Mr. Johnston's AP US History Class

FEDERALISTS: Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, James Madison

Strong national Gov.

Urban commercial interests


Critical of British

Agricultural interests, state power


Elastic Clause-National Bank?

James Madison wrote much of the bill of rights

Whiskey Rebellion- establishes federal authoritayyyy!!

Treaty of Greenville

Jay’s Treaty

Pinckney’s Treaty-borders redrawn in florid


Treaties of Paris (63’, 83’?)

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions


Henry Clay’s “ American system”

Federalists-> Democratic-Republicans 1800s

Burr kills Hamilton

Yeoman farmers for Jefferson

Louisiana Purchase: doubles our size, control port of New Orleans

Barbary Wars-> “ millions for defense, but not a cent for tribute”

Chesapeake Affair


Jefferson’s Embargo Act

Madison: Non-intercourse act instead of Embargo

Macon’s Bill No.2

Western Congressman->War Hawks and Battle of Tippecanoe

Calhoun and Clay Generals

WAR OF 1812:

Treaty of Ghent

Hartford Convention-. 2/3 votes by congress for war

ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS (early 1800s)

Marbury v Madison

Dartmouth v Woodward

Fletcher v Peck

AGE Of Jackson (28’-44’)

Worcester V. Virginia

Jackson-backwoods, populist appeal

Spoils system

Indian Removal Act of 1830

Jackson “Marshall has made a decision, now let him enforce it”

Trail of Tears

Calhoun’s nullification and the Force Bill

Tariff of Abominations

Veto of Second Bank

Specie Circular+ veto of second bank-> PANIC OF 1837

Democratic-Republican-> Democrats

Jackson opponents-> Whigs: support government and economic modernization

Panic of 1837: no Gov. help, credit freezes

Harrison “ Tippecanoe”

Antebellum America (1810’1850’)

Erie Canal

National Road

Samuel Morse and the telegraph

Samuel Slater and Pawtucket Factory, R.I.


Brigham Young

Temperance and Women

American Temperance Union

Nativist Sentiment

Dorthea Dix

Horace Mann


Thoreau’s “ Resistance to Civil Government/ Civil Disobedience”

Emerson “ on Self-Reliance

Utopian Communities

David Walker

William Lloyd Garrison

Lovejoy Incident

Frederick Douglass

George Fitzhugh

Role of women

Femme covert

Seneca Falls convention

Declaration of Sentiments

Pre-Civil War literature

Territorial Expansion 20’s-54

Manifest Destiny/Sullivan

Stephen Austin

The Alamo

Mexican independence


Jackson, Harrison, Tyler, Buren views on slavery issue

Polk and the Annexation of Texas

Democrats-proslavery and expansionistic

Texas joins as 15th slave state

Cause of Mexican War

General Taylor

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

Wilmot Proviso

Sutter’s Mill California and the Gold Rush


Mormon Exodus

Gadsden Purchase

Webster-Ashburn treaty

Oregon Trail

49th Parallel

Pierce and the Ostend Manifesto

Section Tension and union in Crisis 48’-60’

Free soil ethos

Senator Lewis Cass and Popular Sovereignty

Free-Soil Party and election of 48’

Compromise of 1850 and Fillmore/Clay

Stephan’s unbundling of “Omnibus Bill”

Prigg v. Pennsylvania

Uncle Toms Cabin

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Cotton Whigs and Conscience Whigs

Know-Nothing Party and Nativism

Birth of Republican Party and slavery

Results of 1856 election

Bleeding Kansas and John Brown

Topeka and Lecompton Constitutions

Senator Charles Sumner/Brooks and tensions

Dred Scott Decision and Decision of slavery

John Browns and Harpers Ferry

The Civil War 60-77’

Lincoln and southern states succession

Fort Summer and Davis

Prize cases and De facto

Confederacy states

Union states

Habeas Corpus

Union advantages

Confederacy advantages

Anaconda Plan

Battle of Bull Run

General Grant

Battle of Antietam

Merrimac v. Monitor

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Vicksburg

General Sherman’s march to the Sea

General Lee

Confiscation Acts

Emancipation Proclamation

NYC draft Riots

Civil War and industrialization

Homestead Act

Morrill Land Grant Act

Suspension habeas corpus

Ex Parte Milligan

Plans for Reconstruction

Lincolns 10 % plan

Wade-Davis bill

Lincolns Assassination

President Johnson and Reconstruction

“Won the War, but lost the peace”

Congress v President on Reconstruction

Reconstruction Acts of 67

14th, 15th, 13th amendments

Civil rights Act of 1875

Johnson’s impeachment

Carpetbaggers and scalawags

Reconstruction’s accomplishments

Howard Uni and Morehouse College


Compromise of 1877

New South and Closing of Western Frontier 65’-1900

Gov. is encouraging the movement west

Midwest become center of farmer’s movement

Demise of Native Americans

Textile industry was main in south

Plessey V. Ferguson and the14th amendment/ supreme court

Grandfather clause

Democratic primaries

Ku Klux Klan

1880s last Natives defeated

Difference between assimilation, removal and extermination of Natives

Treaty of fort Laramie

Great Sioux uprising and Chief Little Crow

Sand creek Massacre



Treaty of Medicine Lodge

Helen Hunt Jackson

Dawes Act and its goal

The Ghost dance

Wounded Knee

The Growth of Industrial America 65’-1900

Economy expands enormously

Industrial Revolution and the Gilded Age

Big business

Robber Barons and wealth

3 most important industries

Large corporations and trusts form

Andrew Carnegie and Vertical integration

Rockefeller and Horizontal integration

Stephen Elkins

Philip Armor

Wabash v. Illinois


Sherman Anti-trust Act

U.S. v. E.C. Knight Company

Masses of unskilled workers of Gilded Age

Social Darwinism, Laissez-faire and Sumner

Horatio Alger

Henry George

Socialism and Anarchism

Organized Labor

Great Railroad strike of 1877

Panic off 1873

Haymarket Square incident

Pinker tons

Homestead Strike

Pullman Strike and Cleveland

Politics in The Gilded Age 65’-1900

Democrat and Republicans

Populist Party

Issue over Tariffs

No one will address any other issues

Grant Administration and Corruption

Democrats in the south

Civil Service reform was a major issue

Mugwumps, Stalwarts and Half-Breeds

Assassination of Garfield

Pendleton Act

Chester Arthur and Lower tariffs

Industrialists want high tariffs

Farmers want low tariffs

Low tariffs put more money in circulation and stimulate economic activity

Election of 1884 and tariffs


Democrats want lower tariffs

Election of 1888

Grover Cleveland

Halt of Gilded Age: 1893

Panic of 1893 and money circulation

Tight supply of currency is hard on farmers/ bankers like stable currency

Greenback Party

Granger Laws

The Grange

Munn. V. Illinois

Populist party; most successful 3rd party in 19th century

Coxey’s Army

1896 election and Bryans “Cross of gold Speech”

Society and Culture in Gilded Age 65-1900s

Fewer in rural areas


Immigrants flood into the cities

Skyscrapers, Steel and the Bessemer process

Brooklyn Bridge, Monuments and subways

Wealthy move away from cities

Strong division between rich and poor

Jacob Riis’s

Immigration in 80s-20s


Chinese Exclusion Act

Boss Tweed and Machine Politics




Olsmet and Central Park

Recreational Activities

Coney Island

United States and It Empire 1890’1917

America steps up on the world stage


Many don’t like Imperialism

Alfred Mahan

Raw Materials

“White Mans Burden”

Christian Missionaries and China

Hawaii and Dole

Yellow Journalism and Cuba

Sinking of the Maine

Spanish-American war

John Dewey and Roosevelt

Rough Riders

Treaty of Paris of 1898

Platt Amendment

Anti-Imperialist League and Twain

Democrats against treaty of Paris

Expansionists say the constitution does not follow the flag

Insular cases

Philippine-American War

Hay and Open door Policy

Boxer rebellion

Roosevelt’s “ Big Stick”

Panama Canal

Gentleman’s Agreement and Japan

Dollar Diplomacy and Taft

Taft’s emphasized expanding and securing American commercial interests

Wilson wanted secure economic interests abroad on a strong moral compass

Mexican revolution and Wilson

The Progressive Movement 1900-1920

Response to rapid industrialization, political corruption, and urbanization

Roosevelt and Wilson

Progressivism influenced both he New Deal and 20th century liberalism

Progressivism was a middle class movement

Woman and Progressivism

Hull House

Frederick Taylor

Dewey’s school

Reform Darwinism

Muckrakers (ex.)

Tammany Hall and Democratic Political Machine

Lincoln Steffen19th amendment

Referendum, recall and initiative

Direct primaries

17th amendment

Sinclair The Jungle

Meat inspection and Pure Food and Drug Acts

Ida Tarbell and Rockefeller

Triangle Factory Fire

Muller v. Oregon and Brandies Brief

Reformers and drinking, prostitution, rowdy behavior and cheap entertainment

Mann Act

Temperance Movement

Anti-saloon League

Women’s Christian Temperance Union

Nativist, Anti-immigrant,

18th amendment

Roosevelt embraced many progressive reforms

Roosevelt, the “ trust buster”, Square Deal, conservation of resources

Conservation v. Preservation

Elkins and Hepburn Acts

Northern Securities Co. v. United States

Gifford Pinchot and Taft

Progressives want low tariffs

Election of 1912 and split within the Republicans

Bull Moose Party

Wilsons Federal Reserve Act

Wilson was a supporter of small business and a Democrat and Racist

Wilsons Clayton Anti-trust Act

Wilson and the FTC


Booker T. Washington

Birth of a Nation

World War I 1914-20


Great Migration

Expansion of Fed. Gov.

Start of World War I in Europe cause

Triple entente

Triple Alliance and Central Powers


Louisitania and Sussex Pledge

Wilsons “ safe for democracy” plan

Many oppose the war

Cause for U.S. joining the war

Selective Service Act

92nd division and Pershing

CPI and Four-Minute Men


Espionage and Sedition Acts

Schenek v. United States

“ Clear and Present Danger”

National American Woman Suffrage Association

Wilson’s 14 points

Lodge and Treaty of Versailles

Red Scare

Spanish Flu

1919 biggest wave of strikes in American history

Seattle General strike and ALF

Palmer Raids

Racial Violence

Tradition and modernity in 1920s

Nativism rose after World War I

Emergency Quota Act and national Origins Act


Sacco and Vanzetti


Scopes trial

Changing of woman in 1920s

Radio and Mass culture

Lost Generation Writers

Harlem renaissance

Mass production and Consumption lead to Great Depression

Henry ford and mass production

Republican Dominance: Harding, Coolidge and Hoover

Teapot Dome Scandal

Ohio Gang

Robert le Follette


Fordney-McCumber Act

Smoot-Harley Tariff Act and Hoover

Kellogg-Briand Pact

Great Depression 28-39’

Consumption couldn’t keep up with production

American farmers in cycle of debt after World War I

People by stocks on a margin


Dust Bowl


John Steinbeck


Hoover and the Great Depression

Hoovers Rugged individualism

RFC and Hoover

Bonus March


The New Deal and Politics 32’-40’

LBJ’s Great Society

New Deal

Glass -Steagall Act






Securities and Exchange Commission

Supreme court and the New Deal

Second New Deal



The Wagner Act

Roosevelt’s Court-packing

Roosevelt Recession

Keynesian Economics


Communist Party backs Roosevelt

Conservatives saw the New Deal as Socialism

John Lewis


General Motors Sit-down strike

A.A switch allegiance to Democratic Party

Black Cabinet

Scottsboro boy’s cases

Eleanor Roosevelt

Francis Perkins

Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 undid the Dawes act

CCC excluded Mexicans and Woman


Pearl Harbor

Benito moussilini

Causes in Europe and America

Tripartite Pact

Isolationists v. Interventionists

F.D.R was sympathetic to countries defending self but did not interfere at first

Cash-Carry v. Lend-Lease

America is shaken by French defeat by Nazi hands

Lindbergh and AFC

Selective Service Act

Tuskegee Airman

“double V” campaign


Battle of Midway and Coral Sea

Second Front

Ike and Morocco



Battle of the Bulge


“The Final Solution”

Rationing back home

War bonds and taxes

Labor unions during the war

Bracero program

Executive Order (066

Issei v. Nisei

Teheran Conference

Stalin/Churchill/ Roosevelt

Bretton woods Conference

Yalta Conference

Postdam Conference

Iwo jima and Okinawa

Manhattan project and Oppenheimer

The Cold War 45-60’

Truman doctrine

“X Article”

The Marshall Plan

Berlin Airlift and Truman



Republicans accuse Truman of “loosing” China



Executive Order 9835

McCarran internal Security Act


Hollywood 10

Rosenberg Case

Smith Act



American Society in the Post-World War II Era 45’60’

Largest waves of strikes after World War 2

Taft-Hartley Act

G.I. Bill



Baby Boom

Interstate highway Act

White Flight

Civil Rights Movement

Brown v. Board of Education

Little Rock Nine

Rosa Parks

Malcolm X

Freedom riders





High Tide of American Liberalism 60’-68’

Election 1960

Peace corps


Bay of Pigs

Cuban Missile Crisis

Soviet relations under Kennedy

Kennedy’s Assassination

Election of 1964

Immigration Act of 65’

Vietnamese War

Domino theory

Gulf of Tonkin


Tet Offensive

My Lai Massacre

Warren Court

Gideon v. Wainwright

Miranda v. Arizona

Roe v. Wade

Brandenburg v. Ohio

Baker v. Carr

Engel v. Vitale

Greensboro sit-in

“Bull” Connor

“I have a Dream”

Civil Rights Act of 64’

Montgomery March

Voting Rights Act of 65’

De jure v de facto

Black Panther

Assassination of King

Conflict, Crisis, and Scandal 66’-75’

Abandons of war in Vietnam

Nationwide energy crisis


Port heruon Statement

Shooting at Kent and Jackson State




Watergate and Nixon

Gerald ford

WIN campaign

Title IX

Women’s Liberation Movement

Gay Liberation Movement

American Indian Movement

Cesar Chavez

Environmental movement

Silent spring

Bob Dylan

British invasion of music

Haihg-Ashbury and Hippies

Sexual Revolution


Rise of New Right and Decline of Liberalism 76’-93


73-oil embargo

3-mile island

Carter and the Department of Energy

Election of 1976

Camp David accords

Panama canal zone

Iran hostage crisis

Birth of New Right

Election of 1980




Reagan Doctrine

Nixon Doctrine

Ike doctrine

Iran-Contra scandal

Election of 1984

Collapse of Communism

Sandra day O’Connor

George. H. W. bush

Lection of 88


America in the Age of Clinton, Bush, and Obama 92’- present

Clinton Era 93-01

Election of 1992

Health Care reform






Oklahoma city

Midterm election of 94’

Welfare reform

Intervention in former Yugoslavia

Clinton’s impeachment

Conflict in the Middle East

Election of 2000

Terrorist attacks

War with Iraq

War in Afghanistan

Patriot Act

Department of Homeland Security

Bush Doctrine

War on Terrorism

No child left Behind Act

2004 election

Hurricane Katrina


Sonia Sotomayor

Reform of Health Care

Obama’s foreign policy

Tea party movement


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