Arizona Department of Education

09:32:12 From Lynn Helfrich To Elisa García-Radcliffe (they/them)(privately) : Hello. I will fully participate. But my computer microphone does not work. I cannot speak. I can hear. I look forward to this session. Tthank you. Respectfully, Lynn09:32:17 From Elneeta : ?09:33:16 From Elisa García-Radcliffe (they/them) : Closed Caption is available by clicking the CC button on the bottom of your screen.09:33:27 From Lynn Helfrich To Elisa García-Radcliffe (they/them)(privately) : I cannot. 09:35:14 From Brianna DelRosal "she/her" : Love your work that you do! 09:35:31 From Rob Chambers (he/him/his) - Phoenix : Agreed!09:35:48 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : thanks y'all!09:37:15 From Jonathan C. Hart : I'm boarding a plane so I am not getting on mic on cam. 09:37:28 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : all good! thanks for the heads up09:38:32 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : if you are unable to unmute yourself, we would still love to hear from you! so please use the chat if possible 09:39:34 From cindy strawder : I have kids, sorry I need to step away09:39:59 From Olivia Mccann : I am a student journalist covering this event, so I will just be watching!09:40:11 From Carlos Lara (He/Him/His) : Thank you Cindy for letting us know.09:40:36 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : sounds good oliva! thank you09:40:53 From Jonathan C. Hart : Yay! Congrats!09:44:02 From Lynn Helfrich To ROOM HOST - Elisa García-Radcliffe (they/them)(privately) : Hello. I am participating via chat.09:44:16 From Carlos Lara (He/Him/His) : Check in Question: Cameras on (if possible) and answer the following when called upon by a peer. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ROOM IN YOUR HOME and WHY?09:44:35 From Lynn Helfrich : I am camera-shy. 09:45:24 From Lynn Helfrich : I am enjoying this activity. I like learning about the participants. Thank you.09:46:25 From Chiara Lovio : Not camera ready today. My favorite place in my house is my TV room when all my family gets together. I am a K-5 arts integration teacher with a educational background of Theatre 09:49:00 From Jonathan C. Hart : Jonathan C. Hart. Flying to Seattle right now. He, Him, and His (mostly). High School Theatre. Livingroom because the TV is my friend. However, I go to campus everyday and work from my classroom still. I have the entire building to myself and I love it.09:49:05 From cindy strawder : my favorite room is my bedroom. it is peaceful, clean, and quiet most of the time. 09:49:43 From Joseph Ellison/ He/Him/Rio Rico AZ/ Theatre & Stagecrafts : I'm having tech issues like life issues haha so I just moved and I'm working on my favorite space. Right now it all makes me want to pull my hair. I'm he/him and I teach 9-12 Theatre/Stagecrafts 09:50:12 From Helen Buck-Pavlick (she,her,hers) : Also, not comfortable with camera in my current situation. My name is Helen and my pronouns are she/her. I teach middle school dance (I used to also teach middle school theatre). My favorite space is my patio. We recently remodeled it, added plants, and got comfortable chairs. It’s so peaceful to be able to have a mindful outdoor space.09:50:49 From Elneeta : I'm Elneeta (el knee tuh) I teach in person middle school theatre and 7-12 theater online. If I'm home I spend all time in my room.09:55:15 From Jonathan C. Hart : why do I not see these?09:56:11 From Jonathan C. Hart : found them09:56:28 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : yay!09:57:08 From Lynn Helfrich : I am missing the waffle? In zoom?09:57:16 From Jay Bloch : I don't have a waffle.09:57:24 From Lynn Helfrich : Go it09:57:58 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : Big Wind Blows If..09:58:35 From Jonathan C. Hart : Actual earth, wind, and fire... not the band.09:59:50 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : i miss movie theatre popcorn 10:00:14 From Brianna DelRosal "she/her" : Me too!10:01:23 From Alyssa : Sorry - I think they realized we're doing fun things and now they're all over us. :D 10:01:57 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : all good! im glad theyre enjoying themselves LOL10:02:45 From Jonathan C. Hart : Big wind blows if you like award shows...10:02:53 From Joseph Ellison/ He/Him/Rio Rico AZ/ Theatre & Stagecrafts : Big wind blows if you attempt to sing like a Disney princess at least once a week10:03:16 From Brianna DelRosal "she/her" : I just "sang" like Mulan two days ago!10:03:31 From Chiara Lovio : The big wind blows if you have traveled internationally10:03:43 From Lynn Helfrich : If 4:00 aM is your favorite hour10:03:59 From Jonathan C. Hart : boooooo10:04:09 From Jonathan C. Hart : I love it10:04:11 From Jonathan C. Hart : just kidding10:04:20 From Brianna DelRosal "she/her" : It is because I am sleeping10:04:28 From Lynn Helfrich : It's OK. 10:07:14 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : From Lynn Helfrich : Ove it. 4:00 AM. glad you all laughed. It is a Yogi's favorite hour.10:08:10 From Lynn Helfrich : Love it correction.10:08:14 From Denise Royal, she/her/hers, Goodyear, AZ : Online engagement is the hardest part!10:11:32 From Jonathan C. Hart : Even the best games / activities get redundant. The bigger the library the better.10:12:02 From Denise Royal, she/her/hers, Goodyear, AZ : Agreed, Jonathan!10:12:49 From Andrea Jenkins : have you ever done "build a story" it is a great activity for virtual engagement?10:12:56 From Lynn Helfrich To ROOM HOST - Elisa García-Radcliffe (they/them)(privately) : Zoom agreements is a great idea. 10:13:01 From Joseph Ellison (He/Him/His)/Rio Rico AZ/ Theatre & Stagecrafts : So sorry! My camera keeps going out! 10:13:10 From Denise Royal, she/her/hers, Goodyear, AZ : Our school has us use Google Meets … not quite the same fun components as Zoom10:13:24 From Jonathan C. Hart : Teams is the BEST!10:13:33 From Carlos Lara (He/Him/His) : Yes, and we have as part of lessons not warm ups usually. Thank you Andrea. It's a great tool. 10:13:43 From Alyssa : Same Denise!10:13:46 From Brianna DelRosal "she/her" : I wonder if an opening activity for you Denise, is the students could color and make their own reactions to hold up on the screen!10:14:05 From Denise Royal, she/her/hers, Goodyear, AZ : Thanks Brianna10:14:19 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : yes Brianna!10:14:30 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : that's what we used to do before we had alllll these wonderful reactions!10:15:01 From Lynn Helfrich : How are you keeping your students? Do all have access to technology?10:15:28 From Denise Royal, she/her/hers, Goodyear, AZ : The problem with Meets is that students can't always see everyone - only teachers have that ability. Students get stopped at 16.10:16:31 From Elneeta : I've shared my screen with the large gallery view so everyone sees the same thing (in Teams)10:17:04 From Andrea Jenkins : in meets if they click with the right side of the mouse it gives emojis and you also have that as an option.10:17:23 From Andrea Jenkins : that is in chat only though10:17:28 From Lynn Helfrich To ROOM HOST - Elisa García-Radcliffe (they/them)(privately) : How are you keeping your students? Do all have access to technology?10:17:47 From Denise Royal, she/her/hers, Goodyear, AZ : Thanks for that great tip10:19:19 From Jonathan C. Hart : I do. You Watch.I do. You Help.You Do. I Help.You do. I Watch.10:19:30 From Jonathan C. Hart : Similar.10:19:32 From Brianna DelRosal "she/her" : Love that Jonathan!10:22:37 From Andrea Jenkins : Denise... look up extensions that you can use. Just make sure that your district approves them first. There are so many that can help and expand what you can do on meets.10:26:28 From Denise Royal, she/her/hers, Goodyear, AZ : Thanks Andrea!10:26:55 From Andrea Jenkins : You are very welcome.10:26:55 From Brianna DelRosal "she/her" : A fun brain break I used was a song scavenger hunt! I made a playlist of music with household items in the song title/lyrics and students would go find that object and bring it back to the screen! Ex:: "hairspray" from Hairspray the Musical10:27:16 From Christina Kiepper (She/Her/Hers) - Cottonwood : That's great Brianna!10:27:37 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : omg! that's so clever10:28:36 From Andrea Jenkins : I love this idea Brianna!!!10:29:28 From Denise Royal, she/her/hers, Goodyear, AZ : Where is Rising Youth Theatre based?10:29:50 From Carlos Lara (He/Him/His) : 10:29:53 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : -Asset-Based Learning-Accessibility-Collaboration and Co-mentorship -Power Sharing 10:31:30 From cindy strawder : thumbs up!10:32:20 From Carlos Lara (He/Him/His) : carlos@10:32:24 From Rob Chambers (he/him/his) - Phoenix : Thank you!10:32:28 From Thameenah "Ty" Muhammad {she//they} : ty@10:32:29 From Alyssa : Thank you!!10:32:30 From cindy strawder : ty10:32:31 From Jonathan C. Hart : BYE10:32:32 From Brianna DelRosal "she/her" : Thank you so much!10:32:33 From Andrea Jenkins : THank you!! ................

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