New Generator for the Department of Public Works

TOWN OF TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUTREQUEST FOR PROPOSALTRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENTPOLICE UNIFORMSBID NUMBER: 6312 DUE: September 26, 2018 @ 2:00PMGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERSThe Town of Trumbull, Connecticut (hereinafter referred to as “Town”), through the Office of the Town Purchasing Agent, will accept sealed bids from qualified firms (here-in-after referred to as bidder, contractor, proposer) for the TRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENT UNIFORMS (hereinafter referred to as “TPD”),This RFP is not a contract offer, and no contract exists until a written contract is signed by the Town and the successful proposer.1.PREPARATION OF PROPOSALSBids shall be submitted by using the enclosed BID PROPOSAL FORM that accompanies this request. Submit one (1) ORIGINAL and two (2) EXACT COPIES. Bidders should submit bids in a clear, concise and legible manner to permit proper evaluation of responsive bids.Bidders may also submit, under separate cover with their proposal, any samples of reports and documents that are necessary to meet the requirements (deliverables) of this request should a purchase order be awardedNo oral, email, telephonic, or faxed proposals will be considered. Corrections, deletions, or additions to bids may be made by wire, provided such wires are received in correct and comprehensive form prior to the opening time of bids, and confirmed by letter. No Email, telephone corrections, deletions, or additions will be accepted. The Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive any or all formalities in connection therewith.2.BID SUBMISSIONBids are to be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed as follows:Bid: 6312 -Trumbull Police UniformsDue:SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 @ 2:00PM KEVIN BOVAPurchasing AgentTown of Trumbull 5866 Main StreetTrumbull, CT 06611Please be advised that the person signing the formal proposal must be so authorized by your organization to contractually bind your firm with regard to prices and related contractual obligations for the delivery period as is specified. 3. BID TIMEBids shall be received at the office of the Purchasing Agent, Town Hall, prior to the advertised hour of opening, at which time all proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after the due date and time noted above shall not be accepted or opened.A bidder may withdraw a proposal at any time prior to the above scheduled date and time. Any bid received after the above scheduled date and time shall not be considered or opened.4. TOWN OPTIONSThe Town reserves the right to reject any and all bids and does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid or any proposal. The Town reserves the right to ask for new bids in whole or in part, or to reject any or all bids, or any part thereof, and to waive any requirements, irregularities, technical defects or service therein when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the Town and/or of the Trumbull Police Department.The use of brand names in specifications are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive; the intent is to indicate the standard of quality, performance, and characteristics that will be acceptable.? Bids offering other equivalent makes will be considered.? Bidders should clearly state exactly what will be furnished when an alternate is being proposed and provide supportive documentation describing the performance and capabilities of the alternate item.? The Town in its sole discretion will judge the equivalency of other makes. that information must be outlined in a letter attached to the bid proposal. Otherwise it will be presumed that the bid as proposed is in accordance with the project requirements.5. TAXESAll purchases made by the Town and/or The TPD, and associated with the award of this requirement shall be tax exempt. Any taxes must not be included in bid prices. A Tax Exemption Certificate shall be furnished upon request.6. INQUIRIESAll inquiries regarding this request shall be answered up to the close of business on September 19, 2018 after which time no additional questions will be accepted. To ensure consistent interpretation of certain items, answers to questions the Town deems to be in the interest of all bidders will be made available in writing by Addendum (s) or as appropriate to all bidders. Inquiries of a technical nature may be directed to Sgt. Anthony Lopes at ALopes@trumbull-. All other questions may be directed to the Kevin Bova, Purchasing Agent (203.452.5042) kbova@trumbull- . Additionally, after proposals are received, the Town reserves the right to communicate with any or all of the bidders to clarify the provisions of Proposals. The Town further reserves the right to request additional information from any bidder at any time after proposals are opened.7. AWARD AND AUTHORITYThe Town Purchasing Agent will issue notification of award in writing after consultation with and approval from the TPD. Followed by a Purchase order & a signed contract by selected contractor and The Town of TrumbullThe award will based on not solely on low bid, but rather the best value, time frame, bid vale, and any other factors that might be considered that deems best overall bid.The Town of Trumbull reserves the right to award the bid with multiple items:To more than one bidder, based on meeting the item(s) specification, cost, availability, or any combination of these criteria;To a single bidder who meets the specifications for all items, and offers the best combination of lowest cost, best availability, and broadest product range;And may add, subtract or delete any item and/or quantity as deemed in the best interest of the Town. THE TOWN OF TRUMBULL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS.8. PRICINGBidders are requested to quote as per specifications / requirements.All prices quoted are to be firm for a period of at least 180 days following bid opening.Special Consideration will be given to responses with extended firm price dates. The Town is always interested in any and all cost reduction opportunities.9. ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS, TITLES, AND INTERESTSAny assignment or subcontracting by a bidder, vendor, or contractor for work to be performed, or goods and/or services to be provided, in whole or in part, and any other interest in conjunction with Town procurement shall not be permitted without the express written consent of the Town of Trumbull.10. HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSEBidder agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Town and TPD from and against any and all liability for loss, damage or expense which the Town may suffer or for which the Town may be held liable by reason of injury, including death, to any person or damage to any property arising out of or in any manner connected with the operations to be performed under an agreement with the Town, whether or not due in whole or in part of any act, omission or negligence of the Town or any of his representatives or employees.11. WORK REGULATIONS AND STANDARDSAll work activities performed in association with this request must be performed and completed for the TPD in accordance with current Federal State and Local regulations. All services performed shall also conform to the latest OSHA standards and/or regulations. State of Connecticut All services performed shall also conform to the latest OSHA standards and/or regulations. The Contractor shall agree to comply with the requirements of the State of Connecticut Executive Order No. 3 promulgated to promote equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination throughout the labor force in Connecticut.12.INSURANCEThe successful bidder shall provide the Town Purchasing Agent with a Certificate of Insurance before work commences. The Town and the TPD shall be named as an additional insured with Insurance Company licensed to write such insurance in Connecticut, against the following risks and in not less than the following amounts:Worker’s CompensationContractor’s Public Liability and Property DamageCommercial General LiabilityEach OccurrenceAggregate Bodily Injury Liability$1,000,000$1,000,000 Property Damage Liability$1,000,000$1,000,000 Personal Injury Liability$1,000,000$1,000,000Comprehensive Auto LiabilityEach OccurrenceAggregateIncluding coverage of owned, non-owned & rented vehicles$1,000,000$2,000,000Property Damage$1,000,000$2,000,000Such policies shall provide that no coverage shall be changed or cancelled unless thirty- (30) day’s prior notice of such change or cancellation shall be made to the owner. Such notice shall be made by registered mail; postage prepaid, to the Purchasing Agent, Town of Trumbull, Town Hall, Trumbull, Connecticut 06611. In the event of cancellation, the contractor shall cease all operations on or before the effective date of said cancellation and he shall not commence work again until he has obtained replacement insurance and has delivered a Certificate of Insurance to the office of the Town’s Purchasing Department14.LOWEST RESPONSIBLE PROPOSALThe Town along with the TPD shall determine the “lowest responsible qualified proposer” on the basis of the Proposer submitting the lowest “Total Proposal”, responsiveness of his specifications / requirements Proposal; and demonstrating a history of the ability and integrity necessary to deliver the required uniforms; and certifying that it shall perform the work in accordance with the specifications.Proposals will be compared on the basis of the “Total Proposal” of the items listed in the Proposal and on basis of the Proposer’s experience and competence.If the Lowest Total Proposal exceeds the amount of funds available for the project, the Town along with the TPD reserves the right to increase or decrease any class, item or part of the work. After determining the “lowest responsible qualified proposer”, the Town Purchasing agent will issue a Notice of Award to the successful Proposer.In the event that the lowest responsible qualified proposer fails to execute the Contact and/or fails to provide the required documents within the time period prescribed, the Town and TPD, at its option, may consider the lowest responsible qualified proposer to be in default, in which case the Town and TPD will move onto the next low qualified bidder.15.DELIVERY TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. All bidders must declare a time frame for delivery of all uniform items which will be a factor in the consideration of this bid award. The Town of Trumbull fully expects reasonable and timely delivery of all uniform items sought under this bid. All pick-ups and deliveries of uniforms will be made in person; no mail services or parcel shipping services will be permitted. 16. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Public officials shall be prohibited from receiving any town work procured through a public Bid or bid waived Process so as to avoid any appearance of impropriety or conflict of interest and Public officials cannot Circumvent the intent of this ordinance by receiving town work through a bid waiver, as proscribed by the Trumbull Town Charter..17. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS AND REFERENCESBidders shall complete and submit the “Statement of Qualifications” section of this request along with the References form. The Town and TPD may make such investigations as necessary and it deems appropriate to determine the qualifications of the proposer to perform the work required. If the Town is not satisfied that the proposer is properly qualified, the Town along with the TPD reserves the right to reject the proposal of said proposer.18. MiscellaneousShould any Bidder find discrepancies in the specifications, or be in doubt as to the exact meaning, they shall notify TPD Sgt. Anthony Lopes at once. TPD may then, at their option, issue Addenda clarifying same. The Town or TPD. shall not be responsible for oral instructions or misinterpretations of specifications.The Town reserves the right to issue Addenda at any time prior to the Bid Opening. All such Addenda become, upon issuance part of the Specification. Each Bidder shall cover such Addenda in the proposal and shall acknowledge receipt of same on the blank provided therefore.The Town reserves the right to require any or all Bidders to submit statements as to previous experience in performing comparable work; and as to financial and technical organizations and resources available for this work. The mere opening and reading aloud of a bid shall not constitute or imply the Town’s acceptance of the suitability of a Bidder or the bid, nor shall possession of Specifications constitute an invitation to bid. The competency and responsibility of Bidders will be considered in making an award.19. ADDENDUMSIt is the responsibility of the bidder to verify prior to final submittal of a bid if any ADDENDA to this request have been issued. Any addenda to this request shall be posted on the Town of Trumbull website trumbull- under the Purchasing Department’s section. Bidders may also call the Purchasing Department directly 203.452.5042 for inquiries regarding addenda.TOWN OF TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUTREQUEST FOR PROPOSALTRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENTPOLICE UNIFORMSBID NUMBER: 6312 DUE: September 26, 2018 @ 2:00PMGENERAL /SCOPEGENERALThe Contractor offers and agrees to assign to the public purchasing body all right, title and interest in all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act, 15 U.S.C. or under Chapter 624 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, arising out of the purchase contract of services, property, or intangibles of any kind pursuant to a public purchasing contract of subcontracting. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the public purchasing body awards or accepts such contracts without further acknowledgment by the parties.The use of brand names in specifications are intended to be descriptive only and not restrictive; the intent is to indicate the standard of quality, performance, and characteristics that will be acceptable.? Bids offering other equivalent makes will be considered.? Bidders should clearly state exactly what will be furnished when an alternate is being proposed and provide supportive documentation describing the performance and capabilities of the alternate item.? The Town in its sole discretion will judge the equivalency of other makes.Any item not supplied in accordance with these specifications or of inferior quality must be corrected in a satisfactory manner at the Contractor’s expense.Delivery must be scheduled in coordination with a designated ranking officer of the police department of the Town of Trumbull.If the Contractor wishes to claim that any instructions given him in connection with a specific order for items purchased hereunder requires cost above and beyond what the specifications and instructions contained herein provide, he shall, within five (5) days after receipt of such instructions, and in any event before proceeding to make delivery, submit his protest thereto in writing to the Purchasing Agent of the Town of Trumbull stating clearly and in detail, the basis of his objection. No such claim shall be considered valid unless so made.SCOPE OF WORK Police uniforms as particularly identified and described in the enclosed specifications list. The number of each item purchased is to be specified by a designated ranking officer of the Police Department of the Town of Trumbull.NON-EXCLUSIVITYThe Town of Trumbull shall not be prevented by this bid or any contract expressed or implied by it or purchases made pursuant to it from purchasing the item(s) referred to herein from another contractor or vendor. This bid shall not establish an exclusive contract for the Contractor selected hereby.SPECIFICATIONS / REQUIREMENTSUniforms being bid shall conform to the following specifications:Coats and Jackets1.POLICE WINTER JACKET: Blauer 33” long, style 9860Z Parka or equalDurable Taslan nylon outer shell fabric, B-DRY waterproof, windproof, breathable fabric lining. Zip out B-WARM quilted fleece liner. Color: Dark Navy. Buttons: Gold.Bidder to sew Trumbull Police patches and badge patch on each coat (provided). For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.2.POLICE LIGHTWEIGHT JACKET: Blauer 23” long, style 9915Z or equalRipstop Taslan nylon outershell. Zip-out B.WARM quilted liner. Waterproof-breathable CROSSTECH fabric lining to provide blood, body fluid, and common chemical resistance. Traditional patch pockets. Badge and nameplate holders included. Color: Dark Navy. Buttons: Gold.Bidder to sew Trumbull Police patches and badge patch on each jacket (provided). For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Bid price quoted is for each garment regardless of size.3.POLICE SHELL JACKET: Blauer, style 6001 Reversible Bomber Jacket or equalJacket to be constructed of lightweight, water repellent Taslan nylon outer shell. Jacket designed to be reversible with Hi-Vis yellow and “Police” to be screened, in black lettering, on the back of the Hi-Vis yellow side. Bidder to inquire as to the exact size and placement of “Police.” Trumbull Police patches and badge patch (provided) to be sewn on by bidder on both inner and outer sides. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes on both sides. Color: Dark Navy with Hi-Vis Yellow. Buttons: Gold.4.POLICE SHELL JACKET (IKE LENGTH): Blauer, Style 6045 (24” Long)Jacket to be constructed of lightweight, water repellent Taslan nylon outer shell. Jacket designed to be reversible with Hi-Vis yellow and “Police” to be screened, in black lettering, on the back of the Hi-Vis yellow side. Bidder to inquire as to the exact size and placement of “Police.” Trumbull Police patches and badge patch (provided) to be sewn on by bidder on both sides. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes on both sides. Color: Dark Navy with Hi-Vis Yellow. Buttons: Gold.Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.5.POLICE FLEECE JACKET: Blauer, style 4660 Softshell Fleece Jacket or equalTrumbull Police badge patch and an embroidered name swatch to be sewn on each garment as specified by Department. Trumbull Police shoulder patches (provided) to be sewn on each garment. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Microphone tab affixed.Color: Dark NavyBid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size. All costs associated with embroidery are to be included in the submitted bid price.6.POLICE FLEECE JACKET: Blauer, style 4670 Softshell Fleece Jacket or equal (Bicycle Unit)Trumbull Police badge patch and an embroidered name swatch to be sewn on each garment as specified by department. Trumbull Police shoulder patches (provided) to be sewn on each garment. “POLICE” silk-screened in black lettering on rear of jacket, high-vis portion. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Microphone tab affixed. Color: Dark Navy with Royal BlueBid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size. All costs associated with embroidery are to be included in the submitted bid price.7.Reversible RAIN JACKET: Blauer 32” long, style 9691 or equalReversible waterproof, windproof, breathable 3-layer Gore-Tex fabric. 2” Scotchlite reflective trim on high-visibility side around the chest, back, and cuffs. “Trumbull Police” will be screened in black on the back of the Hi-Vis yellow side. Bidder to inquire as to the exact placement of “Trumbull Police.” Color: Black with Hi-Vis YellowButtons: Gold.Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.8.REVERSIBLE RAIN JACKET: Blauer 48” long, style 9690 or equalReversible waterproof, windproof, breathable 3-layer Gore-Tex fabric. 2” Scotchlite reflective trim on high-visibility side around the chest, back, and cuffs. “Trumbull Police” will be screened in black on the back of the Hi-Vis yellow side. Bidder to inquire as to the exact placement of “Trumbull Police.” Color: Black with Hi-Vis YellowButtons: Gold.Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.B.POLICE TROUSERSBlauer Street Gear trouser, style 8565, or equalDescription: 6-pocket wool blend trousers with side cargo pockets.Material: 15.5 oz. twill weave washable rayon blend fabric with 10% stretch.Stretch waistband construction with 2-bead silicone shirt grip and double hook and eyes. Relaxed fit for freedom of movement. CREASET silicone crease retention process. Front quarter pocket styling. Pleated double thigh pockets. 2 hip pockets with button tabs. Heavy duty nylon fly zipper with auto-lock slider.Color: Dark Navy.Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size. Blauer trouser, style 8567, or equal Description: 6-pocket wool blend trousers with hidden side cargo pockets.Material: Worsted 14.5 oz. serge weave washable 75/25 wool blend with 10% stretch. 2 hip pockets with button tabs, 2 zippered cut in pocket w/internal compartments, and 2 quarter top pockets.Color: Dark NavyBid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.3.RAIN PANTS: Blauer Style 9134 Shell Pants with Gore-Tex fabric or equalFeatherweight waterproof, breathable Gore-Tex fabric. Seams sealed with Gore-Tex seam tape. Snap-over elasticized waistband. Matches GTC Style 9691.Color: Black.Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.4Flextech Zip-Off Bike Pants, Blauer style 8822ZPerformance stretch fabric blend of 70% nylon, 22% polyester, and 8% spandex. Removable zip-off legs, 2 zippered thigh pockets, 1 zippered rear hip pocket, 2 quarter top pockets. Elasticized waistband. Color: Dark NavyBid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.5.Flextech Bike Shorts, Blauer style 8842Performance stretch fabric blend of 70% nylon, 22% polyester, and 8% spandex. 2 zippered thigh pockets, 1 zippered rear hip pocket, 2 quarter top pockets. Elasticized waistband. Color: Dark Navy Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.6. Flextech Tactical Pants, Blauer style 8823 (Canine Unit)Performance blend of 70% nylon, 22% polyester, and 8% spandex. 2 zippered thigh pockets, 1 zippered rear hip pocket, 2 quarter top pockets. Elasticized waistband. Color: Dark Navy Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.C.POLICE SHIRTSWINTER LONG SLEEVE, Blauer Super Shirt style 8436 or equal. Rayon blend, traditional 5-crease military style. Pleated pockets with scalloped flaps, pencil slot left, and hook and loop closure. Badge and nameplate holders included. Color: Dark Navy.Successful bidder will sew department patches on each shirt (provided). For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Bid price quoted are to be for each garment regardless of size.SUMMER SHORT SLEEVE, Blauer Super Shirt style 8446 or equal. Rayon blend, traditional 5-crease military style. Pleated pockets with scalloped flaps, pencil slot left, and hook and loop closure. Badge and nameplate holders included. Color: Dark Navy.Successful bidder will sew department patches on each shirt (provided). For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Bid price quoted are to be for each garment regardless of size.HIGH-VIS POLO SHIRT, Blauer style 8137 or equalColor: Hi Vis YellowCertified to ANSI 107: 2010 Class 2 high visibility safety standard.Trumbull Police badge patch and an embroidered name swatch to be sewn on each garment, as specified by department. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. “Police” to be silk screened in black lettering on back of garment. Centered mic tab. All costs associated with the production and application of badge patches, embroidery and silk screening are to be included in the bid price for each garment. Successful bidder will sew department shoulder patches (provided) on each garment. Bid price quoted is for each garment regardless of size.4.Colorblock Performance Polo Shirt (Bicycle Unit), Blauer, style 8133 Polo shirtColor: Dark Navy/ Royal BlueTrumbull Police badge patch and an embroidered name swatch to be sewn on each garment, as specified by department. Successful bidder will sew Trumbull Police shoulder patches (provided) on each garment. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Reflective “Police” patch with black lettering to be sewn on back of garment. Centered mic tab. All costs associated with the production and application of badge patches and embroidery are to be included in the bid price for each garment. Bid price quoted is for each garment regardless of size.LONG SLEEVE ArmorSkin Base shirt or equal, Blauer style 8471 Polo Shirt or equal(To be worn under ballistic vest carrier)Color: Dark NavySuccessful bidder will sew Trumbull Police patches, embroidered name swatch, and badge patch on each shirt. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Patches to be supplied by Trumbull Police Department. Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.SHORT SLEEVE ArmorSkin Base shirt(To be worn under ballistic vest carrier)Blauer, style 8472 Polo Shirt or equal Color: Dark NavySuccessful bidder will sew Trumbull Police patches, embroidered name swatch, and badge patch on each shirt. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. Patches to be supplied by Trumbull Police Department. Bid price quoted is for each garment regardless of size.D.POLICE SWEATERBlauer, style 225 Fleece-Lined V-Neck SweaterBlend of 57% polyester, 28% worsted wool. Includes the application of microphone tab and epaulets on each shoulder. Trumbull Police shoulder patches (provided) to be sewn on each garment. Trumbull Police badge patch and (first initial, full last name) to be embroidered on each garment, as specified by department. For sergeants, black and yellow sergeant stripes. All costs associated with embroidery are to be included in the submitted bid price. Bid price quoted is for each garment regardless of size. Color: Dark Navy.E. EXTERNAL BALLISTIC VEST CARRIER Blauer, style 8470 Armor Skin or equal. Trumbull Police badge patch and an embroidered name swatch to be sewn directly onto each garment. All costs associated with embroidery are to be included in the bid price for each garment. Bid price quoted is to be for each garment regardless of size.Color: Dark Navy.F.POLICE CAP1. WINTER: Style L1, Keystone Uniform Cap or equal (eight-point style)Standard eight-point uniform cap, including plastic uniform hat strap. Color: Navy Blue, with gold hat buttons and 1 ?” visor.SUMMER: Style L9, Keystone Uniform Cap or equal (eight-point style)Eight-point mesh top uniform cap with open nylon mesh and open cane band. Color: Navy Blue, with gold hat buttons and 1 ?” visor.CAP: Blauer, style 188, B-Cool Performance Cap or equalLightweight, moisture wicking polyester and mesh fabric side and back panels. Trumbull Police style patch embroidered on front of each cap, as specified by department. Officer operator number embroidered on rear.Color: Dark Navy.TOWN OF TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUTREQUEST FOR PROPOSALTRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENTPOLICE UNIFORMSBID NUMBER: 6312 DUE: September 26, 2018 @ 2:00PMSTATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONSSubmitted by: Name of Organization _____________________________________________________________ Name of Individual _____________________________________________________________ Title _____________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________Fax:_____________________Cell:_______________________Schedule A: Prior Similar Projects (Add Additional Pages as Needed)ProjectOwnerDesign ProfessionalContract PriceAmount CompletedDate of Delivery / InstallationTOWN OF TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUTREQUEST FOR PROPOSALTRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENTPOLICE UNIFORMSBID NUMBER: 6312 DUE: September 26, 2018 @ 2:00PMREFERENCES(To be submitted with proposal – attach additional pages as necessary)List references for similar services provided for at least four (4) clients in the past five (5) years (attach any other client references if desired). PLEASE NOTE IT IS THE TOWN’S INTENT TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE REFERENCES LISTED HEREIN.CLIENT 1:Organization Name: ________________________________________________Contact Name:__________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________Service Dates: _____________________________________________________Project(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________CLIENT 2:Organization Name: ________________________________________________Contact Name:__________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________Service Dates: _____________________________________________________Project(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________CLIENT 3:Organization Name: ________________________________________________Contact Name:__________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________Service Dates: _____________________________________________________Project(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________CLIENT 4:Organization Name: ________________________________________________Contact Name:__________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________Service Dates: _____________________________________________________Project(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________TOWN OF TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUTREQUEST FOR PROPOSALTRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENTPOLICE UNIFORMSBID NUMBER: 6312 DUE: September 26, 2018 @ 2:00PMPROPOSED SUBCONTRACTORSIf none, write "None"__________________________________.*Description of Work____________________________________________________Proposed Subcontractor Name _____________________________________Address________________________________________________________*Description of Work____________________________________________________Proposed Subcontractor Name _____________________________________Address________________________________________________________*Description of Work____________________________________________________Proposed Subcontractor Name _____________________________________Address________________________________________________________*Description of Work____________________________________________________Proposed Subcontractor Name _____________________________________Address________________________________________________________*Insert description of work and subcontractors' names as may be required.This is to certify that the names of the above-mentioned subcontractors are submitted with full knowledge and consent of the respective parties.The Proposer warrants that none of the proposed subcontractors have any conflict of interest as respects this contract.Proposer_____________________________________(Fill in Name)By ___________________________________________(Signature and Title)TOWN OF TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUTREQUEST FOR PROPOSALTRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENTPOLICE UNIFORMSBID NUMBER: 6312 DUE: September 26, 2018 @ 2:00PMBID FORM / PROPOSAL Proposal of ___________________________________________________ (hereinafter called "Proposer, Bidder"); organized and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, doing business Town of Trumbull, Connecticut (hereinafter called the Town).The undersigned is aware that the Town of Trumbull may reject any and all bids; that the award will be based on the combination of items that will best serve the interest of the Town; that the bid price does not include any taxes for which the town is not liable; and that acceptance of the bid will establish no exclusive contract by which the Town of Trumbull will be required to purchase from the undersigned.By submission of this Proposal, the Proposer certifies, that this Proposal has been arrived at independently, without consultation, communication, or agreement as to any matter relating to this Proposal with any other Proposer or with any competitor.The undersigned is aware that the Town of Trumbull may reject any and all bids, that the award will be based on price and the method of calculations set forth within the bid invitation, and that the bid prices do not include any taxes for which the Town is not liable. The bid is made without collusion with any other person, individual, or corporation. Proposer agrees that this proposal shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (180) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving proposals.This bid shall be valid for a period of ________ days. Delivery shall be made within ________ working days from when order is placed.Proposer acknowledges receipt of the following Addendum:________ ________ _________ ___________ ___________ __________ _____________Note any exceptions or clarifications :( use additional pages as necessary) __________________________________________________________________________________TOWN OF TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUTREQUEST FOR PROPOSALTRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENTPOLICE UNIFORMSBID NUMBER: 6312 DUE: September 26, 2018 @ 2:00PM PROPOSALThe undersigned will provide police uniforms herein described at the following prices: Unit Price in Figures $ eachCoats and JacketsPolice Winter Jacket, Blauer 9860Z =$__________Police Lightweight Jacket, Blauer 9915Z =$__________Police Shell Jacket, Blauer 6001 =$__________Police Shell Jacket, Ike length, Blauer 6045 =$__________Police Fleece Jacket, Blauer 4660 =$__________Police Fleece Jacket, Blauer 4670 =$__________Reversible Rain Jacket, 32” long, Blauer 9691 =$__________Reversible Rain Jacket, 48” long, Blauer 9690 =$__________Police TrousersStreet Gear Trouser, Blauer 8565 =$__________Wool Blend 6-Pocket Trouser, Blauer 8567 =$__________Rain Pants, Blauer 9134 =$__________Flextech Zip-Off Bike Pants, Blauer 8822Z =$__________Flextech Bike Shorts, Blauer 8842 =$__________Flextech Tactical Pants, Blauer 8823 =$__________TOWN OF TRUMBULL, CONNECTICUTREQUEST FOR PROPOSALTRUMBULL POLICE DEPARTMENTPOLICE UNIFORMSBID NUMBER: 6312 DUE: September 26, 2018 @ 2:00PMPROPOSAL (Continued)Police ShirtsLong Sleeve Super Shirt, Blauer 8436 =$__________Short Sleeve Super Shirt, Blauer 8446 =$__________High-Vis Polo Shirt, Blauer 8137 =$__________Color Block Performance Polo Shirt, Blauer 8133 =$__________Long Sleeve Armor Skin Base Shirt, Blauer 8471 =$__________Short Sleeve Armor Skin Base Shirt, Blauer 8472 =$__________Police SweaterFleece lined V-neck Sweater, Blauer 225 =$__________External Ballistic Vest CarrierArmor Skin Ballistic Armor Vest Carrier, Blauer 8470=$__________Police CapWinter Uniform Cap, Keystone style L1 =$__________Summer Uniform Cap, Keystone style L9 =$__________Performance B-Cool Cap, Blauer style 188 =$__________ _________________________________ ________________________________________Company Name by (Signature)__________________________________ _________________________________________Address Print Name __________________________________ _________________________________________Town/State/Zip Title__________________________________ __________________________________________Date Telephone/Fax__________________________________ __________________________________________Email Emergency PhoneEND OF RFP? ................

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