Science – Kindergarten

Science – Kindergarten

|Skill of Science Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Observation and Description |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Describes some content vocabulary and uses |Describes using content vocabulary and |In addition to meeting the standards, the student |

| |describing with content vocabulary and |basic sensory words. |basic sensory words. |accurately measures using given standard tools/units |

| |basic sensory words. |Measures with limited accuracy using given |Measures accurately using student-selected |(rulers, cups). |

| |Measuring is difficult even with |and student-selected nonstandard tool/units|nonstandard tools/units (blocks) | |

| |assistance. |(blocks). |Measures with some accuracy using given | |

| | | |standard tools/units (feet) | |

|Classification |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Picks out an object based on a given single|Groups objects based on a single property |In addition to meeting the standards, the student |

| |grouping objects in clusters based on a |property (give me the red one). |identified by the teacher. |classifies objects based on a single student generated|

| |given physical property. | | |property. |

|Unit Content Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Understanding |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|In addition to meeting the standard, the student makes|

| |demonstrating partial mastery of concepts |and facts. |facts. |connections between concepts and facts. |

| |and facts. | | | |

Student: ____________________________________

Project/Activity: ______________________________________

Class: ________________

Date: ________________

Science – First Grade

|Skill of Science Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Observation and Description |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Describes some content vocabulary and uses |Accurately describes using content |In addition to meeting the standards, the student |

| |describing with content vocabulary and |basic sensory words. |vocabulary and basic sensory words. |measures with some accuracy giving standard metric |

| |basic sensory words. |Measures with limited accuracy using given |Accurately measures accurately using |tools/units. |

| |Measuring is difficult even with |and student-selected nonstandard tool/units|student-selected nonstandard tools/units | |

| |assistance. |(blocks). |(blocks) | |

| | |Measures with limited accuracy using given |Accurately measures using given standard | |

| | |standard tool/units (feet) |tools/units (rulers, cups) | |

|Classification |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Groups objects based on a single property |Classifies objects based on a student |Classifies objects based on two properties. |

| |picking out an object based on a given |identified by the teacher. |generated single property. | |

| |single property (give me the red one). | | | |

|Collection and Recording |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Helps teacher collect descriptive data for |Independently collects and records |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |collecting and recording data, which may or|whole class project (pictograph, bar graph,|descriptive data on simple prepared charts |begins to collect/record numerical data into prepared |

| |may not be observed. |tally, Venn diagram). |and tables (pictograph, bar graph, tally, |charts and tables. |

| | | |Venn diagram, cycle diagram). | |

|Unit Content Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Understanding |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|In addition to meeting the standard, the student makes|

| |demonstrating partial mastery of concepts |and facts. |facts. |connections between concepts and facts. |

| |and facts. | | | |

Student: ____________________________________

Project/Activity: ______________________________________

Class: ________________

Date: ________________

Science – Second Grade

|Skill of Science Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Observation and Description |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Describes with non-specific/inaccurate |Accurately describes using content |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |describing with content vocabulary and |content vocabulary and basic sensory words.|vocabulary and sensory words. |measures accurately with given metric tools/units. |

| |basic sensory words. |Measures with limited accuracy using given |Accurately measures using student-selected | |

| |Even with assistance, measures using given |and student-selected nonstandard |nonstandard tools/units (blocks and | |

| |nonstandard tools (blocks) and standard |tools/units (fingers/blocks) |fingers) | |

| |tools/units (feet) are inaccurate. | |Measures with some accuracy given standard | |

| | | |metric tools/units (metric rulers) | |

|Classification |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Classifies objected based on a student |Classifies objects based on two properties.|Classifies objects based on more than two properties. |

| |grouping concrete objects based on a single|generated single property. | | |

| |property identified by the teacher. | | | |

|Collection and Recording |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Begins to independently collect and record |Independently collects descriptive data on |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |collecting and recording data, which may or|descriptive data on a simple prepared |simple prepared charts and tables |independently collects and records descriptive and |

| |may not be observed. |charts and tables (pictograph, bar graph, |(pictograph, bar graph, tally, Venn |numerical data in simple prepared charts and tables. |

| | |tally, Venn diagram, cycle diagram). |diagram, cycle diagram). | |

| | | |Begins to collect and record numerical data| |

| | | |into simple prepared charts and tables. | |

|Unit Content Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Understanding |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|In addition to meeting the standard, the student makes|

| |demonstrating partial mastery of concepts |and facts. |facts. |connections between concepts and facts. |

| |and facts. | | | |

Student: ____________________________________

Project/Activity: ______________________________________

Class: ________________ Date: ________________

Science – Third Grade

|Skill of Science Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Observation and Description |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Describes with non-specific/inaccurate |Describes accurately using content |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |describing with content vocabulary and |content vocabulary and some sensory words. |vocabulary and sensory words. |begins to independently select the correct metric |

| |basic sensory words. |Measures accurately using student-selected |Measures accurately with given standard |tools for investigations. |

| |Even with assistance, measures using given |nonstandard tools/units (blocks/fingers). |metric tools/units. | |

| |and student-selected nonstandard |Measures with limited accuracy using given | | |

| |tools/units (fingers and blocks) |standard metric tools/units (metric ruler).| | |

|Classification |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Classifies objects based on two properties.|Classifies objects based on more than two |Begins to classify objects based on hierarchies |

| |classifying objects based on a | |properties. |(animals – vertebrates-reptiles-snakes) with |

| |student-generated single property. | | |assistance. |

|Collection and Recording |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Independently collects descriptive data on |Independently collects and records |In addition to meeting the standard, the student, with|

| |collecting and recording descriptive data |simple prepared charts and tables |descriptive and numerical data on simple |help, begins to construct graphs and tables. |

| |in simple prepared charts and tables |(pictograph, bar graph, tally, Venn |prepared charts and tables (bar graph, | |

| |(pictograph, bar graph, tally, Venn |diagram, cycle diagram). |tally, T-chart, Venn diagram, flow chart, | |

| |diagram, cycle diagram). |Begins to collect and record numerical data|cycle diagram). | |

| | |into prepared charts and tables. | | |

|Comprehension |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Demonstrates some comprehension and |With help comprehends and analyzes data in |Begins to independently comprehend and analyze data in|

| |demonstrating comprehension and analysis of|analysis of data by identifying simple |terms of simple patterns. |terms of simple patterns. |

| |data by identifying simple patterns. |patterns in whole class settings or groups.| | |

|Predictions and Inferences |Even with assistance, has difficulty |With help and prompting begins to infer and|Begins to independently infer and predict |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |attempting to make predictions as well as |predict from observed non-numeric data. |from observed non-numeric data. With |independently infers and predicts from observed |

| |inferences. | |prompting, begins to draw conclusions from |non-numeric data and simple numeric data. |

| | | |that data. | |

|Unit Content Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding – 4 |

|Understanding |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|In addition to meeting the standard, the student makes|

| |demonstrating partial mastery of concepts |and facts. |facts. |connections between concepts and facts. |

| |and facts. | | | |

Student: ____________________________________

Project/Activity: ______________________________________

Class: ________________

Date: ________________

Science – Fourth Grade

|Skill of Science Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Observation and Description |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Describes with non-specific/inaccurate |Accurately describes using content |In addition to meeting the standard, the student uses |

| |describing with content vocabulary and |content vocabulary and some sensory words. |vocabulary and basic sensory words. |complex content vocabulary and sensory words. |

| |sensory words. |Measures accurately with given metric |Measures accurately with given metric |Independently measures accurately using |

| |Even with assistance, has difficulty |tools/units. |tools/units. |student-selected metric tools/units. |

| |measuring using student-selected | |Begins to independently choose the correct | |

| |nonstandard tools/units. | |metric tools for investigations. | |

| |Even with assistance, has difficulty | | | |

| |measuring using given metric tools/units. | | | |

|Classification |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Classifies objects based on more than two |Begins to classify objects in hierarchies |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |classifying objects based on two |properties. |(animals – vertebrates-reptiles-snakes) |begins to independently classify objects using |

| |properties. | |with assistance. |hierarchies and/or dichotomous keys |

| | | | |(animals-vertebrates-reptiles-snake). |

|Collection and Recording |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Independently collects descriptive data on |Independently collects and records |In addition to meeting the standard, student |

| |beginning to collect and record descriptive|simple prepared charts and tables |descriptive and numerical data on simple |independently constructs graphs and tables using |

| |and numerical data on simple prepared |(pictograph, bar graph, tally, Venn |prepared charts and tables (bar graph, |correct labels and titles. |

| |charts and tables (pictograph, bar graph, |diagram, cycle diagram). |tally, T-chart, Venn diagram, flow chart, | |

| |tally, Venn diagram, cycle diagram). |With help, begins to collect and record |cycle diagram). | |

| | |numerical data into prepared charts and |With help begins to construct graphs and | |

| | |tables. |tables using correct labels and units. | |

|Comprehension |Even with assistance, has difficulty |With help comprehends and analyzes data in |Begins to independently comprehend and |Independently comprehends and analyzes data in terms |

| |demonstrating comprehension and analysis of|terms of simple patterns individually. |analyze in terms of simple patterns. |of simple and complex patterns. |

| |data in terms of simple patterns even in | | | |

| |whole class settings or groups. | | | |

|Predictions and Inferences |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Begins to independently infer and predict |Independently infers, predicts and |Independently infers, predicts and concludes based on |

| |inferring and predicting from observed |from observed nonnumeric data from grade |concludes from observed nonnumeric data. |observed nonnumeric and simple numeric data. |

| |nonnumeric data from grade level content. |level content. |Begins to infer, predict and conclude from | |

| | |With teacher prompts, begins to draw |simple numeric data. | |

| | |conclusions from the same nonnumeric data. | | |

|Unit Content Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding – 4 |

|Understanding |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|In addition to meeting the standard, the student makes|

| |demonstrating partial mastery of concepts |and facts. |facts. |connections between concepts and facts. |

| |and facts. | | | |

Student: ____________________________________

Project/Activity: _____________________________

Class: ________________

Date: ________________

Science – Fifth Grade

|Skill of Science Inquiry |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding - 4 |

|Observation and Description |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Accurately describes using content |Describes with accurate and complex |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |describing with content vocabulary and |vocabulary and basic sensory words. |vocabulary and sensory words. |independently describes with complex content |

| |sensory words. |Accurately measures with given metric |Independently measures accurately using |vocabulary and sensory words. |

| |Even with assistance, has difficulty |tools/units. |student-selected metric tools/units. | |

| |measuring using given metric tools/units. |Begins to independently choose the correct | | |

| | |metric tools for investigations. | | |

|Classification |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Classifies objects based on more than two |Independently classify objects using |Independently classifies objects based on multiple |

| |classifying objects based on more than two |properties. |hierarchies and/or dichotomous keys |properties using hierarchies and/or dichotomous keys. |

| |properties. |Begins to classify objects in hierarchies |(animals-vertebrates-reptiles-snake). | |

| | |(animals – vertebrates-reptiles-snakes) in | | |

| | |class grouping. | | |

|Collection and Recording |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Independently collects and records |Independently constructs graphs and tables |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |collecting and recording descriptive data |descriptive and numerical data on simple |using correct labels and units. |constructs graphs showing multiple data sets. |

| |on simple prepared charts and tables |prepared charts and tables (bar graph, |Plots data appropriately including setting | |

| |(pictograph, bar graph, tally, Venn |tally, T-chart, Venn diagram, flow chart, |and appropriate scale. | |

| |diagram, cycle diagram) and is beginning to|cycle diagram). |Uses lines and curves to show trends in | |

| |collect/record numeric data into prepared |With help begins to construct graphs and |data on a line graph. | |

| |charts and tables. |tables using correct labels and units. | | |

|Comprehension |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Begins to comprehend and analyze data in |Independently comprehends and analyzes data|Extrapolates data to aid in making inferences or |

| |comprehending and analyzing data in terms |terms of simple patterns. |in terms of simple and complex patterns. |drawing conclusions. |

| |of simple patterns. | | | |

|Predictions and Inferences |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Independently infers, predicts and |Independently infers, predicts and |In addition to meeting the standard, the student |

| |beginning to independently infer and |concludes from observed nonnumeric data. |concludes based on observed nonnumeric and |independently and consistently hypothesizes using an |

| |predict from observed nonnumeric data and |Begins to infer, predict and conclude from |simple numeric data. |“If, then” format. |

| |even with teacher prompts, does not draw |simple numeric data. |Hypothesizes in a prepared “If, then” | |

| |conclusions from the data. | |statement. | |

|Experiments |Even with assistance, has difficulty |With help begins to identify the one thing |Begins to independently identify the part |Independently and consistently identifies the |

| |beginning to independently recognize the |being changed or tested (independent |of the experiment being measured (results |independent, dependent, and constant variables in a |

| |things kept the same (constant variables) |variable) and the things kept the same |(dependent variable) and the independent |class designed “fair-test” experiment. |

| |in a class-designed “fair-test” experiment.|(constant variables) in a class designed |and constant variables) in a class designed| |

| | |“fair-test” experiment. |“fair-test” experiment. | |

|Unit Content Concepts and Facts |Beginning – 1 |Approaching – 2 |Meeting – 3 |Exceeding – 4 |

|Understanding |Even with assistance, has difficulty |Demonstrates partial mastery of concepts |Demonstrates secure mastery of concepts and|In addition to meeting the standard, the student makes|

| |demonstrating partial mastery of concepts |and facts. |facts. |connections between concepts and facts. |

| |and facts. | | | |

Student: ____________________________________

Project/Activity: _____________________________

Class: ________________

Date: ________________


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