Kindergarten Readiness Packet - Amazon S3



Readiness Packet

Welcome to Elkins Kindergarten! We are so excited your child will be joining us in August. Enclosed is a Kindergarten readiness packet that will help you and your child prepare for the expectations in a beginning Kindergarten classroom. Our goal is to get your child started in school and on their way to being a successful, motivated student. Working with your child for just a few minutes each day will help them feel more confident and make the transition into Kindergarten easier for you and

them. We look forward to seeing you in August!

The Elkins Kindergarten Team

I can:

? Write my name ? Count to 20 ? Rhyme ? Sit and listen to instructions ? Follow directions ? Use the bathroom appropriately ? Tell an adult when I need help ? Wait my turn ? Use good table manners

o Not throwing food o Not sharing food o Not playing in food o Not touching other's food o Use utensils correctly ? Wash my hands appropriately ? Use a tissue to blow my nose ? Proficient with fine motor skills o Using scissors appropriately o Hold a pencil with a finger grip and not a fist o Can button, zip, and snap o Practice tying shoe laces

Letter Recognition-Uppercase


Letter Recognition-Lower Case

a b c d e fgh i j k l mn o pq r s t uvwx y z


Number Recognition

1234 5

6 7 8 9 10

Shape Recognition

square triangle circle rectangle hexagon

Color Recognition

red blue yellow green orange

Once your student has mastered letter recognition, here is some additional practice you can do:

X l aTh gI vZs bD f qY C e J mo P k nRU w

Once your student has mastered number recognition, here is some additional practice you

can do:

2 9 10 7 1 36 8 0 4 5 7 2 3 10 08 9 1 6


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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