Effective Communication

? Effective CommunicationNature of CommunicationElements of communicationFacial expressionEye contactTone of voicePhysical touchAppearanceBody/posturePhysical gesturesHead positionTo effect needSocial contactCommon mediumTransmissionUnderstandingCircular modelTimingOrder of arrivalSequenceOverloadToo much info - overloadingAbility to then respondShort circuitingOmissions in communication chainDistortionDifferences in message meaning between partiesCaused difference in roleFilteringnon verbal communication very importante.g. in japan proximity to the door indicates importanceeffective speakingchapter 4five principles of good speakingbe cleari.e. easy to understandbe preparedbe simplebut don't talk downbe vividuse og graphics, colourenthusiasm for subjectbe naturalspeak as yourselfWhat is conceived well is expressed clearly, And words to say it will arise with easeNicholas Boileau 1674art of listeningchapter 5benefits of being a better listenerprincipal way of learningmay hear ideas that you can leverageevery person is my superior in some way, in that i learn from him or herRalph Waldo Emerson - US essayistlistening is a way of helping peopleletting people talk things outsometimes consultants usedcan be time consumingquality of listening more than quantityby listening you create a listenerreciprocation of effortdisease of not listeningselective listeningnot same as listening in wavestune out on certain topicspersistent interruptingcome from anticipating the end of the statement/point being madecan miss the point of what is being communicateddaydreamingexternal distractionsuncomfortable envchairsnoisetemperatureevading the difficult or technicalcan be difficult not because presenters abilitycriticising the speaker's delivery or visual aidsuse presenters aids as excuse for poor listeningskills of listeningask questionsHe who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learningDanish Proverbskillsbe willing to listenhear the messageinterpret the meaningevaluate carefullyrespondappropriatelyweigh the evidenceexamine assertionswatch your assumptionsspeed of thought ... people speak at approx 125 words per min' when thinking it can be approx x4practical presentation skillsknow your audienceknow locationknow ocassionplan the presentationselect suitable visual aids - aim for simile, vivid, clearpreparingcommit to short term memory what you're going to sayprompt notestry to work without notesfail to prepare; prepare to failrehearsedeliver with the 5 principles of good communicationcommunications in organizationschapter 11the first function of the executive is to develop and maintain a system of communicationChester Barnard, US business executive and management expertclear writingchapter 6key elementsstructure and layoutcontentstyleprefer familiar wordsconcrete words over abstractsingle word over circumlocutionshort words over longtonereading to some purposechapter 7reading rrequirementspeed readingselective readingskill of scanningleading effective meetingschapter 10role of discussionplanninginformailityparticipationpurposeleadershipclarity of purposeguiding discussionkeep objectives clearly in mindensure all and only necessary people are presentagree time limits in advance, keep to themif minutes are needed keep them conciseend on a positive noteend with summary of actions and decisions takenblend role of both meeting chairman and leadercommunication starchapter 2demonstrates relationships of communication elementselements of starcommunicator (sender)links to communicant (receiver)links to situationmiddle of the star is aimcontentlinks to methodslinks to situationmethodslinks to contentlinks to communicant (receiver)communicant (receiver)links to senderlinks to methodssituationlinks to contentlinks to senderstar help to plan for any meetingdetermine what you want to achieve with communicationwhen communicating keep in mind 'overtones' as well as contentconsier setting in which communication is occuringensure actions support communicationbe a good listener - seek to understand as well as be understood ................

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