Mathematics: Key Stage 3 - Woodhey High School

[Pages:4]Mathematics: Key Stage 3

Year 7 curriculum


Pupils will study six areas of Mathematics: Number Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change Algebra Geometry & Measures Probability Statistics

Below is an outline of the topics studied by an average pupil. These will be supported or extended as necessary for different abilities within the year group.

Term 1 NUMBER 1

Mental and written methods for the four operations

Negative numbers Rounding Checking answers GEOMETRY & MEASURE 1 Lines and angles Properties of

triangles, quadrilaterals and circles Properties of 3D shape 2D representations of 3D shapes ALGEBRA 1 Construct and simplify expressions Brackets Solve simple equations Write and use formulae


Cycle of a survey Group and represent

data Interpret data with

simple diagrams Scatter diagrams RATIO, PROPORTION AND CHANGE 1 Simplifying ratio Ratio problems Sharing into

quantities Proportion problems NUMBER 2 Types of number Four operations with

fractions Equivalent fractions,

decimals, percentages GEOMETRY & MEASURE 2

Perimeter, area and volume

Finding measurements in circles

Term 3 ALGEBRA 2

Sequences and rules Co-ordinates Linear graphs Conversion graphs STATISTICS 2 Averages and


Metric units Estimating lengths PROBABILITY Probability scale Basic probability

calculations Sample space


Year 8 curriculum


Pupils will study six areas of Mathematics: Number Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change Algebra Geometry & Measures Probability Statistics

Below is an outline of the topics studied by an average pupil. These will be supported or extended as necessary for different abilities within the year group.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

NUMBER 1 Ordering decimals Calculations involving decimals Calculations with negative numbers BIDMAS Rounding and estimating

GEOMETRY & MEASURE 1 Angle rules Angles in parallel lines Angles in polygons Simple constructions and loci Transformations

ALGBERA 1 Expanding brackets Factorising linear expressions Solving linear equations Use of inequalities

STATISTICS 1 Frequency diagrams Pie Charts Scatter graphs


Comparing quantities Ratio problems Compound measures NUMBER 2 Four operations with

fractions Percentages of

amounts Percentage change Powers Simple standard form GEOMETRY & MEASURE 2 Perimeter and area

of 2D shapes Volume and surface

area of prisms Pythagoras' Theorem Simple trigonometry

ALGERBA 2 Write and use formulae Rearrange formulae Sequences Linear graphs and equations

STATISTICS 2 Measures of average, spread and comparisons


Direct and inverse proportion

Scale Drawings PROBABILITY

Review simple probability

Probability in experiments

Theoretical probabilities

Year 9 curriculum


Pupils will study six areas of Mathematics: Number Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change Algebra Geometry & Measures Probability Statistics

Below is an outline of the topics studied by an average pupil. These will be supported or extended as necessary for different abilities within the year group.

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

NUMBER 1 Four operations using decimals Significant figures HCF & LCM Rounding and estimating

GEOMETRY & MEASURE 1 Angle facts Angles in parallel lines Angles in polygons Constructions and loci Transformations

ALGEBRA 1 Solving equations with fractions Simultaneous equations Inequalities and regions

STATISTICS 1 Pie charts Scatter graphs and correlation


Percentage change Reverse

percentages Interest and

compound calculations NUMBER 2 Fractions, including algebraic Laws of indices Standard form GEOMETRY & MEASURE 2 Perimeter, area and volume Pythagoras' Theorem Trigonometry Similarity

ALEBRA 2 Formulae Rearranging formulae Sequences Linear graphs Quadratic graphs Real life graphs

STATISTICS 2 Averages and spread form a table


Direct and inverse proportion

Scale drawings PROBABILITY

Two way tables Sets and venn

diagrams Tree diagrams


Homework will be set by the class teacher twice per fortnight. This may be

further practice of skills in exercise book research activities structured revision tasks online tasks through the website mymaths

Every pupil should complete additional independent study in addition to homework set by their teacher. This should focus on revisiting past topics to promote retention of knowledge. Pupils can try questions from their books to see if they still understand the techniques. They could also use the mymaths search facility to seek and complete any task of their choice; or even spend some time playing the mymaths games for practice of arithmetic.


Academic Review Centre (ARC) runs daily for 30 minutes at lunch time with a member of the mathematics department on duty.

Textbooks/Revision guides/study aids:

The mathematics department currently use CGP textbooks. The complete list of our books is below. You may wish to purchase a copy for your child which would provide them with opportunity for practice and revision. Should you wish to purchase a copy for your child please ask their class teacher which is the appropriate book.

KS3 TEXTBOOKS CGP Mathematics for Key Stage Three BOOK 1 ? ISBN 9781782941620 CGP Mathematics for Key Stage Three BOOK 2 ? ISBN 9781782941613 CGP Mathematics for Key Stage Three BOOK 3 ? ISBN 9781782941606

Links to websites:

nrich. uk.

(Login: woodhey Password: triangle) Pupils also have their own individual logins to allow their results to be recorded. These can be found in their planner.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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