center-180975P3 Home Learning Plan – Week Beginning 20.4.20P3 Home Learning Plan – Week Beginning 20.4.20Literacy MathsHealth & WellbeingTopicReading: SummariserDraw *2, **3 or ***4 main events from a book you have enjoyed reading that can help you retell the story to another person. Can you use your drawings to retell the main events to a special person at home?Search for Hit the Button on to practise number bonds and doubles. Can you you’re your high score?We have also set a competition on Sumdog all about time. Who can achieve the highest score?Complete a Cosmic Yoga or Go Noodle session to calm your mind. Find the videos by typing ‘Cosmic Yoga’ or ‘Go Noodle’ into Watch an episode of Newsround with a member of your family on Create a quiz for your family member on the episode.Remember to continue with your learning even though you aren’t at school!Read for 30 minutes every day.Have conversations with the people in your plete a task on your homework grid and create a homework grid of your own!Play games on SumDog.Stay active and try 30 minutes of exercise every day – Joe Wicks is doing daily P.E. sessions on YouTube at 9am!If you can, get some fresh air outside and go on a short nature walk.If you have twitter, please tweet your work to @GrantonPS or share pictures on your Online Learning Journals.Writing: Write a set of instructions to explain how to play your numeracy board game. Remember to number each point.Think about using different ways to start each instruction (e.g. Firstly, Next, Then, Finally)Create a numeracy board game that you can play with 2+ people. Think of the board games you play in glass during numeracy to help you begin if you are stuck. Draw out your board. You can make it as whacky as you like! Give your board game a play with a special person at home.* Addition and subtraction questions** Addition, subtraction and multiplication questions.*** Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions.With a member of your family complete a Body Coach Kids workout. Find these videos by typing ‘Body Coach Kids’ into CHALLENGE: Create your own Body Coach workout with 5 different exercises.Art: Go on a colour hunt around your house to find items which are each colour of the rainbow. Draw, paint or make a rainbow to display in your window. If you go out on a walk, try to count or take photos of other rainbows you see.Spelling: Each week we will post your weekly spelling words on SeeSaw and the Online Learning Journal. Please practise your words however you would like. Here are some suggestions: Rainbow writing, pyramid spelling, SeeSaw spelling, choo-choo words, etc.Practise skip counting. You can count out loud, play number tennis or write down the number sequences.Choose either the one, two or three-star option and remember to challenge yourself.* - count in 2s, 5s and 10s** - count in 3s, 4s and 6s*** - count in 7s, 8s and 9sBuilding Resilience – Watch the YouTube video called ‘Danny MacAskill’s Wee Day Out’ and think about how he uses his resilience skills.What do you do to show resilience? Talk about this with an adult at home.Design a new playpark for your local community. Think about plants, wildlife and fun areas. Label your park to explain what each area or thing is. You could draw your playpark or build it out of LEGO or junk. ................

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