South School

Welcome to

[pic] South School’s [pic]

Kindergarten Orientation


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Thursday, April 11, 2019

New Canaan Public Schools Central Office Administration

Dr. Bryan Luizzi Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Jill Correnty Assistant Superintendent of Schools

Mr. Gary Kass Director of Human Resources

Mrs. Darlene Pianka Assistant Superintendent of Pupil and Family Services

South School Administration

Ms. Joanne Rocco Principal

Mr. Matt Kascak Assistant Principal

South School Kindergarten Teachers

Mrs. Kristen Baker Mrs. Lisa Charkales

Mrs. Allison Bouffard Mrs. Carli Cross

South School Secretaries

Ms. Irene Picchione Principal’s Secretary

Ms. Bernadette Lee Office Secretary

South School Nurse

Ms. Kathy O’Malley Bishop

Mrs. Sara Paine

South School Custodians

Ms. Amy Thorsen Head Custodian

Mr. Chris Tensen

Mr. Sam Santiago

Mr. Joe Altamura

The Kindergarten Program

Our current special area teachers are:

Mr. Joshua MacDonald Physical Education

Mr. Michael Messina Music

Mrs. Amber Harris Music

Mrs. Megan Kimball Art

Mrs. Liz Zeiss Art

Mrs. Sue Driscoll Science

Mrs. Alison Bartlett Library Media

Mrs. Ronna VanVeghel Technology

Ms. Lily DeYoung Spanish

Mrs. Isobel Owen Spanish

Special Services and Resource Staff

Dr. Jennifer Pritt Psychologist

Ms. Kim Staiti Social Worker

Ms. Lisa Dahlstrom Speech & Language Pathologist

Mrs. Trish Chase Special Education Resource Teacher

Mrs. Jennifer Tavello Special Education Resource Teacher

Mrs. Heather Doneit Special Education Resource Teacher

Ms. Kara Callahan Special Education Resource Teacher

Mr. Richard Butler Reading Specialist Teacher

Mrs. Nicole Kingston Reading/Writing Specialist Teacher

Mr. Darren Bruce Writing Specialist Teacher

Mrs. Susan Hatzis Math Specialist Teacher

Mrs. Jennifer DaPonte Math Specialist Teacher

Mrs. Jennifer Bagliavio Literacy Specialist Teacher

Mrs. Kathy Crosby Challenge Teacher Gr. 3-4

Ms. Melody Ericsson Teacher of the Hearing Impaired

Dropping Off and Picking Up Your Child

• We encourage all students who meet Board of Education guidelines for bus service to ride the bus to and from school daily.

• If you choose to drop your child off in the morning, use only the Farm Road parking lot. You may park in a lined space and walk your child to the Kindergarten playground using the crosswalk, or you may use the car drop-off line.

• When using the drop-off line, the first three or four cars should unload simultaneously to keep the line moving. Students must exit the car from the passenger’s side only. Parents should not get out of the car. A staff member is on duty to direct kindergartners to the playground.

• School starts at 8:15 a.m. and students are considered tardy past that time. Supervisors are on duty on playgrounds at 7:55 a.m., so you can drop off your child at school between 7:55 – 8:10 a.m. It is important for your child to be present for our morning circle time since it sets the tone for the day. Morning circle time includes taking attendance, weather, lunch count, and morning greeting.

• Dismissal begins at 2:45 p.m. If you choose to pick up your child, you can walk up to the outside gym door or use the pick-up car line. Children who are picked up will wait in the gym. There are supervisors inside the gym and outside who will call your child to walk out to you, or direct him/her to your car. Children using the car line can only enter the car from the passenger’s side. Parents should not get out of the car when using the car line.

• If you walk in or drive up to pick up your child, you must have a Pickup Pass. These will be distributed to all families at the start of the year. Extra Pickup Passes are always available in the main office. If you walk in, please sign your child out every time. Parents must have a pass to pick up their children.

• Always use the sidewalks and crosswalks!

Important Bus Information

• Bus tags: We will provide each kindergartner with a bus tag the first full day of school. This tag will include his/her bus number, home address and phone number. Please have your child wear it to school until further notice. This tag aids in dismissing the children as well as helping our bus drivers learn the names of the newest passengers. If your child is a walker or pickup have them wear their tags too.

|South School – 203-594-4300 |

|South Paw |Telephone: 966-0000 |

|104 School Road | | | |

|Teacher: Ms. Lovely | | | |

|M |TU |W |TH |F |

|6 |6 |6 |6 |6 |

• Play dates for kindergartners are not allowed until November. At that time, however, children may not board a school bus other than their own without a change being entered into School Dismissal Manager.

• After school: Please make sure you have made your child’s

teacher aware of how your son or daughter will get home

from school every day, under normal circumstances (bus, pick-up,

daycare, YMCA, etc). Any deviation from this must be entered in School Dismissal Manager prior to 1:15 each day.

Schedule for School Year 2019-2020

First Week of School

Wednesday, August 28

- Parents come to school for one hour with children. There will be two different one-hour sessions. Please do not bring younger siblings.

Thursday, August 29

- All Kindergarten students begin full day schedule, 8:15 a.m.–2:45 p.m.

- Bus transportation is provided.


All kindergartners must bring lunch from home. Kindergartners will not begin the hot lunch program until November. Your child’s teacher will notify you when this program begins.

Daily Snack Time

To ensure that safe and healthy snacks are available for all students, parents should send individual snacks for their child each day.

Parent/School Communication

• When a child will be absent, please call our answering machine and report the child’s name and teacher at 594-4300. If you have health related concerns, please contact the school nurse at 594-4315.

• Open House is scheduled for an evening in September. This evening gives parents the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher, view student work and visit their child’s classroom, and review classroom procedures.

• Parent/Teacher Conference Days occur in the late fall. These will be half days for all students.

• The bi-monthly “Paw Post” is an up-to-date newsletter of events happening in and around South School. This is available online.

Directory of Important Phone Numbers

South School Office 594-4300

School Nurse 594-4315

Special Education 594-4320

Bus Transportation Office 594-4680

South School has e-mail for individual teachers

All e-mail addresses follow this format:


The South School website can be accessed at:


Seamless Transition from Home to School

Kindergarten promises to be a year of exciting social, emotional, and academic growth for your child. We are anxious to get to know our kindergarten families and would like to go over a few details to help us get off to a great start!

• Smocks: Please send a labeled smock for Art class and other

messy classroom projects (an old button down or large t-shirt is fine).

• Backpack or School Bag: It is necessary that your child have a child friendly backpack or school bag to carry belongings. Please be sure it is large enough to accommodate lunch boxes, 9 x 12 folders, plus any artwork that may go home.

• Friday Folder: Kindergartners will bring home important school notices on Fridays. Please provide your child with a dual pocket folder for transporting information. The folders should be returned empty each Monday.

• Supply Packs: These are available for purchase through our PTC. Check the school website for more information.

General School Information

• Photo identification is required of all visitors when entering the school building.

• When visiting the school, please use the front entrance at Farm Road and report to the Campus Monitor’s desk to be issued a visitor’s pass.

• If it is inclement weather the “K” children will go to the gym when they arrive in the morning and wait for their teacher. During fair weather children will have morning recess on the “K” playground until 8:15 a.m.

The First Day is a Big Event for Everybody!

Arrive on Time – Not too early, though. A long wait for class to begin may add strain and tension.

Leave Cheerfully – Do not linger. Your presence may distract from this new and fascinating world of Kindergarten.

Discuss Any Fears – Be positive and loving. Be reassuring about school before the first day. Do all you can to make your child happy and confident about entering the big school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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