The Romans - Primary Resources - Free teaching resources ...
The Romans
Scheme of Work
|Who were the Romans? |
|1 |Who were the Romans and where did they come from? |
|2 |How did the Celtic way of life differ from that of the Romans? |
|3 |Who was Boudicca? |
|4 |What happened in AD 60? |
|What did the Romans do for fun? |
|5 |Why were the Romans so keen to take a bath? |
|6 |What food did they eat and how did they eat it? |
|7 |Who and what were the gladiators? |
|8 |Which games did they like the best? |
|What mattered to the Romans? |
|9 |What mattered to the Romans? |
|10 |Did the Romans believe in God? |
|11 |What have the Romans left behind? |
The Romans
Programme of Lessons
Enquiry Question:
Who were the Romans?
|KEY QUESTION: Who were the Romans? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 1 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|To locate the Roman period on a timeline. |NC: |Carry out a survey within the class to find out how long they have been settled |SEN: |Who were the Romans? |
|That the Romans invaded Britain and that | |in their present homes. Find out who has moved from another town, village or | | |
|the period of invasion was followed by a |1a – place events, people and|country since they were born. Who has travelled the longest distance? Who has |By support |Why did the Romans want to come to |
|period of settlement. |changes into correct periods |travelled the shortest? Who has lived in the same house since they were born? | |Britain? |
| |of time |Talk about the reasons for moving to another country e.g. Mara. | | |
|Pupils | | | |Review children’s answers to initial|
|MUST: |1b – use dates and vocabulary|Watch video on the invasion of Britain (1st) – ‘The Eagle has landed’ – Zig Zag | |question |
|Be able to locate the Roman period on a |relating to the passing of | | | |
|timeline |time |Independent and Group Activities | | |
|SHOULD: | |Use piece of string to construct class timeline. Use pegs and images to set in | | |
|Be able to explain why the Romans left |2c – reasons for and results |context the Roman period with previous topics and prior knowledge…Flo, Tudors, | | |
|their homelands to come to Britain |of historical events |Gunpowder plot, Jesus | | |
|COULD: | |Discuss why the Romans wanted to come to Britain e.g. lead, minerals, wealth, | | |
|Show an understanding that different groups|2d – describe and make links |trade, prestige etc. | | |
|of Romans had different motives for coming |between the main events, |Chn complete a sheet detailing why the Romans wanted to invade. |G&T: | |
|to Britain e.g. traders, military, |situations and changes within| | | |
|pilgrimages to Bath etc |the Roman era | | | |
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| | | | |Creative Opportunities |
| | | | | |
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|KEY QUESTION: Who were the Romans? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 2 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|To understand some of the reasons why the |NC: |With the help of the children, go over the reasons why the Romans wanted to come |SEN: | |
|second Roman invasion was a success | |to Britain. – wool, lead, silver. Discuss the fact that the Romans had a large | |Why were the Romans victorious over |
| |1a – place events, people and|empire and wanted to take over places that could give them something that was |By support |the Celts? |
|Pupils |changes into correct periods |useful to them. – show map of extent of empire. | | |
|MUST: |of time | | | |
|Be able to suggest a reason why the Roman | |Role play as a Roman soldier and a Celt. Draw out some of the reasons the Roman | | |
|Army overcame the Celts |1b – use dates and vocabulary|army defeated the Celts. Lead children to…. | | |
|SHOULD: |relating to the passing of | | | |
|Be able to suggest several reasons for the |time |Better armour | | |
|Roman success over the Celts | |Better organised – turtle, discipline, tactics | | |
|COULD: | |Clever inventions – spear | | |
|Understand that the Roman success was not |2c – reasons for and results |Divide and rule | | |
|all due to military prowess but a system of|of historical events |Forts |G&T: | |
|alliances with certain tribes against | | | | |
|others – in the interest of the Romans |2d – describe and make links |Independent and Group Activities | | |
| |between the main events, | | | |
| |situations and changes within|Give children a copy of a Roman soldier and a Celtic warrior side by side. | | |
| |the Roman era |Children annotate each with reasons why they were victorious (Roman) and reasons | | |
| | |why they were defeated (Celt) | | |
| |9 – how British society was |e.g. | | |
| |shaped by invasions and | | | |
| |settlements prior to 1066 |“The Romans defeated the Celts because they were better organised” | | |
| | | | |Creative Opportunities |
| | | | | |
| | | | |“Picture the Past” |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Shields and Standards |
| | | | |p.23 |
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|KEY QUESTION: How did the Celtic way of life differ from that of the Romans? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 3 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|To select and record info about the Celtic |NC: |Remind children of why the Romans wanted to come to Britain in the first place |SEN: | |
|and Roman way of life. To make comparisons | |and the reasons why they were successful in subduing the Celts. | |Hot seat children to be either a |
|between lifestyles. About aspects of life | | |Mixed ability and mixed age |Celt or a Roman and describe the |
|in Roman and Celtic Britain | |Tell the children that the ways of life of the Romans was quite different from |group groups |other group’s customs |
| |2a – about the characteristic|that of the Celts and they must have had to change some of the things that they | | |
|Pupils |features of te Roman Celtic |had done when the Romans invaded | | |
|MUST: |periods – beliefs, attitudes | | | |
|Be able to distinguish between a Roman and |etc |Independent and Group Activities | | |
|a Celt | |Group research – try to find out similarities / differences between the Roman and| | |
|SHOULD: |2b – about the social, |Celtic way of life | | |
|Be able to suggest similarities between the|religious and ethnic | | | |
|lifestyles of Celts and Romans |diversity of Roman Britain |Look at…. | | |
|COULD: | |Houses | | |
|Select relevant info from a number of |4b – to ask and answer |Clothes |G&T: | |
|sources to identify further similarities |questions |Beliefs | | |
|and differences between Roman and Celtic | |Towns | | |
|lifestyles | |Art | | |
| |9 – how British society was |Technology | | |
| |shaped by invasions and |Language | | |
| |settlements prior to 1066 | | | |
| | |Chn complete 3 column grid….1. How they did things, 2. Romans, 3 Celts. Collect | | |
| | |and compare the above | | |
| | | | |Creative Opportunities |
| | | | | |
| | | | |“Picture the Past” |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Roman bracelets p. 25 |
| | | | | |
| | | | |“Creative History” |
| | | | |Mirrors p. 36 |
| | | | |Coins p.34 |
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|KEY QUESTION: Who was Boudicca? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 4 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|That sources about Boudicca contradict each|NC: |Read a roman description of Boudicca (but don’t refer to her name). With help of |SEN: | |
|other. To make a comparison of these | |the chn write up key words on the board to help us describe her. Chn use the key | |What do you think Boudicca really |
|accounts which give different viewpoints |4a – how to find out about |words to draw her as she is described. Now read a Celtic (make one up if none |Literacy places and adult |looked like? |
| |events |available) account of Boudicca (again not referring to her name). Children again,|targeted support where | |
|Pupils | |but next to the Roman influenced picture, attempt to draw what they have heard. |neccesary |What can we agree upon from the |
|MUST: |4b – to ask and answer | | |accounts? |
|Be able to describe what Boudicca looked |questions |Now show the children ‘real’ images of Boudicca (her fierce on chariot would be a| | |
|like from one point of view | |good pic). Tell them that both accounts were describing the same person. Why do | |What don’t we know for sure? |
|SHOULD: |5c – communicate their |they differ? Who is telling the truth? Why don’t we know? | | |
|Be able to compare and contrast some of the|understanding and knowledge | | | |
|descriptions from different viewpoints |of history in a number of |Independent and Group Activities | | |
|COULD: |ways | | | |
|Show an understanding of what elements are | |Children write a brief description of Boudicca bearing in mind both accounts (T24|G&T: | |
|shared by both descriptions and therefore |9 – how British society was |link). | | |
|what we can pretty much know for sure about|shaped by invasions and | | | |
|her appearance |settlements prior to 1066 | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Creative Opportunities |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Collage of Boudicca on a chariot |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Large battle scene – woad patterns |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
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|KEY QUESTION: What happened in AD 60? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 5 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|That sources about Boudicca contradict each|NC: |Read the story of Boudicca’s revolt. Discuss what happened and the consequences |SEN: | |
|other. To make a comparison of these | |of such (possibly through drama –Also explore BGfL site | |Discuss the immediate consequences |
|accounts which give different viewpoints |2c – reasons for and results | |Mixed ability pairs |of the revolt for the Romans and the|
| |of historical events |Independent and Group Activities | |Iceni. – chn record on a large piece|
|Pupils | | | |of paper. |
|MUST: |3 – that the past is |Chn retell story of Boudicca through a storyboard | | |
|Be able to suggest one or more reasons for |represented and interpreted | | |How might a survivor of the battle |
|the revolt |in different ways |Children write a biography of Boudicca, writing a brief description of what she | |feel? Hot seat chn to find out |
|SHOULD: | |was really like (T24 link) | |feelings of different sides |
|Be able to sequence the key events in the |5c – communicate their | | | |
|form of a storyboard |understanding and knowledge |make use of paragraphing and link words | | |
|COULD: |of history in a number of |e.g. |G&T: | |
|Consider similarities and differences |ways |- Where she was born, who she was married to | | |
|between two different versions of the same | |- what the Romans did to her (refer to ‘hurt’ her daughters) | | |
|event |9 – how British society was |- what she did in revenge | | |
| |shaped by invasions and |- where she is buried | | |
| |settlements prior to 1066 |- why we remember her | | |
| | | | |Creative Opportunities |
| | | | | |
| | | | |“Picture the Past” |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Shields and Standards |
| | | | |p.23 |
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Enquiry Question:
What did the Romans do for fun?
|KEY QUESTION: Why were the Romans so keen to take a bath? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 6 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|Select info about life in Roman Britain | |Use the interactive Roman town animation on the BBC site. Tell children that we |SEN: | |
|from a range of sources. Present info to | |are going to be finding out what the Romans did for fun. | |How was taking a bath in Roman times|
|show understanding of impact of Roman |2a – about features of Roman | |Mixed ability groupings |different to how we do it today? |
|settlement in Britain |period |Visit bath houses. Go through importance of ritual of bathing and some of the | | |
| | |different rooms you would expect to get | | |
|Pupils |4a - how to find out about | | | |
|MUST: |events | | | |
|Be able to use a source of information to | |Independent and Group Activities | | |
|describe the experience of visiting a bath |6 – Local area study | | | |
|house in Roman Britain | |Chn label and explain a plan of a bath house and include a way of remembering | | |
|SHOULD: | |each room e.g. Fridgidarium – Fridge = cold | | |
|Be able to use more than one source “ |9 – how British society was |Caldarium – cauldron = hot | | |
|” |shaped by invasions and | | | |
|COULD: |settlements prior to 1066 |Challenge chn to invent a way of heating the floor | | |
|Use a range of sources “ “ | | | | |
| | | |G&T: | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Creative Opportunities |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Art Topic – mosaics (2nd half term) |
| | | | | |
| | | | |‘Picture the past’ |
| | | | |Thermal Window p. 28 |
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|KEY QUESTION: What food did they eat and how did they eat it? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 7 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|Select info about food in Roman Britain | |Have a plate of food and a place setting set out mixed up. Ask a volunteer to set|SEN: | |
| |2a – about features of Roman |up the plate for a posh dinner. Ask volunteer to demonstrate table manners and | |Ask children to contribute to a |
| |period |how to eat it – scribe on board |G&T: |table comparing food now and then |
| | | | | |
|Pupils |4a - how to find out about |Now tell chn about eating in Roman times. Repeat as above and note differences | | |
|MUST: |events |and similarities e.g. | | |
|Be able to describe the way in which food | | | | |
|was served and consumed in Roman times |6 – Local area study |eat with fingers | | |
|SHOULD: | |eat lying down | | |
|Be able to use a source of information to | |food all separate in diff bowls | | |
|identify a number of the food stuffs |9 – how British society was |slaves serve food | | |
|popular in Roman Britain |shaped by invasions and | | | |
|COULD: |settlements prior to 1066 |Independent and Group Activities | | |
|Describe differences between the diets of | | | | |
|different groups in Roman society | |Comparative table – food now and then | | |
| | |Prepare a Roman feast | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
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| | | | |Drama – act out a Roman feast |
| |
|KEY QUESTION: Who and what were the gladiators? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 8 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|Select info about Slavery and gladiatorial | |Remind children about the importance of slavery in Roman society as identified on|SEN: | |
|entertainment in Roman Society |2a – about the characteristic|visit to the Baths. Tell them that the bath house workers were the lucky ones. | |Feedback findings to rest of class |
| |features of te Roman Celtic |Some slaves were bought to fight each other. Tell children about gladiator |G&T: | |
|Pupils |periods – beliefs, attitudes |fights. | | |
|MUST: |etc | | | |
|Be able to use a source of information to | |Independent and Group Activities | | |
|describe the nature of gladiator fights in |2b – about the social, | | | |
|Roman times |religious and ethnic |Provide a range of sources of info about gladiator fights and series of | | |
|SHOULD: |diversity of Roman Britain |hyperlinks on a textease page. (Brims esp) | | |
|Be able to use a number of sources of | | | | |
|information to describe the nature of |4a - how to find out about |Children explore the question | | |
|gladiator fights in Roman times |events | | | |
| | |Who and what were the gladiators? | | |
|COULD: |4b – to ask and answer | | | |
|Find out about other forms of entertainment|questions |Give set of questions to focus the research e.g. who were gladiators chosen from?| | |
|in the coliseum | |What happened to those that lost etc | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Design and make a gladiator’s helmet|
| |
|KEY QUESTION: Which games did the Romans like the best? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 9 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links |Main |Differentiation |Plenary |
|Select info about other forms of | |Tell chn about the importance of the games in Roman times – particularly in Rome.|SEN: | |
|entertainment in Roman Britain |2a – about the characteristic|Link back to gladiators. Discuss holidays and colours of diff teams. Favourite | |How was taking a bath in Roman times|
| |features of te Roman Celtic |gladiator / charioteer. |Mixed ability groupings |different to how we do it today? |
|Pupils |periods – beliefs, attitudes | | | |
|MUST: |etc |Show children clip of chariot racing. Do we have sports nowadays that are like | | |
|Be able to describe some of the main forms | |chariot racing and gladiator fights? | | |
|of entertainment in Roman times |2b – about the social, | | | |
|SHOULD: |religious and ethnic | | | |
|Be able to describe and compare some of the|diversity of Roman Britain |Independent and Group Activities | | |
|main forms of entertainment in Roman times | | | | |
| |4a - how to find out about |Chn design a mosaic celebrating their favourite charioteer or colour of their | | |
|COULD: |events |team in a Roman style | | |
|Find out about forms of entertainment | | | | |
|enjoyed by different groups in Roman | |Write a brief explanation of chariot racing in Roman times – Nelson book | | |
|society | | | | |
| | | |G&T: | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Creative Opportunities |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Mosaic |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
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Enquiry Question:
What Mattered to the Romans?
|KEY QUESTION: What mattered to the Romans? |YEAR 3 / 4 |Lesson No: 10 |
|Learning Objectives and Outcomes |NC links | |Differentiation |Plenary |
|To be able to suggest some of the | | |SEN: | |
|characteristic features of every-day life |2a – about the characteristic|Remind children of what we have learned so far about the Romans. With help of the| |Children assess each other’s |
|in the Roman period. |features of te Roman Celtic |children form a concept map on the board under headings… | |survival guide and say whether they |
| |periods – beliefs, attitudes | | |would get on as a Roman as a result |
| |etc |Food | | |
|Pupils | |Clothes | | |
|MUST: |2b – about the social, |Entertainment | | |
|Be able to describe one or two aspects of |religious and ethnic |Language | | |
|every-day life in Roman Britain |diversity of Roman Britain |What to do all day | | |
| | |What to believe in | | |
|SHOULD: |4a - how to find out about | | | |
|Be able to describe a number of aspects of|events |Independent and Group Activities | | |
|every-day life in Roman Britain | | | | |
| | |Children try to answer the main enquiry question by summing up the previous | | |
|COULD: | |section on Roman entertainment, as well as reference to the Roman army and | | |
|Identify what changed under the Roman | |technological advancement. |G&T: | |
|occupation and what stayed the same | | | | |
| | |Children produce a survival guide for a non-Roman that has recently been granted | | |
| | |citizenship as a Roman. | | |
| | | | | |
| | |They should offer advice as to what to wear, what to eat, what to do in your | | |
| | |spare time to be as Roman as possible | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |Survival Guide as a Roman Citizen |
| |
Useful Websites
Site Useful for… Address
◦ BBC site Children
◦ Romans in NI Children
◦ Object lessons Artifacts
◦ Roman Baths game
◦ TW museums mosaics
◦ Nettlesworth All
◦ BGfL Boudicca’s Revolt
◦ Bham museum Artifacts
◦ Sandy Detective
◦ BBC Mosaics
◦ Book Gladiators
◦ BRIMS Who were the Romans?
◦ Innovations Artifacts
◦ Cyberhunt research
◦ BBC Celts
◦ Lancs NGfL Quiz
◦ Bham clothes etc
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