
Monday, March 30, 2020Dear 3N Students and Families,Here we go again—Week 3 of at-home learning! I hope last week went well for you all. Keep the photos and emails and Class Dojo posts coming—it really makes my day to get your messages or photos! This coming week, learning activities will continue to be suggestions, but will not be required yet. I again will plan to do most of my communicating via Class Dojo (which is accessible both via the app and its website). Parents, thank you for your help with both surveys last week—it was appreciated. As soon as I’ve heard from almost everyone on the Zoom survey, be on the lookout for an invitation for our first virtual class meeting this week!The learning plan may look a little different this week. Since?in?school learning has been cancelled for longer, the 3rd?grade team is working together on plans and resources to remain consistent across the grade level. Please look to the grade level website for?additional?resources and print outs, under the Remote Learning tab here: . If some of this week’s activities seem like repeats of what you did last week, that’s okay! You can either get a little extra practice with that skill or substitute an activity from the Week 1 or 2 learning plan that you did not yet do. If you’re not sure what you can do on a given day, let me know and I can help! In addition to the more specific learning activities for the week, I have also included a list of some additional resources as well. If you do nothing else each day, find time to lose yourself in a great book, get some physical activity (outdoors if it’s a nice day), and take some mindfulness breaks if you feel overwhelmed.754380010160000Students, I continue to miss you all, so much! I will keep up the daily read alouds of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on ClassDojo. It makes my teacher heart happy to see pictures of you reading along with me or listening in! Parents, keep reaching out if you need assistance logging in or with any of the sites. INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/2Q==" \* MERGEFORMATINET Thank you and continue to stay well, INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/c9e94e3fdfa461ac67af7b5637e9b630.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/815ea279d968d8e550b3aa839e8fee71.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Caitlin Nunezcnunez@plainville.k12.ma.us INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/mf/lw_bm0hx7639wv3xk_p7qd1r0000gn/T/com.microsoft.Word/WebArchiveCopyPasteTempFiles/510Yc-NE6-L__88691.1573972373.jpg?c=2&imbypass=on" \* MERGEFORMATINET Grade 3 At-Home Learning Plan: Week of 3/30 – 4/3Time?Monday 3/30?Tuesday 3/31?Wednesday?4/1?Thursday?4/2?Friday?4/3?9:00 – 10:00?Math?????Origo?At Home?Week 1?– Monday?(see?Origo?At Home instructions?below schedule)? – E.1&E.2?Understand Multiplication???Origo?At Home?Week 1 – Tuesday (see?Origo?At Home instructions?below schedule)? – E.3 & E.4?Understand Multiplication?Origo?At Home?Week 1 – Wednesday (see?Origo?At Home instructions?below?schedule)? – E.5 & E.6?Understand Multiplication??Origo?At Home?Week 1 – Thursday (see?Origo?At Home instructions?below schedule)? – E.7 & E.8?Understand Multiplication???Origo?At Home?Week 1 –?Friday?(see?Origo?At Home instructions?below schedule)? – F.10Multiplication Skill Building??10:00 – 11:00?Reading??Scholastic Learn at Home activities for Day 6? Learn at Home activities for Day 7? Learn at Home activities for Day 8? Learn at Home activities for Day 9? Learn at Home activities for Day 10??– 12:00?Writing/Phonics??Task:?You wake up one day and everything you touch turns to ______. Write?an entertaining beginning and elaborative segment.?Type or write this piece.?Check out the grade level website for resources.?Task:??IXL??Language Arts??W.10??OR??Complete the Open Syllable Sort page?on the grade level website?Task:?You wake up one day and everything you touch turns to ______. Add a?suspenseful segment and main event?to your piece. Type or write this piece. Check out the grade level website for resources.?Task:?Complete the Nearpod?on?Open Syllable??CODE - BFDLQ??OR??Complete the Open Syllable Crossword?page?on the grade level website?Task:?You wake up one day and everything you touch turns to ______. Finish with an?extended ending and edit?your piece for spelling,?capitals, and punctuation.??Check out the grade level website for resources.??12:00 – 1:00?Lunch/Break?Lunch/Break?Lunch/Break?Lunch/Break?Lunch/Break?1:00 – 1:30?Science?Social Studies??Science: View the Mystery Science?mini-lesson?“Why Do We Have Tears When We Cry?” at? Studies:?Watch the video?about the?American Revolutionary War?and?write down five things you learned to share with a family member.?: Extreme Weather Board Builder videos and websites about Blizzards and Tornadoes?? Studies:?Take some time to interact with this?American Revolution?online?learning game.?: View the Mystery Science?mini-lesson?“Why Do?We Celebrate April Fools’ Day?” at? Studies:?Test your?American Revolutionary?knowledge with this online learning?game.?: Extreme Weather Board Builder videos and websites about Thunderstorms and Hurricanes? Studies:?Listen to the famous poem?“Paul Revere’s Ride”?by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.?Create an illustration to go along while you are listening.?: View the Mystery Science?mini-lesson?“Why?Are Tornadoes So Hard to Predict?” at? Studies:?Log in to Discovery Education and watch an episode of?Liberty’s Kids.?There are many episodes on the American Revolution.? At-Home Learning Options:Math:Have a family member quiz you on multiplication or division facts. Create a two-step story problem and give it to a family member to solve. Be sure to create an answer key!Reading:Read a book, on your own or with a family member.Play a board game and be the ‘reader’ of the directions for your family.Read a recipe. Notice any fractions in there? Writing:Write a journal entry about your experience during this time. This could be a first-hand account that historians read one day!With your parent’s permission, write Mrs. Nunez a Dojo message or an email…I promise to respond when your parent sends it along!Science:If it’s a nice day, get outside and be an observer of the natural world! Take a notebook with you and write down your observations as a scientist. What signs of spring do you see? Can you see any evidence of the water cycle in action?Can you record the weather for the week? Create a table and use a website or app that lets you track the weather in Plainville. Record the high and low temperatures, precipitation, and overall weather conditions.Other At-Home Learning Resources:Mashup Math Puzzles. If you have access to a printer or a screen, these are the extension puzzles I provide weekly for students…they really enjoy the picture equation puzzles and the multiplication table puzzles the most! Students are always welcome to log into and play Prodigy or Happy Numbers for even more at-home math learning.TypingPal Online is always a great resource for students to practice typing skills. The link can be found on my website and students have their own log-ins.Feel like having a trained actor read a great story to you? Try ! There are tons of great read-aloud options for a variety of ages, read by famous actors!Finally, there are bound to be a host of emotions and stress levels while at home all together, without our routines to ground us. The following social-emotional and mindfulness websites are our ‘go-tos’ in 3N: - Cosmic Kids Yoga has some excellent yoga and mindfulness practice. In our classroom, we especially like the “Guided Relaxation” series of videos. - Go Noodle! has a variety of free brain break (and indoor friendly!) guided physical activities and dances that let kids move around in a structured way. They also have some mindfulness trainings as well. – Mrs. Skeffington came into our class two weeks ago and shared the book “A Little Peaceful Spot,” all about recognizing various emotions and using breathing and mindfulness techniques to bring ourselves back to a peaceful “green” spot. ................

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