Josiah V - Ancestry

Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown Pa

Family Record Book


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At residence of John G. Buttermore, Perry Tp, Fayette Co, Pa (P.O. Perryopolis Pa) Nov 24, 1924 11:25 AM

This is a large brick house standing on a slight elevation back 200 ft from the Road to Wick Haven just north abt half a mile from Perryopolis Pa & on the right hand side, after crossing the RR tracks.

Mr Buttermore received me & said he was born Dec 29, 1847 in Springfield Tp, Fayette Co, Pa near Rogers Mill. His mother was Mary or as she was called "Polly" Grim, who was about 76 yrs old when she died abt 25 yrs ago (born say 1823), daughter of John Grim & his wife Susan Wilt. He said his mother was not married to his father & that Thomas Boyd, who died here at his home May 16, 1924 was a cripple from childhood from white swelling & was 72 years old (born say 1851 or 1852) & while he could not just recall the name of his, Thomas Boyd's, father, his wife, who he called in, thought it was John Boyd of Uniontown, but he did not think so. Mr Buttermore said his Uncle Jacob Grim, an old coal digger, aged 84 yrs & an old soldier living near the edge of Scottdale, Pa at Kifertown, Pa could tell more. I must try to see him. Mr Buttermore said he was in the Civil War, entering when 16 & serving 9 months until the war closed, & in one battle, he was in, his cousin, Dr Smith Buttermore, later of Connellsville, Pa was fighting on the other

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side in the Confederate army.

He said to see his half sister & also Thomas Boyd's half sister, younger viz Mrs Ella Ghrist, living in East Liberty, just adjoining Vanderbilt, Pa. She is the wife of Wm Ghrist, a coal miner. Mrs Buttermore thought she would have her father's bible.

Left 11:33 AM

[margin note reads:] Oct 27, 1927. The C'ville Courier of today announces the death of Mrs Elizabeth Eicher Buttermore Oct 25, 1927 aged 84 yrs at her home at Perryopolis, Pa, widow of John G. Buttermore who died 2 yrs ago.

We then drove north on the road to Wick Haven, Pa & on top of a hill abt two miles out, in a white house, we came to the:

Residence of Thomas M. Patton, Perry Tp, Fayette Co, Pa (P.O. Perryopolis, Pa RFD 2 Box 45) Nov 24, 1924 11:50 AM.

Mr Patton says "M" is just an initial he put in his name to distinguish him from two other Thos Pattons who were getting his mail. He further says that his father's name was Hirim & not Hiram. see book 10 page 6. where I noted record of his wife & himself & daughter & of his wife's sister, who I deferred too long going to see as she died on Jany 24, last. Referring also to page 6 book 10, he said the children of Margaret Galloway McKee, his wife's aunt came back to Allegheny City, Pa & one of them viz; Thompson McKee was a carpenter

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there, was unmarried, & his sisters, two (or possibly three) also unmarried lived with him & he thinks they all died in Allegheny City, Pa. His wife's Aunt Anna Galloway, see book 10 P 6, married Joseph Patton, an Uncle of my informant, who was a brother of Hirim, Stephen, W., Thomas, & Henry Patton, all sons of John Patton & his wife Nancy Woodrow. Thos m. thinks he has date of his Uncle Joseph Patton's birth & says he thinks he lived in Carroll Co, O. I find date of his birth in Book 10 p 16 & have entered it in table Book 10 p 6. His children were John, Samuel, Ross, Nancy & Mary. He didn't think the girls married. He thinks Samuel was married & says John & Ross both married & lived near & had issue. Mr Patton & his daughter, Mrs Miller thought that Mrs Patterson, mother of Mrs Will J. Stephens aged 84 & whose father, John Reed was a brother of Rebecca Reed, wife of Samuel Galloway could give some information.

Left 12:40 PM

We then drove back to the Public square in Perryopolis & turning west, went out past the public school bldg & across the RR tracks & turned in a field & went to a frame house on the side of the hill adjg the old Milton Hewitt fruit farm I went once years ago to buy & was at:

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Residence of Will J. Stephens, Perry Tp, Fayette Co, Pa (P.O. Perryopolis, Pa RFD) Nov 24, 1924 say 1:30 PM

Mrs Stephens received me & took me out to the kitchen & introduced me to her mother, the widow of William Patterson, & daughter of John Reed who said she was born Dec 25, 1840, & said that her grandfather (ie father of Rebecca Reed) was Peter Reed who came to Fayette Co, Pa (or Westnd) from Lancaster Co, Pa, as she had often heard her father state. She could not, at the moment, recall the christian or family name of his wife, her grandmother, but if she could later recall it, Mrs Stephens would send it to me. See entry of his name in table book 10 page 6.

Mr Stephens is assessor of Perry Tp & was away from home, attending to the duties of his office. I filled out a blank option for his 100 A in the Smith Creek block of coal & explained it to his wife & left with her to bring to his attention. She spoke most kindly of Hiram Rankin & his wife who had been their nearest neighbors on the Milton Hewitt farm just back of them & after leaving, I recalled that I recommended Hiram to go buy that farm.

Left abt 2:30 PM

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At residence of William Ghrist in East Liberty, adjg Vanderbilt, Pa Nov 24, 1924 2:55 PM

Mr Ghrist with his coal miner's cap & lamp on, recd me & called his wife, Ella Ghrist who was a fine large, strong faced, matronly woman who said she was 69 yrs old born say in 1855 & she said her maiden name was Clark, & that she was a half sister of Thomas Boyd, who was about three yrs older than her & said her mother, the mother also of John G. Buttermore & Thomas Boyd did not keep her children together & she, herself, went when five yrs old & lived with her grandfather, John Grim, who raised her. She said nothing of her mother marrying & I just wonder whether she was married to either Boyd or Clark, although Mr Ghrist said she was married three times, but I had it from Mr Buttermore that she was not married to his father. Mrs Ghrist & her daughter, a very large, heavy clean faced, middle aged woman, who came in from the back room, said to see Wesley Ridenour, well known to everyone & living about South Connellsville, Pa, who could give information of the older people. I wrote to him today 25th inst.

Left 3:05 PM

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Room 522, "Skyscraper", Uniontown, Pa Dec 6, 1924 1 PM

Cousin Annie M. Carothers Lines of 1655 E. 55th St Chicago Ills was in this afternoon & I asked her to give me her record which she did as follows:

Annie McCullough Craft, daughter of James Woodrow Craft (who was son of David Craft & his wife, Margaret Woodrow - of the Woodrow Wilson Woodrows) and Caroline Elizabeth Craft (who was daughter of Daniel Birmingham Craft & his wife Salome Radcliff of Greene Co) was born Sept 17, 1860 in Redstone Tp, Fayette Co, Pa & was married Dec 8, 1881 by Rev W.G. Nevin to John Richey Carothers. He died Jany 3, 1911 in Uniontown, Pa & is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. No issue.

She thought her two Craft grandfathers were cousins. She spoke of her great skill in pasting clippings in scrap books & said she had made 145 which were sent to soldiers of the late war & offered her services to paste in my clippings. I never thought of asking about record of her last marriage to Lines.

Feby 5, 1925. Cousin Annie's letter of Jany 22, 1925 in answer to mine says that she was married in Chicago Ills by Bishop John Vincent, Founder of the Chatauqua Assembly on Feby 13, 1919 to Frank Byington Lines of Chicago, Ills, who was born Apr 2, 1863 at Fayetteville, NY, near Syracuse, son of David J. Lines & his wife Philena P. Goodrich (who were married by Rev Cleveland, father of Prest Grover Cleveland) & moved Nov 9, 1867 from Fayetteville, NY to Chicago, Ills.

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Oak Hill, Dec 11, 1924 9:30 PM

It is 45 yrs ago today that I was married to my dear Mary at Geneseo, Ills by Rev Albert Bushnell.

On Dec 1, I met Dr C.W. Adams in the post office & he said his late wife's maiden name was McQuiston & her mother was a Finley. He said her older sister, Mrs Dr Mary Graham, lived in Williamsfield, O & I wrote to her. I met him in P.O. again today & he read me a letter from her, saying she could not give me any information, but said to write to her niece, Mrs Harriet Terry, Albion, Pa, who I believe was a Finley, saying she could tell me. I accordingly wrote to her today.

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Oak Hill, Dec 11, 1924 9:40 PM

Wm G. Antrim came up on the B&O train last night & I asked him if he had the bible record of his father & grandfather Antram & he said he had & would bring it in this afternoon to Room 522 which he did. He had four leaves of which four pages were written on evidently torn from the bible of his grandfather Caleb Antram & the record is as follows:

Marriages Caleb, son of Caleb and Martha Antrim and Nancy, daughter of Robert Boyd & Rebecca, his wife, were married Jany 31st, 1828 by the Rev William Johnston.

Caleb, son of Caleb & Martha Antram and Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew Porter & Cornelia, his wife was married November 1st, 1857 by the Rev William Lowrance in Davis Co, Iowa.

[variations in spelling Antram/Antrim, noted]

Rebecca (daughter of Caleb & Nancy Antram) and J.C. Porter were married Dec 1st, 1846 by Rev A.B. Brice

Albert G. Hague & Martha Antram were married January the first, 1852 by J.T.A. Henderson

Robert M., son of Caleb & Nancy Antram and Sarah Woodward were married February 6, 1862 by the Rev Jesse Adams

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Joseph D. Antram, son of Caleb & Nancy Antram and Mary Frances Hibbs were married March 2d, 1869.


Caleb, son of Caleb and Martha Antram was born Sept 9, 1805

Nancy, wife of Caleb, son of Caleb & Martha Antram was born Dec? 15, 1808

Their children:

1. Rebecca, daughter of Caleb & Nancy Antram was born Dec 27, 1828

2. Martha, daughter of Caleb & Nancy Antram was born Aug 18, 1830

3. Robert Morgan, son of Caleb & Nancy Antram was born Aug 19, 1838

4. Joseph Dempsey, son of Caleb & Nancy Antram was born Oct 16, 1840

5. Mary, daughter of Caleb & Nancy Antram was born Nov 17, 1845


Nancy Antram, wife of Caleb died July 30, 1855 in her 47th yr

Elizabeth Antram, wife of Caleb died Oct 3, 1867 in her 56th yr

Mary, dau of Caleb & Nancy Antram died Feby 18, 1868 in her 23d yr (unmarried.)

Martha, dau of Caleb & Nancy Antram & wife of A.G. Hague died Dec 30th, 1860 in her 30th yr (was 31st yr)

He also had a letter dated Aug 22, 1913 from Miss Harriet S. Antram, Mount Holly road, Burlington, NJ, author of the "Records of the Antrim Family in America" size of Book 7 & 10 inches 232 pages. The family was located in Milford in Bradford, Dorsetshire, Eng, & two brothers, John & James, came to New Jersey in 1680 & were Quakers.

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Will also has a leather backed book 7 1/8 x 4 1/2 inches & 3/4 in thick Form 2022 a surveyor's book in which he has transcribed many Antram records of which I am copying here such as I want.

John Henderson Antram son of Joshua Antram & Ann Wilson was born Aug 8, 1852

This is John H. of New Salem, Pa, see who Ann Wilson was. Joshua was an older full brother of Caleb & was son of Caleb & Martha Antram & was born Jany 25, 1803.

His oldest full sister, Deborah Antram married my old friend Lewis Campbell. She was born Jany 18, 1801

Mary Frances Hibbs, wife of Joseph D. Antram & daughter of David Hibbs & his wife Hannah Walters was born Sept 3, 1843.

The wife of Caleb Antram Sen, & mother of Caleb Antram born Sept 5, 1805 was Martha Morgan. Caleb Senr was son of John Antrim & he was a son of John, who came from England to New Jersey with his brother James about 1678 or 1680.

David Hibbs, son of Lacy Hibbs was born 1809.

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William G. Antrim, son of Joseph Dempsey Antram & his wife, Mary Francis Hibbs was born Sept 9, 1870

Jessie B. Antrim, daughter of Joseph Dempsey & Mary Francis Antrim was born Mch 25, 1878. She married I.N. Kuhn & their children are:

1. Joseph Russell Kuhn was born Dec 24, 1901

2. Raymond Fess Kuhn was born Sept 4, 1909

3. Marian Ruth Kuhn was born May 10, 1911

Joseph D. Antram born Oct 14, 1840, died 1905

Geo L. Hibbs born May 20, 1858, died Nov 2, 1907

Children of W.G. & Cora A. Antrim, births:

1. Phyllis Antram born Feby 7, 1902

2. John Henderson Antram born Dec 24, 1904

3. Mary Pauline Antram born June 21, 1906

Mary Francis Antram died Dec 6, 1922 at 12:15 AM buried Dec 8th, Saturday at 2 PM

The early John & James Atram deeds, wills etc are found in Burlington Co, NJ.

Judge Robert Boyd's sister married a Dempsey & one married Whitehill.

Eliza Hibbs was a daughter of Mr Whitehill.

Will G. says her daughter, Melissa was the wife of Morg Messmore. (I wonder if it was Robt Boyd's wife's sister who married a Dempsey.)

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Wm Gibson Antrim studied law at Dayton, O for 3 yrs & on May 2, 1898, recd cft from his preceptor, E. Thompson.

On July 13, 1898, he appeared before Judge S.A. Rodgers & Jas G. Parks, judges of the 17th Judicial Circuit, of Tennessee at the County Seat of Scott Co, town of Huntsville, was examined in open court by a committee & was granted a license to practice before all the Courts of Tennessee.

On Nov 17, 1897, Wm G. Antrim & Miss Mayme A. Taylor were married at her home on Fairmont Ave, Dayton, O by Rev Chas E. Miller, pastor of the Trinity Reformed Church. She died at Dayton, O Sept 29, 1898.

He purchased a home in Springfield Tp, Montgomery Co, Pa June 26, 1912 & sold it at Whitemarsh, Pa May 29, 1916.

I was at the Recorder's office at noon today & in Will book 1 page 16, found the will of Samuel Work which was dated in 1789 & probated in 1791. He was of Union Tp, & two McCleans, John & Samuel, I believe were witnesses. He named his wife was Esther, his eldest sons, Samuel & Joseph, a daughter Rebecca, a daughter Jane & four younger sons, Robert?, John, Andrew &

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Alexander, see if Jane married a Dempsey. Rebecca became the wife of Judge Robert Boyd later. So here I have her parentage, but not the maiden name of her mother.

Confirming wills record above page 11 line 34 refer to book 12 page 67 line 27 where it whose that Stuart H. Whitehill & Sarah Boyd had a daughter Eliza.

JVT 12:15 AM 12th

See Book 5 Page 358

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Oak Hill, Sunday Dec 21, 1924 8:26 PM

I left home this morning to go on the 9:05 AM B&O train to West Newton, Pa to attend the funeral at Mill Grove, Pa at 2:30 PM of my second cousin Isabella Carothers Markle, widow of Sheppard B. Markle Jr 1844-1900 also my second cousin, who was born Oct 18, 1851 & died Dec 18, 1924 at 2:35 PM, the daughter of James Power Crothers & his wife Jane K. Moore. The train was about ten minutes late & as I stepped in the chair car, Isa F. Byers stepped in behind me & we had an enjoyable visit & talk to West Newton, Pa. She told me of having called a few days ago to see Mrs Carrie E. Kiefer, who is sick & of Mrs P.E. Sheppard dropping in very soon after & commencing a tirade of gossip about Lee B. Brownfield & his second wife, Rosemary McCormick Field parting, which circumstances of the past week indicate is untrue, & of she, Isa, giving such a Philippie [sic] against gossiping & gossipers that Mrs Sheppard soon left & of Mrs Kiefer commending her for giving it to her in such a scathing manner. She also spoke of Judge R.E. Umbel's ruining the life of Miss Elizabeth M. Leonard who was usually with him when he went to Atlantic City, NJ & who has never been known here to keep company

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with any other man. Also of his present liasons with Mrs Millie Bortz nee DeForrest, wife of Geo H. Bortz who meet with regularity in Pittsburg, Pa for the day. Also of his capers with Dosia B. Clarke & of his proposals to Sarah Luchman, who when he later gave her a valuable purse or bag, for a present, slapped him in the face with it & refused to take it. Isa was on her way to Ennis, Texas, 40 miles from Dallas, Texas to visit her daughter, Margaret E. Cain & Margaret's son, Jimmy, both of whom I gave their first feasts of NY theatre life. Isa referred to Jimmy's aptness when the seal, suffering from a very noticeable cold, was asked by the trainer if it didn't want a handkerchief & Jimmy pulled his out of his pocket & said "Here it is". I told Isa to send a card back to John saying that when she got on the train, I was there going with her. I sealed her a kiss to give Jimmy & Margaret & got off at West Newton, Pa about 10:35 AM & walked down to Chamber's garage when Joe Markle came along in his auto & took me out to Mill Grove, where I met his sisters Grace, Sarah Mills, Jean C. Fallen & her husband, Chas W. Fallen, Margaret & her husband Dr Albert R. Trevaskis & the other girls & Cyrus P. & many children, Cassius C's widow, Mary A. Markle & her daughter &

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her son Cyrus P, John M. Larimer Jr & his wife & Paul Larimer, his brother, the two surviving sons - two having died - of Jno M. & Emily, also Alice Markle of Gbg, Cyrus Tinstman of Turtle Creek, (son of Cornelia who is not in good health & with whom he lives) & his wife who was a Dunlap, & says her father, William Dunlap was from Greenfield, O, & his father, William Dunlap had been from Brown Co, O. See Book 7 pages 478 & 479. Her grandfather may be identical with the grandfather of Mary Narcissa Crothers who came fr Ky to Brown Co, O. I had lunch with them at Mill Grove, an excellent one & after lunch, many others came trooping in, among them Will L. Scholl born 1845, who has a vivid recollection of the olden time & we sat down in the back end of the parlor where Belle's remains gracefully reposing in a wide open casket coffin lay, with every appointment perfect. her daughter, Margaret said that in her over two yrs of illness, she never asked for but two things, one being a drink of water. Mill Grove is in Sewickly Tp & Will L. says that house at Mill Grove from which the funeral was held, a frame one, was built in 1817 by Uncle Joe Markle, he thinks & the stone house across the creek in South Hunting-

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don Tp was built in 1818 by Uncle John Markle & their old stone house on part of the foundation of which Will L's present home is built, was built in 1819 by Uncle Chas J. Scholl's (grandfather of my informant Will L.) who had married Aunt Susannah Markle. He said his Uncle Gasper Markle's farm in Sewickly Tp was bought at a sheriff's sale & was greatly run down when he bought it. His son Alfred's daughter (one of two daughters) married a Dusenberry & lives out the pike. She has as I recall, a host of children. When the family wished to come down to take their leave of their mother, we moved our seat to the back end of the hall, where Will L. introduced me to John Boyd who lives out the pike beyond F.A. Gaut's in a brick house, built by Joseph Cope who bought the farm bout the time Will L. was born. He said it was on the old Uncle Jacob Markle farm & had been owned by a Wentzler? before Cope got it.

Asking Will L. about the connection of the late secretary of Agriculture Wallace to the Finley family, from which Will L's wife descends, he said that John Wallace came to South Huntingdon Tp from Ireland & married a Ross. He did not know her name, but I see in Ohio Valley Genealogies by Chas A. Hanna NY 1900 128 pages in Western compartment of my

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hall, French bookcase page 36 2d column that it was Martha Ross born Mch 12, 1811 eighth of the ten children of Reynolds Ross & his wife Martha Finley, youngest of the three children of Clement Finley 1735-1775 (see his will among my records) who was a son of (not brother) of John Finley oldest child of Michael Finley. John Wallace bought from Andrew Finley (son of Squire Andrew Finley) who was a first cousin of Wallace's wife's mother, a farm of 147 acres which just cornered at a point with Will L's farm & lived on it until he moved to Iowa, when he sold it to George, Josiah, Joseph, & David Pore four of the ten sons of Adam Pore. The only one of the ten living is Josiah Pore, living in West Newton, Pa who owns the old farm of my gggfather John Jack who I must go & see. Will L. says the children of John Wallace, in the order of their ages were: Henry, (father of Secy Wallace) Elizabeth, Martha, Ross, James, Margaret & John. John died in 1854 of dysentery aged 6 yrs on the same day that Will L's brother Dave died, also of dysentery & they & the wife of Nehemiah Finley were all laying corpses at the same time. She too, having died of the dysentery. Will L. said the whole Scholl family had it except his father & himself. Will L. said his great grandfather, Isaac Miller & another man, lived for a time under the rocks along Sewickly

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Creek above the Markle Cemetery where we buried Belle. He took up 1000 A of land adjoining, but did not get a legal title for it & later after his death, his second wife, & Silo Miller, a son by his first wife went to Harrisburg, Pa, but succeeded in getting a patent for only 75 acres. He said his great grandfather, Isaac Miller had about a dozen children, mostly sons scattered over the County & that John D. Miller in the Bank at Gbg is descended from one of them. He said William Miller, who married Aunt Mary Markle was one of them & that his grandfather, Benjamin Miller was a twin brother of Joseph Miller (who lived at Murrysville, Pa & was the father of Rev Obediah Miller) & were two of them. The undertaker, Schroyer, wanted Will L. to go ahead to the cemetery & arrange for the flowers etc, so I went ahead with him in his Ford & as I entered just above the gate, noticed again grandfather's grave, Andrew F. Thompson died Apr 20, 1825 aged 34 yrs. Will L. said no lots were to be sold between the tree & the fence next the road, it being left open to drive out over. I never experienced a colder graveyard, the wind blowing strong from the west & I shook & shivered & was glad to go to the fire some men had built down near the entrance gate, going out, we passed the old Wm Miller, later his son Israel's & now Cyrus P. Markle's

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place & the next house, a fine brick, the present residence of Cousins F.A. Gaut & wife, was, he said the former home of his grandfather Benjamin Miller, who built it & where he said the Stage coaches used to stop & the drivers would stop at the next house, his brother William's. He said the old Uncle John Robertson stone house farther out the Mt Pleasant Pike, was built in 1812 & cousins Walter & William Bell were the carpenters for it as they were too for the present Williams home, for many years the Rothermel farm, which Peter Rothermel in 1813 bought from the estate of John Finley (see the Rev Wm Swan letter loaned me by Judge James R. Macfarlane [sic]) who had built it that year or possibly in 1812. Will L. pointed out the farm line boundaries & said he wd show me the remains of the old log home, still standing, but without a roof, where my g great grandfather, Casper Markle, lived & also the location of the home of his widow, Mary Markle & daughter Hannah Markle when father lived with them if I wd come down next summer. Warming at the fire, a tall young man spoke to me & said his name was Fullerton & when I was at his mother's, they were threshing. He is Horace Fullerton, natural son of Ann Clara Fullerton where I was on

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Aug 30, 1921, see book 5 p 162 - 166. He said they had moved from near Scottdale & were now living on her farm just near the cemetery & to the right of the road in the frame house just before we turned down to the cemetery & I sent her my regards by him. One of the autos was geared too low & stuck fast in a rut on the rough roads & delayed the funeral procession. At the grave, I saw & spoke to Mr Secrist & his wife, who was formerly the wife of Cousin John C. Carothers & the Millard F. Scholls, & C. Ed Carothers of Wash. Pa coming up, they introduced me to Mrs Secrist's children, Mrs McCune, & James, Wm & Gladys Carothers.

Millard F. Scholl & his children, James, Alliean & Leah were there & Leah's husband, Hoey were there & I went in town with them, Jim driving & stayed at their home until train time, meeting Miss Miller, Lucinda Pinkerton, Jasper Scholl & his big fat 15 yrs old 200 lb son, Millard Scholl & other children. Jim said he wd drive me any place I wanted to go next summer. The train came at 5:47 PM & I got on & went to the dining car, got my dinner & reached town at 7 PM. I told Cyrus Tinstman I wanted to see his mother & would try to come next month & bring sister Lenora along if she could come. It is now 11:55 PM JVT

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Oak Hill, Dec 31, 1924 9:44 PM

Albert M. Boyd of No 38 Thomas Ave, the next St beyond Mifflin Ave & parallel thereto, running from Connellsville to Coolspring St, came out in his car at 7:30 & has just left. He had the record of births of his father, James Boyd's eleven children written down on a note size sheet of paper & gave them all to me & I recorded them in the table I had made in Book 12 page 420. He also gave me the date of his father's death, his mother's birth & her mother's name which I entered there. He said too that his mother, when young, had a daughter before she was married, the father being the late Cyrus Echard, said daughter being married & living in Kansas & has four children. He took note of the information desired to complete the data necessary for the record of his nine brothers & sisters all living & also all the parties they have married are living, also is getting the records of the Shraders & Mauks for me. He gave me that of his own family as entered on pages 420 & 421 book 12. He bough 320 A of school land in N.E. corner of Gove [sic] Co, Kansas abt 20 yrs ago at $4.50 per acre which he still owns & they are getting some big oil wells near to it. He also bought a house at Clarksburgh, WVA.

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[fermata mark appears here in upper left margin]

At residence of Mrs Sallie A. Campbell NO 161 Morgantown St, Uniontown, Pa Jany 1, 1925 11 AM

Pallini drove me up here this morning & Mrs C. admitted me. I paid her $1000 on the $20,000 note she holds against me. She said her sister-in-law, Mary A. Hibbs, living adjoining at 159 Morgantown St was seriously ill & she feared she would not recover & advised against me going in this morning. I learned for the first time that Mrs Campbell was a granddaughter of Jane Finley & her husband John Hibbs, who was a son of Lacy Hibbs & his wife Sarah Craft, their oldest child, Miranda Hibbs having been the first wife of her father, Presley Swan & she gave me to copy & return a record of births & deaths from the bible of her grandparents, John & Jane Hibbs. She also loaned me an unpaged pamphlet paper covers 9x6 inches & 1/4 of an inch thick the "Family Record of John Swan of Green Co Pa" by the late Col S.D. Swan, Creson, Iowa assisted by Henry Swan, Council Bluff, Iowa, Edited by Florence Swan Stever, daughter of the late Col S.D. Swan, from the Pres of New Nonpareil Co, Council Bluffs, Iowa, but without date.

This contains record of some of the Swans. I wish to get & then return the book. She said Mrs Post, her aunt had one child that died shortly after birth.

Left 11:30 AM

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At residence of Mr & Mrs Wm T. McClellan No 71 Union St, Uniontown, Pa, Jany 1, 1925 11:40 AM

Pallini drove me around here from Mrs Campbell's & Mrs McClellan admitted me. She is the daughter of Lacy Hibbs & was born Olive Hibbs May 28, 1869 at Searights, Pa in Menallen Tp, Fayette Co, Pa & was married by Rev L.W. Lewellen, Pres on Apr 17, 1895 to William Taylor McClellan born Mch 15, 1866 in Wharton Tp, Fayette Co, Pa son of Robert Price McClellan & his wife Margaret Matthews. No issue.

Olive said that among the sons of her great grandfather, Lacy Hibbs, were:

John Hibbs, her grandfather, mar Jane Finley

Aaron Hibbs, who mar Eliza Whitehill

Samuel C. Hibbs, father of Aaron J. & John

David Hibbs, father of Jeff W. & George L.

Aaron & Eliza Whitehill, his wife had issue:

1. Annie J? who late in life became the second wife of Oliver Miller, bro of Warwick & is still living & whose mind is active. She joined the 7th Day Adventists & went off to their community probably in Ohio. Says Mary Hibbs, dau of John on Lincoln St, could give her address.

2. Melissa Hibbs mar 1. Morgan Messmore who was clubbed & killed at Leith, Pa & thrown down the shaft & had by him one child, Georgia Messmore

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who she thinks is married. Mar 2. Benj. O. Brown, son of Rev Benj F. Brown & had two children by him. She lost her mind & is in a hospital in Pgh.

3. Lacy Stewart Hibbs, who married & died leaving a family

4. Mary Hibbs, married a Riley & lived in Pittsburgh, Pa

Olive said her father had the big old bible of his father, but as she had no children, she gave it to her brother John Newton Hibbs who lives out the road to the right of Grace Church 2d house & she called them up Rural 5233-R3 & his wife answered saying they had it, so I am going out there now, or this afternoon. Mr McClelland came in just after twelve & I left at 12:20 PM

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At residence of John Newton Hibbs, Menallen Tp, Fayette Co, Pa (P.O. Upper Middletown, Pa RD1 Box 102) Jany 1, 1925, 2:33 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago, Pallini driving & "Newt" says his great grandfather, Lacey [sic] Hibbs came to Fayette Co, Pa from Greene Co Pa & he & his wife who was Sarah Craft are buried just above Merrittstown, Pa on the Struble or Hautz farm to the right of the road & lays out in the field where there are many tombstones, it having been the location of the early church there, Baptist, they were told. They say the inscriptions on the old sandstones are very plain & are as follows:

Lacey Hibbs died Dec 20, 1819 at the age of 51 yrs

Sarah Craft Hibbs, wife of Lacey Hibbs died July 17, 1848 at the age of 82 yrs.

They have brought out too, the old leather backed bible of "Newt's" grandparents, John Hibbs & his wife Jane Finley which is well preserved & was printed by Kimber & Sharpless, but is without date. I am copying the record entire:

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John Hibbs was born Jany 1, 1791

Jane Finley was born June 7, 1802

John Hibbs & Jane Finley were married Apr 12, 1821

John Hibbs died Jany 14, 1881 aged 90 yrs & 14 days

Jane Finley died Aug 3, 1890

Their children:

1. Miranda Hibbs was born Mch 18, 1822

2. Sally Ann Hibbs was born Apr 26, 1824

3. Lacey Hibbs was born Nov 7, 1826

4. Finley Hibbs was born Nov 1, 1829

5. Elliott Hibbs was born Mch 12, 1832

6. John Craft Hibbs was born June 21, 1835

7. Elizabeth A. Hibbs was born Sept 28, 1838

8. Newton Hibbs was born Jany 28, 1841


E. Finley Hibbs died Oct 16, 1831

Newton Hibbs died Sept 4, 1849

Sally Ann Post died May 8, 1850, daughter

Miranda Swan died Aug 5, 1854, daughter

John Craft Hibbs died May 3, 1857

Elliott Hibbs died Nov 21, 1884


Miranda Hibbs to Presley Swan Jany 26, 1843

Sally Ann Hibbs to Jacob Post May 27, 1845

Lacy Hibbs to Mary Margaret Poundstone Sept 25, 1851

Lacy Hibbs to Harriet Ann Kerr Mch 8, 1866

Elliott Hibbs to Mary Ann Campbell Nov 6, 1856

Elizabeth Wilson Hibbs to Benjamin Franklin Beal Dec 14, 1865

V13 Page 28

"Newt" says he gave the bible with his father's record to his son Ernest Hibbs who lives in New Salem, but he has brought out their own big bible & from it & his memory, I am making a record of his father's children viz:

1. Eunice Violet Hibbs born Oct 10, 1852

2. John Newton Hibbs born July 9, 1859, children of first wife & both born in North Union Tp on Pgh Road on farm know as Jacob B. Gallagher farm, he having bought it of Lacey Hibbs.

3. Olive Jane Hibbs born May 28, 1869 child of 2d wife & born as above stated in Menallen Tp.

Mary Margaret Hibbs, was the daughter of Philip Poundstone & his wife Eunice Harford & was born in German Tp, June 16, 1833 & died in North Union Tp, Dec 24, 1862 aged 29 yrs 6 mos & 8 days & is buried in Pres g.y. at New Salem, Pa.

Harriet Ann Kerr, was the widow of Robert Kerr & daughter of Samuel Cochran & his wife Leah. She was born _______ & died ________

Lacey Hibbs died in Uniontwon, Pa Apr 3, 1902 & is buried in Oak Grove Cem at Uniontown, Pa

V13 Page 29

John Newton Hibbs was married June 17, 1886 to Sarah Elizabeth Ball who was born Mch 27, 1865 in Dunbar Tp, at West Leisenring, Pa, the daughter of Joseph Longanecker Ball & his wife Clarissa Barricklow.

They have had but one child born on the National Road just this side of Searights in Menallen Tp, viz:

Lacey Ernest Hibbs born May 23, 1887. He was married June 20, 1907 to Mabel Maude Frost, born Aug 5, 1890 in Menallen Tp, dau of Benton Dearth Frost (youngest son of James Frost) & his wife Ella Hostetler (daughter of Jacob Philip Hostetler & wife Hester.) L. Ernest has had two children both born at Keisterville, Menallen Tp,

A. Betty Jane Hibbs born Jany 1, 1917 & died Jany 4, 1917

B. Margaret Elizabeth Hibbs born Mch 8, 1920.

L. Ernest Hibbs lives in New Salem & is sales agent for Coffman Motor Co, New Salem, Pa.

Newt says J. Newt Chalfant lives on the pike in a little bungalow on the left hand side beyond the Richd Randolph house.

Newt says there is a Miss Jennie Cunningham about my age living in Wooster, O at NO 429 N. Buckeye, St whose mother was a Finley & who is well informed & can give some Finley history. Ask her for history of Alice & Ada Hatfield, her relatives who live there & see them also.

Leaving 4:22 PM

From the records of the 7 preceding pages & book 12 p 350 et seq & the Swan Family History, which Sallie A. Campbell loaned me New Years Day, I am starting the genealogical table on next page of Jane Finley Hibbs descendants.

V13 Page 30 & V13 Page 31

[Descendant Chart]

Jane Finley born June 7, 1802 in Redstone Tp, Fayette Co, Pa & died there Aug 3, 1890 & is buried in Dunlap's Creek Cem same Tp. She was daughter of Ebenezer Finley & his 2d wife, Violet Lowry, & he was son of Rev James Finley 1725-1795. Married Apr 12, 1821 John Hibbs, born Jany 1, 1791 & died in Redstone Tp Jany 14, 1881 & is buried in Dunlap's Creek Cem same Tp. He was son of Lacey Hibbs who died Dec 20, 1819 aged 51 & his wife Sarah Craft who died July 17, 1848 aged 82 yrs & both are buried in Luzeme Tp just above Merrittstown, Pa at the old church site g.y. on the Struble Hautz farm & have well preserved sandstone markers. She was dau of George Craft, one Fay Co settler & his wife Barbara. see will book 1 p 88. He [John Hibbs] was a farmer.


Miranda Hibbs, B March 18, 1822 ob Aug 5, 1854 m. Jany 25, 1843 to Presley Gregg Swann, a farmer born in Carmichaels, Pa Sept 11, 1820 & died Apr 23, 1891 at Pawnee Gap, Kansas & is buried near Minneapolis, Kan. He married in 1855, Clarissa Carter & had 2 children, Miranda & Walter. He was son of Richard Swan B Sept 14, 1796 ob Dec 29, 1873 & his wife Susan Gregg B May 22, 1795 ob June 22, 1866, mar in 1818. Richard was 12th of 14 children of Col Chas H. Swan, Rev Soldier B. in Loudon Co, VA 1749 & ob Greene Co, Pa 1832 & his wife Sarah Van Meter born 1757 & mar 1772. Col Chas H. was son of John Swan born in Loudon Co, Va 1721 was first settler in Greene Co, Pa in 1767, coming fr Potomac River near Winchester, VA where he died in 1799 having had 10 children by his wife Elizabeth Lucas who died in 1805 aged 83 yrs. John's father, Joshua born 1700 in Loudon Co, Va was son of John born 1665 at Stonington, Conn was son of Robert Swan who emigrated to America in 1650, his brother Richard Swan having landed in Boston, Mass Jany 6, 1639, they being sons of Joshua Swan & his wife Martha Dennison who traced her descent from Charlemagne, Emperor of the West, born 742 & his 3rd wife Hildegarde down through Louis I, Charles II, Louis II, & Charles III, all Kings of France & through his wife Elgiva, granddaughter of Alfred the Great, King of England & through their son Louis IV, King of France & through his wife Princess Gerberga De Sayre, dau of Henry the Fowler, emperor of Germany etc. Their 5 children were born first four in Menallen Tp & Lacy F. in Cumberland Tp, Greene Co, Pa.

Sallie Ann Swan, Born May 3, 1844 in Menallen Tp, mar June 5, 1873 to Joseph Morgan Campbell, farmer b Apr 11, 1841 in German Tp & ob there Jany 15, 1895, son of Lewis Campbell & his wife Deborah Antram. He was a director of First NBK, Uniontown, Pa. A Prince among men. She lives at 161 Morgantown St, Uniontown, Pa & is my informant [bottom line cut off] No issue.

Richard Swan, Born Aug 3, 1848 m. Sept 28, 1871 to Catherine Virginia Borom, dau of Richard P. Borom & wife Elizabeth Edgge who was born near Beallsville, Pa Dec 20, 1854 & died at Carbondale, Col Oct 16, 1892. He died at Glendale, Calif Feby 13, 1924. She died from pneumonia. see page 32.

Jane Violet Swan, B July 4, 1849 m. Jany 14, 1875 to Joseph Newton Chalfant, son of Finley Chalfant & wife Prudence Crable, see page 32. Think he or B.P. has the Chalfant bible.

John Hibbs Swan, B Dec 1851 m. Oct 24, 1878 to Harriet Ann Chalfant born in Redstone Tp & died July 28, 1888 aged 41 yrs, dau of Finley Chalfant & wife Prudence Crable. She died in Minneapolis, Kan & is buried there & he died near Youngstown, O. See page 33.

Lacey Franklin, B June 14, 1854, ob Aug 19? 1854

Sally Ann Hibbs, [dau of Jane Finley & John Hibbs] B Apr 26, 1824 ob May 8, 1850 m. May 27, 1845 to Dr Jacob Post. She is buried at Pres g.y., New Salem, Pa. Had one child.

[child], ob shortly after birth

Lacy Hibbs, a farmer B Nov 7, 1826 ob Apr 3, 1902 in Uniontown, Pa & is buried there in Oak Grove Cem. m.1. Sept 25, 1851 to Mary Margaret Poundstone, born June 16, 1833 in German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa & died Dec 24, 1862 in North Union Tp, & is buried in the Pres Ch. g.y. at New Salem, Pa. They had two children born in North Union Tp see page 28. M.2. Mch 8, 1866 Mrs Harriet Ann Kerr who died & is buried. She was widow of Robert Kerr & daughter of Samuel Cochran & his wife Leah. They had one child born in Menallen Tp. His first wife was daughter of Philip Poundstone & his wife Eunice Harford

Eunice Violet Hibbs, B Oct 10, 1852, unmarried.

John Newton Hibbs, B July 9, 1859 m. June 17, 1886 to Sarah Elizabeth Ball, born Mch 27, 1865 in Dunbar Tp at what is now West Leisenring, Pa, daughter of Joseph Longanecker Ball & his wife Clarissa Barricklow. Both living in Menallen Tp & have had but one child born in said Tp, see page 29. He is a farmer.

Lacey Ernest Hibbs born May 23, 1887 m. June 20, 1907 to Mabel Maude Frost born Aug 5, 1890 in Menallen Tp, dau of Benton Dearth Frost & his wife Ella Hostetler. They have had two children both born at Keisterville, Menallen Tp, Pa. Just below & adjoining the present home of his parents at the Keister works on what was the former farm of Samuel Work Woodward. Both living at New Salem, Pa where he is an auto salesman.

Betty Jane Hibbs, B Jany 1, 1917, ob Jany 4, 1917

Margaret Elizabeth, B Mch 8, 1920

Olive Jane Hibbs, B May 28, 1869, m. Apr 17, 1895 to Wm Taylor McClellan born Mch 15, 1866 in Wharton Tp, son of Robert Price McClellan & his wife Margaret Matthews. No issue. Both living at No 71 Union St, Uniontown, Pa. He has been a tax collector.

Elliott Hibbs [son of Jane Finley & John Hibbs], farmer B Mch 12, 1832 ob Nov 21, 1884 m. Nov 6, 1856 to Mary Ann Campbell

John Craft Hibbs, B June 21, 1835 ob May 3, 1857

Elizabeth Ann Wilson Hibbs, B Sept 28, 1838 living in New Salem, Pa m. Dec 14, 1865 to Benjamin Franklin Beal born in Menallen Tp, Jany 11, 1837 & died Nov 23, 1893. He was son of Benjamin Beal & his wife. They had two children. He was a farmer.

Violet Jane Beal, Born May 21, 1867 m. Oct 22, 1895 to Iden Vaile son of James Vaile & his wife Bute. Both living in German Tp, where they have had five children born, 3 living & 2 dead & he a farmer.

Elizabeth Jane Vail, B Aug 4, 1897, unmarried.

Edward Hibbs Vail, B May 27, 1900, unmarried

Edna Mabel Vail, B Nov 4, 1901, unmarried

James, ob

a son, ob

Edna Elizabeth Beal, B June 6, 1878 & died Apr 20, 1901, unmarried.

V13 Page 32 & V13 Page 33

[Descendant Chart]


Richard Swan, see page 30 Their four children:

Roland Evans, B Nov 14, 1877 lives No 425 Holly St Medford, Oregon & is in Government employ. No issue. M. Dec 23, 1902 to Maude Mary Curtis born Sept 7, 1885 in Denver, Colorado, dau of Fred Delmain Curtis & his wife Alice Mary King. Roland E. was born in Brownsville, Pa.

Lizzie Virginia, B Jany 21, 1879 ob Sept 18, 1918 m. Feby 6, 1901 to Emmett R. Stephens born May 16, 1874 son of Daniel R. Stephens & wife Hannah Lowry & had two daughters. He lives Crescent City, Calif & recently remarried. His name is Emmett Robert Stephens & on Dec 23, 1923 he married Miss Bess May Edwards.

Unnamed son, Born & died Nov 10, 1901

Mayme Elizabeth, B Oct 30, 1902, ob June 16, 1916

Sally Catheryn, B Sept 20, 1906, single

Sallie Campbell, B Jany 13, 1881 m. Aug 23, 1904 at Delta, Colo to Berk Ralph Bross born Dec 27, 1875 at Dallas City, Ills son of William T. Bross & wife Lamah Harkness. No issue. Both living at Paonia, Colorado. Sallie C. was born in Brownsville, Pa.

Mary Frances, B Feby 11, 1892 m. Aug 5, 1912 to Park H. (an initial only) Arnold, born May 25, 1892 at Lebo, Kan, son of John T. Arnold & wife Belle Park. Have two children born at Long Beach, Calif. Both living in Glendale, Calif. She was born at Carbondale, Colorado

Richard Keith, B Nov 17, 1913

Betty Geraldine, B May 11, 1921

Jane Violet Swan, see page 30, Their 5 children:

James Presley Chalfant, B Apr 23, 1876, ob, m. to Nora Craft, dau of Clark Craft & wife. Had 4 children.

Earl Newton, B Nov 16, 1881 ob aged 22 yrs, unmarried. His horse reared & threw him in front of a street car in Washington, Pa & he was killed.

Joseph Morgan, B Dec 23, 1883, at home, unmarried

Lou Violet, B Sept 22, 1887, m. Ray McClelland. Both living at old home in Menallen Tp. Have two children.

Arthur Gregg, B Aug 21, 1890, at home, unmarried.

John Hibbs Swan, see page 30 Their four children:

Anna Reba, B June 17, 1880 unmarried. Has lived with her aunt, Mrs Campbell since her mother died.

Prudence Violet Swan, B Feby 17, 1882 at Minneapolis, Kansas. M. June 10, 1902 to Glenn Forest Gribble born at Farmington, WVA June 10, 1874, son of Joseph Wm Gribble & wife Nancy Jane Wood. Have 2 children, one living & one dead. Both living at 1704 Crawford Road, Cleveland, O. Were married at Uniontown, Pa. Children born at New Salem, Pa. He is a carpenter.

Joseph Glenn Gribble, B Apr 19, 1903, ob July 7, 1903

Claude Swan Gribble, B Oct 13, 1904

James Richard Swan, B June 7, 1885 m. to Edith Blanche Lecky, born June 19, 1887 at Uniontown, Pa daughter of Huston Lecky & his wife Lucinda Brown. Both living in South Uniontown, Pa on the hill just above the old Thos J. Dixson home. He is with the Fayette Coke Co, Shamrock, Pa for whom he has been working for 19 yrs. Have had five children. The oldest, a daughter died 5 yrs ago aged 12 yrs. Four living.

Mary Hibbs Swan, Born June 14, 1887, died July 27, 1888

V13 Page 34

At residence of Mrs Sallie A. Campbell No 161 Morgantown St, Uniontown, Pa Jany 5, 1925 9:20 AM

Mrs Campbell gave me additional information this morning which I have entered in the table pages 30 & 31 & from the information given by her & her niece A. Reba Swan & from the Swan Book I have made the table on pages 32 & 33 & have written to Oregon, California, Colorado & Ohio for information to fill in the blanks.

Mrs Campbell said that Hannah Finley, full sister of her grandmother, Jane Hibbs, married a Cunningham down about Rehoboth & moved to or near Wooster, O, & it is probably her daughter that J. Newt Hibbs referred to page 29. Mrs C. said to see Iden Vail's daughter who met her when at Wooster at School. She thought Rebecca Roderick, older daughter of Finley Chalfant, who died without issue & with whom her niece Prudence Violet Swan, now Gribble, lived would have gotten her father's family bible.

Left 10:05 AM

She said Dr Jacob Post came from Wash Co, Pa & after his first wife, Sally Ann Hibbs died, he married Phoebe Gray, sister of Nat C. Gray & moved to Ills & died there. She said the Elijah Crafts & Stewarts were cousins.

V13 Page 35

Recorders Office Uniontown, Pa Jany 5, 1925 3:11 PM

I came up here from the Joseph Gilbert Rider funeral & find

Will of George Craft, will book 1 P 88

The will is dated Aug 9, 1806 & recites that he is weak in body etc & names his beloved wife Barbara for whom he well provides & then:

3d I give to my daughter Sally Hibbs, my bed & bedding also a pewter dish & a pewter bason, also her choice of any horses or mares I may own at my death.

4th orders residence of Estate of be sold at public sale & the money thence arising to be equally divided between my surviving children & the children or representatives of those that may be dead, per stirpes - [sic]

Lastly hereby constitute & appoint Lacy Hibbs & Robert Baird Exrs. George Craft (seal) Witnesses Johnis Saladie (John Saladey) Ephraim Dilley. Proven Sept 17, 1806 by said witnesses (the widow being present) before Alexr McClean.

Mrs Hibbs is the only child named, but the only one I wanted named to prove & make my record. Refer to page 31 & book 9 p 482-485 where it looks like 4 children of George Craft were David, born abt 1763, Samuel 1764, Benjamin, 1765 & Sallie, 1766.

V13 Page 36

Will of Anne Burgess, will book 1 p 87

Recites she is of Washington Tp, names her nine children is dated Dec 6, 1803, singed Anne (her mark) Burgess, Witness Edw Cook, Andrew Brown, Wm Cunningham, Proven Mch 11, 1806 by Andrew Brown & next day 12t by Edw Cook before Alexr McClean.

The first will in the book or County is Andrew Hoover of Union Tp dated May 25, 1784 & witnessed by James Rankin & William Clark & proven July 24, 1784.

The second will is that of George Clark of Augusta Co, VA dated Mch 11, 1778 in which he appoints his friend Edward Cook & brother-in-law, Michael Tigerts Exrs signed, Georg [sic] Clark (seal) Witnessed by Thos Bond, John Clemmon. Proven Oct 21, 1784 & letters issued to both Exrs by Alexr McClean

Left 3:44 PM

V13 Page 37

Recorders office, Uniontown, Pa Jany 10, 1925 11:30 Am

Will of Col Isaac Meason, Will book 1 P 179 He recites that he is of Mt Braddock, Pa & his will disposes of several thousand acres of land & of his land holdings in distant counties & states in which area is not named. In the 3d clause, he wills lands to his son, Isaac adjoining lands "conveyed by Col William Crawford to his daughter Mrs Springer" (look this up)

6th to the children of his deceased son, Thomas Meason, he wills 306 A near Uniontown, Pa, also the lands purchased of the Exrs of Col Israel Shreve, William Hoge, Mrs Shreve, Patterson & Stewart in Washington Bottom ctg abt 600 A.

2d clause willed several tracts of land to his daughter, Elizabeth Murphey.

4th clause willed much land to his second daughter Mary Rogers, wife of Daniel Rogers

7th provides for his sister, Elizabeth Fell, wife of John Fell, by giving her 200 A for life & then to go to her sons Isaac & George Fell.

8th Directs Exrs to sell his lands in Indiana, Armstrong, & Jefferson Counties, bals of unsold New Haven lots, the Middletown Iron Works with lands &

V13 Page 38

houses thereto attached, also a tract of land in Washington Bottom purchased of Samuel Shreve, & his lands in Kentucky & elsewhere outside of Pa.

10th Refers to lands in Tyrone Tp which he bought of the heirs of Genl Hugh Mercer.

Lastly appoints son Isaac Meason & son-in-law Daniel Rogers Exrs. signed at Mt Braddock, Sept 24, 1817 Isaac Meason (seal) Witnesses James Finley, Robert Davis, Josua [sic] Hutson. Proven by said 3 witnesses Feby 4, 1918 James Finley being named "Esq" & the will showed his lands adjoined.

Will of Col Israel Shreve Will book 1 page 43 I, Israel Shreve of Franklin Tp, give:

Item, to my beloved wife, Mary $1000 in full for her dower

Item, I give & bequeath to my sons, George, Henry & Benjamin 150 A land each. George to have where Lappin lives Henry to have where Spencer lives Benjamin to have where I live.

Item, to my daughters Rebeckah & Mary each $200

Item, to my sons, John & Israel each $100

Item to my daughters Keziah & Esther each $100.

Appoints trusty friends Edward Cook, John Shreve & Richard Noble Exrs & directs them to sell remaining

V13 Page 39

real estate & personal as well & divide equally among my wife & children

Directs his exrs to call on George Washington (note, this will was dated just five days before Washington died) & pay his demands due with the first money that comes in their hands & to obtain a title to the land according to article & when they get deeds from him to execute deeds to all to whom I have heretofore sold according to their articles. (Look up these deeds to Shreve fr Washington & from Shreve & see if it doesn't give date of his death) Gives wife Mary use of Benj's land until he is of age. Dated Dec 9, 1799 Israel Shreve (seal) Witnesses Lillias Mossman, Joseph Burwell, Samuel Laphin. No record of proof of will

He is descended from Gilbert Jack see G. Anjou's books on this line Vol XV page 1448 et seq.

Note will book 1 p44 will of Reinhard Pundstein dated Jany 28, 1799 for remarkable peroration, the names of his several sons, George, Philip & John etc indicates he is probably the progenitor of our Poundstones.

V13 Page 40

Will of Samuel Shreve Book 1 page 156 I Samuel Shreve of Washington Tp, direct my Exrs to lease out my lands & give proceeds to my wife Elenor for her support & support of his youngest daughter, Rebecca, so long remains single. All proceeds to be left in wife's charge for life.

3d Rebecca to have $59 in 1 yr to make her equal to what my other daughters have recd.

4th After wife's decease, all 6to be sold & divided as follows:

To my sons, John, Jonah, Samuel, Caleb, Thomas & James, each three dollars & to my daughters Ann Mackelfish, Sophia Boice, Elizabeth Sparks Jane McKinley & said Rebecca Shreve, all the remainder of my estate.

Directs "Admr" to made deeds to all who he has sold land to , who have not got their titles, agreeable to contracts, with them.

Lastly appoint my well beloved friends Samuel Coope (is it Cope?) & John Shreve Exrs. Dated Oct 8, 1818 Samuel Shreve (seal) Witnesses: Samuel Budd, Joseph Shreve. Proven by Joseph Shreve Nov 7, 1818 & by Samuel Budd on Nov 9, 1818.

See Anjou's Gilbert Jack line vol XIV page 1348 et seq & 1398-1401

V13 Page 41

The above will is followed on same page by that of John Henthorn (who lived or settled over by the Willow tree in Sheep pen field at "Springdale") dated Jany 23, 1786 which directs his lands to be equally divided between his four boys, John, James, Nathan & Moses, but leaves them in hands of his wife Mary during her life or widowhood. & his household goods, horses etc to be left in her & son John's hands & to be sold later & divided between his girls (not named) when they grow of age. At end, makes John Exr (which is questioned) John Henthorn (seal) Witnesses Nathl McCarty, Thomas Kendall, David Jennings, James Henthorn, James Wilke. On May 3, 1786, James Wilke appears & swears he wrote the will.

Same day, John Quin (who is buried in the old g.y. on Moxley place) deposes & says he was at John Henthorn's shortly before he died & that James Henthorn was there the morning before the will was drawn etc.

This will seems however to not be transcribed until about 1818 or 1821 being out if its regular order.

I met James G. Johnston born Apr 22, 1835 at the Round Corner just before

V13 Page 42

going to the court house & he said Isaac Meason, the younger, had been practicing law in Pittsburgh but he had to give up his practice when his father died & give his attention to the settlement of his father's estate. He said there was an old George Meason, who wore a patch over one eye, who hung around, or lived at Daniel Rogers in Connellsville, Pa. I wonder if he could have been a son of Thomas. James G. said that when Isaac Beeson bought the Mt Braddock farm in the late fifties, I think he said, several of Mr Beeson's friends tried to dissuade him from buying it, telling him it would break him up, but he went ahead & bought it.

I had a letter this morning from Mrs Mary Will Conaway of Fairmont, WVA, asking about the Meason & saying she was descended from a daughter of Mary & Daniel Rogers. It is now 10:33 PM. JVT

V13 Page 43

Oak Hill, Feby 5, 1925

I found last week among old letters at my office Room 522, a letter written June 19, 1923 in answer to mine of Apr 23, 1923 from Alice Thursby of A.J. Thursby & Co Milliners 751 Penn Ave Wilkinsburg Pa, Bell Phone, Franklin 1737-J (slip made) giving information about her Finlay ancestors from which I make the table below:

[descendant chart]

Robert? Finlay, not sure of first name, general belief in the family that it was Robert.

[his son]

Robert Finlay, They were first from Enniskillen, Ireland, but he removed to Kilenshandey, Ireland where he died & his widow with all children but one came to Elizabeth, Pa where she died & is buried.


Margaret, m. Steel, remained in Ireland, was married before her mother & the other children came to America



George Finlay, who I knew very well. He lived in N. Union Tp & has often spoken of going to Inishowan, Ireland where they got good whiskey.



A daughter, used to visit her Uncle George

Alice, she is my informant above & I don't know whether married or single.

Alice writes that her mother recalls hearing her father speak of a full cousin John Finley [sic] who came to America years before their family who located somewhere in Ohio, but they were never able to find trace of him.

V13 Page 44

Recorders office of Fayette Co Pa, Uniontown, Pa Feby 19, 1925 10:30 AM

Administration accompts [sic]

Israel Shreve The administration accompts of Edward Cook Esq, John Shreve & Richard Noble Exrs of the last will & testament of Israel Shreve late of Franklin Tp decd as well of such & as much of the goods & chattels of said decd as have come to the hands & possession of the said accomptants, as of their payments & disbursements out of the same which are as follows:

The said accomptants charge themselves with the goods & chattels of the deceased as pr inventory appraised 20th & 21st Dec 1799 & exhibited 24th Jany 1800.

No 1. Amt of Inventory appraised & Exhibited as above $11,314.53

No 2. Gain in sale over the appraisement as pr examination 289.065

No 3. Recd of Bartholomey & Bunker, tenants for rent for 1800, sold 1801 22.199

No 4. Joseph Sayces, bonds & increase until recd 548.43

No 5. Job Statton & Wm Cooper increase until recd 1,083.121

No 6. Rewel Sayrs bond increase until recd 1,275.84

No 8. Residue of John Loyd's & increase until recd 84.50

No 9. William Hogg, for sale of 443 A. O 26 P land 3,150.

No10. Samuel Sterritt for land sold by Exrs 354 A 12 $7 pr A 1,801.

No11. Bals due fr Samuel Sterritt for land sold 880.614

No12. Balance of Book accts as stated a great part of which

are considered desperate, others doubtful embracing

all the book accounts. 293.05

No13. Amount of land sold to the widow 31 A 1 R 25 P at £3.15.6 Pr A. 316.15

No14. Gain in sale of leather 2.08

No15. Gain in sale of Wheat & flour ____19.98_


Balance in hands of accountants $914.9.98. [sic]

V13 Page 45

The Accomptants pray an allowance for their payments & disbursements out of the same, which are as followeth:

1. The Register for probate will, letters &C $ 3.

2. William Ellis for freedom dues as pr Rect see No pr contra 66.66

3. Calvern Moorhead pr order deceased Sec No 4 pr contra 22.

4. Joseph Sayre pr order deceased see no 4 pr contra 4.61

5. Wm Cooper as pr acct & pro late see no 5 contra 29.85

6. Wm Cooper as per assignment note of decd 3.81

7. Job Stratton as per decd & probate 10.83

8. Wm Ellis as per decd & probate 13.12

9. Samuel Parker & Sarah Fell see statement 54.30

10. Sundry bonds due deceased charged in inventory etc 5,013.11

11. Amount of Appraisement of lands since sold to Samuel

Sterritt & the widow's share, the same being charged etc 3,658.666

12. To 29 incl to various persons 225.782

30. Alexander McClean for drawing deeds fr Exrs to William Hogg 3.

31. Doctor Joseph Burwell for medicine & attendance 39.389

32 to 36 incl no 35 being Richard Shreve 87.713

37. Jonathan Hewitt digging the grave of decd pr cft his father 2.

38 to 44 incl 42.803

45. Executors of George Washington as pr recpt Sheriff of

Fayette Co, "Cal" 30.

46. Gen Jno Wilkins on judgt vs decd fr vouchers 1,319.422

47. Wm Ross & the Exrps vs judgement 375.51

48. Bill of costs pd to Ephraim Douglass Esq on Sundry suits

vs Exrs 58.20

49. James Ross Atty in fact for Washington as per Rect &

judgement 6,250.86

50. William Hogg judgement & funeral neccesaries 80.82

51. James McGrew assignee of Jno England & judgement 216.777

52. Adam Jacobs as per acct & probate 27.455

53. William Davidson as per acct & probate 8.142

54. William Wells on judgt & rect Jacbo Bowman Esq 75.

55. William Wells on judgt 18.19

56 to 59 incl 25.536

60. Caleb Shreve as per acct known to accomptants 160.922

61 to 75 incl 367.502

V13 Page 46

76. Doctor Jacob Jennings as per acct & probate 5.766

77 to 81 incl 75.671

82. William Elliott Exr of George Crawford and of Jno

Patterson judgt & cft 40.

83 to 86 incl 109.464

87. Caleb Shreve as per statement & settlement with two of the

Exrs of Israel Shreve 13rh of July 1801 £75.9.3 int since

5.6 m etc. 267.635

88. John Shreve, as per acct & probate 1,250.908

89 to 95 incl 856.365

96. Richard Noble, stamp for vendue [sic] 2.491

97. Edward Cook Esq prays an allowance for histron etc & Exr 30.

98. John Shreve prays an allowance for 206 1/2 days 206.25

The Register for stating examining calculating & comparing &c

30 days 40.

Int or John Shreve's bals of proven acct from 15 Dec 1806 to

17th Aug 1807 326.

Allowance made by the accompts to the widow for contingent Exps

at appraisements & sales & support of family she having been

charged with articles So comsumed 120.

Balance in hands of Accmpts ___914.098


Fayette Co

The foregoing accounts were principally exhibited examined & compared by John Shreve, one of the accompts on his affirmation declaring that he believes the same to be just, the other accompts having declined appearing either to approve or disapprove the same, "although entreated". They are submitted to the orphans court for their approbation, alteration or confirmation.

Alexander McClean Reg.

Certificate that due notice has been given of the filing of the Acct for presentation during August Term 1807. Witness my hand & seal Aug 21, 1807 Alexd McClean Reg.

"Aug 20, 1808 on motion & argument, the

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court order the items No 87 & 88 to be suspended until it shall be ascertained whether the claimants are entitled to the same or any part thereof by suits to be instituted by them respectively at law.

Exceptions to John Shreve, Admr accounts filed 11th Apr 1808.

Furgus Moorhead, on behalf of his wife Rebecca, late Rebecca Shreve one of the daughters of Col Israel Shreve decd objects to the following items in the acct of the Exrs of Israel Shreve which have been stated & admitted by the register & are now depending before the orphans court for confirmation

To item No 60 in favor of Caleb Shreve $160.92

To item no 87 in favor of the same 267.63

To item no 88 in favor of John Shreve 1,250.90

He prays also that this court wd order the pursuation of all the vouchers, books of accounts & other documents on which the payment of these respective accounts are claimed & have been admitted.

And he objects to the allowance of any of them because they are of a nature & complexion suspicious & sustained by no testimony which in his conception wd enable the claimants to support a suit for the recovery of them at law and because some of the executors have disagreed to the payment or allowance of these accounts believing them improper. He lastly requests that this court wd direct if they deem it expedient a trial at law by jury, whether these accounts shd be pd out of the estate or not. Fergus Moorhead. April Term in Fayette Co in open court 9th Apr, 1808.

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The administration accounts of Andrew Brown, Michael Finley, Josiah Downer & James Cook, the acting executors of Col Edwd Cook late of this Co decd

Files Jany 28, 1819, showed an estate of $7,302.07 & bals in their hands of $144.87

A Supplemental acct was filed at 19 June term 1821 (the other was at 19, Mach term 1819) in which they ask for credit.

1. Pd Patrick Power Exr of Jno Powers as per receipt in 1810 $128

2. Pd D.O. receipt in 1812 119.45

Look up will of George Crawford say Fayette Co perhaps Westmoreland.

Also look up will of John Power, say Westmoreland Co perhaps Fayette.

Left 1:33 PM

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At residence of H. Cornelia Tinstman on Grant & Sara St, Turtle Creek, Pa P.O. Box 596, Feby 20, 1925 2:11 PM

I arrived here at 11:40 AM by taxi from East Pgh where I arrived at 11:05 PM on the PRR leaving on the 6:35 AM train from Uniontown. I find on the Mary E. Boyd record, that her full brother's name was "Elias Rodearmel Markle. [1], Pa & was QÅ_#_#J___(married by Rev L.W. Lewe

Markle's bible would be with the family of his youngest son, Geo. W. Markle at Greensburgh, Pa. She does not have her father, Cyrus P. Markle's record either & says it was not in a bible, but was in a commentary about or almost as long as this book & perhaps wider, which was kept in the old secretary or bookcase & was not taken away from Mill Grove by either herself or Emily. Her niece, Mrs Margaret Trvaskis, who is here, is going up home & will make search for it & old letters, papers & almanacs. She says her Uncle Lafayette's first wife, Mary Ashmen died when her son, Geo Ashman Markle was born & he was raised or taken by his Aunt Roxie Markle. She says Lafayette's second wife was Emily Souter of Phila, Pa & he then married, she

See book 11 page 453 & 454

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thought, a third wife. She had Cyrus' wife get out her own bible, a big good one, with clasps, published in 1873 by the American Pub Co, NY & the record is as follows:

Abraham Overholt Tinstman, son of John Tinstman & his wife Anna Stouffer Tinstman was married to H. Cornelia Markle, daughter of Cyrus P. Markle & his wife Sarah Ann Lippincott, July 1, 1875.

Cyrus P. Markle Tinstman, son of A.O. & H. Cornelia M. Tinstman was married to Bess King Dunlap, daughter of William Henry Dunlap & his wife Rachel Larimer June 6, 1906.

Rachel Larimer was a sister of John M. Larimer, the husband of Cornelia's sister, Emily.

Sarah Ann Lippincott was daughter of James Lippincott & his wife Margaret Ziegler of Mt Pleasant, Pa.


A.O. Tinstman was born Sept 13, 1834 at West Overton, Westnd Co, Pa & died in this house Tuesday, 6:45 PM Dec 14, 1915 of pneumonia.

H. Cornelia Markle (Tinstman) was born Sept 28, 1847 at Mill Grove, Pa & is my informant of today.

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Cyrus P.M. Tinstman was born Dec 3, 1878 Tuesday 1 AM in the Emma Larimer house adjg this, where A.O. & Cornelia lived 4 yrs & then bought this & have lived here ever since.

Bess King Dunlap born Nov 24, 1878 in Leavenworth County, Kansas.

Their children:

1. Cornelia Markle Tinstman, Sunday 3:15 PM June 23, 1907

2. Nancy Dunlap Tinstman, Saturday 4 PM June 4, 1910

Both in this house.

John M. Larimer died in the house adjoining on Maple Ave, Dec 10, 1898. His widow, Emily died July 14, 1921 & willed the house here, equally to her son Paul Wilford Larimer & Miss Elizabeth McFarlane who was a cousin (not first) of John M. Larimer. She is now visiting in Florida & she can give the Larimer record here when she returns & also the old papers & letters.

Paul W. Larimer is a surveyor & is married & lives in Wilkinsburg. No issue.

John M. Larimer Jr is married & lives on Beeler St, Pgh, Pa & has three sons.

Leaving 4:44 PM

Cyrus P.M. Tinstman is a surveyor & was out at work today & I did

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not get to see him.

Emily's sons, Cyrus & Thomas have both died unmarried since I was there in Sept 23, 1897.

Ratie [sic] McMasters Miller lives on Morewood Ave, Pgh Pa & has a daughter married & has three children & a son Torrence Miller who is not married.

Cornelia loaned me a small cloth covered book of her Aunt Mary E. Markle Boyd 1812-1892 which is written full, fine writing from cover to cover & which is a sort of a diary, which I want to read through & make note of anything needed & which I am then to return.

A letter I saw there dated Dec 30? 1812 from Uncle Joe Markle to his wife writing about the war on which he was then in Ohio, said that Lieut Waltz had been shot in the arm but kept on fighting & was shot in the head & killed. Speaking of the wounded, he mentioned Thompson Carnahan, "now dead" & others. I asked Cornelia about the A'ments [sic] descendants of grandmother's half sister Esther Ament or Aaman & she said John Ament 50 to 60 yrs old living on Maple St, Turtle Creek, just back of them. She said he wd be the one to see, saying he worked in the mill & claimed to be related.

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The old home of Cornelia's older sister, Maggie McMasters is across the hollow on the other hill & is owned by Trevaskis, a brother of Margaret's husband, Dr Trevaskis. They came from Hazleton, Pa & evidently have told Margaret about a colored man in Hazleton, nigger, she called him who looks like the Markles although black & insinuates Markle paternity for him, saying that much more consideration is shown him than is accorded generally to niggers & for that reason, she didn't claim relationship to those Markles, but I told her she was related all right.

She wants to join the D.A.R. & I promised to send her data abt her great great grandfather, James Caruthers so she could join. From Mary E. Boyd saying all of the children of Casper Markle were dead, proves that the record I recorded in book 1 Sept 23, 1897 when at Emily Larimer's was written between 1880 & 1892 as her Uncle Gasper Markle died in 1880 & she died in 1892. I forgot to ask Cornelia where in the west the DeCamps went. Cornelia said the Bonbrights of Phila were Lippincott relatives.

Continuing Markle record on next page. See Larimer record Sept 23, 1897 in Book 1.

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Oak Hill, Feby 23, 1925, 10:40 PM

When at the "Holler" this afternoon between 4 & 5 PM, I got out the Geo Dallas Albert History of Westnd Co Pa 727 pages printed at Phila Pa by L.H. Everts in 1882 & on pages 656-7 is sketch of Cousin Cyrus P. Markle which states that he was born in Sewickley Tp, Westnd Co, Pa Apr 18, 1810 & on May 5, 1835, married Sarah Ann, daughter of James (not Joseph as Cornelia told me P 50) [scratched out & corrected on page 50] Lippincott & his wife Margaret Ziegler who was born June 12, 1814 at Mt Pleasant, Pa & died Nov 26, 1869. Their children are as follows:

1. Margaret Ann, twin, born Jany 28, 1836

2. Mary Elizabeth, twin born Jany 28, 1836 & died June 14, 1843.

Margaret Ann Markle, widow of Thos McMasters was then residing at Turtle Creek, Pa & has one child Rachel, wife of Mortimer C. Miller Esq.

3. Joseph L. Markle born Nov 7, 1837 & died July 4, 1843

4. Jesse Henry Markle born Jany 8, 1839 & died June 10, 1843

5. Cassius C. Markle born Oct 31, 1840

6. Shepard B. Markle Jr [sic] twin, born May 15, 1844

7. Cyrus P. Markle Jr twin, born May 15, 1844 & died Jany 8, 1845

8. Mary Emily Markle born Sept 7, 1846, wife of John M. Larimer, Turtle Creek, Pa. Two children then living, Cyrus P.M. & Thos McM.M.

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9. Harriet Cornelia Markle born Sept 28, 1847 wife of A.O. Tinstman, Turtle Creek, Pa one son, Cyrus P.M.

10. Amanda Markle born July 26, 1850 & died Nov 18, 1850

11. Winfield Scott Markle born Feby 14, 1852 & died Nov 1853

Shepard B's sketch follows on pages 657-8 see book 7 pages 517-526.

Cassius C's sketch follows on p 658 & states that he served in the Civil War fr Aug 25, 1861 to Sept 3, 1864 & rose from 2d Lieut to rank of captain & on Feby 21, 1865 married Mary A., daughter of Jacob S. Overholt & his wife Mary Fox, who was born in Mt Pleasant Tp, Westnd Co, Pa July 1, 1846. For their six children, see book 7 pages 538 & 539. I am not able to turn to the [2] John+MëÅM¦_#I___(Luzeme Tp just above Merr

children of Geo W. Markle as I do not recall the date I was there. I want record of Uncle Joe Markle's children by his 2d wife. In West Newton Times - Sun of Feby 19, 1925 is noted the second marriage of Millard F. Scholl at 3:30 PM Monday Feby 16, 1925 in the home of the bride 5807 Center Ave, Pgh, Pa to Mrs Alice L. Jones by the Rev Dr H.N. Lowry & left on their wedding trip for Chicago, Council Bluffs, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Seattle & Oregon where he owns timberland. Says she formerly resided in West Newton, Pa, see next page.

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Our Morning Herald this morning announced the death of Mrs Mary A. Hibbs (widow of Elliott Hibbs) aged 88 yrs at her home, 159 Morgantown St, Yesterday, Sunday evening Feby 22, 1925 at 6:30 PM. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs Albert Wheeler, a son J. Newton Hibbs of Fairbanks, Pa & by four granddaughters, Mrs George D. Johnson, & Mrs Smith Fuller of Uniontown, Mrs Howard H. Hopwood of Latrobe & Mrs A.E. Conghenour of Point Marion.

See Debbie & Newt & get complete record.

Mch 13/25 a letter dated Mch 8, 1925 from Hannah E. Lawther, West Newton, Pa says that about a week before Millard F. Scholl was married, see preceding page, his granddaughter, Ruth Gaut eloped with Earl Williams of "Turkeytown", Hannah reports them both as good workers & predicts they will get along all right. She also says Millard Scholl's new wife is a seamstress & a worker & that her former husband was a "doper" who worked in the radiator plant & she was justified in divorcing him. Says she is 45 plus.

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[fermata mark appears here upper left margin]

Hotel Statler, Room 324, Cleveland, O Feby 24, 1925 8:01 PM

I left home this morning at 6:35 AM on the PRR train, reached Pgh at 8:55 & went right to the Cleveland, O train which left at 9:05 AM & arrived here at 1 PM 15 minutes late & took a taxi to Union Trust Co & found Joe R. Nutt, Prest, in his office on 2d floor & went to lunch with him to the top 21st floor. He then showed me through their spacious banking quarters & said their banking room was the largest in the world. At 3:15, I took a taxi to Euclid Heights, but did not find my parties & came back in on the street car.

I looked up my Cleveland, O slips, eleven of them, then went down to the cafeteria & got my dinner, then came back to my room & called on the telephone several of the parties with the results noted below:

Feby 24, 1925 7:05 PM

Phoned George Ezra Carrothers No 1857 Windermere Ave, East Cleveland, O Tel Eddy 2169-M

Got no answer, rang off 7:07 PM Will try to see him tomorrow.

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Phoned Frank Finley 7:08 PM, 3896 W. 19th St, Tel Lincoln 1964-J, Feby 24, 1925.

A lady answered saying he was out of the city tonight & I arranged to phone tomorrow at the noon hour 12 to 1 PM. She said he was not with the Y&O Coal Co.

Rang off 7:10 PM

Phoned Harry O. Secrest, 2440 Demington Drive, Tel 1413-J, Feby 24, 1925

A lady answered & called him to the phone & he sd he was son of Mary Malvina Finley, dau of Samuel of Ebenezer of Rev James & that he had some records which they used to enter the D.A.R. & he said he would hunt them up & bring them to his place of business the Secrest Motor Co, Buick Sales 84th St & E. Euclid Ave. Tel Garfield 2171 at 2 PM tomorrow. He thinks a sister living in Wooster, O has their parents bible record. He was much interested. Rang off 7:22 PM

Phoned Mrs L.F. Bosworth 7:23 PM Tel Hemlock 826-J Feby 24, 1925

Got not answer, Rang off 7:26 PM

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Phoned Fred A. Walters, 7:27 PM, Tel Broadway 3324-J, Feby 24, 1925

He is not the son of Elizabeth Pringle. This is the second attempt I have made unsuccessfully to reach him, having tried when here last Feby. Will see if I can get his address through his brother, Wm P. Walter, see book 8 p 57. Rang off 7:30 PM

Feby 24, 1925 7:33 PM

Phoned Verna M. Kunze, Tel Lakewood 137-W NO 16716 Lakewood Heights Blvd, Cleveland, O.

Her husband, Eugene J. Kunze, answered & called her. She has been in touch with J.M. Markley of Canton, O, but found just as I did, that his records do not go back far enough to avail much. She thought her ancestor, John Markley, was born in Westnd Co, Pa but it was only conjecture about the Co. She got some of her information from a public library in eastern Pa. She said her ancestor, John Markley, married abt 1795 or 1793 at Wilmington, Del, Mary Springer, widow of John Grove, who was 20 yrs older than he was, but Mrs Kunze descends from issue she had to John Markley. She says Jacob is a common name in their line. I told her of having gotten some Markley data at Norristown, Pa early in Nov 1923, which I wd send her & wd also ex-

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amine the Delaware records in the books recd yesterday from Noah F. Morrison & write her. I told her we had many Springers in our County who came out at an early day from Wilmington, Del.

Rang off 7:44 PM

9:35 PM

Phoned Frederick Walters, Eddy 9483-J, Cleveland, O Feby 24, 1925

He says he is from Northumberland Co, Pa & that Elizabeth Pringle was not his mother.

Rang off 9:37 PM

Board of Education Bldg No 1412 E 6th St Cleveland, O Feby 25, 1925 10:25 AM

The young lady at the desk said Geo E. Carrothers had left here last Sept & was now Prof of Education in the Ohio University at Athens,


Left 10:27 AM

Federal Reserve Bank 6th ST between Superior & Rockwell, Cleveland, O Feby 25, 1925 10:30 AM

I went to the office of David C. Wills & was busy & recd me however very cordially at 10:54 AM. He was

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very much interested & said his mother was a daughter of William Thompson & that a Miss Sarah Thompson, very old & I think a first cousin of his mother was living in Scio, O, Harrison Co, would, he thought, be able to give more information than anyone else. He said the children of 2 or 3 brothers of his mother were living about Pgh & he volunteered to gather in the records of their immediate family & send them to me. He spoke of David Wills of Gettysburg, Pa who entertained Lincoln when he made his famous speech there & thought he may have been of their family as his won name was David. I told him David Wills' mother was a Jack & would be in my Jack history. He said he liked Cleveland better than Pgh. He is a large handsome man.

Left 11:05 AM

Schofield Bldg, Euclid Av & 91th St Cleveland, O, Room 607, Feby 25, 1925 11:25 AM

I came here at 10:15 AM to John L. Carithers D.D.S. & he was busy with patients. He was very glad to see me & said since receiving my letters almost 2 yrs ago, he had been

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gathering records & would now send them on to me, although not complete. He is a well preserved virile man, lacking an inch or two of being as tall as I am & has a very short mustache. His wife seems to be his assistant & I talked to them about 3/4 of an hour. Her name was Dupper from Cincinnati, O where they lived before coming here ten yrs ago. He said he was born in California Tp, Branch Co, Mich, where his uncle James Carithers, aged 90 yrs he thinks now lives as, he visited him in Cin, O 12 yrs ago & was then 78 yrs old then. He says his Aunt, Mrs Sarah J. McCormick of Leighton, Ala is 3 or 4 yrs older & must be 93 or 94. I must go soon & see both of them. He recalls seeing his father's Uncle John Carithers when he was an old man over 80. He was the one who lived at Winchester, Kan whose daughter I saw in Nov 1922 see book 8. His father, Samuel Carithers was son of James Carithers & two of his father's brothers Moses & John went to Tennessee in the mountains I think & one of them had ten children, he thought, but they were uneducated, but some of them

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living there. He said he would send me at once what data he has. He says his step-mother is still living in Ray?, a small town in Indiana & has his father's bible from which he copied the record. She has remarried, but I did not catch the name. He promised to send it with her address & also the names & addresses of some of the Tennessee relatives. He says L. in his name is just an initial. l See book 8 page 472.

Left 12:11 PM

Phoned Frank Finley No 3896 W 19th St, Cleveland, O Tel Lincoln 1964-J Feby 25, 1925 at 12:25 PM

The line was busy, but at 12:50 PM, I got his wife & she called him. He said he was not interested would not come in, but on questioning, he said he was born Apr 15, 1888 at Massillon, Ohio & was the son of Thomas Finley, who was still living aged 77 yrs at Mineral City, Ohio & who had a brother Robert. They were sons of Ebenezer Finley of Wayne Co, O no doubt the same whose tombstone I found in the cemetery at Wooster, O in Nov 1919.

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He said he knew but little about his father's family & from his manner would think there was some estrangement. He did not think there were any of them about Wooster, but I might find some of them about Millersburg, O. This may be of the same family J. Newt Hibbs spoke of Jany 1st last when he mentioned Jennie Cunningham & Alice & Ada Hatfield living at Wooster, O who were thought to be William Finley's descendants. Make slips & hunt Thomas up.

Rang off 1 PM

Phoned Mrs L.F. Bosworth No 2201 W 98th St Cleveland, O Tel Hemlock 826-J Feby 25, 1925 1:07 PM

Her daughter answered saying her mother was out of town, but told me to call Cherry 2503 for Robert A. Castner, her mother's brother in the Engineers Bldg.

Rang off 1:10 PM

Hanna Bldg on Euclid Ave at 14th St Cleveland, O Feby 25, 1925 1:20 PM

I called here at Room 1230 Y&O Coal Co & they report Harry L. Findlay, their sales agt to whom Andrew Squire referred

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me last Feby as out of town. I see he spells his name Findlay & not Finley & it may not be worth while to see him.

Left 1:22 PM

At Serest [sic] Motor Co corner Euclid Ave & 84th St, Cleveland, O Feby 25, 1925 1:45 PM

I find here Mr Harry Obert Secrest, a tall handsome, able smoothfaced man who sells the Buick cars. As a member of the Rotary Club, he was addressing the school children this forenoon as stated last night over the phone. He said his unmarried sister, Sarah, I think, living at Wooster, O is the one to give the record & he will gather in the data about their immediate family, having taken down what I wanted him to get & send it to me as soon as he can get it. He said his parents lost a young child in Guernsey Co & another brother, Albert Finley, died unmarried aged 21 & still another brother has died, but left two children & he himself has three daughters. He will also get the record from Zanesville, O of his mother's sister, Mrs McCracken's children & also of

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other of her brothers & sisters, mentioning John as one. He says there are the Burts & others at Cambridge, O. He did not know of Abraham Secrest & I told him of the Secrest book he has put out & promised to send him his address.

He showed me the D.A.R. sketch showing that they joined as descendants of Rev James Finley & that his father's name was William L. Secrest & his mother, Mary Malvina Finley was daughter of Samuel of Ebenezer of Rev James.

At 2:50 PM, he drove me in a very Finley upholstered Buick 4 seats which he said he sold for $2458 to his home No 2440 Demington Drive see page 58 where I met his 5 yr old daughter Jean Audrey Secrest & his wife who was an Oursler, born at Latrobe, Pa. The two older girls were out. they have the table set for a dinner party tonight to which they asked me to stay. I asked them to stop & see me when motoring through Uniontown, Pa as I did Dr J.L. Carithers & wife. Mr Secrest then drove me around to 2440 E. Overlook Road which is near his home, a fine one, on a corner.

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At The Stratford Arms Apt No 2440 E. Overlook Rd Suite 10, Mrs Krogh Cleveland, O Feby 25, 1925 3:30 PM

I came here to see Anna Mary Sauter who had phoned at 11:48 AM when I was out from Fairmont 7138 & who I called at 1:03 PM & sd I would be out between 3 & 4. She had come over to her sister's apartment from Melvin Road abt two miles distant where her son William has the measles & her son Hugh was here to avoid catching them. She brought him in, in his baby cart & he is a wonderfully pretty clear skinned boy of eleven months old with a fine big forehead well developed & a large expanse above his piercing blue eyes. It was the first time I had seen him & I was greatly pleased at his appearance. She is expecting to be confined this week & has been suffering greatly.

Left 4 PM

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At office of Robert A. Castner, Room 417 Engineers Bldg 1365 E. Ontario St Cleveland, O Feby 25, 1925 4:55 PM

Mr Castner is a lawyer & says he is 64 yrs & he is very virile & vigorous & bids fair to live 30 yrs more to the great age so many of them have attained, attributable largely to the period between generations being abt doubled, as his grandfather Jacob Castner, born Feby 11, 1779 mar Hannah Wilson & was burned to death in his barn July 8, 1862 was 41 when my informant's father, John B. Castner was born in 1820 (he died in 1890) & he was 41 when Robt A. was born. The immigrant ancestor, Paul Kastner was 96 when he died. The family came to Penna abt 1680 & were Quakers & lived at Gwynedd, Pa & in 1901, Samuel Castner Jr of Phila, compiled a history of the family which was printed by Geo H. Bucheman & Co in a broad paper backed pamphlet a copy of which he has. Jacob above was son of Samuel Castner a Revolutionary soldier born 1737 & died Nov 30, 1833 & wife, Mary Linderman.

He said a Mr Potts of Canonsburg, Pa now dead, who married one of his relatives prepared & published a 700 page history of the Potts family which he worked on many years & which is reliable. Thinks work can be gotten from his sons now living in Canonsburg. Get one.

Left 5:17 PM

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Phoned Mrs Russell Keith, Room 1052, this hotel, Feby 25, 1925 5:40 PM

She said she was giving a dinner party this evening & was expecting the guests in at any minute & as I am expecting to leave early in the morning for Columbus, O & told her I would see her some other time when here.

Rang off 5:42 PM

It is now 10:10 PM

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At residence of Mrs Martha Jane Houseman, No 2424 Adams St, Columbus, O Feby 26, 1925 3:33 PM

I arrived here five minutes ago & Mrs Houseman admitted me & is giving me their family record which I am tabling on pages 72 & 73. Mrs Fishinger who has come in says her Uncle Harmar Houseman lived & died here & that his wife is also dead. They had three daughters:

1. Stella, married a Blakesley & he is dead & she lives in the East End, probably on High Ave & has one child.

2. Ruth mar a Dunlap, but don't live here.

3. Edith mar, but don't live here.

If I don't have this record, ie of above, see Mrs Young, & she can give it.

Leaving 5 PM

Mrs Houseman is about medium woman's height, heavy set & broad built with fine handsome features, gray hair & active, but a little activity makes her short of breath. She, largely herself, & with the help of her son-in-law & her daughter, Lillian, gave the record on pages 72 & 73 from memory. I took a N. High St Car across fr Deshler & went to Blake Ave & up it east to the right to the 3d St Adams.

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I find from the directory of 1924 for Columbus, O that:

Estella H. Blakeslee, widow of Geo W. Resides 208 Wilson Ave, Bell Tel Franklin 2614-J. Make slip when I go home & see what I got abt her family from Mrs young at book 7 page 378 & list wants.

At 9:15 PM

Phoned A.M. Jacks 65 Southward Ave, Bell Tel Garfield 2294

They reported he had gone to bed, but called his wife who said he was 27 yrs old & his father, who came from North Carolina had died when he was young, but his mother who is living near, could tell about the Jacks. I said would call to see her when I returned this summer or fall so make slip.

Directory gives:

Jack, John W. clk r 69 E 6th Ave

Jack, Mrs Ida B. r 2022 N 4th St

V13 Page 72 & V13 Page 73

[descendant chart]

Leander Evans Houseman, son of Elizabeth Finley Thompson & her husband William Houseman, was born in Senecaville, O on July 1, 1854 & died Mch 21, 1907 in Senecaville, O & is buried there. He was married Oct 16, 1881 at Macksburg, Wash Co, O to Martha Jane Ayers, born in Wash Co, O Aug 27, 1860, daughter of James Franklin Ayers & his wife Syrena McBride. Mr Houseman was a merchant. They had seven children, the first three & last two born in Senecaville, O & the 4 & 5th born here in Columbus, O.


Lena Aletta [Aletha?] B Sept 30, 1882 m. Nov 10, 1903 to Lyman Gooderl Moore, son of John Samuel Moore & his wife Isabel Gooderl. He is a lawyer practicing here in Columbus, O & live at NO 451 Alden Ave Tel North 542J. Have 2 children born here in Columbus, O. He tells me over phone that he does not give out his age.

Elda Moore, B June 20, 1910

Laura Jane Moore, B Jany 27, 1919

Alice Cleo, B Aug 1, 1884 m. 1909 to James Davidson son of Hiram Davidson & wife Hattie O'Neill. Have 3 children born in Senecaville, O where he is a mail carrier.

Paul Evans, B Nov 1909

Edith, B Oct, 1910

Virginia, B Sept 23, 1915

Lawrence Wilbur, B Oct 10, 1886 m. June 8, 1914 to Trella Jane Campbell born Nov 17, 1892? dau of Charles Campbell & his wife Elizabeth Duffy. They live here in Columbus, O where he is a traveling freight agent. Have but one child born in Columbus, O. They live at Oxley Road, Columbus, O.

Martha Jane, B Oct 29, 1923

Albert Roy, B Dec 6, 1889. M. Mch 4, 1918 to Gladys Hackney born July 11, 1897 dau of Harry Hackney & wife. He was in the World War & served in the Army of occupation & was abroad over a year. He lives in Senecaville, O & is a laborer. Have two children born in Senecaville, O.

Harry Leander, B Dec 25, 1918

Jean, a girl, b Oct 15, 1920

Myrtle Syrena, B Dec 14, 1892 unmarried & lives at home. Stenographer at Saml Stevens Co here.

Lillian, B Feby 16, 1895 m. June 18, 1924 to Curtis Fishinger born Oct 27, 1892 son of William Fishinger & wife Minnie Van Schoyck. Live at 2422 Adams St next door. He is a druggist. He was born in this Co.

Mary Elizabeth, B May 16, 1897 m. May 5, 1923 to Vincent Baker Robinson born Jany 26, 1894 at Waverly, O, son of James William Robinson & his wife Rosemary Vincent. He is a salesman & lives here. No issue.

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At residence of W.H. Thompson No 174 Warren ST (corner of Muskingum St) Cadiz, O Feby 27, 1925 2:30 PM

This is cate-cornered across from 167 Muskingum St where he lived in July 1922 when I was here. I left Columbus, O at 9:10 AM on the PRR & reached here at 2 PM & going to the auto place adjoining the Harrison Natl Bank was told he had not been with them for a year. I then went in Harrison Natl & got a hundred dollar bill changed, then walked down to Hotel Ehrhart & called up W.H. Kaufman, taxi & he said he could not take to Scio, O 15 miles distant where I wanted to see the elderly Miss Sarah Thompson that D.C. Wills spoke of on Wednesday 25th because the roads were such that he could not get through. I then had him come & take me to 167 Muskingum St as the walked were icy & the lady there said Mr T. had bought across on this corner & lived here & going across, he admitted me & I delivered him the voluminous lot of Thompson & Scroggs records he gave me July 5? 1922 with a carbon copy of what I had copied of them. His wife was a some church function, so I did not see her. He said he had also given me:

1. Two, three or four leaves fr old bible with record

2. Commission of his grandfather Hugh Thompson

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of the Light Horse Cavalry in the War of 1812

3. Two old letters written to his grandfather, Hugh Thompson, one from his brother Wm in Cumberland Co, Pa & the other from his brother Alex, from the State of Indiana. He was not quite sure that he had given me these letters, but thought he had.

I had forgotten entirely about these things & will have to make search for them when I get home.

I promised to write him & give him:

1. List of the children of ggggfather John Thompson 1695-1783

2. Anything I may have about the Laughlins

3. Address of Miss Laughlin, Barnesville, O for hist of Laughlin family.

W.H.T. says he remembers talking to his grandmother Elizabeth Thompson nee Scroggs when he was a small boy & of his asking her if there were many Thompsons & she said: "Oh Laws[3]»a_#M___(in 1819 by Uncle Chas J. S gone to Indiana Co, Pa where the women had often to mount the horses, bareback & astraddle & flee for their lives as fast as the horses could go, to escape from the Indians". This made a vivid impression on his mind even if he was very young & when I asked him when it was a couple of years before she died when she was 78 or 79 yrs old & when he was 7 or 8 & he said she was born Feby 15, 1790 & died

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in 1870, in her 81st year. So in this from the recollection of a 7 or 8 yr old boy, I have the first acknowledgment & recognition of the relationship of the Indiana Co, Pa Thompsons which is probably reasonable close.

He gave me a list of twelve children of Thomas Thompson born Dec 7, 1744 & his wife Eleanor Lindsey born May 4, 1747, who came to Ohio from Huntingdon Co, Pa which he copied from a framed cardboard across the street in possession of Thompson Henry, a descendant whose mother was a Thompson. He says he lives with two nieces, very fine girls, who keep him & who are natural daughters of an unmarried sister of his. I am copying the record below, carried down but briefly to show the descent of Emmett Thompson. He said the second Thomas, born 1779, had many other children in addition to Joseph L. This is the same family, the records of which I got from Mrs Dunlap & which are in my satchel at home. Mr Henry told W.H.T. that Mrs Burney, whose mother was a Thompson of this family & who lives a short distance in the country near Cadiz, O is the best party to see to get information about the relatives so W.H. is going to see her & will write

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me. Mr Henry's home is abt 4th house above 167 Muskingum St, toward the Main St & on same side of street as 167 as pointed out to me by W.H. as he walked with me to the station. W.H. said his brother, Thaddeus A.L. Thompson had nothing to warrant putting Matthew Thompson as the father of their ancestor John 1722-1777, but on his finding there was a Matthew, who was older & getting nothing else to give John's father, he unwarrantedly concluded Matthew was & W.H. sd he always thought it was wrong. The Henry record follows:

Thomas Thompson born Dec 7, 1744, married Aug 4, 1767 Eleanor Lindsey born May 4, 1747.

Their children:

1. William born April 1, 1769

2. Thomas born April 1771, died young

3. Elizabeth born April 26, 1773

4. Abraham born Dec 6, 1775

5. John born Feby 6, 1777

6. Thomas born Sept 8, 1779

7. Israel born Aug 26, 1781

8. Amos born Oct 20, 1783

9. Nathan born July 8, 1785

10. Mary born Sept 6, 1787

11. Jonathan born Aug 5, 1790

12. Joseph born Nov 25, 1792

Thomas above born Sept 8, 1779 married May 3, 1804 Mary Weston born Oct 26, 1784 & had along with many other children:

Joseph L. born Feby 16, 1826 married Mary Conaway & had son Emmet Thompson born 1857 who married Abbie Busby.

A freight wreck this side Holliday Cave, WVA held us up 2 1/2 hours & got in Pgh, Pa 9:40 PM. These 4 pages copied at Wm Penn Hotel Room 916 10 to 11 PM

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[Descendant Chart

Agnes Thompson married James Fulton see book 7 page 112

[Their son]

James Fulton born in Butler Co, Pa May 17, 1795 & died May 10, 1858 in Butler Co, Pa where their 9 children were evidently all born see book 12 pages 346-347.

[his son]

Robert Hayes Fulton 5th child born Aug 13, 1829 & died Oct 26, 1913 near Washington, Iowa, see book 7 p 119 & book 12 p 347. m. May 5, 1859 Margaret Fleming born at Allegheny Co, Pa July 13, 1837 & died Washington, Iowa, May 8, 1913 daughter of James Fleming & his wife Jane Black. Their nine children were born 6 oldest in Pa, the other 3 at Washington, Iowa. [Part of this information [above & below has been filled in at a later date in another handwriting]


James Bannington Fulton, Born Mch 4, 1860 m.1. June 20, 1888 Tillie Martin born Nov 17, 1864 who died May 19, 1892 dau of Robert Martin & wife Nancy Craig. She had one child. M.2. Sept 21, 1893 Susie Snodgrass born Oct 23, 1871 who died Oct 24, 1903, dau of Jesse Snodgrass & wife Sarah Martin. She had three children. M.3. Nov 30, 1905 Maude Drollinger born Apr 19, 1879 dau of Allen V. Drollinger & wife Ella Allison & have two children. The children were born, 1 ch. b. near Washington, Ia, other 5 ch. near Fort Skott [sic] Kan. A farmer at Histville, Kans.

Marion Martin, B May 27, 1889

Cora Maude, B Apr 4, 1896 m. Feby 2, 1922 to Roy M. Ellis born Sept 10, 1897 son of David Henry Ellis & wife Amelia Ann Hines

Juniata Lourene, B Oct 9, 1924 near Savonsburg, Kan

Everett E., B June 1, 1899 m. June 25, 1924 to Verna May Lovelett, born Oct 18, 1904 dau of Albert Lovelett & wife Anna Johnson

Robert Theodore, B Oct 15, 1903

Margaret Helen, B Dec 26, 1911

Jessie Ruth, B Nov 28, 1913

George Marcellus Fulton, B Aug 15, 1861 m.1. Dec 1, 1892 Sadie M. Benson born May 13, 1869 ob Feby 6, 1899 dau of David Benson & wife Lucinda Loy & had one child. M.2. Sept 12, 1901 Sarah Belle Enwer born Jany 5, 1870 dau of Archie Cleon Enwer & wife Nancy Rowan & have two children. All children born [unreadable word in another hand] Washington, Iowa

Hazel Marie, B Nov 13, 1896 m. July 2, 1923 Archie M. Enwer born Oct 5, 1901 son of Matthew Enwer & wife Ruth Miller.

Clarence Enwer, B Feby 28, 1906

Robert Harold, B Dec 7, 1908

William Harper, B Feby 15, 1863, ob Mch 15, 1865

Williamson Hayes, B Oct 10, 1864 ob Nov 10, 1866

Clara Jane Fulton, B June 3, 1867 m. Nov 9, 1888 to John A. Darbyshire B Feby 5, 1851 ob Mch 1, 1915 son of Matthew P. Darbyshire & wife Margt Bianblossom & had two children born at Washington, Iowa.

Homer Fulton Darbyshire, B July 11, 1890 m. Sept 23, 1913 Martha Brindley B Mch 29, 1888 dau of Frank W. Brindley & wife Winnie Godfrey & have 3 children born at Washington, Iowa

Frances Susanna, B Oct 9, 1914

Mary Isabelle, B Apr 15, 1921

Martha Brindley, B Feby 24, 1923

Sarah Louisa, G Apr 6, 1870 ob May 30, 1871

Harper Allen, B May 13, 1872 m. May 23, 1900 Bernice Grace Martin born Apr 19, 1872 dau of Samuel Martin & wife Susan Sprause. Have one child b. near Ft Scott, Kans.

Persis Louise, Born Feby 28, 1905

Emma Louella Fulton, B Oct 13, 1875 ob Nov 7, 1901 m. Sept 16, 1896 to David Elmer Cherry born May 14, 1871 son of Benjamin F. Cherry & wife Maggie F. Trimble. Had one child born near Washington, Iowa

Cecil Emma Cherry, B Nov 2, 1901 ob Feby 19, 1902

Anna Elizabeth Fulton, B Apr 29, 1880 m. Sept 6, 1905 to David Elmer Cherry born May 14, 1871 son of Benjamin F. Cherry & wife Maggie F. Trimble. Evidently no issue. They live on a farm 3 1/2 miles N.W. of Washington, Iowa which is their P.O. RFD No 6. She is my good informant by mail & is glad the records are being prepared & will want a book.

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[Descendant Chart]

Robert Milton Finley son of John of Robert see book 9 page 120 was born Apr 14, 1836 at Decatur, Ills married Jany 2, 1862 Mary A. Hunn, dau of Henry Hunn & wife Mary Rhoades who was born Jany 30, 1843 in Bedford Co, Pa. They had six children, the first four born in Stark Co, Ills & the last two in Brown Co, Kansas. He lives at Hiawatha, Kan. She died. Apr 8, 1926 see book 15 p 624. Her name was Humm, not Hunn.


Clarence Melvin, B Nov 2, 1862, lives Troy, Kansas

Cora Mabel, B Sept 28, 1864. Lives Hiawatha, Ks

Harry, B Jany 31, 1866, ob Nov 10, 1866

Minnie Frances Finley, B Oct 28, 1867, my informant by mail large env. Lives Peabody, Kansas. M. Feby 23, 1893 Charles Greeley Carothers see book 5 page 579. Both living at Peabody, Kan & he represents 55th Dist the Legislature. They have two children both born at Summerfield, Marshall Co, Kansas.

Robert Ray, B Sept 10, 1894. Lives Peabody, Kan. M. Dec 28, 1917 at Lamar, Col Marian Evelyn Mitchel. Have one child.

Chas Greeley Jr, B Mch 16, 1919 at Galatea, Col

Harold Scott, B Aug 16, 1898 lives Peabody, Kan m. Oct 17, 1923 at Newton, Kan Frances Winthrop Leonard.

Emery Jackson, B Apr 16, 1871. Lives Kansas City, Mo c/o Dirky Clay Mfg Co

Charles Kurtz, B Sept 15, 1873. Lives Hiawatha, Kan

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[Descendant Chart]

Patrick Finley, the only son of an Irish lord, was decoyed on a ship that set sail for America & landed at South Carolina where he was bound out to a man named Black. At the age of 18 yrs, he went back to Ireland & proved up on his lordship, came back to America & married Black's daughter Sarah Ann [Black]. Mother Barrett's notes mentions a William Black who married Ann Thomas of South Carolina. Mrs Martha Finley Waites of 1817 Arlington Ave, Bessemer, Ala thinks he was born in Ireland abt 1750 & married when 21 about 1771 see book 15 p 355.


William Finley

Thomas (Jonathan) Finley, born abt 1775 in South Carolina & died in 1850 in Henry Co, Tenn near Paris, Tenn. He married abt 1795 to 1800 Mary Reeder, daughter of David Reeder & his wife Mary. She died. They were married in Warren or Simpson Co, Ky. He moved from Ky to Henry Co, Tenn.



Joshuab [sic] m. to Lucy Darnell

Elizabeth, m. Willoughby

Dan?, m. Landis

[child] m. Sinclair or St Clair




Austin Reeder Finley, B 1811 in Ky & died May 2, 1885 in Bertrand, MO & is buried in Charleston, MO. M. 1843 Martha Caroline Swor born 1826 near Paris, Tenn, moved to Henry Co, Tenn & died July 19, 1858. She was the daughter of John Swor & his wife Mary Copeland. She died in Camden, Tenn. They moved to Jonesboro, Ills in 1844 & in Mch 1845 moved back to Paris or Camden, Tenn where all but Henry L. were born.

Henry Lycurgus Finley, Born Jany 31, 1845 in Jonesboro, Ills ob July 11, 1924 at Cairo, Ills but lived in Ill only 7 weeks, reared in West Tenn & moved to Mississippi Co, Mo in 1874. M. Dec 5, 1877 to Rachel Frances Logan born Jany 25, 1860 nr Bertrand, MO dau of Wm Blackburn Logan & wife Evaline Gaitz. Had 11 children all born at Bertrand, Mo & the 8 girls that lived evidently all married.

Martha Evelyn, B Sept 4, 1879 m. July 8, 1908 Bennett Taylor Waites B Apr 10, 1875 near Rockford, Ala, son of Geo Pinkney Waites born in S.C. 1837 & wife Sarah Jane Wood, born in Ala 1849. He is a Meth minister of N. Ala conference. She my informant by large letter of May 6, 1925 & live at 1817 Arlington Ave, Bessemer, Ala. 2 children.

Sarah Frances, B Aug 31, 1909 in Wadley, Ala

Bennett Taylor Jr, B July 1, 1915 at Ensley, Ala

Arra Lee, B Nov 24, 1880 m. Sept 30, 1903 Quintus Richards born 1881 in New Madrid, Mo. He is son of Rufus Richards & wife Cordelia Elizabeth & is in the lumber business. Have 3 children.

Frances Cordelia, B June 1904

Charles Elton, B Sept 1906

Rachel Elizabeth, B Mch 1918

Cora, B Apr 19, 1882 ob May 18, 1883

Henri Lela, B July 21, 1884 m. July 24, 1909 Jos Moore Crenshaw, b. in Charleston, Mo son of Joseph Cosby Crenshaw & wife Martha Eliz Bridwell R.E. & banking.

Henry, B Nov 11, 1912

Budwell B June 1914

Ruth Eva, B Oct 14, 1886 m. Dec 5, 1907 Elmer Guy Rockhill born in Ohio Nov 10, 1887. With Hillman Hospital, Birmingham, Ala & has 4 children 1st born in Charleston, Mo & other 3 in Birmingham, Ala.

Milton Finley, B Jany 11, 1911

Elmer Guy Jr, B July 1912

Paul Logan, B Dec 18, 1915

Henry Leith, B Dec 29, 1918

Mary Frances, B Feby 4, 1889 m. Oct 25, 1916 Leslie Bonnan Cook Born 1890, son of Frank Cook & wife Caledonia King. Grocer at East Prairie, MO

Marie Leslie, B June 1918

Howard Logan, B Feby 15, 1891 m. June 5, 1918 Clarice Drpie [sic] Doyle born abt 1894 dau of Robt Alexr Doyle & wife Hettie Caldwell. Druggist at East Prairie, Mo

Clarice Maurine, B 1919

Lucy Alma Finley, B Dec 4, 1893 my informant by mail. Lives Napton, Mo m. June 27, 1922 Jesse Marshall Barrett born at Cedar Rapids, Iowa June 9, 1900, son of Jesse Marshall Barret Sr & his wife Bertha Black. He has his degree from Harvard. She writes Sept 3/25 & says for a yr they will be at 6112 Winthrop Ave, Chicago, Ills. No issue.

Sidney Austin, B Apr 17, 1896 m. Sept 20, 1923 Carrie Ellen Albright born abt 1897 or 1898 dau of Edward Albright & wife Ollie Byrum. He is auto salesman at Charleston, Mo

Sidney Austin Jr, B Sept 1924

Maurine Elizabeth, B June 12, 1898 m. May 4, 1921 Paul Alexander Tanner born in VA Sept 30, 1889 son of James Gilbert Tanner & wife Ida Baskerville, civil engineer Charleston, MO

Paul Alexander Jr, B Dec 16, 1923

Laura Josephine, B Sept 19, 1900 m. Mch 27, 1920 Wade Leslie Fox, B 1894 near Charleston, Mo son of William Fox & wife Sarepta Shelby. Agriculturist.

Janet, B 1921

Newton Emmit, [son of Austin Reeder Finley] b 1847 ob 1888 m.1. Susan, m.2. 1878 Caroline Hudson.

Carlos R. by 2d wife b 1880 now with Zodiac Dept Store, Shreveport, La.

Effie, by 1st wife m. Rid [sic] Reed, Morley, Mo or Oran, Mo

Clara, by 2d wife b 1886 m. Ashley Pybaes, Cullman, Ala

Louie, by 2d wife, b 1882 ob 1915 m. Bob Ayers

Aria, B 1884 ob 1904 by 2d wife

Mary Josephine, B 1849 ob m. Elbert Thompson. Live Laron, Texas, several children.

Martha Elizabeth, B 1857 ob 1890 or 1897 m. John? webb. She died at Rector, Ark

Alonzo, B 1871, ob 1893

Albert Sidney, B 1873. Lives St Louis, MO

Landron A. B 1875 Lives East Prairie, MO

G. Avery, B 1877 Lives Jonesboro, Ark.

Lucy Ann, B 1853 or 1859 m. M.L. Presson. Live at St Louis, Mo.

Carrie Presson, B 1885

Laura Finley, B 1861 ob 1905 m. Lucian Presson, Camden, Tenn.

Bernice Presson, B 1886

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[Descendant Chart]

William Finley lived in Shelby Co, Ky, Shelbyville Co seat & his will dated May 29, 1806 was probated July 14, 1806 & recorded in Will book 2 page 113 make slip for this. see letter of Aug 1, 1924 large env from Estelle Finley 307 W 9th St Columbia, Tenn see book 11 p 120. M. Sarah who is mentioned in will & was one of Exrs. He mentions having sold land in Va.


William Finley, named as Exr died Dec 1816

Andrew Finley

John Finley, under age, but Exr in book 3 p 373 is his final report as surviving Exr.

Eleanor Finley, "land that I sold in Va"

Jincy Finley, single in 1806

Annie Finley, single in 1806

Nancy Finley, single in 1806

Syros Finley, under age

James Finley, under age, Estelle thinks this is James Kennedy Finley born in 1802.

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Oak Hill, Mch 13, 1925 8:38 PM

I have a letter dated Mch 11, 1925 from Mary Eliza Winters 172 E. Superior St, Chicago, Ills, see book 11 page 563 in which she said she had been to Madison, Wis to see her brother.

She says she was born in Canton, Ills & was married to a man named Brown from whom she is divorced & by whom she had two children born in DeSmet, South Dakota, where she was married, but both are dead as follows:

1. Edwin Malvin Brown born Jany 2, 1911, died Feby 16, 1911

2. Eva Marian Brown born June 10, 1912, died Oct 28, 1912.

She says she has no children by her present husband, Charles Jacob Winters.

A letter dated Mch 9, 1925 from Mrs Winters mother, Mrs Ida B. Tracy, see also book 11 page 563, writing from Wisconsin Veteran Home, Waupaca, Wis, Lock Book 77, says her former husband, Jacob Henry Brown who died late in Feby 1900 was buried in the Union Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wis. She says too, that her father was Joseph Frederick Fults born in Wainville, DeWitt Co, Ills, May 30, 1842 & her mother was Martha Hargis born in Vermont, Ills Aug 28, 1852.

Oak Hill Apr 3, 1925 11:51 AM

A later latter dated Mch 21, 1925 from Mary Eliza Winters says

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her first husband was Clarence Ray Brown, born somewhere in South Dakota, say in 1882 (1883) as he is now 42 yrs old. They were married in DeSmet, South Dakota Apr 9, 1910 & divorced Oct 29, 1915 in Huron, South Dakota. She writes that she was 16 yrs old when she married him. From record she gave Book 11 page 563, she had just entered her 16th yr. His father was Albert Brown & his mother with whom he now lives was Lila Ross before marriage. She says she married her present husband Charles Jacob Winters 6 yrs ago viz on March 3, 1919 in Milwaukee, Wis, but has no children to him. She now says she was born Mch 10, 1894 & is 31 yrs old & that her brother "Fred" is 28, born Mch 10, 1897 in Canton, Ills. Says her mother, Ida Isabel Tracy aged 49 [?] was born in Cuba, Ills May 21, 1876 & her father, Jacob H. Brown aged 44 when he died born 1856 near Uniontown Pa died Feby 4, 1900.

She says her present husband Charles Jacob Winters is 35 yrs old born Jan 7, 1890 in Berno, Switzerland, son of Joseph Winters & his wife Mary (don't know maiden name) & now live at Sodas, Mich on a farm.

Letter of Apr 25, 1925 from "Fred" Brown Hotel Loraine, Madison, Wis says his three daughters were born & named as follows:

1. Marion Harriet Brown born at 972 Orchard St, Milwaukee, Wis Jany 12, 1920

2. Beatrice Marcille Brown born at 972 Orchard St, Milwaukee, Wis Jany 25, 1922

3. Vivan Ellenor Brown born in Wauwatosa, Wis July 22, 1923

His wife's name was Ellenor Margurite [sic] Storrs & her mother's maiden name was Effie Krauenberg. She was born in Grandville, Mich Sept 14, 1900 & they were married Mch 3, 1919 at Waukegan, Ills. He writes May 3, 1925 small env that he was born Mch 10, 1897.

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Oak Hill Apr 5, 1925 4:17 PM

A letter from Mrs Frank McKee Rodolf (daughter of John Humes Thompson) of NO 1102 E. 19th ST, Tulsa, Okla, dated Mch 18, 1925 in answer to mine of Mch 5, 1923 oblong envelope, filed with large envelopes states that a Thomas Jefferson Thompson, if living, is of a preceding generation. She gives her father's line back to his grandfather & I am starting a table with the data given & writing her tomorrow for more. Refer to book 9 pages 393-4.

[descendant chart]

John Thompson born 1755 & died May 15, 1846 in Butler Co, Pa came to this country & settled on Muddy Creek, Butler Co, Pa near what is not Euclid, Pa in the N.W. part of the county & took up hundreds of acres of land which he divided among his children who lived & died there & are buried in the little cemetery by Muddy Creek Church. Married 1792 Martha Humes who was born 1776 & died Mch 6, 1862.


James Thompson, Born July 27, 1819 ob May 12, 1859 m. July 4, 1844 to Sarah Patterson born Apr 19, 1827 ob Oct 4, 1893

John Humes Thompson, B Mch 27, 1851 ob Aug 31, 1915 m. Dec 27, 1878 to Emma Conway ob Nov 23, 1913

Carol Thompson, B in Butler, Pa m. to Frank M. Rodolf & live at No 1102 E. 19th St Tulsa, Okla

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[descendant Chart]

Joseph Finley born Mch 31, 1789. I do not have date of his death. He was son of Ebenezer 1760-1849 son of Rev James 1725-1795. His wife, Catharine Finley was born Apr 21, 1790 & died Feby 6, 1873. I think she was a Fulton, sister of his brother James' wife see book 7 pages 223 & 224. Joseph Finley died Oct 8, 1848 see book 7 p 347 line 27.


Elizabeth "Betsy, B Nov 30, 1810, ob Apr 8, 1835, unmarried.

Ebenezer, B Nov 27, 1812 ob Jany 13, 1834

John Alexander, B Dec 1, 1814 ob July 8, 1815

John, B May 26, 1816 ob Sept 20, 1894 see book 7 pages 221-224

William Marcus Finley, see book 7 pages 223, 238-240 B Feby 8, 1818 ob Jany 12, 1864 at 11:15 PM of consumption. m.1. Nov 14, 1839 to Jane C. Dyson born Mch 31, 1822 in Pleasant City, Ohio & died Feby 15, 1852 on the Finley farm near Senecaville, O dau of Joseph Dyson Esq & wife Sarah Campbell. M.2. Dec 29, 1853 to Mary Rich born May 17, 1828 in Guernsey Co, (now Nobel Co) O & died Aug 30, 1865 dau of Abraham Rich & his wife Ann Thompson. Had 8 children by 1st wife & 4 by 2d.

Joseph Dyson, B Nov 14, 1840 ob Dec 31, 1863, unmarried.

Harrison, B Dec 14, 1841 ob Nov 9, 1861 unmarried

Thomas Jefferson, B Mch 26, 1843 ob Oct 1, 1869 m. Sept 22, 1864 to Catherine McDonald born 1846 dau of Jacob McDonald & wife Lavina May. Moved to Kansas. Left 2 sons, both living in Indiana & married. He was a Pres minister preached in S.E. Kan & died at Iola, Kan. His wife born in Guernsey Co, O.

Charles Samuel, B July 18, 1865 m. Mch 18, 1896 Manzella Horine born July 14, 1874 dau of Adam Horine & wife Marianna Hemp of O. She was an Art & music teacher. They live in Dayton, O where he works for the street railway Co. No issue. See b 18 p 600.

Theodore Jefferson, B Apr 18, 1870 m. Sept 17, 1902 to Katheryn Ayers, dau of Edwin B. Ayers & wife Emma Bell Leonard of Huntington, Ind where they now live & he travels for a wholesale house.

Charles Ayers Finley, B Nov 26, 1903 m. June 21, 1925 to Miss Naomi McAllister of Marion, Ind. He is a Salesman for a large mercantile firm at Indianapolis.

Dorothy Belle, B Jany 16, 1905 student at the University of Indiana

Elizabeth Jane [dau of William Marcus Finley] B Sept 10, 1844 ob Mch 27, 1902, unmarried. Buried in Senecaville, O

Rev Theodore Finley, B Aug 25, 1846 ob Mch 28, 1876 m. Nov 12, 1874 at Beverly, O to Miss Alice Christina Brown, a music teacher who was born Nov 12, 1856 & had one child. She married 2d Dr Theodore Davis & went to Los Angeles, Calif.

Theodore Gawn Finley, B Sept 17, 1875 ob Dec 17, 1917 at Los Angeles, Calif. He recd a college education in Penna & graduated in medicine fr University of Calif & practiced medicine at Los Angeles with his step-father. m. Sept 1, 1910 Miss Bertha Madelaine Vilas of Berkeley, Calif who was born Sept 20, 1880 & left two daughters, the latter 10 days posthumous.

Barbara Vilas, B Aug 27, 1914

Theodora Madelaine, B Dec 27, 1917

Clarissa, B Mch 19, 1848 ob Aug 15, 1877 m. Franklin Guiler of Noble Co, O a first cousin of Mrs Wm Henderson Rich. She is buried at the Lowery Cem, Opossum Run. Had one child that died before her mother.

a daughter, ob

Caroline Amelia, B Feby 10, 1850, ob Sept 16, 1868, unmarried.

Patience, B Oct 12, 1851, ob May 7, 1852.

Abraham Rich, B Nov 8, 1854, unmarried.

Elizabeth Ann, B Feby 16, 1857 unmarried

Columbia Mehetable, B Aug 12, 1858 m. 1879 to Samuel Hartup.

Willard Hartup, b 1880 m. to Effie Gregg

Paul Hartup

Lela May


Norval Taylor, B May 7, 1860 m.1. Emma Moore & had one child. m.2. Mrs Perry nee Moorhead. Live in Cambridge, O.

Roy Finley, B 1895. Live in New Concord, O where he is a St rlwy conductor. Have 3 daughters.

Emily B. Finley, [dau of Joseph Finley b. 1789] B. May 16, 1820

Joseph, B Mch 23, 1822 ob Feby 21, 1825

Rachel Finley, B Sept 13, 1824, ob Mch 1, 1825

Jane Finley, B Nov 26, 1826 ob Feby 14, 1827

Cynthiann, B Feby 13, 1828, ob Mch 1831

Evalina B Mch 23, 1830 ob Sep[t 26, 1832

Cephas Finley, B Oct 26, 1832 see book 7 page 244. ob Dec 26, 1863, in the army of the U.S. He married Sarah Catherine Hess dau of Oliver Hess & his wife & had 5 children. After Cephas'' death, she married 2d Joseph Davis & after his death, she married 3rd, Harrison Secrest being also his 3d wife, see book 7 p 281 lines 26 to 28 for his first marriage to Huldah Thompson dau of Abraham Thompson.

William, B 1851 see b 7 p 244 & 251 oldest, killed by well caving in on him. Unmarried.




Florence, ob, a girl

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[Descendant Chart]

[Samuel Finley]


Mary Malvina Finley 12 th youngest child of Samuel Finley 1800-1880, son of Ebenezer of Rev James Finley. She died in Wooster, O, but was buried at Cumberland, O. She had 5 children. She born Nov 4, 1843 ob Feb 4, 1911 m. Sept 22, 1863 to William Luther Secrest, see book 7 page 227. They moved to Cleveland, O & evidently were divorced as he rtd to Guernsey, O & married Miss Mary Murphy, an elderly spinster, who died a year or two before he did. She was born 1847 & died 1912 & they are buried at Mt Zion g.y. see book 7 p 364. He born Aug 29, 1839 ob Oct 2, 1914, were married at Cumberland, O.

Charles Grant Secrest, B Apr 20, 1866, ob Aug 29, 1866 buried at Cumberland, O

Aura Etta Secrest, B Apr 17, 1869 m. to Paisley a Guernsey Co, O farmer & they separated after a few months & she moved to Wooster, O where she now lives & clerks in a store. I think fr what H.I. told me, she has the records.

Albert Finley Secrest, B Nov 18, 1871 ob Jany 25, 1894 of typhoid fever. He was a young man of great promise & was in RR service at Zanesville, O, unmarried. Buried at Cumberland, O

Harry Obert Secrest, B Sept 5, 1873 m. June 1, 1901 to Miss Myra Morton Oursler, born at Latrobe, Pa June 1, 1880 dau of Jacob Oursler & wife Rebecca Morton & she dau of Randall Morton & wife Clarissa Ann Wilson. They made a 5 mos tour of Europe in 1924 & live at 2440 Demington Drive, Cleveland, O & he conducts the Secrest Motor Co corner Euclid Ave & 84th Sts married at Pittsburgh, Pa.

Florence May, B May 21, 1902

Harriet Louise, B June 29, 1910, ob Aug 1, 1910

Dorothy Morton, B Sept 28, 1911

Jean Audrey, B May 1, 1919

Asbury Carlton Secrest, B May 24, 1879 ob Feby 21, 1918 m. Dec 17, 1902 to Mary Whitehead, born Mch 15, 1880 at Youngstown, O dau of Robert Whitehead & wife Elizabeth Evans. He was a promoter, stock salesman & insurance agt & is buried in Lakeview Cem, Cleveland, O. She has remarried, but lives in Cleveland, O. He had two children. Married at Youngstown, O.

Mary Elizabeth, B Dec 14, 1907

George Carlton Secrest, B Aug 17, 1910

Elizabeth Finley, 2d child of Samuel Finley 1800-1880, son of Ebenezer of Rev James Finley see book 7 page 227 married Feby 18, 1845 Joseph Wilson Marshall.

Catharine Jane Marshall, Born Sept 20, 1848 ob Mch 13, 1912 m. Abraham C. Baird who died Dec 14, 1924.

Homer Marshall Baird, B Oct 21, 1871 ob Aug 3, 1900

Willemma Baird, B Nov 22, 1872 m.1. Johnson. m.2. to L.R. Harper

Helen Elizabeth Johnson, B Mch 14, 1897 m. Tribbie

William Lee, B Nov 3, 1902

Margaret Ann, B Oct 25, 1923

Emma Baird, B Mch 31, 1883 m Mann

Harold Edson, B Jany 3, 1904 ob Dec 1904

Gertrude Evelyn, B May 24, 1907

Eugene Everett, B Sept 13, 1915.

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[descendant Chart]

[Jno Frame Finley]


Isaac Wilson Finley, B Mch 29, 1851 ob Sept 24, 1920 see book 7 p 234 oldest child of Jno Frame Finley, son of Samuel 1800-1880

John Oscar Finley, B Oct 24, 1872 m. Oct 25, 1894 Edith A. Jeffrey B. Nov 1870 in Guernsey Co, O dau of John Jeffrey & wife. He is a mill worker, I.O.O.F. & lives at Taylor Ave, Cambridge, O & have two children born Cambridge, O.

Helen Louisa Finley, B May 19, 1896 m. Apr 29, 1922 by Rev Lester S. Evans to Frank C. Mackey, son of Judge J.H. Mackey & wife. They live in Cambridge O. where he was born & is in the insurance business. No issue.

J. Russell Finley, B Sept 20, 1897 m. Oct 1924 Elizabeth Black Phelps dau of Edwin Bower Phelps & his wife of Zanesville, O. He is a dentist practicing in Zanesville, O & have one child born in Zanesville, O.

Elizabeth Black B June 30, 1925

Infant son, B Mch 13, 1874, ob Apr 3, 1874

Charles W. Finley, B Aug 28, 1876 ob June 18, 1915 m.1. Sept 1895 Margaret Warden who died July 27, 1896. One child. M.2. Sept 15, 1897 Clara B. Heninger born in Cambridge, O, dau of Henry Heninger & wife. & had two children.

Unnamed dau, B July 16, 1896 ob July 17, 1896

Henry W. Finley, B July 11, 1898 m. Lillie Adams, b. in Pleasant City, O dau of Alex Adams & wife. Live in Canton, O where he is a millworker & have one child.

Billie Dale Finley, B July 3, 1922

Charles L., B Oct 18, 1899, unmarried.

Bessie M. Finley, Born Sept 26, 1883 m. Feby 12, 1903 Homer Seigfreid born in Cambridge, O Feby 2, 1882, son of Jacob B. Seigfreid & wife Matilda C. Steele. They live in Cambridge, O where he owns a grocery & meat market & have three children born in Cambridge, O.

Bernadine J. Seigfreid B Jany 12, 1904 m. Ross Van Sickle. He is a marble cutter & lives at Akron, O. Have one child. Separated.

Geneva Louise, B Oct 12, 1922

Robert H., B Feby 19, 1908

Harry Jacob Wilson Seigfreid, B Dec 13, 1913

Mary Catherine Finley, Born Oct 9, 1855 See Book 7 p 234 [dau Samuel Finley] m. Dec 27, 1877 William Calvin Burt.

Nina Blanche Burt, B Nov 25, 1878 m. Nov 23, 1898 Edward Bell Milligan, born in Cambridge, O., son of Rev Dr Milligan & his wife. They live at 711 Taylor Ave, Cambridge, O where he is a banker Pres & Repub. Have 4 daus born in Cambridge, O.

Margaret, m. Sept 3, 1925 by Rev. L.S. Evans to Ralph Peacock born in Houston, Pa, son of V.D. Peacock & wife. He grad. Muskingum College 1922 (& she in 1924) & fr Univ of Pgh 1925 & is a lawyer & live at Houston, Pa.




Anna Elnora Burt, B Mch 20, 1880 m. Nov 23, 1898 Homer Andrew Hubert born in Cambridge, O son of Andrew Hubert & wife. Live in Montrose, Colo where he is a M.E. Repub & owns a shoe store. Have 3 children.

Edward Andrew, mar. Live Montrose Colo & have one child

William Edward, B 1923

Harold C., unm

Anna Charline, unm

Jennie Ethel Burt, B Sept 24, 1884 m. Nov 5, 1905 William Charles Baker born Nov 29, 1878 in Cambridge, O son of Chas Baker & wife Jennie Gardner. He is a Lutheran, I.O.O.F. & lives on National road 1 mile west of Cambridge, O where he owns a filling sta. Have 3 children.

Vivian Juanita, B Aug 2, 1908

Dwight Burt, B Mch 5, 1914

Donald Dean, B July 24, 1917

Della Gyer Burt, B Sept 27, 1892 m. Nov 1914 Clarence Dean Owens B Feby 3, 1893 at Cambridge, O son of James Owens & wife Ella Rownds. Live at 122 Highland Ave, Cambridge, O where he works for the RR is a Baptist, Dem & K of P. Have an adopted child.

James Calvin Owens, B Jany 11, 1925

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[Descendant Chart]

[John Frame Finley]


Minnie M. Finley B June 3, 1863 see book 7 p 234 dau of John Frame Finley who was son of Samuel 1800-1880 m. Benjamin F. Burt who was of Welsh descent Have 5 children born in Jackson Tp, Guernsey, Co, O.

Brodie C. Burt, B Feby 14, 1882 m. Dec 23, 1904 Emma Boswell B Feby 21, 1883 in Cambridge, O, dau of James Boswell & wife Margaret. Divorced in 1920 & she lives in Newark, O & has the 3 children & he is a stationary engineer at home with his parents. His 3 children:

Mildred Lillian, B May 20, 1906

Violet Dean, B June 3, 1909

Frances Eleanor, B May 6, 1917

Ellsworth A. B Dec 23, 1883 m. Nov 27, 1918 Esther R. Croyle b 1884 in Byesville, O dau of James Croyle & wife Rose White. They live in Byesville, O where he is an acetylene welder. No issue.

William A., B Mch 19, 1887 m. Feby 14, 1910 to Phoebe M. Wilson b in Tuscarawas Co, O, dau of Charles Wilson & wife Clarissa Wood. He is a millworker & live at 807 n. 5th St Cambridge, O & are raising his wife's nephew. No issue.

Earl Finley, B Mch 4, 1890 m. Feby 6, 1909 to Mary A. Hamilton born in Noble Co O dau of John Hamilton & wife Lucy Buckey. He is a carpenter & lives in Craig Flats, Cambridge, O & have 5 children. Mary Martha, B Mch 17, 1910

Byron Vaughn

Beryl B.

Richard H.

Helen Virginia

Verne Wall Burt, B May 10, 1892 m. Nov 26, 1919 Roxie E. Fulton, B Aug 2, 1893 in Guernsey Co, O dau of Joseph Fulton & wife Harriet Matthews. He served 15 mos overseas in the world War & is now a station master living at NO 720 Turner Av, Cambridge, O. Has one child born in Cambridge.

Robert Verne, B July 8, 1922

William Grant Finley, [son of John Frame Finley] B Apr 3, 1867 see book 7 page 234 m.1. Sept 2, 1886 Mayme Murray born in Cambridge, O Dec 1, 1869 & died June 8, 1908, dau of John A. Murray & wife Susan White. They had two children. m.2. Mrs Alice Stewart Brand born in Guernsey Co, O Mch 7, 1870 daughter of John Stewart & his wife Rebecca Wright, a widow. No issue, but she had a dau by her former marriage who is married & lives with them. Wm G. is a millworker. He moved in 1917 from Cambridge, O to Lorain, O.

Rev Harry Kent Finley, B May 8, 1887 m. Bessie Pimbott born in Cambridge, O dau of John Pimbott & wife Annie Crow. He is an ordained Baptist minister & preaches at Wellington, O but during the week he works in a steel mill office in Lorain, O. Have three children.

Murray Finley, B Apr 6, 1907 works in the steel mill at Lorain, O

Delores Finley, aged 17 in high school at Wellington, O

Mary Elizabeth, aged 13, in grade school at Wellington, O.

Freda Fern Finley, B Aug 19, 1889 m. Jany 1, 1908 William H. Frank B Sept 30, 1884 in Guernsey Co O son of John Franks & his wife Sarah E. He is a millworker & lives at 47 S. Broad St, Middletown, O. They are Repub, members of the U.B. Ch. He a Mason & she belongs to the Eastern Stars & White Shrine. Have 3 children.

Mary Roberta, B Mch 18, 1912

Kathryn Elizabeth, B Sept 27, 1913

Ildreth Mae, B Nov 12, 1918

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[fermata mark appears here]

At residence of Mrs Amanda Sarah Keener (was originally Sarah Amanda Brown), German Tp, P.O. McClellandtown, Pa Route 17, Apr 9, 1925 10:44 AM

Mrs Keener says she does not have the bible of her father, David Brown & says that his family record giving births of his children was written out on a piece of paper, but was sent to someone, she don't know who, when she was a girl & they never got it back. She says her father, David Brown, died June 30? 1876 aged 75 yrs & she thinks he was the oldest & thinks John was next. Her mother, Elizabeth Brown died in June 1897 when her own daughter was something over 18 mos old. She was 73 yrs old. They are both buried in the Cumb g.y. at New Salem, Pa near the front of the church, back of the Aaron Langley monument & they have markers giving their births & deaths. They both died near Herbert, he in the old home & she in a new house near which she had built. The home of John & Jane Hibbs, parents of Mrs Elizabeth Beal of New Salem, Pa is an old small brick house just below theirs.

Mrs Keener says she owns 7 acres here. She don't know the name of her mother's father & mother. Her mother had a brother, John and Henry & Dr Annis, a man & a Mitchell & sisters, Rachel & Sarah.

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Thinks they all went to Ills but don't know the town or county.

Says her sister Mary's daughter Viola married Alex Hager & they live two or three doors below the meat shop at corner of Main & Stewart Ave on the latter. She would have her mother's record & was only married last summer & has no children.

Says her sister, Eliza Jane Nelson is buried close to her mother & her husband also & her two sons also. Says she has a marker, but don't know whether they have. The younger boy, Brown Nelson died unmarried aged abt 21 yrs. She died in Mch 4, 1894 aged 25 yrs & Brown was 11 mos old when she died. Her first child, a boy, died when only a few days old. It was born in New Salem & Brown was born out at her mother's in Redstone Tp. Abe Nelson survived her.

Says her sister, Mary E. Brown Crabb had five children, one of whom died young & the other four grew up, one dying when a young man.

1. Charlie Brown, the oldest, now dead, married Laura Coddington who lives a widow at Akron, O. Thinks had 7 children, four when they left here.

2. Alva Brown married daughter of a restaurant keeper in Uniontown, Pa & live near Rosenbaums store entrance on Peter St. He is an electrician. No issue.

3. Violet or "Viola" mar Alex Hager, see above

4. Harry Crabb died aged abt 21, unmarried

5. Child died in infancy. She gave family on next two pages in order of their ages.

Leaving 12:12 PM

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David Brown, son of William Brown, who was son of James Brown & his wife Elizabeth Thompson, married Elizabeth Knotts.


Mary Elizabeth Brown, ob

Eliza Jane Brown, ob, m. Abram Nelson son of Geo Washington Nelson

Lydia Brown

Sarah Amanda Brown, my informant, B Oct 28, 1853 in Redstone Tp. m. Aug 18, 1876 at Brownsville, Pa to Oliver Miller Keener who was born in German Tp, Mch 1, 1852 & died at the hospital Uniontown, Pa July 30, 1912 & is buried at Cumb g.y., New Salem Pa & has a marker. Had seven children all born in this Tp ie German Tp.

Harry Keener, B Jany 1877 ob, 1878 Bur Cumb g.y. & has a marker. Died of diptheria, sick abt a week

Allen Keener, B 1878 ob 1878. He was born abt a week before Harry died & he died abt 3 days after Harry did aged abt one week. Died of diptheria. His name is on Harry's marker.

Ira Brown Keener, B Nov 10, 1880 m. Nov 14, 1917 to Mary Lois Rankin dau of James Rankin of Butler Co, Pa. She was born Aug 21, 1888 in butler Co, Pa & have one child born in this house. He lives in Dayton, Ohio at 1200 S. Brown St where he runs a restaurant.

Ira Brown Keener Jr, B Sept 16, 1920 see book 18 p 563

Walter Winfield Keener, B Sept 4, 1882 ob July 5, 1910 Fell of a bridge at Brownsville, Pa & was killed. Unmarried. Buried at Cumb

G.y. & has a marker.

Pearl Mary Keener, B May 23, 1884 m. May 12, 1906 to Alva Rotharmel born Mar 13, 1878 Have 2 children. I got their record. Live Uniontown, Pa.

Elizabeth Olive Keener, B Nov 12, 1890 m. to Chris Welsh. Get this fr Olive

Maud Merle Keener, B Nov 21, 1895 ob Sept 29, 1917 from measles & pneumonia & is buried in Cumb g.y. New Salem, Pa & her name is on monument. She taught school 3 yrs & her photo shows her as a very beautiful girl. Unmarried.

John Brown, ob Mch? 1911 in Morgantown, WVA & is buried in Cumb g.y. near O.M. Keener's grave, next one below it & has a marker. He was not married.

David Brown, the youngest. He is living in Nebraska, P.O. O'Neill Neb & is about 60 yrs old & is a doctor. He is unmarried.

V13 Page 108

Leckys Graveyard, German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa, Apr 9, 1925 12:22 PM I find the g.y. in much better shape than formerly by reason of the privit or brush all being cleared out so that you could find the gravestones better than before & I have found some that I heretofore missed, some that I did not then know I wanted & have copied some that I had taken before. Mrs Amanda Keener told me that W. Pierce Keener & Oscar Keener had cleaned it up & later, Mrs Eliza Jane Keener said her son Oscar Keener had been engaged in the work. I entered at the N.W. corner & worked back:

1. Jonathan Knotts, father of Mrs Jacob Johnson died Sept 14, 1884 in 94 yr

2. Sarah Louisa, daughter of Jacob & Margery Moss & wife of Abraham Wilson McWilliams died Sept 26, 1860 in 46 yr

Richard W. Moss died Aug 18, 1854 aged 15 yrs 9 mos 26 days

3. Anne Haney (nee Moss) consort of John Haney died Aug 22, 1854 aged 28 yrs 1 mo 10 days

4. Major Jacob Moss died Oct 9, 1862 in 86 yr

Margery, wife of Jacob Moss died Sept 26, 1853, in 65 yr.

V13 Page 109

Mary Margery, dau of Jacob & Margery Moss died Dec 12, 1856 in 27 yr

Joseph Moss died Oct 22, 1841 in 93 yr

Jacob H., son of J & M. Moss died Oct 16, 1844 in 11? yr

5. Sacred to memory of Rebecca, daughter of James & Elizabeth Sangston of Masontown & consort of James Wilson who died of consumption Sabbath, May 6, 1849 aged 34 yrs & 2 mos leaving 8 children viz: William Lowery Sparks, James, John, Thomas, Elizabeth Jane, Jefferson Sangston, Morgan Sangston, & Margaret Ann.

Thomas Wilson (evidently son above named) Born Apr 10, 1841 (or 1844) died Aug 4, 1864

Margaret Ann, dau of James & Rebecca Wilson died Aug 2, 1850 of catarrh fever at Mr John Wilson's in McClellandtown aged 4 yrs (or 1 yr) 1 mo & 20 days (think 1 yr)

James Wilson Born Sept 21, 1811 died Jany 16, 1868

Mary E. dau of J & M Wilson (James 2d wife Mary) born May 8, 1859 died Nov 2, 1889.

6. William Leckey died July 28, 1881 aged 65 yrs & 12 days see book 5 page 431.

Lydia M., dau of W & M.A. Lecky died Mch 5, 1849 aged 2 yrs & 28 days

7. Jacob Fogle born Oct 15, 1791, died Sept 16? 1847 in 56 yr

Esther, wife of Jacob Fogle died Jany 13, 1872 in 81 yr.

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8. Alexr Leckey died Nov 20, 1864 see book 5 p 430

Mary, wife of Alexander Lecky died Apr 12, 1879 in 87 (or 85) yr

9. John Lecky died July 18, 1821 aged 77

Mary Lecky, consort of John Lecky died May 27? 1827

10. Hannah, dau of Joseph & Ann Hostetler born Mch 19, 1839 died Sept 2, 1845.

Martha, dau of Joseph & Ann Hostetler born Mch 15, 1844, died Aug 30, 1845.

11. Ann, dau of H&E Grove died Nov 13, 1851 aged 20? yrs 1 mo 8? days

12. Alexander Wilson died July 9, 1815 aged 88 yrs

Deborah Wilson died Mch 13, 1825 aged 83 yrs

James Wilson, died June 17, 1821 aged 16 yrs 7 mos 28 days

Thomas Wilson died Nov 15, 1832 aged 10 yrs 7 mos 19 days

William Wilson died Dec 22, 1826 aged 1 yr 9 mos 6 days

13. Hugh Gilmore Esq born Apr 29, 1779 died Feby 25, 1848 (or 1818?)

Margaret Ann Gilmore born Dec 8, 1812? died July 31, 1851

14. Elias Parshall died Feby 18, 1854 in 85 yr

15. Elizabeth, dau of J & L Worley died Sept 21, 1855 (or 1833 or 1835) aged 19 yrs 1 mo & 6 days.

16. William Brown died Feby 17, 1852 aged 76 yrs 7 mos 12 days

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Elizabeth, wife of William Brown died Sept 28, 1849? aged 72 yrs 3 mos 9 days

Cassander Campbell died May 17, 1846 aged 65 yrs 5 mos 28 days

Mary, wife of Alfred Funk died May 30, 1840 aged 31 yrs 11 mos 15 days

William, won of W & E. Brown died Apr 6, 1837 aged 26 yrs 2 mos 3? days.

17. Orpha Black died July 19, 1882 in 63 yr

Wm H. Black died Aug 26, 1855 in 33 yr

Sarah Black died Sept 8, 1870 in 91 yr

18. John Gilmore died Jany 25, 1820, aged 39 yrs

19. Nancy Strubel wife of Elias Parshall died Apr 15, 1812

20. Catharine Gilmore (down) died June 16, 1832, aged 31 yrs 5 mos 12 days

21. Elizabeth Lackey (shouldn't it be Lecky) died Mch 29, 1781 aged 79 yrs.

Leaving 2 PM

V13 Page 112

At Eliza Jane Keener's, German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa Apr 9, 1925 2:30 PM

I found Mrs Keener sitting alone, fortunately, as I wanted to ask her more fully about the father of her natural son, William & also who her father was, as she is the natural daughter of Miss Elizabeth Brown & I was very glad her daughter, Adda, who was out at a neighbor's helping with a quilting was not there. She came in just as I was leaving.

Mrs Keener said her father was Jerry Boyd, son of William Boyd & brother of Judge Robert Boyd who then lived on a farm back of her present home, now owned by Freeman Byers who bought it from Mr Stevenson who had married Amy Worley, she thought the farm had belonged to Wm Boyd. She said Judge Robert Boyd lived in the stone house near the mill just below New Salem, Pa, the former Geo W. Hess home, which I had thought was back of the present brick house, but later abt 4:50 Pm today, A.F. Allaman showed me where it stood just below the street car track near the post where the road turns, with the sign on it, & between the present brick house & the old mill site.

She said she used to call Nancy

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Boyd (dau, I think, of Judge Boyd) who married Caleb Antram, her Aunt, but I told her she wd be her first cousin. Asking her if her mother or Nancy Antram had told her that Jeremiah Boyd was her father, she said no, that neither of them ever talked to her about it, but that "Marge" Moss, wife of Major Moss had so told her. She said "Marge" Moss was related to Uncle Robert Finley & I told her yes, she was his older half sister. I told her too that her father, Jerry Boyd was a doctor born in 1799, the youngest child of William Boyd & Ann Jack & that she was related to me on her father's side as well as on her mother's. I told her that Jeremiah's daughter Mary married a Pugh & that I had her record book (& she was her half sister) & that her son had told me last year at Newtown, Pa that his grandfather, Dr Jeremiah Boyd had been personal doctor of Jeff Davis during the Civil War. She said her mother or Mrs Antram didn't tell her much about it.

Asking her the name of the brother of James Madison Brown who went to Ohio, she said she had thought of it after I left 2 yrs ago & finally today recalled that it was Busel Brown & he went to Ohio. She thought Youngstown & got rich. She

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now says he was only a half brother of James Madison Brown but that James Madison Brown had a full brother, Joshua, the one she thought who was killed in the coal mine down the river & who she told me before was their father. She said today that their father might have been an older Joshua, but said to see Phebe Campbell, wife of David Campbell & daughter of James Madison Brown who she thought was over 70 yrs old & said she could tell me about them.

Mrs K. says her own daughter, Elizabeth Adams who lives on the road as you go to Fairbanks from New Salem, a little this side of the Hoover & Moore Distillery corner can tell me where to go to find Phoebe as she lives around among her children. Mrs Campbell will be able to tell & where the one in Ohio went. She don't remember about the Jacksons, but had heard of the one having a child to Joe Thornton.

She says her great grandparents, James & Elizabeth Thompson Brown did not want their daughter Elizabeth to marry John Endsley because he was a drinking man & they did not want him in the family, but she was determined

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& did marry him & their son, Porter Endsley was born soon after & this might have been the reason of her getting married. Mrs K. did not know of any other children except Nancy Endsley, who lived with Major Clark Breading to whom she had John C. Breading. She said Porter Endsley married Mary Miller, daughter of Richard Miller, a shoemaker, who lived in a little log house on the ridge above the Moore's up toward Windy Hill. She says the Windy Hill School House is on her grandfather William Brown's farm & that Joe Blanc owns it now. She didn't know either of the parents of Eliza Ann Gilmore who married her Uncle John Brown.

She says Eva, the natural daughter of Mary Brown, who was daughter of James Madison Brown, married Richard Brown an Englishman & lives in Pittsburgh & her daughter, Adda when she came in said they lived at No 2131 Liberty Ave about 10 blocks from the Union Sta. She says their son was here to see them recently & that Eva has 4 children viz: Thomas, Isabel, Lillian & Joseph?

Mrs K. says Fannie V. Huston at the corner above has the Joseph & Mary Brown Funk bible. Says it came to Alfred Funk when he married Mary Brown Funk & she, Mrs K. got it from him,

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but he requested her to give it to Mahala, the daughter of Joseph & Mary Brown Funk who married John Vinson & Fannie V. is one of their 8 or 10 children. See her & get this bible record in which Mrs K. thinks her birth is recorded & get record of Mahala's descendants. She says Alfred Funk's mother was Susan Funk. She was probably a sister of Joseph as Alfred called Joseph "Uncle". Susan went to Kentucky where she married a Weaver, by whom she had two daughters. She came back here & sued her son Alfred for support, but he won the suit. Mrs K. says she brought the old watch that Alfred used to show us across the waters from the old country & that Lizzie Adams has it now.

Asking her the date of her son, William Wilson's birth, she didn't remember, but said he wd know & could also give record of his 8 children living & 1 dead. He lives 2d house below her across the road in a one story yellow house, but is usually out canvassing. I stopped after leaving her. but the house was locked up. She said his father was James Wilson, son of old Squire James & brother of our Director Squire John & the father

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of Morgan S. Wilson who was a half brother of her son William. See page 109 item 5 lines 23 & 24.

Leaving 3:33 PM

At residence of A.F. Alleman (called "Pete") between corner & school house, New Salem, Pa Apr 9, 1925 4:22 PM

I stopped here at 10 AM & Mrs Alleman said both Mr Alleman & his brother "Doc" who lives with them, were at work & wd not be back until 4 or 5 o'c. Said "Doc" had the Brown record & when their Uncle Johnt [sic] Allaman [sic] of Canton, Ills was here last year, she saw them looking it over & she thought it was locked up in "Doc's" trunk. When I came back this evening, both Mr & Mrs A. went upstairs & hunted abt half an hour for it, but couldn't find it. I took him in auto & went for "Doc" & he showed me where the old stone house had stood. "Doc" didn't know what became of the record, thought it might have been destroyed & then too thought his Aunt Tillie Teed of Pgh may have taken it, as she was here when her brother Johnt was in. "Pete" said it

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was written on one side of a big yellowish piece of paper which folded up & ha been copied by "Doc" from the Family Bible of his grandfather, Jacob Allaman (their father was also Jacob 3d child by 2d wife) which had the complete Brown record in & which "Doc" says they gave to their Uncle Johnt when he was here & he took it with him, but was to return it. they said they wd write to him for it & if they got it back, the would let me know. "Pete" said his daughter could give Tillie Teed's address & sd they wd write & let me know. They don't know how the Brown record got in their grandfather's bible, but it was there & went away back & their grandfather jealously guarded the bible.

"Pete" & his wife brought down two framed wall sheets giving their grandfather's record, one with first wife & their 13 children & the other with second wife & 5 children with dates of birth of all & from these sheets I copied viz:

Jacob Allaman born Mch 27, 1784 died Sept 18, 1872

married 1st Apr 14, 1808 to Elizabeth French born May 9, 1789 & died Aug 12, 1836

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They had 13 children, the 6th being Eliza Allaman born Apr 20, 1820 right on this lot where was then an old long house built along the road. It was she who married Samuel Brown of Wm.

Jacob Allaman bought this property. "Pete" says abt 87 yrs ago, but had lived on it for many years before, carrying on wagon maker trade. It had been the old Bolsinger property.

Jacob Allaman married 2d Mch 12, 1845 Mary A. Fry who was born Oct 14, 1817 & died Jany 8, 1891 & had 5 children, the 2d being Rachel Matilda Allaman born Oct 2, 1847 & on Feby 14, 1876 married Chas G. Teed. She lives with her daughter, Mrs Alice Saulsbury (or Solsberry) who works in the office of the Gazette Times, Pgh, Pa & who has always taken much interest in family records & they rather think that she was the one who was instrumental in getting the Brown record. The 4th child of Jacob's by 2d wife, Johnson D. Allaman was born Aug 15, 1850. He is married, living in Canton, Ills & has children & evidently has his father's bible in which is the Brown record.

"Pete" said there was an old man, Will Johnson, 3d Cousin of Mifflin J. Johnson who was raised about

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here & knows of all the old people who when "Pete" was west last July, was living on Court St, Peoria, Ills & who was 99 yrs old then, would now be 100 & he intended going to see him, but didn't. His daughter lives in Canton, Ills near to "Pete's" Uncle Johnt. He might know about the Jacksons or Ann Thompson, possibly the Callis's. Must write to Canton, or to Mr Neilson at Peoria & see if he is living & if so, must go out.

Left 5 PM

When at the Recorders office yesterday 8th inst 2:11 to 4:50 PM, I noticed in:

Will book 1 Page 160, the will of Mary Allton of German Tp, dated Oct 1803 signed Mary Allton & witnessed by Samuel Wilson (my relative), Andrew Johnston (my relative) & Jeremiah Kendall. It was probated Oct 25, 1808 whereat it was stated that Andrew Johnston one of the witnesses by reason of "a continuance of infirmity" is not at present

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likely to be able to appear before the register, therefor, Alexr McClean register, appoints Jeremiah Kendall to take his deposition & stating further that Samuel Wilson the other witness has moved out of the state of Penna. Deposition was accordingly taken & returned on Oct 27, 1808 & letters issued.

Will Book 1 P 263

Will of James McClean of Union Tp, being advanced in age & having disposed of my R.E. by laying off allotments to John Springer & Jacob Dutton & remainder to my son Joseph & considering the extraordinary trouble & expense my son Joseph has had & will have, I give him all my personal estate except $1 to each of his sisters.

Appoints Thos Hadden Esq & Henry Beeson "miller" Exrs. Dated May 28, 1819 James McClean (seal) Witness Geo Burokher, Nancy McClean, Mary McClean. Codicil gives bible Aug 23, 1825 to Joseph, also other books etc. Probated Aug 23, 1825

Will Book 1 p 200

will of Samuel McClean of Uniont Tp being advanced in age, directs personal property sold & debts to be pd

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thereout, if it will reach, what R.E. is not already sold to be sold in 2 yrs & divided in six equal parts & gives viz: See book 5 p 373 See this book p 138.

1. the children of my daughter Elizabeth Peairs 1/6

2. the children of my daughter Margaret Foster 1/6

3. to my daughter Mary Phillips 1/6

4. to my daughter Sarah McCree 1/6

5. to my daughter Rachel Preston 1/6

6. to my daughter Nancy McClean 1/6

After first retaining thereout $12, to be pd to my son William

Gives to son John, his surveying instruments with his tables of latitude & departure.

Appoints son John McClean & Wm McClean son of my brother Alexander Exrs. Dated May 12, 1817, Samuel McClean.

Witness Geo McCray, Alexander McClean.

Proven Feby 22, 1820 by sd witnesses before Moses McClean Dep Reg.

Will book 1 P 85

Will of Wm McLucas who says he is well & desirous of disposing of what little real & personal estate he has for benefit of my wife, Mary & my only son James & directs to that he be interred in the public burying yard near where my two children is interred.

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Directs his son James to have all of my R.E. which he owns in & adjoining the town of Woodstock (Hopwood) in Union Tp, Fay Co, Pa & used for his education until he is 21.

Appoints Dennis Springer & Moses Hopwood Exrs. Dated Sept 12, 1803. William (his mark) McLucas

Probated Sept 18, 1803

The McLucas I am hunting has Martha for his wife.

Will Book 1 p 166 recopying will of Elisha Peairs of Franklin Tp. 1. All to Rachel, my daughter, but to pay:

2. To dau Sophia, widow of Dr Benj Stevens $200

3. To dau Nancy's children viz Harry, Jeremiah, Nancy, Joseph & Elizabeth $190 equally & to Nancy, their mother $10 for mourning apparel the sd children to receive their shares as they respectively arrive of age. See book 8 p 56.

4. to dau Elizabeth $200 to be pd 2 yrs after my decease

5. see book 9 p 208 to dau Isabella $10 for mourning apparel & to her children viz Elisha & Elizabeth $190 equally when they arrive of age.

6. To the children of my daughter Polly who is deceased viz David & Elisha $200 equally to be pd in 4 yrs after my decease. Dated Apr 18, 1815 Elisha Peairs (seal) Witnesses John M. Austin, James Allen, James Craig, Joseph Allison, Nancy Stevens. Probated May 28, 1816

V13 Page 124

Will Book 4 P 290

Will of Stephen McClean of North Union Tp, Gives dau Esther Ann Hankins, wife of Wm Hankins $1 & all bals to son George McCray McClean dated July 23, 1867. Stephen McClean. Probated Oct 12, 1869

Will Book 4 P 509 & 510

Will of Joseph McClean of Uniontown,wife Catherine, children:

Mary, wife of Moses Hopwood, Jane wife of Armstrong Hadden, Agnes, wife of John M. Clark, John McClean James McClean Decd leaving children 1/5 to each Dated May 18, 1855 codicil dated 1859 & later one

Joseph McClean, Probated Sept 3, 1874.

Deed Book K p 201 & 202

Deed from Abraham Stewart & wife to Charles Alexander Mestrezat. Recites that Abraham Stewart is of the town of Hayden in Geo Tp & Chas A. Mestrezat is of the town of Maple in Green Co. Deed is dated Apr 19, 1814 & for $2000 conveys 402 A & allowance in Wharton Tp called "Loss & Gain" situated on a branch of Big Meadow Run & Sandy Creek on the dividing ridge between said

V13 Page 125

waters & recites that C of Pa granted same to Samuel Young & Robert Elliott by patent dated Aug 11, 1788 & that Heathcote & Dale of Pgh, Pa got judgt vs Nathaniel Rochester & E.A. Williams adms of Robert Elliott decd (this is brother of great grandfather William Elliott) & issuing execution sd Abr Stewart then shff of Fay Co sold same in 1801 to Samuel Young for $355 & sd Young on Aug 6, 1804 sold entire tract to sd Abraham Stewart for $1466.66

Deed Book m. p 306 & 307

Deed from Alexander Robinson & Matilda Robinson, his wife of Wayne Co, O to James Elliott of Wash Tp, Fay Co, Pa recites that C of Pa by patent dated Sept 30, 1788 granted to William Elliott (my great grandfather) a tract of land called "Lanquedoc" in Wash Tp, ctg 272 A & allowance. Recorded in Rolls office book no 14 p 299 adjg lands of the heirs of Geo Crawford & others & also that C of Pa by patent dated Apr 5, 1796 granted sd William Elliott a tract called "Long Meadow" adjg the above & the heirs of Robert Laughlin & others ctg 131 3/4 A & allowances recorded in sd Rolls office book no 27 page 446 & Wm Elliott dying intestate & Matilda Robinson being his daughter, therefor for $375, they convey their interest in both tracts to James (her brother) Alexander Robinson, Matilda Robinson, Witnesses Alexander Cunningham, James D. Cope Ackd in Fay Co, Pa before James D. Cope, J.P.

V13 Page 126

Will Book 1 P 54

Will of Thomas Randolph of Redstone Tp shows he had sons





& Daughter mar Robt Richardson & wife Abigail, son Richard Exr.

not signed

on July 29, 1801 came Dr William Budd Gould & Thomas Whitaker & swore that he wrote the will & read it carefully to the testator & it evidently accepted as a nuncupative will be Alexr McClean Reg.

See page 133.

Will Book 3 P 144

Will of Richard F. Randolph of Redstone Tp, dated Feby 17, 1847 & codicil names children:





Mary Edwards

Abigail Covert

Sarah Pennington

Hannah Randolph

Elizabeth Strickler

Lydia Pearse

& Phebe, whose present husband is Gary Coburn.

Appoints Geo Craft & Geo W. Stickler Exrs. Richard F. Randolph

Witnesses: G.H. Bowman, N.B. Bowman

Probated Sept 22, 1854

V13 Page 127

[Descendant Chart]

John Randolph of Cawsons, Chesterfield Co, Va


Thomas Ritz Randolph died Redstone Tp 1801. See will book 1 p 54 m. Abigail.

Richard Fitz of Redstone Tp, Will Book 3 p 144 died in 1854




Richard Randolph, whom I know married dau of Jno S. Barre. Lives in Uniontown, Pa. Has 10 or 12 children.


Mary Edwards

Sarah Pennington


Elizabeth Strickler

Lydia Pearse, ask Dick abt her

Phebe Coburn

Stephen, see will page 129 & 130 & see chil. etc page 128



Daughter, m. Robt Richardson

John Randolph of Roanoke see encyclopedia Brittanica Vol 22 page 886, B. June 2, 1773 ob June 24, 1833. I am adding his name here (& his father's) on strength of James Hadden's statement that "Dick's" first ancestor to Fay Co was a bro. He is a descendant of Pocohontas

V13 Page 128

Stephen Randolph see page 127 other side & see pages 129 & 130. He died in 1852 m. Permelia Nutt, see Nelson's 1225 page Hist of Fayette Co Pub 1900 Page 1157.


Adam, got land in Ohio

James, got land in Ohio

Thornton F. Randolph, m.1. Lydia Grable, m.2. Ann Elizabeth, m.3. Tabitha was living at Adair, Ills in 1899

Henry S., got home farm

Nancy Randolph, m. in 1828 Joseph Nutt, who had been married before in 1812 & had 6 children by his 1st wife see page 1157 Nelson's Hist.

Stephen R. Nutt, B. Sept 24, 1828 ob. M. Sept 7, 1850 Sarah J. Wells & had 10 children.

Anna B., B Sept 12, 1851 died young

Ruth L., B 1854 m. Harvey J. Steele

Elizabeth A., B 1831 m. Breckenridge

Elizabeth, m. Wm H. Cooke

Val Jean

Elizabeth, m. C. Smith

William Stanley Maitland Smith, Born in Mercy Hospital, Pgh, Mch 12, 1925

Francis C.

Mary L. Nutt, B 1834 ob 1897

James T., B 1836, ob

Adam Clarke, b 1839 ob Dec 24, 1882 murdered by N.L. Dukes. m. Charlotte F. Wells



Walter L.

Joseph Randolph Nutt, President of Union Trust Co, Cleveland, O married twice & has issue. M.1. dau of Valentine Hay & divorced. m.2.

Robert H., by 1st wife

David Clarke, aged 5 1/2 yrs & remarkably apt as Jose told me Feby 24th, 1925

& others

Joseph E., B 1841

Moses Jamison, B 1844 died young

Elizabeth, m. Phillips


Hester, m. Palmer


will names grandchildren JVT Apr 11, 1925

V13 Page 129

Will Book 2 page 475

Will of Stephen Randolph of Redstone Tp, states he is somewhat infirm, & wills as follows:

To my wife Permelia Randolph, home farm during widowhood & all personal estate absolutely

3d To my son Thornton F. Randolph, the farm on which he now resides known as the Frost farm with the exception of 12 A I have attached to my home farm, being in Frost farm 108 to 110 A. Said Thornton F. to pay thereout 1/2 of the balance of purchase money remaining unpaid on sd Frost farm & also the legacies hereinafter mentioned for him to pay.

4th To my son, Henry S. Randolph, my home farm including the 12 A taken off the Frost farm which he is to have at his mother's death or marriage on his paying the remaining half of the purchase money on the Frost farm & such legacies are herein stated to be pd by him.

5. To my sons Adam & James $1 each to be pd by Henry S. which with what they have recd in lands in Ohio is in full for their shares.

6th To my daughters Nancy Nutt, Elizabeth Phillips, & Hester Palmer $50 each to be pd by Thornton F. in 2 yrs after my decease.

7th to my granddaughter Sarah J. Shipley $50 to be paid by Henry S. in 1 yr

8th to my grandson Oliver H. Tigert $100 to be pd by Henry S. in 1 yr, but if he is not then of age, it is not to be pd until he is.

9th to my grandson, Stephen Phillips, Stephen Palmer & Sansom [sic] Furry $50 each to be pd by Henry S. when they reach 21 yrs.

V13 Page 130

10th to my much esteemed friend Ellen Allison $20 to be pd by Henry S. in 6 mos

11th Henry S. to pay Thornton F. $150 in 7 yrs after he gets full possession of the home farm, without interest

Lastly appoints sons Thornton F. & Henry S. Exrs. Dated Jany 5, 1847 Stephen Randolph (seal)

Witnesses: Sarah J. Shipley, Geo Craft

Probated Oct 3, 1849 before Joseph Gadd reg by Geo Craft who states that the other witness, a legatee, resides in the State of Indiana & Stephen R. Nutt appears & states also that she resides there & further Nathan Lewis, being sworn & Simon Johnson & Wm Crabb affirmed state signature is Stephen Randolph's own proper handwriting & on Oct 13, 1849 letters issued to the two sons names as Exrs.

Will Book 3 P 24

Will of Joseph Nutt of Jefferson Tp, being about to go a journey of great length wills as follows:

2d to my beloved wife, Nancy Nutt, my real & personal property during her widowhood provided she will have her four youngest children educated in a common school form, especially Moses Jamison Nutt must go to Phila to be educated.

3d Desires the laws of Penna to be carried out with my property between my seven youngest children that is:

V13 Page 131

S.R. Nutt, E.A. Breckenridge, Mary L. Nutt, James T. Nutt, Adam C. Nutt, Joseph E. Nutt & Moses Jamison Nutt the property to be equally divided between these seven with proviso that John B. Nutt, Geo L. Nutt & Wm D. Nutt shall have $5 each when the youngest child is 21 yrs old. Desires Stephen R. to continue on farm & conduct it for his mother. Lastly appoints Stephen R. Nutt Exr Dated Sept 20, 1851. Joseph Nutt (seal)

Witness James M. Linn, Thomas J. Lynn

Probated Apr 21, 1852 & letters to Stephen R.

Will Book 7 p 41

Will of John B. Nutt of Washington Tp shows:

Daughters Mary Louisa Shaneyfat & Harriet Ann Nutt & sons Joseph E.D. Nutt & McClelland Nutt & grandchildren Bertha & Cora, daughters of Harriet Ann.

Appoints Joseph E.D. Nutt Exr Dated Dec 30, 1887 John B. Nutt (seal)

Witnesses: Johnson R. Stephens, William H. Binns

Probated Feby 11, 1888

V13 Page 132

Will Book 20 P 6

Will of Frederick R (Roderick) Carothers devises & bequeaths his entire estate to his wife Geneva Carothers & appoints her Exrx without bond Dated Sept 21, 1915. Frederick R. Carothers (seal). Witnesses: Wm H. Moore Jr, Geo W. Liston, Probated June 28, 1917

Will Book 21 P 460

Will of Geneva Carothers gives to my daughter Laura, wife of Percy D. Hagen $100.

To my daughters Millie J. & Belle all the balance of my estate real & personal in equal shares as long as they remain unmarried, but if either one should marry, the entire estate is to go to the other one. Dated May 8, 1919 Geneva (X) Carothers (seal). Witnesses: Wm H. Moore Jr, C.S. Bryner Probated Dec 17, 1923

See Book 7 P 108

V13 Page 133

Deed Book D P 320 (see page 126)

Deed of Thomas Fitz Randolph & Abigail his wife of Redstone Tp dated Apr 6, 1801 to Richard Fitz Randolph of same Tp conveys 31 1/4 A & 33 P adjg Hugh McCreary, Robert Adams & Thomas Stockley. Signed Thomas F. Randolph, Abigail Randolph. Witnesses: John Cock, Robert Richardson, Ackd Apr 6, 1801 before Isaac Rogers J.P.

Deed Book D 0 418 reports deed from Thomas Fitz Randolph to Robert Richardson (who is his son-in-law) but I couldn't find it.

Deed Book 4 P 303 & 304

Shows deed from Thornton F. Randolph & wife Lydia who seems to be the youngest of twelve children of Philip "Grabill" of Redstone Tp who died intestate (children are listed in this deed) & with 3 other of the 12 children, conveys their interest in the land Earhart Grable. (must get date) dated June 3, 1848.

Deed Book 16 P 241

Deed from Thornton F. Randolph of Redstone Tp & Elizabeth, his wife dated Sept 17, 1864 to Joseph Wells of Jefferson Tp for $6723.75 conveys land in Redstone Tp adjg Wm R. Moore, Thornton Randolph

V13 Page 134

J.L. Frost, Mrs Keys, David Phillips, Richd Randolph decd & running to New Salem road & adjg also David Jackson ctg 122 1/4 A. signed Thornton F. Randolph, Anne E. Randolph

Witness: Finley Chalfant, Henry S. Phillips

Ackd same day before L.S. Herbert J.P.

Recorded Apr 21, 1865

Deed Book 165 P 33

Deed dated Mch 21, 1899 from Thornton F. Randolph & Tabitha, his wife of Adair, McDonough Co, Ills to Jess E. Roberts of Redstone Tp, states that whereas the above named Thornton F. Randolph by agreement in writing dated Feby 17, 1859 for sum named therein agreed to convey to O.P. Randolph the tract of land hereinafter described & in pursuance thereof, did execute & deliver deed which deed was never recorded & is mislaid or lost & whereas sd O.P. Randolph & wife by deed of Aug 2, 1864 conveyed same to Wm R. Moore & sd Moore's wife, by Geo W. Hess, assignee on Mch 13, 1881 conveyed same to Geo Roberts & has on Mch 28,1892 conveyed same to Jesse E. Roberts present owner, new for $1 sd Randolphs quit claim the tract ctg 22 A which lies partly in Menallen & partly in Redstone. Signed Thornton F. Randolph (seal) Tabitha Randolph. Witness P.W.O. Bair N.P.

V13 Page 135

Ackd Mch 21, 1899 in the town of Adair, McDonough Co, Ills before P.W.O. Baer N.P.

Thus are three deeds from him with a different wife in each covering 51 yrs, but none of them seem to be Nancy Thompson see book 12 p 52.

Deed Book 297 P 102

This is the lost deed above referred to from Thornton F. Randolph & Anne Elizabeth, his wife dated Sept 14, 1864 to O.P. Randolph ackd in Fayette Co, Pa before L.S. Herbert, J.P.

Recorded Jany 26, 1910

Deed Book 29 p 100

Deed dated Mch 31, 1854 from Thornton F. Randolph (indexed Thomas) & Ann E. Randolph, his wife to Wm Moore Jr for 110 A consideration $3000 Recites former title through the Frosts & that on June 23, 1842 Reason Frost conveyed it to Wm Crabb & Wm Crabb see deed bk 1 p 22 & 23 & sd Wm Crabb conveyed it to Stephen Randolph who by will bequeathed same to his son Thornton F. Randolph who now conveys signed Thornton F. Randolph, Ann E. Randolph Witness Wm Allison, O.P. Randolph Ackd same day before Wm Allison J.P.

Recorded Mch 13, 1875

V13 Page 136

Oak Hill Apr 11, 1925

At 3:05 PM today, I met James Hankins on Peter St just this side of Gallatin Ave & in answer to an inquiry, I had made of him several months ago about the McCleans, he said that the Samuel McClean out by Bethelbore who was the father of Mrs Geo McCray & Mrs Benj Frank Elliott, was, he thought the son of an elder Samuel & he said his, the younger Samuel's mother was a daughter of William Peairs who built Fort Peairs on the John Jones farm. I think he is mixed on this as Elisha Peairs did not have a son, William, see book 5 pages 372 & 373, but his son James married Elizabeth McClean, who was a daughter of the elder Samuel (who was a brother of Col Alexander the old Reg 7 Rec) & whose will does not show that he had a son Samuel, see page 122 this book. Jim said the younger Samuel above named married a Dixon, a relative of James M. Dixon. He said James McClean, the old tipstaff at our Court House was a brother of the younger Samuel above who he thinks died in the 70s aged abt 75 yrs.

He said Joseph McClean, the father of Mrs Armstrong Hadden see page 124, was a son of Col

V13 Page 137

Alexander McClean (*see below) who had eight sons & four daughters, the oldest Ann & another son was Moses & said he gave each one a farm.

As I was going up on the elevator at skyscraper a few minutes later my ex-ward Delilah T. Hagen was on & said she had heard from her relative in Pgh who had sent her a full copy of the family record from the old bible which she would copy & send to me. I told her I wd try & go over & copy it & save her the trouble.


Oak Hill Apr 14, 1925 6:15 PM

I looked at the James Hadden (& he wd know) 3 vol Hist in at Minnie's this evening at 4:50 & in 3d vol p 800, it states that his mother was a granddaughter of *James McClean a brother of Col Alexander McClean, so that Joseph above was a son of James & not of Alexander. However, James Hadden's grandfather, Thomas Hadden married Elizabeth McClean a daughter of Col Alexander. I was at the court house at Recorders office this afternoon 2 or 3 hrs & will note on the following pages what I care to note. I looked at all the Randolphs who made deeds here but none of them had a wife Nancy.

V13 Page 138

Deed Book H Pages 205 & 206

This is an article of Agreement between certain heirs of Michael Martin by which they appoint John Shreve, Hugh Stewart, Edward Cook, Levi Stephens & John Patterson Esq arbitratrors to value & divide 300 A of land. Agreement dated Dec 20, 1798 & signed by five Martin sons whose signatures were witnessed by henry Shreve & Israel Shreve & Henry Shreve swears to & approves it Nov 19, 1809 before Isaac Rogers J.P. Mary Lynch, nee Martin, their sister was not then present, but appeared later with her husband Robert Lynch & both signed & their signatures are witnessed by Rebecah Shreve & Israel Shreve & on Nov 24, 1809 the former appears as Rebekah Moorhead & proves same before Jonathan Rowland J.P. at Uniontown.

Recorded Nov 24, 1809

Will Book 1 page 178

Will of David Foster of Franklin Tp, yeoman, being sick & weak directs personal property be sold & proceeds disposed of as follows:

To my wife Margaret (evidently the daughter of Samuel McClean see page 122 & who later married Isaac Peairs) for her support all the household furniture & all the money arising from sale of personal estate, after just debts are paid for a comfortable living during her life.

V13 Page 139

& to have the "litel fier room" & liberty to go out & in any other part of the house & then wills as follows to his children:

To my daughter Matillda $70

to my son William $160

to my daughter Elizabeth $70

To my daughter Cathren $60

to my son Grier $110

to my daughter Susanna $80

to my daughter Sarew $70

& to Susanna & Sarew "etch a bed & bedding"

To my son John, I give 60 A of land off land off that end of the place next Hendrick Bakelow's land & sd John shall pay into hands of Exrs in 1 yr $20.

To my sons, James & Hanrey [sic] I give the remainder of my land to be divided equally between them & in consideration, they shall pay in yearly installments as follows:

to my son William $100 in 1 yr

to my son Great $50 in 2 yrs

to my daughters Susanna & Sarew $40 in 2 yrs

to my daughter Matillda #d installment $70 in 3 yrs

to my son William 4 installments $70 in 4 yrs

to Grear, Susana & Sarew 5 installments $100 in 5 yrs

to my daughter Elizabeth 6 installment $70 in 6 yrs

to Great, Susana & Sarew 7 installments balance "manshond above"

to my daughter Catren [sic] 8 installments $60 to be pd by Hanrey himself & James & Hanrey to provide my wife Margaret a comfortable living as above & the sawmill shall be to James & Greer & lastly appoints son John & Robert Long Exrs Dated Oct 29, 1817 David Foster (seal) Witnesses: Andrew Wiley, William Wilkin, Proven by them Nov 15, 1817 before Alexr McClean Reg.

V13 Page 140

Will Book 1 p 262

Will of John Fulton of Fayette Co, dated Sept 7, 1824 wills as follows:

to my daughters Nancy, Rachel, Mary, Cynthia, & Sarah, the use of the farm where I now live for 4 yrs after my decease & when the 4 yrs expire, Exrs to sell said farm. Directs land in Ohio & personal property be sold immediately & pay funeral exps & debts thereout & residue to be divided between my children viz:

to my children Elizabeth, Catherine, Nancy, Rachel, Thomas, Alexander, Margaret, Robert, Mary, Cynthia, & Sarah equally except take 1/5 out of Robert's share for Alex & Sarah.

Appoints Geo Gallaher & John McCanson [best guess] Exrs. John Fulton (seal) Witness Samuel Grable, Rachel Grable.

Proven by sd witnesses Sept 2, 1825 before Alexr McClean.

The oldest daughter, Elizabeth married James Finley see book 7 p 216 & the second daughter Catharine married Joseph Finley see book 7 p 223 both sons of Ebenezer (1760-1849 of Rev James) by his first wife Jane Kincaid

The will of Sarah Fulton dau above is will book 1 p 328 dated May 13, 1831 & probated Nov 23, 1831 states she is of Brownsville Tp

V13 Page 141

& that Nancy Fulton, dau above is Will book 1 p 331 dated Dec 10, 1831 & probated Jany 13, 1832 shows that her sister Cynthia is decd as is her sister Sarah above. She leaves all to her sister May?

Will Book 1 P 292

Will of James Finley (was the Judge) of Union Tp gives estate to: to wife Rachel & to my children Mary Jane, Elizabeth & James equally & appoints friends David A.C. Sherrard & John Junk Exrs. Dated Feby 28, 1828. James Finley (seal) Witness H. Campbell, John Dawson Probated Mch 17, 1828 before Alexr McClean Reg. I think I have this before

Will book 3 p 403

Will of John F. Foster of Menallen Tp dated May 27, 1860 & divides estate in 8 parts for his children viz:

Henry F. (father of Jno W.) Daniel, heirs of son John, Elizabeth, Jane (R. Hoggsett) Rachel (Jno Hankins) Lucinda & to Henry in trust for Mary & her heirs. John F. Foster Probated June 5, 1860 widow Jane refuses to accept under will see Hadden Hist Vol 3 Pages 799-801

Will Book 4 P 52

Will of John Foster of Franklin Tp wife Martha, son William Daughters Martha Wining & Nancy Clark Dated Apr 19, 1862. Probated Jany 13, 1864.

V13 Page 142

Will Book 2 page 445

Will of Ebenezer Finley dated Mch 5, 1847 Probated Jany 13, 1849 which see.

Oak Hill, Apr 14, 1925 9:44 PM

J.B. McPherson told me this afternoon that C. Wesley Ritenour of South Connellsville, Pa a musician 81 yrs old, hale & hearty, was in to see me a little after 9 o'c this morning (I went in at 10 o'c) in answer to a letter I wrote him Nov 25th last, see bottom page 5 this book & said that Thomas Boyd who died in 1924 aged 72 yrs born say 1852 see pages 1,2, & 5 this book was the natural son of a Thos Boyd. The mother, who was not married to the elder Thomas Boyd, brought suit against him in our courts say sometime in the 50s.

Am sorry McPherson did not call me to come in so I could have questioned him & identified the father. The suit was brought I suppose by Polly or Mary Grim or possibly under the name of Clark.

See book 12 p 206 for Thomas of Thomas of Wm

See book 12 p 224 for Thomas H. of John of Wm

V13 Page 143

Oak Hill, Apr 30, 1925 10 PM

Albert Finley France of 267 Hanover St, Annapolis, Md, writing Apr 28, 1925, small envelope filed, says his mother was a daughter of Col Ebenezer Lewis Finley (he son of Ebenezer Lewis Finley Sr who was son of Michael Finley born Feby 3, 1718 bro of ggg mother Martha) who on Aug 17, 1819 as shown by Balto, Md marriage license dockets, married Eliza White O'Donnell & had two daughters, one a Mrs Brennon & the other Isabella Finley, mar a France & became mother of my correspondent who writes that he wants a book & has sent me his records by Reg Parcel posts for me to examine copy & return.

He also gives me the following records which he found in the old marriage dockets at the court house Balto, Md commencing 1778.

[4] Jennie Cunningham about my age living in+¡_# Mch 2, 1827 Robert Finley & Susan Miller

Feby 10, 1829 Thomas Finley & Elizabeth R. Jackson

Dec 18, 1830 William Finley & Eliza Lee

Oct 21, 1821 Thomas Finley & Catherine Cunningham

Feby 23, 1822 Thomas Finley & Mary Hull

Feby 18, 1833 James Finley & Mary Carroll

Sept 25, 1837, Garret Finley & Sarah Curley

Oct 24, 1850 John F. Finley & Catherine Z. Zimmons

V13 Page 144

O am recording here some penciled reference I had made on 7th Ave noted letter head.

"Read Book 2 p 276 will of Robert Fulton along with Eleanor J. Niccoll's statement on page 24 same book. Robert is her grandfather's brother & the first person she ever saw die (note date 1820) and Margaret & Mary named in his will are the Peggy & Molly of her youth. Change record at end of item 33 page 277. It was his nephew Henry who witnessed his will & who married Rebecca Jack.

Will at item 39 page 288 Abram Fulton is evidently Mrs Niccoll's grandfather see her reference on page 26 same book to Benjamin, her father's oldest brother & her reference same page to Dr Cochran Fulton who it appears on page 280 will at item 35 is son of James Fulton.

V13 Page 145

Oak Hill May 1, 1925 6:44 AM

When I was in Tarentum, Pa at the Gummert home Aug 14th last, Book 12 pages 299-300, Jane Echeverria lent out to a neighbor viz: Robt B. Elliott 515 Park Bldg Pgh, Pa who lives at Tarentum & is I believe a lawyer & he wrote out & handed in the following data which I have filed with large envelopes:

"Andrew Elliott born in Scotland went to Ireland & there married Sally McCormish [sic]. They emigrated to America, came over the mountains and settled in Maryland. From there, to Butler Co, Pa

Andrew Elliott died in 1839

Sally Elliott died in 1846

Both buried at Freeport, Pa.

They left children:

1. Robert Elliott born Apr 10, 1830 died Mch 13, 1851

2. Franklin Elliott born Nov 19, 1831 died May 13, 1844

3. Andrew Jackson Elliott born Mch 24, 1833 died Nov 26, 1915

4. Sarah Jane Elliott born Aug 5, 1834 died Aug 25, 1896

5. Mary Catharine Elliott born June 23, 1837 died Jany 19, 1i73

6. Matilda Elliott born Feby 4, 1840 died Nov 2, 1913

7. William Elliott born Dec 17, 1843 died May 7, 1916

8. Daniel Elliott born 1845, died May 1, 1846.

3. Andrew Jackson Elliott above left an orphan at 13 yrs of age, early days at Kittanning & Freeport, Pa then to Leechburg, Pa in 1870. Married Margaret J. Beatty

V13 Page 146

of Spring church, Armstrong Co, Pa in 1872. Lived entire balance of life & died at Leechburg, Pa & had following children:

1. Sarah Blanche Elliott born 1873 died 1882

2. Robert Beatty Elliott born 1876

3. Mary Catharine Elliott

4. Eliza Jane Elliott

5. John Watson Elliott

6. Daniel J. Elliott

2. Robert B. Elliott married Catharine J. McCarron son son, Robert George

3. Mary Catharine, single

4. Eliza Jane married Philip C. King & have on daughter Jane Elizabeth

5. John Watson married Christina F. Horn, one dau Catharine Horn

6. Daniel J. mar Caroline J. Locke & have children:

I. Daniel J. Elliott Jr

II. Mary Jane Elliott

III. Nancy Elizabeth Elliott

IV. Margaret J. Elliott

V. Caroline Louise Elliott

V13 Page 147

Oak Hill May 1, 1925 9:05 AM

Among some old mail, I find in a large envelop of County commissioners office Tionesta, Pa, Forest Co, a letter from Miss Colyn Clark who was then I believe, a clerk in coms office, dated Mch 9, 1920 giving record of the names & births of the 11 children of her grandfather John N. Hilands & of the 12 children of her mother Isabella Elizabeth Hilands who married Daniel Webster Clark & some further information which I am tabling on the two pages following. The dates of birth, marriage & death are taken, she says from the Hilands bible.

Oct 24, 1930. A letter dated 19, 1930 from Mrs Geo H. Warden, Endsaver, Forest Co, Pa nee Jerusha Colyn Clark see page 149 & I have written her asking her to send me record of the descendants of her own & her mother's descendants & asking her to visit me to work out the details. She wants a book.

V13 Page 148 & V13 Page 149

[descendant chart]

Casper Markle, see book 1 page 17

[his daughter]

Catharine Elizabeth Markle, baptized Aug 20, 1757 at Moselem Church see book 1 page 17. She died in Allegheny Co, Pa in 1836 probably in Apr as her will & codicil dated in 1832 was probated Apr 20, 1836 see book 3 P 242 & 243 on Apr 7, 1836. [this apparently added later.] I am listing the nine children she named in her will which I think is undoubtedly in the order of their ages. She married Jacob Weitzel, who came from Holland & served in Rev War. He died in Pine Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa July 11 or 12th, 1809 as his will is dated July 10, 1809 & probated July 13, 1809 see book 3 pages 250 & 251. They were married in her father's block house near Mill Grove, Pa see book 5 pages 534-5. Mrs Florence F. McDonald 444 Beechwood Ave Coregill, Pa writes that he died July 17, 1809 aged 55 probably should be 11th


Philip Whitesell B Feby 28, 1786 in Braddock, Pa ob May 8, 1839 at Vicksburg, Tenn see book 5 p 526.

Elizabeth Whitesell, b 1788 ob May 31, 1841 aged 53 yrs at Tionesta, Pa & is buried there M. James Hilands see book 3 p 186

John Numan Hilands B June 25, 1813 at Pine Creek, Pa ob Feby 2, 1864 at Oil City, Pa aged 50 yrs 7 mos 7 days. M. July 25, 1842 at Tionesta, Pa by Rev Babcock to Julia Ann Hulings who was born at Oil Creek, Pa Jany 15, 1825 & died June 27, 1871 at Tionesta Pa aged 46 yrs 5 mos 12 days. Of their 11 children the 1st & 2d were born at Farmington, Clarion Co, Pa the 6th at the East Hickory, Pa the 11th at Oil City, Pa & the other & in Tionesta, Pa

Mary Jane, B May 1, 1843 m. June 17, 1862 by Rev Clark to Mitchell Vincent.

Isabelle Elizabeth, B Dec 19, 1844 m. Jany 17, 1863 by Rev Allison to Danl Webster Clark, oldest born in Siverlyville Co other 11 in Tionesta, Pa

Maud, B June 16, 1866 d.y.

Samuel Queer, B Oct 21, 1867 m. Margaret Jabot

George Stowe, B June 29, 1869. d.y.

Effa Honora, B July 3, 1870 m. 1906 Chas L. Hinkle

John Orsen, B Oct 27, 1872 m. 1898 Julia A. Llewellyn

William Webster, B Nov 12, 1874, d.y.

Bruce James, B Aug 13, 1876 m. Calista Weiser

Ruth Diadama, B Apr 15, 1878 m. 1904 Dr Chas P. Stahr

May Sarah, B. Nov 10, 1880 m. 1904 David Edwards

Paul Hilands, B Oct 26, 1883 m. Anna Morgan

Evlyn Esther, B Dec 2, 1885 m. 1915 Ralph H. Miles. She died on Dec 12, 1919 & buried in Mercer Mausoleum at Mercer, Pa.

Jerusha Colyn Clark, Born June 9, 1888, my informant by letter who as to marriage in 1920 wrote "not yet, but time?" M. 1920 to George Harrison Warden

James [son of Elizabeth Whitesell] see page 150




Martha, ob m. Smith. No issue

George Whitesell, ob mar Mary Cubbage see book 3 p 182-7 [son of Catharine E. Markle & Jacob Weitzell]

Hannah Whitesell, B Jany 30, 1792 in Pine Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa ob Oct 14, 1870 in Owen Tp, Clinton Co, Ind See book 5 p 534 m. John Lytle Miller

Susannah Whitesell, ob m. John Means see book 3 p 185-6

Catherine Whitesell, ob M. John Brown see book 3 p 186

Mary Whitesell, ob m. John Crider see book 3 p 186

Jacob Whitesell, ob m. Jane Stewart, see book 3 p. 186-7

Joseph Markle Whitesell, B Oct 19, 1804 in Pine Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa the youngest child. Ob Aug 15, 1884 in Knightstown, Indiana, see book 5 p 516-7

V13 Page 150

[descendant chart]

Catherine Elizabeth Markle married Jacob Weitzel, see page 148

[their daughter]

Elizabeth Whitesell, Born 1788 ob May 31, 1841 see page 149 m. James Hilands.


John Numan Hilands, see page 148

James Hilands see page 148 m. Cynthia Courtney

Elizabeth Hilands m. Spencer & lives at Emsworth, Pa. Has her grandfather, James Hilands' bible.

V13 Page 151 [blank]

V13 Page 152

Oak Hill May 2, 1925 4:55 Pm

Mrs Anna Mary Sauter was in 522 today 12:30 to 1 PM & says she was born Mch 11, 1895 her maiden name being McCulley as her father spells it but some of her brothers spell it McCullough. She said she was married Apr 13, 1910 in Clearfield, Pa by Rev Schwartz to John Thomas Sauter, who was born in Onnconing, Md on sept 13, probably 1876 or 1872 (as he says he is 49 & she thinks he is 53). He is the son of Philip Jacob Sauter & his wife Margaret Alice Thomas a native of Wales.

They have two children both born in Patton, Cambria Co, Pa, the first named for his mother & the second of her mother.

1. Margaret Alice Sauter born Jany 28, 1913

2. Sue Ann Sauter born June 2, 1914

She says her mother's mother's mother was a Markle from Plymouth, Pa.

A letter dated Jany 20, 1925 large envelope from Jessica C. Ferguson Research librarian for H.H. Shenk Archivist at Penna State Library, Harrisburg, Pa speaks of a James Caruthers said to have been a native of Lancaster Co, went to Westnd Co, Pa where he died & says he was twice married & names great grandfather's children viz John born 1789 should be 1779 married Isabella Power & other children, James Samuel, Martha, Jane & Elizabeth.

V13 Page 153

Says in the Pension record copied in the Penna magazine Vol 42 Page 346 (or 348) from the Orphans Court Records of Chester Co, Pa it shows that Apr 20, 1784, Andrew Boyd Treas, was ordered to pay James Carruthers late a soldier in the service of the U.S. £17.10 as a wounded soldier. A later application (what date?) says he was 42 yrs old (ggf was born Sept 12, 1744). He served in Fifth Reg & recd a musket ball wound at the Battle of Green Springs, Va July 6, 1781.

In a later letter Jany 26, 1925 she says the orphans court of Chester Co, Pa gives the proceedings as Dec 5, 1785 & that he died in 1801 & gives name of Mrs Harry Rogers 1747 Spruce St, Phila, Pa as a genealogist. Am writing Monday for copy of record fr the magazine.

She sent in last letter a cft fr H.H. Shenk, Archivist, that John Jack served as Lieut in the eight Co Third Battalion, Westnd Co, militia under command of Lieut Col Nehemiah Stokely in the war of the Revolution, attested by Edward Cook Lieut Westnd Co 1783 as true returns of the elections of that Co.

See page 315 Vol 2 Pa Archives 6th series. The fact of this or his being a member of Stokely's Co would from location indicate that this is more likely to be great great grandfather, John Jack rather than his nephew John of Mt Pleasant Tp. I can't see how great grandfather James Caruthers should appear in Chester Co.

V13 Page 154 & V13 Page 155

[Descendant Chart]

Milton McGrew see book 12 p 376 born July 12, 1826 at Dayton, O near there & died Apr 6, 1889 at Lexington, Neb m. 1853 Nancy Caroline James of Delaware, born Apr 1, 1828 near Dover, Delaware & died Jany 24, 1898 at Lexington, Neb, dau of William James & his wife Mary Dickinson.


William Perry McGrew, born in Indiana July 2, 1854 died in California Apr 13, 1920, but buried in Denver, Col. Mar June 2, 1880 Rachel A. Cuppy of Logansport, Ind, dau of David Cuppy & wife Eliza Walters who was born at Logansport, Ind. They have had 8 children.

Frank Eugene, B Feby 2, 1881 ob Sept 15, 1881

Bertie [twin] B Mch 15, 1882 ob Feby 12, 1886

Bertha [twin] B Mch 15, 1882 ob Jany 30, 1885

Lillian May, B May 22, 1884 ob Apr 28, 1890

Edna Maud, B June 26, 1886 ob Dec 28, 1894

Leon, B Nov 21, 1889 ob Mch 21, 1890

Lelah Ruth, B Nov 1, 1892, living in Denver m. Charles Carson

Don Milton, B July 4, 1894, living in Denver, single.

Mary Minnesota McGrew, Born in Casko, Ind May 8, 1856 & died in Brownville, Neb Dec 8, 1919 m. 1873 Thomas Corwin Diltz, who was born at Covington, O Sept 9, 1847 & died Jany 16, 1915 at Leavenworth, Kan in the Soldiers Home. They had 8 children.

Gertrude Lorena, B Nov 1, 1875 at Logansport, Ind m. Jany 2, 1898 to Luther Mumford B Oct 7, 1867 son of m. Luther Mumford & wife Mary Butler. Have 4 children 1st three born near Brownville, Neb & last near Auburn, Neb where he is a farmer P.O. route 6 Box 74.

Ruth Olive, B Feby 18, 1899 m. Aug 26, 1916 to Halbert Harlan Densmore born Jany 5, 1892 at Randolph, Neb, son of Adrian R. Densmore & wife Alice Payne. He is a truck gardener & live at Des Moines, Iowa. No issue.

Lancel Edward, B June 30, 1901 m. Aug 8, 1923 to Sylvia Ogg born Apr 10, 1902 at Hillsdale, Neb, dau of Wm Henry Ogg & wife Mary Elizabeth Wolf.

Lois Elaine, B July 24, 1924

Corwin Luther, B Apr 17, 1907

Willis Frederick, B Feby 21, 1911.

Olga May Diltz, B Apr 26, 187- at Palestina, Ohio ob Aug 10, 1905 m. Adolph Farmer.

Mildred, B Aug 18, 1900 in Auburn, Neb ob Feby 22, 1922.

Milo Milton Diltz, B Sept 28, 1883 at Eaton, O m. Marie Pederson born July 6, 1899 at Nestval Spilland, Denmark, dau of Lars Peter Pederson & wife Martine Hansen. Live at Lexington, Neb where he is a barber.

Doris May, B July 21, 1921 at Lexington, Neb.

Mosseline Clare Diltz, B Mch 8, 1881 at New Carlisle, O m. Sept 4, 1907 Chester Clark born Jany 29, 1881 near Gibson, Ills, son of Benjamin Clark & wife Mahala Lantz. Live in Munden, Kansas where he is a farmer. No issue.

Mae Helene Clark, by adoption b. June 5, 1924 near Narka, Kansas.

Clyde Diltz, B Mch 15, 1887 at Hollansburg, O. M. Eva Baker, dau of Marion Baker & wife Myrtle Graves. Live at Omaha, Neb where he is a commercial artist. No issue.

Glen Way Diltz, B Dec 27, 1890 at Wauneta, Neb, m. at Cole Camp, MO to Nora E. Schwald. They live at Merced, Calif where he is an auto salesman. Have 2 sons.

Clay Fowler, B Dec 2, 1912

Robert Corwin, B Aug 25, 1919

Cecil Corwin Diltz, B Nov 12, 1893 at Hollansburg, Neb, m. to Ruth Freeborn. Now live in Atlanta, Ga where he is a Gov clerk. No issue.

Brenda Rose Diltz, B Jany 28, 1896 at Brownville, Neb m. to Dayton, Kerns. They live in Auburn, Neb, where he is an auto mechanician [sic]. Have two daughters.



Horace Milo McGrew [son of Milton McGrew]. B July 2, 1858 in Logansport, Ind ob Oct 22, 1914 in Denver, Colo m. Dec 15, 1895 Minnie Hasse. No issue, but legally adopted a boy who was son of (they know nothing of his parentage) She mar June 6, 1925 b F. Butler of Logansport, Ind whose mother was a Thompson.

Richard Milton McGrew, B Feby 14, 1904 in a maternity hospital, Denver Col & taken when two days old & adopted.

May McGrew, B May 21, 1861 in Cass Co, Ind m. Apr 10, 1888 to Edward Knapple of Lexington, Neb born Sept 19, 1858 near Danvers, Ills son of Frederick Knapple & wife Katherine Miller. They live at 301 W 7th St Lexington, Neb where he is a retired farmer. Have two children born near Lexington, Neb.

Pearl, B Mch 20, 1890 m. Dec 15, 1912 Walter C. Scott, born Aug 14, 1889 at Cameron, Mo son of Howell Scott & wife Sarah Middleton. Live near Chadron, Neb where he is a farmer. Have 4 children born viz 3 oldest at Lexington, Neb & the youngest near Chadron, Neb.

Edward Howell, B June 8, 1913

Wilford Horace, B Feby 8, 1915

Louise May, B Sept 7, 1918

Wilma Lucille, B May 14, 1921

Charles Thompson McGrew, Born at Logansport, Ind Sept 5, 1867 & live at 2501 East 4th ST, Long Beach, Calif m. Dec 27, 1891 in Gosper Co, Neb to Ruth Wallace, my good informant by letter who was born May 25, 1869 in West Conshohocken, Montgomery Co, Pa daughter of James Wallace born in Lancaster Co, Pa Nov 22, 1844 & his wife Mary Ann McCann of Phila, Pa born Aug 15, 1848 a descendant through her mother of Lieut Scheible of the Revolution. They have had five children, the first two born in Gosper Co, Neb, the last two in Long Beach, Calif & the middle one which died also in Gosper Co 6 miles south of Lexington. He is a harbor Comr & building contractor along with Wallace M. & Horace H. as Chas T. McGrew & sons, Long Beach, Calif where they went 22 yrs ago say in 1903.

Wallace Milton, B Mch 20, 1896 m. Apr 26, 1924 to Dorothy Rominger born Mch 16, 1900 only child of State Senator Joseph Ambrose Rominger a native of Iowa & his wife Margie Baker, also a native of Iowa but now living in Calif. He, Wallace M. lives at Long Beach, Calif where he is a contractor & owns his own home.

Horace Harold, B Nov 13, 1897 m. June 23, 1920 to Florence McMillan born Sept 27, 1897 dau of Malcolm McMillan & wife Sarah McLean of

Winnipeg, Canada. They have 2 sons born at Long Beach, Calif. They live at Long Beach, Calif where he is a contractor & owns his own home.

Charles Malcolm, B Mch 11, 1922

Robert Gordon, B July 16, 1923

Bessie Carol, B Mch 21, 1899 ob Apr 21, 1899

David Donald, B June 10, 1904 student at Ithaca, NY

Ruth June, B June 26, 1906 at Martha Washington College at Abingdon, VA.

V13 Page 156 [blank]

V13 Page 157 [blank]

V13 Page 158

[descendant chart]

Ida M. Bicking see page 162 m. J. Penrose Moore


John W.

Leonard, ob

Austin B., m. Adelaide McCaughey

Austin B.




Mary E., m. Corbin C. Hutchison

Mary Jane

Grace Moore

Grace, ob

J. Penrose

V13 Page 159

[descendant chart]



John Jack (These two [meaning John & bro James] came from Ireland) B. ob 1784 m. Elizabeth. She was living in 1794 when she contributed to building a stone wall around old Brandywine Ch g.y. On Aug 15, 1783, he made his will as of West Caln, Chester Co, Pa "being aged & infirm". Gives residue of Estate equally to John Jack & James Jack son of my nephew James Jack" He made a codicil on Oct 30, 1784 giving his sorrel horse to his wife. He signed his name to will but made his mark to the codicil. Date of probate not his mark. Evidently no issue. Probated Dec 10, 1784. Anjou in his Jack Hist Vol XXI P 1994-5 places him as the bro of my gggf James which I cannot be as these two wills prove, but I am satisfied these two are his sons. He, the father, was born July 14, 1710 & emigrated to Chester Co, Pa. Look for settlement of his estate in Chester Co, Pa.

James Jack see page 160 ob m. Mary. On July 4, 1787 I, "James Jack Senior, being much diseased & weak in body" 1st provides for his wife Mary & then gives his oldest son, James Jack £4 besides what he hath already received. Then to my daughter Geen [sic] £20, then to my son Robert 100 A of land near the Manor Meeting house in East Caln Tp, Chester Co, Pa & remainder of estate to my son Adam & appoints him & wife Mary Exrs. He made his mark to will. He was sub to Church 1746-1758. Date of probate not given.

James Jack, ob m.



Gean or Jean, ob

Robert Jack ob

Adam Jack, ob m. Ann Dalysanple [sic] widow nee Sims

Mary, ob 1846, single

Phoebe Jack, ob m.

James Jack, ob, m.

Josiah Jack, ob, m.

Matthew, ob, m.

Susan Jack, ob, m.

V13 Page 160 & V13 Page 161

[descendant chart]

James Jack bought property at 18th & Market St, Phila, Pa also bought farms in Chester Co, Pa on the Brandywine, abt a mile from the Brandywine Manor Church of which he was a member & a subscriber to the Pastors salary 1746 to 1758. Look for his will at West Chester & if not there look at Phila, Pa. His ancestors fled from France at time of St Bartholomew's Massacre to near Belfast, Ireland where they were linen weavers. They came to America sometime in 1700 (or was it in the 1700s) landing in Balto, Md. Elizabeth Jack in 1794 was subscriber to a find for building a wall around the g.y at the church. Go there. Mrs Shoemaker reports 3 sons. The records at West Chester might give daughters. See book 11 P 388 & 389. See book 20 p 570-5


Adam Jack died 1846 to 1849 m. a Grimm who died 1829, who owned farms near Paoli, Pa. Look for his will. They had six children born in Brandywine Tp & lived on the farm until their mother died in 1829.

Mary Jack, ob 1846, unmarried

Phoebe Jack, ob m. Samuel Bicking & lived at Downingtown, Pa where her sons live one has a paper mill. See page 162 July 14, 1931

James Jack, ob m. settled in Lancaster Co, Pa & then to Centre Co.

Mary Ann, m.2d a Geo Taylor & think she is still living. Go see her.

Geo Taylor, is with Burnham Co a branch of the Baldwin Locomotive works.

Susan Jack, ob, m. William Zerns & went to Dayton, O

Matthew Jack, ob, m. He went to Ohio & his father went with him. He later moved to Logansport, Ind & his father went with him & died 1846 to 1849. Mrs Shoemaker thinks he took the old bible with him.

Josiah Jack, B 1806 & died 1875 in Phila, Pa the youngest, m. Elizabeth Foster. They lived in Germantown, Pa, & later moved to Bridgewater, Pa. Had six children.

Louis Jack, M.D. m. to Thankful Corbus. This record is given me by his daughter Mrs Elizabeth J. Shoemaker of 741 S. Hudson Ave, Pasadena, Calif to whom I am writing for a list of his children & to fill out the many other blanks here shown.

Sarah Jack, ob. d.y.

William Jack, ob, came home fr Civil War sick & died

Josiah Jack, ob a captain in Civil War, killed at Battle of Gettysburg, Pa

Richard Jack, B Sept 1846 ob Aug 3, 1896 in Kansas City, MO See book 8 p 343-4

Mary Jack, m. Amos Westcott

William Jack [son of James, the subject of chart] ob served in the Rev War. Died a bachelor

a son, moved to the State of Indiana at an early day.

V13 Page 162 & V13 Page 163

[descendant Chart]

Adam Jack see page 162 son of James Jack m. Mrs Ann Dalysample nee Tims (not Grimm as I had it [or Sims as he had it earlier]) who had 2 daus by her 1st husband.


Mary Jack, ob 1846, single.

Phoebe Jack, ob, m. Samuel Bicking. Six Children

Joseph M., ob single

Samuel Austin, ob, m. Mary Park

Samuel P., m. Emma Rickard

Paul R., m. Louise Besler

Louise Pauline

Samuel P.


Clarence A., m.


Ida M. Bicking, m. J. Penrose Moore see page 158


Edwin Bicking m. Madalene Ramsey

Joseph A., m. Florence C. Baldridge

Madalene Chase, m. Franklin Darlington

D. Parke Bicking, m.1. Naomi Wilson, m.2. Gladys Hennis

L. Wilson, m. Pauline Grett

Wilson Charlotte Frank S., m. Alice McGibeny

Mignon, m. Geo T. Livingston



Samuel Austin

Frank K.

John Frederick

Mary, ob. [dau of Phoebe Jack & Samuel Bicking]

Catherine, ob m. Thomas Davis

Edwin Davis

A daughter

Edwin, ob

Richard, ob

Susan Jack [dau of Adam Jack] ob M. William Zerns

Mrs Blair

Mrs Gaskill



Matthew Jack, ob m. 7 children settled near Logansport, Ind

Lewis, father of Mrs Shoemaker


Sarah Ann






Josiah Jack, ob M. Sarah Foster

V13 Page 164 & V13 Page 165

[descendant chart]



James Jack, ob m. to Susan Begg or McKenzie & had 4 sons & 4 daughters, all dead. Tibbie & Alexander born at Tulloch, Glenisla & the other six born at Eastmill, Glenisla, Perthshire.

Tibbie, b 1814 ob 1909 m. John Ramsay. Had 3 children.

daughter, still living in Dundee

Alexander, B 1816 ob 1901 m. Margery Lamond born 1829 ob 1903 dau of Charles Lamond & wife Martha Torbet. Had 5 children, 3 daus living.

Martha Jack, b, ob. m. Keith. Lives Glenlouie, Meigle, Perthshire, Scotland. My informant for this record by letter of Aug 10, 1924.

Janet, B, ob m. to David McNicoll. Had 9 children, 2 dead, 7 living.

William, ob, m. Anne Forbes. Had one dau who is dead.

Adam, ob, m. to Margaret Edward. Had 5 children all living. Have a farm in Forfarshire.

Mary, ob, m. to David McIntosh. Had 9 children 7 of them living.

John, ob

Martha Jack ob m. to William Lyon & went to New Zealand. Had one dau who died a few yrs ago.

Alexander Jack, ob m. Miss Robertson, two daughters below still living.

Mrs Tom Shaw, Dundee

Mrs Skidmore

Adam Jack, ob, m. Had a family, only one below living.

Mrs McKenzie, lives at Ballinling, Grantully, Perthshire

Martha Jack, ob m. to James Stewart a farmer at Craighead, Glenisla & had ten children, only two noted below survive.

Andrew Stewart, lives at Islabank, Glenisla, Perthshire, write him

William Stewart, lives at Craignity, Glenisla, Perthshire, write him.

Mary Jack, ob m. to James Bruce a blacksmith at Brewlands Bridge, Glenisla. Had 3 daughters.

A dau, m. John Robertson, Rathsay? Blairgoria

Tibbie Jack, ob m. John McKenzie & had the farm of Loups of Norn Forfarshire, Scotland. Many descendants living in Forfarshire

A son,

William McKenzie, lives Ballinling, Grantully, Perthshire

V13 Page 166

At residence of Miss Elizabeth Helen Dunbar 313 E 17th St, New York City, NY May 6th, 1925 10:20 PM

I arrived here about an hour ago & have been talking to Miss Dunbar & her mother who is living here with her children, the apartment being rented by E. Helen & her brother & sister.

Elizabeth Boyd was born Dec 25, 1836 & died Dec 16, 1881 aged 45 & was married in Nov 4, 1870 in Illinois to William Henry Ewing born Apr 15, 1837 & died Mch 19, 1906, the son of James Ewing and his wife Harriet Baird. He died at Berwyn, Pa. She died at Grand Ridge & is buried in the Episcopal g.y. at Farm Ridge. After her death, he married again. She was born in Germantown, Pa. Her only child that lived was my informant, Mary Helen Ewing who was born Oct 24, 1862 in Grand Ridge, Ills & was married At Wayne, Penna by Rev W.T. Kruse Presbyterian, to Charles Edward Dunbar of Ottawa, Ills on June 27, 1888, who was born Sept 14, 1856 at Kings Ferry, Florida & he is living in Chicago, Ills where he is a salesman, living apart. He is son of Asaph Dunbar & his wife Mary Doolittle

V13 Page 167

They had four children, the oldest born 5 miles south of Ottawa, Ills in Farm Ridge Tp & the other three born 5 miles north of Ottawa in Dayton Tp.

1. Elizabeth Helen Dunbar born Mch 30, 1889

2. Mary Natalie Dunbar born July 5, 1892

3. Dorothy Ewing Dunbar born Dec 25, 1896

4. Charles William Harold Dunbar born Apr 15, 1899

1. Elizabeth Helen Dunbar is unmarried who is an interior decorator her studio being at No 17 East 49th St.

2. Mary Natalie Dunbar married Feby 5, 1916 Willis Gregory Jr, son of Willis Gregory & his wife. He was born Nov 24, 1887 in Medina, NY & lives now at 1549 W. 37th ST, Oklahoma City, Okla, where he is a merchant, mens clothing. They have three children, the oldest born in Anadarko, Okla & the other two in Oklahoma City, Okla

1. Bruce Willis Gregory born June 27, 1917

2. Martha Jean Gregory born Sept 7, 1921

3. John Dunbar Gregory born Feby 4, 1924

2. Dorothy Ewing Dunbar was married Aug 2, 1920 in Detroit, Mich to Donald Bromley. They were divorced in July 1924 at Three Rivers, Mich. No issue. Living here.

4. Charles Wm Harold Dunbar is unmarried & lives here & is a paperer.

V13 Page 168

E. Helen Dunbar has some Jack friends in Chicago, the head of the family is Frank E. Jack, an officer of the Chicago Motor Club on Michigan Ave. His daughters, Helen Jack now Crutchfield and Frances Jack, now Sowell were school friends of Helen, her sisters & brother in Chicago, Ill. Mr Jack is probably 60 yrs of age & his father now deceased lived in Toledo, O & in his last days lived with a married daughter in St Louis, Mo where he died 3 or 4 yrs ago.

Left 12:30 AM 7th

V13 Page 169

At residence of the late John Charles Fulton no 19 Ben Lomond St, Uniontown, Pa May 13, 1925 10:20 AM

Mrs Fulton is giving me the information below of her immediate family.

John C. Fulton was born she thinks at Buena Vista, Allegheny Co, Pa Feby 11, 1856 & died in this house Aug 12, 1924. He was son of James Fulton & his wife Sophia Markle.

On Jany 1, 1889 in Rostraver Tp 2 miles west of West Newton, Pa at residence of bride's parents by Rev James H. Flanagan assisted by Rev J.C. Meloy, he was married to Mary Ella Ray born in that same house Nov 20, 1860, the daughter of Thomas Jones Ray & his wife Eliza Flanagan & moved to Uniontown, Pa where he was engaged thereafter as an architect until his death. They have had but two children both born in this house:

1. Thomas Ray Fulton born Jany 6, 1892

2. Helen Marie Fulton born June 16, 1895

1. Thomas Ray Fulton was married June 23, 1923 to Eleanor Laura Hopwood daughter of Monroe M. Hopwood & his wife Laura Hess (Hopwood). She was born Nov 13, 1891. They are living at her home NO 100 Ben Lomond St. NO issue. T. Ray Fulton was elected Ruling Elder of the First Pres Ch Apr 15, 1925 & installed May 10, 1925. John C. Fulton 2was elected a Ruling Elder in said Church about July 1895 & served until his death.

Leaving 10:40 AM

V13 Page 170 & V13 Page 171

[descendant chart]

Michael Finley, born May 7, 1683 in Co Armagh, Ireland emigrated Sept 28, 1734 to America & died in Chester Co, Pa 1747 or 1750 married July 12, 1712 Annie O'Neill, dau of Samuel O'Neill of Co Armagh, Ireland. Had among others:

[a son]

Michael Finley Jr, born Feby 3, 1718 & died in York, now Adams Co, Pa in June 19, 1785. Was living in in Londonderry, Pa in 1764. He is buried in Lower Marsh Creek graveyard. Lived in Sadsburg Tp, Chester Co, Pa 1737-58 & in Londonderry Tp in 1764. Farmer. married June 23, 1757 Ann Lewis of Chester Co, Pa. Look at West Chester for Lewis wills & try to get her father's name. Mrs Mary D. Brown of Lincoln, Ills writes June 3, 1925 that he was married twice & by 1st wife had 6 sons & 1 dau all of whom died & left no children & by 2d wife had 1 son & 2 days & son T. Randolph Finley D.D. of the M.E. ch south,

[his children]

2. Ebenezer Finley, B 1763 ob Sept 15, 1822 aged 59 buried in Balto, Md. Major in Rev War See page 221 & after he was retired, moved to Balto, Md. M.1. Jane McKnight, dau of Rev Jno McKnight of Lower Marsh Creek Church & of NY City & Chambersburg, Pa. She died Mch 26, 1809 aged 45. M.2. on Oct 17, 1809 Mrs Catherine Allen Marshall of Ky. He was senior member of the mercantile firm of Finley, Van Lear & Finley, Balto, Md & is buried there, probably in Greenmount Cemetery. See page 221

Ebenezer Lewis Finley of Baltimore, Md where he was a prominent lawyer & was very active in city affairs & was a private in Capt Moulter's Co of Columbia Artillery in the defense of Balto vs the British 1812-1815. After the war became Major & then Colonel of Balto militia. He is buried in Balto, Md. B. Oct 3, 1794 ob June 5, 1839. M.1. Aug 17, 1819 Eliza White O'Donnell daughter of John O'Donnell of Balto, md & his wife Sarah (Chew) [best guess] Elliott to whom he was married Oct 16, 1785. Eliza W. O'Donnell was born in 1800.

Sarah Chew Finley, B 1830 ob. m. Brennan. He says now F.X. Brennan.

Finley Brennan, B abt 1858, ob

Beatrice Brennan, m. Horn.

Isabella Finley, B June 22, 1832 ob Apr 3, 1872 in NY City. She is buried in Greenwood Cem, Brooklyn NY. M. Jany 14, 1857 Wm Cook France of Balto, Md born June 28, 1828 at Balto, Md & died Aug 10, 1901 at New Rochelle, NY, son of Col Richart [sic] France & his wife Leah Willetts Leach, daughter of Jesse Leach. Wm Cook France had married 1st Adele Dorman in 1847 who died in Cincinnati, O leaving one son, Wm C. France who died in 1924. Isabella Finley was his 2d wife & to her he had the 4 sons listed below, A.F. born at Baltimore, Md, other 3 at Cin, O. After Isabella's death, he mar 3rd in 1874 Ellen Tomlinson who now May 14, 1925 is still living in her 87th yr who was born in 1838 great granddaughter of Lady Towley Laurence.

Richard France, B Mch 1858 m.1. m.2.

Lewis N. France, B 1860, ob 1870

Jesse Leach France, B Oct 8, 1862 m. Eurelda Loomis born Mch 25, 1860 dau of Wm Loomis of Pgh, Pa & his wife. Have 2 children.

DeWayne Loomis, B Feby 18, 1891 in Paris, France see bk 21, p 142.

William Lewis France, B May 17, 1896 in NY City, graduate of Yale.

Albert Finley France, B May 6, 1868 in Balto, Md m. Mch 27, 1894 Mary Lawrence Hill daughter of Gen Samuel Ewing Hill of the Civil War & his wife Naomi Baird. She was born July 16, 1872 in Hartford, Ky. Albert F. moved to Lexington, Ky in 1886 established the Highland Farm, Home of Red Wilkes, Was Expert Photographer during World War with photographic div as instructor with rank of Major. His 3 sons were born at, 1st two in NY City, youngest at New Rochelle, NY

Albert Finley France, B Jany 26, 1895 in NY City. Is in the U.S. Navy, graduate at Annapolis 1918 Lieut in Navy. Born at 57th St & Broadway. M. Mch 2, 1918 Ruth Worthington Claude born Apr 11, 1892 descendant of John Worthington & the Lees & Fairfaxes of Va. She is dau of Dr Gordon Handy Claude & his wife Sophia Worthington.

Albert Finley France III, B Feby 7, 1919 at Annapolis, Md

Anne Claude, B Jany 10, 1922 in Colon, Panama

Ewing Hill France, B Jany 26, 1900 at 353 W 58 St, NY. In the U.S. army, graduate at West Point 1924. He is a Lieut 2, 18 Inf M. June 12, 1924 Helen Gould McKean great granddaughter of Thomas McKean, signer & Gov. She was born Aug 14, 1899 dau of Bernard McKean of New Rochelle, NY & his wife Elizabeth Becker.

Samuel Ewing Hill, B Aug 22, 1925 on Long Island.

William Cook France, B Oct 28, 1904 at (5 Elm St, New Rochell, NY ensign in U.S. Navy graduate at Annapolis, Md 1924 Pacific Fleet m. July 15, 1927 Harriette Nixon of Johnstown, Pa born Feby 19, 1901 dau of Harry Morris Nixon & wife Kate Coffin. Her full name is Harriette Rittenhouse Nixon.

1. Joseph Lewis Finley [son of Michael Finley Jr]. He was 2d Lieut 1st Battalion of Miles Penn Rifle Regiment 1776. He was 1st Lieut Penna State Reg Oct 24, 1776 Capt Oct 20, 1777 Brigade Major 8th Penna July 20, 1780. B. Feby 20, 1753, ob May 23, 1839 at West Union, Adams Co, O, served in Rev war as Lieut Capt & Major in Miles Rifle Battalion in 13th, 8th & 2d Penna line & lost an eye in the service from exposure. Placed on pension list in Ohio 1818. m. July 4, 1782 Jean Blair dau of Rev Samuel Blair of Chester Co, Pa. (Look for his will) who was born 1762 & died July 1, 1840 probably at West Union, O. She is buried in old g.y. there see book 14 0 350. see book 20 p 556-7

Hannah Finley, B May 1, 1783 ob July 28, 1827 m. June 1802 Col John Lodwick born at Winchester, Va Mch 24, 1767, ob in West Union, O Mch 4, 1861.

Kennedy Lodwick, ob

Lyle Lodwick, ob

Joseph Lodwick, ob

Michael Lodwick, ob

John N., ob

Jane E. Lodwick, ob m. Jacob McCabe

Martha Scott Lodwick, B 1817 ob 1889 m. 1834 Eli Kinney b 1814 ob 1884 see b 14 p 350.

Nancy Finley Lodwick, B 1819 ob m. Joseph Scott Peebles & had issue.

Mary Brown Finley, B Dec 7, 1800, ob 1831 m. Nov 10, 1818 John Patterson who was born Nov 23, 1793 & died Feby 1, 1859 & had issue.

Joseph Peter, ob

Lewis Augustus, ob

Matilda Ann ob M. John Smith

Thos Reed, ob

Hannah, ob M. Lewis C. Clark

Mary Brown, ob m. Jacob Dresback

Margaret Finley, B Apr 2, 1807 ob m. John Chipps

John, d.y.

James Finley, B May 21, 1796 ob m. Miss Rothwell

John Blair, B Aug 9, 1791 ob m. lived in Lewis Co, Ky in 1841

See book 20 p 446-7 for all of children.

3. Ann Finley [dau of Michael Finley, Jr] ob. M. Patrick Gibson. Sd to have been cashier of Bank of Baltimore, Md from 1853 to 1868.

4. Sophia Finley, ob m. Samuel George, one of their sons probably William mar a niece of Robert E. Lee.

5. David Barr Finley, ob, m. He settled in New Orleans, La. Think Wm Wilson Finley late Pres of Souther RR who died in 1919 was his son.

V13 Page 172

Oak Hill, May 15, 1925 10:35 PM

Going to Pgh this morning fr Gbg in I looked over the abstract prepared Nov 1, 1900 by H.C. Staggers for the 261 A 60 P coal lands in Cumberland Tp, Greene Co, Pa which I bought yesterday at $525 per acre from the heirs of Richard S. Long & I find that was the original location in Greene Co of the great grandfather Robt Jones of Judge A.E. Willson the title from the Com down being as follows:

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on Sept 27, 1787 for £17.17 shillings patented 419 1/2 A & 6% for roads to Rachel Jones on warrant dated Oct 8, 1785. Recorded Patent Book p vol 14 page 69 called "Dover".

By General warranty deed, she on Mch 16, 1792 for £40, conveys same to Robert Jones recorded Mch 27, 1793 deed book 1 vol 1 page 555 of Washington Co, Pa records being before Greene was organized. See will book no 1 p 43 (or 213) Greene Co, Pa. Letters of Adm on estate of Robt Jones granted to Benj Jones & John Jones on Apr 19, 1809 & in Orphans Court proceedings docket no 1 ps 280 & 29 petition of Jane Jones, widow of John Jones, Lewis Evans & Rachel, his wife, Jesse Evans, & Geo Reynolds & Rebecca, his wife sets forth that the heirs of Robert Jones are as follows: stating that he was late of Greene Tp.

V13 Page 173

1. John Jones, his son

2. Rebecca Reynolds, wife of Geo Reynolds

3. Rachel Evans, wife of Lewis Evans, his surviving daughters and

4. Samuel Evans & Eliza Evans his grandchildren issue of Jesse Evans & his wife Mary Evans formerly Mary Jones.

This petition dated Dec 8, 1809 sets forth usual facts etc. Appoint seven appraisers, among them John Minor, Daniel Jones & Andrew Lantz who appraised this purpart No 2 of 419 1/2 A at $3,212 & on Aug 27, 1811, Lewis Evans in right of his wife Rachel, daughter & heir of Robert Jones takes purpart No 2 see partition docket 2 p 157 & decree of Aug 2, 1899.

Lewis Evans & Rachel his wife on May 10, 1834, recorded June 25, 1844 deed book J Vol 1 p 308 & 309 for $4,500, convey it to Alfred Gwyne the above 419 1/2 A recited then to be on waters of Muddy Creek in Cumb Tp. This deed recites that Robt Jones dying intestate said land descended to Alpheus P. Willson (who married Eliza Evans) & Samuel Evans who by deed dated July 11, 1828 convey to Lewis Evans. Note states records do not who how land came to A.P. Wilson [sic] (they didn't know he married Eliza Evans) & Saml Evans nor do the records show a conveyance from them to Lewis Evans (evidently receipted on recognizance)

Adm on estate of Alfred Gwyne will book

V13 Page 174

2 p 54 June 8, 1835 & letters issued to Richard Long who sells it Nov 18, 1835 or 360 A of it to Joseph Long for $10 per acre. Sale confirmed same day.

By General warranty deed of Aug 13, 1849 ack Aug 13, 1853 before Wm Wily, Joseph Long & Eliza his wife, convey 261 A 60 P to Jeremiah Long recorded Jany 11, 1854 book M vol 1 p454

Estate of Jeremiah Long, will book 4 p 60 letters to Eli Baily & Richd S. Long Aug 18, 1863 sets forth his widow & children viz;

1. widow Lucretia

2. Mary mar Corbly Garard

3. Sarah mar James Stephens

4. Richard

5. Milton

6. Winfield

7. Virginia.

It was appraised at $58.58 per acre making $15.311.34 & taken by Richard S. Long, son & confirmed Mch 19, 1867 & recognizance satisfied.

V13 Page 175

Office of Thomas Ebenezer Finley, room 901 Berger Bldg, Pittsburgh, Pa May 15, 1925 2:11 PM

I found Mr Finley at work in his office & he gave record of his own family & I have entered what I could of it in book 12 p 546.

He says his father's name was Thomas Gallagher Finley & that he himself was born in the old homestead in Rostraver Tp Westnd Co, Pa & was married at Glassport, Pa by Rev Wm Harrison Decker. His wife was buried at Round Hill.

His brother Joseph Finley married Margaret Blackburn, whose mother was Margaret, the youngest? daughter of Isaac & Isabella Irwin see book 1 P 33.

Joseph was born at the same old home in Rostraver Tp on Apr 10, 1852. His wife died Oct 1911 & she was born abt 1861 & he is baching in Turkey Hollow in a small house he built on the corner of the old farm in Rostraver Tp. He has had but four children, all born in the old homestead in Rostraver Tp viz: He was married Thanksgiving Day 1887.

1. Lawrence Blackburn Finley born Easter Sunday 1891. He married in 1913 Bertha Rankin daughter of Wm J. Rankin of Rostraver Tp & his wife Mollie Stephens. They live at Donora, Pa where he is teller or cashier of Union Trust Co. They have two children both born at the

V13 Page 176

Magee Hospital by Caesarean operations, they are.

I. William Lawrence Finley born 1915

II. Helen Finley born 1917

2. John Irwin Finley born July 1896 unmarried Architect & boards in Pittsburgh, Pa

3. Lois Elfrida Finley born Mch 1898 mar Dec 21, 1922 to Amos Ramsey Shields who was born Dec 21, 1894. They have one son born at Wilmington, Delaware where they live & he is head scoutmaster of the boy scouts.

I. Amos R. Shields born July 4, 1924

4. Margaret Elizabeth Finley B. Mch 1900 unmarried, works for a milliners store & boards with the lady who owns the house.

He said his brother George was born in Mch 1854 & is dead & that his sister Lizzie is married & has several children & grandchildren. He said he wd get their records & send them to me.

V13 Page 177

Oak Hill, Saturday, May 16, 1925 9:30 PM

On Wednesday last 13th inst, I was over on North Gallatin Ave to see Delilah Thornton Hagan from 11:15 AM to 12:20 PM & she gave me to make note of & return the records of our mutual cousin Harriet Ann Gaskill of 2014 Sarah St S.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. She is the youngest child (born Apr 6, 1847) of Sheriff Saml W. Boyd, who was the oldest child of Judge Robert Boyd. She had sent these records to Miss Barnett for me to see & Miss Barnett sent them to Delilah. They include four leaves from the bible (being the record) of Judge Robert Boyd giving record of his father-in-law, Samuel Work which I am copying, his own family record which I am embodying in a genealogical table on pages 184-185 also Saml W. Boyd's record also in table & "a short chronological acct of some of my ancestors" which I am both copying & putting in table pages 184 & 185. She also sends me five sheets of note size paper written on both sides from her father's first cousin Mary Boyd Pugh most of which is already noted in her records Book 12 pages 74 to 113, but which I am copying here too. viz:

"Great grandfather, Thomas Boyd lived in the County Antram, Ireland. His wife

V13 Page 178

was Jane Hillis. He had three sons, Robert, William & John & two sisters (she certainly means daughters).

William, my grandfather, emigrated to America when he was 20 yrs old & settled near Winchester, Va. He married Ann Jack daughter of Jeremiah Jack (it should be John) & lived near Mill Creek, Berkeley Co, Va. Grandfather moved near to Pennsville, Fayette Co, Pa had nine children. Thomas, John, Robert, Sarah, (Nancy died young) Mary, William, James & Jeremiah. (I think she has named them here in the order of their births which is proven so far as the dates so far gotten show, see book 12 p 66 & 67.)

Thomas lived on the home farm. He married Nancy Rice. Had eight children, William, John, Eliza, Thomas, Ann, Randolph, Rice & Richard, who now (1905) lives on the old Boyd homestead.

Robert married Rebecka Work, had nine children, Samuel W., Nancy, Mary, Eliza, William, Joseph, Robert, Thomas & Dempsey. Robert was Associate Judge at Uniontown, Pa for a number of years.

Sarah married Stuart Whitehill of Little York, Pa, had six children, Nancy, John Eliza, Stewart, William & Sarah.

Mary married Joseph Barnett had four children Clarissa, William, Hamilton, & Joseph. Uncle Barnett died in Pittsburgh, Pa with cholera 1832.

William married Dr Stevens daughter

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Elizabeth & had nine children, eight sons. He moved to Circleville, O in the year 1841.

James married Fanny Long & had twelve children: Alexander, Mary Ann, George, Martha, Robert, Elizabeth, Thomas, Sarah, Fanney, Henry, Isabella & Caroline.

Uncle James died in his 50th yr. Aunt Fanny died 80 yrs old

Jeremiah married Elizabeth Long had seven children James, Hamilton, Isabella L., George Washington, Albert G., Elizabeth & Mary.

Great grandfather Thomas Boyd had several brothers, three of whom came to America, settled at Boston, Mass one was a Major in the War of 1812. The Boyds were known for their strong voices. All were tall.

Grandfather Boyd's brother, Robert, came to America five years after he died. Settled at Winchester, Va. He married Hester McConnel of Mill Creek, Va. They had six children Abram, John, James, Mary, William Hester, Abram never married, John married, had eight children. Jane (evidently should be Jane instead of James above) married James Jackney had several children, lived at Greensburg? Frederick Co, Va. Mary married James McQuerter, had one son.

Hester married James Kidd had several children, lived on Patterson Creek, Va.

This grand Uncle Robert & his wife lived to advanced age on a farm called "Bobs Marsh" near Winchester, Va. His

V13 Page 180

brother, John died in Ireland, had a family.

Grandfather's sister married a man by the name of Hogsett. One of her sons, James came to this Country settled in Fayette Co, Pa & married Phoebe Jackson (Robert Hogsett was their son)

Grandmother Boyd's name was Ann Jack. Her father was one of the first settlers on the Potomac River. Her father John Jack was killed by the Indians on Apr 13, 1757. At that time, his father, Jeremiah was taken prisoner & remained with them 8 or 9 yrs. Grandmother was born 6 mos after her father was killed. She had two brothers & one sister. her brother Jeremiah born Nov 18, 1750 married in Va & moved to near Knoxville, Tenn, had a large family. He lived to between 80 & 90. Her brother John lived near Martinsburg, Va married late in life, had no children. Her sister Catherine married Mr Rose. They moved to Greene Co, Pa.

Grandmother's mother married the second time to George Paull & had two children by him:

William Paull born Feby 6, 1764

George Paull born July 2, 1766

They lived near Connellsville, Fay Co, Pa

Below is the letter to Mrs Gaskill enclosing above records.

"June 5, 1905?

My Dear Cousin:

V13 Page 181

I have been wanting to copy & send you Boyd family history. I do not think it very complete, as there are so few dates. This is just as I copied it from Uncle Robert's in 1858. When brother "Wash" was here. He was telling me of meeting in Nashville, Tenn a "Jack". He said he has a full history of the Jack family. He said one of the family had helped to frame the Constitution. "Wash" was to get it for me, so if I ever do it will be quite an addition to the history of our forefathers.

I tell you "Harriet" what I have written from year to year commenced in 1852 with incidents that happen in ,my own family or any of my relatives I hear of. It is so interesting for their [sic] is much that happens we forget & it is nice to refer to. We have had a pleasant spring & we are enjoying all the beauties of the country. It is about thirty four (or 32) years since I was at your home near Brownsville, how pretty it was. I enjoy the country. I wish you could come & see us. If I ever get to Pittsburgh I will come & see you.

With love, your

Cousin Mary"

They record of Samuel Work's family copied below is in the handwriting of Judge Robt Boyd as is all of his own record from which I am making up the table.

V13 Page 182

Ages of Samuel Work's family

Samuel Work Senior born July 17, 1749

Mary Work formerly Dunlap wife of Samuel Work born Aug 1, 1753.

Their children:

Samuel Work Jr born July 17, 1775

Mary Work born Nov 27, 1780

Rebekah Work born May 5, 1785

Joseph Work born May 6, 1783 not in place

John Work born Oct 31, 1787

Sarah Work born Aug 13, 1791

I am going to return these papers, eleven in all to Mrs Hagan on Monday may 18, 1925. There were two newspaper clippings I am also loaning her Mary Boyd Pugh's diary records & "The Cropper" a small book of poems by Frank Boyd of Tenn.

V13 Page 183 [blank]

V13 Page 184 & V13 Page 184

[descendant Chart]

Jeremiah Jack born Dec 1, 1709 see Anjou Hist page 127 emigrated to Berkeley Co, Va. ob say in 1785 as his will was probated Aug 16, 1785 in Berkeley Co, Va at Martinsburg, now WVA. On Apr 13, 1757, he was taken prisoner by the Indians & continued with them 8 or 9 years. He was of the first settlers on the Potomac River where they were then forters.


John Jack, Born _____, Killed by the Indians Apr 13, 1757 married Sarah Shearer who was born June 11, 1729. After the elapse of 5 or 6 yrs from her husband's death, she married George Paull by whom she had two children listed below & they lived near Connellsville, Pa, he coming from Va in 1768. See Nelson Hist Fay Co, Page 455.

Jeremiah Jack, B Nov 18, 1750 ob aged 80 to 90 yrs. M. in Va. Went to near Knoxville, Tenn. See pages 286 to 305.

John Jack, B Dec 14, 1752 ob. M.. No issue. Lived near Martinsburg, Va.

Catharine Jack, B Dec 14, 1754 m. Rose moved to Greene Co, Pa

Ann Jack, Born Oct 9, 1757 5 mos & 25 days after her father was killed. Died Oct 8, 1797 aged 40 yrs & 1 day. This is all written by Judge Boyd but there is in each a day or two's discrepancies. either this or date of birth of her youngest son, book 12 p 67 is wrong & I suppose the date of his birth is wrong & she evidently due from effects of his birth. She married about 1776 William Boyd from Co Antrim, Ireland, son of Thomas Boyd & his wife Jane Hilles who was born abt 1752. Came to America abt 1772 & died Feby 28, 1812 in Bullskin Tp, Fay Co, Pa & is buried on his farm there. See book 12 p 213 item 15. This date of his death & of hers is no doubt correct & the dates on the tombstones are wrong. Their first two & possibly 3rd child were born in Va & the other six (or seven) in Bullskin Tp, Fay Co, Pa. See book 12 pages 66 & 67. Robert was born in Va. See book 5 p 359.

Robert Boyd, 3rd child born Dec 10, 1782 died Feby 6, 1856, married Sept 11, 1806 by Rev James Guthrie to Rebekah Work who was born May 5, 1785 & died Sept 5, 1847 aged 62 yrs 4 mos. She was daughter of Samuel Work & his wife Mary Dunlap see page 182. They had nine children all born in Fayette Co, Pa.

Samuel Work Boyd, Born Aug 16, 1807 ob Dec 12, 1886 m.1. Mch 18, 1834 to Eliza Jane Power born Mch 18, 1u813 & died Jany 27, 1835 dau of Dr James Power & wife Susanna Torrence, mar by Rev James Guthrie. m.2. Sept 12, 1837 by Rev Noah H. Gillette to Sarah Patton born Oct 2, 1817 & died Oct 8, 1902 aged 85 yrs & 6 days dau of Thomas Patton & his wife, Ann Harris. There were 4 children to the second wife born in New Salem, Pa at the old mill. He was Shff of Fayette Co, Pa from Nov 1856 to 1859 & fr 1865 to 1868.

James Boyd, B Jany 23, 1840 ob Aug 16, 1878 married see page 318 & 2

Eliza Jane Boyd, B July 1, 1841 ob Dec 6, 1845 buried at Dunlap Cem.

Thomas Patton Boyd, B Jany 29, 1843 ob Apr 4,

Harriet Ann Boyd, lives 2014 Sarah St, S.S. Pgh, Pa B. April 6, 1847. M. Apr 12, 1876 in Luzeme Tp, Fay Co, Pa by Rev J.P. Fulton, Pres to David A. Gaskill born Apr 20, 1845 in Belle Vernon, Pa son of Abraham Gaskill & wife Sarah Jones. No issue.

Nancy Boyd [dau of Judge Robert Boyd] B Dec 15, 1808 ob July 30, 1855 m. Jany 31, 1828 by Rev Wm Johnston to Caleb Antram born Sept 9, 1805 ob Nov 2, 1892 son of Caleb Angram & wife Martha. see book 5 p 358 & this book p 8 to 13.

Mary Boyd, B Apr 13, 1810 ob, m. Nov 27, 1828 by Rev Wm Johnston to Davis Woodward

Eliza Boyd, B Sept 1, 1814 ob Jany 1908 m. Dec 19, 1839 by Rev Wm Johnston to Hugh Wilson see book 5 p 354, 355 & 358.

William Boyd, B Dec 28, 1816 ob. m. Mch 13, 1845 by Rev Samuel Wilson to Jane Burgess.

Joseph Boyd, B Sept 17, 1818 ob, m.1. Oct 13, 1842 by Rev Joel Stoneroad to Elvira McMillen see book 5 page 359.

Robert Boyd Jr, B July 27, 1820 ob M. Apr 1850 by Rev Dr A.G. Fairchild to Jane Eliza Beeson.

Thomas Jefferson Boyd, B Mch 25, 1822 ob May 18, 1826 at 2 AM aged 4 yrs 1 mo & 13 (23) days

John Dempsy Boyd, B Feby 12, 1824 ob July 15, 1850 at 2 AM aged 26 yrs 4 (5) most & 3 days. He was unmarried.

James Jack [son of Jeremiah Sr] died 1796 in Berkeley Co, VA

Elizabeth Jack m. Elisha Peairs. Both buried at Laurel Hill, Fayette Co, Pa. Left 12 children all of whom had issue.

Ann Jack, ob. named in will.

V13 Page 186

Oak Hill, May 17, 1925 4:52 PM

The family record of John Swan of Greene Co, Pa loaned me by Sallie A. Campbell about first of Jany last gives:

James Seaton Collier born Aug 1, 1849 & married Cornelia Brown Aug 8, 1871. He was son of Daniel Collier & his wife Susannah Seaton. See under number 129.

V13 Page 187

[descendant chart]



John S. Davison, see page 188 B. Sept 3, 1824 ob July 2, 1868.

John Roberts Davison II, B Sept 25, 1856 ob July 2, 1868, unmarried.

Neville Craig, B Jany 3, 1860 m. Jany 1908 to Jessie Boardman. Have 3 children.

Mary Louise, B Feby 9, 1909

Neville Craig II, B May 5, 1910

Ellen Rill, B July 12, 1914

Frederick Finley, B June 11, 1862 m. Apr 23, 1891 to Mamie Johnson Have 2 children.

Annie Craig, B Apr 29, 1893 m. Sept 4, 1914 to J. Frank McClurg [McClung?]. One child

Annie Craig, B May 4, 1916

Sarah Shuman, B Nov, 1896 m. Dec 25, 1919 to Carleton Penn

Mary Louise, B Apr 6, 1864 ob Mch 24, 1908 m. Nov 9, 1893 to Robt R. Reed. No issue.

Julia Davison see page 189 B Apr 16, 1839 ob Oct 28, 1894

Robert Davison Burnham, B Feby 19, 1872 ob Mch 31, 1920 m. Dec 4, 1895 to Mae Wilcox dau of Dr Sidney Wilcox & wife.

Robt Davison II, B Sept 14, 1896, single

Sidney Wilcox B Aug 23, 1898 m. Sept 1, 1921 to Arlene Weis dau of Alvin Wm Dennis Weis & wife Mary Birdsell. Have 3 children born at Dayton, O

Joan Mae, B July 12, 1921

Sidney Wilcox [twin] B Mch 7, 1925

Wm Dennis, [twin] B Mch 7, 1925

Albert Calvin III, B Oct 1, 1900 ob May 3, 1923, unmarried.

Mary Bruce Burnham, B June 29, 1873 ob Jany 10, 1921 m. Nov 17, 1897 at Champaign, Ills to Newton M. Harris B June 1873 at Champaign, Ills son of Henry H. Harris & wife Mallisa. Have 3 children born at Champaign, Ills

Burnham Bruce, B Nov 21, 1900 m. Sept 1, 1925 Clara Louise Otis Born Sept 5, 1904 in St Paul, Minn dau of Quinn Joseph Otis & wife Laura Delplaine Cook.

Bruce Burnham Harris II, B Nov 9, 1927

Barbara Burnham, B Apr 24, 1903 m. May 11, 1922 Ray Franklin Dobbins son of O.B. Dobbins & wife of Champaign, Ills

Mary Julie Harris, B Apr 30, 1905.

V13 Page 188 & V13 Page 189

[descendant chart]

John Finley born Balchrystine June 8, 1579 see Anjou Hist page 27 obit before Oct 6, 1670 m. Oct 3, 1630 Sarah, dau of Robert Cragie


James Finley, Born Sept 9, 1631 m. 1658 Barbara Henderson. No issue. m.2. in 1668 & had 2 sons.

Alexander, Born 1669

James Finley, B 1670 a farmer of Keppoch

A son

James Finley, B near Glasgow Nov 18, 1735 m. Agnes. He was a weaver, came to America in 1763 on invitation of Dr Witherspoon & died at Basking Ridge NJ Oct 5, 1808 in his 73d yr. He had been inspector of the yarn factories in Glasgow, Scotland.

Robert Finley, born Feby 15, 1772 at Princeton, NJ, Graduated at Princeton 1788. He was pastor of the Pres Ch at Basking Ridge NJ for 21 yrs. died at Athens, Georgia Nov 3, 1817 where he was President of the University of Georgia. M. May 16, 1798 Esther Flynt Caldwell born Oct 26, 1772 & died Sept 22, 1844 at Lebanon, Ill. See Ogden genealogy page 95, 162 & 163. See also History of his life which I have, see also Ogden Chart No 15. They had 9 children probably all born at Basking Ridge, NJ & listed below & for names of next generation see chart 15. She was dau of Rev James Caldwell & his wife Hannah Ogden..

Mary Louise Ogden Finley, B Apr 13, 1799 ob 1863 Oct 16, m. Mch 26, 1817 John Robt Davison. Had 16 children. She died Oct 16, 1863. He was born Sept 26, 1794 & died Apr 15, 1863 son of Peter Davison & wife Phoebe Roberts.

Robert Finley Davison, B Apr 18, 1818 ob Aug 28, 1840, unmarried.

Anna Maria, B Aug 18, 1819 ob Nov 29, 1873 unmarried.

Helen Camek B May 11, 1821 ob Aug 31, 1822

Harriet Finley, B June 6, 1822 ob Apr 14, 1844, unmarried.

John S., B Sept 3, 1824 ob July 2, 1868 m. May 1, 1855 at Pgh, Annie Neville Craig dau of Neville Craig or Pgh, Pa. See preceding page no 187.

James Finley, B Dec 24, 1825 ob Jany 12, 1850 unmarried.

William, B Mch, 21, 1827 ob Sept 8, 1831

Mary B Sept 19, 1828 ob May 29, 1849 unmarried.

Frederick Josiah, B Nov 25, 1829 ob Mch 31, 1836

George Sutton, B July 10, 1831 ob Mch 16, 1836

Alfred Hennen, B Nov 27, 1832 ob Nov 26, 1862 see page 227 m. Aug 25, 1859 to Elvira Ousley dau of Harry Hawkins Ousley & wife Mary Finley

Esther Finley, B Aug 21, 1834 ob Nov 25, 1838

Edward Payson, B Dec 18, 1835 ob Aug 15, 1853 unmarried.

Julia Elizabeth, B Nov 2, 1837 ob Dec 3, 1838

Robert Finley Davison, B Aug 21, 1841 in Newark, NJ ob July 25, 1872 in Champaign, Ills m. May 23, 1866 Margaret Johnson B May 20, 1845 in Pgh, Pa ob June 5, 1889 at St Edward, Neb. dau of Henry Hunter Johnson & wife Anna Margaret Matthews.

Anna J. Davison, B June 5, 1869 at Leyden Center, Ills m. June 2, 1892 Dr Orville H. Flory born Aug 27, 1869 at South Bend, Ind son of William Flory & wife Mary Sturgis. Have 2 children born St Edward, Neb where they live & she is my informant.

Robert Davison Flory, born June 26, 1893 m. Aug 27, 1917 Elva Lehr born May 23, 1892 at Elgin, Neb dau of Wm Lehr & wife Marie Nesbit. Have 3 children, the twins born at St Edward, Neb & Wm H. at Albion, Neb.

Robert Lehr, B July 19, 1918 [twin]

Jean [twin] B July 19 1918

William Henry B Dec 22, 1921

Donald William Flory, B July 15, 1898, unmarried.

Helen Smith Finley [dau of Robert Finley 1772] B Dec 11, 1800 ob Aug 6, 1874 Athens, Ga m. Aug 9, 1u820 Prof James Camak. Had 5 children. He born Feby 1, 1795 ob June 16, 1847. He was boundary Com for State of Ga & 1st Pres of Ga RR, the 1st Rr in Ga. see page 190.

James Caldwell Finley, B Oct 10, 1802 ob July 27, 1885 m. Feby 24, 1831 Margaret G. Smith B July 21, 1809 ob Aug 1881. Had 8 children. He died at Jacksonville, Ills.

Robert Smith Finley, B May 9, 1804 ob July 2, 1860 m. Julia Robbins of Ky. NO children mentioned.

Rev Josiah Caldwell Finley, B Nov 28, 1805 ob Abt 1839 in Africa (unmarried) where he was a missionary & was killed & eaten by cannibals.

Anna Morford Finley, B Feby 15, 1807 ob Sept 1844 at Lebanon, Ills unmarried

John Caldwell Finley, B July 12, 1809 ob Nov 13, 1835 at Pine Grove, La m. Eliza Fox & had one child.

Mary Anna Finley, B Nov 21, 1835 ob Apr 4, 1913 unmarried at Champaign, Ills Mrs Brown's letter Jany 1912.

Susan Bradford Finley, B July 7, 1812 ob June 6, 1866 at Jacksonville, Ill m. Jany 1, 1835 Hon Wm Brown who died May 6, 1871 at Jacksonville, Ills. Had 10 children.

Hannah Smith Finley, B Dec 6, 1813 ob Jany 4, 1892 m. Jany 5, 1847 Rev Geo B. McKinley of Champaign, Ills. Had 4 children. He was pastor of the First Pres Ch of Champaign, Ills fr 1858 to 1869 see page 191.

Robert Finley, [son of John Finley b 1579] B May 4, 1634 m. Margaret Lander.

Robert, B May 9, 1681

Michael Finley, B May 7, 1683 m. Annie O'Neill

Martha Finley, B Jany 2, 1722 m. Thomas Thompson, our line.

Samuel, B Mch 18, 1684.

V13 Page 190

[descendant chart]

Helen Smith Finley Born Dec 11, 1800 ob Aug 6, 1874 see page 188 her husband Prof James Camak was a Prof in the University of Georgia at Athens, Ga & his Georgia RR was the 3d in the U.S. They had 5 children.


Dr James Camak M.D., B Dec 7, 1822 ob Aug 13, 1893 m. Nov 10, 1869 to Mary Wellborn. Have 2 children. He was medical director of Georgia during Civil War. Had one child.

James W. Camak, B Jany 24, 1872, M. June 28, 1911 to Josephine Smith, died Dec 30, 1915, granddaughter of Gen Gabriel Rains Con State army & descendant of Genl John Xavier. Had one child.

James de Xavier Camak b June 22, 1913


Robert, ob

Thomas Camak, B Sept 15, 1829 ob July 2, 1863 was Col in Civil War & was killed in Pickett's charge at Gettysburgh Pa m. May 10, 1855 to Laura Ragland & died Aug 15, 1873. Had one child

Annie T. Camak, B. Mch 31, 1863 ob Apr 30, 1890, unmarried.

Mary, ob

Margaret Ann, B Aug 10, 1836, ob Jany 2, 1916 unmarried.

V13 Page 191

[descendant chart]

Hannah Smith Finley See page 189 born Dec 6, 1813 ob Jany 4, 1892 m. Jany 5, 1847 Rev Geo B. McKinley B Dec 18, 1814 at Chillicothe, O ob May 5, 1887 at Champaign, Ills. Had 4 children 1st one born at Petersburg, Ills.


1. Mary Esther, B Aug 25, 1848 m. Ross Mattis born in Phila, Pa May 4, 18--. Have 4 children.

Geo McKinley B Apr 17, 1878 m. Oct 16, 1909 Elsie Curtis B July 3, 1883, dau Wm E. Curtis

Mollie McKinley, B Oct 9, 1910

Elsie Curtis, B July 4, 1914

Julia R. B Nov 7, 1879 m. Alan MacDonald

Ida Levering, B July 6, 1886, M. Oct 23, 1912 Stanley D. Snider 1882 ob Oct 8, 1924

Mary, B Apr 25, 1915

David, B Oct 25, 1916

Mary K. B Jany 9, 1889 m. Oct 7, 1913 James Camp Julia R., B. Oct 11, 1916

James, B Mch 10, 1918

Ross Mattis, B June 6, 1921

4. William Brown McKinley died Dec 7, 1926 & was buried Dec 10, 1926 in Mt Hope Cem, Champaign, Ills. He had recently retired or perhaps was still in office as U.S. senator from Illinois. He was buried from the church of which his father had been pastor. He was a Trustee & benefactor of Blackburn College, Carlinville, Ills whose Pres our Rev Dr Wm M. Hudson preached the funeral sermon emphasizing his character as a very plain & liberal man. He gave the Univ of Ills at Champaign where had gone to school, the hospital, & athletic grounds. He also built the Geo McKinley memorial church (Pres) as a memorial to his father Rev J. Walter Malone pastor. Said that 2 yrs ago he promised to give $200,000, toward a social & religious center for the students. He was the prime mover in installing the traction line at his hometowns & in building the McKinley Bridge across the Mississippi at ST Louis, Mo & Chicago, Light Co. His parents were pious religious people. M. Kate W. Fisher.

2. Thomas McKinley, ob June 19, 1927 m. Annie Noble.

Mary L. ob 1925

William J.

3. Helen Camak, ob unmarried.

V13 Page 192

Residence of Thomas Franklin Carothers, Steele Creek Tp, Mecklenburgh Co, North Carolina (P.O. Pineville RFD 15 N.C.) May 20, 1925 4:52 PM

Miss Clara Adaline Carothers, sister of Thos F. & her mother Mary Adelaide Carothers, widow of Samuel Adolphus Carothers are giving me the following information. I am putting it partly in a genealogical table commencing on page 196. Rev Washington W. Carothers, an Independent Pres, was some relation but don't know what. He went to Alabama where he died. His widow is living. He had sons William, John, Milton, Russell & Saddler & one daughter, Mary, who married a Wilson, is now a widow & living in Ala. The son William who died 2 or 3 yrs ago was married twice, had two children, but died 2 or 3 yrs ago. The son John is dead, but thinks Sadler [sic] & Russell are living about there. Rev W.W> was older than my informant. See Campbell-Pilcher History Pages 374 & 376. She doesn't know anything about Rev War service of any.

Frank Carothers children by Margaret Harris were

1. Samuel Adolphus

2. Alice, d.y. unmarried.

His children by Martha Ann Garrison were:

3. Thomas Randolph. He married an Erwin

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a 2d cousin of my informant. He was a doctor & lived at Rockhill, S.C. where he died a year or two ago & left seven children of whom two boys & two girls live at the old home.

4. John, died young,

5. Hope, a little girl, d.y.

The Thompson bible was printed in Phila by M. Carey in 1815 & the record is as follows:

John Thompson was born Mch 24, 1774

Synthea Thompson was born Apr 5, 1797

Sarah Lovinda Thompson was born Apr 1, 1827

John L. Thompson was born June 25, 1829

Cyntha [sic] Elizabeth Thompson was born Jany 16, 1832

Mary Isabella Harris was born Nov 28, 1834

E.G. Thompson was born Oct 16, 1812

Leaving 6:36 PM

11:40 PM May 21st.

I was hurried very much yesterday afternoon. The farm they live on was that of Mrs Carothers' father. Mrs Carothers is a large fleshy woman with fine kindly congenial face & was very kind. She was stemming a big circular pan full of wild strawberries all the time I was there. Her daughter Clara Adaline is an active quick, agile woman, with pleasant face, is medium height & weight.

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[descendant chart]

Robert Caruthers, born Dec 13, 1827 see page 281.


Robert Caruthers Jr, B Oct 4, 1854 ob Dec 31, 1906 m. Oct 4, 1882 to "Mittie" proper name, Martha Judith Moody, born June 4, 1856 at Johnsons Grove, Tenn dau of Henry Shelton Moody & wife Elizabeth Minor Noel.

2. Bettie Caruthers, B Dec 28, 1884 at Nashville, Tenn. Lives 3113 Ave L Polytechnic, Texas. Writing Apr 8, 1926. She gave me her parents' record in her letter of Apr 17, 1926 & wants a book.

3. William Moody, B Nov 10, 1887 at Johnsons Grove, Tenn Now at Route 2 box 61 Burleson, Texas. M. Sept 10, 1915 to Vera Harrison born June 26, 1895 dau of E.L. Harrison & wife Mamie Elizabeth McQuson. Have 3 children born oldest born RD3 Ft Worth, Texas & other two R.D. 2 Burleson, Texas.

Martha Jeane, B July 19, 1916

Moody Caruthers Jr, B Dec 29, 1920 ob Dec 30, 1920

Dorris Vera, B Dec 26, 1921

1. Robert Caruthers, B July 1, 1883 ob July 26, 1883 both at

Johnson Grove, Tenn.

Ernest Brown Caruthers, B May 17, 1858 ob Jany 14, 1861

Sarah Emma Caruthers, B Mch 15, 1860. Always called "Ladie". m. Jany 7, 1880 to William Houston Simonton see p. 281, son of William Simonton & wife Elizabeth Jane Allen. No issue. She is living at 750 S. Judson ST, Fort Scott, Kansas.

Mary Elizabeth Caruthers "Bessie", Born June 2, 1862 ob Sept 16, 1916 so Ladie Simonton writes Feby 22, 1926. Miss Mary H. Myers wrote saying 13th see page 281. m.1. Oct 24, 1881 to Wm Giles Harding. m.2. Sept 24, 1894 to Amos W. Newson born Nov 6, 1862 at Lowell, Michigan, son of James Isaac Newson, a native of England & wife Hannah Elizabeth Winks. She had five children, all born in Nashville, Tenn.

Kitty Caruthers Harding, B June 28, 1884

Bessie Caruthers Harding, B Apr 25, 1890

Ladie (Birdie) Harding, B May 25, 1892

Myrtle Vaughn Newson, B May 20, 1898 m. to John Michael Broderick at New Orleans, La. No issue.

Amos Caruthers Newson, B June 3, 1900. Living at Nashville, Tenn, unmarried.

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[descendant chart]



James Carothers, came from Pennsylvania to York Co, South Carolina. He died there when Mrs Carothers, my informant was young probably when she was aged 5 to 7 yrs. He was an old man as she remembers seeing him. He belonged to Ebenezer Pres Ch near Rockhill, York Co, S.C. & is buried there & has a tombstone. He was an elder in the Church. His wife's name was Margaret Neely. She was raised in Mecklenburg Co, N.C. & he married her here. She don't know the name of James' father.

Samuel, oldest, went to Austin, Tex & died there but his children are abt there yet.

Nancy Adaline, next after Samuel born Sept 30, 1812 in York Co, S.C. near Rockhill. She died Mch 30, 1889 & is buried at Pleasant Hill Pres Ch a mile below here. m.1. Elisha G. Thompson Oct 6, 1836. He died Oct 14, 1844. m.2. Arthur Randolph Erwin Dec 9, 1847. He died July 29, 1867 aged 61 yrs 2 mos 1 day.

Margaret Frances, B Dec 2, 1837 ob Jany 11, 1845

James Thomas, B Dec 15, 1839 ob Jany 18, 1845

Mary Elizabeth, B Jany 4, 1842 ob Jany 25, 1845

The babe, daughter, B May 1844 ob Jany 16, 1845.

All four [above] died of scarlet fever.

Mary Adelaide Erwin, B Sept 23, 1848 m. Nov 14, 1872 right here on this place, by Rev Robt English Cooper to Samuel Adolphus Carothers, who was born Sept 28, 1848 & died Mch 20, 1890 of some inward trouble. He was an Elder in the Pleasant Hill Pres Church. This was her father's farm. Have had 8 children, all born here.

Randolph Erwin, B Nov 21, 1874 ob Mch 8, 1925 m. Lily Moore Erwin abt 2d cousin & has 5 children living at Fort Mill, S.C.

Lee Erwin

Randolph Erwin Jr

Thomas Frank

Claroline [sic]

Evelyn Alexander

Thomas Frank, B Apr 2, 1876 unmarried & lives here, a farmer.

Eddie, B Jany 28, 1878 ob Feby 14, 1879

Mary Harris, B Jany 27, 1880 ob June 17, 1906 unmarried

John McLean, B Aug 29, 1881 m. Lorie Downs & is living Pineville, N.C., merchant. No issue.

Clarence Clyde, B. Jany 28, 1883 m. Essie Pendergraph. Lives in this Tp, a farmer. No issue.

Harold Robinson, B Feby 3, 1886 ob May 24, 1887

Clara Adaline, B Sept 24, 1887 at home unmarried & my joint informant.

Maria Cornelia, [dau of Nancy Adaline Carothers] B Feby 18, 1850 ob Sept 20, 1862

Frank, [son of James Carothers]. He died in 1891 m.1. Margaret Harris & had 2 children. M.2. Martha Ann Garrison, sister of Rebecca & had 3 children see pages 192 & 193.

William, went to Austin, Tex. Had a son Frank. Thinks about Austin.

Martha, M. Frank Harris & lived in York Co, S.C.

Margaret, m. Star Neely. Lived up the road between here & Charlotte, N.C. Children all dead, but two grandchildren, John & Star Stacy live at Clover, S.C.

Thomas, next to John m.1. Jane Potts m.1. Rebecca Garrison. He lived with his father when he died & thinks wd have gotten his father's bible. His widow lives across the Catawba River in S.C. near Rockhill, lives with her sister Miss "Coodie" Garrison. Rebecca is abt 12 yrs younger than my informant. He had 7 or 8 children by 1st wife, none by 2d.

Walter, dead

William, dead

Samuel, lives Sumpter, S.C.

Robert, living

Martha, m. Chas Graham. Lives near Charlotte, N.C. Lives on Park Road.

Margaret, m. Alfred Beech. Lives in N.C. mountains

Mary Thomas, m. Klingman Martin & live near Charlotte, N.C.

Bennie, a girl, died unm.

John, youngest, killed in Civil War unm, Confederate. A son [son of original Carothers & brother of James]

Samuel Carothers, lived in S.C. near Rockhill. M. Mary Jane McFadden, both buried at Ebenezer Pres Ch of which he was a member & have tombstones.

Martha Carothers, only child, m. Ratoree & thinks they are dead.

Thirza, m Peter Garrison a cousin (but not 1st) of Rebecca. She knew her. He was an Elder in Ebenezer Ch & both buried there & have tombstones. No issue.

Polly, not bright, Thinks married a John K. Carothers a trifling fellow, son of David Carothers who was some kin. No issue. Lived below here in N.C.

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Transcribed commencing May 22, 12:01 AM

Hotel Charlotte, Charlotte, N.C. Room 406 May 20, 1925 12:30 PM

We, that is A.G. Flenniken & myself, attended the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence Sesquicentennial at the Park this morning & heard speeches by U.S. Senator Lee S. Overman, Hon Hoke Smith, Congressman Jeremiah O'Donnell of Rhode Island & others. A man offered to crowd us in his auto & bring us in town & upon questioning him, found he was Mr Henderson of the Charlotte Bar & he introduced me to Judge Lane of the Superior Court, one of the occupants of the car, who told me of one of his Co-members on the Bench Judge Thomas B. Finley of Wilkesboro, Wilkes Co, N.C. adjoining Ashe Co which adjoins the Tennessee line which he sd was near 200 miles from here & where he says the Finleys have been located for over 100 yrs & where the Judge who is wealthy owns 17000 A of land & to whom I must write & eventually go & see.

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Court House Charlotte, N.C. office of clerk of Superior Courts May 21, 1925 9 AM

Will Book D Page 93

Will of Patrick Jack gives to beloved wife whole of personal estate & also house & lots for life & after her death to be sold & divided among five daughters:

Mary Alexander

Margaret Wilson

Charity Dysart

Jane Barnett

& Lylly Nicholson & grandson Patrick Jack.

Appoints James Jack & Joseph Nicholson Exrs. Dated May 19, 1780. Patrick Jack (seal) Witnesses John Newton, Daniel McDugald, Joseph Wishlaid.

Will book C Page 79

Will of James Finley of Mecklenburg Co.

Imprimis to son William a part of land abt 50 A.

2d to my son-in-law, Thomas White 100 A

3d to my daughter Jennet, remainder of tract & 40 acres adjoining.

As to my son Charles & my daughter Martha, wife to Daniel Robertson, having given them formerly, I make no further provision for them. Also leaves Jennet all my stock of horses, cattle & hogs, plantaion tools

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& farming utensils she paying out to my sons, James, John & George $1 each if they come for it within 12 mos & to my daughter, wife of William Chaple $1 & to my former son-in-law Henry Hergett $1 & lastly appoints daughter Jennet sole Exrs. Dated Jany 16, 1806 James Finley (seal) Witnesses; William Doster, Samuel Gordon & John McCorckle.

Will Book A page 207

Will of Hugh Carothers

He states that being in a low state of health, he makes will & gives to wife, but does not name her, certain property & goes on to say that his sons John & Robert & Flather Ross & Sarah Penmenec? all being married & I having given them what I allow them viz my two sons & two daughters aforesaid now allows one crown sterling. I now give to my son James the land I now live on, he to give his brother Hugh right to a certain tract, saying that Hugh married contrary to his will. Appoints wife Sarah & son James Exrs.

Dated July 21, 1783 Hugh Carothers (seal)

Attest: Peter Burns, Robert Campbell, Wm Scott

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Will Book A page 208

Will of Sarah Carothers recites she is now of the Co of Mecklenburg & is weak in body.

1st to my beloved son Robert, one English crown out of my personal estate.

2. to my beloved son James $12.50 out of my personal estate

3. to my beloved son-in-law Samuel Sloan & my daughter Margaret Sloan $2 & 1/2 my wearing apparel.

4. to my beloved son John Carothers $12.50

5. to my beloved son William Carothers $3.

6. to my beloved son Andrew Carothers $10

7. to my beloved son Samuel Carothers $10

8. to my beloved son Archibald Carothers, his prom. note for £7.48

9. to my beloved son by law Absalom McDoward & my daughter Isabella $10 & half of my wearing apparel my bed & furniture

10. to my beloved son-in-law Samuel Neely one Eng crown

11. to my two beloved grandsons, John & Samuel Neely $10

12. to my beloved grandson Eyehich Neely my bible & $5

13. to my beloved granddaughter Mary Carothers, my spinning wheel

14. to my beloved granddaughter Mary Vena Carothers my saddle

15. to my beloved grandson James Carothers, my hat.

Appoints son James Carothers & son-in-law Samuel Neely Exrs. Dated Apr 21, 1798 Sarah Carothers (seal) Witness John Neely, Donald Macinnish. See Egle's Notes & Queries for 1900 P 69 for will of her husband John.

Will Book E Page 175

Will of John Carothers

I, John Carothers of Mecklenburg Co Give:

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2. To my son James Sample Carothers a part of the tract I now live on ctg abt 46 A.

3. to my daughter Elizabeth Neely negro girl Sarah

4. to my daughter Jemima McKee negro girl Jude

5. to my daughter Esther Ratchford negro girl Phillis

6. to daughters of my decd daughter Mary Whitesides girl Violet

7. to my son William tract of land where I now live (except part willed above) & negro boy Paris etc.

8. to my grandson John Neely, a 2 yr old sorrell filley [sic]

9. to my daughter Elizabeth Neely for her care & services in my old age $50 over & above etc.

10. to my children, my books equally.

11. to my son Ezekiel Carothers $100 who he directed to sell his slaves & certain amts to be distributed among my other children viz John Carothers, David Carothers, J.S. Carothers, William Carothers, Elizabeth Neely, Jemima McKee, Esther Ratchford, & children of my daughter Mary Whiteside.

Appoints son James S. Carothers sole Exr Dated June 16, 1835 John Carothers (seal) Attest Alex Grier, James Mason, James Warren.

Left this morning at 9:44 AM & went back in afternoon & copied wills of Sarah & John Carothers & left at 2:33 PM

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At residence of Dr Annie L. Alexander No 410? N. Tryon St, Charlotte, N.C. May 21, 1925 10:10 AM

Dr (Miss) Alexander recd us at the gate & took us in where we met her niece, Lottie Alexander, a small bright little girl now Mrs Pendleton daughter of the doctor's brother Robert Alexander & later introduced us to Mrs Emma Hodge, a life long friend & a most beautiful, attractive woman, who told A.S.F. that her maiden name was Patterson & she had first married & had two sons & had married a second husband who too, I think is dead.

Dr Alexander showed us the Patrick Jack family tree she had made & after some hesitation, she allowed me to bring it with me & for which I gave her my receipt & I agreed to return it with a blue print which I will have Clarence Flennikin make as his father A.S. spoke so highly of the excellent work he does as a draughtsman. She said she made it from a tree given her by Mrs John Van Landingham, widow of No 500 East Ave, both being descendants of Mary, the daughter of Patrick Jack who married Robert Alexander. She related a remarkable ghost story about "Creepy Bob" Alexander saying that one of Robert's ancestors in Scotland also named Robert was

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very tall 6 1/2 to 7 ft when he died, a coffin was made for him & when they came to put him in, he was too long for the coffin & they were in a quandary, as they had not time to make another, so they cut the lower ends of his legs off & laid them in the coffin & to show his resentment of this, they attribute his appearing as a ghost on his stumps on many occasions at gatherings which became so annoying that they came to America to escape the ghost, but it appeared here all the same & all the Roberts were short men, including Lottie's father.

She showed me two books written by her father, John Brevard Alexander & a sketch of the Pres Churches of North Carolina prepared by him 15 yrs ago for the Jamestown, Va Exposition all of which I bought.

She also spoke of one of her cousins, Sam Robinson also a descendants of Mary Jack Alexander who when taking a stage coach here, before the war the father of a little 12 yr old girl, who he was sending to Mississippi, put in his care for the journey & when delivering her there, she gave him a little tintype of herself which he put in his vest pocket. Years after, when he was leaving home for the Confederate service, his mother brought out the old suit he had worn on this

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journey & he put the vest on under his uniform & the tintype which he had forgotten about was over his heart. In the service, he was shot right over the heart which he thought at the time wd be immediately fatal, but found the almost spent ball had struck the tintype which had doubled up around it. Going home from the service in poverty & tatters, he stopped on the way at a house in Miss. & a little girl took him in the house & went to call her mother & looking around found on the mantel, a tintype just like the one he had. He said to the mother who had come in the room "whose picture is that?" She said "It was one of mine taken when I was a child". He then showed her the shattered one & the ball & asked where her husband was & she said he was dead. He then asked her if she wd marry him & she said she would & did. This story she said was in one of these books of her father's but he gave him the name of Lowrie instead of Robinson.

She said there were many Barnetts buried in an old Barnett g.y. back of the Pres Hospital & when the city spread out, they took up the tombstones & buried them & marked the spot. She says there are many Barnetts, Wilsons & Nicholsons in the county,

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but she don't know which are Jack descendants. Knows of course of many of the Alexander descendants, but says there are no Dysarts here & she knows nothing of where they went or whether there were any. Says Capt. James Jack moved to Georgia & he has descendants there in Mississippi & Texas. Says his brother John went to Phila. I told them of how Patrick came as a name in the family & also abt Rev James Finley's praying for his son Ebenezer & of his 4 wives also of Robt E. Lee's mother being buried 2 or 3 yrs before he was born & of his refusing to give one of his Generals 10,000 fresh men to be stripped to the waist etc. Dr Alexander is leaving about the middle of June for a two months trip to Europe & is taking Lottie with her. Lottie's husband, Mr Pendleton & her sister took us out to the Park last night to the pageant which was simply wonderful & was admirably staged & produced & lasted until almost 11 o'c. There were 5000 to 6000 people there, all seated out doors in the open. Miss Butler of NY & Adam M. Wyant of Gbg, Congressman Spoke before the play commenced. Dr Alexander said she was born 1864.

Left 12:05 PM

V13 Page 207

First Presbyterian Church Graveyard, Charlotte, N.C., May 21, 1925 12:50


This g.y. lies back of the church & across a street & the church is in an extensive park in front of our room in this hotel. Dr Alexander said Patrick Jack was buried here & she thought had a marker but I could find none. However, made note of the following.

1. Joseph Wishert who died Dec 11, 1794 aged 77 yrs probably the witness to Patrick Jack's will see page 199

Elizabeth Wishert, died Oct 1784 aged 48 yrs

2. In Memory of Mrs Lillis M. Oates who died Dec 21, 1846 aged 40 yrs. She was 14 yrs an acceptable member of the Methodist Epis Ch.

Margaret L., wife of C.E. Spratt born Oct 27, 1827 ob Aug 27, 1867.

Lillie R. Spratt born Jany 5, 1851, ob Sept 18, 1865

In memory of Margaret A. Lowrie who died May 25, 1866

In mem of Eliza B. Lowrie, died Aug 28, 1865

John Braly, born Oct 5, 1829 ob July 17, 1830

Also an infant daughter born June 1, 1 & died June 9, 1833

Children of B & L.V. Oates

Agnes Louisa born Apr 8, & died Sept 2, 1839

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Also an infant son born & died Dec 7, 1846 children of B & L.V. Oates

3. Sophia Graham relict of Dr John R. Witherspoon of Alabama & daughter of the late Genl Joseph Graham of N.C. born Feby 20, 1791 & died Dec 30, 1865.

Leaving 1:44 PM

I then went back to the Court House when there in the morning, we found the will of Jane Flenniken dated May 20, 1779, who had sons John & David et al & who we thought might be the mother of A.S.'s great grandfather, John Flenniken who signed the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. It was witnessed by two Witherspoons. A.S. took record.

I then went to the Selwyn Hotel about 2:50 & found the bus left for Concord at 3 PM & I talked for 10 minutes to E.H. Burke who sd he was a native of Chatham Co, NC. abt 100 miles north east, but had come to Charlotte 33 yrs ago & he said that the court house then stood on the lot where the Selwyn Hotel now stands, the present court house being built Aug 1, 1896 to Aug 1, 1897. This then fixes the location of Patrick Jack's home across the street on one of those two corners & he & I thought it was the one catecornered across where Ray Kennedy's store & the Lingle stores now are & it would be there where he was carried out when Tarleton burned his home in 1780.

V13 Page 209

At residence of Mrs Mary Annette Harris No 80 Grove St, Concord, Cabarrus Co, North Carolina, May 21, 1925 4:10 PM

I came up here on the bus 21 miles on the strength of her son, the Editor of the Observer telling me yesterday morning that he was descended from John Harris, the founder of Hbg, Pa & as his mother was 88 yrs old, thought she could tell something abt Elizabeth, dau of John who married John Finley who piloted Danl Boone to Ky. He did not know what he was talking about. I arrived at 4 PM in front of St Cloud Boarding house & went around the corner to Dr John F. Reed's & saw his wife a handsome attractive woman who said the correspondence grew burdensome to her & she turned it over to her unmarried sister, Clara who lived with her mother on Grove St, so I came down here & found Mrs Harris & a servant setting on the front porch & the servant called Clara who got her folder & papers & said they were descended from Edward Harris, a brother of John & of course, Mrs H. knew nothing of John Finley & but little about her own Hamptons because she would pay no attention which she now greatly regretted, when her grandmother

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Hampton wanted to tell her how they were related to Gen Wade Hampton. Mrs Harris was born Jany 1, 1837 & is in her 89th year. She is medium height & spare weighing probably 110 & her daughter Clara is spare. They were both most kind & glad I called. They said they had somewhere a magazine article about John Finley they thought & Clara sd she wd try to find it & write me what it said. She gave me the following about their line:

[descendant chart]

Edward Harris, brother of John of Hbg, Pa, he had 7 sons & all came to N.C.



James, m. McIlhanny

Robert Harris, B Sept 4, 1731 ob Feby 1794 went in Rev War fr here & died here, m. Margaret Harper.

Oliver Harris, m. Margaret Shelby, daughter of Moses Shelby a bro of Genl Isaac Shelby.

Dr Hezekiah Price Harris, one of 14 children B May 5, 1800 ob July 20, 1869 m. Matilda Sadler of South Carolina.

Richard Sadler Harris, B Jany 4, 1835 ob July 6, 1911 mar Feby 24, 1857 to Mary Annette Hampton

born Jany 1, 1837, daughter of Joseph Wade Hampton who was son of Robert Thomas Hampton & he was a son of Henry. Clara said both Henry & Robt Thomas Hampton were in the Rev War from Va & that Transylvania Co was there [sic] home.

Samuel [son of Edward Harris]

Thomas, stayed in Pa




Leaving 4:44 Pm

V13 Page 211

[part of the above chart appears on this page, but was included for clarity on page 210. CW]

I left Concord at 5 o'c on the bus & got to Charlotte at 6 o'c came to my room & called up Mrs Van Landingham & she said to come out in a half hour, so I walked out about 7 blocks from here & was:

At residence of Mrs John Van Landingham, widow No 500 East Ave Charlotte, N.C. May 21, 1925 6:44 PM

Mrs V. is a tall large framed woman of 73 yrs (so Dr Alexander said) with gray hair & large piercing eyes & was very kind & pleasant in her demeanor. She is descended from Mary Jack & says the Barnetts who were buried in the old Barnett g.y back of the Pres Hospital were Jane Jack's descendants. She says the law requires that when graveyards are taken as this one was, the tombstones must be buried. She thinks however, that a record of the inscriptions were

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taken & is, she thinks preserved in the Carnegie Library here & she will look it up & send me the record if it is. She gave me to keep a blueprint of the Patrick Jack family tree she made up & I told her when I got a blue print of the tree from the one Dr Alexander gave me, I would send her one. She did not know whether Patrick Jack was buried in Pres g.y. Said there was no marker of his there. She said that some relatives from Georgia & Mississippi had been here years ago & assisted in making up the tree. She says Robert Jack son of Patrick remained in Chambersburg, Pa. She says she is a member of the Episcopal Church. Says her husband's people came from Flanders & they have kept the original spelling. Said that Clement L. Vallandigham changed the N. in Van to L & eliminated the 3d n.

A young girl came in to go with her to the pageant & I left at 7:22 PM

She says a descendant of Capt James Jack also named James was here some 10 yrs ago & had Patrick Jack's watch which was made in England & an exact counterpart of Genl Washington's watch at Mt Vernon. She tried to buy it, but when he went back home, the relatives wd not let him sell. She has lost his address.

V13 Page 213

Charlotte Tel Directory fr Apr 1924 gives:

Finley, C.F. Res 111 Severs Ave Tel 2436-W

Finley, T.W. Res 1109 S. Graham ST, Tel 1915

Finley, W.P. Res 520 Oakland Av Tel 3137-W

I called but one T.W. & got him & he said to come out so I got a taxi & went out, but first with A.S.'s help, met Congressman Adam M. Wyant of Gbg & had a few minutes talk with him. He says there is a book in the Congressional Library which has 5 pages abt the Jacks which he will have copied & send me. Says he will send me other data & references.

A.S. found Llewellyn, his son's brother-in-law who plays in the band here & finds the entire band seven members playing here in the hotel are all from Uniontown, Pa.

V13 Page 214

[fermata mark appears here]

At residence of Thomas Wesley Finley, No 1109 S. Graham St, Charlotte, N.C. May 21, 1925, 9:11 PM

I found Mr & Mrs Finley sitting on the porch. He is a typical RR man & she is a large woman & says they own the home, having bought the lot, built the house & planted the trees 17 yrs ago.

Mr Finley says that five brothers came from Scotland to New Hampshire, the names of four of them being Isam, his grandfather, Daniel, John & George Finley. Isam settled in VA or Md & then came to North Carolina in the "dark corner" near Dawkins, S.C. & was 91 yrs old when he died which was some years before T.W. was born.

T.W. however, remembers seeing Isam's brother Daniel when he was abt 8 yrs old & Daniel was then near Columbia, S.C. & died there & is buried at an old Methodist Church on Cedar Creek about 12 miles north of Columbia S.C.

He married 1st a Kensler. He married 2d, don't know. He had 3 children by 1st wife

V13 Page 215

Joel, who never married buried same place as their father.

Lizzie mar an Ashford. No issue

"Bill" mar & moved to Florida near Ocalla, Fla

All three were old people when T.W. was a boy.

His first wife owned a plantation there & that took Daniel there to live.

William had 8 or 10 children. Thinks they moved to Arkansas

William was married twice.

Daniel had children by 2d wife but T.W. don't know about them

John, bro of Isam, he thinks went to Georgia. Don't know whether he was married or not.

Knows nothing about George.

Isam's children were:

1. Peggy, thinks was oldest & mar Ben Hodge from Ala where they died

2. John, see below

3. Martha, mar a Gorey & lived at Winnsboro, S.C. No issue. Are buried out from Winnsboro, S.C. & Mr F. says he can find out where.

4. Betsy (Elizabeth) mar Thos Richardson. Both dead & all their children dead & does not know of any descendants. Lived near Winnsboro, S.C. were all farmers.

5. Mary, the youngest, mar Bill Barrett a farmer who came from Texas & lived near Dawkins, S.C. Had two boys, one of the Jack Barrett lives in Greenville, S.C. & is younger than T.W.

6. William Finley died near Dawkins, S.C.

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aged 84 yrs died abt 16 yrs ago mar 1 Poole, mar 2. Caroline Stewart. No issue by either wife. Buried at Rock Creek, Baptist Church away out in the country from Dawkins at least ten miles out. He never joined church.

7. Daniel, went off when a boy & was never heard from, was younger than Wm.

John Finley was born May 28, 1822 & died Sept 11, 1895 near Ridgeway or Simpson S.C. & is buried at Blythwood, S.C.

M.1 Susan Hendrix born June 28, 1832 near Ridgway, S.C. & died in Dec 9, 1872 when T.W. was 6 yrs old & is buried near Ridgway, S.C. at Old Hendrix, g.y. She was dau of Thomas Hendrix & wife Fannie Souter. Had 2 children boys, mar 2. Miss Mary Entzminger, born May 17, 1843 abt 3 miles fr Blythwood, S.C. & had 4 children. She is living among her children about Ridgeway, S.C. He says positively that she has her husband's bible with record. John Finley's children were:

1. John Daniel Finley born Oct 6, 1861

2. Thomas Wesley Finley born Mch 13, 1866

3. Fred, dead

4. Alvin Finley, living at Ridgeway, S.C.

V13 Page 217

5. Elmer Finley, living at Ridgeway, S.C.

6. Bradford Finley living at Ridgeway, S.C.

Alvin is single. Elmer & Bradford are married.

John Daniel is a bachelor living at Warchulo? Florida & is in truck business.

Thomas W. is flagman on the Southern RR has been with them for 30 yrs or more.

He married Oct 27, 1895 in Charlotte, N.C. by T.G. Maxwell J.P. to Miss Millie Salome Caddell born in Anson Co, N.C. Feby 28, 1876 dau of Wm Ivison Caddell & his wife. Minerva Clementine Steigall & have had 4 children all living & all born in Charlotte, N.C.

1. Audra Susan born Feby 20, 1898

2. William Wesley born Aug 11, 1903

3. Margaret Clementine born July 19, 1908

4. John Robert born Oct 13, 1911

1. Audra Susan was married Oct 27, 1917 to Luther Martin Beachum born Mch 1887 in Anson Co, N.C. son of John Beachum & wife Mary Ann Bowers. He is a contractor & they live at Monroe, N.C. & have six children, the oldest born at Albermale, N.C. & the others at Monroe, N.C.

1. Glady [sic] Elizabeth, born Sept 11, 1918

2. Roy Luther born Dec 25, 1919 & died Mch 18, 1920

V13 Page 218

3. Raymond Howard born Jany 21, 1921

4. Florence Marie born June 17, 1922

5. Ruth Susan born Sept 17, 1923

6. John Wesley born Dec 6, 1924

The other three children are at home, single.

T.W. says he can find out from Rev Kirkland Episcopal minister at Columbia, S.C. where his Finleys came from in Scotland & what year they came to America. He will get this & send to me.

He says there are some far off relatives live in York Co, S.C. one of them David E. Finley was a congressman for 18 yrs but is now dead. Will W. drove me into the Hotel in his auto & Mr Finley said he would want a book. They were all very kind & very glad I called to see them. He did not know of any relationship to the other two Finleys in telephone book.

Left 11 PM

I commenced transcribing at midnight & wrote all night, have had my breakfast & am up to date with my work & it is 8 Am 22d & I am ready to leave on 9:50 Am train. A.S. has gone out 7 miles in the country with a Mr Flenniken who came in at 7 o'c.

V13 Page 219

Hotel Charlotte, Charlotte, N.C. Room 406 May 22, 1925 8:20 AM

I phoned at 8:05 Am to Carl Frank Finley 111 Severs Ave Tel 2436-W see page 213 & his wife answered & said he wasn't there. She gave me his record as follows:

He was born Aug 9, 1884 the natural son of Julia Finley, still living aged 66 yrs & unmarried, by Isaac Peter. Julia Finley is the daughter of William Finley who lived in Wautaga Co, N.C. & was a brother of the father of Judge Thos B. Finley

Carl F. was married Dec 2, 1909 to Cora Blanche Davis, who was born in this County Aug 18, 1886 & they have but one child, Oliver Duncan Finley born in Wilkesboro, N.C. June 30, 1912. Carl F. handles the grain for the Interstate Co.

Mrs Finley, my informant thinks W.P. Finley's folks came from Georgia at least has been so told & does not think he is any relation.

Rang off 8:17 AM

V13 Page 220

8:30 AM Rang up Wm Pinkney Finley 520 Oakland Ave Tel 3137-W Charlotte, N.C.

His wife answered & said he was out, but that his father's name was John Finley who was form McDowell Co, N.C. She did not know name of his grandfather.

Were cut off 8:35 AM

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[descendant chart]

Ebenezer Finley, see page 170, son of Michael Jr. He was commissioned 3d Lieut Dec 14, 1776 of Capt Smith's Co of Matrassea. He was commissioned 2d Lieut Feby 14, 1777 of Capt Dorsey's Co of Matrassea. He was commissioned 1st Lieut July 4, 1777 of Capt Dorsey's 2d Maryland Artillery. He was commissioned Capt Nov 24, 1777 of Capt 2d Maryland Artillery. The 2d Md Artillery formed part of 1st Continental Artillery at Trenton, Princeton, Valley Forge, 1776 to May 30, 1778 Judge Advocate of Southern Dept July 30, 1780 Retired July 1, 1781 with rank of major. July 4/27 Maj. A.F. France wrote July 23, 1925 that he finds this Ebenezer, his ggf was born 1763 & hence too young for above service which was rendered by his 1st cousin Ebenezer, son of Rev Dr Saml of Princeton see page 354. This Ebenezer had no middle name but his son had.


Joseph Washington Finley, B 1801 ob 1857, unmarried.

Rev Isham Randolph, B 1810 ob 1882 see bk 21 p 143

John McKnight, B 1787 m. Mary Van Lear who was born Feby 2, 1790 & died 1818

Dr Michael Finley, B Dec 1785 ob Mch 25, 1848 m. Eliza Van Lear twin sister of Mary born Feby 2, 1790 & died 1809. He settled in Williamsport, Md.

Ebenezer Lewis Jr, B Oct 3, 1794 see page 170 ob June 5, 1839 see also Bk 21 p 142. Maj France gives his records in such piecemeal & so unsatisfactory that there was no room at either place to record a sister & brother of his mother which he now reports in his letter of Aug 21, 1925.

3. Eliza O'Donnell B May 1822 m.1. Nicholson m.2. Capt Chiffele by whom she had 2 children. No issue by 1st husband. She died.

1. Rosalie O'Donnell, B June 1820 ob May 22, 1821

4? Catherine, ob in infancy

5? John McKnight, ob in infancy

2. Mary Randolph Finley, B Sept 30, 1820 ob July 2, 1821 aged 9 mos & 2 days. Aug 24/27. His letter of July 9/27 now gives date of birth June 1820 & death July 29, 1821 & says she was a twin of Rosalie O'D.

7. Sarah Chew Finley, Born 1830 ob. m. F.X. Brennan. See page 170

8. Isabella Finley, B June 22, 1832 ob Apr 3, 1872

6? Ebenezer LaFayette Finley B July 30, 1829 ob Sept 30, 1830 aged 1 yr & 2 mos

V13 Page 222 & V13 Page 223

[descendant chart]

Robert Finley born May 4, 1634 married Margaret Lander see page 188.


Robert Finley, B May 9, 1681

Michael Finley, Born May 7, 1683 married Annie O'Neill. He settled first in Bucks Co, Pa & later moved to Sadsbury Tp, Chester Co, Pa prior to 1747.

John Finley, m. Martha Barclay dau of John Barclay see next page

Martha Finley, mar Thos Thompson

Samuel Finley, Born Mch 18, 1684

Archibald Finley. Albert Finley France of Annapolis, Md writes May 15, 1925 large envelope 6th page saying the Penna Archives & records he received from Bucks Co, show that Archibald Finley & his family landed at Phila, Pa Sept 28, 1734 along with his brother Michael Finley & his family & with these other Ulster Scots viz: Archibald & Henry Kelso, John Barclay (father of Martha Barclay) William Walker, married John Finley) (note that6 he does not spell it Barkley) William Walker & his three sons Richard, Robert & John, the Weirs, Wallaces, Barnhills, Griers & Darrochs & settled in the upper part of Warrington, Warwick & New Britain Tps, Bucks Co, Pa. This Archibald Finley, Archibald Kelso, Thos Kelso & Henry Kelso contracted with Geo Fitzwater abt 1736 for 500 A of land in New Britain Tp along the N.W. side of the present upper state Road. Geo Fitzwater died testate & by mutual agreement among the four above parties 151 A 53 P was allotted to Archibald Finley off the end toward the county line & which recently was the property of Elias Sellers. Archibald Finley built a house on this land & died in it Mch 11, 1749-50 before a deed was made & on Dec 11, 1750 the Exrs of Geo Fitzwater made deed to his widow Margaret Finley & his two eldest sons John & Henry Finley as Exrs of Archibald Finley decd. His will is dated Mch 11, 1749-50 states that he is very sick directs his wife & two sons above named be Exrs & that his estate be divided among his wife & children, Simon Butler & Isaac James are apptd trustees. Witnesses to will are Robert Labor, Henry Kelso & James Finley son of Michael.

John Finley, B 1724 in Armagh, Ireland, ob. Mar Sept 15, 1744 to Elizabeth Harris eldest dau of the Elder John Harris & sister of Jno the founder of Hbg. She was born in 1720 & died in 1769 when he was in Ky taking Daniel Boone there. Their granddaughter, Mary Finley in Aug 1860 married David Crockett. Jno Finley above was married by Rev John Elder of Paxtang Prs Ch see C.A. Hanna's "Wilderness Trail Vol 2 P 233 James Patterson of Conestoga Manor page 82". See book 21 p 280.

Henry Finley, ob, m. to Elizabeth Walker of William Walker. The last half of page 8 & 0page 9 of A.F. France's letter gives Rev Robt W. Finley see book 11 p 400 as son of this Henry & not James as there given.

Alexander Finley

Archibald Finley

Agnes Finley, m. to Henry Kelso.

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[descendant chart]

James Finley, his great great granddaughter Mrs Mary D. Brown of 402 Delavan St, Lincoln, Ills who gives me gravestones, say see bk 21 p 554 the date from which I make this table in her letter of June 3, 1925, small envelope filed, thinks he was from Virginia. James Finley died Dec 14, 1830 aged 85 born then say 1745. He married Kesiah [sic] Martin May 20, 1927. Mary D. Brown writes Dec 23/26 that her Aunt thinks she was mistaken in the name of her gggmother being Keziah Martin see book 20 p 551 & book 21 p 189 & 554 see B 25 p 521. Keziah Finley born 1753 died Apr 5, 1831 aged say 78 yrs.


William Finley, B Mar 25, 1772 ob 1845. Married Feby 14, 1798 Mrs Wm Logan of Ky whose maiden name was Agnes McCown or Coun. She had 8 children by Logan & 2 by Finley.

Mary Finley, B Apr 14, 1800 ob Dec 17, 1886, m. Feby 22, 1816 to Harry H. Ousley of Ky who was born 1786 at Alexandria, Md. He died.

Harriet Bayne Ousley, B Dec 5, 1817, ob

William Henry, B Nov 22, 1819 ob in infancy

John Ellsworth, B Apr 16, 1823 ob. m.1. Mary Ousley, m.2. Henrietta Heaton

Agnes Julia, B Apr 18, 1825 ob May 20, 1895 m. Sept 5, 1844 Judson Howell of Ga or rather Gideon S. Howell see bk 21 p 518.

Martha Susan, B Apr 5, 1827 ob, m. A.W. Cook

Catherine Frances, B Feby 7, 1830 ob Jany 27, 1922 unmarried

Mary Jane, B May 3, 1832 ob 1856 m. Wm E. Wilson

Amanda Clara, B Feby 9, 1834 ob 1868 m. Wm E. Wilson

Elvina Ousley, B Jany 25, 1838 ob July 2, 1877 m. Aug 25, 1859 at Lincoln, Ills to Alfred H. Davison.

Mary Finley Davison, B Jany 9, 1863 at Lincoln, Ills, my good informant for this record. m. Oct 6, 1897 at Lincoln Ills to Dr Henry Blair Brown son of Patrick Henry Brown & wife Louise Enlow. Their two children born at Lincoln, Ills

Mary Finley Brown, B Nov 15, 1898 m. July 17, 1920 at Lincoln Ills to John Spellman Holmes born June 30, 1898 at Lincoln, Ills son of Wm Hay [best guess] Holmes & wife Lulu Trader.

Mary Finley Holmes, B Oct 16, 1921 at

Lincoln, Ills

Henrietta Davison, B Nov 20, 1904

Ella William Ousley, B June 8, 1840 ob m. Benj H. Brainerd.

Preston Finley, [son of William b 1772] B 1802, ob 1803

Travis Finley, B March 1774 ob 1862. Never married. Lived in Mo

Robert Finley, see pages 306-321

James Finley, went to Calif see b 25 p 519

Mary Finley

Elizabeth Finley

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V13 Page 230 & V13 Page 231

[descendant chart]

Maria Appolonia Merckling daughter of Christian Merckling married July 3, 1739 to John Jacob Hill of Windsor Tp, Berks Co, Pa. He provided in his will for wife Elizabeth which would indicate that his first wife Maria Appolonia Merkling [sic] had died.


Anna Maria Hill, B July 24, 1704 bap Apr 22, 1740 sponsors John Hill & Anna Maria Merkling. m. to George Nicholas Hildebrandt

Ann Catarine Hill, B Nov 27, 1741 bap Dec 8, 1847 sponsors Frederick Saner & Ann Catarina Kern. M. to Adam Myer.

4. John Christian Hill, B Mch 7, 1746 bap may 1, 1746 sponsors Christian Honseknecht & wife

3. John Jacob Hill, B Jany 29, 1744 bap May 1, 1744 sponsors Christian Houseknecht.

Magdalene Hill, B Jany 29, 1794 bap Feby 9, 1749 sponsors Jacob Hill & Helena Merkle m. to John Hefferly.

John Hill, B June 20, 1751 bap July 21, 1751 sponsors John Hill & wife Hannah nee Hill

John Peter Hill, B Apr 10, 1754 bap Apr 29, 1754 sponsors Peter Merkling & Catharina Merkling

John Jacob Hill, B June 3d 1756 bap July 18, 1756 sponsor Jacob Schumacher

John Frederick Hill B 8th month 21, 1758 bap 9th month 16, (1758) sponsors Frederick Kramer & wife Anna Maria m. to Anna Maria Hottenstine widow of Jacob Hottenstine & daughter of Jacob Levan. He died on the Hill ancestral home in Richmond Tp now occupied Fredk Hill Esq. He was a soldier in the Rev army. The record as he has it below is wrong & impossible.

George Jacob Hill, B Feby 16, 1766 bap Mch 29, 1766 sponsors Geo Merkle & Maria Christina ob Sept 17, 1821 mar Catharine Herbein. He was known as Jacob.

John Frederick Hill, B Mch 8, 1772 bap June 7, 1772 sponsor Christina Hill. He was knows as Capt Frederick Hill. m. Catharine Connor & moved to Fort Jenkins where he bought a farm of James Wilson of Phila the signer.

Casper Hill, (possibly John Casper) no baptismal record found. He was to receive £50 by his father's will.

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V13 Page 233 [blank]

V13 Page 234

Oak Hill, Wednesday, June 10, 1925 9:15 PM

In going through the scrap book of Chas Frederick Hill, which was loaned to me late in 1923 by his son C. Willard Hill, I find pasted therein several original bonds given by Frederick Hill of Richmond Tp, Berks Co, Pa all dated Mch 6, 1794 & all witnessed by Andrew [best guess] Roll & John Christ, a couple of them with his name still on but most of them with the signature torn off. They are as follows:

one to Casper Merckle for £200 payable May 27, 1796

one to Abraham Duysher for £200 payable May 27, 1794

one to Casper Merckel for £200 payable May 27, 1794

one to Casper Merckel for £200 payable May 27, 1795

one to Casper Merckel for £200 payable May 27, 1798

one to Casper Merckel for £200 payable May 27, 1797

each conditioned for the payt of £100.

A paper signed by Peter Hardman, his mark dated Feby 1, 1787 is witnessed by Abraham Dreibelbis & another.

A letter dated May 18, 1814 is directed to "Fredderick Hill, Berwick Northumberland Co, Pa"

Return of Capt Frederick Hills Co the 112 regiment of Northumberland Co militia commanded by Col Leonard Ruppert for Oct 1807 Field Days shows the name of "Hugh Tompson" [sic] in attendance along with 22 others.

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Another paper from the Coms of Columbia Co, Pa dated June 12, 1820 appoints Frederick Hill collector of taxes for Briar Creek Tp,

On June 6, 1821, Frederick Hill credits:

"Jessie Bowman by 1 days hawling stown $3."

Another accounts gives credit to:

Mirkel Rumlay 1 day } Dated

Christian Marcel 1 day } Oct 15,

Daniel Marciel 1 day } 1820.

There is a blank form of release from Mary Hill widow of Frederick Hill late of Richmond Tp acquitting her son Frederick Hill Jr from everything she has vs him by reason of the will of Frederick Hill Sr decd, dated blank day of blank 1811 but is unsigned

Receipt from John & Jesse Bowman dated Feby 19, 1827 for 20 bus of wheat recd fr Miss Hill belonging to heirs of F. Hill decd.

Another for 3 bus rye dated Mch 31, 1827

Letters of Adms to Catharine Hill & James Hutchinson Esq on estate of Frederick Hill late of Briar Creek Tp, Columbia Co, Pa dated Sept 30, 1823 signed by Ellis Hughes register. This is followed by an appraisement & inventory covering 7 pages filed Oct 16, 1823 aggregating $3,022.66 shows obligations vs Frederick Hill (in Salem) $432.78, Frederick Hill (near Kutztown) $150.00, Frederick Hill Jr & Sarah his wife Book X $202.30, Samuel Adams & Hetty his wife Book X $174.83 1/2

Christian Markle Book X $1.26

V13 Page 236

The public vendue was held at Fredk Hill's late dwelling in Briar Creek Tp on Oct 30, 1823 by Catharine Hill who signs by an X mark & Joseph Hutchison Adms and the original sale record with terms signed by them covers six foolscap pages shows sales of many articles:

1st to Daniel Hill, old axe .50 cts

Catharine Hill, widow, logchain .50 ct

Jesse Bowman pair of traces $1.

Joseph Millard

John Hess

John Hill

George Hefley

Jacob Hill

Frederick Hill Senr old saddle $2.

Nicholas Sibert many hogs & sheep

Henry Hepler bull & cow

Samuel Adams cows & heifer, & mare

John Jones a ton of hay $8

Phebe Hill 1 large German bible $8

Henry Yonker 2 German books 1.65

Jacob Kelchner 2 German Books 1.55

Benjamin Kline 1 lot of books .35

Elizabeth Hill 1 bedstead & bedding 8.05

Phebe Hill 2 small sawers [sic] .75

Phebe Hill, a sheep 1.50

many items to Daniel Hill, Catharine Hill, Jesse Bowman et al. The acct of Catharine Hill & James Hutchison Admis of Fredk Hill filed Jany 5, 1829 at Danville, Pa before Rudolph Sechler Reg, shows that they charge themselves with aforesaid inventory & other items aggregating $3,218.91 and among the items taken credit for are:

V13 Page 237

No 2. Co Treas, Tavern license for 1823 $9.05

No 6. David Petriken For appointing guardians 2.75

No 7. Geo A. Frick Esq for getting guardians appointed 3.

No 8. Samuel Millard for coffin for deceased 8.

No 22. Doctor Cleml Millard for a doctor bill 53.30`No 23 Doctor Josiah Jackson for a doctor bill 10.

No 36. Jacob Hill of Salem 13.50

no 49. Wm Kitchen for crying vendue 3.

No 70. Doctor Horace Griswold as per receipt 8.

Total credits amounting to $817.74 1/2

Accountants Dr $3,218.91 1/2 }

Credits allowed ---817.74 1/2 }

$2,401.17 } Calculation

widow's share 1/3 = ---800.39 }

to be divided by 9. $1,600.78 }

each child's share $ 177.86 1/2 }

Then follows a "True Inventory" of the goods & chattels of Catharine Hess (late Catharine Hill) that came in possession of John Hess & retained in his possession Mch 13, 1841 enumerates bed & bedding 4 windsor chairs, bureau, chest, Iron pot, 1/2 doz blue plates 1/2 doz blue tea cups, & saucers, 1 delft ware dish, 1/2 doz white plates, 1/2 doz large white plates, 2 brass candlesticks, spinning wheel, 1 china bowl & pitcher etc.

Capt Hill signed his name "Freaderick Hill" when he didn't sign it in German.

"Accounts, the heirs of Frederick Hill decd" is a small seined [sic] together sheets of white paper, 6 by 8 inches, which lists the accts with the different heirs, first shows settlement with the widow Catherine Hill for her $800.39 of which she took $512.95 1/2 at appraisement & bot $34.83 1/2 at the Vendue & then gives the heirs as follows:

V13 Page 238

June 17, 1925. These Hills are not in our line. JVT

1. Joseph Miller & wife one share $177.86 1/2

Amt charged in decds book $175.93

Cash or a credit given on his bond 1.93 1/2

2. Frederick Hill (of Kutztown) & wife one share 177.86 1/2

to amt in book $202.30

on this page is written "Sarah" (think should be on preceding page)

3. Samuel Adams & wife one share 177.86 1/2

to amt charged in deeds book $174.83

Apr 23, 1832 cash pd by J. Hutchison 3.03 1/2

on this page is written "Esther"

4. Rev Peter Kessler & wife one share $177.86 1/2

to amt bot by Phebe Hill at Vendue $28.25

to cash recd of Mrs Hill 11.73

to 7 1/2 bus corn @ .37 1/2 cts per bushel 2.81 1/4

to 12 bus oats @ .25 cts per bushel 3.

Mch 7, 1825 an order Iddings Barkley Esq 7.50

Apr 5, 1825 receipt for 75.

Dec 31, 1825 receipt for 10.

May 11, 1825 cash pd by Mrs Hill to

Mr Kessler 10.

Amt of note pr Mord Millard's estate 9.80

to 20 bus rye at .37 1/2 cts 7.50

to note P. Kessler to Frd Hill Jr

(sd Hill crd for it) ---7.24

173.08 1/4

On this page is written "Phebe"

5. Daniel Hazenbuch & wife one share $177.86 1/2

to amt bought at vendue by Elizabeth Hill $16.05

to 4 items including bureau table & chairs 41.60

Apr 11, 1825 receipt of Elizabeth Hagenbuch 10.

May 17, 1825} 3 receipt of

Dec 27, 1825} Daniel

Apr 29, 1826} Hagenbuch 56.

to note of Michael Hagenbuch bals 3.36

to four items, Apr 4, 1829 cash pd 15.54 1/2

May 4, 1829, June 15, 1829, Mch 19, 1831 cash pd Daniel Hagenbuch in full _35.31

$177.86 1/2

on this page is written "Elizabeth"

V13 Page 239

6. John Lazarus & wife one share $177.86 1/2

Iva bureau $17.

Nov 17, 1825 recpt of Caty Lazarus 15.

Dec 24, 1825, Nov 21, 1826, Jany

1825, 3 recpt of John Lazarus 100.50

Dec 28, 1825 bill pd by Catharine

Hill 3.93 1/2

Apr 6, 1829, Oct 16, 1829 cash pd

J. Lazarus 40.

Apr 20, 1831 cash pd J. Lazarus &

wife in full ---1.43

177.86 1/2


7, 8, & 9.

John Conner & Samuel Millard, guardians of John Hill, Jacob Hill & Rachel Hill minor children of Fredk Hill decd. three shares $533.59 1/2

interest __10.86

$544.45 1/2

On Dec 25, 1823, Jesse Bowman, Jesse Bowman Junr, John Conner & Samuel Millard, guardians of the minor children of Fredk Hill decd lease or rent a farm to Catherine Hill widow for 1 yr fr Apr 1, 1824 & to continue etc.

A marriage settlement between John Hess & Catherine Hill states that whereas a marriage is about to be solemnized between them both of Briar Creek Tp, she being widow & relict of Frederick Hill & desiring to promote the comfort of each other & not injure their or any or either of their children agree that an inventory of all her goods that come into his possession be taken & if she survives him

V13 Page 240

all are to be rtd to her by his Exrs & he to put $800 on interest of her during life. Dated Dec 17, 1827 signed John Hess (seal) Catherine (her

mark) Hill (seal) Witnesses Joseph Millard, James Hutchison.

On the bottom is certificate half page written by John Hess, dated Sept 1, 1841 saying he is of Briar Creek Tp & has this day made settlement with John Lazarus & Jacob Hill Exrs of Catharine Hess, late Catherine Hill & releases them & her heirs from any claim he might have vs her estate, signed John Hess (seal). Look up her will.

In the handwriting of Chas F. Hill is the following written on one of the leaves in the scrap book.


Jacob Hill son of Capt Frederick Hill & Anna Achinbach daughter of Philip Achinbach* of Lower Lime Ridge, Columbia Co, Pa were married Feby 20, 1834.


1. Charles Frederick Hill born Dec 2d, 1834

2. Emanuel Hill born Feby, 17, 1837

3. James Hill born Aug 11, 1839

4. Rebecca Jane Hill born Aug 28, 1841

5. Samuel Wesley Hill born Jany 12, 1844

6. Mary Elizabeth Hill born Oct 8, 1846

7. Thomas Jordan Hill born Sept 8, 1850

8. Jacob Willis Hill born Spet 6, 1858.

All born at Fort Jenkins, Columbia, Co, Pa.

*[margin note reads:] Philip's wife was a Hahn. See if dau of Isaac Hahn who mar dau of Uncle Christian Markle.

V13 Page 241

And on 2d leaf following is also written in same hand.

"Jacob Hill, son of Capt Frederick Hill was born at Fort Jenkins, Feby 27, 1814.

Anna Hill, wife of Jacob Hill was born at Lower Lime Ridge, Columbia Co, Pa Oct 6, 1814".

And then on the next leaf, he has written in his fine clear clean plain hand:


Charles Frederick Hill and Mary Jane Freas daughter of Andrew & Lydia Freas were married Dec 31, 1863.


Charles Frederick Hill born Dec 2nd, 1834

Mary Jane Hill born Jany 27, 1838

(their children)

1. George Elliott Hill born July 27, 1865

2. Charles Willard Hill born Nov 7, 1870

3. Gertrude Hill born May 5, 1875

4. Bessie Hill born Mch 29, 1879


Bessie Hill died Dec 15, 1879 aged 8 months & 17 days"

A manuscript autograph letter from F.J.F. Schantz dated Myerstown, Lebanon Co, Pa Mch 23, 1896 to Mr S.F. Hill in answer to his of Mch 8th states that he finds the following in John Casper Stoever's Baptismal record viz:

V13 Page 242

The records of birth of the first four children of John Jacob Hill & Mary Appolonia Merckling as entered in table on page 230, but the year for John Christian Hill's birth & baptism is 1746 & not 1743 as on the copy he had made, so that he is younger than John Jacob. I am changing the dates. He also gives from Stoever's record the marriage as given on page 230 of John Jacob Hill & Mary Appolonia Merkling of Moselem.

C.F. Hill in a pencil copy of a letter of his cousin W.L. Adams dated Sept 29, 1908 says he has not been able to trace the birth of his great grandfather, Frederick Hill, but says that he finds he died about June 1794 & that soon after his death, his grandfather, Capt Frederick Hill removed from Richmond Tp to Fort Jenkins, now Columbia Co. This Wm L. Adams is Pres of The First Natl Bank, Hoquiam, Washington & had written on Sept 15, 1908 for the information.

It is now 3:55 AM June 11, 1925 & as I was to be called at 5 AM will not go to bed. JVT

June 12, 1925 2 AM. In C. F. Hill's History of the Hill family, he gives will of Frederick Hill of Richmond Tp who provides bountifully for

V13 Page 243

his wife Maria & 2d appoints her & Casper Merkle Exrs. This, I think establishes that he is the John Frederick Hill born 8th Mo 21, 1758 see page 231, son of John Jacob Hill & Maria Appolonia Merckling inasmuch as Casper Merkle son of Uncle George married Plantina Hottenstein & this Frederick's wife was the widow of Jacob Hottenstein. He names but two children Jacob who he designates as eldest & Frederick & gives them his farms in Richmond, Maxatany & Roscomb Manor Tps. This will is dated May 25, 1794 & is witnessed by Henry Sittler & Jacob Rothermel & probated at Reading Aug 2, 1794.

June 17, 1925. This is not our Jno Frederick Hill born 1758 but his Uncle & he became 2d husband of Maria the widow of Jacob Hottenstein & step-father-in-law of Casper Merkle, son of Uncle George, who married her daughter Plantina Hottenstein. See old unsigned parchment deed in hands of C. Willard Hill.

V13 Page 244

Hotel Altamont, Hazleton, Pa Room 605 June 13, 1925 7:33 AM

I got in town last night at 6:48 PM on the Lehigh Penna RR Express & came to this eight story 175 rooms fine hotel largely the product of Geo B. Markle III. I phoned C. Willard Hill & Rev Robt B. Jack & neither answering, I went across the street to the First Pres Church where a pretty young girl said Rev Jack was out of town attending his daughter's graduation, but would be home sometime tonight. I then went across the other street to the Dresback Bldg & C. Willard Hill who had just returned from the country followed up the stairs after me & we went to his office. I came over & got the large package, his father's big old scrap book & also his notes on Fort Jenkins & gave to him. I told him I had retained the pamphlets & other papers & old letters I had culled at his office, along with some half dozen sheets of Rev S.L. Harkey, taken from the church's record of baptisms which I wished to go over & would return later which he said was all right. He said he would drive me this morning which is a beautiful one with bright sunshine & a good breeze, over to see his cousin Miss Low at Lime Ridge & to Bloomsburg, Pa & then to the address at 2:30 PM at Old Fort Jenkins. He said his father was an inveterate reader

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& was greatly interested in family history, but did not press his researches to conclusions nor make records, but had it in his head & could talk it. He said when I questioned whether he was of our Markle line, that his father found so many Frederick Hills in the early days that he became bewildered in the maize [sic] of so many early Fredericks & so many other Hills of the same name.

He gave me the obituary notice from a local paper here of his father Charles F. Hill which reports him dying at his home here 423 West Broad ST at 4 Pm Monday afternoon October 6, 1919 from conditions incident to old age & said he had been confined to his bed for almost 2 years. Said he was born at Fort Jenkins Dec 2, 1834 where he was married in 1860 & shortly afterwards, came to Hazleton, Pa where he ever after lived, his wife dying 5 yrs before & he was survived by his son c. Willard Hill & by a daughter Mrs John Stearns of Delaware Water Gap, wife of Dr Stearns there. His son G.E. Hill died of influenza in October preceding. Also surviving were the following brothers & sisters:

Mrs Elizabeth Evans of Watsontown, Pa

James Hill of California

Dr J.W. Hill of South Bend, Indiana

& Emanuel Hill of Conyngham.

He was U.S. Commissioner at Hazleton, Pa for 45 yrs in which he was succeeded by his son C. Willard Hill 7 yrs before his death

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He was burgess of Hazleton in 1870 & then county commissioner & was the first to awaken interest in Forestry in Luzeme Co & Eastern Penna & it was on his urgent initiation that shade trees were first planted in the public square at Wilkes-Barre, Pa. He was councilman at Hazleton in 1890 continuing for four years. He laid out West Hazleton & Green Ridge & was a member Wyoming Historical Society & a life long member of St Pauls M.E. Church. He was an Iowa pioneer in the fifties in N.W. Iowa & took out the first papers for the organization of Dickinson Co, Iowa & was its first sheriff, living at Spirit Lake & where he had many interesting experiences with the Indians located there.

I am returning the clipping to Mr Hill.

Room 605 8:35 PM

I went over to C.W. Hill's office this morning & asked him for the dates of death of his father, brother & mother & he gave me the following:

Charles F. Hill, his father died Oct 9, 1919

George E. Hill, his brother died Oct 16, 1918

Mary Jane Hill, his mother died Jany 4, 1914

We then started in his Ford, he driving all the time alert & intensive at 9:11 AM to attend the unveiling of the marker of the site of Fort Jenkins near Lime Ridge in Columbia Co, Pa between Berwick & Bloomsburg, Pa. We passed where two roads branch off

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to the right, the first one going to the bungalow home of Geo B. Markle III & the second just a little further on to that of his Uncle Alvan Markle, both on the mountain top, which we saw later from the fine Conyngham Valley beyond.

At 9:20, we stopped at Conyngham Pass here he showed me the site just under the hill of an early Indian massacre which his father had located.

At 9;35, we stopped at a fine brick house & met C.W.'s cousin Mrs Maude Hetler in Conyngham, Pa a daughter of C.W.'s uncle Emanuel Hill. She said they were connected with the Hahn family & that Elizabeth Low would know how. I saw later when at her home that Jacob Hill, grandfather of both of them married Anna Achinback, daughter of Philip Achinbach & his wife Sophia? Hahn. Investigate whether she is a daughter of Isaac Hahn who married a daughter of Uncle Christian Markle. Look for Isaac Hahn's will at Reading, Pa & ask Miss Low or write her.

At 10 o'c, crossed the Nescopeck mountains & at 10:30 went through Nescopeck & Berwick, Pa. We stopped at the old Hill home at Fort Jenkins where Chas F. Hill & his father, Jacob Hill were born & looked through the old frame house with its big kitchens &

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left at 11:11 Am. The big boulder on which the marker is placed was put there yesterday as was the high flag pole. We stopped at the Methodist g.y. in Lime Ridge, just beyond & found the following inscriptions:

1. Catharine, wife of Frederick Hill died July 30, 1841 aged 63 yrs

Frederick Hill died Aug 31, 1823 aged 59 yrs 4 mos

Anna, wife of Jacob Hill died Dec 27, 1902 aged 88 yrs 2 mos 21 days

Jacob Hill died Nov 9, 1859 aged 45 yrs 8 mos & 10 days

AT 11:20 to 11:40 AM, we were at the substantial big brick home of the Lows in Lime Ridge, the house fronting 60 or 70 ft on the main road or St & met Vincent Low & his sister Elizabeth Low. Their mother was a sister of Chas F. Hill & they are fine people. Elizabeth got her small record book which spoke of five Hill brothers coming over from Germany & that three of them were Generals & two captains in Germany & were probably children of Philip Hill who had his men fire into a Catholic monument & then had to flee to America by reason thereof. One of the brothers above was Jacob Hill, who had three sons:

1. Daniel, born abt 1724 died in Westnd Co, Pa 1814

2. John Jacob Hill who married

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Mary Appolonia Merckling & had the children above listed.

3. Frederick father of Capt Frederick Hill of Fort Jenkins & ancestor of C.W. Hill, my host.

From this, it will be noted that much I have taken down about the Hills is not needed as they are not in our line of John Jacob's descendants. The five brothers came from along the Rhine from the vicinity of Coblenz & the Hunsricken Mountains near the Rhine in the Palatinate.

From 12 to 12:30 PM, had lunch at the Magee Hotel, Bloomsburg, Pa as guest of C.W. Hill & went in with him to the First Natl Bank where he introduced me to Geo Low who works there, also his cousin. At the unveiling, he introduced me to another brother, Ellsworth Low. He says there are six of them all unmarried & very rich, each of them, the thinks worth $500,000, made by their father, Geo Low, buried right by the church above mentioned, who made it in the lime business & keeping store. I got shaved in Bloomsburg & at 1:30 started back & arrived at Fort Jenkins at 2 PM where many people were gathered & many more came, among them about 25 to 30 choir boys from the St Pauls Episcopal church,

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Bloomsburg, Pa, three or four of the larger ones in bright red dresses & the others, most all small boys, in black dresses & white upper suitouts. Dr Geo P. Donehoo, a tall, handsome man, made the principal address. The location is a most delightful commanding one on the banks of the Susquehanna River, with an expansive fine view across the river, which is Columbia Co & back of the house is a wide expansive level plateau showing a fine farm. The plate fastened to the boulder had this inscription as I remember: "Site of Fort Jenkins, erected 1777-1778, destroyed by Indians 1780 (Sept 9?) Form 1781-1796, this land was owned by James Wilson (born in Scotland 1742 came to America 1766) a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. Erected by Moses Van Campen & For McClure Chapters of D.A.R. 1925"

The ground on which the rock & pole are placed is out front along the road & is about 22 feet square & was deeded today to the D.A.R. by Joseph A. Creasy. The location of the fort was back of the house in the corner of the garden.

We left at 4:30 & reached Hazleton at 5:55 PM. I had C.W. Hill come to this hotel & have dinner with me in the cafeteria & we went over to his office where at

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7:35 PM, a foolscap sheet penciled by C.F. Hill says there was a Frederick Hill who enlisted May 10, 1777 in Capt Robt Connelly's Co of 4th Penna & lived in Lycoming Co in 1833 where Connelly lived in 1810. Chas J. Hill says this Frederick was his great grandfather from Berks Co, Pa who died at Danville, Pa & is buried there. See if tombstone gives birth or age & may thus prove if he is son of John Jacob Hill & his wife Mary Appolonia Merckle who was born Aug 21, 1758 see page 231.

There was a John Hill lived two miles east of Milton, Pa who Geo Hill of Hughesville, Pa says lived to be an old man. Look for his will & tombstone & see if it shows him to be born June 20, 1751. See page 231. Coming down West Broad St tonight, we passed the large fine former home of Alvan Markle which he sold to the Elks Club, who were holding an Ice Cream Festival tonight & C.W. said the house contained 28 rooms. I phoned Rev R.B. Jack who came to my room her abt 8:40 PM & I gave him the record of his line clear back to Roger James of London for which he was most grateful. He had just rtd this evening from the graduation of his two daughters, the Elder graduating at Holyoke & the younger at some other N.E. School. He will get more of his lines for me. It is now 12:07 AM 14th & I am sleepy & will go to bed.

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Wm Penn Hotel, Pittsburg, Pa Room 1611 June 15, 1925 11:22 AM

I went around to the manufacturer's Bldg 530 Duquesne Way & on 6th floor at 11 Am ordered from Dermitt Printing Co through Mr Dermitt, six books like this one, which I had with me & showed him Nos 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, & 20.

C.W. Hill gave me again Saturday night 13th address of Harry Shumo, Secy American Casualty Co, Reading, Pa whose mother was a Hill & he said he, Shumo, would introduce me to Mr Deiseher who could give much help.

Oak Hill June 17, 1925 11 AM

Have just finished making slips to here. JVT

Oak Hill June 17, 1925 1 PM

I am returning by Reg mail this afternoon, a tube to Dr Annie L. Alexander No 410 N. Tryon St, Charlotte, NC see page 203 ctg the Patrick Jack tree & two blue prints thereof. Am also sending Mrs John Van Landingham No 500 East Ave, Charlotte, NC see page 211 a tube ctg one of said blue prints as I promised her.

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At residence of Mrs Ophelia F. Finley No 307 W. 9th St, Columbia, Maury Co, Tenn June 19, 1925 11:30 PM (10:30 PM their time here)

I arrived here about 7:45 PM my time, Miss Estelle Finley having met me at the Sta on arrival of train & drove me here in her Ford.

Mrs Gordon, Estelle's sister says that her father's sister, Mary Trotter spoke once to her of her grandfather Finley visiting her father, James Kennedy Finley in Blount Co, Tenn at his home near the town of Louisville, Tenn on the Tennessee River & said he was dressed like an English gentleman with ruffles about his neck & said he came from Virginia & from Rockbridge Co.

Estelle says her Aunt Mary Trotter said she had an Uncle Robert Finley who went to Ohio. She said too, that her grandfather (she didn't know which one) fought at the battled of King's Mountain & said also that John Finley who piloted Boone into Ky was related to their family. John Finley & George Finley fought at Kings Mountain.

Estelle gives me the following list of marriages of Finleys in Blount Co, Tenn taken from the records at Maryville, Tenn.

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Feby 15, 1816 James Finley mar Margaret Pickens, Hugh Bogle J.P.

Feby 8, 1822 Robert Finley mar Agnes Edminston, no report

Feby 15, 1825 John Finley mar Edy Saffell, J. Turk

Aug 14, 1828 James K. Finley mar Temperance Kenny Wm Eggleston M.G.

Aug 25, 1832 Albert Finley mar Betsey Kennedy Isaac Anderson, Pastor New Providence Pres Ch

Jany 1, 1833 Joseph W. Finley mar Polly Nicholson Jeremiah Moser, M.G.

M.E. Church

Oct 27, 1836 Saml S. Finley mar Betsey Ann Dulaney Saml Tullock J.P.

Feby 18, 1840 John M. Finley mar Eliza J. Dulaney Saml Tullock, J.P.

Sept 10, 1846 John Finley mar Mary McMurray no report

Oct 1, 1849 James K. Finley mar Margaret Palmer Thos N. Rooker J.P.

May 26, 1872 John A. Finley mar Hannah Delozier W.M. Murrin J.P.

Feby 10, 1876 A.F. Finley mar E.J. Kidd Jos Ambrister J.P.

Jany 20, 1878 Samuel Finley mar Nancy Davis Hugh H. Gamble J.P.

On letter head note size of Mrs Robert M. Packard 229 Austin St, West Newton, Mass is written the following:

Paxton - Greenlee - Finley

Wm Paxton, son of Thomas & Elizabeth (McClung) b. Rockbridge Co 1757 d. same 1838 married 1787 Jane Grigsby (1769-1832) dau of John. Their daughter, Mary (Polly) Paxton was born 1791 married 1812 James Greenlee 1769-1840) son of John & Hannah (McClanahan) & gr son of James & Mary (McDowell).

And their daughter, Mary Jane Greenlee was born 1814 married John Finley & moved to Holly Springs, Miss. Children:

George, who m. Nannie Dunlap



Augusta, m. Lewis Scroggs

John m. a Murray of S.C. & had Jennie

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Typewritten on another paper is:

Finley Data

Samuel Finley b 1775 married Mary Tate was a merchant in Greenville, Va died 1849 & is buried in cemetery of Bethel Church Augusta Co, Va. Issue of Samuel & Mary Finley:

Carolina Ellen, Samuel B. Lavinia, William.

William married Mary Greer & moved to Miss. Issue - Samuel - Mittie who married a Dunlap of Memphis:


Jane Tate

John T.G. married Miss Greenlee died 1848 at Holly Springs, Miss Issue:

George C.S.A.

John, C.S.A.




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[descendant chart]



James Kennedy Finley born Dec 21, 1802 died Nov 27, 1854 in Blount Co, Tenn near the town of Louisville on the Tennessee River. m.1. Aug 14, 1828 Temperance Kenny born June 28, 1807 & died Jany 1844 daughter of Jacob Kenny born 1773 & his wife Mary Patterson born 1778 & married 1800, who moved 1801-02 from Staunton, Va to Blount Co, Tenn. M.2. Oct 1, 1849 Margaret Palmer by Thomas N. Rooker J.P.

Samuel Kenny Finley, Born May 5, 1829 near Louisville, Tenn died Sept 17, 1889 at Spring Hill, Tenn. Served in Confederate Army enlisting in Knoxville, Tenn in Co G. First East Tenn Cavalry & surrendered with Lee at Appomatox C.H. Va Apr 9, 1865. He was a merchant, mason & Prest bible society in Blount Co, Tenn before the war. At close of war, came to Maury Co, Tenn & became a merchant at Spring Hill & m. Dec 8, 1870 Miss Ophelia Ferguson born July 29, 1853 at Williamson Co, Tenn daughter of D. Franklin Ferguson & wife Mary Angeline Campbell. He was member Pres Ch. her great grandfather, Isaac Ferguson was a Rev soldier. Had 7 children born at Spring Hill, Tenn. All Pres.

Mary Temperance, B June 4, 1872, at home single

Samuel Kenny, B Mch 3, 1874 ob Mch 18, 1874

Samuel Kenney, B July 9, 1875 ob Oct 9, 1876

Roxie Patterson, B Nov 25, 1876, m. Jany 9, 1899 to Daniel Swepson Gordon born Feby 14, 1869 in Columbia, Tenn, son of James Payne Gordon & wife Lucy Jane Meriwether Barnes. They have but one child born in Nashville, Tenn.

Daniel Swepson Gordon Jr, Born May 3, 1904. M. Aug 27, 1926 at Franklin, Tenn by Rev E.E. Hawkins Jr Pres to Miss Mary Mitchell Latta dau of Frank Latta & his wife Eliza Mitchell.

Estelle Kenny, B Apr 21, 1879 at home, single, my good informant.

James Franklin Ferguson, B Sept 27, 1881 served in Spanish Am War enlisting at Nashville, Tenn Aug 16, 1899 in Co K. 29th U.S. Vol Inf. In battle of San Mateo, Catubig, et al. m. Feby 23, 1909 to Lena Jones b Oct 27, 1887 dau of John Jones & wife Sara Little. Have 2 daus born in see below mar by Rev W.S. Morton.

Rena Finley, B Nov 25, 1909 in Ft Worth, Tex

Evelyn Campbell, B Dec 28, 1912 in Columbia, Tenn

John Campbell B Dec 25, 1883 m. Oct 12, 1915 to Ella Cathey B Dec 3, 1887 dau of Wm Cathey & wife Margaret Shannon. Living in Birmingham, Ala. No issue. Mar by Rev F.C. Gowell.

Mary Jane Finley [dau of James Kennedy Finley] B Nov 5, 1830 in Blount Co, Tenn ob Sept 17, 1909 & buried at Maryville, Tenn in Magnolia Cem. Member M.E. Ch south m. Jany 20, 1878 being his 3rd wife to John Sevier Trotter of Sevierville, Tenn B Nov 20, 1807 ob May 11, 1884 son of John Trotter & wife nee White. No issue. He is buried at Middle Creek Cem Sevier Co, Tenn.

Margaret Elizabeth, B June 18, 1833 ob 1840 when young born & died in Blount Co, Tenn

John Calvin, B Feby 1836 ob Apr 26, 1861, unmarried.

Narcissa Evaline, B Nov 30, 1838 ob Dec 12, 1914 in Blount Co, Tenn. She mar Jany 18, 1887 Edmund E. Kidd in Blount Co, Tenn born May 24, 1828 & died Feby 2, 1904 son of Randolph Kidd & wife Mary Paul. He had formerly on Dec 30, 1850 mar Margaret A. French & had 7 or 8 sons. Had one child by Narcissa. She is buried in Magnolia Cem, Maryville, Tenn.

Margaret Temperance Kidd, born June 17, 1878 m. Jany 24, 1906 in Blount Co, Tenn William Wade Morton born Jany 11, 1874 son of John Morton & wife Mary Smith. Have two children born Route 2 abt 3 miles fr Maryville, Tenn.

John Edmund Morton, B Apr 28, 1907

Mary Finley Morton, B Jany 26, 1911

Robert Finley [brother of James Kennedy Finley] Went to Ohio

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At residence of Abram & Reed L. Caruthers 2011 Greenwood Ave, Nashville, Tenn June 20, 1925 3:30 PM

Mr Abram Caruthers says his grandfather, Abram, Judge Robt L. & Mrs Debow were children of the second wife of their father & of the first wife's children were Sam Caruthers of Mo for whom Caruthersville Mo was named & he was a member of congress, thinks a full sister of Sam went to West Tenn & married a Lowrance & went, he thinks, to either Gibson Or Obion Co. Probably a brother & sister went to Miss & a lady descended from them was here in 1897 or 1898 to the Nashville Centennial. She had a good record of the family, but can't recall her address, but thinks her name was Thompson. Judge Robt L. Caruthers died in 1882 at Lebanon & is buried there. He married a Miss Hocket, a daughter of Dr Hocket, but had no issue. However, two daughters of his wife's sister lived with him viz: Mary & Dee CaHall. Thinks Mary married an Osburne & thinks lives at Atlanta, Ga & might have the bible of Judge Caruthers' father, could at least

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give some data abt the family. Robt L. was older than Abram & both of them were younger than Mrs Debow.

Abram Caruthers was born about 1803 & died during the war at Cartersville, Ga in 1862 & was buried at Lebanon, Tenn which was his home.

He says a Stoddard Caruthers lived in Jackson, Tenn was a lawyer, who died 15 or 16 yrs ago, but his widow, well up in years is living there yet aged probably 80. He was a first or second cousin of my informant's father. She no doubt could tell.

Judge Abram Caruthers married Mary Allen, daughter of Robert Allen & granddaughter of Grant Allen. Thinks she survived him. They had twelve children born on his farm abt 12 miles from Lebanon on the Caney Fork river at the bluff. The children were:

1. William Allen Caruthers, oldest, born May 6, 1832 & died Mch? 1908 aged 76 at Hartsville, Tenn & is buried at Lebanon, Tenn. He was married about 1861 or 1862 near Rome, Tenn to Fannie T. McCall born 1836? & died Oct 29, 1882 aged 48 & is buried in the city cemetery at Lebanon, Tenn. Had five boys, no girls born, Reid L. in Bluff farm of his grandfather out from Lebanon

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Allen born in Lebanon, Tenn & the other three on the farm out by Hartsville. They were as follows:

I. Reid Looney Caruthers born Sept 28, 1863

II. Allen Caruthers born Feby 22, 1866

III. Abram Caruthers born Nov 7, 1868

IV. John Caruthers born Feby 26, 1870

V. William Caruthers born Apr 12, 1876

I. Reid L. was married Dec 25, 1889 to Nannie M. Andrews born Nov 2, 1864 daughter of William F. Andrews & his wife Sallie Panier Goodall & have had five children, first three born near Hartsville, Tenn & the other two born on the corner just above here. Their names:

A. Jennie Louise born Feby 9, 1893

B. Frances McCall born Mch 12, 1896

C. Abram born Nov 12, 1898

D. Nancy Lee born Sept 19, 1908

E. Alfred Donoho born Apr 4, 1909

Jennie Louise married Jany 23, 1917 Matthew M. Gilliam & live in Nashville, Tenn where he is a bookkeeper & have two children:

1. Dorothy born May 14, 1919

2. Nancy born Oct 4, 1923

Frances married May 9, 1917 Dorin E. Clark & live in Nashville, where he is a lawyer. Have two children:

1. Dorin E. Jr born May 25, 1919

2. Nancy born July 25, 1923

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Abram married Sept 18, 1920 Cynthia Scuddy & live here in Nashville, Tenn. He is a traveling salesman. No issue.

II. Allen Caruthers married in NY Loretta McGinnis of NY & are both living in NY & his office in Herald Square. He is a lawyer. Have four boys, no girls all born in NY

A. Allen jr aged 26

B. William

C. Homer

D. Clarence

All at home single

III. Abram married Dec 25, 1902 at Nashville, Tenn by Rev John R. Stewart, Pres Elder Met Epis Ch South, to Cora Belle Griffin born abt 1882 dau of James Griffin of NY. She died Feby 29, 1908 & is buried in Spring Hill Cem, Nashville, Tenn. Had two children born in Nashville.

A. Minnie Caruthers born Jany 6, 1904

B. Abram Caruthers born July 6, 1906 & died June 10, 1907

Minnie is single

IV. John, married abt 1900 to Miss Willis Bringhurst. Both living in Okmulgee, Okla

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where he is practicing law. He was Judge at Okemah, Okla for 12 yrs two terms. Have no issue.

V. William married Mamie Bedford daughter of Thomas Bedford. Both living at Ontario out 30 miles from Los Angeles, Calif. No issue. Did practice law, but is now in newspaper business.

2. Louise Caruthers married Genl John C. Carter. He was a lawyer & was killed in Confederate Army at battle of Franklin, Tenn in which battle 6 or 7 confederate Generals were killed. They had two children:

I. Ed Carter

II. Estelle Carter. She died unm aged 18

I. Ed married Minnie Dunn & had two children. He died & his widow remarried & is living here in Nashville. Their children were:


The name of Minnie's 2d husband is Chas Cooper

3. Samuel Grant Caruthers married Cassandra Campbell. He was a lawyer & then became a Presbyterian Minister & preached

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at Columbia, Tenn where he died. Thinks he is buried there. He had 4 children born, he thinks at Columbia, Tenn.

I. Samuel L.

II. James

III. Eugene

IV. Katie Lee

See pages 270-271

I. Samuel L. lived here at 1301 Acklen Ave where he is in the newspaper business Tel 7-4830-J married & has several children.

Room 707 Hotel Hermitage 10:45 AM. I called Saml L. at above number & he gave me a brief record of his father's line over the phone which I am recording commencing page 270.

Sept 16, 1925

Estelle Finley in her letter of Aug 12/25 sends a clipping of the death in a Nashville, Tenn Infirmary of Robert Caruthers in the 27th yr of his age, survived by his wife Elsie Mai Locke Caruthers & two children, Robert Emmett & Beatrice Evelyn Caruthers & two sisters, Misses Catherine & Lola Romero. Buried in Mt Olivet Cemetery, member of a lodge.

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4. Robert Looney Caruthers Jr. He never married. He was a lawyer & practiced here in Nashville where he was States Attorney abt the 70s or 80s. He died about 1881 or 1882 & thinks is buried here or at Lebanon.

5. Sarah Caruthers married Dr Lemuel C. Robinson M.D. He practiced here where they both died & are buried at Mt Olive Cem. They had three children, boys:

I. Robert, died Unm aged 27

II. William went off preaching

III. Dixon C.

III. Dixon C. married a Miss Rhea & lives in Louisiana.

6. Margaret or Rebecca Caruthers married Col Horace Rice of the confederate army. He was a lawyer & practiced at Lexington, Tenn. Thinks both died at Lexington, Tenn. They had one child. [two listed]

I. Maggie Rice

II. a son died an infant

I. Maggie mar James C. Harris comptroller of Tenn. Both dead. Left a son:

A. Horace Harris who went to NY.

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7. Eliza Caruthers married Dr J.A. Allsbrook M.D. & died over in Ky. They had two boys:

I. Allen died abt 17


8. Kate Caruthers married Berry M. Edwards in Dresden, Tenn. He was a banker in Gainesville, Texas. No issue.

9. Betty married Capt Chas M. Ewing of Dresden, Tenn. Both died there. They had three children:

I. Estelle, died aged 18

II. Caruthers Ewing a lawyer

III. Charlie Ewing a daughter

II. Caruthers Ewing is an attorney in Memphis, Tenn, married Miss Bessie Winston of Brownsville, Tenn. They have two or three daughters. Live in Memphis, Tenn.

III. Charlie mar Rhea Carey & both living in Memphis where he is practicing law. No issue.

10. Fanny, the youngest married John W. Hart of Hartsville, Tenn. He was a merchant & died in Sharonee, Okla & she is living at 414 W. Cotton Ave, Redlands, Calif. Thinks she is abt 75. She had

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several children died young & has a son Winslow C. Hart living in Los Angeles, Calif where he is a lawyer & Abram C. hart living near San Francisco. Thinks she can give dates of birth of her brothers & sisters & he will write to her tomorrow for that data & send to me when he gets it.

11. Mary, d.y.

12. Jane, d.y.

Thinks Mrs Rice's name was Rebecca, instead of Margaret.

Leaving 6 PM

Thinks Frank D. Caruthers who went from Paris, Tenn now with the NY World, NY could give valuable information & might be able to tell abt the Mississippi family.

As I was leaving, he insisted that I stay for dinner which I did. He asked me to send him a short sketch of the earlier generations which I told him I would do.

Left at 7:20 PM

I took the Porter Road Car at the Sta & rode 3 miles to the end of the line to reach Greenwood Ave.

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Hotel Hermitage, Nashville, Tenn, June 20, 1925 1:30 PM

Just as I came out of the telephone booth, from a talk with Abram Caruthers (I had previously called his bro R.L. who referred me to him saying it was of no interest to him) they were paging "Mr Caruthers" & a fine type of a young man, slender, alert & with fine face, appearing, I said I wanted to see him,s o when he came out of the booth, I told him what I wanted & he said he was from Pennsylvania, from Pittsburg & I told him I was from Uniontown, Pa. We sat down in the lobby in the corner over by the W.U. Tel Co & he said a Ewing genealogy gave their Caruthers line & said that a widower had married a widow & their children had married & I said you refer to the son of William Findley's wife marrying his daughter & are you descended from that Union & from Richard Ewing Carothers & he said "yes". His name is Ray Goulding Caruthers of No 1737 Freeport Road, New Kensington, Pa son of Charles Burroughs Caruthers who died in New Kensington, Pa Dec 9, 1917 having been born Sept 12, 1868 on Boyle St, Allegheny, Pa and he was son of George C. Caruthers who was son of Thomas Caruthers, the son of Richard Ewing Caruthers. Geo C. Caruthers died in May 1906

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in the east end, Pittsburgh, Pa aged 77 years. He married Elmina Boyle & have three children:

1. Charles Burroughs Caruthers, see below

2. Winona Caruthers born abt 1873 married H.M. Langworthy. Both living at No 6417 N. Sedgwick ST, Germantown, Phila, Pa & have one daughter Florence living & had a son Leslie who died.

3. George Caruthers born say 1878 (he thought there was 5 yrs between births). He has moved to California. Is married but has no issue. He married Florence ______ & has adopted a son.

Charles B. Caruthers married on July 3, 1890 in Allegheny, Pa Mary E. Wheeler born Dec 14, 1868 in Royalton, mass, the daughter of Warren Wheeler & his wife Evylin Cutter. Mrs C. is living at above number & her youngest child, Ray G. my informant, is unmarried & lives with her. They had three children all born in the East End Pittsburgh, Pa viz:

1. Ruth Eleanor Caruthers born Sept 21, 1891

2. Merle Wheeler Caruthers (a boy) born July 1, 1893

3. Ray Goulding Caruthers born Dec 19, 1894

1. Ruth Eleanor married Aug 12, 1913 Vaughn Thomas Salter born at Shamokin Pa & is now aged 38 yrs born May 12, 1888. Both living in Evanston, Ills at NO 1033 Cleveland Ave & have two

(Mr S. is son of Wm V. Salter & his wife Mary Jenkins) JVt Sept 13, 1925

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daughters both born in New Kensington, Pa.

1. Ruth Ann Salter born Sept 14, 1915

2. Jean K. Salter born June 14, 1917 "K" is just an initial

3. Vaughn Thomas Salter Jr born June 20, 1925

2. Merle W. was married Aug 1917 in Oakmont (Pgh) Pa to Margaret Walter born in 1895 daughter of Charles M. Walter & his wife. Both living in NY City where he is a steel salesman for the Crucible Steel Co. He is an expert metallurgical man. Have one son born in Oakmont, Pa.

1. William Caruthers, born Apr 1923.

3. Ray G., my informant, is single & lives at home with his mother. He sells Sanitary China for bathrooms for the Cambridge Sanitary mfg Co of Cambridge, O.

It was now 2 o'clock & he had to go to keep an appointment.

Closed 2 PM

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Samuel Grant Caruthers see page 262, was a Presbyterian minister & died at Columbia, Tennessee on Dec 1876 aged 45 yrs. He married Cassandra Campbell, who after his death married 2nd Thos Jefferson Walker & died in 1920 at Tampa, Fla aged 74 yrs & is buried at Lynville, Tenn. She had 7 children to her first husband, the first two dying in infancy before their third child, my informant was born viz:

1. child born & died in infancy

2. child born & died in infancy

3. Samuel lee Caruthers born at Elkton, Ky Oct 12, 1864 my informant

4. James Carter Caruthers born in Columbia, Tenn in Sept 1869

5. Eugene Friesen Caruthers born in Columbia Tenn about 1871

6. Katherine Louise born in Elna, Texas couldn't get name over the phone) about 1873 or 1874.

7. Joseph Fussell Caruthers born in Columbia Tenn in Mch 1877 some two or three months after his father's death.

3. Samuel Lee Caruthers was married Feby 14, 1899 to Annie Kelsey born Mch 10, 1874 at Lynville, Tenn daughter of Dr Jasper Kelsey & his wife Minerva Compton. Both living at No 1301 Acklen St here Tel 7-4830-J

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where he is a carpenter. Have had six children, five of them living viz:

I. Jasper Kelsey Caruthers born Feby 26, 1900. He was married recently & lives here in Nashville, Tenn

II. Cassandra Campbell, born Aug 15, 1901 & died June 18, 1905

III. Mary Caruthers born May 22, 1903

IV Samuel Lee Caruthers Jr born Oct 15, 1904

V. Albert Harris Caruthers born Feby 3, 1907

VI. Elizabeth Ann Caruthers born July 22, 1909

The four younger children are at home, unmarried.

4. James Carter Caruthers married Hattie Carter. Both living at Memphis, Tenn where he is managing editor of the Commercial Appeal. They have one child.

5. Eugene F. Caruthers married Mattie Emmee? Both living in Memphis, Tenn where he is in the newspaper business on the news. Have one child.

6. Katherine Louise mar Gracey. He has died & she is a widow with one child living at Tampa, Fla

7. Joseph Fussel Caruthers died unmarried in Lynville, Tenn aged 26 yrs

V13 Page 272

Hotel Hermitage, Nashville, Tenn Room 707 June 21, 1925 11:50 AM

I have a fine room looking out on the nicely elevated State capitol, also on the Memorial Building, a fine two story building, the home of Pres James Knox Polks who was buried there with his wife, whose remains were moved to the capitol grounds adjoining where they were reinterred & covered with a modest memorial. Facing me & in front of the capitol & looking over the memorial building, on the grounds of which he was shot down & killed by Cooper, is the monument of Edward Carmack unveiled June 6th last, erected by W.C.T.U. bearing words of wonderful loyalty to Tennessee quoted from a speech he made in the U.S. Congress. his killing was brought about by some bitter words of his, in his newspaper growing out of his defeat by Patterson for Governor. Also facing my room is the newly erected Andrew Jackson Hotel 12 to 13 stories from street to street to be opened in the coming August, which is erected on the site of the old Felix Zollicoffer home.

Yesterday at noon, I went to 1301 McGavock St to see Miss Mary Humphreys Myers & found she did not live there, but

V13 Page 273

a young lady directed me across the street to No 1304 McGavock St where she does live, but the house was locked up. After returning yesterday evening from Abram Caruthers' 2011 Greenwood Ave & being assigned to this room, I went back at 8:30 PM & found the house in darkness but rapping on the front screen door, a voice from upstairs asked who was there & I told her & asked if Miss Myers was in. She answered that she was, but had retired & could probably give more of the Caruthers genealogy than anyone else & we arranged that I go back at 8 o'c this morning which I did & found her a very active good sized medium height blonde of 65 yrs. She is a teacher & lives with her niece, Miss Georgia Brown Tel 7-1905 whose brother I expect is Harry G. Brown. She had several sheets of records which she let me bring with me to copy as I had arranged to meet Miss Estelle Finley on arrival of 9:25 train from Columbia. I walked over to the Union Sta on Broadway & met her just as she stepped out to look for her cousin Mrs John V. Orman who soon drove up & we three with Miss Mary T. Finley who came up with her sister, drove up on the capitol grounds. Just below which is a brick house, Mrs Orman said was her old home in which she

V13 Page 274

had lived 43 yrs. We arranged that they would return here for me at 1 PM to drive out to the Hermitage, the old home of Andrew Jackson. Coming back here, I called up Saml Lee Caruthers & got over the phone the record of his family recorded on pages 270 & 271. I also phoned Miss Myers & arranged to go out this evening when I return from our drive to see her as I find the train we will want to take to Knoxville leaves at 8:30 in the morning.

4:50 PM

I returned from the Hermitage where we drove out to, leaving here at 1:40 PM abt half an hour ago. Mr Partee, partner of Mr Orman, in I suppose the Orman, Partee Saddlery Co drove us out in Mrs Orman's car. The Hermitage is well worth seeing & I was glad to have the opportunity to see it. It seems that most all of his belongings are housed & kept there in a large brick house which he built & Miss Mary Finley says that six of the mahogany bedsteads we saw were brought from Paris, France via of New Orleans, La. The Ladies Hermitage Association own 25 A with the buildings, out of a 500 A tract, the balance of which will go to them after it cease to be used as a home for old soldiers & Mr T.L. Baker, the custodian

V13 Page 275

says that Genl Jackson owned 8000 A in a solid body surrounding when he died & owned 50,000 A in all, some of it being at the Gulf of Mexico. I bought a cedar bucket from him & his address is "hermitage, Tenn". Mr Baker says that in Mch 1923, a storm blew down on the premises adjoining the houses 38 cedar trees, two cherry trees & one oak & he had a Mr Patterson Of Murfreesboro, Tenn manufacturer of Red Cedar Buckets make 488 buckets out of the cedars which he is selling at $2.50 one of which I bought & he is sending it to me by parcel post. Genl Jackson & his wife, his adopted children etc are buried in the garden & a flat slab gives his birth as Mch 1767 & his death as 1845. The grounds about the several buildings are level & the land evidently rich & good & the place is an attractive one.

I am commencing on page 278 a genealogical table of the Caruthers family as shown by the records Miss Myers gave me.

The letter of H. Clay Evans dated Wash D.C. June 28, 1901 also gives:

"Joseph B. Porter & Elizabeth Thomas married June 1794" These were evidently the parents of the petitioner Elizabeth B. Caruthers.

miss Mary H. Myers D.A.R. National & Number is 66886.

V13 Page 276

Samuel Caruthers, father of Judge Robt L. & Abr Caruthers was married in Sullivan Co, Tenn to Elizabeth Looney & died at Dixon Springs, Tenn & is buried there & has a marker.

Miss Myers said that her mother told her of there being an ad in the newspapers seeking the heirs of some Caruthers in Texas who had a vast landed estate. She thinks this was probable "Wild" Bill or some of his father's line see page 279.

Robt Caruthers 1791-1829 is buried away back in Maury at Lytle Creek g.y. abt 3 miles from Columbia, Tenn. He was preparing to build a fine home & not getting proper help, he over exerted himself, broke a blood vessel, causing paralysis & his death in 9 days. His wife remained a widow for 53 yrs having been then 33 yrs old. It was she, who had the bible with 17 pages of family records going back in Ireland which she had helped to gather & her son Robert asked her for it & loaned it to the Pension Agt at Columbia, Tenn to get a pension for his mother. The Agt returned the bible but the 17 pages of records had been torn out & the agt moved away.

V13 Page 277

John Caruthers, great Uncle of Miss Myers died unm in Maury Co abt 1840 & had a good estate which he left to his brother Robert's children. May be buried at Lytle g.y.

Samuel Caruthers also Miss Myers great Uncle died unm in Maury Co abt 1867. His property was swept away during the Civil War. He died near Columbia but don't know where he was buried. She says Mary, who married Geo Patton was the oldest of the girls. Her son Patilla Patton married a Miss Whitacre & moved to Arkansas to near Forest City, with a large family of nine daughters, no sons. They all married & are all dead. Have descendants there one is wife of Judge Mann. Her Aunt Mary also had a daughter Maria, who married a Holt & lived in Maury Co. Had two daughters one of them Izora, married John Brandon of Giles Co, a fine man & has a daughter Lucy married Joseph D. Baugh & moved to Forest City, Ark where he has amassed a fortune & both are living. Aunt Mary had also a daughter Adaline who married Sam Orr & lived in Pulaski, Tenn, both dead leaving one dau Meta Orr unm & one son Hunter Orr married & living here in Nashville, Tenn. See page 282

V13 Page 278 & V13 Page 279

[descendant chart]



Capt Robert Caruthers, born in Burk Co, N.C. May 3, 1763 & died Oct 4, 1828 in Maury Co, Tenn & is buried at Knobb Creek in said Co. He was in the Battle of Kings Mountain & recd there a sabre cut in the face which he carried to his grave. See statement & affidavit made Oct 18, 1906 by his grandson, John D. Love & filed. M. in North Carolina Elizabeth Pattillo who was thought to have been sister or cousin of Rev Henry Pattillo, Chaplain of Congress in 1775 & a noted patriot see "Colonial & State Records of N.C." They moved to Maury Co, Tenn in 1806 or 1807. He had served in the Rev War, was one who destroyed the powder on its way to Genl Waddell, was one of the "Black Boys of Mecklenburg & Cabarrus". He was early wounded & taken prisoner & his mother walked 20 miles & got him paroled & nursed him back to health & he then violated his parole & rejoined the army. Miss Myers wrote Nov 1, 1925 that a cousin told her that Elizabeth Patillo as a sister of the patriot, Rev Henry Pattillo, Baptist. They were of Italian descent coming fr a colony of Waldenses who settled very early in N.C. His [Robert Caruthers'] children were:

Robert Caruthers, youngest son B Feby 1, 1791 in N.C. ob Mch 1829 in Maury Co, M. July 9, 1812 Miss Elizabeth Brown Porter born July 1, 1795 & died Nov 3, 1881. She filed claim for pension for his services in War of 1812, cert No 16766 which gave names of his children with dates of birth as given below & also the record of marriage of her four daughters.

Eliza Thomas Caruthers, B Oct 12, 1813 ob Dec 25, 1838 m. Jany 18, 1832 to Richd G. Looney B Dec 28, 1809 & ob July 2, 1841 aged 31 yrs 6 mos & 6? days, son of Abram Looney & wife Elizabeth Gunner [best guess].

Robert Abraham Looney, B Jany 31, 1837 only child. He moved to Texas & have lost trace of him. Says there is a M.E. named Looney fr Texas who might be a descendant.

Mary Mira Caruthers, B Jany 1, 1816 ob Apr 23, 1883 m. July 4, 1837 to Wm M. Davidson B Aug 21, 1797 ob Mch 8, 1877, son of Hugh Lawson Davidson B Jany 5, 1768 in N.C. & wife Jane Vance B Nov 30, 1772 in N.C. Lived & died in Maury Co, Tenn.

Mary Elizabeth Jane, B Apr 28, 1838 ob Aug 14, 18i55 only child was born in Columbia. Tenn.

James Monroe, B May 17, 1818 ob Jany 10, 1848 m. Miss Kate Kraus of Chillicothe, O. Died fr steamboat accident at Maysville, Ky. No issue. Buried at Maysville, Ky. Record of his mar destroyed by Pension Agt to whom papers were sent.

Joseph Porter, B Jany 26, 1821 ob Sept 14, 1823 in childhood

Sarah Humphries, B Feby 11, 1823 ob Feby 3, 1906 m. Nov 7, 1848 to Leonard Dozier Myers B May 1, 1821 in Sumter Co, Ala ob Apr 14, 1876 son of Rev James Myers Meth & wife Martha Godfrey.

Martha Elizabeth, B Aug 25, 1849 5 AM ob June 17, 1903 m. Sept 16, 1873 to Col Edwd Campbell McDowell born Nov 4, 1837 ob Oct 26, 1921 son of Saml McDowell & wife Nancy Vance see page 280. He was born in Lexington, Ky.

Anna Brown, B June 5, 1851 ob Mch 17, 1913, page 281

Susan Caroline B Apr 20, 1853 ob Aug 8, 1854 name Susan Caroline in infancy.

Samuel Davis Frierson, B Sept 12, 1852 ob Apr 12, 1861 in childhood

Sarah, B Jany 28, 1856 ob Mch 31, 1861 in childhood

Robert Caruthers, B May 31, 1858 ob May 30, 1863 in childhood

All four are [above] are buried in Rose Hill Cem, Columbia, Tenn & have markers.

Mary Humphreys Myers, B Mch 31, 1860 & lives at 1304 McGavack St here, my good informant.

Lena Dozier, B Dec 9, 1861 m. Sept 25, 1895 Hon Hu. C. Anderson of Jackson, Tenn Born Feby 1, 1851 & died Mch 1, 1915 in Nashville, Tenn being at the time speaker of the Senate. She lives in Nashville now. She had 4 children all born in Jackson, Tenn only one surviving. He was born in McNairy Co, Tenn & was Mayor of Jackson, Tenn.

Lena, B July 4, 1896 ob July 4? 1896

Unnamed son

Annette, B Oct 29, 1898

Mary I. B Oct 26, 1899 ob Nov 6, 1907

Susan Jane [dau of Robert Caruthers b 1791] B June 17, 1825 ob Apr 12, 1886 m. Sept 27, 1843 to Wm Jos Sykes B 1819 in Ala ob Apr 2, 1897, son of William Joseph Sykes & wife Louisa Dancy. He was fr Ala. Page 281.

Robert, B Dec 13, 1827 ob Jany 3, 1907 m. Jany 3, 1853 to Mrs Sarah A. Vaughn Lawrence dau of David Vaughn & wife Sarah Thomas & widow of Thos P. Lawrence. See page 281.

John Caruthers [son of Capt Robert Caruthers b 1763], unmarried.

Samuel Caruthers, unmarried.

Elizabeth Caruthers, m. a Love moved to the Western District.

Susannah Caruthers, m. Mch 12, 1812 to John Draper Love & lived in Maury Co, Tenn

Mary Caruthers, m. George Patton & lived in Maury Co, Tenn.

Samuel Caruthers [brother of Capt Robert Caruthers]

Robert Looney, judge

Abram, judge

Mrs Debow, see page 258 m. Solomon Debow

Sarah, m. a Finley see pages 284 & 285

William Caruthers,

William Caruthers, called "Wild Bill"

Col James Caruthers, see Campbell-Pilcher book in my French bookcase inner hall for his & his brother's lines.

V13 Page 280 & V13 Page 281

[descendant chart]



Martha Elizabeth Myers, B Aug 25, 1849 see page 278 Had 6 children all born in Columbia, Tenn.

Leonard Myers, B July 9, 1874 ob Mch 10, 1904, unmarried

Annie Vance, B Jany 10, 1876 m. June 16, 1898 to Geo N. Walden of Cynthiana, Ky. Both living at Stephensville, Mont where he is in mercantile business. Have two children born in Hamilton, Mont. Both living in Seattle, Wash. He born Dec 3, 1876 son of John C. Walden & wife Margaret Smith.

Margaret, B Apr 1, 1899, m. Aug 14, 1920 Gerald Sander, son of Valentine William Sander & wife Louise Lohman, & live in Seattle where he is in Auto bus. He born in Coeur d'Alene Idaho Jany 16, 1898.

Gerald Sander Jr, B Aug 14, 1921 in Seattle, Wash

Sarah, B June 4, 1902 in Seattle. Trained nurse in Seattle.

Sarah Caruthers, B Apr 21, 1877 m. Apr 25, 1904 at Portland, Oregon to Mark Whelan a Canadian who was born Feby 27, 1864 at Brudenell, Ontario, son of Christopher Whelan & wife Jane Roach. Have 3 children born in Seattle, Wash.

Elizabeth, B Nov 2, 1905

Annie, B May 9, 1907 [twin]

Mary, B May 9, 1907 [twin]

Edward Campbell, B July 9, 1879 m. Jany 21, 1910 to Laura Hare born Aug 17, 1875 dau of Merrill Hare & wife Mary Huttenhow.

Leonard Myers McDowell B June 24, 1911 at Everett, Wash.

Elizabeth, B July 25, 1881 m. in Manila 1913 to Arthur C. Grilk born in Iowa 1876 son of Hans Fritz Grilk & wife Margaret Sprick both natives of Nordfelt, Germany.

Arthur C. Grilk Jr, B June 5, 1915 in Manila, P.S.

Hervey Caruthers, B Jany 10, 1883 m. July 26, 1921 in Seattle, Wash to Lena Myrtle Grubb, born in Illinois, dau of John Wesley Grubb & wife Sarah Ellen Holdenbach. No issue. Live in Seattle, Wash. She was born in Woodford Co, Ills Feby 25, 1882. They live at 4102 W. Rose St, Seattle, Wash.

Anna Brown Myers [sister of Martha Elizabeth] see page 278 m. Jany 29, 1874 to a cousin not first Geo Alex Brown B Nov 9, 1846 & ob May 12, 1876 son of George Brown & wife Sarah Godfrey. have 2 children born born in Columbia, Tenn. Both buried there in Rose Hill Cem & have markers.

Harry Godfrey, B May 3, 1875 single lithographing in salesman

Georgia Brown, B Oct 27, 1876 unmarried. Lives here. Is a teacher

& pretty.

Susan Jane, b June 17, 1825 see page 278. She had but one child living. She & Robert should not be on this line.

Charles Sykes, B Oct 14, 1858 in Columbia, Tenn m. Apr 11, 1889 to Ella Gillespie born Sept 27, 1869. Both living here in Nashville & is in insurance business. She dau of Henry Carter Gillespie & wife Laura Cocke both of East Tenn.

Gillespie Sykes, B May 17, 1892 in Nashville, Tenn an only child. m. June 17, 194 in Nashville, Tenn to Josephine Andrews. Born July 9, 1892 dau of James Andrews B Sept 8, 1857 & wife Louisa Maxwell born Nov 29, 1859. Have two children born in Nashville, Tenn.

Louise Maxwell, B Sept 13, 1918

Ella Gillespie, B Feby 15, 1925

Robert Caruthers, B Dec 13, 1827 see pages 278 & 9. His three children all born in this Davidson Co, Tenn. He was born in Maury Co, Tenn. He & Susan Jane are Uncle & Aunt of Martha Elizabeth & Anna Brown Myers & should not be one same line. See pages 278 & 279 JVT. June 27, 1925. He died Jany 3, 1907 in Huntsville, Ala see page 194.

2. Ernest Brown, B May 17, 1858 ob Jany 14, 1861

1. Robert Caruthers Jr, B Oct 4, 1854 see page 194 ob Dec 31, 1906 m. Oct 4, 1882 to Mettie Moody born June 4, 1856 & died Dec 13, 1924

3. Sarah Emma Caruthers, B Mch 15, 1860 in Davidson Co, Tenn. Always called "Ladie" m. Jany 7, 1880 to Wm Houston Simonton born Apr 25, 1847. He is dead & she lives in Fort Scott, Kans. No issue. He died June 26, 1913. see page 194.

4. "Bessie" Caruthers, Mary Elizabeth, her name, B June 2, 1862 ob Sept 13, 1916 m.1. Oct 24, 1881 to Wm Giles Harding m.2. Sept 24, 1894 to A.W. Newson of Huntsville, All. He lives there now. she had 3 daughters & 1 son. See page 194.

Kittie C., B June 28, 1884

Birdie, B May 25, 1874

Bessie C., B Apr 25, 1890

Amos C., B May 3, 1900

Jany 24, 1926 2:05 PM see letter from Miss Mary H. Myers, Nashville, Tenn of Aug 10, 1925 in which is a very valuable newspaper article on the Carothers family giving many members & who they married & her letter of Dec 13, 1925 in which is two long newspaper articles on Judge Robt L. Caruthers which I should copy in my hist & use with his photo both filed today with the large envs. Also note words of [bottom line cut off] JVT.

V13 Page 282

From page 277

Her great Aunt Susannah who married John Draper Love had children as follows:

1. Joseph D. Love who made the affidavit I have copied, dated in 1906. He married late in life at Culleoka, Tenn, a Miss Wilkes & thinks he had some children who still live there. Thinks they are boys.

2. a daughter, probably Mary, who married Washington Ftizpatrick a farmer with a large plantation who lived near Culleoka in Maury Co who left a daughter who married a Pruitt & had two children:

Austin Pruitt married

Mary Pruitt married Porter Osborne & she lives here in Nashville, being a widow & has an unamrried dau in Wash D.C. & a son Porter Osborne who married a Western girl & lives in Los Angeles.

Her great Aunt Elizabeth ("Betsy") married a Love but no relation of John Draper Love & her & her children moved to Dyersburg, Tenn & Miss M. says her mother then lost sight of them. Thinks "Betsy" died at Dyersburg, Tenn.

Page 278, Her Aunt Mary Davidson's dau died in Columbia, Tenn unm aged abt 14 & is buried in Rose Hill Cem Columbia, Tenn.

V13 Page 283

All of Elizabeth B. Caruthers property was given to her son James M. to invest, which he did in Miss, taking title to the lands in his own name & his widow married again, claimed & took it all & thus his mother was left penniless.

Joseph Porter page 278 is buried at Lytles g.y.

Miss Myers says Elizabeth Thomas's mother was Sarah Humphreys & it was for her that my informant's mother was named.

It is now 12:30 AM June 22, 1925 & I have just finished with Miss Myers with the record of her Uncle Robert Caruthers on Page 281 & I will go back to the hotel. Her Uncle was William Mitchell Davidson. JVT

[fermata mark appears here]

Room 707 6:20 Am June 22, 1925

A letter dated El Paso, Texas Sept 13, 1901 to Miss Myers from Wm S. Caruthers states that his grandfather, James Caruthers moved to Tenn from Rockbridge Co, VA abt 1818 & later induced his father & the rest of the family to come out. He supposes she saw the old bible at his home in Jackson that belonged to his great grandfather, Joseph Caruthers mentions an Uncle Stoddard Caruthers

V13 Page 284


"Gov Martin to Earl Hilleborong, North Carolina Dec 12, 1771

Having recd a petition in behalf of certain persons (of whose names I now send your Lordship a list) excepted in one of Gov Tryon's proclamations under description of persons concerned in destroying General Waddell's ammunition, I laid it before His Majesty's council & it appearing that the young people guilty of this heinous offence had been ever well effected to Government & seduced by misrepresentations to this violence, the Board unanimously joined in request to me to recommend them for His Majesty's most gracious pardon, which I thought it out of my own power to extend to them, after I had referred the matter to the consideration of my Royal Master.


Colonial Records Sec IX p 69

Miss Myers said last night that her mother spoke of "Aunt" Sarah Finley saying she had a daughter who married a Caruthers, a near relative. She thought probably a first cousin & they had a son John P. Caruthers a lawyer in Memphis, Tenn & his sons Robert & Malcolm Caruthers, very rich, went to Chicago, Ills.

V13 Page 285

See the Campbell-Pilcher Book page 381 where mention is made of Sarah (she says form her mother's statement) marrying a Mr Finley of Lincoln Co, Tenn who had a daughter marrying James Caruthers & their son John P. Caruthers lawyer of Memphis, Tenn, who died in Memphis, Tenn (look for his will) & his sons Robert & Malcolm went to Chicago, Ills. She, Miss Myers thinks in the 80s.

She spoke of their [sic] being 17 pages of family records in the old bible of Elizabeth Brown Caruthers, her grandmother which the agt procuring her pension located at Columbia, Tenn, tore out.

It is 6:55 AM & I must dress & go to breakfast.

The City Directory at Nashville, Tenn gave:

Markle, Chester, salesman etc

Markle, Frieda M., student V.U. r 430 5th Ave N.

Markle, Harry (Cecila) H.E. & Harry Markle h. 1028 17 Av S.

Markle, Hyman E. (Sadie) H.E. & Harry Markle h 217 Russell

Markle, Isaac (Sarah) h 430 5th Ave N.

Markle, Jacob, salesman h 217 Russell. Looks Jewish

No Redburns, & no Rothermels

June 22, 1925 Quit 7:55 AM

V13 Page 286

Hotel Farragut, Knoxville, Tenn Room 628, June 22, 1925 11:07 PM

We left Nashville at 8:30 Am & arrived here at 5;25 PM. Miss Estelle Finley came with me & she is in room 728 just above.

The 1925 Knoxville Directory shows:

Finley, quite a lot of them

Jack, Chas, mech Rodgers Co r 110 N. Kyle

Jack, Elizabeth A. wid Geo M. r 110 N. Kyle

Jack, Miss Jennie B. r 110 N. Kyle

Jack, John (Armilda H.) Dept mgr Rodgers & Co

Jack, Jos E. (Elizabeth R) r 2711 E Magnolia Ave foreman Stand Knit Mill r 1234 Armstrong

Jack, Miss Ossie L. r 110 N. Kyle

Jack, Sanford B. (Helen B.) Civ Eng So Ry r 5 Thomas Apts

Jack, Wm H. Rodman So Ry r 609 E 5th

Rothermel, Al J. (Emma W.) bag agt L&NRR r 1913 Lake Ave.

No Redburns nor Markles.

I did not get to see or learn about Sanford B. & Wm H.

V13 Page 287

Office of County Clerk Court House Knoxville, Tenn June 23, 1925 8:20 AM

In estate book No 5 page 241 (from Apr 1830 to Oct 1835) it shows that will of Jeremiah Jack was produced & Isaac Patton, Jonathan Peikle & J.G.M. Ramsey, subscribing witnesses thereto proved it which was as follows:

I, Jeremiah Jack Senr of the County of Knox, State of Tenn, being through the abundant mercy of God of a sound mind & memory, do will interalia as follows: & body to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my two sons, James Jack & Robert Jack whom I appoint Exrs.

1st Pay all debts speedily

2d To my three sons, James Jack, Robert Jack & Allen Jack, all my right to the land on which I now reside ctg 338 acres to be divided between them in accordance with a plat annexed made by Robert Armstrong Mch 25, 1824. He states which parts go to each son & speaks of the property as "my Island". My right to the negro which I obtained from my wife's son, Geo H. Gillespie, I will & bequeath to my wife to be her property & also to be at the disposal with my negro boy named Anderson. My stock of cattle & sheep I desire to be divided into two equal shares, the first choice of which I bequeath to my wife, the other

V13 Page 288

share to my son Robert Jack.

I also bequeath to my wife all my kitchen furniture & my household furniture (except one feather bed & furniture, my bookcase, corner cupboard, large table & library books & papers which I bequeath to my son Robert Jack.) I bequeath to my wife my chest of drawers & the remaining household furniture also a horse value of $60. Gives to Robert all my farming utensils & to son James all my blacksmith tools.

I bequeath to John McNutt, the husband of my Martha, my negro girl named Ruth now in his possession.

To my sons Thomas Jack & Jeremiah Jack $200 each to be paid by Exrs in 18 mos.

Further bequeaths to my wife $100.

The remainder of my children not mentioned in this last will, I having gave them when they left me what property I was able I desire & hope they will be satisfied with what I then gave them the money I paid for Matthew Allison to the bank of the state of Tennessee. If it can be recovered by my executors, I desire it may be equally divided amongst all my children.

Dated Sept 12, 1825.

Jeremiah Jack Senr

Probated at July Court 1833.

V13 Page 289

Marriage Licenses, Knox Co, Tenn. Marriage License Dockets.

No 1. Page 57

Jany 20, 1845 John P. Jack to Martha J. McNutt

No 5 Page 134

June 7, 1873 William Jack to Mary Brody by Rev James Yarnell

No 6 Pages 69, 151, 189 & 200

Nov 18, 1876 Moses W. Jack to Elizabeth J. Hankins by A.G. French J.P. Knox Co.

Nov 24, 1878 John P. Jack to Mary J. Armstrong by Geo A. McNutt J.P.

Oct 23, 1879 William Jack to Alice Butler by Rev J.M. Armistead

Jany 11, 1880 Allen Jack to Rachel Johnson by W.W. Cruse J.P.

No 7 pages 11 & 138

Apr 28, 1881 Geo M. Jack to Elizabeth A. Luttadt by Rev John Parker

Feby 6, 1884 Strong Jack to Lirie Goins by Wm M. Kennedy J.P.

No 8 Page 397

June 3, 1893 Joseph Strong Jack to Lizzie Lindy by Wm M. Kennedy J.P. Estate Book no 6 1836-1839 on Page 19 shows at Apr sessions 1836 that Benjamin McNutt & John McMillan Coms appointed at Jany sessions to settled with James Jack Exr of Jeremiah Jack report that he was chargeable with

V13 Page 290

$560 which was all paid out as follows & receipts shown from:

No 1. Bushong Jack probably the widow $160

NO 2. Thomas Jack 200

No 3. Jeremiah Jack 125

No 4. Jeremiah Jack 75

Left 10:15 AM

Registers office 10:30 Am

The deeds are recorded in this office & we find many relating to both Finleys & Jacks.

Vol 1 - A page 401

This is an agreement dated May 17, 1797 wherein Patrick Jack of Hamilton Tp, Franklin Co, Pa for £100 agrees to sell Benjamin Chapman of Chambersburg, Pa 1000 A of good land in the south western territory south of the Tennessee River.

Vol 1 E2 page 152

Dated Mch 17, 1797 between John Finley of Knox Co, Tenn of one part & Patrick Jack of Franklin Co, Pa of the other recites that on Sept 4, 1795 the said Patrick Jack by his atty Stephen Duncan of Knoxville, Tenn conveyed to John Finley a tract of land on Tennessee River to include 15 miles square which tract of land was granted to Patrick Jack of Franklin Co, Pa by deed from the

V13 Page 291

Little Carpenter, a Cherokee Chief of the overhill towns of Gov Dobbs of North Carolina to him the said Patrick Jack in the year 1762.

Now John Finley for five shillings conveys same back to Patrick Jack by special warranty. John Finley (seal) witnesses Stn Duncan, John F. Jack

Vol 1 A page 67

Deed dated Jany 22, 1793 from David Craig to Jeremiah Jack both of the south west territory south of the Ohio River for £50 conveys a tract of land beginning at the mouth of French Broad River near opposite Thomas Gillespie's Island. David Craig. Not proven & recorded until June 17, 1823.

Vol 1 A Page 331

Refers to Grant from Gov Arthur Dobbs & speaks of Council held on the Catamba River in 1762 & on the Tennessee River in 1757 about it.

Vol 1 p page 72

Is deed made Apr 7, 1812 by George Jack of Knox Co, Tenn to Robert Patton Senr of same place of $500 conveys land on north bank of French Broad adjg Jeremiah Jack & Thos Gillespie being the

V13 Page 292

tract on which Geo Jack now lives ctg 57 1/4 A signed Geo Jack (seal)

Vol 1 P Page 93

Records a sale of a negro woman Leathy aged 22 for $350 to Jeremiah Hall dated Jany 15, 1812

vol 1 P Page 275

Deed dated July 14, 1814 between Geo Jack of Roan Co, Tenn to Elisha Ford of Knox Co for $25 conveys 3 A 1 rood [sic] on South side of French Broad River George Jack (seal) witnesses Jeremiah Jack, Robt Jack. Proven for record Dec 15, 1815 by said two witnesses.

Vol 1 P page 432

Deed fr Frances A Ramsey dated May 3, 1816 conveys to Jeremiah Jack Senr for $160 16 A adjg said Jeremiah.

Vol 1 B page 60

Deed dated July 7, 1795 from Patrick Jack of Cumberland Co, Pa to John Rhea of the County of Knox of the territory south of the Ohio River for $300 conveys 2 1/2 miles square out of my fifteen miles square. Pat Jack (seal) witness Alex King, J. Crozier

V13 Page 293

Vol 1 B page 63

This is a P/A [best guess] dated July 29, 1795 from Patrick Jack to Stephen Duncan for sale of his 15 miles square that he got in 1762 from the Little Carpenter & Gov Arthur Dobbs of N.C. Patrick Jack, witnessed by Thomas Chapman, Miles Chapman & Robert Chapman

Vol 1 R Page 193

Dated Mch 5, 1819 from James Vickers to Robert Findley (Estelle thinks this may be the brother of her grandfather, James K.) where in for $1400 he gets 150 A on the north side of the Holstein River just below the mouth of Tinkey Creek. James Vickers. Witness; Robert Tunnell, Wm L. Taylor.

Vol 1 T Page 14

Deed dated Mch 4, 1823 from Robert Findley of Knox Co, Tenn to James Findley of same place wherein for $1000 conveys the above named 150 A "it being the place that said Findley now lives on" signed Robert Findley (seal) Witnesses Wm Smith, John Findley & Samuel Taylor.

Vol 1 C page 88

In which Patrick Jack

V13 Page 294

refers to his appt of Stephen Duncan as atty & also to a tract of land in the district of Kentucky including the Big Bone Lick ctg 3500 acres. Dated Aug 1, 1795 Patrick Jack Witness Thomas McComb, John Brown

Vol 1 C Page 32

Deed from Patrick Jack by Stephen Duncan his attorney dated Sept 24, 1795 conveying for $24,000 to John Finley of the county of Knox the fifteen miles square which it says begins 3 miles above the mouth of Tellico River on the south bank of the Tennessee River & running down the Tennessee River & out so as to include 15 miles square.

Quitting 1:22 PM

In addition to the Jack deed references above were the following which I did not have time to examine & there were many Finley deed references which Estelle was looking for.

Grantors Grantees

1 - E - 54 1 - C - 133

1 - Q - 16 1 - W - 26

1 - O - 133 1 - 4 - 136

1 - H - 365 1 - L - 272

1 - W - 33 1 - N - 115

1 - W - 26 2 - E - 148

1 - H - 133 1 - Y - 342

1 - H - 135 1 - G - 458

1 - H - 160 1 - C - 28

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Miss Estelle introduced me in the registers office to Wm Edmund Parham of Maryville, Tenn who says that Jeremiah Jack married for his second wife a widow, Davis.

Sept 16, 1925

Miss Estelle writes Aug 12/25 stating that Trotwood Moore's Hist of Tenn gives the names of James White, Samuel Newell, David Craig, & Jeremiah Jack as having been appointed Magistrates of Knox Co, Tenn June 16, 1792 & that they four held the first court on July 16, 1792.

Also that James Carathers [sic] aged 80 to 90 yrs was living in Blount Co, Tenn on June 1, 1840

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At residence of Albert John Rothermel, NO 1913 Lake Ave, Knoxville, Tenn June 23, 1925 3:45 PM

Mr Rothermel was born in Louisville, Ky July 24, 1869 & is baggage master of the L&NRR here.

He was married Aug 19, 1903 at Louisville, Ky to Emma Willamina Steuerle (pro Sterly) born Dec 15, 1868 at Louisville, Ky the daughter of Karl Steuerle & his wife Sophia Dietrich. Have had three children viz:

1. Louise Steurle Rothermel born June 27, 1909

2. Twin sister unnamed born June 27, 1909 who died same day both born in Knoxville,

3. Albert Rothermel born in Knoxville & died same day.

Mr Rothermel's father was Peter Rothermel born along the Rhine & came to America to avoid military service in Germany when he was a young man aged about 18. That was abt 70 yrs ago & he was 42 days on the sea & went to Columbus, O. He died about 15 yrs ago in Nov or Dec when Louise was abt a year old, at Louisville, Ky & is buried there. He was married in Marion, O to Louise May also a native of the Rhine region of Germany

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She died abt 18 yrs ago. They had eight children all born in Louisville, Ky.

1. Frances Rothermel

3. Anna Rothermel

4. Lillie Rothermel

5. Charles Rothermel

6. Harry Rothermel

7. Dora Rothermel

8. Florine Rothermel

2. Albert John Rothermel born July 24, 1869.

Anna married Harry Husted both living at Zion City, Ills where he is a paint mfr in Chicago but lives there. Thinks she would have her father's family record & has paid some attention to gathering Rothermel records.

Lillie married James Kirwin & live in Louisville, Ky corner Adam & Fulton St. He is a retired lumber merchant

Dora mar Dr W.G. Scott M.D. & lives at 1369 Bardstown Road Louisville, KY

Peter Rothermel had a brother, George who came to America, but his brother failed to locate him.

He also had a sister who married a Luccop & lived at Columbus, O but their daughter & son & they have all died.

Leaving 4:20 PM

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At residence of Joseph Edward Jacks no 1234 Armstrong St, Knoxville, Tenn June 23, 1925 6:20 PM

Chas Jack of the Rodgers Auto Co across Gay St from the C.H. drove me up here but his brother Joe had not yet gotten home. His wife was sitting on the porch & their two young sons were playing in front. While waiting for her husband to come home, I had her give me their record.

Joseph Edmund [sic] Jacks was born Mch 3, 1893 & was married Aug 29, 1913 at Knoxville, Tenn to Ibbie Carmen Rowlance dau of William Harris Rowlance & his wife Margaret Boyers (both natives of England) who was born at Coker? Ky July 21, 1895 & have had two children living born here & one born at Glen Mary, Tenn.

1. unnamed child born Aug 1914

2. George Edward born Apr 3, 1917

3. Roger Cloyd born Jany 29, 1920

Mrs Jack [sic] says Mart Jack lives at Glen Mary, Tenn aged say 60.

Joseph E. came in & I waited until he got his dinner & started out then in his Dodge car about 6:55 PM to his Aunt Martha Jack's & passed the quarries where many big time stones were piled up as well as many of the Tennessee marble

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He said the Standard Knitting Mills at Knoxville, Tenn of which he is foreman employ over 900 hands 3/4 of them are young white girls. He said the mills worked on Union Suits all together & had yesterday turned out 856 dozen union suits. He said they paid the girls $3 per day.

We drove for over a mile through a narrow road through the bushes & 13 miles out were:

At residence of Miss Martha Jack Riverdale, Knox Co, Tenn June 23, 1925 7:45 Pm Route 11 4th Dist.

The house was in darkness, but Miss Jack came out on the porch in her bare feet & told us to come in. She hunted through her old bible & finally found an old torn piece of paper which she said her father, John P. Jack when in Ala to see his father, who she thought was Jeremiah Jack, a short time before his death had copied & gave the names & births of his children which paper was as follows:

"Montgomery Co, Huntsville to Steffice [sic]

1. Mary Ann born Nov 1, 1816

2. Martha born June 26, 1818

3. Elizabeth born Oct 4, 1819

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4. John P. born Sept 9, 1821

5. Adaline born May 1, 1823

6. Amelia born Nov 13, 1824

7. Thomas W. born Mch 4, 1826

8. Allen born Oct 28, 1828

9. James born Feby 4, 1830

10. Caroline born Dec 20, 1831

11. Jeremiah M. born Dec 15, 1833

Amelia Jack died June 21, 1856

Allen Jack died Apr 5, 1860

The above is a correct account of the births of my sisters & brothers. John P. Jack 1847"

Martha says her father, John P. Jack copied the above record from the bible when he was visiting. She says it was in Lebanon, Ala & she says her grandfather, Jeremiah Jack died there & is buried there & his wife died there. This evidently is not Jeremiah 1750-1833 but no doubt is his

son Jeremiah.

She says Adaline never married & died out in Ala & says Amelia died here unmarried & is buried at the Forks Church Presbyterian abt 3 to 5 miles from here.

This is 4th Dist Riverdale P.O. Tenn Route 11.

She says her Aunt Martha was an old maid when she married a

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man named Goggin a widower with children, but she did not have any children, was married in Ala & died there.

Martha don't know who her Aunt Mary Ann married.

Her Aunt Elizabeth never married & would come here & visit two months at a time. She died at her cousin Tom McCaulley's at Chattanooga, Tenn. She remembers her father going to her funeral but don't know where she was buried.

Her Aunt Caroline Jack married a Ward & she supposes she lived in Ala. Says her grandfather was only married once.

Thomas McNutt was married to his wife Adaline (Dykes) Oct 6, 1842.

John P. Jack was married to his wife Jany 23, 1845 viz Martha Jane McNutt.

Robert C. NcNutt (a brother of Martha's mother) was married to his wife Elizabeth (Luttrell) May 1, 1845.

John M. McNutt (Martha's mother's brother?) was married to wife Margaret (McMillan) June 19, 1845.

Nancy Elizabeth Jack born Mch 8, 1846

Robert Montgomery Jack born Aug 22, 1849

George McNutt Jack born Sept 7, 1847

The above marriages were on the back of the sheet giving the 11 births recorded on pages 299 & 300.

The old bible of John P. Jack had the following records.

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1. Nancy Elizabeth Jack born Mch 8, 1846

2. George McNutt Jack born Sept 7, 1847

3. Robert Montgomery Jack born Aug 22, 1849

4. Martha Amelia Jack born Nov 11, 1851

5. Mary Isabella Jack born Oct 3, 1853

6. Moses White Jack born May 1, 1856

7. Allen Jack born Mch 27, 1859

8. Susan Jane Jack born Sept 20, 1861

9. Thomas Jack born Apr 4, 1864

William Lewis (Jack) born Jany 6, 1876 (He was natural son of Belle (Mary Isabella above)

John Andrew Jack born Feby 7, 1881 (He & his wife dropped in, also his oldest son, a young man. He is called "Andrew" & is the son of Allen above on this page).


Robert Montgomery Jack died Jany 17, 1862

Thomas Jack died Jany 28, 1872

Geo McNutt, Uncle of Martha's mother died June 24, 1874

Mary Isabella Jack died Oct 19, 1887 unmarried

Nancy E. Jack died Dec 30, 1892

Allen Jack died Dec 26, 1923

Martha Jane Jack born Jany 14, 1873 (mother)

John P. Jack died Jany 4, 1882 (father)

Jane Jack died Apr 5, 1918 (wife of Moses W.)

Will Jack died Oct 19, 1924 (son of "Belle")

Moses W. Jack died Jany 26, 1924

A trunk full of his papers is at John Andrew Jack's near & is setting just where

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he put it when he came there to die & J. Andrew says it contains a lot of his grandfather's papers, but he has never looked through them but will do so & save them for me. He wanted me to go over & stay all night with him & look them over, but unfortunately my engagements didn't permit me to do so. Joseph E. says his father has some old papers also & he will look through them & see what he can find & let me know.


Martha Jane (McNutt) born Oct 17, 1818

Thos J. McNutt (her brother born Mch 6, 1821

Thomas McNutt was drowned Oct 1, 1855


John P. Jack married to Martha Jane McNutt Jany 23, 1845

John P. Jack was married to his 2d wife Mary Jane Armstrong Nov 24, 1878 (she was daughter of Alex Armstrong & wife Patsy)

Moses W. Jack married Elizabeth Jane Hankins Nov 18, 1876 (daughter of Luke & Polly Hankins)

Allen Jack married Rachel Johnson (daughter of Jeremiah Johnson & wife Jane Monday) Jany 11, 1880

She is still living & will be 69 next birthday

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Geo M. Jack was married to Hannah Luttrell Apr 28, 1881 (daughter of Wm Luttrell).

When I was at her home No 110 N. Kyle St, Tuesday afternoon to see her, she said that Dan Luttrell living above her had considerable data about the Jack history.

John Andrew Jack said he was married Feby 14, 1909 to Jennie Reed born Jany 1881 (a month older than himself, daughter of William Reed & his wife Martha Wilson & they have had 8 children 6 living & 2 dead, all born in this district viz:

Harvey Jack born Dec 25, 1909

Ray Jack born May 5, 1911

Effie Jack born 1914

Ethel Jack born June 1915 & died Mch 29, 1925

William Allen Jack born 1917

Ruth Jack born 1919

Nellie Jack born Dec 1920

Clyde Jack born 1921 & died aged one day

Martha thinks her Uncle Jeremiah Jack was married & went to Ala. Her Uncle Thomas W. Jack came here from Ala when she was a little girl about the size of Joe's. George & Roger who were

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there with us. He married a widow but don't think he had any children.

She says she doesn't know anything about her Uncles Allen Jack & James Jack.

Looking hurriedly through the big old bible, I found one of the many old papers in it was a letter addressed evidently to Martha's father John P. Jack which was dated "Portersville, Ala Aug 21, 1856 Dear Son"

which speaks of her advanced age & signs it "your affectionate mother, Nancy Jack"

on the back of it is written:

"at home. dear brother" & wants to know why he don't write & says he has written five times & got no answer & signs it "your brother J.M. Jack"

Martha, Andrew & Joe said there were some of their Jacks at Memphis, Tenn & also at Bristol, Tenn which is in Sullivan Co in the N.E. corner of the state adjg Washington Co, Va county seat of which is Abingdon Va where Estelle says there were Finleys in an early day among them John P. Finley who was sent to lay out a road into Tennessee.

Left 10 PM

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[fermata mark appears here]

At residence of a Dr Frank Wolford Finley NO 610 Sycamore St, Williamsburg, Whiteley Co, Kentucky, June 24, 1925 11 AM

Miss Estelle Finley & I arrived here at 10:10 Am & have met Dr Finley & his wife & find them to be fine people. They have produced the family bible, a large one well preserved of his father, Hugh Frank Finley which was published in Phila Pa by J.B. Lippincott & Co in 1860.

H.F. Finley & Jennie Renfro Moss were married Dec 12, 1860 by Rev Joel W. Ridgell. (She was daughter of Marcellus Jordan Moss & his wife Mary Renfro (formerly Rentfroe). They had 7 children, the oldest on born near Stanford, Lincoln Co, Ky & the others were born here in Williamsburg, Ky.) The dates of their birth are as follows: 1. Fannie A. Finley born Oct 28, 1861

2. Frank Wolford Finley born Apr 21, 1863

3. Charlie Finley born Mch 26, 1865

4. Kate Finley born Sept 19, 1867

5. Maggie Finley born Jany 2, 1870

6. Ann Finley born July 22, 1873

7. Gipsey Finley born Feby 9, 1875

H.F. Finley was born Jany 18, 1833 on Meadow Creek in this Co.

Jennie R. Finley nee Renfro Moss born Aug 23, 1834 in Claiborne Co, Tenn.

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Fannie A. Finley died Nov 4, 1861 in Lincoln Co, Ky

Gipsey Finley died July 31, 1875 in Williamsburg, Ky

Kate Finley died Sept 22, 1888 in Williamsburg, Ky unmarried & is buried in the cemetery here.

Ann Finley died in Colorado Springs, Col Jany 29, 1897 unmarried & is buried here in Williamsburg, Ky

H.F. Finley died Oct 16, 1909 here in Williamsburg, Ky & is buried here.

Jennie Renfro Moss Finley died Nov 14, 1914 in Williamsburg, Ky & is buried here.

2. Frank W. Finley was married Oct 17, 1893 at Glade Hill, Franklin Co, Va by Rev. _______, Methodist to Annie Middleton Preston born at Glade Hill, Va Jany 17, 1870, daughter of Stephen Bower Preston & his wife Isabella Frances Arrington. Have had five children, the first two born here & the last three at Red Ash, Ky near the Tennessee line. Their children are:

1. Kathleen Preston Finley born Sept 19, 1894

2. Hugh Preston Finley born Sept 1, 1896

3. Jennie Isabella Finley born June 4, 1898

4. Lera Spotswood Finley born Sept 11, 1900

5. Frank Wolford Finley Jr born Jany 24, 1903 & died Nov 7, 1918 at Milligan College, Tenn of the "Flu".

1. Kathleen Preston Finley was married Nov 2, 1921 here by Rev W.H. Sheffer, Christian minister to his son Ralph Lin Sheffer who was born Oct 21, 1895. His mother was Mattie Elizabeth Conley.

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They have one child born at the Riverside Hospital, Knoxville, Tenn.

I. Ralph Lin Sheffer Jr born Apr 21, 1925.

2. Hugh P. Finley was married June 14, 1924 at Jellico, Tenn by Rev Dr Crume, Baptist to Dorothy McComb born in Jellico, Tenn, dau of Barrett McComb & his wife. They have one child born at Jellico, Tenn where Hugh P. is manager of the coal mine at Red Ash, Ky.

I. Dorothy McComb Finley born Apr 3, 1925

3. Jennie Isabella was married Oct 14, 1924 here by Rev H.T. Young pastor of Christian Church here to Donald Edward Conoway. They are living at Oil City, Pa where he is with the Natural Oil & Gas Co.

4. Lera S. is unmarried & is now at Knoxville, Tenn where she is in charge of the Health Centre.

See b 24 p 434

Dr Finley says his father's people were Methodists, but he, his father, became a member of the Christian Church by reason of the preaching of Rev Janett

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of the Blue Grass region in the court house, there being no church in Williamsburg then. He became wonderfully versed in the scripture & often corrected ministers in their quotation of scripture. Dr Finley is also a member of the church. Hugh F. Finley was son of Robin Finley, possibly Robert, who was a farmer & hunter of the Ky mountains, living in this Co about ten miles west of Williamsburg, Ky on his own farm of over 300 A & has a monument which was erected by Dr Finley & his brother Charles. Hugh F. Finley studied law & was admitted to the bar here & became the champion of the poor mountain whites, was a Republican & represented three counties, Whitley, Knox & Bell Cos in the legislature & Senate & served 4 yrs two terms in the U.S. Congress being elected from the 11th district.

Dr Finley says his great grandfather Finley whose name he does not recall came from Greenbrier Co, Va & settled at Tyes Ferry on Cumberland River in this Co about 7 miles above the Robin Finley farm & is buried on his farm there, a good one & has a marker erected by the Doctor. Both farms have passed out of the family.

3. Charlie Finley is unmarried & is in the coal business & is President

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of the Proctor Coal Co & lives here on Main St, just below the depot at his father's old home. He & the doctor are both Republicans.

5. Maggie Finley was married Aug 1893 in the Christian Church here to Prof E.B. Wood, Pres of Cumberland College here for 20 yrs. Both living here. He was born at Norwalk, Ohio. Have had four children all born here.

I. Katherine Wood born Sept 28, 1894

II. Charles Wood

III. Marguerite Wood

IV. Wilford Wood died aged abt 3 mos

I. Katherine Wood married Stewart L. Lapp, son of Rev Lapp & wife. They are both living in Cleveland, O where he is a lawyer. Have one child born there viz:

A. Jene Marguerite

II. Charles Wood married Margery from Evansville, Ind. Both living Devonia, Tenn where

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he is supt of a Proctor Coal Co mine knows at the Buffalo Coal Co. No issue.

III. Marguerite Wood is unmarried & at home.

Hon Hugh F. Finley said he was not anxious to have his children of grandchildren have wealth, but was anxious for them to have sufficient money to be thoroughly educated. Accordingly, they have all taken degrees at college & have each specialized on some particular work.

Kathleen Finley graduated at Transylvania University at Lexington, Ky & then took a post graduate course at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wis

Jennie I. went to Randolph, Macon College, Lynchburg, Va as did her sister Lera S & both were graduated there.

Hugh went to the Augusta Military school at Staunton, Va I believe or near there & was in the World War in the Navy, transporting materials & prisoners but did not get overseas.

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1:44 PM

Charles Finley has come in & says his great grandfather was James Finley, buried on the Tye Ferry farm who came from Greenbriar Co, Va date unknown. His son, Robin Finley had a brother named James who lived in the Blue Grass region in Ky & then went to MO. Charles says his grandfather Robin Finley was married twice & his recollection is that his first wife was an Ousley, but will not be sure, but he had no children by her. He married Annie Gatliff, dau of Neil? Gatliff, who they think was the son of Charles Gatliff, the companion of Boone & the Indian fighter. By her he had many children viz:

1. Neil mar a Johnson, lived in this Co but died of typhoid fever young in S.C. Had children Thos & Kate. Thos dead, Kate mar Gus Wells & lives near old place this Co.

2. Calvin mar & had a large family. He moved to Ten Mile Sta near Sweetwater, Tenn & died there.

3. Louise mar James Sears lived in this Co & their descendants are in Kansas.

4. Aplis Finley mar a Sears, a cousin of Louise's husband. She died in this Co 7 miles above town & 3 miles below old farm. Had "Buv", Frank, Mary Ann

5. Mary Finley mar Dowis & lived 3 miles east of town. Died in

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this Co. A son James Dowis died in Asheville N.C. of tuberculosis.

A dau, Nannie mar Johnny Brown & live now near Richmond, Va where he is a farmer. Had 3 or 4 children here, two of them living here.

6. Hugh Frank. There were no children born during a few years prior to his birth & none for a few years after. 6 ft 1 in tall.

7. Robert Henry Finley went by name of Henry. He was 6 ft 1 in & got the farm. Brave & fearless, mar Sarah Bridges, who is now living in Louisville, Ky where she has been with her sons Charles & McKinley. Charles has just graduated as a doctor fr the University of Louisville, & "Mack" has position with Louisville Water Co. Henry got the home farm & the old family bible of his father & possibly grandfather. See her. Henry Killed John Owens, desperado on the street here in Williamsburg. Henry died here abt 4 yrs ago aged 80 yrs. Their children were:

Robt Henry Jr called "H"

William McKinley in Louisville, Ky

Charles Hobart, in Louisville, Ky


Ann mar Dr Lawson & live in Oklahoma City


A son died a young man unmarried

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8. George Finley mar Mary Merritt. Died here at Williamsburg. Had a farm. Children:

1. Nannie

2. James

3. Will

4. "P", a boy

5. Anita

6. a daughter.

She mar again to Wm Floyd & moved to Garret Co, this state where she died. Her son, Will, a shoemaker is living at Paint Lick, Garrett Co, Ky.

9. John P. Finley mar a Berry of this Co. Both died in Oklahoma. Dr thinks it was near Kingfisher. Had children:

1. Thomas, oldest

2. Ellen

3. Charles

4. Robert

5. Will

Charles says the data for his grandfather which they put on his monument they got from the old bible in the hands now of their Uncle Henry's widow.

The dates on the monument of their great grandfather, they got from the old tombstones at their graves on the Tyes Ferry farm but are not sure of the source from which they

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learned that he came from Greenbrier Co, Va now WVa. Reading to Charles & Dr Finley from page 226, they both say they have often heard their father, Hon H.F. Finley speak of his "Uncle Travis" so this locates them as grandsons of Robert, called "Robin". Charles also says he has heard of the Brainerd connection see page 227.

They say their great Uncle Travis Finley went to Missouri & their great Uncle James Finley to California.

Leaving 3 PM

9:46 Pm at Room 1008 Hotel LaFayette, Lexington, Ky

Dr Frank W. Finley named for Col? Frank Wolford, is a tall (6 ft) slender man, pare & wiry apparently & has a very pleasant smile & is a very fascinating talker. He said his father was the most entertaining personality & conversationalist he ever knew. He was a large man 6 ft 1 in & weighed 225 lbs & never walked out on the streets without having a crowd gather around him & his talk was always instructive as well as fascinating. He was always a positive character as was his brother Henry & his hours talk to Estelle & me about his father's political campaigning as a Republican in Democratic Ky & his Uncle Henry's exploits

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with the desperado, John Owens of Whitley Co, Ky who the Sheriff always afraid to arrest John Owens, by reason of the large crowd of mountain relative followers, drafted Henry Finley & his brother, John Finley to assist in his capture, as Owens had been killing men, women & children with impunity & who Henry later shot down & killed on the streets of Williamsburg, Ky & went free by reason of having rid the county of the desperado. Many people afterwards came to him & thanked him, saying they could now go home & sleep with their wives & children having for years being obliged to sleep in barns, smoke houses etc to avoid being killed by him. At the time Henry & John Finley were called on to arrest Owens, he took command of the house including the shff, some 8 to 12 men in all, & arrived at Owens home at midnight & knocked on the door & heard someone go up the stairs where he, it being Owens, blew a blast to his followers. Getting no answer, they rapped again & again before Owens' mother asked who was there. Henry told her it was he & that he had come to take John. She replied that he was not there. He answered that he knew he was there

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& demanded that she open the door or he would break it open. John Owens then called in suave & friendly tones "Is that you, Henry Finley?" & he replied "Yes, this is Henry", whereupon Owens opened the door & they went in. They had always been friendly & Henry explained that his brother John & himself had been drafted to arrest him & advised him to go along. He got out liquor & treated them all, gave them breakfast & was entertaining them royally & some of the Sheriff's posse were getting under the influence of the liquor & at noon, Henry told the Shff they must start for Williamsburg at once, but the Shff wanted to wait until evening before starting as Owens had proposed. Henry said to the Shff "If we wait until night, we will all be killed." & against the Shff's wishes, started with Owens, after telling the Shff he would withdraw with his brother unless they did go then. Owens immediately changed his demeanor & became sullen, so much so, that Henry called him up & demanded that he hit the road & keep going & don't turn back as I will follow with my revolver in hand & will shoot if you do. He put him in jail at Williamsburg, Ky & posted his posse heavily armed in a lean

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to against the jail which was surrounded by bush trees. That night, Owens followers came in numbers to take him out & were able to place themselves behind the bushes without being observed & on a given signal, fired into the lean-to whereat the posse therein broke out & peppered the Owens crowd whenever the discharge of a pistol showed their location, until they were routed & fled & in the pursuit, many bloody papers & handkerchiefs & guns were found. Owens was afterward taken to Knoxville & got out of jail there on bail. He tried several ways to get the drop on Henry & one day when in town, he saw Henry reach in his pocket, it was for his tobacco, but Owens thought he was reaching for his gun & whipped his out, but Henry who was left handed, beat him to it, fired & killed him. Henry said he had no feeling against Owens but had acted only in line of his duty & when Owens was in jail, he treated him like a brother in order to win his friendship.

Doctor said once that half a dozen bullies determined to thrash his father by reason of his outspoken fearless harangues at political meetings & laid for him at a lonely place in the

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darkness & stopping his horse, demanded to know if he was the son of a b____ Finley who was making these speeches. He said "I am Finley" & pulling out his twist of tobacco in the darkness, he had no gun, he pointed it at them & they demurred saying they meant no harm, but he told them they were lying & to beat it & go double quick & don't one of you look or turn back or I will fill you full of holes & they skedaddled. He said his father had often talked to him & his brother telling them what they must not do when they were so young they didn't know what he meant, but they remembered it, as youths will, & later when they became old enough to understand, their remembrance of his injunctions saved them. He said the Finleys were all great hunters & fishermen & told of a turkey call that his Uncle Henry felt was an Indian & taking two companions, he went out to the Fort from whence the call came & he posted one of his men on one side & the other on the other & located the call as coming from a chestnut tree in the branches of which he spied the Indian & firing, killed him whereupon, two other Indians jumped out of the sprouts which had grown up

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about the tree & made at him whereupon he ran by where he had one of his men posted, who killed one of the pursuing Indians & then ran by his other man & he killed the other Indian.

Mrs Finley would have us stay for lunch which we did & before we finished, Charles Finley had come over at 1 PM on her call & he loaned me a copy of a letter from Miss Martha Finley of the Elsie Books dated Elkton, Md Dec 27, 1888 to Miss Jennie B. Tilton of Carlisle, Ky granddaughter of her, Martha's great Uncle John Finley 1754-1837, in which she said she was born in 1828 & I told Charles I would have my niece copy it when I got home next week & return the original to him with two carbon copies. The doctor took us over to the station & showed us just below the station the big frame house with large yard surrounding with trees which was his father's old home & where Charles now lives. Charles was elected Secretary of State for Kentucky on the first successful Republican ticket in the state. Their father is buried in the cemetery of Williamsburg & they have put up a monument on which rather unusually is recorded the political record of their father.

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Doctor told us that his father did more for the poor mountain whites than any other man, taking the position that everyone must himself account for his record & that his own efforts & works were the gauge of his standings & not the family or fortunes of their antecedents & this brought him to bitter harangues against the blue blooded aristocracy & thus planting himself & themselves on such positions, they thought it unseemly to look into their family line or antecedents & thus had not undertaken to inform themselves about their forefathers. Their daughter, Jennie, had told Estelle that her father was absolutely descended from John Finley who took Boone into Ky but the Doctor & Charles as well said they had no evidence that they were.

The Doctor's oldest daughter, Mrs Kathleen Sheffer was there with her two months old baby boy & she is a very pretty attractive girl with jet black hair. Doctor showed us a photo of his father, a big strong face, covered with beard, & a fine looking man & he promised to send me one to insert in my history.

It is now 11:40 PM & I will commence transcribing the Jack data I got last night at Martha Jack's Riverdale, Tenn commencing at page 298 which I left for said record to & Incldg 305. JVT

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At residence of Sarah Gibson Humphreys Chenault, No 416, N. Limestone St, Lexington, Fayette Co, Ky June 25, 1925 1 PM

Miss Estelle Finley & myself arrived here three hours ago at 10 AM & were admitted by Mrs Chenault & she has a mass of records & Finley data about which we have been talking & she has passed over to me some three books & other papers which she says I may look through & select out anything I wish to copy which I proposed having my niece copy & return the original to her with two or three carbon copies which plan she approves. She is now having lunch prepared. She is a great great granddaughter of Michael Finley son of John 1713-1757, son of Michael the emigrant through Michael's daughter Martha who married Dr Joseph Scott & their daughter Sallie who married David Carlisle Humphreys (nephew of David C. Humphreys who married Margaret, 8th child of Wm Finley 1717-1800, son of the immigrant Michael, see Anjou History) (& son of Dr Alexander Humphreys of Augusta Co, Va & his wife) whose son Joseph Alexander Humphreys was the father of Mrs Chenault, whose husband Christopher D. Chenault was a widower

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with four children when he married Sallie Gibson Humphreys, my good enthusiastic informant by whom he had two daughters, one of whom we have just met with, her beautiful little daughter, Sarah. Mr Chenault died on Apr 23, 1925, was one of a family of six sons & six daughters, six of whom have died within the last year, the death of the last of the twelve, Overton Harris Chenault being announced in this morning's paper & he is to be buried here this afternoon. Mrs Chenault says she can pretty well give me the record of her line from her great grandmother down & I am undertaking to put it in shape of a genealogical table commencing on page 330. She does not have her great great grandfather Michael Finley's will nor does she know the names of any of his children except Martha, but produces a copy of the Inventory of his estate taken from the records of Nicholas Co, Ky & appraised at the Upper Blue Licks at the house where the deceased lived on Oct 16, 1812. There are 2 1/2 pages of articles & 2 1/2 pages of sale list. On Oct 31, 1812, shows first purchase by Sarah Finley, probably his widow & also several purchases by John Finley

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Robert Finley & Thomas Finley probably sons & many many purchases by Sarah Finley. Go to Carlisle Co, eat of Nicholas Co & look for will or settlement of his estate. It is 2d county N.E. of here & is where Miss Jeanie Tilton, a large woman, who is now in Europe lives. Her father's mother was a daughter of John Finley 1754-1837, the youngest son of John 1713-1757.

Mrs Chenault says there was a history of the Humphreys family which has their branch published about 18814 which is in the Astor Library in NY

Dr Alexander Humphreys born 1757 died 1802

Mary Brown Humphreys born 1763 died 1836

John Humphreys, whose wife was Margaret Carlisle lived in the Co of Armagh Ireland. His oldest son, David Carlisle Humphreys came to America in 1763 when about 22 yrs of age & lived for 8 yrs in Penn. There he married Margaret Finley. In 1771, he removed to Augusta Co, Va died 1826 85 yrs of age. His father left him a farm provided he remained in Ireland. This he forfeited to his brother & coming to America first settled in Chester Co, Pa (afterwards Adams Co, Pa) near William Finley & engaged in merchandizing. After his marriage to William Finley's daughter, Margaret, about 1769, he removed to Virginia as above & died. They had 9 children viz:

V13 Page 325

John, Samuel, A. Finley, Betsey, Peggy, Polly, Tirza, Anne & Hannah.

Samuel Humphreys had a son Wm Finley Humphreys & his son David Carlisle Humphreys is now Aug 14, 1901 Prof of Civil Engineering at Wallington & Lee University, Lexington, Va & the writer of these notes collected from his father.

The Humphreys family of Armagh, Ireland had ever distinctly, persistently & proudly claimed to have descended from Philip Humphreys, burnt at the stake for denying the supremacy of the Pope & rejecting the mass. He suffered martyrdom Nov 1558 at Beery St (or Berry St) Edmonds Co, Suffolk, Eng. His family soon after removed to North of Ireland, probably for great security. They claimed descent from the Norman knight who fought with William the Conqueror at the battle of Hastings, John Humphreys descendant of Philip, was born in Armagh, Ireland, married Margaret Carlisle a distant relative also related to the Finleys of the County. All were Presbyterians of same type. From 10th line down, seems to be from Prof Wm Finley Humphreys of Fulton, Mo. He had 9 children. Another of his sons, William came to America in 1864, not many years after his brother David Carlisle H. He married Miss McClung in Augusta Co, Va & removed to Washington Co, Tenn. Children: John, Sisley, Carlisle married D.M. Harriet Campbell, Cyrus, James, Alexander, Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary.

V13 Page 326

The family bible of Christopher David Chenault, son of Walter Chenault & Talitha Harris was published by J.A. Wilmore & Co NY in 1899 & is styled Wilmores Analytical reference bible. It is very comprehensive, perfectly preserved & has eight pages of family records. Much of it is early Chenault records but later records I am entering in table pages 330 et seq.

Samuel Preston Humphreys was married to Miss Margaret Stribling of Richmond, Va. After his death, she married Henry Baskerville of Richmond, Va & died there. There were two sons viz:

David Carlisle Humphreys & Thomas Stribling Humphreys both of whom have died unmarried.

Mary Brown Humphreys married Anthony Dey of New Brunswick NJ whose business however was in NY, he being a Cuban money broker & was very rich. He was son of Richard Varick Dey & his wife Lavinia Scott. No issue.

Lucy Alexander Humphreys married Sir Alexander John Alexander son of Robert Alexander & wife P 332 who was entitled to use "Sir" before his name, but didn't. They had three children:

Robert Alexander

V13 Page 327

David C. Humphreys Alexander &

Mary Alexander

Mrs Chenault said there was a Mr Jones who was connected with the Finleys who wanted to see us, so after having dinner with her, Estelle & I walked down Limestone St to Main & were soon at:

No 101 1409 Lexington Drug Co, Store No 102 E? Main St Lexington, Ky June 25, 1925 8:20 PM

Here we met Charley Finley Jones. He said his grandmother, Rachel Foley was some relation to the Finleys, but don't know just how. He has sent his brother to see if he can get her old bible. She died abt 1922 aged about 87, married Daniel Darling Jones & their son Cyrenus Waite Jones who died about 1812 was the father of Charles Finley Jones, my informant who was born in London, Laurel Co, Ky Sept 25, 1872. He says his brother Dan D. Jones at Linna, O with the Dodge Agency has gone to hunt the old bible. He says Thomas Siler aged 60 or over & wealthy living at Williamsburg, Ky can give information abt the family.

V13 Page 328

The Lexington Ky Telephone book for Apr 1925 gives:

A.T. Carrithers 407 N. Broadway Tel 835

T.C. Jacks 499 E. Main St Tel 5726

No Finleys, Markles, Redburns or Rothermels

Mrs Chenault has a small book 23 by 16 lines of this page ctg 237 pages entitled "The Cane Ridge Meeting House by James R. Rogers" Published at Cincinnati by the Standard Pub Co but without date, but however copyrighted in 1910 by James R. Rogers which shows that this church was organized & founded by Rev Robert W. Finley & states that the name of the place "Cane Ridge" had been given to the place by Daniel Boone by reason of its extra good soil & fertility & states that both Boone & Robert W. Finley were natives of Bucks Co, Pa. This book says Robert W. Finley was born in Bucks Co, Pa of most respectable parentage & says his mother especially was highly educated, well versed in the languages, a lady of accomplishments & devoted to the Colonial cause. Receiving the best preparation the locality afforded, Robert W. Finley entered Princeton College NJ then presided over by the patriot & signed of the Declaration of Independence, Dr Witherspoon from which after a regular

V13 Page 329

course, he was graduated & studied for the ministry, at irregular intervals teaching the languages. He was licensed to preach & there being a great call by reason of the war for ministers in the Carolinas & Georgias [sic] he located in North Carolina in 1777 & began his ministry establishing & restoring churches until his mission was abruptly ended by the disastrous defeat of Genl Gates at Camden by the English under Cornwallis in 1780 & Finley being influenced by his mother's splendid patriotism, threw aside his priestly robes, shouldered his rifle & identified himself with his Country's cause. After the war closed, he "with two of his brothers" with others went in 1784 to Kentucky. He wished then to remove there, but was restrained by the seniors of his family "The father, mother (Bradley by name) three of her brothers, who fell in the struggle & the immediate family had located with the minister in North Carolina" By way of compromise, the family moved to [unreadable word] in Va between the north & south branches of the Potomac, where he had charge of two churches. However, his yearnings led him to cross the Alleghenies into the Redstone section on the waters of Georges Creek (this was at New Geneva, Pa) where he had charge of a church for 2 yrs, but he left here in the fall of 1788. He followed down the Ohio to Limestone, now Maysville, Ky & went into winter quarters at Washington, Kentucky. To page 334

V13 Page 330 & V13 Page 331

[descendant chart]

[fermata mark appears here]

Michael Finley born in Armagh, Ireland born May 7, 1683

[his son]

John Finley born 1713 died 1757

[his son]

Michael Finley ob say 1812 in Nicholas Co, Ky at Upper Blue Licks, Ky. He married Sarah, who had been captured by the Indians & kept in captivity by them

[their daughter]

Martha Finley m. Jany 31, 1805 Dr Joseph Scott at Chillicothe, O & on Aug 2, 1817 he married Lucy Webbs. Martha Finley Scott died of consumption aged 25 yrs. Thinks her two daughters were born here in Lexington, Ky.


Sarah Scott, B Nov 27, 1806 ob Dec 4, 1883 & was buried in the cemetery at Frankfort, Ky & was aged 77 & has a big monument. M. David Carlisle Humphreys born Oct 15, 1796 ob Aug 17, 1864. Thinks he was born in Staunton, Va & was son of Dr Alexr Humphreys M.D. & his wife Mary Brown of Rockbridge Co, Va. He was a farmer in Woodford Co, Ky. He was an Elder in the Woodburn Pres Ch at Woodburn, Ky. The first four children were born Sumners Forest, Woodford Co, Ky & the other two at Waverly, Ky same Co.

Joseph Alexander B July 29, 1826 ob Feby 15, 1863 m. June 21, 1853 to Sarah Thompson Gibson born May 17, 1830 ob May 1907 daughter of Tobias Gibson & wife Louisiana Breckenridge Hart.

Lucy Alexander Gibson, B May 22, 1854 m. Lewis Simons Johnston.

Louisiana hart Breckenridge, ob

Isabella Dinsmore, ob

Sallie Gibson, B Mch 21, 1858 m. Mch 30, 1892 Christopher D. Chenault, being his 2d wife at Versailles, Ky by Rev E.H. Ward. He born May 22, 1846 ob Apr 23, 1925

Sarah Gibson Humphreys, B Mch 25, 1893 1 Pm at Richmond, Ky m. Oct 29, 1914 at Lexington, Ky to Garrett Davis Buckner born May 17, 1885 son of Garrett Davis Buckner & wife Mary Betty Martin. Two children both born in Lexington, Ky.

Unnamed son, Born & died Sept 1, 1920

Sarah Humphreys Chenault, B Mch 10, 1924

Lucy Humphreys, B Jany 17, 1897 2 Am m. Sept 26, 1916 at Lexington, Ky to Matthew William Anderson born June 24, 1895 son of Matthew Wm Anderson & wife Mary Webster Erwin a great granddaughter of Henry Clay. He lives in this Co 9 miles out & is a farmer.

Lucy Humphrey Chenault, B Nov 29, 1917

Mary Webster, B Jany 17, 1920

Sarah Gibson, B Feby 20, 1922

Joseph Alexander Jr, B June 28, 1859 m.1. Mary Taylor. He is living in Hourna, La where he is chairman of Miss River Levee [best guess] Board

Samuel Preston, [son of Sarah Scott & David Carlisle Humphreys] b June 28, 1828 ob Nov 17, 1857 page 326

Mary Brown, B Mch 1, 1830 ob Sept 4, 1885 page 326

Lucy Alexander, B May 27, 1833, ob Sept 25, 1858 see pages 326 & 332.

Martha Finley, B June 28, 1835 ob June 28, 1835

David Carlisle Jr, B Aug 1, 1836 ob Jany 1839

Elizabeth Thompson Scott, [dau of Martha Finley & Joseph Scott] see book 14 p 268 b 1810 ob Mch 6, 1876 in Chillicothe, O & buried there m. Oct 31, 1833 to Humphrey Fullerton of Chillicothe, O who was born 1804 & died 1878 see monument at Chillicothe. He was son of Humphrey Fullerton & wife Catherine Dixon. He died Aug 15, 1878. see pages 332 & 333

V13 Page 332

[descendant chart]

Lucy Alexander Humphreys b May 27, 1833 see page 330. She is styled Lucy Caroline Humphreys by A.J.A. Alexander, her Stepson who gives this. M. May 1851 to "Sir" Alexander John Alexander son of Robert Alexander & his wife Eliza Richardson Weisiger. He was born Oct 7, 1824 & died Dec 2, 1902 both on Woodburn farm. They had 3 children born & died on Woodburn farms, Spring Station, Ky.


David Humphreys Alexander, B Feby 29, 1852 ob Jany 30, 1860

Mary Alexander, B Oct 6, 1853 ob Jany 22, 1860

Robert Alexander, B July 14, 1855 ob Dec 9, 1859.

V13 Page 333

[part of this chart appears on page 332]

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Thompson Scott see page 330 born 1810 & died 1876 on Mch 6 m. Oct 31, 1833 to Humphrey Fullerton born 1804, & died Aug 15, 1878 son of Humphrey Fullerton & his wife Catherine Dixon


Joseph Scott Fullerton, B Dec 3, 1835 ob Mch 20, 1897 m. Oct 29, 1879 Mary Carolina Morgan was dau of Geo D. Morgan of NY. she was first cousin of the late J. Pierpont Morgan of NY. They had children:

Geo D. Morgan, B Oct 23, 1882 ob July 19, 1892

Mary Carolina Morgan, B June 6, 1886 m. June 2, 1909 to Paul Bakewell Jr son of Paul Bakewell see b 15 p 554.

Catherine Fullerton, B Oct 24, 1837 see bk 23 p 438

Martha, B Aug 13, 1840 ob July 24, 1863, unmarried

Humphrey Jr, B Nov 1, 1842 ob Aug 2, 1908 unmarried.

Lucy Mary, B Feby 14, 1845 m. Alexander John Alexander see b 23 p 440

Sarah Fullerton, B July 5, 1847 m Oct 31, 1882 Daniel Drake Carter ob in 1888 & Sarah, his wife died Nov 12, 1912

Joseph Coleman, B July 28, 1884 m. Dec 1909 Caroline Duprey Steele dau of Capt John Andrew Steele & wife Frances Breckenridge who was dau of Genl John C. Breckenridge

Joseph Coleman Jr, B Sept 28, 1910

Sarah Fullerton, B Nov 12, 1912

Elizabeth Thompson, B Jany 31, 1850 ob Sept 5, 1870 unmarried.

Margaret B Apr 21, 1854 [twin] unmarried. Live in Lexington, Ky

Maria, B Apr 21, 1854 [twin] ob Jany 7, 1859

V13 Page 334

From page 329

a few miles away until the Spring of 1789 when he bought lands near Stockton Sta near the present site of Flemingsburg, Ky but he & the family not content, removed in the spring of 1790 to the canebrake section to Cane Ridge in Bourbon Co, eight miles from Paris, the county seat. Get this book & also English "Conquest of Northwest" & see J.B. Finley's works.

Mrs Chenault has two small pamphlets viz: "The Second Gathering of the Clan MacKinlay at Detroit, Mich U.S.A. Sept 10, 1894" ctg 22 pages of very fine print genealogy & "The Scotch Ancestors of William McKinley Prest of the U.S. compiled by Edward A. Claypool a Chicago genealogist, Chicago U.S.A. 1897" ctg 45 pages & two extra pages following which treat she says of data proving the descent of Prest McKinley from the Finley clan that & the McKinley being the same & I am taking them along to read together with a larger "Composition book" & "ledger" of "Finley" records, many of them loose to make notes from & return. I must try to get the two pamphlets above noted. It is now 4:15 AM & as I am to be called at 5:30 Am, I will lie down for a little sleep.

V13 Page 335

William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa Room 1550 June 25, 1925 Saturday 2:11 AM

I slept about all the way from Lexington, Ky to Cincinnati, O from Cincinnati to Xenia, O but after that, read the Tenn & Ky papers I had brought along & then read over the eleven pages of the record from Nicholas Co, Ky loaned me by Mrs Chenault & made by Luna? Bringer? Public stenographer Nicholas Co, Ky Sept 27, 1924.

These records refer to John Finley & Michael Finley, both sons of John Finley (of Michael) 1713-1757.

I think I shall need to go to Flemmingsburg, Ky, county seat of Fleming Co to look for John's will & descendants & to Carlisle, Ky county seat of Nicholas Co to see if will or settlement of estate of Michael is on record & look up his descendants, one of whom is Miss Jennie B. Tilton, now on a trip to Europe, Mrs Chenault said, to whom the letter, copy of which Charles Finley of Williamsburg, Ky loaned me from Miss Martha Finley of the Elsie books, was written Dec 27, 1888. The cft above showed:

1st A lease made Feby 9, 1803 from John Finley of Fleming Co, Ky to Geo M. Bedinger & Thomas Vaughn of Nicholas Co, Ky leasing the Upper Blue Licks with the Salt Water & appurtenances for ten years from June 1, 1804 to June 1, 1814 for rental of 300 bushels of good merchantable salt per year.

V13 Page 336

2nd Deed dated Mch 19, 1823 from John Finley of Flemming Co, Ky to Samuel Finley his son of same place in consideration of $1 & the natural love & affection for his son conveys 288 A in Nicholas Co on the waters of Licking River beginning in line of said John Finley's 1000 A & adjoining also land of David Finley also.

3rd Deed of June 19, 1841 from Thomas Scott & Martha, his wife of Nicholas Co, Ky to David Finley of Flemming Co, Ky & Thomas Dougherty & Dunlap Howe of Nicholas Co, Ky for $1299 conveys 166 3/4 A.

4th This is a 2 1/4 page inventory of the effects of Michael Finley of Nicholas Co, Ky states that they met on Oct 16, 1812 at the Upper Blue Licks at the house where the deceased lived & appraised the goods among which is a large bible appraised at $15.

These goods were sold at Upper Blue Licks on Oct 31, 1812 & the returns showed most of the things necessary for running the home & farm 30 items in all sold to Sarah Finley evidently the widow & included in which was:

Browns Family Bible $10

There was also 9 items sold to John Finley including the Franklin stove sold for $7 which was appraised at $15, one item a skillet & keg sold to Robert Finley 50 cts & one, a chest, sold to Thomas Finley for 25 cts.

V13 Page 337

These three are probably sons.

I will have Mary E. Shepler make copy of the inv & sale.

This Acct of the sale was ordered to be recorded by A.L. Hughes clerk which was done in Will Book no A page no 230 at Carlisle, Ky

Copy of Finley Marriage

Mr James Finley to Elizabeth Crawford on the 9th day of August 1825 by John Machelfresh.

It is 3:30 Am & I will go to bed.

Oak Hill, June 28, 1925 1 PM

When I got in last night, Minnie L. Redburn told me that brother Will had been very sick with much pain the early part of the week & while his daughter Catherine at church this morning reported him much better, I drove out from church & he admitted me & was not suffering today. Dr A.E. Crow came just after I got there & he says it is not from the stomach, but in the duodenum which rests over the liver & gall bladder & is very sensitive to any trouble in those organs. I saw Kate & also Helen & Catherine. Helen had come yesterday by auto via Columbus, O from her home, now 2025 Calumet, Toledo, O. I also saw her son "Billy" Fulton & her good natured baby 3d child, Virginia Helen Fulton who she sd wd be 8 mos old July 7, born then Nov 7, 1924. She arrived 8:30 last night. JVT

[margin note reads:] June 29, 1925 11:57 PM made all slips to here JVT

V13 Page 338

Oak Hill July 6th, 1925 12:30 PM

Rev George G. Kerr of Canonsburgh, Pa drove up in his auto at 9:30 AM & was here until 10:40 AM. I read to him from book 9 p 361-371 & page 481.

He said his mother Sarah Dunlap was a daughter of Alexander Dunlap, who was a son of Samuel Dunlap & Hannah Lecky see book 9 p 363.

He thought the oldest of his grandfather Alexander Dunlap's children was Mrs Shannon see bottom of page 369 book 9 but he thought her name was Margaret. He took George's address & is going to write to him for information & when he hears from him will make up his record & send me. He said his mother died when he was 4 1/2 yrs old & was the first wife of Huston Kerr of Carmichaels, Pa now deceased. She had a sister, Anna, he thought, who married Cyrus Silbaugh & they left a daughter Dora Silbaugh, a school teacher who used to live at Haddenville, Pa. He said he had expected to get information from his Aunt Lavinia Dunlap widow of John see book 9 bottom page 366, but when she was in from California on a visit, his ribs had been broken in his auto accident & he didn't get to see & question her.

V13 Page 339

Oak Hill July 13, 1925 8 PM

Miss Estelle Finley of 307 W 9th St Columbia, Tenn writes July 7, 1925 that she had seen Miss Minnie Atkins at Maryville, Tenn whose grandmother was a Finley & who says she had an Uncle named Travis & who is writing to an old Uncle in California for their line.

Estelle is also having her cousin Mrs Wade Morton of Maryville, Tenn get her line for me. July 28/25 see page 256.

She said too, that Mrs Charles Frew, now dead there, had been Miss Rachel Finley, but has left daughters living at Marysville, Tenn.

She also says that Jasper Taylor expects his mother to be in Columbia, Tenn next week & will get her line. She is a daughter of James Finley. I am writing instructions to Estelle.

V13 Page 340

[descendant chart]



Joseph W. Finley mar Nov 24, 1825 in Hardin Co, Ky to Louisa LaRue. They moved to Callaway Co, MO where both were living in July 1861. Both died near Cate Sans Dessein (now Wainswright) that Co in the year 1867 near which place they are buried. See book of LaRue Family & Allied Families by Otis M. Mather Hodgenville, Ky.

Samuel Finley, ob, went to California in 1850 & was living there in 1861 m. Eliza Robison. Died at Sawyers Bar, Siskiyon Co, N.W. corner of California & buried there. Had 13 children.

Mary Finley, ob m. James Davlin. Living in Marion Co, Mo in 1861. Buried at Raleigh, Phelps Co, Mo. Had one child.

Mary Davlin, m. Mansbridge

Narcissa Finley, ob M. Thomas Petty. Lived in Moniteau Co, Mo in 1861. She died in Texas & is buried at Whitesboro, Texas. Had 67 children. Descendants scattered through the west. He was living in 1921 at Bonita, Calif. Writing him today.

Amanda Finley, ob, m. Hamilton Smith. He was killed in action at Youngs Point, Miss in Civil War. She is buried at Bonnito Mills, Osage Co, MO. Had 3 children

David D. Finley ob July 20, 1920 m. to Ellen Johnson who died Aug 16, 1893. Had 10 children many descendants now living in & near New Bloomfield, Mo & in Texas & Oklahoma

Julius Finley, ob, m.

Gertrude Finley, Lives New Bloomfield, Mo & gave this record to Mrs Mary D. Brown, Lincoln, Ills who sent it to me small env. Am writing both today July 14, 1925.

Sarah Finley, ob m. Isaac Miller. They lived in Illinois in 1861 but both have died & are buried at Indianapolis, Ind. Had 5 children, one son was killed in battle at Franklin, Tenn.

Docia Finley, ob, m. Daniel Greene a native of Vermont. Had one child who died in infancy.

a daughter [sister of Joseph W. Finley] m. Hackeley & died near Winchester, Ill

Ebenezer Finley, died & buried near Springfield, Mo.

V13 Page 342 [blank]

V13 Page 343 [blank]

V13 Page 344

Oak Hill July 18, 1925 10:40 PM

Letter of June 4, 1925 from Dora E. Gunnett small env filed was answered yesterday & I gave record & kept copy filed with letter from Gilbert Jack, Anjou Hist Vol 22 pages 2084-2087 of Elizabeth Todd Smith born June 16, 1783 who in 1801 mar in Woodford Co, Ky John Thomas Jack born in Lancaster Co, Pa Sept 5, 1777 (son of James Jack who in 1789 moved to Woodford Co, Ky) who in 1801 moved to Warren Co, O & in 1828 to Tippecanoe Co, Ind where he died Aug 5, 1835 who had 11 children the 8th being David Todd Jack born probably 1816 to 1818 who might be the David I learned of at Omaha, Neb Jany 22, 1923 where I went to see a daughter or granddaughter who spoke of a David & of their living at Falls City, Neb & about whose line Fulton Jack once wrote me, but I cannot find in book 9 that I made any record of my visit. They said they would write me but I don't think they ever did. Look up my slips of that trip & get reference to name & I may have noted what they told me on slip.

James Jack born in Lancaster Co, Pa in 1774 mar Ann or Nancy Smith, sister of Elizabeth & died in 1816 in Warren Co, O. Had six children

V13 Page 345

Oak Hill July 21, 1925 3:44 PM

Albert Finley France's letter of June 13, 1925 large envelope on pages 3 & 4 states that Rebecca Bradley wife of Rev Robert Walker Finley (who was born in Bucks Co, Pa see book 11 p 400) was the daughter of James Bradley & that in the party on the trip down the Ohio, was Lieut John Wallace, who had married a daughter of Henry Finley see page 223 & "many others of London Co, VA among who was Henry Finley & his wife Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Wm Walker" "In his (Rev James B. Finley's) account of his grandfather being with the party who went to Ky in the fall of 1788, shows that Henry Finley must have been father of Rev Robt Walker Finley, the Penna Archives give record that Henry Finley lived in Bucks Co, Pa & Robt Walker Finley was born there".

The record then book 11 page 400, which lists him as the son of James of John 1713-1757 & gives his middle name as "Wilkes" is evidently wrong.

Maj France says "Susan Finley, daughter of Rev James Finley (does he mean Rev James Bradley Finley of whom he is writing) married Wm Brown of Ky great great grandson of Col Wm Brown who married Harriet Warfield of Anne Arundel Co, Md"

He finds tombstones at Old West Nottingham Church Cem, Rising Sun, Md (this is just across Mason & Dixon's line in Cecil Co, Elkton, Co seat opp Chester Co, Pa) the following:

V13 Page 346

John Finley died Apr 30, 1812 age 82 yrs

Robert Finley died Apr 21, age 88 yrs

Robert Finley Jr died Oct 12, 1807 age 42 yrs

He then gives several references to Marylands 1790 census which I have.

He also reports:

Samuel Finley, Pa 1st Lieut Proctors Penna Artillery taken Prisoner at Fort Washington, exchanged Nov 2, 1780 & did not re-enter service.

Samuel Finley of Va (son of John Finley of Lurgan Tp 1713-1757) 1st Lieut Va Rifle Reg July 9, 1776 taken prisoner at Fort Washington Nov 16, 1776 exchanged Capt 11th Va Dec 1783, served to close of war.

In War of 1812, was brevetted General troop of light horse. Died Apr 2, 1829 see book 11 p 401

Ebenezer Finley, son of Rev Samuel Finley commissioned 1st Lieut Feby 24, 1776 Capt 1777 Major Oct 3, 1777 with Col Wm Smallwood 7th battalion.

Officers of the Continental Line

Andrew Finley, son of John Finley, Ensign 8th Penna Aug 9, 1776

2d Lieut July 13, 1777, 1st Lieut Oct 4, 1777. Died Feby 1820 Rank Major (he makes mistakes in dates & names often. Wonder if this wasn't "Squire" Andrew who died in 1829.)

James Edwin Burr Finley (Mass) son of Rev Samuel Finley

Surgeon 15th Mass Feby 25, 1788

transferred to 5th Mass 1781

transferred to 4th Mass June 12, 1783

Died June 13, 1819

V13 Page 347

John Finley (Pa) son of John Finley

1st Lieut 8th Pa Reg Captain Oct 22, 1777

transferred to 5th Pa Jany 17, 1781 served to June 3, 1783 rank of Major see book 11 page 401

John Hall Finley (Pa) son of Rev Samuel Finley

2d Lieut 5th Penna Jany 8, 1776

1st Lieut Nov 1, 1776

Taken prisoner at Fort Washington Nov 16, 1776 exchanged 1780

Joseph Lewis Finley (Pa) son of Michael Finley Jr

2d Lieut 1st Battalion of Miles Penna rifle regiment 1776

1st Lieut Penna State Regiment Oct 24, 1776

Captain Oct 20, 1777

Brigade Major 8th Penna Reg July 20, 1780

died 1839 see page 170

Samuel Finley (Mass) son of Rev Saml Finley

Surgeon 14th Mass transferred to 7th Mass served to June 3, 1783

Surgeon U.S. Army 12th Infantry Sept 4, 1799 resigned Apr 1, 1800

Commissioned Officers U.S. Army

Clement A. Finley (son of Genl Samuel Finley)

Surgeon Genl May 1861 Brevet Brig Genl Mch 13, 1865 (see book 11 page 401)

James A. Finley (Ky) son of James B Finley O

1st Lieut Surgeon 1874 Captain 1879 (see book 11 page 400)

Walter A. Finley (Pa) 2d Lieut 9th Cavalry 1879

Leighton Finley (S.C.) 2d Lieut 15, Infantry 1879 killed from fall from horse

Walter Lowry Finley Major 11th Cavalry 1901

V13 Page 348

[descendant chart]]

James Finley born Nov 25, 1784 died July 26, 1861 see book 7 page 216 son of Ebenezer of Rev James Finley


William Finley is buried at Senecaville, O. Try Book 7 p 354 no 11 Have made slip to investigate. M. Margaret Shroyer.

Mary Elizabeth Finley, only child born 1849 ob 1908 mar James Merryman Leeper. They lived all their lives on the farm in Noble Co, O inherited from her father & had seven children all no doubt born there.

William Finley Leeper

Viola Leeper, m. Johnson

Emma Leeper, m. Secrest

Della Leeper, ob, m. Gregg

Charles, ob

Arthur Leeper

Edna Leeper, m. Steele

V13 Page 349 [blank]

V13 Page 350 & V13 Page 351

John Peairs born Apr 30, 1682 in England. Married June 30, 1716 Maria DeLameter daughter of James DeLameter & his wife Ruth, daughter of Lord Resolved Waldron born 1612 who came to New York 1652. This is taken from a Peairs History loaned me by the Misses Peairs at Round Hill, Pa Oct 14, 1924 see book 12 pages 521-2 & 539-547 & the dates & names of his children are from that record. I question whether this Elisha is our Elisha because his father, John names sons Andrew & Isaac. See book 5 page 373 & this record does not give any Andrew & Isaac & too, the dates conflict.


James Peairs, B 1717

John Peairs, B 1717

Joseph Peairs, B 1719

William Peairs, B 1721

Mary Peairs, B 1723

Rachel Peairs, B 1724

Elisha Peairs, b 1725. While I do not think this is our Elisha, that is immaterial as what follows are his descendants

Joseph Peairs, B Apr 10, 1760 ob Apr 3, 1807 see book 5 p 372 & book 12 P 539 & 547.

John Peairs, B Feby 8, 1797 ob July 31, 1887 see book 5 p 373 & book 12 p 545.

Hannah J., B 1823 ob 1823

Rev Henry R. Peairs, B 1825 ob 1895 m. Susan A. Hope. Buried in Normal, Ills

Richard Hope

Mary J.

George M., b 1866 ob 1916 m. Jessie Hayes

Muriel L.

Harry J.

Nancy H.

Ralph P., b 1875 m. Myra Sinclair




Susan J. Peairs [dau of John b 1797] b 1827 ob 1899 m. Joseph McCoid. Lived nr Duncan Falls, O.




John C


James Chalmers


David A., B 1829 ob 1900 in McCune, Kan m. Hester Drennen.









Sarah H., B 1831 ob Sept 16, 1888

John F., B 1833 ob 1920 in Lyndon, Ks m. Rachel




Lulu Peairs

Mary N., b 1836 ob 1912

Joseph Plumer, b 1838, ob 1916 m. Angie. Lived Duncan Falls, O. No issue.

Eliza Emma, B 1843 m. George Morrison

John Plumer





Daniel Peairs [son of John] b 1728

Sarah Peairs, B 1730

Anna Peairs b 1733

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V13 Page 353 [blank]

V13 Page 354 & V13 Page 355

[descendant chart]

Robert Finley born May 4, 1634 see page 188 married Margaret Lander


Robert Finley, Born May 9, 1681

Michael Finley, Born May 7, 1683 emigrated to Phila, Pa Sept 28, 1734 see page 400. From here on will include & list just descendants as shown on "Genealogical Chart of Our branch of the Finley family" sent me by Judge Thomas B. Finley of North Wilkesboro, NC which in his letter of July 1, 1925 small env filed he says he had prepared by an engineer. I am eliminating such statements as seem to be to be erroneous particularly in the first generation or two. Am adding dates of birth as I have them of Michael's children, the 5 that are on the chart.

John Finley, B May 3, 1713 ob July 17, 1757 killed by Indians in Lurgan Tp, chart reports him on Cape Fear, Zion [best guess] N.C. which is a mistake.

Rev Samuel Finley D.D., Born July 2, 1715 ob 1766 A.B. Belfast College, D.D. Edinburgh University, President Princeton College 1761-1766. His wife was Sarah Hall, Aunt of the famous Dr Benjamin Hall (think should be Rush) of Phila, Pa

Sarah Finley, m. Snowdon

Joseph Finley A.M., Princeton, surgeon in Revolution

Rebecca Finley, m. Breese

Anne Finley, m. Rev Jedidiah Morse

Samuel Finley Breese Morse, inventor of electric telegraph

Ebenezer Finley, surgeon in Colonial Army see page 221

James E. Barr Finley, M.D. m. Mary Perreneau

William Perreneau Finley, President of Charleston College 1845-1857, member of S.C. Secession convention in 1861. Attorney in Aiken, S.C. and Elder of Pres Ch.

Lieut R. Leighton Finley, 10 Cavalry U.S.A. Killed in a review.

William Perreneau Finley Jr, Attorney at Law, San Antonio, Texas. Living in 1909

William Finley [son of Michael Finley 1683] born Apr 18, 1717 ob 1800 A.B. Belfast college. Lived & died in Adams Co, Pa. Was married four times. Had eight children. He was noted for piety & adherence to duty. His will dated June 6, 1794 probated Sept 16, 1800 & recorded at Gettysburgh, Adams Co, Pa had many legatees. See book 21 p 474.

Elizabeth Finley, m. David Blythe

Calvin Blythe, Secy of State for Penna & collector of Customs for Port of Phila, Pa

Mary Finley, went west

Susan Finley, no record

Anne Finley, m. Robert Campbell of Berkeley, VA many descendants in Va & Penna

Michael Finley, born in Pa 1744 ob in Va 1823 mar Mary Waugh in the year 1772. Lived on a farm near Brownsburg, Rockbridge Co, Va on which he built the stone house about the year 1794. His will dated Nov 1816 left his son John of N.C. his silver headed cane & named his grandsons Finley & Andrew Patterson among the legatees. He is buried at New Providence Church in Va.

William Finley, B in Pa. m.1 Miss Horner. M.2. Miss Elizabeth Christian. Lived & died in Rockbridge Co, Va & is buried in Lexington, Va.

Drusilla Finley, M. John Leach

Eglantine Leach, married Capt Stain C.S.A.

Wm Finley Bolivar Leach, mar Margaret Houston

John Finley, m. Miss Ruff of Va & went to Indiana.

Matilda Finley, m. Rev James Payne & moved to Mississippi

William Payne, Col in C.S.A.

David Brainerd Payne, killed in battle

David Finley, Pres minister, d.y.

Margaret Finley, m. Joseph Bell of Rockbridge Co, Va.

Finley Bell, m. Pott

Charlotte Bell, m. Lackey

Fanny Bell, m. Smith

Jane Bell, m. Gold

Elizabeth Finley, m. James Johnston, Shff of Rockbridge Co, Va

Wm Finley Johnston, C.S.A.

Mary Johnston, weighed 200 lbs

James Montgomery Johnston.

Samuel Finley, [son of Michael b 1744] born 1775 ob 1849 m. 1796 Mary Tate dau of John & Jane Tate. For many years, was a merchant in Greenville (VA) & then farmer of independent means at his place Meadow Farm. Much respected for his piety & integrity. Buried in cemetery of Bethel Church Augusta Co, Va see page 356.

John Finley, 1778-1865 see page 357

Mary Finley, B 1778 twin of John, mar Samuel Patterson an Elder in New Providence Ch. After her death, he married Ellen Tate, dau of Robert Tate & had 7 children by her. Mary had two children.

Samuel Finley Patterson, Born 1799 ob 1874 after the death of his mother, he lived with his Uncle John Finley of Wilkesboro, N.C. He married Caroline Jones of N.C.

Rufus Lenoir Patterson, Born 1830 ob 1879 m.1st Mary Louise Morehead of Winston, Salem N.C. m. 2nd Mary Fries of Salem, N.C. First four children by 1st wife & last six by 2d wife.

Carrie Finley, m. 1883 to Judge Albert Cobb

Lindsay Patterson, m. 1885 Lucy Bramblette Patterson

Lottie Walker, ob 1884 m. Frank Fries







Samuel Ledgerwood Patterson [son of Samuel Finley Patterson] b 1850 died 1908. Was Sec of N.C. Dept of Agriculture 1901-1908. m. Mary Senseman.

Andrew Patterson, [son of Mary Finley & Samuel Patterson] born 1802 ob. Was Elder in new Providence church. Was married three times

Phebe Caroline

Jane Patterson, m. Wade

Edna Wade

Andrew Wade

Edward, m. Walker

Mary, m. Geo Morrison

Sam Stewart

Rufus, m. Etta Kinnear

Michael Finley [son of Michael b 1744] b 1783 ob 1823 m. Ruth Irvine. Inherited his father's farm near Brownsburg, Va on which is the stone house built in 1794. He died before his father Michael. see page 357.

Betsey Finley, B 1786 m. Jesse Scott descendants went west.

Andrew Finley [son of William b 1717] Has descendants in Ohio, Colo etc.

Margaret Finley, mar David C. Humphreys descendants in Va & Penna.

Samuel Humprhies [sic]

Finley Humphries

Aaron Finley, mar Withrow. Will dated in 1793

Margaret Finley, mar James McKesson & moved to Burke Co, N.C.

William McKesson

Margaret Finley McKesson, mar Fabius H. Busbee Raleigh, N.C.

Margaret Busbee, mar Lieut Wm E. Shipp of Lincolnton, N.C. who was killed at the Battle of Santiago, Cuba.

Chas F. McKesson

Maria McKesson, mar Victor Barringer Brig Gen C.S. as. about 1870, he went to Egypt & was requested by the Khedisa [best guess] to draft a constitution for the new government of Egypt & was a judge of the first supreme court held there. After 25 yrs, he returned to N.C.

Adelina McKesson [dau of Margaret Finley & James McKesson] mar Geo Massey

Margaret McKesson, mar W. Churm of Asheville, N.C. Children went to Birmingham, Ala.

Michael Finley [son of Michael b 1683] born Feby 3, 1718 ob June 19, 1785. Among his descendants were Gen Ebenezer Finley of Balto Md, Anna Finley married Patrick Gibson Cashr Bank of Baltimore, Md, Nannie Gibson living 1902, Sophia mar Sam George & her son married a niece of Gen R.E. Lee, David Barr Finley merchant of New Orleans, La.

Rev James Finley. Born Feby 4, 1725 ob Jany 6, 1795 Presbyterian of eminent piety & usefulness. Had seven sons & two daughters. Many descendants in Penna & Ohio

Samuel Finley, [son of Robert Finley b 1634] born Mch 18, 1684

Archibald Finley, see pages 222 & 223.

V13 Page 356 & V13 Page 357

[descendant chart]



Samuel Finley b 1775 ob 1849 see page 354

Maria Finley m. Rev Isaac Jones. No issue. He mar 2d Ellena Bouchelle of Morganton, N.C.

John T.G. Finley, ob 1848 at Holly Springs, Miss m. Miss Greenlee



Augusta, m. Scruggs

Finley Scruggs. In Canada

John, C.S.A.

Geo Finley, C.S.A. Supt Holly Springs Branch of Miss Agil & Experiment Sta.

Jane Tate, ob 1854 in Augusta Co, Va M. John Christian

Samuel Finley, Texas

Lieut Col Bolivar ob in Staunton, Va

Cornelia I. m. Walter Lenoir of N.C.

Sarah Ann, M.1. Wm Tate, m.2. Rev Richardson

Archibald, m. Miss Sproul

Nancy McClung, m. Dr Isaac Hall

Clinton, C.S.A. ob 1870

Mary Hall, m. Cochran

William Finley, A.B. Wash H. Lee Univ B 1812 mar Mary Greer & moved to Miss.

Samuel, C.S.A.

Mittie Finley m. Dunlap, Memphis

Lavinia, B 1812 mar Matthew Pilson of Augusta Co, Va

Samuel Finley, M. Ellen Finley dau of A.W. Finley of N.C.

Mat Finley, Pres minister d.y.

Edward Pilson, Banker, Staunton, Va m. Helen Hanger

Mary F.

John, C.S.A.

Clay, C.S.A.

William M.D.

Geo W.

Thompson Pilson

Francis Hall Pilson, m. Carrie Gordon Finley dau of A.W. Finley of N.C.

Ruth Gordon Pilson

Mary Elizabeth

Caroline Ellen, [dau of Samuel b 1775] m. 1833 James Harper of Lenoir, N.C.

Maj Geo W.F. Harper, C.S.A. m. Ella Rankin died 1909

George Finley, of Lenoir N.C. m. Frances Cunningham of Pa

J.H. Cunningham Harper

Mary Ellen Harper

Ellen Douglass, m. John K. Bernhardt

Geo Harper


Ellia Delight [sic]

Jno Christian

Mary Elizabeth Harper, m. 1858 Robt L. Beall M.D.

Mary Jones, m. Weathers

Helen Lamar Weathers

Margaret Harper

James, m. Bessie Lindsay

Mary Lindsay Beall

Margt Stewart Beall

Annie Love [twin of Bessie]

Bessie m. E.F. Reid

Roberta, m. Rufus Gwyn

Samuel Finley Harper, wounded in Confed army m. 1873 Mary Gwyn

James Harper

Finley Gwyn, m. Corinne Henkel

Gwyn Henkel Harper

Richard Hugh

Carrie Harper, m. T.M. Bernhardt 3 children

Nellie Harper, m. Hull 3 children

Mary Beall Harper Margaret Cornelia Harper, m. James F. Beall

Frank Harper

Carrie Moore

James Lamar Beall

Samuel B. Finley [son of Samuel b 1775], m. Sarah McClung & lived in Augusta Co, Va.

Lizzie, m. Gratton


Mary Tate


John Finley [brother of Samuel b 1775] born 1778 ob 1865 from page 355 He was born in Penna & moved with his father to Va & from there he came to Wilkesboro, N.C. in 1803. At that place & ten others from Shouns Cross Roads, Tenn to Camden S.C. He & his partner Wm Pitt Waugh operated a large mercantile business. Their goods were brought in wagons from Baltimore, Md, Charleston, S.C. and Fayetteville, N.C. and exchanged for the products of the mountains. He introduced wheat culture into the valley of the Yadkin & from his various industries accumulated a large estate among his property, he bought of Chapman Gordon, grandfather of Genl John B. Gordon of Georgia, a magnificent farm lying east of Reddies River & north of the Yadkin River on which is now situated the town of North Wilkesboro, N.C. This land took the name of "Finley Farm" after he purchased it. He married Ellen Tate, daughter of John & Jane Tate. She died in 1852. He died in 1865 & is buried in the cemetery of the Presbyterian church at Wilkesboro, N.C. of which he was a Ruling Elder. see pages 358 & 359.

Michael Finley, b 1783 ob 1823 see page 355.

Marie Waugh, m. Jonathan Brooks & lived in the 1794 stone house.





Harriet Newell, m. Carlisle Gilkerson


Lizzie, m. Brown



Caroline Ellen, m. Samuel Patterson of Brownsburg, Va


Harrison, C.S.A.

Ruth Ann

Sarah Martha Patterson

Augustus Clement was ready at 15 for Junior class in college but came instead to his Uncle John Finley at Wilkesboro, N.C. m. 1836 Annie Williams of Caswell N.C. He filled many responsible positions in N.C. after which he rtd to Va & lived at Clarksburg where he was an Elder in the Pres Ch & where he died in 1858.

Virginia Ruth Divine m. Frank Potts fr Ireland

Rev George Williamson Finley D.D. (Wash & Lee University) born 1838 married Margaret Booker of Richmond, Va. He entered the Confederate Army in 1861. Was in Pickett's charge at Gettysburgh & was taken prisoner there. He was released in 1865. He studies Theology & was ordained Presbyterian minister in 1868, pastor at Romney WVA & then at Tinkling Springs, Va until his death.

Nannie, m. White

Cora Finley m. Gilkerson







Ruth Finley, Spartenburg, S.C.

Robert Finley

V13 Page 358 & V13 Page 359

[descendant chart]

John Finley born 1778 ob 1865 see page 357


Clarinda J.E. Finley, born 1808 ob 1853. Married Thomas Slater Bouchelle M.D. who died in Ala in 1842. After which Mrs Bouchelle returned to Wilkes Co, N.C. & made her home & living with her father after the death of her mother in 1852, till she died in 1853.

Capt Thos S. Bouchelle Jr, B 1829 severely wounded at Sharpsburg in Confed army m. Sarah Hackett & was living in Fla in 1912

Miriam, M. C.W. Stout in Fla 1912

Colin Monroe Stout



Thomas Lenoir

Clara Montfort, nurse

Bessie, m. Finley Messick in N.C. 1912

Gordon Messick





Frances, society editor D.C. Land Fla News

Eva Ellena, m. Nov 1911 David C. Scroggs Moravian Falls, N.C

Ethel, teacher in Fla

Annie Virginia

Wm Ensor [son of Clarinda J.E. Finley] m. Margt Masten. Living in Texas in 1912

Mary Ellen, living at DeLand, Fla in 1912

Walter Augustus, m. Bettie Masten, Both dead


Meg, m. J.W. Fletcher

M. Eva, m.1. 1860 Rev Jno Davies Wilson who died 1868 m.2. 1889 S.R. Neel who died 1906. Living in Florida in 1912.

Finley Bouchelle, ob 1891 in N.C. aged 29

Samuel Brown, B 1864 in N.C. m. 1886 in Fla to Meddie Barber. Live in DeLand Fla

Mabel Lorena Wilson, m. Nov 1911 Prof Allison Honeycutt

Myra Meddie Wilson, B 1895

John Davies Jr, B 1868 in Tenn ob 1901 in Fla m. Almira Cleaveland in Deland, Fla.

Jno Mathis [son of Clarinda J.E. Finley] m. Georgia Masten. Live in Texas. Have several children married.

Augustus Washington Finley [son of John b 1778] born 1813 ob 1889 married Martha Lenoir Gordon, daughter of Col Nathaniel Gordon & sister of Gen John B. Gordon of Wilkes Co, N.C. He owned the Wash half of the Chapman Gordon River Farm acquired by his father & lived at the Gordon homestead known as the "Red House" which he renamed "Fairmount" & is now called "Kensington Heights" in North Wilkesboro, N.C. He operated a large farm & dealt in stock & was a successful businessman acquiring a large estate & being one of the wealthiest men in this section at his death. see page 360.

William Pitt Waugh Finley, born 1815 ob 1874 married Martha Caroline Horton daughter of Col David Horton of Wilkes County N.C. She died before her husband. He owned the East half of the Chapman Gordon River Farm which he inherited from his father. He called his home "River View" which was later burned & the site known as "Cedar Hill". All the eastern part of the town of North Wilkesboro is situated on what was his farm.

John Horton, ob 1908 Farmer North Wilkesboro, N.C. m. Miss McGlemmery.


Mary Martha

Sarah Ellen Corinna Finley, Mar Capt E.S. Blair a prominent & successful farmer & business man from Watauga Co who made his home in North Wilkesboro, N.C. where he died in 19111

Nellie Blair, ob 1911 m. Joseph L. Clement Agt Southern Railway North Wilkesboro, N.c.

Corinne Clement

Jennie Tate Blair, M. Richard Walter Gwyn, cashier Bank of North Wilkesboro, N.C.


Nell Gwyn

Richard Walter Jr [twin]

Wm Blair [twin]

Frank P. Blair, Merchant, North Wilkesboro, N.C. m. Estelle Davis

Edwin Blair

Walter Blair m. Lucile Gibson Fort Worth, Texas. He died in Texas

William F., with Southern Railway Greensboro, N.C. m. Alma Wright

Henry T. Blair, merchant, North Wilkesboro, N.C.

Jennie B. [dau of William Pitt Waugh Finley] m. Isaac Teeter, Mecklenburg Co, N.C.



Julia Finley, Poots Knob, N.C. RFD

Eda Finley, Poots knob, N.C. RFD mar D.A. Reece

Theodore, RR contractor, Texas

William Tate Finley, RFD Ronda, N.C. mar Jettie Martin

John Tate Finley [son of John Finley b 1778] born 1818 ob 1899 married Sarah Ann Gordon daughter of Col Nathaniel Gordon of Wilkes County & resided in Alabama for awhile & where two children, Louisa Florence & Sarah Brown died before they returned to Wilkes Co, N.C. That fine farm west of Reddies River & north of the Yadkin known in early history as Mulberry Fields had long been in the possession of Col Nathaniel Gordon's family. In the partition of the estate among the heirs, Mrs Sarah Ann Finley drew the home "Oakland" & this became the family residence.

Walter Gordon, ob 1888 farmer & stockman in Texas m. Annie Van Eaton.

Ellen Tate Finley, m. 1911 to Archie Reed Ogelsvie of Oak Woods, N.C.

William Walter Finley, Dairyman m. Dec 1911 to Sue Miller

Ellen Tate, M. David W. Greenlee banker at Marian, N.C. He died 1897. Living in 1912 at Marian, N.C.

Martha Clara, North Wilkesboro, N.C.

Annie Mary, North Wilkesboro, N.C.

John Thos, farmer & stock breeder, North Wilkesboro, N.C.

James Robt, Secy-Treas of Forest Furniture Col North Wilkesboro, N.C. m. Fanny Turpin Cameron.

Bessie Gordon

Fanny Eloise

Kate Cameron

Samuel Gwyn Finley, lawyer Spartanburg, S.C. m. 1905 Ruth Caldwell Cofield

Saml Gwyn Jr

Ruth Caldwell

Anna Clementine

V13 Page 360

[descendant chart]

Augustus Washington Finley 1813-1889 see page 358


Sarah Ellen Finley b 1843 ob 1907 m. 1871 Samuel Finley Pilson of Staunton, Va.

Rev Matthew Finley Pilson, d.y.

Edward Pilson, banker Staunton, Va m. Helen Hauger

Martha Octavia, b 1847 ob 1888

James Edward Finley, b 1850 Prest Bank of North Wilkesboro, N.C. M. Julia Gwyn who died in 1909

Edward Gordon Finley, Asst Cashr Bank of North Wilkesboro, N.C. m. 1911 Harriet Sibyl Smoot

Julia Gwyn Finley

Mary Louise

Richard Gwyn

John George, B 1853 ob 1898 Real estate dealer & hotel proprietor

Carrie Gordon, B 1856 m. 1880 Francis Hall Pilson who died in Va in 1884. She was living in North Wilkesboro N.C. in 1912

Ruth Gordon Pilson, teacher

Mary Elizabeth

Arthur Augustus, B 1859 farmer & mfr North Wilkesboro N.C. m. Kate Cameron of Harnett Co, N.C.

Lucy Lenoir Finley, (It was she I met at Montclair NJ abt 2 yrs ago, a governess)

Grace Martin

Bess Cameron

Allen Gordon

Arthur Cameron

Thomas Brown Finley, born 1862 lawyer real estate & businessman, prominent in the organization & development of the town of North Wilkesboro, N.C. Is in the forefront of every movement for the development of this section. m. Caroline Elizabeth Cowles. (Now July 26, 1925 judge of the Superior court of N.C. & author of the blueprint chart form which the record on this & six preceding pages is made & my informant. He loaned me the chart & I am rtg it today by Reg. mail.)

Martha Lura Finley

Thomas Augustus Finley

Corinna Worth Finley

Ellen Lenoir Finley

Elizabeth Cowles Finley

"The Finley Family is of Scotch origin. The coat of arms bears the motto "Forties in Arduis" the crest, a hand up holding a sword on the shield three roses & two swords".

"Chart drawn, traced & blueprinted by K.M. Allen North Wilkesboro, N.C.

"Information gathered & chart designed by Miss Mary Ellen Bouchelle, DeLand Florida Oct 1911.

Corrected & revised June 1912 for Messrs J.E., A.A., & T.B. Finley North Wilkesboro, N.C.

For any other information, write Mrs Carrie G. Pilson North Wilkesboro, N.C. or Misses Clara & Annie Finley North Wilkesboro, N.C. They will be glad to get any other information about the family."

July 29, 1925 9 PM Have not made any slips for pages 354 to 360 inclusive.

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V13 Page 362 [blank]

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V13 Page 364

At residence of Mrs Louisa Raymer Hoover No 43 Ben Lomond St, Uniontown, Pa corner of Kensington, July 28, 1925 10:15 AM

Mrs Hoover bought this property from the widow of J.W. Campbell. The house was built by their next door neighbor, John F. Hess, who for years was living on adjoining farm in German Tp with her father, John Messmore & he first lived in it & then built the home adjoining where he or his widow, rather, now lives. Mrs Hoover's son, Chas V. Hoover bought the home on the other corner, across Kensington St from Wm J. Reilly. Chas V. is now on his way to Alaska for another hunt & she says he thinks of nothing else. She says she was out to see her brother-in-law Thos A. Hoover in German Tp Sunday & doesn't think he can live a month. Says he was to be taken in the church Sunday. He has cancer of the stomach, but he thinks it is just ulcers. I am starting a table of her family on page 368 as she gives it from memory as she says neither she nor her husband, James H. Hoover had an written record.

Mrs Hoover says her grandfather was Isaac Messmore who married Martha Dunlap

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& whose children were Andrew, Samuel, John, her father, & Isaac, the Shff & four girls viz: Rachel mar an Allebaugh, Susie mar Henry Rider, Hannah, unmarried & Martha mar Philip Lawrence (parents of J. Cal Lawrence who mar a Rothermel. She does not know anything about the brothers of her grandfather Isaac Messmore viz Joseph who married Sarah McWilliams & George who married Nellie McWilliams & sister Katherine who married a Whitehill, but says to go & see Kate Messmore nee Teed, widow of I. Lindsey Messmore who lives here in town on Church St at No 21 W. Church opposite Public School adjoining the John M. Ache residence. It is in next square west. She says her Uncle, Shff Isaac Messmore made up a record of the family & it went to his son I. Lindsey Messmore & his widow would have it. She thinks she was ten yrs old when her grandfather, Isaac Messmore died. His wife had died before, she thinks before she was born & both are buried at Lecky's graveyard.

Her son John T. was named for her father & his Uncle Tom

Son Chas V. for his Uncle Jesse V., Son George P. for George Porter, dau Katie for her two grandmothers Nellie for Mrs H's sister Maranda & Robt for his father ie his middle name.

Leaving 11:30 AM

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V13 Page 367 [blank]

V13 Page 368 & V13 Page 369

[descendant Chart]

James Henry Hoover born Sept 17, 1843 in the log house in German Tp up in the field to the right of the road going from the Jesse V. Hoover to the Thomas A. Hoover homes. His sister Libbie Sterling was also born there & Jesse V & Thos A. were born down where Tom now lives. He died at his home in German Tp Sept 18, 1921. He had been sick for two weeks with indigestion & heart trouble. The day before was his birthday & the children had been there & on Thursday morning, he got up & dressed & abt 8 Am took a sinking spell & died in ten minutes. He was buried Sunday at Church Hill. He had been baptized, but never joined church. Married Jany 23, 1868 by Rev Acher of the Lutheran Church at the John Messmore home in German Tp to Louisa Raymer Messmore born Aug 16, 1850 on Big Whiteley Creek at or near Garard's Fort in Greene Co, Pa from whence her parents moved to the German Tp home when she was six yrs old. She is daughter of John Messmore Esq & his wife Elizabeth Keener of Greene Co, daughter of John Keener. She was sister of Leah Keener who married John Durr & became the mother of J. Keener, Dave & France Durr. They have 8 children all born on the German Tp farm except Katie who was born at the jail in Uniontown Pa while Jimmy was Shff.


Alice Eva Hoover

John Thomas Hoover

Charles Veech Hoover

George Porter Hoover

Katherine Elizabeth Hoover

Edna May Hoover

Nellie Maranda Hoover

Robert James Hoover

V13 Page 370

At Fountain Meat Market James E. Finley proprietor, Uniontown, Pa No 60 W. South St, July 28, 1925 2 PM

Mr Finley is a young man of slender build & a good face, does a good business & is active, alert & quick. Over a dozen customers came in & got meat while I was there. He has no clerk. While he was out at lunch, Hugh O'Neal's son, who lives in our old Frey house was keeping shop for him.

He says his name is James Ewing Finley born Oct 9, 1890 at Layton Sta, Pa where his father, Austin Finley, was a teamster & where he died abt 32 yrs ago & is buried there, but he don't know whether he had a marker or how old he was. He don't know the name of Austin's father nor whether he had any brothers & sisters.

He married Margaret Jane Lynn & she died here at her daughter Minnie's on Feby 27, 1925 aged 65 yrs & is buried at Oak Grove Cem. He don't know her birthday, nor where she was born, nor the name of her father.

She had two brothers, viz: James Veech Lynn, who died at Donahoo, Westnd Co, Pa & Ken Lynn who is living in East McKeesport, Pa where he is a photographer, who was younger than Mrs Finley.

V13 Page 371

Her sister is Jennie Lynn, single, living at Reading, Pa younger than Mrs Finley.

His mother seemed to know of James Veech & often spoke of him & thought that where Mrs Niccolls lived was his old home, but was never sure. Her brother was named for him. Mr Finley is single & olives on East Church Street. His mother & he had lived together at corner of Morgantown & Berkeley St opposite the Isaac Taylor brick house, which was owned by Geo Brown (of Capt Abraham) who died recently. He said his mother had received a letter from the South from a McKinley, or asking if she was related to the McKinleys. She kept this letter & saved all such things, but he says her effects were sold after her death & nothing of this kind was saved excepting a few things his sister got. Thinks the tenant who succeeded them may have gotten them or burned them. He has three sisters all older than him & he thought Minnie, the oldest & the only one living here might give me fuller information & I must go see her. The sisters are (he has no brother)

1. Minnie, oldest, wife of Harry S. Lohr, living at No 69? East Charles St here.

2. Cora, married B.A. Bowden

V13 Page 372

& lives in South Brownsville, Pa on Pearl St extension Tel 139-R

3. Elizabeth married Clyde W. Buzzard & are living at 206 W. Stockton Ave, North side Pittsburgh, Pa

Left 2:50 PM

At residence of Huston Lecky No 36 Mill St, Uniontown, Pa July 28, 1925 4:45 PM

I had been around at the house about 1 o'clock & Mrs Lecky said he was sleeping as he worked at nights & said he went to work at 6 Pm & to come 4:40 to 5 o'c.

He said his father, William Lecky, son of Alexander, son of John Lecky & his wife Mary Wilson, died in McClellandtown, Pa July 16, 1881 aged 65 yrs & 12 days. see item 6 page 109. He said he was born in the little house at the brow of the hill (recently burned down & being rebuilt) to the left of the road going from the cemetery to Ben M. Keener's. On Feby 3, 1862, son of Wm Lecky by his second wife Elizabeth Edgar widow (Mrs Geo W. Green was her daughter by her first husband & they say her daughter Mrs J.E. Gainer would have Wm Lecky's bible record). Her maiden name was Black & she was a sister of Alex Black, who when I was a boy I used to know. He then lived at

V13 Page 373

what is the Sam Coburn property, this side of Hagues School House. I am reciting certain data here & entering in genealogical tables book 5 pages 431 to 433, the data they gave me taking the births of their children from their big family bible. He said his father had a brother Alexander, see book 5 page 432 who lived near Morris X roads who died before William & has three sons & a daughter, all married & with families & living up about the cross roads now. I am extending his line page 432 book 5 to page 433 & listing them there. Jim died at Miss Eliza J. Beirer's & the other boys are all living & married & have families, are farmers & living near Morris X roads. Their names are:

Jesse, who he thinks is the oldest



Thinks I had better see Jesse

They had one sister who married a Morris & when Mrs Lecky spoke of them building a big house on Gordon St near the Park which they abandoned because they thought it was haunted, I was able to identify her husband as Alva L. Morris. They said they had some children.

William Lecky mar 1st Mary Ann Moore & 2d Elizabeth Edgar, see book 5 page 431 & he thinks it was in 1851 & the oldest by her was Ann, who mar

V13 Page 374

ried Sam Hackney & Emma married Elihu Jackson (their daughter Mabel Jackson, Peabody, Kan sent me record of their family) & then came Huston himself, the youngest he says of the three families, see page 431 book 5.

Left 5:20 PM

At residence of Thomas H. Hoover German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa near Ronco, July 29, 1925 9:46 AM

Pallini drove me out here accompanied by Minnie L. Redburn & we found Tom sitting in the sitting room reading the Pgh morning paper. His daughter Catherine was at the gate & took us in. She was mowing the yard with a lawn mower & says she was born there Apr 29, 1910 & will be sixteen next April. Tom said he was married Mch 25, 1909 to Pasha Wanee Herbert, daughter of Jesse Bumgarner Herbert & his wife Patience Wanee, sister of C.W. Wanee, Supt of schools, who was born in Cumberland Tp, Green Co, Pa, she said Dec 8, 1870.

Tom said they had a lot of nettles down by the spring.

Left 10:25 AM

July 29, 1925 10:15 Pm made all slips to here JVT

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At residence of Clarence Norman Stairs, No 552 Trenton Ave, Wilkinsburg, Pa July 30, 1925 1:52 PM RR time

I came out here on car No 66 which I boarded on 4th Ave, corner of Grant in 35 minutes & the run back was made in same time. I got off on Kelly St corner Trenton & walked a square to the right, to this number. Wilbur E. came to the door & called his mother Mrs Clarence N. Stairs, a middle aged, medium height & build, wearing glasses, who was very kind & hospitable & invited me in when I told her what I wanted. She said Mary Stairs, her mother-in-law, lived here with them but is now visiting at the Byerly's in Greensburg, Pa & would be away until in Sept. Asking if there were any old Bibles with records there, she sent Wilbur up to his grandmother's room & he brought down their big well preserved bible printed in Phila, Pa by the National Pub Co but without date from which I copied as follows:


William Stairs & Mary Byerly Mch 21, 1865, Greensburgh at 1st Reformed Parsonage by Rev N.P. Hacke on Tuesday evening.

Lester Stairs & Lide Shaffer, Mt Pleasant Tp

Sadie Stairs & M. Specht, Donegal

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Clarence Norman Stairs & Eva Deuerlein (my informant) E.E. Pittsburgh, July 2, 1900 (by Rev Nicholson, Presbyterian, daughter, she said of John Henry Deuerlein & wife Elizabeth Theil)

Isa Viola Stairs & Clayton E. Rogers at Greensburgh, Pa in Jany 1901


William Stairs, Sunday, May 11, 1845

Mary Byerly, Monday, Oct 29, 1838

Parents of

Lester Stairs, Friday, Jany 5, 1866

Sadie Stairs, Tuesday, Nov 24, 1868

Clarence Stairs, Sunday, Oct 25, 1874

Isa Viola Stairs, Thursday, Oct 16, 1879

Lester Michael at Port Royal, Pa

Sadie Crider at her fathers' homestead

Clarence Norman at Greensburgh, Pa

Ida [sic] Viola in Alabama


Isa Viola Stairs Rogers, of Wilkinsburg in Greensburgh at her parents home Mch 3, 1905

Lester Michael Stairs Dec 15, 1910 Burned with house & contents at Laurelville, Pa (was alone)

Lester & Sadie baptized May 8, 1870 by Rev J.O. Miller at York, Pa

Clarence baptized & confirmed by Rev C.K. Ferner at Mt Pleasant, Pa Oct 1889.

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Isa Viola Stairs baptized & confirmed by Rev Alspach at Wilkinsburg, Easter of 1897"

Sadie Specht died at Mammoth, Pa of nephritis Jany 1918. Had 9 or 10 children. Her husband is living yet.

Mrs Stairs, my informant says she was born Mch 11, 1878 & have had but two children viz:

1. Norman William born Nov 4, 1902 in Pgh Pa

2. Wilbur Earl born June 28, 1915 in Wilkinsburg, Pa

This house belongs to her husband & his mother lives with them but is now visiting in Greensburgh, Pa at the Byerly's & will not be back here until in Sept. Mrs S. thinks the name of the father of Michael Byerly (father of Mary Stairs) was Andrew Byerly. My recollection is that cousin Kate Smith said that it was Andrew Byerly who married one of the daughters of John Finley of Clement 1735-1775

Isa Viola died of tuberculosis & left one child. Lester had three children. I think I am on the track of these. John Finley descendants & must got back & see Mary Stairs & see what she can tell me of her grandmother & the other children of John Finley named in the Rev Wm Swan's letter to Mr MacFarlane see names book 12 page 130.

Leaving 2:55 PM

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At residence of Mrs Kate Messmore (widow of I. Lindsey Messmore) No 21 W. Church St, Uniontown, Pa July 30, 1925 7:10 PM

I came around here after the train got in from Pgh & was admitted by Mrs Messmore who introduced me to Mrs R.F. Sample who was calling. She said she had not found any records of the Messmore family prepared by her father-in-law Sheriff Isaac Messmore but there was a box that had some papers in it, but she could not lift the things off of it to get to it, but would try later to get to it & open it & report if she found anything. She, however, gave me the following addresses & information.

Mrs Chas G. Teed, the last address she knew was at 6223 Station Street, Pittsburgh, Pa E.E. Her daughter is: Mrs Alice Salisbury, widow who is with the Pittsburgh Dispatch, working in the office.

Mrs Oral Robidoux, 3513 Wyandotte, St, Kansas City, Mo was a Messmore & has tried to gather family records.

When Esther Harris celebrated her 100th anniversary, which as I remember her age would be in 1905, Geo R. Messmore was in attendance & she seeing his name wrote him. He was drinking then & turned the letter over to I. Lindsey M. & he corresponded considerably with her, writing her.

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Henry Messmore, a brother of Shff Isaac & above 80 yrs is still living at Veedersburg, Indiana, which she says is about 10 miles from Mellot, Ind (both in Fountain Co) where his brother William had lived & where his daughter Mrs H. Lee Mosier lives.

Harvey Messmore of Wooster, O was a first cousin of Shff Isaac & I think wd certainly be a son of George & Nellie. He is dead, but a son lives there.

Dr Mallory of Cincinnati, O who had a most beautiful wife & was himself a leading citizen, was related on the Messmore side. He is now dead, but see if can get trace of his children.

July 31, 1925 1:30 AM made slips to here JVT

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At residence of Mr & Mrs David Alvaris Gaskill No 2014 Sarah St S.S. Pittsburgh, Pa Aug 4, 1925 10:25 AM

You enter through the alley with "D.A.G. 2014" on the gate from where Mrs G. met me & took me upstairs to the second floor where they have two large rooms rented. Mr Gaskill works for Jones & Laughlin Steel Co where he has been employed for 30 yrs & for 19 yrs, they had a four room house rented above here. Mrs G. says Mr Gaskill is the son of Abraham Gaskill of Brownsville, Pa & his wife Sarah Jacobs of Fayette City, Pa see page 184. Mr Gaskill still working & in his 81st year, does not look to be over 65. She says Mrs Gaskill says her father built or rather rebuilt the old mill, the one she thinks that is now there. Her father Samuel W. Boyd lived in Uniontown, Pa for 12 yrs from Nov 1856 to 1869. Was elected Shff in Oct 1856 & went into office in Nov 1856 serving a three year term & was followed by Eli Cope one term & then by Thomas Brownfield one term (a brother of Nathaniel & Ewing) & he was elected for another term say 1856 to 1868 or 1869 when he bought the Shff Frost farm in Luzeme Tp, Fay Co, Pa near Lock No 5. He moved back to Uniontown, Pa about 1880 & died there & is buried at Dunlaps Creek G.y. in his father, Judge Robert Boyd's lot.

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Mrs G's oldest brother, James Boyd was in M.E. Page's confectionery at Chicago, Ills as a wholesale shipping clerk & enlisted there in the Civil War enlisting in 64th Ill Inf & was detailed to Genl Dodge's headquarters as his clerk. He was with Sherman in his march to the sea, serving until the close of the war & was mustered out, she thinks at Hampton Roads, Va. He was a Private. After the war, about 1876, perhaps earlier, as he was married prior to my informant's marriage, in Chicago Ills to Miss Jennie ______ of Chicago, Ills where he was still with the M.E. Page Co. He contracted fever & ague in the war & his lungs becoming infected, his father sent for him to come home & he died on the farm in Luzeme Tp, see page 184 & is buried at Dunlaps Creek g.y. alongside his grandparents, his father, his Uncle Dempsey & his sister Eliza Jane & has a soldiers marker. Mrs G. says there was not room there for her mother & she was buried at Rehoboth in the lot of her father Thomas Patton.

James Boyd's first child was Mary Boyd born in Chicago & stillborn, & their only other child was Howard LeRoy Boyd born in Chicago, Ill in the winter in the early part of 1877 as he was over a year old when his father James came home in June 1878. The widow, Jennie, shortly after James' death, went to California to live with a sister. She died prior to the World War notice of which Mrs G's niece, Nellie, (Tom's daughter) got in a letter from Howard LeRoy, who

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was at the head of the chemical dept of a Gov station there, a fine handsome six footer & she hasn't heard of him since & fears he may have gone abroad in the World War.

Mrs Gaskill's sister-in-law, the widow of her brother Thomas P. Boyd viz Eliza Katherine Boyd, lives now in Wilkinsburg, Pa with her son Harry & her single daughters Nellie & Annie. She lives on a 4th floor apartment in an old time house (possibly Walters) near the corner of Center & Ross sts. Harry is with a candy firm, was a Lieut in World War serving at Camp Lee, but didn't get abroad. Mrs Boyd was Eliza Katherine Wilhem born in West Newton, Pa Oct 24, 1850 oldest of 7 children of John Henry Wilhem born Oct 5, 1821 in Beerfelden, Grand Duchy Helson, Germany & his wife Anna Mary Hetzel of Mulheim, Germany born July 1, 1828 & married Nov 24, 1849 at West Newton, Pa. They had 9 children all born in Connellsville, Pa except Annie who was born on the Luzeme Tp farm. In order of their ages they are, she thinks:

1. Mary Edna Boyd born Sept 21, 1870 married Frederick Douglas Ecker born Apr 27, 1869. They live in Aspinwall, Pa where he is employed in McConway Torley & Co mills. Have had 2 children:

1. Frank P. Ecker born Nov 14, 1892 died July 1893

2. Mary Estella Ecker born July 9, 1899, married (No 415 Lexington Ave Tel Sterling 0481-R)

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Aug 1, 1923 to Lawrence J. Pare born Mch 25, 1889

3. Frederick Douglas Ecker Jr born Oct 4, 1907

2. Elizabeth A. born 1871 ob

3. Jessie Patton Boyd born Apr 4, 1874 married Oct 3, 1923 to William Harrison Rhodes born Sept 6, 1865. Both living at 109 Dalzell Ave, Ben Avon, Pa where he works for the Penna RR working in the office at the station. He was paymaster for the Ft Wayne Road for 27 years. Have two children. Helen was born at Clifton, Pa below Sewickley & Wm H. Jr born at Aspinwall, Pa.

1. Helen Rhodes born July 19, 1899

2. Wm Harrison Rhodes Jr born Aug 10, 1905

Tel book says 325 Dalzell Tel Linden 1253

4. Nellie, home single

5. Annie, home single

6. Charles H. Tel Franklin 8716 married & has 3 children. Lives in Wilkinsburg at 1017 Trenton Ave. He used to be in the old bank of Pgh. They took him out to settle up the affiars of a woolen mill & have made him Pres of it works at Millvale, N.S.

7. Frank C. say 735 Wallace Ave Tel Franklin 9823-R married dau of Rev Lee of 1st Pres Ch Wilkinsburg, Pa, Elizabeth Lee. No issue. Lives on Wallace Ave, Wilkinsburgh, Pa. He is a R.E. agt.

8. Harry (try Harry W. 802 Ross Ave Tel Franklin 2060-W) home, single

He is in a candy firm

9. Katherine Boyd mar Raymond W. Owens Tel Franklin 0248-R Both living at 302 Barnes St Wilkinsburg where he is in the electrical Dept of Westinghouse. Have one child born in Wilkinsburg.

1. Raymond W. Jr aged abt 4

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Mrs Gaskill says her Uncle Robert Boyd Jr see apge 185 went to Ironton, O where he worked in the office of an iron works & her father & mother visited him there then during his 2d term as Shff, Robert was then married, having married Jane Eliza Beeson of the "Monroe" or Hopwood family of Beesons. Mrs G. has heard of John't & Monroe Beeson out that way, but don't know how nearly related she was to them.

Robert Jr went from Ironton, O to Louisville, Ky where he was a partner in an iron firm on Water St & lived on Walnut St where she visited them from Sept 1874 to Mch 1875. Thinks he died in 1877 at Louisville, Ky & is buried in Cane Hill Cem there & has a marker. His widow survived him & thinks went to St Louis, Mo with her daughter Jessie. They had three children. Thinks the two boys were born at Ironton, O & Jessie at Louisville, Ky.

1. Harry Boyd. In 1878 he was in Louisville, Ky unmarried. Have not heard of him since.

2. Edward Boyd. Was a fine artist, graduated from an art school in NY. He died before his father & is buried in Cane Hill Cem, Louisville Ky & has a marker.

3. Jessie, was the youngest. Thinks she was 17 at time of her visit in 1874, was still in school. Married & moved to St Louis, Mo but don't know name of her husband.

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She recalls an incident about her grandfather, Judge Robert Boyd. She says after her grandmother Boyd died, her grandfather moved out of the stone house up into Muttontown & an old man named Seaburn Aiken took care of him. One day, when he was away, she was sent for to come & stay with her grandfather, being about 8 yrs old & he had a big fire in the grate & made her stand between him & the fire, rather than move back & it nearly roasted her. Her Uncle, William Boyd then lived in the stone house & her Uncle Joseph Boyd had a store in "Muttontown". Her grandmother Boyd named my informant for her own sister, Harriet Work, who had married John Dempsey & for her own mother's mother, Ann Harris. She says the mill which was the only steam one in the country, their being a dam up by Jeffries bottom, was bought by Caleb Antram & she thinks sold by him to Hess. Mrs G. thinks that Uncle John Work & Uncle Joseph Work, living in Dunbar Tp, Uncles of her father, were brothers of her grandmother Boyd.

Mrs G. asks about the Whitehill's & says she thinks her father's Aunt Nancy Whitehill, wife of Stuart H. Whitehill visited him, her brother, at the jail during his 2d term as Shff & she thinks she was living over on the north side, Allegheny since she moved to Pgh 40 yrs ago & that there are some Whitehills still living over there. She recalls one as named William.

Leaving 1:11 PM

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Mrs Gaskill says the Boyds, Works, Antrims, Jacks etc all came from County Antrim, Ireland. She speaks of there being a Jack being located at Roanoke, Va who years ago spoke of having the best history of the Jacks there was extant.

Left 1:25 PM

Wm Penn Hotel, Room 1152 3 PM

I find in the Tel Book several Whitehills viz A.B., Albert E., Elmer, H.L. & Whitehill Pharmacy 1200 Allegheny Ave, Tels Cedar 8072-J, & 9581. I called the latter number & a man answered that Mr Whitehill had gone out at 9 o'c this morning & would not be back today.

Mrs Gaskill remembered my sisters Ruth & Lenora very well & said she too remembered seeing Will & me come to church as they were all Presbyterians. She asked about Minnie L. Redburn & remembered her as a little girl & wished to be remembered to her. Said she remembered too my dear Mary who she spoke of as a "lovely woman".

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At residence of Lloyd Fritchman, Hill St, Dillonvale, Jefferson Co, O Aug 5, 1925 9:17 AM

I came here on the bus, leaving Steubenville, O at 8 AM & arriving at 9:10 AM & find Mrs Hodgson here who says her brother Lloyd, who owns this home is an engineer on the Wheeling & Lake Erie RR & was called out at 4 o'clock this morning. She says they have sold the home at West Newton, Pa & her sister, Elizabeth & herself have been making their home here & she, Elizabeth went back yesterday.

Lloyd Fritchman was born on the farm in Rostraver Tp, near Belle Vernon, Pa Aug 9, 1877 & has never married.

Her sister, Rosanna Fritchman, born on same farm Dec 24, 1883 & on Oct 1907? married to Howard M. Miller son of Dr Howard Miller & his wife Milligan. They live at Martins Ferry, O where he has a gents clothing store & are attending old home week at West Newton, Pa & one of their children is here. They lost their oldest child & have three living, the three oldest born in West Newton, Pa & the youngest in Martins Ferry, O viz:

1. stillborn son born Oct?

2. Mary Louise Miller born Mch 21, 1910

3. Catharine Fay Miller born Aug 23, 1912

4. Anna Elizabeth Miller born July 6, 1918 who is now here

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Her brother Frank Markle Fritchman lives at Indiana, Pa where he is V.Pt & Supt of a coal works, has been married twice & has six children, one of them the baby, Margaret Jane Fritchman, born Mch 18, 1916 at Indiana, Pa is here & admitted me & called Mrs Hodgson, who has a headache & had gone & laid down by reason thereof. She has given me the above record & thinks they had heretofore given Frank's record which I think was correct, when I was there abt 2 yrs ago in the winter.

Leaving 10 AM

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At residence of Mrs Elizabeth Thomson McLaughlin, Main St or Church St Adena Jefferson Co, O Aug 5, 1925 3:20 PM

I arrived here at 3 o'clock & find Mrs McLaughlin on a crutch which she has been using for 21 yrs by reason of a broken hip then, but she is very cheerful & was quilting. She is slender & active withal. She says her unmarried daughter, Mary, who lives here with her had just gone out to visit a sick neighbor. She says I look very much like her Uncles Moses & Hugh who had rather round faces, but her Uncle Alex & her father John had longer faces. she says her first cousin Rev W. "Roley" Thompson who preaches in Penn, had preached several years at Moundsville, WVA, was now over at Hopedale, O where he preached on Sunday & where he is visiting his two sisters, Miss Fannie Thompson, living in Hopedale & Mrs Lizzie Simpson, also living there & Mrs Kate Dickerson who may be there also. They are children of Moses Thomson [variations in spelling noted] & have a brother Rev Ezekiel Thompson also a U.P. preacher who has a charge in the northern part of the state. She says her mother, a Francis, was a sister of Margaret Ann Thomson of Monmouth, Ills 1823-1923 who

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I visited in Oct 17, 1923. Her home is adjoining & next house above the Peoples Natl Bank. Her father, John Thompson was a son of Hugh Thomson & Elizabeth Scroggs & Hugh was son of John who was brother of my gggf Thomas Thompson 1721-1782. She has brought out her big bible, back loose published by H.K. Foster, Pgh, Pa, but without date & the record therein, I am embodying in a genealogical table commencing on page 392.

Leaving 5:11 PM

The big bible had the record of births of her grandchildren as well as of her children. Her daughter Sarah Viola Grove came in. she is hard of hearing & wears a trumpet, is below medium height, heavy set & serious in demeanor & she helped give the record of marriages & some births & has a good memory, but slow. Mrs McLaughlin says her memory has been impaired by the "flu" which she had a year ago. Her youngest daughter, Miss Mary Florence got back about 4:45 PM. She is taller than Mrs Grove & of good figure & handsome features. They were all very kind & wanted me to stay all night. Mrs McL

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says her son, R. Lewis McLauglin an Atty at Law in Steubenville, O has gotten up a record of their branch & says for me to see him. Mrs McL says she remembers her grandfather Hugh Thomson & says she was 5 yrs old when he died & recalls that at a butchering once, down on the Piney Fork farm, he got the hogs bladder & cleaned it & cut up his tobacco & had her fill it in the bladder.

After leaving, I walked around the corner to the Ramsey House & waited for the4 Adena & Steubenville Bus which came & started at 5;50 PM. We went up to Piney Fork where it had just rained very hard & was still raining all they way up to & at Smithfield, O where we changed to another Bus & got in Steubenville at 7:40 PM. Mary F. took my address & said they would get the Hamilton record & send me.

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[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Thompson was born Oct 18, 1841 in Smithfield Tp, Jefferson Co, O being one of nine children of John Thompson of Hugh. She was married by Rev J.M. Jamison U.P. preacher at old Piney Fork at her father's home Mch 30, 1862 to William B. (a letter only) McLaughlin born here in Adena, O June 21, 1837 & died in this house May 24, 1906. He was son of James McLaughlin & his wife Sarah Jane Kerr. They had eight children, the two oldest born in Hopedale, O & the last six born here in Adena, O June 3, 1927. She died at Adena O, Mch 6, 1926.


James Audley McLaughlin, B Sept 22, 1863 m. June 6, 1900 to Margaret Shearer from Tipton, Iowa. Both living in Massillon, O where he is a lawyer. No issue.

Anna Rachel McLaughlin, B Sept 25, 1865 m. Oct 8, 1891 to John A. Hamilton of Ottumwa, Iowa, mar here. Both living at Superior, Neb where he is a farmer, son of Joseph Hamilton & Mary Johnson. Three oldest children born in Iowa & youngest in Anderson Co, Kansas.

William Bane, B Feby 1, 1894 m. June 5, 1918 to Iva Alice Reid born Apr 4, 1897 dau of Chas H. Reid & wife May Frances Kirk. Have 4 children born the oldest one at Munden, Kan & the other 3 at Superior, Neb.

William Reid, B Mch 11, 1919

Nadine Pearl, B July 7, 1920

Donald J, B Oct 20, 1922

Lyle Howard, B June 11, 1924

Lewis Alton, B Mch 23, 1896 m. June 24, 1922 to Alice Lorraine Atkins born Nov 4, 1897 dau of Chas Atkins & wife Eva Jones 2 children born at Superior, Neb.

Deane Alton, B Aug 2, 1923

Gene, B July 10, 1925

Doris Velma, B Sept 14, 1897

Howard C., B July 27, 1901

Sarah Viola McLaughlin, B Feby 27, 1868 m. Feby 26, 1891 to William Frances Grove born Apr 1, 1857 in Iowa, son of Thomas C. Grove & wife Sarah Croskey. Both living here in Adena, where he is a carpenter. Have 2 children both born here in Adena, O.

Emily Isabell, B Aug 6, 1896 m. June 28, 1916 to Homer Ray McCracken. Both living at Fairpoint, O where he is an undertaker. Have 3 children born there. son of Wm Ray McCracken & wife Alice Fordyce. He was born at Brady, O June 30, 1891

Sarah Alice, B June 21, 1917

Margaret Elizabeth, B Sept 27, 1922

Mary Isabell, B Apr 25, 1925

Elizabeth Frances, B Oct 12, 1902, unmarried.

John Thompson McLaughlin, B Jany 8, 1870 ob July 31, 1880. Horses ran off & threw him off the wagon & killed him.

Hugh Alexander, B Dec 13, 1871 m. June 19, 1901 to Margaret Hagan who is dead. Has 4 children all born here. She dau of Edward Hagan & wife Mary Jane Anderson. He lives at Alliance, O where he is a grocer.

Donivan Dean, B Apr 16, 1902, single. Aug 13, 1925 saw him in Cadiz, O. He graduated this yr class of 1925 honor man in class of 14 & at Wooster College & is going to Wester Reserve College, Cleveland, O to study law.

Dorotha, B Feby 8, 1904 ob Oct 27, 1905

Nancy, B Jany 4, 1907

William B., B Sept 8, 1909

Alma Elizabeth, B July 23, 1912

Robert Lewis, B Mch 25, 1874 m. Oct 14, 1914 to Elizabeth Alexander dau of Wm Alexander & his wife Ellen [best guess] Miller who was born May 18, 1886 in Steubenville, O. Both living in Steubenville, O where he is a lawyer in Union Bk Bldg. Has 4 children, all born in Steubenville. Lives 1128 Wellesley Ave.

Mary Eloise, B Jany 1918

Robert Alexander, B Dec 8, 1919

Elizabeth Anne, B Apr 26, 1921

James Francis, B Apr 1, 1925

George Everett, B Feby 19, 1877 m. Aug 12, 1902 to Alberta Carpenter. Both living at Athens, O where he is a Prof of manual training in the college.

Helen Elizabeth, B Feby 3, 1911 at Athens, O

Mary Florence McLaughlin, B Aug 2, 1880. At home with her mother, unmarried.

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Going on the bus, Wednesday morning 5th was Stanton M. Rittenhouse born in 1861 who says Clarence Fisher Atty at Law, Canton, O whose mother was a sister of Alexander Rittenhouse, the father of my informant & she & Alexander were children of William Rittenhouse, who at an early day came to Jefferson Co, O from our county of Fayette, Pa & built a fine brick house 18 miles out from Steubenville at Unionport, O. He said this Mr Fisher had made up a record of the Rittenhouses & the Fishers. Ask him about the Blackburns.

At residence of Robert Emmett Finley, Main St, Mt Pleasant, O Aug 5, 1925 11:20 AM

I arrived here five minutes ago on the bus from Dillonvale, O & going in the bank, a young lady at the window said Martha Virginia Finley had gone to Bridgeville, Pa but pointed out the home of her brother fifth house up from Cate cornered across. Addressing the elderly banker, Mr Jones, as father, he said the Carothers, Dilworths, & Zolls were all gone & there were

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none of any of those families there. Mr Finley said his wife was away for the day & he was getting dinner for the children. He said he was born in this house Aug 27, 1894, son of Dr James Emmet Finley by his 2d wife Elizabeth (but always called Lillie) Jane Shawn who was born Oct 23, 1856 & died Nov 5, 1909 & is buried in the New Highland Cem her adjoining the old Methodist g.y.

My informant's grandfather, Dr Robert Emmett Finley, son of another Dr Finley came to America fr County Longford, Ireland & as he was driving me over to Dillonvale, O to the train, he pointed out on Short Creek just on edge of Dillonvale where his grandfather operated a Salt Works on his arrival in this country.

My informant's full sister, Martha Virginia Finley is taking a technician course at Bridgeville, Pa & is living at 624? Gregg Ave c/o J.T. Koch. His older half brother Ernest Linwood Finley, aged 52, is a lawyer in Steubenville, O, located in Union Bank Bldg on 9th floor as you get off of the elevator. He has a history of their branch of the Finley family which he has prepared. My informant's father, Dr James Emmett

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Finley tore down the old house on this lot & built this fine substantial large brick. The grandfather, Dr Robt E. Finley first settled at Dillonvale & then came here, where he died. Mr Finley has a son & a daughter who both rode up with us to the Old Pres g.y. where he kindly proposed taking me. He gave me a sandwich before starting.

At Mt Pleasant, O, Presbyterian Graveyard Aug 5, 1925 12 o'c noon

1. Dr Robert Finley born Co Longford, Ireland Nov 6, 1803 died Mt Pleasant, Ohio Nov 19, 1866

Angelina Hanna formerly wife of Dr Robt Finley Born Feby 7, 1819 ob Nov 4, 1880

Thomas Benton Finley (bro of Dr James E.) Born Sept 23, 1840 at Mt Pleasant, O died May 15, 1919

Dr James E. Finley born Dec 23, 1837 in Mt P., O died July 14, 1911 in Mt P., O

Earl, son of Dr J.E. & A. Finley died May 9, 1881 aged 16 mos

Amanda, wife of Dr James E. Finley born Feby 10, 1843 ob Nov 20, 1891

Carita C., dau of J.E. & A.M. Finley died Nov 7, 1888 aged 14 yrs 10 mos

Carrie May, dau of Dr James E. & Amanda Finley

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Died Dec 25, 1886 aged 20 yrs 5 mos 5 days

Robert E. (twin brother of E.L. & son of Dr James E. & A.M. Finley) born Aug 23, 1868 ob Sept 19, 1883

All died of consumption.

2. Helen Sharon (mother of my inf mother) July 24, 1812, June 3, 1900

John Sharon (grandfather of my informant) born Sept 20, 1797 ob Oct 22, 1870

My informant said that his mother died of cancer of the bowels.

3. David Robertson ob Dec 3, 1840 aged 79 yrs 24 days

Sarah, consort of David Robertson died Aug 12, 1850 aged 72 yrs 1 mo

24 days

James, son of William & Sophia Robertson born July 17, 1849 ob Apr 3, 1851 (or 7)

In an iron fence enclosure say 30x12, I find the tombstone of Robert Carothers down in one corner in the Kirk lot, the enclosed one.

4. Johnson, son of Robert & Mary Carothers died Aug 8, 1821? aged 15 yrs 5 mos

In memory of Robert Carothers, proprietor of the town of Mt Pleasant, O died Feby 2, 1821 aged 63 yrs From labor free my body in soft & sweet repose; Lies when Christ the Judge shall bid me my days shall never close;

This fine large stone is down lying flat, but well preserved.

I found his wife Mary's tombstone in Vermont, Ills

In memory of Mary Ann, daughter of Eli & Martha

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Kirk, who died Aug 8, 1821 in her 3d year.

In memory of Eli Kirk ob Nov 13, 1838 in his 48th yr

Rachel C. wife of Timothy Kirk, Born Sept 29, 1828, ob Aug 21, 1854

Eli Noble, son of Timothy & Rachel C. Kirk born Nov 31, 1849 ob Nov 11, 1853

5. In mem of Samuel Crothers Senr ob July 2, 1836 in 53d yr

Mary, consort of Samuel Crothers ob May 6, 1825 in her 37th yr

Barbara Carothers, no dates

Martha, dau of Samuel & Mary Crothers ob Apr 21, 1825 aged 3 mos & 13 days

William, son of Samuel & M. Crothers ob Feby 1, 1827 aged 18 yrs 4 mos & 12 days

Robert, son of Samuel & Mary Crothers ob June 25, 1828 aged 18 yrs 2 mos & 5 days

Elizabeth Althisa, dau of Saml & Hannah Crothers ob Mch 1, 1835 aged 1 yr 4 mos 21 days

John Crothers son of Samuel & Mary Crothers ob Sept 16, 1840 aged 22 yrs 4 mos 26 days

Hannah Elizabeth dau of W.F. & M.A. Crothers ob June 23, 1852 aged 1 yr 6 mos & 5 days

William F. Crothers ob June 5, 1853, aged 26 yrs 6 mos 26 days

6. In far lower back corner is

Mary, wife of John Cooper born May 4, 1758 ob Dec 16, 1852

Did not find any Dilworths or Zolls here.

Left 1 PM

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In the Old Methodist graveyard at Mt Pleasant, Ohio & the New Highland Cemetery adjoining, Aug 5, 1925 1:01 PM

7. Lillian Sharon Finley, wife of Dr James E. Finley born Oct 23, 1856 ob Nov 5, 1909. This was the mother of my informant & host.

8. Mary Jane, dau of R.A. & J.T. Kerlin born Jany 23, 1836 ob Mch 10, 1846.

Hannah S. Kerlin ob July 21, 1843 in 70 yr

Sarah Matilda Kerlin ob Mch 15, 1831 aged 15 yrs 1 mo & 5 days

Eliza B. Kerlin ob Aug 28, 1823 aged 15 yrs 3 mos 10 days

9. William Dilworth (Masonic insignia) born Sept 10, 1784 ob Mch 4, 1855

10. Joseph Kithcart, at entrance gate Father of Jno A.) Born Oct 13, 1823 ob Feby 27,1913

Elizabeth C. Sherrard, wife of Joseph Kithcart born Sept 23, 1821 ob Nov 19, 1891

Left 1:35 PM

At residence of James J. Bashore, Main St, Mt Pleasant, O Aug 5, 1925 1:40 PM

Mr Bashore, a native of Mt Pleasant, O aged 85 yrs says he remembers the Kirk farm of 200 acres just east of town near Pres Ch g.y. & thinks the owner was Eli Kirk. Says he remembers a Robert Carothers who had a General Store here & whose name remained on the building for many years. He had a clerk

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named Greenberry Plumer.

Mr Bashore says his great grandfather Bashore came from along the Rhine to one of the upper eastern counties of Penna at a very early day, but he didn't know his first name.

Leaving 2 PM

Mr Finley then drove me back to Dillonvale, where I got the 2:30 PM train on the Wbg & LERR for Adena. He said they got a letter intended for F.S. Finley, Mt Pleasant, Iowa & sending it on to him, he got his sister's address & sent it to me when answering my letter.

I did not find any tombstones of Henry Beeson or Jacob Zoll but found some Hoggs in the old Methodist g.y.

At Richmond, Jefferson Co, O Aug 6, 1925

I arrived here abt 9:45 Am on the bus from Steubenville & meeting an old man on the street, he said he was 85 yrs old & had bought the corner property where I met him, a nice cottage house, yard & garden in 1865 & had lived there ever since. He thought he had heard of Joseph Baily, but could not place him. His name was Emanuel C. Gille. He referred me to Sherman B. Pyle who has an old drug store & a raft

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of books piled up in it about four doors below. He said he was 80, born 1845, married 57 yrs ago & always lived in the same house adjoining. He said his father was born in Beallsville, Pa (where his grandfather lived) & was a doctor in Richmond. Said he had a brother on the Union side & one on the Confederate side the Battle of Stone Mountain. He knew a Benjamin Baily, a fine man, but did not know of Joseph or his wife Serena Thompson. He recalled Gen John H. Morgan, Rebel Raider passing through Richmond & East Springfield, O July 25, 1863 & said he had been captured at Salineville, O on beyond. I got the 10:40 bus for East Springfield arriving at 11 at Flenniken's store (which is the P.O.) as Mr Pyle directed, but Mr F. wasn't there, so I walked out to:

East Springfield, O Cemetery, located between the Presbyterian & Methodist Churches Aug 6, 1925 11:15 AM

11. John McCullough ob Feby 9, 1844 in his 40th yr

Rachel M. wife of John McCullough Jr ob Jany 13, 1847 in 23d yr

Brice Edgington, infant son of John & Rachel M. McCullough ob Aug 14, A.D. 1846 aged 4 yrs -- mos & 1 day

John McCullough ob June 18, 1850 in 73d yr

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Jane McCullough (down) ob June 14, 1854 in her 73d yr

Eliza, dau of John & Jane McCullough ob Aug 19, 1849 aged 25 yrs 1 mo 24 days

12. Elias Flenniken ob Sept 1, 1876 aged 62 yrs 3 mos 18 days

13. Mont P., son of I & A.A. Shane ob Oct 27, 1890 aged 3 yrs 10 mos

Mabel G., dau of I & A.A. Shane ob Feby 3, 1882 aged 1 yr 2 mos 11 days

Otto R., son of I & A.A. Shane ob Dec 30, 1880 aged 2 yrs 6 mos 13 days

14. Deborah McCullough ob Jany 7, 1865 in her 65th year, "Mother, Neighbour, Friend".

Nannie P. Edgington ob Sept 26, 1862 in her 35th year

These two last are what I went for & as I wanted to catch the bus, I Left at 11:50 AM

See book 6 p 146

See book 10 p 471

Going back to the store, Mr Flenniken had not returned but the handsome girl clerk introduced me to his brother standing in front of the store, a slender man & a dead ringer for Fremont Flenniken of Carmichaels, Pa. He said his great grandfather Flenniken had come out & taken up some land there & they had been on it ever since. His father's name was Wesley Flenniken & the Elias mentioned at item 12 above was an Uncle of Wesley. He did not know the names of his grandfather & great grandfather. I left at 12 noon on the bus, got here at 1:05 Pm & went to Ernest L. Finley's at 902 Union Bank Bldg see p 404.

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He said his father had had a sketch of his life in the Hist of Jefferson Co by Doyle. He said there was a fuller sketch in an earlier History of Jefferson & Belmont Cos which could be seen in the Carnegie Library six blocks out south 4th St from here. He said later at the court house that Doyle was librarian at the the court house just above where I was working on the wills & would probably have both histories there. When I went up at 5 o'c, the door was locked.

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Office of Probate Court, Steubenville, Jefferson Co, O Aug 6, 1925 2:15 PM

Ernest L. Finley who came in with me, from his office, 902 Union Bank Bldg, said his grandfather, Dr Robert E. Finley, came over from Co Longford, Ireland, he thinks from Bally lea in 1822 when 19 yrs old. Three brothers came too at or near the same time, viz: James, Patrick & Thomas, James Finley, lawyer of Emporium, Kansas, was son of one, probably James, one went to Iowa & thinks a son went to Congress & Patrick settled in Morgan Co, O. He thinks their father's name was James, but is not sure. Said he was a small farmer. Mr Finley is a well preserved, full, smooth faced, handsome man. He said Jefferson Co was formed in 1798 & was 4th or 5th Co & embraced what is now 16 counties, even taking in Cleveland & all the eastern portion of the state, their being a land office located here. There is no complete General Index of Wills, but each vol has its own index, so I have will book No 1 1798 to 1832, so in looking through it, I find the following that I want to refer to:

*Beeson, Henry Page 223

*Carnahan, Robert Page 61 N.

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*Caruthers, Robert Page 255

*Dunlevy, James page 42

*Elliott, Robert, page 193

*Elliott, Thomas, page 248

*Finley, Agnes, page 63

*Gregg, Andrew, page 196 N

*Kirk, William, page 146 N

*Kirk, Michael, page 215 N

*Milligan, James, page 9

The book starts out as:

"A Record of Wills for Jefferson Co in the Territory of the United States, northwest of the River Ohio"

The first will is that of John Cross, probated Feby 27, 1798

1. Will Book 1 page 9 James Milligan states he is yeoman of Cecil Co, Md & wills to:

wife, Mary £200

son, John £20

son James £15

Dau Elizabeth Gallagher £70 [or 20]

dau Alice Gwesey £20

son William £100

dau, Mary Milligan £30

son, David £200

dau, Sarah Milligan £40

Bequests to several grandchildren, a long will.

Probated May 26, 1802

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2. Will Book 1 Page 42 James Dunlevy. Recites he is of Steubenville Tp, Jeff Co O.

wife Hannah

daughters Juliet, Mary & Nancy Dunlevy

son John

Appoints Daniel Dunlevy, Thomas Elliott & John Milligan. Dated July 14, 1805 James Dunlevy. Probated Feby 4, 1807

3. Will Book 1 p 63 Agness Finley says she is afflicted with old age, dated Oct 25, 1805 & gives to son John Finley, chest etc & $150.

to son David Finley bed, mare etc & $70

to dau Mary Phares, clothes etc & $20.

Agness (her mark) Finley Probated Apr 3, 1810

4. Will Book 1 p 193, Robert Elliott recites he is of Smithfield Tp & directs his property be sold & proceeds put aside for use of:

his wife Sally

his children, James, John & Mary & then wills to oldest dau Sally Elliott 5 shillings.

to son James Elliott be left to care of my father-in-law Abraham Cuppy

Second son John Elliott be left to care of his Uncle John Cuppy &

my daughter Mary to be cared for by her mother.

Appoints wife Sally Elliott sole Exrx. Dated Apr 27, 1816. Robert (his mark) Elliott

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witnesses John Stell & Archibald Elliott. On Apr 7, 1817 will proven.

5. Will Book 1 page 223, Henry Beeson recites he is of the town of Mt Pleasant, Jefferson Co, O. Gives to three daughters:

3 daus Anna, Rebecca & Charity Beeson equally 4 in lots in town of Mt P & on out lot & all my movable property

to wife, full & ample maintenance for life

to grandson Henry W. Beeson all my int in Uniontown Library

3d directs section 11 be sold & divided

to sons Richard & John Beeson 1/3 equally

to sons Jesse Beeson, Jacob Beeson, William Beeson, Henry Beeson

& daughters Hannah Harris & Pheeby Schooly equally for the other 2/3

Appoints sons Richard & John Exrs. Dated Feby 1, 1818. Henry Beeson (seal) Proven Apr 19, 1819

6. Will Book 1 page 246 Thomas Elliott recites he is of Cross Creek Tp, Jefferson Co, O & provides:

wife be cared for on farm during widowhood & directs income to go to educate children until they are 21 & wills

to dau Mary married to Wm Cunningham $10

to son Simon Elliott $200 when youngest son is 21 everything to be sold & divided between

my 5 sons, William, John, Thomas, Andrew & Charles

Appoints Samuel Patterson, Andrew Anderson & self Wm Exrs dated Nov 5, 1819. Thos Elliott (seal) Probated Dec 13, 1819

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7. Will Book 1 page 255 Robert Carithers of Mt Pleasant Tp, Jeff Co, O bequeaths:

To beloved wife Mary Carithers, all household & kitchen furniture except my clock & watch which are to go to my son Robert when he reaches 21 yrs etc.

To son Robert, a lot of land to be laid off adjg the meeting house & town of Mt Pleasant running fr N.W. corner of a lot sold Caleb Dilworth etc to contain 20 A with proviso that widow have use of it until Robert is 21, but timber on it to be carefully preserved.

Directs bals his land be sold & money divided:

1st to wife $5000 the int to be used for her own & support of the children that stay with her.

to son Samuel Carithers $500

to son John Carithers $233

to granddaughter Martha Carothers (dau of my son John) $266.67

to daughter, Mary Caldwell $800

to daughter, Martha Kirk $1000

to son William Carithers $500

to son Noble Carithers $3000

to son Johnson Carithers $3000

to daughter Margaret Carithers $1500

to daughter Ruth Carithers $1500

to son Robert Carithers $4000

to my sister Elizabeth Smith $100 for use of herself & children

to my grandson Robert Carithers (second son of my son Samuel) $100

The 30 shares I hold in the bank of Mt Pleasant, I give to my son Robert when he comes of age. At wife's death, one half of the $5000 she has the use of to go to son Robert & remaining half equally to the three next youngest children, wants Johnson &

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Noble to be learned trades & Robert to be educated for the ministry. If any child die without a family, share to go to children who are then single.

Appoints son Samuel & friend Joseph McKee & John Alexander Exrs. Dated Oct 22, 1818 Robert Carithers (seal)

witnesses: Jonathan Taylor, Wm Hopkins, Samuel Hessey, Proven Apr 10, 1821.

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Aug 7, 1925 9:11 AM. Steubenville, O

Will Book No 2 1821-1836

*Edgington, Asahel page 134

*Edgington, Cassandra page 194

*Edgington, Brice page 361

*Findlay, George page 41

*Hill, John page 119 N

*Jennings, Obediah page 431

*Robertson, William (not Robinson) page 50

*Robertson, Thomas (as indexed) page 152 N

*Stevens, John (not Stephens) page 191

*Thompson, Samuel page 96

*Thompson, William page 303

8. Will book 2 page 41 George Findlay of Jeff Co, O dated Aug 2, 1819 has wife Alice & sons John, oldest, Moses & David & daughters Catherine, Isabella, Prudence, Elizabeth & Eleanor Findlay apparently all single. Signed George Findlay. Witnesses: James DeWitt & Robert Maxwell.

9. Will Book 2 p 50 William Robertson of Jeff Co, O bequeaths

To my brother Thomas Robertson all my estate upon condition of payts as follows:

to my [doesn't specify] Jane Mitchell $10

to my brother John Robertson $10

to my sister Polly Willisby $10

to my brother James Robertson $10

to my brother Joseph Robertson $10

to my brother Andrew Robertson $10

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Appoints Hugh Pugh & Andrew Ault Exrs. Dated Apr 5, 1817 signed William Robertson by James Alexander. Witnesses Henry Cooper, Hugh Pugh. Proven Aug 16, 1824, the said Hugh Pugh in his affidavit declaring that he appeared to be upwards of 21 yrs of age.

10. Will book 2 page 96 Samuel Thompson recites he is of Island Creek T, Jeff Co, O & gives:

1st to my son John Thompson, wearing apparel & a $70 horse

2 to my son James Thompson R1

3 to my son-in-law James Stevenson $1

4 to each of my grandchildren by my daughter Sarah Stevenson $1

5 to my granddaughter Julian Alice Thompson, feather bed & $30

6 to my grandson Samuel Joseph Thompson $50.

If either of above die before 5 yrs, part unpaid to go to my son John Thompson

7 to my son Hugh Thompson all my lands & all remaining monies & estate.

Appoints Moses Ross & Rev Thos Hunt Exrs. Dated Apr 21, 1823. Samuel Thompson. Witnesses: Arthur Latimer, Thomas Hunt. Probated May 1, 1826

See if this is a son of either Uncles Alexander or Dr Samuel

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11. Will Book 2 p 134 Asahel Edgington recites he is of Island Creek Tp & gives his 192 A farm there to be divided & gives:

to son Asahel, the north half

to son John, the south half & they to pay out to:

to son James, Brice, & Daniel &

to daughters Nancy, Martha, Drusilla & Diana, the proportionate shares on a valuation of $3264 & they to give $100 annually etc.

To my wife Cassa Edgington. Dated Sept 20, 1826 Asahel Edgington Probated Nov 20, 1826

12. Will Book 2 p 194 Cassandra Edgington recites she is of Jeff Co & wills:

to dau Diana, all wearing apparel, feather bed & silver teaspoons

to granddau Cassandra Patterson, dau of John Patterson of Steubenville, a new feather bed.

to my son John Edgington, my brown mare

5 to my sons John & Asahel Edgington all my money etc

6. to my son Brice Edgington, my gig

7. to my dau Martha Patterson, one silk frock

8. to my dau-in-law Lucinda Edgington one calico frock

9. to my son-in-law Henry Miser $1

Appoints John Patterson of Steubenville Exr. Dated May 29, 1828. Cassandra Edgington. Probated Aug 25, 182-

13. Will Book 2 p 361 Brice Edgington recites he is of the town of Springfield

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& Tp of Salem, Jeff Co, O wills:

to beloved wife Deborah, in lieu of dower, all my real & personal estate until my youngest child becomes of age if she so long remains my widow but if she marries, my R.E. in towns of Springfield & New Richmond be sold & she be given $200 & bals to go to my children as they come of age.

Lastly appoints Dr A.T. Markle of Springfield Exr. Dated Mch 2, 1833 Brice Edgington. Witness: William Duffield, Walter Athey. Probated at May term 1833 & letters issued.

14. Will Book 2 p 303 William Thompson recites he is of Cross Creek Tp Jeff Co

To my wife Elizabeth Thompson $50 yearly to be pd by my sons Mathew & Thomas, also beds, furniture etc & a home in my mansion house.

to my eldest son John Thompson $5

to my son James Thompson $100

to my married dau, now Mary Cunningham $100

to my married dau now Jane Scott $100

to my son William Thompson $200 & privilege of the copper shop &

to my sons William, Mathew & Thomas each one horse & my rifle gun to be the join property of the three. Books not to be sold & for use of family.

to my 2 sons Mathew & Thomas all my lands being abt 174 A. Dated Nov 5, 1831 William Thompson Witness Hezekiah Griffith & John Barrett Probated Nov 21, 1831

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Library in Court House 2d floor just above Probate Court office Steubenville, O Aug 7, 1925 11:25 AM

I have come up here by appointment & courtesy of Joseph B. Doyle, librarian, made this morning & who goes to lunch at 11:30 & has left me here locked in to make such notations as I can & want from his "20th Century Hist of Steubenville & Jeff Co, O" 1197 pages 1910 published by the Richmond Arnold Pub Co, Chicago, Ills" which he says is hard to procure as he has no copies left & also from "History of Belmont & Jefferson Cos, Ohio & collections of Border Warfare & Early Settlements & adjacent portions of the Ohio Valley by J.A. Caldwell with J.H. Newton managing Editor pub by Historical Pub Co, Wheeling WVA 1880"

Copies of which Mr Doyle thinks could be picked up. This latter book is just the length of this record book & is almost square being 32 lines wide. Unfortunately, it is not indexed as to names generally except for notables like Capt Sam Brady, Col Geo Croghan, William Crawford, Valentine Crawford, Dr John Connolly, Geo Rogers Clark, Christopher Gist etc.

Of this latter book on page 546, is an article on John Thompson which says that his father, Aaron Thompson, was a native of Eastern Penna who married Sarah Baldwin & in 1801 or 1802 he left his

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wife & children "at a place called Red Stone in Penna" & came to Ohio to prospect for land & in the vicinity of Mt Pleasant, O bought 160 A fr Benjamin Stanton at $2.25 per acre, on which he erected a cabin & brought his family, cleared it & died there 1838.

On this farm, his son, John Thompson was born June 28, 1803 & upon which he now (1880) lives. He married Sarah Patton in 1826. They reared four children, only one now living. One son, William, enlisted in Civil War & died in Bolivar, Tenn. Mrs T. died in 1873.

On Page 548 is sketch of William Thompson Sr also a son of Aaron & who was born in Penna in 1801 & came as a small boy with his parents to Ohio. He was first married in 1825 to Rachel Vernon, dau of Amos & Mary Vernon of Belmont Co, O. Had 8 children, only 3 now living viz: William, Israel, & Aaron. Mrs T. died in 1864. He married 2d Dec 19, 1868 Mrs Mary Vernon Craft, who was but 1 yr old at time of his first marriage & he himself is 2 yrs older than his mother-in-law. Mrs T's 2d husband, Mr Craft was killed while on picket duty on northerly side of Bald Mountain. He is now in his 79th year.

On page 558 is a short sketch of Alex S. Thompson, father of Wm H. of Cadiz.

on page 561, Samuel Sproat is reported as Prop of the Unionport Hotel

On page 530, Mt Pleasant Tp it is stated

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that it is probable that Robert Carothers & Jesse Thomas were the first settlers in Mt Pleasant Tp. They came from Penna & settled the land on which the village of Mt P. now stands in 1796. Carothers on the eastern part & Thomas on the western side. They together laid off the village on this land in 1804.

It states on same page that Aaron Thompson came from Chester Co, Pa in 1802 or 1803 & located some 3 1/2 miles N.W. of Mt Pleasant. The old homestead is now owned by his son John Thompson.

On page 144 is the original story of Adam Poe & "Big Foot" as given largely by Thomas Edgington who was captured & which is worthy of note.

On page 117-121 is an article on Crawford's campaign in which was John Sherrard & also in the book an article on his son Robert Andrew Sherrard born in Fay Co, Pa who had 6 sons & 6 daus, one being Rev John H. Sherrard.

In Mr Doyle's History

On page 689 is the article on Dr James E. Finley M.D. which says he was born in Mt Pleasant O Dec 23, 1837 & is a son of Dr Robert & Angelina (Hamilton) Finley. Dr Robert Finley was born in County Longford, Ireland in 1803 & died in 1866 aged 63 yrs having lived on American soil for just 40 yrs to the day. When he left Ireland

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his father gave him a small sum of money to establish him until he became a practicing physician, having given him a collegiate education in Dublin College, However, the voyage over of 96 days before he reached NY & where he landed in ill health. He finally made his way to Mt Pleasant, O where his older brother, Patrick Finley was manager of the salt works on Short Creek for James Updegraff. He came with a horseman from NY to Wheeling WVA where he landed with but $2.50 with which he bought a pair of shoes & walked over here. He studies medicine under Dr Wm Hamilton (of the Westnd Co family) in Jeff Co, O whose daughter Angelina, he married. Her mother was Margaret Norton who was Dr H's second wife who he married before he was 21. He married her in 1835. His being a Mason saved his life & his horse when Gen Jus H. Morgan interceded & would not let his companion take either. They had 4 children:

1. Margaret who married John Hanna & died at Cadiz, O in 1872

2. James E.

3. Carrie, who married Archie Hanna, a brother of John & died in Chicago in 1906.

4. F.B., an atty at law.

James E. was educated at New Athens college & graduated in 1863 from the Ohio Medical college at Cincinnati, O. He then entered the Union Army as a physician at Phila & was sent to Kings Street Hospital Wash D.C. where he served 1 yr. He was a director in Peoples NBK, Mt Pleasant, O

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& his father had been a director in the old State Bank from 1848 to his death & had declined the presidency of it which was offered him.

In 1865, Dr James E. Finley married Miss Amanda Hanna who died in 1888. She was a daughter of James Hanna & was born in Harrison Co, O. They had twin sons born to them Ernest & Robert. The latter died aged 15 & the former is a practicing Atty of Steubenville (he gave me yesterday this reference to Mr Doyle)

He married Miss Julia White who died in 1890 their children having been Lillie, wife of James T. Koch

Carrie who died after graduating from Steubenville Seminary

Carita who died aged 15 yrs

Earl who died aged 18 mos

Pauline who resides with her father.

In 1892, Dr Finley was married secondly to Miss Lillie Sharon, daughter of John Sharon of Mt Pleasant Tp. Mrs Finley died Nov 19, 1909 survived by two children Robert & Virginia. He is a Republican & a Mason.

Ernest L. Finley see page 737 has been a member of the bar here since Mch 1894. He was born in Logan Co, O but reared in Jeff Co & graduated from Wooster University. In 1901, he married Julia B. White, daughter of J.A. White of Mt P., O & had two children.

Elizabeth Louise & Catherine Ricks

He is a member of 2d Pres Ch & of the M.C.A.

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On page 424 is an article on Rev Obediah Jennings & Rev Dr Chas C. Beatty

On page 659 one an article on John D. Kilgore of Island Creek, born in Steubenville, O Mch 18, 1833 son of Wm & Anne (Hill) Kilgore whose photos are on page facing. It says that William Kilgore was born in Kings Creek Hancock Co, WVA July 18, 1796 & came to Steubenville in 1815. He was married Sept 16, 1824 to Anne, dau of Samuel Hill, a native of England.

William Kilgore died Jany 1, 1877 & his wife on Oct 8, 1872. They had six children of whom John D. is sole survivor. John D. served in Civil War & on July 18, 1880 mar Mrs Elizabeth James. She was a daughter of George & Susan (Johnston) Strickler of Fayette Co. They have two children, Wm & Jay S. residing in Island Creek Tp.

on page 562 is article on Joseph Robertson M.D. of our family

on page 703 James M. Simeral, son of Archibald who was son of Alexander Simeral a Rev soldier who came here from Westmoreland Co, investigate.

on page 1194 Chas D. Simeral of same family

on page 17 index shows articles on 9 Thompsons.

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Back at 2:15 PM

15. Will Book 2 p 191 John Stevens recites that he is of Wells Tp, gives:

To beloved wife Rachel Stevens $280 to be laid out in land selected by her & her son Daniel Stevens which she is to have until her death & thereafter

Our son Daniel Stevens to possess by paying the $280 which is to be equally divided between him & 8 other children, issue evidently of a former wife. Dated Nov 19, 1827, John (his mark) Stevens) Probated Apr 21, 1828.

16. Will book 2 P 431 Obediah Jennings States he was late of Washington, Pa & now of Nashville, Tenn (there are eleven lines of finely worded disposition of his soul. He was Pres of Wash College & mar a sister of Dr David Porter of Rostraver Tp) (a long will, in trust largely) Dated at Washington, Pa July 3, 1830 Obadiah [sic] Jennings. Probate papers Apr 17, 1833 from Davidson Co, Tenn.

Will Book NO 3 from 1836 to 1844

*Barrett, John 127 N

*Dunlevy, Andrew 74 N

*Dunlevy, Daniel 363, 435-442 N

*Finley, Moses, 381 etc

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*Kerlin, Hannah S. 414 to 416

*Markle, Abraham 219

*Robertson, David 214

*Robertson, Amos 224 N

*Thompson, Aaron 82

17. Will Book 3 p 381 Moses Finley of Smithfield Tp gives: To sons George & Hugh, the farm on which I now live, they to care for my afflicted wife Mary during her life &

to my dutiful daughter, Nancy, sorrel mare, beds etc &

to my four daughters Alice, Jane, Prudence & Sarah each a saddle & bridle & feather bed. Dated Nov 26, 1842. Moses Finley Probated Dec 13, 1842.

18. Will Book 3 p 414 Hannah Stephens Kerlin of Mt Pleasant, O gives: 2 to my son Robert A. Kerlin $100

3 to my son Henry I. Kerlin, bals of estate & appoints him Exr. Dated Mch 30, 1843 Hannah S. (her mark) Kerlin Attest William Hamilton & Jos Kithcart. Probated Aug 28, 1843

19. Will book 3 p 219 Abraham Markle of Island Creek Tp, gives first: to wife Rachel in lieu of dower, control of entire estate except as hereinafter provided.

After her death, my children who are now occupying

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my estate to continue to do so as long as a majority shall think best & shall provide for & educate my two youngest children, Benjamin & Martha E. Markle & gives:

to my son Benjamin Markle $1000

to my son Abraham Markle $100 he having recd the balance of his share in his tuition & the balance to be equally divided amongst my other heirs, to wit:

to my sons Joseph B. Markle, John Markle, Jacob P. Markle & daughters Deborah McCullough, Susannah Shane, Eliza Hill, Mariah Markle, Rosan Markle, Sarah Jane Markle & Martha E. Markle & I will & bequeath to my following named daughters the beds & bedding which they claim together with one cow each & one bureau & side saddles which they now claim to wit:

Maria Markle, Hannah R. Markle & Sarah Jane Markle & to my daughter Martha E. Markle one cow, one bureau, one bed & bedding & one side saddle & to my daughter Eliza Hill, one bureau to be paid out of my personal property. Appoints wife guardian of Benjamin & Martha E. & Also executrix along with my son, Jacob P. Markle & friends Alexander Sutherland as Exrs. Dated Mch 9, 1840. Abraham Markle. Witnesses: John Bray & Alex Sutherland.

A codicil revokes bequest to son Jacob P. & hereby bequeath all that portion of my estate devised to him personal & real be vested & he bequeaths same to my son Abraham I. Markle in trust for Jacob P. Dated Mch 30, 1840 Abraham Markle Witness J. Collier, Benj Mairs. Probated Mch 29, 1841

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20. Will Book 3 page 214 David Robertson of Warren Tp, wills: to my sons, James, Wm Alexander & David each $200 in lieu of what my daughters have already recd & gives $200 to James for use of the Gospel & after bequeathments are paid, balance to be divided equally between James, Peggy, Sarah, Wm Alexander, David & Mary Robertson. Wm McKee & his wife Sarah, my daughter recd $212. Speaks of his daughter Elizabeth being dead & gives her share as follows:

to son-in-law Abraham Dean $150 for services abt a quarter of land in Richland Co & the balance that would have fallen to Elizabeth to her son David Robertson Dean who is her heir to be pd to a gdn & speaks of moving them to Bucyrus, O, Crawford Co. Appoints sons James & Wm Alex Exrs. Dated Sept 14, 1840 David Robertson, Witness John McKee, David McKee. Probated Mch 4, 1841

21. Will book 3 p 224 Amos Robertson of Island Creek Tp has wife Sarah & a raft of children.

22. Will book 3 p 82 Aaron Thompson loans to wife Sarah Thompson for life his farm of 260 A at Salt Works

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on Short Creek & at her death goes:

to my son Israel Thompson, directs another farm be sold & money divided among:

My three sons, William John & Aaron

4. to my son Lewis Thompson, the $3000 arising from sale of my Linton tract of land

5 to my dau Ruth Chalfan $500

to my dau Esther Blackledge } each having

to my dau Ann Green } had $500 before

Dated Feby 28 (2d mo 28th day) 1837 Aaron Thompson. Probated July 7, 1838

Will Book 4 1844-1853

*Culbertson, Moses 87

*Culbertson, Jane 124

*Taggart, Richard 66 N

*Thompson, John 379

*Thompson, Thomas 513

23. Will book 4 p 87 Moses Culbertson of the town of Steubenville & gives:

4th to my loving wife Jane Culbertson all my estate reserving nothing & bequeathing nothing to anyone else, but all to her alone, as she alone assisted in its accumulation & has a right to its fullest enjoyment & appoints her sole Exrx & requests that Alexdr Culbertson assists her in settlement

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of the estate. Dated Sept 11, 1844 at Steubenville & written with my own hand. M. Culbertson (seal) Attest Thos F. McGrew, Wm Nash. Probated May 5, 1845

24. Will Book 4 p 124 Jane Culbertson of Steubenville, widow of the late Moses Culbertson & giving:

2d to my sister, Jemima Wherry, lot or tract of land in Williamsport on the Monongahela River being lot No 6 conveyed to me by my father, Thomas Dunlap by deed executed by him & my mother dated Aug 14, 1839 & recorded in Wash Co, Pa Apr 7, 1841 in Book vol 2 pages 393 & 394 & gives to her also all the estate bequeathed to her by her said Father Thomas Dunlap also all my wearing apparel, jewelry, table linen, sheetings, bed clothing, trunks & my bureau.

3d to my niece, Lavinia Culbertson, the pony belonging to me that is now at her father's & the box & its contents etc.

4. to Mrs Sally London $50 for assisting in care of her husband.

5 to Miss Mary Ann Beatty, milliner of Steubenville in remembrance of her kindness in care of her husband.

6. to Mrs Hanna, wife of James Hanna of Steubenville, my silver plate, she having shown me many acts of kindness.

7. to Mrs McGintee, wife of Dr Edward McGintee all my beds & bedding, household furniture & other personal property not disposed of & $500.

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8th to Samuel Mitchell, son of Jesse Mitchell in token of Jesse's kindness to my late husband in NY City $500

9th directs plain marble tombstones to her husband's & her graves & to be enclosed with iron railing.

10. to my brother-in-law, Alexander Culbertson, the portraits of my husband & myself & wishes them to be kept together.

11th All the residue of my estate to be divided between my brother-in-law Alexr Culbertson & the children of my dear sister Jemima Wherry in manner as follows: one half to Alexr Culbertson & the other half to the children of sd sister provided that if any of them marry without his or her parent's consent, the share of such to be forfeited to the others.

Lastly appoints brother-in-law Alex Culbertson Exr. Dated June 21, 1845 Jane Culbertson, Attest Geo W. McCook, Edwin M. Stanton. Probated Sept 1, 1845.

25. Will Book 4 p 379 John Thompson of Cross Creek Tp to wife, farm for her life

to daughters, Nancy & Mary Thompson, many various articles & this land to be sold later & divided equally between my ten children.

Appoints sons Mathew & Moore Thompson Exrs. Dated Feby 26, 1842 John Thompson. Probated May 8, 1849

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26. Will Book 4 P 513 Thomas Thompson of Jeff Co gives everything to wife, Nancy Thompson. Appoints Rev Thomas Winstanly Exr. Dated Nov 8, 1849 Thomas Thompson. Probated May 6, 1851

Will Book 5 1853-1859

Crothers, Wm D. 33

Thompson, Margaret Jane 114

Thompson, James 249

Thompson, 449

Thompson, Rebecca 551

Struck 9 o'c & quit.

The young man who was working at Probate court office fr 7:30 to 9 PM & who kindly admitted me, said he was Asst & his name is Joe Curtin. He said his Curtins were Irish & came first to New Jersey & then to Westmoreland Co, Pa & he mentioned Red Bank & came out here abt 36 yrs ago.

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Fort Steuben Hotel, Steubenville, O Room 601 Aug 7, 1925 9:50 PM

I got a taxi here & at 5:30 PM went to 910 Sherman Ave to see Maria Roberson & her two nephews, the Walker boys, all of whom remembered me. I asked her who it was of the Robertsons that married Jane Finley, dau of John Finley 1766-1813 & she said it was Andrew Robertson & that he moved from here to right near Washington, Pa where he died. She thinks he was dead before her time as she does not remember him, but does remember seeing his widow when she, my informant, was a young girl & said she was her father's "Aunt Jennie". Her father, David Robertson, was the son of Joseph, who is named on page 410 in will of his brother William who she had heard was queer & the Andrew named at bottom of said page is the one who married Jane Finley & who she remembers coming here to visit Maria's father David & his "Aunt Jennie's" own brother William Finley who lived at Costonia 7 miles below here at the mouth of Island Creek which I can reach by street car. He had a son Daniel whose widow up in years, is still living near to Costonia & with whom lived with her, at the old home, a very aged sister, Margaret, of her husband Daniel

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she thinks, who died this past spring & where she thinks the old bible records would be. A granddaughter of Aunt Jennie Robertson (dau of a son) was visiting her Finley relatives there & met & married Jehu Taggart who is living there yet at Costonia, upwards of 80 yrs old, but she doubts whether he can give any information. The granddaughter, his wife, has died, Maria says the William Robertson's whose will I noted on Page 410 was brother of Uncle John John Robertson who married Joanna Jack & gives this data about those named.

Thomas owned farm adjg her grandfather, Joseph John was Uncle John who married Joanna Jack. James married beneath himself & went west. Joseph her grandfather lived near Thomas. Andrew, the youngest mar Jane Finley Polly "Williby". She has heard of the Willoughby spoken of. The name of Daniel Finley's widow is Lucy.

I asked them about the Simerals & Maria said Chas D. Simeral had been owner of Herald Star, but had recently sold it & that Wm S. Simeral was older & was in R.E. business in Natl Ex Bank Bldg, but that his sister, who she thought was older lived just back of them with her dau, Mrs J.E. McGowan. I went accordingly to 5th the street below, leaving abt 6:10 PM & going to the end of 5th St. Went through the yard of Mrs Robt McGowan 1037 La

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Belle Ave, the most attractive residence & grounds I have seen here, right on the bank of the Ohio River to the house adjoining & back of hers viz: 1049 La Belle Ave where I arrived at 6:18 PM & found them eating supper at the J.E. McGowan home. Mrs Luella McKeever asked me to sit down on the porch & she soon came out. She is a heavy set kindly matronly woman of probably 70. She is sister of Wm S. Simeral & they are children of Wm Ferguson Simeral & he was son of Archibald Simeral whose father Alexander Simeral from Westmoreland Co, Pa was a Revolutionary soldier. She said her brother, John Archibald Simeral named for his two grandfathers & living at No 440 Forest Ave, Bellevue, Pa (take a Bellevue car at Jenkins Arcade & get off at his house) got up a family tree & had a book printed & gave her one recently, but her brother, Wm s. saw it the other day & took it home with him. He lives at 1125 Oregon Ave, Tel 1724-W. After getting my dinner, I phoned him at 7:30 & he said his great grandfather, Alexander Simeral according to the book, married a McGrew, but he said he would bring the book down to me at the Recorders office at 9 o'c in the morning. Mrs McKeever says her brother, John A. is greatly interested in genealogy & she thinks has the books for sale.

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Maria Robertson & her nephews thought that Jay Kilgore, son of John D. Kilgore lived now at or near Richmond, O. It has just struck 11 PM

In the Bell Tel Directory for Steubenville Dist, I find under:

Follansbee, WVA

Finley, W.L., Sugar Grove Rd 120-F-14

Maria Robertson said her father, David Robertson, often gave his Aunt Jennie Finley Robertson money as she was extravagant & said to him that she could take his farm away from him as she had never signed the deed, having only made her mark to it. See page 440 item 50.

I find the following in Steubenville City Directory for 1924

Carothers, Mrs Sarah J. (widow of David) 323 Virginia Ave

Cruthers, Robert, clerk, Union Hotel 100-104 Market St

McLaughlin, R. Lewis, Phone 1220-W Res 1125 Wellesley

McCracken, Geo P. (Ella F.) 2804 Sunset Blvd

Jack, Ethel, teacher Rooms t38 6th Ave

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Recorders Office of Jefferson Co, Ohio, Steubenville, O, Aug 8, 1925 8:37 Am

Grantees Index No 1 1800-1869

Carothers, Geo, from Wm Watt B 370

Cherington, Anne from Robert Carithers B 389

Carithers, Samuel from Robert Carithers B 562

Carithers, Samuel from Abagail Stanton C 92

Carithers, Samuel from Robert Carithers C 93

Carithers, Samuel from John Watson D 354

Carithers, Samuel from Robert Carithers E 350

Carothers, Samuel from Merrick Starr F 137

Carothers, Samuel from Emmor Baily F 139

Carithers, Robert from Judkins & Rogers G 56

Carothers, John from Matthew Worstell G 371

Carithers, Samuel from Robert Carithers G 383

Carothers, Mary from Exrs of Robt Carothers I 546 up to 1826

Crothers, Noble from Samuel Crothers L 176 & 8

*Jack, Mary from Wm Gillespie E 71 up to 1831

Kirk, Eli from Robert Carithers D 323

*Kilgore, William from John Gibson K 140 N

Kilgore, William from Michael Johnston AD L 323

Kilgore, William from Robert Thompson L 361

Kilgore, William from Thos Norton et al L 374

Kilgore, William from John Patterson N 76 & 78

up to 1834?

Markle, Abraham T. from David Potts R 362

Markle, Abraham T. from Wm. Duffield's Exrs U 3

Markle, Jacob P. from A.T. Markle U 259

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*Markle, Abraham from Wm A. Hunter X 54

*Markle, Abraham from Wm A. Hunter X 55

Up to 1849

Pearce, Isaac from Basel Smith B 138

Pearse, Ebenezer from John Stoneman B 139

Pearce, Isaac from Wm Barkhurst B 347

Pearce, Isaac from Ebenezer Pearce C 189

Peirce, Isaac from Nathaniel Updegraff H 30 & 31 & 32

up to 1841

*Robertson, John from Peter Pugh A 395 & 398

*Robertson, David from Nicholas Teal A 449

*Robertson, Joseph from Andrew Robertson G 177

Robertson, John from Hugh Hartshorn H 342

Robertson, William from Alexr Doyle L 144

*Robertson, Andrew from Garret Albertson L 393

up to 1830?

*Thompson, Alexander from Thos Edgington A 393

*Thompson, Samuel from Thos Edgington A 498

Tradway, Daniel from Samuel Thompson B 161

Thompson, Thomas from Zachous Biggs B 558

Thompson, James from Alexr Crawford B 574

Thompson, I. McKean from Samuel Hunter B 640

up to 1810 & many Thompsons follow

Thompson, Thomas M. from Alexander Thompson C 445

Thompson, Joseph from James Jumps C 732

*Zoll, Jacob from Benj Biggs A 490

*Zoll, Jacob from John Snedeker C 687

*Zoll, Jacob from James Gordon E 507

*Zoll, Peter Zoll from Rowland Craig E 650

*Zoll, Jacob Jr, from Saml Withrow I or J 1

*Zoll, Jacob from Shff of Jeff Co, O K 197

*Zoll, Henry from Elias Howell et all N 530

*Zoll, Henry from John McCleave T 204

up to 1847

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*Finley, David from David Belknap B420

*Finley, George from Abner Hutton D 57

*Finley, James B. from Clark Herington F 145

*Finley, Jno P. et al trustees from Bezaleel Wells F 296-9

*Finley, James from David S. Evans H 104

*Finley, William et al from Exrs Wm W. Smith et al I 211

*Finley, John from Brice Veirs L 29

*Finley, William from John Finleys Adm N 192

*Finley, Robert from Bezaleel Slemmons O 98

up to 1836

Grantors Index No 1 1800- 1869

*Findley, David to David Peterson C 225

*Finley, James B. to Joseph Wampler H 227

*Finley, James B. to Thos Goodwin K 36

*Finley, William to Thos Hamilton Q 338

*Findley, William to John Bray U 67

*Finley, James to John McGregor X 130

up to 1848

*Zoll, Jacob to Jonah Cadwalader B 151

*Zoll, Jacob to Josiah Tharp E 214

*Zoll, Jacob to Joseph Jeffries L 487

*Zoll, Jacob to Amos P. Wayman M 525

*Zoll, Jacob et al release Jno B. Bayless M 572

*Zoll, Josiah to John Sidebottom N 302

*Zoll, Jacob Henry to Robert Patterson P 406

*Zoll, Henry to Wm Lyon O 532

*Zoll, Henry to John McCleary T 270

*Zoll, Jacob to Geo H. Buckingham G no. 653

up to date

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27. Deed book A p 490 to Jacob Zoll

Benj Biggs & wife of Ohio Co, Va convey to Jacob Zoll of Jeff Co, O for $100 on May 4, 1805 land on Indian Short Creek ctg 131.44 A.

28. Deed Book A P 395 to John Robertson Dated Aug 27, 1800 fr Peter Pugh & wife of Co of Jeff in N.W. Ter & John Robertson of Westmoreland Co, Pa for $22 convey 3 A.

29. Book A p 398 to John Robertson dated Oct 22, 1804 fr Bezaleel Wells & wife of Jeff Co to John Robertson of same Co & state for $1,765 convey 543 A.

30 Book A p 449 to David Robertson dated Dec 1, 1804 fr Nicholas Teal of Jeff Co to David Robertson of same Co for $36 convey lots in town of Warren.

31. Book A p 393 to Alexander Thompson dated Aug 25, 1804 fr Thomas Edgington & Martha his wife of Brooks Co, Va & Alexr Thompson of Jeff Co, O for $70 convey 69 3/4 A. Thomas (his mark) Edgington Martha (her mark) Edgington

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32. Book A p 498 to Samuel Thompson dated Dec 7, 1805 fr Thomas Edgington & Martha, his wife of Brooke Co, VA to Saml Thompson of Jeff Co, O for $626.66 conveys 320 A signed with their marks.

33. Book B p 151 from Jacob Zoll dated Aug 18, 1806 from Jacob Zoll & Elizabeth his wife of Jeff Co, O to Jonah Cadwalader of Fayette Co, Pa for $41.25 convey tract of land on Indian Short Creek, Jeff Co ctg 2 A 3 R 1 P. Jacob (his mark) Zoll, Elizabeth (her mark) Zoll.

34. Book B p 420 to David Findley dated June 1, 1808 fr David Belknap & wife of Jeff Co to David Findley of same Co for $480 convey 158 1/2 A 29 P.

25. Book C P 687 to Jacob Zoll dated Apr 4, 1812 from John Snedeker & wife of Warren Tp, Jeff Co to Jacob Zoll of same place for "four hunderation dollars" convey 79 1/4 A 14 P.

36. Book C P 225 from David Findley [sic] dated Feby 10, 1810 fr David Finley (indexed wrong) & Mary his wife of Jeff Co, O to Daniel Peterson of same Co for $712 convey 158 1/4 A & 39 P. David Finley, Mary Finley Ack June 1, 1810 before Samuel Dunlap J.P.

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37. Book D p 57 to George Finley dated June 9, 1812 fr Abner Hutton & wife of Jeff Co to George Finley of same place for $300 conveys 154 A 2 R 16 P.

38. Book E p 507 to Jacob Zoll dated Oct 9, 1815 fr James Gordon of Jeff Co, O to Jacob Zoll Senr of same Co for $700, conveys land on the waters of Short Creek ctg 50 A.

39. Book E P 650 to Peter Zoll dated Apr 1, 1816 fr Rowland Craig & wife of Warren Town Jeff Co, O to Peter Zoll of same place for $500 convey land in Warren Tp ctg 7 A 1 R 12 P.

40. Book E p 214 from Jacob Zoll dated Mch 22, 1815 from Jacob Zoll of Warren Tp, Jeff Co, O & Elizabeth, his wife to Josiah Tharp of Muskingum Co, O for $640 convey 79 1/4 A 14 P. Jacob (his mark) Zoll, Elizabeth (her mark) Zoll. Ack Mch 23, 1815 before Jesse Martin J.P.

41. Book F p 145 to James B. Finley dated Apr 7, 1817 fr Clark Herington & wife of Jeff Co, O to James B. Finley of same place for $580, convey lot 292 in Steubenville, O.

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42. Book F P 296 to 299 to Jno P. Finley et al trustees dated Sept 29, 1817 fr Bezaleel Wells & wife to John P. Finley & 8 others trustees in trust ctg 7200 sq feet for Meth Epis Church consideration $100.

43. Book E p 71 to Mary Jack dated Aug 18, 1814 fr Wm Gillespie of Jeff Co, O to Mary Jack of same place for $60 conveys 17 A

44. Book H. P 104 to James Finley dated Oct 2, 1820 fr David S. Evans & wife of Jeff Co, O & James B. Finley of state aforesaid for $700 convey a half lot of ground in Mt Pleasant No 41.

45. Book H p 227 from James B. Finley dated May 21, 1822 fr James B. Finley & Hannah, his wife of Co of Warren, O to Joseph Wampler of Jeff Co, O for $1500 conveys a lot of land in Wilson & Wells addition to Steubenville being lot 292. James B Finley, Hannah (her mark) Finley.

46. Book I & J p 211 to William Finley et al dated Jany 26, 1824 fr John C. Wright & Daniel L. Collier of Steubenville to

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Thomas Thummy & Thos Meredith of Balto, Md, Joseph Branson also of Balto, Md Exr of Wm W. Smith late of same place & adms of John Phillips of same place, Smith & Phillips being partners trading as Smith & Phillips & Isaac McPherson of Balto, admr of Andrew Agnew of same place to John Bray & William Finley of Ohio for $1 & $940 pd a tract of land on Island Creek ctg 100 A as tenants in common.

47. Book I & J page 1 to Jacob Zoll Junr dated May 14, 1823 fr Samuel Withrow & wife of Jeff Co to Jacob Zoll Junior of same Co for $925 convey a tract of 61 A 3 R 28 P adjg the town of Trenton.

48. Book K p 197 to Jacob Zoll dated Dec 27, 1826 fr Henry Swearengen Shff of Jeff Co to Jacob Zoll for $14 convey lots 45 & 46 in the town of Warren.

49. Book K p 36 from James B. Finley dated June 26, 1826 fr James B. Finley & Hannah, his wife of Marion Co, O to Thos Goodwin of Jeff Co for $450 convey a half lot of ground in Mt Pleasant No 41. James B. Finley, Hannah Finley

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50. Book G p 177 to Joseph Robertson dated Feby 23, 1819 fr Andrew Robertson & Jane his wife of Jeff Co, O to Joseph Robertson of same place for $150 conveys the following described tract of land being the fourth part of section 2 etc ctg 160 A. see page 431. Andrew Robertson, Jane, (her mark) Robertson Attest A. Sutherland, Edward Todd Ackd same day before Alex Sutherland J.P. for Jeff Co, O.

51. Book L p 393 to Andrew Robertson dated June 10, 1829 from Garret Albertson & wife of Jeff Co to Andrew Robertson of Jeff Co for $1739 convey 152. A.

52. Book L p 29 to John Finley dated May 21, 1828 from Brice Veirs & wife of Jeff Co to John Finley of same Co for $100 convey lot no 327

53. Book L page 487 fr Jacob Zoll (jr) dated Mch 31, 1829 fr Jacob Zoll Jr & Lucinda, his wife of Jeff Co, O to Joseph Jeffers of same place for $1150 convey 61 A 3 R 21 P. Jacob Zoll., Lucinda Zoll

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54. Book M. p 525 fr Jacob Zoll dated Mch 7, 1831 from Jacob Zoll to Amos P. Wayman both of Jeff Co, O for $35 quit claims 2 lots of ground in the town of Warren being lots 45 & 46 with all improvements thereon. Jacob (his mark) Zoll Ackd Mch 8, 1831 before Wm Smith J.P. of Jeff Co. Jacob's wife Elizabeth has no doubt died.

55. Book M p 572 fr Jacob Zoll et al dated Apr 14, 1831 release in three parts fr Jacob Zoll senior of 1st part, Ephraim Cellars & wife of second part & John Browne Bayless of third part all of Warren Tp, Jeff Co, O refers to a mtge to Zoll on the tract of land in question on which there is a balance of $116 only of principal due him now for $116 said Jacob Zull [sic] (as named throughout, indicates pronunciation) tract bot of Joseph Jefferies ctg 16 a & 40 Rods on north side of Short creek in Tp aforesaid. Jacob (his mark), Ephraim Cellars, Elizabeth Cellars

56. Book N p 530 to Henry Zoll dated Aug 1, 1831 fr Allen Cadwallader & wife, Elias Howell & Elma his wife

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Mifflin Cadwallader & wife, Emlen Cadwallader & Edith Cadwallader children & heirs at law of Jonah Cadwallader of Fayette Co, Pa to Henry Zoll of Jeff Co, O for $400 conveys 93.58 A on Short Creek

57. Book N P 302 from Josiah Zoll recites that Robert Crothers late of Jeff Co, O was seized of a fraction of a lot in Mt Pleasant which 45 feet was conveyed to said Crothers by Eli Kirk & his wife Martha on Jany 25, 1819 & no provision in sd Crothers will abt this lot now on Jany 9, 1832, Josiah Zoll & Ruth, his wife of the Co of Jeff, heirs at law of said Robt Crothers convey to John Sidebottom of same place of $50 said lot 145. Josiah Zoll, Ruth Zoll

58. Book N p 192 to William Finley dated Apr 30, 1831 when David Foster Adm of John Finley who owned lot 327 in Steubenville, states that he left one brother, William Finley, the only other one of the family in the U.S., but had also brothers & sisters who were in Ireland, resident there, whose names, age & actual residence was unknown to the petitioner, accordingly said lot was sold to pay his debts & struck off to William Finley for $251 Deed made Sept 13, 1831

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59. Book P page 406 fr Jacob & Henry Zoll dated Oct 23, 1834 fr Jacob & Henry Zoll & Sarah Zoll wife of said Henry of Jeff Co to Robt Patterson of Same Co for $2800 conveying following tracts of land; 1st ctg 181A other tract adjg & on Short Creek ctg 20 1/2 A. Jacob Zoll (his mark) Henry Zoll, Sarah Zoll.

60. Book Q p 532 fr Henry Zoll dated June 14, 1834 fr Henry Zoll & Sarah his wife of Jeff Co to Wm Lyon fr $100 convey land in Warren Tp on Short Creek ctg 18 A 2 R 20 P

61. Book Q p 338 fr William Finley dated Oct 3, 1835 fr Wm Finley of Jeff Co to Thos Hamilton for $500 conveys lot 327 in Steubenville. William Finley.

62. Book Q p 98 to Robert Findley dated Feby 7, 1835 fr Bezaleel Slemmons & wife Sarah of Jeff Co to Robert Findley of same place for $50 conveys 1/2 of a town lot in Mt Pleasant. Bezzelleel [sic] Slemmons, Sarah (her mark) Slemmons

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63. Book T Page 270 fr Henry Zoll dated Oct 23, 1834 from Henry Zoll & Sarah, his wife of Jeff Co, O to John McCleary of same place for $____. This was 93.58 A owned in Common of which Zoll had 55 A Page 204 is abt this land.

64. Book U p 67 from Wm Findley dated Apr 1, 1838 from William Findley & Lettisea [sic] his wife of Jeff Co to John Bray of same place for $2500 conveys und 1/2 of tract of land on Island Creek ctg 100 A which they got as tenants in common by deed of Jany 26, 1824 & a small tract adjg. William Findley, Lettice Findley.

65. Book X p 130 fr James Finley dated Mch 13, 1843 from James Finley & Betsy Ann, his wife of Morgan Co, O to John McGregor of Jeff Co for $80 convey lot 42 in town of Richmond. James Finley, Betsey Ann Finley ackd Mch 17, 143 in Morgan Co, O.

66. Book X p 54 & 55 to Abraham Markle dated Aug 2, 1839 from Wm A. Hunter & Nancy, his wife of Belmont Co, O to Abraham Markle of Jeff Co, O for $700 conveys

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30 3/4 A & 16 P. On next page, 55, is deed of same date fr same parties in which for $2800 they convey 97 A to Abraham Markle.

67. Book G no 2 p 653 fr Jacob Zoll dated Jany 30, 1858 fr Jacob Zoll & his wife Lucinda of Jeff Co, O to Geo H. Buckingham of the same place for $6048 convey 168 A 2 R 20 P. Jacob Zoll, Lucinda Zoll Ackd same day in Jeff Co, O before T.H. Scott J.P.

Leaving at 3:30 PM

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At residence of Mrs Lucy Elizabeth Findley widow of Daniel O'Neill Findley, Island Creek Tp, Jefferson Co, O Aug 8, 1925 5:15 PM

I arrived here ten minutes ago & find Mrs Findley occupying the back end of her home which was bought by William Findley in 1838 & has been in the family ever since. See book 12 p 130. She says his old bible, a small one, with the record has gotten out of the house some way & she thinks someone has taken it, possibly her son, John, or one of the Moreland boys to whom Caroline may have given it. They had it out in 1917 when getting births for the World War & she hasn't seen it since.

She says that William Finley, her father-in-law, was the youngest of the family & was born in Westmoreland Co, Pa & was put out to live with his Uncle Clemons & learned the tailor trade & made fine suits & made his own wedding suit. He died abt 1885 aged 84 yrs, born on Oct 31,

1800[5]#àÄ_#)_(__ V13 Page 330 & V13 Page 331æÄ_#_#__(_( in this house in which he had lived since 1838. THe house was built by Robt Cotton & added to by Wm & also by Mrs F's son. About 1831, he married Letitia Todd of Steubenville, O who was teaching the school across the creek where Mrs F.'s father saw Wm "sparking"

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her. He was buried at Island Creek Cem & has a marker. He was an Elder in that church for many years. Asking if she knew that his grandfather was a preacher, she said yes, he was the first Pres preacher west of the mountain & his name was Powers, his mother being a Power. He had eight children. The oldest was born in 1832, the time of the big flood in the Ohio River & people at mouth of this Island Creek were taken from Second story windows. He was born in the house below & the water came up so high in the house that they had to wrap his mother up in blankets to save her & this circumstance enables her to fix date of his birth, as it was the highest water until 1884, when it was a little higher. The other 7 children were born in this house.

Letitia Findley died in Apr 1863 during the war in this house[6], Va. 50 to 56 yrs. She has a marker at Island Creek g.y. Their children in the order of their ages were:

1. John Finley, born in the Spring of 1832. He married Letitia Carr daughter of John Carr. She is living yet in Waverly, Iowa & is over 84 yrs. He died aged over 80 yrs out there where he had a fine farm. He had 3 children:

1. Jennie

3. Edward, mar & lives in Pasadena, Calif & has grand children

2. Carrie unmarried lives with her mother in Waverly.

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1. Jennie married Orrin W. Burman. Both living near Waverly, Iowa on a farm & they mild 9 cows. They have great grandchildren. Her P.O. is Waverly, Iowa RD 4. Is good & social & will give information Is a member of Pres Ch.

2. Edward Todd Findley was capt of 57th Ohio Inf in Civil War to which Co his bro D.O. belonged. He died 10 yrs or so in Florida at Mickanopy, where they lived & owned a little place. Thinks it was across the Bay & was the county seat of the Co. He married Margaret Campbell of near Youngstown, O. Thinks her father was Peter. She died since he did at same place with the cancer & the boys put up nice stones to their graves. They had 3 children, Walter & Will born in this Tp, both in Toronto & Don also born in Toronto.

1. Walter, an electrician in Cleveland, O is an X-Ray operator. Had 3 middle fingers cut off by electricity. Is not married, a staid old bachelor.

2. Will, a painter, lives at Youngstown, O. Married & has 4 lovely little girls & has his own home. In Poland.

3. Don, died of double pneumonia & kidney trouble in Calif. Married & had one little girl.

3. Isabel, born May 5, say 1837 & died Oct 21, 1917 aged 80 yrs 5 mos 16 days died here unmarried & buried at Island Creek but no marker yet.

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4. Mary Ann, born Mch 2, 1839. She died in the Spring, several years ago at Toronto on River Ave aged abt or a little over 80. She married Daniel A. Moreland. He served in the Civil War & had the two last fingers on his right hand shot off in battle. Were engaged during the war & corresponded & she watched every battle & were married in spring of 1865. He was son of David Moreland of Steubenville & his wife Artie____. He died long before Mary Ann. They had five boys & two girls. They were all born just in front of the porch I am writing on in this Tp on land her father gave Mary Ann abt 49 A.

1. William Findley

2. George Taylor

3. Artie

4. Frank

5. Emma

6. Charlie R.

7. Albert Wellington

All married & Albert lives on river Ave, Will on Euclid & Charlie lives on Loretta Ave all in Toronto. Frank lives in Wheeling. George died abt 3 yrs ago of double pneumonia, leaving widow & 5 children who live on Federal ST, Toronto. Artie mar John Moren. She is dead & he lives in Creson, Pa. Emma mar Will Bare (Baer) Steubenville. She is dead. Had 2 children. Thinks that Bert or Charlie has the record their Aunt Caroline gave them of her ancestry.

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5. Caroline, born Mch 17, 1841 & died in this house, June 17, 1925 aged 84 yrs & 3 mos & was buried on June 19, date of my informant's marriage. She was unmarried.

6. Daniel O'Neill Findley born Jany 29, 1843 born same day as Wm McKinley. (He wrote this to him when he was President & he answered him.) He died in this house June 12, 1924 & is buried at Toronto, Union Can. Have not got tombstone up yet. Buried near Soldiers mon. Mary Ann & her husband are buried near & she put up a fine monument. My informant gets $30 a month pension. He drew $50 & thinks she should get that. He enlisted in 1864 & served 4 mos & was discharged in Sept 1864. He married June 19, 1877 to Lucy Elizabeth Powell born Feby 13, 1850 in Island Creek Tp, just below Costonia the old home torn away by RR. My informant of the afternoon, daughter of Aaron Baker Powell & his wife Julia Ann Ault. Have had three children all born in this Tp, the oldest born at her mother's, the next house below & the two boys here.

1. Lettie, born Apr 28, 1878 ob July 24, 1886

2. John Powell born Dec 16, 1882

3. Clinton born 1885 ob 1885 aged 2 weeks & 6 days

2. John P. married Irene Carter of Washington City D.C. but they are

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separated & do not have any issue. John P. makes this his home as his wife has got his property. He helps manage the Jenkins Arcade in Pgh, Pa. He is an electrician.

7. Stillborn daughter

8. William born 1848 or 1849 & was killed accidently while sitting down to rest & his shotgun slipped from him & went off & shot him through the stomach. This occurred in the evening & she thinks about 1870. He was a dentist which he went to Pgh & learned. He was never married & is buried at Island Creek Cem where his father put a tombstone to his grave & to that of his mother.

Speaking of William Findley's sisters she says:

Eliza married Squire John Bray

Jennie married Andrew Robertson & lived in Washington Co, she thinks at Claysville, Pa

Rebecca, who married a Scott & lived at Canonsburg, Pa, she remembers a couple of her daughters who she says visited here & were the nicest girls she ever knew. Says Mrs Scott was the infant, younger than Wm & who he spoke of never knowing as she was but

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an infant when the family was broken up.

One of the girls married a Thomas Henderson.

She remembers hearing of Polly Byerly who was a sister of William.

She doesn't want the Taggarts to be hurt, but says that Mrs Taggart was Nancy Robertson, natural daughter of Rachel Robertson who was a daughter of Andrew Robertson & his wife Jane Finley. Think Rachel was married afterwards. Says the same thing happened to Nancy. She having a natural daughter Minnie Taggart born 2 or 3 mos after their marriage.

Mrs Findley said she taught school 8 yrs & that her sister-in-law, Caroline taught 3 yrs. Her husband was a member of the Pres Ch & was once a deacon.

Leaving 7:30 PM

Mrs Finley is a heavy set matronly woman & will weigh say 190 lbs impressed you as a good Christian woman, was kindly & did all she could to help & has a fine good memory.

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At residence of Jehu Henry Taggart, Costonia, (P.O.) Ohio, Island Creek Tp, Jeff Co, O Aug 8, 1925 8:27 PM

I had called up here when I arrived on the street car about 4:45 & met Mt Taggart & his daughter Sallie & then went up to Mrs D.O. Findley's on foot & walked back, leaving there at 7:33 & reaching here at 8:11 PM. Mr T. says he thinks Andrew Robertson lived on a farm just at the edge of Washington in fact knows so, as he visited there with his mother when 7 yrs old, on a trip they were making to Brownsville, Pa to visit some Taggart relations. Says he thinks they were tenants on a rented farm, as he recalls his mother so told him. Mr T. thinks Jane Finley's husband, Andrew Robertson died on this farm at Washington, Pa & is probably buried there. Jane survived him many years & recalls her visiting here twice, once between 1868 & 1870. Sarah R. thinks the Hendersons at Claysville, Pa can give reliable information as Thomas Henderson, who married a sister of Jane Finley was very intimate with the

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Andrew Robertsons. Sarah R. says her Uncle Thomas Henderson visited here in 1882 or 1883 then up in the '70s & had two of his granddaughters with him, one Joanna, daughter of his son Andrew Henderson & the other Blanche Abercrombie, daughter of his daughter Joanna, who married Chester Abercrombie who was Station Agt & Store Keeper there for years. Blanche is dead, thinks unmarried, shortly after visiting here of typhoid or pneumonia. She had a sister Kate, however, who was older & is probably living aged abt 60. His son, Andrew Henderson, had Joanna & Joseph. She heard of a Joseph Henderson in a drug store there.

One of Jane Finley's sisters, I think it was Rebecca, married a Scott & lived at Canonsburg, Pa. Two of "Aunt Becky" Scott's daughters, viz Margaret, Frances & Sade [sic] all visited here in the fall of 1886 (or 1889) aged then 35 to 40. Thinks their P.O. was Inverness? Wash Co, Pa. They lived on a farm. There was another daughter, Mrs Henry & two sons, Clem & Carroll, ran the farm. Sarah R. says her sister told her she had seen in the paper that Clem Scott had died.

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Thinks Mrs Henry lived in Pgh & her husband was a professional or office man & Frances lived with her, helping take care of her large family, but later, after her mother & single sister Sade died, went back to the farm to keep house for her brothers, Clem who never married & Carroll? who was a widower & had a son about the age of my informant, Sarah R.

John Henry Taggart was born up just above the bridge I crossed over this evening going to Lucy E. Finley's in this Tp, May 17, 1845, the son of Henry Taggart & his wife Phoebe Powell (dau of Jehu Powell) a sister of Aaron B. Powell. He married Oct 1867 in Wash, Pat to Nancy Robertson born May 19, 1849 & who died Sept 15, 1909 in this house from a stroke of apoplexy which she had on Sept 13, from which she never rallied.

He says they built this house in 1874 & he has said that the Thomas Henderson farm adjoined Claysville, Pa on the Wash, Pa side. Their four children were all born in this Tp up in the house where he was born & were as follows:

1. Minnie Taggart born May 7, 1868

2. Annie Matilda Taggart born Mch 17, 1870

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3. Sarah Robertson Taggart, Nov 13, 1871

4. Infant daughter 1873? died aged two days. She was born in warm weather.

1. Minnie Taggart died 5 weeks ago today July 4, 1925 at the hospital at East Liverpool, O from an operation for appendicitis & is buried at the Island Creek Pres g.y. She married Oct 12, 1887, James T. (only a letter) Lee born in this Tp, Aug ____, the son of Samuel Lee & his wife Annie Bartley. He lives with his sons about a mile up the river above Costonia, O. They had but two children, born in this Tp.

1. Mervin Kissick Lee, born Mch 3, 1888 or 1889

2. Harry Samuel Lee born Feby 2, 1891

1. Mervin K. was married Sept, Labor Day 1913? at East Liverpool, O to Elizabeth Steine, born Apr 23, 1887 or 1888 a year older than him, dau of German parents. Live near here. No issue.

2. Harry S. was married on a Saturday either June 30 or July 1, 1923 in Toronto, O to Rev F.O. Wise to Lucile Mercer, dau of Dr Mercer of Dillonvale, O. Lives at Wells Cove, a mile above here. No issue.

Sarah R., my informant is single.

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2. Annie Matilda has been married three times & her first two husbands have died & she is living now with her third husband, George H. Rose about a mile & a quarter from North Canton, O on the road, brick running from Canton through Akron to Cleveland, O. He has 5 A & gardens & sells fruit & is retired. P.O. address is North Canton, O. R.D.

My informant, Sarah R. says she was named for her mother's Aunt Sarah Robertson, dau of Jennie, married a man who was in the yellow ochre business & they went south.

Mr [T.] thinks that after Andrew Robertson died on the farm, the family moved in to Washington. They had a son Andrew, who was there when Mr T. was married & he slept with him. Thinks he was a year or two older than he is. They both want me to stay all night, but I think best to get back & am leaving at 10:33 PM

Sarah R. said she went to school to my cousin, Miss Mary Lyons of whom she spoke most highly. She & her father spoke of a WM Thompson, a blacksmith in the county who had 23 children, 13 by 1st wife & 10 by 2nd wife.

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At residence of Albert Wellington Moreland, No 906 South River Ave, Toronto, O Aug 9, 1925 5:55 PM

Mr Albert W. Moreland & his wife have produced the marriage cft of his mother showing that Miss Mary Ann Findley was married to Daniel A. Moreland at Steubenville, O Jany 19, 1865 by M.A. Parkinson, minister of the gospel. Mr M. thinks was Meth.

Daniel A. Moreland born Mch 31, 1838 near Knoxville, Jeff Co, O & died here in Toronto, O in Apr 25, 1910. Mary Ann Moreland died Mch 29, 1921. They were both buried in the Union Cem, Toronto, O. There were seven children born as shown in their big family bible as follows: William Findley Moreland born June 13, 1866

Artie Letitia Moreland born Apr 26, 1868

George Taylor Moreland born Sept 1, 1869

Frank Sherman Moreland born Oct 2, 1871

Emma Virginia Moreland born Mch 7, 1875

Charles Ross Moreland born Apr 8, 1877

Albert Wellington Moreland born Nov 30, 1881


Artie L. Moreland & John Moren married Apr 16, 1889

Emma V. Moreland & Wm D. Bair married Feby 7, 1900

Charles R. Moreland & Erma Elizabeth Cooper mar Dec 1, 1900

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Albert W. Moreland & Eva Walls Stewart mar Sept 7, 1904

George T. Moreland & Merab Bevan mar Nov 21, 1904

William F. Moreland & Lena Chambers married.


Artie L. Moren died May 5, 1891 at Toronto, O & buried here

Emma V. Bair died Oct 28, 1903 in Steubenville, O & is buried in the Union Cem there.

Eva W. Stuart [sic] was born in Steubenville, O May 28, 1883 daughter of John William Stewart [variation in spelling noted] & his wife Jennie Harris. Have but one child born in Steubenville, O viz:

Stuart Buchanan Moreland born Jany 29, 1906 at home.

Erma Elizabeth Cooper was born in Knoxville, O this Co, Mch 1, 1879 dau of "Jack" Cooper & his wife Elizabeth Hood. Have had but two children born in this house.

1. John Daniel Moreland born Sept 19, 1903

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2. Emma Virginia born Sept 5, 1906

1. John Daniel was married Apr 1925 at Cuyahoga Falls, O Jane Boyd born 1903 daughter of Hugh? Boyd & wife Mary of Cuyahoga Falls, O. They are living in Canton, O where he is clerk for the Western Electric Co.

2. Emma Virginia was married Dec 1, 1922 in Pgh, Pa to Raymond E. Kuhn born Dec 24, (thinks is 25 or 26) son of Philip Kuhn of Toronto, O. They live here in Toronto, O where he is a clerk at the Follansbee mill & have two children born here in Toronto, O viz:

I. Robert E. Kuhn born May 31, 1924

II. Charles Philip Kuhn born May 28, 1925

Wm D. Bair was or is the son of George A. Bair & wife_______ & he is living in Steubenville where he is on the Police force. They had two children born in Steubenville, O viz:

I. Maurcie Bair born June 29, 1901

II. Pearl Elizabeth Bair born Aug 7, 1903. She married in 1923 to Clement Cottrell & live here on Market St where he is an electrician & they have two children born here viz:

I. William Cottrell born Mch 13, 1924

II. Betty May Cottrell born June 29, 1925

Maurice is single & lives in Steubenville where he is a carpenter.

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John Moren was born in Jeddo, this Co June 16, 1866 son of John Moren & his wife Melissa Hood, a sister of Elizabeth Hood, the mother of Charles R's wife who is my joint informant & they had two children born here in Toronto, O viz:

1. Ruby Moren born Jany 22, 1890

2. Artie Moren born Apr 29, 1891

1. Ruby is a teller in the Union Savings Bank here in Toronto, O & is unmarried.

2. Artie was married Aug 25, 1913 in Toronto, O to Benjamin L. Casey who was born Apr 22, 1891 in Toronto, O son of John Stanton Casey & his wife Hannah Myers. Both living here in Toronto, O where he is a Physician. They have two children born here in Toronto, O viz:

I. Jackqueline [sic] Moren Casey Aug 12, 1915

II. Margharetta [sic] Virginia Casey Apr 25, 1920

Mrs Albert W. got the Moren record from the daughter Artie Casey by phone. Their big bible was published by A.J. Holman & Co in 1888.

Mrs Charles R. Moreland says that Annie Bray's sister married a Robertson & lived in Uhrichsville, O & thinks they are some of their children living there.

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Annie Bray married James Cooper, a brother of Jack Cooper, my informant's father & they are both dead, but their son, Ted Cooper lives in Uhrichsville, O now & can tell about the Robertsons. He also has the old Cooper Bible with the record. If he doesn't have it, his sister, Mrs Blanche Woodburn, widow, also living in Uhrichsville, would have it. Mrs Charles grandfather was James Cooper & he was son of Ephraim

Charles, reading from Doyles Hist, says Letitia Todd's father was born in Westmoreland Co, Pa & her mother near Steubenville.

Albert W. says his Aunt Caroline Finley said Letitia Todd was distantly related to the Tods [sic] of Youngstown, O.

Albert don't know where his grandfather David Moreland was born[7]*, nor name of his father or brothers, but thought he came from Westd or Fayette Co, Pa.

Reading from Doyles Hist, Page 364 it says Col Todd born in 1764 came to Steubenville & kept the Cross keys tavern & had taken a prominent part in Whisky Insurrection & died abt 1840. His daughters married Wm Johnson, Robt Hamlin, Wm Findley, & Mr O'Neill & James Turnbull.

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Caldwell's Hist of Belmont & Jeff Co 1880 page 589 says that John Bray was born in NY in 1797 & came to Jeff Co, O in 1822, where he remained until his death in 1872, was a J.P & served the church (Pres) out at Island Creek where he is buried from 1837 until his death. He reared a family of nine children of whom in 1880 six were living. His son W.F. Bray. He went to Pacific coast when 21 & stayed there 10 yrs & came back to Jeff Co & settled at Sloans Sta now Toronto, O & married in 1878 married Miss Annie L. Thompson

In Doyle's Hist, page 801 & 802, it speaks of Chas L. Brays [sic] who was born June 7, 1857, son of John & Elizabeth Boyer Bray married, but no issue.

Leaving 8:11 PM

Charles R. says that Walter Finley is at Mary McLaughlin's, a sister of his mother at NO 2180 E 55th St, Cleveland, O. They also say that James Sherratt in Natl Ex Bank building here in Steubenville, O has a Scott Hist & that he is a cousin of James Sherratt living on N 4th St Toronto, O who has one.

Albert W. Moreland said that one of the Henderson relatives at one time lived at Hickory, Pa.

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At residence of Mrs Merab Moreland No 1106 Grant St, Toronto, O Aug 9, 1925 8:37 PM

Merab Bevan (now widow of Geo T. Moreland) was born in Monmouthshire, Eng Mch 22, 1877, daughter of John Bevan & his wife Mary Ann Vine & came to America when hear 4 yrs of age. Mr Moreland died Feby 15, 1920 & have had six children all born in Toronto, O viz:

1. Evelyn Moreland, born Aug 21, 1905

2. Artie Louise Moreland born June 26, 1907

3. Clyde Robert Moreland born July 23, 1908

4. Edward Moreland born Sept 12, 1910

5. Mary Louise Moreland born Sept 14, 1916

6. Eleanor Grace Moreland born Jany 19, 1918

5. Mary Louise died Nov 26, 1916. The other children are all single.

Frank S. Moreland married a widow in Wheeling, WVA who was from Marietta, O & Mrs M. thinks her maiden name was Lemon. She had a daughter by her first husband, but they do not have any issue. He works for the Wheeling Corrugating Co at Wheeling WVA & lives at 134 1/2 Sixteenth St there or possibly 133 1/2

Leaving 8:55 PM

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At residence of Miss Mabel Stedman No 203, Clark St, Toronto, O Aug 9, 1925 9:15 PM

Charles R. drove me around here & says Charles L. Bray whose widow lives near here is a son of John Bray who was son of the John Bray who married a Finley & she said her name was Margaret. Later, she was not quite sure that it was Margaret, but concluded it was. See Book 12 p 130. See book 15 p 345. She says she has her obituary, but don't know where to look for it. She has gone upstairs to look for her father's diary which she thinks would give it. Thinks she was called Peggy. Their children were:

1. John, had Brays Mill on Island Creek & died at Uhrichsville, O where his daughter (see next page, line 1)

2. James, lived in NY State, only recalls one child, Frank, an editor in Cleveland, O

3. William F. was an old soldier & died at Soldiers home in Calif. See next page.

4. Thomas, thinks is living yet in Chicago, Ills

5. Rachel, see 468

6. Mercy see 468

7. Mary see 468

8. Anson see 469

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Mrs Emma Robinson, widow of Willis Robinson lives at No 208 N 2d St, Dennison, O. Has a boy & a girl. [dau of John who d. at Uhrichsville, O] Another sister of hers, Anna, married James Cooper & both are dead, but have children:

Ted at Uhrichsville, O

"Bert" in Washington, thinks Seattle

Blanche Woodburn, widow in Uhrichsville

Earl, died

Charles, dead was a son of John see book 15 p 345

Henry dead, was a son of John, left two children in Whittier Calif, one, a son named Freeman.

William, son of Jno Jr is living in Buffalo, NY mar Daisy _____. two boys Russell & Carlysle.

Irene, a dau of Jno Jr, dead, unmarried.

See Book 14 p 212 & 213

See book 2 p 130

see book 6 p 145

3. William F. Bray married Miss Lou Thompson of Steubenville, O & had three children

Anson living in Detroit Mich

John, in newspaper business in Detroit, was here last week

George, don't know about him.

4. Thomas Bray married a Dickerson? & had 3 girls & one boy.

Laura mar & lives in Chicago, Ills

Lois mar & lives in Detroit, Mich

Atwood, don't know

Jessie, dead

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5. Rachel Bray mar Henry Miser & lived on Browns Island & moved to Steubenville, O where they died. No issue.

6. Mercy Bray married Wellington Cooper, bro of Jack Cooper & lived many years on Browns Island but both died at Costonia, O. Had two children:

Mary Cooper

Susan Cooper

Mary mar Saml B. Taylor, lawyer, she dead & he living in San Bernardino Co at Fontana, Calif & has two children, Mary & Virginia. See Book 15 p 345 & 6.

Susan Cooper mar Harry McGinney. She dead & he living at Mt Clemons, Mich. They had several children. 7.

Pauline, m. Prosser & lives Weirton, WVA. no issue

James Wellington m. Elizabeth Richenson & have 2 girls


Rachel mar & lives Mt Clemons

Mercy, single

Fannie, mar & lives at Weirton, WVA

Elma, single

See book 15 p 346 & 7

7. Mary Bray mar James Kelly. She died here & he died in Whittier, Calif. Had issue:

I. Belle, dead & married a dentist & had several children. She married "Dr J.F. Smith & had four children, Mary, Ruth, Barin & James. Belle died at Zanesville, O. Know nothing about family".

II. Frank Kelly, living in Calif

III. Hattie Kelly, living in Calif

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8. Anson mar Mary Oliver & both died in Calif. Had issue:

Faber, a son, dead



some other dead

a girl

Miss Stedman says she was not related to the Brays, but always called John Bray Sen "grandfather Bray"

Leaving 10:11 PM

Miss Mable Stedman said that "grandmother Bray" died at the home of her daughter, Rachel Miser on Browns island (which is in WVA) & is buried here in Toronto, O in the Union Cem on the hill & may have a marker, as her husband, John Bray who died in Toronto, O before she did is buried there also. Mrs Charles Fry, a niece of Mr Miser's was living with them (they had no children) when Mrs Bray died & she now lives in the house where her Uncle, Henry Miser died at No 511 Madison Ave Steubenville, O & Miss Stedman thinks she would have gotten the "grandfather Bray" bible. She now concludes that Mrs Bray's name was Elizabeth instead of Margaret. Her daughter Rachel Miser was living when she died.

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At residence of Wm Findley Moreland, NO 713 Euclid Ave, Toronto, O Aug 9, 1925 10:33 PM

Mr & Mrs M. say they were married Jany 14, 1892 here in Toronto, O by Rev Thrapp, an M.P. preacher. She, Lena Chambers was born at Knoxville, O this Co May 26, 1868, daughter of Joseph Chambers & his wife Nancy Clear. Have had four children, the oldest born in Island Creek Tp near the old Finley home. Leon in Costonia & Nancy in Toronto & Harry in Island Creek Tp.

1. Jeanet Ida born Aug 5, 1893

2. Harry McCullough born Jany 19, 1896

3. Leon Wilbert born June 10, 1899

4. Nancy Bernice born Dec 17, 1905

1. Jeanet Ida married Dec 24, 1912 at Toronto, O by Rev E.A. Hodil of the Pres Ch who was here 8 yrs to Charles Ross Goodlin born 1891 son of James O. Goodlin & his wife Clara Parkinson. Both living here on this St & has a planing mill along with his brother. Have two children born in Toronto, O viz:

I. Erma Jean born Dec 21, 1918

II. Betty Roberta born Oct 13, 1921

2. Harry McC died Nov 12, 1917 in France in the World War.

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He was married in Feby 1917 to Annie Dubec, dau of John Dubec, of Balto, Md. No issue.

3. Leon W. was married Feby 4, 1925 at Columbus, O by Rev ______ to Isabel Patterson born Nov 1900 dau of Samuel Patterson & his wife Clara. They live in Steubenville, O both are mutes. He is a draughtsman & works for the Co Auditor.

4. Nancy is at home unmarried.

Mr & Mrs M. both think that his grandmother Moreland's name was Artie McBeth, Mrs M. so stating that she had heard her mother say so.

Leaving 10:55 PM

Charles R & Wm F. both said their father's full name was Daniel Aquilla Moreland.

Charles R. said that Miss Stedman's father was Lyman Stedman & that he owned the upper half of Browns Island in the Ohio River opposite the mouth of Island Creek which gave it that name ctg 250 A & that Wellington Cooper owned the middle section of the other half & the lower end of the other half was owned I believe he said by Henry Miser. The WVA line came here to this side of the river & the Island was part of WVA, he thought in Brooke Co. I left Toronto at 11:10 on st car & reached Steubenville 11:40 PM JVT

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Going down to Brilliant, O on street car this Sunday morning 9th, a slender man got on at Mingo Junction, O & sat down before. He seemed to be 65 to 70 yrs old & I asked him if he was acquainted at Warrenton, O & he said he had once lived there, but had no knowledge of the Zolls, but gave me the name of John Shively aged 84 yrs at Rayland just beyond & across Short Creek from Warrenton, but fearing his mind was failing, he told me to see Tom Pastors, away above 80, who lived down in the addition at the lower end of Brilliant, who he said was raised about Warrenton. Asking my informant, he said his name was Johnson. Accordingly, I got off in Brilliant at the P.O. & walked down a full mile or more. I entered his cottage by back door & was:

At residence of Mr Thomas Pastors' Brilliant, O P.O. Box 23 Aug 9, 1925 9:15 AM

His daughter, Miss Ida Pastors, heavy set & kindly, recd me at the kitchen door & said he was sick & took me through to the front room where he was lying on the couch. He said

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he enlisted in the Civil War in 1862 when 24, having been born at Warrenton, O Dec 8, 1838 & served to the end of the war in Co D 98th Ohio Vol Inf & said a man named Dolphus Zoll (he pronounced it Zull) was in the same Co, who was older than him & he thought was aged then 35, who also served until the war closed & both were with Sherman in his march to the sea. He said Zoll had enlisted at New Alexandria, O back over the hills 7 miles from Brilliant where he made his home & was a school teacher. He came back there after the war. Didn't think he was married, but says to see Wm McCann who is now Mayor of New Alexandria, O aged over 80, also an old soldier who served in the 52d O.V.I. & would know abt Zoll. He said he had often heard his people speak of "Zulls" who had gone before his time. Mr P's daughter, Miss Ida Pastors, says there is a Buckingham in Steubenville, O, Asa S., she thinks, who is one of the officers in the Union Sav & T Co. This town is in Wells Tp & New Alexandria is just across the line in Cross Creek Tp. He didn't know whether Dolphos [sic] Zoll got a pension, but says he draws $72 per month. Miss Ida says there are Merkles

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at Rayland, O & she says Mr Shively's body is O.K., but it has outlived his mind which is gone & it wd do no good for me to see him. The pension cks come spelled Pasters as his name had been spelled that way when he entered. Miss P. says Harry Merkle of Rayland, O is a son of Henry Merkel who her father said emigrated himself from Germany. They told me I could get a bus for Warrentown, O opposite the Hunter garage just around the corner. [variations in Merkle/Merkel & Warrentown/Warrenton noted]

Left 9:44 AM

I then went over to the garage & made arrangements with Mr Hunter's assistant, Archer McKinley Burrier a native of Carroll Co, O & reminding me strikingly of Chas W. Rush Esq, to take me out to New Alexandria when I got back from Warrenton. I took the bus & passing through Warrenton & crossing the W&LE tracks beyond, came to:

Warrenton, Ohio Cemetery Aug 9, 1925 10:35 AM 15. Peter Zoll died Mch 23, 1820 aged 40 yrs 9 mos 10 days

Catharine, consort of Peter Zoll died 1819 aged ____ & 9 mos

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In memory of Elizabeth, consort of Jacob Zoll Senr died Apr 27 (it may be 1817, aged _____ yrs & 5 mos. Foot stone has fine plain letters E.Z. in an oblong circle artistically dented & beside it is:

Lewis Zoll w.d.t.l. Jany 31, 1813 in his 30th year. Foot stone L.Z.

16. George Merkle born Oct 23, 1873 ob Jany 24, 1906

17. William Clow June 16, 1819 - Mch 10, 1899

Tom Burch, Rayland P.O. living in the little cottage at the driveway entrance is Supt of the Warrenton Cemetery so J.J. Billingsley, living at the walking entrance & a native of Warrenton says, was one of the oldest towns in the county & was laid out for Steubenville. Says the river during the great flood of 1884 took a good part of the town away. Mr B. said he had always lived there & his father was in the Civil War 3 yrs & 3 mos & his son was in the World War. Was shot in the breast by a German while serving as a picket in the army of occupation (the German was summarily shot & killed). His son is now in the hospital having just had an operation for rupture. I got off at Geo Lewis P.O. Box & crossed PRR tracks to enter Cem on hillside. e

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At residence of Wm McCann, corner Public Square, New Alexandria, Cross Creek Tp, Jefferson Co, O Aug 9, 1925 12:33 PM

Mr McCann who was born, he said Mch 17, 1846 disappointed me in having no recollection at all of Dolphus Zoll or any Zoll, but on asking if he recalled any tombstones of that inscription in the cemetery, his wife, a fine matronly woman & rather stout, gave a reference which was a veritable find, for she said a Mr Thompson, one of three bachelor brothers living next door was Secy of the Cem & could tell me & she had me go through their back yard to the Thompson back door where I met first Wm M. & was:

At residence of James A., Wm M. & J. Ellsworth Thompson, New Alexandria, O Aug 9, 1925 12:55 PM

These brothers are all unmarried & are of typical Irish build & facial appearance, all small & slender, James A. saying that his father, a small man, said that he had such hardships & was so scared as a babe coming over on the ship from Ireland to America, that it made a runt of him.

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They said they were all born in Wells Tp, this Co on the farm of their father, James Thompson & each gave his name & date of birth as follows which is different from the dates given in Doyles Hist every one of which is wrong.

James Alfred Thompson born Sept 26, 1855

William Moore Thompson born May 31, 1858

John Ellsworth Thompson born Feby 27, 1862

They said their father, James Thompson, died in Wells Tp Jany 18, 1880 aged 78 yrs & came to America from Timpo, Ireland when 6 mos old, with his parents, John Thompson & wife who had a large family who came over at the time: viz: Mathew, the oldest, John, William, Thomas, Richard, Moore, James, himself the 6 mos old babe, & three daughters, Nancy, Mary, & Margaret called Peggy, she the last marrying Peter Ekey & their son, John Ekey married a Zoll. (they or Wm, thought Lucinda, but the tombstone record indicates it was Elizabeth) & their daughter Harriet lives now on the old Ekey farm in Wells Tp on the Ridge two miles from New Alexandria, O being the wife of Isaac Mayo who is living. Another Zoll, Susan by name, a sister of Jacob Zoll Jr, the father of Mrs John Ekey (whose wife was Lucinda, see deed records) married Josiah Tharp (of Muskingum Co, O see page 437 item 40)

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& they are buried at Center Church, Presbyterian, in Wells Tp about 3 miles out the pike from here where other Zolls & Ekeys are buried & the Thompson boys, or men (they are boys until married) say there are no Zolls buried in the cem here at New Alex. Their son, Samuel B., Baptist & school teacher of James A. (who said there never was a finer better Christian gentleman than he) is buried there. They think Jacob Jr is buried there, but we didn't find his grave & believe that after selling his farm in 1858, he too went west as the others had after selling out in 1834.

Samuel B. Tharp was married but left no children. He has two sisters viz:

Jemima Tharp, who married a Carson who had some children who they say are all dead, leaving, the think, no descendants & Mary Tharp, who married a Cosgrove from Penna but had no issue.

Mrs Mayo had brothers & sisters, one Annie Ekey, who married a Vermilion & is living on Georges Run this Co, but has no issue, and

Wilson R. Ekey dead, unmarried & Mary Ekey, dead, unmarried. See Book 14 p 211 see book 11 p 565 & 517-522.

Richard Thompson, the uncle of my three informant brothers had children viz:

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John D. Thompson who is dead & Thomas R Thompson who lives down across the street below here.

They think the old Thompson family record was taken to Illinois before their time by John Thompson Jr from there, son they think of their Uncle John, who went west. He took the record from the old place or farm in Cross Creek Tp which was taken up by their grandfather, John Thompson, ctg about 100 A or more & they think it was before their time. They did not know the town or county in Ills, but thought their cousin Thos R. wd know but Wm M. took me across to see him & he did not know.

James Thompson, their father mar 1st Sarah Harris by whom he had two sons Thomas A. who in 1910 lived at New Alex but is now dead and Robert, who died of small pox while serving in the Civil War.

James mar 2d Mary Jane Lyons & had the 3 sons above listed & also:

Mary Eliza

Delphine &

John Andrew

These three [above] all died of diptheria between Aug 31, & Sept 12, abt 1862? See page 882 20th Cent Hist of Steu & Jeff Co 1910 by Doyle. The old looking glass which they showed me, brought over by their grandmother, the wife of John Thompson, was the property of their great grandmother Thompson, the mother of John Thompson the emigrant,

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& J. Ellsworth thought the name of this ancestor was William Thompson, but he is not sure. The inscription on the back of the glass says it belonged to her & has date of 1769 (the year of Napoleon's birth) & was over 132 yrs old as the inscription on the back, made in 1901 said, & it would now be 156 yrs old. These three brothers sold their farm & kept store in the big brick on the corner across from Mr McCann's & J. Ellsworth was postmaster when they sold the store, he resigned & there being no one wanting to by P.M. the office was discontinued & their P.O. address is now: Mingo Junction, O RFD 1

Left 1:40 PM

We drove out the Ridge Road & back past the Buckingham place, no doubt that of Jacob Zoll Jr & turning in a left hand road beyond went round a circular hill & road to a delightfully located & attractive frame farm house, the Ekey place now the home of Mrs Harriet Mayo, the wife of Isaac & found the house locked up, but the porches, out buildings & grounds were scrupulously clean, so we left at 2 PM retraced to the pike & continued on until we came on the right hand side to the

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Centre Presbyterian Church Graveyard Wells Tp, Jeff Co, O Aug 9, 1925 2:22 PM

18. Susan Z., wife of Josiah Tharp (the Uncle, no doubt, for whom Josiah Zoll was named & he no doubt the son of Peter Zoll see page 474 item 15 who was evidently named for his grandfather Peter Markle) died Oct 29, 1873 aged 83 years 7 ms 7 days (born then Mch 22, 1790)

Josiah Tharp died Dec 25, 1863 aged 77 yrs 10 mos (born then Feby 25, 1786.)

Infant daughter of J & S Tharp ob June 24, 1832

Josiah Lewis Tharp ob Aug 7, 1847 aged 16 yrs 10 mos & 20 days

Susan E. Tharp ob Dec 5, 1862 aged 28 yrs & 3 mos

Infant son of S.B. & C.A. Tharp ob May 19, 1869

Samuel B. Tharp 1824 - 1911

Catharine A., his wife 1831 - 1915

a flag at his grave, a soldier.

19. Joseph A. Zoll ob Jany 27, 1844 in 20th (or 26th) yr

Mary Zoll ob Jany 12, 1855 in her 20th yr

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20. Elizabeth, wife of John Ekey born Mch 24, 1826 ob Jany 19, 1890

Wilson R. Ekey Sept 15, 1853, Apr 24, 1901

21. Harriet, dau of Leah Gosnell ob Mch 15, 1853 aged 1 yr 6 mos 16 days

Margaret Gosnell ob June 20, 1847 aged 35 yrs 4 mos 11 days

Nicholas _________ ob Nov 1830

John Gosnell ob Aug 19, 1834 in 56th yr

Elizabeth, wife of John Gosnell ob Mch 28, 1863 in her 83d year (was she a dau of Jacob & Elizabeth Zoll?)

Henry Gosnell, ob June 23, 1853 in his 51st yr

22. Nancy Jane Ekey ob Jany 10, 1864 aged 28 yrs 11 mos & 3 days

Sarah, wife of Wm Ekey ob July 21, 1860 in 47 yr

Stephen, son of W & S Ekey ob June 28, 1855 aged 11 yrs 9 mos 16 days

Mary C. dau of W & S Ekey ob June 18, 1855 aged 5 yrs 8 mos 28 days

Susannah E. dau of W & S Ekey ob July 28, 1851 aged 3 yrs 10 mos 28 days.

Leaving 3 PM

My driver of the afternoon gave his name & address as follows: Archer McKinley Burrier Box 187 Brilliant, O born in Carroll Co, O & his father David M. Burrier was in Co H 98th O.V.I.

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& was also with Sherman to the sea. He died Dec 23, 1919 aged 74 yrs. We drove back from the g.y. to Mrs Mayo's, but they had not returned, so I wrote a two page letter to her & pinned on a chair on the front porch asking her to write to me. We left second time at 3:20 & he drove me direct to Fort Steuben arriving about 4 PM & I went up & took the street car to Toronto, O & calling to see Misses Mary & Nancy Lyons, a young lady on the adjoining porch called that they were out, so on asking her where the four different Morelands lived, she called her brother, a Mr Stafford? who drove me in his auto to Albert W. Moreland's see page 459 et seq & I got the 11:10 PM car & got in about 11:30 & got my supper at Millers Restaurant as I hadn't eaten since 7 AM & coming to room 6y01, wrote to 4 AM went then to bed & slept until 7:30 AM, got my breakfast, wrote until 10:30 Am finishing up my work.

Aug 10, 1925 11 PM. All of today's work was penciled down & I will now transcribe it.

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At Union Bank & Savings Co, Steubenville, O Aug 10, 1925 11:25 AM

I called in to see Asa S. Buckingham who said he was born 1850 & is a son of Geo H. Buckingham, who says that Mrs Isaac Mayo, living at the old Ekey farm is a daughter of Mrs John Ekey who was a daughter of Jacob Zoll (Jr) who when he in 1858 sold his farm to my informant's father, moved, he thought to Iowa, but it may have been to Ills. One of his sons came back from the west a few years afterwards & visited with them at his father's old home.

He says he doesn't know of any Tharps left about there. He went to school to Saml B. Tharp. He says they sold the farm to Mrs Ida Bozman, who now owns it, but lives at New Alexandria, O with her mother, Mrs Sarah Rine nee McDevitt who is now abt 87 yrs old. Thinks a letter to Mrs Mayo at Brilliant, O RFD or to her at Mingo Jct, O RFD would reach her.

Left 11:37 AM

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AT office of R. Lewis McLaughlin Natl Ex Bank bldg Steubenville, O 4th floor, Aug 10, 1925 11:40 AM

He is a tall slender man & completed & corrected the record of his own family, note of which I made on page 393 in the table. He had a lot of Scroggs & McLaughlin records, but I was not interested in them.

Left 11:47 AM

I then went up to Room 501 in same building to see Mr Sarratt about the Scott book & met there Mr C.H. Dossett, who said Sarratt had been away with his family for a month & would be gone another month. He was very kind & proposed coming to the hotel for me as soon as he got his lunch & drive me up to see Mrs Geo Sharp nee Kelly on Sycamore Hill & to the cemetery. He came accordingly to the hotel abt 12:45 PM & drove me to the magnificent Sharp residence where we met her & her husband who said he was 80 & she said he was a native of Cadiz, O but they were just about to leave to attend a McCook funeral which we met later on the street. He then drove me to the other end of town & we were

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At Union Cemetery, Steubenville, O. Aug 10, 1925 2 PM We found Mr Walker on the grounds & he went with us to the office & said Mr & Mrs Miser were buried in the McGinness lot but had no markers but he gave us from the cem records:

23. Henry D. Miser was buried Dec 18, 1914 aged 86 yrs, his mother was Mary Powell & he died of dysentery.

Rachel B. Miser buried Apr 27, 1915 aged 83 yrs. She was daughter of John & Elizabeth Bray & also died of dysentery

I found just in front of the office in the Presbyterian section, the lot where Rev Dr Chas C. Beatty is buried & also my Co-Trustee Rev A.M. Reid 1827-1918 and

24. Sarah J. Finley scholar from Missouri died Apr 26, 1850 aged 19 yrs & just near the Beattys is:

25. Moses Culbertson born Nov 22, 1794 ob Jany 2, 1845

Jane Culbertson born Feby 15, 1799 ob July 4, 1845

Friend Dossett then drove me to the Mrs Robt McGowan residence & I walked back to:

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Residence of J. Easton McGowan family No 1049 LaBelle Ave Aug 10, 1925 2:40 PM

A lady came to the door & said Mrs Luella McKeever was lying down, but she got the Simeral book & gave it to me to look over which I did for 40 minutes. It is oblong of 20 pages & other pages of photos & blank ones & was gotten up by John A. Simeral of Pgh, Pa who it says was born at Bloomfield, Jeff Co, O Apr 13, 1851. I did not in my hurried examination find any mention of a Simeral marrying Sarah Thompson but must see him & get a book & ask him. A heavy battery of thunder claps portending a rain, I left 3:20 PM & walked briskly & was soon:

At residence of Mrs Charles Fry No 511 Madison Ave, Aug 10, 1925 3:25 PM

Mrs Fry came quickly to the door of her cottage home & admitted me & the rain, a heavy one, poured down & I continued my stay until the rain quit. She said she didn't have the Bray bible, never saw it. Said that when "grandmother Bray"

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went from Toronto, O to Browns Island to live with Mr & Mrs Henry Misers there, there was a big lot of books left behind & the bible may have been among them, but she doesn't know what became of the books or who got or took them.

Mrs Fry is a large stout woman & said her Uncle Henry D. Miser died Dec 15, 1914 aged in his 87 yr in this house & the weather at the time was bitterly cold. She said he was born at Annapolis, O this County on Aug 25, 1828, the son of David Miser & Mary Powell. His widow, Rachel R. Miser died in this house also, on Apr 24, 1915 in her 84th yr, she having been born Feby 6, 1832 at Brays Mills on Island Creek. They celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary, having been married Apr 13, 1854 at the Bray residence of N 5th St here adjg the Johnson block & there was a deep snow three days later on Apr 16, 1854. They also celebrated their 56th, 59th & 60th. She was daughter of John & Elizabeth Finley Bray & was married by Rev Dunlap Presbyterian. Among the relatives at the wedding 55 yrs ago were Wellington

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Cooper (who married Mercy Bray, sister of Mrs Miser) & the Misses Amelia & Sue Cooper, who were present at this celebration. His niece, my informant, Mrs Chas Fry, nee Miss Margaret Kail says she went to live with them in 1885. They moved here in 1892 & Mrs Miser's mother, Mrs Bray died before that & Mrs Frey [sic] thinks she died a short time after she went there in 1885. She thinks Mrs Bray died in the fall & was up in the 80s. All the older Brays, she says, are dead & the younger ones don't know anything about the family. Mrs Fry said her mother was born Dec 1, 1832, same year as Mrs Miser. Says Mrs Miser was right stout in her younger days, not very tall, a little below medium height. He was a little taller than his wife & was rather stout. He was a farmer all his life until he retired. She shows fine photos of each, showing good strong faces. He has a moustache & chin whiskers & she is a typical Finley. Practically all of the dates she has given me above were from small newspaper clipping she had. One speaks of Wellington Cooper celebrating his 82d birthday an-

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niversary in Feby 1912. Wellington Cooper's wife was Mercy Bray, younger sister of Mrs Miser. He & his wife are both buried at Toronto, O & would no doubt have tombstones. She said the Misers did not have dysentery but died of old age & says that her Aunt Rate & her mother Mrs Bray were good women & both were Methodists.

Leaving 4:22 PM

I then walked around, the rain having just ceased to:

No 538 Sixth Ave Aug 10, 1925 4:33 PM

An elderly lady came to the door & said that Miss Ethel Jack, teacher, had gone to her home at Wacuma, Iowa & would not be back until school reopened.

Left 4:35 PM

I then walked to the hotel & got directions fro location of Mrs Carothers & walked two blocks down Washington St & turned North for two blocks more & was soon:

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At residence of Sarah Jane Carothers, No 323 Virginia Ave, Aug 10, 1925 5:20 Pm Steubenville, O

Her youngest child, Ida, came to the door & took me in & brought her mother who is 84 in. She was hard of hearing, but strikingly resembles mother in size & facial appearance. She says her husband, David Stephens Carothers was son of James Caruthers [sic] & he was son of an Elder David as she has always understood that her husband was named for his grandfather. The elder David lived at Frankfort in Beaver Co, Pa not far from Burgettstown, Pa & he died there & she thinks is buried in the cem right in Frankfort, an old one & her daughter, Ida thinks has a marker & she has seen several Carothers tombstones of Carothers there. Don't know name of his father, wife or brothers & sisters. her husband had an Uncle William (or "Billy") Carothers who was a farmer & lived less than a mile from Frankfort, Pa where his children went to high school. His wife was Aunt Jane Gilleland & they didn't live long after she married in the family. William's children were:

1. Jennie, died unm at Olivers

2. Alice

3. Oliver mar a McClung, but had no issue

4. Thomas

5. James

These last two died within two weeks of each other.

James was with Arbuckle. He was married twice & had two girls by his 2d wife who James told my informant he had met in a hotel & who was very extravagant & traveled all over the world. Thomas & James bought their father's old Carothers farm in order to keep it in the Carothers name & when Thomas died at Hollidays Cove, WVA, leaving two daughters, James died just after within two weeks & his widow came on as soon as she heard of his death & sold the farm "for a song" & went back to France. Her daughters were with her. Thomas had three daughters, Marie, Jennie & Annie. Annie died when a young girl, unmarried & Marie & Jennie are both single & both living together in Salem, O. She thinks her father-in-law, James, had other

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brothers & sister than William but she never knew them & she does not know who would have gotten the family bible of the Elder David. Ask Marie & Jennie, also Oliver.

He, James Carothers, married Rachel Stephens. His farm was about 2 miles out of Frankfort, Pa she thinks N.W. & in a different direction than his brother William's. He died on the farm & is buried there or at the Three Springs, WVA over by Hollidays Cove, WVA.

She doesn't remember him as he was dead before she married into the family, but his widow, Rachel, lived with them & died at their home when she was 62. They were Pres. Their children were David S. the eldest, John & then James? & Mary, Jane & Thomas, these last three dying when young girls & boy. John married her sister (was he John J.?) Nancy Freshwater & died in this house 2 yrs ago & he & his wife are both buried in Toronto, O & have marker, but had no issue. James mar 1st a Burns from Florence, Pa & mar 2d Belle Hanlon. Had by first wife:

Frank & Ed & Joe & by 2d wife Mary & Mitchell. He died about 10 yrs ago in Pgh, Pa & she in East Liverpool, O. He was buried at Tucker g.y. in Frankfort region

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David Stephens Carothers, husband of my informant mar 1st Oct 13, 1853 to Rebecca Campbell of Jenkinton, Pa & mar 2d on Oct 30, 1873 to Sallie J. Freshwater, my good worthy informant daughter of Philip Freshwater & his wife Eleanor Archer. She was born in Hancock Co, WVA July 19, 1841 & is now active & strong in her 85th yr & looks much younger. She sent her granddaughter, Esther upstairs & she brought down the big bible which they had bought from "Uncle John" Carothers who was deaf & used a trumpet, who was selling them & the records of birth, marriage & death given below & on this page above are taken from it.


David S. Carothers born Mch 2, 1831

Rebecca B. Campbell born Mch 6, 1822

Their children

1. Edwin Schofield Carothers, Nov 26, 1854

2. Charles Bosler Carothers, Jany 6, 1857

3. Elizabeth Carothers, Sept 5, 1859

4. James H. Carothers, July 7, 1864

5. Albert Weeks Carothers, July 6, 1866

6. Laura Belle Carothers, Dec 20, 1874

7. Philip Carothers, Feby 2, 1876

9. Ella Nora Carothers, Dec 4, 1878

8. Mary Elizabeth Carothers, June 13, 1877

10. Harry Elwood Carothers, June 26, 1880

11. Eva May Carothers, Apr 19, 1882

12. Ida Carothers, Feby 11, 1886

the latter & her husband & Philip's dau Esther being my joint informants.

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None of the first wife's children were married, but Charles B. & he is living in Pughtown, WVA (which Mrs C. says is "off from nowhere") with health broken. Has one son, Carl Nicholas Carothers married & living in Warwood, WVA.

Mrs Carothers said the family bible with record of her father-in-law, James Carothers was put in a chest in which some chestnuts were later put & the mice got in the chest after the chestnuts & built their nests in the bible burrying [sic, burrowing?] in it & practically ruined the record, but she didn't say whether it was in existence yet or not.

5. Albert W. Carothers lives in Chicago, Ills unmarried & is also in failing health

6. Laura B. Carothers married in Mch 1897 John K. Wylie son of Henderson Wylie & his wife Georgianna Buchanan. He was born in Hancock Co, WVA Aug 8, & died Feby 9, 1911. She lives here with her mother. No issue.

7. Philip Carothers was married Aug 23, 1903 at White Oak Springs, Butler Co, Pa to Henrietta Brunermer born Sept 2, 1881 in Butler Co, Pa, dau of Henry Brunermer & his wife, Jane. She died

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at Youngstown, O Aug 23, 1922 on her wedding anniversary after a married life of just 19 yrs, which record is given to me here tonight by her daughter L. Esther. She is buried at White Oak Springs Cem. They had two children, L. Esther born in New Castle, Pa & Richard P, in Youngstown, O viz:

1. Laura Esther Carothers Sept 10, 1906

2. Richard Philip Carothers Nov 11, 1921

L. Esther is visiting here now, a beautiful girl & her father lives in Youngstown, O where he is a butcher.

Richard P. is with an Aunt & Uncle in Butler, Pa. bible records follow:

2. Charles B. Carothers & Laura Jane Spivey married Mch 26, 1890


3. Elizabeth Carothers Sept 15, 1859 aged 10 days

4. James H. Carothers Mch 3, 1866 aged 1 yr 7 mos 24 days

Rebecca B. Carothers July 24, 1872 aged 50 yrs 4 mos 18 days

11. Eva May Carothers Mch 11, 1885 aged 2 yrs 10 mos & 22 days

1. Edwin S. Carothers Apr 8, 1896 aged 41 yrs 4 mos & 12 days

David S. Carothers June 20, 1896 aged 65 yrs 3 mos & 18 days

The big bible from which this was taken bought from Uncle John Carothers was published at Phila, Pa by the Standard Pub Co but is without date.

12. Lewis Lawrence Ockenhauser born May 18, 1895 here in Steubenville, O, son of John Ockenhauser & his wife Minnie Hazelcomb was mar-

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ried June 18, 1919 to Ida Carothers, but have no issue. He is salesman for Chrysler & Franklin Autos here & live at 717 Rosewell Ave, Steubenville, O but they were both here tonight & I had a very good supper with them, Mrs C. & Esther prepared by the three generations. L.L. said there were Carothers at New Cumberland, WVA

9. Ella Nora Carothers married in 1898 John Moody Hudson son of David Hudson & wife Martha Jones. Both living at Hollidays Cove, WVA where he is a carpenter & have one child born in Hancock Co, WVA viz:

1. David Ronald Hudson born 1903. He is married & lives in Canton, O where he is Secy of the Y.M.C.A.

8. Mary E. Carothers married say in 1909 Martin Sutherin, son of James? Sutherin. Both living in Hancock Co, WVA where he is a farmer & have one daughter born on the farm viz:

1. Minnie Sutherin

10. Harry E. Carothers is single & lives in Hancock Co, WVa. Ida says that a Miss Eva Carothers probably a 2d cousin married

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William M. Beall & live here at No 836 N 4th St, where he is a wholesale grocer, who she thinks could give her record as she is a great talker. They do not have any issue, but have an adopted daughter.

Ida says Miss Phoebe? Beal [sic] living in Frankfort, Pa related to them through the Stephens can tell about the Carothers family as she has always lived there among them & can no doubt give further record & tell who to see to get more.

Left at 7:37 PM

I then walked up to 4th Ave & walked out it several blocks north & came to:

Residence of William McGowan Beall NO 836 N. 4th St Steubenville, O Aug 10, 1925 8:05 PM

I was admitted by a very handsome, rather tall, young lady, most probably the adopted daughter & she called Mrs Beall who came downstairs, gray haired of average size & build, aged say about 60 yrs, whose husband, a tallish medium build man of over 60 who she said was

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a gardener & having been at work was dressing & passed two or three times up & down the stairs, but being in an evident hurry, was not introduced. She said she was before marriage, Miss Eva Carothers, dau of John Randolph Carothers, who she says was a son so William Carothers, who lived on a farm just out of Frankfort, Beaver, Co, Pa which was not far from Burgettstown, Pa. She says that John J. Carothers who lived adjoining William Carothers was a first cousin of her father John R. Carothers. He had but two children, a son & a daughter. Another, William Carothers, club footed, was she thinks, a first cousin of her father & lived on a farm adjg her grandfather Wm. He was married, his wife's name being Mary, but had no children. Her grandfather, William Carothers married a Gilleland (she thought possibly Elizabeth? but Sarah Jane sd it was Jane) & both are buried at Frankfort, Pa cemetery & have markers. Her grandfather had children & in order of their ages, she thought were:

Alice Carothers mar James Harper. Both dead & a daughter Lizzie dead but a son William M. Harper lives at Beaver, Pa.

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2. Thomas Carothers. He died at Hollidays Cove, WVA & she thought was buried upon the hill there. He had three girls, Marie, Jennie & Annie, who is dead. Marie & Jennie live together single at No 183 Ellsworth Ave, Salem, O.

3. John Randolph Carothers married Harriet Ann Bowman from Strasburgh, Pa dau of Joseph Bowman & wife. She was born at Strasburg, Pa Mch 1833 & died in this house Feby 5, 1897. She & her husband & daughter are buried in Beaver, Pa cemetery & have markers. He was born Aug 1830 & died Feby 2, 1899. He was a Prof & school teacher. Had 5 children 3 boys & 2 girls viz:

1. Horace Harvey Carothers

2. Eva Leonora Carothers, my informant

3. Anna Elizabeth Carothers

4. William Bowman Carothers

5. Edward Vernon Carothers

She was averse [sic] to giving the dates of birth of above & without my asking, said it was not necessary & she thought none of the present generation would be interested in having a record.

4. James Carothers was married twice. His second wife was

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Geneva Sears, his widow lives now in or near Phila, Pa & her two daughters are married, but she didn't seem to be able to give their records.

5. William Carothers, died young

6. Andrew Carothers, died young

7. Jennie Carothers, dead, unmarried

8. Oliver married. She is dead but he is living.

9. Lucy Carothers married. Her husband is dead but she is living. Ask Marie & Jennie where.

Mrs Beall said her grandfather, William had a brother Jesse Carothers whose wife's name was Mary. He lived in New York & San Francisco, Calif & died in NY. Mrs B., when a young girl saw his widow. He was a tall & exceedingly handsome man. He had three daughters, all married viz:

1. Belle

2. Alice

3. Emily

1. Belle Carothers, the oldest married a Talmadge & lived in Brooklyn, NY & had two daughters & a son. Says she is dead.

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2. Alice Carothers married Frank Green & lived in Brooklyn, NY. Both dead & had but one child, Irving Green who lived or lives in New Jersey & commuted as his business is in NY. She said he was about her own age & was married & has one daughter.

3. Emily, the youngest, married a Mr Carpenter & did live in Brooklyn, NY & had two children.

4. She says now just as I was about to leave that there was another girl who died leaving a son, Willie Tilden of the Saml J. family & then said it was of the family prominent in the Beecher scandal whereupon I told her that was Theodore Tilton, not Tilden, but she insisted it was Tilden in the Beecher scandal & would not be convinced, so I left at 8:55 PM

I then walked out 4th to Market & down Market to 100-104 Market St to the Union Hotel where I found a colored man sitting behind the counter & asking for Robert Cruthers, he said he had gone a yr ago. Asking if he was a colored man, he said "he was born that way & like Topsy, just growed".

Left 9:10 PM It is now 12:33 PM Aug 11/25 JVT

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At residence of Frances Elmira Thompson, Hopedale, Harrison Co, O Aug 11,1925 4:49 PM

I arrived here an hour ago & find Mrs Dickerson, Mr & Mrs Simpson, Rev W. Roland Thompson, Rev Ezekial H. Thompson all here as well as Frances Elmira & have been talking for an hour. They say that Rev W.R. has his father's bible at his home & Rev Ezekiel H. says he has the sheets or leaves with the record on at his home. They all say they can give the dates of birth of all the children of their father, Moses Thompson, so I will record what they tell me in the form of a genealogical table commencing on page 506. I got up to Mrs Simpson's record & was called to supper with them at 6:30 & at 7 PM left & came with Mrs Simpson to their home & Dr W. Roland Thompson came along.

There are two unmarried Scroggs sisters, Rev Ezekiel H.I. [sic] thinks Elizabeth & Mary, one an artist & the other a teacher who may have moved from Beaver, Pa to Pgh. They had a brother who was a doctor in Beaver Pa & their father was a doctor there. When Rev E.H. saw them 30 yrs ago, the young doctor had several children. Rev E.H. has astronomy as a side line.

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At residence of J.W.A. Simpson, Greene Tp, P.O. Hopedale, O. RD 1 Aug 11, 1925 11:30 PM

We arrived here about 8 PM & Mr & Mrs Simpson have given me their record recorded on pages 506 & 507.

They have the Hugh Scott book compiled by John Scott & published at Nevada, Iowa by John Manor Scott, printer but is without date. It contains 322 pages, errata & appendix, but is without an index.

Chapter 22 is devoted to Elizabeth Scott who married Col Edward Todd & their dau Letitia Todd married William Findley erroneously given as James Findley.

On page 310, Absalom Baird Scott 5th generation from Hugh, married Rebecca Finley in 1834 & he died in 1861. It gives but 4 children.

Mr Simpson's grandfather James Simpson mar Violet Scott see page 129.

Back at Fannie's Aug 12, 1925 11:44 AM

Rev Wm R. says he was graduated from the Pgh Theological Sem (U.P.) 1887 & has filled pastorates as follows:

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High Ridge, Belmont Co, O 1887-1898

Roney's Point, Ohio Co, WVA 1892-1898 (1/2 time)

Gladden Pa, W [sic] 1898-1900

Eleventh Church, Pgh, S.S. 1900-1905

Frankfort Springs, Pa 1905-1910

Bolivar, Pa 1910-1915

Monongahela, Pa & Byesville, O (under the board) 1915-1920

Moundsville, WVA 1920-1924

Universal U.P. Universal Pa 1924-

Rev Ezekiel H. graduated from Pgh Theo Sem 1894 & has filled pastorates as follows:

Crawfordsville, Iowa 1894-1905

Cabin Hill, NY 1905-1911

New California, O, stated Supply 1911-1913

Seaman, O 1913-1916

Bloomfield Con, New Concord, O 1916-1918

Kenton, O 1918-1921

Trenton, O 1921-

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& V13 Page 508

[descendant chart]

Moses Thompson son of Hugh Thompson & his wife Elizabeth Scroggs. Hugh was son of John Thompson 1722-1777 who was son of ggggf John Thompson 1695-1783. Moses was born in Smithfield Tp, Jeff Co, O Aug 1, 1828 & died in this house July 6, 1912 & is buried in the mausoleum in the Cadiz, O cemetery. He married June 7, 1854 to Sarah Moores Cole born in Wayne Tp, Jeff Co, O Nov 2, 1833 & died in Hopedale, O Mch 10, 1888 & is buried here in the Hopedale Cem. She was dau of Ezekiel Cole & his wife Tabitha Thorne. He was a farmer, a merchant in Hopedale & a teacher of vocal & instrumental music, was Mayor of Hopedale several terms, director of the choir & a member of the U.P. church. He was a Republican & later a Prohibitionist. His wife was a member of the U.P. Ch. He was 5 ft 10 in & weighed generally about 175 lbs. They had eight children all born in Smithfield Tp, Jeff Co, O.


William Roland Thompson, B Aug 9, 1855 mar Dec 22, 1881 to Florence Mealy Warrell born in East Finley Tp, Wash Co, Pa Feby 5, 1861 dau of Wm Warrell & wife Margaret Mealy, who was daughter of Anthony Mealy. Both living at Wilkinsburg, Pa no 7946 Susquehanna St & is pastor of the Universal U.P. Ch near the city limits. Was graduated at Hopedale, O Normal Col in class of 1878 & has been an active minister since 1887. Doctor's degree conferred by Scio-Mt Union college 1910. Have had 4 children all born in Belmont Co, O.

Margaret Lucile Thompson, B Nov 12, 1882 m. Oct 9, 1907 to George Frederick Nieman born in Allegheny Co, Pa Aug 2, 1882 son of Frederick Lorenz Nieman & wife Katharine Obey Roberts. Both living in Dormont, Pa. Broadway where he is Secy-Treas of Union Storage Co. No issue. Their No is 2822 Broadway, South Hills Sta, Pgh Pa.

Sarah Almeda, B Nov 29, 1883 ob Apr 20, 1904 & buried in Chester Cem Carnegie, Pa

Myrta Lena, B Jany 28, 1886 is genl secretary of the American Warehouseman's Association or rather is private secy to the general secy & is single.

Unnamed daughter,

John Emmett Thompson, M.D., B Sept 13, 1857 ob Aug 26, 1915 in San Francisco, Calif & is in a vault there. M.1. Aug 3, 1880 at Richmond, O to Jennie Culp dau of Samuel Culp & his wife Harriet Wright born near Richmond, O & were divorced. Have one dau born here in Hopedale, O. M.2. to Anna L. Rivers (in St Louis, Mo). She is living in Berkeley, Calif where too, his first wife lives. Have 2 daus, born in Berkeley, Calif. He was educated at Hopedale, O College & took his M.D. fr Western Residence Med Col, Cleveland, O. Was past commander of the Maccabees for State of Calif. Practiced in St Louis, Mo & San Francisco, Calif. Took a special post Grad course in London, Eng.

Alice May, B Apr 10, 1881 an 8 mos child who lived & weighed but 2 lbs. Unmarried & teaches in Berkeley, Calif.

Margaret Ann Thompson, B Feby 7, 1905 m. Apr 30, 1923 in Berkeley, Calif to Anderson. They live in Berkeley, Calif where they have one child born in Berkeley, Calif. June 3/29 Her address is 205 Crocker Ave, Piedmont, Calif.

Frances Rivers, B Jany 4, 1908, in school & with her mother

Tabitha Elizabeth Thompson, Born May 2, 1860 & married Nov 29, 1883 in Hopedale, O by Rev Hugh W. Parks, Pres & Rev J.M. Jamison, a U.P. to James William Alexander Simpson born near Hopedale, O Nov 30, 1858, son of Abraham Scott Simpson of Belmont Co, O & his wife Celia Davis. They have had seven children all born in Green Tp, Harrison Co, O. Both living in Greene Tp 1 mile S.E. of Hopedale, O. P.O. address Hopedale, O, RD 1 where Mr S. is a farmer, Pres of the school board for 4 yrs & was on the board in the Tp for 9 yrs. Mr S. is a Democrat & is an Elder for past 25 yrs in the Beech Spring Pres Ch in Greene Tp & Treas of the same for 40 yrs succeeding his father who had been Treas for 13 yrs.

John Davis, b Sept 24, 1884 ob May 14, 1899

Frank Hobbler, B Mch 3, 1890 m. Dec 24, 1913 in Bloomfield, O to Bertha May Stephens born Mch 14, 1890 dau of Perry P. Stephens & wife Martha Cole. They have had 3 children, the oldest born in Hopedale, O & the other 2 in Alliance, O. Both living in Alliance, O where he is Asst Paymaster of Am Steel Foundries & is an Elder in the 1st U.P. Church there. P.O. RD 1 just outside the city limits.

Dorothy May, B Feby 14,1916

Frances Eugenia, B June 26, 1918

Hugh Parks, Dec 18, 1919

Mary Thompson, B. Aug 29, 1891 m. Dec 25, 1913 in this room by Rev O.S. Fowler to George Kaufmann born Mch 14, 1889 son of Rupert Kaufman & wife. Both living in Hopedale, O where he owns a garage.

Mary Isabel, B Feby 25, 1915 born in Hopedale, O

Hugh Parks, B Feby 15, 1894 ob Oct 10, 1918 killed in battle in Argonne Forest France. He enlisted May 26, 1918 was unmarried. In Co I 47th inf.

Wm Roland Emmett, B Nov 24, 1896 m. Nov 23, 1921 by Rev Bergen, Pres in Cleveland, O to Mary Jane Grimm born May 3, 1895 dau of Julius Grimm & wife Sarah Jackson. She was engaged before to Hugh Parks & his brother. Both living in Smithfield Tp, Jeff Co, where he is weighman for the Witch Hazel Coal Co. No issue. P.O. Adena, O RD 1.

Sarah Celia, B Aug 18, 1898 m. Feby 6, 1919 in Columbus, O to Harry Andrews Robertson, born near West Newton, Pa July 1886, son of Thos J. Robertson & wife Margaret Andrews. Both living in Hopedale, O where he is Tp clk he was in World War but not overseas. Have two children born, 2 last in Alliance, O & youngest in Hopedale, O. He died Mch 18, 1926 at Hopedale, O.

Harry Andrews Jr, B July 6, 1919

Amy Elizabeth, B Oct 13, 1923

Elmer Davis, B Mch 8, 1902 m. Oct 29, 1924 at Bakerstown, Pa by Rev O.S. Fowler, Pres to Mildred Grimm born in Pa July 24, 1905 dau of Julius Grimm & wife Sarah Jackson. Both living at Witch Hazel, P.O. Adena, O. RD 1 where he works for the Witch Hazel, Coal Co.

Ezekiel Hugh Thompson, Born Aug 11, 1862 m. May 30, 1895 in Belmont Co, O by Rev Wm R. Thompson, his brother to Dorcas Nichols born Oct 13, 1870 in Belmont Co, O dau of Wm Nichols & wife Nancy Neff. Both living in Trenton, Butler Co, O where he has for past 5 yrs been pastor of the Trenton U.P. Church. Have had 4 children, the first three born in Crawfordsville, Iowa & the last in Andes, Delaware Co, NY in the Cascades. Graduated in 1889 fr Hopedale college & ordained Dec 1894.

Nellie Nichol, B Oct 25, 1896, died same day

Helen Frances, B jany 20, 1901 graduated at Muskingum College in 1921. Taught 2 yrs & is now an invalid, single.

William Scroggs, B July 19, 1904 graduated from Muskingum College 1925. At home unmarried. Will teach this year.

Sarah Lois B Dec 28, 1905 student in Muskingum College

Mary Ann Thompson, B Sept 6, 1865 m. near Smithfield, O by Rev G.C. Sedgwick Baptist to John Wm Megrail son of John Megrail & wife Sarah Cole He was born in Wayne Tp? Jeff Co, O. He died Mch 26, 1921 at Alliance, O where he fell fr a school bldg & was killed. She lives edge of Alliance, O with dau.

Sarah Cole Megrail, Born in Wayne Tp, m. to Edgar Earl Kidwell & live in suburb of Alliance, O where he is Supt of Manual training in Alliance schools. Have two children, the oldest born at Circleville, O & the other at Alliance, O.

Helen Jean

Edgar Earl Jr

Frances Elmira Thompson, B June 28, 1870 unmarried. Lived corner College St. Taught school for 23 yrs. Educated at Hopedale College & Buchanan business institute.

Moses Scroggs Jr, B Aug 21, 1872 ob Feby 13, 1916 in this house & buried here. Mar Aug 28, 1901 to Daisy Herschel dau of Joseph Herschel & wife Nancy Jane Smith, born Oct 1874 & has since married Ford Gogolin. No issue.

Sarah Catherine Thompson, Born July 27, 1875 m. Mch 15, 1905 in Pgh, Pa by Rev Wm Roland Thompson to Alfred Phillips Dickerson born Mch 24, 1875 son of Joshua Tilton Dickerson & his wife Elizabeth Phillips. Both living here on Virginia St where he is a salesman for J.W. Watkins Co of Winona, Minn. Have had 5 children all born here in Hopedale, O.

Frances Elizabeth, B Feby 14, 1906, ob Sept 29, 1906

Donovan Thompson, B Oct 13, 1907 senior in high school

Philip Floyd, B Feby 9, 1910, entering high school

Ralph Eugene, B Nov 24, 1914 ob July 7, 1915

Dorothy Mae, B May 18, 1917 in public school

Finishing 4:44 PM

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At residence of Walter Lowrie Allen Hopedale, O Aug 12, 1925 3:27 PM

Mr Allen is out but Mrs Allen is in & say the bible of Mr Allen's father is at his widow's this side of Cadiz. Walter Lowrie Allen, son of Walter Lowrie Allen was born in Greene Tp, Harrison Co, O on Apr 17, 1891 & on Mch 10, 1916 was married here in Hopedale, O by Rev O.G. Fowler Pres to Mary Elizabeth Kaufmann born at McDonald, Pa on Sept 22, 1891 dau of Rupert Kaufmann & his wife Christina Schmedberger & have two children viz:

1. Sarah Irene Allen born Feby 2, 1917 at Smithfield, O

2. Kathryn Mae Allen born Apr 10, 1919 at Bloomingdale, O

Mr Allen has been a farmer but is now conducting a transfer business here where both live.

Leaving 3:37 PM

see page 513

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AT residence of Mrs Elizabeth Long Allen, Cadiz Tp (P.O. Cadiz RD2, O) Aug 12, 1925, 6:55 PM

I arrived here on the bus from Hopedale, O a quarter of an hour ago & have met Mrs Allen, her daughter & her son Rev David K. Long. Mrs Allen has gone to get the family bible of her husband, Walter Lowrie Allen. Mrs Allen does not have a bible record, but have the record on a slip of paper. I am tabling same on next page. They tell me that James Wylie Rankin Smith living at York, Smithfield Tp, Jeff Co, O son of Wm K. Smith will be able to give the record of the Smith family. His father was a brother of John V. smith & they were first cousins of James Allen 1818-1905 or very closely related. Go see him. David K. has agreed to drive me out in his auto in the morning to see him & I am remaining here all night at their kind invitation & now at 11 PM, they have all gone to bed & I am writing downstairs on the table in the sitting room.

11:55 PM

In the Scott book at Mr & Mrs Simpson's viz Descendants of see page 514

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[descendant chart]

Walter Lowrie Allen Sen, son of James Allen 1818-1905 was born in Dunbar Tp, Fayette Co, Pa Aug 13, 1848 & died in Green Tp, Harrison Co, O Aug 1909 (on a Sunday Aug 8 or 9). He was married Sept 28, 1882 in Franklin Tp, Fay Co, Pa by Rev S.B. McBride to Elizabeth Long born in Franklin Tp, Fay Co, Pa July 9, 1859 daughter of James McCormick Long & his wife Sarah Kell. They have had nine children all born in Green Tp, Har. Co, O.


Mary Adella, B July 13, 1883. At home unmarried. Attended Franklin College at New Athens, O.

Sarah Jane, B Jany 20, 1885 mar Nov 25, 1910 a Green Tp by Rev O.G. Fowler, Pres to Junius Parkinson Mills born Jany 1886 son of Wm Mills & his wife Mary Parkinson. Have had two children born in Smithfield Tp, Jeff Co, O. Both living in that Tp where he is a farmer.

Stillborn daughter, b 1920

Stillborn son, b 1922

James Guthrie, B Feby 22, 1886 unmarried & at home

William Smith, B July 18, 1887 unmarried & at home

Susan Gertrude, B Aug 11, 1889 m. Aug 5, 1921 in this house by Rev R.P. Lippincott Pres to Oda Benjamin Sparrow born in Short Creek Tp this Co son of Vincent Sparrow & his wife Mollie Crown. Both living in Green Tp where he is a farmer. No issue.

Walter Lowrie Jr, B Apr 17, 1891 m. Mch 10, 1916 in Hopedale, O by Rev O.G. Fowler Pres to Mary Elizabeth Kaufmann born at McDonald Pa Sept 22, 1891 dau of Rupert Kaufmann & his wife Christina Schmedberger & have two children, the oldest born at Smithfield, O & the youngest at Bloomingdale, O.

Sarah Irene, B Feby 2, 1917

Kathryn Mae, B Apr 10, 1919

Alexander Donaldson, B May 26, 1894 m. Mch 1922 in Green Tp by Rev Thos W. Pearson Pres to Rugh Janet Boyce, dau of James Boyce & his wife Caroline Wolf. Both living in Wayne Tp, Jeff Co, O where he is a farmer. No issue.

David Kell, B May 23, 1896 unmarried. Graduated Wooster college 1922 & at Western Theo Seminary 1925 Pastor of Poke Run Pres Ch Marmout, Pa, Westnd Co.

John Calvin Allen, B Nov 25, 1899 m. Nov 1918 at Colorado Springs, Col to Lillian Mae Stringer born July 1899 dau of Chas P. Stringer & wife Nora Adams. Both living in Ashland Co, O where he is a farmer. Have two children, the oldest in Denver, Col & the other in Wayne Tp, Jeff Co, O.

Lillian Genevieve, B Apr 17, 1919

Pauline Elizabeth, B Jany 22, 1922

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Hugh Scott by John Scott, pages 289 & 290 in Chapter 22. Record of Elizabeth Scott who married Col Edward Todd are mentioned Letitia Todd & her Findley descendants viz:

1. John Findley, farmer, Waverly, Iowa who married Letitia C. Carr & had children:

1. Edward Todd, Pasadena, Calif

2. Jennie, married Orwin Burman of Bremer Co, Iowa & had 2 sons & 2 daughters.

3. Carrie

2. Edward Todd Findley married Margaret Caups? a farmer at Miscanopy, Alachina Co, Florida & had 3 sons:

1. Walter B.

2. William

3. Donald

3. Mary Ann mar Moreland

4. Daniel O. mar Lucy E. Powell & with son John, aged 12 (this fixes date of Pub of Book which is without date) & daughters Isabella & Caroline.

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At residence of Roy Black, Wayne Tp, Jefferson Co, O P.O. Cadiz, O Rd 2 or Hopedale, O RD 1 Aug 123, 1925 8:50 AM

Roy came up to Mr Simpson's this morning & drove me down here. He is Supt of the Hopedale Telephone Co & by reason of the storm on Monday afternoon, he is extremely busy repairing wires & could only give me a few minutes. He has given me a written record of births from his father, Samuel Dwight Black's bible which he got but I have made some additional needed notations.

His married sister Evarinea lives at Coshocton, O in town & is widow of Walter M. Everhart who was Supt of schools who died a month ago from a stroke a week after his return from a trip to Idaho.

Ira H. is dead. His widow lives in Carnegie, Pa on Washington Ave.

George S. Lives in Lakewood, O. He is in R.E. business in Cleveland, O. Has 3 children.

When in Cadiz, O see Wendell O. who could give George's record or address.

David T. married last Holidays & lives in Kellogg, Iowa. Ask John.

Roy A. married Clara Eaton who

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was born on this farm of 154 A which lies in both counties, his house being just across the line. She was daughter of Daniel Eaton & his wife Elizabeth Allison. His children are all single & at home 3 boys & 4 girls.

John Lloyd Black is at the Cadiz Mills

Laura Elsie mar Nov 10, 1909 to Everett E. Smith & live in Cadiz, O. Live right beside the mill & have one child.

Get Lester's record from John.

Wendell married to Gladys Sherman

Leaving 9:09 AM

Samuel Dwight Black died Sept 4, 1916 in hospital at Wheeling, WVA & is buried at Beech Springs along side of his wife & near grave of his father, Stewart Black.

Ira H. Black died Aug 3, 1916 Alice Taggart Black (Roy's mother) died Dec 2, 1907

Left 9:11 AM

At residence of Mrs James Allen Smith, Virginia Ave, Aug 12, 1925 3:55 PM

This is his 2d wife. She says he died six months after they were married. In the

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History of Carroll & Harrison Cos Ohio which I have printed in 1921 Vol 2 page 697 it says James Allen Smith was born May 7, 1859 in Smithfield Tp, Jeff Co, O son of John V. Smith & his wife Ann Thompson whose children were:

1. James Allen Smith, oldest

2. Melvin Thompson Smith, born June 1862 & sd he married Rozella Moore of Bloomingdale, O. She died last winter & he married 2d time. He had a daughter who married.

3. Laura Esther Smith married George Elliott. Both live now at Smithfield, O. No issue.

4. Hugh Oren Smith lives near Smithfield, O. He is 11 yrs younger than James Allen, born Say 1870, married Kate Kithcart. Have 3 children. She is dead. He is a farmer.

James A. on Dec 21, 1882 married Violet Jane Eagleson, daughter of Andrew Eagleson & wife Sarah Maria Simpson (an Aunt of J. Will A. Simpson ) who was born Oct 1, 1856 & died Apr 6, 1919 & is buried at Smithfield, O. They had two children, the oldest born in Jeff Co, O near Parlett, O. the other near Beech Springs C, Green Tp, Har Co, O viz:

1. Everett Eagleson born Aug 24, 1886

2. John Wilmer Eagleson born Sept 26, 1889.

Both married viz:

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1. Everett married Elsie Black & have 1 child viz:

I. Chester Allen born on John V. Smith farm in Smithfield Tp Jeff Co, O. Lives in Cadiz.

2. John Wilmer married twice & lives in Cadiz, O. No issue.

James Allen Smith, married 2d on Apr 14, 1923 near Cadiz Junction at Means, O by Rev Thos W. Pearson, Pres to Anna Eliza Mastin, my informant, dau of Robert Mastin & wife Emily Ralston. She said she was born in German Tp, Har Co, O on Mch 18, 1868. No issue.

Left 4:25 PM

We went across the street then to Mrs Dickerson's opposite & she gave me her record entered on page 509 which see. Rev Ezekiel H. Thompson was with me & we walked back to Fannie's I left with her the Scott book which Mrs Simpson had loaned me & we walked over back way to the Hill Top Inn where I packed up my satchel & prepared to leave on the 6:05 bus for Cadiz, O.

Mentioning Markle, Rev E.H. sd a Harry Markle aged abt 50 & his wife from 7 miles had joined his church about a year ago

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& who had a son Harold aged 16 & a 2 yr old son "Eddie Bill". He said he would write me about their record. He lives at Trenton, Butler Co, O. He stayed with me at the Hotel & talked until the bus came at 6:15.

I recall that Rev Wm R. spoke of 3 or 4 patriotic flag & red cross service songs he has written with music by E.H. which Mrs Simpson showed me last night.

It is now 2:30 Am 13th & I am written up to date & will go upstairs to bed.

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At residence of Everett Eagleson Smith no 316 E. Warren St, Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 10:26 Am

David K. Allen drove me here & Mrs Smith says her husband is out at the coal works. He is the oldest son of James Allen Smith & was born in Jeff Co, O Aug 26, 1886 & was married Nov 10, 1909 at Hopedale, O by Rev O.S. Fowler Pres to Elsie Laura Black born in Harrison Co, O. Apr 3, 1880, daughter of Samuel Dwight Black & his wife Alice Taggart & have one child born in Jeff Co near Smithfield, O viz:

Chester Allen Smith born Mch 13, 1911

Mr Smith is supt of Loma Coal Co just outside of town.

Leaving 10:35 Am

At office of Cadiz Mills, E. Warren St, Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 10:44 AM

John Wilmer Smith son of James Allen Smith was born in Green Tp Har Co, O Sept 24, 1889 & was married 1st Nov 28, 1912 at Unionvale, O by Rev O.S. Fowler, Pres to Mary Myrtle Parrish born in Unionvale, O. Dec 26, 1890 (near Xmas) & died Sept 11, 1915 at Hopedale, O dau of Eugene C. Parrish & his wife Elizabeth

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Adams. No issue.

Mar 2d Feby 8, 1922 at Wellsburg, WVA by Rev Burt, Pres, to Mina Mae Robb born in Greene Tp, Har. Co, O Dec 12, 1893 dau of David Moore Robb & his wife Mattie Elizabeth Caldwell & both living at 338 Grant St here. Mr Smith is one of three equal partners, owners of the mill. No issue.

John Lloyd Black, one of the three owners of this mill, says he was born in Green Tp, Har Co, O Feby 27, 1881 & was married Apr 1909 near Smithfield, O by Rev Cunningham, Baptist to Georgia E. Kithcart born in Jeff Co, O Aug 14, 1882 dau of James Kithcart & wife Mary A. Cole. Both living on S. Buffalo St, City. Have no issue but are caring for Emeline Shields Black born say 1916, daughter of Mr Black's bro, Lester who is now in Colorado.

Leaving 11:08 AM

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General Custer Hotel, Cadiz, O Room 203 Aug 13, 1925 11:44 AM

Rev David K. Allen has just called in & left two old Allen family record papers that they unearthed over home from the chest in the attic, both yellow with age. The one note letter head size with twelve births on front & two deaths on back all in ink & the other note size slip with 6 deaths on front & five on back all written with a pencil. I am copying them:

1. John Allen born Nov 8, 1742

2. Agnes Allen was born Mch 7, 1744

3. Jane Allen was born Dec 22, 1746

4. Margret [sic] Allen was born Apr 8, 1749

5. James Allen was born Jany 12, 1751

6. Susanna Allen was born Aug 1, 1752

7. David Allen was born May 22, 1754

8. Anne Allen was born Aug 26, 1756

9. James Allen was born Aug 22, 1758

10. Josiah Allen was born Jany 17, 1761

11. George Allen was born Mch 10, 1762

12. Susyanne [sic] Allen was born June 30, 1764

James Allen died Feby 16, 1840

John W. Allen died Mch 13, 1844

Mother died Sept 3, 1853 aged 32 yrs 11 mos 23 days

James D. died Mch 21, 1854 aged 7 yrs 4 mos 21 days

William S. died Aug 1, 1857 aged 4 yrs 2 mos 22 days

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Rebecca A. died Apr 20, 1866 aged 9 [best guess] yrs 8 mos & 1 day

Sarah L. died Mch 1, 1860 aged 35 yrs

Rev James Guthrie died Aug 24, 1850 in his 74 yr

Grandmother died Aug 18, 1868 aged 74

Nancy Smith born Feby 9, 1791 died Oct 29, 1874

Uncle Will born Oct 25, 1819 died Jany 6, 1875

Uncle Hunter died Sept 7, 1857 aged 34 yrs 11 mos 7 days

John W. died May 13, 1844 aged 22 yrs 10 mos

Have just finished copying above at 12:17 PM & Rev David K. has left with them.

At residence of Mrs Sarah Oglevee Thompson, corner Grant & Muskingum Sts Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 1:27 PM

Mrs T. is widow of Llewellyn Jay Thompson, son of Rev Jas Lorimer Thompson who was born in Washington, Iowa, Oct 10, 1883 & who died in Cadiz, O June 18, 1915 & is buried in the cem here. He mar Mch 10, 1909 in this house by Rev Dr J.S. Plumer, Pres, to Sarah Oglevee Lantz, born in Belmont Co, O daughter of Dewey S. Lantz & wife Elizabeth Oglevee, dau of Wm Oglevee of Fayette Co, Pa. They had but two children born in this house:

1. Mabel Virginia at home today

2. Dorothy Evelyn at home today

She refuses to give her own & their ages.

Leaving 1:40 PM

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At residence of John Welch Osburn No 429 Park Ave, Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 1:50 PM

Will H. Thompson came over here with me & Miss Osburn admitted us & introduced me to her father who is in his chair afflicted with paralysis of the legs. Her mother was Lyra Belle Thompson, sister of Holmes M. Thompson, the oldest of the family born on the farm in Green Tp, Har Co, O Aug 29, 1852 & died Aug 12, 1923 in this house & is buried in Cadiz Cem. She married Sept 6, 1871 in Green Tp, By Rev Wm M. Grimes D.D., Pres to John Welch Osburn, who was born Oct 3, 1840 in Archer Tp, Har Co, O, son of Samuel Osburn & his wife Elizabeth Welch. They had but two children, the oldest born in Archer Tp & the younger in Cadiz Tp viz:

1. Lizzie Gertrude born Aug 12, 1872

2. Sarah Alice born Nov 15, 1877

1. L. Gertrude is at home unmarried

2. Sarah Alice was married Oct 6, 1912 in Cadiz Tp, by Rev R.P. Lippincott, Pres to Oliver Hamlin Dickerson born in Athens Tp, Har Co, O on Nov 19, 1873? son of Samuel M. Dickerson & his wife Ella Holmes. They are both living in Duluth, Minn where he is a civil engineer & have 3 boys all

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born in Duluth, Minn viz:

1. John Osburn Dickerson born Nov 15, 1914

2. Joseph Holmes Dickerson born Oct 14, 1916

3. Samuel McCleary Dickerson Jr born Sept 1, 1920

Mr John W. Osburn has been a farmer all his life. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church since Mch 1863, joining when he was home on a furlough from the Civil War in which he volunteered Aug 9, 1862 in Co F 98th O.V.I. & served until Apr 4, 1863 & was discharged by reason of disability & re-enlisted on May 2, 1864 & served 4 mos & was discharged Sept 10, 1864 on expiration of his term.

Mr Osburn does not know who got the Saml Thomson Senr Bible after Ellen Moorehead's death.

Leaving 2:22 PM

Miss Osburn says she wants to get a book

Mr Osborn [sic] asked about Frank Thompson, whose father William Thompson was a first cousin of his wife's father & who sold his farm located near Irwin, Pa which had coal under it. This Wm was son of John of Wm of 34 wagon trains of Dr Saml. Frank did live in Chicago, Ills.

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At residence of Edward Clifford No 321 E. Market St, Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 3:10 PM

Mrs Clifford was Mary Alice Thompson, daughter of Samuel Thompson, was born in Green Tp, Har Co, O May 6, 1861 & was married on Oct 1, 1885 in Green Tp by Rev Dr Wm P. Shrum Pres to Edward Clifford born Dec 15, 1856 in Green Tp, son of John Clifford & his wife Mary Ann Jamison. Have had three children all born in Green Tp as follows:

1. Mary Helen Clifford born Aug 27, 1887

2. Unnamed daughter born July 10, 1892

3. Ethel Isabelle Clifford born July 24, 1893

The girls are both at home, single.

Mrs Clifford does not know anything about the old Saml Thompson Sen bible that Ellen Moorhead had when I was here in 1911.

Leaving 3:20 PM

Mrs Clifford spoke of having gone 40 yrs ago to visit Mrs Baldridge at Milesburg, or Miles City, Center Co, Pa. Mrs B. is of the same family as Frank Thompson, see preceding page.

Sept 14/25. Mrs Clifford wrote Aug 14/25 correcting the above dates as changed [entered as corrected CW] JVT

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At rooms of Wendell Orrin Black No 440 1/2 Lincoln Ave, Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 4:18 PM

Mr Black is son of Samuel Dwight Black & was born in Greene Tp, Har Co, O July 5, 1896 & was married Dec 9, 1916 at Cleveland, O by Rev B.J. Black, Methodist to Gladys Pauline Sherman, born at Marion, O May 15, 1895 dau of Clyde S. Sherman & his wife Rose. Have had three children all born near Warren, O. Mr Black is a steam shovel craneman & works at nights. His children are:

1. Vincent Lester Black born Mch 9, 1918

2. Eugene Wendell Black born Feby 8, 1920

3. Maxwell Sherman Black born Dec 1, 1922

Leaving 4:30 PM

Wendel O. Black works at nights rooming now in the Baker house below RR tracks beyond the depot. W.O. would like to get a book.

Went across & called on Mrs Morrison Moorhead who is a sister of Jno W. Osborn, but she knew nothing about the Saml Thompson bible. Says her son burned many things, but would not burn the bible.

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Conference on street with James Wylie Rankin Smith at Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 9:45 AM

Mr Smith says that his father, Wm K. Smith, was a first cousin of James Allen 1818-1905 on the Smith side not the Allen. Wm K's father was James Smith & Rebecca Smith who married David Allen was a sister of James & a daughter of William Smith, who came from Edinburgh, Scotland by his first wife. Of Rebecca Allen's children, he mentions:

James 1818-1905

William, who died a bachelor

John who died when a young man

Hunter who kept store in Uniontown, Pa & never married

Susan who married Robt Hogsett

J.W.R. Smith thinks Esther Elliott, wife of George, P.O. address Dillonvale, O wd have bible records of her father, John V. Smith. V is only a letter. He said that James Allen was the only one of his father's family to leave descendants. William Smith, the original from Edinburg married first Jane Cole & his second wife was a Dickey.

Rebecca Smith who married

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David Allen was daughter of William Smith by his first wife.

I met D. Dean this morning & also Revs Wm R. & E.H. Thompson who he was driving to Adena, O to see his grandmother, Elizabeth T. McLaughlin, see page 392 & 393. Rev Wm R. had told me in Hopedale that Prof Russell Graham of Monmouth, Ills who I say there Oct 17, 1922 had died during the past year. J.W.R. Smith did not know whether Elisha Allen, son of James Allen & Mary Peairs had left any descendants or not.

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At residence of Miss Flora Henry, 151 Muskingum St, Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 3:40 PM

Miss Hattie Virginia Henry, sister of Flora recd Will H. Thompson & me. They are both natural daughters of a sister of Thompson Henry who died Aug 3, 1925 & who was 77 on Dec 22, last born then Dec 22, 1847. She said too that Mrs Burney had died last spring. She said that Elijah W. Thompson born Dec 4, 1821 left 4 sons, Joe, Ben & Porter living now in Tyrone, Pa & the other son Thomas lived in Phila where he was engaged with the Lehigh Cola Co. Thompson Henry above was son of Mary Thompson who was born Feby 9, 1807 dau of Thomas 1779-son of Thos 1744.

Eleanor Drum, sister of Emmett Thompson & daughter of Joseph L. Thompson born Feby 16, 1826 thinks they wd know most. Says are some of the relatives in Huntingdon Co, Pa

Says John Baker Thompson died 2 or 3 yrs ago & was son of John born Aug 13, 1808, son of Thomas 1779- of Thos 1744 -

Leaving 4 PM

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At residence of Mr & Mrs Oliver Franklin Drum, Cadiz Tp (P.O. Cadiz, O RR 5) Aug 13, 1925 4:50 PM

Mrs Drum was Frances Eleanor Thompson, dau of Joseph L. of Thos of Thos & her sisters Mrs Dunlap & Mrs Sparrow were there all three just coming in from picking elderberries.

Mrs Dunlap says her great grandfather, Thomas Thompson is buried in the Quaker g.y., new Lisbon, O but following Quaker practices wd not have any marker, but Mrs Drum thinks the Quaker records might give data. Their grandfather, Thos Thompson was born at Warriors Mark, Huntingdon Co, Pa. They say to see Joe Thompson in Tyrone, Pa & he can give address of his brother Thos who they think is with the Lehigh Coal Co, Phila & Mrs Sparrow thinks he lives at Casenovia, Va where he has wife & children. They think their brother Emmett wd not know any more than they do. At any rate, he is away today, having gone to Uhrichsville, O to see his son.

Leaving 5:05 PM

I told Mrs Dunlap I still had her papers.

Will H. T. said Elizabeth Sharp died last year.

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Cadiz, O Aug 13, 1925 5:55 PM

Have just said goodbye to Prof Oliver Cope whom I have been talking to for 20 minutes, who says he was born 6 miles from here on Aug 11, 1830 son of Joseph Cope, whose father John Cope came over from Va running away from slavery. His mother, Ruth Cope was Ruth Griffith, dau of Wm Griffith & younger sister of Saml C. Griffith, the old surveyor. She was born on the old Griffith farm & was in her 98th yr when she died. He said Elma Binns was abt 3d cousin.

While talking in front of the this [sic] hotel, Will H. Thompson called Emerson Long, son of E.M. Long who married Mrs Burney's daughter, who wished me to meet her.

I then got my supper & at 7 o'c started to walk over to see Mrs C.D. Hogg & Alberta, when Alberta saw me passing & called me & took me over to their home in their auto. She said a Bard History giving my Thompson line but naming my father as Joseph instead of Jasper had been

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issued two yrs ago published from Geo O. Seilhamer's notes which are carefully guarded in the library at Harrisburg, Pa.

She said she would send me the book as a gift. Both she & her mother said I was not to return any books they had given me as they were presented to me among them the Finley books. Mrs Hogg said Daniel Kilgore who married Mary, the oldest of the twelve Pritchard children was a brother of Wm Kilgore of Steubenville, O. They served honey dew melon ice cream & a drink. Had a terrific rain storm when there. Alberta said she wd drive me anywhere about the county I wanted to go & sd the one hundred thousand I got her from Jake had increased sixteen thousand dollars. Mrs Hogg looks remarkably young & well. At 11 PM, David Drury Thompson of Columbus, O & a Mr Rich called in my room & talked until twelve. D.D.T's young 25 yr old brother at Duluth had delved through the Creran Libaray in Chicago & had run his own line down which he wd have him send me. It has just struck 3 o'clock AM (4th) JVT

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At residence of Sarah Belle Young, London Tp, Carroll Co, O (P.O. Jewett RD 2) Aug 14, 1925 10:40 AM

I find Miss Sarah Mary Thompson whose home is on High St, Jewett, O. She is daughter of George Thompson who was a son of Andrew Thompson & Andrew brother Samuel was the father of Martha Jane Thompson who married John Waggoner who served in the Civil War. They were sons of George Thompson who went from Scotland to Ireland where he died in Co Armagh, Ireland in middle life. He married Sarah Wilson & she had a sister who married John? Carr & their granddaughter, Matilda Carr, daughter of John Carr, the last survivor of 8 or 9 children, lives now with her nephew, John Gotschall in Rumley Tp, Har Co. She is 82 yrs old. Another Mollie Wilson married a Crozier & had issue, but there are no descendants surviving. Sarah Wilson Thompson came fr Ireland to Canada, Quebec 1829 & in 1830 came to Harrison Co, O with her 7 children viz:

Andrew, born 1799 ob 1883 in Carroll Co near Rumley

Hance [sic] died in Scio, O & his son William on the edge of town 3d or 4th house from the last as you [go] out on the road to Conotton. He is near

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75 yrs old

William. He died in Pgh, grandfather of D.C. Wills

Samuel. He died in this Co & Tp at the house below here. See Hist of Carroll & har Co.

Thomas. He died a mile further up the creek in same Tp & Co aged say 75. He was father of Elmer

Mary, mar McGonigal & lived near Cadiz, O.

Arlie, a dau mar a Frazier & lived in Pa near Pgh.

One daughter married a McCarrell & never came to this country, but her children did.

George, who died in Ireland had a brother Samuel who never left Scotland, but Miss T. knows nothing more about his as to whether he was married or had a family or in what part of Scotland he lived. The information that George had this brother Samuel was recd by Miss T. from her father, George, who was born in 1833, she thinks in Har Co & died on the creek below here in this Tp & Co in 1923 aged 90 yrs & 4 mos. Miss T., my informant was born in Rumley Tp, Har Co, O Apr 25, 1868

Leaving 11:20 AM

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At residence of John Kinsey Waggoner, London Tp, Carroll Co, Ohio (P.O. Jewett, O RR 1) Aug 14, 1925 9:17 AM

I arrived here by auto hired at Jewett, O from Baird Frank Thompson & was admitted by Mrs John K. Waggoner who says her mother-in-law, Mrs Martha J. Waggoner is at Mechanicstown, O this county visiting the daughter of my informant, Mrs Frach [sic] George who lives on a farm 1 mile east of the RR station. She may be there for a month or two. Says Mrs W. is 82 yrs old.

Leaving 9:25 AM

Mrs W. said they had three daughters, two married & one at home, single.

Baird Frank Thompson, postmaster & storekeeper at Jewett, O drove me to the country. He is a son of Harvey Lawton Thompson who was son of Gabriel Thompson of Md who had a brother Basel.

Refer to page 534. Miss Sarah Mary Thompson said a sister of her father Mrs Elizabeth Barr aged 85 yrs only one of her family living lives now in Canton, O on N. Market St 2 1/12 m from the

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public square in the country where he is a dairy farmer. The town is built out to his place. She lives with her son Wm B. Barr. His house is a little off the road to the right, but can see his sign.

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At residence of Wm Patterson Thompson, Upper End of W. Main St, Scio, Ohio Aug 14, 1925 4:17 PM

I arrived here about 3:50 PM, having walked up from the Penna RR Co depot where I put my satchel in a locker. I found Mrs Thompson & daughter Bessie sitting on the porch & they said Mr T. had gone down town just a short time ago. Miss Bessie had recd a letter from Mr D.C. Wills about me & kindly asked that I would stay all night & her brother, would drive her father & me over to Mechanicstown, O to see Mrs Waggoner who is there on a visit, causing me to miss seeing her today when out from Jewett to her sons, so I have concluded to do this. Bessie went upstairs & brought down the old bible of her grandfather, well preserved & printed at Phila by Kimber & Sharpless, but without date. Mrs Thompson says that Hance Thompson was married before he left Ireland, saying that if they didn't give consent for them to marry, they were going to elope, so they let them marry. I find the following cft in the bible yellow with age:

"This is to certify that the bearer

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Hans Thompson and his wife Eliza hase [sic] been regular worshippers in the Seceding Congn of Redrock near Armagh, Ireland, have always behaved themselves in a sober Christian manner, and sober, honest and industrious; and are now about to set sail for America with an unblemished character.

Redrock 6th April, 1830

Jas Hervey, minister"

I am turning to page 542 & am making the data given in the bible into a genealogical table & adding the name of Samuel in Scotland.

Mr Wm P. Thompson came in about the time I finished copying the record from his father's bible & both he & I conclude that the record of his father's birth written by himself as his bible record was, is correct, so I am changing it from 1805 to 1804. We then had supper with the family & the young folks left for a drive & Mr T. got his own bible & read to me the record of his own family giving record of his marriage & the names of his children, dates of their birth, death of one & marriage of three as recorded on page 543 & I went to sleep so often when taking it, that I went upstairs at 8 o'c & went to bed & slept until 6 AM this morning 15th

Talking to him at 6:50 AM this morning,

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upon my mentioning to him about my slips stating that Joseph Patton who married Ann Galloway came to Carroll Co, O & had bought his farm (as I figure fr later statements) about 1883, Joseph Patton had lived on this farm 42 years & Mr T. said today that all of his children were born on it except his oldest son. It is located in Rumley Tp, Harrison Co, O N.E. of the village of Rumley, O where in one of the frame houses, they pointed out to me, Genl Custer (Geo G., I believe) was born. The farm contained 162 A & the boundary line on one side was & is the dividing line between Harrison Co & Carroll Co. He came to this farm say about 1840 from the vicinity of East Springfield, Jeff Co, O & when he sold in say 1882, he moved to New Jefferson, Har Co, O when he sold the farm his wife was still living & his children were:

John Woodrow, Robert John, Samuel Ross, Nancy & Mary.

All the sons are dead. There is a son of Robt J. named Joseph Ross Patton living 2 1/2 miles N.E. of Rumley who has been bedfast for over 2 yrs since June 1923, he said today from rheumatism & a broken back. Mt T. lived on this farm abt 20 yrs & sold it about 20 yrs ago & moved into Scio, O where

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he now lives. He said his brother, George W. Thompson was 6 ft 1 in tall, quick growth & his father said he was not of sufficient strength by reason thereof to go to the Civil War & following that judgment, he died in camp of cerebro spinal meningitis, three weeks after he left home. Says too that John Alexander Thompson, son of his Uncle Thomas Thompson aged also abt 18 yrs was back in two weeks in his coffin, dying he thinks from a nervous collapse. His mother was a McCall.

He didn't know whether Jno W. Patton had any children. Samuel had one daughter & only child, who mar Will Arlaugh & both are living in Salem, O where he is in the undertaking & furniture business. Don't know whether Ross had any children. Robert had a son John living he thinks on Yellow Creek, Jeff Co, O & the other, Joseph Ross Patton lives as above. He had no daughters. The two girls, Nancy & Mary, daus of Joseph, moved to Centre Unity a Pres Church in Harrison Co, O & don't know whether they are still living or not. They wd probably have their father's bible if living but if living, Joseph Ross wd have it. The Joe Patton farm was near where Jno Ross Patton now lives. Says when the Thompsons came, the bible was their text book & the 23d Psalm was their stock in trade. He said his father said he wd to page 544

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[descendant chart]



George Thompson. He died in middle life in say 1820 near Armagh, Co Armagh, Ireland. He married Sarah Wilson who died May 9, 1866 aged 90 years.

Andrew Thompson

Hans Thompson, Born May 6, 1804 & died Feby 9, 1892 aged 86 yrs 9 mos & 3 days. He was left fatherless at the age of sixteen yrs. M. Oct 19, 1829 to Eliza Henderson who was born Jany 1805 & died Oct 25, 1865 aged 58 yrs & 6 mos.

Sarah Thompson, B June 10, 1831 ob Dec 24, 1841

Isabella Thompson, B Feby 8, 1833 ob Mch 5, 1835 aged 2 yrs 1 mo

Margaret Thompson, B Dec 17, 1834, ob Aug 15, 1835

Jane Thompson, B Feby 14, 1837

Eliza Thompson, B Feby 12, 1839

George Thompson, B Dec 12, 1840 ob Mch 19, 1842

Sarah Thompson, B Feby 19, 1844

George W. Thompson, B Feby 4, 1846 ob May 28, 1864 aged 18 yrs 3 mos 2 days

William Patterson Thompson, B Nov 19, 1849 m. Jany 23, 1879 by Rev J.A. Morrow U.P. in Perry Tp, Carroll Co, O to Julia V. Palmer born Mch 10, 1852 in Perry Tp, Carroll Co, O dau of James Palmer & wife Mary Jane Lindsey. Have had seven children six children living. My informant.

Walter Henderson, B Dec 25, 1880 m. Oct 1903 to Carrie U. Moore

James Arthur, B Feby 6, 1883 ob June 18, 1884

Allen Howard, B Aug 23, 1885 m. Miss Bessie Eaton

Paul Emmett, B June 21, 1887

Eliza Lindsey, B Sept 20, 1889

Anna Lois, B Mch 16, 1892

Donald Gray, B Nov 5, 1894 m. June 1, 1920 to Miss Martha Watson.

Samuel Thompson [brother of George]. Never left Scotland.

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From page 541

hang by the neck before he wd obey the fugitive slave law. His father was an underground railway Agt, but there were too many children around for his home to be a station for them to stop at. When Mr T. married he rented the Carr farm for 2 yrs & bought a farm in this, Har Co in North Tp, one line of which was also a dividing line between Harrison & Carroll Cos & after living on it 2 yrs, he sold it at a profit & bought the Patton farm.

Paul Emmett, his son was in the No 308 Motor Supply Co & was overseas 13 months. He says his wife says that one of the Patton girls died & the other one moved back to the small town of Salem near East Springfield, O where their father, Joseph Patton had a farm before he bought the one he lived on for 42 yrs. He says that when his grandmother sailed from Ireland with her children, the destination was America, but they were 14 weeks on shipboard & were landed in upper Canada. His father sold his farm & bought here where they now live 20 yrs ago where he died. They have built the lower part as an addition to the house that was then on the lot.

Mr T. is tall & slender, calm, reserved,

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& calculating with good intellect & a good Christian. He has been on the road selling goods & has often sold too from house to house & in the market stalls & streets of Youngstown, O where he was eminently successful in selling garden truck, apples etc. Mrs T. is a very lovable sweet woman is slightly lame. Bessie is of medium build, fine countenance & an excellent girl as is Anna who is not quite as tall & more heavy set. The wife of their Cousin Chas H. Thompson, who was there from Cleveland, O with her young son Norman is Sandy complected. Paul E. is a fine specimen of strong manhood.

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At residence of Geo O. Canaga, West Main St Scio, O Aug 15, 1925 8:54 AM

Mrs Canaga's young fat son of about twelve admitted me & called his mother who was out back. She said the mother of her father, Rev Robt Thompson Price, who died in Apr last aged 90 yrs was a Douglass & she thinks he was named for some friend & is not related to the Thompsons. She said she was born in Pa. Says her sister Mary who is older than her is coming to visit her this afternoon & she will ask her. Her address is: Miss Mary Price 514 Spink St, Wooster, O.

Left 9 AM

At residence of Joseph Ross Patton, Rumley Tp, Harrison Co, O (P.O. Jewett, O RD 2) Aug 15, 1925 9:22 AM

Mrs Patton admitted us & took us in his room on first floor where he was lying in bed. He says his grandfather, Joseph Patton married Ann Galloway who was daughter of Robt Galloway & his wife who was a daughter of Ann Thompson Moss. See Book 10

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page 6 & book 13 p 3

In Lewis Pub Co "History of Carroll & Harrison Co, O 1921" in vol 2 p 7212 (index in vol 1) an article on Joseph Ross Patton, my informant prepared by himself, says he was born in this Tp, Nov 23, 1860, the place of his nativity being on the farm now owned by Samson Shearer. He is a son of Robert Thompson Patton & wife Elizabeth Markley, the former born in Fayette Co, Pa & the latter in this Tp, daughter of Daniel Markley & his wife Katharine Eberhart. Mrs Katherine Markley was a daughter of John Eberhart & the family name of her mother was Miller.

Daniel Markley was a son of Mathias & Catharine (Arnold) Markley who was born in Glade, Somerset Co, Pa. Joseph & Anna Galloway Patton were born & reared in Penna where they were married & about 1830 (the book is wrong, the came abt 1837) they came by wagon with 5 children to Harrison Co, O. Had six children:

1. John Woodrow Patton

2. Robert Thompson Patton

3. Mary Patton, never married

4. Samuel Galloway Patton

5. Nancy Patton, never married

6. Ross Patton

Joseph was son of John & Patsie (Woodrow) Patton who were born in Ireland & became pioneer settlers of Fay Co, Pa

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Says his grandfather told him he was to get the old bible because he was named for him but he didn't get it & says his Aunt Mary Patton died at her brother Sam G. Patton's in Salem, O & thinks the old bible wd be with his daughter & her husband, Will Arbaugh, undertaker at Salem O or with a son of, or some of the children of his Uncle Ross Patton. Mrs Clara Liggett, wife of J.P. Liggett of Hopedale, O (a daughter of Ross) might have it, or wd know who had. Ross's other daughter, Mrs Benedict, a widow lives in Akron, O & the son of Ross, viz Ed "is a fly around" & is in the certified milk business. The book says Daniel Markley was born at Glade, Somerset Co, Pa in 1796 & when 10, the family moved to Harrison Co, O.

2. Robert T. Patton was ten when they came to Har Co, Ohio. He farmed until 1892 & moved to Jefferson Co & operated a sawmill until he died in 1908 (it was 1906) & his widow died Dec 26, 1920. He says his father Robert T. Patton was born in Fayette Co, Pa on Dec 23, 1830 & died in July? in 1908 (John says 1906) age abt 78. His wife was coming 84 when she died being born July 7, 1837, born in Rumley, O. They had but two children:

1. Joseph Ross Patton, my present informant

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2. Robert John Patton born Apr 23, 1866 & living now in Springfield Tp, Jeff Co, O near Bergholz, P.O. (1 3/4 miles off). He married Lillie Wood & have 3 children: Clarence S., Jesse Earl & Harry, now decd P.O. Bergholz.

Joseph Ross mar Dec 28, 1886 to Miss Ellen N. Sawvel dau of Michael Sawvel & wife Elizabeth Ann States, who was born in this Tp Apr 7, 1861 & have had five children, the four eldest born in this Tp & the 5th in Springfield Tp, Jeff Co, O.

1. Carl Emmett Sawvel born Nov 2, 1887

2. John Leonard, twin brother born Oct 8, 1888 & mar Feby 20, 1918 to Mrs Ethel Turner born Aug 29, 1895 daughter of Samson Shearer & his wife Orpha Mull. Ethel had been mar to a Mr Turner who she told to go & they were evidently divorced. Had 3 children born in this Tp.

A. Irene Marie born July 25, 1919

B. John Wayne born Mch 18, 1921

C. Harry Ward born Jany 14, 1923

3. Frederick, twin born Oct 8, 1888. He died Jany 27, 1889

4. Vera Belle, Born May 1, 1891 died May 20, 1907 unm.

5. Nina Margaret born Nov 17, 1894, died Feby 21, 1895

1. Carl E.S. married Margaret Spence who was born Aug 28, 1895 & have:

A. Walter born Oct 30, 1917

John Leonard lives on the farm, was there & gave his record.

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Joseph R. says his brother, R. John at Bergholz has his father's bible.

1. John Woodrow Patton, Uncle of my informant mar a Shoemaker & he died in Salem Tp, Jeff Co, O & had 7 children:

1. Joseph Freeland Patton

2. Jacob Patton died aged 4 or 5 before my informant was born

3. Annie Patton mar a Levingood

4. Sadie Patton mar Thos Miser of Salem Tp

5. Almie Patton, an old maid aged 62 lives at Annapolis, O in Salem Tp, Jeff Co, O. Thinks would have her father's bible.

6. Ross living anywhere, had fits, probably with Almie

7. Robert Moss, youngest, dead. He married a Reed & had a son Paul who died a yr ago.

4. Samuel Galloway Patton married Mary Smith daughter of Jacob Smith & had one child:

1. Eva May Patton who is now the wife of Will Arbaugh & they live at Salem, O.

Carle E.S. Patton, son of Joseph Ross Patton see page 549 line 14 lives at 2909 7th St, S.W. Canton, O.

6. Ross "Uncle Ross" married Elizabeth Goodlin who died in Ravenna, O & is buried there & have

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2 children living, but not at Ravenna, O.

1. Clara Belle lives in Hopedale, O wife of J.P. Liggett. Phone her

2. Edward, is a rover

3. Ina Mar DeLoss Benedict, now dead who was a carpenter & she lives in Akron, O & has 3 or 4 children living & one dead.

Leaving 10:33 AM

Sampson [sic] Shearer, father of John Leonard Patton's wife is son of Henry Shearer & his brothers Solomon & Jacob both served in Civil War. Daughter Sarah, Samantha & Mary are all living together in Rumley, O. Henry had a half brother Joseph Shearer. Thinks Henry died over by Kilgore, O. Thinks Joseph went to State of Indiana but don't know town or Co. Rumley, O is a post office.

At residence of Robt John Patton Springfield Tp, Jeff Co, O (P.O. Bergholz, O) Aug 15, 1925 11:33 AM

Mr Patton who we met in the road in front of his home on his wagon, says he was born in Rumley Tp, Har Co, O Apr 20, 1866 & says his father, Robert Thompson Patton died July 16, 1906,

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having been born Dec 3, 1830 & was 7 yrs old when he came to Ohio & his brother John who was 9 yrs & the two boys drove the family cows, two of them from Penna to Ohio. This would fix the date of their coming to Ohio in 1837. He was married Nov 17, 1892 in Perry Tp, Carroll Co, O by Rev John Shunk, Lutheran, to Lillie Annis Wood born Jany 16, 1866 in Perry Tp, Carroll Co, O dau of John Wood & his wife Elizabeth Gotchall & have had 3 children:

1. Clarence Scranton Patton born Sept 29, 1893

2. Jesse Earl Patton born July 8, 1895

3. Harry Donald Patton born Nov 3, 1905 & who died Aug 31, 1922 unmarried at Alliance City Hospital in an uncalled for operation for rupture.

The boys are both single. He jokingly says he has advertised for daughters-in-law, but no one will have them. Jesse Earl is at Vero, Florida. Mr P. was in lumber business 6 or 7 yrs & bought this farm in Oct 1892 & the dull times succeeding Cleveland's second election made paying for it very hard, but he managed to pull through & has 200 A now. Says he don't know who got Joseph Patton's bible. Says to ask Mrs Arbaugh who will know who got it, or whether it went to Ross Patton's in Ravenna, O where Nancy died.

Leaving 11:50 AM

His father died here & his own wife is living. He asked us to stay for dinner.

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At store of J.H. Hardgrove's Store & P.O. Mechanicstown, Carroll Co, Ohio Aug 15, 1925 1:20 PM

We found the house of French George below here to which we had come to see her grandmother Martha Jane Waggoner locked up & coming up here, Mrs Hardgroves told us they had all gone to Harlem Springs to the Scott reunion & had left about 10:30 AM & she had sold them buns. We went in & had buns, sardines, cheese, dried beef, coffee for the others, ice cream &C & the buns or rolls were wonderfully light & good reminding me of those Mary made 40 yrs ago. Paul E. asked about "Jack" Markle & in talking to Mr Hardgroves, I learned there was a John Markle aged over 60 who lives on a farm west of here toward Carrollton, O (to the right) in the S.W. corner of Augusta Tp, Carroll Co, O P.O. Minerva, O who was raised about Minerva, O don't know name of his father nor of any brothers. He is married & has children: 1. Frank, 2. Phil, 3. Howard, 4. Leonard & a daughter called "Dot". She is married.

Leaving 1:25 PM

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At Harlem Springs Picnic Grounds, Carroll Co, O Aug 15, 1925 2:22 PM

Mr Wm P. Thompson says that the record in his father's old bible was written by his father & as he had entered date of his own birth as 1804, he & I feel sure that is the proper date.

Mrs Martha Jane Waggoner who we finally caught up to here, says her & Wm P.T's Aunt "Arlie" (Alice) was the older of the two girls & came next after Hance & was married to Thos Frazier before coming over to America. They mention order of ages as: Andrew, Hance, Arlie, Samuel, William & Thomas, but don't place Mary. Mrs Waggoner is daughter of Samuel Thompson & was born in London Tp, Carroll Co, O Apr 16, 1842 & is remarkably agile & active for 84. She does not know name of the father of her grandfather, George Thompson nor where he lived in Scotland. Wm P. says he has often heard the earlier generation speak of Glasgow, indicating their location in Scotland & says George's father did not move to Ireland. Mrs Waggoner says her brother, John Andrew Thompson aged abt 64 living in Columbus, O thinks 403 _______ & works in Y.M.C.A. & whose

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wife was Margaret McNary has 3 daughters, the youngest being at home & she thinks he could tell more about the earlier history as he was at home with their father until he died & she got married & left the parental roof. She says her father, Samuel was 16 yrs old, Thomas was 12 when they came across & says her grandmother was in her 90th year when she died & had been an invalid in bed for several yrs before her death & she was well versed in the scriptures. Don't know the names of Sarah Wilson's parents, nor of Geo Thompson, her husband. Thinks her brother John can tell more, as he was at home, along with her oldest sister, Mary (oldest of the family) were with their father until he died in Aug or Sept 1885 in London Tp, Carroll Co, O. Had ten children. She don't know who got the bible. His 2d wife died in the spring after he died. The bible was old & dilapidated from daily use by her father at worship, as she noticed at the time she was married.

I subscribed for a Scott Hist descendants of Hugh Scott with J. Wallace Scott 1214 Grove Ave, Steubenville, O.

If I get one, notify him & cancel. It was published in 1895 at Nevada, Iowa.

Leaving 3 PM

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At residence of Miss Sarah Ann Shearer & sisters Rumley, Harrison Co, O Aug 15, 1925

Miss Mary E. Shearer has brought out the big pigskin back German bible with clasps in perfect order, printed in Lancaster Pa in 1819 of her father Henry Shearer (or possibly of her grandfather Joseph) but there is no inscribed record except two sheets of white paper on which are written the births of Henry Shearer's 11 children as follows:

1. Sarah Ann Shearer born Feby 10, 1838

2. Margaret Shearer born May 6, 1839

3. Jacob Shearer born Feby 12, 1841

4. Solomon Shearer born June 25, 1842

5. Barbary Ann Shearer born June 13, 1844

6. Nancy Jane Shearer born May 12, 1848

7. Samson Shearer born Feby 23, 1851

8. William Shearer born Oct 14, 1852

9. Henry Shearer born Sept 3, 1854

10. Mary Elizabeth Shearer born Jany 26, 1857

11. Samantha C. Shearer born Sept 30, 1858

Three of the girls died, Margaret, Barbary Ann & Nancy Jane, the latter dying in a Feby 50 yrs ago.

Sarah Ann in her 88th yr was weeding at the front gate when we arrived, very hard of hearing. Mary E. was scrubbing the kitchen floor & Samantha C. was away from home.

Samson is living out adjoining the Joseph Ross Patton farm & Henry lives

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on the other side of Perrysville, O. Mary E. says her father, Henry Shearer was born in Penna in 1810 & died in Harrison Co, O in 1885 or 1886 & mar Elizabeth Shawber.

His brother Benjamin married her sister Margaret (Peggy) Shawver.

Benjamin died near Kilgore, Carroll Co, O had two living children & 2 or 3 dead.

Their brother, Joseph Shearer married a Markley & moved to Indiana, she thinks to Wabash, Ind. Had two boys & 4 girls.

She knows nothing of Shearer relatives at Ashland, O & never heard of Judge Grosscup.

Her brother Solomon died near Robert Thompson's on Irish Creek in Carroll Co, O. Her brother William died near New Jefferson, Har Co, O. Had two boys. Her brother Jacob died near Cadiz Junct in Har Co, O.

Leaving 4:44 PM

We then drove back to:

Lutheran Church graveyard, Rumley, Aug 15/25 4:54 PM page 486

where we found:

26. Daniel Markley ob Mch 15, 1842 aged 46 yrs & 7 mos & 6 days

27. Joseph Shearer (grandfather of Sarah A. & Mary E.) ob Jany 7, 1840 aged 62 yrs 8 mos & 4 days

Mary A., wife of Joseph Shearer ob Mar 23, 1i52 aged 63 yrs 1 mo 15 days.

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Mary, daughter of J & C Shearer ob Apr 1, 1852 aged 49 yrs 5 mos & 1 day.

DeWalt, son of J & M.A. Shearer ob Aug 27, 1845 aged 14 yrs 8 mos 22 days

Amos, son of G & M.E. Shearer ob Sept 20, 1845 aged 2 yrs 11 mos 11 days

Lydia, wife of Henry Shawver ob Jany 8, 1897 aged 78 yrs 11 mos 20 days

Henry Shearer (father of Sarah A & Mary E) ob Dec 26, 1886 aged 76 yrs 3 mos 10 days

Elizabeth, wife of Henry Shearer ob Mch 13, 1896 aged 81 yrs 2 mos 3 days.

Barbery A. dau of H & E Shearer ob Mch 25, 1865 aged 21 yrs 9 mos 12 days

Margaret, dau of H & E Shearer ob Feby 3, 1871 aged 22 yrs 8 mos 11 days

Jacob Shearer, Feby 12, 1841, Feby 24, 1899

Infant son of J & M Shearer ob Aug 27, 1884

Solomon Shearer June 25, 1842, July 9, 1902

28. John Minard ob Apr 12, 1862 in his 101st year.

Leaving 5:11 PM

On PRR train from Scio to Dennison, O at Conotton, O Aug 15, 1925 6:31 PM

Paul E. Thompson told me at the station, he having drive me over

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that he left for the World War in June 1918 & arrived at La Mons? France July 4, 1918 & was overseas 13 months. Said the 83d Div was at La Mons & it was where many Cos were broken up. They were kept busy hauling provisions & ammunition to the front & were so efficient that the commanders said it would take three times as many other untrained men to do their work, so they kept them there. He said his brother, Donald left Ft Sherman two weeks before he did, for overseas & was on arrival there sent right to the front & was at the front 84 days in continuous hard, active service & while he was not wounded, he did not fare as well as those who were, as they wd be sent right to the hospital, with the result that he was so worn out & exhausted, that he has been a nervous wreck since, although he was not gassed & while he works every day, he tosses about in his sleep most of the night. Paul E. handles an auto with great skill. He says the pottery works at Scio, O is one of the biggest pottery plants in the State. We have just reached the Sta & "Philadelphia Road".

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At residence of Mrs Sarah Elizabeth Lukens, 602 N. Main St, Uhrichsville, O Aug 15, 1925 8:25 PM

Mrs Lukens says she is 84 yrs old & is the 3rd of 15 children of William Hanna & his wife Jane Caldwell & the only one surviving & says her father, Wm Hanna died in Columbus City, Iowa. She does not know that she is related to Chas A. Hanna or Mrs Sarah Foster Hanna. Refer to book 12 p 470.

She said that Mrs Logan, mother of Martha Lillian Kinsey was her 1st cousin. Her name was Isabel Caldwell, her father being a brother of Mrs Lukens' mother. She says the widow of her brother, John Wesley Hanna, who before marriage was Mary E. Henderson, is still living in Seattle, Wash at No 1111 Bonn Ave (or Boren Ave) Seattle, Wash & she had a recent letter from her dated July 25th. Said they had 3 girls & a boy. Her son, Will Hanna is editor of a paper there. Two girls are married, one to a rich man & are living there. Gertrude, the oldest child died unmarried. Says Mark A. Hanna, late of Cleveland, O was a full cousin of her father. Her grandfather was Robt Hanna & his brother, Henry Hanna was father of Mark A. In her family, Mary A. & Robt H. were older than her. She is a charming vivacious old lady.

Leaving 8:55 PM

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At residence of Lewis John Kinsey NO 421 E 1st Street Uhrichsville, O Aug 16, 1925 Sunday 10 Am

I arrived here shortly after 9 o'clock & find Lillian to be a beautiful, scrupulously clean skinned woman of perfect form & feature & of good height. Her husband is not quite so tall. Ralph is a bright, wonderful boy of good active mind & Louis T.F. is younger. Lillian's sister, Mrs Lane & her husband Rev J.C. Lane were also there, they having been out to the wedding of their son who when out on a visit once met one of Mr Kinsey's relatives fell in love with result as above indicated. Lillian gave me their family record from memory as follows:

Martha Lillian Logan, my informant, daughter of Wm Donald Logan & his wife Isabel Caldwell, daughter of John Caldwell & his wife, Elizabeth Granfell was born in this house Mch 1, 1885 & was married here on Nov 2, 1905 by Rev John C. Lane to Lewis John Kinsey born Nov 18, 1878 at New Phila, O son of Lewis Thomas Kinsey & wife Mary Spring. They have had but two children. Ralph born in Dennison, O & Lewis in this house:

1. Ralph Logan Kinsey born May 11, 1912

2. Lewis Thompson Fulton Kinsey born Apr 9, 1918

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All living here. Mr Kinsey is a U.S. mail carrier.

Rev John Claude Lane & wife Sarah Elizabeth sister of Lillian are here & report the birth of a grandchild, son of Homer Logan Lane viz:

I. Robert Fulton Lane born Apr 21, 1925 in Brooklyn, NY

Their son, Ralph Emerson Lane was married out from Dennison, O in Union Tp, this Co on Aug 13, 1925 by his father, Rev John Claude Lane to Mary Olive Long, born Sept 13, 1904 in Union Tp, dau of James Alexander Long & wife Caroline Elizabeth Kinsey sister of Lewis John Kinsey. Ralph E's home is in NY City where he is an accountant.

Rev & Mrs Lane are now living in East Patterson, NJ where he is pastor of the 1st Pres Ch of East Patterson, NJ.

Cousin Sarah E. Logan left here Aug 6, for New London Coun on a visit to Lillian's brother Herbert C. Long at No 10 Lenox St there.

Finished 10:40 AM

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At residence of William Fulton Logan No 134 McCrea Ave Dennison, O Aug 16, 1925 10:55 AM

Mr Kinsey drove me over here in his Ford. William Fulton Logan is a brother of Lillian & was born in Uhrichsville,O in same house where Lillian was born, Aug 20, 1875 & was married Oct 12, 1898 in Franklin Tp, Harrison Co, O by Rev Saml T. Patterson, Pres to Samantha Orilla Cecil (called "Rilla") born in Franklin Tp, July 12, 1880, daughter of George Washington Cecil & wife Viola Cramblett. Have had six children the 1st & 3rd born in Tippecanoe, O & the others here in Dennison, O viz:

1. Mildred born Oct 24, 1879 married Mch 7, 1917 in Dennison, O by Rev L.B. Shoemaker, Pres to Earl Jasper Baker born near Bennison, O Dec 19, 1895 son of Marion Baker & wife Samantha Livingston. Both living in Park Valley three miles from here where he is a coal operator & farmer. Have three boys all born in Park Valley, viz:

I. Marion Baker born Oct 24, 1918

II. Robert Baker born Sept 29, 1921

III. Clyde Arthur Baker born Sept 12, 1923

2. William Cecil Logan born Jany 18, 1902 single at home B&O fireman. Fine man, drove us to the country this afternoon. He handles a machine admirably but drives with terrific speed.

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3. Robert Fulton Logan, born May 8, 1904 married Apr 17, 1924 at Columbus, Ohio by a Methodist minister to Mildred Harris, born Sept 17, 1907 at Columbus, O dau of Ed C. Harris & wife Emma Weatherman. Both living at 363 Bolivar St Columbus, O where he is a fireman on Penna RR. Have one child born in Columbus, O viz:

I. Robert Edward Logan Feby 17, 1925

4. Helen Lucile Logan born June 1, 1907 at home single a fine large handsome beautiful girl who has just graduated from high school here at Dennison, O

5. Dorothy Lillian, twin born Feby 11, 1911 enters high school this fall

6. Donald Leroy twin born Feby 11, 1911. he died Nov 10, 1924.

Mr Logan has a small confectionary store on the cross street just in front of his home.

Finished 11:25 AM

Mr Logan says James A. Carrothers a drayman here lives near on Logan St in Dennison. His father, also James died recently.

Another James Carrothers died this spring away up in the 80's was illiterate, but shrewd business man & died worth $30,000. Left two daughters both married to Willoughbys up near Tippecanoe, O

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An Archibald Carrothers lived abt two miles from Feed Springs, O & died not long ago, but his widow lives there on the farm. He had sons Earl & Lewis & daughters Jennie & a younger girl.

Helen Lucile gave me the following address of a relative to see but I don't know just where she comes in.

Mrs Robert Ramsey 433 Broadway Extension Carnegie, Pa

Stopped transcribing & went to B&O Sta Uhrichsville, O for 10:50 AM train to Freeport, O. JVT

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At residence of Wm Sansom Myers & his wife Susannah Carruthers Myers, Washington Tp, Harrison Co, O Aug 17, 1925 12:11 PM (P.O. Tippecanoe, O RFD No 3)

Mrs Myers says her father, John Carruthers was born in Penna & she thinks it was not far from Cumberland, Md probably 10 miles as she has often heard them speak of Cumberland & her mother was from there. She says her grandfather was William Carruthers & she says positively that he was born in Penna & he married Susanna Ruby. They both came to Harrison Co, O in 1828 when her father John was 27 yrs old. They were both dead before my informant's time & are buried in the old Methodist g.y. at Deersville, O. He died abt 4 yrs after his son John was married in 1830 say abt 1834. She says it was before they were having markers & she doesn't think there was any marker. From what her mother told her, she thinks he was abt 70 yrs old when he died. He had five sons & one daughter all born in Penna. In order of ages says they were:

John, her father, oldest

Jesse, next




Deborah, the baby.

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In their Methodist Hymnal 1878 is noted "John Carruthers & Susan Burgess were married Dec 28, 1830"

John Carruthers was born Feby 28, 1801 & died Aug 29, 1888 adjg the Willoughby farm where I was last night & Sarah Burgess was born Apr 22, 1812 at Cumberland, Md & died June 23, 1892 at Tippecanoe, O & is buried in Deersville, O g.y. as is her husband & they have markers. She was daughter of Thomas Burgess & his wife Mary Ruby, but she does not think she was related to the wife of William Carruthers.

They had ten children 7 boys & 3 girls all born in Harrison Co, O. She thinks her mother was married when 16 as she has often heard & says they were married in Penna & came right out here. She thinks they must have been married in 1828, but the record of births in the back of an old American bible Soc NY 1845 bible well preserved which she says was written by her father indicates the 1830 date. I am copying from the record as written by him.

1. Lemuel Carruthers was born June 24, 1832

2. Samuel Carruthers was born Nov 20, 1834

3. Elizabeth W. Carruthers was born Apr 16, 1837

4. John Carruthers was born Nov 20, 1838

5. James Carruthers was born May 9, 1842

6. William Carruthers was born June 22, 1845

7. Thomas Jefferson Carruthers was born Feby 28, 1848

8. Mary Jane Carruthers was born Feby 27, 1852

9. Albert Carruthers was born Sept 11, 1854

10. Susannah Carruthers was born June 13, 1858, she my informant

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2. Her Uncle Jesse went to Macy, Miamie Co, Ind, mar & died there & had 4 children. Had but one son he called Jesse & three girls.

3. William. He went with Jesse to same place in Indiana when young men, married & died there. He had 4 children. He had 3 girls & 1 boy also, but don't know their names. When she was there 7 yrs ago, she said the children were living at South Bend, Ind.

4. Samuel. Went to near Scott City, Kansas & died. He went to his brother's in Ind & married there & went to Kansas. Don't know whether he had any children, but must be dead 15 yrs. Lived to be very old.

5. James married Mary Huntsman & died out by Moorefield in Nottingham Tp, Har? Co, O & left two boys who went to Kansas & located near Meadville, Mo.

6. Deborah mar Harrison Griffith over by Short Creek beyond Cadiz, O 6 miles & died there & left children, William, Samuel & Margaret & the last acct the children were living there. Margaret married Bert Case.

Says her father said he didn't know of Beatty Carrothers being any relation. They say they live nearer to Cadiz than here.

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Never knew of any relationship to Archibald & Christopher Carrothers.

2. Samuel lived & died near Tippecanoe. Mar Cynthiana Baltzell & had 9 children:




Mary (Joe Davidson)






Some live abt Tippecanoe

1. Lemuel mar Rebecca Henning & had no children. He lived in Macy, Ind & died there.

3. Elizabeth W. died aged 1 or 2 yrs

4. John mar Annie Wilkinson & lived 1/4 miles fr Macy, Ind, was a farmer. had 3 children. George, Susan & Rosy

5. James, mar Mahala Ervin & died near Tippecanoe. Had 3 girls.

Annie, oldest mar James Willoughby. No issue died aged abt 45

Amanda Belle mar Geo W. Willoughby

Sarah Jane died unmarried.

6. William mar Sarah Fisher. He died at Stillwater, Tusca Co. Had 2 children, Charles, mar & live at Stillwater

Mollie mar Leonard Chandler & live at Stillwater

7. Thos J. mar Mary Ann Stahl & lived & died at Stillwater. Had 4 girls & no boys. Girls married & live abt Stillwater. Emma, the oldest mar Taylor Arnold.

8. Mary Jane mar James Madison Stoner & lived & died at Stillwater. No issue.

9. Albert died aged 3 yrs

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10. Susannah mar Nov 22, 1880 in New Phila, O by Rev Sylvester Burt, Meth to William Sansom Myers born Nov 9, 1858 near Tippecanoe, O son of Samuel Myers fr Pa & his wife Sarah Laporte. Both living here & have had but one child born in Uhrichsville, O.

I. unnamed boy born Nov 6, 1882 & died Feby 6, 1883 aged 3 mos

Don't recall of hearing anything about Robert Carrithers of Mt Pleasant, O.

Leaving 2 PM

Mr H.F. McLaughlin drove me out to Mrs Myers. Coming back, we stopped at Chas Fulton Black's far end of Freeport & was told by a large fleshy woman who came to the door that Charlie was in town & his mother was in California. We then drove back a short distance in to Greenmount Cem but could not find any Fulton or Caruthers tombstones. Mr McLaughlin said his wife was a daughter of James Fulton, but not of the James who was Mrs Black's father. He said, however, that his stepfather is Dr Chas C. Whitesett, living just across the street from where I am writing a son of Dr James E. Whitsett & a brother of Mrs M.M. Cochran at whose funeral I was a pall bearer. He brought me to the Rest'nt near the public square where I am transcribing yesterday's until time for the 5:19 PM B&O train to Flushing, O.

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3:18 PM 17th transcribing at Freeport, O JVT

At residence of James Alexander Carrothers No 202 Logan St, Dennison, O Aug 16, 1925 12:33 PM

Mr Carrothers says he was born in Nottingham Tp, Harrison Co, O Sept 7, 1870 son of William Robinson Carrothers & his wife Sarah Milligan He, William Carrothers, was born Mch 4,1838 in same Tp & died Feby 13, 1925 & is buried in Union Cem at Uhrichsville, O. He was a half brother of Beatty Carrothers whose widow Ailsie [sic] lives on the Cadiz Road or Cadiz & Freeport Road or pike 8 miles out of Cadiz, O with her son, Crawford D. Carrothers, which he says is 17 miles fr Freeport, O & says there are no Carrothers in Freeport, O. He said his mother was born Mch 1, 1840 & died Feby 13, 1911 & both are buried on Feby 15th. She was a daughter of John Milligan from Westnd Co, Pa & wife Mary Blair. William & Beatty were sons, he says of James (he is wrong) who died in Kansas, having gone there from Harrison Co, O. James was a son of George who came from Ireland to Penna. He never saw his grandfather. Says his grandmother Carrothers & two of her sons, Andrew & George died within nine days of each other

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in Harrison Co, O of typhoid fever & thinks are buried in Nottingham Cem g.y.

Mr C. was married Dec 25, 1892 in Dennison, O by Rev Robt Thompson Price, Pres to Rebecca Baker born July 2, 1871 in Harrison Co at Beech Springs, daughter of Wm Baker & wife Harriet Johnson (who is still living aged 97 & Mrs C. is away visiting her today). Mr C. conducts a transfer business with his son, a partner under the firm name of J.A. Carrothers & son. He has had but one child who was born in Dennison, O viz:

1. James William Carrothers born Jany 2, 1905 who is at home single & who was in the exact build of his father. Both being short & heavy set. (I left at 1 PM & went to Mrs Kinsey's for dinner & came back & 2 PM & finished up)

Left 2:10 PM

We started at 2:22 PM in Wm Cecil Logan's Chevrolet with him driving accompanied by his father & L.J. & Ralph L. Kinsey for Ann Eliza Logan's & on the way, we stopped:

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At residence of Mrs Sophia Carrothers, Franklin Tp, Harrison Co, O (P.O. Tappan, O) Aug 16, 1925 2:50 PM

This is back off the road, reached by a lane & on an elevation & is an old log house built by Mrs C's husband. She is the widow of Archibald Carrothers & fortunately for my guest, his sister is here viz: Miss Sarah Ellen Carrothers born Nov 29, 1851 in Dutch Valley, Tuscarawas Co, O, daughter of Christopher Carrothers & his wife Elizabeth Carrothers who was his first cousin & both of whom came from Ireland, her father coming when 12 yrs old & her mother when 2 or 3 yrs old & at first settled about Pittsburgh, Pa but thinks they were married in Dutch Valley. He was son of Hugh Carrothers & she daughter of John Carrothers, who were brothers & both of whom came to America with their families at different times. They had a sister who was married to John Thompson & they lived in Tuscarawas Co, O & later about Newcomerstown, O where she thinks they both died & had a large family. She thinks he came from Ireland. Hugh had two boys viz: Christopher & Hugh & four daughters, Margaret, Sarah, Jane, & Elizabeth

2. Hugh lived near Rush Church in

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Tuscarawas Co, O & had children scattered around had a son John in California.

3. Margaret mar John Fler & lived next house on the farm adjoining. No issue. He had children by a former wife.

4. Sarah married Jonathan McClintock & lived on the road from Feed Springs to Chapel Church. Had several children, among them Martha Jane, Thomas, Samuel & Bert.

5. Jane mar John Sewall & lived out by Gilmore, O. Had but one child, viz: Elizabeth Jane.

6. Elizabeth married James William Dick & lived in Tuscarawas Co, O where she died. Had two girls & one boy.


John, her other grandfather, the father of Elizabeth, her mother, had two boys, Archie & James & daughters Elizabeth, her mother, Margaret, Ellen & Susie (who never married).

1. Archibald lived in Guernsey Co, O & went to Kansas & died there. had children, Mary Ellen & Margaret

2. James, once was very wealthy. Went to Kansas & moved about & died in the Infirmary in Tuscarawas Co, O. Never married.

4. Margaret married John Benson & he died in Dennison, O. Children all died when small

5. Ellen mar an Evans & she died 2 or 3 months after her marriage. No issue.

It is 4:55 PM & must quit & go to the depot. JVT.

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9 PM 17th Resuming transcribing yesterday's work at room 5 Speck Hotel, Flushing, Ohio.

(continuing my questioning of Sarah Ellen Carrothers who was of typical Carrothers build, being long faced & of slender built. She was very bright with a good memory & kindly disposition. She further said):

Christopher Carrothers died June 24, 1880 aged she says 75 yrs. His wife Elizabeth Carrothers died Apr 27, 1870 aged 54. Their children decd as follows:

[Deaths] Hugh Carrothers Mch 1840

Thomas Carrothers Feby 28, 1846

John Carrothers Apr 1852

Christopher Carrothers Apr 17, 1865 while in the Civil War at DeChamps General Hospital, Davids Island, NY Harbor.

Elizabeth unm May 7, 1895

James William May 8, 1808

Archie July 18, 1892. He was the husband of Sophia & these are her children here, five of them.

Sophia Brown born Mch 13, 1857 married Archibald Carrothers Nov 20, 1874 & had the following children:

1. Jean Elizabeth born Feby 2, 1878

2. John Lewis born Apr 26, 1884

3. William Earl born Jany 14, 1891

4. Bertie Merle born Apr 23, 1893

5. Alice Velma born Jany 18, 1896

These were read to me by one of the boys from a framed record hanging on the wall.

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She said the children of her father, Christopher Carrothers some or most of the older ones were born in Tuscarawas Co, O but the two last were born in Harrison Co, O. They are as follows with births & deaths as noted below taken from their bible record handed to me & copied.

Names Births Deaths

1. Hugh Carrothers Mch 28, 1839 Mch 1, 1840

2. Christopher Carrothers Mch 2, 1841

3. Elizabeth Carrothers May 13, 1843

4. Thomas Carrothers Jany 28, 1846 Feby 1846

5. John Carrothers Oct 15, 1847 Apr 1852

6. Sarah Ellen Carrothers Nov 29, 1851, my good informant

7. Archibald Carrothers Sept 4, 1854 July 18, 1923

8. James William Carrothers Mch 10, 1858 May 8, 1908

She said her father's father, Hugh Carrothers had 10 A of land in the old country, I think it was in the north of Ireland & they locked up his cow for some taxes he deemed unjust & he packed up & came to America.

Left 3:33 PM

We drove on & came to the:

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Residence of Miss Ann Eliza Logan, Washington Tp, Harrison Co, O (P.O. Tippecanoe, O RD1 ) Aug 16, 1925 4:33 PM

When we arrived, she was not at the house & we sent one of the children after her over to the other house where her daughter just had a new baby the day before & where she was out in the cornfield pulling a basket of roasting ears. She is a rather short, heavy set buxom woman & is called "Lide" by all of the relatives hereabouts. The farm contains 137 A so her son-in-law Clark told me as we were driving in Will F. Logan told me she had had a natural daughter to her Uncle Will Stevens who later in the day or evening, we passed as he was sitting in his yard. He was the husband of one of the Copelands (Amanda, Will F. thought) sister of Matilda Copeland, Lide's mother at the time, he got her pregnant. She brought out the "Commemorative Biog Record of Har & Carroll Cos a big J.H. Beers & Co 1891 1150 page book" which I have at home & she looked through it & on page 640 was the sketch of her father Alexr Logan, son of Samuel Logan. Alexander's grandfather, John Logan was born in County Donegal, Ireland, in 1750. He married Martha

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Miller & had children:

John, James, William & Samuel.

Came to America before the Rev War & served as a scout in that war. He came as a scout to Chillicothe, O & had a fight with the Indians in which all the whites but him were killed & he escaped by hiding. He lived to be 100 yrs old dying in 1850. John's son, Samuel Carrothers born May 17, 1800 in Allegheny Co, Pa & married Elizabeth Fulton, cousin of Robert Fulton, inventor of the steamboat & had children, John, Samuel, James, Robert & William, twins, Jesse, Mary, Elizabeth & Alexander. In 1842, came to Tippecanoe, Harrison Co, O where Samuel died Mch 16, 1865 & his wife Dec 24, 1877. He was a tanner in Penna & a farmer in Ohio. His son Alexander Logan was born in Allegheny Co, Pa Dec 12, 1828 & when he was 12, his parents brought him to Washington Tp, Har Co, O.

On Mch 7, 1867, he married Matilda Copeland, daughter of James Copeland & wife Mary Ann Walters. She was born May 21, 1840 near Tappan, O & died May 26, 1914. Alex Logan died Nov 6, 1878. Both buried at Feed Spring g.y. where his father is also buried. His mother is buried in New Athens, O g.y. Alex & Matilda had four children all born in this Tp viz:

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1. Ann Eliza Logan born Mch 13, 1868

2. Osee Logan born Feby 5, 1870

3. Samuel Cheever Logan born Dec 12, 1879

4. Walter Easton Logan born Apr 10, 1884

Alexander was a Republican & a trustee in the U.P. church. He was a farmer.

Commencing with the last & going back

4. Walter E. married Nov 4, 1912 at New Phila, O to Catharine Hogue born at West Chester, O, dau of John Hogue & wife. Both living 4 miles S.W. of Tippecanoe, O in Rush Tp, Tuscarawas Co, O on a farm (P.O. Tippecanoe, O RD 2). Have 2 girls, the oldest born in Uhrichsville, O & the youngest near West Chester, O.

1. Wilma Logan aged abt 10

2. Frances Logan aged abt 9

3. Samuel Cheever is unmarried & lives at Cuyahoga Falls, O where he is a carpenter & bookkeeper for a big lumber firm.

2. Osee married Aug 1898 at Cadiz, O to Wilson Jackson born in Belmont Co O near Belmont Ridge, son of John Jackson & his wife Keziah Neal. Osee died June 13, 1914 at Canton, O & is buried at Feed Springs g.y. He is living at Canton, O where he has been for 16 years. Had 3 girls & a boy viz:

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1. Lois, born June 22, 1899 here in this Tp & was married Aug 12, 1921 to Samuel Reiss & both living just out of Canton, O where he works in a brick factory. Is a carpenter by trade. Have one child born in Canton, O.

I. Wanda Jane

2. Margaret Neal born in Tippecanoe Tp July 14, 1900, single, lives in Canton, O. Works in an enameling plant.

3. Mary Matilda born at New Phila, O. Married to James Owens, a Southern man & both are living in Canton, O where he has a restaurant on the outskirts & have one girl born there viz:

I. Leota Pauline

4. Lowell Eugene born in New Phila, O Mch 26, say 1906. Lives in Canton, O. Working at plastering trade & boards at a Restnt, but not at Owens which is too far away.

1. Ann Eliza Logan has a natural daughter born in this Tp viz:

I. Clarice Isabel Logan born Oct 1, 1893 & married May 5, 1916 at Wheeling, WVA by Rev Shultz, Meth to Warren Perry Clark born Jany 9, 1888 near Tappan, O son of Jackson Clark & wife Amanda Hurless & have six children all born in this Tp viz:

A. Leland Clark born Apr 5, 1912

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B. Virgil Perry Clark born May 11, 1917

C. Carl Leroy Clark born Dec 29, 1918

D. Violet Lillian Clark born May 22, 1920 & died Feby 18, 1922.

E. Harry Clark born Oct 31, 1921

F. a boy Clark born Aug 15, 1925 & not named yet. I told "Lide" to call him Napoleon Bonaparte as he had his birthday, which she thought all right.

She says the g.y. near Tippecanoe, O near Burneys school house is gone & there was no marker to Robert Fulton. She says the William Fultons moved to Washington, Iowa.

She says her neighbor, James Carrothers, who died about May 26, 1925 aged 81 yrs owned 604 A in this, Washington Tp, on this farm 40 yrs or more. Came from Fallen Timbers Section in Rush Tp, Tuscarawas Co, O where he was born. He could neither read, nor write & told someone once that he was seven yrs old before he had a pair of shoes. He mar 1st Mahala Ervin born in this Tp but now dead.

He mar 2d Samantha Robinson who was born in same house his first wife was born in. Had three daughters by 1st wife. No issue by 2d.

1. Anna Carrothers mar James Willoughby & died without issue.

2. Belle Carrothers mar Geo W. Willoughby

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brother of James. Both living on the farm 2 miles east of Tippecanoe, O & have two children:

I. Lena, mar Jesse Green

II. Roy

3. Jennie died of lung trouble when going to school.

James Carrothers had the following brothers & sisters:

Samuel lived in Har Co, O & had 8 or 9 children

William lived in Stillwater, O & had 2 children

John lived above Stillwater, O & had abt 4 children

Lemuel now dead, mar & went to State of Indiana. No issue.

Mary Jane, dead.

Susannah, youngest, mar Sansom Myers. Both living between Tippecanoe & Freeport, O on the Tippecanoe, Roads.

Their father was John Carruthers. He was an old Irishman (in this, she was wrong) large & fleshy & wd get drunk. Ann Eliza was at his wake & says he was fair complected. She went with her aunt Belle to the wake & was probably about 12 yrs old. She thought he was 90 yrs old & sat at his door & read the bible & read without glasses. He died in this, Washington Tp, Har Co, O. Did not claim any relationship to Beatty Carruthers. Says Belle Willoughby has the old bibles.

Leaving 5:55 PM

We then drove to:

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Residence of Geo W. Willoughby & wife, Washington Tp, Har Co, O Aug 16, 1925 6 PM

Mrs Willoughby says her grandmother came from Ireland, but don't know whether her grandfather did or not, but says to ask her Aunt Susannah Myers, wife of Sansom Myers who lives 2 1/2 miles out of Freeport, O on the Tippecanoe Road.

Mrs Amanda Belle Willoughby says her father died here June 1, 1925 aged 84 born May 9, 1841.

Leaving 6:22 PM

Will F. Logan tells the story of when the Carruthers boys went to school & the teacher was asking their names. Lemuel gave his name & then Samuel gave his & James not to outdone thought he must have a "uel" to his & when he asked him his name, he said: "Jimuel, by God".

Coming home, we passed through the old Samuel Logan farm of 162 A. that he first located on.

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AT Hotel Speck, Flushing, Ohio Belmont Co, Aug 17, 1925 7:11 PM

Sitting on the porch this evening after supper, I heard the Prop, C.A. Speck, who drove me up from the sta, speaking to a neighbor about Finley & asking him who Finley was, he said Homer G. Finley aged abt 50 is County Auditor & can be found at the Court House, St Clairsville, O at the Auditor's office.

Mr Speck says there are Thompsons here who came from Henrysburgh, O which is about 3 miles from Fairview, O.

He says there are no Finleys, Caruthers, Jacks or Markles here. I had him drive me out to the country 3 miles to the:

Residence of Geo Washington Brokaw, Wheeling Tp, Belmont Co, O Aug 17, 1925 7:50 PM

He is a man of about 70 & is son of John Brokaw & he says his father's brother, George Brokaw's wife was his "Aunt Jane" & she had a sister Mrs Finley, a fine old lady who came to live with them & died there. Mentioning abt

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John Brokaw going over to Guernsey Co in 1868 & bringing his Aunt Mary Finley, sister of his mother over & of going back later in the fall of 1869 for her effects, he remembered his having done so & he says it was John M. Brokaw, his first cousin who did this & the farm of his father & later John M's adjoined this farm. He said Mrs Finley, sister of John M's mother died there & that John M. Brokaw died abt 2 yrs ago leaving three children viz: Clem, Ray & Jennie & they are all living now in St Clairsville, O where the boys are both in the jewelry business & Jennie is single & living alone there. They are aged 35 to 40 yrs. The father, Jno M. died in St Clairsville, O. Geo W., my informant feared I wd not get the old bible as he says abt 30 yrs ago the servant girl coming home from church started too big a fire & the house burned down & the bible may not have been saved.

Asking Mr Speck coming in if Mrs Finley wd be buried here, he thought not as there was a Crab Apple Pres Ch two miles beyond & says Jno M. Brokaw was brought there for burial. As it was then dark, I have arranged for him to take me out to the g.y. in the morning after breakfast.

Left 8 PM

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In Street in front of James M. Thompson's, Flushing, O Aug 17, 1925 Say 8:20 PM

Driving in, Mr Speck called James Thompson, who was sitting on his porch over to our auto & he said his father was James & his grandfather was James. Said his grandfather was from Wheeling, WVA, but he came & lived this last few yrs with his son James, father of my informant & died at his home at Henrysburgh, this Co. He says a sister of his father, Miss Mary Thompson aged 85 is living on Blaine's Hill across the tracks fr the Catholic g.y. about 4 miles beyond St Clairsville, O from here, & on the National Road. Said turn to the left.

My informant sd his grandfather, James Thompson died 20 yrs ago aged 86 yrs say 1819-1905 & his father, James Thompson died 3 yrs ago also aged 86 say 1836-1922.

Says both of them are buried at Meth g.y. at Henrysburgh, O & have markers. He said he also, James Thompson, was born in 1873. He thinks there is a Pres g.y. at Fairview, O. He said the children of his grandfather were Thulor or Theodore, James, Jonah, John, Mary & Martha & says they are Scotch Irish & that his grandfather came over fr the North of Ireland.

Ended 8:30 PM

It is now 3:33 Am 18th but I am up to date & will go to bed. JVT

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Crab Apple Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Wheeling Tp, Belmont Co, O, Aug 18, 1925 7:44 AM

I had Mr C.A. Speck drive me out over the country road hills in his Ford to this old Pres Church g.y. The church & cem are beautifully & secludedly located & I found the Mrs Finley record I came to get & make note of some others:

30. Joseph Thompson died Mch 23, 1835 aged 81 yrs & 11 days

Jane, wife of Joseph Thompson died Aug 26, 1843 in her 78th yr

Andrew Thompson died May 19, 1877 in his 77th yr

Martha P. Thompson died Mch 18, 1883 aged 76 yrs

31. In memory of Mary, wife of James Finley died Jany 6, 1879 in her 78t yr. Holy Bible & hymn book on top. Comes up to within a foot of my armpit. Right close by it is:

In mem of Sarah M. Kibben consort of John M. Kibben who died June 9, 1812 in her 82d yr.

32. George Brokaw Feby 3, 1813, Mch 25, 1892

Jane Brokaw Nov 4, 1813, Jany 23, 1896. This is Mrs Finley's sister

33. Rev William McMillan D.D. Pres of Jefferson College, Pa & afterwards

of Franklin College Ohio died at New Athens Apr 11, 1832 aged 52 yrs.

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34. Rev Moses Allen Pastor of Crab Apple congregation died Jany 16, 1846 aged 66 yrs & in the 40th of his ministry.

Catharine, wife of Rev Moses Allen died Apr 30, 1857, our father & mother.

Aaron Allen ob Apr 13, 1871 aged 45 yrs 2 mos 2 days

Ann, wife of Aaron Allen ob Mar 14, 1873 aged 59 yrs 10 mos 8 days

35. James Tannehill ob Sept 30, 1873 in 83d yr

Jane Tannehill ob Aug 24, 1851 in 65th yr

Sarah Tannehill Jane 26, 1817, July 29, 1843

Caroline Tannehill Dec 13, 1817, May 12, 1891

36. Rev John P. Caldwell ob Jany 30, 1872 in his 51st yr

37. Jane Woods wife of Rev MacKnight Williamson Born Mch 5, 1801, ob July 24, 1849.

38. Lydia Heath, wife of Rev Robert Armstrong ob Dec 3, 1875 age 53d yr

29. David Ritchey ob June 21, 1856 in his 82d yr

Mary, wife of David Ritchey ob Apr 1, 1867 in 84th yr

James Boggs Ritchey Apr 18, 1821, Aug 10, 1901

May Ann, his wife, Sept 14, 1821, Mch 15, 1910

Leaving 8:30 AM

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At residence of John Dugan Barricklow on the Main St, Flushing, O Aug 18, 1925 8:55 AM

Mr Speck drove me back here. It is just beyond James M. Thompson's to whom I talked last night. Mr Barricklow said he was born in Fayette Co, Pa (Dunbar Tp) Aug 2, 1828, son of Frederick Barricklow who had a 30 A. farm above Paull's & his mother was a Dugan, one of a family of 13 children, another of said children, a sister of his mother, married Joseph Work & was the mother of my old friend John Work, who was born in Harrison Co, O during the period they lived out here. Mr Barricklow is a man of massive build & large bone & is very much the build of John Work being, he said, when in his prime 6 ft 2 in & weighing 225 lbs. He said "Clark Work" came out several years ago to see the farm on which his father was born & came over & made him a visit. He asked me to stay overnight with them. He said he came to Ohio with his parents when 3 yrs old. Frederick was brother of Henry Barricklow who was the father of George who owned where Leisenring No 1 is & whose son John H. Barricklow, I well knew & Mr B. said he got the Mrs Oldshue money easy. Another

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brother of Fred & Henry was George, who went to Kansas. His father, Fred, took up land in Cadiz Tp, Harrison Co, O where he, my informant lived until he moved here 19 yrs ago. He says he owns the home farm in Cadiz Tp embraced in 390 A on which his son-in-law lives & he has another farm there of 196 A one below town here of 162 A on which another son-in-law lives & the coal under which he still owns & he spoke also of 80 A he owns etc. Speaking of being out to Crab Apple Pres Ch this morning, he said he gave $2000 to help build the New Pres Ch here.

He called his wife, a delightful well preserved woman to whom he said he was married in 1863. Her name was Dunlap & she said her mother was a daughter of David Thompson, dying when she was but 5 yrs old & being a sister of the mother of Wm Thompson Sharp. She says that once when at her grandfather David Thompson's a brother of his was there on a visit, but she did not recall his name or know where he lived. Said he told of having seen a man hanged & never wanted to see another hanging. Mr B. said they raised 9 children & that 7 were living.

Left 9:33 AM

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Mr Barricklow said there was a Presbyterian preacher named Crawford who preached at a church in Harrison Co for 40 yrs & Beatty Carrothers named a son for him. Another son stole a horse & was sent to the Penitentiary. Never did any good after he got out.

At the Hotel Shannon Office, Barnesville, O Aug 18, 1925 12:30 PM

I notice in Bell Tel Directory for Jany 1925 under Barnesville, O

Cook, Dr F.P. r 608 N. Chestnut Tel 362-J & under St Clairsville, O

Finley, Homer G. Main Tel 103-M

Walker, D.L. M.D. W. Main Tel 279

I went over to Dr Cook's office in the Kennard Bldg & it was locked up. I then walked out the street some five or six blocks to his residence where five or six girls were sitting on the porch & was:

At residence of Frances Paden Cook, No 608 N. Chestnut St, Barnesville, O Aug 18, 1925 1:20 PM

The Doctor's dau Mary Elizabeth stepped up & said they were due to leave in two minutes for a party, but when I told her who I was, & what I wanted, she took me inside & told me her father had just left for his office, but she said her father was married June 11, 1902 here at Barnesville, O by Rev E.A. Culley to

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Lillian Elizabeth Lewis who was born Dec 12, 1872 daughter of Isaac Pennington Lewis & his wife Mary Buchanan. The doctor's full name is Francis Paden Cook. They have four children all born in Monessen, Pa where they lived the first 6 or 8 yrs after they were married viz:

1. Mary Elizabeth Cook, my informant born July 12, 1903

2. Mildred Cook born Feby 17, 1905

3. Wm Pennington Cook born Sept 12, 1906

4. Francis Lewis Cook born Sept 3, 1908

Just inside the door, she showed me the small case of books that her father had gotten of the effects of his great grandfather, Col Edward Cook & in it were Henry's Commentaries but in looking through Vol IV that her Uncle Marcus had mentioned, I found no record. Later at his office, Doctor said the record was in Vol 1 & he had sent it to A.S. Guffey. M. Elizabeth is a nice sweet young girl.

Left 1:23 PM

[margin note reads:] Dec 2/25 a letter dated Sept 21, 1925 small env filed fr Dr F.P. Cook mentions James Cook Senr born Oct 2, 1772 & Mary Cook born May 31, 1778 & concludes that Col Edward Cook was born in 1738 & that he married Martha Crawford probably in 1768. James was the son of Col Edwd & Mary is probably his wife.

I then walked back & found the Doctor

At office of Dr Francis Paden Cook Kennard Building, Barnesville, O Aug 18, 1925 1:33 Pm

He is above

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the average height & weight, smooth face & strong features. He said when he went to the Spanish American War, being unmarried, he took a mass of the old Col Edward Cook papers to Joseph A. Cook's home & gave them to him to keep, thinking that if he didn't get back they would be in the hands of the Col's descendants. He didn't go back to claim them as promptly as he should & since Joseph A's death & the more recent death of his widow Violette H. of whom he spoke in the highest terms, they are refusing to give them up. He said there was an old will among them, evidently an earlier one than the last in which Col provided for an illegitimate child & when showing this once to the Guffeys, they said "oh we must hush that up & not let it be known". He said to them that he didn't think so, that he was rather proud of the old fellow for taking care of illegal offspring. He said there were three Cook brothers came to this country & settled in New Jersey & they had lost trace of the descendants of two of them. He said he was a double Cook as his mother was a Cook, but no relation to his father. His mother was a daughter of George cook who was a dealer at Fayette City Pa in monuments & tombstones & her sister Laura married Will Elliott

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brother of Oliver & son of Joseph S. & another sister married W. Sol. Garrett who came to Uniontown as a contractor & went bad with other women & there were two or three other full sisters. George Cook then died & his grandmother for her second husband married her 1st husband's Geo's half brother, James Cook, becoming his 2d wife & had a son, Will Cook who went to Muskegon, Mich. James had a daughter Amanda by his first wife & it was she who married John D. Carr. He said a servant living in the cook family became pregnant & wishing to get some of the Cook money, swore it to his Uncle Crawford Cook, younger brother of my informant's father, Wm E. Cook whose home was in the old stone house home & to whom the old Col Cook papers all went. Wm E. asked his brother Crawford if he had anything to do with the girl & he assured him that he never touched her. Wm E. said, However, that they would have to settle with her & did, paying her $300. When the baby was born, it was a nigger & after much effort, she paid the money back to keep from going to the penitentiary.

He says Miss Mabel Thompson of Dwight, Ills, daughter of the late Will Thompson, recently deceased, recently visited them & had been over to a Thompson reunion by Belle Vernon, Pa & was much

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interested in genealogy. He said he wd write & ask her to send me her line on the Thompson side as far as she could go.

He said Col Edward Cook had 70 blls of whiskey in the cellar at the old stone house at the time of the Whisky Insurrection in 1794 on which the Col paid the tax & went on business to Phila & before he got back, the U.S. soldiers came over from Mingo in Wash Co, Pa & broke in the heads & let it all run away. He thinks that claim against the Gov wd now amount to something, but said could never get the heirs to work together for it. Like he said, the Col who laid out Fayette City, reserved all the river & creek frontage which is built over & on which Robt J. Cook once tried unsuccessfully to get releases signed up.

He said his daughter, Mary Elizabeth was over recently visiting Andrew Brown's daughter, they having been away at school together & she is going back next month to Miss Brown's wedding. He told me much about the man who wrecked the national Bank of Barnesville, O embezzling abt $700,000, but I failed to ask his name. He took poison abt two yrs ago & died. He had duplicate keys to all safe deposit boxes & wd take out their securities whenever he needed them to show the bank examiner or needed them for his own exigencies. He took $48,000, her all, of a woman

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living in California in Liberty Bonds & also $17,000 of said bonds belonging to Mrs Cook's Aunt who lived with them.

He said do you like stories & then told of a beau brummel son in a get rich quick family who was sued by a girl for getting her in the family way & the case came up in court with the court room crowded with women & the young man on the stand & his lawyer asked him if he "ever had illicit criminal carnal intercourse" with the girl at the prosecution table. He said "I don't know what you mean". The lawyer then repeated: "Did you ever have criminal intercourse with this woman". He again replied "I don't know what you mean". The lawyer then spoke to the court & said he would have to speak in plain language & it might be best to ask the ladies to retire. The court did so & everyone apparently sat tighter. The lawyer then asked him "Did you ever f___ this girl". The boy then answered pointing his finger all the while "What, that, hell, no, but I f_____d that woman over there with the red hat on & I f_____d that one, pointing still with the green hat on & I f_____d that one over there with a white feather in her hat" & by that time, the women were all stampeding to get out of the court room. The doctor wanted me to come back & stay overnight. He said he was always on my side in my troubles.

Left 3:15 PM

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The Old Presbyterian & City Cemetery, Fairview, Oxford Tp, Guernsey Co, Ohio, Aug 18, 1925 5:05 PM

I took a bus from Barnesville to Fairview which is on the National Road & walked out about 3/4 of a mile to this cemetery which is beautifully located on a hill & found the following tombstone records:

40. Jane, wife of William Grier ob Feby 10, 1867 aged 71 yrs 3 mos 16 days

William Grier ob Mch 12, 1846, aged 52 yrs 5 mos 18 day

Sarah Ann, wife of B.T. Brown & daughter of Wm & Jane Grier ob July 2, 1848 aged 27 yrs 2 mos

41. Samuel Ross McWilliams ob June 10, 1860 aged 35 yrs 6 mos & 9 days

Eliza K. McWilliams died Dec 6, 1864

Ross Kennon McWilliams ob July 2, 1860 aged 8 mos 25 days. The McWilliams lot abt 12x18 ft is enclosed with iron rails & the graves were between two big trees, stumps only there now & the child is buried between them.

42. Sarah Thompson ob Mch 27, 1833 in 77th year

43. Mary, wife of John Thompson ob Dec 27, 1857 in her 91st year

John Thompson ob Sept 26, 1828 [written underneath] [8] years. There is a large unhewn sandstone slab.

See book 8 p 162-6

See book 22 p 26-29

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over his grave & his tombstone is broken in three places, one apparently gone & his wife's tombstone is leaning eastward. The lot is about the center of the eastern slope of the cem, a large one, looking east & a view of wide expanse. I had been over the entire cemetery, a large one, & had about concluded it wasn't here & then found it on my way out.

Leaving 5:33 PM

I then walked back, through the hot sun & went to the home on the Main St or National Road of:

Jeremiah Bond born May 1838 well preserved except for one foot tied up for gangrenous kidney affection, but he could not tell me anything about the John Thompson people. I then went out over the hill to the brick home on the National Road of Josiah Greer aged afflicted & shouting with mind gone & his wife & son said they were not related to the William & Jane Grier family, but sent me two doors below to residence of C.M. Ault, undertaker, but he had gone out, but his daughter gathering a basketful of onions in the garden where I saw her & who recalled that her father now 60 yrs old had a school teacher when he was a boy, Miss Jane Thompson now living in St Clairsville, O & whose sister Mrs Coleman died recently.

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I then waited for the 6:45 bus & got in to Barnesville at 7:10 just in time to get in the dining room & after eating wrote up transcribing the day's doings in the office at Hotel Shannon until 9:30 & went across the street & took the 9:45 Pm bus for here, St Clairsville, O arriving at 11:40 PM, came to this, the Clarendon Hotel & got corner top floor 3d story room no 21. Went to bed at midnight & slept until 6:15 AM got my breakfast & seeing the post office in basement of the court house across the street opposite went over & got at 7:30 record book no 14 & letter from Pallini, which they said arrived last night & for which I had written him Sunday 16th fr Uhrichsville, O. I accordingly came up to my room facing the C.H. & have written yesterday's work up to date as I want to send this book back home. It is now 10:30 AM & I will go down the street to the Brokaw Jewelry Store.

Found Clem & Roy Brokaw & Clem drove me a square below here to his sister, Jennie's & they all conclude that the old Finley bible was burned up 30 yrs ago as none of them remember seeing it. Jamie hunted up an old Brokaw bible but it only gave Mrs Finley's death. She & Clem said to write to [9]ëÅ┴a_#)_F_(Moreland;William Findley (family record)_#'d_#__ä can give the McKibben record with Mary Finley's birth & parentage. Her father was a brother of Mary Finley. Ask Mrs Strong for names of her own grandparents McKibben & date of Mary Finley's birth.

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At County Auditors office Court House, St Clairsville, O Aug 19, 1925 2:38 PM

Mr Homer G. Finley, who is county auditor says his father, Albert Finley, died of pneumonia early in life & his grandfather, Philip Finley died in recent years aged 96 & his father, William Finley was the founder of Batesville, Noble Co, O. Says his grandfather, Philip Finley lived on Whisky Run on which just before the Civil War, seven distilleries were located & giving it that name. He moved to Quaker City, Guernsey Co, O (from that farm which was a mile from Batesville) where he died abt 1909 aged 96 yrs & is buried in Cem there & where his son Oscar has a store & takes an interest in family history. Philip had 12 children. Thinks his great grandfather was located on Beaver Creek in Noble Co. Philip married Mary Wolf. Oscar wd have his bible or could tell who got it. Oscar is aged probably 65 yrs & lived right in the town.

Allen Thurman, Daniel & George all went to Calif. Allen, the youngest, only 3 yrs older than my informant is at Oakland & the other, Daniel at San Bernardino. Another, Rebecca, wife of William Lowry lives in Monroeville, O where he had a grocery store. Aunt "Savine" widow of John Mahoney lives in Byesville, O. Thinks the immigrant ancestor was two generations back

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of William. Another daughter, Margaret married Jacob Yohs & have for 40 yrs lived at Limestone Hill in Wood or Wirt Co 20 miles out from Parkersburg, WVA where he is a farmer, several of the children being in Parkersburgh.

Albert Henry Finley was born in June 6, 1852 in Noble Co, O & died Feby 22, 1907 on his farm 4 miles west of Barnesville, O. He married Lydia Ann Peters born in Noble Co, O Apr 6, 1854 & lives in Barnesville, O. She has record & had ten children of whom my informant is oldest viz:

Homer Glen Finley was born May 23, 1876 in Beaver Tp, Noble Co, O & on Apr 9, 1900 was married in Belmont, O by Rev Wm I. Powell Meth to Annie Victoria Gibson born in Noble Co, Oct 23, 1864 or 1865 (11 yrs older than him) daughter of Leroy Gibson & his wife Margaret Berry. Both living in St Clairsville, O on East Main St, National Road & have had five children:

1. Albert LeRoy born Apr 1901 & lived only a few minutes

2. Helen Gibson born Aug 3, 1902 mar July 7, 1925 at Cleveland, O to Daniel McDonald & are now temporarily at Kansas.



5. Clovis Clarence.

The first two born near Barnesville, O & the other three at Bridgeport, O.

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Probate Court office St Clairsville, O Belmont Co, Ohio Aug 19, 1925 4:27 PM

In will book D page 483 I find will of John Thompson gives:

1st to wife Mary Thompson in lieu of dower the plantation of 112 A in Tp 8 Range 7 for life & all livestock. Mentions three sons, Hugh, John & Robert.

After wife's death, what is left to go to son Mitchel

3d gives to eldest son Hugh $100

4 gives to second son John $100

5 gives to third son Robert $100 & right to continue living on my place where he now lives for 3 yrs

6. to my daughter Jane $2

7. to my daughter Margaret $2

8. to my daughter Mary a horse worth $40

9. to my daughter Agnes a horse worth $40

10. to my two daughters Esther & Elizabeth shall have a living at the home until they marry.

Appoints John Duncan & son Robert Exrs. Dated Sept 3, 1829. John (his mark) Thompson (seal). Witnesses John McFadden, Robert Elwood. Proven Mch 8, 1830 Peter Talliman Clk

The tombstone record item 43 page 597 is evidently one year wrong & should be 1829 instead of 1828. JVT

Recorders office Aug 19, 1925 5 PM

In deed book H page 150 find deed dated Nov 15, 1811 from Jno Young & Elizabeth, his wife of Washington

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Co, Pa to John Thompson of Belmont Co, O conveys for $622, part of Sec 36 Tp 8 range six of the lands directed to be sold at Steubenville, O by patent by patent dated Feby 10, 1807 being north half of 224 A. Signed John Young, Elizabeth (her mark) Young. Witnesses: Robert Carothers, Benjamin Scott, Thos Mitchell. Ack same day before Thos Mitchell J.P. of Belmont Co, Ohio.

Leaving 5:11 PM

There were several of the earlier deed indices page after page along 1805 to 1811 of deeds to and from John Thompson & the recorder said it was for lots in this town, St Clairsville, O showing him evidently to have been a propr of St Clairsville, O but it may have been another John. JVT

The reference I got at C.M. Ault's yesterday evening instead of being for a Jane Thompson should have been Rachel Thompson Davis as she was Mrs Coleman's only sister, so I am starting book 14 with my conference with her. I got book 14 across the street at the P.O. at 7:30 this morning, they having recd it in the mails last night. I am going to audit my slips of past ten days tonight so I can mail this book back home by parcel post in the morning. JVT


*She was right, I got this record at Gbg, Pa June 15, 1921 see book 4 p 220-223 JVT Mch 9, 1925.

*2 Mch 13, 1925 see Book 4 page 220-223 June 15, 1921 for this record. JVT

*3 More properly "Oh, las" This was impressed on W.H.T's mind as a young boy coupled no doubt with the women thus feeling, who thought "it was awful" for women to ride astraddle.

*4 See Anjou's Hist page 51, was she a widow & could she be 3d wife of our Wm & the daughter of David Cowan?

*1 Aug 9/25 A.W.M. says he was 80 yrs old on Nov 30, 1881 born then Nov 30, 1801.

*2 Sept 19/25 A.W. Moreland wrote Aug 12/25 large env that Letitia Todd was born June 19, 1806, dau of Col Edward Todd & his wife Elizabeth Scott (dau of Hugh Scott & Janet Aguero). She mar in 1827 Wm Findley who was son of John Finley & his wife Mary Power. [variations in spelling the Finley/Findley name noted CW]

*1 Sept 19, 1925, A.W. Moreland writes Aug 10 & 12 large env that his grandfather, David Moreland was born in Md & his wife was Artymeca [sic] Morgan & they were the parents of Daniel A. Moreland.

*2 See page 602 bottom

*3 Mrs Strong writes that she does not have date of Mary Finley's birth, but says her own father, Thomas McKibben was born May 6, 1810. Their parents, ie Mary & Thomas parents were John McKibben & his [cut off]


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