Grading elements in mission statement

Bioengineering Design Context Review Rubric

Instructor: Z. Maria Oden

Team Name: __________________________________________

1. Quality of problem statement /20

2. Relevance and completeness of background discussed /25

3. Quality of references cited /10

4. Quality of document structure and organization /20

5. Quality of figures, tables and captions /10

Total: /85

Grading elements in Design Context Review

| |Excellent (max pts) |Average (mid pts) |Poor (lowest pts) |

|Quality of problem statement |Problem statement includes all three |Problem statement may lack one of the |Problem statement is incomplete and |

| |components described in Step 3 of DC |three components OR components may not |fails to provide motivation for the |

| |review guide. Problem, contrary condition,|relate logically. Statement may not be |team’s project. The precise nature of |

| |and requirements for potential solutions |worded effectively. |the problem that team plans to address |

| |relate logically. Statement is made | |and why the problem is worth addressing |

| |precisely and concisely. | |is unclear, vague, or nonexistent. |

|Relevance and completeness of |Team provides sufficient background to set|Background may occasionally drift |Background does not sufficiently |

|background discussed |up and explain the problem statement. |off-topic. Reader may occasionally |describe the project’s rationale or |

| |Relevance of all background discussed to |question why a topic is being discussed |motivation. Discussion may ramble |

| |problem statement is immediately apparent.|or have questions about material that |off-topic or focus too much on one area |

| |Reader never questions why a particular |was not addressed. |at the expense of another. Reader has |

| |subject is being discussed or wonders why | |significant questions about team’s |

| |a subject wasn’t discussed. | |knowledge and preparation. |

|Quality of references cited |Literature cited demonstrates extensive |Literature cited is incomplete. Team may|Literature cited neglects key aspects of|

| |research in all aspects of team’s project |have neglected some aspects of its |project OR comprises mainly “soft” |

| |area. Sources are peer-reviewed and |project area or consulted inappropriate |sources OR citations are absent (no |

| |credible. Citations appear appropriately |or “soft” sources. OR citation method |references cited in text). |

| |in text. |may be inadequate, with sources not | |

| | |cited when needed. | |

|Quality of document structure and |Background is problem-focused with problem|Background generally stays on topic, but|Problem statement is not stated at the |

|organization |statement appearing at the end of the |may meander or lack flow. Transitions |end of the document OR background is |

| |document. Transitions between topics occur|and other cues to guide reader may be |disjointed and team-centered rather than|

| |logically. Team leads with assertions and |lacking; key points occur at the end |problem-focused. Transitions and other |

| |provides clear forecasting sentences or |rather than the beginning of paragraphs.|cues to guide reader are absent. |

| |subheads to guide reader through the | |Document may be incomplete, sloppily |

| |document. Grammar/spelling is not | |organized, or poorly written. |

| |distracting. | | |

|Quality of figures, tables and |Figures are used effectively to enhance |Figures are used but may not be |Figure usage is ineffective. Figures do |

|captions |points made in text. The figures help |explained well or are not appropriate to|not enhance the points made in the text.|

| |explain the content. Figures are clear and|content. Some figures may have |Captions are not used effectively. |

| |professional looking. Captions explain the|insufficient quality. Figure captions |Quality of figures is poor. |

| |figures thoroughly. References to figures |may not be complete. References to | |

| |are appropriate in text |figures in the text may be incomplete. | |


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