Tomie dePaola - UNCW Faculty and Staff Web Pages

Pat Hutchins book lesson plan

Author: Amy Ammons, Lori Hinson, and Ellie Hardin | | |


|Subject(s): |Mathematics |

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|Topic or Unit of Study: |Students will model problems involving whole grouping. |

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|Grade/Level: |2 |

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|Summary: |I will read the book "The Doorbell Rang" by Pat Hutchins to the whole class. The students |

| |will then make model cookies and work on grouping while I read the story over. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |To get the students focused and on task, I will read the book aloud to the whole class |

| |before we begin any work. |

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|Materials and Time: |"The Doorbell Rang" by Pat Hutchins |

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| |The amount of time needed is approximately 10 minutes. |

|[pic] |  |

|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |I will tell the students before we read the book to pay close attention to the story |

| |because we are going to model the sharing of cookies by using whole grouping. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |No materials are needed. |

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| |The amount of time needed is approximately 5 minutes. |

|[pic] |  |

|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |At this time I will ask the students to clear their desks and choose students to help me |

| |pass out materials. The students will be making chocolate chip cookies out of brown and |

| |black construction paper. Each student will make 3 cookies. They will cut out 3 brown |

| |circles and then cut out tiny black circles for the chocolate chips on the cookies. They |

| |will then glue the black circles on the brown cookie circles. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials needed: brown construction paper, black construction paper, scissors, and glue. |

| | |

| |The amount of time needed is approximately 15-20 minutes. |

|[pic] |  |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |I will ask the students to get into groups of 12 or divide the class in half if there are |

| |24 students. If a teacher does not have 24 students, then some students may participate |

| |more than once in a group. After the students have been divided, I will allow the students|

| |to use 12 cookies and act out the story as I read it aloud again to the class. For |

| |example, the story starts out with 2 students and they each get 6 cookies. Then 2 more |

| |kids ring the doorbell and come in to share the cookies. Therefore, 2 more students will |

| |walk over to share the cookies and they will divide the cookies among themselves. The |

| |students will continue until we have completed the book and they have acted it out. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials needed: 12 cookies the students have made |

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| |The amount of time needed is approximately 15 minutes. |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |The students will be asked to work alone and write down the math equations they used when |

| |acting the story out. For example, when the first two students had 12 cookies to divide |

| |between themselves, their first equation would be 12/2=6 cookies per person. Then they |

| |would continue on. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |No materials are needed except the teacher may need to read the book over to the students.|

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| |The amount of time needed for this is approximately 10-15 minutes. |

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|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |I will bring chocolate chip cookies for the students to eat and enjoy. At the end of the |

| |lesson, I will ask the students questions like "Did you find it hard to share the cookies |

| |with your friends?" and "Was it hard to divide the cookies between each person?" While we |

| |are discussing these questions, I will allow the students to eat the cookies. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials needed: chocolate chip cookies |

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| |The amount of time needed is approximately 10 minutes or less. |

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|Standards: |[pic] |

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| |[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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| |• Subject : Mathematics |

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| |• Grade/Topic : Grade 2 |

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| |• Competency Goal 1: The learner will read, write, model, and compute with whole numbers |

| |through 999. |

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| |[pic] Objective 1.03:  Create, model, and solve problems that involve addition, |

| |subtraction, equal grouping, and division into halves, thirds, and fourths (record in |

| |fraction form). |

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|Assessment/Rubrics: |I will use the independent practice to help me recognize the areas the students understood|

| |and misunderstood or had problems with. |

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|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

|Sample Student Products: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Author's Comments & Reflections: |  |

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|As Clouds Go By | |

|Author Study on Tomie DePaola | |

|Author: Amy Woodcock, Casey Savage, Lorin Parnell | |


|Subject(s): |Art, Reading, Science |

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|Topic or Unit of Study: |Types of Clouds |

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|Grade/Level: |2 |

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|Summary: |The learners will be introduced to the three main types of clouds. Students will learn the|

| |names of clouds and their characteristics in order to tell them apart. Working in groups, |

| |students will also use provided materials to make a model of a cloud of their choice. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |As a review we will discuss with the students what clouds are and how they are formed. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |5 minutes |

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|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |We will inform the students that after listening to a story about clouds, they will be |

| |able to identify the three main types of clouds by their appearances and will make models |

| |of clouds in groups of 3 or 4 students. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |5 minutes. |

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|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |The teacher will read the book, "The Cloud Book," by Tomie dePaola through page 7. The |

| |teacher will then ask questions about what students learned from the book. The teacher |

| |will lead a class discussion about about the 3 main types of clouds. The teacher will also|

| |instruct students how to make a model of a cloud using an example. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |"The Cloud Book", cloud model, 15 minutes. |

|[pic] |  |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Using materials provided, the teacher will guide groups of students to make a model of the|

| |type of cloud of their choice. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Construction paper, cotton, glue, scissors, glitter. 30 min. |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |For homework, students will look up at the sky and draw what kind of cloud(s) they see and|

| |write one sentence describing how they identified it. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Paper and pencils. |

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|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |We will close this lesson on clouds by having each group of students present their cloud |

| |model to the class. |

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|Materials and Time: |Cloud models. 15 minutes. |

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|Standards: |[pic] |

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| |[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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| |• Subject : Arts Education |

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| |• Grade : Grade 2 |

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| |• Area : VISUAL ARTS |

| |The study of visual arts is cumulative and sequential to include learning introduced and |

| |emphasized at previous grade levels. The emphasis at this grade level is on: |

| |-Awareness of themselves and their own community |

| |-Trying a variety of techniques and imagery to enhance the design solution |

| |-Emphasis and movement |

| |-Weather and seasons |

| |-Recognizing how artists create mood/emotions in their work |

| |-Reality and fantasy |

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| |• Competency Goal 1: The learner will develop critical and creative thinking skills and |

| |perceptual awareness necessary for understanding and producing art. |

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| |[pic] Objective 1.08 : Recognize that images from reality and from fantasy may be used to |

| |create original art |

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| |• Subject : English Language Arts |

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| |• Grade : Second Grade |

| |Second grade students use the listening, speaking, and reading foundational skills they |

| |have developed to extend their understanding of written language and their skills in using|

| |written language. They need to read a wider variety of texts that require strategies and |

| |skills with more complex vocabulary and ideas. These students need to be able to write |

| |sentences to express multiple ideas about a topic. Second grade students will: |

| |Use acquired concepts and metacognitive skills to read and write more independently. |

| |Comprehend and respond to texts using multiple skills and strategies. |

| |Extend vocabulary skills to use oral and written communication effectively. |

| |Use reading and listening, speaking and writing, and media and technology resources to |

| |accomplish a purpose |

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| |• Goal 3: The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written |

| |language, and media and technology |

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| |[pic] Standard 3.04 : Increase oral and written vocabulary by listening, discussing, and |

| |composing texts when responding to literature that is read and heard. (e.g., Read aloud by|

| |teacher, literature circles, interest groups, book clubs). |

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| |• Subject : Science (To be implemented in the 2005-2006 school year) |

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| |• Grade : Grade 2 |

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| |• Area : The focus for second grade students is on analyzing collected data over a period |

| |of time to make predictions and understand changes. Changes vary in rate, scale, and |

| |pattern, including trends and cycles. Changes in systems can be measured. Guide student |

| |learning to continue to emphasize the unifying concepts previously introduced, including |

| |evidence, explanation, measurement, order, and organization as well as the introduction at|

| |grade two of change. The strands provide a context for teaching the content goals. |

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| |• Goal 2: The learner will conduct investigations and use appropriate tools to build an |

| |understanding of the changes in weather. |

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| |[pic] Standard 2.06 : Observe and record weather changes over time and relate to time of |

| |day and time of year. |

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|Assessment/Rubrics: |  |

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|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

|Sample Student Products: |  |

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|Author's Comments & Reflections: |  |

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|EDN 344 Vegetable Soup (Lois Ehlert) | |

|Author: Erica Della Vecchia, Nicole Smith, Sandra Hartsoe | |


|Subject(s): |Language Arts (English), Reading, Science |

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|Topic or Unit of Study: |Fruits and Vegetables |

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|Grade/Level: |Kindergarten |

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|Summary: |After reading Growing VegetableSoup, by Lois Ehlert, children select different fruit and |

| |vegetable cutouts and decide whether they grow on a tree, above the ground or below the |

| |ground. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |Use the school lunch menu to pick out the fruit and vegetables listed for that week. |

| |Teacher will write fruits and vegetables under correct labels on the board. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |dry erase board, markers, school lunch menu |

| |time: 5 minutes |

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|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |Students will be able to: |

| |state that vegetables and fruits grow above or below the ground |

| |identify different fruits and vegetables |

| |for each fruit or vegetable idenitfied, decide as a group whether it grows on a tree, |

| |above the ground, or below the ground. |

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|Materials and Time: |time: 1 minute |

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|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Teacher reads Growing Vegetable Soup, by Lois Ehlert. Before reading the book, Teacher |

| |will point out title, author/illustrator, dedication page, point out the front cover and |

| |back cover. Teacher states that fruits and vegetables grow above or below ground. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Growing Vegetable Soup |

| |time: 10 minutes |

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|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Teacher presents the board that includes the tree and a line indicating the ground. |

| |Teacher will then present and name each fruit and vegetable to be placed. Let each child |

| |take turns choosing a food cutout from the bag/basket. As a group, have the class name the|

| |fruit/vegetable and decide if it grows on a tree, above ground, or underneath the ground. |

| |Have the children attach the food cutout on the appropriate spot on the board. |

| |After all the fruits and vegetables have been placed, move any that are incorrect and |

| |explain why. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |board (with tree and ground line), fruit and vegetable cutouts, tape, bag/basket |

| |time: 20 minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |Students will replicate the tree/ground board and placed fruits/vegetables with a drawing.|

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |paper, crayons, markers, (as well as all supplies in guided practice) |

| |time:10 minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Celebrate with vegetable soup (no peanut products). Restate the objectives to close. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |vegetable soup, cups, spoons, paper towels, microwave |

| |time: 4 minutes |

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|Standards: |[pic] |

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| |[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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| |• Subject : English Language Arts |

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| |• Grade : Kindergarten |

| |During the kindergarten year, students need to experience the enjoyment of reading while |

| |they learn the foundational strategies and skills that will enable them to read |

| |independently. Students learn these enabling skills of phonemic awareness, letter names, |

| |sound-letter correspondences, decoding skills, high frequency vocabulary, and |

| |comprehension skills as they listen and respond to a variety of texts. They enjoy |

| |listening to stories, relating characters and events to their own life experiences, |

| |dramatizing stories, and responding to stories through art and writing activities. They |

| |can extend their oral language skills when given opportunities to express themselves, and |

| |they can learn how oral language is recorded to convey experiences and ideas as they |

| |observe their experiences and ideas being written. Kindergarten students will: |

| |Engage in word play. |

| |Listen and respond to children’s literature. |

| |Build reading and writing concepts, skills, and strategies. |

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| |• Goal 1: The learner will develop and apply enabling strategies and skills to read and |

| |write |

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| |• Standard 1.01: Develop book and print awareness |

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| |[pic] Benchmark or Practice : identify the parts of books and function of each part. |

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| |[pic] Benchmark or Practice : demonstrate an understanding of letters, words, and story. |

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| |• Subject : Science (To be implemented in the 2005-2006 school year) |

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| |• Grade : Kindergarten |

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| |• Area : The focus for kindergarten students is on using the five senses to make |

| |observations of events in both indoor and outdoor settings that make up their world. The |

| |observations that students make provide evidence and data on which to base their |

| |scientific explanations. Guide student learning of all goals on the unifying concepts of |

| |evidence, explanation, and measurement. The strands provide a context for teaching the |

| |content throughout all goals. |

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| |• Goal 3: The learner will make observations and build an understanding of the properties |

| |of common objects. |

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| |[pic] Standard 3.04 : Observe that objects can be described and sorted by their |

| |properties. |

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|Assessment/Rubrics: |Check their drawings for accuracy. |

| |Observe during the guided practice activity. |

|[pic] |  |

|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

|Sample Student Products: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Author's Comments & Reflections: |  |

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|Tomie dePaola | |

|Author: Paula King, Janelle DeCosta, Melody Ingram based on lesson by: Paula King 9/12/2006 | |

|1:55:00 PM EDT | |


|Subject(s): |Language Arts (English), Reading, Social Studies |

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|Topic or Unit of Study: |Cultural, historical, and family life differences.  |

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|Grade/Level: |2 |

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|Summary: |After being read "The Quilt Story" by Tony Johnston and Tomi dePaola, the learner will be |

| |able to analyze differences in families of different generations and historical times, |

| |through brainstorming and teacher guided practice.  The learner will then compare and |

| |contrast lifestyles in the book with their own through reflective writing in journals.  |

| |Students will create their own paper quilt square using elements discussed in guided |

| |practice. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |Before introducing the book ask the learners if they can identify a quilt or if they have |

| |one at home.  Bring in a quilt for the learners to see and touch.  |

| |Questions to Ask Children |

| |1)  How is a quilt made? |

| |2)  What makes a quilt different from a blanket? |

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|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Book: "The Quilt Story" |

| |Materials :  Quilt |

| |Time: 10 minutes  |

|[pic] |  |

|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |At the end of the lesson students will know the definition of a quilt, and be able to make|

| |a connection with families of various historical times. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials:  None |

| |Time:  5 minutes |

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|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Introduce "The Quilt Story," ask the students questions about their observance of the book|

| |and do a picture walk. |

| | Ask students to keep in mind the question "What time period are the girls in this story |

| |from, and how do you know?" |

| |Read Book Out Loud |

| |Brainstorm with whole class about question posed earlier. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials:  The Quilt Story, Dry Erase Board |

| |Time:  20 Minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Students will produce a makeshift quilt square on construction paper.  Students will put |

| |their name in the middle of the quilt and decorate the quilt with other elements of |

| |themselves and their family.  |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials:  Construction Paper, crayons, scissors |

| |Time:  20 minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |This will take place at language arts time, it will be a journal entry.  |

| |Writing Prompt:  In the Quilt Story the quilt was very special to the little girls, tell |

| |about something that is important/special to you.  |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials:  Journal and Pencil |

| |Time:  15 minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Teacher will put the quilt together and share it with the class.  Take the last 10 minutes|

| |to reflect with the children about life and pioneer times and ask if a quilt like this |

| |would comfort them the same way it comforted Abgail.  Dispaly quilt in the hall. |

| |  |

| |*Closure may take place the next day after the journal entry. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Time:  10 minutes |

| |Teacher prep (putting quilt together) |

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|Standards: |[pic] |

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| |[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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| |• Subject : Social Studies |

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| |• Grade/Topic : Grade 2 |


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| |The second grade study emphasizes community life in a variety of contexts with a major |

| |focus on geography. Students examine how communities may be linked to form larger |

| |political units, and how there are cultural, geographic, and economic ties. Through their |

| |study of various patterns of community living, the students begin to understand that |

| |people’s activities are influenced not only by their geographic location, but also by how |

| |they use the earth’s materials, the physical environment, and human traditions. By looking|

| |at communities from a geographic perspective, students become aware of some of the |

| |cultural, political, geographic, and economic factors that help bind communities together |

| |through both time and space. |

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| |• Competency Goal 3: The learner will analyze how individuals, families, and communities |

| |are alike and different. |

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| |[pic] Objective 3.02: Describe similarities and differences among families in different |

| |communities. |

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| |[pic] Objective 3.03: Compare similarities and differences among cultures in various |

| |communities. |

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| |[pic] Objective 3.06: Identify individuals of diverse cultures and describe on their |

| |contributions to society. |

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|Assessment/Rubrics: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

|Sample Student Products: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Author's Comments & Reflections: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Eric Carle |

|Authors: Liz Lancaster, Bridget Tucker, Kelly West, Sarah Kunhardt, Miranda Johnson |

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|Subject(s): |

|Art, Language Arts (English), Mathematics |

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|Topic or Unit of Study: |

|Concept of Numbers: word, model and symbol |

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|Grade/Level: |

|Kindergarten |

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|Summary: |

|We will read the Very Hungry Caterpillar and then do an art activity that helps us practice our math skills |

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|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|Does anyone know what a caterpillar is? Describe it to me...what do they do? |

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|~when introducing the math lesson I will review numbers in their 3 forms: words, model, and symbol. |

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|Materials and Time: |

|Picture of a caterpillar, number pictures, words, symbols (on the overhead or flash card style) |

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|~10 minutes |

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|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|Today we are going to read a book about a hungry caterpillar. After we read the book, we are going to do a craft that will |

|use the math skills we learned yesterday. |

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|Materials and Time: |

|The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle |

|~1 minute |

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|[pic] |

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|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|I will read the book aloud. During the reading process I will be getting the students to predict what will happen next, read|

|the pictures, and make connections. I may ask them to count something in the pictures, such as how many leaves he ate |

|through, etc. If we are learning about caterpillars, butterflies, or other bugs in science I may talk more about the |

|scientific aspects of the book, such as what the caterpillar did at the end of the story (made a cocoon) and why he ate so |

|much before he made it. I will also talk about the process of metamorphosis and get the children to tell me the |

|process...which came first (the egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly). I may use this to go into frogs...through |

|metamorphosis. |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|The Hungry Caterpillar |

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|~20-25 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|I will give the students a choice to make either a caterpillar or a butterfly. For each choice there will be shapes cut out,|

|and directions (I will help the students and read the directions for one, and my assistant will do the other). I will have a|

|graph showing the students how many of each object to use. For example I may have a picture of a caterpillar's head with a 1|

|beside it. Then I would have a green circle (for the body) and have the word four beside it. Finally I will have little |

|feet...this will be tricky, b/c I will have them put 4 feet on each of the 4 parts of the I will have one green |

|body part and 4 feet attached to it..2 on each side. I will do the same concept for the butterfly. They will have "one" |

|beside the body picture, 2 beside the wings, and a picture of a triangle, with 3 triangles beside it to represent 3...and so|

|on. This will let the students practice all three representations of numbers, word, model, and symbol |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|Construction paper shapes (already cut out), glue, markers (to draw faces), and direction charts |

| |

|~about 20-30 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|The children will have another worksheet, very similar to the one the night before, but this time, they will be building |

|things (like the caterpillars and butterflies) by a certain number of parts. They will draw their answers on the worksheet |

|and turn in it the next day |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|Worksheet, pencil, crayons/markers if desired |

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|~ about 1-2 minutes to pass out and give directions |

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|[pic] |

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|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|I will ask everyone how they liked today's lesson. I will ask them what they learned about caterpillars, and if they liked |

|the caterpillar better before of after metamorphosis. I will ask them if there are any questions about the numbers we have |

|learned, or caterpillars |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|about 5 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|Standards: |

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|[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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|[pic] |

|• Subject : Arts Education |

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|[pic] |

|• Grade : Kindergarten |

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|[pic] |

|• Area : VISUAL ARTS |

|The study of visual arts begins in Kindergarten with the introduction of skills and concepts that will be completely new for|

|most of the children. Because of the children's different developmental levels when entering Kindergarten, it is expected |

|that this year will emphasize joyful exploration and discovery; mastery is a process that will require repetition at |

|subsequent grades. The emphasis at this level is on: |

|-Personal experience and/or imagination |

|-Exploring a variety of media to develop fine and gross motor skills |

|-Learning care and use of tools and equipment |

|-Following safety rules |

|-Family, five senses, counting, and retelling stories in pictures |

|-Learning about a variety of artists and art forms, including architecture |

|-Art elements - color, shape and line |

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|[pic] |

|• Competency Goal 1: The learner will develop critical and creative thinking skills and perceptual awareness necessary for |

|understanding and producing art. |

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|[pic] |

|[pic] Objective 1.03 : Understand and follow step-by-step presentation of art activities. |

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|[pic] |

|• Subject : English Language Arts |

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|[pic] |

|• Grade : Kindergarten |

|During the kindergarten year, students need to experience the enjoyment of reading while they learn the foundational |

|strategies and skills that will enable them to read independently. Students learn these enabling skills of phonemic |

|awareness, letter names, sound-letter correspondences, decoding skills, high frequency vocabulary, and comprehension skills |

|as they listen and respond to a variety of texts. They enjoy listening to stories, relating characters and events to their |

|own life experiences, dramatizing stories, and responding to stories through art and writing activities. They can extend |

|their oral language skills when given opportunities to express themselves, and they can learn how oral language is recorded |

|to convey experiences and ideas as they observe their experiences and ideas being written. Kindergarten students will: |

|Engage in word play. |

|Listen and respond to children’s literature. |

|Build reading and writing concepts, skills, and strategies. |

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|[pic] |

|• Goal 2: The learner will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed |

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|[pic] |

|[pic] Standard 2.01 : Demonstrate sense of story (e.g., beginning, middle, end, characters, details) |

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|[pic] |

|[pic] Standard 2.05 : Predict possible events in texts before and during reading |

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|[pic] |

|[pic] Standard 2.06 : Understand and follow oral-graphic directions |

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|[pic] |

|• Subject : Mathematics |

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|[pic] |

|• Grade/Topic : Kindergarten |

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|[pic] |

|• Competency Goal 1:  The learner will recognize, model, and write whole numbers through 30. |

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|[pic] |

|• Objective 1.01: Develop number sense for whole numbers through 30. |

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|[pic] |

|[pic] Example : a) Connect model, number word (orally), and number, using a variety of representations. |

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|[pic] |

|[pic] Example : b) Count objects in a set. |

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|[pic] |

|[pic] Example : c) Read and write numerals. |

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|[pic] |

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|Assessment/Rubrics: |

|I will use the discussion time to see how well the students understand the concepts covered in the story...we will also be |

|discussing it while we do the craft. The craft will show me how well they know the different representations of numbers. The|

|craft will also show how well they are using their motor skills, b/c we will soon start writing letters and numbers, and |

|that will be important |

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|[pic] |

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|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

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|Sample Student Products: |

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|[pic] |

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|Author's Comments & Reflections: |

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|[pic][pic]Eric Carle | |

|Author: Brittany Capps  9/12/2006 10:26:00 PM EDT | |


|Subject(s): |Elementary |

|[pic] |  |

|Topic or Unit of Study: |Science, Sea Animals, Animal Characteristics. |

|[pic] |  |

|Grade/Level: |4 |

|[pic] |  |

|Summary: |We will take a trip to the aquarium and then discuss the sea animals we viewed while |

| |there. We will then use the internet to find more information about a chosen sea animal |

| |and what characteristics it has. We will then read the book, The Mixed Up Chameleon and |

| |the children will design a page of the book using their chosen sea animal and its |

| |characteristic. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |We will discuss our anticipation of our field trip to the aquarium and what we plan to see|

| |there. We will also review what we have learned about adaptations, animal behavior, and |

| |advantages and disadvantages to animal characteristics. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |10-15 Minutes |

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|[pic] |  |

|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |TLW choose a sea animal that they would like to do further research on. We will then read |

| |The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. After discussing the book the children will make |

| |their own page for the book using the sea animal that they have been researching. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |We will read The Mixed Up Chameleon and discuss how the Chameleon wanted the different |

| |characteristics of the different animals but in the end they didn't help him survive and |

| |adapt. The teacher will also discuss Sea Animals and let the children brain storm what are|

| |specific adaptations of them that help them survive. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |a running list will be generated on the board or chart paper. |

|[pic] |  |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |We will take a trip to the aquarium with the prior knowledge and curiosity of sea animal |

| |characteristics, behaviors, and adaptations. The children will take note of what seem to |

| |be advantages or disadvantages to the sea animals characteristics. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Half a day field trip |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |The children will work on their page for the classroom book. The artwork will |

| |be illustrated using collage and will be made like a page in the book. They will write a |

| |sentence using a behavior of their animal. I wish i could ______ like a _______. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |art materials, knowledge of their sea animal |

| |about an hour |

|[pic] |  |

|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |We will bind our class book and then read it. The children will discuss what they have |

| |learned. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |


|Standards: |[pic] |

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| |[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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| |[pic] |

| |• Subject : Science (To be implemented in the 2005-2006 school year) |

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| |[pic] |

| |• Grade : Grade 4 |

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| |[pic] |

| |• Area : The focus for fourth grade students is on analyzing systems and learning how |

| |systems work. Thinking about and analyzing systems help students understand the |

| |relationships of mass, energy, objects, and organisms. Students learn that systems may be |

| |made up of subsystems and that systems have structure and function, feedback, equilibrium,|

| |and that there are both open and closed systems. Guide student learning to continue to |

| |emphasize the unifying concepts previously introduced (including evidence, explanation, |

| |measurement, order, organization and change, and systems) as well as the introduction at |

| |grade four of form and function. The strands provide a context for teaching the content |

| |throughout all goals. |

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| |[pic] |

| |• Goal 1: The learner will make observations and conduct investigations to build an |

| |understanding of animal behavior and adaptation. |

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| |[pic] |

| |[pic] Standard 1.02 : Observe and record how animals of the same kind differ in some of |

| |their characteristics and discuss possible advantages and disadvantages of this variation.|

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| |[pic] Standard 1.05 : Recognize that humans can understand themselves better by learning |

| |about other animals. |

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|Assessment/Rubrics: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

|Sample Student Products: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Author's Comments & Reflections: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Oobleck Dr. Seuss | |


|Subject(s): |Language Arts (English), Mathematics, Science |

|[pic] |  |

|Topic or Unit of Study: |Properties of Matter |

|[pic] |  |

|Grade/Level: |2 |

|[pic] |  |

|Summary: |The teacher will read Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss.  The students will work in|

| |groups of four to create oobleck and observe the properties of the substance. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |The students will review the states of matter. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |Students will observe the movement of Oobleck and be able to compare its movement to that |

| |of solids and liquids. |

| |Students will be able to state the properties of solids and liquids and compare them to |

| |the properties of Oobleck |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |The teacher will read Bartholomew and the Oobleck.  The teacher will lead a brief |

| |discussion on the states of matter and ask the students what property they think oobleck |

| |falls under. |

| |Liquid: |

| |assumes the shape of the container which it occupies |

| |is not easily compressible (little free space between particles) |

| |flows easily (the particles can move/slide past one another) |

| |Solid: |

| |has a fixed volume and shape (the particles are locked into place) |

| |is not easily compressible (little free space between particles) |

| |does not flow easily (the particles cannot move/slide past one another) |

| |Inform students that it is possible for a substance to have both the properties of a solid|

| |and a liquid |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Bartholomew and the Oobleck |

| |approximately 30 minutes. |

|[pic] |  |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |The students will be divided in to groups of four.  One student from each group come to |

| |the front of the room to gather materials. Explain the activity: Students will be free to |

| |handle and explore the consistency of the Oobleck. Students will then place the objects |

| |given to them (marble, paper clip, penny, confetti, toothpick, and string) in the Oobleck |

| |and observe what happens with each. |

| |Ask the students what is something that is different in every solid and every liquid and |

| |how they could test that. They should come up with the following for tests. |

| |1. push test -- can you push into it? |

| |2. pick up test -- if you pick some up, does it all come up? |

| |3. pour test -- does it pour out smoothly, or does it just fall out in a clump? |

| |4. shape test -- does it keep the same shape? |

| |Oobleck is a solid and a liquid at the same time. |

| |If you make a ball and throw it up in the air, it loses shape and becomes flat in the air.|

| | |

| |Oobleck can be molded in a container and when taken out does not keep shape. |

| |If you fill a balloon with 0obleck, the air presses or forces the Oobleck back out. |

| |When you leave Oobleck in the sun, the color evaporates, it turns hard like cement on the |

| |top and like jelly on the bottom. When heated this also happens and it is sticky. |

| |Oobleck does not bounce. |

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|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |1/2 quart water |

| |about 2 boxes cornstarch |

| |food coloring |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |The students will reflect on the properties of matter and the experiment with oobleck.  |

| |The students will be asked the following questions: |

| |What are the properties of a liquid? A solid? |

| |What properties of a liquid did the oobleck display? Of a solid? |

| |What was the most interesting thing you learned from this experiment and what do you think|

| |that we could do to change the state of oobleck?  (The students will present their |

| |brainstormed ideas to the class and will investigate their predicitions.) |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Ask students to share their group findings with the rest of the class. Explain that |

| |Oobleck is a non-Newtonian fluid. Introduce the new term non-Newtonian fluid -- a |

| |substance that exhibits characteristics of both solids and liquids. A Venn diagram or |

| |other chart can be used to compare the Oobleck with a solid and a liquid. In their science|

| |journals, have students write about their experiences with the Oobleck. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |


|Standards: |[pic] |

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| |[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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| |[pic] |

| |• Subject : Science (To be implemented in the 2005-2006 school year) |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |• Grade : Grade 2 |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |• Area : The focus for second grade students is on analyzing collected data over a period |

| |of time to make predictions and understand changes. Changes vary in rate, scale, and |

| |pattern, including trends and cycles. Changes in systems can be measured. Guide student |

| |learning to continue to emphasize the unifying concepts previously introduced, including |

| |evidence, explanation, measurement, order, and organization as well as the introduction at|

| |grade two of change. The strands provide a context for teaching the content goals. |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |• Goal 3: The learner will observe and conduct investigations to build an understanding of|

| |changes in properties. |

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| |[pic] |

| |[pic] Standard 3.05 : Investigate and observe how mixtures can be made by combining |

| |solids, liquids or gases and how they can be separated again. |

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| |[pic] Standard 3.04 : Show that solids, liquids and gases can be characterized by their |

| |properties. |

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| |[pic] Standard 3.06 : Observe that a new material is made by combining two or more |

| |materials with properties different from the original material. |

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|[pic] |  |

|Assessment/Rubrics: |Teacher observation |

| |Science journals |

|Margaret Wise Brown |

|Subject(s): |Art, Language Arts (English) |

|[pic] |  |

|Topic or Unit of Study: |This lesson is about teaching the students that they are important, and writing skills |

| |when constructing our own classroom Important Book. |

|[pic] |  |

|Grade/Level: |1 |

|[pic] |  |

|Summary: |In this lesson I will read the Important Book to my students to introduce the importance |

| |of themselves and the world around them. They will listen as I read the story, and then |

| |create their own page of what they think is important to compose a classroom important |

| |book. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |Ask students if they know what the word Important means. Write definition on the board and|

| |then begin reading The Important Book, written by Margaret Wise Brown. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |Students will develop a healthy and positive self esteem about themselves. Students will |

| |see that everyone is special and good (for different reasons), and they will see the |

| |importance of themselves and different things in the world around them. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |The teacher will review the book with the students and discuss its theme. Once the |

| |students understand the concept of the book the teacher will go over the directions of the|

| |activity and brainstorm some ideas in case some students need help coming up with an idea,|

| |for their page in the classroom important book. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Teacher will show students the page she has created for the classroom important book. Then|

| |she will pass 2 pages to each student. One will be fill in the blank about what they think|

| |is important and why (like in Maraget Wise Brown's book) and the second page for their |

| |illustration. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |Students will take out their markers, crayons, color pencils and any materials they wish |

| |to use to create their own page for the classroom importance book. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Once all students have completed their pages for the classroom important book, the teacher|

| |will collect their work and have read everyone's' pages and as a class choose the order |

| |for our book. Then the teacher will take the pages and make them into a actual book, and |

| |read it to the class. The classroom important book will then be put into the classroom |

| |library, and copies of each individual students' own page will be given back to them to |

| |keep in their portfolio. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |


|Standards: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Assessment/Rubrics: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

|The Relatives Came | |

|by Cynthia Rylant | |

|By: Becky Dassau |

|Jessica Osborne |

|Leslie Parsons |

|Meredith Miller |

|Megan Casciere |

| |

|Subject(s): |Language Arts (English), Social Studies |

|[pic] |  |

|Topic or Unit of Study: |Families |

|[pic] |  |

|Grade/Level: |Kindergarten |

|[pic] |  |

|Summary: |     In this lesson, students will read the book, "The Relatives Came" by Cynthia |

| |Rylant, discuss the family described in the book, and compare that family to their own. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |     On the reading carpet, the teacher will ask the students to consider a time when |

| |their family gathered together.  After some time to think, the teacher will ask them to |

| |share their experiences.  Some questions to ask include:  What did your family do when |

| |they met?  Was there a special occasion you were celebrating?  and Where did you meet?  |

| |The teacher will then facilitate a discussion on how the ways the students gather with |

| |their families compare and differ from each other.  A generalization or two may be made |

| |about how families in their area celebrate traditions or special occasions. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Time:  5-10 Minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |     The teacher will state that the students will be looking for similarities and |

| |differences between their families and a family from another place.  These similarities |

| |and differences will include ways to gather to celebrate special occasions. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Time:  1-2 Minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |     The teacher will introduce the book, "The Relatives Came."  He or she will then do a |

| |picture walk and ask questions that encourage the students to make predictions about the |

| |story, including how this family may differ from theirs.  The teacher will then read the |

| |text, and upon completion, the class will discuss whether or not their predictions were |

| |correct.  Taking clues from the text, they will then brainstorm possible reasons why this |

| |family has gathered.  They will also try to decide who the individual characters are in |

| |relation to the narrator. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials:  "The Relatives Came" |

| |Time:  15-20 Minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |     As a class, the students will work to make a family tree for the characters in the |

| |book.  To prevent confusion, the students may even assign names to the characters.  This |

| |time will be used to show students how a family tree is designed. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials:  Whiteboard and Markers, "The Relatives Came" |

| |Time:  20 Minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |     Independently, students will design their own family tree to the best of their |

| |abilities.  Note that some students will not know some people who are not in their |

| |immediate families.  They will then be responsible for finding two similarities and |

| |differences between their family and the family in the book.  In addition, each student |

| |will illustrate a time that their family gathered for a celebration or tradition.  |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Materials:  Paper, Pencil, Markers/Crayons |

| |Time:  45-60 Minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |     Students will have the opportunity to share their family trees and traditions with |

| |the rest of the group.  Again, the teacher will help to point out that students may have |

| |similarities or differences.  The students' work will be displayed on the wall to |

| |reiterate that families are both alike and different in many ways. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Time:  5 Minutes |

|[pic] |  |


|Standards: |[pic] |

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| |[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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| |[pic] |

| |• Subject : English Language Arts |

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| |[pic] |

| |• Grade : Kindergarten |

| |During the kindergarten year, students need to experience the enjoyment of reading while |

| |they learn the foundational strategies and skills that will enable them to read |

| |independently. Students learn these enabling skills of phonemic awareness, letter names, |

| |sound-letter correspondences, decoding skills, high frequency vocabulary, and |

| |comprehension skills as they listen and respond to a variety of texts. They enjoy |

| |listening to stories, relating characters and events to their own life experiences, |

| |dramatizing stories, and responding to stories through art and writing activities. They |

| |can extend their oral language skills when given opportunities to express themselves, and |

| |they can learn how oral language is recorded to convey experiences and ideas as they |

| |observe their experiences and ideas being written. Kindergarten students will: |

| |Engage in word play. |

| |Listen and respond to children’s literature. |

| |Build reading and writing concepts, skills, and strategies. |

| | |

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| |• Goal 2: The learner will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that|

| |is read, heard, and viewed |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |[pic] Standard 2.03 : Use preparation strategies to activate prior knowledge and |

| |experience before and during the reading of a text |

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| |[pic] Standard 2.04 : Formulate questions that a text might answer before beginning to |

| |read (e.g., what will happen in this story, who might this be, where do you think this |

| |happens) |

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| |• Subject : Social Studies |

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| |• Grade/Topic : Kindergarten |


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| |Students begin a global approach to social studies with a study of themselves, their |

| |families, and other families around the world. They learn how individuals and families |

| |grow and change and compare how they are alike and different. Students approach the |

| |understanding of self and family while developing and defining concepts about themselves |

| |and the family structure. They acquire the concept that all families worldwide have basic |

| |common needs, yet meet these needs in a variety of ways. Goals in kindergarten focus on |

| |developing positive attitudes about themselves, their families, and families of diverse |

| |cultures. |

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| |• Competency Goal 1: The learner will investigate how individuals, families, and groups |

| |are similar and different. |

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| |[pic] Objective 1.04: Recognize that families and groups have similarities and |

| |differences. |

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| |• Competency Goal 4: The learner will explain celebrated holidays and special days in |

| |communities. |

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| |[pic] Objective 4.01: Explore how families express their cultures through celebrations, |

| |rituals, and traditions. |

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|[pic] |  |

|Assessment/Rubrics: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

|Sample Student Products: |  |

|The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss | |

|Author: Katie Finkey, Courtney Sprissler, Kelly Peterson, Page Gambill, Nicole Hopkins, Julie | |

|Sartorius based on lesson by: Katie Finkey  | |


|Subject(s): |Language Arts (English), Reading |

|[pic] |  |

|Topic or Unit of Study: |Main idea and details of a story |

|[pic] |  |

|Grade/Level: |4 |

|[pic] |  |

|Summary: |Teacher will introduce the concepts of main idea and details of a story. After being given|

| |examples in common children's stories, the teacher will read 'The Sneetches' by Dr Seuss. |

| |Students will be put into groups and asked to decide what the main idea and details of the|

| |story are. They will put their information into a news story and present a news broadcast |

| |to the class. |

|[pic] |  |

|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

|Activities and Setting: |Review the elements of a story. Have students explain character, plot, and climax. If |

| |necessary review their meanings and give examples. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |No materials needed |

| | |

| |5 minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

|Activities and Setting: |Given a story, students will be able to identify the main idea and details by organizing |

| |their information in a bubble map. |

| | |

| |After being placed in a group, students will be able to work together to organize their |

| |information and create a news story to present to the class. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Teacher will introduce concepts of main idea and details. Using examples from several |

| |popular stories or movies so that the students will have a clear understanding of the |

| |concepts. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |No materials |

| | |

| |5 minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

|Activities and Setting: |As a class, choose one story that everyone is familiar with (ex. Cinderella, The Three |

| |Little Pigs, etc.) Use a bubble map to organize the main idea and details of the story. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Something to display the bubble map so all students can see (chalk board, overhead, large |

| |sheet of paper, etc) |

| | |

| |10 minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

|Activities and Setting: |Teacher will read 'The Sneetches' by Dr Seuss. After reading the story, teacher will ask |

| |comprehension questions to ensure student understanding. Also teacher will talk about how |

| |this story represents the prejudices and discrimination in our society. Students will be |

| |put into groups of 3-4. They will be asked to pick out the main ideas and details from the|

| |story. The students will organize their information in a bubble map. They will then put |

| |their information into a news story as if they worked for a television station. |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |Students will need paper, pencils, possibly copies of the book to share (if available) |

| | |

| |20 minutes |

|[pic] |  |

|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

|Activities and Setting: |Groups will present their news broadcasts to the class. After all groups have finished, |

| |discuss the similarities and differences in the groups presentations. Were all the main |

| |ideas the same? What kinds of details were common to all groups bubble maps? |

|[pic] |  |

|Materials and Time: |No new materials needed |

| | |

| |10 minutes |

|[pic] |  |


|Standards: |[pic] |

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| |[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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| |• Subject : English Language Arts |

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| |[pic] |

| |• Grade : Fourth Grade |

| |Students in fourth grade apply reading strategies and skills automatically, flexibly, and |

| |strategically to comprehend fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. They read for literary|

| |experience, to gain information, and to perform a task. They use a variety of strategies |

| |and writing process elements to compose fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama. They |

| |become increasingly proficient in active listening, speaking, and using media and |

| |technology. They deepen and extend their understanding and use of English language |

| |conventions in oral presentations and written products. The learner will: |

| |Explore a wide range of texts and their distinguishing features. |

| |Expand vocabulary through wide reading, word study, exposure to content area words, and |

| |discussion. |

| |Routinely spell high frequency words and use resources to check spelling. |

| |Write for a variety of purposes and audiences and use writing as a tool for learning. |

| |Communicate effectively with different audiences through spoken, written, and visual |

| |formats. |

| |Use media and technological resources for research and as tools for learning. |

| |Use increasingly sophisticated knowledge of grammar and language conventions in oral and |

| |written products and presentations. |

| |Apply comprehension strategies critically, creatively, and strategically |

| | |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |• Goal 2: The learner will apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, |

| |heard, and viewed |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |[pic] Standard 2.05 : Make inferences, draw conclusions, make generalizations, and support|

| |by referencing the text |

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| |[pic] Standard 2.07 : Determine usefulness of information and ideas consistent with |

| |purpose |

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| |• Goal 3: The learner will make connections with text through the use of oral language, |

| |written language, and media and technology |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| |[pic] Standard 3.03 : Consider the ways language and visuals bring characters to life, |

| |enhance plot development, and produce a response |

| | |

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|[pic] |  |

|Assessment/Rubrics: |Teacher will monitor student participation and overall understanding of the task. Groups |

| |will be evaluated on creativity as well as knowledge of the concepts. |

|[pic] |  |

|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

|Sample Student Products: |  |

|[pic] |  |

|Author's Comments & Reflections: |  |

|[pic] |  |

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|[pic] |  |

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|Fiona French |

|Modern Fairy Tales |

|Latasha, Jenny and Amanda |

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|Subject(s): |

|Elementary, Language Arts (English), Reading, Social Studies, Technology |

| |

|[pic] |

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|Topic or Unit of Study: |

|Fairy Tales/ Creative Writing |

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|[pic] |

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|Grade/Level: |

|5 |

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|[pic] |

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|Summary: |

|Student will adapt a classic fairy tale to include modern day elements. |

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|[pic] |

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|1. Focus and Review (Establish Prior Knowledge) |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|Review original (traditional Snow White) read previous day |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|Materials: Original Snow White story |

|Time: 5-10 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|II. Statement (Inform) of Objectives |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|Today we will read a modern version of Snow White, adapted by Fiona French.  Then, in |

|groups, choose a fairy tale and re-write it to make a modern version of that fairy tale. |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|5 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|III. Teacher Input (Present tasks, information, and guidance) |

| |

|Activities and Setting: |

|Teacher will first read Snow White in New York by Fiona French. |

|As a class, students will brainstorm to create a venn diagram on the board, comparing and |

|contrasting the original Snow White with Snow White in New York. |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|Materials: Snow White in New York by Fiona French, Traditional Snow White, white board, |

|marker |

|Time: 20 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit performance) |

| |

|Activities and Setting: |

|As a class, create a list of fairy tales on the board. |

|Let students choose who they want to work with.  In groups of 2 or 3, have students choose|

|a fairy tale to re-write. |

|In their groups, students will begin making concept maps showing the alterations they will|

|include in their story.  This concept map will be the guide for writing their stories. |

| |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|Materials: white board, marker, concept maps on paper, other fairy tale books for examples|

|Time: 20 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|V. Independent Practice- Seatwork and Homework (Retain and transfer) |

| |

|Activities and Setting: |

|Using concept map, groups of 2 or 3 will write their own version of whatever fairy tale |

|they chose to make modern. |

|Encourage students to research the time period or culture their story will center around. |

|They should make their story believable by using representations of the modern culture or |

|time period included in their story. |

|Have students type stories in word processing. |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|Materials: concept map, word processor, paper/pencils |

|Time: remainder of Language Arts block then continued over the course of 2 days for 30-45 |

|minutes each. |

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|[pic] |

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|VI. Closure (Plan for maintenance) |

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|Activities and Setting: |

|Have students read stories aloud to class. |

|Teacher will ask class to compare and contrast each story to its original version. |

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|[pic] |

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|Materials and Time: |

|Materials: completed stories |

|Time: 45 minutes |

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|[pic] |

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|Standards: |

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|[pic]NC- North Carolina Standard Course of Study |

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|[pic] |

|• Subject : English Language Arts |

| |

|[pic] |

|• Grade : Fifth Grade |

|Students in fifth grade expand and deepen concepts, skills, and strategies learned at |

|earlier grades. They make new connections as they experience more sophisticated ideas and |

|begin to study subjects in more formal ways. They read and write a variety of texts with |

|greater breadth and depth, critically analyzing and evaluating information and ideas. |

|Fifth graders revisit and refine concepts and their knowledge of English Language Arts |

|conventions as they become more sophisticated, independent learners. The learner will: |

|Use reading and writing to learn about and understand their world and other cultures. |

|Evaluate text to determine the author’s purpose and point of view. |

|Increase vocabulary knowledge through wide reading, word study, discussion, and content |

|area study. |

|Use print and non-print media to persuade an audience. |

|Use metacognitive skills to accomplish a task independently or as a group member. |

|Research multiple sources to deepen understanding and integrate information and ideas |

|across varied sources and content areas. |

|Apply comprehension strategies critically, creatively, and strategically. |

|Use media and technology as resources for extended research and as tools for learning |

| |

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|[pic] |

|• Goal 4: The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual|

|texts |

| |

|[pic] |

|[pic] Standard 4.07 : Compose a variety of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama using |

|self-selected topic and format (e.g., poetry, research reports, news articles, letters to |

|the editor, business letters) |

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|[pic] |

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|Assessment/Rubrics: |

|Assess students on: |

|Is the story coherent? |

|Is the story free of grammar/spelling mistakes? |

|Does the story include references to modern day culture/time period? |

|Are the references accurate? |

|Does the story imitate the original fairy tale? |

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|[pic] |

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|Reflective Information (complete after lesson is implemented) |

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|Sample Student Products: |

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|[pic] |

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|Author's Comments & Reflections: |

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|[pic] |

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