Helpful Websites

Helpful Websites for Teachers

Websites for Kids

| |Games that address matching, receptive labels, opposites, perspective, |

| |and other concepts using an ABA format |

| |Activities and computer games for kids |

| |Literacy website |

| | |

| |Talking Story Books – letters, alphabet, etc. |

|, colors, shapes, alphabet, animal sounds, etc. |

|mes/index.html | |

| |matching games, alphabetical order, science |

| identifying storybook |

|asp | |

| |Talking story books |

| |drag mouse for letter, number, shape matching |

Thematic Units

| |Preschool thematic units |

| |Thematic units and worksheets – free membership |

| |Thematic units and worksheets |

| |Worksheets, printable books, thematic units |

| |Themes, worksheets, crafts |


| |Teaching time – lessons and worksheet generator |

| |Math worksheet generator: addition, subtraction, multiplication, |

| |division, mixed facts, measurement, time, fractions, hundred chart |

| |Alphabet activities |

| |Free worksheets for preschool – 6th grades |

| |Alphabet minibooks |

| |Money worksheet generator |

| |Worksheets for preschool – high school |

| |Time worksheet generator |

| phonics worksheets |

|sheets.html | |

| math worksheets |

|html | |

| |Some free samples |

| | |

| | |

Social Skills

| |Free materials including communication boards, social stories, and other|

| |materials related to social skills and pragmatics |

| |Free social stories |

| social stories |

|ories.html | |

| |Lots of materials related to Michelle Garcia Winner’s Social Thinking |

| |curriculum |

Picture Resources / PECS

| |Links for free picture cards |

| |Free visuals including schedules for home routines |

| pictures including food, toys, grooming |

|tml | |

| |Using Visual Schedules: A Guide for Parents |

| |Website for hundreds of teacher-made Boardmaker materials (PECS, social |

| |stories, worksheets, visual supports) – Must have Boardmaker to access |

| |these resources |

Behavior Interventions and Data

| |A source for looking up interventions |

| |Formerly |

| |High-tech reinforcement system |

General Websites

| |Information and resources on behavior, social skills, functional |

| |communication |

| |A collection of links to other websites, printables, picture examples of|

| |classroom setup, visual schedules, etc. |


| |Simple picture recipes |

File Folder Tasks

| |Free file folder tasls |

|filefolder/filefolder.shtml | |

| |Use the free printables link |

| teacch%20work%20jobs.htm |Ideas for work tasks |

| filefoldergames34789.html |Free file folder tasks |

|? main_page=index&cPath=1_9 |A few free file folder tasks |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Teacher Supplies

| |Teacher Resource Center |

| |Great pocket charts for centers |

| |Great parent communication journal here: |

| | |

| | sortby=ourPicks&page=2# |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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