

Stacey Schumann Director/ Lead Teacher

Holly Brenhaug Lead Teacher

Staci Butler Assistant Teacher

Teresa Schmidt Assistant Teacher


We encourage open communication between the parents and school. You can message us using the SeeSaw app. Your phone calls are welcome, but we ask that you try not to call while we are in class. You may leave a message on our answering machine at 484-2354 and your call will be returned as quickly as we can. Of course, urgent messages will be treated as such. If there is an emergency, please call the front office at 587-2776 and give your message to the secretary asking her to take the message to the preschool. Feel free to email staff at ctkkids@. Remember to like us on Facebook at King’s Kids Preschool.

A monthly calendar is sent home to inform parents of days off, important events, etc.

Individual parent/teacher conferences will be held in the fall and spring. There is a list of days off and important dates listed at the back of the parent handbook.

We believe childhood is a journey, not a race and strive to provide our best assessment of your child’s intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development at each conference.

Special conferences will be arranged as felt necessary by the parents or teachers. The director and/or other teachers will make every effort to attend school IEP meetings for special needs children.

Parents are welcome to visit at any time. Please ask teachers before you visit. Short visits are often most rewarding and also easier on your child. Siblings should not attend during the parent’s visit.


The Preschool Ministry Team is a standing committee of Christ the King congregation; comprised of staff, council representatives, lay members of Christ the King and parents of children currently enrolled in King’s Kids. The purpose of this team is to provide support for the efficient management and operation of the preschool so that it achieves its stated purpose.

Please consider joining the King’s Kids Preschool Ministry Team. There is minimal time commitment. We typically meet at 5:30 on the 2nd Monday of the month. We don’t meet in June, July or December. The team serves to advise the director in any decisions where advice is needed, help the director with tasks related to the preschool, set up fundraisers, vote on how money is spent and helping with the spaghetti feed fundraiser. Board members are always welcome to bring new ideas and suggestions for ways to help raise funds for King’s Kids. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact the director at 320-484-2354.


We accept children regardless of race, color, or national origin. The only reasons a child will be asked to leave the program are: if after a consultation with staff and parents it is felt the child will no longer benefit from the program or is causing a disturbance such that the other children can no longer benefit from the program or for the non-payment of fees. Types of disturbances that may warrant children leaving our program are: threats to other students and/or teachers, hitting, scratching, biting and other extreme bad behavior. Expulsion may include, but is not limited to the previous disturbances. Each situation will be based on the individual/family and all problems will be kept confidential. Before a child is asked to leave the program, the following actions will be taken.

1. The child’s teacher will document the child’s activities and all communication with the parents.

2. The child’s teacher will talk to the parents about observed behaviors. We expect the parents to talk to their child about the behaviors.

3. An action plan will be developed by the parents and teachers regarding how to handle the situation. We expect cooperation and help from the parents in implementing this plan.

4. If the child is still having problems and the behavior is staying the same or getting worse, a meeting with the teacher, family, and director will be held.

5. If there is no improvement and/or there is not help from family, the child will then be asked to leave the program.

This program has been created the keep the safety of all children in mind and also to help the struggling child. At King’s Kids we believe that home is the first and most important place a child learns. We want to work together with the parents to help their children learn how to behave in social situations.

We will attempt to integrate a special needs child into our program whenever possible. Permission must be obtained from our licensing consultant before admission. Special needs are defined as involving a sensory, physical or mental deficiency or emotional disturbance.

King’s Kids is licensed under the Minnesota Department of Human Services (651)431-6500. This ensures our families that the standards have been met regarding space, program and staff.


Children currently enrolled in King’s Kids will have the first opportunity to enroll for the following year. Next, the current members of Christ the King will have the opportunity to enroll. If needed, an Open House will be held each spring at which time parents can visit the school with their children. A non-refundable fee of $30.00 for members of Christ the King or $35.00 for non-members must be paid when registering a child for preschool. Before school begins in the fall, there is an orientation for the children and parents to meet their teachers and classmates.

State Licensing standards require a current physical examination along with the child’s completed immunization record. These forms MUST be in your child’s file BEFORE the first day of attendance. You receive these forms at the time of registration. The preschool does not provide insurance for your children while in school.

CLASSES 2020-2021

King’s Kids is licensed for 20 children in each classroom for a total of 40 children on site. However; we limit our classes to 16 children. We require children be at least three years old by September 1st of this year and toilet trained (NO pull-ups, diapers or training pants). Our school calendar is based yearly on the Hutchinson Public School Calendar. We will begin school on September 14th and end on May 14th for the 2020-2021 school year. You will find a list of scheduled “No School” and important dates at the end of this handbook.

Tuesday and Thursday mornings 9:00-11:30 AM

Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 12:30-3:00 PM

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings 9:00-11:30 AM

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons 12:30-3:00 PM

Just for Fives (for children born in 2015)

Monday-Friday afternoons 12:30-3:00 PM


Children are encouraged each day to explore hands-on math, science, writing, reading and art centers. Daily opportunities to problem solve and make decisions are presented. We teach sign language and Spanish and explore many diverse cultures.

With the guidance of state certified teachers and assistant teachers, each child is encouraged to develop an “I can do it!” attitude.

Alphabet and number recognition, large and fine motor development, social interaction, and spiritual growth are part of our daily circle time. Songs and music, finger plays, calendar, and weather, as well as presentation of our daily teaching theme round out this large group time. At King’s Kids, each child is given daily opportunities to learn at his/her own pace.


Tuition will be based on a 9-month school year, September through May. Tuition is based on 35 weeks. The snack fee includes snack and milk for the year. There are no reductions for holidays, vacations, illnesses, weather/emergency closings or other absences. Tuition payments are due the first school day of each month. Our preferred payment method is Simply Giving. Simply Giving is a free automatic payment system. Ask a teacher for a Simply Giving Form to sign up. If you would like to pay by check please include your child’s name on the check and place the payment in an envelope marked “tuition” in your child’s folder. Tuition will be considered late if received after the 15th of the month. The first-time tuition is late a $5.00 fee will be added. The second time tuition is late a $10.00 fee will be added. The third time tuition is late a $15.00 fee will be added. $5.00 more will be added to your previous month’s late fee if tuition continues to come in late. Failure to pay for 2 consecutive months may be cause to discontinue enrollment. Please speak to the director if financial difficulties arise. Please give at least a two-week notice if it becomes necessary to withdraw your child. No refunds will be given for any reason.

2020-2021 Tuition (Due on the first of the month.)

Two days per week: $90.00/month

Three days per week: $110.00/month

Five Days per week: $165.00/month

2020-2021 Snack Fee (Due at the beginning of the year.)

Two days per week: $40.00

Three days per week: $50.00 DUE TO COVID-19 WE WILL PROVIDE

Five days per week: $80.00 ALL SNACKS THIS YEAR.




Children may not arrive more than five minutes before class begins, as this is the teacher’s time to prepare for the day. Children should enter and exit through the southwest doors. A preschool staff person will let the children out of the car and direct the children into the building.

At five minutes prior to dismissal time, parents will be invited into the classroom to hear from the teacher about the day. AT THIS TIME, PLEASE KEEP SIBLINGS BY THE HAND OR IN YOUR ARMS AND SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR THE CHLDREN BY LISTENING RESPECTFULLY TO THE TEACHER.

Parents must come inside to pick up children no later than 5 minutes after class is dismissed. Please, do not ask us to allow children to come early or stay late as our prep time is limited.


If a parent or authorized persons for pick-up does not show up to pick up a child within 10 minutes of class being done, staff will use the emergency contacts to find a ride for the child.

You must notify your child’s teacher by note, in person, or by phone call WHENEVER someone other than a parent is going to pick your child up from class. This includes car pool driver, grandparents or ANYONE other than a parent. We may refuse to allow a person to pick up your child until we can contact a parent for authorization. We are only concerned for your child’s safety!


At no time will King’s Kids allow ANYONE incapacitated or suspected of child abuse to pick up ANY child. If a person who is incapacitated or suspected of child abuse tries to pick up a child, the staff will keep the child safe and ask the suspect to leave. If the suspect will not leave, the police will be called. Any person may voluntarily report abuse or neglect. Anyone working in a licensed facility is required to report and cannot shift the responsibility of reporting to their supervisor or to anyone else in the facility. If a mandated reporter knows or has reason to believe a child is being or has been neglected or physically or sexually abused within the preceding three years they must immediately (within 24 hours) make a report to an outside agency.

If you know or suspect that a child is in immediate danger, call 9-1-1. All reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring in a licensed facility should be made to the Department of Human Services, Licensing Division’s Maltreatment Intake line at (651)431-6600. Reports regarding incidents of suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring within a family or in the community should be made to the local county social services agency at (320)864-3144 or local law enforcement at (320)587-2242. If your report does not involve possible abuse or neglect, but does involve possible violations of Minnesota Statutes or Rules that govern the facility, you should call the Department of Human Services, Licensing Division at (651)431-6500.

A report to any of the above agencies should contain enough information to identify the child involved, any persons responsible for the abuse or neglect (if known), and the nature and extent of the maltreatment and/or possible licensing violations. For reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect occurring within a licensed facility, the report should include any actions taken by the facility in response to the incident. An oral report of suspected abuse or neglect made to one of the above agencies by a mandated reporter must be followed by a written report to the same agency within 72 hours, exclusive of weekends or holidays.

A mandated reporter who knows or has reason to believe a child is or has been neglected or physically or sexually abused and fails to report is guilty of a misdemeanor. In addition, a mandated reporter who fails to report maltreatment that is found to be serious or recurring maltreatment may be disqualified from employment in positions allowing direct contact with persons receiving services from programs licensed by the Department of Human Services and by the Minnesota Department of Health, and unlicensed Personal Care Provider Organizations.

The reporting policies and procedures must be provided to parents of all children at the time of enrollment in the child care program and must be made available upon request. The Division of Licensing recommends that parents with children currently enrolled in child care programs are informed of the development of the reporting policies and procedures and provide them with an opportunity to request the information.

King’s Kids will use the parent emergency authorization as a resource to call if a child is not picked up and a parent is not reached.


Please listen to the local radio stations, WCCO 830 AM, KDUZ 1260 AM, KARP 106.9, and/or the Twin Cities television stations for weather announcements. We follow the HUTCHINSON PUBLIC SCHOOL weather closings.

If school is closed while children are in class, please come to pick them up immediately.

Guidelines for school closings:

1. If the public school is cancelled, we will also be cancelled.

2. If the public school is two hours late, there will be NO MORNING CLASSES.

3. If the public school is dismissed before 12:30, there will be NO AFTERNOON CLASSES.

If you have questions about closings please check our phone greeting and the SEE SAW app. (You can read more about the app at We encourage you to download the app and sign up with your phone number in order to be up to date on school closings. Contact your child’s teacher if you haven’t signed up or have questions.

*We DO NOT follow the planned two hour late start for the public school. Our students will have classes as usual on those days.


King’s Kids is concerned for the safety of our students and staff.

The Minnesota Department of Human Services has issued explicit directives to ensure safety and prevent accidents.

Our preschool complies with all directives as follows:

1. Children will be supervised at all times.

2. The Preschool will be regularly inspected for safety hazards and repairs made or defective equipment replaced.

3. Staff and children will participate in monthly fire and safety (lock down) drills.

4. Tornado drills will be practiced in September, April, and May.

5. Teachers are trained in administration of First Aid and CPR.

6. We follow the Child Care Weather Watch Chart for Wind-Chill and Heat Index guidelines.

7. If a child should be missing from King’s Kids we will immediately contact Law Enforcement. Staff will follow Law Enforcement instructions about the situation.



If a fire, gas leak, flood or other natural disaster or hazard should occur, we would relocate to the following places…

1. Woodstone Senior Living Center

1025 Dale Street SW

Hutchinson, MN 55350

(P) 320-234-8917

2. Hutchinson Recreation Center

900 Harrington St.

Hutchinson, MN 55350

(P) 320-587-2975

In the event of a fire, gas leak, flood or other natural disaster or hazard occurs; parents will be notified when students have been moved to safety and authorities tell us it is alright to do so.

We will call parents when it is safe to do so and authorities tell us it is alright to do so. We will use your child’s Emergency Card to access phone numbers to reach parents. If parents are unavailable, we will call the emergency contacts on the Emergency Card. Please make sure the Emergency Card information is up to date.

We will reunify students with their families when it is safe to do so and authorities tell us it is alright to do so.

We are signed up for CODERED alerts from McLeod County and we have a weather radio in each classroom.


Our staff establishes an atmosphere within the classroom that prevents disciplinary action. The purpose of our behavior guidance is not to punish but to help a child become self disciplined. The children are encouraged to talk to the staff and each other about unsettled feelings and uncomfortable situations before they reach the uncontrollable stage. Under state law, all children are protected against physical or psychological abuse.

Separation from the group will only be used as a last resort and documented by staff.

Parents may review King’s Kids childcare program plan upon request.




If your child has an existing medical condition or allergy YOU MUST BE SURE that the director and you child’s teacher are aware of any precautions or procedures to be followed.

A student’s allergy information will be available at all times on site, on field trips and during transportation. Teachers read through each student’s file before the start of the school year, marking files of children who have allergies or medical needs by highlighting the student’s name. An allergy list is made for each room and is posted for teachers to reference. If a child has an allergy, a bright neon sticker is put on their name tag as an additional reminder that they have an allergy. Teachers watch the “how to C.A.R.E for Students with Food Allergies” movie each year () and practice using an Epi-Pen. Parents and doctors will be required to fill out an Individualized Child Care Plan and an Action Plan that will be kept in the student’ file. Teachers working with the student will review the plans annually and documentation of that review will be kept in the student’s file. King’s Kids will contact the student’s parents as soon as possible after any instance of exposure or allergic reaction that requires medication or medical intervention. If epinephrine is administered, Emergency Medical Services will be called.

If a child becomes ill while at school, the staff will contact the parents. Parents are required to pick their child up immediately. The child will be separated from the group but supervised at all times.

If a child should have an accident involving an injury, the staff will administer first aid. The staff is certified in an approved course every two years. If necessary, parents will be contacted to pick up their child immediately. King’s Kids has at least one staff member on site during our normal operation and at least one staff member accompanying children on field trips with current first aid training.

We make every effort to keep ALL staff current in first aid and CPR training.

In the event of poisonous ingestion, the Minnesota Poison Help Line (1-800-222-1222) will be called. Staff will follow their direction for aid. If needed, 911 will be called. King’s Kids staff will NOT administer any other medications unless for an emergency. These medications would include epi-pens, inhalers or other emergency medications. A signed doctor’s note will be needed and the parents are required to fill out additional forms.

In case of a serious emergency or illness, we will call an ambulance immediately with the parents assuming the cost. Every effort will be made to accompany the child. Parents will be notified as soon as possible. The Hutchinson Community Hospital will be our source of emergency care.

Any serious accidents, injuries or incidents requiring medical attention involving children, staff or visitors will be documented and reviewed annually for future preventative measures.



If your child is unable to attend preschool, PLEASE CONTACT US! DO NOT send children who are ill to school. This includes coughing and running noses. Children who are coughing, sneezing, or are otherwise a source of infection for other children, will be sent home. Parents will be contacted and required to pick up their child immediately. We will use your emergency contact person if parents cannot be reached.

The number for King’s Kids is 484-2354 OR you can message us using the SeeSaw app. Please inform us if your child will not be in class due to illness or other reasons. Please do NOT send your child to preschool if he/she is too ill for outside or vigorous play. Please do not ask us to keep your child indoors as we simply do not have staff to supervise.

Your child must NOT be sent to preschool under the following State Department of Human Services guidelines:

1. If there has been an elevation in temperature within the last 24 hours. (Keep home if over 100.0 F) Your child’s temperature should be normal for at least 24 hours before attending school.

2. If there is a rash present. (Keep home if itching, open areas, or with fever. Can return with a doctor’s note permitting attendance at school. The rash may need to be covered while at school.)

3. If the child had developed nausea and/or vomiting (Keep home if vomiting/extreme nausea in the last 24 hours. Can return when symptom free for 24 hours without medication.)

4. If the child has had diarrhea (Keep home if diarrhea in the last 24 hours. Can return when symptom free for 24 hours without medication.)

5. If the child has a sore throat (Keep home if fever with swollen glands, difficulty swallowing or eating food, upset stomach or headache. Can return when symptom free for 24 hours without medication. If strep…child needs to be on antibiotics for 24 hours.)

6. Infection of the eye (Keep home if white part of eye is pink and or pus or draining from the eye. Can return when clear eyes, not drainage or pus and on antibiotics for 24 hours prior to being back at school.)

7. If the child shows deviation from his/her usual behavior or appetite.

8. If the child has a contagious condition such as chicken pox, pink eye, impetigo, strep, or other respiratory or intestinal illness.

9. Coughing/runny nose/shortness of breath which causes the child to be uncomfortable during activities, is uncontrollable, or exposing others to respiratory infection. (Keep home if uncomfortable stuffed up or constantly runny nose with yellow/green discharge and/or wheezing, shortness of breath, disruptive cough. Can return when fever free for 24 hours without use of medication, sporadic cough, minimal discharge or clear discharge from nose.)

The Department of Human Services mandates that all contagious childhood diseases such as chicken pox, strep, pink eye, or other communicable diseases MUST be reported to the preschool director immediately and the child remain at home until no longer contagious. The preschool director will inform the Commissioner of Health of any communicable diseases. Families of children exposed will be notified by note home or phone call within 24 hours of report. Confidentiality will be observed. Staff with any signs of infection or illness will be excluded from work.

A physical examination including all required immunizations is required by the Department of Human Services PRIOR to a child’s attendance at preschool.

Preschool staff will not administer medication other than emergency medications.

All King’s Kids staff are mandated to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect.

A licensed consultant from McLeod County Public Health reviews King’s Kids Health Policies yearly.

The premise is inspected yearly by the local fire inspector.


Transportation to and from the preschool is the responsibility of the parents or guardian.


If field trips are taken, parent permission will be obtained. It is likely that parent volunteers will be needed to help with transportation. The preschool does have use of the church van and, if used, all precautionary measures will be taken in regards to car safety. All children and staff will be required to wear safety belts. Children will not sit in line with air bags. In certain circumstances children may need a car seat or booster seat. King’s Kids Preschool will provide booster seats for children who need them. Car seats are not provided by the preschool, but need to be provided by the parents of children who need them. Every child must be in a car or booster seat and use a shoulder seat belt.


Children should be dressed in play clothes so neither they, nor we, need to worry about paint, glue, etc. ruining their clothing and shoes.

Please mark clearly each item of clothing that can be removed, especially mittens and boots to avoid a mix-up.

If a child has a potty accident at school, he/she will be dressed in clothing owned by the preschool and a new, store-bought, pair of underwear provided by the preschool. Please return the clothing laundered and include a new, store-bought, pair of underwear to replace the pair given to the child. Please dress you child each day for outside play. When weather allows we WILL go outside. Be aware our playground does get muddy after it rains.


Show & Tell will be offered to provide language enrichment opportunities. We DO NOT ALLOW weapons (ex. Guns, knives, swords.) of ANY KIND. This includes any toys that look like these items.

Please limit show & tell to one item per visit.

Show & Tell will be offered on dates shown on the monthly calendar.

Due to severe allergies, we do not allow pets or animals of any kind to visit at King’s Kids.



If you wish to treat your child’s classmates, please bring a store bought, individually wrapped item for each child. NO CUPCAKES FROM THE BAKERY. These will be offered at the end of class. Due to severe allergies, staff will remind adults who come to pick up students that a treat has been offered. Please keep in mind that children may have severe allergies to nuts, soy, etc. In compliance with our licensing standards, we will not allow any home prepared foods or bakery items to be served or sent home. All food items must be store bought and in the original unopened packaging. Children with summer birthdays will have the opportunity to celebrate them in the spring during our Unbirthday Party. We will celebrate birthdays that occur in the first weeks of September during our first week of school. All other birthdays will be celebrated as close as possible to the student’s actual birthday.


A daily snack including 1% milk or 100% juice (depending on what we are serving that day) will be provided at King’s Kids for both AM and PM classes. Our snack will most often be part of our daily theme and used as a learning experience for the children. We encourage all students to try what we are providing for snack and drink. Exceptions will be made for children with doctor’s notes stating their specific allergies. We do make every effort to accommodate children’s allergies and other dietary needs. BE SURE your child’s classroom teacher and the director knows of serious allergies or other snack concerns. Please remember your snack fee covers the cost of your child’s snacks for the entire year.


King’s Kids Preschool offers a Little Free Library located in the hallway outside of the classrooms. Students and their families are welcome take our books & DVDs home. You can also leave a book if you would like.


If a problem arises, please address it as soon as it occurs so that we can resolve it as quickly as possible.

If you have grievance, we ask that the following procedure be followed:

1. Discuss the grievance with your child’s teacher as soon as it happens.

2. The teacher will respond to the grievance and plan an acceptable solution to be used at the next class the child attends.

3. If there is still a problem, notify the director before your child’s next class session so that the solution can be reviewed and advised.

4. If you are not satisfied with the way a situation is being handled, you may bring your grievance to the Preschool Ministry Team meeting which meets every month.

5. You may bring any unresolved concerns to the Parish Personnel Committee which meets the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM at the church.


On your enrollment forms you are asked to authorize photographs/videos of your child to be used in public relations such as newspaper articles, website, brochures, advertising, memory books, etc.

If at any time, King’s Kids participate in any type of research, written parental permission will be asked.




Children are assisted into the school by staff at the curb. Children come in and take care of their clothing and book bag and then are free to learn at any of our centers. This is the time children make the transition to school. We encourage parents to separate from their child during this time.

Group/Circle Time

During this time alphabet and number recognition, large and fine motor development, and social interaction as well as spiritual growth are encouraged. Songs, finger plays, calendar, and weather along with presentation of our daily teaching theme round out this large group time. We teach the alphabet, colors and some words in sign language and colors, numbers and some words in Spanish.


Snack is most often part of our daily teaching theme and children are encouraged to each prepare his/her own snack.

Prayers are said at this time.

Free Time

Children are encouraged to explore hands-on math, science, writing, and reading center and a variety of art experiences.

Dramatic play areas, puzzles, books, manipulatives and small group interactions are part of this time. Children are given daily opportunities to make decisions and problem solve and explore/experiment with a variety of sensory experiences.

Large Motor

During this time children go outdoors and/or to the Mission Hall (Fellowship Hall) for large muscle development.

Group Project

This part of our day develops fine motor skills, listening and following directions, and school readiness activities. Cutting with scissors, tearing, gluing, using markers, crayons, pencils, and a variety of materials encourages each child to develop an “I CAN DO IT!” attitude towards future school work.


Sharing is done at the end of our day and each child is given the opportunity to show or tell about something in their life.

A prayerful good-bye song closes our day.


PLEASE REMEMBER- we operate on the same schedule as Hutchinson Public Schools. Sometimes, changes are made to the schedule and we are not aware of them at the time of this printing. Please be understanding and we will make every effort to keep you advised of changes as they occur.

Our starting date is September 14th, 2020.

Our ending date is May 14th, 2021.


Friday, September 25th

Wednesday, October 14th-Friday, October 16th (MEA Break)

Wednesday, November 25th-Friday, November 27th

Wednesday, December 23rd-Friday, January 1st (Christmas Break)

School resumes Monday, January 4th

Monday, January 18th

Thursday, February 11th

Friday, February 12th

Monday, February 15th

Friday, March 5th

Monday, March 8th-Friday, March 12th (Spring Break)

School resumes Monday, March 15th

Friday, April 2nd


Monday, September 14th = First day of class.

Wednesday & Thursday, October 7th & 8th = Picture day

November 9th-13th = fall conferences (Not in person, they will be sent home.)

Wednesday, November 10th = Picture Retakes

Thursday, March 18th = Current family registration for 2021-2022 classes

Saturday, March 20th = Preschool Open House

Sunday, March 21st = Sing at 10:45 church service & Spaghetti Feed fundraiser

April 5th-9th = spring conferences (Not in person, they will be sent home.)

Thursday, May 13th = Graduation for Tu/Th classes

Friday, May 14th = Graduation for MWF classes & Fun with Fives class


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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