David A - Franklin County

David A. Riddle

2110 Collins Highway, Pikeville, Kentucky 41501

Phone: 214.793.1696 Email: driddle@


1995 - Present GIS Consultant, Bluegrass GIS, Inc., Pikeville, Kentucky

1993 - 1995 GIS Consultant, A.C.T. GIS, Inc., Sedona, Arizona

1992 - 1993 GIS Consultant, PlanGraphics Inc., Frankfort, Kentucky

1990 - 1992 GIS Consultant, Innovative System Developers, Inc., Columbia, Maryland

1987 - 1990 GIS Technical Manager, City of Greenville, Greenville, South Carolina

1986 - 1987 Programmer/Analyst (Contract), PlanGraphics, Inc., Frankfort, Kentucky

1985 - 1987 GIS Analyst, Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental

Protection Cabinet (KNREPC), Geographic Information Section, Frankfort, Kentucky

1980 - 1984 B.A. Geography and Minor in Computer Science, Eastern Kentucky University,

Richmond, Kentucky

1983 - 1984 GIS Technician, KNREPC Department of Surface Mining, Frankfort, Kentucky

1982 - 1983 Cartographic Draftsman/GIS Intern, KNREPC Department of Surface Mining,

Frankfort, Kentucky


GIS Consultant / (President/Owner)

Bluegrass GIS, Inc., Pikeville, Kentucky

1995 - Present

Mr. Riddle founded Bluegrass GIS in 1995. In addition to overseeing the day to day operation of Bluegrass GIS and managing a technical staff of up to eight GIS professionals, Mr. Riddle has been responsible for a comprehensive array of GIS consulting services including project management, needs assessments, situation assessments, implementation planning, system and database design, data conversion, database quality control, system administration, database administration, training, application development, and technical support in addition to corporate oversight and business development.

Past and present clients include:

HMC Associates: Since the fall of 2004, Mr. Riddle has provided ArcGIS 8.x – 10.x technical support, data acquisition, geodatabase development, analysis, modeling, and custom ArcObjects and Python/ArcPy application development services to HMC Associates in support of their custom property appraisal information reporting services for their clients in Franklin County, Kentucky. The HMC GIS encompasses Franklin County and includes orthoimagery, basemap information, FEMA flood data, census data, and PVA tax parcels updated on a regular basis. Currently, designing, prototyping, and developing a custom web application using ArcGIS for Server, the ArcGIS API for Silverlight, and the ArcGIS Online API.

International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. Section: As a subcontractor to MIRATEK Corporation and Kilan Solutions, served as project team member responsible for designing and developing a detailed enterprise GIS. The GIS spans the United States-Mexico border from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean and includes detailed features such as levees, culverts, canals, hydrology, fences, right of way, property boundaries, encroachments, border crossings, licenses, leases, permits, etc. Prepared user questionnaires, conducted on-site user interviews, authored portions of GIS strategic plan and enterprise GIS implementation reports, developed enterprise GIS geodatabase design, and led the GIS data development/conversion effort.

Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI): As a subcontractor to MIRATEK Corporation and Kilan Solutions, developed Python geoprocessing scripts and processed 1 meter LiDAR raster data using ArcGIS Desktop and Spatial Analyst for Sakakawea, Francis Case, and Oahe reservoirs located in North Dakota as part of an effort to programmatically calculate beach and bank erosion rates along each reservoir for the United States Corp of Engineers.

Ft. Bliss Army Base, Directorate of Public Works - Compliance Branch: As a subcontractor to MIRATEK Corporation and Kilan Solutions, prepared an assessment of GIS data requirements and a GIS data conversion workplan for incorporating environmental data into SDSFIE compliant layers housed in the Ft. Bliss enterprise ArcSDE geodatabase.

Fort Bliss Army Base, Directorate of Public Works: As a subcontractor to MIRATEK Corporation and Kilan Solutions, provided hydrologic modeling and terrain analysis of 1.5 meter LIDAR remote sensing raster data for a 66 1:24,000 quad area using ArcGIS Desktop, ArcSDE for SQL Server, and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst. Analytical products created include a vegetation canopy height model, drainage basin delineation, surface flow direction and accumulation, and raster dataset mosaics for use with ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst.

North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA): Mr. Riddle served a thirteen month tenure as NTTA’s contract GIS Manager as part of HNTB Corporation’s IT segment of a General Engineering Contract with NTTA. Mr. Riddle oversaw GIS implementation, operation, and management including project and contract staff management, strategic and implementation planning, system and database design, data conversion, database quality control, system administration, database administration, training, application development, and technical support. Major accomplishments include:

• Prepared detailed report NTTA GIS Situation Assessment, Strategic Initiative Recommendations, and Near Term GIS Implementation Plan and Schedule which presented an assessment of the existing NTTA GIS and a strategic implementation plan for migrating the NTTA GIS to an enterprise system

• Resolved ESRI GIS software licensing and recommended the purchase of various desktop GIS software as well as the upgrade of ArcGIS Server Workgroup to ArcGIS Server Advanced Enterprise.

• Designed and implemented a detailed enterprise ArcSDE for SQL Server geodatabase to house all NTTA raster and vector data. Also, developed conversion scripts to reformat the existing GIS data to conform to the enterprise geodatabase schema.

• Managed the daily activities of four full-time contract GIS Analysts including database maintenance and administration, data conversion, quality control, spatial analysis, application development, and cartographic map generation.

• Led the installation and configuration, testing, and implementation of ArcSDE for SQL Server and ArcGIS Server Advanced Enterprise.

• Led the migration of GIS asset data to the Hansen Asset Management System, and oversaw data creation, editing, and quality control activities including procedures for performing a quality control check of all data housed within the NTTA GIS.

• Managed orthophotography acquisition contracts with NTTA vendors.

HMN 127, LLC: Provided ArcGIS 9.0 – 9.3 data conversion, hydrologic modeling, custom programming, map production, and expert testimony for the client in support of a rezoning request in Franklin County, Kentucky.

Chase Environmental Group, Inc.: Provided GIS data conversion, data acquisition, digitization, GIS database design, analysis, custom programming, and hardcopy map generation in support of multiple environmental remediation projects.

Federal Highway Administration: Participated in the development of an ArcGIS and ArcIMS implementation for the Road Inventory and Bridge Inspection Programs for the National Park Service. Developed two separate ArcGIS systems for Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi, and for Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. The ArcGIS implementations included incorporating the highway inventory and bridge inspections databases and developing custom access and analysis applications in ArcMap for road condition data, accident reports and bridge maintenance data. The system incorporated current National Park Service geographic, tabular, raster and digital image/video datasets. The ArcGIS system also included additional access points through the development of two ArcIMS sites for each of the National Park Service locations. Responsible for database design and development, linear referencing, data validation, and custom application development using ArcObjects and Visual , and custom report generation using Crystal Reports.

Nashville Electric Service: From 1996 - 2004, Mr. Riddle provided NES with a wide variety of GIS design, implementation, application development, technical support, and training services, a major component of a comprehensive Distribution Management System (DMS). Initially provided a peer review of work being proposed by Utility Automation 2000. Subsequently provided database design, custom symbology creation, and conversion of 417 AutoCAD primary map drawings into ArcInfo. Created an ArcInfo map library to house the ArcInfo primary map layers. Designed and implemented a comprehensive ArcInfo database maintenance application to allow NES Mapping personnel to maintain their electric distribution primary map layers within ArcInfo. Converted the primary map ArcInfo map library into ArcStorm and enhanced the primary map editing application to function with ArcStorm. Assisted ESRI and ABB with the creation of a data conversion application which converted the ArcInfo ArcStorm primary map database into a series of Oracle tables used by CADOPS, the NES outage management and restoration application. Assisted with the conversion of GPS pole inventory data into ArcInfo and provided technical support and application development for accessing this information within ArcView and ArcInfo and for custom hardcopy map generation. Also, assisted NES GIS staff with the creation of TRACKER, an ArcInfo outage tracking application which was used to track outages prior to the implementation of ABB’s CADOPS. In late 1998 and early 1999, conducted NES staff interviews and co-authored the Nashville Electric Service GIS Strategic Plan report which provided a detailed analysis of current and planned GIS implementation at NES and presented a variety of GIS implementation and staffing recommendations and a comprehensive three year phased implementation plan. From 1999 – 2002, served as the NES GIS Technical Administrator and as project manager for two technical services contracts (six full-time Bluegrass GIS professionals) with NES for providing on-site and off-site technical support to NES GIS staff, GIS training, and overseeing the implementation of ArcGIS including geodatabase design and conversion from ArcStorm to ESRI ArcSDE and Oracle, GUI customization, custom geodatabase maintenance application development, training, and technical support.

Mr. Riddle also lead the design and development of a street light database maintenance and field update application using ArcMap, ArcObjects, and Visual to facilitate inventorying, tracking, billing, maintenance, and update of information about all street lights serviced by NES. Mr. Riddle also provided technical support and programming of bug fixes and program enhancements to GMA, the NES Geodatabase Maintenance Application which supports their GIS data entry and maintenance functions.

St. Louis County Department of Revenue: In conjunction with Trailhead GIS (formerly Pellegrino and Associates, Inc.), developed a GIS Migration Plan for migrating the Department of Revenue GIS from Intergraph MGE to ArcInfo 7.x and NovaLIS 3.4. Prepared detailed database design and developed ArcInfo AML conversion and quality control routines. Developed custom NovaLIS editing tools using ArcInfo AML. Bluegrass GIS and Trailhead GIS assisted St. Louis County with migrating their parcel maintenance GIS to NovaLIS Parcel Editor 8.x and an enterprise ArcGIS geodatabase housed within Microsoft SQL Server. Responsible for the design and development of custom Visual and ArcObjects programs integrated with ArcGIS ArcMap and NovaLIS Parcel Editor 8.x which add custom parcel maintenance functionality specific to St. Louis County including parcel identification number calculation, assignment, and management; integration of the ArcGIS geodatabase with St. Louis County’s LIS system housed within Oracle; and custom reporting and analysis.

Northern Kentucky Area Planning Commission: Conducted ArcView Avenue training course.

Richland County-wide GIS Consortium: Developed database conversion application using ArcView Avenue and ArcInfo AML which allowed the Richland County Auditor’s Office to convert their entire GIS database housed within an ArcInfo map library into ArcView shapefiles and to translate a series of nineteen tax parcel attribute tables from Oracle to dBase. The resulting data conversion output is generated monthly and distributed to members of the Richland County GIS Consortium in a standardized format.

Kentucky Office of GIS: Served as the Kentucky Office of GIS ArcView Avenue instructor and conducted training in both 1997 and 1998.

Pike County, Kentucky: Conducted detailed GIS needs assessment and provided a current situation assessment, conceptual application, database and system design, and GIS implementation plan. Also, developed a street centerline maintenance application using ArcInfo and AML.

St. Charles County, Missouri: Conducted detailed GIS needs assessment, providing a current situation assessment, conceptual application, database, and system design, and a three year GIS implementation plan.

Day and Zimmerman Geographic Information Solutions: Provided AutoCAD to ArcInfo data conversion programming assistance. Also, conducted customized ArcInfo, Arcplot, and AML training.

Yavapai County, Arizona: Provided on-site technical support, training, and application development during the implementation of a county-wide GIS, covering over 8,000 square miles and 100,000+ tax parcels. Developed ArcView Avenue tax assessor mapping and query application, ArcInfo county road atlas mapping application, ArcInfo data conversion quality control application, and an ArcInfo parcel map atlas generation application.

Sandia National Laboratory: Provided technical support and application development for the Energy Intelligence Information System (EIIS), a global nuclear material tracking application developed using ArcInfo and Informix and developed by Sandia National Lab for the U.S. Department of Energy. Also, provided ArcView Avenue application development assistance for map display and hardcopy map output for EIIS information housed within a PowerBuilder database.

Medina County, Ohio: ArcView and Avenue application development of a tax parcel public access system.

Ohio Department of Natural Resources: Analyzed GIS and CAD implementations and strategies and prepared technical findings and recommendations report for improvements to future departmental GIS and CAD activities and strategies.

Miami Valley Regional Planning Consortium: Conducted ArcInfo dynamic segmentation training.

Barren River Area Development District: Provided GIS and UNIX system administration assistance.

Kentucky River Authority: Provided database design, conversion, and programming assistance.

Lexington Fayette Urban County Government: Developed a fire gate address calculation application using ArcView 3.x and Avenue.

GIS Consultant (Vice-President Technical Services)

A.C.T. GIS, Inc., Frankfort, Kentucky and Sedona, Arizona

1993 - 1995

As the company’s lead GIS consultant, Mr. Riddle was responsible for needs assessments, situation assessments, data conversion, application design and development, system and database design, quality control, system administration, technical user support; and advanced ArcInfo training. Major accomplishments include the development of FORESITE, a electric transmission and distribution (T&D) load forecasting and planning application for ABB, Raleigh, North Carolina; CPL to AML conversion for the Washington Department of Wildlife; technical support and application development assistance for Sandia National Laboratories for the development of EIIS, a global nuclear materials tracking system; ArcInfo display, query, plot, and data management application for Tax Assessor, dynamic segmentation/Oracle database access transportation application, quality control assistance, technical support, implementation assistance, and training for Yavapai County, Arizona; technical support, application design and development, and implementation assistance for the City of Escondido, California; GIS wind farm data conversion and training for Sea West Tehachapi; GIS technical support for the City of Irvine, California; GIS situation assessment and recommendations study for Murray City, Utah; advanced ArcInfo AML application programming training for the City of Tacoma, Washington; design and development of a public access parcel application using ArcInfo AML for Medina County, Ohio; ArcInfo GRID training for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; map design, Arcplot, and AML training for Broward County, Florida; and advanced AML training for Clark County, Nevada.

GIS Consultant (Systems Analyst)

PlanGraphics, Inc., Frankfort, Kentucky

1992 - 1993

Participated in various client studies including needs assessments for Sandia National Laboratories, Central Illinois Power System, and the City of St. Peters, Missouri; quality control application development and assistance for Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Chesterfield County, Virginia, Greenwood County, South Carolina, and the Holland, Michigan Board of Public Works; on-site ArcInfo project management, application development, and technical support for the Louisville Jefferson County Information Consortium (LOJIC), Holland, Michigan Board of Public Works, Chesterfield County, Va., Sierra Pacific Power System, North Carolina Water Resources Division, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, Law Environmental, Sacramento, California, Imperial Valley Irrigation District, and Air Korea. Also provided GIS technical support, system configuration/administration, and RFP development for various clients such as Cleveland, Tennessee, St. Peters, Missouri, Sandia National Laboratories, and North Carolina Water Resources Division. Provided UNIX and Windows system administration support for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, LOJIC, the Rockefeller Foundation, and Allegheny County, Pa.

GIS Consultant (Sr. GIS Analyst)

Innovative System Developers, Inc. Columbia, MD.

1990 - 1992

Designed, developed, and documented major components of an ArcInfo graphical user interface GIS application for GeoMAP, a multi-agency consortium including Montgomery and Prince George's County, Maryland, Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), and the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Also, assisted various clients with ArcInfo technical support, system and database design, training, quality control, and ArcInfo AML application development.

GIS Technical Manager

City of Greenville, South Carolina

1987 - 1990

Responsible for all aspects of system design, implementation, and operation of the City’s GIS. Provided technical support, training, application design and development, map generation, and system administration. Organized and managed multi-departmental GIS project team during system implementation. Developed the Fire Station Response Time Model application, enhanced the City's Traffic Safety and Crime Tracking database applications, and developed the Hazardous Material Evacuation Model ArcInfo application in conjunction with the City's Fire Department, a multi-award winning menu-driven application used to assist emergency management personnel with spatially analyzing areas impacted by hazardous chemical spills.

Programmer/Analyst (Contract)

PlanGraphics, Inc., Frankfort, Kentucky

1986 - 1987

Assisted with the design and development of SIGNS, a linear referenced traffic sign inventory database application developed for the City of Anchorage, Alaska, Public Works Department using the INFO RDBMS and integrated programming language.

GIS Analyst (1985 - 1987)

GIS Technician (1983 - 1984)

Cartographic Draftsman/GIS Intern (1982 - 1983)

Kentucky Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet (KNREPC),

Geographic Information Section

Frankfort, Kentucky

Responsible for ArcInfo application development, including such applications as a sanitary landfill suitability model, general soils map modeling, and the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Information System used to track over 1200 threatened and endangered plants and animals throughout Kentucky. Also, provided public assistance, surface minor permit mapping, digitization of blue-line streams present on 1:24,000 USGS topographic maps into ESRI’s PIOS and ArcInfo software for over two thirds of the State of Kentucky, and remote sensing image processing and modeling using ELAS.


Hardware and Operating System Experience: Sun, Intergraph, Data General, Digital/Compaq, HP, IBM, & Tektronix Unix Workstations/Servers, Digital DEC Vaxstation/DECstation & DEC Minicomputers, Prime, Macintosh, & PCs. Operating systems include SunOS 4.1.x, Solaris 2.x, AIX 3.x & 4.x, Utek, Intergraph, Prime, DEC VMS, DOS, OS/2, UNIX, CLIX, Ultrix, Digital UNIX, DGUX, Apple Desktop Interface, and Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 7, & Server 2008 R2.

Software/RDBMS/Network Experience: ArcGIS for Desktop 8.x, 9x, and 10.x (ArcSDE, ArcMap, ArcEditor, ArcView, ArcObjects, ArcPublisher, and ArcCatalog), ArcGIS for Server, Workstation ArcInfo 2.x – 10.x (including SDE, TIN, Network, COGO, GRID, ArcStorm, Librarian), PIOS, GRID, pcArcInfo, ArcView 1.0 - 3.x, ArcFM, ArcPad 5.x - 10.x, Hansen Asset Management, ELAS (image processing), INFO, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 2012, NovaLIS Parcel Editor 3.4.1 and Parcel Editor 8.x, Microsoft Access & Excel, Clarion, ADMINS, Informix, TCP/IP Networking, and FTP.

Programming Language Experience: Python, AML, Avenue, CPL, DCL, Pascal, FORTRAN, C, C++, PL/1, C Shell, VAX Assembler, SQL, INFO, Basic, Visual Basic, and Visual .

Academic and Professional Accomplishments:

B.A. Geography, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky. 1984

ESRI Special Achievement in GIS Award, Nashville Electric Service, 1999.

Twenty-seven (27) published technical papers and maps on a variety of GIS related topics, including fifteen (15) articles on technical aspects of workstation ArcInfo as a regular contributor for each issue of Point Line Poly from 1995 - 1998.

1st Place, ArcInfo AML Application, 1990, "Hazardous Chemical Evacuation Model", 1990 ESRI International User Conference, Palm Springs, CA.

1st Place, URISA Exemplary Systems in Government Award, 1990, "Hazardous Chemical Evacuation Model".

Best Student Paper, 1984 Annual Mid-South Region Meeting in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, American Society of Photogrammetry, for "An Exercise in Landuse Classification".

ESRI Authorized Instructor of Introduction to ArcView and Introduction to Avenue ESRI-Developed Courses, 1997 - 2001.


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