Vision Statement


Parent Handbook


New Berlin Vision Statement


Mission Statement

new berlin is committed to excellence and learning for all



Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Attendance and Tardiness:

In order to ensure academic success, students are expected to attend school on time daily, from 8:25-3:00 P.M. Any student arriving after 8:30 A.M. will be marked tardy. Parents are required to send a note when a student is absent. Please allow teachers ample time to prepare make-up work when students are absent. For safety reasons, students will only be released to parents, authorized guardians, and those listed on the student information card via the main office. Per the Code of Student Conduct, students will not receive recognition for perfect attendance when they have three or more unexcused tardies in a nine-week grading period.

Early Checkout:

Students shall not be released after 2:00 p.m. on regular school days and 12:00 p.m. on Early Release Days. The close of the school day is an important time for students, and interruptions caused by calling into classrooms makes it difficult for teachers to finalize instruction and adequately prepare students for dismissal. Please schedule doctor appointments to avoid conflicts with the school’s checkout policy. If students are checked out during lunch, recess, or resource, they will not have access to their belongings in the classroom. Per the Code of Student Conduct, students will not receive recognition for perfect attendance when they have three or more unexcused early checkouts in a nine-week grading period.

Morning Arrival Procedures:

To ensure student safety, ONLY drop off car riders in the car loop located in front of the school. Students are not to arrive on campus before 8:00 A.M. unless they are enrolled in the Extended Day Program. Extended Day opens at 7:00 a.m. Breakfast is available each morning from 8:00-8:20 A.M. Students who eat breakfast should go directly to the cafeteria upon arrival. Please note, the building does not open prior to 8:00 a.m. Supervision is not provided prior to this time.

Upon entrance, students are to report immediately to their hallway. Students will sit outside of their classroom and read a book using Voice

Level 0 until the 8:25 bell. Adults are on post in the hallway to supervise students until the bell rings.

Afternoon Dismissal Procedures:

Parents of car riders are to remain in their vehicle until their child is placed in the car. All car riders are required to have an official New Berlin hanging car tag. Parents may register for a car tag in the front office. Student are escorted out of the building and matched with their car as they approach the vehicle. Siblings and car pool riders will have the same car tag number for parent convenience. Please encourage your child to memorize his/her tag number. This will help us deliver students quickly. Returning students will have the same number throughout their enrollment at New Berlin. Parents must park and present their ID in the main office if the car tag is missing. Additional car tags are available for $1.00 each. This is helpful for families with multiple vehicles.

Standard Dismissal Times:

2:40 - Car Riders

2:40 – Buses

3:00 – Walkers, Bike Riders and Extended Day

Early Release Dismissal Times:

12:30- Car Riders

12:30- Buses

12:45 - Walkers, Bike Riders and Extended Day

Kindergarten Dismissal Procedures:

A signed KINDERGARTEN DISMISSAL INFORMATION form must be completed for each kindergarten student indicating his or her daily transportation arrangement. This form will be required the first day the child rides the bus. It is recommended that an adult pick up kindergarten students who are leaving school by car or as walkers. Kindergarten students who ride a bus will wear an ID indicating their bus stop during the first two weeks of school. Parents can help ensure safe and convenient transportation by communicating any changes to the teacher in writing via the student agenda or Class Dojo and clearly reminding their child. Frequent changes

in dismissal transportation make it confusing for the child and the staff. Please be as consistent as possible.

Before/After School Programs

Extended Day Program (Before and After School Program):

Extended Day is available through Community Education before school from 7:00-8:00 A.M. and after school from 3:00-6:00 P.M. for a reasonable fee. Please contact Amy Breidenstein or Michelle Swim, Extended Day Directors, for information at 714-4601.

House Keeping Procedures

Illness and Use of Medications:

The office staff will always attempt to contact parents/guardians in the event their child becomes injured or ill while at school. Please make sure we have your current phone numbers and the required emergency information available at all times throughout the school year. Parents are required to log in all medications (prescribed and over the counter) with detailed information for administration. All medications must be in a prescription bottle labeled with the name of the child for whom the medication is intended. A signed authorization form is required for each student who needs to receive medication at school. Over the counter medications may not be dispensed by office staff unless approved by a physician. For safety reasons, students may not bring or keep medications in the classroom. Medications will only be dispensed as indicated on the medication label.

Change of Address, Telephone, or Transfer:

Please notify your child’s teacher AND the main office of any changes in important information. Remember, parents must be available to authorize treatment in the event of an emergency. If you do not have a phone, please leave a number for someone who can reach you.

Permission Slips/ Field Trips:

Signed parent permission slips are required for all students planning to participate in school field trips. Parents will be notified in advance of all

school-sponsored field trips. Teachers may require parent attendance if student behavior warrants additional support. Permission slips and payment will not be accepted after the stated deadline.

Agendas/ Student ID Badges:

Students are given an agenda the first week of school at no charge. Replacement agendas cost $3.00.

Each student is also issued an ID Badge, which is used to purchase lunch and check out library books.

Replacement costs: Badge/Lanyard $5.00, ID card $3.00, Lanyard $2.00.

Tuesday Folders & Tuesday Dojo Posting:

Teachers will conduct Tuesday Talk with students and distribute Tuesday Folders each week. This folder will contain important documents requiring your signature. Your child should be able to share their Tuesday Talk discussions with you each week. Please read all contents with your child, check the grade portal, complete the parent signature page (back pocket) and return required signed documents Wednesday morning.

Parents will also receive a Dojo posting each Tuesday. The attachment will include important information regarding school events and student learning. Please check Dojo weekly for Tuesday Folder Digital Inserts.

OneView and Focus Parent Portal:

OneView is a communication, collaboration, and content management tool designed to empower members of the Duval County Public Schools community by providing personalized access to important data, resources, and services. To sign up for OneView please visit: . FOCUS (Duval County’s Student Information System) is an online system which allows parents and guardians to monitor student academic progress and attendance on a regular basis. FOCUS can be accessed through OneView.


The Duval County School Board recognizes the important role wellness plays in achieving high levels of student achievement and employee success in the work place. The increased focus on student health and wellness has resulted in the following changes.

• Birthday celebrations will include a special moment in class designed by the teacher to highlight the individuality of students. The inclusion of cupcakes, candy and other edible treats during the lunch block will no longer be a part of our practice.

• Teachers will no longer provide food as incentives or rewards.

The full policy is available for review at .

Community/ Parental Involvement


Please sign the Volunteer Sign-In Book each time you visit our school. The cumulative volunteer hours for New Berlin are used for special recognition awards.


We invite parents to participate with the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA strives to involve all members of the community in the improvement of the educational process for the students we serve. Membership is $7 per family.


Parents are encouraged to join the School Advisory Council (SAC). The SAC committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month to discuss school operations, budget, and current events happening at the school. This is your opportunity to have a voice in making school level decisions

School Visitation:

Parents and guardians are encouraged and welcome to visit the school. Please provide photo identification when coming to visit the school for any reason. Classroom observations require advance scheduling. We also request that you contact your child’s teacher at least 48 hours in advance if you

need to have a conference. All visitors must report to the front office for student pick-up. You must be cleared as a volunteer for any student contact. This includes classroom visitation, eating in the cafeteria with your child and chaperoning field trips.

Daily Procedures

Dress Code:

Proper grooming is expected at all times. Students should not distract others by his or her clothing or grooming. The following items are prohibited.

• Shoes without closed heels or backs

• Tank tops, tops without backs or tops that do not cover your stomach

• See-through tops

• Shorts and skirts above fingertip length

• Clothes with improper language or pictures

• Hats, caps or other items, such as curlers or sunglasses unless a doctor or principal gives you permission.

For more information, please see the Student Code of Conduct. School themed T-Shirt packages are available for purchase. Please see the front office staff to place your order.

Cafeteria Services:

Breakfast is served from 8:00-8:20 A.M. daily. Students also have a 30-minute lunch. Bag lunches are permitted. Drinks and snacks are available for purchased from the cafeteria as needed. Please do not send any glass bottles or containers to school. See the DCPS website for current menu and prices. Parents may pay in advance for meals using or through direct payment into the student account in the cafeteria. Please do not send food that requires heating and also be mindful as to what your child is eating. For healthy options please consult the Alliance for A Healthier Generation website:

Prices: Breakfast: FREE Lunch: Paid: $1.90 Reduced: $.40


Textbooks and library books are provided for your child’s use on a loan basis. Please assist your child by keeping track of all school assigned books. Parents are required to pay for any damaged or lost books. Students with outstanding balances are not allowed to check out books.

Lost and Found:

Lost and found student items should be returned to the office. Please check with the front office to look through the lost and found box. Parents can avoid problems by labeling everything, especially jackets, coats and backpacks. Unclaimed items are donated to charitable organizations.

Cell Phone/Electronic Readers:

Students are permitted to bring cell phones to school. By district policy, the phones must be turned off and put away during the school day. Students who do not comply may have their phone confiscated. A parent/guardian must pick up any phone that is confiscated. Electronic readers are permitted; however, teachers will not store them and they must be taken home daily. School staff is not responsible for electronic devices that are lost or stolen. ELECTRONIC TOYS SUCH AS IPODS AND OTHER LIKE ITEMS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN SCHOOL.

Important Phone Numbers:

New Berlin Elementary

Main Office 714-4601

Fax 714-4610

Cafeteria 714-4612

Guidance 714-4601 ext. 1012

School-Wide Discipline Plan

Students are expected to follow school rules and common area expectations for classrooms, resources, the cafeteria and the playground. New Berlin Elementary’ s school-wide discipline plan includes:

• Classroom Dojo and a clipboard in each classroom.

• Consequences for not following the rules. Please read the Student Code of Conduct for detailed behavior expectations.

• Student rewards such as positive notes, Stupendous Student recognition, quarterly conduct awards, etc.

This plan may vary slightly across grade levels. Teachers will discuss their grade level plan in detail during Open House.

NBE Guidelines for Success NBE Statement of Respect

Be responsible I am responsible for my learning and behavior.

Encourage others I will encourage others and always try my best.

Always try I will respect myself and others.

Respect yourself and others I will strive for success.

Strive for success I am a respectful student at New Berlin.

Common Area Behavior Expectations

Hallways (Morning Arrival)

Guidelines/Expectations for Students:

← Enter the building by walking on the right side of the hall (next to the BLUE).

← Student reading is at level 0 – NO talking.

← Students sit either crisscross or legs pulled in so people can walk through the hallway.

← Every child must have a book in their hands.

← Students must follow directions given by patrols and be respectful.

← No use of water fountain or bathrooms.

← If eating breakfast, students are to report to the cafeteria and then go directly to class. Students may NOT go to breakfast once they report to class.

← Students should report directly to their classrooms or designated hallway-no visiting teachers. No wandering around the school.


Guidelines/Expectations for students:

← Bring ID card daily.

← Politely request food items and say “thank you.”

← Use appropriate table manners at all times and use a level 1 voice (whisper).

← Walk and maintain a Level 0 voice while entering and exiting.

← Raise your hand for assistance.

← Clean up after yourself.

← No sharing of food.

← Remain seated until dismissed by an adult.

← Opened containers and purchased food are not to be taken out of the cafeteria.


Guidelines/Expectations for students:

← No physical contact.

← Use age-appropriate equipment safely.

← Look and listen for your teacher’s signal to leave.

← Stay within assigned boundaries and where your teacher can see you.

← Be patient, take turns and apologize if you accidentally touch another student.

Dismissal (Bus, Car, Ext. Day)

Guidelines/Expectations for students:

← Walk to your destination at level 0.

← Walk on right side of hallway (next to the BLUE) and down stairwell in a single file line.

← Car riders are seated crisscross and on Level 0 so they can hear their car tag number.

Assemblies/Flag Raising

Guidelines/Expectations for students:

← Level 0 during flag raising and presentations.

← Be courteous listeners by facing forward and showing respect.

← Students are to stand in the designated location or sit so others may see.

← Stand still, hands by sides, voice level 0 at assigned spots for flag raising.

← Use the restroom before coming to assemblies and flag raising ceremonies.

← Walk behind the person in front of you when entering and exiting designated area.

Friendly Reminders:


New Berlin Elementary

Parent Handbook/School Wide Discipline Plan Acknowledgement Form

Student’s Name________________________ Grade________

Teacher’s Name________________________

Our signatures acknowledge we have read and discussed the New Berlin Elementary Parent Handbook and School Wide Discipline Plan. We understand it contains information about the policies and procedures of our school. We understand it is our responsibility to learn the rules and help our child(ren) understand their role in making NBE a safe and enjoyable learning environment.

Student Signature___________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________


Note: Failure to return this acknowledgement form will not exempt a student and/or parent/guardian from responsibility for knowledge of or compliance with the procedures and policies stated in this plan.


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