A to Z Directory – Virginia Commonwealth University

Chapter 4


▪ Addition of halogen to an alkane

o Only works on sp3-hybridized carbons

▪ Works best with chlorine and bromine

o Iodine is too slow

o Fluorine blows up (too fast)

▪ Goes through radical intermediate, so putting halogen on more substituted carbon is better

o Bromine is way more selective than chlorine

▪ Initiation

o Homolytic cleavage of X2


o One molecule splits into two radicals

▪ Propagation

o Start with one molecule and one radical; end up with one molecule and one radical!


▪ Termination

o Any two radicals stick together


Reactive Intermediates

▪ Carbocations

o Carbon with three bonds and no lone pairs

o Trigonal planar geometry

o sp2-hybridized

o empty p-orbital

o stability - 3°>2°>1°> methyl

o electron-deficient

o only intermediate which can undergo rearrangement


▪ We’ll see a lot of this later in the course.

▪ It’s a good idea to think “carbocations can rearrange” every time you see a carbocation intermediate for the rest of your life!

▪ Radicals

o Carbon with three bonds and one unpaired electron

o Trigonal planar geometry

o sp2-hybridized

o one electron in the p-orbital

o stability - 3°>2°>1°> methyl

o electron-deficient

▪ Carbanions

o Carbon with three bonds and a lone pair

o sp3-hybridized

o Tetrahedral geometry

o Stability- methyl>1°>2°>3°

o Strong bases/nucleophiles

▪ Carbenes

o Carbon with two bonds and one lone pair

o Neutral

o Rare

o sp2-hybridized

o empty p-orbital

o can be electrophile or nucleophile

▪ Radicals, carbocations, and carbanions are stabilized by resonance

o One away from a double bond is called “allylic”


▪ Being directly on the double bond is particularly unstable and this position is called “vinyl”


o One away from an aromatic ring is called “benzylic”


▪ Being directly on the aromatic ring is particularly unstable and this position is called “aryl”


The rest of chapter 4 that you should know from Gen Chem

▪ Equilibrium Constant

o Keq=[pic]

o If Keq> 1, then more products than reactants

o If 0 ................

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