PDF Cartoons' Effect in Changing Children Mental Response and ...

Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2015, 3, 248-264 Published Online September 2015 in SciRes.

Cartoons' Effect in Changing Children Mental Response and Behavior

Khaled Habib, Tarek Soliman

Jilam Studios PMO, Alexandria, Egypt Email: rdo@

Received 4 August 2015; accepted 20 September 2015; published 23 September 2015

Copyright ? 2015 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).


Factors that sculpture children's way of thinking are found mostly in the environment where they grow up. These include daily events, memorable experiences and peak feelings. Cartoons are one of the daily habits for our children; studies have proven that an average child with a facility of a TV and a satellite connection at his home watches approximately 18,000 hours of television from kindergarten to high school graduation. How does this experience affect our children minds? Does it have positive or negative effects? What types of contents are delivered to our kids in a cartoonish show? Are all shows trustable, or shall parents pay monitoring attention to the TV shows? How does our children brain absorb and analysis information in the first place? These questions and others will be answered through this survey-experimental research [1] [2].


Children, Behaviour, Media, Cartoon, Violence, Sex, Mental, Raising

1. Introduction

Cartoons have been a part of cinema history from the time the first motion pictures were made in the late 1800s. A cartoon is a movie made by using animation instead of live actors, especially a humorous film intended for children (Thompson, 2010). Cartoons can also be described as the making of movies by filming a sequence of slightly varying drawings or models so that they appear to move and change when the sequence is shown. These are the elements that keep viewers, (mostly children) glued to their seats. Cartoons were initially so short because people would be watching these shorts in the movie theatres before their feature film. When cartoonists could put their shows on TV, they began to get longer, creating the half hour block shows that are on Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and the Disney Channel today. Also, the cartoons had to become more "family friendly" so that more people would watch their show (Kapelian, 2009).

How to cite this paper: Habib, K. and Soliman, T. (2015) Cartoons' Effect in Changing Children Mental Response and Behavior. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3, 248-264.

K. Habib, T. Soliman

Objective: The objective of the paper is to determine the effect of cartoon in changing the mentality & behaviour of school going children, and the drawbacks in some of the current cartoon TV shows criteria that follow [3].

2. Cartoon Time in Our Children's Schedule

In a research performed by the researcher Kayla Bois & Brad Bushman "Michigan University", they summed up the cartoon content in our Children Schedules as follows: ? 2 - 5 years old children watch cartoon 32 hrs. Weekly. ? 6 - 11 years old children watch cartoon 28 hrs. Weekly.

And they stated that: ? 71% of 8 - 18 years old has a TV in their rooms. ? 53% of 7 - 12 years old has no parental monitoring for what being watched on TV. ? 51% of homes: TV is switched on most of time.

Another research performed by researcher Sharmin "BRAC University", concluded: ? Most parents prefer to leave their children in front of TV in order to finish their Work or to have a rest. ? Putting a child in front of the TV is the best way for a parent to make their child eat their food.

3. How Does Child's Brain Develop & Work?

In a research published on UNICEF's official website, says that there are 3 factors in Child brain development worldwide:

1) There are strong relations between the genes and the brain development; however, the surrounding experience is what sculptures how the brain will function.

2) Thinking and imagination are of the most factors that affect the functionality of the brain till the age of 12. 3) Early mind setting is the secret, once done, children pattern of future actions could be predicted. He concluded how human brain "grow" and "work" in early stage as shown in Table 1 below. It was once believed that the brain's development was pre-determined through genes, and that it growth followed an already determined path > modern research proves that experiences at early ages has an effect on the development of the brain and affects the way which the internal circuits of the brain become connected to each other, which means that a baby's brain is still under development. Sean Brotherson says: "A child's brain is like a house that has just been built. The walls are up, the doors are hung. Then you go to the store and buy electrical wiring, switches, a fuse box and other electrical supplies, you bring these supplies to the new house and set them on the floor. Will they work? Probably not. You first must string the wiring and hook up all of the connections. This is quite similar to the way our brains are formed." The nerve brain cells that an individual is born are as much as 10 times the number of stars in the Milky way Galaxy, or 20 times the number of people on earth, despite that, we will not grow any more than these. But till the day of birth, these cells are still not connected together nor formed a link [1] (Figure 1). Neurons are the processor of the brain; a neuron is a branched cell body. These branches receive chemical

Table 1. Myths & facts of human development studies [1].


At birth the brain is fully developed, just like heart or stomach.

The brain's development depends entirely on the genes with which you are born.

A toddler's brain is less active than the brain of a college student.

Talking to a baby is not important because he or she can't understand what you are saying.

Children need special help and specific educational toys to develop their brainpower.


Most of the brain's cells are formed before birth, but most of the connections among cells are made during infancy and early childhood.

Early experience and interaction with the environment are most critical in a child's brain development.

A 3-year-old toddler's brain is twice as active as an adult's brain.

Talking to young children establishes foundations for learning language during early critical periods when learning is easiest for a child.

What children need most is love, care and new experiences, not special attention or costly toys. Talking, singing, playing and reading are some of the key activities that build a child's brain.


K. Habib, T. Soliman

Figure 1. Density of neurons in the human brain at different ages.

signals across the brain, and the impulse travels across the axon. Each Axon has a bag containing neurotransmitters at its end. The electrical impulse releases the neuron transmitter which stimulates nearby branches.

Each cell can connect with about other 15,000 Cells. This network is scientifically named the brain's Circuitry or the brain's wiring. Experience aids in forming the shape of this network a noticeable developing in the synapses occurs during the first year after birth. The brain then develops architecture through the increase of these Synapses Sean Brotherson mentions in his research "For example, if a parent repeatedly calls a child a certain name, then connections will form that allow the child to recognize that name over time as referring to him and he will learn to respond. From birth" [1].

These connections that are formed by the brain create our habits, way of thinking, memories and mind. At the age of 3, a toddlers brain would have created about thousand trillion Synapses, which is nearly double what he would have when he grow to an adult.

The connections that are created in a children's brain are wither strengthen by repeating experience, or are weakened by not being used. Starting at the age of 11, kids start losing the connections that are not used. The ones that are enforced through repeated experiences, does affect the child brain structure and sculpture his way of thinking.

From the above facts we conclude that: The first experience has its mandatory stamp in the Children's Brain Structure, and consequently the Child's way of thinking and behaviour. Any experience however less frequent it still has its effect on the brain structure, however repeated actions till the age of 12 are high effective and leave their life time effect. Experience to the child is what he watches with his eyes, hear with his ears and live through his feelings. Concluding these above three facts, and the fact that till the age of 12 a child would have watched about 18,000 Hours of Cartoon; this means that the cartoon is one of the main factors that sculpture the human brain, resulting in a predetermined set of way of thinking and behavior.

4. How Are Children Affected with Cartoons, Why? ... To What Extent?

Which is better and more relevant that the child would learn from, academic books and teacher, or from a an animated TV Series?

In the research in "Michigan University" performed by Sharmin, she said that children are attracted to the cartoon content much more than the academic traditional ways of learning, due to the well written scenarios, audio & visual effects and colors. These factors are enough to cause the child to absorb information dozens better than that absorbed from a teacher in a classroom [3].

Child's brain at early ages always seek new experiences, that is why what is delivered in cartoon gets toddlers glued to their chairs while watching Animated Series. A well written scenario, right audio & Visual effects and a descent looking character, are all the main factors for the child to get stuck for the cartoons hero, and enough for his brain to begin automatically following his path and trying to b a copycat even for the finest details, including way of speaking, thinking, body language... and even the way of dressing up [4].


K. Habib, T. Soliman

These are the factors that Traditional schools lack in delivering the academic content, even when a teacher tries to explain a part that children failed to understand, he uses facial expression, acting & vocal effects for the children to imagine the content. In Animated Series these are the backbones of the show, that is why children chases their best TV series among channels and can sit still for long hours watching TV... easily absorbing the included content [4].

Not even among the child, you can imagine watching a documentary with an academic content on National Geographic Channel, you can easily recall the scenes and the situations that you have watched, much better than a situation that was told with no Visual or Vocal effects.

Consequently, Children who watch educational programming are more likely have higher grades, read more books, place greater value on achievement, and show more creativity than children who watch more violent or purely "entertainment" television (Diehl and Toelle, 2011, p. 3) [5].

So, while children are watching cartoons, there is a form of learning process that is going on. Whatever children learn while watching cartoons, they tend to act out thereby influencing their mode of socializing with other children and with the world in general. Baran and Davis (2009, p. 217).

5. Experiments Performed to Measure Cartoon Effect on Toddlers Brain

5.1. Experiment 1

Paper Published: ? Effects of Cartoon Network on the Behaviour of School Going Children (A Case Study of Gujrat City)

Conductors. ? Dr. Zahid Yousaf. ? Munham Shehzad. ? Syed Ali Hassan (M. Phil).

Location: ? India, Gujrat City.

Objective: ? Determine the effect of specific cartoon TV shows (Ben Ten & Doramaan) on the behaviour of school going

children. ? Determine the time that children pass watching these TV series. ? Determine the increase in the children's behaviour Aggression after watching these TV series.

Methodology: School going Children ranging from the age 7 - 12 were selected from different schools around the city in order to participate in the survey and help in filling a questionnaire. Sample Size: 100 Male & Female School-going Children. Results: Q1. The children were asked about their favorite cartoon TV Show? A. Ben Ten B. Doremon C. Pokemon D. All of them Figure 2 shows that nearly 60% of the children favour Ben ten among the other options. Q2. What are your daily hourly rate watching cartoons? A. 1 - 2 hours B. 2 - 3 hours C. 3 - 4 hours D. More than 4 hours Figure 3 shows that more that 30% of samples pass more than 4 hours watching TV Series. Though it is considered that cartoon is a favoured way of entertainment for the kids. Q3. Do you think cartoon characters have psychological effects on children? A. Yes B. No C. Some time Figure 4 shows that nearly 80% children have been affected psychologically after watching cartoons. Q4. Do Children behave differently after watching cartoons? A. Yes B. No C. Some time Figure 5 shows that 60% children behave differently after watching cartoons, as much as children give attention to the cartoon and the characters, their behaviour vary. Q5. Do children change their spoken language or accent after watching the cartoon? A. Yes B. No C. Some time


K. Habib, T. Soliman Figure 6 shows that more than 60% of the children are changed their language and accent after watching car-

toons. That is because children get affected with the cartoon character and start copycatting them in every possible way including the way of speaking.

Q6. Have you noticed increase in fighting between children after they watched the cartoons? A. Yes B. No C. Some time Figure 7 shows that more than 60% of the children behaviour changed after watching cartoons, as they start fighting with each other using the same skills and techniques applied by the cartoon characters. Q7. Do children prefer watching cartoons to outdoor games? A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes Figure 8 shows that nearly 60% of the children prefer watching cartoons to outdoor games this means that the entertainment gained by the cartoon is much higher than the physical entertainment the children enjoy from outdoor playing or going to a picnic. Conclusion: The conductors of the experiment concluded that Cartoon TV Series has great Influence over the children. A cartoon has the major portion of the children attention and time more than any activity the child performs. In modern life, where the parents are busy with their work, much less time portion of their time is given to their

Figure 2. Children favoured TV series.

Figure 3. Children daily watching hours for cartoon series.

Figure 4. Psychological effect of cartoon on children.


K. Habib, T. Soliman Figure 5. Effect of cartoon on children behaviour. Figure 6. Effect of cartoon on children spoken language. Figure 7. Children aggressive behaviour after watching cartoons.

Figure 8. Children preference between cartoons and outdoor games. 253

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children, so mostly this time is passed in front of a cartoon TV series. The survey also proves the great effect of cartoon on children behavior. As well as cartoons do change the children behavior, it also changes their spoken language, as they intend to intimate the cartoons character.

5.2. Experiment 2

Conductors: ? Hassan & Danial.

Location: ? Pakistan.

Sample: ? 300 Child (6 - 13 years old).

Methodology: The children were given questionnaire based on Clara and Marian (1980). Work and researcher also explained all the questions asked in the questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using non-parametric test in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 15. Hypothesis: ? H1: Behaviour of school going kids in class is influenced by the frequency they watch cartoons. ? H2: Violence presented in the cartoons influence the behaviour of the children. Result: 1) For testing the first hypothesis, we used the chi-square test of association to measure the strength of relationship between the behaviour of the children in class and the frequency they watch the cartoons. The study showed that the result is significant at 5% confidence level because p < 0.05 (Table 2). 2) For testing the second hypothesis, that the behaviour of children is influenced by the violence presented in the cartoons, the chi-square test of association was used. The study gave the significant result at p < 0.05, so we can come to the conclusion that the violence present in the cartoons has strong association with the behaviour of the children (Table 3). Conclusion: The conclusion of the experiment as mentioned by the conductors, is that In the current era of powerful media, the children also affected by their most favourite program on television i.e. cartoons. To conclude the recent study, we can say that there is a strong impact of Cartoon Network on school going kids which can be seen on their life style, dressing, aggressive and violent behaviour and their language. We found from our study that most of the kids i.e. 80 percent often spend their time in watching cartoons and more over Cartoon Network is the most favourite cartoon channel of 84 percents children. Most of the students i.e. 65.2 percent spend daily 1 to 3 hours in watching cartoons on television in their leisure time. So it can be said in view of above mentioned facts that cartoon watching is the most favourite hobby of the children. It is also revealed from the study that Tom and Jerry and Loony Tunes are ranked by the kids 1st and 2nd with the average of 35.8 percent and 23

Table 2. Chi-square result of the study.

Pearson chi-square Likelihood ratio

Linear-by-linear association N of valid cases

Value 6.75 6.93 6.22 300

Degree of freedom 2 2 1

p-value 0.03 0.03 0.01

Table 3. Chi-square result of the study.

Pearson chi-square Likelihood ratio

Linear-by-linear association N of valid cases

Value 32.00 27.19 23.79 300

Degree of freedom 4 4 1

p-value 0.00 0.00 0.00


K. Habib, T. Soliman

percent respectively. The most favourite cartoon character of the school going kids is Jerry with 41.2 percent.

5.3. Experiment 3

Conductor: ? Siripen Iamurai-King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand.

Location: ? Thailand.

Sample: ? 200 Primary School going kids.

Objective: ? To test the effect of positive cartoon content on the children and their behaviour in manner and academically

in school. Methodology: Pretest of the samples, then treatment using a positive carton content is applied which encourage the children to act in a behaved manner and to be ready to learn from their teachers in school, than a Post test is done for the samples after the treatment... then finally an interview is performed. Research Design: Type of research is experiment and survey. Identification Variable: There are two type variable in this research: Independent variable: Sample of The Positive Cartoon Animation. Dependent variable: Children behavioural Change. Results (Table 4): ? Younger group (Grade 1-2) can be changed behaviour the most than other groups. ? Middle group (Grade 3-4) can be changed the least. ? The children who like the treatment have the potential to change behaviour more than. ? Children who dislike. ? Mostly of sampling like the treatment (Sample Cartoon Animation). Conclusion: As being mentioned by the experiment conductors Media--specially cartoon--has its strong effect on the children which can be positive, if the correct cartoon content is used.

6. What Are the Pros & Cons (Sex & Violence) of Cartoons Content

Regarding the above facts, Cartoons proves to be having a huge space concerning our Children Daily Schedule and weights a lot in the first experiences that sculpture the children brain.

Table 4. Cross tabulation of gradebehaviour change.

Grade Total

Younger Middle Higher

Gradebehavior change crosstabulation

Behavior change


Not change




% within grade






% within grade






% within grade






% within grade




58 100.0%

60 100.0%

82 100.0%

200 100.0%



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