Mid-Term Review

**~ Final Exam Review ~**

Answer all of the following questions. With the vocabulary words, you need to explain the words, not just copy the definition. Your explanation needs to be in your OWN words!

UNIT 1: History and “Basics” of Astronomy

Unit 1 & 2 were combined. This is the vocab for unit 1, you will see the vocab for Unit 2, and at the end of Unit 2 you will find questions from both units.

1. Equator:

2. Prime Meridian:

3. Tropic of Cancer:

4. Tropic of Capricorn:

5. Terrestrial Globe:

6. Latitude:

7. Longitude:

8. Summer Solstice:

9. Winter Solstice:

10. Vernal Equinox:

11. Autumnal Equinox:

UNIT 2: Motion of the Solar System

12. Celestial Sphere:

13. Declination:

14. Right Ascension:

15. Parallax:

16. Diurnal Motion:

17. Sidereal Motion:

18. Ecliptic:

19. Circumpolar Constellation:

20. Prograde:

21. Retrograde:

22. Degree:

23. North Circumpolar Constellation:

24. South Circumpolar Constellation:

25. Give an example of a North Circumpolar Constellation (you may need to look at your star maps if you still have them. If not, you will need to look at the celestial sphere).

26. Give an example of a South Circumpolar Constellation (you may need to look at your star maps if you still have them. If not, you will need to look at the celestial sphere).

27. The early model of the solar system, where the earth was at the center of the universe was called the:

28. The current model of the solar system, where all the planets including earth are orbiting the sun is called the:

29. This famous astronomer perfected the telescope:

30. The imaginary sphere that surrounds the earth, where the sun, the planets, the moon and all the stars seem to be connected is called the:

31. _____ measures distances eastward for the vernal equinox on the celestial sphere

32. _____ measures distances north and south of the celestial equator on the celestial sphere.

33. A group of stars that form a figure when put together is:

34. A lunar eclipse is when _____.

35. A solar eclipse is when _____.

36. The imaginary line around which and object spins is called:

37. March 21st and September 21st are called the:

38. December 21st and June 21st are called the:

39. What happens during an equinox that is special?

40. What happens during a solstice that is special?

41. The most direct rays of sun shine at the Tropic of Capricorn on:

42. On or about June 21st, which regions of the earth receive 24 hours of daylight?

43. The most direct rays of sun shine at the Tropic of Cancer on:

44. The reason we have different seasons is because:

45. Because the south pole is tilted away from the sun on about June 21st, this is _____ in the southern hemisphere.

46. Because the north pole is tilted toward the sun for a few months out of the year, this is _____ in the northern hemisphere.

47. Because the Earth is sideways to the sun on about March 21st, this is _____ in the northern hemisphere.

48. Because the north pole is tilted toward the sun for a few months out the year, this is _____ in the southern hemisphere.

49. During which month is the earth furthest from the sun in its orbit?

50. What path do all satellites take around their parent object?

51. Explain Kepler’s 1st Law of Planetary Motion.

52. Explain Kepler’s 2nd Law of Planetary Motion.

53. When a satellite is closer in its orbit to its parent object, the gravitational pull on that satellite:

54. When a satellite is closer in its orbit to its parent object, that satellite:

55. When the earth is closer to the sun in its orbit, the solar diameter appears:

56. What is the eccentricity of an ellipse that has a focal length of 20 and the major axis length of 51?

57. Label the following picture, with the specific names of the days:

58. Label the following Graph with dates:


59. The westward, “normal,” movement of a planet across the sky is called:

60. The eastward, “backward,” movement of a planet across the sky is called:

61. Motion that includes rotation AND revolution of an object is called:

62. The circular motion is stars is called:

63. A constellation whose diurnal circle is close enough to a celestial pole that it is visible all year round is called:

64. The apparent shift of an object due to the position it is viewed from is called:

Use the following information for the next 3 questions

|Difference in Magnitude |Ratio of Brightness | |Star |Apparent Magnitude |

|0.0 |1:1 | |Sirius |-1.5 |

|1.0 |2.5:1 | |Sun |-26.5 |

|2.0 |6.3:1 | |Altair |+1.0 |

|3.0 |16:1 | |Betelgeuse |+2.5 |

|4.0 |40:1 | |Wolf 359 |+13.5 |

|5.0 |100:1 | |

|10.0 |10,000:1 | |

|15.0 |1,000,000:1 | |

|20.0 |100,000,000:1 | |

|25.0 |10,000,000,000:1 | |

|30.0 |1,000,000,000,000:1 | |

65. Which is brightest star?

66. How much brighter does the sun appear than Sirius?

67. What is the ratio of light for Sirius to Betelgeuse?

68. The average distance between the earth and the sun is:

69. Which types of telescopes travel out of the earth’s atmosphere?

70. Why is it beneficial for a telescope to travel out of our atmosphere?

71. Which types of telescopes use mirrors to bounce light that is coming through the objective lens back to the eyepiece lens, so a person can see it.

72. Describe how a day was derived from the earth’s motion in space:

73. Describe how a year was derived from earth’s motion in space:

74. What do astronomers mean by apparent magnitude?

75. What do they mean by absolute magnitude?

76. What is the difference between apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude?

77. Why do the stars appear to move?

78. What is the difference between an astronomical and a terrestrial telescope?

79. If the focal length of objective lens is 300mm and the focal length of the eyepiece lens is 100mm, what is the magnification of the telescope?

HINT: The formula for magnification is [pic]

UNIT 3: Natural & Artificial Satellites

80. Eclipse:

81. Waxing:

82. Waning:

83. Near Side:

84. Far Side:

85. Synchronous Orbit:

86. New Moon:

87. Full Moon:

88. Escape Velocity:

89. Label the following picture:

90. How much of the moon is lit up at ALL times?

91. The dark, flat areas on the moon that resulted from lava flows are:

92. The elevated, lighter areas of the moon are:

93. The bowl shaped depressions on the moon formed because of meteorite impacts are:

94. When Galileo saw the moon through his telescope back in the early 1600s, he believed he was seeing:

95. Use circles to draw the position of the sun, moon and earth during a solar eclipse:

96. Use circles to draw the position of the sun, moon and earth during a lunar eclipse:

97. What celestial body is casting the shadow during a solar eclipse?

98. What celestial body is casting the shadow during a lunar eclipse?

99. Why don’t eclipses occur once a month?

100. What was the series of NASA missions that were sent to study the moon, and eventually land people on the moon?

101. Why might studying the universe from the moon be more beneficial than studying it from the earth?

102. If the Moons diameter is 3,476km and the Earth’s diameter is 12,756km, how many times larger is the Earth’s diameter than the moon’s diameter?

103. Explain why the same side of the moon is always facing us – that means use the word and explain what it means:

104. Explain the difference between a natural and an artificial satellite:

105. What are the 6 different types of artificial satellites and what is each type used for?







106. Which are older – Maria or Highlands – and explain why:

107. Explain why scientists believe the Earth has had some effect on the surface features of the moon:

UNIT 4: The Sun

108. Corona:

109. Solar Flare:

110. Prominence:

111. Convection Zone:

112. Radiation Zone:

113. Solar Cycle:

114. Luminosity:

115. Neutrino:

116. Photosphere:

117. Sunspot:

118. Granulation:

119. Solar Wind:

120. Hydrogen Fusion:

121. What are the two main elements the sun is made up of?

122. What is the percentage of each of these elements?

123. Label the parts of the sun’s interior and atmosphere:

124. Explain what type of reaction is occurring in the core of the sun. Be sure to include the names of the elements and the name of the type of reaction.

125. Label the following surface features of the sun:

126. How are sunspots related to solar flares and solar prominences?

127. The last sunspot maximum occurred in the year 2000, when will the next sunspot maximum occur?

128. If the last sunspot maximum occurred in 2000, when will the next sunspot minimum occur?

129. An aurora is a bright glow in the night sky, the Northern Lights are called the Aurora Borealis. The following is a graph of sunspot activity and aurora activity. Based on this graph, do you believe there is a relationship between sunspots activity and aurora activity? Explain why!!!!

UNIT 5: Stars/Cosmic Oddities

130. Absolute Magnitude:

131. Apparent Magnitude:

132. Luminosity:

133. Nebula:

134. Protostar:

135. Brown Dwarf:

136. Main Sequence:

137. Red Giant:

138. Red Supergiant:

139. White Dwarf:

140. A Star is:

141. Is our sun the largest star in the universe?

142. A star’s spectral class is determined by:

143. How many of the stars lie in the main sequence of the HR diagram?

144. Our sun is in which phase of its life:

145. The gas that fuels a star (gives it energy) in the main sequence:

146. The process that is responsible for a star’s energy production:

147. List the steps of a “sun-sized” star’s life:

148. List the steps of a huge star’s life:

149. List the steps of a massive star’s life:

150. What is our sun’s size in relationship to other stars?

151. The hottest stars are what color?

152. The coldest stars are what color?

153. What does the spectral class of a star tell us?

154. What is the correct order of spectral class, from hottest to coldest.

155. Define binary star:

156. Supernova:

157. Neutron Star:

158. Black Hole:

159. The tool that scientists use to study the characteristics and electromagnetic spectra of stars:

160. A star’s final stage of their life is dependent on:

161. Use the HR Diagram to answer the questions:

Label the missing parts of the HR Diagram above.

162. The star Beta Pegasi has a temperature of 2000K and an absolute magnitude of -1.4, which phase of its life is it in?

163. The star Procyon A has a temperature of 6500K and an absolute magnitude of +2.8, which phase of its life is it in?

164. Which group of stars is oldest in terms of it’s life cycle?

165. Which group of stars is burning Hydrogen as fuel?

166. Which group of stars is burning Helium as fuel?

167. Which phase will Altair enter next?

168. What phase will Mira enter next?

169. Which group of stars will probably supernova?

170. The star Regulus has a temperature of about 11,000K. What is its spectral class?

171. Explain what parallax is:

172. Explain the difference between apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude:

173. What properties of a star does the HR diagram compare?

174. Our sun is a yellow star, what would be different if our star was white?

175. Explain the process going on in the core of a star (name it and explain how it works).

176. Using the table below, answer the following questions:

|Star |Absolute Magnitude |Apparent Magnitude |

|Barnard’s Star |13.24 |9.7 |

|Epsilon Indi |7.0 |4.7 |

|Lalande 21185 |10.5 |7.6 |

|Ross 128 |13.5 |11.1 |

|Ross 248 |14.8 |12.2 |

|Tau Ceti |5.68 |3.6 |

|Capella |0.09 |0.08 |

|Sirius |1.42 |-1.5 |

|Procyon |2.64 |0.38 |

|Wolf 359 |16.6 |13.5 |

|Almaaz |-8.5 |3 |

|Hoedus |-2.3 |3.75 |

|Mirzam |-4.8 |2 |

|Wezen |-8 |1.86 |

|Adhara |-4.4 |1.5 |

|Aludra |-7 |2.44 |

|Furud |-1.7 |3.02 |

|Sun |4.74 |-26.7 |

|Canopus |-4.4 |-0.6 |

|Arcturus |-0.3 |1.17 |

|Vega |0.5 |0.04 |

|Altair |2.3 |1.02 |

|Pollux |1.0 |2.17 |

|Deneb |-4.8 |1.35 |

|Regulus |-0.7 |1.25 |

|Spica |-2.4 |0.77 |

|Rigel |-6.4 |0.11 |

Which star appears the brightest? Why?

Which star is actually the brightest? Does it appear bright? Why or why not?

Use a line to match the star with their more likely parallax. Make sure you explain your reasoning.

Deneb .379

Sirius .006

177. What is the electromagnetic spectrum and what does it tell us?

UNIT 6: Our Galaxy & Others

178. Spiral Galaxy:

179. Elliptical Galaxy:

180. Irregular Galaxy:

181. Spiral Arm:

182. Galactic Disk:

183. Galactic Bulge:

184. Galactic Halo:

185. Globular Cluster:

186. Galaxy:

187. Local Group:

188. Galactic Cannibalism:

189. Pulsating Star:

190. Active Galaxies:

191. Dark Matter:

192. Gravitational Lens:

193. Hubble’s Law:

194. Red Shift:

195. Use Hubble’s equation [pic], where

V = Recessional Velocity (km/sec)

H0 = Hubble’s Constant – 60 km/sec/Mpc

D = distance (Mpc)

If a galaxy is 560 Mpc away, how fast is it traveling?

If a galaxy is traveling at 60,000 km/sec, how far away is that galaxy?

196. Label the following pictures with the types of galaxies:

___________________ ____________________

___________________ ____________________

197. Label the following parts of the Milky Way Galaxy:

UNIT 7: Our Solar System

198. List each planet and the significant characteristics we discussed for each:









199. Gas Giant:

200. Terrestrial Planet:

201. Rotation:

202. Revolution:

203. Comet:

204. Coma:

205. Dust Tail:

206. Ion Tail:

207. Meteoroid:

208. Meteor:

209. Meteorite:

210. Oort Cloud:

211. Kuiper Belt:

212. Asteroid Belt:

213. What is an atmosphere and what effect can it have on a planet?

214. If Venus and Earth are so similar explain why we can’t live on Venus?

215. What are the differences between the inner and the outer planets?

216. What separates the inner planets from the outer planets?

217. What is a dwarf planet (all 4 parts)?

218. What is the current definition of planet (all three parts)?

219. What are smaller solar system bodies – list the definition of it and specifically what they are:




220. Explain why Pluto no longer fits the IAU definition of a planet:

221. Our Solar System contains many different objects…..fill in the following concept map with the words Our Solar System, Planets, Natural Satellites, Dwarf Planets, Small Solar System Bodies, Asteroids, Comets, Meteoroid, Meteor, Meteorite, UB 313, Pluto, Ceres


222. Explain why the Apollo 13 mission was called a successful failure.


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