Welcome to Full Day Kindergarten at Southwood Public School

Southwood School’sFull Day Kindergarten Information Package2016-2017Welcome to Full Day Kindergarten at Southwood Public School364807580454500Our Kindergarten Team is made up of the following educators....Room #1Mrs. Melissa Newman/Mrs. Tule Dugan-TeacherMrs. Corie Woschenski- Early Childhood Educator Room #2Mrs. Christie Djelebian-TeacherMrs. Amanda McKane- Early Childhood EducatorMrs. Sue Kovacevich- Educational AssistantWe are beginning a brand new year, which will be filled with many exciting and memorable experiences. Here is some information to get us off to a great start!Daily ScheduleClasses begin at 8:20 a.m.First Nutrition Break from 10:00 a.m.-10:35 a.m.Second Nutrition Break from 12:15p.m.-12:55 p.m. Dismissal is at 2:35 p.m.CurriculumThe Kindergarten Program contains expectations for six areas of learning...LanguageMathematicsScience and TechnologyThe ArtsHealth and Physical ActivityPersonal and Social DevelopmentThe Kindergarten Program provides for whole group activities (e.g., circle, gym, story time, sharing time, etc.); small group activities (e.g., inquiry based centres, teacher led small groups, cooking activities, etc.); and individual learning experiences (e.g., painting, art, writing, computer, dramatic play, building, sand/water tables, etc.). Much of the learning takes place through play. During play with others and with materials and equipment in their environment, children become immersed in activities through which they learn about themselves and explore their world. We accommodate the different needs, interests and abilities of each child. For more information about the Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program you can log on to… and Dismissal Each morning, the children have an outdoor exploration time prior to entering the building. Outdoor exploration is an important part of the FDK program. It not only offers physical benefits, but also promotes cognitive, social, and emotional development. “Outside, children are more likely to invent games. As they do, they're able to express themselves and learn about the world in their own way. They feel safe and in control, which promotes autonomy, decision-making, and organizational skills. Inventing rules for games promotes an understanding of why rules are necessary. Although the children are only playing to have fun, they're learning:communication skills and vocabulary (as they invent, modify, and enforce rules).number relationships (as they keep score and count)social customs (as they learn to play together and cooperate).” ()Thus stated, it is very important to have your child at school prior to the entrance bell at 8:20 a.m. There will be a teacher and ECE outside on duty as of 8:05 a.m. Please encourage your child to line up his/her backpack against the Kindergarten wall or along the fence. The children who arrive by bus will be escorted into the school yard by a teacher/ECE and a senior student who will serve as your child’s bus buddy.If you plan on walking your child to school, we ask that you use the sidewalks which lead to the kindergarten playground. There is no need to enter the school unless you arrive after school commences at 8:20 a.m. The doors to the school remain locked throughout the day to ensure the safety of all students. If you are dropping your child off late, we ask that after you buzz to enter the building, you proceed directly to the office to check in and a staff member will escort your child down to his/her classroom. No child will be allowed to leave at any time with someone other than the people you have specifically indicated are allowed to pick up your child. We check ID before releasing the children. Your child’s safety is our top priority at Southwood. Absence If your child will be absent or late, please call the school to notify our secretary (Mrs. Karen Renaud). If you call after school hours, you can leave a voice mail message about your child’s absence. Our school’s phone number is (519) 969-3470.Snacks and LunchSouthwood School uses a balanced day schedule. We have a 15 minute nutrition break mid-morning and a 20 minute second nutrition break early afternoon. One of the biggest challenges with this schedule is packing food for the day. Below is a suggestion of two different models, discuss them with your child and choose what you find will work best. Model ASnacksLunchModel B? lunch & snacks? lunch & snacksYou may have to experiment to see what works best for your child. All uneaten food will be sent home, so you will know exactly what your child ate during the day. Kindergarten is NUT FREE therefore please send in snacks that DO NOT contain nuts. Please remember to print your child’s name on all of their snack containers, cups, cutlery, and on their lunch bag. The children often forget what their belongings look like. If it has your child’s name on it; then we are able to identify who it belongs to. Clothing Please label all of your child’s personal items including shoes, coats, hats, scarves, mittens, etc. A fine permanent marker (Sharpie) works great for this. This will help to prevent any mix-ups! Dress your child in comfortable, washable clothing. We do a lot of messy things in Kindergarten and sometimes paint or glue gets spilled on clothing. Your child will also need a pair of indoor running shoes that can be left at school for him/her to wear in the classroom and gym.On the first day of school, or as soon as possible, please send in a large Ziploc bag (with your child’s name on it) containing an extra set of clothes (pants, shirt, underwear and socks). These clothes will remain at school in case of an accident and will be returned at the end of the school year.Note Totes Everyday your child will come home with his/her “Note Tote.” Some days it will have artwork or notes in it and other nights it won’t have anything. Please check your child’s note tote every night and send it back to school every day in your child’s backpack. We will be sure to check the note totes every morning. If you have anything to send to school (notes, money, etc.) please put it in the note tote to ensure that a teacher sees it. We would greatly appreciate it if you could remove everything that is sent in your child’s note tote on a daily basis, so that we know that you are getting the information that is being sent home. Agendas Your child will be taking home an agenda/planner during the first week of school. This is a great organizational tool that can be used to communicate between home and school. Your child’s agenda can be found in his/her note tote. It can be used for parents and educators to communicate by writing daily notes/reminders when necessary. We are asking that each child contribute $7.00 to help cover the cost of the agenda. Included in the agenda, will be a Southwood magnet containing important information to assist you throughout the year. Toys Please remind your child to keep all toys and personal items at home. Books, photos, toys are welcome on special days. You will be notified in advance when your child is invited to bring in special items from home.Book Orders Each month your child will bring home a Scholastic book order form. Books make great birthday gifts and the children love receiving them. There is an added advantage for our class too, because we earn free books for the classroom. If you decide to order; please send your form of payment (cheques only) along with the order form. Cheques should be made payable to “Scholastic Canada Ltd.”CommunicationOur class has a website that contains, information, calendars, newsletters, poems, pictures, a blog, and more. Please check it often to keep track of what your child is exploring, which skills/concepts are being taught, and upcoming special days and activities. We are hoping that this will help you feel a part of what’s happening during your child’s Junior/Senior Kindergarten year. We are looking forward to working with you this year as we help your child to experience the joys of learning. ................

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