Hardware Basics for Front Projection SMART Board Interactive

SMART Board for the Beginner

1. Welcome and Introduction.

a. Intro of Presenter.

b. SMART board rubric.

c. (5-10 Mins)

2. Basic Vocabulary of the SMART board.

a. Interactive Whiteboard

b. Notebook

c. Orienting

d. Pen

e. USB chord

f. Unified Board

g. VGA chord

h. Freestanding Board

i. Power Chord

j. Dongle

k. (15-20 Mins.)

3. Connecting your board (pgs. 2-3)

a. See page 2 of handout.

b. Lights and meanings.

c. Cleaning Board.

d. Launching SMART Notebook Software.

e. (30-45 Mins.)

4. Recognize the Basic layouts and functions of the SMART board. (pgs. 3-7)

a. Ink Vs. Text

b. Main Toolbar

c. Floating Toolbar

d. SMART Exchange

e. Instructional Technology website

f. (60-75 Mins)

5. Conclusion and follow-up. (page 7)

a. Home Downloads

b. (5-10 Mins)

The most important thing to remember when connecting your board: There is 1 and ONLY 1 place that most of the chords can go, so you can’t go wrong!

Below are the charts that will help you connect your board:

[pic] [pic] [pic]

If your equipment is wall-mounted, you should seldom have to orient your board since all equipment is fixed. If the aligned is off on a board, orient as follows:

1. Press and hold the Keyboard and the Right Mouse button simultaneously until the Orientation screen appears.

2. Begin the orientation process at the upper left corner of the Orientation screen. Press your finger or pen firmly on the center of each cross in the order indicated by the white, diamond-shaped graphic. Nine alignment points will appear. This option is also found in the icon menu on your task bar.


2. Turn on the projector, then the computer. The interactive whiteboard draws power from the computer and will be activated automatically. The Ready Light, indicating the status of your interactive whiteboard, will give you an indication of what the status of the board is:

a. RED: Computer is off or Board is getting power but not plugged in properly.

b. ORANGE/AMBER: There is an internal problem with your board. Contact your SITE TECH immediately so they can put in a work order with the SMART board company.

c. FLASHING GREEN: The board has touch functions, but no SMART board software.

d. SOLID GREEN: 100% working.

1. To open NOTEBOOK software version 10.8, Double click on the Notebook icon on the Desktop.

[pic] [pic]

2. You also can launch and access software tools from the TRAY ICON (blue circle similar to Desktop icon).

1. The SMART Board interactive whiteboard comes with four pens (black, red, green and blue) and one eraser. Although you do not need to use the pens to write on your interactive whiteboard, the pens do make writing more intuitive. Pick up a pen from the pen tray and write on the SMART Board. To erase your digital ink, remove the eraser from the pen tray and move it in a smooth motion over your notes. Your notes will disappear.

TIP: To clear a large area of digital ink, draw a circle around the area you want to erase with the eraser and tap once inside that area. All handwritten notes inside that circle will disappear.

2. You can also pull up the on-screen keyboard at any time, to be used with any application. The keyboards are normally not used for extensive keyboarding…it is quicker to enter text on the computer keyboard. There are 6 keyboard views from which to choose.

With the Classic Keyboard, when using with the SMART Board notebook software, once you start keying in information, a textbox appears on your Notebook page, inserting the characters you are pressing. If you want to key in the information before inserting it into a text box, you can expand the view of the keyboard using the down arrows in the upper right-hand corner of the keyboard.

Other keyboard views are Number Pad, Simple, Simple Caps, Write, and Shortcut.

The Write keyboard, allows you to print or write in cursive on the lines. Once you stop writing, the writing is converted into text and placed in a text box on the Notebook page. You can also use the down arrows in the top right-hand corner to display what is written before sending it to the Notebook page.

On each of the keyboards, there is a “Settings” button. This allows you to determine whether you want to hear sound when using the keyboard, the number of keys in the Classic view, set the time before converting writing to text, location of the keys, and keyboard transparency. The transparency feature is handy if you want your keyboard less intrusive or if you want to temporarily somewhat hide it rather than close it totally then have to reopen it. Note: Not all options are available for each keyboard.


Right click anywhere on the toolbar. The available tools will appear in a pop-up window. Just drag icons to and from the pop-up window. There are a number of additional tools available which are not covered in this training. Explore at your leisure.


Many of the SMART tools available WITHIN the Notebook software are also available outside the software and can be used with other applications. The features you use most are literally at your fingertips with the Floating Tools toolbar. When the Notebook software is installed, the Floating Toolbar appears as soon as your computer starts up. If it is not already on your screen, you can launch the Floating Tools by selecting the SMART Board™ icon located in, windows notification area at the bottom right of your screen, and choosing Show Floating Tools from the menu.

Press the Customize button in the Floating Tools toolbar to choose from a variety of toolbar buttons.

You can choose as many buttons as you like to fully customize Floating Tools with the buttons you need. To add a button to the Floating Toolbar, drag and drop the icon onto the toolbar. To remove a button, ensure the Customize button has been pressed, and drag the button off the Floating Tools toolbar. To return the toolbar to its original configuration press the Restore Defaults button. When you are finished customizing the toolbar press the Done button.

1. From the Gallery tab, you will notice a link for SMART Exchange in the top box of the tab contents. You will need an Internet connection for this option. The SMART Exchange is a website where you can find already made lessons, which are aligned with Oklahoma Standards as well as training materials, video helps and thousands of items for your gallery.

2. You do have to register, make sure you use your school email, and it’s free!!

3. You can also get to the exchange by typing in: exchange. in your web browser.

1. TPS has a website to help as well.

2. Type: in your web browser to find more resources and training materials.

1. You don’t need to be connected to a board to practice.

2. The Smart Board software is a free download. You have the ability to create lessons on any computer, whether you are connected to a Smart Board or not. Most of the software features are available even when you are not connected to a Board.

TO GET THE SOFTWARE ON A SCHOOL COMPUTER: Contact your Site Tech to have it installed.


To download the software, go to

4. Select the download for the Windows Operating System or the Mac Operating System. The current version in TPS is Version 10.8

5. To complete the download, you will need the Product Key: email instructor for that information because it is sensitive to TPS only.



Connecting a SMART board

Orienting the SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard

Starting the Interactive Whiteboard

Launching the Software

Ink Vs. Text

SMART tools

Floating Toolbar

The SMART Exchange

Tulsa Public Schools Instructional Technology Department Support for SMART boards

Software on your home computer


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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