Defense Supply Center - Philadelphia

September 3, 2020

Dear New JROTC Parents,

NOTE: This letter describes how our program typically operates under normal circumstances. Please note that due to the current (COVID-19) situation, we will be adjusting most all of this. We just want all new (LET-1) Cadets and their parents/guardians to understand what this program is all about.

As a proud parent of a student enrolled in the Junior ROTC at George Rogers Clark (GRC) High School, we would like to offer this letter of welcome and introduction. The GRC JROTC program is jointly sponsored by Clark County Public Schools and the Department of the Army. Our program is devoted to motivating young people to be better citizens. While your student will be issued a uniform to wear and we use a military organizational structure, rest assured your son or daughter is not being recruited for service in the Armed Forces. Our program challenges students to develop their leadership and team building skills with a goal of improving their ability to achieve in and out of the classroom.

Physical training (PT) is also a part of our integrated curricula. We conduct this training each and every Monday during normal class period. Training includes push-ups, sit-ups, running and other exercises along with instruction in healthy eating habits and other wellness topics. Your students should wear running-style tennis shoes and wear or bring appropriate exercise clothing (shorts and t-shirt) to class on these days.

In the first few weeks of JROTC your child will be earning their right to wear a JROTC uniform. They must memorize the JROTC Cadet Creed and learn the rank structure for both the regular Army officers and enlisted members as well as the JROTC cadet rank structure. Once they have satisfactorily completed these requirements, understand the grooming requirements, and received instruction on how to properly wear and maintain the uniform, they will receive their uniform at the New Cadet (LET-1) Induction Ceremony is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the GRC HS Auditorium.

All JROTC uniforms and uniform items are provided free of charge. However, uniforms and associated uniform items must be returned when a student leaves the program or as required by the instructor for inventory purposes. As parents, you must accept responsibility to pay for lost or damaged uniforms before the student can receive his or her uniform. Proper wear of the uniform is a program requirement and will represent 50% of your student’s grade. Correctly wearing the uniform helps students learn to take pride in their personal appearance and to pay attention to details. Uniform day is each Friday; please help your cadet look their best.

As part of being enrolled in JROTC, your student is eligible to participate in the after-school “Regimental Club”. The club meets every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday immediately after school from 3:45 to 5:30. Students can participate in additional training in order to compete on one of our competitive teams. These teams include Color Guard, Drill Team, Exhibition Drill Team, Raider Adventure Team or the Academic Team. Regimental Club also provides additional leadership training and opportunities for cadets. Please encourage your child to participate in Regimental Club which will help them grow socially and further their development as a cadet.

There are some forms and documents that every Cadets needs to complete and return so that your cadet can participate in the JROTC program.

Forms that need to be returned are:

1. JROTC Uniform Agreement Form: Accepting responsibility for proper wear and care and complete return of U.S. Government property (uniform items) issued to your student. An actual hand-receipt will eventually be signed and a copy provided to all cadets.

2. JROTC Insurance-Waiver Permission Form: Permission for your student to participate in the GRC HC JROTC program to include events such as physical training, adventure training, and JROTC sponsored competitions.

3. U.S. Government (JROTC) Contract of Release & Waiver of Liability Form: Another form releasing the U.S Government (U.S. Army) and the Junior ROTC program from liability in order to participate in physical and adventure training.

4. Student Physical (KHSSA Form): A blank copy of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association (KHSSA) sports physical form indicating the student is medically capable of performing at the expected level. This form is required in order to participate in after-school JROTC activities. If your student has a physical from another GRC HS sport a copy of that physical will suffice.

We are always excited to see the leadership potential of our new Cadets. Your student-cadet will earn cadet rank and gain additional leadership responsibilities within the Corps of Cadets based on their hard work and performance. We will challenge all cadets to live up to the line in the Cadet Creed that states: “I will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.” Our goal is to help them reach their potential and see the possibilities of what they can become. College and Career Ready!

If you have any issues, questions, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call or email us at the JROTC office. Our number is (859) 744-6111, (x3451 – COL Alexander, x3452 – MSG Lee).

As a parent or guardian of a JROTC student, we do need to know if you DO NOT consent to us taking photographs/videotape of your son/daughter during our events. We do post photos to our Facebook page and present many of the same photos taken during many of our ceremonies.

David R. Alexander Larry B. Lee

Colonel (Retired) Master Sergeant (Retired)

Senior Army Instructor (SAI) Army Instructor (AI)

PS: You can also check us out (“like” us) on Facebook. Search for George Rogers Clark (GRC) High School Junior ROTC.


George Rogers Clark High School

JROTC Department

2745 Boonesboro Road

Winchester, KY 40391-2398



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