Human Resources Gets the Best Teachers and Principals

MOVING HC METRICS STRATEGICALLYWhat Would You Do If… PurposeThe purpose of this activity is to focus on strategic moves a new Human Resources Chief can take to implement strategic HR work, based on specific metrics, in the areas of Teacher Pipeline/Pathway Development, Principal Quality, and HR Team Service to Principals. HR Leads and their teams can use this to start a discussion about what strategies can be used to improve an HC team’s performance and metrics in key areas.Intended User(s)HR/HC Leads and TeamsThe ActivityOne group in the room will look at what we call the “Blue Sheet.” This is a listing of a set of metrics that a Human Resources Chief is reviewing after one year in his role. On this “Blue Sheet,” the HR Chief will also see the same metrics he inherited from one year ago. The other group in the room will view the “Green Sheet.” These are the static metrics that the same HR Chief was given when he began his work a year ago. DirectionsSplit the group into two equal-sized groups and hand each person either a blue or a green sheet.Half of the group in the room is given the “Blue Sheet” and the other half is given the “Green Sheet.” They are asked to look over their data set. Each group is given the following directions and two minutes to consider the following questions individually based on the color sheet they received:If you have a “Green Sheet,” know that the data was the information the new HR Chief inherited in early spring 2016 when he began his new role. If you were advising this new head of HR, what changes would you recommend he make immediately to improve in one year’s time? Specifically, what actions/strategies might he use? If you have a “Blue Sheet” and you have seen improvement, what do you think the HR Chief focused on in the first year and what actions/strategies might he have implemented?Now pair into teams with one “Green Sheet” and one “Blue Sheet” member per team and give the following directions, allowing time for discussion:Now, partner with someone who has a different color sheet than yours (i.e., a “Blue Sheet” person with a “Green Sheet” person). Compare and contrast the two sets of data. Share your thoughts about the actions you surmised could have or did happen. Where do you see similarities in the strategies/actions you surmised? Where do you see different strategies/actions? 4. Discuss the similarities and differences focusing in on what they found related to the areas of Pipeline/Pathways for Teachers, Principal Quality, and HR Team Service to Principals.Blue SheetSchool District X is a mid-size, mostly urban/suburban school district with 65,000 students. Over the last 5 years they have had mostly flat student achievement with a persistent achievement gap with a slight move up this year. The HR Chief has been in his role for a little over a year. He generally has the budget and staff to do the right work. When he began his work in April 2016, he inherited the set of data on the "Green Sheet." One year later in April 2017, he has the data on the "Blue Sheet."What actions/strategies do you think he might have used in the past year to move this data?DataPrincipal Satisfaction with HR support (collected spring 2017): 80% satisfiedNote that in spring 2016 it was 65%New Teacher Satisfaction with Induction/New Teacher Support (collected spring 2017): 80% satisfiedNote that in 2016 it was 65%HR Team Satisfied with Support received from their manager and their team for their work (collected spring 2017): 80% satisfiedNote that in 2016 it was 65%# of teachers currently in the Applicant Pool in April 2017: 2,500Note that in 2016 it was 1,00040% of teachers hired for 400 projected vacancies April 2017Note that in 2016 it was 15% at this time12 principals hired for 20 projected vacancies as of April 2017Note that in 2016 it was 5 principals hired at this timeGreen SheetSchool District X is a mid-size, mostly urban/suburban school district with 65,000 students. Over the last 5 years they have had mostly flat student achievement with a persistent achievement gap. The HR Chief has been in his role for a little over a year. He generally has the budget and staff to do the right work. When he began his work in April 2016, he inherited the set of data on the "Green Sheet." One year later, he has the data on the "Blue Sheet."What strategies do you think he might use in the next year to move his data?DataPrincipal Satisfaction with HR support (collected in spring 2016): 65% satisfiedNew Teacher Satisfaction with Induction/New Teacher Support (collected in spring 2016): 65% satisfiedHR Team Satisfied with Support received from their Manager and their team for their work (collected spring 2016): 65% satisfied# of teachers in the Applicant Pool in April 2016: 1,00015% of teachers hired as of April 2016 for 400 projected vacancies5 principals hired for 20 projected vacancies as of April 2016 ................

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