Preparing for the School Workforce Census



01. Contents 2

02. Preparing for the School Workforce Census - Check List 3

03. Introduction 3

04. How has the School Workforce Census Changed Since Last Year? 4

Base Pay 4

Workforce Members Allowance Details Report 4

Additional School Information 4

Previous Authorised Census Returns 5

05. Overview of the School Workforce Census Process 5

Permissions Required 6

06. Section 1: SWC Initial Preparation 6

Privacy Notice 7

Importing Latest Predefined Report Definitions and Role Identifier Report 7

Running and Reviewing the Role Identifier Check Report 8

Reviewing Service Term Definitions 9

Running and Reviewing the ST Definition Report 10

Running and Reviewing the ST Pay Scale Definitions Report 11

Running and Reviewing the ST Allowances Report 12

Running and Reviewing the ST Post Definitions Report 13

Mapping Subjects to National Codes 14

07. Section 2: Preparing Staff Level Information 15

Personnel Records 15

Dealing with Unwanted Teacher/Support Staff Records 21

08. Section 3: Carrying Out a Dry Run 21

Instructions 21

Producing a Detail Report 23

Producing the School Workforce Census 2012 Return 24

Contact Information 24

Preparing for the School Workforce Census - Check List

Use this check list to tick off each of the preparation tasks when they have been completed.

|Description |

| |

| Check with the System Administrator/Manager that you have the appropriate |

|Permissions to run the School Workforce Census and record associated |

|data. See Page 6 |

|Import the latest Reports, Predefined and Role Identifier, see page 7 |

|Run and Review the Role Identifier Check Report, see page 8 |

|Run and Review Service Term Definition Report, see page 10 |

|Run and Review Service Term Pay Definition Report, see page 11 |

|Run and Review the ST Post Allownces Report, see page 12 |

|Run and Review the ST Post Defnitions Report, see page 13 |

|Ensure Subjects are mapped to National Codes, see page 14 |

|Review all staff details and ensure these are correct, see page 15 |

|Carry out a dry run, see page 21 |

This document covers both Primary and Secondary SWC routines in SIMS.

Where routines relate specifically to Secondary schools, these are clearly indicated.


The School Workforce Census 2012 Return is required to be run by English schools in the maintained sector, which include Community, Foundation, Voluntary Aided and Voluntary Controlled schools, as well as Academies and Free Schools.

This preparation guide has been produced to help with the identification of tasks that need to be carried out before running the School Workforce Census 2012 Return and includes instructions for the most common tasks. This guide covers the preparations required for the School Workforce Census 2012 Return only.

How has the School Workforce Census Changed Since Last Year?

The school workforce census 2012 return includes the following:

Base Pay

The description Total Pay has been renamed Base Pay. This is to reflect the change in the definition of this data item.

Base Pay is the pre-tax annual salary of a member of staff as at 6 November 2012. Information about Base Pay is not collected for staff paid by a daily rate.

Workforce Members Allowance Details Report

This new report has been added to the School Workforce Census to help with the calculation of allowances. The report shows a breakdown of the Additional Payment Amount.

Report Criteria: Contracted Teachers, Agency Teachers, Contracted Teaching Assistants, Other Contracted Support Staff (excludes Teaching Assistants/Other Support Staff who only have service agreements).

SNAPSHOT DATA - staff in regular service on census day 06/11/2012 with payment details and allowances.

Additional School Information

Focus | School | School Details

Routines | Statutory Returns | School Workforce Census

The following new fields are displayed on the School Details page (Focus | School | School Details) and in the School Information panel (Routines | Statutory Returns | School Workforce Census):

• Previous School Name

• Date Name Changed

• Previous Estab Number

• Date Number Changed

These fields are displayed for all schools but should be completed only by schools where the information is applicable, e.g. where your school has converted to an Academy.

NOTE: Academies that have not changed their name must enter the current school name in the Previous School Name field then enter the date that the Academy opened in the Date Name Changed field.

The data entered in these fields is used by the School Workforce Census to determine an Academy's start date and to ensure that data relating to the previous school is not collected (if the Academy opened since the previous School Workforce Census return):

• Contracts, Allowances and Absences that ended before the Academy start date are not collected.

• Contracts that started before the Academy start date and continued afterwards are collected in the return.

• Where an Allowance started before the Academy start date and continued afterwards, only the data after the start date is collected.

• An Absence that started before the Academy start date and continued afterwards triggers a warning message informing you that the Absence is not included in the return.

Previous Authorised Census Returns

Tools | Statutory Returns Tools | Authorised Census Returns

A new routine enables the Returns Manager to report on previous authorised returns so that the data for the current return can be compared with that submitted previously.

Previous returns are now stored in the Document Management Server (DMS) and can be accessed via the Tools menu.


Overview of the School Workforce Census Process

The following list provides a brief outline of the steps involved in producing the School Workforce Census 2012 Return. If data has been regularly and accurately maintained, many of the activities in this document are unnecessary. However, it is advisable to check that the data is up-to-date.

1. Upgrade to the SIMS 2012 Summer Release (7.146) or later (for centrally hosted schools this will already have been done).

2. Carry out one or more dry runs to identify any errors that may exist in your data.

3. Ensure that the relevant workforce and school data exists in SIMS and that it is complete and correct.

4. Create and validate the return.

5. Resolve any validation errors/queries then validate the return again.

Repeat the resolving of errors/queries and creating and validating the return routine until you are satisfied that the content of the return is correct.

The detail reports and Summary report can be generated to assess the accuracy and completeness of the return.

6. Provide the Head Teacher with the latest copy of the reports to enable them to check the details and to authorise the return.

7. Submit the return to the DfE via the COLLECT website.

Permissions Required

You will need to be a member of the Personnel Officer, Returns Manager and Returns Operator user groups in System Manager to produce the School Workforce Census return.

Users with these permissions can run and edit the School Workforce Census Return. In addition, they can correct failed data for staff.

For Secondary schools using an integrated timetable software such as Nova, the mapping of subjects is also required for the Curriculum return, you will need to be a member of System Manager group to perform this task; in your school this is likely to be the person responsible for the Curriculum administration.

Please see your System Administrator/Manager if you are not sure whether you have the required permissions

For further information please refer to the DfE guidance booklet available on the intranet via Schools | School Services by A – Z | S |School Workforce Census – ‘SWF Guidance Notes’.

Section 1: SWC Initial Preparation

This section contains:

• Issuing a Privacy Notice

• Importing Latest Predefined Reports and Role Identifier Check Report

• Running and Reviewing the Role Identifier Check Report

• Running and Reviewing the Pay Scale Definitions Report

• Running and Reviewing the Service Term Post Definitions Report

• Mapping Subjects to National Codes

The routines in this section apply to both Primary and Secondary schools.

Privacy Notice

Issue Privacy notice to any newly appointed teaching and admin/support staff employed by the school as well as any agency staff employed for at least a month. A Privacy Notice is available to download from the School Workforce page of the Intranet (and should now be included with any contractual documentation sent to newly appointed staff). Staff on Service agreements as a result of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with the Local Authority (LA) will be sent Privacy Notice’s centrally.

Importing Latest Predefined Report Definitions and Role Identifier Report

• Select Reports | Import from the Menu.


• Select Open, to the right of Archive File.

• If importing the pre-defined reports supplied by Capita browse to the SIMS .net folder and select the latest numbered reports (see below).


• Select the RptDef file and select Open.

• A list of the reports will now be displayed in the Import browse window.

Click the Import button.

Repeat to Import the Role Identifier Report – Role Identifier Check Report – July 2011.RptDef (Please note: if imported last year, you do not have to reimport as it has not been updated.)

Running and Reviewing the Role Identifier Check Report

The Workforce Information Team identified that a number of contracts were omitted in error from the 2011 SWC. Please ensure that the Role selected within an employee’s contract is correct. The category ‘Do not include in Statutory Returns ‘should be used with care, please contact the Workforce Information Team for advice if necessary

Note: The ‘Do not include in Statutory Returns’ role should be selected if you wish to exclude specific contract information, however the Eligible for SWR tick box in the Basic Details panel on an employees record should be de selected if you wish to exclude the complete record from the census.

1. Select Reports | Run Report to display the Report browser.

2. In the report navigation tree, select Focus | Staff | Role Identifier Check Report – July 2011

3. Double-click the report name to collate the report.

4. Contract End Date is after: Value is 31 August 2011

5. Teaching Staff: tick, accept all by pass filter conditions (this will pull

through details of teaching and non teaching staff).

Role Identifier Check Report (example report)

|Surname | Forename |Post Reference |ContractEndDate |Role |

|Adams |Paul |Teacher | |Classroom Teacher |

|Avery |Helen |Bursar | |Bursar |

| | |Midday Supervisor | |Midday Supervisor |

|Boswell |Jennifer |Teacher | |Classroom Teacher |

|Brooks |Carl |Site Officer | |Caretaker |

|Brown |Pauline |Secretary | |School Secretary |

| | |Secretary | |School Secretary |

|Chard |Vicky |Deputy Head | |Deputy Head |

| | |Teacher | |Classroom Teacher |

|Finch |Tracey |Cleaner | |Cleaner |

|Fortune |Shirley |Teacher | |Classroom Teacher |

|Grosvenor |Gillian |Headteacher | |Head Teacher |

|Holyoake |Gerald |Teacher | |Classroom Teacher |

|Joyner |Oliver |Deputy Head | |Deputy Head |

|Kent |Amelia |Teacher | |Classroom Teacher |

|Lorrin |Rebecca |Admin Clerk | |Administrator / Clerk |

|Myles |Kevin |Teacher | |Classroom Teacher |

|Orton |Tanya |Teacher | |Classroom Teacher |

|Wilton |Richard |After School Club | |Do not include in Statutory |

| | | | |Returns |

To amend the Role open the employee’s record and click on the Employment Details hyperlink. Highlight the contract and click on Open, scroll to the Role panel, highlight the role and click on Open, to allocate an appropriate Role. Click on OK, Save the contract then Save the record.

Reviewing Service Term Definitions

A Service Term helps to define a staff contract. It contains generic information including the number of hours worked per week, weeks worked per year, etc. Service Terms have scales defined within them, which determine an employees annual salary.

For more information on adding and editing Service Term information, please refer to the Defining Superannuation, Service Terms and Training Event Details chapter in the Managing Staff in SIMS handbook, accessed from the Documentation Centre which is launched by clicking the Documentation button on the Home Page in SIMS. Once open, click the Handbooks button, select the required category, then click the required handbook from the Handbooks page.

For the purpose of the SWC it is essential that

• Service Term Definitions are correct

• Pay scales are mapped to National Scales

• Pay spines are mapped to National Pay Spines

• Allowance payments are mapped to National Categories

• Post Definitions are mapped National Post Descriptions

There are 4 reports that will help you check whether your mapping is complete.

Reports can be found through Reports | Run Report.


Running and Reviewing the ST Definition Report

1. Select Reports | Run Report to display the Report browser.

2. In the report navigation tree, select Focus | Service Term | ST Definiton

3. Double-click the report name to collate the report.

ST Definition Report (example only)

NJ: Ancillary Staff

Spinal Progression: T Salaried: T

Increment Mth: 4 Teacher: F

Hrs / Wk: 37.0000 Term Time Only: T

Wks / Yr: 52.14300 Hidden: F

LD: Leadership

Spinal Progression: F Salaried: T

Increment Mth: 0 Teacher: T

Hrs / Wk: 32.5000 Term Time Only: F

Wks / Yr: 52.14300 Hidden: F

TE: Teachers

Spinal Progression: T Salaried: T

Increment Mth: 9 Teacher: T

Hrs / Wk: 32.5000 Term Time Only: F

Wks / Yr: 52.14300 Hidden: F

TU: Teachers Upper

Spinal Progression: F Salaried: T

Increment Mth: 0 Teacher: T

Hrs / Wk: 32.5000 Term Time Only: F

Wks / Yr: 52.14300 Hidden: F

UQ: Unqualified Teachers

Spinal Progression: T Salaried: T

Increment Mth: 9 Teacher: F

Hrs / Wk: 32.5000 Term Time Only: F

Wks / Yr: 52.14300 Hidden: F

Running and Reviewing the ST Pay Scale Definitions Report

1. Select Reports | Run Report to display the Report browser.

2. In the report navigation tree, select Focus | Service Term | ST Pay Scale Definitions

3. Double-click the report name to collate the report.

Pay Scale Definitions (example report)

NJ: Ancillary Staff

|Scale | |Points |Region |National Scale |

|G5 |Grade 5 |14.0 - 17.0 |Rest of England |Other |

|G6 |Grade 6 |18.0 - 21.0 |Rest of England |National Joint Council |

| | | | |(Local Government |

| | | | |Services) |

LD: Leadership

|Scale | |Points |Region |National Scale |

|LD |Leadership |1.0 – 43.0 |Rest of England |Leadership |

TE: Teachers

|Scale | |Points |Region |National Scale |

|TMS |Teachers Main Scale |1.0 - 6.0 |Rest of England |Teachers Main |

TU: Teachers Upper

|Scale | |Points |Region |National Scale |

|UPS |Upper Pay Spine |1.0 - 3.0 |Rest of England |Teachers Upper |

For all Oxfordshire Schools the Region, should be ‘Rest of England’. A default National Scale of ‘Other’ is displayed if a National Scale hasn’t been selected. This can be amended via Tools | Staff | Pay Related, search for and select the required Service Term and then click the Pay Awards hyperlink. Highlight the required scale and click the Open button to allocate the appropriate Pay Scale and Regional Spine. Click on OK and Save your changes.

Running and Reviewing the ST Allowances Report

1. Select Reports | Run Report to display the Report browser.

2. In the report navigation tree, select Focus | Service Term | ST Allowances

3. Double-click the report name to collate the report.

Service Term Allowance Definitions (example report)

NJ: Ancillary Staff

|Allowance |Allowance |Category |

| | | |

LD: Leadership

|Allowance |Allowance |Category |

|R&R |Recruitment and Retention |Recruitment and Retention |

TE: Teachers

|Allowance |Allowance |Category |

|TLR1 |TLR1 |Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments |

|TLR2 |Teaching and Learning 2 |Other |

TU: Teachers Upper

|Allowance |Allowance |Category |

|SPN1 |Special Needs 1 |SEN Allowance |

|TL2 |Teaching and Learning 2 |Teaching and Learning Responsibility Payments |

The default Category of ‘Other’ is displayed in the report if Categories are not allocated to Allowances. This can be amended via Tools | Staff | Pay Related, search for and select the appropriate Service Term and then click the Allowances hyperlink. Highlight an Allowance and click the Open button to allocate Categories to Allowances. Click on OK and Save your changes.

Running and Reviewing the ST Post Definitions Report

1. Select Reports | Run Report to display the Report browser.

2. In the report navigation tree, select Focus | Service Term | ST Post Definitions

3. Double-click the report name to collate the report.

Service Term Post Definitions (example report)

NJ: Ancillary Staff

|Post | |Category |SWR Post |

|SEC |School Secretary |AO Secretarial |Support Staff |

|CA |Classroom Assistant |Other education support staff |Teaching Assistant |

|MDS |Mid day supervisor |Other education support staff |Support Staff |

|HLTA |Higher Level TA |Higher level teaching assistant |Teaching Assistant |

LD: Leadership

|Post | |Category |SWR Post |

|HEAD |Headteacher |HT Headteacher |Head Teacher |

|DEP |Deputy Headteacher |Teacher, Other |Deputy Head |

TE: Teachers

|Post | |Category |SWR Post |

|ASST |Assistant Teacher |Teacher, Other |Classroom Teacher |

TU: Teachers Upper

|Post | |Category |SWR Post |

|THRE |Thresholders |Teacher, Other |Classroom Teacher |

An SWR Post of Teaching Assistant should be allocated to staff based in the classroom for learning and pupil support, NOT Support Staff as was noted in a number of returns last year. Examples include Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTA), Teaching Assistants (TA), special needs support staff. This can be amended via Tools | Staff | Pay Related, search for and select the appropriate Service Term and then click the Posts hyperlink. Highlight a Post and click the Open button to allocate SWC Posts to Posts Click on OK and Save your changes.

Mapping Subjects to National Codes

(Please Note: If you have previously mapped your subjects to codes you will not have to repeat the steps below, however please ensure that any new subjects have been mapped).

As with Pay Related definitions there has been no imposition of external definitions on the setting up of subject codes in the past. However now that subject related data is required by a statutory return it will be necessary to map the school’s subjects to a national code set. An element of the School Workforce Census is recording vacancies in the school. This information will be entered manually when the return is created, however, it will use a relationship with the school’s list of subjects, usually maintained in Nova for Secondary schools but also present in the SIMS database and accessible by selecting Tools | Setups | Subjects. Primary schools will need to have at least one subject created for use when recording vacancies, however, this subject can be a generic subject for example Primary Curriculum. For Secondary schools using an integrated timetable software such as Nova, the mapping of subjects is also required for the Curriculum return, you need to be a member of System Manager group to perform this task; in your school this is likely to be the person responsible for the Curriculum administration.

Secondary Schools (using Nova)

1. Select Tools | Setups | Subjects to display the browse of subjects and click the Search button to populate the list.

2. Select Art and observe the details presented. Much of this is not significant for the School Workforce Census, indeed it mostly relates to setup for Curriculum and Lesson Planner.


The significant piece of data is the DfE Subject Code. Select an appropriate entry by clicking the drop down and scrolling or typing some letters to jump down the list. All other data is only significant for Curriculum and Lesson Planner and need not be entered at this point.

3. Click the Save button to complete the process.

If the subject does not exist in the DfE list select the nearest matching subject.

Primary Schools (if you have previously set up a generic subject label you will not have to repeat the steps below)

It is necessary to set up a generic subject label to record vacancies in Primary schools. A DfE subject Primary Curriculum exists in the DfE list so this would appear to be a suitable description for the purposes of recording vacancies.

1. Select Tools | Setups | Subjects to display the browse of pupils.

2. Click the New button to add a new subject.

3. Enter a Code e.g. Pc and title Primary Curriculum.

4. From the DfE lookup table select Primary Curriculum.

5. Select a co-ordinator by clicking on the magnifying glass to Search for a list of names. In primary school it does not matter which one you choose.

6. Click the Save button to complete the process then click the Close button to close the screen.

It will now be possible to select an appropriate DfE linked subject for any vacancies that are recorded in the SWC.

Section 2: Preparing Staff Level Information

Personnel Records

Before beginning the School Workforce Census return, ensure that all current staff are recorded in SIMS and that as far as possible, the information is current and accurate.

Ensure that:

• new staff have been added.

• any leavers have been recorded as such.

• any duplicated or unwanted staff records have been amended (see Dealing with Unwanted Teacher/Support Staff Records on page 21).

• part-time details have been checked/updated for all applicable members of staff.

• the Role field has been completed correctly (see page 8)

• Pay scales are up to date

Basic staff information and contract information is included in the return for all teachers and support staff with contracts of one month or greater on the Census day. Minimal information is collected regarding occasional staff (staff with service of one month or less).

The following table highlights areas in Staff records that should be checked thoroughly to minimise errors.

|Panel Name/Location of Field |Notes |Action Required |

|Basic Details panel |

|Legal Forename |Required for all members of staff. |Enter details. |

|Legal Surname |Required for all members of staff. |Enter details. |

|Previous Surname |Required for Teachers and teaching |Enter details. |

| |assistants. | |

|Gender |Required for all members of staff. |Select from drop-down list. |

|Eligible for SWR |Required for all members of staff. |Select the check box to include |

| | |the member of staff in the return.|

| | |Deselect the check box to exclude |

| | |the member of staff from the |

| | |return. |

|Personal Information panel |

|Ethnicity |Required for all members of staff. |Select from the drop-down list. |

|NI Number |Required for all members of staff. |Ensure that numbers are entered in|

| | |the correct format, |

| | |e.g. MW-23-75-16-C. |

|Date of Birth |Required for all members of staff. |Enter date or click the Calendar |

| | |button then select a date. |

|Are day to day activities substantially |Required for all members of staff. |Select from the drop-down list. |

|affected by physical or mental impairment| | |

|Professional panel |

|HLTA Status |Required for contracted teachers and |Select the check box. |

| |teaching assistants and other | |

| |contracted support staff. | |

|TA Status |Required for teaching assistants only. |Select the check box. |

|HLTA Date |Required for contracted teachers and |Select the check box then enter |

| |teaching assistants and other |the achievement date in the HTLA |

| |contracted support staff. |Date field. |

|QTS Route |Required for all teachers including |Select from the drop-down list. |

| |those working towards QTS. | |

|Qualifications |Required for all members of staff. |Click the New button to add a |

| | |Qualification or highlight an |

| | |existing Qualification then click |

| | |the Open button to edit the |

| | |details. |

|Absences panel |

|Start Date |Complete for teaching contracted |Enter date or click the Calendar |

| |teachers and teaching assistants. Not |button then select a date. |

| |required for centrally employed staff. | |

|End Date |Complete for teaching contracted |Enter date or click the Calendar |

| |teachers and teaching assistants. Not |button then select a date. |

| |required for centrally employed staff. | |

|Working Days Lost |Complete for teaching contracted |Enter details. |

| |teachers and teaching assistants. Not | |

| |required for centrally employed staff. | |

| Type/Reason |Complete for teaching contracted |Select from the drop-down list, |

| |teachers and teaching assistants. Not |e.g. Training, Sickness, etc. |

| |required for centrally employed staff. | |

|Addresses panel |

|Address |Required for all members of staff. |Ensure details are current and |

| | |complete. |

|Employment Details panel |

|Teaching Staff |Must be selected for all teachers. |Select the check box if the member|

| | |of staff is a teacher. |

|Teacher Number |Required for all members of staff |Ensure that the number is entered |

| |including non teachers, if applicable. |using the correct format, |

| | |e.g. 12/34567. |

|Teacher Category |Must be entered for all teachers. Enter|Select from the drop-down list. |

| |for teaching assistants if applicable. | |

|Qualified Teacher Status |Must be entered for all teachers. |Select from the drop-down list. |

| | |Mandatory if Teacher Number |

| | |entered. |

|Employment Start |Required for teachers and contracted |Enter date in correct format |

| |teaching assistants and other |(dd/mm/yyyy). |

| |contracted support staff. | |

|Employment Details panel - Contract |

|Employment Type |Required for teachers and contracted |Select from the drop-down list. |

| |teaching assistants and other | |

| |contracted support staff. | |

|SWC Post |Implemented by Pay Related Definitions.|No action required. |

|Contract Start Date |Required for teachers and contracted |Enter date or click the Calendar |

| |teaching assistants and other |button then select a date. |

| |contracted support staff. | |

|Contract End Date |Required if the contract has ended, |Enter date or click the Calendar |

| |e.g. leavers. |button then select a date. |

|Service Term Hours/Week |Check for teachers and contracted |No action required. |

| |teaching assistants and other | |

| |contracted support staff. | |

|Hours/Week |Required for all members of staff. |Enter the hours a week worked. |

|Weeks/Year |Required for all members of staff. |Enter the number of weeks per year|

| | |worked. |

|Safeguarded Salary |Required for contracted teachers only. |Select check box. |

|Destination |Required for contracted teachers and |Select from the drop-down list. |

| |contracted teaching assistants. | |

|Origin |Required for contracted teachers and |Select from the drop-down list. |

| |contracted teaching assistants. | |

|Employment Details panel - Contract - Pay Scale |

|Point |Required for all teachers. Read-only |Enter the staff member's scale |

| |information, dependant on details |point in the Point field. |

| |entered previously. | |

|Pay Scale |Required for all members of staff |Select from the drop-down list. |

| |except Agency/service agreement | |

| |teachers who are on a Daily Rate. | |

|Regional Pay Spine |Required for all teachers. Read-only |Select from the drop-down list. |

| |information, dependant on details | |

| |entered previously. | |

|Employment Details panel - Contract - Allowances |

|Allowances |Required for all members of staff |Select from the drop-down list. |

| |except agency/service agreement | |

| |teachers who are on a Daily Rate. | |

|Category of Additional Payment |Required for all members of staff |Read-only information, dependant |

| |except agency/service agreement |on details entered previously. |

| |teachers who are on a Daily Rate. | |

|Employment Details panel - Contract - Role |

|Role |Required for contracts starting |Check for contracted teachers and |

| |01/09/2009. |contracted teaching assistants. |

| |Required for all members of staff. | |

|Employment Details panel - Service Agreement |

|Service Start Date |Required for all teachers and teaching |Enter the date of arrival in |

| |assistants who joined the school from |school or click the Calendar |

| |01/09/2009. |button then select a date. |

| |Not required for centrally employed | |

| |staff. | |

|Service End Date |Required for all members of staff (and |Enter a date or click the Calendar|

| |Leavers). |button then select a date. |

| |Required if service agreement has | |

| |ended. | |

|SWC Post |Required for all members of staff. |Select from the drop-down list. |

|Service Type |Check for teachers with service |Select from the drop-down list. |

| |agreements. | |

|FTE Hours/Week |Required for all members of staff |Enter the full time equivalent. |

| |except agency/service agreement | |

| |teachers who are on a Daily Rate. | |

|Weeks/Year |Required for all members of staff |Enter the number of weeks worked |

| |except agency/service agreement |per year as stated in the service |

| |teachers who are on a Daily Rate. |agreement. |

|Agreement Hours/Week |Required for all members of staff |Enter the number of hour worked |

| |except agency/service agreement |per weeks as stated in the service|

| |teachers who are on a Daily Rate. |agreement. |

|SWC Base Pay (annual salary equivalent) |Required for all members of staff. |For members of staff who are not |

| |Not mandatory if Pay Scale, Regional |paid a daily rate, enter their |

| |Pay Spine and Spine Point are provided |pre-tax annual salary. |

| |or if the member of staff is an | |

| |Agency/SA teachers who is on a Daily | |

| |Rate. | |

|Daily Rate |Required for agency/service agreement |Selected check box, if applicable.|

| |teachers. | |

| |Not required for centrally employed | |

| |staff. | |

|Role |Required for all members of staff. |Click the New button to add a |

| | |Role. Alternatively, highlight an |

| | |existing Role then click the Open |

| | |button to edit the details. |

Dealing with Unwanted Teacher/Support Staff Records

If there are teachers or support staff who have been entered in error (such as duplicates), it is recommended that you carry out the following action for the records that are not required. This ensures the duplicate records are not included in the School Workforce Census return.

▪ In Focus | Person | Staff (to display the Employee Details page), ensure the Eligible for SWR check box in the Basic Details panel is deselected.

Section 3: Carrying Out a Dry Run


Once you have upgraded to the SIMS 2012 Summer Release 7.146 (note: all centrally hosted schools were upgraded in July), you can carry out one or more dry runs of the School Workforce Census. It is advisable to do this as early as possible, even if you know that your data has not yet been fully prepared or checked. The purpose of a dry run is to produce the Validation Errors Summary, which details the corrections that need to be made to your data.

1. To carry out a dry run, select Routines | Statutory Returns | Schools Workforce Census to display the Schools Workforce Census browser.


2. Select an existing folder or specify a new location in which the School Workforce Census files are stored in the Schools Workforce Census Folder field.

Important Note: Due to the sensitive nature of some of the data stored in SIMS, careful consideration should be given when specifying the location of any folder into which you save sensitive data. You should be mindful of your school’s responsibilities with respect to information security and consider which users have access to the chosen folder; for this reason, we are advising schools to create the default folder on their M drive.

3. Click the New button to create a new return on the School Workforce Census Details page.


4. Enter a name for the dry run return in the School Workforce Census Description field, such as Test (or any name that clearly distinguishes this dry run from actual returns that will be generated later).

5. Click the Create & Validate button to validate the data.

When finished, the Validation Errors Summary panel displays the number of errors, together with the Type, Error Number, Error Message, Individual Data Item and Solution for each error.

6. Enter a name for the dry run return in the School Workforce Census Description field, such as Test (or any name that clearly distinguishes this dry run from actual returns that will be generated later).

7. Click the Create & Validate button to validate the data.

When finished, the Validation Errors Summary panel displays the number of errors, together with the Type, Error Number, Error Message, Individual Data Item and Solution for each error.


▪ Use the scroll bars to see all of the errors/warnings.

▪ Double-click any row to navigate to the appropriate record (where applicable). This launches the specific area in SIMS where the record can be amended/corrected.

▪ Change the order of the summary by clicking the appropriate column heading. If required, change the width of the columns by dragging the dividing line between the column headings until the required size is achieved.

▪ Filter on the Error Number by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting the required number from the list and then clicking the Search button.

▪ Print the summary by clicking the Print button, noting that a high number of errors generates a high number of printed pages.

The errors are displayed until they are corrected and the validation routine is run again.

In addition to the Validation Errors Summary, a document has been produced that contains a list of the errors/queries that can be generated, including explanations and information on how to resolve the error (or in fact, whether the error can be ignored). In addition, the document helps to identify the order in which errors should be corrected.

The School Workforce Census 2012 Errors and Resolutions document is available on the intranet via Schools | School Services by A – Z | S |School Workforce Census – ‘Errors and Resolutions’.

Producing a Detail Report

It is now possible to produce a detail report that shows basic staff data. These reports enable the checking of the data used to generate the School Workforce Census return and can be produced once the return has been validated.


1. From the Schools Workforce Census Details page, select the required report from the Detail Report drop-down menu, e.g. Workforce Member Basic Details.


(Note: Workforce Member Curriculum Details Report is applicable to Secondary Schools Only)

1. The required report is displayed in your web browser, as shown in the following graphic:


TIP: If required, the information can be copied and pasted into Excel for further manipulation, e.g. column sorting, etc.

Producing the School Workforce Census 2012 Return

If required, monitor any changes and update SIMS.

You should now be ready to produce the final School Workforce Census return on the 6/11/2012. For specific instructions, please refer to School Workforce Census 2012. Completion notes available on the intranet via Schools | School Services by A – Z | S |School Workforce Census.

Contact Information

On the use of please contact

OCC’s ICT Service Desk Telephone : 0845 052 1000

Or e mail

For other queries relating to the School Workforce Census please contact

Workforce Information Team on 01865 797333

Or e-mail[pic]


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|Preparing for the School Workforce Census |

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|Autumn 2012 |



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