Every mission requires action, and action words are verbs ...

Every mission requires action, and action words are verbs. Below is a list of verbs. Pick three verbs from each column or add some verbs of your own. Mark an "X" in the box.

Accomplish Acquire Adopt Advance Affect Affirm Alleviate Amplify Ascend Believe

Bestow Brighten Build Cause Choose Claim Collect Combine Command Communicate Compel Compete Compliment Compose Confirm Connect Consider Construct Continue Council Create

Demonstrate Devise Direct Discover Discuss Distribute Draft Dream Educate Embrace

Encourage Endow Engage Enhance Enlighten Enlist Enliven Entertain Enthuse Evaluate Excite Explore Extend Facilitate Forgive Foster Franchise Further Generate Give Grant

Identify Illuminate Implement Improve Improvise Inspire Integrate Involve Know Launch

Lead Light Live Make Manifest Master Mature Measure Mediate Model Mold Motivate Negotiate Nurture Organize Participate Pass Perform Play Possess Practice

Defining Your Mission Statement ? Part 2 List nine verbs you picked from exercise 1 below.

1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 4. ______________________________________ 5. ______________________________________ 6. ______________________________________ 7. ______________________________________ 8. ______________________________________ 9. ______________________________________

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Defining Your Mission Statement ? Part 3 Look over the above nine (9) verbs and select the ultimate three. These are the action words, which will shape you future activities.

1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________

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Defining Your Mission Statement ? Part 4 What do you stand for? What principle, value, or purpose would you be willing to devote or dedicate your life and/or business to? Remember, every mission implies that someone will be helped. For example, some people's key phrase or value might be "service", "quality", "continuous improvement". "innovation", or "creativity" etc... Please use the space below.

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Defining Your Mission Statement ? Part 5

Below is a list of groups and/or causes. Pick the three that most attract you or add some of your own.

Environment Family Issues

Education Media/Journalism

Health Care Elderly Children

Poverty Issues The Homeless

Immigration Energy

Agriculture The Justice System Parks and Recreation

Veterans Substance Abusers

Nutrition Law

Temples/churches The Ill and Disabled

Defense Space Exploration

Sports Food & Nutrition Computer Technology Administration

Management Construction

Travel Finance/Investment

Real Estate Printing and Publishing

Religion/Spirituality Internet/ World Wide Web

Community Development Labor Relations Literacy

Civil Rights issues Sexuality Issues Fashion The Arts Books Music Cinema Design Political issues Government Youth

Land Development/Preservation Business

Non-Profit Agencies Churches

Public Safety Human Growth & Development

Infants Water Rights

Tourism Pro-Choice/ Pro-Life Issues

Research Bio-Tech Women's or Men's Rights Animal rights Broadcasting Child Abuse/Protection Child Care Home Health Care Global Economy

From the chart above, pick one cause that you are most committed to.

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