Acronyms - Kentucky

Kentucky Department of Education

Frequently Used ACRONYMS

Acronyms Commonly Referred to On Notices You Might See

To add an acronym, please email the acronym and the meaning to: Joan.Howard@education.

Thanks, Joan 5-08

5PAN 5 Promises Ambassadors Network

AACC American Association of Community Colleges

AACE American Association for Career Education

AASA American Association of School Administrators

ABA Academics Behavior Attendance

ABE Adult Basic Education

AbPS Action-based Problem Solving

ACA American Counseling Association

ACE Administrative Competency Endorsement (Community Ed)

ACES Activity Centered Elementary Science

ACP Area of Concern Parameters

ACRN America’s Career Resource Network

ACT American College Test

ACTC Ashland Community/Technical College

ACTE Association for Career & Technical Education

ACTEC Area Career & Technical Education

ACTFL American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages

ADA Average Daily Attendance

ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADKAR Awareness Desire Knowledge Ability Reinforcement

ADM Administrators

AE Alternative Education

AECT Association for Educational Communications & Technology

AED Academy for Educational Development

AEL Appalachia Educational Laboratory

AFDC Aide to Families with Dependent Children

AFT American Federation of Teachers

AGCs Achievement Gap Coordinators

AHEC Area Health Education Council

AIKCU Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities

AITC Agriculture in the Classroom

ALA American Library Association

AP Advanced Placement Class/Exam given by Educational Testing Service

APR Annual Performance Report

AR Annual Report

ARC Admissions & Release Committee

ARCC Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center

ASCA American School Counselor Association

ASCD Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

ASHA American School Health Association

ASL Association of School Librarians

ASLER Alliance for Service Learning in Educational Reform

ASME Advanced Systems in Measurement and Evaluation

ASSET Assessment Simplification System for Elementary Teachers

ATC Alternative Teacher Certification

ATC Area Technical Center

ATOD Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs

AUCD Association of University Centers on Disabilities

AVEC Area Vocational Education Center

AVID Advancement Via Individual Determination

AYP Adequate Yearly Progress

AYP All Your Parents

B Boys

BAC Building Assessment Coordinator

BBS Bulletin Board Service

BELL Building Educated Leaders for Life

BIP Behavior Intervention Plan, required under IDEA

BLS US Bureau of Labor Statistics

BP Best Practices

BRC Badgett Regional Cooperative

BRFSS Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey

CAC Content Advisory Committee

CAC Commissioner’s Advisory Council

CACFP Child and Adult Care Food Program

CAL Center for Applied Linguistics

CAN Combined Application Notice

CAP College Access Program (handled by KHEAA)

CAPS Community Access Partnership with Schools Program (Larue County)

CARE Community Action Reachout Effort

CASE Citizenship and Service Education

CAST Center for Applied Science Technology

CATS Commonwealth Accountability Testing System

CBO Community Based Organizations

CCA Core Content for Assessment

CCDF Child Care Development Funds

CCH Coaches

CCITL Commonwealth Center for Instructional Technology

CCLC 21st Century Community Learning Centers

CCLD Collaborative Center for Literacy Development

CCPC Community Collaboration for Protection of Children

CCPH Community-Campus Partnerships for Health

CCR&R Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies

CCS Computer Center Software (the MUNIS vendor)

CCSHCN Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs

CCSSO Council of Chief State School Officers

CDA Child Development Associate National Credentialing Program

CDBG Community Development Block Funds

CDC Career Development Conference

CDC Centers for Disease Control

CDIP Comprehensive District Improvement Plan

CDL Commercial Drivers License

CE Character Education

CE Community Education

CEC Central Educational Center

CEC Council for Exceptional Children

CEEP Center For Evaluation & Education Policy

CELA Center on English Learning & Achievement

CEOC Commonwealth Educational Opportunity Center

CERS County Employees’ Retirement System

CFC Cabinet for Families and Children

CFDA Catalog of Federal and Domestic Assistance

CFP Categorical-funded Program

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CFS Comprehensive Family Services

CHAPTER 1 First Chapter of Education Consolidation & Improvement Act (Title 1)

CHAPTER 2 Second Chapter of Elementary & Secondary School Improvement Amendments

CHE Council on Higher Education

CHR Cabinet for Human Resources (formerly)

CHS Cabinet for Health Services

CIA Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment

CIDs Career Information Delivery Systems

CIIDL Center for Innovation & Instruction for Diverse Learners

CIO Chief Information Officer

CIJE Current Index to Journals in Education

CIM Certificate of Initial Mastery

CIP Comprehensive Improvement Plan

CIPA Children’s Internet Protection Act

CIPL Commonwealth Institute for Parent Leadership

CIRCLE Center for Innovative Research on Civic Learning and Engagement

CIS Communities in Schools (mentoring program)

CIS Computerized Information System

CIT Commonwealth Institute for Teachers

CKICTE Council of Kentucky Independent Colleges of Teacher Education

CLASS Children Learn All Skills Successfully

CLC Compact for Learning and Citizenship

CLEM Cluster Leader Electronic Messaging Service

CLS Cohesive Leadership System

CLSR Center for Leadership School Reform

CmPS Community Problem Solving

CNCS Corporation for National & Community Service

COB Close of Business

COT Commonwealth Office of Technology

CP Consolidated Plan

CPAC Commissioner’s Parent Advisory Council

CPC Community Partnership for Children

CPE Council on Postsecondary Education

CPS Creative Problem Solving

CPSE Council on Post-Secondary Education

CPT Capital Plaza Tower

CQI Continuous Quality Improvement

CRF Constitutional Rights Foundation

CSD Classified Staff Data

CSH Consolidated School Health

CSH Coordinated School Health

CSHL Consolidated School Health Leadership

CSIF Commonwealth School Improvement Fund

CSIP Comprehensive School Improvement Plan

CSR Comprehensive School Reform

CSS Center for School Safety

CSSS Council of State Science Supervisors

CSSR Center for Secondary School Redesign

CTBS Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills

CTE Career & Technical Education

CTL Collaborative for Teaching & Learning

CTSO Career & Technical Student Organizations

CVD Cardiovascular Disease

CVH Cardiovascular Health

CYAR Center for Youth As Resources

CYFERnet Children, Youth & Families Education & Research Network

DAAD Defensive Action Against Drugs

DAC District Assessment Coordinators

DAG Data Accuracy Group

DANTES Defense Alternatives for Non-Traditional Educational Support

DAS District Administrative System

DCBS Department for Community-Based Services (Cabinet for Families & Children)

DCC Division of Child Care

DCP District Consolidated Plan

DE Distinguished Educators

DECA Distributive Education Clubs of America

DECS Division of Exceptional Children Services

DESAG Data Element Security & Access Group

DHS Department for Health Services (formerly Cabinet for Human Resources)

DIG Data Identification Group

DIOBELS Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills

DIS Department of Information Systems

DLCC Division of Licensed Child Care

DLG Department of Local Government (Kentucky)

DMHMR Department of Mental Health/Mental Retardation (formerly Cabinet for Human Resources)

DOE US Department of Education

DOP Dropout Prevention

DOSE Director of Special Education

DPH Department of Public Health

DPP Director of Pupil Personnel

DRA Direct Reading Assessment

DRDO Data Required, Duplicated & Ownership Group

DRM Digital Right Manager

DSF District Support Facilitator

DSI Department for Social Insurance (formerly Cabinet for Human Resources)

DSI Division for School Improvement

DSS Department for Social Services (formerly Cabinet for Human Resources)

DTC District Technology Coordinator

DTP District Transformation Plan

DUNS# Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (Federal)

DWoK Different Ways of Knowing

EAARS Education Assessment & Accountability Review Subcommittee

EBD Emotional Behavior Disordered

ECE Early Childhood Education

ECHO Effective Community Help Organization

ECIA Educational Consolidation & Improvement Act 10-1-81 (originally Title I,1965)

ECS Education Commission of the States

EDC Education Development Center

EDGAR Education Department General Administrative Regulations

EDMS Electronic Data Management System

ED/PMS Education Department/Payment Management System

EDRS ERIC Document Reproduction Service

EIAC Educational Improvement Advisory Committee

EILA Effective Instructional Leadership Act

EIN Employer Identification Number

EL Elementary (school)

ELDC Educational Leadership Development Collaborative

ELL English Language Learner

ELO Extended Learning Opportunities

ELP English Language Proficiency

EOCAs End of Course Assessments

EPSB Education Professional Standards Board

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

ERT Elementary Resource Teacher

ESAP Elementary School Assistance Plan

ESCORT Eastern Stream Center on Resources and Training

ESEA Elementary & Secondary Education Act of 1965

ESL English as a Second Language

ESMT Elementary School Matrix Team

ESS Extended School Services

ESY Extended School Year

ETAC Education Technology Assistance Center

ETLO Education Technology Leaders Online

ETO Efforts To Outcomes

ETR Education, Training & Research Associates

ETS Educational Testing Service

FACE Family and Child Education

FACES Faith and Communities Engaged in Service

FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid

FAPRS Federal Assistance Programs Retrieval System

FBA Functional Behavioral Assessment (required under IDEA)

FBA Future Business Association

FBLA Future Business Leaders of America

FBO Faith Based Organizations

FCCLA Family, Career & Community Leaders of America

FCD Facilitating Career Development

FCS Family & Consumer Science

FEA Future Education Association

FEA Future Educators of America

FEDWIRE/EFT Federal Electronic Funds Transfer

FFA Future Farmers of America

FFTL Federally Funded Time Limited

FGDM Family Group Discussion Meetings

FIRST Fund for the Improvement and Reform of Schools and Teachers

FLIP Families Learning through Interaction Program

FMD Functional Mental Disability

FMM Financial & Materials Management

FMM Financial Management Manual

FPSP Future Problem Solving Program

FRC Family Resource Center

FRCA Family Resource Coalition of America

FRYSC Family Resource and Youth Services Centers

FSC Family Services Center

FSPK Facilities Support Program of Kentucky

FTE Full Time Equivalent

FWL Far West Lab

FWS Federal Work Study

FY Fiscal Year

G Girls

GAC Gifted Advisory Council

GAIN Global Appraisal of Individual Needs

GAIN-Q Global Appraisal of Individual Needs-Quick

GAIN-SS Global Appraisal of Individual Needs-Short Screener

GATE Gifted and Talented Education

GCS Grants and Contracts Service

GED General Educational Development (handled by CPE)

GEPA General Education Provision Act 7-29-82 (1969)

GIS Geographic Information System

GLABSE Greater Louisville Alliance of Black School Educators

GOA Government Accountability Office

GOPM Governor’s Office for Policy and Management

GOT Governor’s Office of Technology

GPRA Government Performing & Reporting Act

GPS Global Positioning System

GRADE Group Reading Assessment Diagnostic Evaluation

GREC Green River Educational Cooperative

GSSP Gifted Student Services Plan

HEW Health Education & Welfare

HFRP Harvard Family Research Project

H/H Home Hospital

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HOPE Harnessing Optimism & Potential Through Education

HOPE (Project HOPE) Helping Others by Providing Equality (Larue County)

HOPE Helping Our Poor Exist (Pike County)

HOSA Health Occupations Students of America

HOSTS Help One Student To Succeed

HOTS Higher Order Thinking Skills

HPSE Health Promotion Schools of Excellence

HR Human Resources

HS High School

HSE Highly Skilled Educators

HSR High School Restructuring

HSTW High Schools That Work

I&R Identification and Recruitment

IA Instructional Assistant

IAP Integrated Academic Portfolio

IAPPW International Association of Pupil Personnel Workers

IC Infinite Campus

ICDM Improved Career Decision Making

ICEA International Community Education Association

ICSQCC International Convention for Students’ Quality Control Circles

IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IDP Instructional Discipline Program

IDRA Intercultural Development Research Association

IDS Internet Delivery System

IECE Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education

IEP Individual Education Program

IES Institute of Education Sciences

IFSP Individual Family Service Plan

IG Office of the Inspector General in the USDE

IGP Individual Graduation Plan

IHDI Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute

IHE Institutes of Higher Education

I&I Implementation & Impact

ILP Individual Learning Plan

ILT Instructional Leadership Team

IM Instructional Materials

INS Institute of Education Sciences (USDE)

INTASC Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium

IRA International Reading Association

IRCA Immigration Reform & Control Act

ISLLC Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium

ISLP Inclusive Service Learning Partnership

ISN Instructional Support Network

ISS Individual Service Strategy

IT Information Technology

ITEA International Technology Education Association

ITEG Integrated Technology in Education Group

JAG Jobs for America’s Graduates

JCPS Jefferson County Public Schools

JHS Junior High School

JKG Jobs for Kentucky’s Graduates

JTPA Job Training Partnership Act

KAA Kentucky Academic Association

KAA Kentucky Athletic Association

KAAC Kentucky Association for Academic Competition

KAACE Kentucky Association for Adult and Continuing Education

KAAE Kentucky Alliance for Arts Education

KABSE Kentucky Alliance of Black School Educators

KAC Kentucky Arts Council

KACI Kentucky Advisory Council for Internship

KACTE Kentucky Association of Colleges of Teacher Education

KAEA Kentucky Art Educators Association

KAEE Kentucky Association for Environmental Education

KAES Kentucky Association of Educational Supervisors

KAECE Kentucky Association of Early Childhood Education

KAESP Kentucky Association for Elementary School Principals

KAGC Kentucky Association of Governmental Communicators

KAGE Kentucky Association for Gifted Education

KAHPERD Kentucky Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance

KAI Kentucky Accountability Index

KAMC Kentucky Accessible Materials Consortium

KAMD Kentucky Accessible Materials Database

KAPE Kentucky AIDS Prevention Education

KAPE Kentucky Association of Professional Educators

KAPS Kentucky Association for Psychology in the Schools

KAPT Kentucky Association for Pupil Transportation

KAPT Kentucky’s Affordable Prepaid Tuition (handled by KHEAA)

KAR Kentucky Administrative Regulation

KASA Kentucky Association of School Administrators

KASBO Kentucky Association of School Business Officials

KASC Kentucky Association for School Councils

KASE Kentucky Association of School Executives

KASH Kentucky Association of School Health

KASS Kentucky Association of School Superintendents

KASSP Kentucky Association for Secondary School Principals

KASSW Kentucky Association for School Social Workers

KATC Kentucky Association of Technology Coordinators

KATC Kentucky Autism Training Center

KATE Kentucky Association of Teacher Education

KATH Kentucky Association of Teachers of History

KATS Kentucky Assistive Technology Service Net-work

KAYRE Kentucky Association for Year Round Education

KBE Kentucky Board of Education

KCA Kentucky Center for the Arts

KCA Kentucky Counseling Association

KCCA Kentucky Core Content for Assessment

KCCT Kentucky Core Content Test

KCCVS Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service

KCEA Kentucky Community Education Association

KCEE Kentucky Council on Economic Education

KCLS Kentucky Cohesive Leadership System

KCN Kentucky Child Now

KCNAME Kentucky Chapter of the National Association for Multicultural Education

KCOJO Kentucky Career Outlook and Job Opportunities

KCPE Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

KCPTA Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers

KCSS Kentucky Center for School Safety

KCSS Kentucky Council for the Social Studies

KCSVO Kentucky Coalition of School Volunteer Organizations

KCTCS Kentucky Community & Technical College System

KCTELA Kentucky Council of Teachers of English/Language Arts

KCTM Kentucky Council of Teachers of Mathematics

KDE Kentucky Department of Education

KDFWR Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources

KDLA Kentucky Department of Library & Archives

KDPH Kentucky Department of Public Health

KDTA Kentucky Dance Teachers Association

KEA Kentucky Education Association

KEAP Kentucky Employee Assistance Program

KECA Kentucky Early Childhood Association

KECSAC Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children

KEDC Kentucky Educational Development Corporation

KEEC Kentucky Environmental Education Council

KEES Kentucky Educational Excellence Scholarship (handled by KHEAA)

KELP Kentucky Early Learning Profile

KEMP Kentucky Employee Mediation Program

KEPS Kentucky Educator Placement System

KERA Kentucky Education Reform Act

KERS Kentucky Employees Retirement System

KESAC Kentucky Effective Schools Advisory Council

KESN Kentucky Effective Schools Network

KESPA Kentucky Education Support Professionals Association

KEST Kentucky Essential Skills Test

KET Kentucky Educational Television

KETC Kentucky Education Technology Conference

KETS Kentucky Education Technology System

KEYS Keys to Excellence for Your Schools

KGA Kentucky Geographic Alliance

KHC Kentucky Heritage Council

KHC Kentucky Humanities Council

KHEAA Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority

KHS Kentucky Historical Society

KHSA Kentucky Head Start Association

KHSAA Kentucky High School Athletic Association

KHSJA Kentucky High School Journalism Association

KICC Kentucky International Convention Center (Louisville)

KIDP Kentucky Instructional Discipline Program

KIDS Kentucky Instructional Data System

KIDS Kentucky Instructional Discipline Support

KIDS Kentucky Integrated Delivery System

KIDS NOW Kentucky Invests in Developing Success Now

KIER Kentucky Institute for Education Research

KIFL Kentucky Institute for Family Literacy

KIMRC Kentucky Instructional Materials Resource Center

KIP Kentucky Incentive Program

KIRIS Kentucky Instructional Results Information System

KISSED Kentucky Initiative for Social Skills & Emotional Development

KLTPRC Kentucky Long-Term Policy Research Center

KMEA Kentucky Music Educators Association

KMSA Kentucky Middle School Association

KNPSC Kentucky Non-Public Schools Commission

KOOH Kentucky Occupational Outlook Handbook

KPEDCA Kentucky Public Employees Deferred Compensation Authority

KPFC Kentucky Partnership for Families & Children Inc

KPIP Kentucky Principal Internship Program

KPN Kentucky Principals Network

KPR Kentucky Performance Report

KPTA Kentucky Parent Teacher Association

KRS, Regs Kentucky Revised Statute, Regulations

KRTA Kentucky Retired Teachers Association

KSB Kentucky School for the Blind (Louisville)

KSBA Kentucky School Boards Association

KSCA Kentucky School Counselors Association

KSD Kentucky School for the Deaf (Danville)

KSIS Kentucky Student Information System

KSNA Kentucky School Nurses Association

KSP Kentucky State Police

KSPRA Kentucky School Public Relations Association

KSTA Kentucky Science Teachers Association

KSTC Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation

KSTC Kentucky State Textbook Commission

KTA Kentucky Theatre Association

KTG Kentucky Tuition Grant (handled by KHEAA)

KTIAC Kentucky Testing and Internship Advisory Council

KTIP Kentucky Teacher Internship Program

KTLC Kentucky Teaching & Learning Conference

KTLN Kentucky Telelinking Network

KTRS Kentucky Teachers Retirement System

KTS Kentucky Thespian Society

KUNA Kentucky United Nations Association

KVAN Kentucky Vertical Alignment Network

KVEC Kentucky Valley Educational Cooperative

KVHS Kentucky Virtual High School

KVL Kentucky Virtual Library

KVLN Kentucky Virtual Leadership Network Envelop

KVP Key Verb Phrase

KVS Kentucky Virtual Schools

KWA Kentucky Waterways Alliance

KWIB Kentucky Workforce Investment Board

KWLA Kentucky World Language Association

KWPAC Kentucky Writing Program Advisory Committee

KYA Kentucky Youth Advocates

KYPIRC Kentucky Parent Information & Resource Center

KYPTA Kentucky Congress of Parents and Teachers

KYSACCC Kentucky School Age Child Care Coalition

KY-SPIN Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network

KYSPRA Kentucky School Public Relations Association

KY-TP Kentucky Early Childhood Transition Project

KYVAE Kentucky Virtual Adult Education

LABSE Lexington Alliance of Black School Educators

LASSIE Learn & Serve Systems Information Exchange

LEA Local Educational Agency

LEAD Leadership for Educational Achievement in Districts

LEAD Leading Educational Achievement in Districts

LEAD Local Educator Assignment Data

LEP Limited English Proficiency

LERN Learning Resources Network

LIB Librarians

LIFE Lifting Individual Fitness Expectations

LMC Library Media Center

LMI Labor Market Information

LMS Library Media Specialist

LPC Local Planning Committee (for Local District Facility Plan)

LRC Legislative Research Commission

LRE Least Restrictive Environment

LS (Service Learning) Leader School

LSAC Local Superintendent Advisory Council

LSBMAC Local School Boards Members Advisory Council

LSC Louisville Science Center

LSES Low Socio-Economic Status

MALE Men Advancing Leadership Effectiveness

MASS Math and Science Stars (Breathitt County)

MAX Enterprise Data System

MEP Migrant Education Program (Title I)

MERR Minority Educator Recruitment and Retention

MID Middle (school)

MIS Management Information System

MOA Memorandum of Agreement

MOE Maintenance of Effort

MPACK Migrant Parent Advisory Council of Kentucky

MSA Minority Student Achievement

MSRRC Mid-South Regional Resource Center

MSRTS Migrant Student Record Transfer System

MUNIS Municipal Information Systems

MUS Music

MVT Most Valuable Tutor

NAA National Afterschool Association

NABSE National Alliance of Black School Educators

NACNCE National Advisory Council Network for Community Education

NAEP National Assessment of Education Progress

NAEP PPP NEAP Proficiency Purchasing Power

NAESP National Association of Elementary School Principals

NAEYC National Association for the Education of Young Children

NAGC National Association for Gifted Children

NAPE National Association of Partners in Education

NARE National Alliance for Restructuring Education

NASBE National Association of State Boards of Education

NASP National Association of School Psychologists

NASSP National Association of Secondary School Principals

NAT Network Assistance Team

NBCT National Board Certified Teacher

NBPTS National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

NCADI National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information

NCATE National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

NCBE National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education

NCCC AmeriCorps the National Civilian Community Corps

NCCE National Center for Community Education

NCDG National Career Development Guidelines

NCE Normal Curve Equivalent

NCEA National Community Education Association

NCEBC National Council on the Education of Black Children

NCES National Center for Education Statistics

NCFL National Center for Family Literacy

NCFL National Council for Family Literacy

NCLB No Child Left Behind Act of 2001

NCLC National Center for Learning and Citizenship

NCME National Council on Measurement in Education

NCPIE National Coalition for Parent Involvement in Education

NCSCEA National Council of State Community Education Associations

NCSEACE National Council of State Education Agency Community Educators

NCSS National Council for the Social Studies

NCTE National Council for the Teachers of English

NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

NDEA National Defense Education Act 1958

NDG New Data Group

NDN National Diffusion Network

NEA National Education Association

NEFE National Endowment for Financial Education

NELB Non-English Language Background

NES National Education Service

NET Nutrition Education and Training Program

NFIE National Foundation for the Improvement of Education

NFLD National Family Literacy Day

NGA National Governors’ Association

NGMA National Grants Management Association

NHES National Household Education Survey

NICE National Institute for Consumer Education

NICCYD National Information Center for Children & Youth with Disabilities

NKEC Northern Kentucky Educational Cooperative

NMSA National Middle School Association

NMSQT National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test

NNPS National Network of Partnership Schools

NOFA Notice of Funding Availability

NOFO Notice of Funds Opportunity

NPTA National Parent Teacher Association

NPO’S Non-Profit Organizations

NROC National Repository of Online Courses

NRT National Norm-Referenced Test

NSBA National School Boards Association

NSCSTEC National Safety Council School Transportation Executive Committee

NSEE National Society for Experiential Education

NSLC National Service-Learning Clearinghouse

NSLP National School Lunch Program

NSLP National Service-Learning Partnership

NSP New Standards Project

NSPRA National School Public Relations Association

NSRC National Service Resource Center

NSTA National Science Teachers Association

NTAPAA National Technical Advisory Panel for Assessment & Accountability

NTSC National Training Support Center

NYLC National Youth Leadership Council

OAA Office of Assessment & Accountability

OAG Office of Attorney General

OAPD Office of Academic & Professional Development

OBEMLA Office of Bilingual Education & Minority Language Affairs

OC Office of Communications

OCAC Online Content Advisory Committee

OD On Demand

ODSS Office of District Support Services

OEA Office of Education Accountability

OERI Office of Education Research Initiatives

OES Occupational Employment Statistics

OESE Office of Elementary & Secondary Education

OET Office of Education Technology

OFL Opportunities for Family Leadership

OHC Oral History Commission

OIAS Office of Internal Administration & Support

OIG Office of the Inspector General

OLLS Office of Legal & Legislative Services

OLSI Office of Leadership & School Improvement

OMB Office of Management & Budget

OMBEMLA Office of Bilingual Education & Minority Language Affairs

OME Office of Migrant Education

OMK Operation Military Kids

OOH Occupational Outlook Handbook

OPE Office of Post-Secondary Education

OR Open Response

ORP Office of Results Planning

OSERS Office of Special Education & Rehabilitative Services

OSIS Office of Special Instructional Services

OSLE Office of Supported Learning Environments

OTB Outside The Box

OTEC Office of Teacher Education and Certification

OVAE Office of Vocational & Adult Education

OVEC Ohio Valley Educational Cooperative

OWEP Other Workers Experience Program

P Purpose

P&A Protection & Advocacy

P&P Protection & Permanency

PAC Parent’s Advisory Council

PAC Political Action Committee

PACE Parent and Child Education

PACES Proactive, Accountable, Collaborative, Externally Focused & Speedy

PACT Parent and Child Time

PAL Partnership for Authentic Learning

PANT Physical Activity Nutrition Tobacco

PAPS Parents As Partners for Success

PASS Partners in Addressing School Safety

PASS Partnership for Achieving Successful Schools

PASS Partnership for Student Success

PAT Parents Are Teachers

PAVE Parents As Volunteer Educators (Whitley Co)

PAWS Partnership Alliance Working for Students

PBS Public Broadcasting System

PCAE Prichard Committee for Academic Excellence

PD Professional Development

PDF Portable Document Format

PDIO Professional Development Innovations Office

PDL Program Determination Letter

PEP Physical Education Program

PERKS Program Effectiveness Review of Kentucky Schools

PFT Permanent Full Time

PIPE Parent Involvement Public Engagement

PIN Payment Identification Number

PIRC Parent Information and Resource Centers

PKS Partnership for Kentucky Schools

PL Practical Living

PL Public Law

PLC Professional Learning Communities

PL/VS Practical Living/Vocational Studies

POS Program of Studies

PPP Proficiency Purchasing Power NAEP

PPSS Policy & Program Studies Service

PrAC Principal’s Advisory Council

PRAISE Preschool Resources Assist Integrated Special Education

PRAXIS I,II,III A Series of Content Area Teacher Exams

PRIDE Personal Responsibility In A Desirable Environment

PRISM Partnership for Reform Initiatives in Science and Mathematics

PS Performance Standards

PSA Professional Staff Assistant

PSA Public Service Announcement

PSC Personal Service Contract

PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Achievement Test

PSD Professional Staff Data Form

PSP Program Services Plan

PT Part-time

PT3 Parents and Teachers Talking Together

PTA Parent Teacher Association

PTAVE Parents and Teachers Against Violence in Education

PTF Prepare The Future

PTO Parent Teacher Organization

PTSA Parent Teacher Student Association

P-12 Pre-school through 12th Grades

P-12 Primary through 12th Grades

PVA Property Valuation Administrator

PWIM Picture Word Inductive Model

QUEST Quest for Useful Employment Skills for Tomorrow

QUILT Questioning and Understanding to Improve Learning and Thinking (Edvantia’s)

REA Regional Educational Agency

ReCAPP Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention

RECC Regional Exceptional Child Consultant

RFA Request for Application

RFP Request for Proposal

RIAC Regional Interagency Advisory Council

ROaR Reach Out and Read

ROCKETS Reaching Out for Career Knowledge-Exploring the Sciences (Breathitt County)

RPM Regional Program Manager

RRC Mid South Regional Resource Center

RSC Regional Service Center

RTC Early Childhood Regional Training Center

S Stem

SAA State Applicant Agency

SAAR Superintendent’s Annual Attendance Report

SAC Superintendent’s Advisory Council

SACC School Age Child Care

SACSCASI Southern Association of Colleges & Schools, Council on Accreditation & School Improvement

SAEF State Administrative Expense Funds

SAELP State Action for Educational Leadership Project

SAFE Successfully Assisting Families Evolve

SAFE Suspension & Failure Elimination

SAM School Administrative Managers

SAPP Substance Abuse Prevention Program

SAT Scholastic Achievement Test

SAT State Assistance Team

SBDM School Based Decision Making

SBHC School Based Health Center

SBMH School Based Mental Health

SBP School Breakfast Program

SBPE State Board for Proprietary Education

SCAAC The School Curriculum, Assessment &Accountability Council

ScAAT Scoring Accuracy Assurance Team

SCE State Compensatory Education

SCN School & Community Nutrition

SCP School Consolidated Plan

SDFSC Safe & Drug Free Schools & Communities

S/D Matrix Supply/Demand Matrix

SEA State Educational Agency

SEANet State Education Agency K-12 Service-Learning Network

SED Severe Emotional Disabilities

SED Severely Emotionally Disturbed

SEDL Southwest Educational Development Laboratory

SEEK Support Education Excellence in Kentucky

SES Socio Economic Status

SES Supplemental Educational Services

SESQ Supplemental Educational Services Quality Center

SESPTC Southeastern States Pupil Transportation Conference

SETDA State Educational Technology Directors Association

SF Standard Form

SFCC School Facilities Construction Commission

SFSP Summer Food Service Program

SHEP School Health Education Profile

SHI School Health Index

SHIPP Severe Handicaps: Integrated Preschool Program

SHOES Students Helping Other Eminence Students

SIAC State Interagency Advisory Council

SIDI Standards & Indicators for School Improvement

SIG State Incentive Grant

SIIA Software & Information Industry Association

SIP School Improvement Plan

SIP State Improvement Plan

SISI Standards & Indicators for School Improvement

SIT School Instructional Technology

SL Service Learning

SLC Small Learning Communities

SLL State Law Library

SLU Service Learning United

SMART Science, Math, And Related Technology

SOL Standards of Learning

SOC Standard Occupational Code

SOS Students Offering Service

SOY Start of Year

SPAC State Parent Advisory Council

SPE Special Education

SQCC Students’ Quality Control Circle

SQL Structured Query Language

SRA Service Regional Administrators

SREB Southern Regional Education Board

SRF School Reward Fund

SRIM Statewide Reporting & Information Management System

SRS Software Requirements Specification

SS Support Services

SSAVY Student Services Academic Village Y’all

SSD Support to Schools & Districts

SSID Statewide Student Identification

STAND Students Teaching About Narcotic Dangers

STAR School Transformation Assistance and Renewal

STC State Textbook Commission

STEP Student Training Enhancement Program

STEP Success Through Educational Planning

STEP Systematic Training for Effective Parenting

STEPS Student Testing Evaluation & Performance Standards

STI Software Technology Incorporated

STLP Student Technology Leadership Program

STF Student Data Form

STOP Students Targeting Outside Pressures

STP School Transformation Plan

STW Kentucky Schools to Watch

SWP School wide Program, Title I

T Teacher

T(2) Teachers to the 2nd Power (KEA program)

TA Teacher Assistant

TA Technical Assistance

TABE Test of Adult Basic Education

TABE Texas Association for Bilingual Education Journal

TAC Technology Advisory Council

TAGLIT Taking A Good Look at Instructional Technology

TAHG Teaching American History Grant

TALK Teaching and Loving Kids

TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

TAPP Teenage Parent Program

TAS Targeted Assistance School, Title I

TC1-TC29 Standard Certification Forms

TCO Total Cost of Ownership

TEACH The Equity and Choice Act

TEDS Technical Education Data System

TEMP Teacher Education Model Program

TESA Teacher Expectations and Student Achievement

TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

TFLP Toyota Family Literacy Program

TIER 1 Funding to allow districts to raise revenue above SEEK base for equity with state funds

TIER 2 Funding to allow districts to raise revenue above SEEK & Tier 1, no matching assistance

TIP Talent Identification Program (Duke University)

TIP Truancy Intervention Program

TITLE 1 First Chapter of Education Consolidation & Improvement Act (Chapter 1)

TLC Teen Leadership Camp

TLCF Technology Literacy Challenge Fund

TLT Totally Literate Tuesday

TOTB Think Outside The Box

TOP Teen Outreach Program

TPGF Teachers Professional Growth Fund

TPOC Technology Points of Contact

TQM Total Quality Management

TRS Teachers’ Retirement System

TRT Technology Resource Teachers

TSA Technology Student Association

TWS Teacher Work Sample

UDL Universal Design for Learning

UFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

UI Universal Instruction

UP in KY United Partners in Kentucky

USCA United States Code Annotated

USCO Unsafe School Choice Option

USDE United States Department of Education

VIPS Volunteers In Public Schools (Jessamine Co)

VISTA AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service to America

VLP-SAT Verizon Literacy Program Self-Assessment Tool

VOV Victory Over Violence

VPAT Voluntary Partner Assistance Team

VS Vocational Studies

WAAPOC Web Application Access Point of Contact

WAC Writing Advisory Committee

WAIS Wide Area Information Server

WIA Workforce Investment Act

WIIA Workforce Incentives Improvement Act

WIT Workforce In Transition

WPOC Web Points of Contact

YAP Youth Adult Partnerships

YES Your Excellence Shows

YES Youth Empowered for Success

YODA Youth Organized for Disaster Action

YRBS Youth Risk Behavior Survey

YRC Youth Resource Center

YSB Youth Speakers Bureau

YSC Youth Services Center


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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