Lisa Brown Kindergarten Lesson Plan

Lisa Brown Kindergarten Lesson Plan

Nov. 17th —Nov. 21st

Letter Ee

*8:00 Pledge of Allegiance in Hallway

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| |Complete review letter [Rr] cut | Journals review find the |Match the word to the picture page|Make sight words with magnetic|Review [Ee] cut and glue |

|8:03—9:00 |and glue page. |sight word and fill in the | |letters then write them. |page. |

|Calendar |Treasures small group phonics |correct word. |Treasures small group phonics |Treasures small group phonics | |

| |Calendar |Treasures small group phonics | |Calendar |Treasures small group |

| | |Calendar |Calendar | |phonics |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Calendar |

|9:00—10:30 |Introduce letter [Ee] phonics |Review letter [Ee] phonics |Review Letter [Ee] and sound. |Review letter [Ee] |Review sight words. Play |

|Phonics/Letter |cards. Read poem “Engine Engine |cards. Read book “The Best |Review [Ee] words written on |(recognition and sound). Read|sight word game with index |

|Recognition/Reading |Number Nine.” Skill: Identify and|Nest.” Skill: [Ee] |marker board. Activity: Write |Peom “ Ben.” Discuss the |cards. |

| |make rhymes, initial sound, |initial/medial sound, matching|sentences on marker boards using |sound long [Ee] makes and | |

| |syllables. Read “Enormous Elephant|sounds. Write words with |[Ee] words from board. Read “ |compare it to the short [Ee]| |

| |Show.” Write words that begin |medial [Ee] sound on marker |Enor Elephant.” Complete phonics |sound. Write long [Ee] words |Computer Lab 9:45—10:30 |

| |with [Ee] on marker board. |board. Practice writing upper|packet and make Enor. |on marker board. Write |Activity: |

| |Practice writing lower case [e] on|case [E] on marker boards for | |sentences on marker boards |(letter recognition) |

| |marker board for correct |correct formation. Complete |Counselor 10:00—10:30 |using long [Ee] words. |Success Maker: math and |

| |formation. Complete lower case |upper case [E] handwriting | |Complete long [Ee] cut and |reading skills |

| |[e] handwriting and initial sound |page and medial sound cut and | |glue page. | |

| |cut and glue page. |glue page. |Questions: | | |

| |Question: |Enrichment 9:00-9:40 |*Who can distinguish between these| |Questions: |

| |*Who can formulate a rhyming word |Questions: |two pictures and tell me which one| |*Who can formulate a |

| |that has beginning sound /e/ that |*Who can formulate words that |begins with /e/? |Question: |sentence from the sight word|

| |rhymes with the words I say? |have the middle sound of /e/? | |*Who can formulate a sentence |I hold up? |

| | | | |using a /e/ word from the | |

| | | | |board? | |

|Objective |*Identify and match the letter [e]|*Identify and match the letter|*Identify the same initial sound |*Formulate/Create Sentences |*Demonstrate knowledge of |

| |to the sound /e/ |[e] to the sound /e/ |in a group of words | |sight words |

| |*Recognize the difference between |*Recognize the difference |*Match the letter [e] to the /e/ | | |

| |a letter and a printed word |between a letter and a printed|sound | | |

| |*Handwriting: Write [Ee] |word |*identify rhyme | | |

| | |*Handwriting: Write [Ee] | | | |

| | |*Identify rhyme | | | |

|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |

| |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |*Modeling |

| |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Scaffolding |*Independent practice |

| |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |*Independent practice |Blooms Taxonomy: |

| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |*Identify |

| |*Formulate |*Formulate |*Distinguish |*Formulate/Create |*Formulate |

| |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |Assessment: |

| |*Marker boards |*Marker boards |*Thumbs up-Thumbs down |*Observation |*Observation |

| |*Work sheet |*Thumbs up-Thumbs down |*Observation |*Work sheet | |

| | |*Work sheet |*Work sheet | | |

|Standards |RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; L.K.2c; RF.K.3c;|RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3; |RF.K.2d; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3c: RL.K.5;|RF.K.2; RF.K.3a; RF.K.3c; |L.K.5a;RF.K.2; L.K.2d; |

| |RI.K.3; RI.K.1 |RF.K.3c;; RI.K.3; RI.K.1; | |SL.K.2 |RF.K.3c; RI.K.3, RL.K.3; |

| | |RI.K.2 | | |RI.K.1; RL.K.1; RF.K.3c |

|10:30—10:40 | Daily |Daily |Daily |Daily |Daily |

|Interactive Writing |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The |News (modeled writing). The|

| |helper of the day tells the class |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the class |helper of the day tells the |helper of the day tells the |

| |something they want them to know. |class something they want them|something they want them to know. |class something they want them|class something they want |

| |The teacher writes it on chart |to know. The teacher writes |The teacher writes it on chart |to know. The teacher writes |them to know. The teacher |

| |paper. Modeling letters, letter |it on chart paper. Modeling |paper. Modeling letters, letter |it on chart paper. Modeling |writes it on chart paper. |

| |sounds, writing on lines, |letters, letter sounds, |sounds, writing on lines, |letters, letter sounds, |Modeling letters, letter |

| |emphasizing proper spacing and |writing on lines, emphasizing |emphasizing proper spacing and |writing on lines, emphasizing |sounds, writing on lines, |

| |punctuation. |proper spacing and |punctuation. |proper spacing and |emphasizing proper spacing |

| | |punctuation. | |punctuation. |and punctuation. |

|Standards |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |W.K.5 |

|10:40—11:20 |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |Lunch/Recess |

|11:20—12:15 |Review shapes, color words, number|Review #14 and # word |Review shapes, color words, number|Review ways to make 2 and 3 |Review #0—14 and #words |

|Math |words and numbers 0—13. Introduce|fourteen. Review ways to |words and numbers 0—13. Review |using mats. Review addition. |0—14. Review ways to make 2|

| |#14 and # word 14. Discuss the |make 2 and 3. Use mats and |number 14 and #word 14. Watch |Complete addition page. |and 3. Review simple |

| |make up of the number. Complete #|tools to make 2 and 3. |Sesame Street “Number 14.” | |addition. Play addition game|

| |14 counting and handwriting page. |Review addition. Complete |Complete # 14 counting page. | |around the world. Complete |

| |Questions: |Addition page. |Questions: |Questions: |addition page. |

| |Explain what the number thirteen |Questions: |If there were 7 birds on the |I have 14 pieces of candy and |Questions: |

| |means? |If there are 14 fish with two |fence and we add 7 more. How many |_____ eats 6 how many are |I have 10feathers on my hat |

| | |fins each. How many fins do |birds will be on the fence? |left? |and _____ gave me some more |

| | |they have altogether? | | |now I have 14 feathers in my|

| | | | | |hat. How many feathers did |

| | | | | |_____ give me? |

|Objective |*Identify the number /14/ the |*Identify the number /14/ the |Represent addition and subtraction|Represent addition and |Represent addition and |

| |number word /fourteen/ |number word /fourteen/ |with objects, fingers, mental |subtraction with objects, |subtraction with objects, |

| |*Write the number /14/ and the |*Write the number /14/ and the|images, drawings, sounds (e.g., |fingers, mental images, |fingers, mental images, |

| |number word /fourteen/ |number word /thirteen/ |claps), acting out situations, |drawings, sounds (e.g., |drawings, sounds (e.g., |

| | | |verbal explanations, expressions, |claps), acting out situations,|claps), acting out |

| | | |or equations. |verbal explanations, |situations, verbal |

| | | | |expressions, or equations. |explanations, expressions, |

| | | | | |or equations. |

|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |

| |*Modeling, |*Modeling, |*Counting |*Counting |*Counting |

| |*Independent Work |*Independent Work |Blooms Taxonomy: |*Independent Work |*Indepentent work |

| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |*Tell |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |

| |*Explain |*Explain |Assessment: |*Explain |*Explain |

| |Assessment: |Assessment: |*Observation |Assessment: |Assessment: |

| |*Observation |*Observation | |*Observation |*Observation |

| |*Marker Boards |*Marker Boards | | | |

| |*Worksheet |*Worksheet | | | |

|Standards |.1; .3; .4;.4a; |.1; .3; |K.OA.A1, .B.4, .B.4b |K.OA.A1, .B.4, .B.4b |K.OA.A1, .B.4, .B.4b|

| |.4b;.5; K.G.1;K.G.2; |.4;.4a; | | | |

| | |.4b;.5; K.G.1;K.G.2; | | | |

|12:15—12:40 |Rest |Rest |Rest |Rest |Rest |

|12:40—1:05 |Read “The Brave People,” and |Watch Discovery Ed. |Read “Thanks Giving is Here.” |Read “The Plump and Perky | Read “The Legend of the |

|Social Studies/ |“Thanksgiving.” Discuss the |“Sacajawea”. |Discuss. |Turkey.” Science Lab: Start |Indian Paint Brush.” |

|Science |pilgrims and thanksgiving. | | |Indian vest. | |

|Objective |*Discuss how things change over |* Discuss how historical |*Discuss how things change over |* Recognize the |*Recognize celebrations and |

| |time using chronological terms, |events relate to the present |time using chronological terms, |relationship between |holidays as a way of |

| |before/after, first/next/last, |day (e.g., stories of George |before/after, first/next/last, |the American Indians |remembering and honoring |

| |now/long ago, |Washington Carver, Wright |now/long ago, |and the Pilgrims |events and people of the |

| |yesterday/today/tomorrow. |Brothers) |yesterday/today/tomorrow. |(e.g., story, song) |past: Labor Day, Veteran’s |

| |*Identify events that take place | |*Identify events that take place | |Day, Thanksgiving, Columbus|

| |in sequential order. | |in sequential order. | |Day Martin Luther King, Jr. |

| |*Recognize that family activities | |*Recognize that family activities | |Day, President’s Day, |

| |have changed over time | |have changed over time | |Independence Day Memorial |

| | | | | |Day |

| | | | | |Understand that Pilgrims |

| | | | | |came to America from another|

| | | | | |part of the world |

|Lesson Set |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |Strategies: |

| |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |*Questioning |

| |*Discussion |*Discussion |*Discussion |*Discussion |*Discussion |

| |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |Blooms Taxonomy: |

| |*Compare |*Tell |*Create |*Explain |*Tell |

| |Assessment |Assessment |Assessment |Assessment |Assessment |

| |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |*Observation |

|Standards |H.6.K.4 H.6.K.7 |H.6.K.6 |H.6.K.4 H.6.K.7 |H.6.K.11 |H.6.K.1 H.6.K.8 |

| |H.6.K.5 | |H.6.K.5 | | |

|1:05—1:20 |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |Recess |

|1:20—2:00 |1:18—1:58 |1:18—1:58 |1:20—2:00 |1:20—2:00 |1:20—2:00 |

|Prep. Time |Art |Music |Library |P.E. 1 |P.E. 2 |

| |Mrs. Busack |Mrs. Carr |Mrs. Trafford |Coach Setzer |Coach Setzer |

|2:00—2:50 |Make Indian pouch. | Make Thanksgiving book. |Make Indian head bands. |Finish Indian vest. |Paint pictures. |

|Continue | | | | | |

|Social Studies/ | | | | | |

|Science | | | | | |

|2:50—3:10 |Snack |Snack |Snack |Snack |Snack |


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