Rigorous Curriculum Design


Unit Planning Organizer

|Subject(s) |Social Studies |Conceptual Lenses |

|Grade/Course |9th Grade |Competition |

| | |Conflict |

| | |Power |

| | |Change |

|Unit of Study |World Wars (7.1, 7.2, 7.3) | |

|Unit Title |Unit 9: Conflict in the Modern Era | |

|Pacing |8 days (block) | |

|Unit Overview |

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|Points of focus in this unit include the political, ethnic, and economic forces which result in wide-spread wars. Students will develop a understanding of |

|The Causes of World War I: militarism, competition for land, and nationalism. |

|The Interwar years/Russian Revolution: economic depression and rise of fascism resulted from economic pressures and social class struggles |

|World War II: causes, significant events and effects |

|Unit Enduring Understanding(s) |Unit Essential Question(s) |

| | |

|Key events in history can signal turning points that drastically alter the |What are the key characteristics of historical turning points? |

|social, economic and political directions of a society. | |

|An increase in economic and military competition may lead to war. |How does economic and military competition lead to war? |

|Essential State Standards |

|Priority Objectives |Supporting Objectives |

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|WH.H.7.1 Evaluate key turning points of the modern era in terms of their lasting |WH.H.7.6 Explain how economic crisis contributed to the growth of various |

|impact |political and economic movements |

| | |

|WH.H.7.2 Analyze the increase in economic and military competition among nations | |

|in terms of the influences of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and | |

|industrialization | |

| | |

|WH.H.7.3 Analyze economic and political rivalries, ethnic and regional conflicts, | |

|and nationalism and imperialism as underlying causes of war | |

|“Unpacked” Concepts |“Unpacked” Skills |COGNITION |

|(students need to know) |(students need to be able to do) |(RBT Level) |

|WH.H.7.1 |WH.H.7.1 |WH.H.7.1 |

|key turning points of the modern era in terms of their lasting impact |Evaluate (turning points) |Evaluate |

| | | |

|WH.H.7.2 | | |

|the increase in economic and military competition among nations |WH.H.7.2 |WH.H.7.2 |

|influences of nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and industrialization |Analyze (the influence) |Analyze |

| | | |

|WH.H.7.3 | | |

|economic and political rivalries, | | |

|ethnic and regional conflicts, | | |

|nationalism and imperialism as underlying causes of war |WH.H.7.3 |WH.H.7.3 |

| |Analyze (causes of war) |Analyze |

| | | | | | | | |

|Unit “Chunking” & Enduring Understandings |Essential Factual Content |Suggested Lesson Essential |H |G |C & G|E |C |

| | |Questions | | | | | |

|The Interwar years/Russian Revolution |Economic Depression |How do societies respond when the |X |X |X |X |X |

|When government is no longer able to meet the needs of |Treaties |government fails to meet their | | | | | |

|the people, alternative systems often emerge to provide |Fascism |needs? | | | | | |

|stability and security |Dictators | | | | | | |

| |Diplomacy | | | | | | |

| |Appeasement | | | | | | |

| |Communism | | | | | | |

| |Turning Points | | | | | | |

|World War II |Communism |Why did nationalism, imperialism |X |X |X |X |X |

|Nationalism, imperialism, industrialization, and |Turning Points |and industrialism contribute to | | | | | |

|militarism contribute to an increase in economic and |Alliances |World War II? | | | | | |

|military competition among nations and lead to war. |Resources | | | | | | |

| |Technology | | | | | | |

| |Ethnic Conflict | | | | | | |

| |Genocide | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Sub Concepts | |


| | |

|Turning point | |

|War | |

|Nationalism | |

|Imperialism | |

|Language Objective EXAMPLES |

|Key Vocabulary LO: SWBAT define and explain the terms depression, competition, imperialism, alliance, treaties, genocide, and nationalism. |

|Language Functions LO: SWBAT explain how economic and military competition lead to war |

| |

|Language Skills LO: SWBAT read a passage about nationalism and identify a cause that could lead to war. (Reading passages should be chosen/modified in accordance|

|with the LEP students’ zone of proximal development). |

|Grammar and Language LO: SWBAT use descriptive words in a writing assignment that describes the quality of life for citizens during a depression. . |

|Lesson Tasks LO: SWBAT read and summarize a passage about World War Iand explain this summary to a group. |

|Language Learning Strategy LO: SWBAT develop a cause/effect graphic organizer analyzing and identifying the causes and effects Nationalism, imperialism, |

|industrialism, and increased competition had on the nations. (The linguistic load will vary from LEP student to LEP student. Level 1-2 LEP students may need a |

|word bank or other supplement to complete this activity using this strategy). |

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|Historical Thinking and Geography Skill Resources |

|○ “Straight Ahead” □“Uphill” ∆“Mountainous” |

|Historical Thinking |Geography Skills |

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|General Unit Resources |

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|SAS Curriculum Pathways |

|#933 World War I: Failure of European Diplomacy |

|#193 World War I: The Schlieffen Plan |

|#935 The Munich Crisis |

|#194 World War II: Japanese Expansion |

|Learn 360 |

|Causes of WWI |

|Remarkable 20th Century (see individual decade programs) |

|Treaty of Versailles |

|Between the Wars series (includes The Great Depression and Foreign Policy) |

|Bridging World History Bridging World History |

|Unit 20: Imperial Designs |

|Unit 22: Global War and Peace |

|World History for us all World History for Us All |

|Unit 8: A Half Century of Crisis – 1900 -1950 |


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