Concrete mix design

Dear cousins

Subject: My last year in Syria

As discussed with you earlier, I wrote my memoirs for my last year in Syria and for the following three years in Lebanon. It would be unwise to write my memoirs for the years of the Lebanese civil wars because that would compromise my safety and the safety of others. Unfortunately, I have not kept any record for the events of those years. I gleaned from my fading memory whatever remained vivid and indelible and asked Adnan Salloum and Mousa George Abdullah who witnessed the events of my last year in Syria to read the text that I uploaded unto my website and comment on the accuracy of my recollection. You will find Adnan’s reply here below.

Indeed, my last year in Syria had influenced the shaping of my life thenceforward.

Please click on the following URL link to display the text. I hope that your valuable time would allow reading it

Please remember that I was then in my teens, inexperienced, unwise living in a very hostile environment, and that now I am much older, wiser and a peace loving person.

I compiled the text in PDF format. Therefore you need Acrobat Reader to display the PDF-document. If it is not already installed on your computer then I suggest that you click on the following URL link to download and install the Acrobat Reader free of charge


With my love and best wishes


----- Original Message -----

From: aisalloum@

To: anis@anisjabra.

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:57 AM

Dear Anis,

I read " My last year in Syria " and would like you to know that I am extremely impressed with the great memory you have. I only like to add that Mr. Ashure Zomaia and Mr. Daniel ( I don't remember his last name ) were under your protection and held the utmost respect for you.

Nassim may remember Daniel's last name.

I shall send a copy of it to Mousa Abdulla upon his return to the USA .

Please click on and enjoy the pictures and sayings !

Merry Christmas,


Dear Adnan

Subject: My last year in Syria

My sister-in-law, Peggy, Gabby’s wife, Alex and my daughters had urged me to write my memoirs. Indeed, I cannot write my memoirs during the years of the Lebanese civil war without compromising my safety and the safety of others. Hence, I decided to write my memoirs for my last year in Syria and for the following first 3 years in Lebanon. Unfortunately, I have not kept any records for the events of those years. I should now glean from my fading memory whatever remained vivid and indelible. Since you and Musa studied then in the same school and were affected by the outcome of those events, I thought of asking you to read the text that I uploaded unto my website and comment on the accuracy of my recollection. Indeed, those events had influenced the shaping of my life thenceforward.

Please click on the following URL link to display the text. I hope that your valuable time would allow reading it and consulting its content with Musa

Please remember that I was then in my early teens, inexperienced, unwise living in a very hostile environment, and that now I am much older, wiser and peace loving person.

I compiled the text in PDF format. Therefore you need the Acrobat Reader to display the PDF-document. I believe that it is already installed on your computer, if not then I suggest that you click on the following URL link to download and install the Acrobat Reader free of charge

It is indeed worth installing the Acrobat Reader on your system.



Dear friends

Subject: Calendars conversions

I developed and uploaded unto my website a users' friendly calculator for converting Christian to Islamic and Islamic to Christian dates for the purpose of enabling the users to determine the Gregorian dates of Islamic Holidays. It would be helpful to be able to do so in due times, particularly for those of us who have Muslim friends to whom we send our greetings at such events.

Please click on the following URL link to display the calculator and use it whenever you like.

If an error occurs, please copy the URL link and paste it in the Internet Address box then click on Go button.




Dear Francis

Subject: Amortization calculator and LOANS software

Many thanks for your valuable advice to make the amortization calculator more easily accessible to users. I implemented your recommendation and uploaded the updated Home page unto my company’s website. If you revisit the site, you will find a button and relevant description added at the bottom of the Home page to guide the visitor to the calculator. If you think of a clearer guide instruction, then please let me know.

Indeed, I developed this calculator as a tool for others to use. Its limitations render it of little value for my work. For budgeting my company’s finances and for predicting its future progress I regularly use LOANS software. In a way LOANS program is superior to and more sophisticated than the software used by HSBC bank. LOANS software, which I developed for my company includes all the capabilities of the bank software. It can likewise accommodate various levels of bank interest charges, base rates changes and repayments (on daily basis), and produce detailed statements for unlimited number of customers and unlimited number of loans per customer, yet it can run on any PC using Windows 95+, while the bank software requires main frame to run it. This superiority gives me the opportunity to tease my bank manager occasionally by predicting his precise dates for applying the changes of interest rates. However, my LOANS software might not be very users’ friendly because I developed it for my personal use not for marketing.


Dear Munif, Suham, Khalil, Anne, Pauline, Nigel & Gill

Subject: Amortization

My son-in-law sought my help to calculate the amortization details of a mortgage that he intends to take in Lebanon. Instead of giving him a solution for a particular loan, I developed an amortization calculator which I uploaded unto my company’s website so as to give him and others opportunity to use it. If you plan to take a bank loan, investigate the status of an existing loan or to give an advice about a mortgage, then I suggest that you consult this calculator. It is friendly, reliable and very easy to use. You may access it by clicking on the following URL link. Do try it.





Dear Karam

Subject: Amortization calculator

There is no need for you to apologize. I should have written clearer guide instructions to obviate the possibility of misinterpretation. Therefore, I have now rephrased the guide instruction for the input of interest rates as follows:

“Interest Rate in decimals. Example 0.05 for 5%”

If you can think of a clearer guide instruction please let me know.

I developed this calculator at the request of my son-in-law Sami, who intends to take a mortgage in Beirut. Instead of sending this calculator to him by email in a file attachment, I uploaded it unto my website to give others equal opportunity to use it. However, this calculator has limited remit and does not have hence much value for my work. For budgeting my company’s finances and for predicting its future progress I regularly use LOANS software, which I developed for the proper management of my company’s finances. In a way LOANS program is superior to and more sophisticated than the software used by HSBC bank. Albeit, LOANS software has the same capabilities of producing detailed statements as those of the bank’s, it can run on any PC using Windows 95+, while the bank’s software requires main frame to run it. This superiority gives me occasionally the opportunity to tease my bank manager by predicting his precise dates for applying the changes of interest rates.



Lieber Herr Gregory Frank

Betreff: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag

Ich habe eine Geburtstagskarte für Sie entwickelt, die ich an meiner Web Site hochgeladen habe. Klicken Sie bitte an die Verbindung hier unten, um die Karte zu sehen und die Musik zu hören



Die Musik ist im MIDI Format gespeichert, welch die Installierung der RealPlayer Software auf Ihrem Computer erfordert. Informieren Sie mich bitte, wenn Sie nicht die Carte sehen oder die Musik nicht hören konnten.

Mit vielen lieben Grüßen


Anis Helou


Dear cousin Gabe

As you advised, I carried out today an update to my website:

and implemented your suggestions therein. In

addition, I made the following changes.

1 - Except for the Home page, which I left unchanged I changed all the main

LABEL links into submit BUTTONS. I believe that has made the pages look

nicer and more professional.

2 - I provided forms for feed-back and for request of information so as get

to assess the person who applies prior to deciding on whether to allow

access to the respective information or not. Those changes may be seen on

the following pages:

I thank you once more for your advice and for spending your valuable time

visiting my website

your uncle



Dear Gill

Thinking of you in this Christmas Season, I designed a Christmas card for you and uploaded it unto my personal website. Since you are leaving soon for Australia I send you now the URL link for the card. Please click on the following URL link to display the card and hear the nice music associated therewith.

The music is recorded in MIDI format. The pre-installation of RealPlayer software on your computer is therefore required to play the music. I hope you will be able to view the card and hear the music without difficulty.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Your friend



Liebe Sofie

Ich habe eine Glückwunschkarte für dich entwickelt, die ich an meiner Web Site hochgeladen habe. Klickest du bitte an die Verbindung hier unten, um die Karte zu sehen und die Musik zu hören

Dein Jedo



Dear cousin Gabriel

Subject: Opinion on my website

I have constructed my website: for storing some of my records rather than for putting it for any commercial use. Nevertheless, I am still reluctant to include in it the literature of the following software:

1 – ANALYSIS, which is software that I developed for the application of Finite Element Analysis in the analysis and design of reinforced concrete and of steel-concrete-steel sandwich constructions. The URL link for this study is:

The reason for my reluctance to include this study in my website is due to the fact that the University of Wales had already published several references that carry similar titles, which I am the author of. If you wish to view a list of those references, please type in Google or in Yahoo search engines: steel-concrete-steel sandwich construction by helou then click on the Search button. However none of those references includes the horrendous mathematical expressions that you find in this study. 

Although, I uploaded ANALYSIS unto my website, I did not provide a link thereto. I would be thankful if you could have a general view at it then tell me your opinion on whether I should provide a URL link in the website for this study or not.

2 – PROJECTILE, which is software that I developed for precision bombing by aircraft, and precision aiming of artillery at moving targets such as approaching enemy aeroplanes or stationary targets such as structures hidden behind mountains. The software is based on my derivations for the equations of motion of particles at the presence of gravity and air resistance. The formulations incorporate the effects of Earth’s rotation, wind velocity and direction, and air pressure and temperature. The URL link for this study is:

As it sounds, this software has no relevance to my company work or to structural/civil engineering. Indeed, I included it in this website for nostalgic reasons. I developed the software at the request of some UAE artillery officers when I built Hamdan Bin Zaid Artillery Regiment Camp in Al Ain of Abu Dhabi Emirate in 1979 – 1980.

I am sure that you have more important matters to attend to than spending your valuable time pondering on my website. Therefore, I would not ask you to spend much time on this website. Whenever your time permits, just have a quick view at PROJECTILE, then give me your opinion as to whether I should include it in my website or not.  

Your uncle



Dear Penny

I never meant to ask you to give my website any serious thought. I have constructed it for storing some of my records not to put it for any commercial use. I am sure you have more important matters to attend to than spending your valuable time on my website. Also there would be no need to ask your colleague for feedback.

The reason for asking you to visit my website, whenever your time permits, is due to my reluctance to include in it the derivations and formulations of the Finite Element Analysis. I suspect that websites might not be the proper place for accommodating such horrendous mathematical equations. In fact the University of Wales had already published many post-graduate references carrying similar titles, which I am the author of. However none of those published references includes the formulations of this study. If you wish to view a list of those references, please type in Google or in Yahoo search engines: steel-concrete-steel sandwich construction by helou, then click on the Search button. 

Nevertheless, I uploaded the Finite Element Analysis study unto my website, but did not provide a link thereto. If your time allows viewing it, and I mean strictly viewing it, then please click on the following URL link and give sufficient time for the file to download:



I would be thankful if you roll up the downloaded pages to have a general quick look then tell me your opinion on whether I should provide a URL link in the website for this study or not.

As for PROJECTILES, it has no relevance to my company work or to structural/civil engineering. I included it in this website for nostalgic reasons. I developed the software at the request of some UAE artillery officers when I built Hamdan Bin Zaid Artillery Regiment Camp in Al Ain of Abu Dhabi Emirate in 1979 – 1980. The software objectives are precision bombing by aircraft, and precision aiming of artillery at moving targets such as approaching enemy aeroplanes or stationary targets such as structures hidden behind mountains. The software is based on my derivations for the equations of motion of particles at the presence of gravity and air resistance. The formulations incorporate the effects of Earth’s rotation, wind velocity and direction, and air pressure and temperature. The literature and the mathematics may be viewed by clicking on either PROJECTILES or on the following URL link.



I know that you are not a mathematician and viewing my formulations might be boring for you as wellas for many others. For that reason I would not ask you to visit PROJECTILES page. Indeed, I have already provided a URL link for it in my website.

Your friend



Dear Penny

I hope that I have made no mistake in copying your email address. As you may discern from this message, my email address is: a.helou@.  The URL address of my  is: .

Some friends who visited this website thought that I uploaded many details to pages: Software, ANALYSIS and PROJECTILES. I have activated these and the following URL links to provide easy access to these pages. If your time allows, just click on any one link to display the relevant page on your screen.

Personal details




Theory of Finite Element Analysis

PROJECTILES prescision aiming of

I would be grateful to receive any suggestion that might improve the presentation of this website.

With my love and best wishes



Dearest Fatume

Subject: Birthday anniversary Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

Die Welt war unheimlich und düster, wann Gott erschaffte die Prinzessin von Eleganz, Freundlichkeit und liebevoller Freundlichkeit an Oktober das 21. Dann feierten die Königin des Tanzens und die Direktor der Gewandtheit diesen historischen Ereignis, indem sie ihre unübertroffene kunst der hervorragender Leistung durchführten. In der Tat, hat die Geburt dieser Prinzessin erteilte Freude und Glück zur Welt von da an, und zerstörte die Dunkelheit der Welt.

The Earth was eerie and gloomy, when God created on October the 21st the Princess of elegance, affability and loving kindness. Then the Queen of Dancing and the Principal of Agility celebrated this historic event by performing their unsurpassed art of excellence. Indeed, the birth of this Princess has dispelled the gloom of the Earth and brought joy and happiness to the World thenceforward.

Please click on the following URL link to view your remarkable birthday greetings card and hear the dulcet music therewith.

Have a happy birthday anniversary

Your parents

Anis & Yolla

Wedding Anniversary


Dear Karam

Subject: Finite Elements Analysis Theory

Many thanks for your recommendations for the logo and for the projectiles. I shall implement your comments in the forthcoming update of my website, and will let you know about it in due time.

As I told you before, I am reluctant to include the derivations and formulations of the Finite Element Analysis in the website: 

This reluctance is due to the horrendous nature of its equations which might act as a discouragement for people to visit the website, and to the fact that the University had already published about 40 post-graduate references carrying similar titles, which I am the author of. However non of those published references includes the formulations of this study. To view those references please type in Google or Yahoo search engines: steel-concrete-steel sandwich construction by helou, then click on the Search button. 

Nevertheless, I uploaded the Finite Element Analysis study unto the website, but did not provide a link thereto. If your time allows viewing it, please click on the following URL link:



I would be thankful if you tell me your opinion on whether I should provide a URL link in the website for this study or not.



Dear Nigel

Subject: Projectiles

I am sending to you here below the URL link to the website, which we discussed during our Harvest Lunch. Please execute the following three steps:

1 – Click on to display my Homepage on the screen of your computer

2 – Click on Software link in the Homepage to display the page listing the Software

3 – Click on PROJECTILES that you find at the bottom of the Software page and wait for a minute or so for the study to load.

Henceforth, please make every serious effort to understand this study and try to memorise every equation therein in earnest. Doing so would undoubtedly guarantee your super performance in the field and glorious victory over your enemies.

There are some solved examples in this study that would give you great insight into this study.

With my regards and best wishes for your success



Dear Munif, Suham, Nassim, Khalil

Dear Kamal, Nadia, Elezabeth, Rouweida

Ehud called unto himself flautist Husni, a distinguished timeserver and an arch traitor, guitarist Anthony, a sleazy poodle and a serial compulsive liar and rapper George, a grossly obtuse cur and an arch caitiff to celebrate his fictitious victory over the gentiles. During the pageantry, Ehud sat on his thrown of evil on a small island that he stole from the Palestinians, while the troupe played music and exalted him by singing: Thou art the chosen people of God. Thou art destined to kill the gentiles.

I created the scene of this mythology and uploaded it unto my personal website homepage. Please click either on EHUD or on the following URL link to view the stage and enjoy the dulcet music therewith.

The music is recorded in MP3 format. To hear it, you might need to install Real Player on your computer hard disc.



Dear Karam, Francis

PROJECTILES is software that I developed at the suggestion of some UAE artillery officers when I built Hamdan Bin Zaid Artillery Regiment Camp in Al Ain, Abu Dhabi in 1979 – 1980. The software objectives are precision bombing from aircraft, and precision aiming of artillery at moving targets such as approaching enemy aeroplanes or stationary targets such as structures hidden behind mountains. The software is based on my derivations for the equations of motion of particles at the presence of gravity and air resistance. The formulations incorporate the effects of projectile shape, Earth’s rotation, wind velocity and direction, and air pressure and temperature.

As it sounds, this software bears no relevance to structural/civil engineering. Yet I had, for nostalgic reasons, included it tentatively in my website:

The software literature and mathematics may be viewed by clicking on either PROJECTILES or on the following URL link.

I hope that your valuable time would allow viewing this study, and let me know your opinion about the appropriateness of including such unrelated subject in my website.



My son-in-law searched the Internet for good references about composite concrete construction to improve his education on the subject. After extensive search he concluded that the only comprehensive references that he found listed in the Internet were those that I was the author of. Wherefore, if you wish to view the list of publications that charmed him most, either click on the following link

or type: steel-concrete-steel sandwich by Helou in Google or in Yahoo search engines then click on Search. The reason for recommending entering just my surname in the search engines is due to having written my full name in the publications as AJ Helou or as Helou, AJ in accordance with common practice.

I sincerely hope that you would agree with the conclusion of my son-in-law.



Dear friends

Subject: Christmas Greetings

I designed a Christmas card for you and uploaded it unto my personal website. Please click on the following link to display the card and hear the nice music associated therewith.

I hope you will be able to view the card and hear the music without difficulty. Please let me know if you could not see the card or not hear the music.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year



Lieber Hülegü, Daniel

Subject: Birthday greetings

Ich habe eine Geburtstagskarte für dich entwickelt, die ich an meiner Web Site hochgeladen habe. Klickest du bitte an die Verbindung hier unten, um die Karte zu sehen und die Musik zu hören


The first man who celebrated his birthday anniversary was the prince of wisdom and eternity. He went to the middle of the desert with his musician, sat on his throne and enjoyed the dulcet music.

Please click on the following link to share the joy of the occasion


Der erste Mann, der seinen Geburtstagjahrestag feierte, war der Prinz von Klugheit und von Ewigkeit. Er ging zur Mitte der Wüste mit seinem Musiker, saß auf seinem Thron und genoß die Musik.

Klicken Sie bitte an die folgende Verbindung, um die Freude an der Gelegenheit zu genießen.




Deinem Jedo, Anis

Dear Karam, Francic

Subject: Finite Element Analysis & Artillery

I introduced substantial changes to the website yet I am still reluctant to include the study of the derivations and formulations of the Finite Element Analysis in it. Nevertheless, I uploaded the study unto the website, but did not provide a link for it. If you wish to view it, please click on the following link:



and let me know if you think that I should change my mind and provide a link for it in the website?

Your friend



Dear Karam

Subject: Upgrading the website

I thank you for your nice words of encouragement and for your constructive suggestions to improve the website. Valuing my website so highly by you has given me great satisfaction and augmented my self confidence.

After I read your reply, I reduced the width of all the pages of the website to about 930 pixels and changed the order of priorities in the Home page then uploaded them all unto the server about an hour ago. Now the horizontal scroll bar disappears when I display the web pages on a full 15" screen.  I might introduce a visitors' counter in the near future. Please revisit the website and let me know your opinion about it.

The picture at the top left corner of the website is an aerial photo for the Crac des Chevaliers. I used it as a logo for Supremelogic limited because this castle had always fascinated me, and inspired my imagination. The ingenuity, dedication and courage of the Crusaders, the Hospitallers who built it, had elicited my inveterate respect and utmost admiration, despite my disagreement with the Crusaders' political and religious aims.

Few kilometers to the north of the castle, i. e. to the right of the picture, lays the old Orthodox Monastery of Saint George. Still few kilometers further north, lay Marmarita town in which I studied for my Baccalaureate and Jabal El Sayeh (the Mountain of the Prowler). The ownership of most of this mountain had devolved to me by inheritance from my feudal ancestors.

None of the listed software is for sale. However, if my friends wish to use any one of my listed programs, I would allow them to do so free of charge. 

The LOANS software is the only software in the list that is relevant to the finances of Supremelogic limited. I use it once every month to predict the accrued bank loans interests and to budget the company's finances.

The RETAIN program was instigated by the poor condition of the church retaining wall separating the church yard from my land in Llanishen. It was necessary to derive those equations and to develop a computer program that solves them so as to be able to give accurate prediction on the wall stability.

I considered publishing the equations of ANALYSIS software too but did not do so because I felt that those equations are numerous, horrendous and their level is post graduate. Hence very few people would wish to mull over them. Instead, I shall try to obtain some pictures of the tunnels that were built to my design and include them in the ANALYSIS web page.

As you know, websites are developed in a language called Hypertext Mark-up Language, abbreviated as: html. Editing in html directly is extremely tedious, much similar to writing computer programs in machine language. Since I received a CD present containing the German version of GoLive 6.0 software, I decided to use it in editing my website. It was indeed a strenuous task to reconcile the German setup of the CD with the English setup of my computer, and to edit the html files with no previous experience and with absolutely no knowledge thereof. With no instruction guide and no helping literature, I started from scratch with whatever little outside help that I could glean, and successfully designed and constructed the humble website: .

With my love and best wishes for you and for Ghada



Dear Francis

Subject: Website comments and recommendations

I thank you for your nice words of encouragement and for your suggestions to improve the website. Valuing my website so highly by you has given me great satisfaction and augmented my self confidence.

The picture at the top left corner of the website is an aerial photo for the Crac des Chevaliers. I used it as a logo for Supremelogic limited because this castle had always fascinated me, and inspired my imagination. The ingenuity, dedication and courage of the Crusaders, the Hospitallers who built it, had elicited my inveterate respect and utmost admiration.

Few kilometers to the north of the castle i. e. to the right of the picture, lies the old Orthodox Monastery of Saint George. Still few kilometers further north, lies Marmarita town and Jabal El Sayeh (the Mountain of the Prowler). The ownership of most of this mountain had devolved to me by inheritance from my feudal ancestors.

The RETAIN program was instigated by the poor condition of the church retaining wall separating the church yard from my land in Llanishen. It was necessary to derive those equations and to develop a computer program that solves them so as to be able to give accurate prediction on the wall stability. As you would discern from Fig 1, the wedge angle of failure, Theta, should be optimized to produce maximum thrust against the wall. I copied here below from the program code the FOR ..... NEXT loop that does just that. Hence, the number of operations performed by this loop in each trial is 90/0.01 = 9000 times. Trying to solve such astronomical number of equations by hand is unthinkable while fast computers can solve them, and consequently determine the maximum thrust as shown in step 19570, in a fraction of a second.

19420 FOR I=0 TO 90 STEP .01 !Loop to establish maximum thrust

19430 Ad=Hb*(TAN(Alfas)+TAN(I)) !\ Determination of the three sides

19440 Bd=Hb/COS(I) !/of the active wedge as functions Thete

19450 !

19460 !Weight of backfill active wedge

19470 Wb=1/2*Gamab*Ad*Hb !Total weight of backfill

19480 !

19490 !Surcharge weight

19500 S2=Gama2*Am*Ad !Uniform surcharge loading

19510 S3=1/2*Gama3*Ad^2*TAN(Beta) !Triangular surcharge loading

19520 S=S1+S2+S3 !Total Siurcharge load

19530 !

19540 !Thrust behind wall, Pa

19550 Pa=(Wb+S-Ca*(COS(Alfas)-SIN(Alfas)*TAN(I+Phi))-Cd*(COS(I)+SIN(I)*TAN(I+Phi)))/(SIN(Delta-Alfas)+COS(Delta-Alfas)*TAN(I+Phi))

19560 IF Pa ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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