

























Current through the June 2017State Conference


The name of this organization shall be the Kentucky Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc.


The mission of this federation shall be to achieve equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information.


The emblem shall be in the form of a circle in which the symbols of the Nike, Scroll, Torch, Wand and Ship of Commerce are imposed above the initials NFBPWC.


Section 1. The Kentucky Federation shall be nonsectarian, nonpartisan and nonprofit.

Section 2. The mission and objectives of this federation shall in every case be the mission and objectives of all units thereof.

Section 3. No officer, chair, or member of the Kentucky Federation shall use an official title or connection with the Kentucky Federation for participation in political campaigns, local, state, or national. Nor shall that member use an official title or connection with the state federation in subscribing to any documents which are controversial and have not received the endorsement of the Kentucky Federation.

Section 4. Local organizations which are not incorporated may endorse and work for the election of qualified candidates for political office.

Section 5. The Kentucky Federation may work for the appointment of qualified persons to boards and commissions.


Section 1. Membership shall be held by individuals who support the mission and objectives of the Kentucky Federation.

Membership categories shall be:

(a) Member of Local Organization (MOL)

Membership shall be open to all individuals.

(b) Student Member of Local Organization (SOL)

Individuals enrolled in a college or a university, or any other accredited educational institution above the high school level.

(c) Member not affiliated with a Local Organization (Member-at-Large, MAL)

Individuals, who support the mission, vision and objectives of the Kentucky Federation, receive all membership benefits and participate in the Kentucky Federation governance.

Section 2. Members and student members shall belong to local organizations that are members of the state federation.

Section 3. A member in good standing may request transfer from one local organization to another. A local organization may not refuse to accept the transfer of a member in good standing.

Section 4. The only criteria for membership shall be per Article V, Section 1, and the payment of appropriate dues.

Section 5. To remain in good standing a member’s dues must be current.


Section 1. A local organization is eligible for admission to this federation if:

a) It has a minimum of five (5) members and/or student members twenty percent (20%) of whom must be employed unless the new local organization is comprised solely of students.

b) It is not an integral part of any other organization; and

c) It submits local organization bylaws not in conflict with state bylaws and policies.

Section 2. To remain in good standing, a local organization must maintain a membership of at least five (5) members and/or student members.

Section 3. A local organization whose membership falls below five (5) members and/or student members shall be dropped at the end of the second fiscal year.

Section 4. A local organization applying for membership in this federation shall forward to the state president all documents and dues required by the state federation.

Section 5. The bylaws shall be approved by a person designated by the state president whose responsibility it is to insure that there are no provisions in conflict with the State Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Any conflict shall be resolved in accordance with State Federation policy and procedures.

Section 6. When a local organization has met all state requirements, a charter signed by the state president is transmitted for presentation to the local organization.

Section 7. Proposed amendments to the bylaws of any local organization, with the exception of mandatory changes (See Article XXIII, Section 4) shall be sent to the person designated by the state president for review and approval. Any conflict shall be resolved in accordance with State Federation policy and procedures.


Section 1. Dues are payable upon acceptance to membership and thereafter renewable annually on the first day of May. Dues for members admitted to membership in any month other than May will be prorated on a monthly basis until the next annual date of May 1 is reached.

Section 2. Dues for continuing members are payable to the Kentucky Federation from invoices received from same.

Section 3. Dues for members shall be:

a) Member of Local Organization (MOL)

Annual dues for each member of a local organization shall include local and state dues as specified in the current respective bylaws. (See Appendix for current amount.) State dues shall include a subscription to the official state publication.

b) Student Member of Local Organization (SOL)

Annual dues for each student member of a local organization shall include local and state dues as specified in the current respective bylaws.) (See Appendix for current amount.) State dues shall include a subscription to the official state publication.

c) Member Not Affiliated with a Local Organization (Member-at-Large, MAL)

Annual dues for each member not affiliated with a local organization shall include state dues as specified in the current respective bylaws. (See Appendix for current amount.) State dues shall include a subscription to the official state publication.

Section 4. Each local organization shall pay state annual conference dues of ten dollars ($10.00).


The fiscal year shall commence on the first day of July and shall end on the thirtieth day of June.


Section 1. The state shall be divided into regions for the purpose of training and communication and for promotion of regional and Kentucky Federation programs.

Section 2. There shall be a director and assistant director for each region. Nominations for each regional office shall be submitted by each local organization in the region to the vice president of the Kentucky Federation not later than February 1. Nominations are to be accompanied by a letter from each candidate stating willingness to serve and commitment to the state legislative platforms. The officers of each region shall be elected by members, which comprise that region at the spring meeting. If there is no nomination for a regional office to effect a complete election at the Spring meeting, the state vice president, aided by the presidents in that region, shall fill the vacancy.

Section 3. The director and assistant director shall not be from the same local organization. Directors and Assistant Directors shall not serve more than 2 consecutive terms.

Section 4. Duties and responsibilities shall include:

a) The regional director shall be a voting member of the Kentucky Federation Board of Directors. In the absence of the regional director, the assistant regional director shall vote.

b) The regional director and assistant director shall:

1) Act as liaison between the local organization and the state federation;

2) Maintain a close relationship with presidents of the local organizations in the region;

3) Visit as many local organizations in the region as possible; and,

4) Carry out such duties as necessary as defined in Section 1.

Section 5. Regional Meeting. There shall be an annual meeting each fiscal year, each self-supporting, to be held in the spring for the purpose of promoting regional and Kentucky Federation programs, and any other necessary state federation business.

a) The regional director and assistant director shall be responsible for coordinating the meeting.

b) Sponsoring local organizations shall be rotated with the assistance of the regional directors.

c) All organization members that are members of a local organization in good standing with the region and located within a region designated by the KFBPW, and have paid regional meeting registration will have one vote at the region meeting within the area they reside.

d) All members-at-large that reside within the boundaries of a designated KFBPW region, in good standing and have paid regional meeting registration, will have one vote at the region meeting within the area they reside.

Section 6. In case the offices of director and/or assistant director are vacated, the state vice president, aided by the presidents of that region, shall appoint a person(s) to fill the vacancy/vacancies.


Section 1. The officers of the Kentucky Federation shall be a president, a president-elect, vice president, a recording secretary, an executive assistant, and a treasurer.

Section 2. The president, the president-elect, the vice-president, the recording secretary, the executive assistant, the treasurer, and the parliamentarian (without vote) shall constitute the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The Kentucky Federation Board of Directors shall be composed of the following:

a) the Executive Committee;

b) chairs of the standing committees;

c) the regional directors;

d) the presidents of all local organizations, or, in the absence of the local president, the duly authorized representative;

e) the editor of THE KENTUCKY CARDINAL:

f) the chair of the Board of Trustees of the BPW/KY Foundation;

g) any member having served a full term as State Federation President;

h) any member having served as National President;

i) the Kentucky Federation parliamentarian (without vote);

j) the immediate past state president; and

k) one Board Member Emeritus (for life, with vote) who may be appointed by the Kentucky Federation president with the approval of the Kentucky Federation Executive Committee.

Section 4. VACANCIES. Vacancies in office shall be filled as follows:

a) In the event of death, resignation, or incapacity of the President, the Vice President shall become the President for the unexpired portion of the term;

b) A vacancy in the office of the President-Elect shall remain unfilled, and a special election for President shall be held at the next conference; and

c) Vacancies in offices other than the President and President Elect shall be filled for the unexpired term by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 5. In the absence of the local organization president, or in the event the president is present and serving in a voting capacity other than as local organization president, the duly authorized representative of that organization shall present a written authorization, signed by the local president, to the recording secretary at the roll call for the Board of Directors' meeting. In the absence of proper written authorization, a duly authorized representative may be appointed by the Kentucky Federation President with verification of eligibility by the Kentucky Federation Treasurer. The duly authorized representative must be from the same local organization as the president being represented.

Section 6. At the annual state conference, the local organization president who has served for the year preceding the conference shall be the member of the State Board of Directors and shall not have an alternate.


Section 1. The nominations chair shall be elected at the annual meeting. She shall serve for only one year.

Section 2. Not later than November 1, the nominations chair shall send uniform requests to the president of each local organization and all members at large for information concerning persons qualified for state office, and for nominations chair. The names submitted must have the endorsement of the local or regional organization of which the nominee is a member, signed by the local organization president and secretary or the regional director and secretary. Each person so endorsed must submit a personal letter affirming willingness to serve and shall also include a written commitment of public support of the State legislative platforms. A reply from the local or regional organization must be postmarked no later than February 15. The nominations chair shall verify that the candidate meets the qualifications for the office for which she is nominated.

Section 3. The names of all qualified candidates whose papers have been postmarked by February 15 shall appear on the ballot.

Section 4. No later than March 15 preceding the annual meeting, the nominations chair shall submit to the state president one or more names, for each office and for chair of nominations. This shall include names, addresses, occupations and qualifications of each nominee and the name of the local organizations to which the member belongs.

Section 5. Not later than 30 days preceding the annual meeting, the Kentucky Federation President shall transmit the report of the nominations chair to the president of each local organization and to all members at large

Section 6. Nominations may be made from the floor. Such nominations must have the endorsement of the local or regional organization, signed by the president or regional director and the secretary, and include a statement of the same information as required in Section 2, and a personal statement of the nominee expressing willingness to serve.

Section 7. The nominations chair shall resign upon becoming a nominee for any state elective office.

Section 8. In case the office of nominations chair is vacated, the State President, with approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy.


Section 1. A president (or president-elect), one or more vice presidents, a recording secretary, a treasurer, and a chair of nominations shall be elected by ballot at each annual conference for the term of one year.

Section 2. To be eligible for elected office, a candidate must:

(a) Be in good standing; and

(b) Officially and publicly support the state legislative platform.

In addition, a candidate for the office of president must be employed.

Section 3: All officers except the treasurer shall assume office immediately following the adjournment of the annual meeting at which they are elected, and shall continue in office until the next annual election or until their successors are selected. The treasurer shall assume office on the first day of the fiscal year following the election and shall continue to serve until the last day of the fiscal year of the next year.

Section 4. The election shall be under the supervision of an election committee appointed by the president at the first meeting of the annual conference. The members of this committee shall also act as tellers, and the chair of the committee shall be the chair of the tellers, and shall be responsible for having ballots prepared and for the physical arrangement necessary to conduct the election. No member of the election committee shall be named from the same local organization as a nominee on the formal ballot.

Section 5. The Chair of the Credential Committee shall be appointed by the state federation President at the beginning of the state conference. The chair of the credentials committee shall furnish to the election committee not less than one hour before the opening of the polls, a verification of accredited voters.

Section 6. Elections shall be by majority ballot and a majority of all votes cast shall constitute an election. In the event that, at the close of nominations, only one individual is nominated for each elective office, the conference body may decide the manner in which the individuals nominated shall be elected (i.e., by ballot or by the recording of a single vote for each office in order to elect the individuals nominated therefore).

Section 7. The president, president-elect and vice president shall be eligible to serve only one consecutive term in the same office. The recording secretary and treasurer shall be eligible to serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 8. Six months or longer shall constitute a term of office when determining eligibility of re-election, except for the vice-president serving the unexpired term of the president.


Section 1. The president shall be the principal officer of the Kentucky Federation and shall preside at the annual conference and all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.

The president shall:

a) Send to each local organization the official call to State Conference and Interim Board of Directors Meeting at least thirty (30) days prior to the first day of meeting;

b) Require each local organization to submit names and addresses of local organization officers and chairs by the first day of the Kentucky Federation’s fiscal year to the Executive Assistant;

c) Insure that a coordinated program, including projects and activities, shall be developed for the ensuing year in accordance with the objectives of the Kentucky Federation,

d) Approve all bills before they are paid by the treasurer with the exception of the President’s expenses;

e) Fill all vacancies in elected offices and appointments with approval of the Executive Committee;

f) Appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, members to the Kentucky Business and Professional Women’s Foundation Board of Trustees; and

g) May appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, one Board Member Emeritus when that position is vacated due to death, resignation or incapacity of the current Board Member Emeritus. (This means the Board Member Emeritus appointment is for life, unless resignation or incapacity occurs. The Board cannot have more than one person serving in this capacity at any one time.)

Section 2. The president-elect shall:

a) Act as the representative of the president when requested;

b) Serve as the ex-officio member without vote on all standing and special committees;

c) Shall appoint an executive assistant, a parliamentarian, standing committee chairs, and special appointments to serve during the ensuing term subject to the approval of the Executive Committee; and

d) Shall serve in any other capacity assigned by the president.

Section 3. The vice-president shall:

a) Perform the duties of the president during any absences or inability to serve;

b) Shall become President until the next regular election upon death, resignation, or incapacity of the president;

c) Shall oversee regional activities;

d) Shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the president or the Executive Committee; and

e) Shall approve all President’s expenses before being paid by treasurer.

Section 4. The recording secretary shall:

a) Take minutes of all meetings of the annual conference, of the Executive Committee, and of the Board of Directors;

b) Shall furnish the Executive Committee with a copy of the minutes of meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Board of Directors not later than thirty days after each meeting; and

c) Shall keep a permanent file of all records.

Section 5. The executive assistant shall assist the President with administrative tasks of the Kentucky Federation, including but not limited to, providing support to State Committee Chairs and the Executive Committee.

Section 6. The treasurer shall be responsible for all monies of the Kentucky Federation, and shall:

a) Shall deposit all monies and securities in a FDIC or FSLIC member institution, which has been approved by the Executive Committee,

b) Shall give bond for an amount determined by the Executive Committee and paid from the Kentucky Federation funds,

c) Serve as an ex-officio member of the finance committee,

d) Shall furnish the required Kentucky Federation Membership Reports to the Database Manager,

e) Provide a written report at all meetings of the state federation, of the Board of Directors, and of the Executive Committee,

f) Furnish a written copy of an annual report to be included in the printed annual reports,

g) Disburse funds only upon presentation of original bills with properly executed vouchers, which have been approved in writing by the state president, and chair of the finance committee. These disbursements shall be in accordance with the budget prepared by the finance committee and approved at the preceding annual conference. Any proposed expenses not provided for in the budget shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for approval,

h) Shall keep accurate and complete account of all receipts and disbursements, which shall be open at all times to the inspection of the Board of Directors, and

i) Shall keep the books and accounts ready for the auditor and shall deliver them and such other records as are requested to the auditor upon written request of the president.

Section 7. All officers except the treasurer, within two weeks after retiring from office, shall deliver to the incoming successor all accounts, records, books, papers and other property belonging to the Kentucky Federation.


Section 1. The Board of Directors (see definition in Article X, Section 3) shall transact the business of the Kentucky Federation in the interim between state conferences.

Section 2. To be eligible to serve as state president, a member must:

(a) Be employed;

(b) Be in good standing; and

(c) Officially and publicly support the state legislative platform.

Section 3. All other members of the board of directors must:

(a) Be in good standing; and

(b) Officially and publicly support the state legislative platform.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall report at each annual conference the business transacted by the Board of Directors since the previous conference.

Section 5. The Board of Directors shall determine the number of regions into which the Kentucky Federation shall be divided and the local organizations comprising each region.

Section 6. The Board of Directors shall supervise the affairs of the Kentucky Federation and devise measures for its growth and prosperity.

Section 7. The Board of Directors shall adopt amendments to the model local organization bylaws not otherwise mandated by the Kentucky Federation bylaws.

Section 8. At the written request of the president, a vote of the Board of Directors may be taken by mail, facsimile (fax) or email. Such vote shall have the force and effect of a vote taken at a face-to-face meeting. The Secretary's records shall contain an accurate record of all such votes.

Section 9. No member shall have more than one vote, and no voting by proxy shall be allowed.


Section 1. The Executive Committee (see definition in Article X, Section 2) shall act on behalf of the Board of Directors in the interim between meetings of the Board and shall report to the Board any action so taken.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall report annually to the Board of Directors the business transacted by the committee during the preceding year.

Section 3. The Executive Committee shall fix the amount of the Treasurer's bond in accordance with the provision of Article XIII, Section 6(b), and approve such bond.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall approve the financial institutions to be used as depositories for state funds and securities.

Section 5. The Executive Committee shall provide for the auditing of the Treasurer's accounts.

Section 6. The Executive Committee shall ratify all appointments of the president.

Section 7. The Executive Committee shall approve the annual conference budget.

Section 8. If it becomes impossible for the Kentucky Federation to have an annual meeting, the Executive Committee shall have supervision of the election of officers for the coming year.

Section 9. The Executive Committee shall consider all recommendations of the elected officers, regional directors and of the committee chairs before they are presented to the annual conference.

Section 10. In an unusual circumstance, the president may take a vote of the Executive Committee by telephone, which is to be followed by a vote by mail to authenticate the vote by telephone.

Section 11. A vote of the Executive Committee may be taken by mail, facsimile (fax) or email at the request of the president. Such vote shall have the force and effect of a vote taken at a face-to-face meeting. The Secretary's records shall contain an accurate record of all such votes.


Section 1. The standing committees of the Kentucky Federation shall be aspiring professional, bylaws, finance, issues management/legislation, membership/mentoring, professional development, and public relations.

Section 2. To be eligible to serve as a chair or member of a standing committee, a special committee, special appointee and/or task force, a member must:

a) Be in good standing; and

b) Officially and publicly support the state legislative platform.

Section 3. To be eligible to serve on the board of directors, a member must:

a) Be in good standing; and

b) Officially and publicly support the state legislative platform.

Section 4. Committee chairs and members of committees shall be appointed for a term of one year and may be reappointed. No person shall serve more than three (3) consecutive years on the same committee. Only members who publicly support the state legislative platform shall be eligible to serve as a state appointment.

Section 5. The bylaws committee shall be composed of a chair and such members as circumstances require. It shall be the duties of the bylaws committee to:

a) receive proposed amendments to the Kentucky Federation bylaws and prepare them for presentation to the Board of Directors;

b) review and approve amendments to local organization bylaws and forward them to the Kentucky Federation president for final approval;

c) review and approve bylaws of new local organizations and forward to the Kentucky Federation president for final approval; and

d) revise the Kentucky Federation bylaws annually, and publish such changes.

Section 6. The finance committee shall be composed of a chair and the treasurer as an ex-officio member, with vote, and such members as circumstances require.

a) The finance chair shall serve as ex-officio member without vote on all committees whose programs require the expenditures of monies; and

b) It shall be the duty of the committee to prepare an annual budget for the Kentucky Federation, to have general supervision of all expenditures, and to assist local organizations in developing sound financial policy.

Section 7. The issues management /legislation committee shall be composed of a chair, and no more than two (2) representatives from each region. It shall be the duty of the issues management /legislation committee to implement the program for the current year and to develop the Kentucky Federation Legislative Platform. The chair shall present the Kentucky Federation Legislative Platform to the conference body for approval. The committee shall implement the legislative programs adopted by the Kentucky Federation

Section 8. The membership /mentoring committee shall be composed of a chair, and such members as circumstances require. It shall be the duty of the membership/mentoring committee to promote, expand, stabilize and orient the membership and mentor.

Section 9. It shall be the duty of the public relations committee, which shall consist of a chair, and such members as circumstances require, to interpret the state program through available communications media; to direct press, radio and television services of the Kentucky Federation; and to encourage wider use of the media.

Section 10. The aspiring professional committee shall be composed of a chair and such members as circumstances require. It shall be the duty of the aspiring professional committee to:

a) Encourage recruitment of young people into membership;

b) Organize and coordinate the Aspiring Professional program; and

c) Promote activities that involve the participation of young people.

Section 11. The professional development committee shall be composed of a chair and such members as circumstances require. It shall be the duty of the professional development chair to:

a) Organize and coordinate the professional development program, and

b) Promote activities that involve members and potential members in personal development activities.

Section 12. Task forces shall be appointed by the Kentucky Federation president with ratification by the executive committee as necessary to deal with specific issues of current concern to implement the goals and objectives of the Kentucky Federation.


Section 1. An annual state conference shall be held each year, unless otherwise authorized by two-thirds of the Board of Directors.

Section 2. No member shall have more than one vote and no voting by proxy shall be allowed.

Section 3. It shall be the purpose of the state conference to:

a) Receive the reports of the officers and chairs for the preceding year;

b) Act upon the recommendations, resolutions and other business presented to the conference;

c) Elect the officers for the ensuing year;

d) Adopt a budget; and

e) Adopt a State legislative platform.

Section 4. It shall be the purpose of the Board of Directors or the State Conference to:

(a) Determine the date and location of the interim meeting of the Board of Directors; and

(b) Determine the date and location of annual state conferences.

Section 5. An interim meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held for the purpose of planning and furthering the work of the Kentucky Federation. The call for this meeting must be given at least thirty days prior to the date of this meeting. Special called meetings may be held at such other times as may be determined by the president, or by the written request of five members of the Board. Such notices must designate the time, place, and purpose for which the meeting is called. No matters other than those contained in the call shall be considered at a special meeting.

Section 6. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held

a) immediately before and immediately after the annual state conference;

b) when called by the president;

c) when called by the majority of the Executive Committee upon one (1) week written advance notice to every member stating purpose of meeting; and

d) by conference call of the president or by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.

Section 7. The Executive Committee is authorized to meet by telephone conference or videoconference so long as all the members may simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting. Reference the Kentucky Federation Policies for appropriate and required standing rules relative to telephone or videoconferences.


Section 1. The voting body shall be

(a) Interim Board

Members of the Board of Directors or Authorized Representatives who have paid the conference registration fee and are in good standing.

(b) State Conference

All individuals who have paid the full conference registration fee and are members in good standing.

Section 2. No member shall have more than one vote and no voting by proxy shall be allowed.


Section 1. All funds accruing from the annual state conference and interim board meeting shall be in custody of the state treasurer and all expenses incurred in connection with said meetings shall be paid by the state treasurer and full accounting be made to the state Executive Committee.

Section 2. All expenses of the annual state conference and interim board meeting shall be borne by the Kentucky Federation in conformity with the special budget approved by the Executive Committee.


Section 1. A quorum at state conference shall be a majority of the registered voting members representing at least one-third of local organizations in the Kentucky Federation.

Section 2. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of the members.

Section 3. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be one-third of its members provided they represent at least one-third of the local organizations in the Kentucky Federation and further provided that two of those present shall be members of the Executive Committee.


Section 1. The Kentucky Federation shall publish annually at least two (2) issues of an official publication, THE KENTUCKY CARDINAL, which shall include the conference issue.

Section 2. The editor of the state federation publication shall:

a) Be appointed by the president with the approval of the Executive Committee;

b) Be accountable to the Executive Committee for all administrative procedures; and

c) Be a member of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. All funds (including income) relative to the publishing of THE KENTUCKY CARDINAL shall be handled through the office of the state treasurer. All funds for THE KENTUCKY CARDINAL shall be included in the state budget. No local organization or region shall be responsible for financing the conference issue of THE KENTUCKY CARDINAL.

Section 4. The president, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint the publisher who will be responsible for the printing and mailing of THE KENTUCKY CARDINAL.


The rules of parliamentary procedure comprised in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all proceedings of the state federation, the board of directors, and the executive committee, subject to such special rules as have been or may be adopted.


Section 1. These bylaws may be amended at an annual conference by a two-thirds vote. Amendments may be proposed only by the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, by a region, by a local organization, or by a Bylaws Committee. All proposed amendments shall be sent in writing to the State President, with a copy to the bylaws chair, at least ninety day before the state conference. All proposed amendments should be appended to the call for the annual conference.

Section 2. Amendments to these bylaws proposed too late for the procedure in Section 1 may be presented at the first business session of the state conference. Copies shall be available for all voting members. To be acted upon at the second reading, these amendments must have received a unanimous vote to consider.

Section 3. A unanimous vote shall be defined as a unanimous vote of those present and voting.

Section 4. When an amendment is adopted to the state bylaws which affects local organization bylaws, each local organization shall automatically amend its bylaws to conform.

Section 5. An amendment to these bylaws which affects the model local organization bylaws shall expressly effect an automatic, mandated amendment to the model local organization bylaws.

Section 6. An amendment to these bylaws which affects the Kentucky Federation Policies shall expressly effect an automatic, mandated amendment to the Kentucky Federation Policies.

Section 7. The bylaws committee shall be authorized to correct article and section designations, cross references, and typographical errors.


Upon dissolution of this organization all of its assets remaining after payment of all costs and expenses of such dissolution shall be distributed to a BPW state federation, a BPW district (region), a BPW local organization, the BPW Foundation, or a state BPW Foundation which has qualified for exemption under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and state tax regulations. None of the assets will be distributed to any member, officer, or trustee of this organization.

Section 1. The Executive Committee of the Kentucky Federation of BPW Clubs, Inc. shall be responsible for complying with the terms of this dissolution.

Section 2. Notification of all valid KFBPW local organizations by the KFBPW President shall occur at least sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the dissolution process.

Section 3. Documentation of disbursements of all assets will be maintained in official records kept by the current secretary at the time of dissolution.

Section 4. A similar process of notification to members and documentation of disbursements should be followed by local organizations in their dissolution (See KFBPW Policies) and provided to the president of the state federation within 10 days of dissolution.


|Per Member of Local Organization (MOL) |Effective 7/1/09 |

| |Annual Amount |

|To the Kentucky Federation | $ 25.00 |

|Distributed as follows: | |


|General Administration |$ 14.00 |

|Executive Office Fund |$ 5.00 |

|Per Student Member of Local Organization (SOL) |Effective 7/1/09 |

|To the Kentucky Federation | $ 15.00 |

|Distributed as follows: | |


|General Administration |$ 7.00 |

|Executive Office Fund |$ 5.00 |

|Per Member Not Affiliated with a Local Organization (Member-at-Large, MAL) |Effective 7/1/09 |

| |Annual Amount |

|To the Kentucky Federation | $ 25.00 |

|Distributed as follows: | |


|General Administration |$ 14.00 |

|Executive Office Fund |$ 5.00 |


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