Charlestown High School

Charlestown High School

Staff Handbook

School Year 2013-2014


Charlestown High School June 2013 Graduation

Charlestown High School is an open-enrollment school located in Charlestown and serving all of the students of Boston. Our mission is Character, Humanitarianism and Scholarship. Our core values are:

• Recognizing and Celebrating Diversity

• High Expectations; High Support

• Collaboration and Community

School Year 2013-2014

Charlestown High School Staff Handbook



• CHS Core Values and Mission Statement 2

• CHS Team Structure 3-4


• Roles and Responsibilities of Staff 5-14

• Teacher Evaluation system 15-20

• Professional Development Plan for 2013-2014 21

• CHS Team Meeting Times and Administrative Duties 22

• Directory of CHS Services 23-24


• 2013-2014 Bell Schedule 25

• Schedule of Assessments 26

• CHS Partner Organizations 27

• Staff Room Assignments 28

• Substitute Folder Guidelines 29

• BPS Staff Attendance Policy 30-31

• Our Shared Habits: The Three P’s 32-35

• Charlestown Administrative Detention 36


• Charlestown Syllabus Guidelines 37

• Request for Release Day Form 38

• Change of Address Form(students) 39-40

• Grade Change Form 41

• Hall Pass and Early Release Passes for Students 42-43

• Other useful links to forms 44



Charlestown High School

William Thomas, Headmaster Christophe Teulet-Cote, Assistant Headmaster

Sung-Joon Pai, ELL and Alternative Programs Director Liana Tuller, Director of Guidance

Laura Pirani, Special Education Director Jessica Madden-Fuoco, Director of Instruction and Supervision

Core Values

(Ratified by the staff on June 27, 2013 by a vote of 80 to 3)

• Recognizing and Celebrating Diversity

• High Expectations; High Support

• Collaboration and Community

Mission Statement

Charlestown High School is dedicated to graduating highly skilled, motivated, civic-minded, independent learners through a rigorous curriculum with an equal emphasis on academics and relationships by collaborating with families, community organizations, post-secondary institutions, and business partners in preparation for college-level work and careers.


Instilling the values of intellectual and personal integrity, concern for others, hard work, self-discipline, self-actualization, and honoring commitments.


Fostering the values of citizenship and concern for society through participation in small learning communities in a climate of safety, respect, support and personalization.


Developing reading, writing, analytical, and problem-solving skills in a rigorous academic program through clear applications in preparation for post-secondary learning.

Teams at Charlestown High School

|Team |Leader/Participants |Role |

|Administrative Team |Will/Administrators |Responsible for supervision and evaluation of staff |

| | |and charting the “big-picture” direction of our |

| | |school. |

|Athletic Team |Monique Kalayonides, Athletic Director, |Responsible for coherence and performance of athletic|

| |TC/Coaches and BSA |teams and sports-related events |

|Content Teams |Amy Piacitelli/History Teachers and Liana |Lead our weekly content teams; set an instructional |

| |Sean Connolly/Math Teachers and Will |improvement agenda for the team that is coordinated |

| |Josh Katzman/ELA Teachers and Jess |through the ILT. |

| |Paige Griglun & Sean Savoie/ESL Teachers and Sunny | |

| |Mike Terkla/Science Teachers and Sunny | |

| |Doria Vangorder/Severe SpEd and Laura | |

|CPT Teams |Naima Abdal-Khallaq – SKILL Academy |Teams of teachers teaching the same students meet |

| |Jamaal Camah – CASE Academy |twice weekly to support their programs. CPT teams do|

| |Chikae Yamatin - Chinese SEI Academy |student support, coordinate events for their team, |

| |Sunny Pai - Diploma Plus program |and work on climate and instructional initiatives. |

| |Laura Pirani - Special Ed programs | |

| |Reginald Toussaint - Upper School Academy (USA) | |

| |Mayron Ramirez- Spanish SEI Academy | |

|Faculty Senate |Will/Elected Teachers |Faculty senate meets once a month with the headmaster|

| | |to discuss staff concerns and challenges. |

|Guidance Team |Liana/Guidance staff |Guidance team meets weekly to coordinate guidance for|

| | |school. |

|Instructional Leadership Team |Jess/Content Leaders and Liaisons |ILT meets every other week to coordinate and reflect |

| | |on content team work. |

|Leadership Team |Will/Administrators, Team Leaders |Leadership team coordinates operations for the entire|

| | |school and engages in school-wide improvement |

| | |initiatives |

|Parent Council |Will and Lita/parents |Parent Council meets every other month to discuss |

| | |parent concerns |

|Diversity Matters! Team |Will/SEED-trained and other interested staff |Team to promote cultural proficiency and ways that |

| | |issues around race can negatively impact student |

| | |success |

|Safety and Climate Team |TC and Lita/Student support staff |Team meets weekly to discuss safety and discipline |

| | |issues. |

|School Site Council |Will/Elected Teachers |Team of Headmaster, teachers, parents and community |

| | |meet to discuss issues of climate, community and |

| | |academics. |

|Student Government |TBD/Student Leaders |Student group to promote student voice and student |

| | |involvement in the leadership of the school. |

|Student Support Team |Rachael/ Student Support Staff, Nurse |Works with students in crisis and develops individual|

| | |support plans. |

|Special Education Team |Laura/Teachers, Paras, Lou |This team generally meets in sub-teams (OSDC, MH |

| | |Autistic/VOICE, A4/L4/U4/CORE) |

Charlestown High School

A Team Approach to Leadership

Schoolwide Roles and Responsibilities – Administrative Team

William Thomas, Headmaster

I. Diagnosis and Planning

• Collaboratively develops a strategic plan of school improvement with clear targets and goals

• Maps plan out in a clear year-long timeline and adjusts as year progresses

• Recruits talented staff and build strong and focused teams to lead the school

• Fosters a sense of urgency and creates buy-in about school improvement initiatives

II. Delegation and Communication

• Communicates messages to staff regularly and clearly

• Delegates work to other school staff and has clear accountability and follow-up

• Oversees special programs in the building (Special Ed, ELL, Diploma Plus)

III. Curriculum and Data

• Ensures the development of coherent year-long curriculum in all content areas

• Oversees a system of assessments to analyze student progress and improve instruction

• Insures that faculty teams are developing curriculum, assessments aligned with strategic plan

IV. Supervision and Professional Development

• Visits classrooms regularly in a coordinated plan of mini-observations with prompt feedback

• Supervises administrators and coordinates to insure that administrative tasks are performed

• Develops plans of support for teachers to improve instruction

• Performs fair evaluations of teachers and oversees process for other administrators

• Ensures that staff teams are engaging in work that strengthens teaching and learning

• Administrative Liaison for the Math Team

VI. Discipline and Community Involvement

• Accountable for ensuring that school is safe and discipline is handled effectively

• Clearly communicates to staff and students clear behavior expectations

• Ensures that parents are kept informed about work

• Works to develop relationships with community and support for the school

• Oversees student support

• Final arbiter for conflicts within the school

• Liberty Mutual Math Excellence Program (with Amy Koehler)

V. Management and Operations

• Ensures that school funds are appropriately administered

• Interfaces with Court Street

• Develops school budget

• Oversees all school operations

• Ensures that school is in compliance with city and state regulations


|Administrative Team |Selected BTU staff |

|Leadership Team |BASAS Administrators |

|School Site Council |SLC Leaders |

|Faculty Senate |Math teachers |

|Parent Council | |

|Diversity Matters! Team | |

|Math Team (Liaison) | |

Schoolwide Roles and Responsibilities – Administrative Team

Christophe Teulet-Cote, Assistant Headmaster

I. Shared Leadership with Headmaster

• Works with headmaster to help accomplish school mission

• Administrative and Leadership Team participant

• Assumes Headmaster role when Headmaster is away from the building

• Administrative Liaison to Spanish Team and Math Team

II. Operations and Facilities

• Oversees building facilities including school repairs

• Second-in-command in emergency situations: fire, evacuations and lock-downs

• Coordinate Metal Detectors, Lunch Room, Cafeteria, Tardy Desk

• Coordinates and supervises substitute teachers and manages sub folders

• Manages parking stickers and parking

• Responsible for School Handbooks, Emergency Cards and Lunch Forms (with Val Shelley)

• Oversees buses, including bus complaints

• Distributes Student One Card

• Textbook and supplies coordinator

• Printer, copiers and technology coordinator

• Oversees safety equipment: mag locks, cameras, metal detectors, walkie talkies

• Works with neighborhood groups to promote school and neighborhood safety

• Coordinates locks, keys and ID cards for staff and students

• Coordinates use of facilities by community

• Liaison with Community Center

III. Assessments

• Oversees MCAS administration, including material tracking and mailings

• Oversees MELA-O and MEPA testing

• Coordination of BPS mid-year and end-of-year testing

IV. Discipline, Rules and Safety

• Leader of Safety and Discipline Team

• Communicates with staff regarding safety and discipline

• Supervises safety and discipline staff

• Coordinates suspensions and expulsions

• Maintains and distributes school safety protocols

• Attends B-smart meetings

• Schedules and coordinates fire drills and containment drills

• Ensures enforcement of Student Discipline – Code of Discipline

• Maintains updated safety manual

• Prepares Monthly Suspension Report and maintains disciplinary records

• Liaison with school police

• Round Table with DA, Probation officers, DSS, etc.

V. Student Activities

• Coordinates Prom, Senior Pictures and Caps and Gowns

• Student Government


|Safety Team |SLC Leaders |

|Elective Team (Liaison) |World Language teachers |

|Athletic Department |Elective teachers |

| |Custodians |

Schoolwide Roles and Responsibilities – Administrative Team

Sunny Pai, ELL and Alternative Programs Director

I. Shared Leadership with Headmaster

• Works with headmaster to help accomplish school mission

• Administrative and Leadership Team participant

II. English Language Learning

• Ensures that school is in compliance with BPS, state and federal regulations

• Supports teachers in receiving training required by state standards

• Assures that ACCESS for ELLs is correctly administered

• Coordinates LAT and appropriate ELD levels for all ELL students

• Maintains records regarding English Language Learners in the building

• Transitions appropriate students into FLEP category

• Administrative Liaison for Chinese and Spanish ELL programs

• Tracks progress of non-SEI ELL students in school

• Liaison with Office of English Language Learning

• Oversee mainstream ELL classes

III. Diploma Plus

• Develops innovative programs with long term sustainability

• Works with teachers to implement and evaluate program

• Recruit students and arbitrate student issues

• Seeks additional support and funding

• Performs SLC leader role for DP

• Administrative Liaison for DP

IV. Students in need of Alternative Placements

• Coordinates process for identifying students in need of alternate placement (with Shelley, Cannady, and Balkus)

• Oversees Alternate Placements and Hearings – ABCD, EDCO, Greater Egleston

• Counsels students and mediates between students and students & teachers

• Liaison for CSAPP and support for pregnant, parenting and independent students

• Coordinates Bridge programs at school

• Liaison with community programs

• Coordinates initiatives to support at-risk students


|Science Content Team (Liaison) |Science teachers |

|ELL Content Team (Liaison) |ESL teachers |

|Chinese SEI Team (Liaison) |Selected BTU staff |

|Spanish SEI Team (Liaison) | |

|Diploma Plus Team | |

Schoolwide Roles and Responsibilities – Administrative Team

Jess Madden-Fuoco, Director of Instruction and Supervision

I. Shared Leadership with Headmaster

• Works with headmaster to help accomplish school mission

• Administrative and Leadership Team participant

• Provides particular support with respect to professional development and teacher support

II. Coordinator of Teacher Supervision and Evaluation

• Develops supervision and evaluation timeline and follows up to make sure it is implemented

• Provides support to other administrators regarding individual evaluations

• Leads Administrative professional development regarding supervision and evaluation

• Supervises and coaches teaches

• Acts as resource for teachers who want information or support around the evaluation process

III. Coordinator of Schoolwide Professional Development Initiatives

• Plans and coordinates professional development sessions that support improvement in teaching

• Plans Instructional Leadership Team meetings

• Supports content leaders

• Supports administrative liaisons to content leaders

• Co-leads ELA team with ELA Content Leader

• Acts as liaison to New Teacher Developer


|ILT |Selected BTU staff |

|Administrative Team Supervision and Evaluation |English content team teachers |

|ELA Content Team (Liaison) |Responsible for developing and implementing plan for administrative |

| |supervision of all teachers and paraprofessionals |

Schoolwide Roles and Responsibilities – Administrative Team

Laura Pirani, Special Education Director

I. Shared Leadership with Headmaster

• Works with headmaster to help her accomplish her school-wide mission

• Member of Administrative and Leadership Team and Instructional Leadership Team

• Support all initiatives (including school partnerships) that offer opportunities to students with disabilities, including inclusion initiatives, partnerships and grants

• Support LRE (least restricted environment) for special education students

• Support the district-wide Special Education initiatives

II. SPED Compliance Issues

• Assure that school is in compliance with Special Education state and district regulations

• Manage/coordinate CHS Special Education Office and paperwork and reports to district and providers

• Attend SPED district-wide meetings, DESE mediations, BSEA hearings, & other outside meetings

• Coordinate Medicaid mailing to parents and guardians of SPED students with the support of the SESS staff

• Coordinate IEP meetings and generate monthly meeting schedule for all teachers and providers

• Work with SLC and AUL’s and SESS for new referrals and ensure RTI procedures

• Assign liaisons and generate liaison list for school

• Carry out all Chapter 28 Regulations

III. Teacher, Paraprofessional and Itinerant Support

• Supervise, train and direct all Special Education and Support staff

• Plan and hold departmental, CPT meetings, and support paraprofessional trainings

• Collect and monitor IPDP, artifacts for evaluation and supervisions for teachers and paraprofessionals

• Monitor and insure that staff are providing appropriate instruction to our SWD

• Evaluation of special education teachers, itinerant providers as agreed upon and assigned paraprofessionals, and district bus monitors

• Prepare the annual substantially separate schedule and support of SWD

IV. Teaching and Learning

• Provide instructional and coaching support for special education students in classrooms

• Lead school improvement within all special education teams, including leading CPT meetings

• Collaborate with Christopher Toulette- Cote and Amy Koehler about MCAS and other testing schedules, including district exams.

• Develop system for monitoring SpEd students’ academic progress via data review.

V. Student Support and Discipline

• Oversees the implementation of progressive discipline for SpEd students by special education teachers and support staff

• Chair Manifestation Team Determination meetings and IEP amendment meetings for more serious infractions

• Suspension and expulsion meetings for SWD in compliance with regulations

• Maintain contact with parents

• Meets with social workers, agencies, case workers, legal appointed agents of courts, probation officers

VI. Operations

• Lunch Duty, Bus Duty and other administrative duties

• Coordinate with Christopher Toulette- Cote textbooks and supplies for Special Ed Department


• Plan and provide MCAS accommodations and ensure appropriate implementation for SpEd students

• Support MCAS Alternate Portfolio preparation, training and development

• Prepare students for MCAS in conjunction with special education teachers and sped teams

• Writes MCAS Cohort Appeals for special education students

• Support and continue to train Guidance staff to prepare MCAS Cohort Appeals for other students


|Administrative Team |Selected BTU staff (teachers and paras) |

|Leadership Team |SESS Coordinators |

|Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) |SESS Clerk |

|Special Education Teams |SpEd Bus monitors |

|A4/L4/U4 (CORE) OSDC, MH Autistic/VOICE | |

Schoolwide Roles and Responsibilities – Leadership Team

SLC Team LEADERS: Naima Abdal-Khallaq (SKILL Academy), Jamaal Camah (CASE Academy), Chikae Yamatin (SEI Chinese Academy), Sunny Pai (Diploma Plus program), Laura Pirani (Substantially Separate Special Ed), Reginald Toussaint (Upper School Academy), Mayron Ramirez (SEI Spanish Academy)

I. Teaching and Learning

• Leads school improvement within the SLC, including planning and facilitating SLC CPT meetings (2 per week)

• Provides instructional and coaching support to SLC teachers in the classroom

• Develops systems for monitoring students’ academic progress in SLC, including working with the registrar to assist with data tracking

• Leads initiatives to improve student attendance and academic performance

II. Operations

• Maintains communication within SLC via daily or weekly announcements or other methods

• Coordinates coverage of SLC with Assistant SLC leader, Assistant Headmaster and other support staff

• Monitors and secures SLC area for student safety

• Approves schedule and grade changes and ensures that student information is updated

• Supports student scheduling process during the school year

• Maintains SLC supplies and facilities needs (communicates with Assistant Headmaster about ordering supplies as well as facilities needs such as copier, paper, water, furniture, etc.)

• Maintains student files and records

• Collaborates with Testing Coordinator on MCAS and other testing schedules, including district exams, the MELA-O and the MEPA

• Collaborates with Laura Pirani to monitor special education students’ progress and with Sunny Pai to monitor ELL students’ progress

III. School and SLC Climate

• Develops systems for monitoring student support, including counseling, mediation, and communicating with outside agencies/resources

• Collaborates with school-wide student support team and SLC counselor to identify and support at-risk students and to provide a supportive environment for all students

• Works with school wide safety team to develop consistent discipline policies and consequences, and ensure implementation in SLC; develops systems to prevent disciplinary/ safety problems; and makes decisions and implements solutions regarding serious or ongoing disciplinary infractions.

• Coordinates and supervises SLC community-building activities such as field trips, celebrations, assemblies, open houses, etc.

IV. Outreach

• Communicates with parents and community members both proactively and responsively to respond to student needs

• Explores and promotes partnerships with community organizations, such as university partnerships for early college awareness and for curriculum development

• Serves as the liaison for the SLC with community and business partners (PIC, Peer Health Exchange, BUILD, Pathways partners, etc.)

V. School Leadership

• Works with the headmaster and Leadership Team to help accomplish school mission

• Participates in weekly after school meetings on school-wide operations and school improvement, and communicates and implements decisions in the SLC

• Recommends course offerings for the SLC to be included in the master schedule

• Participates in hiring for and staffing of the SLC

ASSISTANT SLC LEADERS: Lido Goncalves, Edson Cardoso, Kimberley Small, Lou Larry, Alex Ventura

I. Student Support in SLCs

• Outreach to students in SLC to support their academic success

• Counseling, mediation and support for students

• Supervise hallways between classes to assure safe and orderly transitions

• Handle minor disciplinary infractions, including classroom disturbances, suspension procedures and hearings

• Pro-active interventions to anticipate and prevent student problems in SLCs

• Weekly attendance reviews and outreach to students who are missing classes

• Review of grades twice per term and outreach to students who are not being successful

• Support communication between students and teachers when necessary

• Attend CPT to discuss issues relating to students and student support; assist with preparation and leading of CPTs related to student support

• Maintain records on student interventions through Aspen and paperwork that will be submitted to TC (discipline) and data office (attendance)

• Assign detention and monitor attendance at detention

• Follow through with progressive discipline when necessary

II. School-wide support of student support, discipline and operations

• Attend school wide Student Support meetings bi-weekly

• Attend weekly meetings about school safety and climate with TC

• Participate in school sweeps

• Provide coverage at metal detectors from 7:00-8:00 AM daily

• Provide coverage in lunchroom

• Provide coverage at school-wide events (assemblies, etc.)

• Clear hallways at 2:15 pm after school

III. Outreach to parents and families

• Contact parents proactively to prevent problems and in response to existing problems

• Conduct home visits, when possible

• Attend Parent Council meetings

IV. Support of SLC Leader and SLC Initiatives

• Help plan and conduct SLC field trips and cultural celebrations

• Supervise substitutes in SLCs

• Responsible for SLC when SLC leader is off-site

• Additional support to SLC leader as requested

Data and Admissions Office

I. Support Headmaster

• Works with headmaster to help accomplish school-wide mission

• Member of Leadership Team

• Supports all initiatives that improve record keeping and data tracking in the building

II. Records

• Maintains academic records for all students

• Supervises all matters regarding warning notices, terms grades and end of year grades

• Maintains discipline and suspension records for students and sends in monthly suspension report

• Tracks to make sure that all students are on target for graduation

• Oversees records regarding grades for non-CHS courses, including alternative programs and credit recovery

• Designs and coordinates plan for summer record-keeping

• Responsible for all grade changes

• Responsible for entering previous grades and records from other schools

III. Attendance and Tardiness

• Manages system for tracking daily attendance and tardiness

• Works with homeroom teachers to maintain reliable records

• Responsible for processing and entering excused absences, suspensions etc.

IV. Scheduling

• Implements schedule and is responsible for insuring that each student has an appropriate schedule that keeps them on track for graduation

• After the opening of the year, receives students, determines their SLC and works with SLC guidance counselor to schedule them in appropriate classes

V. Data

• Reviews and analyzes demographic data on attendance; supports the leadership team in setting benchmarks and tracking progress

• Reviews and analyzes MCAS data, supports the leadership team in setting benchmarks and tracking progress

• Reviews and analyzes interim assessment data, supports the leadership team in setting benchmarks and tracking progress

• Reviews and tracks data for Diploma Plus program

V. Guidance Team

• Works with Liana Tuller to coordinate with guidance team weekly

Student Support Coordinator: Rachael Borr

I. Support Headmaster

• Works with headmaster to help her accomplish her school-wide mission

• Member of Leadership Team

• Supports all initiatives that improve student support in the building

II. Coordinate and Lead Student Support Work

• Manages Aspen Referral System in collaboration with SLCs

• Plans and facilitates weekly student-centered meetings with each SLC point person

• Manages referrals to CHS Health Center Social Worker and CSAPP Counselor

• Consults with and manages MGH and CSAC staff/partnerships

• Recruits and nurtures strategic partnerships

• Attends SLC Student Support Meetings as needed

• Liaison to Lita Cannady and Safety Team on issues of student support

III. Crisis Response

• Coordinate mental health related crisis response for the building in collaboration with administrative team and student support team

IV. Professional Development Initiatives

• Provides professional development sessions to SLCs in CPT meetings as needed

V. Manage Harvard Prevention Science and Practice Partnership

• Manages intern orientation program

• Provides weekly group supervision

• Attends monthly supervisor meetings

• Completes evaluation and paperwork

VI. Other

• Wellness Committee participant

• Develop data-driven student support practices

Roles and Responsibilities for Guidance Counselors

Academic Records and Scheduling

➢ Analyze or evaluate students’ transcripts and enroll them in appropriate classes

➢ Complete and monitor EPP/Educational Proficiency Plans

➢ Maintain up-to-date academic records for all students

➢ Ensure that all students’ records are kept safe and confidential

General Counseling

➢ Work closely with SLC staff and teachers to monitor students’ progress and identify students in crisis.

➢ Work closely with student support coordinator via C’town system to identify students that are in crisis and properly refer them in-house or to outside agencies for counseling

➢ Communicate with students and families regarding student success and areas of struggles.

➢ Work collaboratively with CHS partners and community based organizations to make sure our students are connected and successful in after school or summer programs

➢ Identify students for alternative education programs

➢ Monitor students who are currently enrolled at our school but attending alternative education programs within the city of Boston, and check their progress toward meeting graduation requirements

➢ Identifying, notifying, and tracking students for alternative credit opportunities

➢ Assist in SLC community-building initiatives (assemblies, festivals, cultural celebrations, etc.)

Graduation and Events

➢ Organize graduation (scholarships, seating plans, arrange diplomas and graduation program book) and senior sign-out. Coordinate with registrar and staff to monitor seniors’ progress toward graduation requirements.

➢ Organize annual College/PSAT day in October

➢ Organize annual college fair in April

College and Career Counseling and Support

➢ Conduct high school success, career awareness, and college counseling workshops with students ingrades 9-12.

➢ Provide college counseling support and guidance through work with students, families, teachers, and partner organizations.

➢ Coordinate visits and exposure to higher educational institutions such as college trips, college fairs, or career fairs.

➢ Help students navigate the rigorous college process by providing on-going individual and group counseling to students, including assisting with applications.

➢ Work specifically with the PIC career counselors to assist students in such activities as resume writing, job interviewing, decision making, financial aid applications, educational/career planning, and on-the-job adjustment.

➢ Maintain relationships with colleges and scholarship resources, including Posse scholarship, BU scholarship, ACCESS advisor, TERI Talent Search, etc


➢ Sign-up students for SATs, ACTs, PSATs (with Testing Coordinator)

➢ Proctor MCAS, AP exams, MEPA, PSAT.

➢ Assist in tracking and communication around MCAS retesting

➢ Assist in filing MCAS cohort appeals for students (with support of Special Ed Director)

Evaluation at Charlestown High School


For all teachers and staff working under their license, you will be evaluated this year using the on-line Educator Development and Feedback System (EDFS: eval.).

For most staff, you will submit your self-assessment and goals (student learning and professional practice) in EDFS by October 1, 2013. If Mr. Thomas or your evaluator needs you to submit sooner than this date, you will receive written notice informing you of the date.

We will support you with the evaluation process again this year during Content Team time. In this year’s master schedule, we ensured that every staff member has at least one period off that is aligned with a Content Team so that everyone has access to this support.

Last year, we worked hard to support one another through the new evaluation system, and I expect that we will support one another even more this year. We used your feedback on the end-of-year staff survey to reflect on what worked well and to think about what we will do differently this year. We want to ensure that the evaluation process is leading to improvements in teaching and learning. Your feedback is summarized below. We will review plans for this year’s evaluation process during Content Team time and during whole-school PD.


[pic] [pic]




Charlestown High School

Professional Development Plan 2013-2014

At Charlestown, we are working hard to provide quality professional development that provides the support you need to do well and also opportunities to improve your practice. Almost all of our PD is facilitated by Charlestown High staff because we believe that we have a tremendous amount to learn from each other, and together, we can all continue to build the skills and knowledge required to help all of our students succeed. Our professional development this year will take place in four different venues:

• After school professional development: Our after school professional development this year will include all-school professional development, teacher/staff-led mini-courses, and Diversity Matters sessions. The afterschool sessions are from 2:10 – 4:10 on the following dates:

o Whole School Meetings: We will have three whole school meetings this year on 9/10, 2/4, and 6/3.

o Diversity Matters: Diversity Matters will be 6 hours total (3 sessions) on 9/24, 10/8, and 1/7. These sessions will be facilitated by the Diversity Matters Team.

o Mini-courses: The mini-courses will be 12 hours total (two sessions of mini-courses which are each three 2-hour meetings). Staff will continue to choose their mini-courses. The first mini-course will take place on 10/22, 11/19, and 12/3. The second mini-course will take place on 3/4, 4/1, and 5/6.

• Content Team professional development: Content teams will meet once a week on Wednesdays. These meetings will be used for collaboration on developing curriculum and supporting one another with the evaluation system (with a focus on sharing best practices, developing assessments, and measuring progress on the student learning goal). Content Teams will have a “flex time” period every other week that can be used by teams at their discretion—to observe one another, to plan together, or for individual teachers to collect student work or prepare materials for the next meeting.

• Common Planning Time teams: Teachers who teach the same groups of students will meet twice a week. The goal of these meetings is varied; the focus includes instructional improvement efforts, student support, and school culture building activities.

• Optional Graduate Courses: We are hoping to offer three graduate courses on-site this year. The topics are: 1) Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity (SEED); 2) Peer Evaluations; and 3) Collaborating to Improve Instruction.

There is also important professional development going on in other teams in the building: for example, the guidance team, the safety and discipline team and the Administrative and Leadership teams have regular professional development meetings. Thanks to everyone for all the work that they do to strengthen the way that we work with students!

CHS Meeting Times for the 2013-2014 School Year

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Before School | | | | | |

|1 | | |Math | | |

|2 | |SKILL |ELA |SKILL | |

| | |Admin Team (alternates) | |Student Support? | |

|3 |CORE |Spanish SEI |Safety |Leadership Ops |CORE |

| |Safety | | | |Spanish SEI |


| | | |OSDC | | |

| | | |History | | |

|5 | |CASE |Science |CASE | |

| | |Admin Team (alternates) | | | |

|6 | |Chinese SEI |ESL |Chinese SEI |DP |

|7 | |USA |Guidance | |DP |

| | | | | |USA |

|After School | |All-School PD |Leadership Team | | |

| | |ILT | | | |


• Tuesday Admin meetings are 2nd period (Sept, Nov, Jan, Mar, May) and 5th period (Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, Jun)

• These meetings are placeholders only for LIFE & VOICE.

• Guidance can’t meet 2nd and 3rd periods because Ada teaches then.

CHS Administrative Duties for the 2013-2014 School Year

This year, we will exempt many teachers from administrative duties:

1. Special Education Teachers

2. Teachers who meet in planning teams at least 3x a week

In order to accomplish this, we will be asking almost all non-teaching staff to support the cafeteria, metal detectors and after-school detentions. Christophe Teulet-Cote is coordinating duties, and we will have a plan for the first two days, plus a full draft by the end of the week.

We invite all staff to visit and support the cafeteria, especially in the first 1-2 weeks of school! The cafeteria is the public space in the building where all of our students spend time. Having a well-organized and functional cafeteria is a “tipping point” for our building as it sends a strong message to all students about what kind of school we are. Please stop in to say hello to your students and support our hard-working staffers who will be covering the cafeteria for our school. We really need as many adults as possible, particularly for the start of the year.

Directory of CHS Services for the 2013-2014 School Year

|Topic |Report to |Also |

|Abuse (counseling students, parents, and staff) |Rachael Borr |Jenn Vargas, L Pirani |

|Activity Fees |Kelly Moloney | |

|Alternative Placements |Lita Cannady |Sunny Pai, Val Shelley |

|Answering the phone |Kelly Moloney |Maryann McColgan |

|AP courses |Liana Tuller | |

|Assignment of new students |Data and records office | |

|Attendance Records |Data and records office | |

|Awards Night |Amy Koehler | |

|Best Team Referrals |Rachael Borr |Jenn Vargas, Laura Pirani |

|Boston Police |Kenny Badgett |Eldon, Ramon |

|Budget |Will Thomas |Christophe TC |

|Bus Passes |Kelly Moloney | |

|Business Partnerships (Liberty Mutual) |Julia di Bonaventura |Liana Tuller |

|Cafeteria |Christophe TC | |

|Calendar |Liana Tuller | |

|Cluster Mail |Kelly Moloney |Maryann McColgan |

|Code of Discipline |Christophe TC |Asst. SLC Leaders |

|Community Relations |Will Thomas |Liana Tuller |

|Computer Repairs |Peter Freedberg | |

|College Counseling |Guidance Team | |

|Community Partnerships |Will Thomas |Liana Tuller |

|Content Teams |Jess Madden Fuoco |Content Team Leaders |

|Counseling and Intervention Center |Lita Cannady | |

|Counseling Groups |Rachael Borr | |

|Credit Recovery |Josette Teneus |Registrar’s office and guidance |

|Crisis intervention |Rachael Borr | |

|Curriculum Maps |Jess Madden-Fuoco | |

|Custodians |Christophe TC | |

|Data and Records |Meg Balkus |Kazy Grzelcyk/Peter Law |

|Diploma Plus |Sunny Pai |Betsy Roter |

|Discharges |Data and records office | |

|Discipline: Oversight |Lita Cannady |TC |

|Discipline: Records |Meg Balkus | |

|Discipline: Suspension Hearings |Lita Cannady |SLC and asst SLC Ldrs |

|District Accountability |Will Thomas | |

|District Exams |Christophe TC |Jess Madden Fuoco |

|District Professional Development |Jess Madden Fuoco | |

|Doorbell |Maryann McColgan |Kelly Moloney |

|Dual Enrollment |Susan Markowitz |Liana Tuller |

|Eighth grade applications and CHS branding |Will Thomas | |

|Emergency Contact Information |Kelly Maloney |MaryAnn McColgan |

|English Language Learners |Sunny Pai | |

|Expulsions |Christophe TC |Lita Cannady |

|Facilities |Christophe TC | |

|Faxes |Kelly Moloney | |

|Federal Accountability |Will Thomas | |

|Field Trips |SLC Leader |Kelly Moloney |

|Formative Assessments |Christophe TC | |

|Graduation Activities |Liana Tuller |Guidance Team |

|Grants and School Development |Will Thomas | |

|Guidance Team |Liana Tuller | |

|Guidance Records |Kazy Grzelcyk |Meg Balkus |

|Harassment (Investigations) |Will Thomas |Christophe Teulet Cote |

|Health issues |Jenn Vargas | |

|Hiring |Will Thomas |SSC Personnel Subcom. |

|Homeroom folders |Data and records office | |

|ID’s |Christophe TC |Mike Rizzo & MaryAnn McColgan |

|Immunizations |Jenn Vargas | |

| | | |

|Topic |Report to |Also |

|Incident Reports |Christophe TC |Laura Pirani |

|Instructional Leadership Team |Jess Madden-Fuoco | |

|Intercom |Kelly Moloney | |

|Keys |Christophe TC | |

|Liberty Mutual |Julia di Bonaventura |Liana Tuller |

|Library |Deirdre Bennett | |

|Lockers |Christophe TC |SLC Leaders |

|Lost Textbooks |Content leaders |Christophe TC |

|Lunch Forms |Val Shelley | |

|Mail distribution |Kelly Moloney |Maryann McColgan |

|Master Schedule |Will Thomas |Meg Balkus |

|MCAS |Christophe TC | |

|MEPA |Sunny Pai |Christophe TC |

|Metal Detectors |Christophe TC | |

|National Honor Society |Kristyn Hughes |Intern |

|New Teacher Support |Gerald Ng | |

|Peer Instructional Assistance |Jess Madden-Fuoco | |

|Personal day requests |Kelly Moloney |Laura Pirani |

|Phone Issues |Kelly Moloney | |

|PIC |Julia di Bonaventura | |

|Police Reports |Kenny Badgett | |

|Professional Development |Jess Madden-Fuoco | |

|Promotion Decisions |Liana Tuller/guidance |Will Thomas |

|Purchasing and Accounts Payable |Mary Ann McColgan | |

|Record requests |Kazy Grzelcyk | |

|Report Cards |Data and records office | |

|Round Table |Rachael Borr | |

|Safety |Christophe TC |Lita Cannady |

|Schedules |Meg Balkus |Liana Tuller/guidance |

|School Buses |Laura Pirani |Christophe TC, Chaisson/Lopes |

|School Parent Council |Lita Cannady | |

|School Site Council |Will Thomas | |

|Searches |Christophe TC | |

|Senior Advisor |Monique Kaloyanides | |

|Special Education Issues |Laura Pirani | |

|Sports |Christophe TC |Monique Kaloyanides & BSA |

|Staff Discipline |Will Thomas | |

|Staff Handbook |Amy Koehler | |

|Staff Newsletter |Will Thomas | |

|Student Government | | |

|Student Handbook |Sunny Pai/TC |Administrative team |

|Supervision and Evaluation |Jess Madden-Fuoco |Administrative team |

|Tardies |Data and records office |Asst SLC Leaders |

|Teacher Assignment |Will Thomas | |

|Textbooks |Christophe TC |Content leaders |

|Theft |Christophe TC |Lita Cannady, Sch police |

|Transcripts |Kazy Grzelcyk |Peter Law |

|Transfers |Meg Balkus |Kazy Grzelcyk |

|Updating Student Address Information |Kelly Moloney |Kazy Grzelcyk |

|Whole School Improvement Plan |Will Thomas | |

|Work Orders |Kelly Moloney | |

|Writing Center |Helaine Jenkins-Sanches |Jess Madden-Fuoco |

| | | |

2013-2014 Bell Schedule

|Period |Time |

|1 |7:30-8:27 |

|2 | 8:30-9:17 |

|3 | 9:20-10:07 |

|4 |10:10-12:10 |1st lunch schedule for: |2nd lunch schedule for: |3rd lunch schedule for: |

|5 | |CASE, SEI Chinese |USA, CORE, SEI Spanish, DP |SKILL, OSDC, MH, VOICE |

|& | | | | |

|Lunch | | | | |

| | |4th period |2nd lunch |5th period |

| | |10:33-11:20 |11:00-11:20 |11:00-11:47 |

| | |5th period |5th period |3rd lunch |

| | |11:23-12:10 |11:23-12:10 |11:50-12:10 |

|6 | 12:13 -1:00 |

|7 |1:03-1:50 |

| | | |

Important Assessment Dates for Charlestown High

2013 - 2014

| |


|October 16th, 2013 |

| |

|MCAS Retest Math |

|November 12 & 13 |

| |

|Retest ELA |

|November 6, 7, 8 |

| |

|Access Testing |

|Jan 9 - Feb 12 |

| |

|MCAS Bio Retest |

|Feb 3 and 4 |

| |

|Retest Math |

|March 6 and 7 |

| |

|Retest ELA |

|March 3, 4, 5 |

| |


|March 18, 19, 21 |

| |

|AYP Math MCAS |

|May 13 and 14 |

| |

|AYP Science MCAS |

|June 2 and 3 |

| |

|SAT |

|5-Oct |

|2-Nov |

|7-Dec |

|25-Jan |

|8-Mar |

|3-May |

|7-Jun |

| |

|ACT |

|21-Sep |

|26-Oct |

|14-Dec |

|8-Feb |

|12-Apr |

|14-Jun |

Charlestown High Community Partners

Liberty Mutual

TERI Talent Search

BUILD Entrepreneurship

BPE: Data assistance

The Writing Project for Literacy

Calderwood Writing Center

Dual Enrollment at Bunker Hill Community College

Boston Public Health Commission

Mass General Hospital: 02129 group

Missionsafe Charlestown

Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center

Private Industry Council

Upward Bound Math and Science (Boston College)

Summer Search



SeaFuel-- Engineering Summer Program

ArtScience Prize

Peer Health Exchange

Boston Debate League

Diploma Plus

Boston Scholar Athlete

Actor’s Shakespeare Project

Urbanity Dance

August 26, 2013

Room Assignments - 2013-2014


|014 A |Hamilton, Lola |302 A |Small, Kimberley |431 |Walker, Tonda |

|014 B |Lopes, Jose |302 B |Pai, Sunny |432 |Urban, Ed |

|014 C |Chaisson, Brian |303 |Srivastava, Natasha |433 |Neville, Jessica |

|Gym |Lopes, David |304 |Roter, Betsy |434 |Leiper, Hal |

|Gym |Crandall, Joselle |305 |Thomas, Owen |435 |School Police |

|101 |Bailey, Lita |306 |Hayes, Thomas |436 |Toussaint, Reginald |

|102 |Grzelcyk, Kathleen |315 |Benaoui, Mustapha |437 |Larry, Lou |

|102 B |Young, Nancy |316 |Diaz, Doyka |438 |Hughes, Kristyn |

|102 C |Borr, Rachel |317 |Ramirez, Mayron / Support |439 |Ng, Gerald |

|102 D |Law, Peter |322 |Fox, Rich |440 |Writing Center |

|102 D |Balkus, Meghan |323 |Hagen, Patricia |501 |Café Montego |

|103 A |Teulet-Cote, Christophe |324 |Sardis, Elena |502 |Kaloyanides, Monique |

|103 B |Thomas, William |326 |Depina, Ana |503 |Lactation Room |

|103 |Moloney, Kelly |Lib 327 |Bennett, Deirdre |504 |Cardoso, Edson |

|103 |McColgan, Maryann |Lib 327 A |Lynch, Kara |505 |Camah, Jamaal |

|108 |Nguyen, Yvonne |Lib 327 B |Kleiman, Robert |506 |Deyab, John |

|108 |Parafinczuk, Jenna |Lib 327 C |SWD Office – Psych Office |508 |O'Connell, Ann |

|108 |Vargas, Jennifer |Lib 327 D |Bennett, Deirdre |509 |Brett, Lauren |

|118 E |Thevenin, Briana (BSA) |401 |Weir, Alexandra |510 |Gonzales, Paulina |

|202 |Lane, Moe |402 |McDonald, Erin |511 |Parker, Tori |

|203 |Gu, Erin |403 |Teneus,Josette |512 |Neufville-Henry, Weddee |

|205 |Day, Chris |404 |DiBonaventura, Julia |513 |Watson, Mercy |

|206 |Griglun, Paige |405 |Ventura, Alex |514 |Muzykewicz, Marcy |

|207 |Lee, Angel |406 |SWD Changing Room |515 |Connolly, Sean |

|208 |Chan, Ada (Yamatin) |406 |Smith, Thelma |516 |Castillejo, Caitlyn |

|209 |Sherwood, Jen |408 |Freedberg, Peter |525 |So, Andrea |

|210 A |Vangorder, Doris |409 |Hollstein, Jeannie |526 |Alli, Danielle |

|210 B |Cappellano, Anita |410 |Mahegan, Henry |527 |Valentine, Felicia |

|218 A |Kalamaroff, Alex |411 |Piacitelli, Amy |528 |Sasaki, Jamie |

|218 B |Chan, Ada |412 |Nagin / Nicholson SWD |529 |McCormick, Ben |

|218 C |Williams, Tameka |413 |Pirani, Laura |530 |Katzman, Josh |

|218 D |Yamatin, Chikae |414 |Jenkins-Sanches, Helaine |531 |McCarthy, Julie |

|220 |Zhang, Haze |415 |Romero, Ivis |533 |Srinivasan, Akil |

|221 A |Tuller, Liana |416 |Soares, James |534 |Camacho, Laylanni |

|221 B |Madden-Fuoco, Jessica |425 |Fennell, Stephanie |535 |Brennan, Trudy |

|221 C |Prof. Learning & Collab. Cntr.|426 |Sloan, Jill / TenEyck, Tara |536 |Abdal-Khallaq, Naima |

|222 |Savoie, Sean |427 |Brown, Patricia |537 |Goncalves, Lido |

|223 |Doo, Jennifer |428 |Terkla, Mike |538 |Teneus, Josette |

|225 |Chen, Jia Ying |429 |Phan, Tuan |539 |Myers, D / Halfhide, Gerry |

|301 |Frederick, Hayden |430 |Summer, Lauralee |540 |Urbanity |

Instructions for Substitute Folders


Please turn in to your SLC leader by Monday, September 16, 2013 a substitute folder for the first marking term that includes the following:

• A copy of your program including:

o Subject(s) taught

o Room Assignments per period

o Administrative assignments

o Advisory or other commitments

• Class list for each class

• Seating plan for each class

• Bell schedule

• Lesson plans and work for three school days.

➢ Please leave a detailed lesson plan to be followed by the substitute for each day and each class, and provided sufficient copies.

➢ The plan must include clear directions for the substitute.

➢ The up-dated lesson plan assures continuity of the subject matter being taught.

If you are out, and your folder is used, you must resubmit lesson plans for the day within one week.

If you have a planned absence, you are expected to leave a lesson plan with your small learning community or team leader that is linked to ongoing work in your classroom.


Sub Folders must be hand delivered to your SLC leader.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Sign In / Sign out

Teachers must arrive by 7:20 am daily. Teachers should sign-in on the board in the main office. At 7:20, the sign-in sheet will be removed. Please do not ask secretaries to sign you in, as they have been instructed not to do this without the permission of the headmaster. If teachers leave the building before the end of school for any reason, they should sign out on the sheet with MaryAnn or Kelly.


Teachers arriving after 7:20 AM on a regular basis can be subject to loss of pay.


There is no substitute for a student’s regular classroom teacher. However, there are unfortunately days when regular teachers are not able to be in school. If you are not able to come to school, you should let Val Shelley know that you will be out by 5:45 AM on the day of your absence. Val can be reached at 617-908-3157 (cell) or 617-427-3447 (home) – please do not call her after 8 PM. She can also be reached by email at PLEASE LET US KNOW ABOUT YOUR ABSENCES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!! After 6 AM you must contact Christophe Teulet-Cote, Assistant Headmaster at (617)594-7407 and email him at

If you are attending workshops or have professional development which would require coverage for your class you must have a clearance from your Team Leader that is approved by the Assistant Headmaster.

Personal Days (from BTU contract, Section VIII.Q.5)

(a) General

Personal leave may be used for personal needs not otherwise provided for, such as to receive a college degree; to attend a veteran’s convention; to attend the funeral of a cousin, friend or retired teacher; to attend the graduation of a member of immediate family, including niece and nephew; and to attend educational conventions.

Requests for personal leave other than in an emergency shall be submitted to the building administrator as early as possible prior to the day for which leave is requested. In no event will personal leave be granted during a school emergency. Effective September 1, 2003, employees shall be entitled to use up to four (4) personal days per school year.” Any personal days not used in the year for which they are granted shall be added to the employee’s sick leave entitlement for use in subsequent years.

(b) Limit on Number of Persons Taking Leave at the Same Time

Except at the discretion of the building administrator, not more than five (5) percent of the teachers in a building shall be eligible for personal leave on the same day.

(c) Limit on Personal Days Before and After School Vacations

No teacher may take a personal day on both the day immediately preceding and the day immediately following a school vacation, including the Thanksgiving recess.

Sick Days

The School Committee’s Employee Sick Leave Policy and Guidelines cover all employees of the Boston Public Schools. In accordance with the guidelines, if an employee is absent for six (6) or more consecutive working days, a physician's certificate will be required upon return to work, or prior to return if requested.

The physician's certificate should be on the physician's letterhead and should include:

• a statement that the physician understands the nature of the employee's duties and that the employee is incapable of performing the duties and responsibilities of his/her position.

• a statement of anticipated duration of the absence or the expected date of the return to work (if the duration is unknown, the letter should indicate when the employee will be seeing a physician again and an updated letter would be required after that visit).



Attendance Monitoring (from Superintendent’s Circular #HRS-PP5)

Human Resources monitors employee attendance and sends a regular report to the Headmaster in these cases:

|Attendance Pattern |Action Required |

|Four or more absences before and/or after holiday/vacation. |a. Automated report sent to responsibility center manager (sick days |

| |only). |

| |b. Supervisor arranges conference with employee. |

|Sick leave absences lasting six or more consecutive days without |a. Same process as noted above. |

|a physician’s certificate. It is the responsibility of the | |

|administrator to ascertain that physician’s certificate has been | |

|provided and forwarded to Human Resources. | |

|Scattered sick leave absences throughout the school year |a. Same process as noted above. |

|exceeding or projected to exceed 15 days. | |

|Repeated unacceptable attendance patterns (i.e. those noted in |a. Automated report sent to responsibility center manager. |

|items 1 through 3 above), which continue after a manager has met |b. Supervisor arranges second conference with employee. |

|with the employee will require further action. |c. Manager submits report to appropriate Administrator and/or |

| |Headmaster/ Principal. |



At Charlestown High School, we seek to graduate students who are prepared for college and beyond. This is hard work but very achievable if you are:

➢ Present

➢ Purposeful

➢ Productive

Our “BIG 3”

(Revised draft as of August 2012)

In order to have a productive and purposeful learning environment we strictly enforce the following three rules:

➢ Attend all of your classes,

➢ Remove all headgear,

➢ Put away electronic devices


You must attend all of your classes. However, showing up is not enough, you must be prepared and work hard. Students are expected to bring all appropriate materials to class, including a pen/pencil, notebook/paper, and work from previous days. Participate in all class activities. Complete assignments. Set and achieve high academic goals in each class.

RATIONALE (Why do we have this rule?)

1. Our number one priority at CHS is to prepare you for your future after graduation. We cannot do this work with you if you are not here.

2. Your absences affect you and your classmates. If many people are absent or skipping, the teacher cannot continue with the regular lesson because so much class time is needed to catch up material that students have missed. We believe learning is best done in a community, but we can’t teach a community if several members are always absent.

3. Legally, we are responsible for your safety during school hours. We may need to locate you in an emergency, such as in the event of a fire. If we evacuate the building, we need to account for every single person. There may be an emergency with your family and they may need to contact you. Even if you have a cell phone, in times of crisis, cell phone lines may be blocked. You may not remember but on September 11th, cell phone lines were busy for several hours since so many people were trying to call each other at once. In these situations, calling the school may be the only way for your family to reach you.


Stage One: Student will be given a disciplinary hearing and administrative detention. Students are reminded about the importance of their education. Teachers and staff check if there are other issues that are preventing students from doing their work. Students are offered options for support, if necessary. Parents/caregivers are contacted.

Stage Two: Student will be given a disciplinary hearing and suspended. Contracts may be created. Students are required to stay after school for extra opportunities to work. Students may lose privileges until they are more academically successful.

Chronic skippers will be dealt with by the discipline team.


All cell phones and other electronics must be shut off and put away while in the building. They are not to be seen. All staff may confiscate electronic devices that are used, heard, or seen anywhere in the school building during school hours.

**mp3 players and other music players may be used during lunch.

RATIONALE (Why do we have this rule?)

1. Cell phones and other electronic devices are a distraction to the learning environment. Even as staff members, when we feel our cell phone buzz or hear that a text message has arrived, all we can think about is checking that message. In our culture today, cell phones are everywhere and it is difficult to concentrate when they can be ringing at any time.

2. Cell phones are often stolen in school and distract both students and staff from the work of teaching and learning. If cell phones are all put away, then they are far less likely to be stolen.

3. Cyberbullying has become a growing problem in recent years. Prohibiting cell phone use is a way to cut down on cyberbullying.

4. Our job is to keep everyone in the building safe. In the past, cell phones have been used to allow outsiders into the building through locked doors. This is a security risk, and prohibiting cell phone use will keep our building safer for everyone.


Stage One: Teacher/staff reminds student that cell phones and other electronics must be put away.

Stage Two: Student cell phone is confiscated and returned at the end of the period/day.

Stage Three: Student’s cell phone will be confiscated and may be returned only to the student’s parent or guardian. The student may be prohibited from bringing a cell phone to school for the remainder of the school year. Students may be subject to additional disciplinary action consistent with the Code of Conduct (for example, disciplinary hearing with the parent).


All confiscated cell phones will be labeled and placed in a secure place.


As per Boston Public Schools Policy, head covers of any style are not to be worn by male or female students anywhere in the building, except for medical or religious reasons. All hats, head coverings, or scarves worn in the building will be confiscated by any staff member.

RATIONALE (Why do we have this rule?)

1. We are unfortunately living in a city where violence against young people is common. Students do not need to be reminded that CHS community members are often victims of violent crime. Our security cameras are in the building to keep you safe and especially to identify any persons who do not belong in this building. When students wear hats, it makes it impossible for our security staff to identify people on cameras. In the past, strangers have entered this building and were identified through our camera system.

2. In general, hats are not worn in professional settings. Since our job is to prepare you for life after high school, we want to cultivate a professional culture. For nearly every job, it would not be appropriate to wear a hat or other head-covering to a job interview or while working. We ask that you treat CHS as a professional environment.


Stage One: Teacher/staff reminds student to take off hat/head covering.

Stage Two: Student hat/head covering is confiscated and returned at the end of the period/day.

Stage Three: Student’s hat/head covering will be confiscated and returned at the end of the week. For students who continue to violate the policy, items will be confiscated and returned at the end of the year.


All confiscated hats will be labeled and placed in a secure place.

Charlestown Administrative Detention

When: Tuesday and Thursday, 2:05-3:05. The door will be locked at 2:05.

Where: Cafeteria

Why: Failure to serve individual teacher detention or violation of school wide and Big 3 rules.

Rules (Staff member will announce to students at the beginning of each session):

1. Students must arrive on time.

2. Students must be silent at all times unless called on by the staff member.

3. There is no use of electronics. Use of electronics will result in ejection from detention.

4. Once you enter you may not leave. There will be no going to lockers, see teachers, etc. The only reason to leave would be to use bathrooms on first floor. Students found in any other part of the school will have their detention forfeited.

5. There are no visitors.

6. Food is not allowed.

7. Sleeping or putting head on the desk is not allowed.

8. All school rules apply in detention.

9. Violation of any of the above rules will result in time served being voided which will result in a disciplinary hearing.

Timeline for serving detentions:

Detention Received Day Detention Must Be Served

Monday Tuesday

Tuesday Tuesday/Thursday

Wednesday Thursday

Thursday Thursday/Tuesday

Friday Tuesday

Protocol for Staff:

Student will be handed written form that states date detention given, date must be served, and reason for detention. One copy will be handed to student; the other will be handed to Unit Leader/Assistant Leader. The teacher will notify the parent of offense and consequence.


Staff member covering detention will keep record of students completing detention and take name and SLC #. Staff members should be sure to check that students only write one name on sign in sheet. They will then place written copy in box of SLC leaders and tape a copy in the mailroom.

Charlestown High Syllabus template

(Syllabi for each of your courses is due to your SLC leader by Monday, Sept. 16, 2013)

Title of course

Name of teacher

Contact information of teacher

School year

Room number

Course overview:

What will students learn in the course and why is it important and interesting?

Priority standards or competencies:

What are the Common Core standards or competencies that are the most important for students to learn in this course?

Textbook or reading list:

Title(s) of book(s)

Required materials and supplies:

What does a student need to bring to class?

Grading policy:

How will students be assigned grades in your class?


A list of the major curriculum units of the course

Additional policies:

What other policies do you want to ensure that students know?

Student and Parent Signatures: Teachers keep a copy and a copy goes into the student’s notebook or binder. The syllabus can be signed by the student and a parent/guardian if the teacher wishes.

Charlestown High School

Request For Release Day

School year 2013/2014

Today’s Date________________________________


For what day would you like to request time off?


If you are in Special Ed. Please submit this request to Ms. Pirani for approval and then it will be turned into the main office.

Please check one:

❑ Personal day

❑ Other - __________________________

Your request has been:

❑ Approved

❑ Not Approved

Headmaster Initial: _______________________________

Special Education Dept. Head:______________________

Please turn this into Kelly or MaryAnn. We will have it approved, put the information in the book and return a copy to you.



Charlestown High School


Student Name:__________________________________ ID:________________

Parent Name: ___________________________________

New Address: ________________________________ Zip Code: __________

If you are not listed as this student’s guardian on his or her official school record, or if you have recently been homeless, please call 617-635-9914, extension 125 for further instructions before completing the rest of this form.

Boston Public Schools requires documentation to verify your new address. Please check off the appropriate selections below and provide the documents indicated.

SECTION 1: HOUSING Required documents

|( |I own my home. |A copy of your deed AND |

| | |A record of your most recent mortgage payment |

|( |I live in public housing. |A copy of your lease AND |

| | |A record of your most recent rent payment |

|( |I rent my home or apartment. |A record of your most recent rent receipt AND |

| | |A copy of your lease OR the legal affidavit from your landlord (on the back page of |

| | |this form) |

|( |I live in Section 8 housing. |1) A copy of your current Section 8 Agreement |

|( |I live with a relative or friend. |The person you are living with must complete the legal affidavit on the back of this |

| | |form and indicate if you pay rent or not. |

| | |If you pay rent, the affidavit must state the date and amount of your most recent |

| | |payment. |


Please attach one utility bill or work order from those listed below that is dated within the past 60 days.

If you are living with a relative or a friend and are submitting the legal affidavit on the back of this form,

the utility bill may be in the name of the person who pays these expenses.

❑ Gas bill

❑ Oil bill

❑ Electric bill

❑ Home telephone bill

❑ Cable TV bill

Cell phone and water bills are not accepted.


Provide one document only from either Option A, Option B, or Option C below.

|Option A |Option B |Option C |

| |Dated within the past year |Dated within the past 60 days |

|Valid Mass. Driver’s license |W-2 form |Letter from an approved government agency |

|Current vehicle registration |Excise tax bill (vehicle) |Payroll stub |

|Valid Mass. Photo ID card |Property tax bill |Bank or credit card statement |

|Valid passport | | |


My name is___________________________________ and I hereby depose and certify as follows: (Please complete all three items and sign below)

1. I am the owner/lessee of property located at ___________________________ in the City of Boston.

2. __________________________, who is the parent or legal guardian of _________________________, leases or subleases this property as their principal residence from me, without a written lease, in a tenancy at will, from month to month.


_____ I have received within the last thirty (30) days rental payment for the lease or sublease of these premises. Payment was in the amount of $________.


_____ Alternatively, I hereby state that the party named above resides with me at the address above with no payment of rent.

Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury this _______ day of ,20__ :

Signature _______________________________ Address:________________________________

Print Name:_________________________

If you are unable to provide the documentation required, please explain the problem below

For office use only:

Waiver ___ approved or ____ denied ______ by Headmaster on ____________(date).


Processed on __________ by ___________.


Charlestown High School

Grade Change Form

Student name: ____________________________________________________________

(Last) (First) (MI)

Student ID#: _________________________ Graduation Year: 20___________________

Course Title: _______________________ Course Number: __________ Section #: ____

Teachers Name: __________________________________________________________

(Please Print)

Grade changes must take place within 6 weeks after the grading period has ended.

|Term |1 |2 |3 |4 |Final Grade |

|Former Grade | | | | | |

|New Grade | | | | | |

Reason for change

____ Student with an “I” grade completed work (within 6 weeks after the end of grading period.) ___________________________________________________________

____ Other (explain): _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Teacher Signature: __________________________________ Date: ______________

Administrators Signature: ____________________________ Date: ______________

The Headmaster or designee must sign this form if the student is an athlete.

X _________________________________________________


Student Name: ___________________________________ Time leaving: ___________

Leaving from: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Going to: ________________________________________ Signed: ________________________________________


Student Name: ___________________________________ Time leaving: ___________

Leaving from: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Going to: ________________________________________ Signed: ________________________________________


Student Name: ___________________________________ Time leaving: ___________

Leaving from: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Going to: ________________________________________ Signed: ________________________________________


Student Name: ___________________________________ Time leaving: ___________

Leaving from: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Going to: ________________________________________ Signed: ________________________________________

Early Dismissal Form

Teachers, please mark student excused after the time marked,

and give student any work he/she will miss today.

Name: _______________________________________

Date: ________________________________________

Time of Dismissal: _____________________________

Approved by guardian and SLC Leader:___________________________

Early Dismissal Form

Teachers, please mark student excused after the time marked,

and give student any work he/she will miss today.

Name: _______________________________________

Date: ________________________________________

Time of Dismissal: _____________________________

Approved by guardian and SLC Leader:___________________________

Early Dismissal Form

Teachers, please mark student excused after the time marked,

and give student any work he/she will miss today.

Name: _______________________________________

Date: ________________________________________

Time of Dismissal: _____________________________

Approved by guardian and SLC Leader:__________________________

BPS circulars and other useful links:

• Field trip forms:

• Report card dates (have been added to the CHS General Google calendar)

• If you are not currently on the CHS General Google calendar or Auditorium Sign-Up Google calendar, please email Liana at lianatuller@ and she will add you!


Students are at the center of our mission.

One approach to increasing student success is to provide targeted, maximal support to the adults who work directly with students through small teams with clear mandates.





















Is there a picture or quote or wordle that you want to include to inspire students?

(not required)

Entered by Registrar (signature): ________________________________________ Date: ________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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