catherineb1823, 206

Catherineb1841, 50

Catherineb1843, 50

Catherineb1849, 212

Catherineb1854, 52

Catherineb1856, 52

Catherineb1858, 214

Catherineb1863, 215

Catherineb1868, 215

Catherineb1869, 213

Catherineb1874, 219

Catholic, 14, 15, 21, 34, 35, 39, 43, 44, 47, 57, 184, 203, 205, 225, 241

Catlow [farm in Easington, Slaidburn, Clitheroe RD]], 102, 103, 107, 110, 111, 114, 128, 129, 130

Caton, Lancs, 17, 19, 23, 32, 33, 39, 41, 73, 75, 86, 88, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 138, 139, 155, 156, 169, 184, 191, 265, 266, 267, 268

Catriona, 257

Catshaw, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 29, 33, 34, 35, 44, 47, 266

CATTERALL, 205, 245


Cavalry, 197

CAVANDER, 116, 117

CAVELL, 62, 225

Cece, 290

Cecelia, 171

Cecil, 217

Cecilia Eros, 261

Celia, 71, 96

Celia Elise, 71

Chaigley, 54, 55, 56, 269, 270



Chapel-le-Dale, Ingleton, Yorks, 74, 75

Chaplain, 269

CHAPMAN, 65, 91

Charles, 9, 28, 34, 37, 61, 64, 66, 76, 93, 109, 110, 117, 118, 121, 135, 144, 149, 161, 163, 183, 195, 211, 219, 226, 235, 237, 239, 244, 246, 252, 289


Charles Richard, 117, 163, 289

Charles Wendell, 135

Charlotte, 99, 140, 144, 150, 182, 217

Charlotte Alexis, 217

Charlotte Emma, 140

CHARNLEY, 83, 168

Chartered Surveyor, 61

CHASE, 181


Cheltenham, 123, 246, 251, 252

Cherry Tree, 52, 53, 104, 105

Cherrytree, 103, 104, 105

Cheryl, 76

Chester, 71, 107, 151, 180, 205, 227, 228, 229, 289


CHEW, 168, 203

Chiara, 163

Chief Executive, 13, 68, 290

Chipping, Lancs, 31, 34, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 54, 56, 60, 184, 186, 200, 201, 227, 250, 266, 267, 269, 270, 279, 286

Chorley, Lancs., 51, 104, 124, 149, 217, 219, 220, 221, 232, 245, 246, 249, 264, 288

Chorlton, Lancs., 53, 93, 160, 172, 189, 200, 221, 222, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239, 252, 253

Christchurch, New Zealand, 24, 28, 31, 32, 60, 61, 69, 106, 167, 292

Christine, 5, 60, 75, 93, 99, 121, 124, 164, 165, 174, 193, 195, 221, 226

Christopher, 3, 15, 19, 32, 33, 46, 62, 63, 68, 81, 84, 92, 93, 106, 107, 108, 114, 123, 125, 132, 141, 145, 152, 162, 172, 203, 207, 210, 227, 232, 269, 283, 289

Christopher Martin, 172

Christopher William, 106, 289

Church Missionary Society, 61

Civil War, 9, 37

Claire, 92, 106, 140, 221


Clapham, Yorks, 22, 25, 59, 62, 75, 83, 84, 89, 90, 93, 103, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 154, 157, 254, 266

Clara, 101, 113, 159, 163, 225, 243, 251, 252, 288

Clare, 60, 61, 62, 134, 216, 220, 232

Clare Maria, 216

Clarence, 124, 195, 246

CLARK, 22, 64, 99, 225

CLARKE, 93, 120, 239


CLARKSON, 25, 153, 223, 242

Claro [RD around Harrogate], 65, 76, 106, 152, 181, 256, 257

Claughton, Lancs [2 different villages of this name], 13, 41, 47, 56, 58, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 77, 85, 138, 139, 167, 168, 184, 185, 186, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 230, 241, 248


Cleator Moor, Cumbria, 56, 59, 61, 62, 64, 110, 111

Cleave, 143, 292

Clevedon, 24, 80


Clitheroe, 129

Clitheroe, Lancs [a town and RD including Slaidburn, Yorks]], 1, 17, 34, 47, 48, 54, 55, 76, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, 110, 111, 115, 118, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130, 146, 147, 154, 156, 158, 160, 164, 165, 175, 177, 188, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 221, 224, 226, 267, 269, 287, 288

Clockmaker, 12, 74





Cockermouth, Cumbria, 62, 64, 67, 82, 83


Cody, 143

Colchester, Essex, 62, 63, 106, 289

COLES, 239

Colin, 95, 142, 192, 194, 220, 254, 290

Collie, 143, 290




Colne, 64, 95, 106, 113, 114, 154, 155, 156, 165, 217, 219, 287, 288





CONNOLLY, 63, 222

Constance, 9, 61, 62, 84, 92, 165, 223, 236, 243, 257, 291

Cookbridge, 121

COOKE, 67, 161, 162, 189

Cooper, 58, 69, 72, 230, 231, 232, 241, 260, 261, 262, 263, 291

COOPER, 65, 161, 181, 255


Copperplate Salesman, 238

Cord, 83

CORLESS, 21, 136, 138

Corn Dealer, 57

Coroner, 228


Cottam, Lancs, 80, 203, 204, 206, 210, 211, 288

Cotton, 2, 3, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 92, 93, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 127, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 170, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 239, 240, 243, 244, 253, 254, 255, 260

Council for the Preservation of Rural England, 125, 148

Coventry, 81, 100, 240



COX, 52, 136, 189, 215, 233


Craig, 83, 116, 145, 292

CRANE, 263



CROMPTON, 171, 207, 261


CROOK, 17, 49, 104



Crosby, 97




Cuckfield, 61, 80, 182



CUMPSTY, 66, 230

CUNLIFFE, 177, 198


Curate, 23, 24, 25, 59, 61, 64, 68


Cyril, 125, 256





Daisy, 54, 79, 126, 143, 144

Daisy Sophia, 144

Dalehead, 33, 101, 102, 266

Dalton in Furness, Lancs [now Cumbria], 78, 101, 115

Damaraland, Namibia, 76

Daniel James, 192

Daniel John, 144

Daniel Thomas, 207


DANSON, 120, 168, 249

Daphne, 76

Darlington, 78, 236, 237, 289

Darrel, 142, 290

Darrel William, 142

Dartford, Kent, 76

Darwen, 105, 107, 109, 124, 164, 165, 173, 223, 224, 226, 251, 288


David, 5, 13, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 37, 53, 60, 61, 63, 65, 70, 71, 76, 81, 91, 93, 95, 96, 104, 106, 107, 112, 113, 116, 117, 121, 127, 141, 143, 150, 151, 152, 164, 172, 175, 192, 193, 195, 198, 210, 220, 226, 233, 235, 240, 266, 275, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292

David Alan, 104, 287

David Andrew, 95, 141

David Barry, 233

David Jackson, 70, 71, 116

David John, 53, 63, 93, 106, 116, 164, 193, 289

David Richard, 81, 289

David Ryan, 117, 292

David Thomas, 240

David William, 60, 235, 292

Davidb1702, 269

Davidb1757, 28

DAVIES, 104, 143, 244

Davinda, 100

DAVIS, 100, 209

Dawn, 123, 165, 175, 220

DAWSON, 142, 168


Dean, 62, 116, 221, 239, 292

Dean of Science, 62

Deane, 260

Deben, 63

Deborah, 62, 94, 121, 210, 287

Deborah Jane, 210

Denise, 99


DENNY, 119

Dereham, 75

Derek, 3, 8, 22, 28, 40, 41, 96, 150, 175, 193, 209, 241, 242, 244, 267, 287, 288, 293

DEVIN, 234

Devon, 34, 55, 80, 84, 109, 121, 149, 290

Devonport, 75

Diana, 68, 163, 208, 254, 289

DICKINSON, 225, 231


Dilworth, Lancs, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 194, 196, 197, 199, 201

Dinkling Green, nr Whitewell [a farm in Little Bowland, p of Whalley] GR 640470, 2, 12, 13, 34, 35, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 86, 184, 266, 279, 282


DIXON, 65, 101, 207, 209, 257, 262

DOBSON, 58, 109

Dock Traffic Clerk, 72

Docking, Norfolk, 75, 76

Domesday, 8

Donald, 117, 124, 142, 143, 150, 188, 228, 291, 292

Donald Francis, 150, 291

Donald John, 117, 228, 292



Dora, 92, 134, 147, 237

Doreen, 145, 149, 158, 195, 224, 238, 288

Doris, 68, 78, 82, 99, 148, 152, 161, 254, 289

Dorothea, 35, 53, 99, 256

Dorothy, 10, 16, 18, 19, 20, 27, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 51, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 68, 82, 87, 90, 95, 102, 104, 106, 122, 152, 161, 164, 175, 188, 197, 201, 208, 230, 231, 236, 238, 240, 249, 254, 264, 271, 272, 273, 277, 286, 287, 289

Dorothy Jean, 95

Dorset N [a Registration District], 188, 189

Douglas, 123, 127, 143, 235, 257

Dovenanter, nr Clapham [a farm] GR 727639, 111, 113, 157

Dover, 151



DOWNHAM, 57, 58, 77, 139, 217



Dressmaker, 62, 70, 78, 85, 210, 218, 246, 257, 262, 268

Drinkstone, 290

Druggist, 74, 222

Dublin, 61, 62, 171

DUCKWORTH, 98, 113, 198, 209, 221

DUNN, 94

Dunsop [a farm near Slaidburn], 12, 74, 86, 87, 97, 102, 133

Durham, 13, 24, 62, 68, 69, 77, 139, 140, 174, 190, 217, 221, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 263, 289

Durrington, 143

Dutton Lee, 38


DYSON, 158, 159, 161


Ealing, 68, 69, 254, 255

Earby, 65, 114


East Bergholt, Suffolk, 106



EATON, 64, 141

EATOUGH, 170, 171

EAVES, 247

Ebony, 140

ECCLES, 185, 210


Eda, 256, 257


Edinburgh, 29, 62, 63, 121, 156, 162, 163

Edith, 6, 59, 62, 65, 99, 115, 117, 118, 125, 141, 161, 176, 179, 190, 193, 200, 209, 237, 252, 263, 264

Edith Alice, 161

Edith Jane, 6, 141

Edith May, 200

Edmond, 249, 250, 268

EDMONDSON, 74, 75, 76

Edmonton, 61, 124, 125, 149, 158, 291

Edna, 76, 122, 127, 247


Edward, 2, 3, 8, 9, 12, 13, 20, 31, 34, 37, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 80, 83, 84, 85, 98, 109, 122, 124, 129, 141, 144, 162, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 183, 185, 209, 212, 219, 222, 226, 227, 229, 235, 250, 251, 255, 260, 266, 268, 277, 279, 282, 283, 284, 289, 290, 291, 292

Edward Ibbison, 173

Edward of Dinkling Green, 2, 3, 20, 34, 43, 44, 279

Edwardb1622, 43

Edwardb1716, 46, 48

Edwardb1769, 255

Edwardb1780, 49, 57

Edwardb1807, 250

Edwardb1812, 265

Edwardb1823, 57

Edwardb1824, 256

Edwardb1829, 57

Edwardb1834, 251

Edwardb1842, 67

Edwardb1850, 67

Edwardb1853, 70, 73

Edwardb1869, 62, 66

Edwardb1875, 66, 68

Edwardb1878, 68

Edwardb1880, 73

Edwardb1884, 71

Edwardb1901, 255

Edwardb1928, 71

Edwardb1952, 71

Edwardc1622, 43

Edwin, 101, 121, 160, 161, 229, 232, 234, 239

EGLIN, 179

Egremont, Cumbria, 59, 63

Eilzabethb1612, 30

Eldroth, 90, 107, 118, 123, 153

Eleanor, 23, 28, 51, 74, 76, 80, 114, 116, 118, 124, 129, 130, 139, 140, 143, 148, 249, 263

Eleanora, 56

Elina, 140

Elina Clare, 140

Elinor, 144, 150

Elisha, 116

Eliza, 72, 136, 139, 140, 169, 171, 176, 220, 223, 227, 228, 229, 262

Elizabehb1797, 253

Elizabeth, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 90, 96, 97, 106, 111, 112,117, 120, 123, 126, 129, 130, 132, 134, 137, 140, 142, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 157, 159, 162, 163, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 186, 190, 191, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 207, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 221, 223, 226, 229, 230, 231, 232, 235, 238, 239, 240, 244, 246, 249, 251, 253, 255, 260, 261, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 289, 290, 291

Elizabeth Ann, 60, 65, 83, 137, 140, 154, 180, 182

Elizabeth Bridget, 123

Elizabeth Sophia, 126

Elizabethb1663, 43

Elizabethb1685, 42

Elizabethb1688, 33

Elizabethb1697, 30

Elizabethb1700, 22

Elizabethb1701, 269, 270

Elizabethb1703, 266

Elizabethb1708, 27

Elizabethb1715, 264

Elizabethb1722, 46

Elizabethb1729, 265

Elizabethb1741, 32

Elizabethb1751, 132

Elizabethb1772, 169

Elizabethb1785, 53

Elizabethb1787, 70, 185

Elizabethb1796, 170

Elizabethb1799, 250

Elizabethb1805, 23

Elizabethb1813, 230, 249

Elizabethb1815, 265

Elizabethb1819, 72

Elizabethb1821, 49

Elizabethb1822, 78

Elizabethb1823, 74

Elizabethb1827, 253

Elizabethb1830, 98

Elizabethb1831, 171, 240

Elizabethb1834, 130, 258

Elizabethb1837, 107

Elizabethb1838, 171

Elizabethb1839, 54, 180

Elizabethb1841, 253

Elizabethb1843, 177

Elizabethb1844, 229

Elizabethb1848, 69, 183

Elizabethb1849, 137

Elizabethb1853, 125

Elizabethb1856, 75

Elizabethb1859, 105

Elizabethb1865, 194

Elizabethb1867, 84

Elizabethb1871, 78

Elizabethb1874, 260

Elizabethb1877, 72

Elizabethb1880, 172

Elizabethb1900, 209

Elizabethb1902, 62

Elizabethb1916, 109

Elizabethb1925, 153

Elizabethb1927, 209

Elizabethb1957, 106

Elizabethd1712, 21

Ella Sophia, 63

Ellel, Lancs [township & church S of Lancaster], 21, 27, 28, 73, 78, 87, 133, 136, 231, 241, 262, 268

Ellen, 15, 17, 19, 25, 27, 28, 38, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 67, 69, 77, 85, 97, 98, 105, 107, 110, 116, 118, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 146, 147, 148, 157, 158, 162, 168, 169, 181, 182, 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 216, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 228, 230, 236, 243, 245, 247, 249, 260, 265, 268, 269, 272, 273, 276

Ellenb1602, 35

Ellenb1851, 114

Ellenb1854, 69

Ellin, 25, 28, 40, 77, 136, 137

Ellinb1811, 70

ELLIOTT, 66, 79, 141

ELLIS, 92, 254


Elsie, 60, 67, 69, 75, 141, 153, 159, 160, 172, 223, 238, 252, 257, 259

Elsie May, 69, 141, 223

Elswick, Lancs, 219, 220, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238

Elva Jean, 142

Emily, 24, 28, 67, 151, 162, 163, 188, 189, 220, 234, 257

Emily Augusta, 24

Emily Carol, 151

Emily Victoria, 220

Emma, 63, 68, 80, 81, 83, 93, 109, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 127, 128, 134, 156, 172, 173, 175, 191, 193, 198, 216, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 240, 252, 255, 258, 289, 290

Emma Louise, 123, 175, 216

Emmanuel, 68, 100, 101, 121, 197, 208, 220, 256

Emmanuel College, 68

Emmetts, 8, 34, 45

Emmotbrow, 35, 36, 37

Engineer, 28, 50, 59, 62, 68, 72, 109, 182, 191, 207, 229, 256


Enid, 92, 152

Enoch, 167, 170, 171

ENTWISTLE, 176, 243, 260

Ephraim, 108, 129, 162

Epping, 63, 238, 239

Eric, 63, 66, 95, 140, 150, 164, 195, 230, 246, 287

Eric Philip, 140

Escrigge, 79

Eskdale, 62

Esperance, W Australia, 139

Ester Meridith, 136

Ethan, 80, 149

Ethel, 66, 93, 107, 112, 125, 163, 171, 178, 182, 191, 236, 238, 240, 245


Ethiana, 256

Eugene, 70, 80, 221, 228

Eunice, 246, 263

Eva, 62, 66, 82, 84, 118, 124, 142, 160, 209

Eva May, 62

Evaline, 289


Eve, 108

Eveline, 53, 151, 238

Evelyn, 75, 178, 181, 189, 194, 259, 292

Evelyn May, 181

Evelyne Maud, 171

Ewecross, Yorks [a Registration District], 80, 81, 94, 95, 96, 102, 130, 148, 153, 154


FAGAN, 200

FAIRCLOUGH, 52, 190, 206, 211, 214, 215, 221

Fall River, Mass., 177, 213

Fanny, 98, 157, 178, 228, 231

Far Lodge, 267


Farmer, 40, 43, 46, 48, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 81, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 110, 111, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 127, 128, 129, 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 165, 185, 186, 187, 191, 196, 197, 204, 206, 223, 225, 228, 242, 268, 270

Farnworth, 81, 112



Fatima, 182


Fay, 141, 142


Felix, 58

FELL, 81, 148

Fell End, 3, 41, 42, 110

Felling, Newcastle upon Tyne, 59, 67, 68, 69


FENTUM, 264, 265


FIELDING, 80, 94, 152, 164

Finn, 62

Fir Trees Mill, Higham, Lancs, 159, 166


FISHER, 59, 60, 140, 252, 293


FISK, 178

Flax Mill, 214, 215

FLEMING, 61, 64, 239


FLETCHER, 124, 217, 224

FLINTOFF, 49, 216

Flookersbrook, Cheshire, 227, 228

Florence, 66, 142, 160, 193, 229, 230, 235, 236, 259

Florence Annie, 66, 230

Florence Emily, 66

Florida, 117, 181, 291

Folkestone, Kent, 151

FORD, 80

Forfar, Angus, 63


FORTE, 104



FOULDS, 107, 170

Foulds House, nr Padiham. GR 792361, 2, 3, 111, 119, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 164, 165

FOX, 110, 236, 249

FOXCROFT, 59, 67, 72


Francis, 18, 19, 30, 44, 64, 75, 81, 86, 104, 105, 107, 143, 146, 149, 150, 152, 204, 205, 209, 218, 220, 226, 267

Francis Richard, 86, 146, 149

Francisb1817, 49

Frank, 3, 39, 67, 76, 101, 105, 107, 108, 126, 144, 163, 167, 179, 181, 182, 196, 199, 202, 203, 204, 223, 225, 226, 227, 246, 248, 252, 254, 288, 291

Frank Miles Metcalfe, 76

Frank Richard, 108


Fred, 127, 129, 143, 192, 208, 226, 259, 260, 288

Frederic, 82, 218

Frederick, 2, 48, 51, 53, 60, 72, 84, 90, 122, 129, 159, 192, 208, 211, 227, 229, 237, 238, 239, 246, 247, 252, 287

Frederick James, 238

Freeman, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33, 39, 40, 249, 264, 265, 267

Freeman of City of Lancaster, 23, 27, 28, 32, 33, 39, 40, 249, 267

Fremantle, 142

Freshwater, 205


FRIEL, 135

FRY, 76

FRYER, 112, 208

Fulham, 68, 71, 108

FULTON, 121, 156

Fulwood, Lancs [an area of Preston], 49, 53, 58, 185, 209, 211, 221, 226, 287, 288

Fylde, Lancs [a Registration District], 35, 56, 71, 104, 105, 106, 107, 125, 157, 164, 173, 174, 177, 179, 186, 188, 189, 194, 199, 206, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 254, 262, 287


Gabriel, 62, 71, 290, 291

GADD, 197

Gail, 76, 92, 153, 221

Gail Davena, 76

Gambia, 75

GARDNER, 25, 127, 196, 219, 226, 262

Gargrave, Yorks, 89, 93, 94, 100



Garstang, Lancs, 8, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 58, 69, 83, 92, 106, 167, 168, 169, 184, 185, 186, 200, 201, 202, 219, 220, 223, 230, 231, 241, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 253, 260, 267, 268, 270, 271, 275, 288

Garth, 61, 288, 290

Garth Perret, 61, 290

Gary, 141, 142, 192, 210, 239, 290

Gary James, 210

Gary Wayne, 142

Gatekeeper, 64

Gateshead, Northumberland, 67, 68, 69, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239



Gemma, 80, 175

General Practitioner, 60, 127, 161

Geoffrey, 65, 66, 145, 158, 289

Geoffrey James, 158

George Alfred, 228, 229, 233, 234

George Ephraim, 108

George Haythorn, 88, 110, 130, 204, 286

George Henry, 140, 153

George Vickers, 86, 115, 146, 150, 291

George Wildman, 122

Georgeb1768, 88

Georgeb1801, 89

Georgeb1817, 128

Georgeb1822, 231

Georgeb1835, 90

Georgeb1837, 157

Georgeb1843, 119

Georgeb1862, 90

Georgeb1869, 208

Georgeb1873, 124

Georgeb1880, 114

Georgeb1885, 97

Georgeb1887, 126, 198

Georgeb1890, 95

Georgeb1902, 162

Georgeb1903, 195

Georgeb1913, 95

Georgeb1925, 246

Georgia, 116, 134

Georgina Mary, 120

Gerald, 125, 148, 152, 181, 216, 237, 257, 259, 291

Gertrude, 109, 126, 161, 178, 191, 196, 216, 225, 226, 235, 247

Gertrude Teresa, 161

GIBSON, 21, 22, 26, 106

Gilbert, 3, 125, 261, 265, 271

Gilbert Shafto, 261

GILBERTSON, 243, 265

Giles, 63, 89, 271, 289

GILL, 174


Gillian, 71, 106, 109, 240, 289

Gillian Mary, 109, 289


Ginny, 80

Giorgia, 163

Gisburn, Yorks, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 110, 111, 114, 115, 120, 146, 288



Gladstone, 238

Gladys, 28, 79, 140, 160

Glasgow, 62, 68, 182, 290

Glenn, 142, 144, 290

Gloria, 142, 290

Godstone, 84

Gold Coast, 75

goldmining, 139



Goosnargh, Lancs, 31, 41, 56, 167, 184, 185, 186, 188, 200, 201, 202, 205, 206, 219, 220, 221, 241

Gordon Peter, 216

GORST, 189

GOTT, 153

Grace Elizabeth, 150

Graham, 65, 97, 125, 141, 188, 193, 289

GRAHAM, 116, 124, 125, 172


Grant, 5, 116, 149, 151, 164, 179, 292

Grantham, Lincs, 107

GRAY, 195

Great Harwood, Lancs [town in Whalley Parish], 121, 127, 156, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 200, 202, 227, 288


GREEN, 107, 113, 116, 119

Greenbank, 8, 17, 33, 70, 107

Greenhead, Bentham GR 645698, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 67, 74, 84, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97, 110, 132


Greensmethy [farm, location unknown], 115, 119


GREGSON, 179, 231, 269

Grenadier Guards, 130

Grenfell, 3, 13, 164

Gressingham, 79, 81, 119, 120

Grevillers, 240

GRIFFIN, 94, 144

GRIFFITHS, 84, 238


Grundisburgh, Suffolk, 163



GUIDA, 163

Guisborough, 68

Guy Mark, 80

Gwen, 261

Gwendolen, 63, 121, 181

Gynaecologist, 61



Hackler, 214

Hackney, 233, 238, 239


HAIGH, 256, 258

Hale, 151

Halifax, 65, 75, 173, 193, 288, 293

HALL, 64, 84, 143, 210, 248, 252, 257, 262


HAMER, 66, 178, 188, 189


Hammersmith, 172

Hammerton Hall, nr Slaidburn [in Easington] GR 722539, 89, 103


HAMPSON, 207, 254, 260

Hampton Court, 109



Hanlith, 91, 97

Hannah, 20, 26, 31, 32, 33, 47, 65, 86, 87, 88, 89, 99, 100, 102, 103, 110, 111, 121, 128, 129, 131, 156, 157, 161, 178, 190, 197, 211, 223, 225, 237, 253, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 266, 267, 268

Hannahb1726, 32

Hannahb1804, 87, 97

Hannahb1805, 110

Hannahb1834, 107

Hannahb1846, 147

Hannahb1850, 165

Hannahb1859, 190

Hannahb1875, 112

Hannahb1876, 156

Hannahb1879, 163

Hannahb1896, 121, 156

Hannahb1915, 96

Hannahb1931, 161

Hanover Square, 264, 265

HANSON, 65, 103, 111, 121, 130, 155, 162

HARDING, 60, 144


Hareden, Bowland Forest, p of Slaidburn. GR 640506, 35, 40, 45, 46, 47, 86, 132, 282

HARGREAVES, 103, 230, 243

Harleston, Norfolk, 63


Harness Racing, 96

Harold, 53, 65, 124, 153, 172, 210, 252

Harriet, 68, 70, 171, 176, 177, 230, 262

HARRISON, 16, 38, 115, 118, 123, 156, 208


Harry, 13, 53, 60, 64, 65, 83, 100, 120, 122, 127, 141, 149, 171, 174, 178, 193, 194, 195, 228, 230, 252, 257, 288

HARTLEY, 114, 158, 217, 225


Haslingden, 51, 92, 103, 119, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 156, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 189, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, 224, 225

Hastings, 61

HATCH, 249

HATHORNTHWAITE, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 69, 71, 73, 83, 87, 92, 133, 136, 137, 138, 168, 184, 185, 186, 201, 202, 203, 212, 213, 215, 222, 230, 231, 232, 241, 247, 249, 250, 253, 260, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273


Havering, 239

HAWORTH, 156, 217

HAWTHORN, 171, 184, 188, 189, 190, 199, 200, 214, 228, 249, 250, 251, 252, 255, 264, 265

HAWTHORNE, 199, 200, 215, 227

HAWTHORNTHWAITE, 23, 25, 56, 84, 118, 137, 139, 148, 167, 168, 173, 177, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190, 191, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 206, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267

Hawthornthwaite, Over Wyresdale, p of Lancaster. GR566536. Also a farm near Slean End, Garstang, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 32, 39, 74, 86, 136, 137, 167, 186, 200, 201, 232, 252, 269, 285

HAY, 23, 31, 73, 88, 118, 122, 136, 137, 176, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 206, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 231, 232, 241, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 251, 253, 255, 261, 286

HAYES, 212, 213, 254

Hayfield, 62, 171, 172, 252

HAYHURST, 120, 137


HAYS, 258

Hayshaw (see also Heyshaw), 8, 33, 266

HAYTHORN, 47, 55, 83, 114, 133, 134, 135, 157, 161, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 210, 214, 215, 227, 228, 229, 248

HAYTHORNE, 61, 86, 90, 91, 115, 132, 135, 136, 146, 149, 150, 167, 170, 173, 174, 178, 227, 228, 229

HAYTHORNEWHITE, 134, 170, 171, 228, 229

HAYTHORNWHITE, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 199, 203, 211, 212, 219, 223, 227, 228, 229, 244, 260

Hazelheads, 3, 21, 270, 271

Hazelhurst, 270

Headmaster, 60

Heage, 251

HEALD, 149

HEAPS, 139

Hearth Tax, 10, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43, 272, 273, 286


Heather, 61, 76, 117, 188, 292


Heckmondwike, Yorks, 20, 37, 42, 251



Helen, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 47, 62, 82, 87, 98, 110, 127, 136, 137, 144, 152, 162, 163, 167, 168, 169, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 200, 201, 202, 209, 212, 219, 221, 225, 226, 230, 231, 241, 242, 247, 248, 253, 260, 268, 271, 287

Helen Frances, 136

Helen Sarah, 144

Hellifield, 94, 114, 148, 149, 289

HELM, 104, 212

Hemel Hempstead, 59, 60, 61

Hendon, 61, 91, 161, 172

Henley, 181, 258

Henrietta, 61, 63, 144, 229, 290

Henrietta Celia, 63

Henry, 9, 15, 25, 31, 33, 43, 45, 50, 53, 55, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 72, 82, 83, 84, 85, 94, 98, 99, 103, 119, 125, 133, 150, 155, 156, 165, 168, 170, 176, 178, 180, 182, 184, 185, 186, 191, 194, 196, 197, 200, 201, 203, 219, 222, 228, 230, 245, 246, 248, 253, 254, 255, 262, 279, 280, 282

Henry Arthur, 246

Henryb1755, 186

Henryb1790, 185

Henryb1818, 51, 73

Henryb1827, 191

Henryb1831, 211

Henryb1839, 214, 228

Henryb1843, 248

Henryb1844, 221

Henryb1857, 213

Henryb1861, 83

Henryb1864, 262

Henryb1865, 216

Henryb1874, 197

Henryb1883, 172

Henryb1886, 226

Henryb1890, 194

Henryb1891, 254

Henryb1893, 81

Henryb1896, 257

Henryb1900, 216

Henryb1902, 193

Henryb1906, 243

Henryb1926, 254


Herbert, 66, 72, 90, 107, 109, 112, 152, 172, 178, 196, 208, 217, 233, 252, 288

Herbertb1879, 112

Herbertb1882, 153

Herbertb1902, 233

Herbertb1924, 112

Herne Hill, 125



Hesketh, 227



HEWITT, 209, 252


Hexham, Northumberland, 78, 233

HEYS, 58, 108

Heysham, 23, 59, 67, 70, 84, 122

Heywood, 179, 240


HIGGIN, 157, 160

Higham, Lancs, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 121, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 286

Higher Fence, nr Whitewell [a farm in Little Bowland], 2, 3, 12, 13, 46, 48, 56, 85, 283

Higher Wood House, Slaidburn [a farm in Bowland Forest Higher]. GR698545, 59, 103, 128, 129, 130, 158

Hilary, 210, 234, 263

Hilda, 59, 65, 84, 182

Hiles, Wigglesworth, 153

HILL, 68, 119, 121


HINDE, 230

HINDLE, 105, 108, 109, 129, 182


HIRST, 196, 252, 259, 260


Historian, 60, 62, 68, 113





HODGSON, 53, 90, 261, 263


HOLDEN, 183, 247, 270, 271

Holderness, 238



Holme Low, 59, 61, 62

HOLMES, 101, 126, 236

HOLT, 171, 216, 217, 221, 224

Honor, 253, 254

Hoole, 245, 246


Hoopmaker, 70

Hope, (the ship), 81, 132, 133, 137, 159, 286, 290



Horace, 113, 160, 226


Hornby, 2, 3, 59, 66, 69, 73, 74, 77, 84, 88, 110, 139, 140, 146, 147, 148, 153, 154

HORNE, 99, 106, 157, 223

HORROCKS, 95, 101

Horsham, 234

Hot Springs, Arizona, 228, 229

HOUGH, 221

Houghton, 104, 199

Hounslow, 127, 163

Hove, 65, 234

Howard, 181, 221, 290

Howard Francis, 221

HOWARTH, 98, 156, 199

HOWE, 99, 208




HOYES, 215

HOYLE, 54, 89

Hubert, 78, 121

Huddersfield, Yorks, 64, 92, 238, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 288, 289


Hudson, 105, 167, 291

Hugh, 62, 63, 109, 137, 234

HUGHES, 107, 207, 253


HULME, 193


HUME, 218

Hunslet, Yorks, 65, 256

HUNTER, 32, 96, 237

Huntingfield, Suffolk, 63, 290


Husbandman, 31, 36, 39, 41, 42, 58, 70, 89, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 146, 168, 170, 185, 201, 248, 268, 272, 281


Hussar, 12, 23

Hutton Roof [a hamlet near Kirkby Lonsdale], 149


Ian, 9, 10, 11, 13, 95, 109, 117, 120, 130, 141, 196, 199, 219, 224, 226, 286, 288, 290

Ian Kimball, 109, 290

Ian Richard, 219


India, 23, 24, 59, 60, 99, 165, 171

Ingleton, Yorks, 32, 57, 58, 67, 74, 75, 77, 81, 88, 139

Inglewhite, Lancs, 185, 186, 219, 220, 221

Ingol, Lancs, 209, 210, 221, 287


Inskip, Lancs, 184, 185, 186, 206, 219, 245

Insurance Agent, 98, 99, 124, 126, 166, 189, 215

Invensys plc, 13, 68

Invercargill, 196, 292

Iowa, USA, 13, 164, 229

Irene, 66, 68, 93, 96, 99, 123, 140, 143, 150, 225, 263

IRETON, 81, 82

Irish Branch, 2, 61

Isabel, 32, 91, 101, 119, 120, 150, 152, 153, 154, 185, 199, 203, 236, 260, 267, 272

Isabell, 101, 135, 255

Isabella, 23, 24, 61, 67, 69, 71, 82, 101, 115, 118, 119, 123, 124, 128, 137, 148, 154, 174, 185, 188, 204, 222, 231, 235, 236, 237, 254, 255, 261, 268, 269

Isabella Maud, 69

Isabella Walker, 119, 124


Isla Bethan, 80

Isobel, 81, 97, 119

Iva (a farm), 88, 98

Ivy Gladys, 141

Ivy May, 143

Izset, 59


Jabez, 7, 54, 55, 167, 170, 180, 182, 248

Jack, 6, 63, 105, 112, 122, 127, 134, 141, 189, 193, 195, 220, 224, 244, 245, 254

Jack Daniel, 245

Jack Edward, 63

JACKMAN, 90, 114

JACKSON, 17, 23, 37, 42, 52, 53, 70, 92, 98, 101, 125, 127, 223, 226, 259

Jake, 144

James, 2, 3, 5, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 81, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 95, 97, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106,107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 152, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 219, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 231, 232, 234, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 252, 254, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 272, 274, 278, 280, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 294

James Adrian Edward, 61, 291

James Alan, 104, 288

James Charles Henry, 61, 291

James Hurst, 261

James Ian, 95, 289

James Jackson, 127

James Mark, 104

James Max, 135

James Michael, 107, 240

James Richard, 100

James Robert, 106, 191, 192, 288

James Thomas, 24, 147, 149

James William, 52, 128, 152, 172, 178, 288

Jamesb1600, 18

Jamesb1614, 20

Jamesb1640, 266

Jamesb1675, 269

Jamesb1690, 267

Jamesb1706, 269

Jamesb1726, 22, 241

Jamesb1751, 241, 260

Jamesb1755, 40

Jamesb1757, 40

Jamesb1762, 201

Jamesb1764, 268

Jamesb1768, 168

Jamesb1771, 265

Jamesb1774, 169

Jamesb1779, 227

Jamesb1782, 206

Jamesb1783, 186, 187, 190, 191, 197, 199

Jamesb1784, 242

Jamesb1792, 232, 260

Jamesb1793, 84, 232, 260

Jamesb1795, 170

Jamesb1800, 89

Jamesb1806, 88

Jamesb1808, 111, 155

Jamesb1809, 248

Jamesb1810, 58

Jamesb1811, 253

Jamesb1814, 260

Jamesb1819, 25

Jamesb1820, 231

Jamesb1826, 53

Jamesb1829, 239

Jamesb1830, 107, 130, 262

Jamesb1832, 135

Jamesb1834, 199

Jamesb1835, 253

Jamesb1836, 156, 231

Jamesb1840, 171, 248

Jamesb1842, 113

Jamesb1844, 67

Jamesb1847, 222

Jamesb1849, 100, 187

Jamesb1851, 183

Jamesb1852, 127

Jamesb1854, 197

Jamesb1856, 191

Jamesb1857, 104

Jamesb1859, 135

Jamesb1861, 171

Jamesb1862, 200

Jamesb1864, 61

Jamesb1866, 207, 248

Jamesb1867, 264

Jamesb1868, 181

Jamesb1869, 158, 196, 248

Jamesb1870, 158, 264

Jamesb1874, 218

Jamesb1879, 68

Jamesb1880, 94, 126

Jamesb1882, 79

Jamesb1883, 197

Jamesb1886, 151

Jamesb1888, 194

Jamesb1890, 190

Jamesb1891, 117

Jamesb1895, 208, 254

Jamesb1897, 216

Jamesb1900, 217

Jamesb1901, 107

Jamesb1902, 252

Jamesb1907, 223

Jamesb1908, 261

Jamesb1914, 191

Jamesb1919, 221

Jamesb1931, 105

Jamesb1936, 101, 143

Jamesb1990, 96

Jane, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 63, 64, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85, 88, 91, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 111, 114, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 128, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 147, 149, 150, 152, 155, 156, 157, 169, 171, 173, 174, 176, 177, 180, 185, 186, 193, 201, 203, 206, 208, 211, 219, 220, 221, 222, 226, 229, 230, 233, 234, 235, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 247, 249, 250, 251, 253, 255, 256, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 272, 281

Jane Eliza, 60, 79, 143, 247

Janeen, 68

Janine, 244

Jannine, 67

Jean, 71, 95, 96, 107, 112, 121, 125, 143, 150, 151, 152, 194, 224, 238, 243, 246, 265

Jean Brown, 265

JEFFS, 107, 293

Jemson, 263

Jennet, 16, 19, 27, 28, 36, 39, 41, 45, 46, 55, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 130, 131, 133, 137, 138, 168, 186, 255, 270, 271, 273, 282

Jennett, 88, 103, 130

Jennifer Margaret, 141, 142

Jenny, 69, 88, 108, 121, 138, 146, 156, 161, 185, 186

JEPSON, 21, 26, 27, 42, 105, 267

Jesmond, Northumberland, 233

Jessica Grace, 245

Jessie, 93, 96, 100, 288

JHUTY, 100

Joan, 13, 60, 68, 104, 127, 141, 143, 144, 152, 162, 189, 216, 220, 261, 290


Joanne, 67, 68, 78, 99, 122, 192

Jody, 83, 292

Joe, 53, 66, 95, 141, 258

Johanna Matilda, 134

Johannesburg, 163

John, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 127, 129, 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 175, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292

John Alexander, 71

John Anthony, 143, 216

John Arthur, 113

John Ashley, 94

John Corless, 21, 137

John David, 149, 164, 288

John Douglas, 123

John Edward, 149, 222, 233

John Harrison, 28, 118

John Henry, 72, 158, 171, 219

John Ian Haddon, 109

John Ingham, 159

John Jackson, 127, 288

John James, 88, 213, 244, 247, 253, 254

John Leslie, 93

John Mark, 80, 288

John Newhouse, 121

John of Lancaster, 18, 26, 250

John of Scorton, 2, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21

John of Tarnbrook, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13, 15, 34, 35, 37, 39, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 51, 87, 146, 184, 287

John Parker, 59, 63

John Procter, 36, 141

John Proctor, 141

John Richard, 244

John Robert, 80, 105, 147, 288

John Shackleton, 91

John Stephen, 150, 291

John Thomas, 104, 124, 144, 161, 162

John W, 6, 24, 29, 31, 32, 38, 72, 84, 93, 98, 101, 108, 112, 116, 129, 141, 153, 156, 182, 212, 216, 218, 226, 234, 235, 254, 268, 286, 290, 292

John Walmsley, 24, 29, 31, 32, 216

John Wilfrid, 112, 286

John William, 108, 116, 156, 182, 212, 218, 234, 235, 254, 292

Johnb1570, 15, 19, 35

Johnb1597, 37

Johnb1601, 18, 20

Johnb1607, 19

Johnb1609, 19

Johnb1620, 20

Johnb1631, 38

Johnb1636, 26

Johnb1648, 265

Johnb1655, 270

Johnb1657, 42

Johnb1670, 266

Johnb1684, 167

Johnb1692, 267

Johnb1713, 267

Johnb1716, 27

Johnb1725, 264, 267

Johnb1732, 247

Johnb1734, 32, 47

Johnb1738, 25

Johnb1747, 268

Johnb1753, 249

Johnb1766, 40

Johnb1767, 265

Johnb1770, 102, 230, 250

Johnb1775, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 176, 180, 202

Johnb1777, 204

Johnb1779, 265

Johnb1782, 49

Johnb1786, 69, 247

Johnb1789, 253, 260

Johnb1794, 186

Johnb1795, 201

Johnb1798, 241

Johnb1803, 171

Johnb1805, 98

Johnb1807, 88, 146, 147, 148, 153, 154

Johnb1809, 230, 253

Johnb1811, 111

Johnb1812, 54, 231

Johnb1815, 69, 71

Johnb1818, 232

Johnb1822, 261

Johnb1830, 214

Johnb1831, 251

Johnb1832, 107

Johnb1836, 171, 173

Johnb1837, 91

Johnb1838, 180, 199

Johnb1840, 111, 155

Johnb1841, 54, 158, 177

Johnb1844, 231

Johnb1846, 209

Johnb1849, 72, 148, 213

Johnb1850, 212, 243

Johnb1851, 223

Johnb1855, 98

Johnb1856, 240

Johnb1859, 75, 230

Johnb1863, 214

Johnb1864, 171

Johnb1872, 93, 205, 218

Johnb1873, 78, 222

Johnb1875, 72

Johnb1876, 91

Johnb1877, 148, 197

Johnb1878, 156, 157, 159, 172

Johnb1883, 223

Johnb1885, 188

Johnb1892, 126

Johnb1899, 224

Johnb1902, 188

Johnb1903, 209

Johnb1906, 52, 193

Johnb1910, 158

Johnb1911, 112, 240

Johnb1915, 245

Johnb1927, 224

Johnb1928, 217

Johnb1937, 53, 251

Johnb1942, 149

Johnb1943, 94

Johnb1944, 53

Johnb1946, 159

Johnb1950, 207

Johnb1953, 153

Johnb1973, 220

Johnd1683, 43

Johnd1686, 44

Johnd1729, 21

JOHNSON, 28, 136, 165, 182, 184, 193, 219, 236

JOHNSTON, 79, 128


Joiner, 31, 54, 58, 59, 66, 72, 77, 126, 176, 196, 204, 206, 235, 242, 253, 262

Jonathan, 36, 37, 153, 162, 164, 165, 264

Jordan, 71, 291

Joseph, 16, 18, 36, 37, 42, 64, 66, 88, 97, 105, 114, 115, 118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 129, 148, 154, 156, 164, 171, 179, 192, 193, 194, 197, 198, 200, 205, 206, 208, 211, 219, 221, 223, 225, 233, 234, 236, 238, 249, 269, 281

Josephb1698, 42

Josephb1778, 206

Josephb1779, 186

Josephb1814, 111, 115, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 127

Josephb1840, 119

Josephb1848, 165

Josephb1849, 114

Josephb1862, 115

Josephb1864, 192

Josephb1871, 120, 135, 156

Josephb1873, 52

Josephb1877, 125, 127

Josephb1879, 218

Josephb1891, 226

Josephb1894, 118

Josephb1895, 216

Josephb1896, 101

Josephb1898, 217

Josephb1901, 193

Josephb1908, 53

Josephb1910, 124

Josephb1912, 52

Josephb1938, 53

Josephb1977, 192

Josephine, 60, 75, 141, 182, 207, 218, 290

Joshua Maudsley, 149

Journeyman Tailor, 219


Joyce/Joice, 84

Joycelyn, 78

JUDD, 176

Judge, 106

Judith, 25, 63, 78, 104, 117, 142, 150, 172, 192

Julia, 76, 80, 116, 123, 153, 228

Julia Denise Metcalfe, 76

Julie, 64, 94, 95, 128, 175, 189, 217, 259, 290

June, 5, 28, 47, 64, 65, 76, 80, 94, 103, 121, 122, 125, 132, 134, 142, 176, 206, 219, 228, 264, 284, 287


Kalgoorlie, W Australia, 13, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 290


Kangaroo Flats, 141

Karachi, 24

Karen, 53, 195

Karlsruehe, Germany, 106, 291

Karrakatta, 140, 144

Kate, 109, 126, 140, 142, 144

Katherineb1622, 30

Kathleen, 81, 120, 126, 135, 141, 163, 207, 288, 290

Kathryn, 6, 16, 99, 112, 150, 162, 220, 286, 293

Kathryn YATES, 162, 293

Katie, 52, 91, 127

Katie Lucy, 127

Kay, 134, 240

KEANE, 144, 149

Keasden Head. GR717640, 90, 115, 119, 124, 127


Keighley, 91, 95, 96, 101, 113, 148, 193, 251, 288

KELLATT, 211, 212, 214, 215

Kelly, 63, 192

KELLY, 222, 223

Kendal, Cumbria, 3, 12, 63, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 91, 106, 136, 148, 149, 240, 249, 255, 256, 258, 260, 264


KENNEDY, 237, 256


Kensington, 63, 163, 191


KENYON, 123, 183

Kevin, 122, 158, 174, 175, 240

Kidlington, 254, 289



Kilmarnock, 265


Kim, 105, 122, 239

KINDER, 124, 129

KING, 198, 216

Kings Norton, 98, 99, 100

KIRBY, 209, 243

Kirkby Lonsdale, Cumbria, 2, 5, 12, 25, 32, 63, 64, 66, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 91, 148, 149, 249, 264, 265, 267, 270, 286, 288

Kirkby Malham, Yorks, 89, 90, 92, 93, 97, 151


Kirkham, Lancs, 23, 104, 126, 168, 169, 173, 185, 186, 201, 204, 206, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 242, 243, 246, 262

KIRKLY, 22, 41, 241


Klara, 142, 290

Knaresborough, 65, 152, 256, 257


Knighton, 24

Knot End, nr Whitewell. GR464645, 45, 46, 48, 56

KNOTT, 217

Knottingley, Yorks, 257


Kristy, 145



LACEY, 161

LAMB, 120, 143

LAMBERT, 31, 40, 126, 172, 188, 242, 260

Lambeth, London, 125, 181

Lancaster, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 66, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 97, 101, 106,110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 146, 147, 148, 152, 153, 154, 162, 163, 167, 169, 193, 194, 197, 204, 206, 207, 214, 216, 222, 223, 230, 231, 232, 241, 244, 246, 249, 250, 253, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 288

LANCASTER, 92, 114, 190

Lancaster Castle, 17, 87

Lanchester, 174, 233, 263

LANE, 158

LANES, 238

LANG, 209

LANGHORNE, 115, 117

LANGLEY, 20, 21



Laura, 6, 106, 117, 141, 237, 292

Laurence, see also Lawrence, 19, 117, 292


Lawkland, 90, 147, 153, 154


Lawrence, see also Laurence, 15, 18, 19, 20, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 53, 57, 77, 87, 99, 117, 123, 135, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 206, 213, 257, 278, 280

Lawrenceb1580, 19

Lawrenceb1631, 42


LAWSON, 154, 221


Lay Subsidies, 15, 286

LAYCOCK, 90, 130, 131


LEACH, 25, 184, 230, 263




Lecturer, 60, 71

LEE, 220, 252


Leeds, 12, 64, 65, 66, 67, 91, 120, 159, 165, 193, 194, 217, 218, 230, 232, 239, 240, 253, 256, 289


Lena, 126, 143

Leo, 62

Leonard, 76, 107, 108, 118, 121, 156, 168, 169, 170, 176, 204, 221, 224, 225, 230, 231, 290

Léonie, 165

Leopold, 237

Lesley, 78, 145, 193, 214, 215, 245, 290


Lettice/Lettis, 46, 48, 54, 57, 77, 139

Letticeb1782, 57

Letticeb1790, 56

Letticeb1834, 84

Levens, 152

Lewberta, 134

LEWIS, 60, 135

Lewis Parkinson, 135

Lewisham, 124, 125, 126, 127, 234, 254

Leyland, 49, 180, 220, 245, 246, 248, 264


LIEN, 61



Lilian, 68, 70, 71, 81, 124, 161, 195, 210, 237, 238, 252

Lilian Mercia, 237

Lillas, 265

Lillian May, 140

Lily, 71, 149, 193, 234, 235, 238

Lily Sophia, 71

Linda, 151, 158, 175, 182, 224, 228, 288

Linen Winder, 255

Linghaw , Bentham [a farm], 110

Linsey Weaver, 255

Lisa, 116, 210, 240, 292

Lisa Michelle, 210


Little Catshaw, Over Wyresdale, 17, 47

Little Daub Hall, Chipping, 56

Littledale, Lancs, 32, 122

Liversedge, 251, 252

Livesey, 52, 53, 54, 103, 104, 105, 107

LIVESEY, 73, 112, 113, 156, 186

Llanelli, 181

Llewin, 290

Lloy, 71, 291

LLOYD, 128

Llywelyn, 80

Loftrains, Paythorne [a farm] GR822517, 93, 94, 95


Lois, 145, 157, 189, 290

LOMAX, 126

London, 12, 24, 28, 29, 37, 50, 51, 57, 59, 63, 76, 80, 83, 108, 109, 117, 125, 126, 145, 149, 160, 162, 163, 181, 182, 191, 199, 200, 201, 220, 228, 229, 264, 265, 279, 286, 289, 290

Long Preston, Yorks, 89, 153


Longridge, Lancs, 53, 129, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 207, 219, 220

Longton, 121



LORD, 93, 192, 196, 224

Lorna, 199, 263

Lorraine, 67, 71, 142

Lou Ralston, 135


Louie Jean, 135

Louisa, 64, 172, 192, 194, 195, 238, 258

Louisa Frances, 238

Louise, 61, 76, 80, 91, 100, 122, 149, 192, 207, 235, 239, 259, 290

Louise Arwen, 100


Low Kettlesbeck [a farm], 107, 130

Lower Lee, 2, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 43, 46, 266

Lowther, 250

Lucilla, 112

Luckwood, 256

Lucy Lynette, 144

Lucy Vernon, 254

Luke, 51, 59, 80, 92, 116, 122, 136, 140, 163, 197, 262

Lunesdale, 67, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 88, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 156


Lydia, 62, 111, 113, 149, 150, 162, 200, 239, 258

Lynda Susan, 141

Lynette, 141, 145

Lynne, 226

LYON, 133


Macclesfield, 196, 197, 263

MACK, 226



Maggie, 79, 116, 121, 127, 129, 153

MAHER, 192

Maidenhead, Berks, 61, 84, 100

Major, 7, 13, 24, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 85, 251

Majorb1788, 53

Majorb1836, 54

MALIN, 181

Maltster, 106

Manchester, 23, 50, 53, 55, 62, 70, 93, 94, 125, 126, 129, 152, 156, 165, 171, 172, 173, 174, 182, 189, 190, 193, 194, 197, 199, 200, 205, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 222, 226, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237, 245, 250, 251, 252, 253, 257, 287, 288

Manchester Cathedral, 129, 171, 172, 228, 231, 232, 250, 251, 253

Mansergh, 267


Marc, 175

Margaret Ann, 63, 190, 193, 210, 265

Margaret Eleanor, 76

Margaret Elizabeth, 68, 80, 186, 246

Margaretb1610, 30

Margaretb1618, 20

Margaretb1699, 30

Margaretb1706, 31

Margaretb1719, 264

Margaretb1762, 250

Margaretb1776, 265

Margaretb1788, 250

Margaretb1789, 203

Margaretd1637, 30

Margaretd1680, 30

Margaretd1682, 30

Margarite, 91, 289

Maria, 43, 48, 56, 98, 109, 113, 114, 131, 136, 190, 215, 261

Marie, 18, 60, 80, 98, 144, 165, 181, 272

Mariner, 22, 23, 25, 31, 70, 74, 250, 260

Marion, 81, 91, 150, 207, 226, 244

Mark, 5, 40, 60, 61, 63, 68, 71, 76, 95, 99, 101, 106, 108, 117, 120, 122, 140, 150, 173, 183, 187, 188, 190, 224, 229, 232, 244, 245, 250, 256, 290, 292

Mark ETHERIDGE, 99, 292

Mark John, 76, 117

Mark Terence, 140

Mark Thomas, 245

Markb1786, 200

Markb1823, 187

Markb1872, 190

Markb1875, 189

Markb1876, 187

Markb1959, 240

Markb1961, 195

Markb1966, 246

Markb1973, 151

Markb1975, 244

Markb1980, 198

Marl Hill, nr Slaidburn [a farm], 102

MARSDEN, 55, 151, 160, 192, 193, 195


MARSHALL, 110, 120, 128, 137, 220

Marshawe [a farm], 36, 38


Martha, 6, 55, 56, 70, 112, 113, 156, 157, 159, 160, 163, 165, 170, 174, 177, 180, 200, 214, 215, 226, 232, 239, 241, 242, 247

Martin, 80, 101, 105, 128, 194, 207, 208, 217, 265, 288

MARTIN, 84, 174, 205, 208

Martinborough, NZ, 6, 76, 292

MARTINDALE, 245, 246


Mary, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 147, 148, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158,159, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 234, 236, 237, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 283, 287, 288

Mary Agnes, 83, 120, 216, 217, 222, 243

Mary Alice, 141, 216, 225, 262

Mary Catharine, 135

Mary Dawson, 254

Mary Ellen, 69, 94, 120, 121, 123, 138, 147, 156, 161, 187, 192, 207, 208, 255

Mary Gladys, 225

Mary Hoyle, 56

Mary Jane, 52, 53, 79, 118, 136, 157, 164, 165, 172, 177, 209, 213, 219, 222

Mary Josephine, 218, 251

Mary Louise, 151

Maryb1720, 264

Maryb1764, 250

Maryb1828, 73

MASHITER, 69, 138

MASON, 39, 79, 154, 242



Mathew, 151, 255

Matron, 78

Matt, 142

Matthew, 3, 67, 106, 108, 125, 127, 142, 172, 174, 188, 198, 209, 219, 231, 249, 255, 256, 258, 260

Matthew James, 67

Matthew John, 106, 188

MATTHEWS, 75, 93

Maud, 76, 84, 124, 191, 239, 258

MAUDSLEY, 119, 148, 182

Maudstone, 61

Maureen, 243

Maurice, 99, 113, 125, 127

May, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 160, 162, 163, 164, 165, 167, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 213, 216, 217, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259, 260, 262, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 279, 282, 290

Mayor of Battersea, 84

Mayor of Nelson, 194

MBE, 75, 125, 193





McCOURT, 244

McCREA, 123


McDUFF, 221

McEVOY, 247


McGRATH, 144


McKAIN, 117

McKEAN, 61

McLEOD, 116

McNALLY, 144



MEAD, 59

Medical Practitioner, 59, 60, 63, 108, 165

Megan Elizabeth, 181

Melbourne, 117, 130

MELIA, 206

Melissa, 62, 63, 104, 145, 189, 229

Melissa Kate, 189

Melling, Lancs, 22, 30, 44, 58, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 79, 80, 87, 88, 123, 138, 139, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 153, 154, 227, 250, 273

Mellor Brook, Lancs, 54

Melton, 99, 290

MERCER, 48, 85, 123


Merial, 184, 230

Meriden, 181, 234, 240

Merlyn, 80, 290

METCALFE, 74, 75, 148, 224

Mewith, 119, 153, 288

Micah, 116

Michael, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 27, 28, 39, 56, 57, 58, 60, 64, 73, 75, 76, 78, 81, 96, 101, 106, 117, 122, 142, 149, 167, 168, 169, 175, 184, 185, 186, 192, 198, 201, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 221, 226, 234, 236, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 267,289

Michael David Metcalfe, 76

Michael Ian, 221

Michael Robert, 142

Michaela Jade, 96



Mildred, 66, 108, 134, 217

Mildred May, 134

Miles, 58, 69, 75, 184, 185, 186, 190, 191, 197, 201, 202, 230, 231, 248, 262, 263

MILES, 97, 221

Miles Carter, 263

Milesb1729, 184

Milesb1781, 186

Milesb1785, 230

Milesb1789, 185

Milesb1825, 190

Milesb1834, 262

Milesb1885, 191

Milesb1911, 194

Milesb1943, 192

Mill, 34, 52, 53, 56, 78, 85, 103, 104, 108, 111, 113, 129, 130, 140, 148, 159, 160, 162, 164, 171, 180, 187, 190, 199, 209, 210, 214, 217, 222, 223, 225, 226, 232, 244, 269, 290, 293

MILLER, 65, 91, 104, 220, 272


Miner, 3, 23, 57, 77, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 171, 174, 194, 198

Minister of Labour, 146, 150

Minnie, 65, 114, 174, 176, 178, 179, 217, 238, 252

Minnie May, 217

Missionary, 59

Missouri, 13, 134, 227, 228, 229

Mitton, Yorks [village], 17, 40, 47, 48, 49, 85, 269, 270


Mitzi, 120

Molly, 51, 73, 89, 132, 133, 159, 248

Monaco, 181, 291

Monaco Single Buoy Mooring, 181, 291

MONK, 220


Monkwearmouth, 265

MOORE, 158, 239


Morecambe, Lancs, 24, 82, 101, 116, 117, 118, 121, 162


MORPHET, 81, 152

Morris, 92

MORRIS, 46, 48, 226, 272


Moses, 157, 169, 170, 202

MOSS, 80

Mount Pleasant Mill, Burnley, 3, 12, 159, 160, 162, 163, 166, 286

Mt Lawley, 141

MUCH, 239



Muriel, 75, 161, 163, 234, 257, 290

Music Teacher, 220

MYERS, 162, 252

Myerscough, 77, 167, 168, 186

Myles, 150, 230

Myra, 143


Naithan John W, 207

Naming Rule, 9, 15, 16, 18, 22, 27, 31, 39, 41, 46, 50, 55, 57, 58, 110, 167, 168, 180, 202, 203, 232, 241, 260

Nancy Olive, 140

Nanny, 23, 24, 25, 58, 59, 67, 169

Nantwich, Cheshire, 98, 108, 227, 228, 229

Narr Lodge, 267

Natasha, 6, 63, 143, 145, 290

Nathan, 167, 176, 179

Natland, 70, 71, 82, 83

Needham Market, Suffolk, 62

Neil, 68, 106, 149, 172, 175, 194, 288

Neil Richard, 149, 288

Nellie, 65, 97, 144, 195, 208, 233, 235, 254

Nellie Joyce, 144

NELSON, 54, 148, 177

Nelson, Lancs, 62, 71, 95, 96, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 124, 130, 151, 158, 159, 163, 164, 165, 166, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 286, 287, 288

Netherwyresdale, 3, 18, 21, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 167, 184, 203, 241, 280

Neville, 100, 144, 289, 290

New Mills, 171

New Southgate, Essex, 125

New Zealand, 2, 5, 13, 60, 61, 69, 70, 76, 88, 96, 116, 117, 140, 143, 167, 196, 227, 292

Newark, 106, 135, 289


Newcastle upon Tyne, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 257, 265, 289

NEWHOUSE, 81, 119, 120

NEWMAN, 60, 141

NEWSHAM, 206, 211


Newton Abbot, 76, 240

Newton Heath, 187, 197

Nicholas, 20, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 42, 53, 61, 63, 72, 115, 134, 159, 193, 209, 224, 265, 266, 271, 278


Nicholas Hahn, 134

Nicholasb1525, 29

Nicholasb1616, 30

Nicholasb1658, 266

Nicholasb1705, 31

NICKSON, 107, 122, 138

Nicola, 91, 221, 245

Nicola Jane, 245

Nigel, 256

NIXON, 163

Nora, 65, 165, 193, 253, 259

Norah, 72, 120, 152, 161, 208, 220, 253, 254

Norah Marjorie, 152

NORCROSS, 95, 186

Norma, 144, 239

Norman, 93, 118, 141, 148, 156, 178, 200, 237




North Walsham, Norfolk, 75

Northenden, 94, 288

Northwich, 231

Norwich, 63, 81, 108, 289

Nottingham, 99, 100, 193, 289, 290


NUTTER, 112, 163



Oakenclough, 270

Oakhead, Bentham [a farm], 115, 118, 119

Oakworth, 101

OATES, 252, 259

Offally, Ireland, 62

Ogallala, Nebraska, 83, 292

OGDEN, 199

Ohio, USA, 3, 12, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 227, 286

Old Hall Farm, Simonstone, 75, 120, 121, 155, 156

Old Town, 267, 268

Olga, 108

Olga Sofia, 108

Olive, 113, 134, 140, 141, 143, 149, 289

OLIVE, 140

Olive Virginia, 134

OLIVER, 78, 265

Oliver James, 221

Oliver John, 149

Olivia Grace, 116

Ontario, Canada, 3, 61, 71, 89, 126, 146, 150, 167, 182, 202, 227


Organist, 130, 262, 263



Orpha, 134


Ortner, 8

Orton, Westmorland, 79


Osbaldeston, Lancs, 54, 245

Oscar, 109, 116, 140, 200, 290

Oscar Zachary, 116

Oswaldtwistle, Lancs, 54, 124, 177, 180

Otranto, Puglia, Italy, 163

Ottery St Mary, Devon, 84

OVENS, 143

Over Kellet, 21, 22, 26, 27, 197, 247, 274

Over Wyresdale, Lancs, 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 20, 33, 34, 36, 47, 58, 69, 86, 87, 88, 136, 184, 203, 266, 271

Overton, 82, 115, 158

Owen Elmer, 150, 291

Owthwaite, Roeburndale, Lancs, 148, 149

Oxford, 60, 63, 68, 149, 173

OXLEY, 236


Paddington, 50, 160, 161

Padiham, Lancs, 111, 113, 114, 121, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 162, 164, 165, 170, 195, 224, 225, 288



Pamela, 64, 91, 96, 100, 108, 174, 228, 233, 239, 244, 247, 288, 290



PARK, 80

PARKER, 29, 31, 52, 59, 67, 90, 108, 110, 111, 121, 124, 141, 219, 268, 271


Parkinson, 41, 45, 48, 57, 133, 134, 270, 280, 282, 283

PARKINSON, 27, 37, 39, 40, 41, 46, 53, 54, 56, 85, 106, 132, 133, 214, 219


PASKE, 189

Pateley Bridge, 65

Patricia, 6, 61, 70, 96, 104, 121, 134, 135, 141, 198, 236, 257, 288, 293

Patricia Dale, 134

Patricia Kay, 135

Patrick John, 67

PATTERSON, 66, 72, 236, 238

Paul Andrew, 220

Paul Edward, 149

Paul Michael, 150

Paul Russell, 151

Paula, 78, 95, 122

Pauliina, 63

Pauline, 53, 64, 66, 226

PAYNE, 223, 239

Paythorne, Yorks, 92, 93, 94, 95


Peckforton, Cheshire, 228


Peggy, 185, 186, 250

PELL, 135

Pendleton, Lancs [2 places], 56, 215, 223, 224, 288

Pennington, 39, 205

Penrith, Cumbria, 62, 63, 78, 289


Penticton, British Columbia, 60


Percival, 142

Percy, 105, 124, 125, 142, 196, 259

Perth, 72, 76, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 290

Peter, 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 28, 35, 54, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 92, 107, 109, 110, 117, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 141, 142, 149, 156, 162, 163, 173, 174, 180, 185, 186, 192, 205, 207, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 230, 232, 238, 239, 240, 249, 250, 262, 264, 265, 268, 270, 276, 283, 286, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292

Peter Carl, 221, 289

Peter David Metcalfe, 76

Peter Frank, 117, 292

Peter James, 6, 60, 80, 142, 286, 288

Peter Kenway, 1, 124, 163, 290

Peter Oswald, 205

Peter Procter, 83

Peter Richard, 141, 290

Peter the Clockmaker, 3, 249, 264, 270

Peterb1650, 270

Peterb1688, 264

Peterb1723, 249

Peterb1723/4, 249

Peterb1763, 265

Peterb1766, 250

Peterb1784, 249

Peterb1793, 232, 250

Peterb1797, 212

Peterb1804, 212

Peterb1810, 250

Peterb1824, 211

Peterb1832, 213

Peterb1838, 215

Peterb1846, 205

Peterb1854, 239

Peterb1863, 213

Peterb1880, 220, 223

Peterb1940, 220

Peterd1760, 12, 249


Pharmaceutical Consultant, 151

Pheonix, Arizona, 257

Philadelphia, 146, 152

Philip, 13, 60, 69, 79, 112, 113, 195, 207, 251, 288, 292

Philip Arthur, 60, 292

Philip John, 207


Phineas, 113, 114, 227

Phoebe, 17, 60, 83, 116, 224

Photonics, 163

Physicist, 163

PICKLES, 60, 67, 103, 112, 113, 218

PILKINGTON, 116, 248

Pilling, Lancs, 64

Pilot, 151

PINDER, 163, 190





PLATT, 107




POLLARD, 60, 121



Polly, 53, 105, 120, 224, 232, 291

POMFRET, 111, 114, 187, 196


POOL, 22, 241

Poppy, 83

Porter, 55, 57, 58, 66, 72, 73, 79, 84, 171, 197

PORTER, 212, 246, 257, 268

Portinscale, Cumbria, 64


Postman, 91, 92, 153




Prescot, Lancs, 220, 239


PRESTON, 30, 151, 175

Preston, Lancs, 2, 25, 27, 40, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 61, 73, 77, 78, 80, 87, 92, 109, 121, 127, 129, 139, 153, 157, 168, 169, 173, 176, 179, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 231, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254, 255, 261, 264, 268, 269, 287, 288

Prestwich, Lancs, 171, 172, 187, 190, 197, 199, 200, 214, 222, 231, 250

Prestwold, Leics, 163


Priest, 6, 25, 61, 68, 205, 223, 287

Primrose, 238

PRINGLE, 233, 238

Privateer, 2, 12, 23, 260

PROCTER, 17, 32, 35, 38, 42, 73, 77, 79, 102, 146


Professor, 24, 62, 71, 146, 152, 182, 247, 262

Professor of Theology, 62

Programmer, 76, 80, 165

Prudence, 100, 290

Prudence Christine, 100


PYE, 20, 30, 87, 88


Quairading, W. Australia, 5, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 290, 292

Quaker, 2, 34, 35, 37, 41, 42, 44, 266, 271, 272

Quarmore, 3, 16, 21, 23, 27, 32, 34, 38, 39, 41, 42, 132, 133, 136, 169, 249, 250, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273

Quebec, 71, 105, 126, 167, 200

Quernmore/Quarmore, 3, 16, 21, 23, 27, 32, 34, 38, 39, 41, 42, 132, 133, 136, 169, 249, 250, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273

Quernmore/Quarmore, Lancs, 9, 13, 69, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 110, 133, 137, 138, 152, 223, 230, 268


QUINN, 240


Rachel, 31, 60, 63, 96, 105, 116, 134, 135, 162, 193, 235, 280

Rachel Ann, 235

RACK, 191



Railway Platelayer, 93


Rakefoot [a farm], 53, 54, 56, 171, 173


Ramsbottom, Lancs, 124, 128, 188, 189, 190, 199, 200


RATCLIFFE, 170, 175

Rathmell, Yorks, 25, 88, 110, 115, 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 146, 147, 148, 153, 154


Ravenstonedale, Westmorland (now Cumbria), 152


Raymond, 3, 39, 67, 108, 167, 173, 182, 202, 203, 204, 224, 227, 228, 239, 248, 288, 291

REA, 100


Read, Lancs, 55, 124, 163, 167, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 180

Rebecca, 63, 81, 91, 218, 232, 243, 250, 253

Rebekah, 217

REDMAYNE, 32, 102

Redruth, Cornwall, 75, 76

Reedley Hallows, Lancs, 158, 159

REES, 80, 84




Remington, 24


Reuben Leonard, 236

Reuben Naphtali, 236

Rex, 60, 80, 99, 290

Rex Leece, 80, 290

Rhoda, 94, 234

Rhuddlan, 65

Ribchester, Lancs, 31, 38, 53, 168, 186, 187, 190

Richard, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 119, 120, 124, 127, 128, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 144, 146, 150, 152, 154, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 185, 186, 204, 206, 207, 208, 210, 219, 220, 222, 227, 229, 241, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 261, 263, 264, 266, 269, 270, 271, 272, 276, 277, 279, 282, 283, 284, 286, 288, 290, 291, 292

Richard Dale, 134

Richard Darryl, 134

Richard David, 120, 220

Richard Frank, 134

Richard Gordon, 150, 291

Richard James, 106, 291

Richard John, 144, 252, 290, 292

Richard Lord, 109

Richard Michael, 207

Richard Newhouse, 120

Richard of Batrix, 2, 9, 12, 47, 86, 87, 88, 102, 130, 286

Richard of Tarnbrook, 35, 37, 38

Richard Piers, 109

Richard Thomas, 154, 255

Richardb1550, 30

Richardb1600, 35

Richardb1630, 37, 38

Richardb1636, 35

Richardb1650, 30

Richardb1654, 38

Richardb1660, 167, 271

Richardb1676, 38

Richardb1686, 45

Richardb1698, 266

Richardb1706, 22

Richardb1717, 264

Richardb1726, 168

Richardb1730, 203

Richardb1731, 31, 168

Richardb1732, 47, 87

Richardb1749, 48

Richardb1755, 56, 133, 249

Richardb1766, 87

Richardb1767, 23

Richardb1776, 132, 133

Richardb1784, 50

Richardb1788, 74

Richardb1797, 89

Richardb1800, 87

Richardb1804, 103

Richardb1807, 248

Richardb1809, 58

Richardb1812, 69

Richardb1813, 70

Richardb1814, 51

Richardb1815, 133

Richardb1817, 25

Richardb1822, 77

Richardb1829, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84

Richardb1838, 59, 110, 186

Richardb1839, 146

Richardb1842, 160, 206

Richardb1844, 108

Richardb1846, 97

Richardb1847, 123

Richardb1855, 73

Richardb1859, 82

Richardb1862, 140

Richardb1864, 90, 118

Richardb1871, 64

Richardb1874, 94

Richardb1875, 79

Richardb1878, 208

Richardb1879, 52

Richardb1880, 244

Richardb1884, 81

Richardb1888, 82

Richardb1889, 160

Richardb1890, 154, 207

Richardb1893, 127

Richardb1895, 143

Richardb1897, 251

Richardb1904, 124

Richardb1911, 82

Richardb1916, 81

Richardb1918, 52, 207

Richardb1922, 246

Richardb1927, 247

Richardb1929, 60, 143, 219

Richardb1931, 62

Richardb1953, 100, 153

Richardb1953 John, 100

Richardb1956, 68

Richardb1988, 96

Richardd1753, 249

RICHARDS, 92, 143, 181

Richardson, 8, 69, 257

RICHARDSON, 150, 159, 256


Rick, 13, 68, 290



RIGBY, 129, 175, 198, 248

RILEY, 121, 127, 156, 162, 204, 210, 212, 214


Robert, 2, 3, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 62, 63, 65, 66, 70, 73, 77, 80, 81, 85, 86, 92, 93, 94, 102, 107, 117, 122, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 143, 146, 147, 152, 153, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 161, 164, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 183, 184, 189, 199, 200, 203, 204, 212, 215, 220, 225, 227, 231, 233, 237, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247, 254, 255, 260, 265, 267, 270, 271, 274, 280, 282, 283, 284, 288, 290, 291, 292

Robert Brendan, 62, 291

Robert Clifton, 243

Robert Foxcroft, 65

Robert Graham, 172

Robert Hanson, 288

Robert Leslie, 233

Robert Morphet, 146, 152, 292

Robert of Barnacre, 22, 27, 41, 184, 203, 241, 247

Robert of Fell End, 38, 39, 42, 241, 280

Robert of Kellet, 22, 41, 241

Robert of Scorton, 3, 10, 21, 25, 26, 27, 274

Robert Percy, 290

Robert Starkie, 94

Robertb1624, 270

Robertb1629, 16

Robertb1630, 21

Robertb1660, 270

Robertb1680, 270

Robertb1698, 22, 27

Robertb1711, 27

Robertb1727, 184

Robertb1734, 22

Robertb1738, 47, 132, 168

Robertb1753, 48

Robertb1766, 265

Robertb1771, 260

Robertb1773, 12, 23

Robertb1781, 169

Robertb1789, 77, 84

Robertb1805, 172

Robertb1809, 54, 180

Robertb1810, 23

Robertb1811, 50

Robertb1813, 136

Robertb1814, 49

Robertb1818, 133

Robertb1829, 256

Robertb1831, 173

Robertb1836, 263

Robertb1837, 50, 55

Robertb1844, 93

Robertb1845, 51

Robertb1854, 79, 165

Robertb1856, 153

Robertb1861, 135

Robertb1862, 73

Robertb1874, 91

Robertb1876, 125

Robertb1878, 94

Robertb1880, 97, 197

Robertb1887, 190

Robertb1889, 152, 246

Robertb1890, 82

Robertb1912, 79

Robertb1914, 96, 158

Robertb1917, 246

Robertb1928, 153

Robertb1929, 106

Robertb1931, 62

Robertb1935, 142

Robertb1936, 175

Robertb1941, 245

Robertb1960, 142

Robertb1961, 175

Robertb1964, 154

Robertb1984, 61

ROBERTS, 95, 100, 240

ROBERTSON, 235, 265

Robin, 6, 63, 84, 117, 292

ROBINSON, 64, 66, 70, 96, 97, 102, 157, 200, 211, 237, 243, 273

RODGERS, 137, 163

Rodney, 71, 72, 142, 143, 174

Rodney Wayne, 142

ROE, 106, 199

Roeburndale, Lancs, 33, 87, 88, 115, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154

Roger, 60, 63, 81, 82, 95, 152, 158, 207, 219, 224, 228, 234, 288

Roger David, 207

ROGERS, 108, 137

Roland, 3, 41, 184, 193, 195, 196, 230, 289

Roma, 245

ROMANS, 68, 69

Romford, 84

Romney, artist, 74

Ronald, 66, 117, 145, 178, 217, 238, 239


ROPER, 217

ROSE, 81, 223, 231

Roseleen, 224



Rossendale, Lancs, 173, 193


Rothley, Leics, 1, 117, 150, 163, 290


Rowe, 39


Rowrah, Cumbria, 62, 63, 64

Royal Marsden Hospital, 78

Rubina, 196

Ruby, 142, 143, 144

Ruby Dorothea, 143

RUDD, 47, 87

Rufus George, 80

Rugby, 24, 240


Ruth, 65, 76, 117, 150, 151, 152, 164, 189, 246, 259, 289, 292

Rutland, 99

Ryan, 140, 145, 192

RYAN, 117, 198

Rychard, 35

RYDER, 200

Rye, 197, 199

RYLEY, 204, 210, 211, 212

Rylstone, Yorks, 93



Sabden, Lancs, 114, 159, 160, 163, 224, 225, 287, 288

Saera, 207

Sage, 83

Salford, 50, 93, 115, 122, 126, 197, 199, 209, 214, 215, 217, 221, 222, 230, 231, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256


Salisbury, Wilts, 63, 86, 146, 149, 150

Sally, 18, 40, 61, 63, 144, 249, 268, 290, 291

Salmesbury, Lancs, 108

Salterforth, Lancs, 6, 95, 101, 287


Salwick, Lancs, 168, 169, 203, 204, 206, 210, 211, 212

Samuel, 60, 61, 62, 71, 73, 104, 140, 144, 171, 174, 181, 182, 200, 229, 232

Samuel David, 104, 181

Samuel Henry, 232

Samuel James, 144

Samuel Nicholas, 140

Samuel Oberon, 71

San Francisco, California, 6, 102, 117, 228, 292


SANDHAM, 40, 64, 115

Sandhurst, Berks, 24, 141, 144

Sandra, 61, 159, 220, 221

Sarah, 17, 18, 22, 25, 35, 38, 40, 42, 44, 51, 55, 60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 74, 75, 79, 81, 82, 100, 101, 102, 105, 109, 110, 113, 114, 137, 140, 144, 148, 150, 152, 155, 156, 157, 158, 163, 165, 170, 171, 172, 176, 178, 180, 183, 197, 199, 204, 205, 206, 214, 215, 217, 220, 223, 225, 226, 231, 233, 239, 241, 249, 250, 251, 253, 258, 260, 263, 265, 267, 275

Sarah Ann, 64, 140, 158, 176, 197, 199, 205, 206, 214, 215, 217, 226, 239, 251

Sarah Anne, 140, 206

Sarah Evelyn, 233

Sarah Jane, 67, 74, 75, 82, 100, 101, 114, 150, 152, 156, 163, 172, 180

Sarah Judith, 226


Saudi Arabia, 207

SAULE, 25, 26


Sawyer, 64, 69, 206, 230

Scarborough, 172


Schoolmaster, 83, 84

Scorby, 121

Scorton, Lancs, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 36, 40, 83, 241, 248, 253, 274

Scotland, 72, 73, 78, 79, 231, 235, 253, 274, 280

Scott, 68, 71, 145, 195, 257

SCOTT, 61, 68, 117, 162, 194, 224

Scunthorpe, Lincs, 149, 288

Seal Stile, 110, 128

Sean, 78, 195


Seedsman, 123

SELLERS, 180, 187


Septimus, 73

Servant, 53, 54, 55, 56, 69, 79, 82, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 101, 102, 103, 115, 118, 119, 120, 123, 138, 139, 147, 154, 155, 165, 173, 185, 205, 211, 219, 220, 221, 225, 226, 249, 261

Settle, Yorks, 58, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 74, 75, 78, 79, 81, 82, 88, 89, 90, 92, 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157





Shardlow, Notts, 99


Sharon, 104, 133, 134, 220

Sharon Kay, 134

SHARPE, 71, 84

SHARPLES, 25, 26, 105, 174, 190, 209, 220


SHAW, 48, 108, 175, 246, 251

Sheffield, Yorks, 28, 66, 67, 68, 80, 115, 117, 125, 153, 172, 238

Sheila, 63, 106, 153, 162, 238, 292

Sheila Margaret, 153, 292

SHELDON, 63, 293

Shelley, 259

Shelly, 195, 288

SHEPHERD, 55, 168, 185, 203


Sheppey, Kent, 62, 228, 229


Shildon, Co Durham, 77, 139, 140

Ship Owner, 25

Shipley, Yorks, 193

Shipping Clerk, 97

Shipwright, 73, 204, 205, 227, 248

Shireshead, 28, 230, 231

Shoemaker, 22, 90, 134, 186, 209, 210

Shoreditch, London, 239


SHORT, 237

Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 193


SHUTTLEWORTH, 81, 140, 157

Sibyl, 3, 253, 254, 260

Sidney Richard, 140

Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 59, 60, 163


Silloth, Cumbria, 59, 61, 62, 64


Simla, India, 61


Simon, 63, 65, 67, 104, 105, 117, 163, 181, 221, 288, 289

Simon Christopher, 221

Simon James, 65, 104, 288


Simonstone, Lancs, 120, 121, 155, 156, 161

SIMPSON, 52, 63, 79, 84, 87, 168, 201

Singapore, 182, 251, 292

Singleton, 3, 22, 41, 225, 241, 244, 287

SINGLETON, 17, 188, 200, 206, 270


Skipton, Yorks, 65, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 115, 119, 121, 148, 152, 192, 193, 289

SKIRROW, 58, 69, 87, 138, 146

Slaidburn, Lancs (Yorks pre 1974), 10, 12, 15, 20, 31, 33, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 69, 74, 77, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 95, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, 110, 111, 114, 115, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 138, 146, 155, 156, 157, 158, 160, 164, 165, 248, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 282, 286

SLATER, 113, 204, 226, 239, 245

SLINGER, 118, 129, 245

Smith, 34, 134, 137, 197, 210, 215, 248, 254, 266, 267

SMITH, 51, 52, 54, 61, 69, 75, 82, 117, 168, 213, 214, 217, 219, 240, 244, 251

Smithson, 134




Sophia Justine, 71

Sophia Marie, 68

Sophie, 143, 163

Sophie Holly, 163

SOUTH, 178

South Korea, 80

Southport, Lancs, 25, 109, 112, 113, 124, 126, 163, 200, 205, 246



SPARLING, 27, 99

SPEAR, 182


SPENCER, 49, 97


St Aidan's Training College, 59

St Annes, Lancs, 80, 104, 287, 288

St Bees, Cumbria, 60, 61, 62, 64

St John's College, Cambridge, 59

St Michael on Wyre, 185, 186, 206, 210

St Pancras, London, 50, 51, 125

St Thomas, 58, 60, 114, 126, 152, 178, 204, 205, 206, 208, 231


Staincliffe, Yorks, 48, 90, 94, 96, 101, 152, 159

Staining, 243, 244

Stalmine, 168


Stanford-le-Hope, Essex, 81

Stanley, 72, 99, 103, 106, 107, 117, 161, 165, 179, 230, 231

Star, 200, 261

STARKIE, 94, 157

Station Master, 78, 105, 200


Steeple Ashton, 61

Stella, 92


Stephen, 76, 79, 95, 97, 101, 115, 119, 120, 122, 123, 136, 137, 140, 142, 163, 165, 181, 189, 221, 224, 234, 239, 245, 288, 289

Stephen Andrew, 95

Stephen James Metcalfe, 76

Stephen Mark, 165, 289

Stephen Robert, 221

Stephenb1845, 120

Stephenb1877, 123

Stephenb1897, 121, 156

Stephenb1906, 124

Stephenb1908, 122

Stephenb1909, 79

Stephenb1963, 195

STEPHENSON, 81, 165, 224, 235




STEWART, 104, 221, 244




Stockport, Cheshire, 93, 94, 101, 171, 172, 189, 192, 231, 238, 262

Stoke Newington, 160, 239

STOKES, 140, 226

Stoneyhurst, 17, 271


Stornoway, 72

Storth, 31

STOTT, 224, 239

Strand, London, 12, 264, 265

Stratford, 125, 126, 182

Subiaco, WA, 140, 141, 142, 144


Sun Lakes, Arizona, 228

Sunderland, 68, 235, 254

Surgeon, 48, 59, 62, 227, 228, 229, 269

Surveyor, 80, 229

Susan, 76, 93, 94, 95, 108, 112, 121, 128, 150, 151, 153, 175, 181, 182, 189, 239, 245, 292

Susan Jane, 121, 181

Susan Mary, 153, 292

Susannah, 172, 177, 196, 246, 247



SWAN, 23

SWANN, 172


SWIFT, 153



Swireclough [a farm near Slaidburn or Gisburn], 111

Sydney, 62, 71, 143, 144, 156, 251, 290, 291

Sykes, Bowland Forest. GR630515, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 15, 27, 33, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 55, 86, 110, 241, 280, 282

Sylvia, 96, 123, 196, 198


Tahoe City, California, 117

Tamar, 184, 185


Taplow, Berks, 61

Taradale, Victoria, Australia, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 290

Tarnbrook, Over Wyresdale, 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 15, 18, 19, 20, 27, 30, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 86, 87, 88, 136, 241, 271, 277, 279

Tatham, Lancs, 19, 58, 59, 69, 70, 72, 74, 83, 84, 89, 90, 97, 111, 115, 118, 119, 153, 272, 273

Tavistock, Devon, 80


TAYLOR, 69, 70, 82, 85, 102, 107, 110, 128, 146, 174, 193, 209, 211, 225, 239, 240, 245, 255

Taylor Hill, Almondbury, 256, 258, 259, 260

TENNANT, 92, 97

Teresa, 61, 96, 219, 220

Thelma, 135, 141

Theophilus, 54, 56

Thimble Hall, Tatham, 111, 115, 118, 119

Thomas, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 78, 84, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 97, 99, 102, 104, 107, 110, 111, 114, 119, 120, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 160, 163, 164, 165, 169, 173, 182, 184, 193, 196, 201, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 231, 233, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 250, 254, 255, 256, 260, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277, 282

Thomas Albert, 243

Thomas Andrew, 134

Thomas Crane, 264

Thomas Edward, 151

Thomas John Cleave, 144

Thomas Joseph, 205

Thomas Joshua, 140

Thomas Nelson, 148

Thomas Septimus, 124

Thomas Skirrow, 148

Thomas Valentine, 72

Thomas William, 65, 173, 219, 220, 240, 256

Thomasb1520, 30

Thomasb1599, 35

Thomasb1615, 20

Thomasb1618, 30

Thomasb1621, 37

Thomasb1626, 41

Thomasb1639, 26, 36

Thomasb1650, 265

Thomasb1654, 266

Thomasb1658, 32

Thomasb1660, 267

Thomasb1665, 21

Thomasb1684, 32

Thomasb1686, 42

Thomasb1693, 267

Thomasb1700, 266

Thomasb1701, 168

Thomasb1730, 47

Thomasb1732, 32

Thomasb1736, 22

Thomasb1742, 22

Thomasb1756, 241

Thomasb1760, 268

Thomasb1775, 25

Thomasb1796, 85

Thomasb1802, 268

Thomasb1806, 214

Thomasb1809, 100

Thomasb1812, 23

Thomasb1814, 206

Thomasb1815, 74

Thomasb1816, 69, 230

Thomasb1819, 206

Thomasb1821, 73

Thomasb1836, 50, 213

Thomasb1841, 242

Thomasb1842, 92, 214, 219

Thomasb1845, 164, 242

Thomasb1846, 211

Thomasb1847, 148

Thomasb1859, 213

Thomasb1860, 215

Thomasb1864, 173, 215

Thomasb1866, 64

Thomasb1867, 222

Thomasb1868, 222

Thomasb1874, 188

Thomasb1875, 164, 243

Thomasb1877, 225

Thomasb1878, 72, 209

Thomasb1885, 173

Thomasb1893, 195

Thomasb1899, 101

Thomasb1900, 224

Thomasb1905, 220

Thomasb1909, 224, 225, 245

Thomasb1915, 52

Thomasb1917, 93, 151

Thomasb1933, 220

Thomasb1938, 245

Thomasd1641, 19

THOMPSON, 31, 38, 67, 79, 83, 154, 175, 231

Thornley, Lancs, 54, 55, 158, 186, 187, 191, 194, 196, 197, 201

Thornthwaite Hall, 64

THORNTON, 30, 189, 230, 266

THORPE, 192, 234

THRELFALL, 112, 173, 178, 186, 242, 244

Thurrock, 81


Tiana, 143

Tilery House, Quermore, 78, 79, 82, 83, 84

Timber Measurer, 73

Timothy, 63, 80, 106, 251, 288, 290

Timothy Edgar Robert, 80, 290

Timothy John, 63, 106, 288, 290

Tina, 233


Tobacconist, 75, 179, 232, 250, 251, 253

TODD, 263

Tom, 79, 124, 225, 266, 267, 291

Tomb1869, 91

TOMLINSON, 35, 249, 266


Tonbridge, 24

Tongue Moor, 2, 29, 31, 32

TOOP, 60


Tosside, Lancs, 102, 107, 111, 113, 115, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 146, 154

Totnes, Devon, 76, 162


Town Councillor, 125

Townley Manuscripts, British Museum, 15, 16, 35, 276


Tracey, 69, 142, 175, 290

Tranmere, 230, 231

Tranmere, Cheshire, 230, 231

Trevor, 142, 245


Trinity College, 61

Trough, 8, 10, 35, 45, 46, 86

Trowbridge, 61, 80

TROY, 252


Tulsa, Oklahoma, 134, 229

Tunstall, Lancs, 58, 109, 140, 148, 151

TURNER, 37, 38, 62, 63, 102, 114, 165, 189, 204, 220, 221, 254, 293

Twickenham, 61, 290

Twistleton Hall, Ingleton, 57, 58, 77, 139



Ulverston, Cumbria, 17, 63, 66, 70, 71, 81, 97, 104, 109, 110, 116, 118, 127, 152, 165, 199, 219, 254

Upper Agbrigg [RD], 257, 259

Ursula, 76, 108

USHER, 136




Vancouver, 71, 117, 149, 163, 227, 262, 291, 292

Vancouver Island, 71, 227, 262

Vasa, Finland, 108, 109

Vera, 65, 135, 143, 148, 240, 254

Vera Louise, 135

VERNON, 69, 185, 210

Veronica, 94, 219, 220, 239, 288

Vicar, 25, 56, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 111

Victor, 76, 134, 141, 198, 261

Victoria, 13, 60, 71, 77, 97, 101, 124, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 149, 162, 198, 199, 219, 237, 251, 261, 288, 291

Viking, 8, 13, 285

Vincent, 66, 140, 144

Vincent James, 140

Vincent Wright, 144

Vine, 22

Virginia, 6, 80, 134, 135, 177, 228, 229


WADE, 127, 162



Waldo, 83, 292


WALKER, 17, 23, 38, 47, 51, 54, 56, 123, 150, 176, 220, 246


Walmersley, 188, 189, 190

WALMSLEY, 30, 31, 32, 165, 177, 179, 201, 216, 241, 246

WALSH, 194, 210, 225

Walter, 65, 83, 107, 108, 109, 123, 125, 146, 154, 161, 164, 171, 178, 182, 189, 199, 206, 218, 229, 253, 259


WALTON, 193, 215, 218, 223, 232, 239, 240, 263, 293

Walton on the Hill, 72, 73

Wandsworth, 25, 71, 84, 125, 126, 181, 217

WARD, 90, 100, 125


Warehouseman, 57, 58, 67, 69, 73, 187, 188

WARREN, 61, 148

Warwick, 60, 72, 181

Watchmaker, 188, 190, 264, 265


WATERWORTH, 97, 98, 128, 129, 130


WATSON, 72, 73, 127

WATT, 65

Wavertree, Lancs, 164, 165

WEARING, 91, 97

Weaver, 50, 51, 53, 92, 93, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 127, 139, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196, 197,198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 225, 239, 243, 244, 249, 253, 254, 255, 256, 272, 278

WEBSTER, 95, 235, 243, 245

WELCH, 116


Wendy, 6, 63, 65, 93, 117, 151, 175, 192, 293

Wesham, Lancs, 180, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 219, 221

WEST, 193

West Derby, 57, 64, 66, 70, 71, 72, 73, 78, 97, 136, 156, 205, 230

West Derby [area of Liverpool], 64, 66, 67, 72, 73, 97, 136, 137, 156, 164, 165, 205, 255

West Didsbury, 93

West End Farmhouse, Bentham, 59, 65, 109

West Lamington, 145, 290

Westhampnett, 60, 234

Wexford, Ireland, 61, 137, 148, 291

WHALLEY, 175, 245

Wharfedale, 3, 91, 92, 118, 184, 193, 289






Whitchurch, 97, 292

WHITE, 62, 75, 84, 96, 167, 169, 177, 180, 183, 201, 227, 228, 229, 255

Whitehaven, Cumberland, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64

WHITEHEAD, 27, 28, 99, 162, 268



WHITESIDE, 204, 211, 212, 247

Whitewell, Yorks, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 77, 85, 86, 110, 129

WHITTAKER, 162, 171, 194

Whittle, 149, 248, 288

WHITTLE, 194, 204, 205

Whittle-le-Woods, Lancs, 149


Whole Appletree (Hare Appletree), Lancs, 47, 132

Wigglesworth, Yorks, 90, 153


Wigton, Cumberland, 62, 64

WILCOCK, 81, 98, 211, 270

WILDE, 172


Wilfred, 60, 79, 80, 88, 164, 174, 187, 189, 190, 192, 209, 236, 240

Wilfrid, 30, 58, 67, 69, 70, 74, 77, 79, 83, 138, 140, 153, 162, 216, 262

Wilfrid Joseph, 216

Wilfrid Sisson, 216

WILKINSON, 93, 96, 155, 185, 267

Will, 9, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 76, 77, 82, 85, 86, 87, 110, 126, 132, 133, 136, 138, 167, 168, 179, 184, 201, 203, 204, 211, 227, 230, 241, 242, 247, 249, 250, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284


William, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 94, 96, 100, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 153, 155, 156, 161, 162, 167, 168, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 179, 180, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 192, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 220, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 234, 235, 239, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 255, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 267, 270, 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 286, 289, 290, 291, 292

William Alfred, 188

William Arthur, 161, 246, 290

William Edward, 162, 198, 225, 251, 252

William Esmond, 261

William Henry, 64, 66, 69, 140, 141, 176, 180, 183, 229, 258

William James, 60, 63, 66, 67, 70, 142, 144, 153

William Mark, 96, 187

William of Abbeystead, 10, 16, 21, 27, 267

William of Catshaw, 1, 2, 5, 15, 16, 18, 34

William of Higher Wood House, 2, 55, 89, 102, 103, 110, 111, 114, 115, 128, 129

William Wesley, 134

Williamb1530, 15, 29

Williamb1620, 36

Williamb1633, 16

Williamb1652, 38

Williamb1655, 33

Williamb1663, 21

Williamb1686, 33

Williamb1720, 46

Williamb1732, 203

Williamb1734, 39

Williamb1754, 185

Williamb1758, 250

Williamb1773, 87, 103, 265

Williamb1778, 132, 136

Williamb1782, 265

Williamb1783, 58

Williamb1785, 185

Williamb1786, 203, 249

Williamb1794, 211

Williamb1797, 241

Williamb1799, 186

Williamb1805, 204

Williamb1809, 111

Williamb1812, 228

Williamb1813, 206, 209

Williamb1815, 77, 139, 173, 176

Williamb1817, 74

Williamb1818, 231

Williamb1824, 51, 130

Williamb1825, 134

Williamb1826, 212, 213

Williamb1828, 261

Williamb1829, 103

Williamb1830, 197, 253, 256

Williamb1834, 155, 211, 214

Williamb1836, 115, 136

Williamb1838, 228

Williamb1839, 111

Williamb1840, 64

Williamb1842, 180

Williamb1843, 205

Williamb1844, 172

Williamb1846, 70

Williamb1849, 177

Williamb1850, 188

Williamb1852, 78

Williamb1855, 134

Williamb1857, 73

Williamb1861, 119

Williamb1862, 75

Williamb1863, 129, 205

Williamb1867, 130, 194, 217

Williamb1868, 118, 208

Williamb1873, 223

Williamb1875, 172

Williamb1876, 182, 223

Williamb1877, 197

Williamb1878, 187, 222

Williamb1879, 92, 212, 244

Williamb1881, 190

Williamb1882, 82, 126, 179

Williamb1885, 116

Williamb1889, 104, 235

Williamb1892, 105, 152, 192

Williamb1893, 143

Williamb1897, 75

Williamb1898, 134

Williamb1899, 216

Williamb1901, 179

Williamb1903, 52

Williamb1904, 219

Williamb1906, 224, 233

Williamb1910, 52

Williamb1917, 81

Williamb1925, 259

Williamb1932, 76

Williamd1743, 265

Wilpshire, Lancs, 54, 107, 108, 109, 110, 129, 180

WILSON, 18, 36, 37, 81, 96, 151, 161, 176, 180, 188, 224, 225, 234, 248, 261, 262


Windhoek, Namibia, 76, 291

Winifred, 116, 150, 216, 222, 223, 226, 237, 288, 292

Wirksworth, 172

WISE, 133, 134

Witton, 75, 108, 173, 180, 183, 211, 212



WONG, 109, 143

WOOD, 54, 90, 101, 188, 252


Woodbridge, Suffolk, 63, 64, 290

Woodhouse Yeat, nr Slaidburn, 58

Woodhouse, Slaidburn, 54, 56, 58, 110, 128, 129, 138, 155, 156, 157, 158, 232

Woodplumpton, Lancs, 49, 55, 167, 168, 169, 184, 185, 186, 203, 204, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 212, 245


WOOF, 255


Woollen Spinner, 258

Worth Valley, Yorks, 96, 101, 151

Worthing, Sussex, 68, 84, 161, 181, 234


Wrangthorn, 256


Wray, Lancs, 23, 57, 69, 74, 110, 119, 146, 148, 151, 152, 153, 273

Wrea Green, 173, 211, 215

Wrenbury, Cheshire, 13, 227, 228, 229

WRIGHT, 27, 100, 124, 140, 153, 195, 246, 260, 261, 262


WROE, 215

Wycliff Hall, Oxford, 63



Wyresdale, Lancs, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 58, 69, 73, 81, 82, 87, 133, 136, 137, 138, 140, 266, 270, 271, 276, 286


YATES, 162, 208


Yeoman, 9, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 46, 146, 241, 266, 267, 269, 270, 276, 283

Yeovil, 188, 189, 216

York, 46, 65, 67, 68, 78, 86, 142, 143, 164, 197, 254, 263, 267, 276, 282, 283, 288

YOUNG, 60, 197


Yvonne, 95, 122, 143


ZEE, 53

Zoe, 62, 121, 245

Zoé, 165

Zoe Carol, 62

Zoe May, 245


[1] I had always believed that the hamlet of Hawthornthwaite in Over Wyresdale was a unique place name, but in 2006 Derek Hawthornthwaite drew my attention to a farm called Hawthornthwaite east of Garstang (grid ref: 508480, between Mitten Hall and Slean End) which appears on a large scale 1840 Ordnance Survey Map. Whether it is possible that the modern surname has two different geographical origins is a moot point. More likely is that long-term Hathornthwaite residents gave their name to this farm.

[2] Emmeline Garnett: “The Dated Buildings of South Lonsdale”, Lancaster University 1994

[3] Huntington Family Tree website.

[4] Huntington Family Tree website

[5] Reports of Cases Heard in the High Court of Chancery by Sir John Leach et al 1826 – 1852, Vol 6. Blanchard v. Cawthorne, 1833

[6] Garnett, Emmeline: The Dated Buildings of South Lonsdale, University of Lancaster, 1994

[7] Gentleman’s Magazine, 1806 Vol 76, Part 1

[8] Lancaster Gazette, 5 Apr 1806, p3: Inquest on Caton woman found burnt

[9] In the Will’s Inventory, the word appears to be “privyes”, interpreted as previous(ly). My original transcription was “priest”, but I now doubt this is correct


William of Catshaw

(d 1592)

& Descendants

Chapter 3



Tree of Roland of Burley in Wharfedale

Chapter 12

Other Unconnected Trees

Chapter 14


Tree of Christopher & the Blacksmiths

Chapter 13


Tree of Raymond Frank of Ontario

Chapter 11

Richard of Sykes


Chapter 4

Robert of Hare Appletree


& Descendants

Chapter 7

Edward of Higher Fence (1716-1799)

& Descendants

Chapter 5

Richard of Batrix


& Descendants

Chapter 6

James of Foulds House


& Descendants

Chapter 10

John of the Manor House, Hornby (1807-1872) & Descendants

Chapter 9

William the Miner


& Descendants

Chapter 8

John of Tarnbrook

(d 1630)

& Descendants

Chapter 4


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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